Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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liy Cnnlcr In uny part of tlio City
fineness Ofllco. No. 41
Niglit Editor. No. Z3.
cf. y. P. GO.
Council IllufTn Lumber Co. . coal.
Mr ? , Joseph Lyinnnls in Chicago.
Craft's d.nttcl loan , 201 Sapp block. fc
The Phemnn stock Is to U < 3 sold at as-
tlgnco's sale on Ibo 'Jith.
Mrs. JohnGravnttolias returned from an
tustorn trip of several months.
Alvn ftrown will have a trial Monday
morning on a charge of disturbing the pence.
Mrs. W. ! ' . rscal nnd her son ( Jcorgo , ac
companied by Mr. frank Ncal , have returned
from an eastern trip.
Agent Lnno of the Milwiukco returned
yesterday monilng from a week's visit with
relatives In Minneapolis.
The Merchants' ' retail commercial agency
has moved Into Its new quarters , rooms yjl ,
K5 and 220 Mcrrlatii block.
Prof. Arthur Stevens , who has been confined -
fined to his room by sickness for several
weeks , Is able to bo about again ,
MlssOllIn Cook entertained her Suntlay
school olais In St. Paul's church at her home ,
WO Second avenue , Saturday afternoon.
A light mast hus nccn placed at the corner
of Third nvcnuonnd Seventeenth street , and
will bo lighted for the lirst time tomorrow
Unity Guild will give a sociable nt the resi
dence of Mr * . W. Klrklaml , corner of Damon
and Uloomer streets , on Friday evening ,
January 23 ,
George Kuillo Is expecting to open a cigar
store on I'carl street , near the Grand hotel ,
in tbo near future. A brllllunt sample room
will bo attached.
Tin Milwaukee strike nt this point has
been settled peaceably , the places of the two
operators who resigned having been lltlcil
without any trouble.
'Tho Woman's ' Hollcf corps will meet at7W : ! )
o'clock tomorrow evening nt the resilience of
Mrs. Honrlo , 218 South First street. IJuslncss
of Importance ; Is to bo transacted.
Miss Olllo Clark , who has occupied the po
sition of night operator at the telephone ex
change for quite n while pnit , has been
changed to the day force , Miss Uledsoo taking
her pliico.
Dolly , the five-months-old daughter ot Mr.
nnd Mrs. W. A. Wells , dletl of lung fever
last evening nttho family rcsldencoon Wash
ington avenue. Announcement of the funeral
will ho tnadu later.
Mrs. .lennlc ( Jliidwln , wlfo of D. W. Glad-
win , died yesterday morning nthor residence
cast of the city , nt the ago of seven teen years.
The body will bo taken to Keg Greek town
ship today for Interment.
Justice Pjittou will render a decision this
morning nt 0 o'clock lu the case of Klnsoy vs.
Hick , in which the dispute is over a trunk
which Mrs. Hick wants to keep in payment
for the funeral expenses of Klnsey's wife.
Interesting service was held In the Young
Men's Christian association rooms yesterday
afternoon. 13r. S. Phelps address oil the rail
road meeting nt2 : ; andUov. C. Monroe of
tha Christian church led the regular 4 o'clock
The Jury in the case of Al. C. Bothers vs.
F. S. Patterson , which was on trial in Justice
Hammer's court , brought in n verdict of 25
cents for the pUlntlff , Hethors suoil for $100
( lamatros for an assault and battery commlt-
\ Alf T"lt nrson. _
j 'A - udi\torLaiigo Is at work figuring up
liow much of the money duo on the levco is
still unpaid. Ho has found it a rather com
plicated problem , and has not finished the
work yet. Ho estimates the deficiency at
nbout S'J.OOO however. It Is thought the exact
amount will bo Knowa today.
Itovlvnl services will bo held at the now
Trinity dm rch each evening this week. Kev.
Alexander and other speakers will address
the meetings. The work of tlm now church
is awakening n great dual of interest , and it
is expected that much good.will follow the
'revival ' services that begun last night.
Two more attachments were levied > ester-
day on the stock of the Model clothing house.
Ouo was by Joseph Epstein for $1,011 , and
the other by Ilalnwatcr , Belgor & Co. , for
SO.TO. This makes the amount of attachments
BO far nbout $0,000 , and the total liabilities ,
including the mortgages to Mossler's wlfo
and son , hourly 811,1100.
The hoards of llttlo English sparrows In
the city , and there are more this year than
over known before , have made a discovery
and taken possession of premises that will
call for many hard fought battles next spring.
The faces of all the perpendicular clay
banks In the city have been honey
combed by the sand swallows , nnd In the
holes they have excavated they have made
their nests without molestation for years.
During the winter the sparrows have discov
ered that these deported nests afford them
line quarters , and about nil the excavations
In all the banks around town have licon taken
possession of by them. Yesterday they wore
warming around the faces of the cliffs by
thousands. When the swallows return next
uprlug they \ylll Und their homos occupied by
pugnacious lttlo | intruders who would rather
flght than do anything else , and u general
warfare among the birds may bo expected.
The leading grocers on upper Broadway
are Kclloy & Yonkermaii. New location ,
OlmulMooGrau at Davis' drug store.
Tbo Boston store , Council Bluffs , Is making
great preparations for their second annual
clearing sale which takes place Wednesday ,
JnnuarySl , 1891 , nnd will contlnuo ten days.
Store will bo' closed Tuesday ilrst from 1 p.
m. marking down goods for sale. Boston
store , Council Bluffs.
After tlio Mine Kiln Club.
Ofllccrs Murphy and McDonald Inter
rupted a meeting ot the Lima Kiln club last
night which was being held hi n cigar store
run by Dan Thompson in the Pralor district
on lower Broadway. Considerable confusion
was caused by ttio en trance of the unexpected
callers , ami a number of these present
showed a clodded desire to get nwnj * ; more
decided , in fact , than ono would look for lu ron
company that was merely devising plans for
the elevation of the colored v.ico.
Lying an the table were a live dollar bill
D silver watch ana some dice. What they
wcro doing there was a mystery , bat the of )
ficer thought It looked very much ns though
the dnrklos had been shooting craps , and ac
cordingly levied on as much , of the outllt 1Cas
was in the room at the end of the first ten
seconds after they entered. This consisted
of two colored men who gave the names ol
Andre\r \ Valentino and Henry Johnson.
They were put in the city Jail niid had the
charge of gambling entered against them.
Seine of their friends called later in the even
ing and put up money for their appearance
this morning and had tliotii released.
To make room for spring stock wo offci
great Inducements in furniture , oil doths
carpets , stoves , hanging lamps , dinner nu
tea sou and toilet sets. Wo sell for cash. 01
on easy payments. Mandel & Klein , 3 5 : >
liroudway , Council Hlufts.
The American District
been reorganized and Is now prepared to givi
prompt service. Special attention to oxnrosi
and parcel delivery.
Buy your coal and wood of C. B. Fuel Co.
t30 Broadway. Telephone IM.
' Will bo
The F.lsoirmu stock will DO offered at as
Iguce's sale on the 26th of this month. It I
elated that Benjamin Klsoman of St. Louis ,
brother of the Kuciuun's ' of this city , nnd
inombcr of tbo 11 rm of Hlco , Btix k Co. , li in
formed a stock company for the purpose woof
bidding on the stock. In the meantime ) the
Klsniium'a are trying to effect , a coiniirorals
of some sort with their creditors. In use
they succeed , they will reopen tnelr store on
thulr own hook , but If not , the stock com >
pauyvlll bo on the field. In either case the
chances seem good fortho speedy reopculni
ot the store tor business.
Tobosuro that your children have lire
candy 'fiv ' for thorn the Pomona brand frui
juice t.s , 1'omoim stained on each tat
let , 'lu iraiio supplied by DuquottO& Ct
The Dedicatory Services at the New Trinitj
Methodist OHurch ,
TrylUK to Get an Appropriation Tor
l mr Improvements Tlio KIs-
limn Store to Ho Ilcopsnctl
Other News Notes.
Atnply. heated , well lighted , clean , com
fortable , well ventilated and cozy In every
respect the now Trinity Metboilst church
was thrown open to the public and solmonly
dedicated In accordance with the Methodist
rltunl'ycstcrday , There were no vacant seats
In the auditorium , and If the building had
been larger there would have bojti no unoc
cupied chairs , for many people paused at the
door unable to gain admittance.
The dedicatory sermon was delivered by
lov. ! Dr. .Men-ill of Omaha. In the pulpit
wcro seated all tlio ministers of the other
Methodist , churches In the city , nnd Hov.
Mr. Sims of .Wisconsin , The services began
at 10M : nnd Old not close until nearly 1
o'clock , Following Urn opening hymn nnd
prayer the choir rendered a beauti
ful anthem , At the conclusion of
the second scriptural reading nmt hymn
by the entire congregation , Dr. Merrill was
Introduced nnd delivered the dedicatory ser
mon. Ho found his text In tlio Uth chapter
of Jolin , lath verso , comprising the words
und promises of Christ : "Verily , verily , I
say unto you , ho that bolleveUi on Ale , the
worhs'thutldoRhall no do also , and greater
works than these shall ho do , because I go
unto my Father. " ,
" .Extraordinary nets , " Dr. Merrill said ,
"predicate extraordinary actors , Christ
anlrnu with this double'vurlly' ' that believ
ers shall do preat things. Our observations
and cxporlc'icos niako this statement scent
unlikely. Have wo und Olirlst the same be
lievers'In mind I Is there anything peculiar
liliMen away In Ills hellovorlVo must ask
Him sotno nueslloim. "
First , who Is the belloverl As to the per
sonality the statement of the text must betaken
taken literally , ho that bcllevctu. Anybody
may bo the believer. The text Is ns univer
sal as "whomsoever will may como , " so wo
have no dlfllcultv hero. U'ho second proposi
tion In this Inquiry wns ns to Christ's creed.
Hero the speaker took occasion to
say that liberalism , free thought ,
advanced thought , etc. , was all
nonsense ns applied to the gospel. Can a
m.m bo liberal about , his wife's virtue ! Truth
Is truth us absolutely as virtue is virtue.
When a man can do as well on a dlot of
sawdust ns beefsteak then error will make as
strong a moral character ns truth. Now
what mu i our believer bellove ? Ho must
bcllevo In God. Christ said : "Yo believe
In God , believe nlso In Mo. " The old
Hebrew doctrine of God must bo held , His
Individuality , unity , spirituality , etc. No
man nor organization of men without this
faith ever did anything to Identify them-
themselves with thclcxt , no great reformers
nor revolutions led by inlldols nor errorists
hero. He must alee believe lu Christ , His
divinity and humanity. Ho cannot believe
in ono nor the other and do tbeso
great things of the text. History is
barren of achievements by errorists as
to the person of Christ that would roltito
thorn to bis toxt. Herod boltuved in the Im
munity of Christ , and plotted murder.
Simeon believed him to bo the sou ot God ,
and It made him glorify God. So It Is always.
Wo must believe In the Holy Ghost. The
chapter is full of this , "I will send the com
forter. " A believer whoso creed docs not
tuko In the IIolv Ghost never docs any
mighty works , ttcro the speaker at some
length effectively Illustrated and enforced
this Item of belief. This comforter in all
His olUeos wixs shown to bo essential to the
believer who should fuhill the toxt.
The Holy Ghost vitalizes and enger-
gizes. Ho must believe in prayer.
"If yo ask anything in my name I
ivlllilo It , " says the next verso. The bo-
Hover must Know how to pray. This point
was also dwelt upon to bring out ana apply
the point. Ho must believe .in heaven. "In
my father's house arc' manymansions , " says
the second vorso. Paul says , 'if for this Hfo
only wo have hope , wo are of all men most
miserable. " It tukes faith in heaven and its
reward to malte believers sacrillco and suffer ,
do creat things lor Christ. This item of
faith wns then adroitly applied to giving for
this new church.
Second , what will the bellovor do , what
, vlll not such a believer del Seeing on those
live summits of truth In the light of God's
smile , und breathing the air of such an alti
tude , ho will do anything for God , the same
works that Chrjst did. Christ Is our example
as tolas human life , not us to his Messiah-
ship. Do the same works as to kind , not as
to identical works. Do creator works 1 Yes ,
bat thu speaker hud 110 tlino to show how ,
and evidently omitted part , of the thoughts
connected with the theme on account of lack
of time.
The sermon closed with a pretty Illustra
tion of thu truth sought to bo enforced.
George Washington gathers statesmen
around his death bed , Ho huml.s them a
copy of the constitution ana asks them to administer -
minister It in government , embody It in laws ,
and teach it to their successors and to their
children , then they and others will do
greater things than he Las done. Look M
the fulfillment in history ; what has been
donoiti this republic ! So Christ has His dis
ciples nbout Him , gives them His puspol :
they are to bollovo It , und apply It and bund
It down to generations to follow. See what
the result must be.
The sermon was listened to with deep In ,
tcrcst , and at Us conclusion Hev. Alexander ,
the pastor of the now church , gave u brief
history of the origin of the organization and
thu movement that so quickly crystallised and
made It possible for the erection of the
line building to bo dedicated. The
work wns begun two years ago ,
which period covered the full Hfo of
tlio organization. The movement to build
the church was begun less than llfteen
months ago , and the purchase of the ground
nnd the active work dates only from.last
spring. Hov. Alexander stated tint it could
have boon built sooner , but they gave way
for the other churches that had begun the
work of erecting now buildings before the
Trinity people commenced.
0. It. Allen , treasurer and member of the
oftlcial hoard , then read a statement of the
ilnnncial condition of the society. They paid
, originally Sl.OUO for the lot and rJl for a quit
claim deed. The other expense * paving ,
sidewalks , eta , und the building completed
ns far as It had- loon Involved u cost of
S'1,000. ' Of this flum $3,000 had been paid ,
leaving nn indebtedness of Stf/JOO yet to
be paid. The effort to raise the necessary
amount was then begun , nnd in loss than
half an tour over fci.SMJO had been given ,
. .Among the contributors were Governor
I3olo3 , Senators Wilson itml Allison , and
. other celebrities who scut In small amounts.
- After ttio money wns raised the 11 mil dedi
catory services were completed. 11cd
An interesting children's meeting occurred
In tun church at U o'clock ,
! Sob Tim BKD fortho announcement of the
Boston .store's second annual clearing sale
0 ( which opens Wednesday , January 21 , and
will continue for ten1 days. Store will be
closed Tuesday from 1 p. m. innrKing down
goods tor sale , Boston store , Council llluffs
. '
The best French cook In western Iowa Is al
tbo Hotel Gordon , Council Bluffs.
With the cleanest stock of groceries In
Council Bluffs wo allow uo one to undersell
us , Hell & Sou.
The boat 25o hose in the country Is to bo
found at the Boston Store , Council Bluff ?
cither In gents half hose , in wool or cotton
; in ladles' all wool or cotton , in misses all
i wool or cotton. Boston Store , Council Bluffs
A Dlslionoit Nnw * Agent.
of W. B , Smith , n newsboy oa the "Wabnsh
was arrested yesterday afternoon by Oftlcei
Besurck on a charge of larceny. Clmrle
Smith , on Omaha plumber , was traveling to
- this city from St. Louis a few days ago , mil
while the train was stopping ut a small ta
tlou ho loft the car for a few ils
In thu meantime the train loft him und car >
rid with it his vollso and overcoat. When the
plumber at last arrived at this city and tc
- gun inquiries for his property. Ho was in
. formed , that the newsboy bud taken advan
tngo of the fact that they both belonged to
the great Smith family , and had claimed the
vlalso nnd overcoat ns his own , The news
boy was ntonco notified "that the real owner
of the bnggnio had turned up , nnd was told
to < bring It to headquarter * . Ho com
plied with the order , but when
the owner'looked ut It ho at once said that it
was not Ills , but was ouio second-hand
goods that his namesake was trying to Mini
off on him. The other Smith insisted that
tbo vnllso nnd overcoat wcro the ones thut ho
had received from headquarters , nnd so ho
was arrested us above stated.
When ho arrived at the police station ho
was taken Into the presence of Chief Cory
and tbo ofllclnl screws were applied to < him.
Ho atlastmado a clean breustof the whole
alTalr and admitted that ho hud the missing
baggage In his possession.
An information was Issued In Justice Pat-
ton's court charging him with larceny , but It
has not yet been decided definitely whether
or not that Is the charge upon which ho wjll
bo prosecuted. "
Horse blanket * and lap rnocs nt cost at
Thco. Ucckiuan's , 2137 Main street.
The Boston store , Council Bluffs , is show
ing special value in blankets and coinfortors
for this week.
The most complete line of blankets and
comforters , hosiery and underwear In the
city in at the Boston Storowhere good goods ,
low prices , cash and one price to nil is their
rule , Boston Store , Council Bluffs.
Bargains In blankets and comforters at the
Boston store , Council Bluffs , this week.
Flxlnjr the Il'nrnp- ' * .
'A meeting wns held at tbo Omaha National
bank building In Omaha last Saturday for
the purpose deciding wiiat is the most feasi
ble plan for securing a slice of the appropria
tion which was mndo. by congress nt its last
session for improvements on the Missouri
river. The Council Bluffs board of trade
was represented by G. I'1. Wright , the city
council by Mayor Macrae , the waterworks
company by E.V. . Hart , nnd the
motor company by John T. Stewart , Of the
Omaha citizens who wore present were
Mayor Cusuing , J. II. Mlllard , Guy C. Bar
ton and A. S. 1'ottcr. After organizing with
Mayoj Macrae In the chnlr nnd E.V \ . Hart ,
secretary two committees wcro appointed ,
one for each city , to dralt and circulate a pe
tition asking congress to set nsido part o {
too appropriation referred to to be used in re
pairing the banks of the river an J preparing
It for the construction of a lovce , or else to
make a now appropriation especially for the
Of the original appropriation of $ SOO,000 , ,
there Is still $ om > ,000 unused. It Is a ques
tion whether any of this can bo obtalneu , ns
it is understood that it is the intention of the
commissioners to expend it on improvements
on the river south of this point , but the mem
bers of the committee , have great hopes that
the representatives in congress will succeed
In tapping Uncle Sam's treasury to the ex
tent of tholSOOJO , required.
Special prices on ladies nnd cents under
wear this week nt the Boston Store , Council
J. C. BlxDy , steam heating , sanitary en
gineer , 202 Mo rrlnm block , Council niufjs
Great success.
Reliable goods. .
Pair dealing.
Bottom prices.
At C. B. Jncquemln & Co. . No. 27 Main street
Uo Could n't liriiiK One Home , Out
"Went to Them.
There is no ether place under the
heavens where the early tnoraings of
summer nnd fall have the charm of those
down in the OzarKs of southern - Missouri
souri , says a Detroit Free Press
It wns on ono of those line mornings
that Benson sot out across the hills to
catch a few fish nnd do u llttlo shooting.
"Good bye , Ben , " ho shouted back to
the youngster in the door of the little
log house. "Good bye , nnd bo u good
boy. "
"Good bye , dnd , " squeaked a youthful
" an' ' don't ' the
voice ; "good bye , forgit
fairies. "
The little fellow waved his hand en
ergetically until the mountaineer father
was lost to view in the brush , boyorid the
cleared patch. Benson know more folk
lore and fairy tales than any of the ether
nntlvos. Ho had read of the brownies
and their moonlight nntics , nnd when
Bonnie became able to talk ho wns told
of the little elfins , and the big goblins ,
and the shiny , golden water sprites.
Benson was in all ether respects a rough ,
homespun mountaineer.
"Jos' wait , " wns his last words buforo
breaking through the undergrowth on
that Roldon Ozarlc morning ; "jes' wait ,
an' I'll bring yor a fairy , sura pop. "
All day long- the little native sat In
the cabin door and peered oil into the
"It's no use for yer ter bo sottin'
there , " snid Benson's wife , "for yor
pav'll ' not bo back nforo night. "
"But of ho ho'll "
pots or fairy como ,
said iJoniiy , "cause thcr fairy'd die cf
hit wa'nt brought homo right or way. "
Bonny wiitcned until the sun wont
down , and then when it grow so dark
that ho could no longer BOO into the
woods ho wont inside of the house nnd
laid down on the dirt lloor. Pretty soon
ho forgot about the fairies and wns fast
asleep. "When the sun of another beau
tiful morning broke over the Ozarks ,
the little fellow's eyes wore opened and
his first thoughts were of the fairies.
"A.iut and eomo yet ? " ho cried.
Hanson's wife shook her head.
"N"ot yet , Bon , " suld Bho , "an1 mayliy
- mayby "
"Muyby lio's got more fairies than ho
kin bring or homo , " suggested Bonnlo ,
and mother smiled feebly , nnd patted
the boy's head with her rough hnnd.
Then the brush , out across the cleared
patch parted , and four roughly clad natives -
tivos pushed through. Between them
they Ijoro the limp body of Benson , the
"Ho hu't hisso'f oz ho war shootln' at
' ' " explained of the
or ilyin' squir'l , ono
w 'One ono.or thor fairies , " gasped the
. .oundci1. man , "but but I didn't ' got
im for yor , Ben. "
The llttlo native put his hnnd in Bon-
son's rough ono.
"An1 yer didn't got no fairies daddy ? "
ho naked eagerly.
The mother drew him gently away ,
but Benson Immediately ailed the boy
bade. >
"No , I didn't git none , Bon , but I'm '
going back to fairyland I'll bw there
today , Ben for for good. "
"Kin I go , too , dad ? " cried the boy y %
loaning over the mountaineer's breast.
But there was no answer. Benson had
Then Bonnlo sat down on tbo dirt
floor and cried as if his little heart
, would break , bQcauso ho was loft be
"Do I understand you to say , " said the
attorney for the stnto , looking hard al
the principal witness , "that upon hearIng
Ing a noise In the hull you rose quickly
, lit a candle and wont to the head of the
. stairs ; that a burglar was at the foot of
the Btutra , nnd you did not sea him ? rood
you blind'1
-"Must I tell the truth ? " stammoroi
the witness , blushing t6 the roots of hit
, liuir.
"Tho whole truth , ' " was the storr
; reply.
"Thon , " ropllod the witness , brushing
asldo his damp , clinging locks , nnd wip
ing the perspiration from his chiming
, brow , "my WHO was in front of mo.1
. Life.
. Uruco Blessing , a fourtocn-year-olil boy of
- Bust Portland , wes accidentally abut b.v i
. youiiBCr brother , The bullet entered the eye >
. producing probably a fatal wound.
A Plattsilng Showing by Secwlary Shaffer
of the lowaSocjoiy ,
Ilnwknyo Farmers Solvliijj the Prob
lem of Cheap Insurance Coal Out
put of the Lending Coun
ties the 1'ast Vcnr.
DCS MOINCS , In. , Jan. IS. [ Special
to TUB BKEJ The report of Secretory
Shaffer of the State Agricultural society ,
mndo nt Its meeting lost week , Is full of in
terest , .not only to the 'agriculturists of
Iowa , but to all reading and thinking people.
Among other things , Secretary Shaffer says :
"How otherwise thim on the basis of a ,
prosperous ngrlr.ultural condition could the
cities of Iowa growl How could the wonder
ful system of pu bile schools and common edu
cation bo maintained ) lutelllgenco.'thrlft , ef
forts well directed , have not foiled to
bring much morq than n fair remuneration.
Durlncc the past Jlftcon years the savings
bnnlcs of the state Increased tliclr amount of
deposits from $77f > ,500 to 1,525,000. During
the same time the assets Increased from $3-
000,000 , to $ -0,000,000 , , and the real and per
sonal property of the' bonks from ? < H,000 to
$470,845 , ' '
Of boot sugar the report says : "Tho Intro
duction of this Industry promises to further
diversify our agriculture and relieve some
what what Is called over-production of staple
crops. The line of beet-growing Includes all
of Iowa as rarards climate.1
In a summary in' regard to the com crop ho
said the acreage in com is estimated at
8,5MS27 acres. The average yield per acre
is 23 bushels , giving n total product of 2)9- : )
G75lfiG bushels atnn average price of 41c per
bushel , representing n commercial value
of $ OdUO,8i4 ( ! , Compared with the product ot
ISS'Vtho ' decrease In the number of bushel
Is 8 ( ,397fr > 44. In price the crop Is worth
$39,573,074 more. In regard to wheat the
crap yield in the southern part of the state
has been encouraging and acreage Increasing
during the past two years. Thocronof IS'.K )
was 14,034,7W ! , bushels , a decrease of 9 per
cent over last year. In barley the yield
shows a decrease over last year , but the
market value , an Increase. The estimated
acreage of rye is 100,500 , a yield ot 10 bushels
per acre at 51 cents per bushel ; a total
of $820,570. Oats , buckwheat and
grasses nil show a loss , but an Increased
valuation. The revenues of the dairy inter
ests nro $50,000,000. During the past year
72,500,000 , pounds of butter were shipped out
of the state. There nro ( W8 creameries In
Iowa and 90 chcUso factories which produced
4,727,821 pounds of cheese In 1890. The but
ter product is ( OT.GtflVJTT pounds. The fol-
loying table shows the stock productions of
the state :
Slock. Number ; Per head. Value.
Horses lOC,43i ! ( taUU | 27. : 4,8.'IS
JItllos 42ilG : 18.05 Uil',371 :
Sheen 475,810 ' . ' .SO Itt.2i4 : ! !
Hogs 0.805,000 B.tU ! H.4')1,813 ' )
Cows l,3il,8&8 : 10.70 2fij.18,004 :
othorcattio 2.r > rr.iii ( 18.03 40,400,312
Poultry U.844.UC.I
cnn.u1 iNsuiiAXCii roil FAUMEUS.
The question of cheap ! insurance. Is being
solved by the farmers of Iowa in a practical
and successful way. Tno state auditor's lust
report shows IN ! mutual companies in the
state , carrying risks aggregating f < 58,000,000
nt an average annual cost of ? l.S3 per $5,000
insurance. The twentieth uununl meeting of
the Sprlngdalo company of Cedar county ,
just held , shows the company has now at
rislc * dS7 , ! ) , u net Increase in 1880 of ? < J,475. ! )
Five losses amounting to $1,075.01 , were
paid In 1890. The amount paid ofllcors and
all employes for 1890 was Si30.80 , for other
expenses , SSU.Oi. The castpcrl,000 , for the
year was $3.82. The membership nnd survey
'fees for2,000 fortwotlty'j-cars in the past
wns ( r > and the total assessments on $2OOU for
twenty years past was 133.70. Joint stock
companies have charged for $3,000 for the
last twenty years 8180.
The Mitchell couiity farmers' ' mutual in
surance company has also just held Its meet
ing. The books of the company show that
the amount of risks now lu force-is but llttlo
less than $1,500,000 , , the amount written dur
ing the year being $234,100. These are only
sample reports and the other companies of
like nature will probably make as good show
ing. The companies are entirely ofllcored by
farmers who serve without salary.
The Iowa State Traveling Men's associa
tion , which wns organized in this city nearly
cloven years ago , has proved to bo nn institu
tion based on the safest nnd most economical
methods. The membership has increased
over eleven hundred In the past seven mouths
and its Held of usefulness Is dally Increasing.
Nearly every state hi the union is repre
sented and the actual coit to the members of
this association hus not exceeded $1 per year.
The state board of mine inspectors have
Issued a table showing the output of the coal
mines of Iowa for the years ended Juno J0 ! ,
19SU nnd 1800 , by counties and and Ipspcction
distilcts. The total output of 1889 wns
3Or)9'J18 tons , and for 1890 It , was 3,030,902 ,
an Increase of. 3.M.l3t , tons. Following nro
the outputs of the principal counties for the
latter year In the order of their importance :
Mahaska , 900,325 tons ; Polk , 503,149 : Kco-
kuk , 398,918 ; Lucas , 853IU4 ; Monroe , 309- ,
402 : Wnp61lo , 297,457 ; , 283,72U , ;
Marlon , 170,183 ; Jasper , 150,003) ) Boone ,
13-J.581 ; Webster , I30,0'J9. ,
The association was not organized for
money making purposes ; It was organized by
traveling men , nnd none except heads of
wholesale firms and traveling men and trav
eling agents are eligible. The association
pays a weekly indemnity of $25 per week for
a period of twenty-six weeks in case of total
disability by accident. This association has
ono of the neatest equipped olllccs in the
city , and the business of the organization Is
conducted on business principles.
The farmers of Iowa are seeking to improve
their method by an interchange ot Ideas at
meetings during the winter months. The ex
pense of holding these meetings are berne by
the participants , but there , is a movement on
foot to get an appropriation from the state
legislature , in order that speakers from out
side tticir localities and who have
broader views of agricultural sub
jects may bo secured. Ono of tlioso in
stitutes will bo held nt Selby on Wednes
day and Thursday of this week , with the fol
lowing program :
First dny 11 a. m.-Adiross ] of weloome.O. 1 < V
Colby. Iti'gpouse by Af . lluclauaii , Kirk-
' " "
"p ! wV "Fnilt1 Culture "
Paper , , by AVIlliam
UuiiibcrKur. DlscusslorlJ >
a p. in. 1'npcr. "Kulalng Poultry , " Otho
Menus. Discussion. Question box.
7 : 01) . m , Address byjllyn. ' 11. F. Clayton of
Macedonia , la.
On Tnursday and Friday of this week the
winter mooting of the Upper Los ) Molnes Ed 0r
itorial association , composed of about sixty
members , will bo held at Emmotsburg , dur
ing which ttioao subject ! will bo discussed ;
Second dav , 10:00 : 11.1 hi. "Eminllzntlon of
Tuxus , " by U. 11. Kuos. Discussion ,
11:00 : a. in. "Cattle : Tjiflr Fowling and Man
aRcinunt , " InU. . U. Mul < ai hlln. ( jiiostlons
1:3) : p. in.--"Farm Mu.n'ioiiiunt ! ) , " .lion , 1) . F.
- Olnyton. Questions. . ' "
" " ' "
2 ! ; * ) IK in. "Signs of tlioa'lmos [ from nn Agrl-
cultural Standpoint , " AjN. lliiukman.
: ioOp ; , in. "Tho llnrsiV'H. ' M. 1'omoroy
- Thursday evtJiilnR "Ofllcliil County 1'n-
purs. " J , K. .Tonkins , KHthorvlllo Itopubllcan ;
, J . .l.llriu-e , Holt Itnvulllo.
crlptl ' - . J. lllnbco , Ilcnwlck
] Times : Mr. LoirMIHHOII Journal ,
"Tho Yiiuim Man In .loiiriiull.sin , " II. IIIK-
ham , AlKona Upper lies .Molnos ; E , I1. WJI-
llanm , K'.thcTvlllo Democrat.
"Cutting tlm Kates of I.c-gaT Advertising , "
A. II , Funlt. Spirit I/tkulluucon ; J , It. Swln-
burii2 , Muniiiolilt Kosinox.
Friday MornliiB-'Thu l'ruutlcalillty ) of
For. ) Itun Union for the I'urposoof Furnish-
lux Koiuly Prints.1 J. W. Illiiclion , Alconu
„ Courier ; 0. E. Uvlurnn , Ksthorvilla Viiidlen-
p"Contracting Foreign Advertising. " 51. II.
HIcliurdH , Sncncur Nuws ; F , Q. , Wubstci
"Iluylmftiuiiplles. " A. AV. Utter. T.mmots-
burir Itcporteri A.M. Adiiins , lluinliolill Judo-
pcnili'iit ,
Friday evening. Address of welcome , Huv ,
* F. II , Siin.U'rsoii.
" Kispoiisr > , President SuliulTitr. ;
i Adurviu IniluiioiiiluHco within Party Lines ,
Mr. J. Urlghuui , Cedar Kapld Itupublkuu.
The Ten Dollar sale of overcoats WG inaugurated last week has re
duced our stock considerable , still we have yet quite a few to dispose of
In a week or so the season will be olosed , and what is not sold will have
to be carried over till next fall. We have no room for unseasonable
stock. We have always made it a point to clean out at the end of each
season , and are determined to do it this time. One of the secrets of our
success lies in tlie fact that we start every season with an entire fresh
stock. We do not allow any goods to be carried over from one season to
anotlier. We know people will not buy overcoats in January unless
the inducements are great but we are willing to give them the induce
ments. We are offering the entire balance of overcoats now at clear
ance prices , When you bear in mind how close we sell goods every
day in the year you will realize what our clearance prices mean. A
bona fide reduction from our regular low prices means an uncommon
opportunity to save , money. You will find it a big investment to buy an
overcoat now , even if you do not get much use out of it this winter ; it
will pay you to keep it for next winter.
This has been a poor season for all winter shoes. We have a lot of
excellent calf shoes with genuine cork soles , which "we are forced to
sacrifice. We offer these at $2.73. Every pairguaranteed.There is
not a shoe store in the country that , will think of selling such shoes for
less than $4.60. If you have never worn any cork sole shoes , try a pair.
They are warm and comfortable and keep your feet dry.
In every one of our departments have something or other which must be clearedout
and have made extraordinary reductions. In some instances the price is cut just one-half. I
the underwear department , a lot of scarlet heavy shirts an.d drawers , worth 500 , marked
down to 25C.
In the liat department we offer a lot of good knit c'aps , in men's and boys'sizes , at 150 ;
they always sold for 3oc.
In hosiery , excellent all wool seamless socks at 150 ; every store sells them at 300.
At the glove counter you will find several lots of gloves and mitts , reduced to about half
their former prices. . ,
Nebraska Clothin
Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
We Close at 6:3O : P. M. - - - Open Saturdays Till Ten.
Address Emmcttsburs nnd I'nlo Alto
County , Sutiorlntomlunt I * . 11. Donlon.
Iteultatlou-Tlio Editor , Miss Kato Durrnli.
The city library of Dos Monies hus received
a copy or' the third volume of the "History of
Woman Suffrnpo. " which contains the fol
lowing characteristic note In Susnn 11. An
thony's chlrogruphy : "To Do presented to
the DCS Molnes city library , with the hope
that perfect equality of rlchts for women ,
both civil and political , will ere long bo es
tablished by state and national constitutions ,
so that the other forty-thrco states may bo
worthy n place in the same constellation with
Wyoming , the ono and only true republic
in the United States of America.
December 5 , 1839.
President SchiclTer of the state university ,
Chancellor Carpenter of thoDralto university
nnd Prof. Goldthwnltoof Dos Molnes college ,
the committee appointed by the college de
partment of the State Teachers' ' association
to organize a state association of collcces ,
after conferring , have decided to invlto nil
the colleges of the state to send representa
tives to a ineol in K to bo held either nt Dos
Molnes or Iowa City on Juno . " > next , for the
purooso of perfecting such organization.
A HIiio Grass Romance.
The society people of Paris , Ky. , were
justly surprised the ether afternoon by
the announcement that Mr. "Wallace
Steele nnd Miss Clurn Woodford , two
young persons well known in social cir
cles , were married on the 5th of last
Juno in Aberdeen , O. , by 'Squiro Beas-
loy , says n Lexington , Ky. , dispatch to
the St. Louis Globo-Doinocrat. After
the nmrrlngo Mr. Steele lolt for Ilunt-
ington , W. V. , whore ho obtained a po
sition as telegraph operator , and re
mained there until Saturday last , when
ho returned to Purls. Ho and his brldo
had their first meeting yesterday since
the weddincr , nnd concluded to disclose
tlio secret to their Msnds , and accord
ingly inudo the facts known today. The
groom is a brother to Brice Stcolo , the
well known race horse owner. The brldo
is a daughter of the lute William T.
Woodford , ono of the woaUhloat farmers
In Bonrhon , nnd IB heir to a considerable
estate. She is twenty years of ngo and
the groom twonty-throo. Mr. Steele
says the reason ho kept tlio marringo a
Bc'orot was because ho was out of work at
the tlino. nnd concluded not to announce
their wedding until ho secured a situa
tion und accumulated some money. The
bride and groom have taken rooms at a
hotel in Paris , anil on March 1 will move
out to the brido's farm.
Ilorc are some stories that Gaxaway
Ilartriilgo tolls about momuors of the
Georgia legislature :
When ono of thorn introduced a bill on
the first day and the speaker asked :
"Shall this bill bo committal ! or en
grossed ? " ho ropllod , being somewhat at
a loss , "Jcs lot ft stay tlmr awhilo'Mr.
Speaker. "
Thov toll mo that another brother
missed the roll call ono morning and
In dlro distress wont to Governor Norton -
ton , humbly petitioning to bo reinstated.
One of them asked another for n chow
of tobacco. ' 'I'll return the favor fcomo
time , " said ho. "No , yoj needn't re
turn it , said the ether , "I'm making $4 a
day nnd don't mind the expense. "
Another wont down to BoU Ilurdo-
man's olllco to know how much salary ho
could draw. "O , " said the treasurer , "I
gnoss you can got all you want.1'Voll ' ,
sild : the legislator , "I need some money
for myself nnd the old woman needs
eomo , nnd the revenue olllcors are after
ono of my boys. Can you lot mo have
It recently happened that Mr. QSurtttoni
nnd MuclamoJ'uUl were visiting Edinburgh n
tlio sumo tlino , u ml the great artist mot tin
A ciut'stlon of the creates
Importance to tlm ono an n singer nnd tin
otliururi mi o rut or , was dlseiiMsvil at noirv
Junutli liy tliuin-tlie proper munngcmriit inn
iiroMirviitlim of thu voltiu , It was nitroi'it liu
twOL'ti them Unit thoH Urn I'litUlllusltrooehes
wiii-unt tliu KrenUsbt iMMifllt to thum , not only roiiH'ily for coiiKlis
colilaunil liiorM'iius : . Hnirurom from uhlliiui
i.iul illsuaKcH of tlio tli rout anil lungs will iilii
find them of thu gruutcit service , 1'rlco COo
To Soft Coal Consumers.
What is ? Our Celebrated Jackson , Illinois ,
COAL AT $4.50.
Best in the market. Nothing like it. Order
early and avoid the rush.
A , T. Thatcher ,
Telephone 48. - 114 Main Street
Of Council Bluffs.
DIRBCTOIIS-I. A. Mlllor , K. 0. Oloason , K. L.
Shugnrt , E. E. Hurt , J. V , Edmuiidson , Ohurluj
C. Unnnnn. Transact banking busl-
ncai. Jir : o3t capital and surplus of uuy
mnklii Southwestern Iowa.
Council UlulH , la.
All ili'a ! iiu ! tlio KVK.
treated wltli tlio greatest
Bklllurd cnro.
ami HAY KKVKIl trcntoU
with eminent succom.
' . ' . .
StllUlICAljOI'EItATIO.S'iJ.wlioroMcccinnry. ptiln-
loaslr pcrtnrn.oJ with tlio utmost ciiri11 n I Mklll , as
suring perfuct remit ) . KI.NKST CI.AhSKS occur-
nti'lr proscribed , corrcctlnu all irfr.ictlTi ) troiihlun ,
na Myopia , Hypt'roplaiinil AstlKlnntlHin , tlnn run :
ilorlnu dlKlit ony. : clutir uiul imlnloxi , CHUON'IU
NKUItAUllAnnd SICIC 1IKAUAUIIK , nftor run"
of tcrrlblo hi-IIorlnii. no reliefontlruly cuniJ. Olllce ,
Hooiu 1 , Hlniu.irt llluck , ever llono 4 Co.'a etorc.
Council lllulM , la.
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
(308 ( Broad-way , Oounoll Bluffs , la
OITIOK , 97.
A POSITIVE indpirptnent CURE lor all
lieait.oTihslJRIN AHY ORGANS. Cur
where other tre tmenllalu.FulTdirection llh each
bollle. Prlc * , one dollar , See tlgnituroof E. U
STAHL. For Bale By All Druggists.
nrclvii relief lllco"lr. ) I'lerco'u iiiiRnetlo i
Truin. " ItlMiriirrdtliuuiMiiUI If " ant tlio
IIKhTieniMelntanii < urfreoI'aiii | > lil tA < i. I.
aixjucllo Hlutlc TruM Co. , bau I' , Cut
LADIES-Try Dr. Miller's linmo trout.
-inontfor foinalo dliotiHUH. Hafg. mild and
Kiiro. Also Dr. Miller's pllo nnstllusi iialnlrsii eiitiriintced tocnro. Korsulo In Council
.Mull's nnd Omaha only by Mrs. A. A. Hinltli.
: wy. Isl st. . anil Mrs. Q. E. Illgirlits , 151(1 (
.cuvcnuortli st. , Omulm.
Twant to iniiko a contract for chopping 2,000
cords or wood about 7 miles nortlumut ot
Dromon In Hoi county , .Missouri. Tlio timber
s Rood ; wood must uo cordud In ono place oa
each forty. Apply to Leonard Kvurutt. Coun
cil Illulls , la.
ifrXoTTANQEn Through AIlhtiiko-A. now
/JLiiiloiiUIo 1'alslny Hhawl with iliirk contof
was taken fioin Royal ArL-uuuiii hail at party
ounliMilof Ioc'oiiilcr27. ) IB'JO. ' lloturii to Mm.
A. . ) . ntoplioiHon , US WnsliliiKton avuuuo , and
ut tliolrown.
_ _
ANTKO-Man for branch ofllco. Salary'
$75por month ami n commission , J.'iO HO-
curlty riiiilred. | No. 007 Willow avenue. Coun
cil IthilTs.
IOWA fiirnia for halo , also choice garden anil
fruit land near Cotmull Illulls. Johnston
& Vim I'qtton , Kviirott Ulnok ,
TflOK SALE or Kant Oardlm land , with
JL1 houses , by J. U. lUoo. 10J Mala. 1U , Uouuall
Corner M.iln nnd HroicUvay ,
Dnuhtrs In forolgn and ilomostlo xolmnRt
Collootluii iiuulo iiuU Inlorust paid on Urns
Over 0. II. Jucinioinln & Con JowolrySto ?
All Ulmls of Dyln and Olcunlnt ( linn In till
Ill lKhohtHtyloof tlio Art , Kaduil and Qtalnot )
lirluHiuiiili ) to look us Bood u-i now. Work
promptly Uono ami iloJiru'rod In liil parti oi
tlio sounlry , Bund for in Use lint.
O. A. MAUIIAN , 1'ron. ,
101J llroadwfiv , Near Nortliwu lcru Uoj