TJtLiiJL UMAJdA JUAJLL. . * JLUilU : MOJMDAY JANUAKY 19 , 1891 , THE DAILY BEE B. UOSEWATKH PUBLISHED EVERY MOKNINQ OK SUllSCntl'TION. Pally nnd Bundny , Ono Year 110 00 Blxmontlii , . , . . , , . . . < tt Three month * . . . . . . . . . . . . 2rO BiinMny HiP.OnoYrnr i ? ? Weekly lice. Ono Year. 100 OiTIOnSt Omnlin , Tim Hoc IHilldlriK. BoutliOmnlm , Corner N nti(120th ( Street * ' Council llluffs , 12 Pearl Street , Chicago onico , 3l7Olmm ) prof Commerce. Now Yfirk.ltoomi 13,14 and n-TrllmnoliullulriK WnvliliiKton , Oil ) Fourtcrntli fatrcot. CORUESl'ONDENOn , All roinmnnlcntlotn rnlatlnit to ntiri mi nlltorlnl matter nhould bo adelrosscd to.tho Editorial llcpartmrnt. 1IU8INKS3 I.KTTKIlfl. All business letters and remittances Hhoulcl tonddrcwiltoThollpo Pulillshlnj ? Compnny. Omnlm. Drafts , chocks nnd po tonico ortlora to bo miido pavablo to the orunr of the coin pnny. The Bee Publishing Company , Proprietors , Tim llco II'ld'R. I'Brnnm nnd i-oTontcenth Bta ( WO1IN tT/TEMB.NT OF C1UUUI.AT1ON ttateof Mcbroflkk. t County uf louemi. ( " ' Ornrpr il , Tzschuck , eccrctnry of The not rtiMIOiliiz i > ompnnv. oocs nolernnly sweat ttiat the pclnnl rlroultttion of TIIK DAIT.T Bin for Iho wi'CK einllnc January 17 ( Ibtil , was a follows : .Hnndnv. nrncr . : ! 'Mondnv. Jim. 12. . : > W1 Tucsdny. .Ian. 13. , no,4Wj ' " " ' WedncKlny. .Tan. 14. Tlmrsdny. Jnn. 15. . . . Kfldiiv Inn 10 ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' " Baturday. Jnn.'l7. . . . ! . "H'i .I . . . ' ! a''g3 AveroBo : jo , oa GKOIIOK II. TzsciiucK. fwnrn tn Icfore mn nnrt auhhCrlbcd In my iireipnro tnis 17th dnr of Janiinry. A. D. . 1691 U IBKAI..I N. 1' . l-'iiu Notary 1'ublla FtRtrof a , I County of DoiiRlns , 1 Grorpo If. Tjvhuck , liclns duly dwnrn , do- ro r nml tnys that no la secretary of The lice I'tibllahliiR Company. that the acttlnl avernce O allr clrculntlnn of 1 im UAIW HER f or the month of January , 1MB. 10,555 copies ! for Kebrunry , ItfO , 19,501 coulee : for Mnrrli. JBCO. 0.815 cnnlri ! for April. 1MK > . 20.W roulcs : for Mny , 18rO , 0ISC copies : fnrJiinp , iMir , Vei.rol con'cs ; for July , ! E(0. ( SIM C2 ropiest fnrAnt-mt. Jf&.SO.TMJcop'os ' : for trntrrnlor. 18'0.23 > 70 ( oplcii forOotobor , HflO. KC ) ( topic" ! for Novomticr , I'M , 22,130 copies ; for December , IMO. EU71 enplrs. Grown : II. T/SCHUCK. t'worn to 1 cforn me. nnd subscribed In my presence' , UnsHlstanyof Dcccuit'pr. ' A.I ) . , 1BW N 1' . 1'Eir. Notary Public. TJII : plumbing superintendent 1ms the floor. Du. Kocit confesses that ho smoothed his way to fame with glycorino. TUB United Stales Bonato worked 80 hours Saturday. Even the heathen Chinese will take oft his hat to that per formance. THE hatchet Is buried on the frontier. It is to bo bopAd that it will never ho dug up ngain. this side of the happy hunting grounds. L , loth to say farewell , is said to have nn outlc on the Chicago nmyor- ulty , a uluco lor which the supply al ready exceeds the demand. THE news of ox-Governor Thayor'a eorious illness will bo learned with re gret by nil the people of the state , with out distinction of party. MINNESOTA claims the biggest land slide of recent years. If It is bigger than the landslide of a certain cold day last November wo don't want to see it. THE legislature should not forgot that it is an expensive luxury at $2,000 a day , I _ _ nnd that it would bo becoming to give the people something for the money. IT is n , grievous waste of energy for Omaha to sand missionaries to China while the state capital atTords such a vast uncultivated field "for human , en- doavor. SIDKUY DILLON is at Washington , working for the extension ot tlrto Union Pacific debt. There is some probability that Mr. Dillon will find that ho has fallen upon ovfl times. Tin : prohibitionists have decided to publish a daily newspaper in Boston. It is to bo feared that oven free coinage will not increase the currency fast enough to moot their demands. THE fact that every corporation In the railroad syndicate carries a keen-edged toothpick In its sleeve foreshadows a spirited cutting match before the pool becomes a thing of life. IT IS a wise political party that cheer fully bows to conditions as they are , and actively works to fulfill the pledges umdo to the psoplo. Any party which attempts to override law and the popu lar will Is doomed to early death. THE honors and attentions paid to ox- Lieutenant Governor Molklojohn are the more gratifying because they evidence public regard for the oflleiul who fear lessly upholds the law nnd faithfully de fends the will of the people legally ex pressed. TIIK proposition to increase the dis trict judges to thirty , instead of twenty , should bo carefully considered in all its bearings. It would add $25,000 , to the expense nccountof the state , but it wouli ] "furnish a relief to suitors that is undoubtedly odly demanded , Nebraska courts arc crowded with business , and the people refused to increase the number of supreme promo judges at the last election. The present measure deserves to ho well debated bated , however , before It is accepted. COINCIDENT with the encouraging news from Franco that there is promise of an early modification or removal o the restrictions upon the importation o American moats into that country comei the statement that the pork packers o Canada are demanding' increase o duties on pork products from the Unlte < States. The packers of Canada claln that under the existing tariff rates then they Imva no protection whatever fron the competition of the America ! packers , and that as a CODEC quonco the latter practically centre the Canadian markot. They wit therefore bring all possible pressure t bear at the coming session of parlininon for a higher rntu of duty on all pork and there will also bo an oflort made ti put some restrictions upon the compel ! tion In moss hoof , which is largely ii favor of American shippers. In view o the strong sentiment in Canada in fuvo ol a policy of tariff retaliation , it wouli not bo nt all surprising if the packer euccoeded in obtaining the protoatloi they want , with the result of niatorlall ; reducing our Canadian boot and porl trade. AKOTIIEll ItUroLUTIONAltY SCHEME. The two houses of the legislature ! will meet in Joint convention to morrow to determine the contest over- the various executive ofllcors. Under the law governing con tests for executive ofllccs the speaker of the house will preside , and the members are to net as judge and jury in rendering their decision. It is proposed and urged -by the law yers who have carried on the contest for the independents that the depositions in the contest case bo referred to o-special committee and that this committee shall report Ha findings to the joint convention for ratification. In other words , it is proposed that the legislature shall delegate the duty devolving upon its members , indi vidually nnd collectively , to n packed jury of 15 men , organized from the out- Bet to return a verdict which 1ms been agreed upon by a caucus of ono party only , and possibly only a domineering fraction of that party , under whip nnd spur of paid attorneys who have reck lessly misrepresented the testimony ad duced. Such a schema Is revolutionary and at variance with the plain letter of the law and spirit of the constitution. The law directs that the legislature shall hoar and dot'crmino every contest over an exec utive olllco. How can the loglslnturo hear unless every word of the testimony is read within the hearing of its members. Will it take any longer to road the testimony before the legislature tlmn it would before the committee ? Would any man of honor feel justified in voting away the riglit.of any man who has re ceived a plurality of the votes cast in November without hearing the evidence ? Twenty years ago , when the legisla ture of Nebraska impeached the gov ernor nnd auditor for malfeasance In olllco , the final verdict was only reached after a five months' session. Every word of testimony , verbal or otherwise , was icard by the senate before it came to a rote , and nobody oven dreamed of pro posing that a committee should usurp the functions devolving upon the whole body acting in the capacity of a jury. OTlio anarchists who are prompting the .oglslaturo to revolutionary proceedings liavo not only nrgod that the hearing ; md findings of the contest shall bo landed over to a packed jur y of fifteen but that the committee shall dispense with the reading of the testimony , and in its stead take the garbled and perverted briefs prepared by the lawyers who at the outset of the session ad vised them to trample the constitution under foot , ignore the law and sot at defiance the orders of the supreme court. This is the most audacious as well as the most infamous proposition that has over been made to any representative body sworn to obey the constitution and discharge its duties faithfully and Im partially. What are these pretended briefs which the prohibition lawyers are trying to substitute for testimony ? A tlssuo of falsehoods and an ingenious suppression of facts. These lawyers know very well that they are Imposing upon credulous men , not versed in the trickery and jugglery glory of the unprincipled attorney. They would not dare to attempt such a perversion - version of facts in a court of justice , and they know that if they attempted such a downright falsification of testimony bo- fqro the supreme court they would bo disbarred and driyen from the profession in disgrace. Take , for instance , their "Driofs : > as regards the alleged bribery of natural ized citizens. They declare unhlush- Ingly that 3,000 voters wore bribed to vole for Boyd and the republican state olllcors , except Richards , by an agreed payment for their papers conditioned that they should vote for these candi dates. Now there IB not ono scintilla of testi mony to sustain any such charge. They cannot cite a single witness who swore that ho made any agreement with any foreigner to furnish liim free naturaliza tion on condition that ho would vote for or against any partifilar candidate They cannot cite the testimony of ono man who would say that ho was Influ enced to vote for or against any particu lar candidate bytho parties who paid for his naturalization papers or by these who procured them for him. The same shameless perversion of the truth characterizes the entire pamphlet of the mercenary lawyers who are labor ing so hard to have their garbled ver sion ol the testimony take the place of the real evidence. Such a course would not only bo revo lutionary but a travesty on justice. THE JATER-SIVU'fi UllWOE. The arbitrary action of the Union Pa cific in repudiating its contracts with the Hock Island and Milwaukee roads has awakened Omaha and Nebraska to the absolute necessity of a bridge that shall bo owned by a company whoso In terests are identified with the growth nnd prosperity of the city , and will bo a guarantee that the bridge shall bo ac cessible on equal and reasonable terms to all railroads that are willing to make use of it. Tin : BEE has insisted on the incor poration of these conditions in the bridge charter , and demanded that no chariot bo granted which does not contain them , Wo are pleased to note that the amended charter , which wo nro informed is satis factory to the Interstate bridge com pany , embodies these provisions. To the amended bill TIIK BEE can and doe : glvo Us hearty support. Amongsovoral provisions of partlculai Interest to Omaha the following is ox pllclt and fully covers the demand of oui citizens : "All railroads reaching the Missouri river near said point olmll have unobstructed approach to nnd passage over Bald bridge for engines , cara ane ! tralnsjit reasonable charges. " Another excellent section of the charter tor provides that "In case the owner 01 owners of said bridge nnd the sovora' ' railroad companies , or any ono of their desiring its use , shall fall to agree upor the sum or sums to bo paid and upor rules and conditions to which each shal conform in using said bridge , all matters tors at issue between thorn shall bo do cldod by the secretary of war. " This precludes the possibility of dis crimination for or against any road 01 roads and provides a tribunal for sum mnry soltlomont of disputes without the odious delays o' legal litigation which ro BO annoying nnd datnnclnp to public ntorosts. Wltli these provisions in- lortcd wo ulnforoly hope that the Ne braska delegation will tnko prompt , united and active measures to secure the granting of the charter at once. CAVVVS on COXSl'IIUOY. The right of the independents who onstltuto a majority of our legislature o follow- the footsteps of the old parties n enforcing discipline among members annot bo called in question. It is true hey have often and bitterly denounced and opposed the party caucus , but it is heir privilege to change front nnd bo- omo ardent supporters of methods which hey nnd the people who elected them uivo heretofore condemned. It-was a matter of military necessity when they organized the legislature , to hold their nonibors together by caucus rule. It may bo necessary nnd will bo eminently > roper for them to invoke the power of ho caucus In the future whenever they vnnt to harmonize upon measures which hey deem essential to the welfare nnd prosperity of the state , or to the politi cal advancement of their party. But there is a broad line to bo drawn botwcun political action "and the dis charge of judicial duties. A party cau cus may pledge members to support cer tain candidates and they may pledge members to oppose or support certain noasuros. But King Caucus has no right to swing a club over any man's ' conscience. A caucus that would seek , o bind members of n legislative boely to expel any member or convict any olllcor on trial before It when sitting ns a court of impeachment would bo a consplacy. . And the same Is true of any attempt to ilodgo or bind members to unseat any state ofllcer whoso election is contested , Such a thing as a caucus forestalling ; ho verdict of the United Slates senate or the house of representatives on the admission or unseating of any member of either body has never boon hoard of , The republican party as a body was bit terly opposcel to Andrew Johnson but no caucus over dared to dictate to repub- liciin senators how they should vote on the articles of Impeachment preferred against him. It is highly creditable the inde pendents of the legislature that they re sent the attempt of interested outsiders , who intend to filch thousands of dollars out of the state treasury for lawyers' fees , to pledge them in advance through the caucus as to how they are to vote la the pending contest cases regardless of the evidence or the law. The highest prerogative of the law maker is his right to vole according to his honest convictions. Around each member the constitution has placed the most ample safeguards. The lawmaker is free to say what ho thinks about any man or measure and cannot bo maelo ac- counlablo In any court for his utter ances. Ho is exempt from all civil pro cess nnd all criminal prosecution except for treason , felony or broach of the peace , not only during the session but 15 days thereafter. No self-respecting member will sur render his prerogatives and obey the behest of any caucus on questions tha.t are to bo determined by him when ho is called upon to act both as a judge and juror , nor can ho do so without violating the obligations of his official oath. SOUNDTNO THE SILVHlt POOL. After many weeks of delay a commit tee of the lower house of congress has begun to sound the depths of the silver pool in which it is alleged that congress men were interested. The , first day's testimony brought out little of real importance. Trio future developments will bo watched wltli in terest. All that the public knows is that the men who were heavily interested in creating nn inexhaustible market at a fixed price for the products of their mines sent a largo lobby to Washington to help the bill through. A few weeks ago there was the gravest doubt about its chancesin the house. It is claimed'now that the tide has turncel. If it has certain men and interests will profit largely as a result. Members of congress - gross who know the fate of the measure had a chance to speculate advantage ously on the strength of their informa tion , nnd it is claimed that the expect ant billionaires helped them to elo BO. A few newspapers and members boldly claim that It is perfectly proper for n congressman to buy silver if ho wants to. The people do not think so. They want a grave public question like this settled by men who have no speculative Interests involved in the result. And they want to know now just how far this interest influenced them In their votes. Congress can turn the present investigation into a success era a farce , as it chooses. If It ie an honest investigation its find ings will bo cheerfully accepted , and the moro so if they are creditable to the country. If it Is merely a urocoss o whitewashing it will neither remove the suspicion that exists , or sllonco the de nmndfor a knowledge of all the facts. OBOKOB 11ASOROFT. George Bancroft , one of the most dis tingulshod Americana of this century , is dead. The Ufa of this venerable man hat been coeval with the development of the United States in the period succeeding the establishment of the union under the constitution. Ho was born under the presidency of John Adams. Ho' was about to enter Harvard university whor the war of 1812 broke out. Ho was already prominent in public affaln when the second Adams became prosl dent. Ho published the first volume o a monumental work while Andrew Jack son was in the white house. Ho sorvei as secretary of the navy in the cablno of Polk. Ho was minister to Gron Britain In 1810 , and was successively ac credited to Prussia , the North Gorauu confederation nnd the German empire ii 1807 , 1SOS nnd 1871. Ho pronounced thi eulogy upon Abraham Lincoln bofon congress in 1800. Ho has boon the spectator tater at close range of every nntlonu event that 1ms occurred since the clos < of hia active public life. ThusGeorgo Bancroft , f6r nearly tin whole of his preat ugo of 01 years , wni personally acquainted wllh every im lortnnt public man , every historic vent , every national epoch. Ho could ay of almosrimi whole of iho present enttiry , "Allof which I saw nnel a part of which I whs. " But the gtjoat sorvlco of this remark able man whs not rendered as a states- nan or dlplonat ) , though ho won laurels n both of thiso exalted fields. Ho will > o romomboroiTaa the historian of the Jnited States nbovo and boyontl all com- > arlson , as MffCiluloy was the historian of England and Gibbon of Rotno. This vas the chleif vilrk of his life , and it is ils true title-jttuiunb. No man over op- trenched , the 'groat' ' undertaking with totter preparation or carried it out with bolter opportunities. The splendid edu cation which ho had gained nt Ilarvnrd 10 polished by a subsequent course at Jottingon , in Germany. Ho had access to the best materials for his history that existed in the now world and the old. lo was personally acquainted with the ocalltlesund ninny of the survivors of , ho events ho described. Ho enjoyed , ho confidence of every person and asso ciation possessing any of the records or relics of the past Thus equipped and surrounded , ho produced a work that is -ho brightest ornament of our historical literature and that ranks with the best works of the world. Mr. Bancroft ItVod far beyond the al lotted ago of man ami passed away while In the enjoyment of all the comforts and satisfaction that wealth , friends and fame can bestow. Llito Emerson , ' 'ho died first at the top , " but his marvelous mind lived in full vigor until less than a year ago. Ills rnirao will endure as long as his work , which is immortal. POSTAL TKLEOHAVllT , Postmaster tianoral Wnnamnkor re cently addressed a loiter to Congress man Evans , chairman ol the subcommittee - too on postal telegraph , in which ho urges that early action bo taken on the question of reporting to the house the bill in the hands of the commltloe , and suggests that any decision will at least lot the people know whore postal tol- ographv stands. The po tmaslor gen eral says that e-ommunlcations to the de partment evidence a widespread public interest in the subject and ho contributes to the strength of his own position by submitting a report made by Mr. Ding- ham , at present chairman of the com mittee on postofliccs and post roads , to the Forty-seventh congress favoring postal telegraphy. This report pre sented a very strong argument for the proposed system and was especially vigorous in its arraignment of the West ern Union telegraph company for persistent - sistont hostility to the establishment of a postal telegraph system controlled by the govorntnont'in connection with the postofllco service of Iho country , and its use of agencies and inlluoncos to defeat every attempt , ) establish such a system. The reference to this report made eight years ago is pertinent and valuable. The hill of Mr'Evans ' , which is. under consideration by the sub-commitlee , is not a radical mo.isuro. It is limited in scope and oxpStjimontal in its provisions. It does not propose- anything that can not be > shown to -entirely feasible /and practicable. It has boon favorably passed upon by the chairman of the committee on postofllcos and post roads , who is high authority. It is acceptable to the postmaster general , whoso views of how postal telegraphy should bo inaugur ated are eminently safe nnd censer vative. It is unquestionable that the great majority of the American people are in favor of the establishment of the system. The weight of argument is overwhelmingly on that sido. The people want a cheaper and moro olllcient telegraph service , and they can bo assured of getting it only by the plan proposed. The telegraph has become as much of a public necessity , by reason of the methods and exigencies of modern business , as the postal service is , nnd it should bo made moro largely available to the public both by cxtcnd- .ing its fucilitios and choapcning'its ' cost. This should not wait upon the will or ntorosts of a private corporation. It is the duty of the government , for the pro motion cf the igonoral wolfar.o , to pro vide a telegraph system in connection with the postal borvico which will en able the people tbomploy more freely the moro rapid method of communication on terms that will warrant its larger use , nnd there is no good reason why the per formance of that duty should bo post poned. The present congress is thor oughly informed as to what It is desirable to do now , public bcnlimontis in favor of the proposed policy , and there Is no necessity for delay or for leaving this matter to bo settled by a future con- gross. There is promise that the postal telegraph bill will bo reported ot an early day , but what Iho action on it will bo can not bo predicted with certainty. There is believed , however , to bo a bet tor prospoct'of a favorable result than over before. At any rate it will bo well , as the postmaster general has suggested , to lot the people know where postal telegraphy stands. Tun phenomenal mildness of the woathor.thls scqspn gives force to the belief that the climatic conditions of the wefat nnd northwest are undergoing n radical change. It i& needless to seek causes or dlscusg/tiicorles. It is enough to know that tho. people of the trans- Missouri region have been especially favored. Had tljp' ' winter boon ono ol average severity the distress resulting from a partial failure of crops would have been intensified nnd the consequences quences littlq , short of calami tous. These are strong reasons for conjrratul&lldn nnd thankful ness. Our pee j fortune is rendered moro conspicuous bv contrast with lest favored regions. The north Atlnutle states have boon ravaged by a succcsslor of blizzards , in many places the mercury registering 40 ° beilow zero , and groal damage Inlllctod on business. The winter tor in Europe is a record breaker. The oldest Inhabitant cannot recall its equal for no winter since 1SW can approach it in severity and extent. From Londot to Vienna and from St Petersburg t < Marseilles , empires are in the clutch o the north king , rivers are frozen , tralll < suspended , incalculable dutnngo inillctoe on trade , nnd the miseries of the poor In tonsliiod. What little distress exists it this region of the footstool is Inslgnlfl cant compared with the acute sulTorin ( ol the people In other sections of the world. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IF the action of the British govern ment In approving the appeal of the supreme premo court of the Canadian minister of justice for a writ of prohibition in the case of the decree of forfeiture ngnlnst the vessel seized three years ago in Johrlnp ; sea was derogatory to the dig- illy of the government nnd peoploof the Jnited States , con cress should promptly express its judgment to that effect. Res olutions have boon presented In both ho senate and house declaring that the action of the Imperial government of 5roat Britain is not In consonance with the dignity of the government and rnoplo of the United States nnd the respect - spoct that Is duo to the president of the United States , nnd if there is good ground for this view there ought to bo 10 hesitation in giving it Iho slrongost Dosslblo proclamation. The proceeding , t is generally admitted , Is without precedent - codont ; but , on tno other hand , it lias the nppvsaranco of a very Important con cession which this government could mrdly reject without having the most conclusive rnnsons for doingso. . Doubt- ess the judicious course is to allow the matter to rest where it Is , subject to the decision of the supreme court regarding its jurisdiction. Denunciation of the action , In the event that the court as sumes jurisdiction , would not bo alto gether creditable to congress or the country. _ THE old guard is gradually resuming control of the operating departments of the Union Pacific. There is an element of retributive justice in the chango. Many of these called back to their old positions were dismissed under former managements merely to make room for Favorites. Their return is n tribute to their ability and faithful sor.vlco. Goes by Threes. IVatlttngian l'o < t. Nebraska gains thrco congressmen under the new census. EverythluR seems to bo running In threes out that way. Church and State. lioitnn ( Jlulje. Emrrm Abbott bequeathed $ . " ,000 apiece to eight illlTcrciit churches. This should help towards building ft bridge across the bloody chasm that separates church and stago. Our Honor Safe. Dcmtr Republican. Conflclenco in Secretary Blatno's ability to cope with British diplomacy appears to bo unlimited. Even Blalno's democratic enemies concede that ho can bo trusted to maintain the honor of this republic. HTA.TE 2'RKSS CO3I3IKHT. Tclcamah Burtonoan : Tim OMAHA BEE In creased its circulation over six thousand lost week. Grand Island Independent : Nebraska can boast of ono "dofocto Rovornor" ono "eie- funoto governor" and a quartette of oxpocto governors. Kearney Hub : Speaker Elder continues to show the right kind of mottle. While not up in parliamentary usage ho has honesty and good sense , and is not in the least disposed to put tils foot In any mess before knowing that ho Is right. The Hub repeats that Speaker Elder Is all right. Hustings Nebroskan : Of all the correspondents * spondents on the Pine Hidgo battle ground the ono representing TUB OMAHA. BEE is bond and shoulders above the rest. His pen pic tures of the situation show the master's band. Ho Is certainly the Archibald Forbes of the western war correspondents , and THE Bnc's enterprise In securing a man of bis ca pacity for this work cannot bo too highly recommended. Scward Reporter : Hon. William Lcoso bos closed his six years of service ns attorney general , In which ho has done very much that is entitled to credit , Nebraska never had n more faithful or energetic public servant. In his long term of ofllcial life Mr. Loose has made many warm friends , nnd necessarily many enemies also. But his worst enemy cannot point to nn ofllcial net that was not inspired by an earnest doslro to do what was right. His worfc may bo criticised , but the people of the state , irrespective of party , unlto in pronouncing him an honest man. Beatrice Democrat : As might have been expected , the passing of the Union Pnclllo railroad Into the hands of Jay Gould lias im pressed the people of Nebraska with the necessity of Immediately foreclosing the gov ernment mortgage upon that concern. The Nebraska legislature is considering n con current resolution asking the delegation In congress from this state to talto Immediate stops tolmvothls foreclosure pushed , nnd our congressional delegation can In no way bettor servo their constituency Juan by having that road sold and operated upon its actual valu alien. J'ASSIXU fISSTS. The Indian takes a government rational view of existence. Texas SIf tings : The actress who is " woddcd to her art" gets a divorce as soon as the richt man comes along. _ _ _ _ _ Manhattan : Ilo ( deeply In love but proud ns Lucifer ) Do you love mol She No. Ho Well , I fancied you did , you know , and I wanted to toll you I'm ' already engaged. Milwaukee Sentinel : "Look out , " hovdod the impatient victim In the barber's chair. "Do you thinlt you'ro carving in wood ! " "No , sir ; more lilco etching on brass. " Epoch- Taxpayer ( shivering ) I can't af ford to buy suflliilent underclothing at Mc- Klnloy prices nnd I'm ' all In a chill. Great Statesmen Got u chill , oh ! Well , tber's no duty oa quinine. Harper's Ba/ar : "Cousin Ethel , I want you to bo my wife. " "Family history es tablishes qullo another precedent ; Henry : my mother was a Bister to your father. I think we'll ' follow the precedent. " Good News-SclcnTuio : Guest "What do you think of Prof. Koch's great discovery for the euro of consumption 1" Hostess ( who Is not much of a newspaper reader ) "Well t1 toll ye tli1 truth , I hain't ' much faith in anyo' those era tMtcnt medicines. " Washington 1'ost : A nwn who was wnlk- inir Bldowfsu , so ns to bo sure to sec the moon over his right shoulder , stumbled against a fruit stand , ruined his host dotues , got nr- rcstctl , and was lined In the police court for malicious destruction of property. Now York Weekly : Mrs. Wcstcnd Good morning , Mr. Nortnond , I want to run In and boo your wlfo. Is sue nt liomoj Mr. Northond Yes ; sho'll bo at homo ull day. "When I left she was trying to mnko up her uilnd to go out and 1mvo a tooth pulled. Texas Slftlngs : First Club Man ' 'You should respect my gray Ii air , and not use such language to mo. " Second Club Man "But , my deiirslr , you are oxcitod. You for got that you are bald-headed , " First Club .Man "That makes nodltteronco. You should respect the gray hair I should have had If ] had rorualnud single. " - Now York Weekly : Too Much Iron Doo- tor Did you got that mixture of wine nnd iron that I ordered ! Deacon Waters Yes , it was lint ruto. Never enjoyed a bottle ol medicine batter in my life. Drank It up with out tnluu' breath. Hut doctor , there was too much iron In it. Doctor Humph I So J should Innigtn' . Deacon Water * The Iror all went to my foot and mail a 'ein so heavy 1 could tiardly walk. NEWS OF TOE NORTHWEST , Oondomocl Happenings of Interest Trans piring in the Various States. A CRAZY. ATTEMPT 'AT CREMATION , Brief Items From Nebraska , lown , "Wyoming , Ce > lornrto , Montana , Novndn. Utah nnd the Const. Nebraska. Thcro Is tftllc of reviving the Arnpahoo cornet band. The Sous of Veterans' camp at Hardy has been reorganized. TUo Crete creamery Is turning out -150 pounds ol butter per day. There nro flvo prisoners hi the Lincoln coimty ] all nt North Philto. An anti-high nvo club has been organized by the young people of York. Mnillson county will have a fair this year nt Norfolk September 5X1 , 81 aud S3. An Independent military company ha * been orpnulrod ntUnudy with forty-nine members. The commissioners of ( Jnrflcld comity have taken stops to seouro aid for Iho needy citi zens of the county. Iov. ! John Power has been Invttoel to re main another year as pastor of the Ulalr Con gregational church. The creamery at Ncllgli mailo 00,000 pounds of butter from Mny to November and paid out 31U.OOO to Its patrons. The residence of Uov. U. O. Wood of Kono- saw was destroyed by flro which originated from a defective Hue , but the household poods wcro saved. The Tlmyer county Jail is again vacant , Dave Clmnman , its last occupant , In for stealing a saddle and bridle , having served his time and neon discharged. A crnry woman lu the Wayne county Jail pulled the straw fsom her bcdticlc and sot it on lire , but the ilnmos wcro discovered by the sheriff before any dauuiuo was done. Nelson & Co. , general merchants of Ber- trauu , who- were closed on chattel mortngo recently , will hardly ho able to resume busi ness and several parties are ucirotlnilnir for the stock. Perkins comity has never had a Jail , but the town of Grant ami the county commis sioners have Jointly leased the basement of the First National hunk nnd will transform it into a hostile. Thirteen inmates have been discharged from the Dod o county poor house during the year and twelve remain , 'i'lio total expense of the farm was $001.0:3 : nnd the cash income was $017.15. Thcro was nlso on hand Janu ary 1 1,800 bushels of corn , COO bushels of oats and thirty tons of hay. Iowa , Dewov S. Doolittlo , who resided near Web ster City since 18(55 ( , is dead. Andrew Qulgloy. n former lawyer of Dubuque - buque , died recently ut Denver , Col. A. A. Cooper is talking of building n now 5300,000 , wagon factory in Dnhuquo. Farmer Hush of Sheridan township , Chero kee county , hns struck nn artesian vein at a depth of soventy-flvo feet. A party of Fairfleld hunters bagged 847 rabbits ono day lately , auel another party from the same town got 150 the same day. John Cox , who lately completed a term of eighteen months In the Fort Madison ponl- teuttnry , is again In Jail at Onaxva , charged with burglary. Mrs. Mnry Moll , norcd ninety-five years , died at Dos Mollies. She was born in Penn sylvania , nnd had a distinct recollection of innuy of iho incidents of the war of 1812. H. C. Wheeler of Odobolt shipped twenty tons of timothy hny last week to Cole Am brose of Ely , England. Mr. Ambrose is nn extensive faimer nnd a noted breeder of Shire horses. - Mrs. D. 1. McDowell of Osknloosa , began about a year , nnd a half ago to savoellmos , and all such change as caroo into the family possession was turned over to her nnd droppd into n little savings bank. A few days ago the bank was opened aud ttio sum total was 5118.70. The following old residents of Tama county nro recently deceased : William C. Howard of Chelsea , aged llfty-threo years ; came to Iowa in 1850 ; served in the Twelfth Iowa in fantry during the rebellion. James Brown , aged seventy-six ; ctimo to Iowa in 1850. Isaac W. Graham , ngcd seventy-two. "Walter Ford of Poeahontiw county was hi town last week , " says the Wavorly Re publican. "Ho hns been , employed by our board of supervisors the past year as agent for the land owned by this county In western Iowa , nnd , wo nro told , has disposed of 1,000 acres for jli,000. ! Bremcr still owns between six and seven hunched acres in Pocahoutas county , " "Tho statement that a man could not endure to receive In the palm of his hand n qunrt of water falling drop by drop from a height of three feet was given a practical test by the employes of Bennett & Frantz's carriage works , " says the Burlington Hawkovo. "Tho foreman of the trimming department volun teered to prove that the thing could bo done and Bucccedeel in his attempt. His baud was llxcd Immovable and the water started. The test occupied two or three hours , but the man endured no remarkable discomfort. " Dr , tioronz B. Eley of Illon , Ind. , nnd Miss ICatio B. Conroy ot ICcohuk , were to have been married at the homo of the bride the other even ing. The license was procured anil ttio wed ding guests were nssemblcd.butthcceremony did not tuko place. The prospective bride is a Catholic , the groom-to-be , a Protestant. lie had noelected to 1111 out a blank form sent him and his answers were necessary to se cure n dispensation from the bishop permit ting the marriage. The guosis. however , partook of the wedding feast , nnel the bride groom , having complied with all other essen tial forms , the couple nwnlls with such pa tience 0.3 they can command the church's permission to bo Joined in wedlock. Port Townsend has issued bonds for 5100- 000 for municipal purposes. A young Duck of the Snohomlsh trlbo In Washington recently stabbed a young srjuaw for whom no bad conceived nn affection which was not returned , killing her Instantly Ho escaped. A colony of flfty-olght persons arrived at Grr.y'4 Harbor from Arkansas last wock. A recent rlso in the Wlsknh and Chahnlli rivers broueht down SJ1000,000 foot of logs. Unrrotora In Tnconm operate on victim * at the rullroad depot and no ono dares to Inter , fcro. Flvosblnglo mills at Cbolmlls hnvo been kept running for months , turning out 100,000 ( > , shingles a day. / ' Frank D. Hughes of Tneoma commlttcJ-- sutcldo with laudanum. Unfortunate i ecu' lallon was the causo. The growth of Fnlrhnvcn Is phenomenal. Eighteen months ago where the city of 8,000 Inliubl'iuts now Btntuls was n forest clear- Ing.A A branch of the Northern Pacific road from Tacomn to Olympla was to have boon completed January 1. A bonus of 50,000 , Is to bo paid by Olyuipln. Captain U. B. Scott Is to build n n steamer to ply belwe > on Seattle auel Tacoi ttiat will cost $00.000. The vessel will bo finished in ninety days. The output of the Hoslyn rnlno of Klttltas county for 18'JO ' was -150,0(11) ) tons. nRnlust IW- : ) Ml tons in 1850. The pay-rolli for many months called for tsO.OOO a month. The vote tnkim on the proposition to con- solklnto Whatcom and Schema was decided by a great majority In the nlUrinntivo. Thu town thus formed Is the fourth lu popula tion in Washington. The Washington Protective association , composed of eoloml cltlzc'iis of the state , luu been organized. The object Is stated to be to oncoumgu Immigration of colored people and to Improve tliu cumlltioii of the colored race. An organized gang of horse thieves Is re ported from Whitman county. Tlioy drlvo thu animals olt the mnges to the nearest rail- rood station and ship them cast. Thrco cnr loads of horses were thus shipped from Spok ane to St. Paul. _ _ _ _ Wnlto W. Webb , son of a prominent citizen of Tneoma , committed sulclelo at Coulee City. Ho had been drinking mid gambling , and it was immediately after a loss ot S-IO which hn had borrowed Unit ho killed himself. His fiither was secretary of Montana under the Cleveland administration. It turns out that the persons who strung up E. L. Hurrls at Dayton , nnd attempted to muko him confess n burglary ot which Uu was not guilty , were members of n gang of whltccnps who have committed murderous outrages In the neighborhood. The grand Jury of Dayton Is after thorn. Jack Conloy , August Mills and two brothers named Van Clejvo nro under nrrwt on the chnrgo of stealing cattle , ( slaughtering them uuel selling thu meat In Scuttle. For six months past hundreds of cattle have mysteri ously disappeared from the ranches and ranges within a radius of llfty miles of that city. Of Into the lows have become so numerous that the cattlemen organized for the purpose of capturing the thieves. The lobsters being planted in the Bound have been heard from. The Kltsap Pioneer . says : A former employe of the United States j fish commission .stcamcrtlio Albatross , stntod * that ho had recently found someof the ' lobsters iu the bay of Vtsal"dy > across the sound from where they wcro planted , and that ho found them in several other places , showing that they nro rapidly propagated. Several other persons Imvo roportuJ Hading lobsters at various points on thu sound. Acting Governor Lnughton Jrccoivcd a dis. patch from the county commissioners ol Okanofrau county , dated at Concully , suiting that on Thursday night ono of the Indians implicated in the murder of Freighter Coles _ a few weeks ugo , was taken from Jail and lynched. The telegram also stated that n Cnthollu priest had warned the settlers that indignation ran high among the Okanogan Indians , who hud hold four councils , and that It was likely they would go on the warpath. The oftlcere nskcd for 500 stands of arms nnd ammunition tourni the settlors. Tno governor ordered the arms sent hninodlateM' Wyoming. ' -i Only ono failure In Evatiston last year. The German Lutherans of Laranilo have dedicated a new church. The Swcotwator mining company hns con. tractcd for lumber to complete Its bud rock fiumo. tt A public test has boon made of Shoshone basin oil at Lander. Haw petroleum burned readily In nn ordinary lump. The Wyoming Baptist Quarterly is n now publication Issued at Buffalo. Icov , W. J. McColIom , D. D. , Is the editor. Paxton it Arnold are taking out excellent coal from their mine eight miles from Evanston - ton , but the Union Pacific won't furuisb thorn cars. The Evanslon Knights of Labor hold a mooting and made u rcijucst that men in thu Union Pacific shops receive their backpay. Lust nay day only 40 per cent of the wages duo was paid. Ihlrty men employed by the Union Pacific are gathering a nice quality of thirtv-two- " inch ice , from Boar river ut livanston. Tlioy have filled the company's houses there null uro now sending Ice to Ogden for storage. The Suawno coal mines , ' owned and nt ono tlmo operated by the Chioago & Noathwost- crn railway company , about twenty mllus- cnst of Douglas , are to bo again reopened and extensively operated by that company. Two Newcastle men named Mouck and. Canipcn wont driving. The horse was balky and backed over the cdgo at a thirty-foot bun ! : . The animal was killed , buggy smashed , Mr. Mouck broke a leg and Mr , Cumpun had thrco ribs broken. Laramlo is trying to get up a stock company - pany to build a tcluphoau line to North Paric and Gold Hill , adistancoof 120 miles. The line would cost about $3,000. Tuo ranchmen along the proposed line are expected , to con tribute toward the project. The Bessemer oil well is down 1,800 foot , 800 of which Is cased. The lower part has he-gun to cave and worlc has been slopped. It will take a good deal of money to jiut the well in shape again , and it is doubtful if thu com pany will feel equal to the emergency. Colorado. The San Luis bank at Antonlto has discon tinued business. , The state bnnlt of Monte Vhtn hns In creased its capital stock from $30,000 to ? bO,000. Trinidad is boring for oil and gas. A * lass factory and woolen mill uro uuiuug the possi bilities. A rabbit hunt about La Jara resulted In slaughtering 5SO of the animals. Fred Bbaw- ' ox I'irrii IMUK.J Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report , Aug. 17 , 1889. NEBRASKA National Bank U. S. DEFOSITOIIY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital , - - - - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - 57,500 Olllcors nnd Illrcctori IIonry W Yntui , Prciliient : LuwltS. Itoal , VICD-lTcslluiit ! ; Jninuj W , Haraya , W V. Murao. John H. Collins , It. U. C'uihliu , J. N. II 1'utrlck. W. 11. H. IluKliotf , cnsbler , THE IRON BANK. Corner 12th nuU 1'urnnm big. A General Hanking Munitions Transacted , JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARU EXPOSITION , 1880 , THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. --s ' OM/vHA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Subscribed and duaruutcod Oupltal..100,000 1'alU In Capital aV.000 Ituya and tolls stooku and bonds ; nezottatoi commercial puper , roculvcu and cxoculci trusts : acts ns transfer agent and trustcuof corporations , iakon cliuruo ot property * ojl- Icututixoi. Omaha Loan&Trust Co SAVINGS BANK. S. B. Cor. 10th and Douglas St3. Capital I M.coa hubscrlbod and Guaranteed Capital. . . , 100,001 Liability of Stockholders IXfyiQO 51'er Cent Interest. I'ald on Depoalta. "V I'UAMC J.IA.NUfc : , Oushlor. % . ± p OlDoers : A. U. Wyman , prcdldoii'JJ. J , llrovn , aBT vlco-proaldent , Vf.T , Wymnn.iroasurcr. T $ * IIrootorA. . U. Wyinnu , J , U. Millurd , J. J. , Drown. Guy 0 , llurton , E. W. NuuUThouiiu L. UliuoalC Guorfiu II , LaUo.