Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Fred Doitor , an Engineer Killed at Tacoma ,
S Cnjilurn of Ivto Hllck Chicken
* '
Tlilevos ami the Stolen Kowls
I\jtiiHl on Their Premises
nii'l Untlii
, Neb , Jnn , 7. [ Special Telegram
to Tim HER. ] Prctl Doxtcr , the Northern
Pacific engineer who wai killed In an acci
dent nt Tacoma recently , will uo romomticrcd
ns n Lincoln boy by tnnny old residents ot
this city , n ? ho resided hero some flf Icon years
ago. Mr. Doxtcr'3 death wns im example of
noolnsolf sncrlllco. ' Ills train became un-
mnna'nahlo ( on aprndo , but he remained with
his engine , blowing a * waniluu whistle to
Itcoptho track clonr until tlio crash came and
ho went ilown to death in the wrock.
nm nr.xcoor.
Tnnner Charles Miller , who resides cloven
miles coutliwcst of the city , on the road to
Dcnton , was nwnltonod ntan early hour this
mornlnK by a commotion among his fowls.
Ho arose and pot to the window just In tlmo
to sco two men In a top bupfcy ilrlvo oft
towards the city. Ho quickly dressed , and
mounting n liorso , took upthochaso. The
fellows drove pretty fast , and It was not until
the city wns In Bl ht thnt ho caught ngllmpio
of the fellows. Miller wns unarmed , and his
onlv resource wna to follow the fellows.
Abies took his portion of tlio plunder to ft
mnnll house near Salt ercolt , south of A nnil
near Second street. Punnlrtgton took Ills
purl to his honioon Salt creek , near E street.
Miller stood puard until ho could secure the
services of ioino ono to notify the police.
Sflrpciint Miller and Dotectlvo Mnlono
went down nnd searched Abie's house , but
finding nothing of the fowls , wcro about to
plvoup the searcb , when they thought of
the Rnrrot. They mounted Into the loft , and
there fauna some of the fowls with their
AvUtt was next made to Pcnnlngton's
place and the liouso and barn were both
thoroughly searched , but no traces of the
chickens could bo found. The creel : runs
past the barn , and whllo exploring that portion
tion of tlio place Detective Malone found the
fowls. I'cnnlngton's scheme of hiding them
was very unique. Ilotmdput the chickens
in n bair , cut u hole In the "Ice , and moored
the batr underneath. Ho was notsufllclontly
ncqitnlnted with the laws of physic , as the
bap lloatcd on the water und could easily bo
Been through the Ice.
PcnahiKton nnd Abies nro both young men.
Abies Is a son of the old fellcvwho \ created o
sensation some three months no by dumping
his wlfo nnd the boys out of his pruirlo
schooner whllo they wcro en route from
Denver City to I'lattsinouthiuiti leaving thorn
penniless , while ho drove off. The fellows
will answer before Judge Toxworthv.
In this morning's ' BEE there was nn error
In the account of the Horn case. It was
made to appear that Charles B. Pierce , the
cashier of tlio bank , was the culprit whoa In
fact ho. wna not. Theodore Horn , jr. , is the
fellow who got the money under false pre
tenses from the bank and Pievco was the
man who swore out the warrant for the fel
low's arrest. The mistake was most unfor
tunate. ns Mr. Pierce Is n young man of un
blemished character ami of known integrity.
- * " " - TODNd TIIIKVE3.
Yesterday afternoon three young boys en
teredV. . F. Coolo & Co.'s gun store at 140
South Eleventh street and whllo Mr. Coolo
was waiting ou a customer outsldo carried
nwnv the cash bor , containing between $15
nnd ? 20. The box was sitting on the shelf
nnd was used In lieu of a money drawer. The
thof t was not dlscpvorod until some tlmo
nftor. Mr. Coolo reported the occurrence to
the police nnil pnvo n description of the young
thlovo ? . About 8 o'clock last night olllcer
Snyder captured Prank Shlnn , ono of the
youthful crooics , nttho entrance of the Eden
inuseo. Younjr Shlnn has been In trouble
before , and will probably bo sent to the re
form school with his two companions.
Joh'n n. llnrris brought suit In the district
court today nKalnst tlio Nebraska planing
mill company for $3,000 damages. JoTmsavs
that heM put to work on a defective
"pllnt" machine , nothwlthstimdlng ho know
nothing about it. Consequently , when tbo
machine pot vicious anil rafusoil to work
jiroporly , no got his loft hand tangled up in
Its tooth , and that useful member was
severed ,
onns AND BXDS.
Capital City lodge , No. ( VS. Knights of
Pythias , will jrivo a public Installation of
officers nt Castle hall tomorrow night. There
will also bo n line literary and musical pro
gramme rendered , followed by n bounteous
, Tbo now hotel Lincoln nt Ninth nnd P
streets wns opened last evening , supper be
ing the llrst mcnl served. The register was
opened nt 3 o'clock ' , nnd the flrst name in
scribed WUH that of James E. Bovd , Charles
Ogden was second and Church Howe third.
The formal opening will not occur for some
tlmo yet.
John Land , a young man of sportinjr pro
clivities. poured his tale of w o into the oars
of tbo pollco lust evening. John was two
days ago the owner of u JIO gun , -which some
dastard has "snaked" from car No. 00 of tbo
Durllngton. John Is prepared to Land very
heavily on thotliiof.
A man giving the name ot P. O'Brien was
nrrcstcd last nl ht at the Depot hotel , at
WM at first thought that ho was drunk , but
later It was discovered that , ho wns out of his
mind. Ho Is about forty years old , fairly
well dressed and has tip In the Black
21111s. Ho refuses to talk about himself and
13 stupidly silent.
KOVTIl OH , 1 11,1 XEH'S.
Hlvalry has existed for some tlmo among
the employes nt the Transit house as to the
relative pugllUtlo merits of the men. To do-
cldo whether the cooic or porter should hero-
nftcr do the crowing , the two local Stilltvans
Tuesday night proceeded to Oormania hall
fora light to nllnlsh. Doth had blood in
their eyes. The men entered the ring and
speedily a referee nnd timekeepers were se
lected. At the end of ten rounds the referee
decided the ilght n draw , The porter had
rather the best of it ,
OilurdloHH' Installation.
District Deputy Johnson installed the ofll-
ccrsof South Omaha Lodga No. 143 , Indo-
Dondont Order of Oddfello\vs , ns follbws :
H. lloyman , N..O. : John C. Thomas , V. G. ;
Claud L. Talbot , socrotnry ; John J. Oormon ,
treasurer ; Johnathan II. Johnson , n. S. of
N. 0. ; William J. Larson , L. S. of N. Q. ;
Zoha Crawford , ll. 5. of V. Q. : tJcorgo
Housmnn , L. S. of V. 0. : Albert Beaten ,
\yanlon ; Albert TJ. Plorson.-couductor : Will
iam Uickctts , 0. O. ; Elmer E. Miller. I. U. ;
r-ranlcA. C. Unumboolc , H. S. S. ; John A.
Nelson , L. S. S. Trust * , A. II. Miller ,
t Albert Beatou and Elmer E. Millor.
Notts About fie Clljr.
John C. Tromon has returned from Sent Uo ,
Albert Brooks of Albright li sick with
Miss Emma Hamlln of Albright Is sick with
Miss Maud Clearson of Macedonia , la. , U
the guest of. MUs Mary Mann.
A , E. Di'tehum hat sold out his busliiMs
and gooa to Fnnklln , Pa. , ou a visit.
Ofllco Manager John Forbes ot the Cudahy
paoltlng couii > any has rotitrnod from St.
The mall carriers will glvo tholr first nn-
nuul ball at Uowloy's hall Monday ovenlne.
February .
Kor. FW. \ . Flcminff , the blind evangelist ,
will deliver a tomixii-uuco uormon lu the
Motho < lUt Episcopal church ut 3 o'clock Suu-
Uay sftonioon.
Florence A. , sued eighteen months , daugh
ter of Mr. und Mrs. Edward 11. Uarrotson ,
tllciUt 8 o'clock Tuesday mornlnR and was
burifd in Laurel II111 cemetery ut 9 o'clock
yesterday afternoon.
Miss Jcannotto Bf Mullen guvoa delightful
Sd Ohrlstiraa party last evening at the resl-
doncoof her parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. C. L.
Mullen , K strqel , between Twenty-fifth nnd
Twenty-sixth streets.
Q.V. \ . Turner , the all-round crook "with
many nn alias , who rubbed James House
holder' It-unit tn.jtho Dtilmonlai hotel , jxvas'
found guilty cyjiidgd King und'sent to the
county JaU for
Yofllcrtlny'H Session of the . Ijloensb
Itinr4l-l'f > rinliH Ornnto.I. :
The fire nnd pollco commission mot ycstcr-
dayns n license board and took up several
applications which bad a. protest Illed against
.Tho case of John Slmonek , who keeps a sa
loon imd public dance hall nt 1315 South
Thirteenth street , tn Motz'snew building , was
taken up. Detective Ilorrlgan was called
and stated that ho had never scon nny dU-
ordorl > 'conduct In the dance hall or saloon
at tbo place in question. Detective YouRhn
stated that ho had soon young girls , not moro
than twelve to fifteen years old , drlulcingattho
bnr with men. lie had seen prostitutes1
there mingling with the others In the danco.
Sergeant ( Iraves stated that ho hart been at
tlio dance hull on Sunday night and nt other
times , but Imd never seen anything which ho
would call dlsrcspcctablo or disorderly. Ho
had seen prostitutes there alone sorao times ,
nnil nt other times with company. The defense -
fenso Introduced witnesses to show
that the place was conducted in a quiet nnd
orderly manner. They wcro mostly neigh
bors and property owners who llvo In the
Immediate vicinity of the saloon nnd
dance hall. Some of the witnesses
said thnt the plnco was very
orderly. People dance nnd walk up to the
bar , men nnd women all together , nnd drink
when they fool like it. Young Hills are ac
corded the saina privileges as grown women ,
nnd prostitutes can attend the dance so long
ns they conduct themselves in nn orderly
The other protest cases investigated were
these of M. Lcary , itf,1103 North Sixteenth ;
Charles U. Shrowth , Third and Pine streets ;
W. Krug , 1801 St. Mary's avenue ; David
Young , IHK1 North Stxlconth street and Rich-
aril Bui-dish , 100J Davenport street.
The following saloonkeepers wcro granted
Ihcnscs : Eugene Ildrlgor , MO South Tenth
streetV. ; . W. Thompson , 1317 Douirlus
street ; Theodore I. Heokcrt , IfilT Farnnin
street ; Fred Fuller , 123 North Twelfth
street ; F. Dellone , 120.3 Dougliw street ; Con-
i.olly & Burdlsh , 2100 Cuming street ; Frank
Souther , 0-Jt Bancroft street ; Jucob Lutz ,
01 ( South Thirteenth street ; sjuno man nt
IfrH South Twentieth street ; P.uil Sonf , 1000
Vlnton street ; Anheuser-Busch llrowlng us-
soclntlon , 7iV > South Thirteenth street : John
Duck , 1211 Douglas street ; L. niimoster , 10-3
South Fourteenth street ; John BoohhotT,1210
Douglas street : T. J. Con.vny , 10J1 Sixteenth
street ; H. F. Ivrugor , 513 North Sixteenth
street ; IIuiH Peterson , 1GOJ Webster street.
The board adjourned to moot at 10 o'clock
today lu oxecutlvo session to decide upon the
cases protested and Investigated yesterday.
Mayor Custitng's Ijcttor Holatlvo to n
Monument to Ocnoral Croolc.
The letter of Miyor Cashing to the city
council , suggesting the propriety of erecting
a monument to the memory of Qoner.U George
Crook , and naming a commission to carry out
the plan , has touched a popular chord.
J. S. Collins , ono of the commissioners
named , said lastevening : "Whllo I was in
no wise anxious to servo upon such n com
mission , I nm pleased to Know that the cltl
zens of Omaha are alive to the interests of
paying a proper tribute to ono of thn grandest
of men. I knew General Crcok well , having
been personally acquainted with him formoro
than llfteen years. Ho was a most genial
gentleman , n bravo general , a good cltL-
zcn and as gentle ns a child. Many
a tlmo ho has sat In my store , nnd when
the old veterans who served under him
would coino In , ho would converse with tnom
as freely as though they were officers of a
rank as high ns his own.
"Regarding a monument , I hardly know
what to say , though nftei- convoying his body
to Cleveland for burial I commenced to civo
tlio matter some tuought , and after looklncr
through numerous cemeteries , I nm of the
opinion thnt for ,000 , we can place a life-size
bronze fipu re upon a stone base. This would
bo quite cheap nnd very appropriate. I would
have the statue in citizen's ' garb , asbutfow
mou over saw the general in uniform. In my
long acquaintance with him , hut twice did 1
see him in the uniform of his rank , nnd ho al
ways appearing before the people of this city
us a civilian , ho would be better known as I
have described.
"Regarding iho locution , I would say , by
nil means erect the monument in Jefferson
square. 1 cannot say what the vlows ot
the other mcmboraof the committee may bo ,
but era long wo shall have a meeting and
then decide upon what wo want. "
George W. Lmlngor said : "I know noth
ing about my nppolntmcnt-untll I saw Mayor
Cnishlng's ' letter , published yesterday lu Tan
BEE , but I ossuro you it will give mo great
pleasure to act with the other members of
the committee. I have always regarded Gen
eral Crook as ono of Omaha's most honored
citizens , a gallant officer and ono of the
greatest Indian tightbrs the world
bus over known. For this reason !
most emphatically say that Omaha
should foci proud In having an
opportunities of erecting a monument to his
memory. It should bo in the center ot Jeffer
son squnro , and considering his deeds of
valor , I nm of the opinion it should represent
him as a general. A group would bo very
attractive and pleasing to tlio oyo. Lot the
central figure bo the general nnd havn about
him the figures of some Indians. This would
always bring to the mind of ttio observer his
record as n warrior.
"I would have it llfo slzo upon a grnnlto
base. In fact , I would have thu whole thing
of granite , taken from the Ilocky Mountains.
"Wo have some sculptors In the west , who
nro artists in their line and 1 am confident
such a monument as I have spoken of could
bo completed at a cost not to exceed $10,000 ,
and possibly much cheaper.
"At the next meeting of the Art associa
tion I shall ask for sketches , which may
provo of some help to the committee. My
ideas ns given I shall not Insist upon * being
carried out , oa I have not talked with any of
the members of the commlttoo and do 'not
know what they propose. "
John A. Crelghton said.1 "I know nothing
about my appointment until I road TUB BEE ,
and consequently am not prepared to speak.
However , I favor a monument In Jefferson
squnro and shall bo glad to act in conjunction
with the balance of the commlttoo.
Oinnlia Gniiilnt ; StrciiKth In the Third
CiscirofA-n , .0. , Jnn. 7. fSpoclal "Tole-
prnmtoTiiE BEE. ] The Prlco Ourront to-
raorow will sho\v \ wcstoni packing operations
to hnvo boon -123,000 for the woolt , against
803,000 tno preceding weolc nnd 380,000 , last
year , malting n total otl yio.OOO since November -
bor 1 , tiRatnst ; ifl30,000 , a ngo. Tha esti
mates for tlio remainder of the season indicate
7,573,000 , , as tUo probable packing from No
vember 1 to March 1 , ucrulnsb 0,005,000 , , lust
winter. Leading places now compare as fol
lows :
Cltlov IS30-OI 1SS9-CO
calcium I.MH.OOO Ir'fflU.OM
KttmojCttT. . , MS.OUO S'JO.UUJ
Omntia. . . . . . . . 31JJRO in.tuo
BloiuCltjr. . . , HS.IHXl 1HI.OUJ
Inillmu polls , , JU4.UK ) 1HO.UOO
Cincinnati. . . , JOO.OW . .
Milwaukee. , , , 1S0.001) ) 170.0W
PI. Lou ! , , IVl.UU ) 1IJ.UJ (
151.000 r.'i.uu
Clovrlanil . 1U.IUJ
Uttumwik. 75,0011 71,000
Kebrwko Cllr , UI.UM 61.001) )
TroulileH of tlio Texas & Western.
GALVCSTOX , Ter. , Jan. 7 , Silas Packard
bos boon rcappolntod receiver of tbo Toxaj
k Western rullroach This 1s tbo second plac
ing of this property la the bands of a i-o-
celvor. Slnco It wns purchaoa about a year
ago by Elijah Smith of Now York under a
forcoclosuro It lias run In debt. Tlio courts
kavo attain been asked to take charge of it.
Ktcamihlp MovomonlB.
New YOIIK , Jan. 7. Arrived T ho Both
nia , from Liverpool and the Wostcrulund ,
from Antwerp.
GIUMOW , Jon. 7. Arrived The steamer
State of Georgia , from Now York.
Tho' Terms of Twenty-Eight Expire With
tho-Prosont Session. .
. _
Tfio President Nominates Orestes G.
llalloy for Ilogtatcr of * t'io lUuani-
1 UK ton Ijniitl Oilluu Mis
cellaneous Mutters.
DmiBlt ; TUB OMUU 3itn , )
WASHINGTON , D. 0. . Jan . 7. ) f
TUoro will bo n lively shaking up of the
senate ns n result of tlio battles before the
various stnto legislatures , many of which be
gan yesterday , with others to follow fast.
There nro twenty-eight senators whoso terms
cxplro with the close of this short session ,
'i'lieso Include Senators Allison of lown ,
13lackburn of Kentucky , Illnlr of Now
Hampshire , Hrown of Georgia , Call of
Florida , Cameron of Pennsylvania , EustU of
Louisiana , Evarts of Now Yorlr , Farwoll of
Illinois , Hampton of South Carolina , Ingnlls
of Kansas , Jones of Arkansas , Jones of No-
vniln , Mitchell of Oregon , Moody of South
Dakota , Mori ill of Vermont , Pnyno of
Ohio , Plorco of North Dakota , I'latto of
Connecticut , 1'URh of Alabama , Spooner of
Wisconsin , Squlro of Washington , Stanford
of California , Teller of Colorado , Vance of
North Carolina , Vest of Missouri , Voorhcos
of Indiana and Wilson of Maryland. This
list , it will bo soon , contains seine of the
strongest figures of the senate , such as
Evarts , Ingalls , Spoonor , Teller , Vest , Veer
hcos und Morrlll. Some of thojn nro sure to
retire owing to tulvorso legislatures In their
respective states , as lu the case of Spoonor
and Evarts. Others have already been
elected , whllo most of thorn have contests-
which nro now In progress. It U the belief
hero that Evarts will bo succeeded by Gov
ernor Hill. Spoonor's successor will un
doubtedly bo ox-Secretary Vllas. Blair
may remain owing to the favowblo
turn of affairs for the republican
legislators of Now Hampshire. Hampton
will glvo place to Irly , a Carollnan who has
hit his man nt ton paces. Blackburn , Voor-
lieo ? , Vest and Stanford can stay hero as long
ns they want , us their ra-olcctlon Is u mere
formality. Cameron had a row on hand , but
ho hns adroitly prolltcd by the recent No
vember disaster , which showed the Pennsyl
vania republicans that they must stand to-
ROthor or boawampod. Altogether the per
sonnel of the senate will bo materially
changed by the contests of the coming few
IIAILEY ArroisTnn ncaisinn AT ntooMiNOTojr.
Today President Harrison nominated
Orestes G. Bailey for register of the land
onico for the Bloomlngton , Nob. , district ,
Register Ashley's resignation having been
received nnd accented some days since. S.
Ii. Glinn was n candidate for this place , but
his application wus not received until after
the delegation hnd decided to recommend
Bailey. Mr. Bailey Is n farmer living at
Bloomlngton and was a member of the lower
house of the legislature in 1837.
At the direction of the president Cantaln
Pierce of the First cavalry will take charge
of the Pine Kidgo agency. Captains Ewers
of thn Fifth , Earnest of the Eighth and Leo
the Ninth Infantry arc also assigned to
agency duty , to bo placed as General Miles
muy direct. It appears that Agent Roycr
has not given satisfaction to either the gov
ernment or his wards , and it hns been doomed
expedient to plncc ? the agency In the handsjof
an officer. Further than this assignment
the recommendation of General Miles that
certain agents should bo relieved and army
ofllccrs placed In chnrgo will not bo followed.
The relief of Agent Iloycr is the extent to
which the president will go in the direction
of giving the nrmy control of the Indian
agencies , nnd although some officers may bo
placed out in some ngoncioj , the agents will
bo retained. It is not bollovod that it would
bo expedient to put an end to
the educational and other work in the
hands of the Indian agents by substituting
army ofilcors , who could do no more than
issue rations nnd look aftca the peaceful con
dition of the Indians. The army. It is stated
in executive circles , has had absolute control
of tno Indian agencies so far ns military
power is concerned in the present disturbance ,
and it is held nt the war nnd Interior depart
ments that-had there been nrmy officers In
charge of the Indian agencies instead of the
present agents , nothing moro could have
boon done in the direction of peace than hna
been done. At the very inclpioncyot the
Indian trouble Secretary Noble directed the
ngonts to co-opcrato with the army nnd obey
the command of the oftlcor in charge of the
troops , and they have complied.
Secretary Noble said tonight ; "Don't mis
tnko the notion of tadiy. Only Agent Uoyer
hns been or will bo displaced. The assign
ment of the other ofilcors than Captain Pierce
are to do military duty at the agencies , but
will not supplant the agents. "
The pan-American transportation company
Is watching with mucn Interest the outcome
of the shipping bills now before the house ,
for if these hills are passed it will moan a
good deal In the way ot bounties to the pro
posed lines connecting the United States
with Central and South America. J.
B. Clarke of Chicago , who Is hero
in behalf of the company , said today that the
company was ready to begin operations ns
soon ns congress granted the charter. Their
first stop would bo to scud n man abroad to
charter from two to llvo steamers of not less
than 4.000 tons burthen each. If , however ,
the subsidy bill wont through , the vlan o1
chartering steamers abroad uould bo aban
doned and American ships would bo used In
order that the company might secure the
bounties which the subsidy plan proposes ) .
Mr. Clarke snys tnat the $1,000,000 necessary
to start the company Is already in sight nnt !
will bo forthcoming Immediately upon
the granting of the charter1 This will allow
nn onrly meeting at Galvcston , Tex. , where
the oflteoM for the company will bo chosen ,
Agouts will at once bo dispatched to South
ern und Central America in behalf of the
company. It Is expected that the' now line
will get a largo share of the cofToo trade com
ing up from Brazil , ns well as a considerable
part of the trafllo In fruit from the West
The electrical commission of the District o _
Columbia has organized by electing Andrew
Hosowater president and Lieutenant Stionl
of the army secret ry. The commissioners
hold n consultation with the president this
afternoon and will begin work at onco. .
President Harrison is doing considerable
driving now days. Ho handles the lines him
self and gets much enjoyment out of the
spanking team which has taken the place o
Ms old pair. It reminds people of Genera
Grant to sco tlm president in his high square
box trap doing tlio nveuuo at a lively pace
Ho is usually accompanied by ono of tin
Indies of the executive household. Ono o
his drives Is through the lots back o
the white house to the big pond onflilcl
hundreds of skaters are crowded all day and
evening. Washington has not hnd such a
long cold spell In years and the skaters are
receiving the full benefit of it. The prcsl
dent enjoys tho.aport nnd if It was not for
the lack of dig&lty in the thing ho would
undoubtedly cot out and do a spread eagle on
the ice.
The star mall service from Rapid City , S
D. , to Bluovnle will bo discontinued nfto'r tlu
15th mat. The mall service from York t
Island Lake , S. D. , will bo reduced to three
times a week .Monday , Wednesday und Frl-
dav after the IL'Ut lust.
Hon. J. Sterling Morton of Omaha is in the
.1. A. Hanna of Imperial , Clmso county
who has txxiii standing several days In this ,
city , leaves tonight for the west Air. Hanna
has been Interesting himself lu behalf of gov
eminent nid for artesian well Irrigation
Congress at the last session appropriate *
$10,000 for cxperimonts in this line , and Mr.
Ilmmu has prevailed upon the agrlcultura
department , finding the appropriation insuf
Jlclcnt , to scud a geologist to ( Jhaso county
this spring to ascertain what gcoiogicu
basis for practical artesian Irrigation there
is , with a hope of giving encouragement to
urlvuto enterprises
Koprejontatlvo Law * today rccomtneudct
A. H. Cralgaman as postmaster at liluo Hill
Mob. Ttio president will probably send In
htj nomination atnope , the lint lot of poit-
niaatar * appointed. '
Mr. Lhws has hnd h'n Interview with the
louse OvimnflttcOtmiUJflculturo In relation to
thoiipproprluttou ofei'W.OJO for this droluh
Miftcion. It wUr'bo ' rejnrjfliliorol Uiut.tlio
senators have , been avqrklug 'to securtf this
appropriation uiion the regular nppropilntton
) lllns nn ntnenilnit'nt , hut Mn Laws has
nken the Initiative In the raccnful the Ilidl-
cutlons nro thnt it will1 not 1x5 nc'ccssnryto '
unund the bill hiihl'-ft'siwct' in" tlio senate.
Mo is nlso wonting with the public lands
committee , nnd snys the Nebraska school
and bill , which willgive" the state some
thirty thbusnml acres of land , stands so well
now that ho expects It Mil ho pass' this ses
sion. It h second on the calendar nnd would
invo been reached some tlmo ngo but for the
act Hint the land bill court occupied moro
than the tlmo specified.
The secretary of the tnterlorlms disallowed
thoclnlmof George G. Carter of Oinuhn ,
amounting to . ' 7,710 , on account of Indian
Pcitni S. HHATII.
Till ! KIGHTll Of JAXU.tltV.
Seventy-six rears ngo this day January 8 ,
, Slfi wns fought the battle of Now Orleans.
Is there In all these United States n single
soulllvlng who was present nnd took part In
that contest of arms ) It Is doubtful. And
Jackson , the hero , has been dead for moro
than forty-five years I
It was In the dofcnso of New Orleans that
Andrew Jackson achieved his enduring ro-
nown. So on this anniversary his unprece
dented achievement is recalled.
Tlmo was when next to the Fourtti of July
January 8 was tbo greatest of this country's
.lolldnys. Thcro used to bo grand street
iaradoscannon woke the echoes upon the hill
sides , and lings floated from public nnd pri
vate buildings. Toasts to "Old Hickory" and
the "f lore of New Orleans" were drunk nnd
irntlons , stirring nnd patriotic , wcro do-
Ivcrcd to commornorato the day nnd the
man. Sometimes there would bo festivities
only , when songs nnd ballads wcro in order ,
recalling the Incidents of the British repulse ,
3ow Packenham was killed , how his army
was routed , how the "fair women were saved
From n brutal soldiery. Ono of these had
this ending :
"Whllo old Mississippi to the ocean shall
The laurels of Jackson shall flourish and
grow ;
Future ages with transport shall publish his
fume ,
And mingle his praises with Washington's
name. "
Perhaps the most popular of all the songs
that were wont to bo sung on those gala days
was the "Hunters of Kentucky. " Two'of the
stanzas ran thus :
Ye gentlemen nnd ladles fair
Who grace this famous city ,
Just listen If you've tlmo to spare ,
While I rchcarso a ditty ,
And for the opportunity
Conceive yourselves quite lucky ,
For 'tis not often that you see
A hunter from Kentucky
On I Kentucky 1 Oh I Kentucky I
Now Packonhamhad made his Drags ,
If ho In iight was lucky ,
Ho'd have our gals and cotton bags ,
In spite of Old Kentucky.
But Jackson , ho was wldo nwako
And wasn't scared at trifles ;
For well ho know what aim wo take
With our Kentucky rifles.
A few words ns to. the battle. It was to
decide whether NonrOrleans should fall Into
the hands of the British or not. Jackson and
his army were to defend ; Packenham and
his force wcro to brqak , down every opposi
tion , and then occiipy the town with
"Beauty nnd Booty' , ' as their cry.
Jackson held a-position behind a'deep
trench running from the Mississippi cast-
ward to a swamp , at a point where the solid
land between wus leas , than a milo In width
a position naturally Jjtrong. Every effort was
put forth to make ifstlll stronger. A ram
part of cotton bales'behind the deep ditch
constituted the fortlllcation , back of which
was the small force .of Jackson , and In front
of It the British army ,
Under the lire of a battery of six eighteen-
pounders , the mala body of the enemy , led
by General Packenhnm In person , advanced
to storm Jackson's position. The result , as
all tbo world knows , was a splendid victory
for the Americans. Two thousand of the
British soldiers were killed and wounded ,
while the loss of Jackson was seven killed
and six wounded I
Another old ballad that was often sung in
commcmmoratlon of this cxtraornlnary con
flict , recited the story in these words :
Bold Pnckcnhnm came with Gibbs and
And thousands of warriors , the heroes of
Spain ;
New Orleans to conquer they thought would
bo play ;
"Come on , " said their chief , "nnd I'll lead
you the way.
"Behold yonder city nnd steeples so flnol
They stand , my bravo boys , but u league from
our line.
Storm these works and yon city shall bo your
reward ,
For remember that 'beauty and booty's' the
word. "
Disgrace tp thy country , thou monster ac
curst ,
To inllamo thy vllo soldiers with nvnrlco and
But honor and courage extinct In each breast
The watchword was relished by these ho ad'
"Bold Puckrnhnm" was among the killed
nnd Glbbs nnd MnKcono ( Keene ) wounded ,
the first mentioned mortally. We nave no
moro parades , no moro banquets , no moro
pageants , no moro soul-stirring orations by
the whole people. But Jackson's memory is
still cherished by patriotic citizens nnd his
achievements In war. Because ot their bril
liancy , will continue to form ono of the bright
est pages of our country's history.
.4xoniKn'ymatCAI * JUScorjutjr.
A Now " * < > rk Physic-inn Una a Ilclter
Itomctly 'i'lian Knoll's.
NEW YOIIK , Jan 7. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] The line of inquiry nnd inves
tigation that has been taken up by physicians
In this city in consequence of.tho discovery of
Koch's lymph at Berlin has apparently led to
another valuable addition to the known truths
of scientific modlciuo. An experiment that
has been carried on at the House of Host for
consumptives at Fremont by the visiting
physician , Dr. S. C. Bruce o this city , has
succeeded In developing some very remark-
nblo facts , and although the ground of expe
rience is not yet wldB enough to admit of an
absolute conclusion , lit seems to warrant the
statement that Dr. Jlruco hns discovered a
remedy that promise as startling results as
these obtained by the now celebrated lymph.
The information wa.1 placed at the disposal
of Jho Times today.- which seems to show
that coses of phthisis , tln advanced stages ,
which have shown llttlo , if any reaction under
the lymph treatment , have under the treat
ment introduced by Dr. Bruce shown won
derful Improvement and give reason for much
hopo. In the manner of application the sub
stance used by Dr. irruco is entirely similar
to the lymph , a hyneiij/jrinlo Injection being
tnndo of from twenty to. ninety minims in the
bactf of tlio patient'licai1 ' the shoulder blade.
The patient , uftor rddelvlng this injection or
inoccuhulon , has la-avory case under treat
ment shown fuvora.bjo symptoms , not the
least ofwhlch Is a rcrnnrknblo gain In weight
and recovery of appetite.
Not a Dnnflnjj IMntform.
ISM t lJamc * Gordon UenntU. }
NICK , Jan. 7.- | New York Herald Cable
Special to TUB BEE. ] Captain Schloy , com
inaiiclor of the Baltimore , sails In tbo
Bourgoyno , Saturday , on short leave , to bo
present at the wedding of bis daughter at
Baltimore , January 23. The crow of the
Baltimore being frequently drilled on shore
causes surprise among the visitors , who are
accustomed to regard tbo United States man-
of-war at Nice as a more dancing platform.
Iilvo Stock AsHiiclalinii Meeting.
Tlio regular annual meeting of the Nobrask-
live t6ok shippers' association will bo held
at the Exchange hotel , South Omaha ,
Wednesday , January 14 , at 2 p. m. Ofilccrs
are to bo clectod and other very importan
business considered at this mooting.
There's barjks of violets , Banks of
Arid baijKs w ere miners grope i
And bajjksi& \ \ \ riddle golden coln
rrff < ff < r + + fwtwr + iwpfe + t + * frm ) rfftrwrfrftt + ett ,
9 <
Now that its manufacturers arc drawing the attention of
the American public to this first andever , since its invention ,
the best of all cocoasit will soon be appreciated here as well
as elsewhere all over the world. All that the. manufactur
ers request is simply ono trial , or , still better , a compara
tive test with whatever other cocoa it may be ; then VAN
HOUTEN'S COCOA itself will convince every one of its great
superiority. It is because of this superiority that the
English paper Health , says : "Once tried , always used. "
* 3-To afold the evil elTocUof To nd OotToo , USD constant/ ! VAN IIOUTKN'S COCOA ,
which la a STRltttGTllENEKof UioKCKVUSatul a tofroihlnR end nourlshlnK bovorngo. IM
Ho Returns from AVnsli'tigton on a
Ih-inf lUi.sinesH Vlwit.
Senator Paddock is In the city , registered
nt tbo Murray , and to a BKU reporter last
night said :
"My return homo Just at this period has no
political significance. I am Interested lu the
Omaha street railway anil loft Washington
Monday morning for the purpose of attend
ing the meeting of ( Urectors held yesterday.
Tomorrow I shall go to my uome at Beatrice
and Friday I shall return to Washington ,
reaching there next Monday.
"Regarding the now Omaha poatofllco
building I have but little to say , ns that mat
ter Is wholly In the hands of Senator Man-
dors on nnd Representative Council , though
I doubt if much will bo accomplished at this
session of congress , as It Is pretty thoroughly
understood that the present congress is cut
ting down nil appropriations and the general
tendency is to go lower , if such a thing bo
possible. As I understood the matter , it has
gone about as far as it can until an appro
priation is passed.
"Don't speak to mo about the McKinley
bill. At Washington nnd nt every other
ploco I po the bill is proving the greatest
chestnut of the ngo , nnd I would not bo sur
prised to see it modified very much , though
ills working much the same as now bills of
similar nature nl ways do at flrst.
"A bill that will prove of much benefit to
the country at largo and the state of No-
crnska In particular , is my food adulteration
ulll. At this time tlftccn states of ttio union
have bills against the adulteration of articles
of food , but , there Is no general law covering
the question. This bill of which I spcnk bo-
qlns , so you might say , where the state laws
leave off. Food that Is adulterated may not
bo used in the state whore manufactured , but
there Is not any law preventing Its being
shipped out of the state for the consumption
of the innocent purchaser. This bill that has
been lavorahly reported from the committee
will work in conjunction with the Interstate
commerce law and will provldo for the levy
of a penalty to bo Imposed upon the shipper
as well as upon the manufacturer.
"I have not expressed an opinion on the
fight at Lincoln , nor do I intend to , though It
is quita amusing to boat a distance and
wntch the conflict. "
The Fire Record.
CAIRO , IH. , Jan. 7. Fire this morning destroyed -
stroyod the building occupied by the Now
York dry goods company and the provision
nnd grocery establishment of the Now York
store company with the contents. An ad
joining meat maakot and sausage factory
were also damaged. Loss , $103,000 , ; partially
I'EItSO\A.f , 1'AK.lGUA.PItS.
N. A. Duff of Syracuse is at the Millard.
A. J. B.inics of Boston Is at the Murray.
J. P. Johnson of Kearney is nt the Casey.
A. C. Parsons of Denver is nt the Paxton.
A. M. Van Aukcu of Denver Is nt the Bar
T. D. Worrall of Valparaiso Is at the Mer
J , J. Wilson of Lincoln Is registered nt the
C. G. Hoyt nnd wife of Denver are nt the
A. G. Pish of St. Louis Is In the city , at the
J. W. McDowell of Falrbury is In the city ,
at the Casey.
Ostar Groshlll of Salt Lake Is in the city ,
at the Barker.
T. M. Franco of West Point is In the city ,
nt the Paxton.
H. F. Glover of Choycnno was at the Paxton -
ton last night.
Frank H. Bolts of Chicago was at the Millard -
lard last night.
George R. Danno of Chicago Is In the city ,
at the Mltlnrd.
George B. Warfel of St. Louis Is registered
at the Millard ,
G , S. Ingalls of Loag Pine was at the
Casey last night.
II. M. Simpson of Blue Hill was at the
Barker last night.
F. L. Toasdnlo of Now York was at the
Murray last night.
O. L. Numpklns of Chadron was nt the
Merchants last night.
J. .M. Rosobury of Des Molnos is la the
city , at the Merchants.
William Butler of Clariiula , la. , Is regis
tered at the Merchants.
Vincent Chapman of Bellevue was la the
city last night , at tbo Paxton.
Joe A. Hughston , a cousin of Ira Hlgby ,
has been duly Installed as night clerk ut thu
Lon Shepherd , who bos been at the night
clerk's ' desk at the Murray during'tho past
year , has resigned hU position to engage In
the employ of the Paclilo hotel company at
Green River.
At a Bargain.
In order to reduce my stock ut once ,
I will soil some line yonrling and two-
year-old hoifura ut n great reduction ;
also three line bulls , ono two nnd three
years old , nnd three cows , which nt-oall
linoly bred nnd ropistorod. Cows and
hoifoi-s duo to calf in sprintr to iny prize
bull , worth $1,000.00. Now is your
tlmo to start n flno .Torsoy herd at a very
low prico. Write for prices nt 01100.
My herd has won over two hundred
prizes in last llvo yours.
Proprietor Jersoyvilla Stock Fafm ,
F. 0. Drawer No. 4. OMAHA. NElt.
A Day.
Hypophosphilcs of Limo &Soda
Wonderful Remedy
For Sale by leading Druggists.
Kick Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co ,
Blake. Bruce & Co.
It tl'C l > r t mmlcnml It sold/ /
evorjwIicTo. Tlili It thoorl-/ )
Innl $ i Shoe. 1'euaro of Imi
tations , runltlvcljr iiiine/
Rriiiilnii tinlnsi tumped / Jon
on Hie unlfi , "JHIIIUH , x-
MennB'SKSlio "
J. MEANS & CO. ,
41 IhroloSlrrrl ,
lloilon , Mft * .
Chemist nml Assayor.
Formerly In Chemical I.aboratnryoftho Union
1'aclOu Hallway Company.
pcclal Attention Given to Ores ,
Waters nnd Oils.
St. , On aha , Neb
Curtain disorder ! of BIKX make tueni Uluo.
T hnt'a hpt-nusA they lotto tiono too toont
_ . . _ . . . . . . _ _ _ . . ( mullet ! npnli'rt free Tor
ffM fr * .tfrf/if > f * IIHVO won tiia4'Jffiiio ) > ofi/
EHIE MEDICAL CO , . Bafffclo , If ofiY. .
Wenk men , with brain , nervoi and iciunl
Imimlrcd.eun llnUiui nbnolulei-ureln NKUVK lit A. vs.
Tlier loaku olU men loiinif , vivo lite nnil vlvor to ox-
ImuBtC'iljoutli , doiililollfii'iilor , ft par bar , postpaid.
1'amptilctfrxn. M'.ltVK 1IKAN IXI. , HurrAUi. N. i.r
Bold bj Uuoduiau ilruK Co. , IHU Karnuut St. , Ouiuha
A.M Uara M RN T B ,
Thursilnyt , Jail. 8.
T11I5L bV\MOU9
In the following repertoire :
Thursday Kvonhg ) , "Itnlitu llainl. "
1'rlilny r.vonlmr. " Carmen , ' '
Saturday M.itliu"lliilitn
Saturday Kvrnlng ,
Chorus of ' 10 , Orchestra of 20
Fnto of Boat * oponi NVeduosday morning nt
0 o'cloeit ,
Sundatj.Jammi'ii 11.
A Cyclonic Disturber of Ulsllillltlo-i.
The Ferguson and Mack
Comedy Company.
UutlortlioMnniiKenu'iitof MR \UI.KSH HIGH ,
> TCOIITII | | | | < O Amll no. nltli liiuxMor lu
Their lliiroflrluim Comlo.illty tiy
McCarthy's Mishaps ,
A3 Symphony In Iiauglit.
Barney Forgusoa as Djnuis McO.\rt'jy ,
Three Nights Bogmniug Monday , Jan. 12 ,
Under tlio MatinKOiuont uf Kclnln H. IMro.
Snloof iio.iti l Kin' Snlurdiy innniliiK nt V o'clock.
Will bawlcr , Manager. Cor. llth and Fnrnatn
Tlmt I > lKMI nourlllrl. I'rolty Kiln Kwlng , 8 fool
till , IB ji'firs old , L'lnln'-'Sl ! inmiuli.
A pntlrlcil hit of tlio ( Inj , Introducing thu funniest
npi-clMltlt'9 of tlio ctiiy. l-'un , Wit , Muirlmc'iit.
Is unsurpassed In the irunttiiont uf sxll
forms of
Stricture. Syphilis Lost M.iuhood , Skin Din-
on&es nnU I'mnalo IJIsmisuj. Dr. AloUrow a
succL'SS In Ihu tie itmrntof thflabnvu DNonsoa
lias nuvur boon c ( | : ilcil. A euro Istriiuruntcod
without the loss of an hour * tlmo. Wrlto
for ulri'iilurs. LAUIKH. from 2 to 4 only.
Otllcu , Cor. 14tli und I'urimm Hts. , Oinnlin ,
Neb. Etitriiiieuon ulthor street.
1 California Kerve
MnkuH Now I'roili Itlnod und Pro *
pK Flesli.
Uures Aim-mln , Scrolnla. Hud Clrculullnn
awl nil Impurities of the Blood well as tlm
foUoulus Norva , vu : Nervous .intl
I'llynlclal Urbllltr , Vllul I'.nlmutlon , I're-
mntnrn Drrnr * Troml > Iln r. llystriln , Nt-r-
voitu llxuitaclin , J.OKH of 1'iitror In either BL-X ,
NurvoiiHiiuii In any lorin. C'nUl Honda or
Fcot , I'aln In tliu Duck nnd other loruil o (
" '
Dr. "lob'ji'n Ncrvo Tonic JPIIlii brine the
rosy tint of health to the ahnllow cho k.
Wi-aK , nrrvous peuulo Bhonld taUn thu great Llfa
Renowor. Trr UKMII , and } ou will Join tlio thoiiunas
ot hniiiir mi > n and wnnmn nha ilall ; bleu Dr.
dotib for his great nnrk In their lJth lf. ' 1 liey flro
tuitar-cniitod. 10 cents a vial. For sale liy Duglsl
01 Uy rail I. Adilrcss
nunn ft To , Cor. I3ih A DoiiKliu Street * .
J. A. nillcr & Co , Oir. 14th it DouBlus Streets.
A. D. Finler & Co. . Council Illuilii. luwa.
I'nietlco llraltodto
IJIsoasus of tlio
Nervous System
IncluiIInK Neuralgia ,
, llyiteru
Itplluoay , Co n r ul -
Hems , HDlniil Iriltn-
tlon , HhudinalUlu.
Chronlo AU-oliolImn ,
Nervoui llonilnclio.
Nervous I'rostnitUin
rontiiniptlon nnd nil
UlH-tiBunuftlio lungs
Oinuiiii , Nuh. , Jitiuiury U , Ih'.ll. ' Snalud
propou tK In trlnlle.ito , will Im rncolvorl liuro
until two o'uloc-k p. in. , Juniiury I4tli , U-'JI. ' und
then opened , for fiiinlsliln 4JWn ) ) jiotindsot
good clonii outs , In now , strtnii ! burlap HsickH ,
wull t-KOl ) ( , null WXU)0 ) potiniU of lulled liny
[ In hales of not ninio than UO ll > s. imchl.dollv-
< nrd Ml Itimlivlllo , NohMorl'lno KliltnAguiiuy ,
S. I ) , , orolhur polntH nnineil liy bidder. Illds
will bo roc-olvod liy tclosrapti , mid cntor-
talncd for the vrholuor k'fcs iiuunlltli'S. lllda
will also ho ro'-oHcd for tlm mime or liui
riimntlty of IOOHU liny delivered at I'Jno KlilKo
Agency , Dollrory tn coniinuiico liniueillittuiy
UIMIII natlllt-atloii. U , H. lohorvus the right to
rojoet iinv or all lililn nml to iicooiil uny iior-
tlan of any lilil , I'riiforonco B\CII ! to iirtlc-loi
of domi'sllo iirodnctlon. cnndltloiiR of iitinllty
und prlcu [ Inuluilliiit In Ilio lirleu of furolun
nrodiictlon the iJuly thornonl buititfoiiii'U. All
inforiiiullou fiiinlsiinrl nn appllt'utlon liorn.or
to Cuptnln 0. K. Iliunpliri-y , A. O. M. , 1'lna
] { | die Aueney , < ir ( Upttlii ( ioorgn Itiililon , A.
y. .M. , U , ri. A. , KtiHlivllli- , Nol ) . lviiviiloii-HCoii- |
tiilnlni ; propnsulH to l.o murked "I'rouoHaU foi
' nd liny , " und addressed to tills ulllco.
W'M. U. llUllli ( : , Lieutenant Colonel anil
Deputy QuaiK'rniufctur GmicnilU. 8. A. . Olilol
QuurtoiiiKiHlcr , J5dUM
8pclAa for MT t rU. PIJiin'xi.FJU. Ktnirolgln , Wnk
fulngife , lUntal OuprttftiJon , Hofivnlnvof Ihu lirAla.rft *
pultlnif In liuanltad l Mllnu to inliai7 d * ar an4
( l Alh. Primature Olil Ar . Itai riuin w. Low of i'owvr
Inollliur > i. Involuntary I.OIHI , nint Autrin
csuik'l lir o uruitlo \ ut Iho brain , * lr
or r lnunr ! ( nc Xach liox coniajntoiuimi
ment. tiabox , or rli for 9 ( iuoiltyt
VYIlli eacli ril r llr ill boin , will v
truaranUa to rtfund ncntr If the Ir
turn. uuaranUMluuwla > aBiniuK