THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ! MONDAY , JANUARY 10 , 1801. THE NEW BRIDGE PROJECT , Oltizono of. Eastern Nobraaka Unanimous in its SupprU ALL NOW DEPENDS ON THE CHARTER , Work on tlio Structure to Eteili Im- inodlately Upon the 1'nisnico of tlio Hill Now llcforo Coiirc8a. ( i Durlnp the past week the officers of the In terstate bridge nml street railway company hove been actively cnsiipcd In tlioir efforts to secure the granting of a charter to build n railway brldgo over the Missouri tvcr ut the foot of Twenty-first street In Ent Ornahn , nnd on account of the heartv support thnt the movement lias received they fed hopeful that tlio moaiuro will hocomo a law during the present ncsslon of congrc's. Lnst Monday morning Tim Ilr.n furnished the Information to the public that such a scheme was contemplated , and since thnt tlmo not only the stnto , county nnd city officials , but the business men of Omaba nnd the towns In the eastern part of the stnto have joined in telegrams to the Nebraska congressmen , urging them to use their heat efforts In the early granting of a charter to this company. The bill for the snmo has boon drawn by Scnntor Mamlcrson , and It Is understood Unit its provisions nro perfectly acceptable to the trldRO company. This bill provides for the construction of an Iron nnd steel low bridge , with draws to admit the passage of boats ; double tracks for railways , street railways nnd vehicles , together with walks for foot passengers. All railroads doslrititf to cross \vlll bo allowed to do so upon an cqultablo tralllu basis. Should any dillleulty nrlso ns to the terms of agreement entered Into between the bridge company and any railroad , the settlement will no by arbitration , but if an agreement cannot bu readied , Iho wbolo matter will bo referred to the secretary of the interior for adjustment. Arthur S. Potter , the general manager of the company , la spoaltlug of the bndgo ycs- teidav , said : ' \Vo feel almost confident that wo will bo nblo to secure- our charter at the present ses sion of congress , and wo also feel pleased to know that wo are receiving the hearty co operation of not only the citizens of Omaha , but of the entire eastern portion of the stnto. When THIS Uru pub lished the facts regarding the Srobablo building of this bridge wo felt some oubts , but the developments of the east few days liavo caused us to experience a chance of opinion and wo now know that tbo people nro anxious for the Improvement. "Wo want It understood that this bridge will not bo built In the interest of any rail road company , nor for any railroad company. The only railroad man who has n dollar of itock In the corporation Is George W. Hold- rcgc , and ho is in the company not as a rail road man , but as n private individual. ' "It Is our bonall'do intention to build n brldgofrcoto trafllonnd for all roads that can reach the approaches. "Somo people may claim that there Is no necessity for another bridge over the river nt this point , but the present troubles that exist between tbo Union Paclllo on the one hand and the Hook Island nnd the Milwau kee on Iho otr > or furnishes the most eon- cluslvo ovldcnco that Omaha stands in great need of another In id go , which she- will got if wo secure our Umrtcr. "Judging from the number of telegrams nnd letters thnt wo nro leceivlng , it is quite evident that this is attrar-ting a great deal of attention abroad as well as at home. "You want to Icnow when wo will build ) "Tho very day that the bill granting n charter passes wo will place our order for the Iron that will bo used in the construction of the bridge. Immediately thereafter wo will begin upon the approaches and the work will go forward as rapidly as it can bo pushed by human force. "If the charter is granted , ns wo hope , wo feel safe in savin ? that tbo structure will bo completed nnd open for tr.iftlc next year , as you know that it will not take ns long to build a low as it would a high midjjo. "Our reasons for Dullding a low bridge are those ; In the first place , the cost is not as great , wlillo It Is equally ns good. In the second end place , a low bridge is moro popular witb railroad people. It is a fact that n high bridge , such as is owned by the Union Pad He company , is an expensive luxury , as it costs thousands of dollars each year to raise the trains to such an elevation. The wear and tear on the rolling stock is great and the amount of fuel used in mailing steam to pro pel tlio engines up the approaches is enor mous. " This will not affect the building of the pro posed street railway , but , Instead , will tend to hurry its completion , and it Is now given out that the line will bo in oper ation by June 1. The course will not bo changed by tbo building of the railroad bridge , as the Nebraska division ' will start at tbo Intersection of the Missouri river and Twenty-first street , East Omaha , and from thcro tuo line will run duo norta to Locust avenue , thence cost to Seventeenth 1 fitrcot < Omaha , south on Seventeenth to Ohio 1 street , west to Eighteenth nnd south on Eighteenth to Farnam. On the Iowa sldo of the river the street fiiilway will start from the cast end of the ' bridge ) to nvonuu B , thence cast to Sixth i street and south to Broadway. The Iowa end of the line will bo put in opcratloa as i , soonjtfs tno bridge is completed. , The motor line which will bo operated be tween Enst Omaha and Omaha will bo fur nished wUU the best electrical -equipments i that can bo obtained , will bo operated ac cording to the regulation standard , and will furnish a ten miuuto service between the terminal points. I have a cousin who is a printer , says cx- , Mayor J. D. Loup.hrnu of North DCS Moines , la. Some years ago ho was employed in this city wliero they worn printing circulars for Charhberlaln. Ho had n dcen seated cold and tcrrlblo cough , and while setting up copy ho made up bis mind to buy a bottle. It cured him nnd that was tha first lover know of Chamberlain's Cough Homcdy. I have boon strongly in its favor over since. My own ex perience aim that of my family convinces mo 1 that this remedy is tha best In the world. That may bo strong language but that Is what ' 1 think. For sale by all druggists * It I Kit. MUUIERN-January 11 , 1801 , nt the resi dence of his brothor-ln-lnw , W. McKendry , No. 05 Cass street , Grand Knpids , Mich. , Dr. Kobort J. Mulhcrn , aged 53 years , formerly of Onialm. Erysipelas and salt rhrum was driven en tirely away from Mrs. J. 0. Anderson , I'psb- tlgo , WIs. , by llurdock Blood Bitters. No equal as n blood purifier. Ills InJiiricR Proved Fatal. Wlillo Allan Daniels , who was run over by team driven by John Shlonr nt the corner of Seventeenth and Buvt streets about ten days ago , dlod Saturday night and nn Inquest wil bo held this afternoon nt Honfy's undertak ing rooms. Sblcar is again under nrrcst for crimlua carelessness. _ _ ClnttiliiK Tiller Jailed. Qoorgo Smith broke into n way car in the Missouri 1'acillo yards last nltrht nnd stele 8oma clothes belonging to ono of ttio frelgb conductors. Smith was arrested and lodged In Jail. _ _ AX "Tho Sea King , " Ulchard Stnhl's now comic opera , will bo presented for the firs tlmo la Omaha at Boyd's opera house on nox Thursday evening nnd will continue during tlio remainder of the week. The opera wll bo elaborately presented by the w , J. Oil moroopora company with an exceptionally brilliant cast , including many name ; , veii known to the comlo onor oinROt Th'o sale of scuta will QPCrtyiorr3ay morning. The celebrated Boston Howard Athena-urn specialty company and Jesoph Murphy will bo tuo nttraotiona nt the Boyd next week. The sale of Umntllla reservation lands will take lilfico In tlio sprlnff , It Is thought by tboso enpaeod in the appraisement. Mrs. Nosmlth , ns < * l Jlfty-nlno , relict ol ox- United States Senator James W. NosmllU , deceased ; died at Uio faaaliy homo , Dcrry. COhONCb EDDY'S PUMHlAh. Tlio Ilcmnln * Hollowed to tlio Grave by Many Sorrowing I'rlcruls. "Ashes to ashes , tlust to dust.1 In accordance with tbo beautiful nnd im pressive ritual of the Kulithtsj Templar , the remains of Colonel John M. Eddv were es corted to Forest Lawn by the surviving mem- jcrs of the order and tenderly consigned to their lost resting plnco in tbo bosom of mother earth. The funeral took place nt 1 o'clock yester day afternoon from the residence of Dr. I. Vim Camp , corner of Twentieth and Web ster. It was a very largo gathering of old f rlcuds nnd acquaintances with whom the de ceased had been very popular in life nnd who sorrowfully assembled to pay their tributes of respect to the memory of n sympathetic and valued friend. The services were in charge of Mount Cal vary commandcry No. 1 , Knights Templar. The command , comprlslnp fifty swords , was under Captain General .lames S. Franco , Eminent Commander Uovnlon being with the escort. Omnha lodge No. 09 , Benevolent and Protec tive Order of Kllw , of which order tbo de ceased was a member , attended the funeral In i body. Hon. "W. F. Cody , n prominent Elk. although not a member of the lodge , occupied i place In the line and participated in the ex ercises. Her. II. M. Kuhns of the Southwest Lu- -beran church was the oniclntlng clergyman. Mr. Kuhns had likewise olllclatoa at the marriage of the deceased , nnd his presence on this occasion was therefore singularly up- iroprlntc. The lloral offerings \\cro numerous , nnd In cluded several very beautiful pieces , tbo .rlbutcsof the ICulghts Toraplar , Elks and the railroad officials. The Knights gave an emblem ttical "Cross ana Crown , " nnd tbo International & Great Northern railway com pany offered a very appropriate piccolo the memory of their late general manager. H represented a broken car wheel , and on the sldo appealed the letters "I. & G. N. " Thcro was a profusion of tributes from numerono private friends , nnd the rich plush covr ei casket was" well nlgti covered with tl m while the house was flllod with their iiu- cranco. The clergyman referred to the phenomenal success that had attended Colonel Eddy's : areor In the railroad "world , his over inrreas- .tig popularity with his associates , and paid a ouching nnd eloquent tribute to the charac ter and manly qualities of the deceased. At tlio close of the services tbo Elks nnd Knights , who had previously remained drawn up In line in the street In front of the house , Hied past the casket to take their last vlow of -ho remains , after which the many friends who filled the grounds and adjacent sidewalks wcro given the same opportunity. The Elks were allowed to head the funeral cortege , maintaining their position ns far as tbo corner of Twenty-fourth and Cuining. wliero they tell out of the Hue and returned to the city. Tlio Knights preceded the hearse , nnd marcncd to the point nbovo designated , wliero they opened ranks to allow the ro- malndcrof the line to pass , and then took carriages nnd resumed their place. The Knights' escort , consisting of Com mander Devuion , Sir Knight C. Hnrtmnn , Sir Knight W. S. Strawli , Sir Knight E. Ilanoy , Sir Knight L. 1C. Long , Sir Knight C. B. Hustln , Sir Knight W. A. Pngn und Sir Knight Gustavo Anderson , occupied positions on either sldo of the hoarse. The pall-bearers Wore : Colonel S. S. Cur tis , J. S. Collins , A. U. Wyiimn , W. N. Bnb- : ock. V. H. ColtnianV. . 13. Jpromo , Thomas Swobo nnd T. M. Orr. The ylsitlng railroad ofllclals who acted ns honorary pall-bearers wcro : Treasurer A. II. Howard , Traffic Manager J. E. Gnlbraltu. General Passen ger Agent D. J. Price , Assistant Superin tendent G. W. Bartholomew , Auditor . L. Manry , Superintendent Car Department "W. 1J. Slddons , Purchasing Agent IS. M. Alvord , Jlalm Agent Frank Mathbws , all of the Indianapolis and Grand Rapids ; H. W. Gib son of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers nnd C. W. Bowcrfind " of the Onto * of Railway Conductors. of Palestine , Tex.T. . M. Orr , general ngnnt at San Antonio , Tex ; Tom Horn , superintendent of the Iron Mountain , Littln Hock , Ark. ; G. T. Brown of San Antonio ; Judge' Fordyco , president ofthe Cotton Belt system ; Colonel Wells II. Blodgott of St. Louis , general solicitor of the Wnbash system ; 0. K. Wilbur , west ern passenger ugontof the Lake Shore ; B.P. Humphrey , traveling passenger agent of the Lake Snore & Michigan Southern at Kansas City ; William New , master mechanic of the Missouri Paclfkxn at Kansas City ; E. S. Jowett , pas'scn- passenger nnd ticket agent of the Missouri Pacific at Kansas City ; J. V. Maish , general agent of the Missouri Pnclflo at Chicago : George Jenkins , traveling passenger agent of the Pennsylvania at Dubuquo. Tno Missouri , Kansas & Texas was repre sented by tbo following gentlemen , who came in over the Missouri Pacific in two special cars : H. C. Cross , receiver ; J. J. Frey , gen eral superintendent ; George J. Pollock , auditor ; Gaston Mosiler , general passenger agent ; J. M. Sweeney , master of transporta tion ; W. O'Hoarn , master mechanic ; H. T. Gcntrv , Sedalia , Mo. ; John Elliott , Doono- villo , Mo. , and Division Superintendents . B. Lyons , L. W. Welch and J. W. Maxwell. The cortege was a very lengthy one , nnd in it were many of the prominent people of Omaha. The services at the prnvo wore brief , occu pying about ten minutes , being tbo regular Knights Templar burial service with read ings and responses. The casket was lowered , nnd ns the clods fell upon It a bugler from Fort Omnhu sounded "taps , " Slid the remains of the kind hearted and generous friend nnd em ployer \voro left to sleep their last long sleep. The secret art of beauty lies not in cosmot its , but is only in mira blood , and a healthy performance of the vital functions , to bo ob tained by using Burdock Blood Bitters. 11. J. Abrahams and mother left yesterday for an eight weeks' pleasure trip at San Francisco and along the Paclllo coast. The Missouri , Kansas & Texas ofllclals who came in to attend the funeral of Colonel J. M. Eddy left last evening over the Mis souri Pacific in their special car. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. B. Kennard gnvo a very anjoyablo high five party nt their homo Thursday evening. The guests were Mr , nnd Mrs. II. P. Dcuel. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ross , Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kcnnnrd. Dr. tna Mrs. John D. Peahody , Miss Wilkinson of Knlghtstown , Ind. , Miss Kennard and Messrs. Davenport and Ross , For rheumatism , lumbago , ncuralein. cramp and cello there is no remedy superior to the genuine Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. It Is said that the beef cattle being received in Portland , Seattle , Tacoma , etc. , from Oregon gen and Washington are much shrunken , nnd inferior cattle for beef soil in those cities for 8 to U > 4' cents llvo werght per pound. A big cattle buyer says the section seems to have been drained of peed beef nnlmaU , and they will have to look further cast to get such. Mrs. Wiiislow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething is the family benefactor , 23 cents a bottlo. The material for building three drill scows for opening the Columbia river from Priest's rnplds to Hook Island , and the Snaku from Posco to liluaru bridge , Is now at Pasco. Baking Powder Many Clergymen , Slngcri , actors , nnd public speakers tno Aycr's Cherry 1'cctornl. It Is Uio I vorllo remedy ( or lionrscncji nnd nil ndectlons ot the vocal organs , tlirunt , end luugs. As nil niioiljiio and expectorant , the e fleets ot this preparation nro promptly realized , "Ajcr'a Cherry Tcctoral has done mo Brcat good. It Is a splendid remedy ( or nil tils- c.iics of the nntl lungs , and I ha\o much pleasure In testifying to Its merits. " ( llev. ) O. N. Nlcliols , No. Tlsbury , Mnss. "In my profession of an auctioneer , any nfTcctlon of the voice or throat Is a serious matter , lint , ateach.ittnck , I liavo been re- llovcd by a low doses of Aycr's Cherry 1' This remedy , with ordinary care , lias worked such a tn.iKlcnl effect tlmt I liavo sulTcrca very little Incoincnlcnco. I have also used U In my family , with > cry excel lent results , In contjlii , colds , &c , " Wm. II , Quartljr. Mlnluton , So. Australia. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , , Dlt. J. O. AYEB & CO. , Lowell , Maoa , Bold by all UruKjlctn. 1'rlcofl ; 6lx bottles , $ S. and Specialists , 14OO DOTJGlj/LS STRE11ST Oil A HA , NKIl. Tno most widely niul favorably known spec ialists In ttio tJnflol bluto ? . Tlior : IOIIK i-x- pcrluncc , rcnmrk.iblo skill ami univcrsitl suc cess In the treatment nnd euro or Nervou * . Chronic nnd Surgical Discuses , entitle tlicso omliipnt physicians to Uioftill coafldcneoof tlio allllctod ovnrjwboro. Thov gimruiiton : A OEKTAIN ANUel'OSlTlVK OUHE for the awful rffectsof onrly vlco and the numer ous uvlls t lint follow lulls train. 1'KIVATi ; . ItLOOD AND8ICIN DISEASES speedily , completely nnd perrnnnpiitly cured. NKUVOUS lEIIIlaTV AND SEXUAL IJ1S- OUOEUS yield readily to tlioir skillful treat ment , PILES , FISTUI-A AND liEOTAL ULOKUS euurnntcoU cured without pain or detention from business. llVimoUlXE AND VAHICOCEM3 perma nently and successfully cured In every case , SYl'IIILiy. GONORRHEA , OLKET. Spcr- niatorrlien , fecmlual Weakness Lost Manhood , Nlglit Emissions , Decayed I'ucultlos , I'emalo Weakness nnd till dolloato disorders peculiar to either sox positively cured , ns well us all Functional disorders that from joutliful Tollies or the OKCCSS of mature ycais. CTmrTJIDnGuaranteed permanently Ol IVIU1 UlXLicured , removal complete , without cuttliiK , caustic or dilatation. Cures effected nt homo by patient without a mo ment's pain or iinnoynuco. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. A 9TIRP riTNF Tll ° awful onsets of noUJXI-iL-UlxL , Oilriy , | co which brings oreanlo weakness , destroying both mind nnd body , with all its dreaded Ilia , permanently cured. rW < RTTT Address those who have Im- imo. ULl 1O paliod themselves by Im proper IndulRonco and solitary Imblts , which ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for business , study or nmrrlairo. MAIUU1C1) ) MEN or these entering on that li.ippy life , aware of pbysloul debilityquickly assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts , rirat Practical experi ence. Second E\ cry case Is specially studied , thus , starting right. Third medicines mo prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit each case , thus effecting cures without injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , - - OMAHA , NEB. "We should like to give a new chimney for every one that breaks in use. "We sell to the wholesale dealer ; he to the retail dealer ; and he to you. * It is a little awkward to guarantee our chimneys at three removes from you. - We'll give you this hint. Not one in a hundred breaks from heat ; there is. almost no risk in guaranteeing them. Talk with your dealer about it. It would be a good advertise ment for him. 'Pearl top' and 'pearl glass/ our trade-marks tough glass I'lttsburg. OEO. A. MACIIETII & Co. To euro Biliousness. Sick Headache Constipation. Malaria , Liver Complaints , tnko the ekfo and certain remedy , SMITH'S BILE BEANS UEOtho8MAt.Ti6IZB(40 ( Ilttlo beans to ( ho bet tle ) . Iher are tha most convenient : eult all ot'ea. 1'rlcoof either size , US ccnu per bottle. KISSINf at 7 > 177 ° : Photogravure IViwwim * pnnolsUoofthLs ploturo for 4 < euu ( coppen or etam ps ) . j. p. sunn A co. , Makers of "Illlo Beans. " St. Loul ) , Mo. PIANOS- finely ( lade ; fully Warranted ? Marvel6us ! in ? on6. f ' ( ATALOQUE FROM .BOSTOHt > FRC ' < . - SiAPPkeTOflirS. ! . . . . - * a C. L. ErlcksonLocal Agent , OON.lith ( FOR SALE Hir I'nlntlnii arid raporhanalnii builnesj. Kilab- llshcd ISM. Una a well nolcctoit ituck ofall Taper , \Vull Mouldings , 1'aluti , Uruiliua , etc. P. WINDHEIM , 51G S. IGth Street , Omahn. For heraorrhagea take Pond's Extr-act. EDEN MTJSEE. Will Law ! or , Manager , Oor. llthund I'arnam WKKK OF JANUAHV WTII. Tlio SIlilRet Cuttle , from tlio Bunion Inlands. Tlio simillcst onttlu hi the world. Tha Itlinliiliurl t'onudy Co. , in muslcul spec ialties. Tin ) Kolluse Quiirtctto. In'l- A prolltrbto hour ot ou Joy went at u nuiuiuttl i Continental Clothing House ! SPECIAL DISCOUNT SALE OP Overcoats and Ulsters. High Grade Clothing 20 PER , C2KTT DISCOUNT , A bona fide discount of twenty per cent means more to the purchaser than s6me of the absurd offers of goods at half price and regardless of cost sales. Such clothing as the pub lic wants can't be sold for half price. A discount of twenty per cent will he allowed at the desk on every overcoat sold this week in the Men's and Boys' ' Department. Every lot is inclu ded in this sale. We have many more overcoats than we wish to carry over , and have adopted this method , knowing that the discount from our already low prices will make this the most important sale of the season. Men's Overcoats , 20 per cent discount. Men's Ulsters , 20 per cent discount. Boys' ' Overcoats , 20 per cent , discount. Boys' Ulsters , 20 per cent discount. Boys' Cape Overcoats , 20 per cent discount. FURNISHINGDEFARTMEWT Special Sale of Pine Wool Underwear. This week we place on sale the balance of our winter underwear. In fine grades we have carried a larger stock than usual this season , and the mild weather has affected the sale of heavy underwear. We are determined to close out the bal ance of our high cost grades , and have named prices that ought to interest every close buyer. LOT , WO , I , We call special attention to a lot of about 50 dozen ural Wool Underwear , iii regular sizes , full finish goods , sold all season for $1.25 , We will offer at 75C each , and repeat that they'cannot be duplicated for less than $1.25. They are fine goods , suitable for any gentleman's wear. LOT WO. 2. Pine White Australian "Wool. Price $1OO. We place this lot of 75 dozen of the finest quality of Wool Underwear , such as we have sold all season for $ i , 75 , all new , fresh goods , in regular sizes , at this sale for $1.00 each , and il not found as represented may be returned and money cheer fully refunded. MAIL ORDERS , , Mail orders will be promptly filled on either of these lota this week. Send for a suit of these goods with the understand ing that if they ore not found to be just as represented they may be returned at our expense. Odd Garments , Prices 50c , 75c aiul $1.OO Special attention is called to a quantity of Odd Garments in Fine Wool Underwear , broken sizes , some lots have shirta only , and some only drawers. They are all high cost goods , sold all season for $1.50 to $3.00. They will he closed at this sale for 500 , 750 and $1.00. You must come early on this lot , They won't last long. ELAND , LOOMIS DR. J. E. Me GREW , THE SPECIALIST. Mora Than Fifteen Years Experience in the Treatment of PRIVATE DISEASES sE out tlie lom of nn hour's tlmo. 'ormancntly cured without STRICTURES- Instruments ; no cut ting no dilating. Tlio most. romnrkablo remedy known to modern science. Cured In 30 to ffl days. Dr. Mc- SYPHILIS Urcnr't treatment fur this tcrrlblo blood dlsoa elms been pronounced tlio most powerful and successful remedy over dis covered for the absolute cure of this dltcao. Ills success with disease hits utivcr boon equalled. A complete euro nUAUANTKKii. nnd nil weaknesses of LOST MANHOOD the sexual orpansnerv , nnd all ousness un- ntturul discharges , nro absolutely cured. Hullcf Is Immediate and complete. Ilhcunmtlstn and nil dls- SKIN o iso of the blood , liver , and bladder - kidney B jjer- manontly cu/od. FEMALE DISEASES diseases Ilarronnoss of thu and stomach or blnildor cured. The Doctor's Homo Treatment for Indies Is ruly a complete , convenient and wondortiul remedy. ' ADIEU from 2 to 4 ONLY. ll nnrililO marvolons success hns IVinhntW AwonforlilmarepHtntlon W1C1 ] , | u truly niitlonal nolmrnctcr , nnd his Rrcat nrniyof patients reaches from the Atlantic to the 1'nclflo. The Doctor \ a Brnauato of "iuai'i.Aii''DHMllclno : and linshadloni ; and careful oxpcrlenco In hosplrul practice , nnd Is classed araonf the leading specialist In mor'orn science. Treatment by corrcsponclcnco. Write for circulars ubout cacaof the above diseases , F1IBE. % Office , 14th and Farnam ts. , Omaha , Neb. Kntranco oa either street. BLIZZARD ICE CREEPER. These Adjustable Ice Creepora lit any shoo. Anyone can put them on or ofl } they are always In order , and you are reauy for any change of vraatber. Agents Wanted. Sand outline of fore and hind bhoo. t " 0nly the "Points" wear out : anyone can put in a new set. "Indispensable. " Full set (1) ( ) $3 , Points. 8 sat , $ tto one address. Points. 1 sot , ( iOJ 300. bv mall. S. W. Kent , Sole JTr. , Mcridan , Conn NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , BpeetBD for Hy t rliiHl ilne , rU. ! Kraralij ( . Wii tulneii , Hanul D prMian , Bofiinlntfol the , Ur lnre- lultlng in lnia.nltraaa > li > .dlntcta mliery d c r or a de th. Premiture OliUAf'j U rr nntsi I.os of Power tnelther eel , Inroluntmn Lonei , snd Biwrraitorrhajj cauie. ) tT or iti1toa of Itio drain , e lr > bu o or OTerJnduleeucs. IwH O t contalni oat monlb'i tr aU ment. tl a box. or tdx for 85. unt , lij niallprcptltl. With each order ( or MS liozci , irlll nd purctiawr BuaranUo to refund .ra er If tha cre trnentf lUo turo. uuaruitecaliraafuiaacaujnowldouljbr GOODMAN DRUG CO. , UlOFurnam Streot. Om h Nab , eading reninly lor all tUn 'Cures In nnnatuiat dlDclnrgca and private rtUeaics ot men. A certain cum fur tut > debllt * tivtliiB weakucii peculiar _ _ toomcn. . Vtt nlj by I rreterlbalt nd feel Ufa THtEv nsCHtl ie lCo In rccommendlnc It to . CINCINNMI0 | ' U.S. * | . J.8TONERMO'DtCUUBtl ! , Hold I > .V nruiTKllil. < Xnif IJIU'IC 81.00. "LUCK IS PLUCK" If you u ve run ft muck nciilnu some Uls- COUUKIIIB Dlseane vhlch you don't tmnt your family doctor la know about , rciricmtier that I le pUlnauur Kicfunlve tiurcesaful Mclh. "PLUCK WINS LUCK ! " THE BEST -IN THE WORLD. ARE MADE BY TUB WoonsockBt i Rhode Island Rubber Go .And Address wo nro , their western affonta nnd always carrynlnrostoolc. 4 = - Unman [ land Sewed Shoe Bo 1204 and 1206 Harney Street. C.S.RAYMOND'S Sacrifice and Removal Sale KISS ) is on Baaloa' ? ' insure n on Watoliei , Diamonds , Solid fh J r < - Fln,9 Jew lr ' and all poods , makes aa ewer thn ou 00P19 have ever das3 of C. S. RAYMOND. Douglas ana 16th St. FISCHER'S ICE TOOLS. Double Markers. Plows with Lift ing Cams , Tongs , Bars and Fischer's Improved I ce I "ooks- . a ylor , SOLK AGENTS. Omaha , M05 Douglas St. , , . ' I'orlodlcat I'llli Fou l A DIM ONIr--nr. I eduo' thefrvnchremoUr.actoa tia monitrual iiitomiou core lupprenlon trom whatever csuto. I'romgte nienitruatlon. Theio pllli ahoulil nutUi Uken Cur- ne preitnixncr. Am. I'lllUo lloyiiltj 1'ropi. 8pen- ctr.Clar Co/In. Uenuluby Bhenuaa * McConnall , Uod it. . near I'.0..Om U i a , A. Meleher. SoutU Oml > i M. 1' , tf UUMua U Ulvff * . R gr J tor M. . The First Special after Stock Taking , MEN'S ' FINE TROUSERS Strictly All Wool , " $2.50 $ , $3.50 3.75 and $5.00 WANTED A FIRST CLASS CLOTHING SALESMAN. GOOD KEFJER- ENCES BEQUIRKD. NtO CURE ! ! NO PA.Y. Dr.DOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. ciiio of tlio lllood , Skin and Urlnnrf Ortiiiu. N. I ) . InunrantootiOO forovcrj' cuso I umlortiku and fall to cure. Comull Uon two. Hook [ Mjitorloi o Llfo ) lent froo. OaJcouuura-'Jo. m. tot p. m. SimUaji 10 . a. ui.te 12m. DRUNKENNESS XiIQUOXt MA.JB1-T. IN ALL THE WOHLUTHERUS BUT ONE CURE DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC , It tan lifigtvrnln utup afcolf or te . up In Mr. llelei of fvod. vrithout the knowledge o ( the pfttleut. Uattnattr. It U abiolutaly hral and wflleQcot permanent and ipeedy our , wlitther the patltnt li rjoderatedrtnktr oninlootiollo * rock. IT > t.\ Kit I'AII. . It oparttaa ID quuily anil with tuca oer- Uioiy tutt Uio ptllont uuUergae > no tnoonvcnlenoe , nd ere In la w re , hln coinpltta rtformatlon > i efTecod. iapaB bookofprllcuUrifra Tobthtdol KUHM & c& . . lUlh ec IiouBlut. tt llllixi earning at. . ( jrv'Tradotu rallied bDI.AKE. . LUUCJS It CO , and J/JOUAHLaili 11 HUO UU.OmahL DR. BAILEY GRADUATE DENTIST A Kull Bet of on ItuliUir , fur _ . _ . Aporfcct flt Riinran. Tcoth oxtrtotoil . without pain or dnnzor. ami wltLout nniioi. thetlc * . OnUl and iUv r H1 ngut ; lowest rutei IirldponnU Crown Woxlt. TeutUwlth. outmuttii All work wurrawtuiU OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARHAM Entrance , : < Hli street dorator.Upoooveu. . . tit uutll 8 o'clock MANHOOD RESTORED , "KANA.TIVO. " tha Wonderful HinnlaU KcmtJr. U ( Old VlUi Wrltleii < Iuaranlo lu euro all NervomlJl- ruca , luch as Weak lleinory , Ixus of Ilrala I'D wer , Ileadaoka , WnlcefulncM , Lett Min- iltude all drains and , Before A After Uso. lorn of p < mr of tha Photographed from life. ( lenontUo Organi , la cither lex , caused by v ovcr-cicrtloo , youthful Indescrttloni , or thecxceutra , L mo of tobacco , opium , or itlmulanU , wulcli ultlrniulj' ' lead toluflrmlty. Consumption ind luanllr , 1'nt up In convenient form U > carry In the Ytit pocket 1'rlc * II n packoec , or 8 for f3. With ever ; (3 order we sire written iunruiit 'ct ( > euro or rofunil tlio money. 6eut bymalltoany addrcu. CircularIrca. ilfntlon thispsp r. Addrc a * MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , llnnch Oflco for TJ. fl. A. 4l7If rlwrn Strrrt. rillOAOO. III. KOIt BALK IN OMAHA. MEU. , 11 ? Knhn t Co. , Cor. 19th d , liouulu SU. S. . J A. Fuller & Co , Cor. Hlli & DnuiMai BU. * v A l > lustcri C'oCouncil lgfhi. | J s TP lilMr fl tf I * r a tugerlna from B U ntAK wlrlMl lhe trtoc" , W Wlknlm If Ik 1 youthful emttv-- 'any decoy , wiutln Mealcncu , loit manliuod , ttaS I KIIUciul avolualjlo treotlu ( waled ) contauiln/ full particular * for homo cure , I'llUli of clitrga A rpleuilld medical worlci khoulu 1 road by eiorl mini who U urnrniM and doMlllatad. Addrea % I'rof , tf. C. I'O Wlililliffloodui , C UU