THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : THtTRSDAY , JANUARY 15 , 1801. THIS OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PEARL ST. rellvofffl by Cm ricr inuny pnrtot thoCltjr - 11 , W. TJl.TuN. MANAOUK } TlnstnoMi Oflkr. No , 11 NlKhtidltor : , No. KJ. .vij.vr/M.v. i < Y P. Co. Cornell Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal. Crafl'o rhattel loans , ! > < H Snpp block. Shcrlll O'Neill Is In Iowa City , where ho went with the two Danleli brothers who arc under iiulli'tmeiit there for robbery , The Ladles' ' aid soclctv of the Fifth avc- mio Methodist church will give a social and supper this evening from 7 to U o'clock. The Covoll case was on trial yesterday in fiuporlor court. The attorneys In the case hoiio to complcto the taking of evidence todn > . Tin Married Indies' Soclnl nooioty meets'iiy ' afternoon , January ! " > , at tuo resi dence of Mrs , 0. A. Hi-own , G'M Mynstur blrect. J. U. Suniiiley wears a nlrcl.v ducoratod eye , tbo re-suit of li glove contest ho had Tuesday night nt Miiincoln with Mr. .lack Terry of Kearney , Neb. MIIK Johnson , the ebony hued dnmcl who VIM nrrestod Tuesday night on n rlmrgo of disturbing tlio peace , was lined &J1 , : < 0 in no- llco'-oiirt yesterday morning. Harmony Chapter , No. S5 , Order of the Hastorn Star , moots In regulnrsession in Masonic hall this ( Thursday ) evening. Visit ing members cordiallj welcome. Ncls Peterson , who got drunk and ran into ft buggy at , Mnntiwa Tuesday night , upsetting It and badjy injuring the occupants , was lined $1 and costs by Justice Patton yesterday. I'Vank Daniels and his merry troupe of comcdl.ins presented ' 'ijlttlo Puck' . ' nt Dobany'a. A full house greeted thorn. The jilav is familiar to Council Uluffs play-gours , nnd wns one cf tbo host performances of the Unity Guild MiPets In regular session Fri day afternoon nt II o'clock , with Mrs. Gcorgo Budlo , .T'T First street. All members re quested to bo present and visitors cordially welcome. Mr. J.V. . CliUtprbuclc , who lost his wife last Sunday , was very ill yesterday nt his rrsldenrn on Avcnuo C , from an attack of pnouinnnln. His recovery was reported very doubtful. Charles Carty , the Hrondwny barber who was charged with committing an assault ami baltoiy upon a twelve-year-old boy , was found guilty yesterday by Justice Piitton and lined $ ! nnd costs. The line was suspended. Tbo grand Jury was drawn yesterday and BCt to work. The following compose thcjurv : L. O. Crow , J. P. Allcnswortb , N. Ks-rsclit , Chnrlcj lleagncy , 1'eter llctrick , C. < ! . Me- Intosh and Norman Green. Cburks Gibnore , clerk. The linn known as tbo Council Bluffs Music company has dissolved partnership , C. P. Llpfcrt retiring. J. C. Laugo owned most of the "lock and ho bccamo of the opinion that ho was not receiving fair treatment at the hands of his partner , Llufcrt having hud the entire management of thu establishment. Hcnco the dissolution. A pleasant reception wns given last Tues day evening by Air. and Mrs. Klein at their residence , ; i3) ) Harmony street , in honor of their daughti-r , Mrs. Charles It , Smith , of St. Paul. A lurgo number of guests were present , and the evening wns very pleasantly bpent with cards uiul other amusements. Mrs. Smith leaves for bur homo next Sunday. Suits were commenced yostor.biv In dis trict court by Koy.s Brothers against J. A. Mnj'wUy. DW Archer , L. C. Boilnv , H. L. Henry , Percgoy it Moore , Foxloy Sons , P. Sweeny , A. VV. Askwlth and Wlckhum Brothers , to en force ) the payment of sums which were subscribed toward a fund which was to bo used as a bonus to induce Messrs , Keys to locate their plant hero. The aggre gate amount of the suits is $ ' } IO. A girl baby a day or two old was loft night before last at the residence of William llutt.s , 101 Hroadway The little caller was in a market basket , wrapped up In a couple of skirts , n dress nnd n shawl. All the clothes were ijuito dilapidated. Butts notillcd tbo city marshal , who took the Infant to the Christian homo to bo curoil for. There is no positive clue as yet to the identity of the child , hut it Is thought that some develop ments will bo mndo in n few days , A sad ease of destitution Is reported at tbo house of Mr. Ilanmiermcister , nt117 East Washington avenue. The husband and father ! s confined to his house by a quaran tine which the house was placed under on ac count of the sickness of the child , Ada , whoso death from diphtheria was noticed in yesterday's BII : : . Assistance lias already been rendered by charitable friends , but more Is needed to take the family out of nb- Eolulo want. Detective Ed Johnson of DOS Moines was In the city yesterday , the object of his visit being to take into custody the alleged crook , Frank Brander , who is wanted in the capital city to answer to a charge of burglary. The detective * loft for homo last evening , taking his man with him. Some of the articles which were foil ml in the possession of Brainier ut the tlmo of his nrrcst were Idcntilled uy tbo oniecr as among tbo missing. Brander's true name Is mild to bo G. A. Hunt. Tlddlcdy Winks at Croukwell's. To bo sure that your children have pure candy , ouy for them the Pomona brand fruit juleo tablets. Pomona stained on each tab let. The trade supplied by Duquette .t Co. I'ICllSnS.lL I'AHAlitAI'JIfi. A. T. Fllcltlngcr left for n visit to Point Comfort , Vu. , last night. Frank S. Pusoy of Denver Is visiting bis parents , Mr. and Mrs , W. H. M. Pusoy. Miss Jcbnlo Hoefnnglo of Abingdon , Ya. , is in the city , the guest of A. L. Hendrleks. Ned Mitchell of Owtitonna. Minn. , Is visit ing bis brother , J. O. Mitchell , of the North western. Mr , and Mrs , J. M. Lnno have eono to Minneapolis to spend a week with relatives of Mrs. Lane. Douglas Patton of Columbus , Nob. , Is vis iting his brother , W. L. Patton. Ho Is just recovering from the effects of his recent rail way accident on the Union Pnclllc. J.C. Blxby , steam hoatlnsf , sanitary en gineer , 20J Morrlain block , Council lilults OiiHtlnt ; a Guardian. Judge Thorncll yesterday heard the case which had been brought to set nalilo the ap pointment of a man mimed ( iarilner as guardian of Uosa Iloldon. The wbolo Salva tion iiriny was present , aa Alexander bus until recently pluyed the bass drum for that organization. Kosa Iloldon , the girl who wixs nt the bot- liotn of the whole. iitTair , has had considerable newspaper notoiiety. Upon the death of her mother Hho went to llvo with an aunt , Mrs. Gardner. The latter , It Is alleged , Is not JuU what she nught to bo. Ho an undo of the girl , n stanch Salvationist , had Alexander appointed guardian. Tlio girl would not stay nt her new homo , however , not liking tbo style of her would-be friend , It was not until she attended a dunce hi Omaha that she was caught nnil , after a freo-for-nll light , carried to. Alexander's home. Tbo Salvationists were put upon the stand , ono after another , to swear to the character of Alexander and Mrs. ( Jardnor and a highly spiced dish of tes timony was the result. The trial was not con cluded at adjournment. Buy your coal nnd wood of C. D. Fuel Co. , tS'J liroudway. Telephone 130. A Now Olittruli. Tbonoat and commodious building which has boon built by the Trinity Methodist church , Inrsely through the efforts of Its pastor , Km' . S. Alexander , is now llnlshcd nnd ready for use. U Is located ut tbo comer of Fourth street and Ninth avenue , In n part I of tbo city which tins but few church advan tages and U evidently In Just the right place. The dedicatory services will bo held next Sunday. Visitors are expected to bo present from all over this part of tbo stato. A very Interesting protrramnio has been prepared. , Tno most complete line of blankets and 1 comforters , hosiery and underwear Iu the city is at the lioston Storowhero good goods , low prices , cash and ono price to all is their rule. 13o tou Store , Council Blufla. TUPTTMiTf i\i TUP m niMH > T1IE NLWS IN THE BUM'S ' , Judge Thoniell Benders His Decision iu n Sentatioual Divorce ( lose. A CASE OF MORE MONEY THAN LOVE , Prank Unite , a DaimcrniiR Toucli , Arrc t"il UiiHtlng a Uiinrdlnii Ni.Moro Unlltiiltcil 'llukcts Other News NotCH. Judge Thorncll yesterday rendered his de cision in the spicy and sensational Meredith divorce case. Tlio case has been on trial for three weeks and tbo testimony forma a vol ume of about 'J.500 page * of typewritten mat ter. The plaintiff , Thomas Meredith , or "Undo Tommy , " as ho Is familiarly known , is n farmer politician well known throughout Iowa. Ho is a man ol much natural talent , but not greatly cultured , Ilia peculiar manner of stammerIng - Ing out in a quaint way bright bits of wis dom and witty sayings bus helped greatly hi pulling for him a reputation , and his enthus iastic study and practice of politics has made him a local leader In greenback and labor cir cle * . Ilo Is now about sixty-six years of ago and lives near Lewis , la. His property In terests lire largo , to being worth $715,000 to 100,000. Mrs. Meredith Is about thirty-nine years old. She is a keen , well educated lady , and before her mnrrlago to Meredith was a school teacher In Avoca , where she had taught for oK years sueeessfullv , she being known by bur midden name , MIHS Helen Harding , although she bad been married , her llrst husband's uaino being Chambers. She was wedded to him in Ohio , and she secured a divorce from him on the ground of ueser- tion. In tbo early summer of 1S88 Mr. Meredith was serving us secretary of so'ac labor organ ization , nnd needed an assistant in the mail ing of political literature and other clerical work , ho engaged Miss Harding. Ho found her very engaging , and matters progressed so rapidly that in three weeks they were wedded. "Unclo Tommy" was anxious to wed , and hud been looking nround fora wlfo fur some time , ami wbilo bo rushed along tbo courtship ho seemed tu have n ling ering suspicion that Miss Hard- Ing wns more anxious to share his wealth than his love. Ho once drew up a document of release , but when ho presented It to her for signing she appeared to bo heart broken. Shu bunded him 50'cents and bndo him in vest it in morphine , that she might take it nil at ono dose and thus end an existence which would bo miserable without him. That set tled the inattor. lie Invited her to wed at once and the pair proceed to the parson , barely taking time to change her dress and do a little slicking up. The honeymoon wns spoilt in a tr'p to Europe. On their return they soonied to have entered UDOII a scries of domestic trou bles , which in the fall of ISSil led to a separa tion. Ho settled upon her about Sllt.OUO of money .mil property , and then bo followed this up by a petition for a divorce , alleging cruel and inhuman treatment. She tiled a cross bill , setting up a like charge against him , nnd asking for one-third ot Ills prop- crtv , which who estimated at being ia all ut least 110,000. The testimony was of n very Interesting nature , In spots , but was so long drawn out and accompanied by so many details that towards the close of the three weeks trial it besnn to get njlttle chestnutty. Judge Thorncll yesterday gave a deoree. In granting the divorce bo allowed Mrs. Meredith SI,500 anil WOO for attorney fees. During tliu trial Meredith has baa to pay $250 for her attorney and aboutJlltX ) for witnesses , and besides these sums ho will have to pay the cost.t , which amount to quite a sum. It Is rather expected that Mrs. Meredith will appeal the case , on the question of ulltnouy. Bargains in blankets mid comforters at tbo Boston store , Council Bluffs , this week. Horse blankets and lap roocs at cost at Theo. Ucckmau's , 227 Main street , Frank Kane irrentcd. . At fi:30 : o'clock la t evening Oflicor O'Brien brought n very much desired individual to tbo city Jail mid booked him without putting nny charge against him. Tbo fellow wns Frank Kane , who has along list of sins to answer for , not the least of which was the riot started by him wncu ho led a gang of bis tough confederates ono Sunday night nnd brolco up a mooting at the Filth avenue Methodist church. On the sumo night ho led a brutal attack upon a young man , whom bo chased around the neighborhood threatening to kill li'm upon sight. Later ho wns charged with having set flro to the old building occu pied by Mother Pike , who made her somewhat notorious place the ren dezvous for Kiuio and his gang of toughs. Informations were llled in Justice tlcndrlcks' court at the time and several war rants were Issued and placed in the bunds of special constables , but Kane hud left the stalo. Homo time afterward ho was arrested in u small town in Missouri for a minor offuuso nnd tbo fuel was communicated to the olllccrs here , but nothing was done on ac count of the prosecution not desiring to go to the expense of bringing the fellow homo. A week or inoro ngo Kane returned to the city. Ilo had not been in town a day until bo'becaino intoxicated nnd created a disturb ance ) on Olllcer O'Brien's beat. The olllcer put the fellow under arrest without knowing who ho was nnd started to the nearest patrol box to call for the wagon. Before they reached it Kane struck him a. violent blow on thosldo of the head and escaped before be recovered from Its effects. Kane again left tbo city , but the assaulted ofliccr has kept n sharp look out for him. Yesterday afternoon Doputv Marshal White saw Kane at a distance. In the lower part of the city , and reported the fact to O'Brien. A now information was hurriedly llled in the superior court , charg ing him witn resisting nn olllcer , ana the warrant was given to the ofllcer who wns so anxious to incut his assailant again. Deputy White accompanied him , for it was known that Kane was n desuorato character , The two drove to the residence of Kane's mother , near Seventeenth street and Tenth avenue. Ho was at the house and saw the olllccrs coming , but before ho could get out of tbo building ho was caught. Ho noted O'linen's willingness to cncounigo him to resist a little , nnd wisely concluded to glvo up. Thoollicers of the Filth Avenue church nro expected to como forward now and prose cute the follow , ami uftor they get through with him ho will bo called upon to answer for his assault upon O'Brien. The city at torney will be iisltcd to formulate charges this morning , and ho will doubtless be glad to hear the complaints of thu Filth avenue people. Great success. liolialilu goods. Fair dealing. Bottom prices. At C. H. Jacqucmln & Co. , No. 21 Main street The Boston store , Council Blurts , Is showIng - Ing special vnluo in blankets mid comforters for this week. A Itnllronil Chaiisc. Today a now order will go Into effect on the Burlington road , which , If permanent , will work considerable change in certain di rections. Hereafter no unlimited tickets will bo sola between this city and Chicago. All who want to make the trip must cither buy their tickets subject to certain comll- tlons Imposed by the company , or else tultu nc vantage of the rights of every frce-bon American citizen and go Botiio oilier way. The main condition is that thu ticket will enl > bo good ono day after issue. The result of this will bo that the Ilurllngtou tickets w'illnn longer bo found In tbo bunds of the tlcko' brokers either In Chicago cage , Council Bluffs or In any of the Inter- mediate i whits , Horctr.foro the "scalpers" have dona a llout'.suing business. LThey were at llrst looked upon bv the companies as a valu able addition to railway circles , But little by little they began to bo regarded with less favor , aud now the Burlington Is taking this decided step with a view to driving them out of business. Another change which Is made is the In- crcnso of the rate between hero nnd Chicago from SUM ) to12.75. ftb \Vhnt the outcome of the new system will bo it Is ns yet Impossible to tell. It would op- pear that unless the other roads co-opernto with the Burlington tlio scheme would fall | lint. Tbo agents of the Hock Island , the Northwestern nnd the Milwaukee roads wore Isn asked whether tbo companies which they represent were In the deal , and the reply In J ' each case was that tboy had heard nothing of It. Ills stated , 'liowpvcr , that lnafow days similar ardors will bo received from all the companies , nnd that tbo I raising of the rnto and the llmitatlou of the through tickets will become general. The Council Blurts Point nnd Oil Co. has opened up under supervision of assignee , Cash patronage solicited. 1 lie Council. The council mot last evening with Mayor Alacrno and n full board of ildermen present. Only the seat hitherto occupied by the late Alderman Lacy was empty. In his stead was a largo likeness of tbo dead man , heavily draped In black erupt ; . The council nt once proceeded to the con sideration of bills. A great deal of time wns consumed In the discussion of the bill pre sented . by the Council Dluffs gas and electric light company. A wrangle took place be tween President Wright of the company nnd the members ouer a difference in the amount claimed by the company and the amount Which was correct in-cording to the record Kept ov the polleo. After being corrected the bill was allowed as follows : Electric light , &S7.I50 ; gas , } > ; tar , $3 ; coal , SWO. Alderman wood suggested that tin ordi nance bo passed providing a penalty for the breaking of tbo nro light globes. President Wright stated that thcro was aa average of three or four globes broken per week by mis chievous boys. No definite action wns laken. Alderman Wood offered a resolution trans- lorringSiUXW from tbo intersection sewer fund to the paving sewer fund , which was adopted. Alderman ICnnplier presented n resolution requiring the chief of the flro department to call nt rach tire house once a day , and regis ter the time when ho calls In n book provided for that purposo. Alderman Unsncr that that was putting It In pretty strong for nn oflleor who only re- cciveiHoO per month , but Smith , Wind and Mlkescll sided with ICncuhcr. It was adopted , Alderman Kverett then moved that the llro committee be authorized to Investigate the lire department and llnd out whether any of the ilrcmcn have been known to bo drunk tbo council the names of such llremon. The motion was adopted. On motion of Alderman ICnopher the auditor was instructed to hand In a state ment of the expenses of tbo city since March Mayor Macro stated that ho had been to Omaha for the purpose of finding out what steps should bo taken in regard to the , river improvements. Kx-Mayor llroatch of Omaha informed him that nothing could ba gained by sending anyone to St. Louis to look au'J the interests of this vicinity , as the appro priation was to bo used entirely In that part of the river south of this point , Tlio com missioners bad decided upon a plan of their own , nnd nothing the citizens hero could do would huvo any effect. Tlio mayor was au- thori/ed to prepare u petition for circula tlon asking the congressman iroin this district to endeavor to Imvo a slice of the approprla- tion devoted to the improvements la this vicinity. The council tiien adjourned until next Sat urday morning ut 10 o'clock. Special prices on ladies and cents under wear this week at the Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Said to Have Died ol'liis Injurlop. Word was received in this city yesterday that J. C. Terry , the Tyndall , B. I ) . , man who suffered the frightful fall from the top of No. : ) engine house wuilq giving exhibitions with the Ilalght tire escape , had died from the ef fects of the Injuries sustained in the unfortu nate accident. Ho fell a distance of fifty feet , striking on his head nnd shoulders on the roof of n small shed nnd crashing through it to the ground. Ho was severely bruised , but at the tlmo it was thought ho was not seriously hurt. Ho remained in the city several days , until Mr. Ilaight , the In ventor of tbo device , caino hero and took it homo. After reaching homo tlmo developed the fact that ho bad received dan gerous Internal Injuries , and several reports were received to the effect that ho was in a dying condition. Tbo last incssago an nounced his death. Ho wns n well educated and talented young man , and after the accident evinced the most heroic courage and indifference to pain , nnd was very anxious to make another descent to show that the accident was not duo to any f null of the lifo saving apparatus ho was in troducing. He had studied medicine , but could nof practlco his profession on account of fulling eyesight. The best 2Iic hose In the country. Is to bo found nt the Boston Store , Council Bluffs , cither iu gents half hose , In wool or cotton , in ladies' all wool or cotton , in misses all wool or cotton , lioston Store , Council Blurts. The best French cook in western Iowa is at tbo Hotrl Gordon , Council Bluffs. The Appraisers nr AVonr. Ira F. Hcndricks , T. E. C'nvln ' and Oeorgo Motcalf , the inrco appraisers who were ap pointed in the Elsoman case , spent all day yesterday in going through the stock accord ing to their Instructions. They succeeded in finishing up about two-thirds of the stock on the llrst floor. This includes about half the entire stock , aa shown by the assignee's re port. In the schedule of assets taken from the re port of the assignee and published In Tin : BKI : of yesterday morning nn error was mudo that makes the assets show considerably less than the renl amount. Among tbo items scheduled were SOO shares of Central I'acllic coal and coke company , the present value of which was apjiralsed at $ " , ' . ! 30. This amount was shown in the column of assets when the footings only included Slli.OOO , the original cost of the prop erty. A similar error wns mndo in es timating the vnluo of i50 ! shares of Silver Mountain mining stock , which was quoted at par value approximating $25,000 , but which was only computed in the assets at original cost'f.rKK ( ) , making the total vnluo of this property shown as available assets. ? 21,000 , and the sum of the cntiro assets &if.ril5.71. : If the estimated present value of the stocics mentioned had been shown in the assignee's report , the total assets would have been In creased by the addition of jrr/'SO. Tbo American District Telegraph Co. has been reorganized and Is now prepared to give prompt service. Special attention to express and purcel delivery. Ilrnkn tlio Thomas Mcsscn , an employe ot Phelps Brothers of Omahn , will wnko up this morn ing In-lower spirits , oral least less spirits , than ho bad on board yesterday. He was driving a team of horses with a heavy deliv ery wagon attached down Broadway yester day afternoon. A horse and buggy belong ing to Gcorgo W. Lipc were standing In front of the lattor's ofilco on Broadway , near the Intersection with Fourth street. Mossen had enough budge on hoard to make him fcol gay , nnd In the sheer excess of his Jollity ho ran Into Mr. LIpc's vehicle. The light buggy wai badly Injured , butt Mosson had not gone llfty feet when ho was overhauled by Constable Aus tin and tuKcn up to Justice Patten's court to answer to a charge of malicious mischief. When ho arrived there ho became abusive , and launching forth several niouthfuls of conversational embellishments , ho proceeded to clean out the establishment. Ho wns prevented - vented by the bystanders from accomplish ing his purpose , nnd was finally sent to the county full to sleep olT tils drunk , Ho will have a hearing at U o'clock this motnlng. A Icii4onnllo Doubt. MADIUII , Jan. U. [ Special Cablegram to THE HIK. : ] Physicians who have oynmlnod the man arrested at Olot found his tecuth to bo natural and sound , whereas Padlowskl's nro known to bo do- fectlvo and several of them are falso. This has raised n doubt as to the Identity of the man arrested , Just ns every body Immediately concerned felt certain that the alleged murderer of General ScllvcrskofT was Iu the bunds or the police. Mlt.t Tl'iti : . A Member of the House ivltli a Ornve'tonVme. . St'iiixnnnt.t ) , 111. , Jnn. lliTbo house to day passed the Joint resolution passed by the senate yesterday , endorsing the free silver coinage < bill now before congress. Keprcscntfttlvo Tnubcneek , one of the , , Farmers' Mutunl Benefit association men , rose to n question of pcrsdnM privilege anil read from a St , Louis papnr n statement tote rttc tcbi the effect that howould , probably bo unseated nnd hinted . thnt certain things ' In his life would Justify It. Tuuboneck demanded nu Investigation and denied thnt there wns nny blemish on his character. ! Though the charge ngalnst Tau- bcncek Is not mentioned It Is generally known to bo a frequently reiterated asser tion that ho had once been sent to the peni tentiary for counterfeiting. Taubcneck wns very vigorous in his remarks and defied anyone to provo a blemish In his character. "Tho same parties who are peddling this story , " said he , "would today crawl bcforo mo If they thought by so doing they could secure my support for their next cnndldato for United States scim'or. " Prolonged np- plau o on the republican sldo. Ulxon ( democrat ) made a point of order hat no contest having been entered against ho gentleman's scat his tirade wns out of filer. Later In the day ( . 'allahpu ( rcpubll- on ) Introduced n resolution providing for the ppointmcnt of n committee of live to In vest I- pate the charges and tlu < lr origin. He said ils colleague ( Taubcneck i had been pointed o on the street nnd charged with grave ( Tenses , which hnvo become odious , and for ho purpose of nutting these rumors nt rest nnd allowing Taubcneck an opportunity to Indicate himself ho wanted a committee ap- lolnted. There wns a long anil heated debate over his. Cralg-dcmoerat ( ) moved that the resolution mil all matters pertaining to thn Taubcneck rumors bo referred to the committee on elcc- lons. Tuubeneck made n vigorous speech ngaln. n the course of which In- created much ex- Itement by saying that there were gcntlc- ncn on the democratic side who had charged liin with the critiiu of counterfeiting nnd of laving served two .years in states prison. Pardrldgo ( republican ) moved to lay the > aig substitute on the table. The democrats com to realize that a false move had been nuilo In refusing Tailboneck the right of In vestigation anil began to vote wltu he republicans In favor of tabling Craig's substitute. A mong them wns Craig himself , nnd the republicans , seeing the awkward situation of the democrats , beiran to shout , 'They are coming Into the apcncvi they'll 1 > o good Indians now. " The Craig substittlto v vns laid on the table and Call.ihun's resolu- t lon adopted without a slnjrlo opposing voto. 'Jt L'ho speaker appointed Hamscy , Enslow , 'JI Jurtls , Moore mid Coekrell 119 a committee , 'J'J I ailing to place any republicans on It. When the committee met this afternoon a sensation wns created by u request from 'Jt L'nuuciicck that public nnd press representa- 'JI ivcs bo excluded from the sessions. IS obody I > olievcs for a moment that the chages against I liin nro true , but his sudden dcsiro for socro- t ary has awakened great curiosity and specu- "ntion 1 ns to his motives. In tlio senate n bill was introduced to com- 1 iel tlio payment of nil wages in money. Son- " itor Berrv introduced a bill revising the prcs- Mit school law by limiting1 the county super- ntendent of schools the oftlclnl to approve le gality of private and sectarian schools. It I ilsp ! required only the teaching of reading , writing and United States history in Eng- 1 ish. ish.Tho The committee on elections today received ilamiltou's reply to the cuutost. It was road it length and tbo committee adjourned until .oinorrow. Governor's.Message. TOIT.KA , Kan. , Jan. ' H. ' [ Special Tele gram lo TIIK Bii : . ] The legislature suc ceeded In accomplishing but little today. The alliance caucus failed to agrco on pages nnd as u result the morning session of that body was consumed in balloting. AVhon the suc cessful candidates were announced they were nil found to ii ) the sons of farmers who stood well in the alliance. No bills have as yet been introduced In the houso. But little in thu way of legislation will bn accomplished until tbo senatorial mat ter Is disposed of. The governors message submitted today was not rend in the house , but was simply ordered printed for the members. This afternoon both bouses met in joint session anrl listened to the tjovcrnor's mes sage , which would 1111 nearly ten newspaper columns. In his message ho refers to the ( act that the municipal indebtedness of the state Is now above Wr.UOO.OOO. Notwith standing the warnings contained in every executive message for the past six years , ho savs , this form of indebtedness con. ilnues to grow nnd la worthy of serious legis. lativo consideration. Speaklngof temperance legislation , ho says it is generally being en forced throughout the state nnd despite des perate assaults on prohibition , it still stands lirmly entrenched as the policy of the state. Th" Montimii IJcatllnck. HHI.HXA , Mont. , Jnn. 14. The legislative deadlock In Montana is no nearer a solution than at the beginning of the session. The , democrats today replied to the republican peoposition that twenty-five republicans nnd an equal number of democrats whoso elec tion is undisputed meet as a houto this session , etc. , by saying "they realize the annoyance arising from tlio present legis lative situation ; thai there nro now organ- Ued and inactive for legislative action two bodies senate nnd liotiso each recognizing the other nnd both recognized by the gov ernor , Iroin which organizations applicants /or n compromise sou flt to absent them selves. The proposition Is declined. Wisconsin legislature Organ'7.q , MADISON Wis , , .Tan. M. Tbo fortieth ses sion ot the Wisconsin legislature ortfuulzcii today. Orpgnit Stnto Olllcers Sworn In. SAI.IIM , Ore. , Jan. 1-1. Governor Ponnoyer and other state otllccrs were sworn Into ofllco today , A ItEKV H'ATJjIt HAlllttHl. A. SIeve for One Alncln at tlio New Town Araiisan Pass , SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , Jan. M. [ SpecialTele gram to Tun BEE. | Another important movement in the great dcop water project 01 the Texas coast was made In this city today by the organization o the Aransus Pass harbor company This Is tbo company to which , congress granted the exclusive right of obtaining deep water over the pir7nt , Aransas pass The company Is organized with a paid u | capital of . ' ,000,000 and Is composed of UK principal San Antonlo.&Aransas Pass rail road ofllcials with sever , iiromiiient bankers and capitalists of New \prk city. The organization ) vas perfected the election of the following oftlcers : u Lottof San Antonio and1 New York , presl dent ; A.V. . Houston , ; ' San Antonio , vice president ; A. C. ShrivcY.'Now York , secretary tary nnd treasurer and A , L. Corthcll , chlo" engineer , in connection Jvlt-h the building o the jetties. The companv will const'rtict a double track terminal railroad Which is deslgnci to do the terminal buslnes" for id the railroads going to iLhiit section of tin coast , The road will extend from thu new city of Aronsos Harbor across the bay tc deep water , where the shim will land , work havlng commenced on thb amo about thirt.v days ago. The oftlcers 'of the company , it connection with other stockholders from the cast , went down to Arnnsas Harbor bj special train to Inspect the work belni done , The people of ban Antonln are clutct over the fact that deep water will bo ob tallied at Aransas Harbor In advance of nny other point on the Texns coast. Foiinil Guilty ill * Heresy. PiTTfiitntn , I'n. , Jan. H. Ilov. Mllllgan , on trial for heresy , wns found guilty this after noon by the presbytery of the itcformc Presbyterian church. An appeal to the general oral synod will bo made' . ninck Hills Flro. DEAnwoon , S. D. , Jnn , H , [ Special Tele gram toTin : BKI : . ! The Springer hotnl Lead City , owned by A. G , Pearson , wo daumgeu by tire to the extent of flM)0 ) early this morning , The loss 1s fully covered b Insurance. AGREE TO SURRENDER ARMS , [ COXTINfED ritOM riUST PAOC.J nt Stnr Vullcy , near Heath Station. Nov. Tlio Indians have quit dmidng and have dispersed _ Ocor/io / iJlllutt llr- ) . PINK KtnoK Aonxcr , S. D. , ( via UuslivlHc , Neb. ) , Jan. 14. [ Special Telegram to THE HrK. ] George Klllott of tUo Seventh euv- nlry , shot nt Wounded Knco mid \vlio hiul his leg amputated , died at thu hospital this morning. _ All the Militln Packing up for tlia Holiirii 'rlii , CIUHHOK , Nob..Tnn. II. . [ Special Telegram to Tut : Ilr.n. | At 9 o'clock tonight the mil It la companies being held hero again revolved a new bntch of orders , this tlmo to pack up nnil return homo by llrst train , Company K loaves tonight via the Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley rallwry for Fremont.- Companies I1 , C nnil 1C at 0UO : tomorrow morning , via Crawford , thcnco by 11 & M. railway to Juntntn , Beatrice and Central City respectively. Tlicso orders were re ceived with great rejoicing by tbo bovs of the ailToront companies and a general jolitlcutlon vus at once cntureil In'o. Order. * to move the oinpnnies now ut dordon , Hay Spi lugs , and { ushvillo have. also bcun issued. A Protect. IV.iiu Uttmp-uir 1C. Goiino.v , Nob. , Jan. 11. To the Kditor of HC Bet : : CominnyK Is very ludlu'iiuntovcr ho report from Schuylcr in re-ranl to the tutus of tno coaimnnd and is anxious to sue lie sarno contradicted. The following ro- inrlts by Captain Deginan show the true tate of affairs before leaving. "I will venture to say , " said the captain , 'that ' iiovcr was thcro n inoro cnthusinstlo iid bravo company of boys \vlio left for tbo lattlo Held than thoiu of 1C , so much o that the suspense in waiting for trunspor- atioa was almostunendur.iolo. Many wished o stay on account of business affairs , but 10110 were afraid to go. Sonio of the boys vho belong to the company nro clerks , get- ing good salaries j some are proprietors of iiislncss places , and tbcro nro three editors nil ono typo. Notwithstanding nil those xcuses , they mnruhcd boldly to the rout. Thcro were only two In- tances of what might bo called cowardlao In he company. One of the boys was not of igo and his mother objected to Ills polng ; till it is doubtful whether ho woulit have re mained nt homo were it not for * his mother , tid it is believed she feared more the cxpoi- ire to cold than warfare with the Indians. Tlio other wns , iu the opinion of the company , ustlllcd In staying ut homo , as he had lately ) ecn married and the separation froin his oungwlfo foraalmU'lldltotlme would bo un- ) carable for both. Those two , for the reasons ibovo set lortli , were excused by the captain , by actions , not by words. " Colonel Hills visited the company's camp ind delivered a very complimentary nildrcss o the boys , in which ho set forth the iccosslty of readiness for action , as it was lot known what moment they might bo called out to actual service. Ho s.iid the iromptness with which the bovs of the bee- md responded to calls verillcd his opinion of heir bravery and lie was proud of having .ho honor ol being colonel of the Second regl- nent of the Nebraska national guards. Iowa National Runf'ln Association. DCS MOINBS , la. , Jan. M. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Ilii : . | The second annual meet- ng of tbo Iowa National Guard association , composed of the ofllcors of tbo state militia , net in the state arsenal this morning with President CJenoral II. II. Wright of Centre- vlllo in the cliulr. Lieutenant Colonel Works of Miirslialltowu acted as secretary. The roll call snowed about llfty members In attend ance. "Our Uniform , " was the llrst paper presented , by Lieutenant Colonel 0. AV. Weeks , A. A.C5. , Indiana brigade , Ho spoke against the wearing of fancy uniforms at camps. Ilo thought the state should pur chase a complete uniform when the men en list , Instead of giving the paltry SMO a year , which does not pav the co t. Ilo was in favor of tUo adoption of canvas leggings to the fatlguo uniform , and also recommended the wearing of white helmets. Colonel Gil- cbrlst spoke in approval of the paper upon "Oar Uniform " it with , following a paper upon "A National Organization of the Guard. " Ho was In favor of the three batal- lion formation , with three majors ; that the guard eliminate moro social features ; that captains and Jlrst sergeants receive pay ; that none others than second lieu tenants bo elected , nil other oill- cere having to pass examination for promotion ; that the men receive pay for drill , and that a reorganization of the guard Is advisable. A resolution was unanimously passed offering condolence to the olllccrs of the Second United States infantry and the family of the late Captain Mills , who died from exposure recently in the Dakota Indian war. A paper upon small arm practlco was road by Cantaiu T. F. CooU , Sixth regiment. The following ofllcors were elected : 1 * resi dent , General W. L Davis , Cedar Haplds ; vice presidents. Colonel Park McMiuius , Davenport , and C. W. Ilouton , Hampton ; recording secretary. Captain A. J. Unities , Greonllcld ; corresponding secretary and treasurer , Major General J. T. Hume , DCS Mo'mes , _ Still Molding tlio Militin. Ili'siivn.i.E , Nob. , Jan. --Special [ Tel egram to TUB HII : : . ] There is very good reas'on to bellovo that the loud claims of a peaceful settlement with the Indians her alded abroad during the past twenty-four hours may yet provo to have been prcina < lure. General Colby this morning received the following dispatch from Colonel Cody nt the agency : "Situation how un changed , but can you not hold troops nt stations on railroads until something more definite con bo ascertained 1" To ttilstho general replied that bo would hold the thirteen companies not already moved off the Hold ono day longer. Add to this In formation tbo fact that reliable half-breed scouts who yesterday and ns late as last night talked with the so-called nurrondercd hostlles who insisted that they had not surrendered and that any attempt to disarm them would bo met with reslstonco , and you will sec that tlio situation at Pine Hlilgo Is still serious and far from a peaceful settlement. In accordance with this latest turn of affairs orders hiivo been Issued coun tcrmandlng the orders by which the remain liur force of militia would have today moved from the frontier. General Colby this mornIng - Ing hastened to the agency , presumably to form a better Idea of the situation there. Company 1C Arrives. FIIBMOXT , Neb. , Jan. M. ( Special Tele gram to Tun Bee , I Company 1C , Nebraska national guards , passed through Fremont this aftcrnoonwreturnlng homo to Schuylcr from the Indian country. Company E of Fremont Is expected to arrive tomorrow oven I n L' . Nine boxes of provisions and other comforts were forwarded to Company 13 from hero yesterday. _ _ TIIAXItS TO 1'HK li.JIJ'KHOlt. I'caco Has Been Maintained In HIIH- filu In Troiinlcsuiuo TlniR * . ST. Pn-rnmiiviio , Jan. U. [ Special Cable gram to Tin : HKI.J : In the Russian budget the war estimates nro increased by 40,000,000 roubles. This sum is to bo devoted to the con struction of barracks , There is also an increase -trx)0UOO , ) , roubles in the cstiamto for the navy. Mr. Vislmc'gradosky , the minister of finance , In n speech , said that , thanks to the emperor , the efforts to maintain peace had be en successful. All Uussla hoped that tbo emperor's peace loving policy which , whllo preserving the honor and dignity of the cm- iilro , hud maintained the blessings of pcaco In the most troublesome times , would bo as successful in the future us It had been in the past. Wniiiuil at Kn'nxmt. Sheriff Mallon of Fiomont passed through The city last night , Irivlng In charge Alike Swift , Frank Uttorson , Joe Uoed and Hurry Collins , who nro wanted for robbing the Con- tlncnin ! clothing utoro ol Fremont , TUo men were arrested in Council lllutls a few duy iigo. ' _ _ ljont a Few Jliiokot t'nln. Durrii.0 , N. V. , Jan. 14. Allen ft Co. To Soft Coal Consumers. GOING LIKE HOT CAKES. What is ? Our Celebrated Jackson , Illinois , 5/r\ U. Best in the market. Nothing like it. Order early and avoid the rush. 9 Telephone 48. - 114 Main Street Is In ovel'y respect the best Conl for domestic pui'posos in tha market. Itlnsts lonqor , produces more hcnt nnd burns up clcnnorthnn nny other lowrt conl. Ono ton will go ns Cm1 as a ton ami n half o the oreilnnrystulf. and itcosts no more tlmn thochonp , unsatisln f tor grades commonly sold. Try it for cooking nnd heating. Sold only b L. G. KNOTTS , FUEL MERCHANT , All kinds of Wood nnd Conl. Cobs n specialty. Full weight nnd prompt delivery. South Main St. Telephone SOS. one of the leading bucket-shop firms ! In the. east , having olllces in New York , I'liiliiucl- phia , 1'Ittsburg nml Buffalo , Is said to hnvo lost S'JOO.OOO recently in speculation. .1 J.It'JKLV Tlio Dakota I With the ( JnntcM Case * . Pir.uitr , S. D. , Jan. II. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Br.n. ] Today bus been nn exciting one In the houso. The loobies were crowded throughout the morning mid afternoon ses sion and every point of precedence closely watched. The attraction was the contest cases from Hrown county. For several days the republicans have been making a de termined light for the justice of their mem bers' retaining their seats. It was u hard fight between the two sides. Both caucused nearly all last night. Tlio re publicans ndniit that it was their defeat , but claim that It' does not change the senatorial situation materially. There seems to belittle sentiment for any republican candidate ex cept Moody , but this matter will como before tbo caucus and bo decided there. If the re publican chances of success can bo boat trust ed In Moodv's ' will bo the candidate ; if not bomo ot tier combine , by the admission of the two independents , Scattcrgood and Bates , from liruwn county will have a working majority. They claim that the rights of the tun other contestants for the re publican scats nro as good ns these and that they will lull bo ( seated. Hut the coses will have to go before the elections committee and the republicans will make bard light to have them decided on their merits. The whole dnv was consumed In the dis cussion and voting on the o cases. The re publicans mndo a hard light to bo allowed to bring in the balance of evidence , some of which only arrived in tlio secretary of state's onico today , but the speaker and the majority were against them. The re publicans complain bitterly of the sneaker's ' decisions and denounced him in unmeasured terms. McConnaclc , republican from Hyde , voted with the opposition and Mclntyro of Coddlngton , after entering a protest against the independents for not allowing all the evidence - denco to be brought In , voted with them. < That it will hnvo an effect on the senatorial election none deny. The democrats confidently assert the election of liartlctt Tripp , claiming that the Independent caucus will vote for him ns second choice. In view of late events this is not altogether impracticable. The two new members from Brown county were sworn In and took their scnts.tho two con- testees gr.icufullj retiring. Drown made a statement of the case , say Ing that they bowed to the will of the majority , and was compli mented by the speaker. A special train from Huron this morning brought in ( jlcuson , independent of ivinu's- bury , who voted with the republicans. To a question of privilege ho stated on the floor of the house that ho had twice been threatened with personal violence ; that thuy might shoot a hola through him , but could not change his convictions. This created quite a bcnsatlon. The senate transacted no important busi ness , tbo interest of the legislature centering in the political aspect nf the house. The Kyle bill prohibits the snlo of tobacco nnd was referred to the committee on tem perance. Kittredgo's resolution for the Investigation of the Brown county election frauds was adopted without opposition. AX J.\S IIf1 XCK t If EN T/O.V. A Case of Great Interest Before tlio Illinois Court H. CHICAGO , Jan. 1-i. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Uii.J : Tbo foreign insurance companies that have been doing business in this state , without state authority , nro about to have their alleged rights severely tested. In the latter part of 1889 , J. F. Powell , a wealthy cotton mcrchan * at Yiuoo City , Miss. , desired to procure $ ' 200,000 , of Insur ance on a largo amount of cotton ho'had stored in n warehouse nt Yazoo. Unable to get the Insurance ho wanted In Mississippi , he sent to Chicago nnd secured the desired amount from tbo Citizens' ' Mutual of Iowa , tbo .Pacific. Fire of Oregon , the Buckeye State Mutual of Ohio and the Ohio Manufac turers' Mutual flro insurance company. On December 28 of that year a llro destroyed the cotton. I'owcil demanded his Insurance ami was met with the rejoinder from tlio com panies ttiey hud not thu legal right to do business inthis state , and therefore the Insurance was void. 1'owell , through his attorney , K. H. Oary , commenced suits to recover. The companies demurred to the declarations and Judge Anthony promptly ovonuled them , but thu defendants came in with now plcHS and desired to submit new authorities. Judge Anthony said ho would review them. The matter will como up again on n demurrer to the picas. Still III HcHslon. Ntw : YOIIK , Jnn. II , The American nnO league ball meetings nro still In session , but not much has been accomplished , it seems sure that Chicago will have nn American club. Milwaukee would also llko to gut franchise. THE EMPRESS ELIZABETH OF AUSTRIA. Several years JIK . after n severe spell of mck- iics' , wusndvlsrd by her house physicians to iiheJohami Holt's Milt : Kslrucl. to rebuild hui weakened conslltu tlon. It noted M ) admira < lily that In npniculutlon the Kmporor Krunuli JoKi'nh ' ordered Mr. Johann Hull' lo lilscnur mid nut only unpointed him I'lirvnyur to the Austrian court hut ulso doci'ratrd bin with MID OnkTuf thulioldi n Cioss and Urmvn This WUH u dlHtliiiMlim nut oliiin involved by clvllllons nnd inuruhunts , and It iniiilu him i KnlKht In Austria. In Ib'ulio also rrcolvt-d th Urdurot the Ciown ( mm ) ) iii | 'ior Wlllmlin. .lohann Hull's Kxtrai-t of .Malt lias I. rinwn all over thu world , Niiless thnn half : million l.otth" ) are Imported niunially Int the Unlti'd HtntcK from llrrllii , thrniiKh th UKcnlH hen1. .Mi-bbra. Kltnvr > V MumlulfeonCo of New York. There U nothing ' 'Just IIB good" wlion yoi euiiiilitidn tliu Kftiiilmi urtlclu , which mils hiivii tlioslKiialiuoof 'Jobanii Hun" on th uuok of utery bt'ltli1 ' , Take no Iniltullous. SPECIAL KOTIOES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. WAN'TKD To correspond with purtlc * capahlu of nmMiii ; t-iiy : lltllni ; show ) for crippled feet. None but the bust. Address X , cam Hop. \\7ANTKD -Man fur bnini-li ollk-p. Salary * ' $7. > per liinntli and it roininlssion , SfpOso- ciirlly requited. No. WVlllouonuc ) , Cuiin- ell Willis. IOWA fiirms fur sain , ntxoi'lioirii garden anil 1 fruit liind near Council Hlulls. Johnston k Van Patten , Kvurott block , FO1 ! S < VIK or limit UirdJii innil , with' lllot ) . 1JJ Main 8UOuuuoll CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . 8150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 215.000 HIIIE TOIM I. A. Mlllnr. ! ' . O. Oloaion , II f * Shuurt. 12. 13. ll.irt , J. I ) . ICdmumlson , Ulmrlni ( J. Illinium , T r.uisMOt K'L > bmkln : < busi ness. I. inmost tMplul 1111,1 Miirjiliu ut any hinlhi ; South wustuni Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , Mllilllllb < | ( > Attorneys at Law. I'rao- ueu m the stale nnil federal cimrts. Ko.iins 'I , I and u lliMioblook , ( Jouiiutl BlutV.s. low.u Fiiiley Burka.Oco.W. Hewitt.Thos. E , Oatady Burke , He\vitt& \ Gisruly. Attorneys-at-Law PRACTICE IN TUB STATO AN'D VKDISKAb COURTS. Ofllce.i : J , J. Drown llulldlng , Council UlufTi , luwu OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Muln nn'l Hroadwiiy , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Drillers la foreign nnd domestic xoban fc JollecUoii inudu ami uuld on thud oposlts. A Section llanil Tut In T\vo. MAIISIIAI.I.TOWII , In. , .Tan. 14.Special [ telegram to Tin : 13in. : ] Patrick O'llaro , ono f Iowa's oldest section men , was run over by n switch engine la the yards hero this brenoon and cut in two. He attempted to cross the track and stumbled und fell Hitler tlio wheels , Ilo was sixty-live yoara ohl. Ilo has no known relatives. i\nn pliifc 011 Unit's Trail. MAIISII U.I.TOWN , la. , .Inn. M. ( Special Tclo- pram to TUB Ilr.n.J And now an Omaha olll- cer Is camping on the trail ut Hull , tlio pat t rlKht mail. The ollleer arrived bo.'o at 11 o'clock last tilgltt with a warrant lor Hull's irrest for swindling , and IcnrnliiB that the irisoner had been taken to Missouri , started .o follow on the next train. Late develop * nonts Indicate that Hall's operations are not only crooked , but extensive and varied , cov orlng a largo territory. Will Toloyrapli Tliclr CIDAII : HMMIH , Ja. , .Inn , M. [ Special Tolo > jram to Tins llii : : . J A majority of the ngcnts uid operators of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway in this part of tbo country will tolocraph thclt resignations this oven- Inf. , to take effect Friday. The business men generally denounce tlio railway ofllclaU for their nutien. At Anamosu the lmsincH men have signed an HKivemunt to withdraw their patronage from tbo Mlhvanlccoroad unless tbo men are reinstated ut their foruiov salaries. Tlio Iowa Ilo Des MOINI : , la. , .Tan. H. [ Special Trio * Brain to Tin : linr.j At tbo meeting of horso- iiu-n yesterday the name of the society waa changed to Coach nnd Draft Horse associa tion , and tbo following ofllcciy were olectodt President , W. II. .lordon ; vice presidents , II. C. Wheeler , U. K. Stublw , VV. M. Sprhmcr nnd. I. T. Wright ; secretary , C. F. Ctirlls ; directors , 1'etor Ilopley , D. McCarty , D. 1' . Stnbbs , W. H. .lordon nnd U. F. Cur- lias. lias.Tho The fair secretaries nt their fourth annual incctini ; yesterday elected the following ofll- ccrs : President , W. H. Kiulinrds , Oscuola ; vice piusldo-it , I ) . II. Anderson , Johnson county ; secretary , John .Stubcnratieh , 1'ella. Tlicro vvuro forty-four county secretaries rep resented , Failed to Atfreo. Sioux FAI.I.B , S. IX , Jan. 14.-fSneclal Telegram to Tin : IhiK.l The Jury In tboeasa of Dr. C. P. IIissoll , who has boon on trial all this week In this city on the cburgo o ( manslaughter In the second degree , after being closeted for twenty-four hours failed to agrco. Dr. lilssrl is a practicing phy- slclal at Valley .Springs , this county , and was charged with administering , while in- toxlcatuil , morphlnu to lluti Heholler , n liar- neisinnltcr in Valley Springs , on Decomboi U , from the effects of which the latter died. A Trottlnu AHHO'II'IMI | | MUBIH. CincAno , .Tun. 14 , annual meeting ol tlio Western-Southern Trotting association mot toduy. A schedule for tliu coming sco BOH was agreed upon. Among ether date * win Independence , la. , August 1 to"J. . Tlio purses to bo offered nt Independence nrfl heavier than ut any other point , uggrcgutlng Iillnri-H ! ! KulTorliii ; from Cold. liiu.tx ) : , Jnn. II. The cold wcathor U causing much misery hero. Over slxty-twa thousand people uru out of work and uiun ( remain so until tbo weatbor moderates ,