Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1891, Image 1

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Horcrlanu' , a Negro Bubet of Lincoln ,
] L Confes'cs the Oritno.
lie Iiiiplluutca Iho VIotlm'B Wife In
Iho Plot , hut There U no Cor-
rohorntlvo Hvldcnoo
to Prove it.
LtxcoMJ , Nob. , Jan. 18. [ Special to Tun
Bnn.J Mrs. Shcedy nnd Harry Wnlstrom
wcro nrrcstcd Into this afternoon charged
with complicity In the murder of John
The arrest of Monday McFarland , the
negro barber , hut night , ou the charge of
being the miinlovor of John Shcody , resulted
today In n full confession by the colored mnn.
Uo tells ono of the most revolting stories of
hrtritfuo nnd crime over known in the History
of Tno state.
wleFarland confessed that ho was the cow-
nrdly as.'assln who mndo the assault on John
Shoedy last Sunday night , but ho said that It
was not mailed that prompted him to commit
the net , but a bribe of $20,000 offered by Mrs
BtiocGy lo the negro to murder her husband.
As is well known In Lincoln , Mrs. Shoedy
loft her lasthusband , who was a poor carpen
ter , to marry Shoody , then a man of great
wealth , although old enough to bo her father.
It appears that she has been anything clso
than n true wife , nnd of Into it is alleged she
has become Infatuated with a dapper young
fellow. Hut between her and her now found
love stood the husband , and in order to get
rid of this obstacle , she , as MoFurland
alleges , employed the negro to kill the man
who had often befriended htm.
In order , MoFarland says , to more com
pletely got the negro in herpowersho became
crlmhinlly Intimate with htm und today ho
i exhibited to the mayor , chief of police and
ndotoctlvo 4nost revolting evidences of his
A few ilays tioforo the murder McFarland
was noticed by nn acquaintance lurking In a
dark olley on I street , Just n block from
hccdy's ' nomo. In response to a query as to
what ho was doing there ho gave a very sus
picious answer.
On the day before the murder Mrs. Sheody
Is snid to have been in McFarland's barber
nnd there it is bellovod the final nr-
ri'tigcmcnta wcro mndo for the assassination
of the woman's husband.
The above story is based almost solely on
the confession of McFiirluml and Is of course
susceptible of bolter proof. The city is full
of reports concerning the crime and the
DlUpj5"qt await a-lognl exnmlnntlon before
'i ' > f/.i'to / cu'iicluslon ns to the guilt or
XTnocenco of p.irtlos charged with complicity
in the crime can bo formed. The terrible
chnrco against Mrs , Shcody made by Mc
Farland lacks conllrnmtion and the public
will wlthhold'its judgment until all the facts
nro brought out and the lady's ' testimony has
been heard.
The cane with which the crime was com
mitted was a houv.v stcol rod , covered with
leather , and was of penitentiary mako. It
was formorly.thoiirpportyotJCaptaln Carder
of'tho'polico force ? b"1it'wa3'lostabo utSy cat
ago. It finally found its way iato Goldwnter's
pawn shop and was bought there by Me-
Furland llvo days before the murder.
After the assault the murderer droppdil tlio
cana and this was the only clue on which the
dotcctlve.s had to work.
There remain still moro important develop
ments , as it is believed by the attending
physicians that Shcody did not die fr.otn the
effects of the blows alone. The body is tc
be oxliumcd and a chemical analysis of the
contents of the stomach mndo.
Mayor Urahain , Chlof of Police Mellclc and
ijetcctlvo Mclono could scarcely bollovo theli
own ears ns the murderer , McFarlnnd , un.
'oldoil the dovlllsh plot concocted by MM
tsheedy to have her own husband assassin
ated In his homo.
Mrs. Shoody , McFarland says , told bin :
. ' .Mat she would prefer having .her husband
'killed sorao other way than being shot. Ac
cordlngly , MoFarland , greedy for the $ JO,00 (
prize offered by the woman , decided to brah
his benefactor. Accordingly ho purchased
the stcol cane at Pawnbroker Goldwater'-
place. This weapon ho showed to Mrs.
Sheedv and after carefully examining the In
strument of death , the woman expressed her
approbation of this selection of a weapon thai
would do sure work in its deadly mission ,
She ordered that hor'husbaml ho murdered
that evening , but the negro weakened ntu
failed to perform the terrible crime asslgnci
to him.
As above stated , Mrs , Shocdy wont to Me
Farland's barber shop a week ago yesterday
and thcro it is believed she mndo linn
arrangements for the destruction of hoi
On the night of the murder * McFnrland , Ii
compliance with the orders of Mrs. Shoedy ,
slipped into the kitchen of Shccdy's hem <
and remained concealed thoro. Again In
woakonoa and implored the woman who wn
planning the assassination to let htm out o
the tofrlblo Job. Drawing n revolver , th
desperate woman shoved It in the negro'
face and threatened to kill him If ho did no
cirry out the work assigned to him. Mrs
Shcedy then told the negro that Harry AVal
stmm of Buffalo , N. Y. , the fellow who wa
In league with her , would readily perform th
deed , but out Jof her love for Wnlstrom sh
did not wish him to do the work ns long a
she could buy plenty of others who were will
Ing to do it for ouo-tcnth the money offcroi
0 MoFarland. All this time Mrs. Sliced ;
hold a revolver in her hand nnd the nogrc
between fright and fear that somebody els
would get the t.0,000 ! offered for the murdei
decided to obey the orders of the woman.
Mrs. Shcedy then poured out an ordinnr ,
goblet ever half full of whisky and gave I
to the negro. Ho.took it and drank it , Mrs
Bhcoily then told him , ho says , that if h
would only beat her husband with suftlclcn
violence so that ho would have to po to bo
she would attend to the finishing of the jo !
She then ordered tno negip to go to the fron
door and ns soon as her husband stepped ou
to brain him If possible. She said slio wouli
get Shcody out of the house if she had to pro
pose a walk.
"Tho rest of the- story , " says McFarland
"Is only partially Known. JustafwhMi
Shcody stopped out of the front do' , I wa
surprised to ' * > oo that ho turned toward m
instead of toward the street. Mrs. Sliced ;
was on tbo other sldo of the do' , and I bcllav
that she closed tha do1 suddenly and shovoi
Mr , Shcedy out oa the poach , I then Jo
Shoedy have it , but ho pulled his gun am
commenced shooting at mo. I started to rut
ball tumbled off the poach. This was th
only thing that saved mo , as Shoeay shotllv
or nix times bofo' I fairly got on my foot agali
1 visa hhoo that I wus killed , but I kept o
running After I got up aud I finally KC
away. "
This ends tno confession of the negro ou
lido of a fnw minor points.
wonderfully cool actions of Mr
Shecdy Immediately utter the attempted
murder of her husband 1s known to ovcrv
newspaper limn and every other person who
wai at the plnco within half nn hour after
the wounded man stiignorcd back into the
parlor. She was not the least nffcctod and
when asked by TUB Dei : cornapcudont if
such assaults did not frighten her she turned
the matter off In an almost gay manner with
the rnmarU !
" 0,1 am getting used to those thlnesl"
Shortly before midnight that night Dr.
Everett assured your correspondent that the
Injuries Inlhctcd were not fatal or oven ser
ious nnd yet In less than a day afterwards
Shccdv was dead.
This , coupled with the fact that Mrs. Sheedy
told the negro , us the latter alleges , that she
would llnlsh the Jo"b In case her husb.ind was
badly enough injured to go to bed , has in
duced thu coroner to dig up the body of the
murdered man and submit the contents of the
stomach to a chemical analysis.
Tlio belief at present in Lincoln is that Mrs.
jhccdy Is the real assassin.
Harry Wulstrom , the young dude on whom
Irs , Shcedy is said to have lavished her nf-
'octlons , Is a resident nf Buffalo , N. Y.
> Tlno months ago Mrs. Shcedy visited friends
n Buffalo , and It Is said that Wnlstrom be-
: amo smitten with her. AVhnt their rcla-
lens were totrother is better known by the
wo than anybody olso. This thing Is sure :
.Vnlstrom . followed her to Lincoln ; and if the
tory ns related by the negro , McFarland , is
'orrcct ' , was the real cause of tlio murder.
A good many stories are told concerning
.ho . relations of Mrs. Sheody and her para-
iiour , but for the ends of justice and decency
hey will not bear repenting In the columns
f Tin : 13r.ii. One , however , may bo toldand
.bat Is that AValstrom had the shnmelcsMicss
.o go to Shcedy'tf ' funeral.
Shortly after I o'clock this afternoon , after
ilcfarland made his confession , the homo of
ills. Shcedy was placed under police survcll-
anco. A hade drove up shortly before 4
> 'clock , but Chief of Police Mcllck. believing
.hat the woman was making arrangements to
ly , arrested hjr.
la less than half an hour nfterwnrds 'Wnl
strom was also placed under arrest. Ho was
found in the Hutchlns block , near Eleventh
nnd O. Ho acted wonderfully unconcerned.
Wnlstrom admits that ho was on intimate ?
terms with Mrs. Slicedy , went out walking
with her nftcr night , etc. , but denies any
knowledge ot the conspiracy to murder
Sheedy. Mrs. Shcedy n\yt \ denies that she
tticw anything about the assas
sination until nftcr It" happened.
At 8 o'clock this evening she
was taken from her homo to a private resi
dence , where two policemen were placed on
guard over her. She will bo thus confined
until the preliminary trial. Walstrom and
McFnrland uro both In the city jail.
The body of John Shcedy was exhumed nt
midnight nnd taken to ono pf the undertak
ing establishments , where a post-mortoni ex-
imiuutloii will bo held.
Spculul World's l''nlr Commissioners.
WASIIIXOTON" , Jan. 18. The army nnd navy
oluccrs who have been detailed as special
commissioners to carry an Invitation from
the government of the United States to the
other American republics and "West India
colonies to participate la the Columbian ex
position and to use every endeavor to secure
a proper understanding of the affair in the
of credence , " " instructions from tho" depart
ment of state and will start on their mission
at once. . TheiiMnstructions are very com
prehensive and.if curried out will make the
Latin-American department onn of the greatest
features of the exposition The commission
ers not only represent the department of
state , but the Smithsonian institute , agricul
tural department , national museum , medical
museum , fisheries cdmmisslon and other
branches of the government nlso , nnd have
detailed Instructions from each. All the
American steamship companies nnd several
lines carrying the Ungllsn Hug nave agreed
to carry the commissioners and their collec
tions frco of cost , and advices already re
ceived Indicate tunt they will have the hearty
oo-onoratlon of the several governments to
which they are accredited.
A Terrible Tennessee Tragedy.
CIUTTAXOOQA , Tcnn. , Jan. 18. An awful
tragedy occurred hero today , S. M. Fugetto ,
cashier of the South Chattanooga savings
bank , being shot and killed by his father-in-
law , J. A. Warder , city attorney of Chatta
nooga. Warder is probably fatally injured
and Mrs. Fugetto has n dangerous wound in
the right thigh. Judge Warder carao homo
at 1 o'clock la a drunken condition and went
to Mr. and Mi's. Fucetto's room
where the tragedy occurred. Exactly
how it happened Is not yet known ,
ns Warder nnd Mrs. FuRotte are not able to
talk. Neighbors hearing the shots rushed in
and found Fugottodeadwith a bulllt through
tils heart , nnd Mrs. Fugetto lying on tbo lloor ,
while Warder was struggling down stairs ,
with blood streaming from a wound In his
breast. Judge Warder Is ono of the host
known lawyers In the state , and during Pres
ident Haves' administration was United
States district attorney for the middle dis
trict of Tennessee. The opinion prevails
that ho abused his daughter while drunk and
the shooting resulted.
The HarvcNtcr Trust Dead.
Cuicvao , Jan. 18. [ Special Telegram to
TauBKD.l Since the anuouncomfnt of the
breaking up of the harvester trust all sorts ol
stories have been appearing in regard to it ,
The latest la in a dispatch from Springfield ,
O. , which assorts that the trust schema was
not given up nt all , that the statement given
out for publication wus only to blind the
people nnd that the plans' projected will be
carried out secretly. Robert McCormicli
when shown the -dispatch , said : "Spilng
llold , O. , seems to bo the birthplace ot many
stories. Thcro is no basis for this fabrlca
tlon of the reorganization of the huvrcstci
company. " _
Creditors' Moot.
Pn. , Jan. IS. At a meeting ol
tl'io creditors of the Wustinghouso oloctrlo
company yesterday n committee reported
that they found S17 , ' > ,0X ( ) due the Plttsburg
creditors nnd $31X1,000 .to outside creditors.
Vice President Banister told the committee
that the company was doing well and would
soon bo on a bettor paying basis , A proposi
tion was offered the creditors in the shape ol
preferred stock to cover a certain per cent
ago of the Indebtedness. Some accepted and
others W'lnt to consult lawyers. It is bo
llovod that the company will pull through.
Hig Klro In a Kansas Town.
Aicinsoy , Knn. , Jan. 18 , [ Special Tclo
gMtn to TUB I3EK.J A valuable portion ol
Hortou , Brown county , was destroyed by ar
incendiary lire at ! ) o'clock this morning , nnc
the loss Is estimated at J150.000. The lire In.
eluded among oilier property the handsome
building occupied by the Dank of Horton and
owned by the Hock Island railroad. Harlot
is n prosperous town of 5,000 inhabitants thai
llvo years ago was a cornfield. Its suddec
growth was caused by tho. . location of th (
Hock Island shops there.
l'i initiation of ProuloiiH Metals.
Six fmxcisco , Cola. , Jan. 18. The nn
nunl report of NVells , Fargo & Co. , o
precious metals produced during 1800 in tht
states and territories west of the Missouri
river shows : Gold , 133,450,0111 : silver , f(32 ( ,
tt ) , S.1 | ; copper , FJO.'WJ.Ott ' ! ; lead , fll.W'J.STl
Off tbo gold production 101.5M was fron
British Columbia. Mexico last year pro
dncea $1 , ( HUKK ( ) iu gold , und * ll.W,500 it
Tin Question Now Agitating the Trospi at"
Pine Eidgo.
Moro Gun * * Given Up Sullen Uravcs
in Cnmp Opposition In Wash
ington to the 1'latis of
General Miles.
PINE Union Annxcr , S. D. ( via Kushvlilo ,
Nob. ) Jan. IS. ( Special Telegram to Tnn
BEK. | This morning about n dozen more
nruis were turned in to Captain Pierce by
the hostllcs. They informed him that a sys
tematic search was being mtido in their tepees
pees for weapons and that those found would
bo turned ever tomorrow. The exact num
ber of arms surrendered cannot bo ascer
tained cither at headquarters or from the
custodian , though the latter places the num
ber at about llvo hundred , This is an in
crease over nnd above the number tele
graphed yesterday which cannot bo under
stood. At headquarters it is claimed that
the arms turned over exceed in number any
received by them under similar circum
stances in ( ho history of tlio army.
Last night thirteen shots were flrod in the
Indian cntnp , though nobody was hurt. To
day the Indians were morose and gloomy.
They hud no welcome for TUB BCE corre
spondent wno entered their lines under the
guise of n photographers assistant. They had
oven less respect for the photographer who
was compelled to confine his work to vlows of
the camp and surroundings , the Indians re
fusing to bo photographed. Notwithstanding
the profession of friendship made by tno
alleged bostilcs , some friendly 'Indians in
formed the correspondent today thatnnumber
of the Into troublesome onus have still bad
hearts and cannot bo converted ,
Each of tlio commands is hourly expecting
to bo relieved , nnd considerable interest is
displayed to nscertuln "which of them must
remain on tbo ground during the winter.
There is some talk ot the Seventeenth in
fantry of Fort Husscll , Wyo. , changing posts
with the First regiment at San Francisco ,
but nothing oftlclal can be ) learned regarding
it. The Sixteenth infantry of Fort Douglas
und the Twenty-first infantry ol Fort Kidney ,
which nro now doing duty at Kosebud
and various other points distant from
huro , leave for their respective posts
tonight. It Is rumored that four companies
of the Second Infantry from Omaha. General
Wheaton , will reninin during the winter nnd
that the other four companies will return
homo. General Miles is preparing his con
gratulatory address to the soldiers nnd may
issue it tonight or tomorrow. The transfer
of the Ninth cavalry to Fort Robinson , under
Colonel Henry with companies D , Captain
Bniloy , and C , Captain Corliss , of the Eight
infantry again make ? that plnco nn eight
company post. It ulso deprives Fort Nio-
brara of its two troops of tlio Ninth. 0 , Cap
tain Cusack , nnd A , Captain Garrard. It will
also necessitate the change of the baud bar
racks into company quarters" the erec
tion of two moro stables. General Miles will
leave for the east some time next week un
less something unusual should taioplace und
General Brooke will assume command of the
forces which may remain in tbo Hold.
Tlio general is experiencing some opposi
tion In Washington to his policy of sogrcgat
Ing the several Indian tribes. Notwlthstaud
ing that tbo Cboyennes had "started back to
Tongue river , tho.trlbo tsjstill detained out-
" "w * ' '
sion from the interior department to move.
The general proposes to send back to
their respective agencies nil the Indians who
do not belong to this place , his thcorv being
that thus peace may bo preserved. The op
position from Washington causes him consid
erable nnnoynncc.
General Allies today relieved from duty
Colonel Bacbe , Captain Humphrey nnd Lieu
tenant Mallory as acting division ofilcers In
the field. They returned to their simple de
partment work as medical director , quartermaster -
master and coni/nissary of subsistence , res
pectively ,
Another council was held today but nothing
resulted from It.
Ho Outlines the War and Congratu
lates the Soldiers.
Pixc Hinafi AoKNcr , S. D. , ( via Hushville ,
Neb. ) , Jan. 18. [ Special Telegram to THE
Bnu.J General Miles' congratulatory ad
dress to the soldiers and review of the war is
as follows :
Tbo division commander takes pleasure In
announcing the satisfactory termination of
hostilities in this division. The disaffection
among the Indians was widespread , involving
many different tribes. The purpose of tbo
conspiracy was to produce a general uprising
of nil the Indians , in the coming
spring. The hostile element of the
Sioux nation "precipitated the move
ment by leaving their agencies , defying
the authorities of the government and de
stroying their property that had been given
thorn for the purposes of civilization , They
assembled in largo force on the almost Im
penetrable ground known as the nmuvalso
terros of South Dakota and , from
that rendezvous , marnuolng parties robbed
both white citizens and friendly
Indians on their reservation and through the
adjacent settlements , To check this insur
rection orders were given for the arrest of
the chief conspirator , Sitting Bull , who was
on the eve of leaving his reservation to join
those above mentioned. This was done on
December M last. After peaceably submitting
to arrest by the ofllclals of the govornment.ho
crcuti'd a revolt which brought to tils assist
ance largo numbers of his followers who as-
sadcd the Indian police. This resulted in his
death and the flnnl arrest of I00 ! of his people
and removed the principal part of the dis
affected element from tbo Standing Rock
The second arrest was that of Big Foot1 s
party December 21 , 1890. This band was
composed of outlaws from different tribes
nnd who had dolled the government ofllcials
nnd which escaped December 22 ,
IbflO.Vhllo these measures were
being carried into execution the
troops wcro Quickly moved between the
hostile clement in their stronghold and the
settlements , in such a way us to check tbcli
usual depredations and glvo protection to the
life nnd property of the citizens
Nearly the entire force of troops In
the department of Dakota , undot
General Hugcr , was judiciously
placed whore they would glvo the most pro-
lection to the settlements nnd enabled them
to Intercept any body of hostllcs should they
escape. Brief delays were necessary to put
the troops in proper position as well as tc
glvo tlnio for the work of dis
affection to bo carried on in
the hosUlo camp nnd strengthen the loyn !
clement. Gradually the troops were movet
to such a position as to render resistance ol
the hostiles useless and they were
forced back to tne agency. The escape o ;
Dig Foot made his recapture necessary , This
was successfully done by a batallion of the
Seventh cavalry and Lieutenant Haw
thorno's detachment of artillery under Majoi
Whltcsido , December 23 , 1800 , after which
they wcro marched six miles to Wounaed
Knco and at U p. m. the command was
iolnod by Colonel Forsj-tbo with tht
Second batallion of his regiment , wltl :
two Hotchklss guns under Captain Capror
First artillery and Lieutenant Taylor's Sioun
scouts. With this baud of outlaws unilei
control of the troops , the entire hostile cam ]
moving in before them to surrender am
within a short distance of the agency , it wa ;
hoped and expected that this serious Indlat
diniculty would bo brought to t
close without the loss of the life of a single
white man. Whllo disarming Big Foot'i
band ou the morning of December 2'J , after i
portion of their arms had been surrcn
dcrcd , they were Incited to hostility
by the liarrnnqucs of ono of thel
false prophets , und ID their nttacl
nd attempt to escape nearly .all' of tlio men
voro killed or wounded oud 'serious loss of
fo occurred to a largo numbprpf non-com-
KitnnLs. During the engagement homo ono
undred nnd fifty of the younjf Warriors that
vero moving in toinrpcndor went
o the assistance of IJIg .Foot's band
nd were engaged with the troop * and ro-
urnltiR , made a vigorous attack upon the
gcncy , drawing tno IIro ot the Indian police
nd scouts. This caused a goncnil alarm .mil
pwards of tlirco thousand Indians lied
rom the agency to Iho canons nnd
broken ground ndjuccnt , \Vhlto Clay crock
nd assumed n hostile nttlfudo , The troops
hat were following , howcvtr , checked Uiolr
urthcr movements. Tbo a ! tempt of some of
ho warriors to burn the buildings near the
agency , the following da ; , rcsalted in a
klnnlsh with tbo Seventh cavalry under
Colonel Fprsytli , irtptly supported
) .v Major Henry , Nlntt cavalry ,
On January 1,1801 , a spirited engagement
occurred on Wlilto river between n body of
vnrnors numbering upwards of 1UO nnd Con
tain ICcrr'a troop ot the Sixth cavalry , fn
vhlch the Indians were TtoXiIsod with loss.
VInjor Tupper's battalljn of Colonel
Cnrr's command of thof Sixth cavalry
novlng to his support. This was followed
by several skirmishes between the Indians
nnd scouts under Lieutenant Casey while
nuking a rcconnnlsanco. Tbo service sus-
nlucd n serious loss In the death of that gal-
nut ofllcer. The troops uullcr command of
Brigadier General Broona radunlly closed
.heir lines of retreat , and forced
the hostlles by superior numbers back to the
agency where they.nro now under thoguns of
; ho command and the control of the military.
Wtillo the service has sustained the loss of
such gallant ofilcers am patriots as
Captain Wallace , Lieutenants Casey , Mann
nnd the bravo non-commlsslonod ofllccrs
and soldiers , who hnvo given their lives In
Lhocausoof irood government , tlio most grat
ifying results have been obtained hy the en
durance patience and fortitude of both oftlc-
ors and men. The work oj disarming the
liostlles has in a largo measure been accomp
lished , but will DO contliiuekl by n portion
of the command now In the Jlcld nnd by the
agency ofllcials. As soon as. practicable the
troops will return to their stations nnd will
take with them the assurance that their ser
vices have been of great value to
the country In supprosdti * ? ono of the
most threatening Indian outbreaks
mil that thev have been enabled to keep be
tween the hostile Indians and the unpro
tected settlements to the ) extent that not n
cltlzeji'sllfo has been lost'poyond the boun
daries of the Indian reservations.
In announcing these facts , the division
commander desires .to express bis
thanks nnd highest appreciation of
the loyal and ofllelcnt service that has bean
rendered. Tlio mention of individual names
of cither oftlccrs or soldiers for meritorious
conduct will bo deferred until'sufllcicnt tlmo
Is glvon to ascertain each'heroic , act , in order
that It may bo properly recognized und duly
\ Wounded Squaw \Vr > lts ! Ono Hun
dred nnd Fifty Mlk't to a Camp.
I'iNi : UIDOB AOEXCV , S. U. . ( via Hush
ville. Neb. ) , Jan. 18. [ Special Tologrum to
Tun Bnn. | GeneralBroolfphas been ordered
to establish his headquarters at the agency
and , this afternoon , with Major Bcnham , inspector
specter of rifle practice of > t io department of
the Platte , nnd Lieutenants Ioo } and Frultt
of his staff , arrived nnd hayo been allotted
tents near General Miles' quarters.
This afternoon the wlfp of Few Tails ar
rived in a badly woundo 'conillUon. ' She was
the victim of white men's mnlleo ,
Four week's ago , nho,11 net- husband and
several other Indians loft foe tbo agency on n
pass from General Brooka-lahunt for Eagle
Feathorsr- When noarBeirButto they were
sot upon bv seine < . .whito moo.
Few Tails was killed and , % -.wife ) Badly.
) YOttndc4u. ba > res ofihis party ; J8cajticrea
nnd has not sifico boon hoard froiri. For th'o
post ninO'dnys ' this woman has been wnlidng
to this place and had covered 150 miles when ,
this morning , she reached , tbo camp" of the
Sixth cavalry and was thence brought to the
hospital in an ambulance.
Noble's Proposed Indian Policy.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 18. The Post says that
Secretary Noble , talking of the policy to bo
pursued with the Indians hereafter , said that
first of all tdey should bo deprived of their
firearms. An intellect that could master the
mechanical Intricacies of Winchester rifles
was capable of appreciating the noble
simplicity of tlio. plow , and ho pro
posed to give tbo hostile , Sioux nn op
portunity ns well ns an incentive to
earn their own living. Out of the 244,000
Indians in tbo United States ever two-thirds
nro earning their own living. Secretary
Tracy Is decidedly In favor ot making these
Indians who depend on government bounty
work for their living just as white people do.
They should ho treated with fairness and
Justice , but work should enter into any policy
or scheme for further civilization.
Two Killed and Ttiroo Fatally Injurcil
in nn ICxplufllnn.
FINDIAT , O. , Jan. 18. The first great dls-
aster Find lay ever experienced from the use
ot natural gas occurred 'shortly before
o'clock this afternoon while the guests of tbo
Hotel Marvin wcro . bo summoned
to dinner.
This morning It was discovered that gas
was escaping from some leaking ; plpo some
where into the dining room , and Mr. Marvin ,
owner of the building , with throe plumb
ers spent the cntiro forenoon try
ing to locate the leak. About 10
o'clock they entered a chamber under
tbo dining room and found such an accumula
tion of gas that they could not orcatho and it
was suggested that hole be sawed through
the floor Into the dining room in order to
obtain fresh air. This was done , and just ns
the hole was made ono of the dining room
girls , -vho was sweeping tht ) floor , stepped
upon a match and In an Instant an explosion
occurred , which not only wrecked tlio buildIng -
Ing but killed two girls nnU maimed und in
jured a do/en other employes , The force of
tbo explosion was so great that it blow out
tbo flame of the Igniting gas and no lire fol
lowed the awful ruluwhich the shock
ciuscd , Tbo whole city rocked as if from an
earthquake and all the windows on the
square were demolished. Hod the explosion
occurred ten minutes later' the loss ol
life would have been frightful , as nearly one
hundred people wcro waiting Up bo called to
dinner. | "
When the rescuing party ( began work In
the debris the body of Katy Walters , a
dining room girl , .was 39011 found , badly
Ella Johnson , another waitress , wo found
nllvo under a mass of brick "tail mortar , bul
died la a short time. ' '
Kate Hoouoy , a waitress ; Hanson Marvin ,
owner of the building , ancl , Frank Andrews
were fatally Injured. "
Frank Poundstonc , .clerk , nnd Charles
Graves. Phillip Weil nnd Jnglr Cahlll were
palufully bruised and cut , but will recover.
The pecuniary loss auiouliU to t3T ,000.
I'arnoll at Tr\lec. ]
TIULKE , Jan. 18. Parnoll addressed alargo
meeting hero this afternoon , , being recolvei
with mingled cheers and groans. Ho said ho
had done his part toward the solution of the
Irish problem when ho had conferences wltl
O'Brien , and the subsequent delay in nrrlv
Ing nt a settlement was the fault of others
Ho declared that thuro was no truth
In the report that ho would retire uncondi
tlonally if O'Brien was satisfied. The lib
cral leaders in that cuso would promptly de
clare their homo ruloscherao. Ho said tha
If Gladstone had the courage to make a bl |
instead of n llttlo homo rule bill , uo ( Par-
nell ) would look forward with contldcnco to
his own retirement , knowing well that Ire
land would no longer nbed hls leadership.
Tlio Chilian IlovoltSpreading.
LoM'oxJun. 18. A dispatch from Buenos
Ayrcs says the revolt In Chill is spreading
rapidly , Tha Insurgents are very energetic ,
and managing tup campaign inaiulllful man
ner. The Imioof thorUIni ; U very doublful ,
Physicians Report Hii Oasa Alarming on
Account of His Ago-
Halter's Elm'ntor nt Datincbrug
Burned to the Orouiul Heavy
Failure at llnntln 9 Otlior
Stnto News.
LtNcot.x , Neb , , Jan , IS. ISpcclal Tele
gram to TUB Ilr-R. ] The condition of ox-
Sovcrnor Thaycr is growing very serious.
Today ho grow worse , aud tonight ho Is out
of his head and is raving like a maniac. Ills
physicians say that his condition Is alarming ,
owing to the ago of the patient , who is ucurly
sevciity-ouo years old.
Drowned In tlio Plattr.
MoiiSR IlLUrr , Neb , , Jan. 18 , [ Special
Telegram to Tim Bi5i.J : Word was brought
to town last night about 7 o'clock thatn Bo
liemian who had been stopping with n
farmer just west of town had
boon taken out of the Platte river very nearly
drowned. Dr. Kcdmond was summoned , who
rendered the poor fellow nil the assistance tie
could , but ho only lived a short time. It Is
supposed that In attempting to cross the
rl"or ho broke through the Ice , and hi falling
had hurt himself In some wav , as ho had bled
quite freely. Ho had managed to reach the
shore and lay there insensible. Ho was a
sober , hard working man and had laid up
quite a sum of money. Ho bad uo relatives
In this country.
An Elevator Ilnrncd.
DAN'XKIIHOO , Neb. , Jan. 18 , [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bnn.j The elevator n't this
place , owned by G. B. Salter , burned down
at 11 o'clock last night. Tlio town lias no
flro protection and the citizens were power
less to check the llro. The insurance is about
$2,200 , but still Mr Salter Is a heavy loser.
Fully ono thousand bushels of grain were
destroyed. There is no clue to tlio origin of
the flro. Mr. Salter has not a single enotny
that would warrant the belief of incendinrv
spite. Ho calculates to rebuild In time for
next spring , and will erect a temporary
building iu the meantime.
Heavy Hastings Failure.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Jan. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKK. ] The largo retail clothinfr
and tailoring establishment of Barnes
Brothers confessed Judgment at a late hour
last night In tbo sum of $18,000 , in favor of
local creditors , and is now in tha hands of
the sheriff. The liabilities are variously esti
mated nt from $30,000 to $10,000. The firm
assign their present predicament , to a false
rumor sent to the commercial agencies to the
effect that the firm had some tlmo ago exe
cuted cot tain chattel mortgages , which is not
true. The failure is deplored in commercial
clrclosas tbo 11 rm wus regarded as 0110 of the
most substantial In the city.
Slio AVIilppcd the Teacher.
. Mouse Bi.urr , Kob. , Jan. 18. [ Special
Telegram to TimBnu. ) Josephine Extino ,
living five miles southwest of this place , was
was arraigned before Judge Homer yesterday
on n charge of having disturbed n school
and whipping the teacher. The Judge
fouml.lior guilty and fined her f-o and costs ,
which she ref used to pay , \vhoreupcm she /was
Bent to'-
Broke 'IIiroiiKh tlio Ice.
Neb. , Jan. 18. ( Special Telegram -
gram to THE Beu.1 Miss Nelho Royce
broke through the ice this afternoon and
cnmo near drowning. She was rescued by
Colonel Bills and taken homo.
Sullivan Refuses to Fight Till a Next
IleHt Is Pound.
CHICAGO , Jan. 18. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEE.J Jack Corbott , the pugilistic prldo
of the Pacific coast , occupied a box nt tbo
Windsor theater last night , wboro Sullivan Is
playing in "Honest Hearts nnd Willing
Hands. " Ho shook bunds with the Boston
mnn during the performance. The meeting
between the pugilistic stars was most
cordial. To n reporter Corbett said
that Slavin should let him nlono
until bo had found tbo rest of the aspirants
for a go with the "big 'un" and had tested
his pugilistic ability in a light with the
speaker. Then , if ho came oft victorious ,
ho could , with some reason , claim the right
to meet Sullivan.
"Sullivan , " said Corbott , "is making money
with his piny and tbcso fellows should let
him alone. "
Phil Lynch nnd Jimmy Wakeloy were In
the city today to negotiate with Sullivan for
a fight with Slavlu for a purse of WO.OOO , but
Sullivan flatly refused to make the nroposcd
match. Ho said that Ktlrnin , Slavin nnd
other aspirants should eettlo , BO far ns they
themselves _ were concerned , who was tlio ,
best man and then \vould-c6nsent to light
the winner nnd scttlo the question of tlio
world's heavyweight championship.
ItVns Another Taylor.
INIMAXOI.A , Nob. , Jan. 17. To the Kdltor
of THE UF.E : The following from Indlauoln
appeared In your issue of January 15.
"To-day Hov. Taylor Instituted proceedings
against Carpenter of tho'Bnrtloy Enterprise
for libel. Many accusations have boon pub
lished against Kov. Taylor. "
Tbo paragraph is ambiguous and mislead
ing. n'hc lust sentence especially is likely to
do harm , Your renders will infer that the
Hov. Taylor alluded to resides nt Indlunola.
I am the only Uev. Taylor residing nt In-
dlanola. I have no knowledge of nnd no con-
nettloii with the suit. Your correspondent
probably refers to an notion between Uev.
W. M. Taylor of Bartloy and the Hartley En
terprise. GEO. E. TIYI.OH.
A Tricky Sea King.
SIN FHANCISCO , Cal. , Jan. 18. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEB. ] The American ship
Sea King arrived from Plsaqua , Peru , Fri
day night , badly dismantled. The Sea King
was run Into at Pisnqua harbor by a French
iron ship. The court of Inquiry attached the
blnmei to the Sea King nnd Captain Sotclicll
was ordered to pay damages. This the cup-
tain refused to do. and one night ho shipped
hla anchor and sailed for San Francisco. A
Peruvian man-of-war was sent in pursuit ,
hut the Sea King eluded her.
TriiHt Oooinrd.
CmoAao , Jan. 18. [ Special Telegram to
TIIK BEE.I A local broker who Is connected
with the lead industry thinks the lead trust
will soon go up. The trust , he said , has been
unable to induce the J. N , Raymond company
of Chicago and Tauct of Now York to come
into the fold , and a combination between
these houses , which are among the largest
manufacturers m the world , is looked for at
any time. The moment they form such n
combination , said the gentleman , the trust
will commence to eg to pieces.
Danker Perrlu'H M < * lit Sontonoo.
MILWAUKEE , WIs. , Jan. 18. An Evening
Wisconsin special says ; Leonard Pcrrln. .
the New London banker convicted of com.
pllclty In tha robbery of the Iron Kxchungc
bank nt Hurley , was sentenced yesterday , He
escaped with a line of $100 and costs of pros
edition , In all . ' ,183.
For PngiliiK "HnlHod" Monoy.
ATWOOD , Kan. , Jan. 18. [ Special to Tin
BEE. ! A. N , llollciiworth was today ar
retted and lodged in Jail here on the cbargi
of passing raised mo i J. fj. Moans of
tlclonnld. Ills claV that llollciiworth
s raising two dollar I T tens and pass-
ng thorn on buslnois tr.
TIIK CLi : < ttt.lX\
Financial Trniioaotionn of the Coun
try During the lumt , Wcck.
BOSTON * , Jan. 18. [ Special Telegram to
L'IIE BiiH. ] Tlio followlncf table , compiled
'rom dlsp.Uchos from tlio cle.irlnif houses
of the eltto < nu'iiol , slio\vi the gross ex-
changci for List wiult , with rate * per cent
of hu'Wiso or deoroiso , M ng.ilnst the
several amounts for the corresponding wcok
nlblH ) !
'Mot Inchuloil In totals.
A Hlonic City Traitortjr.
Sioux CITY , In. , Jan. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tne HUB. ] About midnight last
night William Walters shot nnd instantly
killed Lewis Lonp , a painter , who leaves n
wlfo nnd four llttlo children 'in destitute
circumstances. Long quarreled with Walters ,
who is a watchman , nnd knocked him down ,
whereupon the latter drew a revolver and
shot him through the heart.
Port Dodge's Sunday OrUlnnnce.
FOIIT DODGE , In. , Jan. 18. [ Spselal Tele
gram to THE Bin. : | Not a single cigar was
openly sold in this city today. This was ono
of the effects of n decision by tbo local au
thorities to strictly enforce a Sunday closing
ordinance. Those who falie J toIay in"n snp-
ply of smoking , material on Satur-
of"a tobacco famine , nnd" many *
were the despurato attempts to guiu entrance'
to the closed tobacco stores by the back
doors. When the traveling men nt the hotels
learned the state of affairs the air became sul
phurous. Some enterprising hotel men
evaded the trouble by putting cigars on the
bill of faro and serving them ns nn extra
course at dinner. No attempt was made by
cigar dealers to violate tbo ordinance.
Crusatlo Atriiliist Kcokulc Saloons.
KKOKUK , In. , .Tnn. 18. Mrs. Kato Person
hns brought suit for $5,009 against Charles
Nogcl , John Burns nndVilllnm Worley fcr
selling liquor to her husband nnd causing
him to full down and break his collar bone.
Sbo nlso wants an injunction against the
hutidlng , stating that similar suits will bo
brought ngnmst forty others. This is the
commencement of n crusade against the
Kun Over hy an Ki
DBS MOISTS , la. , Jan. 18. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BUG. ] A man supposed lobe
Charles Perry of Monroe , la. , was run over
by a switch engine in tbo Hock Island yards
just before mlilnliht ; lost night and so badly
mangled that ho died iu a few hours. It Is
not known how thu accident happened.
SllOt IllHVIIV. .
CnicAoo , Jan. 18. [ Special to Tin : DKR. |
An onicor hearing n nolso in the house occu
pied by Thomas iiuchloy , a blacksmith at 197
North Halstcad street , entered nnd was con
fronted hy Uuokly with a revolver. Buddy
Is ti powerful man , but several ofllccrs
finally overcame him nnd ho was taken to the
station. Mrs. Buckly sat In a ctitur a Uiort
distance from the bed , apparently stupefied
hy drink , but when the ofllcew went to arrest
her they found slio had been shot In the buck
of tbo head. She will probably dio.
No JiiHtlcc III Salt hike.
SALT Lw : , Utah , Jan. 18. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun BUR. 1 The noting governor
declared today that there was not a legally
elected Justlro- the peace or constable in
the county , none of them having been com
missioned. This complicates matters very
much. All suits before justices are likely to
bo declared void. This leaves Salt Lake
without n police judge , as one of the justices
always lills that position.
Thu Manhattan Ijll'.i'H llepnrt.
NKW YOHK , Jan. 18. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BKIS.I The forty-first annual report of
the Manhattan lifo Insurance company is
published today , and shows a reserve of
nearly { 12,000,1)00 ) held for policy holders. It
Is a significant fuct that this conservative old
llfo company can boast of a murkcd Increase
In premiums , interest , assets and surplus
everything , in fuct , except losses mid ex
penses , wticro a noteworthy decrease is
_ _
Sawed Iho I'rop.
DUBLIN , Jan. 18. Timothy Ilcaly nnd Ar
thur O'Connor addressed an audience in
Mostrlm , Longford county. Shortly nftor
the mooting ocgan the speaker's platform
collnpsed. Healy was severely shaken up ,
but tno speech-making was soon rcsumeU
elsewhere. Ilcaly accused the Paruollltcs
of having "sawn thoprop" with the Intention
of killing tticlr opponents.
Tlio Alglcri in Knrthquuko.
AI/IIKIIS , Jan. 18. Further details of de
struction wrought by the severe carthquako
In Alglcrla are received. The towns of
Gouraya and Vllllsbourg were practically de
stroyed tiy the shocks oud forty persons
killed hy falling walls.
Tliroo CoiiHtorti Drowned ,
OaiiKpsii , WIs. , Jan. 18 , AVbllo a parly of
nine young tooplo were coasting at Applcton
this evening tlio sled ran Into the river und
Joy Hrlggs , Emma Asld ami May Cnry were
drowned. They wcro children of prominent
Dillon and C llr.on lit Accord.
HAVIII : , Jan. 18. billon nnd O'Brlcn ' nftoi
a consultation of six hours Informed the As
sociated press correspondent that complete
uccord had been established , adding that it
was Idle to say more at present ,
An Unknown Mtvn Burned nml OharroJ Bo-
jond Recognition ,
-Clio IVIiotesnlo Store of Klein * Spljjlo
Destroyed , ItoHiillliig In n
of About Txvolvo Thou-
mind Dollars ,
At 9 o'clock last night people In the vlcln-
ty of Twciity-llwtnnd ( Jinnlng street wcro
startled hy the report of a he.xvy explosion
followed by the crash of u fulling building.
An instant later flames were seen shooting
ip from a houp of debris which a moment
before wus the wholesale nml retail liquor
store of Ivlotu it Spigot. The explosion blow
the front and sldo out of the wholesale store
uid the roof fell in. The llro companies from
No , 1 and No. 0 onglno houses were
on-tho spot In u very few inlnutoi und soon
ind the llaines under contiol.
The buildings were one-story frame stru ct >
ires nnd uuriu'd lllto kindling wood. The
vliolcsulo store was on the corner nnd the re
tail adjoining. The former Is n , tutul wreck
nnd the hitter has the roof nml the sldo
turned out , but the stock Is only partially de
Some men who stood on tlio shlownlk op.
poslto tno bull-ling before ttio explosion oc-
; iirrcd saw n man in the buck room ami they
'clt sure ho must have been caught In th'o
lebris. The lire-men cleared away the
rubbish from that part of the 'build-
ng as rapidly as possible nnd the
worst was soon realized. Close to the safe , the door of the back room , lay a man
jurncd so horribly that no ono could recog-
il/o him. For n tlmo it was boheved the un-
'ortunnto innii was one of the proprietors ,
> ut in half nu hour both Klein nnd Spiglo
wcro found nt their homes and cnmo to the
srcno of destruction. They fulled to recojj-
ilzo the dead man.
Mr Klein said no had no ono slo cplng In
, lie store , und all his help were scon about
the place after the flro , so the dead man could
lot bo nn employe.
The corpse Is that of a rather largo man
wearing congress shoes nnd n dark p.ilr o
pants. Ilo had two door keys and a smnl
lack knife In his packet. Ills clothing on the
uody and uriiis was burned almost entirely
The coroner arrived nt 10 o'clock and had
the remains removed to Gnng's undertaking
rooms , lo wcrPnrnnm street , where nu Inquest
will probably bo held this afternoon.
The loss to Klein , * Splglo will bo quito
heavy , us the stock was valued nt $ IUOO ! ! ,
with but about $0,000 insurance. The build-
inns wcro not worth over $ .710.
The cause of the explosion remains n
mystery , Some think it wus u barrel
of nlrohol and others think It was
dynamite. It was suggested that the mnn
who lust lus life might hnvo gone hi there to
blow open the safe mid accidentally touched
oft all the glnnt powder lie had with him before -
fore ho got ready. The safe , however , does
not seem to hnvo been tampered with , al
though the dead man wus found close by it.
Tlio explosion was heard ten blocks away. ,
A number of persons claim that uketrof
powder had bean stored in the building , hut
ihla the proprietors both deny.
f\\o \ \ McGriitli InvcHtlKittioii ,
TOPCIU , Knn. , Jan. 18. [ Special Telegram to
THE BKH. ] The executive committee of Jtho
fnrmersvalllance , whie'i ' has for a week boon
at work upon the Investigation of President
Frank McGrath and S.jJodjllnif , member '
plot exposed by the letter of Congressmen
Turner ten days ago , will mnko Its report to
morrow or Tuesday , unless McGrath and
Codding tender their rpsignations baforo that
time. Tlio cotnmlttco hns endeavored tolmvo
McUrath muko some defense besides his un
supported general denial , but in this it has
1/cen unsuccessful nud his refusal to do so
has been accepted as n practical admission ot
his guilt. Besides the Turner letter , the
committee hns made searching investigations
of McGrath and Codding , regarding tholr
relations with republicans in connection with
the senatorial canvass , and unless the resig
nations are forthcoming the committee ex *
pects some startling disclosures , whleli will *
not only implicate them but sovond promi
nent alliance and repobllcnu lenders , whoso
names have thus far not been mentioned with
the scandal , McGratli has always stoutly
maintained Chat ho would bo completely ex
onerated when the committee had investi
gated It. i
' i i i
Nebraska I'ooplo In Chicago.
Cmatno , Jan. 18. [ Special Telegram to
Tun HER. ] The following Nebraska people
are in the city :
At the Clifton-Mr , and Mrs. J. O. Thomp
son of Omaha.
At the Palmer Mr. and Mrs. John Hohorts
of Oinahn. .
At the Grand Pacific- , P. Tlinllunhor-jcr
of Imperial , V. O. Boguo and Dr , E.V. . Lee
of Qniiitm.
At the Wellington George Armstrong of
At the Auditorium Mr. and Mrs. G. H.
Farnngton , Hurry Thorp nnd the Misses
Mnttto nnd T. A. Tliorp of Oniuhn , H. W.
NIoinna of Schuyler.
Aftorn School Teacher's Scalp.
KiNOFisunu , 0. K , Jan. 18. A wcok ago
Friday the principal of the Klowu Indian
schoolnt Anadarka punished a Kiowa pupil
for misconduct. The boy ran awayy taking
two others with him. A heavy snow storm
prevailed at the tlmo and thu three hoys loaf ,
thuir way and wiJro fro7cn to death , Tlio
principal fled and llvo hundred angry In
dians are searching for nlm and threatening'
to burn the school. Troops have been asked
Tlio AVoatliiT t'VroonBt.
For Omaha and Vicinity Fair ; slightly
For Nebraska Fair ; slight changes in
temperature ; westerly winds.
For Iowa Fair j westerly winds ; stationary
For South Dakota Fair ; slight changes la
temperature ; westerly winds.
Says IlarriHou Will Vnto U.
WASH INOTO.V , Jan. 18. The Post today assorts -
sorts emphatically that the president will
veto the frco coinage hill should It pass the
house , no matter whether the elections bill Is
defeated or not. It also says that Speaker
Kccd will endeavor to thwart the silver men
In their attempt to get iho bill before the
Chilian Hold ITS lloninln Imynl.
IjistA , Peru , Jan. 13 , Papers received from
Iququa announce that iho soldiers In Chill
have remained faithful to the government
and refuse to join the naval insurgents. Two
admirals remain loyal and preparations are
being mudo-for the defense of Valparaiso ,
I'rci'nrlng tr > Invade tlio Strip.
CAI.DWKLL , Kan. , Jan. 16. In expectation
of the passage of Munsur's bill to open up the
Cherokee strip an effort is being made to
concentrate the O'Connor nnd Dill colony ,
numbering about three thousand persons , at
this point for Immediate settlement of the
strip ,
A TOXIIH Hunk President Dlnnppcnrn
Wico , Tex. , Jan. 18 , S , J. Mings , ex-pres
ident of the National bank at Qntosvlllo , has
disappeared. Ills accounts uro several thou
sand dollars short.
Miud'roil liy
TOMIISTONE , ArlJan. . 18. The Apaches
havn killed Clilqult'Smith ! in Morju'i canyon
and troops arulu close pursuit