Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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Another Scheme lo Bo Sprung on tlio Legis
lature by Prohibitionists.
Views or Prominent Fnrmers In the
Holme on Hnllrond Jleuiilntlon
Swltzlcr's ilRBrcsHlvo Tnetlus
Not OH.
LINCOLNNob. . , Jnn. 10. [ Special Telegram
toTnnnKn. ] It has Justbocn learned that the
lirohlblllonl.iLs hnvn sent out over the state n
llooa of petitions asUliiR the leglsl.ituro for a
recount of the ballots of the November elec
tions. Politician ? regard this move ns a
covert sohctno of the Independents to got
possession of the ballots of Douglas
county , 119 the prohibition Uts cnn have no
possible hope of rovorsIiiR the defeat of the
amendment. It Is expected the legislature
will ho showered with those petit Ions in the
next two weeks nnd preparations are being
made quietly to meet the attack.
Four years ago a special net of
the legislature was required to socu re n re
count of ballots , and la the present case Gov
ernor IJoyd's veto may stnnd in the way of
partisan juggllnc.
It Approves the Concurrent Resolu
tion Jlclntlve to the Contest.
LINCOLN , Neb , , .Inn. 10. [ Special to TUB
DCE. ] Little business of Importance was
transacted in the senate tuls morning.
The committee on engrossed , bills was au
thorized to employ additional help as needed ,
nnd the chaplain and assistant secretaries
were given the regulation allowance of news
papers and stamps.
The Mattoi rcsolutign requiring the con
testants for state offices to furnish each leg
islator n printed copy of their evidence wltn-
out cost to the state was amended by Senator
Moore so ns to maUo It a "request , " when it
received twonty.two votes.
Senator Shea Introduced a bill giving the
Bolivia * county ( Third ) district eight Judges ,
and Senntflr Kjjgleston offered n bill provid
ing for thirteen Judicial districts.
Senator Uysnrt ofTorcd n Joint resolution
for a constitutional amendment for an. elect
ive railroad commission.
The sennto went into committee of the
whole for the first tlmo nnd approved the
concurrent resolution fixing next Tuesday ns
the tlmo for beginning the hearing of the
contest . When the Henato accepted the re
port of the committee of the whole most of
the senators thought tlio resolution luiil been
passed , and the senate adjourned. But It
had not , , though it will undoubtedly go
.through on Its third reading In the morning.
Another AVranglo Over tlio Question
of Correcting tlio Journal.
LINCOLN : , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special to Tns
BBC. ] The speaker appointed the follow
ing committee on the nppropriatlon of % 15,000 ,
for an experiment station : Messrs. Sovorin
of Lancaster , Faxon , Kohnn , Waldron and
On motion of White , the Journal of the
second day's ' proceedings of the Joint con
vention xvcro taken up for correction.
White demanded the reading of the journal
of the first day's proceedings for information.
, Tlio journal showed that the lieutenant
povofnof presided , to which a majority of the
hpuso protested. Whlto insisted that the
Journal o ? the second day should bo corrected
to ncrco with the first day.
The Independents insisted that the Houtcn-
nnt governor was only a usurper nnd should
not bo recognized as having occupied the
chtdr , and demanded a roll call on the ap
proval of the Journal. Mnny members explained -
plained their votes.
Onto ( hid ) said that as this Journal pur
ported to bo a record of the actual trans
actions of the house ho must vote "no. "
Shradcr ( Ind ) said ho never recognized the
lieutenant governor ur the presiding ofilcer
nrtd V'putd vote nyo.
Crumb ( rep ) , explained his votoby saving
that every member of this house recognized
Molklojohn as the presiding ollicer nnd ho
must vote no.
Stovous of Flllmoro said ho regarded
jMoIWoJohn only n s a usurper and ho would
vote nyo. *
* .GiiUj.find ) , Ilecman ( Ind ) , llcnrlch ( Ind )
and Lomtix ( Ind ) voted against approving the
Journal and Ollllllan ( WD ) voted with , the in-
dcKiiiilunts. |
The journal was approved by a vote of 51
to W.
House adjourned till 2 p. m.
A petition wns presented by Arnold from
the citlwns of Gugo county asking for an np-
, prU > rlatlon of , WHJ to aid in building a
brio po across the Hly Uluo river.
Hcuth presented a petition from fifty or
more citizens of Mirage precinct , Sheridan
' 'county , asking for an nppropriatlon to fur
nish thorn seed for the comlng'yoar.
Taylor of Johnson Introduced a resolution
ordering the printing of the Journal of each
day's proceedings lor the use of members.
Stornsdorff introduced a resolution limit
ing thd newspapers ordered by members nt
the expense of thostnto to Nebraska publi
cations. Adopted.
A largo number of bills wore sent up nnd
rend the first time , among them the follow
ing :
By Stevens of Flllmoro Making olcht
hours a legal day's work for servants , mo-
chunlcs nnd laborers.
By Smith Hopcnllng the "innocent pur- '
chaser" clause In notes.
By Krlclt To punish lumber nnd coal deal
ers for forming a pool cr trust.
By Taylor of Dutler Municipal suffrage
for -u onion. %
By Moan To compel railroads to imrno sta
tions the sumo 03 the village or city.
By Moan Providing that the governor nnd
secretary ef stuto shall bo added to the board
of transportation nnd the appointment of
secretaries of the board by the governor.
By Bortrand 1'rovldlng lor the drawing
of 'grand Juries.
By Hmith-'To require plaintiffs in civil
actions to file bond for costs.
By Honth To prohibit the Issuing of
watered stock by railroad corporations.
By Ounnott To prevent discrimination in
lifo insurance nnd prohibit rebates.
By Ilennlcli To appropriate the sum of
$1,000 to Blalno county , the expense for the
prosecution and conviction of ono Yocura of
a stnto offense.
By BrcnimiiTo protect labor unions nnd
nuthonzo them to adopt labels and trade
By Stobblns ApproprltUinc $10,000 to sink
nn nrtcslun well on the grounds of the Indus
trial school ut Koarnoy.
By Lomax To provide for the election of
prosUlontlat electors by congressional dis
tricts. „
On motion by Gardner , a bill by Broderson
of Polk , restricting the ownership of lands to
820 acres to each person was Indefinitely post
McKesson Introduced n concurrent resolu
tion condemning the Conger land bill now
pending in congress and approving the Pad
dock pure lard bill , which wiis read the llrst
The committee on employes reported fifty
now employed , and twoiity-ono moro re
quired. Adopted , and the extra number
The house adjourned to 10 a. in. tomorrow.
JIo Trios to Make the Iiulcpondciita
Ilrcoitnlzo lloyd us Governor.
LINCOLN , Neb , , Jan. 10. [ Special to TUB
BKK. ] Deny it us much as they may , the
independents , cannot inako the opposition
hero bollovo that they have not n secret under ,
standing that Mr , Boyd shall not bo rcc-
ognuod by the legislature as governor if it
can bo avoided ,
Aa already explained in TUB DUE , the
tactic * of the Independents all lend color to
that belief , and Senator Swlulcr is forcing
thabuuo nt every opportunity. Ho bo had
aovcrul cbobcoa in connection with the move
ment to afford relief to the drouth sufferers
before passing an appropriation bill , which
would need the governor's signature , ar.d
this morning bo made another stand , with
partial nuccosn.
The clerk of the house brouuht over n con-
currot resolution providing for the appoint-
mcnt of a relief committee , with two mem
bcrs from the house , ono from the sennto nnd
several private citizen ? . The resolution has
been reatU only once In the house , out the
clerk vend It to the sennto In full.
Subsequently the following wns offered :
, Tint a committee of ono bo ap
pointed to confer with u Ilko committed of tlio
homo heretofore- appointed relative to relief
Senator Swltzlar Interposed several objec
tions , "but the rules wore "suspended to put
the resolution on Its passage , when ho quail-
lied It by getting in the following amend-
mctit :
"Thntln appointing this committee the
Bcnatc does notcomtntt Itself to the provisions
of the house resolution. "
The senator from Douglas nmdo a fervid
Btx.0ch , In which he clmrpcd that thla resolu
tion wns partof a schomoof the Independents
to got money for tlio relief of the drouth sttf-
fc-rora without recognizing James K. Bo.vil as
governor. Ho said there was only ono proper
way to got that relief from the IcgMntwo.
and that was nn appropriation bill , which nil
parties would gladly vote for. Such n bill
has beoa introduced In the house , nnd by
Tuesday can bo made a law. A relict com-
mlltco can hardly do nnythlnc In the Inter
vening tlmo. The senator said he had doubts
about the constitutionality of such an appro
priation , but this wns nn extraordinary
emergency and ho was not disposed lo seek
for reasons to defeat such a measure. However -
over , the bill may run up against that snag ,
and what n sorry plight n great many people
would bo In if the niipromo court should do-
clnro it unconstitutional after this relief cum-
nilttee baa contracted a big dobtaml disposed
of the goods. In support of his argument he
read Irom the following circular letter Just
being sent out by Independent members of
tlio homo :
IIAH ) : Suit No doubt you have ra < l the re
ports of niieli impoM as THE OMAHA DAILY"
- - , World-Herald , and State Journal durlnij
the past wnolc , and have probablv noticed the
sluis and disparagements cast upon the Imlu-
puiuli-iiM. While tlio piiors ; | miv : Klvo the
proRraniiiio followed correetly , tbo attendant
mntlor muHt buieud with u great many do-
gicesof allowance , and inuehot it Is wholly
Tlio fact remains that. In nil essential 'anil
linpoi taut matturs your servants are harmon
ious nnd working as a unit , and notliliixut
present portends to any serious divisions In
further legislation.
\Vhllotliorolssocintnsly a victory for the
now combined forces nf our opposition In suc
ceeding In having lloyd and the republican
state ulllcorsdcuhiieil elected upon tlio face
of the returns , thcru Is every Indication that
the matter of con tot will Go thc-oiiKlily In *
vo-itlfjiited , and your rcpresi tutlvc.s will
most certainly make no concessions except as
tire perfectly right mul Just.
There Is no question but that a bill making
nn appropriation nf at least Si00,000 will
spoeilllybu passed for tlio Immediate relief oC
t lin thought dtrlokon roulnn. Hon.V. . A. Mo-
Kotehun Is : now In the city anil making every
effort to push foilh a gounrnl government ap-
piopi'iatlon orllUOO. < ) UO. Tlio state relief coiu-
nillloo has by resolution made him chairman
of a committee composed of thrco cnniiiuvi-
incn olt-ot , nnd ho Is to proceed to Washington
to urge Iniinodhito action on the part of the
picsunt congress.
Ono of the Ktrotis points In fnvor of Kovern-
inrnt aid Is that mnco June 15,1SKI. there has
boon puld Into the niitlonal treasury from the
MeCook district alone , a-.OOy.STl ) . unil of this
Hum not a dollar haaovor reverted back to tlio
Your servants would bo happy to receive
any udvlco or suggestions you may have to
olTur , nnd will certainly give thorn oiireful
consideration , not only fn this , but In all other
Mr. Swilzlcr gave nollco xhat If the inde
pendents persisted in their course ho would
consider himself absolved from any Implied
pledge to support the appropriation bill , and
would assume the right to question its con
stitutionality and light the contcsl on that
linn. Ho reiterated lhat ho was in favor of
the proposed relief , but ho was Opposed to an
irregular and unnecessary procedure when
the desired end could bo reached qulto as
quickly In the proper way. In other words ,
Mr. Switzlor Insists Ihnl nn appropriation
bill be passed and sent to Governor Boyd for
his signature. lie rccards his amendment
as n chcckmato to the Slovens resolution.
Senator Slovens was appointed to the com
The Vlows , of IjoatllnB Farmers In the
, -.IloiiHo on tlii ) Subject.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special to
Tins BI'.E. ' ] The ro is very little difference the farmers in the lower branch of
the legislature on the qucslion of railroad
legislation. Yesterday the vlows of leading
Independents were given. Below will bo
found the opinions of the farmers on the
other side of the houso. The concensus of
opinions would indicate that a maximum tar
iff , fixing rates at 10 to 15 per cent above the
rates noiv prevailing in Iowa , would Do enacted -
acted ; and an amendment to Iho constitution
submitted providing for the election of rail
road commissioners by the pcoplo. On uelng
Interviewed the members expressed them
selves ns follows :
Nelson of Platte. ( democrat , farmer , but
not alliance ) Freights nro too high and need
reduction. I will support a maximum tariff
bill , nnd bcllovo Iho constitution should bo
changed so that railroad commissioners may
bo elected by direct vote of the people. I
nlso tnvor a 3 cent faro , and think frco passes
should bo abolished.
Frost of Hurt , ( republican aud farmer )
I am strongly In favor of a reduction In
freight rates , but In the thinly settled parts
of the state a radical reduction would work
nn injury lo the roads. 1 nlso think there
should bo a reduction in passenger rates , but
am not prepared to say to what ox tout , .
Williams of Gngo ( republican and alliance )
I bcllevo wo should endeavor to bo just lo
nil Interests. Wo want a sharp reduction in
in freight rates , and a 'J-cont passenger faro.
I think wo should pass a maximum freight
bill and provide for the election of r.illroncl
commissioners by the people. Frco Basses
to public ofllcials should also bo abolished.
Albert of Gage ( republican and farmer ) ]
am In fnvor of a reduction In freight rates.
Vandevcnterof Hlchardson ( republican antl
farmer ) I think there should bo a reduction
in both froicht and passenger rules , and 1
will support almost any measure calculated
to bring about this result.
Crumb of Jefferson ( republican and nlll-
anco ) I want to do justice to all Interests.
Fielghts are too high now. Railroads should
nave a fair compensation for services ren
dered and mnko a reasonable Interest on their
actual investment. Kates ought to bo a trifle
higher here than In the cos ton account of our
sparse population. I do not approve of the
indiscriinmato sriving of passes to Influence
legislation. Whatever may bo right ns be
tween the people nnd the railroads , that Is
what I want.
Shipley of Cumlng ( democrat aud farmer )
1 agree in general with the views oxprosscc
by Mr. Cramb.
Decker of Thayer ( democrat and farmer )
1 think some reduction in freight rates shouli
tie made , hut nothing radical should bo ut-
tomptcd. Passenger rates should also bo cut
down. I don't know anything about free
passes. I never had ono.
Clnpp of Jefferson ( republican , farmer and
alliance ) I will fnvor a law similar to the
Iowa statute regulating railroads. I wll
support n maximum tariff bill , and I think 3
cents u nilio Is enough for passengers. Frco
passes nro bad on. principle , and ought to bo
u bolls bed by law.
Fee of Cherry ( republican nnd farmer )
utu In favor of a reduction of freight rates
ami some plan by which railroad commission
era may be elected by the pcoplo. I thliil
Homo reduction in passcngor faro should IK
iiKulo , Wo might compromise on " % cents a
mllo. Free passes , have n tcndencv to cor
rupt legislation and should 1m prohibited ,
bchuppol of Pawnee ( republican nnd
farmer ) I favor a maximum tarIT cent
faro , nnd am opposed to free passes.
Soverln of Lancaster ( republican anc.
fannor ) I favor maximum freight rates , a 3
cent fare , and want the railroad commission
ers elected by too pcoplo.
Tlio HnuHO Commlttera.
LIXCOI.X , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special to TUB
BEK. ] The following is a fuK and corrected
lUtof the standing committees of the houM :
Judiciary Schrador , chairman ; Kruso ,
Cariwnter , Taylor , McHeynolds , Lomax ,
Herman , Gale , Watson , ( rep ) , Uupok , ( doin ) ,
Cornish , ( rep ) .
Finance , Ways nnd Means Nichols , chair
man ; Slovens , Sodcrninu , Storm , Purncll ,
Gufllu , Stewart , Schrador , Cramb , ( rep ) ,
Gillllan , ( rep ) , Suryock , ( dom ) ,
Kinployes llannan , chairman ; Gifford ,
Lomnx , White , ( dom ) , Uobson.Capek , ( dcm ) ,
Stewart , McKesson , ( rep ) . Wilson.
Agriculture Modio. cbalrmou ; Curtis ,
Sholp. Nowbcrry , Johnson , tlcatb , ( rep ) ,
Keo , ( dcm ) .
Uulcs Mr. Speaker , chairman j Schrndor ,
Cirpcntcr , Oaflln. Howe , ( rep ) , McKoynolds ,
Urcnnnn , ( dcml ,
Roads and BrldRos Fcltchtlnger , chair
man ; Lomax , Uoddard , Olson , Dicker-son ,
Vamfoventor , ( rep ) , Faxon , ( rep ) .
Mllltla- Stevens of 1'latto , chairman ; Par-
neil , Tavlor , Dobion. Arnold , Wilson , Ford
( doin ) . IIuio ( dcm ) , Sevciln ( rep ) .
Public Lands and Buildings Dobson ,
clialrmnnr Glllltnn , Wnldron , Wllllaais of
Franklin. Uunnott , Krlclr , Kruse , Stewart ,
Williams , Clapp ( rep ) , Heath ( rep ) , Hltcnlo
( dom ) , Decker ( rtcinj.
Interim ! Improvements Bartholomew ,
chairman ; Purnell , Slovens of Furnns , Hugt
gles , Clifford ( rep ) , Oakley ( rep ) , McKesson
( rep ) .
'cderal ' Relations Storms , chairman ;
Jones , Dunn , McCUtchcon , Porter , Ureen
( dcm ; , Stcrnsdorff ( dom ) .
Accounts nnd Expenditures 'Waldron ,
chairman ; Scryock , Krusc , Stevens of Fillmore -
moro , Bartholomew , Porter , Frost ' ( rol'i )
Pohlman ( rep ) , JJreon ( dom ) .
Constitutional AmendmentsStovcus of
Furims , chairman ; Fulton , Holmn , Carpen
ter , Porter , Storms , Olson , Sehoppel ( rep ) ,
Hcntu ( rep ) , Cornish ( rep ) , Huso ( dom ) .
Countv Boundaries , County beats , and
Township Organization Williams of Frank
Hu , airman ; Lomnx , Fulton , Shradur ,
Krlck , Henoy , Curtis , Lamp ( Uom ) , Vando-
venter ( rep ) .
Hallronds McKeynolds , chairman ; Dunn ,
Stevens of Fillmore , Herman , Shradcr , P6r-
tor" ; Mullen , Nowborry , Gale , Voorhecs , Oaf-
lln , Taylor of Johnson , Storms , Cramb ( rep ) ,
Moan ( dcm ) .
Privileges and Elections Taylor of John
son , chairman ; Stevens of Furnns , Soder-
man , llohnn , Nowborry , Scholp , Dunn. Vor-
lies , Ames ( dcm ) , Crumb ( rep ) , Johnston
( dem ) .
Penitentiary Stewart , chairman ; Will
iams of Franklin , Dunn , Gunnot , Smith ,
Johnson , Modio , FclKor ( dem ) , Pohlman
( rep ) .
Itovonuoand Taxation Carpenter , chair
man ; Scott , Slovens of Fillmoro. Johnson ,
Kupglos. Modio , Mullen , Nelson , Sterusdorff
( dom ) , Oakloy ( rep ) , McKesson ( rep ) .
Labor Herman , chairman ; Williams of
ranklin , Stobblus , Parker , Fulton , Wilson ,
Ilnklo ( dem ) , Cornish ( rep ) , Ford ( dem ) ,
Jertrand ( dom ) , Breen ( dcm ) , Frost ( rep ) .
Apportionment Scott , chairman ; Howe
rep ) , McKoynolds , Herman , Storms , Henry ,
'olnisoii of Valley , Lomax , .Jones , Stcbbins ,
Jiilllu , Taylor of Johnson , Frost ( rep ) ,
'ihrader. White ( dem ) .
Benevolent Institutions Uuggloi , chair
man ; Gale , Kllov , Wilson , Dickorsou , Bren-
an ( dein ) , Oakley ( rep ) .
Fish Culture and Game Watson ( rep ) ,
ihalrman ; Gardner ( dom ) , Capek ( dcm ) ,
' 'ord ( dem ) , Stornsdorff ( dom ) , Bronnan
dem ) , Huso ( dem ) , Felker ( dcm ) , Bertrund
dom ) , Brcen ( dcm ) .
Insurance Dlckorson , chairman ; Fulton ,
ale , Schelp , Taylor of Butler , Foiton , Scblot-
'elt ( dem ) . Ultclilo ( dom ) , Ames ( dom ) .
Telegraph nnd Telephones Curtis , chnlr-
inati : Dunn , Krick , Hiloy , Smith , Flammo
' dom ) , GerJes ( dom ) , Hiukla ( domi , Huso
'dom ' ) .
Fees nnd Salaries Mullen , chairman ; Ful-
on , Dlclcurson , Dobson , Carpenter , Fee ( rep ) ,
lenth ( rep ) , Hltcliio ( dom ) , Johnson ( dom ) .
Alcdlcnl Societies. Sunday Laws nnd Kegn-
atlons Parker , chairman ; Voorhes , Wilson ,
illoy , Werner ( rep ) , Nelson ( dom ) , Whlto
[ dom ) .
Soldiers' ' Homo Krlck , chairman ; Fulton ,
MeCutcheon , Smith , Wilson , Kohati ( Uom ) ,
Insane Hospitals Brodoson , Curtis , Wll-
ion , Nichols , Voorhces , Jones ( dom ) , Ber-
rand ( dcm ) , Alden ( rep ) .
Other Asvlums Dunn , Lomax , Scholp ,
Dobson , Stobblns , liugglos , Goddurd ,
Schlotfeldt ( dom ) , Albert ( rep ) .
Corporations -Goddurd , Arnold , Hohan ,
ilenrich , Herman , Schafpcl ( rep ) , Hall ( dem ) .
Library Lomaic , Porter , Taylor , Henry ,
junnctt , Capok ( dem ) , Stornsdorff ( dcm ) .
Cities nnd Towns Kruso , Carpenter , Hen-
rich , Modio , Gale , Gillllan ( rep ) , Cramb
( rep ) , Faxon ( rep ) , Felker ( dem ) .
Banks nnd Currency Taylor of Butler ,
WaldrotijBredcson , Sodcrmau , Mullen , Slow-
art , Kucrgles.
Public Schools Arnold , Parker , Curtis ,
Jones , McRoynolds , Taylor , Schappel.
University and Normals ITclton , Sodor-
man. Scott , Storm , Lomax , Purnell , Oakloy
( rep ) .
Public Printing Gunuctt , Rohan , Stevens
of PlatU ) , Folton. Porter , Heath , ( rep ) , Hall
( dem ) , Flammo ( dom ) , Shipley ( dem ) .
Mines aud Minerals Smith ; Nichols , Riley ,
Williams , Dlckorson , Honrlch , Parltor.
s Immigration Olson , Nichols , Feichtlngcr ,
Purnell , Scott , Felton , Vorhes of Gugo ,
Brcdeson , Albert ( dem ) , Wflllams ( rep ) ,
Severn ( rep ) .
Manufacturing nnd Commerce Schclp ,
Olson , Curtis , MeCutcheon , Bartholomew ,
Warner ( rep ) , Gcrdcs.
School Lands 'and Funds Gaffen , Scott ,
Henry , Krick , Purnoll , Jones. Vandeventor ,
( rep ) , Gifford ( rap ) , Storms.
Live Stock and Grazing Hcnrv. IZnUnn ,
Bartholomew , MeCutcheon , Curtis , Scholp ,
Fee ( rep ) , Cramb ( rep ) , Heath ( rep ) .
Claims Jones or Burt , chairman ; Albert
( rep ) , Folkor ( dom ) , Sto.vens ol Fillmorc ,
Stevens of Furnns , Mullen , Cornish ( rep ) ,
Heury , Stevens of Platte , Kruso , Smith.
Interprctini ; the Constitution.
Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special to Tun
Br.n.1 There Is much speculation as to
whether Governor Boyd will sitrn the concur
rent resolution for Tuesday's ' Joint convention
to hear the contest. His friends express the
opinion that ho will. Experienced men like
Kepresentativo Walson , E. P. Iloggon and
Walt Seely think his signature is not needed ,
although the constitution seems to require It.
The Independents apparently are going
ahead on the former theory. Senator Stevens -
ons says ho knows of no action by the inde
pendents for an alternate. Ho thinks the
only thing for tno two houses to do is to moot
at the tlmo named by the resolution regard
less of the governor's action and go ahead
with tbo business laid out.
The Independents and democrats In the
senate agreed Informally this afternoon that
Senator Switzlor should present the resolu
tion to Governor Boyd when passed tomor
row , but that duty will prooably bo claimed
by the committee on enrolled and engrossed
For An KlectivoKnilromt Commission
LINCOLN' , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special to TUB
BKU.J Senator Dysart has introduced a
Joint resolution for a constitutional amend
ment providing for elective railroad commis
sioners. It propose * to amend section 1 , arti
cle 5 , by adding the commissioners to the list
of executive officers , to bo elected by the
people in the sumo manner as the other oxo-
cutlvo olllcoM and to hold ofllco two years.
The bill sets the first election for November ,
1801 , but It bears interim ! evidence that the
writer , meant to have it read 189J.
. Downfl StopH Down nnd Out.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Jnn. 10. [ Special lo Tim
BKE. Harry F. Downs was a clerk la the
oftlcoof John Jenkins , deputy labor commis
sioner. Ho was , but Is not. In tbo late un
pleasantness ho took sides with -General
Thnycr aud made himself obnoxiously promi
nent by his ofllclous demonstrations. Gov
ernor Boyd asked for his resignation , and
this afternoon Mr. Downs rec lvcil his
voucher for sixteen days' labor In the state's
service. Philip Andres of Omuha has been
appointed to his plnco.
John M. Thnycr , Jr. , and J. "L. Ferris , lately
serving the state in the chief executive's
ofllcc , are also out of Jobs. Ernest Lowe has
been retained by Governor Boyd until the
other clerks bccouio familiar with his duties.
Harry CbnlTco , already in the office , will tnkc
up Lowo's work , nnd Qort Jiotta of Lincoln
has succeeded Mr. Ferris as steutgrapber.
l.eglHlnllvo Notes.
Mr. Gunnott of \\hohasbconslck
for several days , was In his scat this morning ,
Mr. Huso has introduced a bill fixing tele
phone rentals at not higher than W per
Mr. Schroder's bill extends the stny of ex
ecutions against real estate from nine months
to three years.
The conference of the Independents hasdo-
culcd to cut down th- > list of clerks for tbo
house committees from 1U to 1- .
Philip Andres of Omaha , who is a promi
nent candidate for tbo ofllco of labor com
missioner , U a legislative visitor.
Tbo passage nt nriiu between Church Howe
and Stevens of Furnas affords no small
amount of amusement to tbo lobby.
Mr. Waldron of Adams eoms to tnlnktliat
175,000 will cover the expanses of the present
legislature , and has Introduced a bill appro
priating that amount for this purpono.
It generally takes about an hour to call the
roll. ' 'Mr. I desivo
. Speaker , to explain ray
vote , " U Just now "all the rage , " and perme
ates both sldcs-of tuo house to nn equal ox >
tent. , ow
General Thayer made .1 friendly call this
oftemooa on Governor Boyd.
At n gcntlo hmt jjrom Speaker Kldor , Pat
rick Ford was observed to suddenly rcsuino
his scat today. The spbaker will accept no
more "coaehfiig" ' from the Douglas county
delegation. i it !
The speaker Is'scarcoly able to restrain his
Impatience at -atloiupl at filibustering to
consume the tlmoof , , the houso. "Hurry up ,
boys , " or some Ixpilvnlont remark very fre
quently fnlls front his lips.
The secretaries Af the sennto have tumbled
to t the fact thai nn one pays the slightest at
tention to the ilm'Ur second reading of bills.
Thny began lodayifw save n great deal of tlmo
and breath by rejyllng litllo moro lhan Iho
A bill limiting tba ownership of real estate
by any ono person.lo 320 acres has been In
troduced by Bredeson ( Ind ) of Polk. The
bill nlso provides that on January 1 , 181HJ , all
lands In excess of this amount shall escheat
to the state.
The queer trmlto.up of the house committee
on fish nnd game Is one of tlio singularities of
this singular legislature. The committee-
composed of lion , John C. Watson of Otoo ,
chairman , nnd every member of the Douglas
county delegation.
Mr. Moan of Dakota introduced n bill fix
ing telegraph rates between any two points
In this state at'jr > cents for ten words , and
} 4 cent for each additional word , with free
delivery in city limits. These rates were cs-
tnbllsbcd by iho telegraph companies Iho
very day iho bill was Introduced.
Armory llurnecl.
MtLronn , Neb. , Jan. 10. [ Spsclal lo Titr.
BIB. : ] At U:45 : last night a flro was dis
covered In the roar of Hazelwood & Brownls
two-story brick llvory barn. Before help
enough had arrived on the sccno the flro had
gained such headway It was impossible to
check It and the entlro building with nil H
contained , Including fourteen horses and
seven buggies , were burned , not n single ar
ticle being saved. The lower story and part
of the upper story were occupied by Livery
man J. J. Dunnigan. who Is n heavy loser.
The balance of the buildup was occupied by
Troop A , cavalry , Nebraska national guards ,
ns an armory. They lese their ontlro equip
ment consisting of eighty uniforms , saddles ,
britltoj , sabers nnd forty carbines received
only two days ngo from the United States
arsenal nt Hock Island , III. Captain Culver ,
hi attempting to save the property of his
command , was badly injured about" the head
ana limbs by falling brick caused by the ex
plosion of accumulated gas in iho armory
quarters , which blow the roof of the building
partly off and tore part of the west wall
away. The losses are ns follows : Hazelwood
& Brown , on building , M.OOO ; Insurance ,
$ , ' ,000 ; J. J. Dunnigan , on livery stock and
feed , $ J,000 , no Insurance ; state of Nebraska ,
on nccoutremenls of cavalry company , $2,000 ,
no Insurance ; Cflplnin J. II. Culver , per
sonal , $1,000 , , parlly insured.
The cause of tlio lire nt this writing is
hrowdcd In mystery , but is supposed to bo
' 10 work or nn incendiary.
Beatrice nnd the I'onell I'usliora.
BEATUICH , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special to TUB
3m.J The members of the Beatrice press
are making extensive and elaborate propara-
Ions for the entertainment of the State Press
association which will moot hero the last
lays of Iho present month. The programme
contemplates , in adoption lo Iho roulino work
of the meeting , a toothsome bauquot and df I vo
about the city. The , Beatrice club rooms will
> e thrown ogcn lo.ttie . visiting pencil pushers
during their stay , auil the citizens generally
vlll take a liberal , part la the entertainment
of the guests. The _ pjrcss fraternity through
out the state can rest assured that Beatrice
s going to do Uio very handsome thing by
.hem . , uocauso that is a way that Beatrice
has. t [ , _
Port MorrLs Dedicated.
HARRISON , Nob.7 , Jrin. 10. | Special to THE
3iu.j : Fort Morris , just erected as.a safe
retreat from marauding Indians should they
lawpon to scatter ) over the country , was
formally dodicAt'od'btv Wednesday night nnd
igrantLbnu"was'H4 ] l'iri the , now fortlllcn-
; lon. . .The'fort'Is"about" nine miles norlhoast
of Harrison ) but the dedicatory ball was at
tended byquito ; iPmunbor from town , besides -
sides settlers from miles around the country.
Fully two hundred'and fifty'persons wcro
present , and in the dining room of Mr.
Morris' ranch refreshments were served all
night long. *
A tiuily injured.
CirAnnoN , Nob. , Jan. IB. [ Special Telegram
toTuE BEE. J An accident occurred hero this
evening tLat came very near resulting fatally
to Mrs. "W. L. Cassidy. The lady was out
driving anil , her horse becoming unmanage
able , she attempted to alight from the car
riage , but the apodd of the horses by this
time was prenler lhan anticipated and she
was thrown violently to the ground , sustain
ing severe bruises , n compound fracture of
her limb and a dislocated ankle. Her physi
cians think she will recover.
A Pioneer's Uuatli.
BKATJUCE , NOD. , Jnn. 10. [ Special to Tun
BEE.J--Mrs. Julia E. West , an aged and
highly esteemed resident of this city , died nt
her homo near the corner of Thirteenth nnd
Court streets Wednesday evening of cancer
nf the stomach. The deceased , with herhu s-
band , Mr. It , F. West , came to this city in
1807 and have resided'here over since. Her
husband ana ono daughter survive her. The
funeral services took place Friday afternoon
and , were largely attended.
A Ilnllot Huttle.
FALLS Crrr , Nob. , Jan. 15. [ Special to
THE Bun. ] The board of supervisors of Rich
ardson county bad an interesting tlmo at their
session In this city yesterday electing a chair
man. The race was between a republican ,
W. H. Cornell , and a democrat-alliance man ,
John Jones. In ono formal ballot each man
huu U vote * . Another ballot , however , cloctoO
Jones , much lo the disappointment of Cor
noil's republican frionds.
A Sneak Thlaf CtiURlit.
BKATKICB , No"b. , Jan. 10 , [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEI : . ] Asnoak thief , claiming
to hail from Kansas City and giving Iho name
of Ed. Whitcomb , was caugh't lu tuo act of
steal Ing a quantity of. dry goods from C. E.
Smith & Son's sioro this morning , and was
promptly rnn in.
'liny TlnovcH.
BKATUICB , Nob. , Jan. 10 ( Special Telegram
to Tun BEE. | George Hoed and Uoubon
Booth wcro captured near Ellis , Nob. , last
night m Iho act of stealing a load of baled
hay from the farm of D. 1) . Clomecs. They
were brought to Ihls tlty nn'd lodged in the
county jail. ' * * " '
Glad to Hnvo Tlioin.
GENEVA , Nob. , Jam10. fSpecial Telegram
to THE BUB. ) CofapMny G , Nebraska no
tional guards , First . -regiment , stole a march
on tbo folks lioro nhii amo stealing In on the
B. & M. from Llncolrr , but all the sumo the
folks were glaa to htivo them como anyway.
Tlrod oi OJlleo.
BitOKC.v Bow , No . Jaa. 10. [ Special Tel
egram to liljcnczerMillcr.elcctQd
county atlornoy last Taty on the alliance ticket ,
tendered his resignation to the board of su
pervisors today an/I / li ; H. Campbell of this
city was chosen to flllpo vacancy.
I/ost.Js [ | Arm.
NOUTH BKXD , NoujjflJan , 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BrfBjjFrank Kelly , nn em
ploye in the hemp nilltu'at this placo. had his
loft arm taken oil today by getting it caught
in the large rolls of the mllL
Discharged I'roni Custody.
CIIICAOO , Jan. 10. Mrs. Nellie Hedgers of
Sprlncllold ( who was Instrumental in exposIng -
Ing the working of the "Bothany Homo"
ami having the matron , Mrs. Allen , alias
Mrs. Seoloy. held to the grand jury for
cruelty to children , was today discharged
from the clinrcu of larceny preferred against
her by the matron. Mrs. 'lodgers will not
bnug a damage stilt against the matron.
The Irish 1'otnto Crop.
LONDON , Jan. 10. The Irish register general -
oral , In his report on the potato crop of Ire
land , announces that 760,001 acres were
planted In IbUO , as against 787,234 the preced
ing year , and ttio yield decreased 1OU7,1U3 ,
Ilia Renr Guard of the Nebraska Indian
lighters at Homo.
Crowds Meet Them nt tlio Depot ?
nnd Vqternns nnd llumU of
MUH'U Kurort Them to
'Iliolr Armories.
NCLSOX , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram
oTur. BRi.1 Coinpaify H , First regiment ,
Nebraska national guards , returned this
Veiling and wns honrtlly welcomed by nn
minonso concourse at the depot. The coin-
any marched to the main street , and form-
ng a hollow square , n speech was given by
Captain HV. . Short , which was responded
'o by cheers on cheers.
Troop A itanqiiettuil.
Neb. , Jan. 1(1. ( [ SpecialTelegram
: o TUB DEI : . ] The following mcssago was
received today by Captain Culver , conimand-
ng Troop A , cavalry , Nebraska national
guards ;
nuHiiriM.R , Nob. , Jnn. 1C. CAPTAIN J. It.
/ULVBII , Mllford , Neb. : Von will dismiss your
-omptuiy , 1 inn ns-mri-d that the lives mul
ironorly of our cltkuns aio sufo , The ollleers
and men of your command have my thiinks
"or Ihulr promptness In responding to the call
'orduty and patience In awaiting the result.
Jj. W. C' , llrtjxadlor
When the contents of the nbovo message
became Known , to show their appreciation of
* , ho command , the citi/ona planned a surprise
n the form of an oyster supper and musical
concert , which was held in the armory In the
About ono hundred nnd fifty pcoplo being
present. All expressed themselves ns well
HOafiod with the exhibition drill Klven by
ho troop hi return for Interest uianlfestca by
ho public.
Welcomed \Vltli n D.uieo.
NiiinasKA. CITY , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEB.I Company C returned
lomo tins afternoon over the B. & M. Sev
eral thousand people wcro awaiting them and
much , enthusiasm wns manifested. William
Baumor post , Grand Army of the Hopubltc ,
led by the band , escorted the company lo Iho
irmory , where Ihoy wcro tendered n banquet
nnd reception. Speeches wcro mndo by Hon.
M. L. Hay ward nnd other prominent citizens.
The banquet was followed by a dance.
Company 1C Arrives.
CENTIUI , CITV , Neb , , Jnn. 10. [ SpecialTol-
igram toTnr.Br.n.l Company Kof the First
regiment arrived homo this evening and were
given a grand reception. Buford post , the
band and over a hundred citizens met thorn
at the depot and acted as "an escort to the
armory. K very body is glad to see tbo boys
back sufo ana sound.
Beatrice Hi ysnt Homo.
BnATiucE , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special Telo-
pram to THE Bnn.l Company C , the Bo-
alrico company of Nebraska national guards
returned from the scene of Iho Indian w-ar lo-
night. The boys will bo given n reception
aim banquet by the citizens early next week.
Tlio AVool Market.
BOSTON , Mass. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TIM : BUK. ] Thcro has been an actlvo
demand for wool during the past week and
the sales have been largo , the transactions
amounting to 4i ) 2,000 pounds of all kinds.
Territory wools sold most freely , the sales
being 1,218,000 pounds and , including flno , nt
00@2c ( ! , nnd medium at C3@55c. Texas
wool has been quiet ut 15 ( < ? 24c , as to
Duality. Oregon wool has been in good re
quest at 17(0 ( , ) 0 nnU California at 10@25c ,
as to quality. Pulled wools have been active ,
cholcp supers selling ut40@45ei fair lo good
supersat.90 ( aSC ; nud extra nt ! @ 3Uc. Qhlo
atid Pennsylvania llccccs have been quiet
ut 31@ : c for X and 33@Wc for XX.
Michigan X fleeces have sold talrly
well af20r ( 80c. In combing and delaine
fleeces tho.snles have been made of No. 1
combing nt-iO@4:2c : , Ohio flno dclaino at 30@
: i c and Michigan line delaine at ! H@35c. Un
washed combing and clothing wools have
Doeu firmer , one-quarter being quoted nt 27@
20c nnd three-eighths at SlKjiy.'c. Australian
wool has sold freely at 30 ( < i42c. Foreign car
pet wools have been quiet and firm.
A Sugar Bounty Opinion.
WASHINGTON' , Jan , 10. In response to a re
quest from the treasury department for an
opinion ns to whether the tariff act author
izes the commissioner of internal revenue to
secure licenses therein provided for prior to
\pril 1 , 1891 , and to pay manufactures a
bounty on sugar produced between May HI
and July 1 , lb',11 , the attorney general renders
an opinion that it was not intended by the
act lhat bounties should bo dcmandnblo on
sugar and products prior to July 1 next.
to Turn Over tlio Money.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Jnn : 10. Governor
Hovoy transmitted a message to the legisla
ture today stating that James Murdoclc ,
warden of the northern prison , refuses to pay
into the treasury a cash balance duo tlio
state In November , 1890 , of 23.000 , and Octo
ber , 1800. $18,000 The message asked for
the appointment of a non-partisan committee
to investigate the inntler. It was referred
to tbo committee on prisons.
The Silver Pool Committee.
WASIH.NOTOS , Jnn. 10. The silver pool In
vestigating committee held a preliminary
session this morning for Iho purpose of ar
ranging a plan of procedure. The committee
adjourned after directing subpoonaos to bo
issued lor Messrs. Stovous andApperson , the
two Washington correspondents of the St.
Louis GloborDomocrat , which paper nmdo
the original cluuxo.
Shot by n Ulvnl.
Sioux CITY , la , , Jnn. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tuu BBB.I At Lutoa two young
farmers , William Holllstor and Oscar Kw-
ing , got Into a quarrel about Miss Ada But
ler , to whom both had been paying atten
tions. In the scrimmage which ensued Mr.
IIolHslcr received a rovolyor shot in tuo face ,
tearing away part of his Jaw.
The Postal Tologrnph Bill.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 10. At a meeting of the
house committee on postofllccs and post roads
today a motion to postpone indefinitely fur
ther consideration of tlio postal telegraph bill
was deferred by a vote of 7 to 7. The motion
therefore goes over until the next meeting.
llolyoke's New Mayor.
"llor.YOKK , Colo. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEE. ] Following the resigna
tion ot B. II. Blair as mayor of Clolyoko , J.
F. Forbes , chief train dispatcher of the B. &
M. , was appointed tonight to fill the vacancy
for the unoxplrod term.
Trodpi A ft or Argentine IlobelH.
Buuxoa AYIIK'S , Jan. 10. A largo rebel
force has assembled in the province of Kntro
Illos. ' ho telegraph lines have boon cut ,
and troop * fn strong force huvo been sent to
suppress the outbreak.
The Lnml Too Jlravy.
SYUACUSE , N. Y. , Jan. 10. Allen & Co. of
Buffalo today sout noticeto their correspond
ents that the firm will discontinue trying to
do business after today , u < the "load is too
heavy to work out. "
General. Hunktt Will Get n Pension.
WASHINGTON , Jnn , 10. The house com
inlttco on invalid pensions today agreed t
report favorably the bill ( minting a pension
of f 100 per month to Nathaniel 1 * . Banks of
Mas JuchusottB , _ _
A Verdict Against the Sun-ties.
TowbON , Md. , Jan. 10. The Jury in the
case of the defaulitngtituto treasurer , Archer ,
returned a verdict today against hit sureties
for $00,000.
Franco Hasn't 1 > omlNO.I Support ,
PAIIIH , Jan. 10. La Lanterno today an
nounces that the French government has not
promised to support the no wi'aunma scheme.
cosTist'iiii moil rinsT rtnn.
petit up toolings of blooHhtr ( tiiicMi.
The young hostile bucks nro showing a do-
clileclly sullen ntiil Uhcontiored ] disposition ,
Ills not considered safe to vohluro within
tliclf camp limits , nnd many friendlles mid
liitlfuroods could not be > hired to go near
thorn , at present.
Lilt to Hoar , u Chovcnao scout , catno In this
morning from n night's reconoltcr nnd reports
tha young uicn In the hostile on nip In n very
uneasy condition , mul that It would only ro-
qulro the sllchtestocoldont to touch them off.
it Is evident that , if this ein : bo
nvonlcd nnd the Indians Riven tltno to
cool off , further dinicultics utul bloodshed
cnn bo avoided , Jiut this Will require time ,
probably months. It Is reported that ono of
tlio most turbulent young chlofs sent in word
that If their guns tire wanted the oflleers
must eoiiio after them.
In wnrnlni : the correspondents to rcnmln
nwny from the hostllo camp Goncrul Miles
emphasized the remark that tlio Indians must
give Ui > their arms , and Intimated thai any
0110 going into the camp would hnvu to stand
thn consequences , If It should become nci-os-
sary to thrown rouplo of wngon loads ol shot
mul stool among the hostile * .
Kicking Ui'iir who , with Short Hull , Is
considered nt the hoiul of the hostile * , ven
tured Into the agency this morning nml wns
found among the camps of the frloiulllcs by
Tm < UiK : correspondent nnd im Intorpretor.
JIo wns decided in his n surniicothnt his men
hnd coino hi goinl faith nnd would give up nil
their arms llo said ho had no arms himself
now and Ihoy all wanted to bo Rood Indians.
When asked for his opinion of. Short Hull.
Kicking Hear grinned but llnally said. "Good
Indian. "
Short Bull started to como Into tlio agency
yesterday , but several dozen of his young
men insisted on accompanying him , so bo re
turned to his ramp , as ho diu notllko to maUo
any demonstrations of strength or foreo.
Little Chief who left for Little Tongiio
river is ono of the most loyal of the friendlier
andsutd to mo this mornitig : "Mo sleep ,
sleep , " Indicating that ho wns always peace-
Mnjor Hurlce , Buffalo Dill's mahofror , called
my attention to his ' -Wild West Indians1
who are walking about the agency grounds.
The men arc comfortably clad and"contented. . "
They have proven loyal and of great aid to
the government , nnd tlio major thinks the
government should mal > o provisions to hnvo
him tnlto every Indian ona totirof clvllixation
to Europe us the best wuy of solving the In
dian problem.
Colby AdoptH an Orplmtt.
1'iwn Kmoi : Aonxcv , S. D. , ( via Huslivlllo )
Jnn. 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; HER. ]
onoral Colby of the Nebraska national
guards today adopted the little Indian girl
whoso parents wore Killed nt Wounded Knee
and who , for thirty-six hours and during the
Kreat blizzard of December 30 lay uncarod
for on the field of battlo. The little ono is
only four months old nnd was taken homo to-
lay by her adopted father. She was first
brought to his attention through the kind-
less of Major IJuruo of Buffalo Bill's com
MKIT Kit AGA1X JUi'l'Klt.
Secretary Trncy "Writes Another Hot
Ijctccrto the Coiiinmiuler.
WASHINGTON' , Jan. Iff. Secretary Tracy
ins written to Commander Rcltor , who wns
censured for his action in the Jinrruiulla
affair , denying his request fora court-mattial
and telling him that the department regards
: ils case as having been dually disposed of.
The secretary says in part : "You state
ihat the 4 department's action In your
cnso constitutes a public reprimand
and that this is a punishment
that can only bo legally infllctod
by the sentence of a naval general court-
martial. Your statement shows that you are
ignorant of the ilrst principles of naval dis
cipline. The assumption that the secretary
jf the navy cnnnot pronounce a rebuke , nuu-
lie or private , upon an ofllccr for n breach of
discipline or failure of performance of duty
without obtaining the sanction of a court is
in unheard of proposition. The department
impartially awards prnlsaox blame to nu of
ficer who deserves ono or the other , ns occa
sion may arise , and the prnotico is as old us
the department Itself. " Tho'secretary also
reminds the commander that ho was not cen
sured without being heard , as he ( the secre
tary ) granted him n personal Interview , dur
ing which ho was given the fullest opportu
nity to make any statements.
World's Fair I'.YPCIIHK KNiimatea.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 10. The president to
day transmitted to congress the report of the
world's Columbian exposition on progress
made. The report covers matters which have
already boon published.
The secretary of the treasury transmitted
to the house the appropriations committee's
estimates for the purpose of the world's
Columbian exposition for the fiscal jcnr
ending Juno 1)0 ) , 1892 , prepared by the
olllcors of the commission : The cat ! mates
nro : Kxponses for two meetings of the com
mission in September , IhOl , nnd April , IS'J ,
$30,000 ; salaries of officers , clerks , stenog
raphers , etc , 70,000 ; rent of ofllces , § 7,000 ;
stationery , printing , postage , furniture , etc. ,
? UUOO ; committee meetings. . Including meet
ing of the hoard of control , $10,030 ; expenses
connected with the admission of foreign
goods to the exposition , 820,000 ; other ex
penses that caunot novt be estimated , 5,000 ;
total Sl.r > : ) , UOO. estimates for slmilaroxpenscs
of the board of lady managers for the same
period arc $50,000.
Nebraska. Iowa unit Dakota PnnnlonR.
AVAsiiixnTo.v , Jnn , 1C. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEB. ] Pensions were granted today
to the following Nobraslcaus : Original--
Andruw Walker , Over ; William P. Hamsoy ,
Pciutor ; William / . Bivcns , Exeter ; James
Loucks , Blue Springs ; John H. Carter ,
Avoca ; P. I.osscn Tolnr , Stuart ; Cyrus
Wright. Bromlleld. Additional P. Lessen
Tolor , Stuart ; Harrison .1. Miller , DoWitt ;
Lemuel K. Noorhecs , Konnard ; Mclviu Ilig-
glns , Kencsaw ; John 13. Mason , Tokaimih ;
.lolmlC. Calloway , Clear Springs ; Joseph D.
Spearman , Springfield.
Jowu : Orlglnnl James' S. Bishop , Now
London ; Ezra \V. \ Miller , Woodlyard ; George
Luiiii , Canncr ; Daniel Boone , Ottumwn ; Gil
bert D. Pkolps , Charles City ; Jacob Guen-
thcr , Salmla ; Andrew Leens , Creston ; Loreu
V. Kalsem , Ames.
South Dakota : Increase Fred W. Dow-
In if , Marlon ; James Fltzgoiiild , Bercsford ;
Uobort Kott , Alexandria ; Edward Jones , St.
Luwronco ; Itlalon W. Harrington , Hazel.
To Kooiiro Standard Time.
vVABinxnTOX , Jan. 10. Dr. Eggloston of
Columbia college , a dclrgato1 from the Amor-
lea society of civil engineers , called on Sena
tor Eva its mid Representative Flower today
nnd presented a memorial of the Bocloty ,
urging legislation by congress to legal i/o the
adoption of standard tltno throughout the
Unltcu States. Later in the day bills forthis
purpose wore Introduced In congress. It Is
desired to secure congressional action in
order that it may form , a basis of similar
action by KuropiMti governments and the
adoption of standard division tlmo through
out the world.
Tim l'rcHidont'8 Position on Silver.
AVASIIIXOTON , Jan. 10. While it Is impossi
ble to obtain an authoritative statement from
the president In regard to the senate silver
bill , It is Intimated by gentlemen who have
conversed with him on the subject that ho is
verv much dissatisfied with the measure in
its present shape , nnd will certainly veto It
unless it undergoes material modification bo-
foio being submitted to him for action. Hu
Is In ontlro accord with Secretary Wlndom
on the subject , nnd tbu lattor't opposition to
the free coinage of silver is a mutter of
A Protest from AinorloaiiH.
Loxunx , Jan. lll.---Tno American loga
ttun ut Buenos Ay mi has protested uguhtat
tlio government's proposal to tax foreign In
surance companies &uOUO a year f < jr a license
fee in addition to requiring- a guarantee u
deposit of F-'OO.WX . ) .
Nu Conol union Arrived At.
I'lTTsnuiio , Pa. , Jnn. 111. The members of
the grievance committee of the Pcnnsylvn
nla company's employes held it conference
with the officials of the road today , but It is
understood that no conclusion was uiclved uL
Peculiar In combination , proportion , nod
prepnratlon nt Ingredients , Hood's Barsapa *
rllta possesses the cur.itlvo > ntuoM tlio best
known romoLI * > rkrJ'r * "e * ° ' * ' 10
vegetable nOOU i > kingdom.
1'ccullar in Its strength and economy , Hood's
S.arsniarlll.1 Is the only nicdlclno of which can
truly lo said , " Ono Hundred Doses Ono Del
lar. " 1' In Its nidllolinl incrll.t , Hood's
SarsnnarllU nccompllslics euros hitherto tin *
known , < Or > M'- ' ' nllllll ! s
tlio title oC "Tho croatcst blood purlflcrcver
dlscoverctl. " I'cetillar In IM "good naino
at home , " there Is more of Hood's S.irsa-
p.irlll.i sold In iowell than of nil vthcr
blood purifiers. I'eculHr In Its ] > licnuincnat
record of . _ sales abroad
Q,1 J „
no other ! r GCUI IclriircparMloii
ever altaliicit so rapidly nor held so
steadfastly the confidence of all classes
of people. Peculiar In the bi.ilnwoikhlch
It represents , Hood's Sarsap.nrllla com.
bines all tlio knowledge nhleh modern
rosoarchwp l + onlf ' " nicillcal
science has I U I ISC I T developed ,
with many yean practical experience In
preparing medicines. lie sure to get only
Hood's Sarsaparilla
SoldliyiUltlruftglstl. ptUforfJ. Ptcparcdontr
tyU. 1. HOOIt ) C0.1Aiiollicciirlc.I woll. Jfaa * .
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
A Present Prospect 'Which the Free Ooin-
ago Bill May Affect.
Speculative Mnrlcnta Generally M'oak
An HuHler Fouling In the Money
Market Great Ind unifies
Not Wholly SntlHl'nctory.
NEW Youic , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram
toTitis HEH.J It. 0. Dun itCo.'s weekly ro-
vlow pf trade say > :
How far the situation and prospect may bo
changed by the passage of a free coinage bill
by the sennto is , M yol , mainly n matter of
conjecture. Keports of the state of trndo at
different points rellect innlnly , n situation
prior to that vote , and Improve
ment in the volume of business , easier money
markets and n moro cheering outlook.
The exports of morchandlso heavily ex
ceeded Imports in vnluo nt Now York , for
January. Thus far the Increase In exports
over last yenr bos been ? 1-100,000 , or about 13
percent , while the imports here show n do-
cllno of fJ,000,000 , or about 15 per cont. The
preliminary reports of exports of cotton ,
breadstoffs , provisions , cattle nnd petroleum
in December were almost unprecedented.
Hence , it appears , that tbo excess of
exports in December was very
largo , In splto of the decline
of the movement of breadstufTa. Per
the past week with wheat lo higher , corn
and oats practically uncuuiBr ! ! fHnd cotton
threc-sixlecnths higher , the exports of wlii
have been only about h.ilf of last year's ;
flour less than a quarter nnd of corn only
one-eighth , while the exports of cotton show
n decrease for the week ,
In splto of n considerable Incrcnso , in re
ceipts , pork has not changed , bill lard and
hogs are lower , Oil is 1'jfo lower mid the
speculative markets are generally weak , out
side of those aboyo mentioned , Tlio , _ reports
from other cities stiow that until Friday the
situation and outlook had been Improving
and a feeling of greater confidence prevailed.
Boston notes greater activity in wool ,
goods selling well nnd moro buyers appear
ing for boots and shoes , with leather llrm ,
but lumber depressed.
Now York and 1'hiladclpnia report easier
money , a better trade in canned goods nnd in
wool , a fair trade in groosrio's generally.
Chicago sees increasing sales ot dry goods
nnd clothing with belter collections , some de
crease in receipts of praln , depressed beef ,
nml.butter , but an Incrcaso in lard , ejicorfe ,
hides and wool , >
At Cincinnati there Is nn average trade ,
and a fnvorabla outlook nt St. Louis ; an ac
tivity In retail clothing , owing to the mild
weather , at Kansas City , and a ileptossion hi
the lumber Interest nt Milwaukee , owing to /
the lack of snow , but quiet nt St. Paul and
Cleveland. Trade Is Improving nt Louisville ,
Memphis and Jacksonville ; only fair at New
Orleans , but Increasing In activity at Baltl-
The money markets have grown cantor and
Iho banks are able to help customers morn
liberally , but at least the clinically of making
commercial loans has not entirely ceased ,
though money on call is very abuudiint. In
other words , those who have inonoy want
their funds ut linmoiltato command In case of
any omergenry. The treasury has put out ,
on cash , including ? lr > ( K,0K ) ( ) moro now silver
notes , about $8,000,000 moro than it has taken
in during the week. At the west and south
all the money markets are easier , though
rates nro not lower , and caution in regard to
the character of the loans is more frequently
Tim great Industries nro not in u wholly
satisfactory position. The m.irkot for woolen
goods is broader and moro hopeful nnd the
demand from clothiers Is distinctly better ,
while the boot nnd shoo trade continue : !
sntlsfactory. But the weekly output of pig
Iron January 1 was but lff7r > 'JU tons. Bar
iron was unsullied and plates wcalior. The
coal trade Is in a moro hopeful condition nnd
load and tin nro stronger. The cotton manu
facture fools the cffectof accumulating stocks
and low prices. Print cloths have sold at
Iho lowest prices over recorded , ' 19 l-10o for
sixty-fours , nnd the advance In raw material
during the post week comes to incieoso the
In general , the course of prices for manu
factured products Is enhance by speculative
ndvnncc hi the prices of ninny farm products. .
The business failures en-curing througout thn
country during the pnst seven days uuinbor
HI as compared with a total of UK ) last week.
For the corresponding week of last year iho
ros weroMl.
A Tribute to tlio Ijiitn Colonel Kddy.
At a mcetlne cf the employes of the pen-
oral offices of the International & ( irout
Northern railroad , hold nt Palestine , Tox. ,
on January 13 , 1801 , lo Uko aultnblo action
In reference to Iho death of Colon ol John M.
Eddy , the following resolution * were adopted :
Whereas. Itliavlni ; plcuncd Alinhihty r > o < l
to ii'luusufroinourtlily labors mi r line vr.luti'l
trlunil nnd oiiiDlovttr , Colonel John M. Kdily ,
at I'usudonn ' , Oiil. , on thul.'th Uuycif Jnnu-iry ,
IWlli ami
Whoreai , Holmvlni : boon a kind and con-
ddnrutn i'iiiiliiyor. | always ro'iily nnd wlllliu
tocoiihldnr thu bust Intvri'sls of those uvor
whom hulmil control ; thorufoin bolt
lli'Hohcd. Tlmt In his duiitb fiifli mid c'vury
einploytiof tliu liiummlloiml & ( Iruut Norlli-
ornruUioau Inismiiliilnud tlm loss of a Iruu
frlunil , anil on buhalf of nil uiiiplnyrs o
tnmlor to bis family UiU uxpuisslon of our
slnouro wirrowuinl dim prat Kymputhy ! and
llcsolvi'il. That n copv nf UIVHII icrtuliitloiix
bo traiiHinlttcd to Mitt. John MKdcluuU Iliut
tluiy lid imhlKliod In the prliMlpul Texiib , .SI.
Iouh unit Omaha
ore cured bi )
[ f _
according lo