10 TEE OMAHA DATLY BEE , STJNDAy , JANUAEY 18 , 1891.-SIXTEEN PAGES. 8PEOIHL NUI'IGES. * A 6YEHTIBKM KNTfTfor "th'ew i colnmVw III J-JUia taken until 12.il p. in , ( or the eronlnf edition and until Hil : p in. , tor ( h mornln * edition and BUMUAT HCE rpEUMB-C h In adranco. T > ATE8 AflTertlwmcntaon thljp jre will b JLVchargcd for at Iho rate of 1H cent per word Xor the first Inrertlon nnd Iccnt per word ( or ( lach subsequent Insertion , and 11.50 per line uor month. No advertisement taken ( or Jesi than 21 centi ( or tlm flnt Insertion. INITIAL8 , Cgurca , gj r.iboli , eUs .eounl encb mono word. rplIESE advertisements must run consocn- JL , tlroly nnd undvr no clrcmnjtnncpn will they bo taken or discontinued by telephone. T > AIITIE9 advertising in thoio column * and JL having tholr Answer ! ) addressed to a num. bortrt lottnr" In care of Tur IltEwlll receive p numbered check to enable them to get tbolr Jettori. Answers will bn delivered only on of this check. Kncloso nnswort Presentation properly addressed. LL adrertlietm-nU under thn heart nf A "iipcclnl Notleos" are published In Imth the rnbic nnd evening editions o ( Tin : Iln . the circulation o ( which nBuro ntri more than CO.OOO pareri dally. nnd Rlrc * thp nt vtrtlsor the benefit not only of tholarao clrculitloti of Tim IIKK In Omaha , but alto In Cminull lllulTfl , Llnrnln nnil other clle | < and towm In "in n < r BRANCH OFFICES. AnTcrttstnK ( or thcsncoltimnn will hs taken en thonbore conditions ulthoollo vlrT ousi. ues housci whotvro nuthorluil totaUospeclM notices , nttho amo rated as can had ut tlio rnalnolllro. OMAHA llUANOII OKFIOlJ-No. 6OHTII Street , LLitcr Hlock. rOHN W. DELL , Pharmnalit , 820 South Tenth street. HABE & . KII > Y. fltntloners and Printer * , g _ 113 South 10th street. . I , i'liarmnoUt , 2115 Cura- S.1 ! ing street. J. T1UOIIE8 , Fharinaclit , 024 North 16th street. EO.V. . PARU , 1'liaruiaclit , 1713 LeiTcn- G worth itrect _ PHAUMAt'Y. Jlth nnd Firnnin. SITUATIONS WANTED. fcrtatct. tte. , tit lop of " " ' ' * P0 * A position us muse RoforPiiro WANTED glcn. Address Mr * . .7. A. Elllngwood STlrd and Cumlng htrrot. II it L J Mb' ' * \77AN'Tni > I'oslllon byllcpti'sirt fireman to 11 run tellers or tin- . Willing to work nt anything. Address 11.0. Hie. 117 18 * W ANTED liylin AmorTcii ! lady , situation as housekeeper for uldower , objott good liomo. Address It UH. llco olllco. 4iU-lS ( * WANTED A position is solicitor for a wholesale or let ill house , can furnish Jiorso and buggy. Address It HO llco. 4TI8' WANTED Itymnnnnd wife ( Oertinii ) po sltlon to man-iRO farm ; ill her stocK , dairy , panlen or cenornl crops Good refer- nncps. Address Krctl Korff , IbOO 8. 20th sti cot , Oiimln. 474 lbf WANTI , ! ) 1'osltlou us noiisokeopor Inclty. Call VM Hurl. Hundav afternoon mid Monday morning. Htcll i JIclCoc. 47J-18 * WANTED CollPKOHtiiilcnt wants a place wlioroho can worker his hoard and lodging. Address HIIT. Hcoolllcc. 464-lIf Aar.NTljKMAN with sovotal yonrs1 PX norlancc , capable of filling a lespouslblo position , desires such with a mortKaso com- panv or bank In lowi or Nobrnskn , Onuiha preferred Address H.C , llco. 415.10 * WANTED Plnco on tin- rood , fruit or con fectloncry -oirofcrrecl : will woik for rxnenses first month ; bostof rcfcac'iiucs. O 110 N. Oth St. , lloatrlce. Neb. J34 18 WANTED flltuatloiis for coort clrls : my wnltlnn rooms are ulw a ) s full ( rom 0 a. in. to n p. in. Cumuli in I inploymcnt oil Ice , 814KB 15th. Telephone SSJ. 121 WANTED MALE HELP. For talcs , tie. , tettoyiof jliit c"'i'/nr ' > im \\TANTED-50 clothing salesmen. Apcly T Monday at : t o'clock ut 1.M9 1'imium Btreot. 450-18 WANTED Salesmen Tra > olhiR silesmcn can make J.M ) nor week porrnanentlyi trade specialties. Tabor , JJ3 Doaruorn street. OhlcaRO. m-18 * VXTANTED Travcllns salesman ; nporlul TT tics ; pilylnRStO ; to SJiOpormonth. A1II- eon & Ooo .125 Dearborn street , Chicago 459-18 * TTUEOTKOTYPEK wanted , btondv job to 4- man competent tot ikocliargiiof foundry. Address , with references , statlnirtlnio served and where , J. X. Urands , Bloux Olty. In. 4131 ! TjlIHST class man ns atuto nKcnt for in oloe- -L trlcal novelty. Most \isofnl onu Imontod Address II.a Oago.79 Adams ex. bldR.Chl cago. 440 18 * WANTED First-elms broad bakers Ap ply Monday nt 3 p. in. Joa. Q.irnonu Cracker Co. . 12th and Jaoksoii street. 478 10 * WANTED Aceneral agent for ISrbriska ( or best selling novelty out , Sl'iOflonsh required. Address. 0. \orthrup. . Crclshton Hotel , Oinahn. 477 18 * AGENT8-5totlO per day i-olloctlnR srnal. pictures for us to copy and cnlarpo , satis faction guaranteed , nnd a f I oittllt fine , A Dunne. & Co50 Keuilo street , Now York. 440-18 * BETKOTIVKS wanted to net In the socre service undrr Instructions of Capt ( Iran luui.ox-elilcfofd U > ctl\csofUiiiclnn.it , Kxpo rlonco not necessary. Particulars free. ( Uiin nan Detectlvo Iluro.iu Co. . 41 Arcade , Olnoln nutl , Ohio. T717 ANTED Bal Btncn on Biliary orcommls T Moil tohandiu the Now Patent Chemical Inlc Erasing Penell. The Kreatest solllni nov elty over produced. Ernbes Ink thoroujjhly in two seconds ; no abrasion of paucr. 2W ) to POO par cent proflt , o-io IIKOIH'S sales amounted 10 jaw in sli days ; another W. In two hours. > \ o wantnno om-rgctlc Rcnoral iixunt for each state nnd territory. Sam pie bv nmll. : i" , Tor terms nnd full pxrtlculars , address The Mon roe Eraser Mfg. Co. , Lacrosse , WIs. 4J.J 10 * WANTED Hoclstcied drug elork , single. Apply In person to H. AY. Hyerson at lltchardbou Drug Co. 424-18 * AGENTS und oc.ilora $10.00 n ilnv and ex penses No look cnmasslnc. Jjaillos or pnntlomcn. f.100 and oM-nlnpr , rlRlit nt homo. We makn the II & ! ' thnt bells inotorv fanuly. Sample friti. Somotliliist now. Outsellsovory- thliiK. Address Iloly&lon SKg. Co. , ffrt Wash- iDKton street , llosUm. Mnsa M40.1-2j * WANTED niro ImrnessmaUors on llcht work. Marks Hros b.iddli'iy Co. 41121 WANTEi > Ayouns man as stuck Keeper In clothing Btoro. 1309 I'lirnum street , , lsj 18 " \ 7ANTED YOIIIIK men to learn tolcjrrnphy TT and bo assisted to positions ; nil former Graduates In paying positions. AddressW. O. It. Bkelton , nigr. , Satlnn , Kan. 31418 * WANTED Man with good references at Metropolitan Mfg. Co. , IGOU Howard st. 254 V 10 " \717ANTED Men totrn\ol for our Canadian T T uur3crlei.bioiie.V Wellington.Miidlson.W < ) Tufl WANTED BalcHiuan to ninnufurtiiro nnd wholraalo our now process elder , nindo without apples. I'.xu'llontaKes. . I'lirticnlars 4o. Iowa elder mfn. Co. , box 4tU , Itcddlns , la. 5ia ja * WANTED KamicM , incchanlcn , minors , aucountuDta , Bilesmcii , stenographurs. mill hands. iarpcntcrs , printers , brink and tone worker * plnHterers and day laborers , to como to the great I'uget bound country ; oil- mute mild , 11 vine cheap , wages high , plenty of work for all who am willing to work and unrivalled opportunities for ndtutircmcnt to those who Improve the tuhaatiiKi's olTcn-d In a country that poascbtics greater and nuiro larlcd resourfcn and is elm doping Jailor than any portion of thn union , \Vo prociuo situa tions for men In \ooiitlnns at aces vart- Ing from 100 to ri&i ) per month. Alsoolfor busi ness ohances and ouport nnlUos for liiMstnicnt for non-mldunu. Tor further Information address , Including two-cent Mimp , Northwestern - western Information llureau , buattlo. Wash. No postals answered , 40i-18 WANTED tialcHtiianhoineet tlio grocery trade to sell one of the best articles on the market oucommlhwlou. Address. X UJ , Ileo. MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. /ormto. tto. f ( , it til' ' flral Cf'tumn ou Will jjijj. T TANTED SchoIars on the piano by n com- T putcnt lady teacher. Apply or address 607 South Uth street , upsl-tlra. room J. < 4S ll ) ' MISS Kato MacNaughton , ot Itoclustor. N. Y. , will open u Htiullo on bocurliu a tiilt- flolent lumiber of pupils , Bpecluiuns of her work In oil and walur colors may ho aeon In Hoglan & Wliltinorc's window , 1'or terms apply to UluMooNaiighton. No. Siuaibiliit. LU119 * T71OK HALB Chuiiii , a nearly now llallctt , JL Davis A to. , upright pluno In tlrbt-clas. ? condition. Inqulro at 1 IU Douglas uu 'M BKFOItE buying a piano oxamlno the now loulu Klmh ll plauo , AllOapul&14 DouKlas. 751 G IEO. K Oclloubcok , toanher of the banjo with UMIKI. 113 IJoufilai. 219 WANTED-FEMALE HELP } errata , tte. . trr tuti nf jint column on Ihti niga. nAVl ! a vnonncj for acnpiblo , elo > orlady of fair rdilcatloit. In our business. Not tooyounif. Must ho liidintrloui undof liitfmnnncrs. Salary. SO wt'okly. Apply to A. IS.ytildolor , ofllcollCrolgliton block , after 10 , aiimdiiy. 4 < l ia _ _ Gllllt wanted. Inquire 1319 Wolitor street. 4'lS' _ _ "VArANTED Two 0 ! ) approntlcoi for our v ilressntuklUK dcpartuiunl , The Morsu Dry Goods Co 4fl-18 ( _ IWILb pny Indies n milarj of JIUpor week lo work fo' mo In tliclr InciUty nt homo , light work.toed pny for part tlino. \ \ rite with ulatiiD. Mrs , li. 1. larrliiglon. tuv 703 ( JhlcaKO AN11AT glrl.undcrstatius . plain couklng.2120 llarnoy st , German , Irish or American preferred. : .UO 18 * _ " \\rANTKIJ A iiut o Rlrl , Rood wiecstotho right uatly , a. L' . cor.ith aiidJouciW , W 18 " \\7ANTni-l ) first cook. 1 ccconil cook , 1 IT dining room girl , 1 chntubcrinaid. Olty hotel. . 277-lh' FOR RENT HOUSES. ror tenntite.M.ettii > ( > f flrtt columii onhtj ( fiaae. iroil KENT Nlcoll-room cottaco n o nicn- JL1 tcr of city , price15. . 171U Webster street. OKI I71OK HHNT fco % en-room cottntrn , cor , 38th JL ! uvo and Cap. u\c. Inqnlro V018 DodRO 51711 TTKJR HENT-2 10-room houses , Dodge and JL1 seth sts. ; modern Improvements. 0.1. Divls Co. . KOI rarnam Jit. \ ' < 3 18 pOR HENT rinoflat of six rooms , modern ; ' low rent. L. S. Hklnncr , 1011 Kurnani BI : 42718 "I/IOU Iir.NT runilsliod house with all mod- Jorn Improicmcntl. Uliiger < .V. Hi idloy , IM ! ) rarnam st. 42) ) ai * TOH KENT-To nn Intelligent em . . J- ' acres , house anil him on Military ao. . Apply to Thco.Vllllatns , irJO Capitol nvc nvcM 175 THOU KENT 3 houses 10 rooms cich. I'nrk JL ; uvo and Wool worth "t , city wnti'r.fiirnico , fi.c. Call ntonen. Muniaugh < C 1 Itche'lt. house renting aRenti , S. W. cor. lUh and Howard st. If OK HUNT 7-room Hat , nlso arootngsult- JL able for light housekeeping. Laimu blk , 002 S. 1 tth st. J27 'JO C-JiOOM flntci'titrally located. ront.W ! $ V)0 ) worth of nearly now firnlluro ( forflb.l.M , on terms to Milt puielial-or. Co-oponitlvo L md and Lot Co. , 2 B N. 10th st. W ) 10 1OU KENT Deslr.ihlo six loom stcim JL1 heated lint , moili rn convenience' ) , $ 13 OJ per month : ri'feiciice'siciiulrid. Imiulio Isi'tlior- ton hall , L'lH b 1'itli st , Room 1. IM 117-10 TOH 1IENT-2 okiMiit ll-toom houses , Nos. JL1 SJ.it.8 nnd .J.IIO Douglas st. 1 mi litre , of A. A. Olulstoao , 1110 Douglas st. , or Ulobu T.oan & Irust Co.aj7b inthst. 270 QTCA81 heitccl Hats nt 7COS 10th. Thos V. OlluII.Jtl 1'axton block 70S T71OR ItCNT-Jnn 1. C-room cottipo , llrst- J-1 class lu eiery respect , b.ith. hot and cold water ; on motor line. Cull ut 1521 Shcrinnnuve M.C5- II' you wish to real a house or store see H. K. Cole. Continental block. 700 MOUFUN now g-rooin brick liouso , choice location , W rer month. .11. E. Oolo , t/'on- tlnc-ntul. .19125 FOR RENT FURNISHED KOOMS lor rate * etc. , > ec tnnn Hit c uiim'iifi ( / Olt llENf A nicely fuinlshcd front room ; ' all con\enlouces. 1810 la\ennort ) street. ' LAlton Bunny wiutli room. heat , gaa , luth. Uoasonnble priceIQiO Hurt. 431 21 * "VjKATLY furnlshoil ioonm for rout , alsotwo 1. ' rooms for houKeUcepin . 1D1- Cass street. 431-18 * mo LET Suite of pirlors. eruto , Vrcnoh JLplato mirror , cas , b.ith , licit , or Iiiglofor $3 ; furnished or unfurnished ; can anungo for light housekeeping , SJOS Uuniing street. 4J7-18 WANTEU-Inimedlatoly , 3or1 gentlemen room mates ; modern convenience ? ; 0 Blocks from 1' . O. Inquire11510 Howard , 'lolo- phonelWl. M409-1S1" TTIURNISHr.n room Southern oxposuro. ' steam heat , 534 li Itlth etreqt , Hut 11. 43J-10 * T7IOU KENT At the now llondomo newly JL1 furnished rooms , with nil modern Im- provoments-ilnBlocii suite. J20 N. luthst. M 403-18' ' 'V'lOE rooms , steam heat , 1710 Dm ouport st. T71OII RENT-Lnigo fjont room , 2015 Cass , JL' prUato family ; rofeiences 41025 * OR IlENT-Uast front nleo > o room ut the JL ? Mcrrlam. MJCO TlOIt RENT Two \e-ry doslrablo furnished -rooms : all modern i < ui\enloiiccs ; private family. 3m DougUs. T71U11NISIIFD loom for rent , call at 1700 -L1 Dodge st- 395 18 A NICE furnished room with heat for rent at 1J17 Uodgo bt. TTlURNIbHEI ) fiont room , housokecplns , JL' 59 03 nor month and upwardn. 410 S lath St. , third floor. MJI1-10 * LAltQH Houth fiout room , hay u hulow , mod- era comcnlencii , , for one or t o pentlo- inon , 810 per month. 2218 Lo.n en worth. M.M3 1T1IRST Iloorof cottncc , ( uralshed for liouse- Jkcoulmr. . four blocks from notirt house Address It G. HOP. 'M IS' T71HONT room with an alcove. BUS , hot water JL'heat , 21JS25thst. 1DJ TJ1OR HENT-Furnlslied rooms , gas. bath J nnd stoani. 1.110 Howard. 715 ST. CLAIU European hotel , with dining room , steiiu heat In all rooms l.lth and Dodge. Special rates by week or mouth 717 TIOURENT-rrontrooni n libnlco\ecuitains JL' mantel , stoim heat , gas and bath , 2 closets , suitable for "Rcntloino i or man and wlfo , 818.00 per month ANoadjo'nlns ' room with big closet and all convenience * SJU.OO per montli. 207 S . ' 4th st 010 EOO51S licasonablo rates. 8022 ist. Mary avenue , Moflj-Jj mo LKT Ilciiutlful front room Is best part -L of city , cln-o to good board. Rout reason able. l JK2 : > tliut 41" FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. For raits , elf. , ice tap of f\tl \ coluni'i an 'lilf rpo RENT-A front 2d story room with first JL class board. 201 8. 23th a > ciiuc. 48223 * LJU1SNY room with board. In small family , kiwlth ploab int homo ; modem coincidences : rcforcnccH uxcliansed. S1JO llarnoy , Uil-lu * rpllE LENNOX. S14 and 510 N , JDth , has a few J-deslr.ibloaiuI haiulsotiioly furnished moms with superior board. 4sO-Zl * HANDbOMELYfurnlshod rooms with board at The 1'rcnzer , 110 X 25th street. 413-18 * o front room , modern eomunton- ccs , with or without board , U.'S bouth 17tl strcot. WJ-18 * NICELY furnished room , with or without board. Wi N. 17th. 4U 18 NICELY furnished room , with or without board. . * 017 l.e.ive'imorthatrcut. M108 20 * "DOOM and Hoard-aiGBoT 17 if. 3M371-1B * ELEGANT furnlsbed rooms 1th board , pas heat and b.ith. 203 i < 17th street. Il 0-ri6 TvllNlSIlEl ) front room > Ut boril ; also X1 table board. 1KI > Vest rarnam street. ! h8-23 _ _ N1OKLV furiilslieil rooms , first class tnbla board ; terms reasonable , 209N. ISth st 51J1I-20 _ _ _ _ _ _ - ROOM and board 15 wtok. IftJI rarnnni. ai701-J31 _ TJOOM3 and board at llCJ Dodgo. AV 878JSS _ FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHEC For rate * , tte ste'tuucit i iiiiiij on I/IH pajj , " * 3 OR 4 unfurnished rooms on Ohio st. , corne" houio , wcit hay window , south frontage Address 11 'JO , Ileo. 407-18 rpWOorthreo unfurnished rooms , private JL residence. 013 S. 10th. MJ7S-1B" FOR RENT WAR EHOUStS. tirratei , tic , , tee top of fill cnlimm OH t/iU | T\OU \ KENT or Silo rine , heavy brick flvo- X1 story comer warehouse with must centra trackage lu city ; llooru are U500 bquurofcel fctrltiger & runny , llarker bUxk. _ 721 T71OR IlENV-Ilrlck waruhouso. two storle X' high , hubemont , hydraulic elevator , track ago. Heat location In the city , A. U I'owollTi FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. 'orifll' * . rtf. . rfttuji nt > i rt nnu ma HI t tM yny ' " ' Olt""KKNT-'ono" unil 5 flats , ( SOSo. IGth Mroot , and next r it cottages cheap. J. Kendall.00 Brown hldg. iei113 * D KSIC room for rout , with private onico. Uns and ( team heat. Telephone 1P4J or address 1110. lice. MSB H TORES nt 700S. ICth. steam licit furnlsh'd. Thos. T. llnll , Ull 1'aMoil blk. 713 moil RKNTTlio4toiy brick bulldlnff.wlth 12 or without powor.formorly occupied by the tee Publishing Co. , V10 rnriiain Bt. Tlio bulltl- IIK has a llroproof remont qiiKomcntcomplete team heating llvt urea , w.ttor on all the floors , ; as , etc. Apply at the ofllco of 'iho Itco. 915 iTwJIl HENTVllr .lantiiiryT. l-story bulldlntt. JL ? : iS.r IO MUiirofcot8iiltiillo | ! for nny kind of vholcsullng , nt Tenth nnd Jones streets. (1. ( V. Llndquest , M South I'lftceuth btuct. 710 STORAGb. Ferrate * , etr. . trc Input fli it tnlwnn an Ihb rpUACKAOE itorajto at tones rates W. M. . llusliinan , Ult J.onenvorth. OTOKAOE and trackage. David Cole. 81.VSI7 -Jllonard street. 7i ) OTOKAOE f ho best In city clenn.dry. sifo , -J n rid prlMitely stond at reasonable terms. OmahaSto\o IfcpalrVUsl2u7 Douglas TelOfl. Til ' WANTED TO RENT. For infrc , clc. , M tnv f JlntcnlHinn ontJit-i pr MAN nnd wlfo de-sire nicely furnished loom with boatd In iinkt family ; rcforeiiceq ex- changcd. AclilrtsslUl , Ike , 4a4-lS WANTI.D Hy mnrrleil couple , largo room wlthalco\oor two rooms en sulto with all modern coudilutees furnished or uu- furnlfclicd , In prl\alu fiinilly and desirable residence locality with , ornuar good board , references avtlmugod. Address U J , Iloo 452-13 * V\ ) ANTED Ily joung business min and ' 'wife , with no children , furnished liouso of six or eight rooms In convenient part of city. Host of references. Addrobs , with pir- tlculars , II25 , Uie. M 3718 < * ' \\7ANJKU-Hy youiiR business nnn and Tl wlfo boaid ami room 111 private family whcie there are no boarders. Liberal price paid for proper accommodations , linst of i ufcrenccs. Addt LSJ It 24 , lieu. .M : )7J-1J * BOARDING. I'orrate , clc. , tcttr > ) > i > f jnttcniwnnnn this jxi < / . TjlIHS-OI/ASS table board 2.7S llarnoy. JL ) MtilC-ll * FOR SALE FURNITURE ETC. /"oriUc.vc. ( , ret ton nf frit column n tlm T710K SALH I'liinlturo four rooms cheap , -L1 baraaln. Js'o Job lot , inquiries wanted. Ad dress U 40 , Ileo. 4jj-10 ( * " 171011 SALH Good coal steve , b.iso burner. - * - Mar Land and Luau Co , 1st Iloor N.V.l.lfo. EXl'EOriNOto occupy our now ofllco , cor. nth and Jackson iiott weok. MO olfcr olllco furniture mil llxtiircs for sale cheap at 100 ! ) Ulchardson Drug Co. 3C3 18 FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. Ferrates , etc. , set top of fii si wlninn on lft ( paat TTHMlSALEcheap-A two horse sleigh , nlso JL ? largo pullejs and shaftlns. Wl Douglas. 103 TJ10U SALH 1 lo ant' w-so.itcd sloUli an JL1 two single cutte'rs , all uow. fcclby , L ) , IJoard Trade. 170 \7l7ORKliorsoJpO , twohorsewacon $ 0. deuT - T hlo worlc harnclM$15. Or will tndo fora Rood light side-bar buggy. II , II. Cole , Con tinental block. 703 " 17IOH SALE 2 good work teams. Innulro at JU CIS 1'nxlon block. WJ FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furiatcx , rtc. . fee tnp nf .flrvJ cnluMn on Ih jxw. TfTlOH ( SALE Ono hard coal liiso burner , one JL cook stove , one baby cariiago ; will sell cheap , parties lei\lng the ulty , Call Locuststreot. 40M8 * JllYSIOfANSAttciitlonl A DoPow , a Clark , a Wilson and an Archer operating ohilr for sale cheap , In good condition. Address It 20 , Ileo. M U97-18 * 1 OVAL front (1-foot ( show case. Jdllton Ilos- crs& bans , 14th and rarnam sts. ; tuJ18 . . J % ALE Complete sot of drug store fix tures , show case ; etc. 1 * . O. Hot 'Jll. 810 WANThU TO BUY. Forratff. etc , . Ht tup nf iit > ci until on tftfct " \X7ANTED-Cloar town propi ; ortl03 T I liiinds or stock and cash lor Itcntal property Close tobubfness center. QuIclcdciU , AddiCb3 D14. Bee. 419-L-4 HAVE oustomor for some vacant lots and for equity In wood rental property. J. 0. Cortolyou , room 4U , Chamber of Conimorco. Jl'oOO WANTED At once ; merchandise ; all kinds ; EPOC cash : must know at onco. I. T. Newell & Lo. . 1410 Douglas , Omuliii. Ul rnUKNITUUr. household goodsetc. Highest JL ? cash price. Woljs , 1111 1 amain. 730 wanted atLUl N 10th st. 674 MISCELLANfcOUS. ferrate * , etc. , fee top nf Jim column onUils pays I ADirSsondSo stamp for testimonials nnd JLJ pamphlet describing Dr. Kirk wood's in vention. OfItnl linportiince to e\cry lady. Agents Klrkwood ll.nd Itubbcr Oo. , Murphy building , ban 1'rancKco , Oal. 445-lt > * SKND 10 cents postage for nbonutlful art calendar , i Frank Webb , box OJ1. . Lincoln. Neb , state agent btato Mutual Life , Horccs- tor. Massachiihctts. Good , uotho agents and correspondents ( ladles and gentlemen ) wanted cncryvthcro lu.Nebraska , bplondld contracts. Write. aat-10 * TV/TAfaSAOE / Madam Dolzlor , over 010 b. 13th. - * 85-1-2 MASSAOE tri'atmctit.eiloctro-thormal baths , scalp and hull treatment , manicure and chiropodist. Jin. I'ost/llOiS b l.-thWltlmoll blic * luJ RENTAL AGENCY. Fa rntcK. etc. . ue ton nf Jlitt column on lha 7x104. T 1ST your houses to soil or rent with 0. F. JUlIarilson , Ul.1 N. Y. Life. 7.M HE. COLr , rental iiKoncy.Contlncntal blk. i fOO LOST Fcrratet , ete. , ft ton f fli it iumii mi ih' ' T OST Illack Oordon heller dog about four niontbsoldi wlion lust seen h id on a leather collar with shall ptoco of lopu at tached by snap and rhiK. The do , ; had a. Hmo back. A suitable loivard will bo n ild at my residence , . ' 112 N. I. owu IIM' , or whulosilo rub ber stoiv , 1111 lliirnc } Ht. / . T. Undsoy. 485-lt ) LOST Hunch of lus. n imo on tag on rhig , J. W. Pnilsh. Itewartl for return to room 407,1'lrbtNational hank building. 401-18 * TfVOSIL'-IrKh doir. lOmontho old , Win. 81m- JLJeral.ffil iindJiJ 1'lrstNat. banlc. 'lol. OS STKAYEll or Stolen A dark jollowpr Uvor colored pup , gray on nose , white spot on brujst , nfow white hnlison tip ot till , three white toes on rlcht bind foot. A llhcialro- wurdlll ho glnlf returned to USH25th street and no nucstlons asked. 423-101 LOST Setter do * pun. 3 months old. whlto nnd black ; llborul row aril for Information or delivery. Cross i Duumlro Qun Co. . 15H Douglas Bt. MJ45-1U _ CLAIRVOYANT. . , let t ; i ifirsS column on Cifjpi7i A&SAOB-MadutuUolzloro or B5U-tS _ T\ritS. NannloV. Wairenclalr\oyant trance J-ilspeakliiK , writing and reliable business medium , fourycurs In Omaha. Ill ) N. IGtli 750 _ _ * ] \TMB. llurrough Palmist tolls the past , pres- J-Hent and future from the llnoa of the Jiand. Jn thoolil Gypsy way. Tuo , til luillcs only. 1817 Irani street. Omaha , _ KB Jl HHIVED-Clalnoynnt , naturally gifted tells nuHtnnd future , love troubles , ab- Bent friends , clmiigts travel , business. Satis * faction given. Mrs Wallace , US ramnnisU M I3.-g * _ SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Jcrnifr , fo. , ttt.tir > t 'in' cntumi < miU vagi CALL or wrlto forcntiotiiH : ! nnd Incstl - ento the niorltb of the biulth 1'rumlor type writer. Manifestly superior features. Ini portunt chuiiKis mudei. Tvno-wrlters solr. uxchangcd or lented looOH Kuriiuin it. , K , 115 Muybow , niunajor. 'J7. MO N , O LOAN. _ Icr ratet , tic , , tojt % < i/iAt / column flit t/iij . . . . . . . , , , , - f - fj-jf-j. rtr ni -u - „ - „ - - - - „ - - - MIltST mortgage if lotna tnado on out-sldo J- property ) HPCOIMI .i < iorlgiiKO ou Inside. Alex ilooro.i01 iJliUflyflk. _ 7t . PKtVATRmoiioyitolinn. J. I ) . Zlttlo. OH fiVr. I.lfo. m , | JI.IU OHATTEIiuTuu Kt lowest rates. Removal totmfr. V. tifo b.df | | ( . J. II. Kinniingcr. 7J ! T7TY8TOSK Morfbifcj Ca-Loan * of $10 lo JLvsi.ouO : ( jot our Mtcs lot ore borrowing and KIIVO monoyt loans ou horses , ( iirnlt\iro ornny approved Bccurlty AUllJoiit publicity , notes nought ) ( or now lo-itiRt > fiiowftl of old nnrtjlow- cst rates , cull lisas Bhcqly blk,15tli A. Howard , 7X1 ONE Y to loan drf second mortgage. W. 8. AVynu , loom J'.f ' Omaha. Nut. Ilk. bt'djf , i M73I _ _ OlIATTEhbank , nios l.'tlmt. , loini money otichnttolsorcollatcral at reasonablorates 710 _ "ITttltbT ft feoond mortgages on vacant & Irn- J- ' proved city prop. County warrants bought. Money ou liiuul. 1' . M.ltlelinrdson,813N.Y.LIfe. , 71W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TiroNEY to loan on city nnd ( nrm property. ilJLW. M- . Harris , H 20 , I'rumcr blk. , opp. 1' . 6 7J7 BUILDING loans , 0 to 7 per cent : nonddl- tlonnlchargis for torn nilislon or attorney's fees. W. 11. llclklo , rirst National bank blilg. 741 REAL Kstato Loans-Cash on hand. Olobo Loan .fc'lruBtUo. , .I07H 10th Bt. No dolny , uo ostra charges. Houses ( or rent , good list. 742 OE & O. M. Anthony. : 18 N. Y. Mo build- ing , lend money on ( arms In choliocoun * ties In tsournskn and lowiu nlso on coed Oinnha rosldonco proportyj lowoat rutoi ; boil terms ! no dolayi money ready , Tltlof and Millies passed on hut" . 743 MONEY to loan bi II. P. Musters on chattel nnd collateral soctirltlos for any time ( rom Ho fl montlm , In any amount to milt bor rower. Loans mndo on household Roods , pianos , or- Rin < lioraiu , mules , houses , lensus , wtireliouso iccolpts , ulc , at the lowest posslulo rates , without publicity or removal of property. My lo ins nro so nrrnnnoil that ioitunn make a pnymont of any amount at any tlmo iinU re duce both prlnclnil and Interest. I ( you owu a b.ilunro on your property hive a loan > ou lsh chinjtod , 1 will iio'lt nnd carry It for you. If you find It more con venient , cull up U'k | > liono No. 10J1 uudyour business vlll ho urr.iuiel ( ul homo. Money always on hnud. Nodulny. Ko pub licity. Lowest rates. H. r.MastcrH , Uooiu4.ltluicll \ blkjl'itli and llatnoj sts MONHY to lonn on Itupnncd city iitoporty ntcurront intcs ; futufsoii hand ; nodcl.iv , oo. T. Hlust "c CoJO ) Uam MOM2V , iO , Hloi 00 days , on honsnliolil fnr- ulture. etc. CISl'axton hloolc , J. J. Wilkin son. Jll)70-l 1 BUSINESS CHANCES. etc ice to of/Itmt / enumnontltti vai account mt with JSOOO to Invest v./ can secure position of treasurer In Incor porated company in Oinnhi vltb paid UD capital by uppljlnpor wrlthiB , faeeunty. 819 N. Y. Life. 410 0 "TTILOHIDA 1'nylng Investments , ornngo A. Broxos , winter homes In well settled coun try : write for urrtlc-ulars. Stlth. A , Jackson , JUltlaud , I'la. 411-lb * V\TANTJU An fiicrgotlo and rollahlo man to open branch house , must furnish ? .iOO cash capital , salary Jl.COO per year. Addres Manager-10J , Heo buUdliirf. 4JU-18 * FOKSALE Jly harness shop , business , etc. ! splendid oilman for gooU man.Vrlto for particulars Guo. 1) . lioujamln , Ldgar , Nob. ST001C of books and fctntlonnry , now and ulciu , for sale for c-vsh or In exchange for imlncumboied reil c < tatc. Apply to bla- biiigli. LHIIO& Hush , attorneys , ropuisOID and ICO , Now York Life Hlilg. Omaha. JU70-JO TT\OIl \ HALE A gooci clean stock of general - merchandise In onuof the best cities In No- bruska. 1'or further particulars apply to J. Koenlgstoin , Norfolk , Nofj. M-l'f FOU SALE A flrst-ilaHs bakery with gro cery store connected ! block about $1,100. A rarochunco forsomoonc. Tor further par ticulars apply to J , Kucnlgstelu , Norfolk. Nvb. J'JB-ll ) ' FIRST class 4-rolIer flour mill , running nUht and day , lu llrst class condition , In good llvo town of four thousand Inhabitants ( the only mill thcio ) fcrsalo or trade for stock of hardware and Implements Correspondence solicited. MuniauKli & Fltchott , 1DOU Howard St. . Omaha , Neb. , solo wonts. 331 FOR SALE A stock of olpars , tobacco , canes , pipes , furniture and with lea ( Reasonable rent ) . Address I ! HI , Bee office. FOR SALT ! UaKory doing good business Address 11 JJ , Uee. Ml 10' FOR SALE or n\chnnRO Clean stock of dry Roods , clothing , boots , slices , huts , caps , la dles' and gi'iitH * fiitnlshlng goods. Address Ilox'-fi. Kiankfort. Ind. 2TO I'll FOUPALK or M\ehanKO 20-room hotel and f urnlt nu' . near Omaha. Address 1 * . O. box 108 , Norfolk , Nobriska. 41 ! 19 FOU IJnNT Only hotel In a good town : a peed onenlnu for a Rood hotel man Tor particulars address llox 1. llurr. Nob. Oi9 13 * FOR SALT ] Half Interest In a well estab lished business In this city : will require J15.000 cash. Address Y 04 , Ileo ofilco. JIVJij J2 FOR SALE or Trucle Liireo lUery and food stable , feed store attached. This Is well located on pined street and doln ? a Rood business. IIuimiURh X I'ltchott , roul estate agents , cor. 15th and llouarJ st. C04 HOTEfj Tor bale Do you want Rot Into a coed buslncssHf > ou do , buy the Commer clal at Hrokon How , Nob. 233 AN est-ibllshcd business for sale or trade , liox 018. city. 100 FOR EXCHANGE. Ferrate * , tte. , rrrlmtnf lrl column tin thto T7UNEST rental block In Oir.uha JL1 to oxcliniigo for clear lands and lots. Wo will give you nn oACollcnt trade. Our houses are all rented , and uu payhn : good rental incoiuo. He quick , Address , II 14 , Iloo 300 A GOOD Improved Nebraska farm contain Ing 'KMuorcs to oxcliuiiKO for a stock of clotblnn and Rent's furiilshlni ; Koods. Address A. O. Grossman , Atkinson. Neb. 444 18 QOMH clear farms and clear Improved prop- O erty to e\chaiiRO for coed equities In Omaha property. Alex. Jlooro , J01 fcbuely bllt. 4lW FOR HXCHANOn A Rood double \cncoied house , Hue location , ncir motor , modern Impnnonicnts ; rented foi (70 : will taUo JJ.SiX ) In western Iowa land or city nronurty. Ad dress 11 Ul. Iloo. 412 10 W'ANTED Hood Bound horse , harness and light itelhery wagon , In exchange for clear lot. Addiess.wlth full particulars post- olllco lox K. ' . ' , Omaha. ' MIU3 lb WANTED Clear Omaha or town lots for Insldu lots and lands. Address li 'J\ Iloo. 417CJ rpo EXOIlANon rhst-cliiss dwolllimhouso -L property for Iowa or castoin NobniHka farm ; encumbered.or'olear. Addicss 117 , Dee olllco. ; M401-1U * WANTHD ? fl,000 'hloslc general lucrolmn- dlso , not o > or , tvro years old , for clear western land nnd 't'.wff In Rood bankab'a notes. IJox 1. Centnil City , Neb , ICO 20 W HAT have you to trade for two Rood lota ' In Mt. rioasant addition , thu future rcsl- dnnco portion of OniAlia , Slake offer. Address 1120 , lice olllco. u < i " i f MEAT market for Mlo 'cheap. Ennnlro 021 bouth llith Btrcof s' Mjl9-lfa' rpo THAPE Now panel box dolhory wacon. JL Room 13 , Ohamber Qommcrcc. AI I'd A NUMIIEUofBtodWrnifohestooxohnneofor Xiuerchaudlsc.OlS 1'axtbu blk.C'auioroiuV Co O ! J 1 75IJ2U * MEdlOAL. Ferrate * , ete , tee ) toofc rtt coliimji on IMKMit "IjlINEST clootrlo and electro thermal buth -LJ rooms , tnoludlni ; TurKlnh cabinet baths. Ludlcs.b to I dally & Tuesday & 1'rldny OV'IIRS I ) to 10. Dr. Richards , rooms JIB & JM.Uco bldg. & _ . _ PItOP. It. Lorma , room 11 , Ilushman block , cor , loth nnd Douglas ats , cures all the sick by mesmeric power , Huro euro or no pay. HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. For rater , tte , rt tup ofirst tmunin nil thti pngt. " 131 > riliiuhatrg6odslu west ; hair drcssln ; , / HKS | , wwltehes , baiiBB , hair chains , etc. . a specialty. DuAlon , hair Roods and milliner , oppoilto i > o tolllce. 111 H loth btrvut , Omaha. 707 "pENSION'AGENCinS. " PK S1O S TlioOllniriiiuii 1'euaion Agency 21 rrenzcr block. Information fr e. To FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 'otrc ' fop n/jlr t column nnthtt | > ap . \ Mia lion ! Kstnto 1X > 7 1'nrnnm Street. Jio M. Corner lot , "sth st. , bouse , 7 rooms II Mt payment tSOO , price . . $1,00 } 00 No. M. In Orchard lllll , 10-room new house and barn , first niyniuut $1WO , Uprloo . . . .4,00000 o 0. , ! \ , 2.1tli st. , G-iouin house , Drst Ii payment tl,00. . jirloo. . 3,000 00 o.ill. On : wth st , , S-rooin house and burn , now. lotcixV ; ] > . a declde < l bar- Nxiiln. llrst payment IMX ) , price 3,800 00 ii.no. 17th st. , south. 8-1 oem brick , well and clstorn , first payment * I,2W , price 2,50000 r\o.f > 9. fsonr LoaMiiworth and 16th sts. , 7-room bou'c and barn , tlrst pay ment Jl.uuo , price 3.600 00 too. GS. Son aril st. , near ; c.'d , mimll house and barn , urlco , . S.500 00 No 57. On llurdatta St. , near Both , 6- room huu.'c , city water , cistern , uood barn , llrst puMiicnl fJOO ; will nlso take \aenutlot In port tiuilp , price 3,000 00 No 60. N. asd st , , a very good , well built , fi-room house , excellent condi tion , llrst payment f-Ml , balaucu (15 per month , urlco , 1,700 00 No. SO. S. 14th St. , small house and barn 3VX ! > 00 No. 54. S llth st. 7-room house 4,000 00 Ames Heal Estate. No KJ.ou can hnvo your cliolco among It ) now n-room houses , llrst payment * . * 0 , prlco 2.750 00 No. 5. . On blunders st , north of Donlso's add. , jou can tuku your choice of 18 new modern 7-room house * , nrst payment J700 , bulantu monthlv , prices H.ociO to G.COO 00 No. 01. Hitchcock's first add , small houso. llrst payment tUO balancotlO per niunih , A similar propel ty ut same price on sumo terms In Central Park 1,500 00 No , 41) . Saunilors A. lllmebuugh's add , 6 room house , llrst piymint iiOO , price 1,50000 No. 47. On California steet , 7-ruom house , first payment MfiOO , prlco . 3'iOO 00 No. 45. In I'nrmintcr 1'liico , siu.ill house' . Ili-stpnj nunt $700 , price . . . . 2,15000 No. 44. nth street , near Muson , two small houses , prlco 3tOO 00 No 4.1. llurdutto street , ncai Jltli. lot .10x110. with good 4-icom house and lirge IMU n , Una pa > mcAt $ JOObulaueu , Jl'i 00 ui'r month , price 2 100 00 Nu.4J. Ohio ' . , near .btli bticet,5-ioom house. 3.100 00 Nu 11. Same location , iVroom lioiiso. . . JJW 00 Ames Iteal Estate. No 40. Dccatur stieet , butwcc-n 3Jth Jll'l 3Ttli. ( j-ioom hoil'.e 2/100 00 No IH. Mlllaid Xc'aldwell add , 0-ioom hoiiso , llrst | i.i > inviit $750 , pr.cn . . . 3,000 00 No .17. .Kith and Charles , , lot .llj\75ft , small house „ . . . . ICOO OJ No , .it ) . Hh and llimlotto , goodrioom house1 , llrstpajmcnt " > 00 , price 1,90000 No , il. > . Okiihoiiin , sliinll hou-,0 , prlc'C 450 10 Nu i ! . ! . t'Ttli stieot , lieu til , good 6-ioom house , llrst payment fTOw' ' , jiiho 2,530 00 No."S. , lith stioul. south of Lea\en- Hortlisti-ott,8-i'jnm , modern house , Hist piymuiit Sluoo and some trade , pricu . . . (5,090 ( 00 Nu U7. 5-room house , Clifton Hill , llrst piymciit J1W , balance I.UOJ pur month , price 2,300 00 Nu. 'M. Ninth 10th street , near Ohio , 5- tooin house , city water , llrst p ly- iiieut. fW , pilco 2,70000 AMLb HEAL ESTATE AGENCY. 457-18 15J7 I'ariiam btrcct. Bolo Agent. $10 This week's sale of ten dollar lots has shown what people who hmo \lsltcd the addition think of It. Hankers , merchants , clerks nnd re il estate men have purchased fruely after beliiK assured that the nuu motor line u as an assured fact , Letwcun Omuh i and the nun Tort Omnlia. Itcmembor , ton dollars Is full piymcnt foi a lot. Abstract , wnrrmty deed and lltho inphid plat furnished with each lotsnld. Srnlo all this week , lor Information mation , plats and names of Omaha purchas- ois call on ( or send "o poittiRo ) nt : iIO bouth l.r th street. Clias 1' . llenjamln , solo agent , .110 bouth 15th stieot , Oiiuiha , JjJ-lS * OH ! Oh ! look at tins 40x110 east front on 24th street , south of Lake Mloy on sldo and i car. bower , curbing and gutteilng and pa\lrik' tax all paid. Clear of Incunbiauce , only $ .1.000 ; > / cash. 47xIOJonOth street , just south ol Center. Paving ana all other tuxes paid. Clear of In- cuiiibiiuneu , only $ . ' ,000. M. A. Upton Uo. 433 S T71OR SALE-Cottajso and lot at a birgaln in JL1 Uedford Place. E. Cooper , 40J 1'axton blk. 470 18 * T7"EE1' your eye on Moore's real estate bar- JLV gains and "for exchange" specials. 470 10 * LIST your property for sale or exchange with J. O. l/ortelyou , room 10 , Chamber of Commerce. M ) 0 IJIOIt BAI/E The cheapest cottnso homa In J-1 thu city , full lot desirable locution. L. 8. Skinner , lt14 ! 1'urnnm st. 3H 18 WANTED Some first-class rental prop erty : wlllpayjio.uooor tll.o D spot cash , about & .00) ) In watches and diamonds and rxs-sumo small Incuuibrancu If necessary. I/ , P. O. Lox 500 , city. 4jj filOK SALE chonp ; or will trule. Small house J-1 and barn. Lon0'lcibO of ground. LOllOhlo st , M.iGl-22 * TDlGOnST barcaln In Omaha Only three of JJthosoplouaiit houses on 44th and l < nrnum left out of six : othoi three oecu ] > led by llrst class i ) irtles. House's arc open all diy lor In spection. .E ory con\enlcnco In the houses , Including Ras nnd gas nxtuios Takoalookattlieindurlntthls fine weather : buy onoandtilio life conifoi table during the winter. Only takes fromWOlto $500 cash. See them without fall for they will plomo jou , 1) . V. bholcs1.1 First iMii'l bank. 745 T71OU SATjE-Cheap Lot In Orehird lllll. J ? Islcely located. Address , K. Cooper , 40J 1'axtou block. 475 J8 * BEAUTIFUL Clifton Hill. Lot 10 , block 10. 41,000. Lot 0 , block 11 , gOJO M. A. Upton Co 4M 18 ON Omaha's "Broadway. " Corner lot on West Karnntu , 4S\U'S to nllov , J. 400 ; stores nnd flats badly needed hero. Alex. Moore , ! > 01 checly blk. 40J 1U * KOUNTXE Plnco I still haio one 0-room house to sell on easy piymeuts ; price , $5riOO ; gjOOcash , bat. J.i500 per niunih ; would take t-oiao clear piopcrty In cxchaugo. J. J. Gibson , tolo RRent KounUo Place , room : i. CroUhton block. ; 42S SALE Or trade , Immovi'd f arm , 3.0 acres. In tiospcr county. Neb . clear. Ad dress J. It. bhau , 40th and llaintltonst , Omaha. 41130 * POR SALE 01 Irndc Ono clonr lot In Ar mour I'laen. South Omaha , Make olfcr. Address I S7. Ho onici' . ! 11 TjlOU SALll-Lot I. , block 1 , llrommn libico , J : f2r 00 Lot 4. block L",1 , South Omaha , i1100. Lot 10. block 11 , Kountro & Hlith add , " > 0\144 , with trackage , < l\u blocks from courthouse , 87,500 , all much below \uluo. T. b. Ulaikson. J2818 A TirAUTirUL7-room cottage , south front , lotfiOxllO , Just north of Walnut lllll school , close to motor line , only & ! .bCO. Kasy pay ments. M. A. Upton Co. 4& 13 S 1'EOIAL lint sain Largo lot , G.lxlG5 ft. , 4 blocks from Lowe UN e , and fuming st .lays splendid : cheap for cash , or will trade for farm. A ( id i ess C. U. Merrill , 42nd and Casssts 187 HILI - house and full corner lot , very cheap forcash , or will ti ule forclour f nun or Oma ha lots. Address the o\\nor at 4.'nd and Gass Hts , U 0. JU-rrlll. 187 LOT near Lake and ilftth stieets , SQvl2J , to alloi , f IvijUJOO below value. Alex Jlooro , 301 bheely block. 4 ? ' 1U * -120 acres fine farm land adjoining good No- J-hr.iska town ; nearly clear. M IICTPS llnclv Improved land "l/t miles from county scat In Nebraska ; Huhtly encuniLorcd. l.'O acres Kood land In Nobriaka.O milosfrom county seat ; 'AMID Inhabitants. House and lot In taun In Kansas ; clear. Clear lot In good Nebraska town. 4 room house and lot. barn , veil and cistern. ICth Btreot. Omaha : slightly encumbered ; will trade for Omaha property and nssumo encum brances. U. r. . Cole , Continental block , UOO rarnam. 230 TflOIl BALK-My residence , 3C30 rarnam Jfitreot. . Choicest locution and best house In Omaha for the money. Hot water and every convenience possible. Ilatn , connected with nonur , water and gas. I ) . V. Bholes. ' 1.1 1st Nut. bank. M781 K-HO05I house , lot 33x82 , fl,700 ; also fi-room ( Jhouse. lota4Kxa.B , c. cor. llth and Vlnton st. , M.OOO. llrlek house and American house , lot GOxCA n. o. cor. lOtli and Douglas , { 40,00(1. Mrs. Kublmnnn , l.'l H. llth. 42) ELF.GANT resldenco Jn Kountze Place ; U roonu finely tlnlshcd and all modern con veniences , Wlrt st neorSOtn. Can soil on one- quarter cash payment nnd Dilaiico tlmo to right party. This Is no choapalfulr of a house , but a comfortable home inoiory scuso and a buEnap | harcaln , F , K. Darllu ; , Uarkor blook. M740 ICniifman k t < on , real estate and loans. Choice vacant and Improved residence- and IniBhii'bS property for sale lu all purls of the city and bouth Omiiha on easy terms. List your property with us. Loam at lowtbtrute * . Olllco l&W Doughm it. Tel. 600. 481 J.0 rr-HOOM co'ttago , full lot.UansoomPlaoe.enst I front , and a great bargain for a few days. Hmall cash paymontunu halunco on long time. F , 1C. DarlluK , llarker block. 719 MASSAGE , BATHS ETC. For intif , rte , tte ton nf tttl roMmm on thin MAf-HAUh Madam Dolilor , over 010 913th. 035r a * TV ] ASSAOn hath ntMailamo Smltli'i parlors. J-Uro7 a. lath su , ncit llnrkor liotol. M18 PATENT SOLICITORS Far rate * , tie. , tee tap ot flnl column onthtf fcioe. TJ > ATENT lawyers and solictlor 'o.V. . Suei A. A Co , llco bulldlnK.Omalm. llranch olllco at Washington , I ) . C. Consultation free , 75J PAWNBROKERS. Formtr * , tltt , , tee dip nftret column on this \mj \ "TTIltKI ) iMohlo loans money on diamonds nnd * - watchcs.jo olryctcs. c. cor. l-'arniiu A. llth 7M DRESSMAKING. Formtc , ttc. , ttttcrpnt fml column n ENlAaiME.STHI : todoirressninkfns ; In faiii- Illcs solicited. Mlisbtunly.SUO Harnov st 41UHO' COSTUMhS. , , ttc , tee toitoffift foliiiiiii on l/if / | V7ff LAplFSnnd FPiillfcmcn can rent isnuor- ade suits at Eli N , 10th sU C..U.M * Tlll-J B1A.IUCGT. rNSTUUMKNTd ulaooeton record Janiinry 17. WAUHANTT C M Hack nnd wlfo to A M Hick , o 53 feet lot 17. blk 4in , ( Jrandvlow . 81,000 W\V Cook ted W Ollls , lot a , blk 3 , Junetlon ViowTorrnc-o . 230 I KCoiiKdou. triistei1 , toV L Irish , lots 1 toll , 'JO to 2bllc ( ! 2. Druid lllll . 0,250 Alary Dnorak to.Iobn 1'azdcrka , lot 10 , blk L' , Dworak's add to bouth Omaha ( rolllo ) . J50 Mary Dnnrnk to Prank and Anna ICtdll , lotr , blk II. Uworalc's add to bouth Oinahn ( rellle ) . 400 M II ritch and husband to William Schmollri , lots 11 and 12 , Ura\os' I'nrk . . . . . 700 M TtJuHininduIfoto H T Cndy and 1 rank t'olpet i-r , mid j lotsfl to 8 , blk 109iindlot4 , blk 211 , Omaha . W Ti Irish mid lfoto P U la\ls et ill , lots 1U. ai and 21 , bile i1. lledford Pliu o . 5,473 August Knunt/nptnl to.M J Cilttendcn. let as. hlH , , Druid Hill . . 1,500 AiiLMist l\oiintro tobtcpbeii Anton , loll , blk 11 , Druid Mill . . . 1,503 HnrhainMstll nnd husl and to Joseph Hirlu'eif lot U. blK Ts hounlio.ld add a.'iOO Itl AlOlsiuund husband toClnlst Millet. lot Hi. blK 5 , II ikor I'laeo 1,100 John I'n/doiKa anil wlfo to Frank Pal in.1 , n't lot 10 , hlk.2 , Dworak's add tobouth Omilm . . . , . . 1B5 IJyron Hied ot al to Andrew llorg , nii o'Jlot ' W , hll.4 , Campbell's add . 300 SKltcfjcrs and wlfo to Chailes Mclu- tyio , Iol4 , blk 11 , Impr. Assn add . 600 Total amount oftransfors . $21,011 .Losses Paid in 72 Years $66,271.000. JAMJAIIV 1. 1801. Gush Capital . 84000,00000 Itasor\e , re Insuiancc , [ flro ] . . 2,2ss',0.10 ' 50 ItesorMreInsurance , llnliind ] , . . 23,91748 Hcsei \ t-.uiiimld lob-.es , [ flic ] . . . . 207,11421 Uiservc , unpaid lobscs.Llnland ] . . . . 7,177 81 Other claims . 80,290 OJ Notburplus . 3.812,770 4S Total assets 810,4" > 7,497 04 "AS roriow8 : " Cash In bank $ 772C83,31 Cash In Innds of Agents 50J,8J7.J4 : Heal Estate 275,000.00 Loans on linmland Mortgage 43,000 no Lo ins on Col laterals IVVTO.OO Stooka and Homls" " $8,83bKX.00 ) Accruoa Interest , 0)1 ) It9 Total Assets $10,457,407.04 Northwestern Branch Office , OMAHA , NEB. W. H. AVYMAN , General Agent. O. W. POTTr.tt , Ass'tCon'l Agent. Agencies at all principal points. Murpbv & Lotett Agouti , Omaha , Persons & . Berry. Agents ; South Omaha. Tsotico to stockholders. The annual niocthij of the stockholders of The Ileo IlulldhiK ( Joint ) mv will bo held at thoolllcBof 'nib OMAHA IIKE , lice llulioing , Omaha. Neb , at4 o'clouk p in.Tuo > > day. Janu ary , 20l&l.for tlio purposenfoleclliiKnlHMiil of dlicctoisfor the ensulnc joar and the trans action of such other business as may como be fore the moitliin' . Hy order of thu piealdent. Omahr.Ueo.l4,1800. N. I' . Khiubccrutury. 4dldJ RR1LWRY TIME CRRD Leaves ICII10AI.O , 11UUI1NOFOV , V Q I Arrives Umnlin. I Ucpot 10th nnil .Mason strouts I Otuulin. 4 10 p ml Clllpico 8 OJ n m UriOa m CnloJKo . . . . 0 20 p m 0 10 p m ChlL.'iM ) Kxpross 10 05 m J , M p m town Local 12 OU m 7imreT"HtJUniNtVl | Oft XTjloriflVJiH I ArrlveT Omuha. | Depot IQtli and atnsim atreela I Omnlia. If iTTSl' . I Depot IQlti ami Mnnon streets S11) ) n m.KMiiras | City Day Kxpi > s. . , . | ( > 10 p m l.'i | > m11C C Mclit Kxp via U. 1' Trim ; I I ! 15 _ m ONlOSTAClI-'ren Depot lOtlt nn < l Marcy Btreoti 2 ' ) < ) p 111 , Ovorhml 1 Iyer. . U. > p m 7 .0 p m , ,1'nclllc Kxpross , 11 43 a m 10 20 n in i Donvtr 15xprt" < .1M p m f > 07 a in . . . . . . .Kftiisna CjtT 1 xi rets , , , . . . 12 a , n in T-ouToa' 1' OliTCAdOi'll. 1'ACIHC fArtlvei Oinohii. lu. 1' . ( UpoU lull anil 1:1 : I Omnlia " . 10 p m Kipr ( H llUUiikin ' . ) 0i n m . Atlniitlu KxprosB II ! 0 IP MI JL " P " 1 Vesllliulo l.lmllol . . . llOI'mm I BlOTlJTOll VK I'AT'IHC ; TAifRuV Oiiulin | U. 1' . di'i'iit. mill nut Mnrcy Bti I Onmln. 7,15 a nil tiloilx Lily 1'imieiiKcr _ 4 JO p ml ( i t. I'liiil Kipross 10 10 a in "I caveT ] SIOUX'OH Y t'ACll Iff. I Arrives himhit. | lui it 15th \\tjbnterSts. . I Omaha. TSiiroa Tcint5An6"S , NiTUlHWliSai rtNi Arrives' Oiniilin | U. 1' . ( U'l'Ut. ' lull unit Mnrcy Mtu I Omilia. U l' > a m d.JO p m 4 M ) p m VciUliulo l.lraltuil I'.V ) n m li IS p m lownAiconiiuoilat'oiiuic ( Sun ) 7 05 p m tl 10 p m . . . . . ilTnitera Myo i IS p m 1 1 1 1 u n ( exr 8nnl'n ) tKn t lxove ! ( Monl 7.40 n m i TAhlvun Oinntiii. U. I * , cl.'iuit , luth nnil Muriybui I Oinalin. m y 4.i a m I I m ) p m OMAIlA"A.i3'riOllTB Oinuhu U. 1 * . ilcpjt. lull niul Marcy Sts | 4 SO p m | Bt 'iQiiln Cminon Hull. . . . . | l. ' . J.CUV09 T" , i : " & MU" VXLT.KY TSiriven" Oninltn PcpotUtli niulVebttor Sts. I Omaha. Un oil a Uinalm 10 toll m.Ht. | l.oulB , V K. ( J. I.xvrjit. . U15p m.St | Ixnila It 1C. U lUire < n t .M u m ( UIIOAUO , II. I. \ 1'Af'lfcIG. I Arrives Trnnifor ) Union Dopot. Council HlulN. [ Tranifor ( Lin p in Nulil ; KtprcBs. . , lili a in 0 W a m Atlnntlo 6 M p ui fi.OU m Vo tlliuto I.lmltPit , 10 10 n m avusTl Tro mfurl ; Union Dopot. Council lilulln. rnnnfor 'J 10 ft in bTJo p m n ( n p m . .Vestibule Limited U > } n m Id UO p m . . . .Fnitorn Hyor , . , , 2 00 p m 1 > lp m .TAllnntlo.Mnll. 7 JO a m B iUp mliiiiTti AcconiiriiiilMllim ( Km Hun ) I C 4U pm _ iCTIl A(50rMin7 ( S'BTriIA" "ArrlvoV Traniforl Union Impot , Council Trunifor " ( I JU p ml. , , , . Cliltago Kxviet U 15 a m 12 3U ji in | If Tronirt-rl Union Dopot. Council llllUTi 1U W a mTiTr.TCanian Cltr I'nr Kxpresi. , KIM p nil..Kiinian f\\j \ \ lnlitKxpio _ . "Lc vu l DlLniX & Arrtiui IrantfiTl Union lcjot. | Conncll Illulfti. Trnntfcr 13 It p ni XrTlye ? " Trinifor Union l ) 'pol | Con licit llluffn. Tranifer J to a in I litiniiu Kf l , -M p m 10 U ) p m . . , . Chlcniin Kirpn-ns . ( i 10 n m r1 ( X > p in ' JOji m Louvoa } Arrlvu * " Trunifor Union Doput , Tuuno llllulTi. _ Iranifur T < 1 it m . .bluur Cltr Accommoilailon , , , U 10 a in' OOlp m , 1'uul 10.UU p m German American Insurance Co , - / OF NEW YORK. STAIT.MKNT , JANUARY i , 1891 , Invested As cts ( stooks nnd bonds ) idffWOt ? 00 Cash In built nnd olllco . : iTS't.M ' OJ Cash liihamUof nmtiagi'n . 1(1,743 ( 70 Halanco In hands of agents . 151 2VJ U rroinluins uncollcLtud , homo olllco OJ , ' - ' ( ! Ul Total . . fit , , ' * tH-t : I fitt Oapltalilock . 11,000,000(0 Kc orvo fur ro-lnsiirntiri' . . . . . . . . . 2,01.1,118 C5 Looses adjusted ami unuiljimted. . . , L'iKUIS to Commissions and other liabilities. , t. / > OT > itt : is nt tV'13,174 Market Value of Stock [ Par 100310. . The Compnnr tninsncls btf-linss under Iho proTlsious of llto New Yoik Fund Liw. Wheeler & Wheeler , Local Agents , 1 , Cretghton Block. FRANCIS DANA , Special Agent , 8O4 N. Y. Llfo Bld'g. A of/ft * oftliv NHtiiii/nftlw Cltll tonti- ftl HH < t lion i-tl f < //.Vjiiif/.tif/ > n. To thu owners of lots nnd lands almtlliiR on or iidliipuit to thi ) MieuH , allins or IUCTUIOS Hituntud In wholn or In put ulthlii any of the . Von and ouili of jou , uru hereby that the Ult > Oounoll will Ml as a Hoard of Lijiiiill7iitlon , at thuottleo of the City Clerk , In Douglas County Court House , on Monday tho''lthdny of January , but , from l ) o'clock a. in. to t > oMook ] i. in , for the purroio of oqu ill/Ins the proposed levy of special taxes nnd assessments , and eoi looting any errors thuiclti , and of ho.it In. ; all complaints that the outlets of prapei ty RO lo bo tnxod and nssessoil mnv make ; said speelal tn\oj and usfwshim nts liilng lulled according to law to cover the cost of rwnn Sherman Aenuo from \Vlrt to Commorelal St In pa\lngdlstilct No i- . llth street from Webster to Nicholas St la paxlng dlstriit No. JlTi. CUHIIINO Commercial Street ( rom Shernnn Ave , to 20th bt. . In sa Inu district No 2.5J. Loivo Avoniui ( mm Mercer Axe , to Hamil ton St. . pnIng district 7ui.S % IMIiStnet fiiimJiioksonSt. , to Loavonwoith St.iinliiKdlstrlotNo. 270 Kind street fiom fcl. Mary's A c. to Leaven- " - woith St. . In pl ! lllIdl ! llrlet l ) W ) 7th AM HUH from \Hlllum \ St. to I'lnoSt , In pilnir : district No. JO" . Northron AMMIIIO doinMcrcor A\o. to Hurt St. . In piIng district No 114. Htlt Htuct. alloy N. Woitb lugtou'to IMno St , In p i\ lug district No. ' S nilAllINO 27th A\enuofix > m I'opp'etoa ' Aro. to Hloli- oiybt - Tor construction of Sewer No 123. And bo It further llosiihod ; That the Olty Clerk ho notice of such sitting at least six days prior thereto lu throe daily papers of thu city. And lie It further rosol\cd ; that unless for flood andsufnVlont cinselt may ho otherwise oidered and dutuimltied , that R ild cost , or purtof cost bo so assessed pie r.itu , uccordlnc ( o foot frontage upon nil the lots unit ioal estate In fluid districts respectively , adjacent to or abutting the line of said Improvements , accordlmrto tno usual scaling back process as heretofore adopted , nnd followed by mild council , lu tlm assessment of special taxes to co > er the cost of sild work , to-wll : Ono-thlrd of said pro rata eost , upon the one-sixth part of the whole amount of ground to he assessed , first abutting upon the street linn alone said Improt onion Is. Ono-llftli pirt of such pro rat a cost , upon the second one-sixth part of the whole amount of snld ground adjoining thereto. Oiio-slUli part of such mo rata cost , upon the third oiieslth part of I ho hole amount of sild uround next adjacent. And tliriic-tcnthsot iiald pro rata cost , upon the adjacent or rumnlnlii ! ? one-half pin of the whole of sild ground. You and each of jou , are hereby notified to appeir buforusild Ho ud of Kiiunll/iitlon , at the time and place nboMi speclllt'd. to make nnj complaint , statement , or objection you elrslro concerning said proposed levy and as- bc.sinunlof ) special taxes JOHN OHOVE3 , City Clerk. Omaha. January 10th , 18J1 , Jliidut UOl'OSALSKOH PIEI-I ) SEEDS.-U. S. IN- dlun soi vice. Itosobuil Agency , faouth Da- kotiJanuary 12. 1ML ) Sealed proposals en dorsed "Proposals for 1 leld hocds " and ad dressed to tlm umloislgncil nt Rosebud A"onoy , hoiitli Duhotii. will bo received until 1 o'clock of rohriiiiry 5Nil , foi furnishing and dollvoilni ; tlioK.iinu at Valentino , Nobrakn1 fcW ) bushels of Reed oatH , lUOl ) bushels of MMM ! potatoes and 1,00(1 ( bushels of seed coin , Iliil- dorsmust statu the proposed price of each in- tloloto boolfcud for ( Iclhory undnr a eon- tr ict. Ci.iiTiriKii CIIKCKS Lnch bid must bo accompanlud hv a rortl- llodehcck or draft upon some United bt ite s Depository , made pa ) able to the order of the undersigned , for at least K1YE per cent of Iho amount of the pioposil , which check or draft will bo fnrfoliod in the United States In cnso any bidder or bidders receiving nu award shall fall tojiromptly uxc'cute u con tract ullhuooil anil sulliolont suiltlei. other- n IM ! lo bo returned lo the bidder. .1. ( iEOUOE WltlOllT , U. K Indian Agent. J-Ul-d-iil-tm Ji > Niilnlion .Notice. Notice Is hcrnby given that the firm of I.Winston Hriithers fc Co h n this duy IM-OH dlssulM'dhy mutuil consent. The buslmms will hero if tor he conducted by I/c > \ luHton lliothers , who will collect all debts duo said Lite llrm and pay all outstanding accounts , bOIOMON LV.MNBTON , N TIIAN LEMNSTON , OMAHA , Neb. , Jan. ! > . iwil. .110 d'it * A ItiiHtlu an n lint Ti up. A party of Indies were in a Front street Btoro when a rat dm ted out from bolilnd the counter and scurtiod about ammi them , creating no litllo alarm and excitement , saya the Sealllo 1'ost- Intolllgoncor. The animal middonly diuappcatcd and the event \VUB for- { jottou for a time. The ladies were mound tlio city for two hours or mete nnd tncn rotuuicd to tholr liomos. One of the patty corn- plalnod of fatlpuo upon roaeliiiifj her room , and in the prronco two of her lady frlondu who had boon , with her during tlio afternoon , proceeded to change hotBtreot contumo for a hottso dross. The operation , ho\vo\or , had scarcely begun when there was a repro duction of the Bcono In the Btoro down town , for snugly ensconced in the young lady'B wlro dress form that is to say her bustle was the missing rodent. A Onitcfiil ( limit. It is not often that a lawyer receives other recognition of his services in behalf - half of a client thiiu a rotalnor nnd fee , says the Boston Tiavollor. The fooling ol most people when they got through with a niomhor of the legal fraternity is moro akin to sorrow than gratitude. A Court street attorney has had a con trary experience. Ono of his clients , an Irish woman , who iittd been indicted several times , hut never convicted , for keeping a kitchen bar room in the West End dropped in on hitn yesterday with n Christmas present. It was i\ handsome silk mulllor. "Hut you'\o already paid mo , Mary , " said the lawyer. "Nlvir mind , eor , " eho replied , "but tuck it around your folno throiitun'kapo your tongue glib , for , bogorra , I may nado thliu agin. " X The Urjruteil I ovor. Ho proposed , she said no , anil ho pondered M upon It , And his brow grow block as a hcarso , r And as ho departed ho called her a louuot , Because ho to uttn was avorso.