THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY. JANUAEY 18 , 1S91.--SIXTEEN PAGES- "Wabavo been compelled to recede from every Btop we hate token. It would have boon much bolter for our party If wo h nd gone abend nnd counUxl the votes nnd declared the result Just tis the constitution prescribes , I favored this plan In the caucus , nnd had n good support , but wo wcro outwitted and foil into line with the majority. "But Just think where wo nro. In the bo- pinning wo vowed wo would novcr count the vote nnd doclnro the result until after the contest was decided , then we passed n reso lution not to recognize nny of tlieso officers , und then proceeded to recognize Tom Majors as president of the senate nnd J. C. Allen secretary of state , nnd now wo nil conccdo privately nt least that Jloyil U the legal gov ernor , for If Iloyd Is hot who Is ! Tlmycr does not claim to bo any longer nndtncltly nt least recognizes Hoyd. if wo had shutthoso lawyers out of ovr caucus nnd depended onourown common SPIISO wo would have been bolter oil. "Now the contest Is coming up , and those same lawyers will ndvlso us tnput our foot In it again , and I expect to sco the majority fall In with their suggestions. Hut I tell you I nm getting tired for one. This attending caucus night after night Is petting decidedly monotonous. I came down hero to enact nome good , wholesome laws that nro de manded by the people , nnd not to fritter htvay oifr time in piling up big fees for law- "vcrs. These contest cases should bo limited by muttinl stipulations If possible , but at any 'rate by rigid rules. If wo bad never entered Into tills contest business , I hclluvo wo could have passed all the laws demanded by the al liance , nnd If necessary over the vote of the governor. Borne political parties , llko souio people , don't know when tboy nro well oft , and a good many of the Independents are beginning - ginning to feel llko I do about the way things have been running. " SI011K JV1HCIAI JHST111CT9. A Number ol' IllllH Alrunily Introduced fur Thin I'urpimn. LINCOLN , Nob. , Jan. 17. [ Special to Tiia BEE. ] The number of bills Introduced for changing Nebraska's Judicial districts and the number of'Judges indicates a ccneral de sire fornn Increase In both. Senator Shea's bill provldoi for olcht In stead of four judges In tbo Douglas county ( Third ) district. Senator Ksrgleston's bill proposes to increase - crease the number of both districts and Judges. It provides for clglt | Judges for the Fourth district , three for the Third , and two each for the First , Fifth , Eighth , Tenth , Eleventh , Twelfth and Thirteenth. It pro poses the following districts : First Kichardson , Nemaha , Johnson , Pawnee , Gngo. Second Otoo , Cass. Third Lancaster. Fourth- Douglas , Sarpy , Washington , .Burt. Flfth-Smmders , Dodge , Duller , Colfax , IPhitto. Merrlek , Nance. ' Sixth Saline , Jefferson , Fillmore , Thayer , Kuclcolls , Clay. Seventh Suward , York , Hamilton , 1'olk. Eighth ( Jumlng , Stanton , \Vayno , Dlxon , ; Dakotn , Madison , Autelope , Pierce , Cedar , iKnox , Tliurston. Ninth Adams , Webster , Keurnoy , Frank- flln , Hiirlnn , 1'helps. , Tenth Boone , Hall , Wheeler , Grceloy , iGarilolu , Loup , Valley , Howard , Blaiuo , iThotnas , Hooker , Grant. ] Eleventh Buffalo , Dawson , Custer , Lln- .coln. Logan , Shormnn , Klelh , Cheyenne , iDucl , Scott's Bluff , Klmball , Banner , Mc- CPhcrson , Arthur. Twelfth Gospor , Furnas , Frontier , Ked . "Willow , Hayes , Hitchcock , Chase , Perkins , . JJwidy. i Thirteenth Holt , Rock , Brown , Koya Palia , Cherry , Sheridan , Dnwes , Sioux , Box Butto. It scoir.s likely that a bill similar to Eg- jglcston's will bo passed at this session. Tlio Senate. LINCOLN . Nob. , Jan. 17. [ Special to THE BRU. ] The senate this morning adopted a resolution by Mr. Moore asking the sonata auditor to furnish the sonata with a state ment , of the amount of sugar bounty paid 'up to date. On motion of Senator Swltzlor the secre tary was directed to notify the state relief committee thnt U was mistaken in supposing that the senate had adopted a memorial to congress asking for a largo appropriation for .the drouth sufferers. Tlio senator read from Tan BEE'S Wash ington' ' dispatch to show thnt such a memorial would bo useless , and ho sought to correct the wrong Impression which had reached Washington and had probably gone abroad to the world. In this connection Senator SwlUlcr paid a high compliment to Perry S. Heath , Tim.Bnr.'s Washington correspond ent , as one of the ablest and most reliable in tbo country. The resolution fixing Tuesday for begin ning the contest was passed. It was not Blgncd by the presidmgoflloor before anjourn- inent , nnd therefore can not reach the gov ernor before Monday afternoon. . The senate adjourned at noon until 4 o'clock Monday. The IIoiiHc. t LINCOLN , Nob. , Jon. 17. [ Special to THE BEE. ] The session of the house was short und no business of special interest was trans acted. The special committee of which Gunnott of York is chairman appointed to procure suitable rooms near the state printer's office for the proof renders , reported that they had performed that duty , and that the rooms would cost the state $20 per month. Mr. Howe opposed the adoption of the re port. Ho thought thcro were plenty of vacant rooms in the capltol building thnt might bo used for this purpose , and was not in favor of hiring rooms nt the expense of the state for the convenience of clerks. . Mr. Oakley defended the committee , and thought a room for the proof readers near the printing office would save a great deal of running back and forth and the employment of special messengers. The report was adopted. Taylor of Johnson moved to reconsider the vote uy which the dally Journals of the house proceedings were ordered printed. Ho said ho had been informed that the cost during the session would run up to nearly $20,000 , nnd that the state could not afford the ox- ponso. Brcnnan thought the Journal should bo printed , in order to Insure accjuracy In the .report of the proceedings. The motion was reconsidered nnd laid on the table. Among the bills Introduced were the fol- owlng : By Severin-To compel railroads to build cattle guurdi at public and private cross ings. ings.By Sovcrin To prohibit the selling of pools and other species of gambling. By Sevorin To abolish thu national guards nnd provide for the enrollment of all able bodied citizens as state mllltln. By Bredosson To provide tor the appoint ment of nn inspector of nil manufacturing establishments and mines nnd for the adop tion of safeguards to prevent accidents. ' A resolution by Oakley providing for-tho appointment of a stenographer at $3 per day was adoptod. The house adjourned till 4 p. m. Monday. To Make ttio Gambling Iiaw KfTootlvo. LINCOLN , Nob. , Jan. 17. [ Special to Tun BEE , ] Two years ago a bill covertly repeal ing tlio anti-gambling law went through the house n flying nnd made a good start In the senate hoforo Us true character wni un- jnaskod. This session an effort will bo made to amend the law nud make it more effective. Senator Shea Is drafting a bill to that end. The present law makes gambling a peniten tiary offense , and Mr. Shea says Juries will not convict bccnuso of the severity of the -penalty. Ho will propose an amendment making gambling a misdemeanor , punishable by a tine , and thinks there will bo moro con victions under suck a law. Legislative Notes. Senators Shuinway audDysart wcro paired , Taojournal ot the Joint convention is "most fearfully and wonderfully made. " Frank A. Rockhold has been appointed clerk of the senate Judiciary committee. Ex-Senator Hoover ami daughter of Blue Hill were senate visitors this morning. Tie | employes ot the senate have petitioned t1ot an allowance of five --cent stamps and flye 1-ccnt for each noyvspapor wrappers om- " ' " " but the "i pages. o number of bouse employes Is steadily ' ' " ( ? . Seventy-two nave now been np- nd three more will reach the statu- Jiad it not bcou for tbo wise law "iHhUuro fixing the number of house employes not to exceed seventy-five , no ono can tell to what extent the list of supernumeraries might hove been swelled before the session closes. Senator Swllzlcr declared this morning that ho felt very lonesome. Everybody had recognized Mr. Boyd governor , but the sen ate had denied him that privilege. Ho feels better now. The resolution Introduced by Stornsdorff relative to newspapers simply con tinea the orders to newspapers published in this state , nnd docs not limit the number , as stated in the report. The normni school question is coming up again. A bill hits already been Introduced to establish n school at Clmdron , nnd the Intro duction of normul school bills will soon bo the order of the day. tloprcsenlatlvo Sherman of Saline Is preparing - paring n bill , which ho will Introduce soon , provldjng for tbo cumulative system of voting ing for members of the legislative It Is es sentially the same law now In force in Illi nois. nois.Mr. Mr. Smith of Saline has Introduced a bill requiring plaintiffs In civil cases to illo a bond for costs before commencing action. Tbo bill Is designed to do nway with potty cases where the state Is generally compelled to "pay tho-Uddlor. " Tbo vote of Representative Ollllllnn ( rep ) of Lancaster enabled the independents to np- provo the Journal of the Joint convention as made up by the cleric , lirnorlng the fact that Lieutenant Governor Moikeljobn presided. Thu vote stood 51 toJO. . The committee on miscellaneous subjects , of which Mr. McCutcheon of Boone Is chair man , was entirely omitted from tbo list. Thls-commltteo Is composed of McCutcheon , Stewart , Gunnett , Taylor of Butler , Gifford ( rep ) , Hall ( dom ) , Mntthowson ( dcm ) . TH'M I.OSTIIAIIIEN. They Are Found Half Demi III n Vn- , emit Itooin In Cincinnati. CINCINNATI , O. , Jan. 17. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bun. ] A mysterious disappearance of two children occurred hero on Wednesday night last. They were Rachel Fritseh , aged four , nnd Charles Philips , aged thrco. Their parents live In the snuto building , No. 11 College street , nnd the two children were in separable playmates. Shortly before noon today the lost children were found In a second end story vacant room over Hart's shoo store on Fifth street , near Vine , only two squares from their homo. The door was locked , but was kicked open. There lay the two chil dren on the lloor , flat on their faces , with hands spread out and faintly moaning. The little ones were almost frozen nnd wcro ema ciated from their long fast , fright ard expos ure. Beneath the window the wall paper was torn off , showing where thov had tried to climb up to call for help. The children could glvo no explanation of their imprison ment. Asleep Twenty-three Days. EAU CIAIHE , Wls. , Jan. 17. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEK.J Mrs. Melvlna II. White , who has been asleep for twcnty-thrco days , is still In the same condition at her homo In Wheatou , about nlno miles from this city. Mrs. "White is about forty years of ago. She is attended by two female nurses. The only course of treatment followed has been tbo administering of such medicines as were pre scribed by the doctor * nud occasionally a little milk. She has become somewhat ema ciated and is evidently slowly sinking. Pre vious to the day on which sko fell Into the state of coma in which she now Is , she had been quite weak from Roneral debility and nervous prostration. The effort to arouse her with au electric battery was entirely in effective , producing only a slight twitching of the arms. Tbo action of the heart is weak und it is believed that the patient con last but a few days nt the most. The Report Will bo Favorable. WASHINGTON , Jnn 17. [ Special Telegram to TUB BBE.--A ' favorable Is ] - - report to bo made upon Senator Paddock's ' Joint resolu tion providing that the ants for the sale of the Otoo and Missouri reservation lands in Kansas and Nebraska , approved August la , 1870 , and March S , 1831 , shall ho so construed as to authorize the secretary of the interior to cattso patents to issue to all persons who made entries and purchased lands in good faith under either of these acts nt tholuflll oftlco at Beatrice , Neb. , but who may not have strictly complied with all the technical requirements of the same as to permanent scttlomnnt ; and provided , further , that such persons compliea In all other respects with tbo provisions of the uct under which such purchases were mndo. This measure is to bo formally acted upon by the senate committee on public lands next week. I'niiker Homer on Trial. Nr.w-YoiiK , Jan. 17. Banker Edward II. Homer , Indicted by the grand Jury for the southern district of Illinois , on the charge of violating the now postoflico lottery law , was taken before the district court here. Horner's counsel argued that their client cannot bo nr- restud for a crime committed In Illinois when ho Is n resident of Now York , and was not In Illinois at the tlmo the alleged offouso was commit ted. Later Homer was taken before Judge Brown nnd his discharge asked for on the ground that the indictments were defective. Decision was reserved and Horner placed under $5,000 ball to await the action of the court Legislation Against Hypnotism. CINCINNATI , O. , Jan. 17. Dr. J. W. Pran- dcrgast , health officer of this city , Influenced the authorities to rcfuso a license to a lecturer on hypnotism , and his entertain ments have boon stopped. Dr. Prondcrgnst takes the ground that hypnotism , when ap plied Indiscriminately , Is injurious , as It nf- feots the mental health of tbo subjects. Upon his recommendation the council passed nn ordinance to make it a misdemeanor to give hypnotic exhibitions. Working to Souuro a Caucus. WASHINGTON , Jan. 17. The republican sen ators are making an elTort to have a caucus Monday night to determine on a further order of.prooeduro. The purpose of the cau cus will bo to make another effort to recon cile the republican senators who have been In opposition to the elections bill , und oven to have so shaped themselves during the last few hours as to warrant the hope that suc cess would attend the efforts. Seventeen Steamers Icebound. LoNUONJ Jan. 17 , Dispatches from Ger many state that seventeen steamers , Includ ing the Hamburg-American liner Augusta Victoria , tire icebound at Blankonoso. From Spain and Franco come reports of a renewal of the cold weather nnd snowstorms. Trafllo is interrupted and mail trains are dolnycd. Several deaths from frewlug are reported in Franco. Death or Colonel hen. Co sic\NA-Tox. , Jan. 17. Colonel Albert M. Lea , aged eighty-four , died hero yester day , Lea , who was a graduato. of West Point , supervised the surveys of Iowa , Min nesota , Wisconsin nud a largo part of the territory west of the Mlsslsslpi rlvar. The Carpet Mill Fire PniiAnErvnu. .Tun. 17Tho loss by flro at Dabson's carpet mills last night can only bo approximated this morning. It Is thought It will amount to between $1.2. > 0,000 and 81,750,000 , Ou this thcro is an Insurance of * 1,000,000. Two Men Iturnod to Death. PALMBH , Mass. , Jan. 17. The main part of . the dye house of Palmer , Mills & Otis com pany nt Throi ) Rivers bunion this morning , anil two employes , Elijah Frame and Joseph Baucock , perished. Losa on the mill , $ --0,000. , A Custom llouso Clerk Arroatod. PiiiUADKi.i'iru , Jan. 17 , George 0. Bnker , a custom house cleric , charged with altering llguron la invoices of sugar consigned to Cluus Snrocltlca lu this city , has been ar rested. lit n Hociilvor's Jlnncl . NBWA KN. J. , Jan. 17. The Ulloy Os- borne manufacturing1 company , whose Una is fnnoy inotal goods , is In the bunds of a re ceiver. Liabilities , 150,000 : assets less than half. _ . . . The Crancj and NonpamiU will open the oity lougui ) season , A SESSION OF THIRTY HOURS , The United Statoi Senate finally Tires It- celf Out and Adjourns. WHAT WAS DONE WITH THE ELECTION BILL The HOIIHO Wastes Valnnblo Tlmo in Committee of tlio Whole on tlio District < > f Colum bia nm. WASHINGTON , Jan. 17. Between 3 nnd 5:30 : a. in , the senate spent In waiting for a quorum which did not como. At the latter hour the sergcant-nt-arms reported In writ ing tbo success or failure of his visit * to the senators. Ono of thcso reports stated that Senators Berry and llutlor woro. In the cloak room and the former stated that ho would como -when ho got ready nnd the latter refused to obey the summons. The appearance of Mr. C'corgo nt 5:15 : com pleted the quorum on call nnd Mr. Faulkner made another start In his speech against the bill , although there wcro not twenty sena tors within hearing of his voice. . . ' At 0 o'clock Mr.Ocorgo made another effort to close the dfty's.sossion , but ttio motion was defeated on a yca'and nay voto. As the vote showed no quorum present , the senate found itself again in the same endless round tin which it had been revolving for the last six honrs. At 7:30 : when thcro wcro flvo democrats' the floor nnd ono re publican ( Mr. Casey ) , Mr. Daniel arose nnd moved adjournment. The move did not suc ceed , however , for Mr. Casey rushed for and obtained his allies from the plonk room and the motion was declared lost. After thut there was another lull until 0:30 , when a quorum having appeared , Mr. Faulk ner proceeded with tils remarks. Ho con cluded nt 10:80 : , having hold the lloor for almost twelve hours. . Air. Stewart has glvea notice of n motion to recommit the elections bill , with Instruc tions to the committee to report It back with provisions for the election of members of congress on days when no other elections nro held In the several states. Mr. Vest demanded n yen nnd nay vole on Mr. Faulkner's amendment , -which elimi nates from the bill such features as color In' Judicial functions upon canvassing boards. Tbo matter went over for the present , nnd Mr. Vest nrgued In favor of the proposed amondmcut providing that circuit courts shall appoint two chief supervisors of elec tions for each Judicial district in the circuit , nnd not of the Sumo political party. He said that the democrat ! ) would exhaust every par liamentary method to defeat the bill. The question recurring on Mr. Vest's amendment , Mr. Hoar moved , to table it. Agreed to YeasS'J , nays 25. ' " On motion of Mr. Faulkner an amendment was adopted striking out the clause giving the supervisor of elections power-to transfer " nny suporvissr from" service iu ono part of a congressional district to another part of the same district. Mr. Wolcott moved to amend the bill by providing that nny person falsely claiming to bo a citizen of the United States , or to be a resident or qualified voter in any application shall bo punished by conflnomynt not moro than two years , or by a line of not moro than ยง 1,000 , or both line and imprisonment. Agreed to. Mr. Hoar moved to table Mr. Vest's amend ment. Agreed to yeas , 33 ; nays , 35. Mr. Itcagnn offered an amendment , to como in ut the end of section 8 , providing that the ohlof supervisor shall keep petitions and the lists of names appended U > thorn open for in spection and examination by citizens at all ro.isouablo hours. Mr. Hoar moved that the reso lution bo laid on the table , nnd the result being a tie yeas , 30 ; noys , ao the vice president voted aye , nnd Mr. Uoa- gan's resolution was laid on the table. The republicans votinc nav were Messrs. Quay , Stewart , Teller and Wolcott. The following wcro paired : Chandler and Blodgett , Pcttt- grew nnd Call , Dolph and Colquilt , Blairand George , Pierce and Gibson , Plumb and Vosfc Mr. Vest moved to add to section 5 the words : "And shall bo sworh to the same. " Mr. Hoar arugcd that Mr. Vanco's amend ment should bo agreed to. Mr. Voorhcos gave notice of an amendment providing that nn application ana the mimes signed thereto shall bo published in at least two newspapers of opposite politics In each congressional dlstiict every day forono'week preceding the election. Mr. Hoar moved that the first of , the com- mlttoo amendments to strike out of section 23 the words , "returns of houso-to-houso can vass. " Agreed to. Mr. Morgan offered n resolution ( agreed to ) calling on the secretary of the treasury for copies of the accounts of John I. Davenport and the circuit court commissioner from 1880 to 1800. Mr. Aldrich gave notice that on Tuesday next ho would ask the senate to proceed to the consideration of the resolution to change the rules of the senate. Other amendments .offered by Mr. Hoar wcro agreed to without opposition , including ono increasing from three to four the num- ocr of supervisors of election in.each district The bill was then laid asldo Informally and tbo senate at 0 o'clock adjourned till Monday at 11 a. m. , after a continuous session of thirty hours. Houso. WASUINOTOV , Jan. 17. The house wont into committee of thowholo on the District ol Columbia appropriation * bill. A long dis cussion , foreign to ttio bill , ensued. Mr. Illchardson of Tennessee sent up a number of clippings frorn Ohio newspapers reporting outrages upon negroes in Ohio. Mr. Grosvenox * said the outrages occurred in strongly democraticdistricts. . The de bate continued at some length and pending the disposition of the bill tbo committee rose and the house adjourned. A mo c "Wong Hey Amuses Jlinuolt' with the Chlncflo Giant , IJKO Von. Nnw YOHK , Jan. 17. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEB. ] The sport * of Chinatown have received a sot-back. When it was announced last week in Chinese sporting circles that a match had been arranged between little Wong Hey and the giant. Leo Von , to flght to a finish , according to approved Chinese methods , the sports all had , or thoucht they had , a sure thing. They backed Leo Yen tea a man. Wong iloy operates n laundry at Hartford , Conn. Ho weighs but 120 pounds nud stands 5 feet & Inches in his stocking feet , Wong Hey prides himself on ills ath letic powers and paid frequent visits to this city in the hope of finding an antagonist will ing to meet him in the prlzo ring. As a re sult his countrymen fought shy of his pro posals. When Yen , however , wnftod his giant llguro among the celestial sports thov were happy. Hero was u man who would soon wipe the boastful Wong froVfPoft tbo fnco of the earth , Leo Is (1 ( feet 3 Inches tall and wolKlis'JiJ pounds. Tlio fight came off in a store on Poll street , all tbo Chinese sports being present. "Hi yah ! " exclaimed the referee , nnd th'nn the light began. The giant reached out for the little fellow , but tbo latter was not thero. Iu a llobh ho had dived between the giant's logs. Thou ranio an upward heave nnd tbo giunt lay sprawling upon the floor. This was Wong's opportunity. With wonderful quick ness ho hud dullverod his prostrate foe a kick in the stomach then bo Jumped up and came down with both feet upon Leo's head , Jam ming the luttor's face into the boards and causing the blood to How lively. The little follow was everywhere at- once und as for the glrant , ho simply "was not In it. " In less than four minutes ho wns gouged and pounded into insensibility , whereupon the tight was given to Wong. Wong still in sists that ho "can lick any Chinaman living , " und would like to bear from other giants. Samoa's Clilof JtiHtlito Arrives. Ai'iA , Samoa ( via San Francisco ) , Jan. 17. The long expected chief Justice of Samoa , Mr. Cedorcrantz , arrived on the steamship Alamnda December 30 , much to the satisfac tion of tlio foreign residents , who hope that tLJestnblisumont of the supreme court pro vided for in the treaty will inaugurate an era of stale government. One of the crow of the United Slates steamer Iroquols U under arrest on suspicion ot having murdered Seaman Powell , cox swain of the captain's gig. The mcu-ployel cards oshoro ono night nnd Barren returned at 1 o'clock In the morning. Two days later the mutilated body of Powell was found In tbo bay. * v Iff 'l'HK ' JtJKSVLT. Why Cotisttle tuian of the Silver IN o Ua Delayed , WA9inxoTO2ljan. 17. [ Special Telegram to THE BKK.J Well Informed republicans liavo no npprohenslon whatever thnt n silver bill of any elm motor will bo reported from the committee to the house while thcro is au Investigation pending into the charge that certain republican senator * who are inter ested In the altGgeil silver bullion pool pro cured the ndo Uou of n free colnngo bill In the senate for icrsbnal reasons and with mer cenary motives. It would 111 become a repub lican house to take action upon n free coinage bill before this ehnrgo Is determined , nnd should it bo sustained n republican house could not afford to pass n free colnngo meas ure oven though all of Its niembors favored the principles the measure involved. It Is therefore likely thnt the house committee on colnngo , weights and measures will take under serious consideration the senate bill till n report Is made by the silver pool inves tigating committee. This may not bo under some weeks and there remain but six wcoks of this congress beyond next Wednesday. As stated heretofore in these d ispatchcs , the house , If It passes nny kind ot silver bill , will not adopt tbo one passed by the sonata , and ultimately u conference committee will bo asked to settle tlio dispute. It is not at all probable thnt Vlco President Morton nnd Speaker Heed , who nro both opposed to free coinage , would appoint conferees who would agree to an un limited coinage bill , so It becomes more nnd moro "apparent every day that If there Is legislation upon the suojcct It will bo free colnngo for American silver only. The re- publljans who nrourglne unlimited colnngo aro-largcly mndo up from two classes these who believe tboy can place the president la nn embarrassing situation by being presented with a free , unlimited coinage bill , and those who want to cause a temporary Hurry In the bullion market and unload their holdings when the prices nro up. The indications nro that both classes will bo disappointed. A XUltTIMjKX CUTICLE. It AV1II Cloilio the Muscles of Sir Knight ] ) lekers ii. CmcAoo , Jan. 17. [ Special Telegram to TIIBBEE.I A remarkable operation will take place at the Emergency hospital , 191 Superior street , tomorrow morning nt 10 o'clock. Ono hundred and fifty men , beside the patient and doctors , will take part In It. Sir Knight Diokoraon , recorder of St. Barnard com- mundory , No. fti , has been afflicted with car- clnomo , a specie of cancer which spread over a largo portion of the underlying tissues of the back and right hip. It has been entirely removed by the surgeon's knlfo but there re mains la its place a bare surface measuring about 141 square inches. Grafting skin from the lower animals has been tried and failed. Now nothing remains that can bo done butte to grsift skin , The commander has issued a lengthy circular calling on the members of tbe order to contribute the necessary human ititegmnont to cover this space and tomorrow morning at the time stated the commandory members , including volunteers for the opera tion , will meet nt the commandery asylum on Klnzlo street before the operation and visit the hospital in squads of fifty , until the operation is done. Grafts will bo taken from the flexor sldo of the left arm where the skin la thin and well nourished. This point has been selected also fbr the reason that there are few sensory nerves in the skin nnd there fore the pain of thooperation will bo reduced to a minimum. ' Kach man will bo expected to contribute about ono incn of skin. The doctor In charge gives the assurance that the operation will succeed and that the disease will lu all probability never return. A U It is Explained by Chairman Jones of the lIlluolH Stio : Cnimnltr.oP. CHICAGO , Jan , Jl7.- [ Special Telegram , to THE BEE. ] CUaikmm. Jonns of tho-stateirc- publican commlttq ? is In Chicago for a rest Ho is reported assaying that nobody can tell how the alliance men In the legislature wilt vote , but ho doubts if all of the thrco will support either ox-Governor Oglesby.or the democratic nominee. "They are much moro likely to select several alliance men and then nsk ono of the two leading parties to take up ono of the men as a candidate. Tlio republi cans have had no negotiations with them thus-far , but thcro is no telling what may bo done. Oglesby is our candidate , but the com- lulttco has the power to retire him if it should bo found Impossible so elect him and take up some ono whom wo can elect. The democrats can't do this with Palmer because their committee has no such power of dis placement. " GUADEItS ItAJIIAST. They Make nn KfTorC to Capture nn Klkhorn Train. DCADWOOD , S. D. , Jan. 17. [ Special Tele gram toTiiu Bnn.1 Today an unsuccessful effort , unsuccessful bccauso of a lack of or ganization , was made by a largo crowd of railroad graders on a strike , to take posses sion of the cast bound passenger train'pf the Fremont , Elldiorn & Missouri Valley and they were only prevented by the presence of the sheriff with a largo number of deputies , who had taken possession of the platforms of the cars nnd thus kept the strikers off. The trouble grew out of n refusal of the company to Issue transportation to the graders which , ns they claim , was stipulated in their con tract of work on the road , returning them to tlio point of employment. Tlio strikers are still In tba city nnd doclara thnt an effort to morrow evening will bo successful. Army Promotions. WASIIINOTOS , Jan. 1" . [ Special Telegram toTiiEBKE. ] By direction of the secretary of war and under the provisions of section 2 of the act of congress approved October 1 , 1390 , the following assignment' ) of officers of cavalry and Infantry ( recently promoted ) nro ordered : Captaln'Henry H. Wright ( promoted meted from first lieutenant. Ninth cavalry ) to the Ninth cavalry , troop 1C , to date from Do- cemDor 12 , iSflO. vice I'ariter , deceased : First Lieutenant Wlllinin H. Baldwin ( promoted from second lieutenant , Seventh cavalry ) to the Ninth cavalry , troop 1C , to date from December - comber 12 , 1890 , vice Wright , promoted. Lieutenant Baldwin will continue on duty with the Seventh cavalry as temporarily at tached thereto until furtnor orders. Captain Horace B. Tarson fnromotod from first lieu tenant Second Infantry ) to the Second in fantry , company Itw duto from December 30 , 1890 , vlco Mills , deceased. . It PixJIs to Fly. CHICAGO , Jan. i -Speclal [ Telegram to TUB BKR.I The rroVolution in aerial naviga tion scheduled1 to take place In the exposition building today ( d not materialize. The great air ship , said to. have been evolved at Mount Carmcl fromn : Judicious combination of hydrogen gas , nTumtnum and some brain tissue contributed , by n gentleman named Ponnington did not'arrive hero , although the public had been informed that It was snipped from the homo off the Inventor last night. There Is nn alleged hlr ship now on oxmol- tlon at ono of the dlm museums , along with some ex-occupants of Jollet prison and other curios , but this alr'KMlp ' Is no moro like tbo ono which PcnnlncUm promised the world than a sausageis llko a football. < Kent Hns n Wlfo. ATCHISON , Kan. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BiiK.1 Mr. Charles Kent , who Is playing with the Clouicnceau Case com pany , which gave a performance hero to- nlgnt , Is very much annoyed by the Associa ted press dispatch which appeared in the pa pers this morning that Miss Lillian Queen , who died in Chicago recently , was on her way to Sou Francisco to marry him. Mr. Kent , bolng already a married mam. his em barrassment Is readily understood. Mr , Kent was formerly with Sol Hmlth Itussell , as was also Miss Queen. Upon bearing that the lady was sick lu a Chicago hnspital , he tclo- gruphcd her ? ir , which is all thcro Is lu the Associated press story. INTENT TO ( MIT MURDER , The Ohargo Now Staring Young Patrick Ford iu the Face , HIS HEARING SET FOR JANUARY 30. William Dovnnoyjs Idfo Hiinulng by a Thread Gamblers Hutdcd by the 1'ollce and Thirty Ar rests Mndo. "Patrick Ford , Jr.-ahooting with Intent to commit murder. " Tha't is the way the police register reads Blnco young Ford , who shot Dovaney Friday night , has been taken to the county Jail and his hearing in police court Is post poned until January SO. The hearing has been postponed to await the result of Do'vauey's Injury , Yesterday afternoon nt1 : ! )0 ) young Ford , nlong with several other Jail birds , was taken to the county jnll and as ho Is nn ugly man to han dle the Jailor ordered the handcuffs put on him. This aroused Ford's bitter denuncia tion and ho proceeded to swear at and vllllfy everybody about the Jnll. Patrick ForJ , sr. , visited tno Jill to see his wayward son. Ho was very much affected and tears were scon to trickle down his ruddy chocks. "Why don't you bring mo something to cat , " said the young man to his fnther. " 1 can't cat the grub they give mo in hero. " "You ought tiover to have got in hero. I think you got about ns good as you deserve , " replied Patrick Ford , sr. "What did you come down here for ! " re torted the son , looking at his father savagely. "Why didn't you stay at Lincoln. You needn't ' talk any more. You can go to h 1 for nil I caro. " When the patrol reached the county Jail young Ford broke out in anothnr paroxysm of profanity because ho had been compelled to wear handcuffs. Ho seemed ns utterly In different to Impending punishment as though ho were the most innocent man in Douglas county. Ho has retained Hon. M. V. Gannon ns his nttornay. Judge Hclsloy refused to permit young Ford to furnish bail for his re lease. Ho will have to stay in Jail until ho has n preliminary hearing at all events. William Dovnney , the man who \vns shot by Ford on Friday niqht. Is still alive , but is lingering on the borderland of the unknown world. Some shreds of cotton and woolen goods thut were carried In by the bullet were taken from the wound last night. Small hits of the underclothing were carried almost entirely through the body. It Is moro than probable that particles of the cloth may bo lodged In the lungs or in the parts of tbo body which were pierced by the bullet , and this will aggravate the wound and make the injured man's recovery even more doubtful nnd difficult than it would have been with only a clean bullet wound. A. STOCKMAN'S D12ATII. Ho Is Asphyxiated In His I'.ooin nt tbo Mcreliunt ! ) . Another victim of asphyxiation by gas was reported from the Merchants hotel yesterday morning. Friday night n man registered as "G. A. Carlsten , Oakland , " and asked to bo shown a room , paying m ndvonco for the same. Ho assigned to a room and the porter claims that ho turned oil the gas , as is his custom , after the guest bad retired. About Oo'clockycstcrday morning the smell of gas was noticed and was traced to the room occupied by Carlsten. Ono of the employes ot tbo house entered the room ttirouuh the transom nnd found the gas turned on full and the room tightly closed. The man was lying in bed \ipon his back , with the bedclothes drawn over him. The body was cold , showing that life had oeun extinct some tlmo. TUo gas Jot was a slnglo burner chandelier , pendant from the ceiling and hung over the loot of tlio bod. The victim was a Dane , about thirty-five years of ngo , 5 feet 8 inches tall , weighed Laljoutono hundred nnd fifty pounds , sandy hair and mustache , with about a week's growth of beard. When found ho was at tired in n blue checked shirt and brown jeans drawers. Desiao the bed was a pair of dark pants , congress shoes and overshoes. On a small stand bcsldo the bed were a dark blue doublo-breasted reeling Jacket nnd vest to match. An opon-f acca gold watch and gold chain were attached to tbo vest. In the man's pocket was found a paper which established both his identity and hi.i business. It was a receipt from the railroad showing that Cnrlsten Itnd started from Oak- laud , Burt county. Friday , in charge of a load of live stock belonging to A. licckman & Co. of Oakland und destined to South Omaha. Numerous other articles were found In the pockets of the clothing , among them a memorandum of things to bo pur chased for the family at uomo. "Cheap shoes , No. 5 , for Mabel. " headed this list , showing that ho had njittlo daughter at homo. Among other articles were : | Checked gingham , calico , pie plates , cups , saucers nnd glasses , nud "No. 'M wrap or cloak , " evi dently for the wife. A bib for. the baby was also among the articles which ho was to purchase for the loved ones nt homo. In n purse in ono of the pockets was $21.50 In bills nnd sliver , n draft for $3 , a yj-callbro revolver , loaded , knlfo , kcyd , etc. The body was removed to Maul's under taking rooms , where the coroner summoned a Jury at 7 o'clock last night and viewed the remains nnd the room where Carlsten was found dead. The night clerk and ttio porter at the Merchants wcro called as witnesses , nnd stated that Carlston had been assigned a room , and about 9iO : ! the porter showed him up. Tlio porter further stated thnt ho had asked Carlsten if ho understood the use of ens und how to turn out the light. He said ho did not , but If the porter would show him ho could handle it all right. The porter then showed him how to turn out the light anrt told him to bo sure that ho left the gas shut oft. oft.'About fi o'clock the porter said ho smcllcd gas In the hall , and pushing open the transom where Carl sten slept he discovered tbnt the room was filled with tbo suffocating fluid. IIo called tno clerk and they broke In the door , finding Carlsten lying across tuo bed dead. The Jurv returned a verdict iu accordance wltu the evidence , to the effect that Carlsten came to his death from suffocation caused by illuminating gas whlcliho accidentally turned on and Inhaled In room 33 lu the Merchants hotel. Several of the relatives and friends of the deceased arrived from Oakland on the 9:15 : train last night to take charge of the remains. The deceased was a member of camp 007 , Modern Woodmen of America. Ho leaves a wife apd ono child. Those who came In from Oakland lastnlght to take charge of the remains were John Curlston , fnthur of the decasod ; Mr. A. Beckman - man , banker of Oakland , nud H. N. Hock , a merchant of the village. Mr. llockmnn said that the deceased was an honest , bard .vorklng fanner who never indulged in any sort of dissipation. Ho had como to Omaha with several car loads of cattle which Mr. Bookman was marketing. Carlstou had traveled a good deal and had slept many times In rooms where cas was used , but the cause of his death Is believed to have been purely accidental , for bis friends can think of no reason why he should take his own life. ll/VIDIU ) TIIK QAJIULHUS. Thirty Men Gathered In from ono Joint TjiiBt Night. Tno Omaha police force made an aggres sive and very successful detour upon the gamblers last night. Chief Scavoy gave Instructions for a gen eral movement nil nlong the line , and Captain Mostyn sent out five detachments ot officers and made an attack upon the Jungles where the "tiger" is suppose to lurk. In thu Jlwt company were Captain Mostyn and Ofllcors Cook and Hayes ; In the second , Officers It. P , Haze , Hurrlgan and Kills ; In the third , Sergeant "Whnlen , Ofllccrs O'Ooorman and Ilussoll ; In the fourth , Sergeant Slgwart , Officers Ha/o , Wllbon nnd Knrlght ; lu tbo fifth. Officer * Koyaer. Hums , Boyle and Wulker. The first division wont to Billy Hawloy's , nt 1'Jll Douglas street ; the second to Horn- bcrgor's , on Douglas street , near Fourteenth ; tbo third to Folo/'s , at 141'J Douglas street ; the fourth to lha Diamond , nnd the fifth to the Turf , nt HUM Douglas street. The second , third , fourth nnd fifth detachments of ofllccrs failed to find anything disorderly or unlawful In the plums scnrohed , but the first detachment , which wont to Billy Haw loy's ' place , cuught gamblers enough to make up for all the rest. In the rooms over the rear of lliwley's plnco the officers found thirty men sitting around the poker tables. Tlicy wcro caught lu the net of gambling. Some were dealing out the chips nud others were planking iloxvn the stakes. Those who wow not actively cupngod about the tables wore stnnjtlng around catching odd beta. A pock of chips mid about 115 In chnngo were found on the tables nnd In the drawer ! * . The devices were tikcn to the station , nna the thirty men were all lodged In Jnll. Fol lowing nro the mimes given by the gamblers when searched by tlio Jailor : V. Wagner , I. 1C. Wilson , .lamra Barker , P. Larson , H. Cohen , Charles Smith. Charles Kd words , Eel Adams , S. I' . Morrison , Mlko Douglas , lames Wilson , , lamc3 Holm. General Kltchlo , William Anderson , Frank llurton , Nral Corcoran , John AlcPherson , Charles Wil son , Dun Green , W. Dally , P. H. Haze , Harry James , George Webb , S. Young , .1. O. Cumer , W. C. Uiulpor , James Kay , N'cls Price , C. Holllday nnd Harry Stockman. Tucro were livclv times nt tbo station when the sports arrived. Tno Jailor's desk was soon covered with gold watches , diamond pins nud cash. Several of the men were re leased after having sent to Judge Hclsley for permission to furnish ball and cash security for their appearance. Tin : uar'xi , vuir , n. A. llcniarknblo monstrosity Horn In a IMIimcHotu Town. CHATHAM , Minn. , Jan. 17. ( Special Tele gram to Tin : llix. ] Mrs. Sarah A , Morris , a respectable Knglish woman of Boone Bridge Wright county , has given birth to the most remarkable monstrosity ever heard ' of in this part of Minnesota , The people 'who have visited the house call It the devil. The mother , when she , wont Into hys terics and has been sent to the asylum at St. Peter in a hopeless state of lunacy. The child-devil W M born four weeks ago and has developed so rapidly that it weighs twenty- two pounds. Its display of liitolllgenco is something wonderful nnd exceeds- that of ordinary children from twelve to eighteen. months of nge. Its body is covered thickly with auburn hair , nbout two Inches long. It has two horns , a tail llko that of a cat and feet which are partly tike those of a man and partly like those of a dog. The birth of the phenomenon Is due , according to members of the Morris family , to n trivial occurrence some tlmo lu November , when a book ngcnt appeared at the house selling Catholic bibles. Mrs. Morris formed a violent dislike to the man nnd ordered him out or the bouse , tell ing him she would as soon have tbo devil In the house as a bible. Tlio ngcnt accused her of blasphemy and said dramatically as she hustled him out of the door , "I will send you a devil to plague you. " Kantma hcRlglatn Do Aot Aarco on the Blatter of ICxponso. TorrjKA , ICnn. , Jan. 1" . [ Special Tele gram to Tun liui : . ] Neither branch of the legislature accomplished much today. The lower house clerks got lost early In the day , and the chief clerk announced that neither members nor correspondents could see the new bills until ho got things straightened out. Tnrco bills wcro lost nnd n duplicate copy of a concurrent resolution had to bo obtained from the senate. The alliance members nro disposed to glvo their olllccrs every opportunity , and no com plaint was mado. The lower house ad journed at noon until Monday afternoon. ostensibly to give the committees time to worn , but In reality to caucus on state printer and United States senator. The nllianco mem bers are growing suspicious of each other nnd a number of democratic-alliance men are holding put to have a United States senator chosen from their ranks. Senator Iiigalls and wlfo arc expected hero tomorrow , to remain until after the senator- stip Is disposed of. The senate wrestled all day with n bill fix ing the salaries of state olticers. The two houses will clash on this bill us on many oth ers iclating to oxoendituros. About three hundred bills have already been Introduced In the lower house. Information for Ij.init Settlers. WASHINGTON , Jan. 17. Special Tele gram to Tin : Bic. : I Settlers in portions of Nebraska , Iowa and South Dakota are writ ing numerous letters to their representatives In congress , asking their Influence to secure extensions of time of payment to settlers who have met with misfortunes In various ways. Congress at its last session adopted a Joint resolution , which became a law In September last , covering these cases exactly. It is as follows : "Whenever it shall appear by the filing of such evidence In the oftlees of nny register and receiver as shall bo proscribed by the secretary of the interior that any settler on the public lands by reason of a failure of crops , for which ho Is in no wise responsible , is unnblo to make the payment on his homestead or preemption clnlni required by law , the com missioner of tno general land oftleo is hereby authorized to extend the tlmo for such pay ment for not exceeding ono year from the date when the same becomes .duo. " China Mortiflin LOKDON , Jan. 17. [ Spcolnl Cablegram to TliuBBK.l A St. Petersburg dispatch says that the refusal of the viceroy of ICIang See to accord a ceremonial reception to the czaro- wltz bas produced a painful Impression In the highest Russian circles. IJitssia has lately been making extraordinary efforts to bring China within the commercial and political reach of the Russian empire , and the attitude of the viceroy is believed to bo inspired by antagonistic foreign influences at Slmnghii and Is especially mortifying as exhibiting to thu world how little tbo Chinese care for the Husslans. Cnptnin Ploreo ninken n Itcqulnltlon. WASHINGTON , Jan. 17. Captain Ploreo , act ing Indian agent at Pine Hldgc , has made a requisition upon the Indian bureau for sup plies necessary to continue the Issue of full rations up to Juno ! )0 ) , IS'Jl , under the pro visions of the treaty. The estimate calls for SIR,2.Vi pounds of beef , gross ; 12,7(11 ( pounds ot colToo. not ; 15JM ! ! pounds of sugar , net. Captain PIcico is of the opinion that his beef estimate will probably have to bo increased by 50 per cent owing to the difference In wolght of cattle now ns compared with their weight when received last October. Ilnum Inquiry to 1 > q Kciiimeil. WASHINGTON , Jan. 17 , The house commit tee investigating the charges against Com missioner Uaum mot today and decided to re sume the examination of witnesses Monday. The committee also authorized a demand for the production of certain books , etc. , of the Columbia rofrigprator company , a subordi nate concern of tbo .Universal refrigerator company. An Omnibus lit Han Hill. WASIIINOTON , Jan. 17 , Representative Per kins of Kansas today introduced nn omnibus bill to ratify tbo agreement ? with the Co3ur l'AIcno ) Indians in Idaho , tbo Slssoton , Wahpoton and Sioux Indians iu Dakota , the citizen band of I'otlmvatiimlcs nnd the ab sentee SUmvncci and Cheyenne and Arapu- hoe tribes in Oklahoma territory , President Dillon on the Ktnml. WASIHNOTON , Jan. 17. Sidney Dillon , pres ident of the Union Pacific railroad company , made a statement to tlio senate committee on Pacific roads today in support of the plan for the settlement of the debt of thut company to the government proposed at the last meeting by Mr. Wilson. Not Authorized tci 1'rosmit It. ST. PKTKiiSUUiia , Jan. 17 , The Imperial commission has returned the London memor ial in behalf of Husslan Jews addressed to the czar with a communication for the mayor of London stating that the commission is not authorized to present such memorials to the czar. Trouble * . * * SUSQUKHANNA , Pa. , Jan. 17. Tbo extensive lumbering1 firm of Qulnn & Sherman of Star- rucca , PH. , is financially embarrassed. Lia bilities Ueavy. TIIK ironiM'R KITW. $ Report of the ConjjroB.ilonnl Hub- . Ciiiniulttro I'rRNcntnd. WASIIINOTO.V , Jan. 17. HoprosontaUvo Cnndlor of Massachusetts , chairman of the select committee on the world's fair , today the of the subcommittee presented to the nouso report committee that wont to Chicago to examine 1 Into the condition of matters there lu rela tion to the world's lair. The report thnt In the expenditure of public money tlio powers assumed by the world's Columbian commission produced confusion as well us caused unnecessary expenditure of puulio money which had boon Intended by congress to pay the expenses of the government cxhiult and not to p.iy excessive salaries to ofllccrs of the commission. Provision , the report snyn , had been made to pay the preslJl dent , secretary and director general minimi f salaries of ? 12,000 , $10,000 nnd * I5KX ( ) rospoc-s * lively and also SS.OOO to the "vice chairman of the executive coir.inlttco. " These salaries , In the opinion of the committw , ui-e excessive nnd should not bo continued. Kxcesslve oxpcnso has nlsobeea incurred In tha appoint ment of such n largo number us lift women on the board of lady managers nnd the calling together of thu board when tlio duties which will devolve upon it wore not ready for its attention. The report savs : ' Your committee is of the decided opinion that tlio fair cannot well bo conducted to a successful termination under the dual man agement which Is now In operation in consequence quence of the construction placed upon the law by the world's Columbian commission. Ttio commission has exceeded Its IHMVOM by th e appointment of officers and committees to conduct the management of tlio fair in Its executive dotnlls , which , In our interpreta tion of the law , belongs entirely to the world's ' Columbian exposition and Its oftlrcra. The commission was given n quasi veto pmWS ? nnd neb that of taking charge of the execu tion of the plans for tbo fair. From the fact thut the commission is honorary and without siilary the conclusion is reasonable that tlioir duties wcro not intended to bo exni/t hit ; or continuous , so that they would seriously Interfere with their private business. The duties of the commission may bo classed ns nfllrmutivo nnd negative , national and International , preliminary and continuous. " Tlio report says the progress In the preparation of the government ex hibit Is ns great us could bo expected and ttie worlt of the fjovernment board ol control ban taken tangible and satisfactory shape. Men tion Is made of the allotments of the govern ment appropriation , nnd the committed believes thut the exhibit of the government ns prepared by the board will not suffer by comparison with thut of any foreign nation. In order to curry out the suggestions of the report to plnco the whole enterprise on n more solid footing and carry out the evident Intention of congress the committee sub mits a joint resolution directing tbo secretary of the treasury not to approve the payment of any oxpcnso attendant upon the meeting of the natlonnl commission or'board of lady managers except such meeting us may bo called at the time of the dedication and opening of the fair , nor approve any payment attendant upon the meeting of the executlvo committee , commissioners or lady managers , except such meetings as mav bo held not oftcncr than 0111:0 : In six montlis ; providing for a reduction In the salary of tbo president of the national commission to not exceed. ? > .OUO ; vlco chairman of the executive com mittee , $1,000 ; secretary , $1,000 ; to the presi dent of the board of lady managers not to ex ceed 5,000 ; secretary , $1,01)0 ) ; also thnt the secretary of tlio treasurr shall notauprovo my expenses of the national commission or lady managers other than those ubovo men tioned which shall amount to more than $10- 000 per nnnurn In the aggregate. The resolu tion appropriates SIWO.UUO for the fiscal year ending Juno ! JO , 1S9J , for the selection , pre paration , arrangement , etc. , the omploylnent of proper persons , etc. , for the various py * eminent exhibits. The committee renews IcS' opinion that tbo director ccneral and his om- ploycs should bo paid from the exposition fuads aud not from the government nppro- prlntlon. The report says it Is not the intorP tlon to recommend an Increase in the amount of money pledged by the government for the government exhibit , but It docs feel that a larger proportion than was originally con templated should bo made available immedi ately. The time of preparation Is limited and the funds are needed at onco. UoRlnniiig of tbo Inquiry by the llouso Special Committee. WASIIINOTON , Jan. 17. The house silver pool Investigation committee began Its in quiry this morning. W. 1C. Stevens , princi pal Washington correspondent of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat , which paper first printed the charges of a congressional silver pool , was the first"witness , Witness had nu intorviowZtvitli J. A. Owenby , In which tbo statements given in the piper were made. Could not locate O wcnlJy exactly , but ho was managing the Silver Kcof mluo In Utah and could , witness thought , bo reached without difficulty. Witness had no personal knowl edge of any senator or representative helm ; engaged in tbo silver pool and never hoant any member say anything with regard to hU own connection with silver. Owen by men tioned some names which witness loft out in writing , Ills personal knowledge as to tlio conductor senators and representatives went only to the extent of an Interview. Stevens had n conversation with Colonel Jo.eph 1C. Kickoy of Fulton , Mo. Kickoy said ho bought silver while the legislation was [ lending and nindo some money , but not nearly so much as reported. Witness could not say whether or not Kickoy stated that hu bought silver in connection with others or as a private speculator. Stowell naked If Kickoy was n lobbyist. Stevens Ho seoim to have n great deal of business nbout the cnpltol. 1 do not know exactly what it is. Ho is n banker. The names of Dwlu ; T. Little and ox-Treasurer , . . . Tanner of Illinois were brought out as having on boresay tcs- tlmonv some connection with the silver speculation. Witness had u conversation with Senator Stewart which , In witness" opinion , was confirmatory of some of the statements made to him. Senator Stewart said ho was not personally 'Connected wltli the slvor speculation , and witness added : "Hut I understood him to have personal knowl edge ol other people being connected with it. " Owenby said that pcndlngsllvcrlegisla tion , agents pf Now York bankers , broker * and silver dealers wcro in tlio hnblt of com ing to Washington and having conference * and directing the plans ofthelobby. Owenby had given witness n number of names of per sons whom ho said had been ( misting legis lation. Witness could not recall ull , but would produce tliom if ho could find them. Among the names mentioned were V. K. Nowlands , who bought ox-Prosldent Cleve land's country place , und H. B. Parsons of Now York , cashier of Wells , Forgo & Co. The Investigation was then directed toward the conversations with Kickoy. Names were omitted. Kofcrnco was made by Kickoy to it resolution Introduced by n roprosontuttvo asking what ho was after , and adding that Smith , journal clerk of the houso. said to him ( Ulukny ) : ' 'Your friend ( mentioning n sena tor ) U going to get into trouble in connection with thu silver pool. " Then Kickoy went on to say why ho know his friend was not In it. Owenhy baa complained to witness that those with whom hu Was associated Iu tbo speculation hud robbed him. Witness would not llko to glvoiiamo3. Ho understood from Owenby thut th'uro was a number of different groups interested in silver speculation. Uach comprised eight or ten men and worked to gether for thu nurposo of ofTacting the most fuvornhla legislation possible. The question of requiring witness to glvo nainqs wont over for the present , George H Apparson , another correspond ent of the ( ilubu-Duinouritt , testified much to the same extent. Owenby had told him thut 'there was a silver pool and witness under- blood It to bo still in existence. Adjourned. Do in nor ut 4 Confident. PIKRIIB , S. D. , Jan , 17. [ Special Telegram toTiiHBKK , ] The republicans will caurui on a candidate for senator tomorrow night. Moody will undoubtedly ho chosen. The In- depoudouti will probably go to vote without caucus to glvu their candidate a chance and nettle on ono later. Crosu , republican-hide-- pendent , and Hardln , democrat-Independent , seem to bo In ttio lead. The democrats are moro confident of finally electing TYlpp than oyer. Ttioy nro doing line work und seem lube bo carrying every point so far. The Death Hull. Los AXOKI.KS , Cain. , Jan. 17. A. P. Luw , if- the well Known typo founder of Chlcnco. dlod J bora today of JJrlght'i disease.