THE CITY. The tomnornturo ns reported by the locnl Rifjrml fiorvlco oflloo was as follows : At 7 mm. , 20 = " , tit 10 n.ra. , 20 ° , and lit 1 p.m. , SO0. Tlio Idcnl restaurant on Fnrnarn street between Sixteenth and Seven teenth run by E. T. Concnnnon. was closed on a JGOOinortiraKo Monday nlpht. ShcrllT Hoyd took young Jerry Cnlla- litin to ttio reform bdiool yesterday , and today lie will take Cluirlca Creek , the former , to the penitentiary. Creek will servo one year. James Hull of Ashland , who Is serving on the petit jury In the United States court , is short a $10 overcoat , which was taken from the jury loom Monday while the jury were at dinner , Hurt G. Wheeler will hereafter oc- cnpv the position of ollleial stetioirnmhor of . .hidr'oVtikeloy'a court , succeeding Bird Wnkcloy , who has fjono to Florida , where ho will reside perinnnontly. The four-story building property mi- joining and just s-oulh of the First Na tional hank , which was to have boon hold nt flhcriil's fcalo yesterday , was withdrawn and will bo roadvortlfcd. The property Is estimated at 01,000. Loulf-u , wife of Henry Backmnnn , ono of the oldest and host known German citlyonH of Onmhn , died yesterday of Internal cancer , aged sixty-two yours. The deceased was well known by the older portion of the community. The funeral will take place at 10 o'clock Thursday morning from the rcsidunce , (12 ( ! ) Soutii Twentieth street. Interment will bo made at Forest Lawn. "Now Is the winter of our discontent mnilo plorious summer" by Aycr's Snnupnrlllu. This wonderful medicine so Invigorates tlio system tuul enriches tlio blood that cold weather becomes positively cnjoynblo. Arctic explorers would do well to mnko n note of this. _ MUltSIS'S. Kprclnl Snlo KinhrrildcricN. In our embroidery sale Wednesday wo shall oiler u lot of treed wide edgings at ISC YARD. Work from 8 to 4 Inches deep. Como early. Theto will go out quick" . They are worth HOc to . ' ! < 5c and even -lOc. 'KING'S ' CULKHHATUD RUFFLINGS nt IOBS than manufacturer's cost. These will bo found at our embroidery depart ment on second llobr. King's cambric millings 2o n yard. King's cambric millings 5c u yard. King's cambric millings Stc a yard. King's cambric millings lOc a yard. King's cambric millings 20c a yard. King's cambric millings 2oc a yard. Every number of the above rulllings wo guarantee less than half price. "Wo also oITor a lot of 45-Inch colored flouncing beautifully embroidered and formerly told from Sl.CO to $1.00 u yard ; all in ono lot at Too a yard. TIJK MORSE DHY GOODS CO. Not Ncwfipupor Fiction. "It pays to advertise'1 If it is well and regularly done. Hero's a case : In 1880 issued for such self-evi a patent was a - dent necessity as an Ice-creeper for horses , but no advertisements wont out and no trade came In. In 188 ! ) S. W. Kent , a bustling Yankee of Meriden , Conn. , began to advertise in the papers ; results , largo ; this year , by paper work alone , ho Is "swamped" with orders. Advertising pays him who keeps It up properly , but it won't run itself. The ( 'Iill7.7.ard Ico-Crcopor" for horses bolls complete for $ ; ! ; an extra sot (10) ( ) of calks costs 20c , by mail , or SsotsSl. The calks nlono wear out ; the frame , which anyone can clamp to the shoo , lasts for years. They are "always ready , nl ways sharp , " and pay for themselves scores of times over by saving expensive waits at the smith's every frosty morn- Ing. Agents make big money pushing thorn. A perfect lit is assured by send ing outline sketch of fore and hind feet. S.V. . Kent , sole manufacturer , Meriden , Conn. For .Mile. A clear stock of hardware and stoves , Invoicing about $3,501) ) , in the best town In the central part of the btato. Will take part cash and the balance in good paper. Address , O. J. SMITH , Grand Island , Neb. Art Galleries Open Free , 2 to 4 and 8 to 10 p. m. , Thursday , Friday - day and Saturday. Special sales of curios , antiquities and paintings. 13th and Ilurnoy. _ _ Troubles of tlio ICxiiosltion Association ' The exposition building association , " snld n well known business man yesterday ' has defaulted on its rent to A. J. Poppleton to the tune of § 00,000 , mill Mr. Popploton hns served notlco on them to quit. A mooting of tbo stoeliholilors of the association Ifns been called for next Saturday evening to consider tbo matter. It is n well known fact In cer tain circles that the Indobtcdness of the con cern Is between SM.OOO ami (70,000 ( , and that thcro are no avnthiblu menus of paying the Biimo. The opera house has been n losing venture from the start , notwithstanding Mr. Miner's economical anil enterprising manage ment. Any man with the necessary boodle can secure tlio management of thu house for thu future , but whura this man Is to bo found Is a question yet to ho solved. " Clipped from Canada Presbyterian , under signature of C. lllncUott Koulnson. proprietor 1 was cured of oft recurring blillous hcau- nchus by liurdock blood bitters. Don't Fool Yourself ! Notwithstanding all rumors to the contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukee & Stv Paul Hy'a now steam heated palace sleeping cars , with "electric lights in every berth , " still loaves the Union depot pot , Omaha at 0:10 : p. in. dally , arriv ing at Chicago at 9tOa. : ; in. , in amplt tiino to make all eastern connections , Ticket olllco , 1501 Farnam st. J. E. PHKSTOX , R A. NASH , C. Pass. Agt Gen. Agt A XO VXVK.1l KXTS , The roportolro that the Bostotilnn oporu company will present at the Hoyd this woolc 1ms been changed from the orlg Innl announcement , and U now as follows ; Thursday evening , "Hobln HooJ ; " Friday evening , "Cnrmon ; " Saturday matinee "Houin Hood. " nnd Saturday oveninp , "Su rctto. " All of the great soloists that guv the organization its great naino will appoa : hero during the forthcoming engagement. The Ferguson nnd Marr company , which will picbcnt the mirth-provoking furco , "McCarthy's Mishais ) , " at Boyd's onora liouso. Sunday ovomui ; next , comprised an aggregation of talent seldom seen m faro comedy ! The engagement of Clara Morris at Boyd'i for tliroo nights , bin-Inning Monday , January 12. will ho u noiablo ono for two reasons Miss Morris comas to Omaha this season with Qiitlroly restored hculth , and her pur formanccs are characterized witli that force nnd jxuvor which gained for her the tlllo o the greatest actress yet produced by Amor' icn. In addition to this Miss Morris will b < seen for the thno in a nlny by the grca' I ' French master , Vlctorieu Surdou , author o "Fedora , " "La Tosen , " "Diplomacy" ami others. At the initial T , rrovKianco of "Odotto" In San tIk Frnn.cUoo there was not n dissenting volco t ftt aara0u had for the flrst tlmo been tn , jrpMtod by an American who added fu t0 his creation. "Oilotto" is ono ° r " ' 1 ( jVcatost successes achieved by this iiVftt actress. Kiln Ewlng , the Missouri big girl , U a drawing card nt the Eden Musco this WCOK. llor features and form ara | > crfoct , hut she is eight foot tall and welRlm : WJ pounds. Dally hundreds of people congregate about undguzo ill wonder at hcrliugo jiro } > orUons. THE COUNTY I10A11I ) . Candidate * ) Tor I'nMtlon * Omlcr the The old board of county commissioners held Its farewell session yesterday aftornoon. Thcro li an immense amount of business to be clcarcil up. Tlio now board will organUo on Tuesday , January 13. Corrlgnn and O'Keeffo ' nro cnndldatcs for president , with tbo latter u favorite. For the clerkship of the board there are n dozen or more candidates , but those who are pressing their claims with greatest earnest ness are A. J.Veob , the present clerk , Jerome - rome I'cntzel , James Connolly. Pat Montgom ery , Tom Dally and Will NVakclcy. Webb's chances nro good for ro-olcctlon. Mike Lahcv , the vo'cran engineer of the building , Is not at all uneasy about losing his Job. Thcro him been some talk , however , of transferring Allko from the court liouso to the county hospital. It has nil been cut and dried to retain John Mnhoney ns poor commissioner. After Clerk vVebb hail read all the old bills on hand , Judge Hnscall sprang to his feet , and climbing over tbo railing ) demanded of the clerk why bn had not presented his f,000 ) , bill for rent of the old poor farm buildings during Ib'JU. ' "Hccausc you did not Illo it with me. " "Hut you told mo to hand It to .Clerk O'Mallov.1' ' "Certainly , and O'Malloy ' still has It , I pro- sumo. " Ilascall said no moro , and the meeting ad journed. The meeting was uninteresting. It was merely a cleaning up of old business , dispos ing ot bills , adopting lllllo resolutions and approving the bonds of county ofilccrs electee ! last full. The largest bills allowed were those of Shr-rlft Boyd nnd ex-Sheriff Coburn. The former amounted to $ 't'jiu.7r : > and the latter t-'I.Ultt.iri. lloth were for keeping nmt board ing prisoners. Some of Mr. Uoburu's money hns been duo for several years. The total amount of bills allowed from the general fund was $7 , 11.71. According to tbo report of the committee there are only n few dollars left In the road fund. Thu committee on court liouso and jail reported , rccominemdng that more loom bo mndo In the Jail and that an extra supply of blaukaLs and clothing bo purchased at onco. The report was adopted. It was recommended that an appropriation bo mauo for County Attorney Mahoney to defray his expenses to Detroit in order to scciiro depositions In the Architect Meyers bribery case. The contracts for furnishing Hour for the county were awarded to the Soutii Omaha roller mills and W. Preston &Co. of Omaha. The prices are $ - ' . . " ) ami W.IIU per 1UO pounds. By recommendation of the commlttco the pay for the men who were on the canvassing board nt the last election were cut from JO to $ -J n day each. A communication was road from J. II. Mc- Shanc stating that ho had a lot of merchan dise left over from his commissary doo.irt- inent used on the grade during the summer , which ho would sell dirt cheap. Tlio matter was referred to Poor Commissioner Mahonoy. Arrangements were inado tosocuro Charles P. Lcnmm transportation to the soldiers' homo at Grand Island. James "Walsh , for bridge work nnd vegeta bles furnished the poor farm , was allowed $277. $277.Tho The meeting' adjourned until today at 2 o'clock , when yesterday's minutes will bo approved and the old board will adjourn sino dlo. dlo.Tho The incoming members of the- board are Charles L. Van Camp and George Timmo. Although many remedies nro pushed into the market by spicy advertisements Dr. Hull's cough syrup takes tho. lead aiul drug gists sell moro than over before. Prlco only J5 cents. Mrs , Crow Chile , buy a bottle of do Salva tion oil , it cure your rhcunmtls sart'iu. 25 cents. Building Pcrnmi. The following permits were issued by the superintendent of buildings yesterday : M. r. Hoys , ono and one-third story $ t riiino bain. 2110 llluiiey street , Kouut/o I'lllCO . } 50D Wolsli 1'rcsbj tcrlnn church society , Inlclc tKiM'MH.'iit to church , Twenly- llftli ami Indiana avenues . 1,000 Thu lluiim Iron company. two shelter shells , Thirteenth and llnrnoy streets CCO John Kins , two one-story frame cot- tnitcs.Ori'hnrd and Fourteenth streets. Orchard Hill . l.COO " Total . . „ . . I 3,700 , To Nervous Debilitated Me n If you will send us your address wo wll send you Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt and Appliances on trial They will quickly restore you to vigor , manhood and health. Pamphlet free. VOLTAIC Biar Co. , Marshall. Mich. A New Itogulntion Cap. Chief Clerk Cramer of the railway mai service has received notlco that a now regu lation cap has been adopted by the depart ment to bo worn by postal clerks while on duty. This cap Is described as being sub stantially the same as the cap heretofore In use with the exception of the visor , which will hereafter bo curved Instead of Hat. The change is inado on account of the navy de partment baring adopted n style of cap sim ilar to that now worn by postal clerks. A Fleanlng Sense of health and strength renewed nnd of ease and comfort follows the use of syrup of llgs , as It acts in harmony with nature to effectu ally cleanse the system when costive or bil ious. For sale In 60c and § 1.00 bottles by all leading druggists , Tlio City Hall Superintendent Resigns J. J. Johst , the superintendent of the new city hall , tendered his resignation to Mayor Gushing yesterday. Mr. Jobst Is interested in the recently re organized company that purchased the plant of the Loulsvillo pottery nnd tlio company nnd resigns his position as superintendent of the city hall to give his entire - tire attention to the duties of his now posi- tlon- , Van Houteu's Cocoa Pure , soluble , eco nomical. To Attend iho Inaugural. At a meeting of the Samosot association Mon day evening the arrangements for attending the Inaugural ceremonies nt Lincoln wore completed. The association will meet at the Merchants' hotel on Thursday morning at 7 : 0 o'clock sharp , nnd , led by the A. O. II. hand , will march to the U. iSc M. depot anil leave Omaha on the 8 o'clock train. The faro will bo fi. ' , > 0 for the round trip. Cure for Croup Use Dr. Thomas' electric oil according to directions. It is the best remedy for all sudden attacks of colds , pain and Inflammation and injuries. iMntrlinonlnl. Mr. James Howe of Chicago and Mlbs Mary A. Craig of this city were united In marrlugo Monday afternoon by Hov. Dr Harsha nt the residence of the brldo parents , 514 South Twenty-first street. The newly wedded couple loft for the cast on the evening train. Alter an extended eastern tour they will return to Chicago , where they will maUo their future homo. Mnrrlago The following mirriajo licenses werj U- aucdny Judge ShtolJs yotoi\Uy : Nnmoana aJdrosf. Aeo I Joseph Iliiinllton , S'oiith Omahn 1 1 Kntfo V , Viinitunt , South Omaha 10 I Wllllnm Ilrm-p. llolfe , hi 83 | Ilellu risk , Kolfe. In 18 I John A. IVriMivtn , Dcnvor . . . . .Sfl 1 Loiiln II , llagley , Kntmis City .M j Nathan ! ' . Marshal , Kinsman , Kan 27 I Ucorglu f. tvbllng , Umtilin . . . . .IS J William J.Oicjjor , Fremont 10 I Mary Mollclmsoskl , Oiimlm vi ! J lee rnrgnerewikl. Omaha S.'i 1 Jolmnnti Klshltzka , Unmhu 'JO I J nines U. Mask , Omaha M ] Clarn Adniiis , Unmha it ) JAmwst duHtnvson. Omaha SO I Amiindu Johnson , Omaha V.M llrokc Mln Arm U'lilte Skating. Charles McMnhon , n lad about fourteen years old , who lives nt 120:5 : Cass street , wag out skating on the asphalt pavement yesterday day afternoon nnd foil , breaking hU left arm ustnbovo the wrist. A physician was called o dress ttio wound. Season Has Its oun pjciillar malady ; but ullli the lilooil malntnlnuil In astnto of imlfoun vigor nnd purity , by the use of Aycr'i ' S rsaiiiillla. | the system lunillly adnpts Itself tochangoil conilltlons , CoiiioSL'd ] | of the Lest iiltcintlrca and tonics , and being highly concentrated. Ayci's Saisapaillla h the most ellcctlvu and economical o ( all blood incdlulaes. " "For some yeais , nt the return of spring , I had serious trouble \\lth my Kidneys. I v > as unable to sleep nights , nnd sulfercil gicatly with pains In the small of my back. I \\n also nnllctcd with headache , loss of njipctltc , nnd liullgcstlon. These sjiiiptoim \\ere much woiso last spring , eipecUlly the tioublovlth my Lack. A filciul pcisimdcil me to use Aycr's Sarsapaillla. I began taking It , and my troubles ullUlsnpiienied. " Mis. tifiievia Itelanger , 21 lirldgu St. . Springfield , Muss. Ayer's Sarsapariila ritllfAUKll 11V DR. J. C. AYER & CO , . Lowell , Mass. Drs.BBtts . Betis Pii/sliu / , SiiJD : { n ] anil Spsclalisls , 4-OO OOUGLAS S OMAHA , NEB. Tne most widely and fiivorulilv Icnownspcc- iillsls In tliu Unllol Klulcs. Their IOIIK ex- lerlciii'C , rLMiinrkalilc skill and tintvoisul sno- ess In tlio treattnt'iU and cure of Nervous , 'hronlc anil SiirKlciil llKouses , ontltle tliesn iiiliicnt pliyslulans to the full coiilldoncuof ho allllct < > il ovorywlictp. They Kimnititi'ii : A CBItTAIN AND t'OSITlVn OUKC for lie awlnl rITcots of curly vlco and tlio numor- nis ovlls Unit follinv In Its train. I'KIVATi : , HI.OOI ) AND SKIN DISEASES nooillly. I'Dinplctolv mill permanently outcd. NKIIVOUS IHJIllLlTY A.NJ ) SEXUAL DIH- OltDKKS yield jo.ullly to their .skillful treat- IC'llt. tMIrS , VISTULA AND KKOTAL UI-CHUS cuiirantcod cured without puln or dutcntlun oni bimlnc . IIVDUOCI'.LK AND VAUICOCKLH porma- untlynnd sueoossfully cured In cu'iycase , SYI'IIU , ! . " . OOXOKUIIKA , OLKKT. Spor- torrheu , Srciiiliiul WouUncsa , Lost Manhood , s'lKht Kiiilsslons , Pecaycd Ji'uc til ties , Kenuilo Vunkncss and all dullcnto clUordcis pceulhir o oltlicr sox positively cuicd , as voll as all unotlonal dlborderstlnit losiiltfrniiiyontliful 'olllcsor the uxc-cssof tnuturu yeuis , < Ouaruntcotl pcrtiuino ntly j cured , laiiiovnl ooniiilcte , vlthout cutting , ciiustioor dllutntlnn. Curt-s oirectud at homo hy iiiitiont without a mo- nunt's pain or annoyance , TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. A IIRl ? niKMJ Tll ° liwful " " 'cot9 /V OU1VL L > UI\L early vlco whluh oraiinlu wcukness , destroylnj : both mliidnnd body , with all Us drojtlcd Ills , pciiimncutly m oil. Rl'T'I's Address those who liavolm- . ULtl i < J p.iod | tliGinsulvi's by Iin- propurlndulKoncu anil solitary liublt-i. which mlii both mind and body , uullttlng them for jtiilnc'i. studv orinarrhiRo. MAUHIICI ) JIKX < ir tlioso cntorins on that i.ippv life , aware of phyblual dubilltyiulcUly assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is linsod upon facts , l-'lrst I'rautlcal o.\iorl- ] cnuo. i-ocoiul Kvcry case Is specially .studied , thus btarllii } ; H'litThird ( medicines tire propaiud In our laboratory oxaolly to suit uach cns-o , thus olTcctlng curcswlthout injury. Drs. Bctts & Betts , 14.09 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. Macbeth's "pearl top" and " pearl glass " lamp-chimneys do not break from heat , not one in a hundred ; they break from accidents. They are made of clear glass as "well as tough , as clear as crystal. They fit the lamps they are made for. Shape controls the draft ; they are shaped right. Draft con- trib'utes to proper combustion ; that makes light ; they im prove the light of a lamp. But they cost a dealer three times as much as common chimneys , and , as they do not break , he is apt to he anxious lest they stop his trade. Di minished sales and less profit are not agreeable to him. There are two sides to the question. Have a talk with him. ritutmrg. CEO. A. SUciiEtn & Co. FOR SALE At a Bargain. In order to reduce my stock at once , I will soil some line yearling and two- your-ol'l heifers nt a gront reduction ; also throe tine bulls , ono two and throe years old , and three cows , which are al llnoly broil and roglstorod. Cows and hcifors duo to calf in sprint ; to my prize bull , worth $1,000.00. Now is your time to start a flno Jersey herd at n very low price , "Writo for prices at once My herd hns won ovqr two huntlroc prizes i n last llvo years. GRAHAM P. BROWNE , Proprietor' Jorseyvillo Stock Farm , P. 0 , DriuuT No. i. OMAHA , NEIi FOW. _ . BEAUTYOI- , SAVING I DOB/CLEANUNESS , DUHADILrrY&CKEAPNESS.UNEOliAllED Mo ODOB WHEN HEATED. Knr liiiurovcd and pconomld t'ookerj" , use It for .SHIIJIH , and .limit- . I ( ! n me , 1'lsh , ctu.1 ' 1 ho ) > ur c t inout | iri IKU u- tlon. Cuntalna no added ealt Is rhrapcr nnd of llnor llauir than any EXTRACT other Htok. DUD nound equal to forty poii nils of lean bout of the vul- uo of about i'.tiQ. Ociiiilnconlywlth slciuitutu us shown THE mm Bngf JANUARY FOR Contains : * IES F3T32S CF 7HE nJBIilt 4725TI31T. D ; 0 sil MIMKI i. UILS3 , V. 0. A. Ireland ! n the Light of History. ly ! W. E. II. LECKY. The Restriction of Immigration. Ily THE Hov. HCNKV CADOT LODGE , The Dowries of Women in France. Ily MADAMB ADAH , A Witness for William Shakespeare. Ily DR. W. I. KOLFB. How Shall We Man Our Shipst Ily ADMIRAL Lucn , U.S. N. Vital StJtistlcs of the Jews. Ily DR. JoiisS. HILLINGS. Reminiscences of American Hotels , Uy MAX O'RnLL. Can We Coerce Canada ! Ily ERASTUS'IMAN , Hie Late Financial Crisis. Hy HCHRV CLEWS , An Opportunity for the American Neizro. DyjAME M. HUDPARD , The nrulaUSex. Ily OSCAR I''AV APAMS. In Favor of the Jew. liy M. nounciiiER SASTORD , AND OTHSE IUT05TAOT AtTICLZO. 00 Coiitu u Coiiy ) 83.00 n Yuar. AMUSEMD'vNTS. Three Nights Commencing MONO AY. JANUAIiY . A Orcat Attraction. The De-Wolf Hopper Opera Bouffe Co , In Dyrno A , Knrker'a Clmrmlnx Comic Oporn , CASTLES IN THE HIR 11)3 .Most 1'onerful Couipnnjr of Comc' < In . A inurlrn. SI'AUICUNr. Mt'SICI M IGNII'ICn.NT CAST ! 1'rlcca as usual. Iloxihccts The Grand Tonight , LAST 1'EUFORMANCE. SYBILJOHNSTONE AS IZA. Prices $1,00. T3o. 50o nnd 25o. BOYD'S. TI111EE COMMBNOINO NinilTS. I'liursday , Jan. 8. | Satur aaytinoe , TI-IE KAMOTJS I'/X'fA ' ' In the following repertoire : Thursday Evening , "Itobln Hood. " Friday Kvonlns. "t'lti'inen. " Satunlny Matlnco , "Itobtn Huml , " Saturday Evonlng. "Siixrttc. " Chorus of 40. Orchestra of 20 Suloof scats opens Wednesday morning at 0 o'clock- , THE Two Nights and Matinee. Saturday and Sunday , Jauuray 10 and 11. Opening With a Saturday Matiuoo. Gnat Uncle Tom's ' A pack of ferocious hlood hounds , 2 comical Mnrks 2. boat Undo Tom ever M-cn. the fumilcn of Topsys. Witlt for tm , o nrcioinlni ; , tor ivn ; nnd lior pet | > nny , wiitch tor . " .larl.B mill lilsdulikey , wtitdi for thu liluoil hounds , triitch lor thu baiul mill piir.ulo. The last Undo Tom tliut will visit Oui.ilm thla ficat on , POPULAR PRICES. Ilcaorvod fctts ; , ' 'Ic , Ko utul Me. Snlo open ) Snt- urilny uioinltiR. EDEET MUSEE. Will Lawlor , Mnnasor. Cor. IIth and Knrnam WHKK or JANUAHV fiTII , Tlmt lllc Sllo.itl ( ilrl. 1'iotty inin KwliiK , 8 feet tjll , 18 } cars old , welKhnSitj pound ) . KUN IN A. Gl-lOOL'11-iY. A Satiric il lilt of the ilny , Introiluclim the funniest epoclaltlcs t the day. Kim , Wit , .Merriment. GOLD MEDAL , PABIS , 1878 , front which the excess of oil haa been romuvcil , la Absolutely Pure ftndlt 'Is Soluble. No Chemicals nro used in its preparation. It has nioi-c than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , nnd ia therefore far moro economical , costing Jess than one cent a , ctij ) . It is delicious , nourishing , strengthening , EASILY UIQISTID : : , nnd admirably ndnptcd for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocoro ovorywhoro. W , BAKER & GO , , Dorchester , Mass. . . . . .M * . . .v > dy for nil iho untiitluinl dlni-lmrsca unit certain turn furtlir dcldll. tutlnft vI'ukntu " to , . . > M v > V.J1IIIIII. UMoMiVi I rri'noritieltfMiil feoUiifa Tnt [ > NSCHlUT.iiCo In rrrnmnicuUlni ; U to , DfC Ti itl. ! tlolil by I'llICK THE BEST BD IN THE WORLD. ARE MADE BY THE WoonsoGkBt & Rhode Island Rubber Co And Address wo are , their western nponts and always carry a largo stock. Sewed Shoe Go 1204 and 1206 Harncy Street. We guarantee to cure any case of Syph ilis no matter of how long standing. And we have the only rem edy that will cure the disease. You have tried everything else and wasted your money , why not now try us. "We guarantee to cure or refund every dollar. When it is nec essary for patient to come here we agree to pay railroad fare both ways , all hotel bills and refund your mon ey ifwe do not cure .you. Write for partic ulars ; do not be hum bugged any longer. We are financially re sponsible with $300- 000 capital. COOK REMEDY Co. , Omaha , Olllco Corner 13th nnd Farnam Sts. DK. MOGEEW , SPEOIALxIST , Is unsurpassed In the treatment of all forms of PRIVATE DISEASES Stricture , Syplillls , Lost Manhood , Skin DIs- eiise ; ) and remain Diseases. Ur. JloOrow's success in the tro.itmentof the above Diseases has never lieon oqiiulod. A curu In ciiaranteod without the loss of nn liours time. Wrlto for circulars. ] jA.nilM. from 2 to 4 only. Ofllce , Cor , 14th and 1'urnam Sts. , Uinalia , Neb. Kntraneoon either street. DTI. I'rnctlco llraltn-l to Disease's of thu LUNGS Nervous System Incluillni ; NcurnU'la , I'nrulysH. Kplli.'jisy , CntiiloiKy , llynluro Bpllcuiy. Con vnl- flom , bolnil I nil.i- tlon , Itlicumatlatn , rhronlo McoliollHiu , Nervous llciiditeho. Nervous I'rostrntlon coiuuiiiptlon nnd idl ( llxcntcaoftho hints Itooms 310 to 3.M , BEE BUILDING , OMAHA. IAIY1ES J WEANS' Ii tie lie-it made , anil li loli/ ] / cviir\ hero , ' 1 Ills Is thonrl-/ liul $ j hhoc , Ilcwaro of Iml- tatloiiH. l'o lll\ily iinnuy Ki'iiuliio iiuU' nn tlio told , J. MEANS & CO. , tlllorulnStrrcl g , Ion , RPt well If h hOPcli.orcllo II ho Ignores , our waniliiR. Jlrtliixln r.jcrlimivf ; kuecti * I.'ilftie. Tliousanrts rmtore'l ' by llama Trratntnit. ( Hmrnntocil 'I'Mllmonlals. I OUR NEW flQDKUeitllmc. \ . JlnAilvtceli jUUM I1CVJ HUUIX | t , , , . . , A1 | Woalcnpe8cs nndDlsoa'nol MHII trt-al il nnd mrnl , Aililri'si to-day. Kllli.1lii : > lt'AI. < < > . , llulliilo , JV.Y. RflELTS TOO SOOM. rhlclieicr'i IVUnond ! 'ENNYROYAL PILLS _ _ /T.- ) rlclnuI nJ > lllyOfnulnf. A ore , i j. r iut.1" . lAoua uk llrujxlil for CMt'ttittrl Kttpllik IHa > , .nonJCran.l . In llrj nJ ( , eU mMtlllo | tw ti. icilt.1 wlin blu < Ill'bon T Ue nu other.un Janjirouj u6irllu. KamdiiJ ( miljttoru At | iru2 l lor Mnd l ( In BUnpi fvr tKitlcuUrl , l < .tlutontftl * Bui "Ili-lltf fur l.mlln.M ( l ir < r. i.jr rrlurn Mull. | II.UUUTr > llni l > ll Xamt 1'oftr. flil.K"liTt'hcuilcuI < . 'o.llu.l."nKiUHrr , Lull liruul'U. l'tll du. , i'u. \\J A Wri ? n ARCIUS to KO | | the I'nlt" | * > 4 " " VV VIN l -"uiiitlii'S l.ini'i tlio only line over Invonti'il that holds tin * clothi" , without - out ] ilns ; uporfiTt MIOCCS.S ; imtuiit roci-ntly IsSui'il ; Miluonly l > y ut-'i'iits , to whom tin ) t'X- clnHlru rl-ht Is Kl\fii On rrnlia of . .MfinUo will mid HMitnplij line hy in.ill ; also cllcu- liirMj IIFII o ll t imil turniH in uucnt. bi'i'iins I ynnrU'rrlli ' ty nt oiifiAddic'SH TI1F I'lN- ' ] J > S t LOT ill s IASK CJ.v I" Ikritioii t-U , l is > SALE. OF At $1S.OO STILL CONTINUES. ( Taking stock this week ) . Watch for the bargains wo will offer in a few days. O ] Plo-ws aiict Markers , O WITH LIFTING CAMS. MARKElRQ. O A full line of Everything used by lee Gathorora O Sand , for Oatnloguo nnd Prices. O HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR tr1 14O5 DOUGLAS STBBET , OMAHA. , CO NO OURE. ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Fcvoulccn years oxnorlcnoo. A rogiilar Brnrtnnto In mecllclno , ns nlploraai ahoir , Intlll troitliu fltli ( no crcntojt niccciB , nit Ncrvuua , Chronic nnil I'rlvnlu Dlsoivoi. A pcrmanunt euro KiinrantucJ ( or Outnrra , Bpcrinntorrliipn , I.ont Munhood , Scmlnnl ( Vunkiii' < i , Nlitlit l.n ( M. Impntoncr , Hyphllla , Slrlotiira , and ll ill < . rnsonof tlio lllocid , Skin au.lUiIniry . Oruiins. N.II. 1 Ku.iranteii 1VM fur overr canal unclcrtuko and full ( o . cure. . . Cunauliatlon . frt'O. IJouMiljuturlui of I.lfeJ soul froa unlcebuun 9 a. m , toFp. m. bunluj * 1Q n. ui. to 12 m. MANHOOD RESTORED. " SAN"ATIVO , " the 'VViindorfiil Spanish Itcmi'dy , cr.rt'u nil Nur\oiiH Dlccntcs , eucb a UVnk Mem ory , Loan of Drain Power , llcaclach" . \VnUcfnlnope , Lost . . . . Manhood , Nononn. er Use. Keen , ) .npsltmlc , all roinT.llo. UrahiB nnd IOPB nl power of the Ocncratlvo Orcans , in cither ocr , ciuiecd hy nvcr-cxcrtlon , yuuthfiil IndlFcrttlonn.ot the exceptive nnc nf tohnccnopiumor Btlmnltuits , wblch ultimately lend to Infirmity , Consumption aud Insanity. Piitnnln convciijpnt form t ctrry In tbo vent fiocUet. 1'rlce $1 a package , or G lot { 5 Sent by mall to anyndilrcsj. Ciicular free , ilcn tlon thin tinner Artdrus niDBlUCUBaiCiLCO. , 117 DfarbornEt , , Chicago , ILL roU.SAl.i ; IN OMAHA , HI.II. , I1V Kulm fc Co , Cor. 15lli ( t. Dunlin" , ' tree If. J. A. Fuller A , Co. , for Dili < t DouirlaH Ptrcets A I ) I'dfter & Co. . Council llluCf. Iowa. DR. BAILEY GRADUATE DENTIST A I'ull Pet of Tiut1 ! on Huliher , fur riVK IOM.\ltM. ) A perfect nt ( funrnntoed. Tcotli oxlrtiotod without pain or dimjior. ami wltl out ' " ' i0 * : thotlos. Gold anil silver 111 n ? t I J est rates. Jlrlilgo anil frown Work , ieeth with out nltitin. Allworlf warranted. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 1oTII AND FARNAM Entrance , IBtli street clovalor Open u\un- US until 8 u'cloulf _ . IN ALL THE WORLO THERE IS OUT ONE CURE DR. HAirO' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. II ran be glicn In u cup o ( i-uir > o or tin , ur In MI- llrlfs of I'uoJ , without tna kuowluOiio ol the paiuut , If nee.snarr It u absolutely barrulii. nnd will el.tot permanent and up > edy ouro. wutlh.r the natunt l' omodorAtotlrluker oranaloobollow rock. II > MLIl KAII.H. It operMos ao yulrlly aud wilb nuch ccr- liiniytlmt lh. ) patient iindfrgoea DO InoQiwcnteaoe. and ara na la uwrc , til. cutnpUlo refoitnutlon ia. cMeoted QpAce book ofparttcularafrdo. loboliadol KUIIN It CO. , JOth II UouelaaH , Al Hill fl UmilineHM. 07"rr d8 nuppllnl by Ul7AK > i. UllUOK li CO oud WnHAHJliON linuO CO.Ornnha FOR SALE My rnlntlnE nnd 1'npoihnnirlnir tnalno . VXn'i- lUhfd K > i ] , Han u ncll rolcetnl i-t irk of Wiill Taper , \VullJlouldliiKf , I'alnti , llrunhus , etc P. WINDHEIM , 610 S. Kith Strcot , Oinnliii. IN THE WORLD WILL "rKlvTrellolIIUo'7)r. Wereo'iiMW"n ' * lla * i'7i ! lln TruBi. " It h.iBfUri'JtlioinanriBl If jntl want thu IIIJt.T , criillolinit.unii3 < .r fr.'iil' . > iniild > 't An. I. > liunillo Klnnllc J rw1 * ( n , r an rinni'hru , t Pt Ovi.V'-Dr I.OHUOI Tiirlodlcal I' . ' i IhuKri'iicliruinedr , ui't on tbo inuiutrunl ayatoiu Una cure iupiirt' ' lun I rum vrlutuvur cnna. 1'ruiuntJ luciiatriiiiuoii. Thfie iiUUnliauM nul ti takun ( I'ir- ' tin prnamncy Am , I'll , Co. , U-jr.iHr I'roin , fttn cer , CUr L"o. , Itt ( ioiiult.ubhlioritiMi It Me cm ; " Dodtc it. , naar I * U Ujiinlui U. X. Mulchor , ' jatti ! M. r , lillu , Cvuacll ulufft. IA ur j fur U C.S.RAYMOND'S ' Sacrifice and [ Removal Sale Wo mean Just what wo siy. Our iirlooa will tell. Our entire stock ( except h ! Philippe iSrC'o's FineWafohosi , is on snle a\ buchhncrltlca prlcos , that it uiiould inBur < the Bile of over/article. oun AUT DEPAHTHKNT wo are simply Bollln.-wltlnntrajard to cont. Our discount on Watchej , DlamondBSoll4 Silver , Fins Jewelry and all Koods , makol the prlcos lower than our pooplu have avul been nhlo to pnrclinho this class of go This s.llo will not 1 htlonK. C. S. RAYMOND. Douglas and 16th St. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , With riicu urdur for ill I'Ojuw , will irnd puril , inmtaDUo to refund inc.ler If the trcMlirifiit f l rum uiir < nt o liiu tl nduiiiiuinu ul < luuljtii GOODMAN Dll-Ua CO. , lliorurnarn StrcoU Umaha & , tt t t t c d 1I 1t 1 It 1 1I 1r 1