Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Put Tlonn ( wnn sent up for thirty days
for bof'j'lii ( ; on the streets.
Jtimea Crock , the forger , wns taken to
Iho penitentiary yustorday by Sborilt
There will bb no county court today-
as Judge Sliloltls will bo among the Sam
DBot8 at Lincoln.
Acttrloiidof cnrthenwnro from Liver
pool fot'Mnutor of Council LHulTs passed
( ho customs liouso yesterday.
The week of prayer f > ervice3 at the
First Baptist church are drawing Inryo
audiences find much intoKtls manifest.
The CHHO ol Liinton J. Usher vs TUB
Bui ! in the Unitrd States court lam
continued by content until the May term
uf court.
Tommy Cnrlson's mother nays ho Una
been incorrigible slnco Juno 1,1800 , and
hns rcfjucstutl the police judge to send
him to the reform school.
While thcrovcro a number of inqulr-
ICH at the build Iiitf inspeclor'H olllco yes
terday In rojfiird to the cost of a permit ,
onlysintill permits were granted ,
J. "W. Shonollold , a prominent con
tractor of Mnlvorn , la. , ii8 In thoclty
yc ltul l1ay buying material for a do/.on
buildings that ho will erect this Benson.
General Gcortfo Crook post , Grand
Army of tlio Konubllc , will meet on
Saturday evening at Goodrich hall to
Install now olllccre. Members of the post
and all Boldicrn will bo welcomed.
The old county board hold its last ses
sion yesterday afternoon. The minutes of
Tuesday's mooting wore rend and ap
proved , and the board adjourned slno
die. The newly elected mouiborsVcro
present ,
Collector Alexander lias taken up
quarters in the room on the third floor
of the Kovcrnmont building formerly oc
cupied by Iho postal Inspector , and will
use it as a private ollico. The clerks of
the olllco will occupy the old room , and
the bulk of the business of the ollico will
bo transacted there.
J. K. Westeott pleaded guilty to petit
larceny and was lined 8150 and costs. lie
etolo nearly $300 worth of dry goods
from the lioston store , where ho was
employed as clerk , but the property was
taken in small quantities and at different -
ent times' , so thai , a charge of grand
larceny could not bo sustained.
Members of the Sainosot club and
their friends will leave the Merchants
hotel for Lincoln this morning at
ViuO. Only forty of the badges have
arrived. The others will bo expressed
direct to Lincoln and will bo given out
thoro. The Samosols will luivo two
special cars attached to the regular 8:20 :
Lincoln puesongor on the Burlington.
The police have closed the saloons of
Gus Schult/ , Eleventh and Capitol two-
fcuo ; 0. P. Butts , Twelfth and Capitol
venue , and John Dldam , Twenty-sixth
nnd Walnut , in accordance with the
orders of the board of lire and police
commissioners. These parties wore re
fused lluonscri for 1801 because they had
previously Infringed on thoSlocuinb law.
Torchon 1 neon , 10c , Ifio , 20u , 25c.
At our embroidery sale tomorrow wo
ihu.ll olTor a lot of
1st lot 10c : hand-mado real torchon
lace , worth 2Qa a yard.
2nd lot 15o : hand-mado real torchon
laeo 16c , worth 2oc a , yard.
3rd lot 20c : hand-mado real torcb/w "
laoo 20c , worth ! )5c ) n yjvv'l. "I
4th lot 25o ' Ifand-mado
a yard' . - torchon
loco 2oc , worth'ioc to 60c a yard.
The snrrJial values in torchon will be
' 2A.y 'lUrlng this sale.
Alnrnicd Over Ilia Absence.
The friends of John E. Anderson , an em
ploye In the olllco of the assistant treasurer
of the B , & M. railroad , are somewhat
alarmed over Ills absence from homo and
post of duty slnco Saturday last. When last
BCOII ho was In the company of two soldiers
from Fort Omaha. Anderson is it now comer
to the city , huvinft hut recently been dis
charged from military service at Fortress
Monroe. Ho is about live feet six Inches tail ,
weighs 150 pounds , lair complexion , brown
hair nnd smooth face. . Ills people live at
8110 Cass street.
fioott AVntitH His Freedom.
Habeas corpus proceedings wcro com
menced in the district court to secure the
freedom ol J. 0. Scott , alias John Cabo.
Scott wns committed by Judge llclsloy
ten dny ago for vagrancy , Ill's
loutcnco was ninety days. The police gave
Bcotta hard name- , although hodid not com- '
mlt any crlnio in Omaha at his last visit.
Judge llclsloy's object in committing Scott
for so long a period was principally to break
tip n gang of tough characters of which this
prisoner was supposed to bo a mem ber. The
Louringvill bo before Judge Clark sou.
' 1 o Injitnolloti Dissolved.
A fo\v days ago n temporary Injunction was
iworn out at tlio request of Mr. E. Koso-
wjiter agnlast the Onmua city ofllclals. It
was brought to prevent them from awarding
the contract for city printing to the
World-Herald on that paper's late
bid , at a rnto thrco times ns high as
lost year's contract. Judge Doano dissolved
the Injunction yesterday on the ground that
the council had full authority to carry on
the business of the city and the court could
not Intervene.
The U. 1 . Hunt ) .
At the annual meeting of the Union Pacific
band the following ofllrors wore chosen :
fames Hart , president ; Fred Uhynor , busi
ness manager and musical dlrcotorj Joseph
Boack , assistant director ; Hurt Nichols ,
Bcrlbo ; Philip Bolscn , treasurer nnd drum
major. The retiring members wcro tendered
a vota of thanks. Purtiul arrangements wuro
made for the annual bal masque of the or
ganization , which will bo given at an early
for tlio I'ollco.
Messrs. Scavoy , Wnlker , Dillon , Bloom ,
ICeysor , Dobout nnd Harngan , who constl--
tuto the corumlttco appointed by the police
relief association to consider needed amend
ments to the la\v rcgulntln ? the association ,
are mooting nlehtly to canvass the situation
nnd dovlso doslrablo changes and will submit
tholr report to the board of flro and police
commissioners next Monday oveulns ,
A Mlsslnt * Roy ,
A colored boy named Jcnnol Wrddle , eight
years old , whoso parents llvo at 1315 Jon 03
ntrcct , disappeared Monday and cannot bo
found. Ho was sent to school in the morn
ing ns usual , but did not put in nn nppoar-
pnco at school and did not return to his
hoiro. Ills parents nro greatly distressed
about too mat' ' r.
Pursued by n Phantom.
Major \Vllcox \ , editor of the Uepubllcan ,
bns moro trouble on his mind. Yesterday ho
was sued In tbo district court by the Omaha
Ilcpubllcan printing company for $1,59105 ,
money alleged to tavo boon paid Wilcox for
material which wai Jointly owned by the
plaintiff and defendant.
County Court.
Joe O'Drlen ' , the well known Union raclflo
conductor , bus been appointed ns adminis
trator of lils late father's cstato by County
Judge Shields ,
M. Pcabodv was granted judgment against
D. W. You Cott for fcitt ) .
A. Receiver Appointed.
CLAIIKSVH.I.E , Tciin. , Jan. 1. K. Specie , a
banker of Frankfort , bos boon appointed re
ceiver of the Farmers' and Merchants' bank
> f this city. Nothing Is stated In roKord to
Iho allulra of the bank.
Mr , 8. H , H. Olark'a ' Ordjr Rjorganlzingtho
Entire Union Pacific Sjstomi
UrlnkcrlioiT , IJIIckcrifitlctTer , McNeil ,
JJancroft nnil Duncan Appointed
General Division Superintend *
cntR Other Itoni ) .
General Manager S. II. II. Ciarlt of the
Union Pacific Issued his long expected order
yejtcrdny organizing the Union Pacific man
agement nttcr his own plan and abolishing
the system of general managers with equal
powers which wns maintained by President
Charles Francis Adams.
Under the new deal the St. Joseph and
Grand Island division Is abolished and the
lines cojnprlshiK it divided between the Ne
braska and Kansas divisions , which nro com
posed of tlio former Missouri river and Kansas -
sas divisions.
J , O. DrlnkcrholT , present ecncral manager
of the Missouri river division , becomes
general superintendent of the Kansas divis
ion ; Hobert lillcltensdcrfcr , present superin
tendent of tlio Nebraska division , becomes
acting general superintendent ; K. J. Duncan
' < made general superintendent of tlio Uulf
llvlslonsucceeding General Manager Meek ;
.V. . II. Bancroft becomes general suporin-
-undent of the Mountain division , succeeding
General Manager KcsscKulc ; E. McNeil ,
general manager of the Pnclllo division , Is
otalned as general superintendent.
The order takes effect on January 15.
Tlio new divisions nro made up as follows ;
Nebraska Division Council Bluffs to
Cheyenne ; Julesburg toLaSalle ; Cheyenne
' .o Orln Junction ; Grand Island to Oru , and
Jranches ; Columbus to Sioux City nnd
tranches ; Columbus to David City ; Vulloy
to Miirysvillo ; Valparaiso to Fulrtleld ; Me-
Cool Junction to I'airbury.
Kansas Division Kansas City to Denver ;
St. Joseph to Grand Island ; Fail-Held to
Alma ; jMnrysvillo to Manhattan ; Lenvcn-
ivorth toMlltonvnlo ; Leavemvorth to Law-
rcncc ; Leavenworth to ToncUa ; Junction
City to Concord I a and Ucllvlllo ; Solomon to
Belolt ; Salina to Oakloyj Sallna to McPhor-
3011.Gulf Division Denver to Toxllno ; Toxllno
.0 Fort Worth ; Denver to Cheyenne ; Denver
.oLcndvilleimd Gunnlson ; Denver to Fort
Collins ; Urecly to Stout ; Brighton to Boul
der ; Denver to Golden , Central City and
Or.iyniont ; nil other spurs of Union i'aciflc ,
Denver it Hlo ( Jnmdo railway.
Mountain Division Choyeimo to Ogdcn ;
Larainlo to Soda Lake. ; Dana to Ilamin ;
Krniibton toAliny ; Granger to Iluntlngton :
Shoshone to ICctrnum ; Natnpa to Boise ;
Ogden to McCammon ; Pocatcllo to Silver
Bow ; Ogden to Frisco ; Syracuse Spur ; Lohl
Junction to Tintlo ; Salt Lake to Terminus.
Pacific Division Iluntincton to Portland ;
La Grande to Elgin ; Willows to Hcpncr ;
Uiimtilla to Walla Walla ; Pendleton to
Spoknno Falls ; Bollcs to Day ton ; . Golf ax to
Moscow ; Stitrbuck to Pomeroy ; Wlnona
Junction to Seltieo ; La Crosse to Council ;
Tckoti to Mullan ; all water lines.
Another nurllnctoii I3\tciiHlon Other
Itallrond Xcws.
The Burlington will complete its now line
to Deadwood this month , nnd now has nn en
gineering force engaged In relocating the
proposed railway line between Minuckahta
and IlotSprlngs , a project that the B. & M-
had in view when the Doadw.oiyt , V.Tiif was
ocatcd last winter. TJvs'itno will bo an Im
portant one hsttf "to the B. & M. and to
OmahA. 'Tho engineering party is expericn-
tirig some difficulty In getting down from
Bradley flats to the valley of .Fall river , a
difference of 8'JO ' feet hi n distance of eight
miles. Work on the road is to bo commenced
at once.
There arr no now developments In the right
of way cnscs between the Rock Island nnd
Milwaukee companies in their efforts to
got into the Omaha depot over the Union Pa-
eltlc bridge. The parties interested ore
quietly awaiting the settlement of the case In
the United States court , and at the president's
meeting in now York.
A meeting of tratllc managers of all tlie
western lines will bo held in New York next
Attorney General Stone oflowa has brought
suit against the Northwestern , Rock Island ,
Burlington and the Chicago , St. Paul , Minne
apolis & Oumha for violating the Iowa freight
Work on the Tncomn extension of the
Union Puclflo has been suspended for the
The Missouri Pnclflo hns under considera
tion the abandoning of all of the local attor
neys of the company and vesting nil of the
legal business of the company with the attor-
uovs at the St. Louis headquarters.
The new car stiops of the Chlcago.St. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha at Hudson , WIs. , will
bo ready for occupancy in a few days.
Hold by tlin Pntrona of n College Ijcc-
turo Course.
Considerable Inquiry has been made during
the past day or two by parties qjho purchased
tickets for the Standard business college lec
ture course , as to wnethor or not nil of the
attractions advertised wore to bo
provided , now that tno college has
changed hands. The second entertain
ment was to have been given tonight ,
but these who went to the Grand opera
house yesterday to reserve their serits were
told that the date had been cancelled nnd
that , all of other the attractions of the house
were off , as the college had failed to malic a
satisfactory settlement with Major Pond for
the Stanley IcctUro.
Nothing could bo learned at the business
college regarding the lectures , ns Prof. Larl-
more , the proprietor , Is sick ut his homo in
Shcnando.ih , la.
It seems tlmttho college was recently turned
over to Piof. J. P. Byrne , one of the instruc
tors , in lieu of back salary. Mr. Byrne de
sires it understood that ho had no connection
whatever with the lecturonrrangoments. The
same statement is made by Prof. Bell of the
shorthand scbool.
It is reported that Mr. Larlmoro
proposes to take tip the lec
ture courao tickets sold nnd refund
iho money for nil but the Stanley lecture.
Mr. Hell states that Larlmoro thus declared
his Intention to him before leaving for
A largo number of tickets wcro sold for
the entire course , several parties taking from
four to six tickets each.
The Itching of the scalp , falling off of the
hnlr , resulting in baldness , uro often caused
by dandruff , which may bo cured by using
Iiall's ' Hair Itcuowor ,
Mr. Oeorco F. Canis , of Now York , for-
rnorly a member of THIS BBE staff , has again
accepted a position in the editorial depart
Used in MJUloniot
40 Xean the Btand&rd.
Mayor CunlilnB'H Holicino ( op Sclcctliic
\V. II. Ijoiri'H SucccHsor.
There nro two 'candidates In the Hold for
the position of dork of tbo police court , re
cently irwdo vacant by the death of W. II.
Long. Thcso men nro n source of continual
nnnoynnco to Mayor Cushlnp , as dally they
present themselves befow the executive urp
ini ? their respective claims.
In converslnt , ' upon the subject , the
mayor said : "Thcso boys nro all ROOI !
fellows , competent nnd a number of them
personal friends , all of which places mo iu n
position where I hardly Unow how to net ,
though I have n scheme that I may work. In
the course of a day or two I Intend to scntl
for nil of the candidates and have thorn cotno
to my ofllco. After I get them thcro I pro
pose that they go Into caucus nnd try ton reo
n moil R themselves as to who shall bo named.
If they cannot do that I shall bo tempted to ,
turn tlio whole matter over to tbo council.
The majority of that body boars u democratic
complexion , and I am confident that a good
man will bo selected. "
ruiit'ral of Prof , IliifTmann.
The funeral of i'rof. Simon lloflmann took
place ut St. Mury Magdalctio clicrcb on
Iouplii3Strecthotwcon ) Sixteenth and Seven
teenth yesterday morning. The ob *
scquies wuro under the auspices o ( the Ila-
varlnn society , of wnleh the deceased had
been an honored member. Tbo society ,
headed by the Musical union band , of which
Prof. Hoffmann had also been a muinlo. ' , OH
corted the remains fro.n the residence on
South Sixteenth street to the church , uhcro
solemn high mass was said by Father
Glauber , after Milch the procession pro
ceeded to the cemetery of St. Mary Mag-1
dalene In South Omaha. .
The renmtns were incased in an elegant
blade caslcot on which rested a handsomu
lyrj of white roses , the oiTcrinR of the Musical
union , and n beautiful cross of whlto ( lowers ,
the tribute of the Havnrlan society.
The Musical union was represented by n
largo delegation ot members ana the Bavar
ian society was present in force.
The pall bearers were CJ. Muoncl ) , George
MaederVllllain Wcckbach. James HouU *
mann , A. VciRhtireior , and A. l > aumelstcr.
Simon HoITmann was born in Wurtzunburfr ,
Davarla , nnd when a boy nineteen years ot
ago entered the German army ns a binjlor.
IIo served through tljo Franco-Prussian war
nnil in 1871 cmlgated to Atncrlun , lanuiiif ? at
Now York , wliero ho at once ongaod ! with
the Stafford orchestra , After plavinj ; with combination f6r ono season hi ! came to
Omaha and organized the Hofitunn orches
tra , n musical organization that was known
far and wide during the early days of tills
About the same time hoorganizeil the Oma
ha city hanO , that later became n part of thu
Musical protective union. For a number of
years Mr. iloffminn was the leader of the or
chestra ut the Boyd , playing at night and
teaching tnuilc durinc the day. The deceased
was n fine musician , being able to play upon
nearly every class of instruments that have
been inaite. On account of tils superior abil
ity ho did much to develop the musical till-
cut of Omaha. In 187. ) ho was married to
Miss Weirhart , who with llvo children , four
sous and oub daughter , survive him.
"I have been occasionally troubled with
coughs , nnd In each case have used i.n wii't ,
llrnnoliiiil Troche" , which have never
failed , and I must say they nro second to
none in the world. " Felix A. May , cashier ,
St. Paul , Minn.
Aid Tor Orphans.
Mrs. Ur A. Folsom is in the city soliciting
aid for the Tabitha educational orphans'
homo of Lincoln , Nob. Mra. JTolgftm.cyinssis
very welljgc.a > ntDftrvJrtSii , ' carrying with her
.QQ'l&ffatiincnts ' ofa number of ministers of
Lincoln of all denominations. This institu
tion takes in dcstltuto children from birth
and provides for and educates tbemund gives
thorn a training in some occupation mat will
fit them for u Ufa of usefulness. It docs not
allow outsiders to adopt any of Its proteges ,
but undertakes to maintain them until they
are able to maintain themselves. Thcro nro
now forty children being cared for ancl an
appropriate imilcllnir Is in coursu of construc
tion on Fortieth and Randolph streets , and it
is with the view of rapidly completing the
now homo that Mrs. Folsom Is in Omaha ask
ing for funds. The now homo will nccomo-
dato400 childrenand , If sufficient money can
bo raised the management hopes to have It
completed by next year.
I have found out n gift for my fair. It is
not a ring of gold , nor Ilowera for her hair ,
nor pearls for her wtilto neck , but Salvation
Oil for her sere throat. She's a singing bird.
Loss of life. Thousands sink Into an early
crave for want of a bottleof Dr. Bull's Cough
Piinornl ol' Sister Mnry Vlnccntin.
The funeral of Sister Mary Vlncentia took
place yesterday morning from St. Joseph's
hospital to the Holy scpulcher.
Solemn high mass was celebrated , with
Hev. Father Ohokn celebrant , Father Jcan-
notto as deacon anil Father Barret sub-dea
con. The sisters' hospital choir assisted In
the services.
Among the priests In attendance besides
these already nlentioned , were Father
Smith , Father Carroll , Father McCarthy ,
Father Brcitchkeff , Father Morlnrty of
South Omaha' Father Malloy of Council
Bin Us , ana Father Doxacher , chaplain ol the
The deceased had been In Onialn for the
past ten years , \wt \ took tuo veil five years
previous to that timo. Six of tlio slstors act
ed as pall bearers ns Is customary with the
"Now is the winter of our discontent made
glorious summer" by Ayor's Sarsaparilla.
This wonderful medicine so Invigorates the
sy.stein nnd enriches the blood that
cold weather becomes positively enjoyable.
Arctlo explorers would do well to make a
note of this.
Utterly Destitute.
A Christian lady reported a sad case of
destitution to Poor Commissioner Mahoney
last evening. The woman lives on Tenth
street , oetween Howard and Harnoy. She Is
a widow and is confined to her bed with
sickness , while three small childrod are hud
dling about'hcr in a starving and freezing
condition. Mr. Mahoncy contributed imme
diate uld , but assistance from individuals
might prove a great benefit.
For Snlo.
A clonr stock of himhvuro anil stoves ,
invoicing1 about $ y,500. in the best town
in the central part of the btato. Will
take part cash nnd tlio balance In good
papoi1. Address , O. J. SMITH ,
Grand Island , Neb.
1GOZ Sixteenth and Fnrnam streets ia
the now Uock Island ticket olllco. Tick
ets to all points cast ut lowodt rutus.
Mr. Freeman Knowlcs , editor of the Deadwood -
wood Dallv Independent , Is In the city. Ho
nays that Deadwood is booming , nnd that blpr
things uro oxpcted with the completion of
the Burlington into the metropolis of the
hills this mouth.
OMAHA. Nebraska. December 21,1SOO.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the annual meetIng -
Ing of thu stockholders of the Union Land
Company for the election of flvo directors ,
nnil such other business as may properly como
before the meeting , will ho held In tlio com
pany's olllco at Oimilm , Nebraska , on Monday ,
the 12111 day of Jumiiiry , Iblll , at. 10 o'cloo'
a. m. W. J. UAHUOLb , Assistant Secretary ,
A POSITIVE tnd permanent CURE for all
where othertrett'neMiillt.FulTdireclion ' * nl th each
faotllo. Pflc , ona dollir. See ilgnatuttol E , U
STAHL. For Sale By All Druggists.
Charming Winter Resort in the Highlands.
HunlSYilleMcl.Substautial.Elcgant.Ncw . .
IIAUVliV B. OKNIHON , Mai a 9r
F. UU.NISON , AlllatauU
Each ; Season
Has Its own pectillnt nmlady I but with the
blood tnaliitiliieadAastttoof uniform vigor
nnd purity , by tlitruwof Aycr'sSftrsararllla.
tlio sy ttm rendllypiinpts Itself to changed
conditions. Coiniwsed of tlio best alteratives
and tonics , and bkl&g hlgbly concentrated.
Ayer's Sarsaparlllah the most eflcctlve and
ccotioinlcnl olnll blood medicines.
"Forsome years/at the return of spring ,
1 had serious trouble ulth my kidneys. I
was tmablo to sleep nights , nnd suITcied
gicatly with palnalu the small of my back ,
luas also anllctcU with headache , loss of
appetite , and lmllpcjtlon. Thcio .symptoms
were much uorsoliut : sprint ! , especially tlio
trouble wit * my Uwl { . A friend pcisuadcd
me to use Ajer's Snrsnpaillla. I began
taklug It , and my troubles nil disappeared. "
Jlis. Gcnuvia liclanger , 24 lliitlgo at. .
Srlngflcld ] ) , .Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
DK. J. 0. AVER & CO , Lowell , Mass.
unUl" . liri. , | Worth $ ii bottle.
Pa/sin / ; , Sit { mis anl SpscUlisls ,
Tne most wldplv and favorably known spec
ialists In tlio Unltol States. Tlirlr IOIIR ox-
IH'ilciH.'c. tuiiiaikablu skill and uimoisul siu-
c'oss In the treatment and euro of Nervous
Chronic nnil Surgical Ilsoahi ) > s. ontlttu tlieso
nniliii'nt physicians to the full conflduncuof
tlio Mlllk'lc'd ourwhere. . Tliov Kiiaiantpc :
thonwlul olTwlsof o.trly vlco anil tlio niiinci-
> iis ovlli tliutfnllou In Its trnln.
Hpceillly.conipliMi-lvniiil nc > iiitaiiontlr cilipd.
OHDEHSylold readily to thulr skillful treat-
euarnntpcd cured nlthout puln or detention
'rum Imslnoss.
icntlyand siicci'isfiilly cured In ou'rycase ,
cmtorrhca. Seminal Weakness Lost Munliood ,
NlghL Kinlssloni ) , I'cauycd Faculties' , 1'einalo
Weakness nnd all dbllnato dlsoiders pcculliir
toultlicr sn\ positively cured , as well an all
functional I dlsotdcrsttiat result from youthful
' ' 0 . 10 "
, LllJLi , . l < iiariiiitcod pormu n o n 1 1 y
f ari\.ioi l-.CurQl , removal complete1.
without cu ttlns. caustio or dilatation. Ouies
olTcctcd at liotno by , patient wltliout a mo
ment's itiiln or annoyance.
A CMIW17 riTK'K The awful eircots of
t\ . OUR.L. UU l\Li cnriy Vlou which brines
orimnlc woaUnrss , dustioytnz both mind and
body , with all Us dro clod Ills , permanently
II K > < J R'PTT's ' Address those who hnvolm-
UlVv ) . UL.I 1O pt ! | rod thcmsulvi's by Improper -
proper Indulgence and solltaiy liublts. wlileli
ruin both mind and body , unllttlng them for
business. Btudv urmttrrluso.
MAKHIHI ) MKN or those ontnrini ; on thut
happy life , aware of physical dublllty , quickly
Is based upon facts. Flist Practical exi orl-
t'noo. Second K\ cry cnso Is specially studied.
thus starting rlKlitTnlrd inedlclncs uro
piei > arcd In our laboratory exactly to Milt
each cato , thus ollcctlng cures without Injuiy.
Drs. Betts & Belts ,
With Double Wire Suspensory.
PATENTED AUG. 16,1637. , IMPROVED JULY 29,1890. ,
I'UN.-'OHV will euro all Hheu
rantlcCumplalnU lmeo. ( icn
oral niul Nervous Dcblllty.Costlvo
ness , Klitnur nisetiNCH. Ncrv
OUBIICS8 , Tremb- Hot ; . Poxunl 12x
hnuitlon , Wast- Ingof body. DIs
cut-en causcil by Indiscretions li
Youth , AKO , Mar- rlcd or Slngli
Llfo. Sasponsory.
Also un Kloctrlo Trims and Holt Conibliiod.
Fi-nrl fie. postnco for nine Illustrated book , 224
jmgus , wlilch will bo fcontyouln plnln iualod envoi'
upo. Jlontlon this paper. Address
Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Co , ,
3O6 N. Broadway , St. Louis , Mo.
826 Broadway , Now York City.
C. L , Erickson.Im-'i A-jont , SOON.lOth
A Full Set of Tooth
on Ituuber , for
_ _ _ _ '
A perfect flt Riiamntoed. Tooth extracted
without pain or danger , and wltLoiit anaes
thetics. Gold and silver llngs at lowest
rate * Hrldpo nnd Orown Work Tooth with
out nlntoi Aliwoekwarrantou. .
Entrarco , 10th strsijt elevator Oponoveu-
KS until 8 o'clock
Demand Pond' a Ex tract.
Accept no substitute.
Moriihltitt HnMt
Wop ) Ttint r. < l.CB.J > uon,0.
My Tainting nd rnperhnnjlng builne , K t b
llihc'd 1SW. Unit u cll > luctoil it ick of Wul
, \\AlI Mouldlntt , faints , llruiliui , eta.
610 S. 10th Street , Omaha.
The month of January , from a purely business standpoint , is far different in the present
day from that of a few years ago. Before the day of the elegant "vestibule train" which JIQ $
enables the merchant to reach his market in a few short hours- the average storekeeper went to
"the city" wherever that might be , but twice a year ; once in the early spring and once in the
early fall , each time buying goods enough to last him a full season of six months. He did little
replenishing of stock in those days. When anything sold out , he was "out of it , " that was all.
When the first day of January came , business came to a standstill "no use trying to sell any-
hing. " He'd just get in the back end of the store by the old box stove , and sit , and soak in
icat andtwait lor the customer that never came. The enterprising' merchant of to-day hag
changed all that. Instead of letting his business run him , he runs Ins business. Me rolls up hid
sleeves and pitches'in , determined to make January's SALES good , even if he don't "lay up
a cent. '
TO-DAY , ' .
We , the afore-mentioned enterprising merchant , begin our annual January
When we will put on sale in one grand lot between five and six hundred Overcoats andUlstcw
that have formerly been sold at twelve , thirteen fifty , fourteen , fifteen and even sixteen dollars ,
all at the one uniform price of
Splendid all wool Chinchilla Overcoats , in blue or black , in all sizes , with Italian , Serge
or Cassimere linings , with handsome fancy satin sleeve linings. Goods that are worth from two
to six dollars more AT TEN DOLLARS.
Great big Heavy Chinchilla Ulsters , goods that are right in every way , lined with splen
did plaid cassimere. Coats that have sold for five dollars more all the season. They go in
at the TEN DOLLAR rate too.
Great big piles of Irish Frieze Ulsters in Stylish Plaids , with splendid linings , with ex
cellent sleeve linings ; coats that ought to wear a man three or four years with -any decent sort r
of handling. They go in under the TEN DOLLAR banner too.
When you take into consideration the fact that these garments at the original prices wera j 11
the cheapest coats sold in Omaha , you can readily understand that at the present reduced
price of TEN DOLLARS , there won't be many left at the end of the SIX DAYS which we in
tend to devote to this great JANUARY OVERCOAT SALE.
o uomm
Fourteenth and Douglas Streets. "
We Close at 6:3O : P. M. - Open Saturdays Till
S&KR ! .
WoonsockBt A Rhode Island Rubber Go
And wo are tholr western agents and always cnrrya larso stock.
Addrosa ,
1204 and 1206 Harney Street.
Sacrifice and
Removal Sale
We mean just what wo s.iy. Our nrlcea
will tell. Our oUlro : stock ( except P.\telc
Philippe ite Go's Fine Watches ) , is on Halo at
such sacrifice prices , that it should insure
the s lie of everv article.
f UJl ART DEPARTMENT wo are simply
selling without rerard to cost. J
Our discount onwntchoi , DlamondsSoHd
Silver , Fine Jewelr/ and all poods , maUes
the pr.cea lower than our people have ever
been able to p'uohaie this class of coo JB.
This sale will not last long.
Douglas and 10th St.
. .
, > l ) lor ltlli ] > IDtpur <
ro , f r l Un.rttlx H l. i. , flvloc FMtl/ , Mild , floolb'
( . r IUy i > Inrmll of tlttlrltllf Ihrovib ill nlAK
PAKTR. redorlll tb.mlo IIK4I.TH d f llillllUI ff IHSOTH
( Ucirlt lutt.ul r.u liili.ilj , or wt forr < it ll.ww ID < U
p < i lorf C n.pUlt Ift. and [ > . U ortt CKICI I vr
j lo tkri * moalbi. U < tl < a ptatbltt f r .
EK KIXOTRIOCO , . 10 Ui lUiIu ,
. . .
tl " tif > I vbtft ftll Kl&ivoivi r ii > * ittM ti i wi J..T
| M"2 lIld/iiVfUllwJ-.llWCO .UIll/ . -'J.M.
© ALE. OK'
At $15.OO
STILL CONTINUES. ( Taking stock this week ) . Watch
for the bargains wo will offer in a few days.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
. . .
cure u. ui. , to ttimulutlon 12 m. fro * Uuuk ( Mjntorloi of LlJo ) bvnt fioa. Utllc liuun-tta. ao u. iuvrna . UL BunJiTyi It
1207 Street.
Steve repairs of all description * for ooolc unifliu.itliu Moves , family and liutol ranzos. Watt * * 1
ittiichiuuntHiiHneulalty. f
Telephone QRO HOBERT UHLIG , Proprietor <
i / VV / '
- - c. M. EATON , Manager.