m ] 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : TUESDAY , JANUAEY G , 1891. THE CITY. Thrco cnrs of tin for ArmourCtidnhy passed tlio ciistoins liotiso yestorduy morning1. Building Inspector \Vhltlocl < yustor- day Issued three sinitll pormllB , aggro * Btitlni ? $1CO. | In montlonlnff tlio candidates for tlio pofdlloii of county ulcrlt , tlio muno of S. I Valentino nppcardd us John Vnlontlnc. Pnrk T edge , No. C9 , Knights of Pyth ias , will fjlvo it public Installation of olllrcra in Grand Army hull to-night. li 0. Smith , formerly of Sowirtl , but now of this city , was nclniUtcd lo JHMC- tlco In tlio United States- court yester day morn Ing. The tornnoraturo as reported by the locul sl nti ! Borvlco ofllco , wus IIH fol lows : ut 7 ii. rn. S0 ! ° ; at 10 a. m. 28 ° and at 1 i ) . m. HJ ° . Plans litivo been drilvvo for tlio now eoulhwoat Methodist church , to bo oreetcd at oneo in West Side. The structure Is to coil $1,000. , The opening session of the SJiniloga lycotim will bo hold tit Lyceum hull , Twenty-fourth street and Dolt line this ovonlng. Aory cnturluuilng programme ) lias boon arranged. The police liuvo lllcd a roinonstraneo with the flro and police- commissioners against Ponsnor & Stockman , proprlo- toi's of the saloon under the People's thoutor. ' Tlio ehiirjo IB that these men have norvcd drinks In the thcator. The case of Llnton J. Usher of Law rence , Kan. , ngalnnt Tilts Bun publish ing company civino up for hearing in the United Slides court yesterday morning , but on the representations of the plnlu- tlfl'H counsel that important nllluavits from Kansas City and Lawrence had not arrived , the case was continued until 2 p. m. Wednesday. The homo of A. B. Prnry , 1008 North Twonly-sovontli street , was tuully be reaved yesterday by the death o ( a two-year-old daughter. Death was the rpsultof diphtheria In its most malig nant form. This is the second death in the family hi a very short timo. a fotir- ycar-old son having died of tlio sumo dread disease only ton davs iiffo , and an other is now dangerously ill with but little hope of its recovery. The Now Year number of the Railway Nows-Hoportcr is onoof tlio handsomest editions of the kind over published in the west. It io a thlrty-ulx-pago number , under hnndaoinoconiers , filled with well executed portraits and sketches of the prominent railroad workers of Omaha and tlio west. Full-page portraits of Jay Gould and General Manager S. II. II. Chirk tire especially noticeable features , Editor Dan Honin is justly entitled to ' the hearty congratulations' ho is receiving ingin railway circles for his ollort. "Now is the winter of our discontent marto clorious summer" by Aycr's Sarsnparllla. This wonderful medicine so Invigorates the system mid enriches tlio blood that cold weather becomes positively enjoyable. Arctic explorers would do well to niako a note of thi ? . _ _ am. It will bo Ilcnnl In rtiiljo Doiino's Court oil H\tunliiy. : Judge Doano held a short session of * court ycstnnlny morning to listen to tlio arguments In the injuuctlonsult wherein Jlr.E.Stuut asks for an injunction restraining the city nmlior- Itiea from turning over the Tenth street via duct bonds to the Union Pacific roail or the Omatm union depot company. Mr McIIugh mmounccd'that his [ lartner. General Cowlu , was out of the city , and as City Attorney Popplctnn is in Lincoln , a motion to let the mutter RO over until Saturday at 10 o'clock wns sustained. JoliuD. Ho wo asked that liU name bo at tached as a party to the plaintiffs , and the request was granted. Whoa asked by ft BEE reporter why ho had asked to become a party plaintiff , Mr. Howosaid : "This injunction suit was hrought in the natnoof Mr. E. Stunt Inbchalfof the citizens and taxpayers of Omaha. I happen to boouo of the latter , and came to the conclusion that the cntlro responsibility should not rest upon the shoulders of Mr. Stuht nlonc. In fact , I wanted n voice la the 'mutter ' and it was granted inc. "I go Into this fight without compensation , mid solely for the imrposo of seeing that tlio city gets "all that the railroad company agreed to plvc. Twenty years ngo the city of Omaha contributed twenty acres of laud to the Union Paclllo company J\ist nt the west end of the bridge upon certain conditions , ns the older citizens well remember. Onoof these condi tions was a ( iroiniso to build a union depot. The hind Unit wo then donated is now s.ild to bo worth millions , but the union depot is yet to bo completed. This tlniowo mean business , and propose to got all that has been promised. I have asked to go in as party plaintiff solely for that purpose , and wo will give them a whirl this time that will Inlng them to time. " _ _ Mr. William T. Price , a Justice of the peace at Ulcliland , Nob. , was conllncd to his Led last winter with a severe attack of luin- hnpo , hut a thorough application of Chamber lain's Pain Balm enabled him to get up and go to work. Mr. Price says : "Tho roraedy cannot bo recommended too highly. " Let anyone troubled \\ith rheumatism , neuralgia or liinio hack Rive it a trial and they will beef of the same opinion. - . They \Vero Not Couiit rfoltorB. Silos Cue was tried in the United States court yesterday on the charge of passing counterfeit money. The Indictment sot forth that Cue gave a counterfeit 5 gold I'1 ilcco to one Mart Huber last May for the ntlcr to pass , tolling Huber to glvo him ( Cue ) half the prollts. The principal witness was Ilubor.'who admitted that ho had boon arrested and convlctod ot pissing the coin but could not identify the coin as the one given him by Cuo. The Jury returned a verdict of not guilt } nnd Cue Was discharged. James Hussoll , who was charged with betnf accessory to the crime , was discharged or account of luclt of evidence to convict. Among Ills Grandchildren. J. It , Dod s , editor of the daily and wccUlj Arbor State of Wymoro , Nob. , says : " . have scon the maglo effect of Chamberlain' : Cough Remedy in cases of croup nnd cold among my grandchildren. Wo would not think of going to bed at night without a bet tie of this remedy in the house. Chamber Iain's medicines are growlug more popula hero every day. A Millwright' ) ) Death. Gcorgo D , Gable , a millwright , died o pneumonia yesterday nt St. Joseph's hos pltal , ntred forty-llvo years. The doccawi had been employed as night watchman at tin government ripraps , two miles up the river until about three months ago , whoa ho fell ir the river nnd the wetting induced a sever cold and lung- trouble , which llnally culml nated in his doatn. The remains were re * moved to Maul's undertaking rooms , Inter wont will bo made here In nccordnnro will the wishes of the deceased , although hi homo mid relatives are la Pennsylvania. Bid mo discourse , I will enchant thy ea with remarkable talcs ol astounding cures c all sorts of suffering by Salvation Oil , tli greatest cure on earth for pain. Prlco/JO cent a bottlo. It Is assorted that Booth and Sulvlui hoc their voices clear by the use of Dr. Bull' ' Cough Syrup. Gas Company Ollloors. At the annual mooting of the Omaha gn manufacturing company held yesterday at tl ) offlco ot the company , the following' dlrci tors add oniccra wcro elected ! Fran Murphy , president : Gcorgo E. Barker , seen Inry ; li. 1) ) . Weoi , W.V. . Ulbus. Knudu Morgan , - " " * Throuph coaches Pullman palac : tloopers , dining cars , free reclining- cars to Chicago and intervening noln via the grout Hook Island route. Ticl oillco 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnaiu. Embroidery Male Tills Weak. Our special embroidery sale advertised Yesterday will lie in force nil this weak. We hnvo lota of King's ruflltncs from 2c up , just half price ; embroideries at lOc , loc , IMc , 60c t\iid "oc , worth three to four times th'ut much ; * d iloor , IGth street front. SWISS EDGINGS. 40 different patterns tip to 8 } inches vddo iOc , worth i'ic. CO different patterns 15c , worth 20o " 39 different patterns up to ! inches wide Me , worth up to SSc. 20 different patterns 37jc , worth 60c. 10 different patterns -Ifc'c , worthCOc to 76c. 21-INCII NAINSOOK FLOUNCINGS. 21 inches wide , UUi ! , worth GOc. 20 pieces , 40c , worth 7oc. 10 pieces , GOc , worth < JOc. CO pieces , 08c. worth $1.25 to $1.05. 10 pieces , $ l.ii , worth ? 1.76. 2o pieced , SI. 1" , worth S2.U.J. 15-INOII NAINSOOK FLOUNCING. 5 pieces , 03c , worth $1.35 to $1,50. 10 pieces , 81.37 , worth $1.05 to $1.85. 6 nieces , $1.03 worth $2.50 to $3.00. 6 pieces. $ Ii.OS , worlh $3.75 to $1.00. A tfreiit profusion of line narrow cambric edtfes at liilc , loc , 18c , 2oc , 37c , worth double. Cambric Insertion nt 8jc , IOc , 12c , ICe , IOc nnd Uoc , worth iloublo. All over embroideries , $1.37 , $1.57 , 82.5)8 ) nnd $1. 7 , worth double. TIJI2 MOUSE 1)UY ) GOODS CO. riio only railroad train out of Omaha run expressly for the accommodation of Omnlm , Council Blulls , Dos Moines nnd Chicago business is the Rock Island vcs- tlbulcd limited , leaving Omaha at 4:30 : p. in. daily. Ticket otllco , 1002 Sixteenth and furiiam sts. , Omaha. An Klrutioii AVorkor'H Olnun. Wnltor Welsh Is having n lively ttmo tryIng - Ing to collect nn alleged electioneering bill against Christ Specht. Ho claims that ho and P. L. Hooves were employed by Specht to ivork for him ut the polls on November 4 , when tlio latter gentleman was n candidate for representative , The price agreed upon , according to Welsh , was $ iO for tlio two moil. Hooves collected fc3 anil sold the bid- mice of his account of Sift to Welsh. Speeht refused to pay Welsh , mid yesterday a suit to recover § 'i7 was commenced In Jmlgo Ander son's court. Tholluul bearing will take place on Thursday. The druggists of this city sell the most suc cessful preparation that has yet been pro duced for coughs , colds and croup. It will loosen nnd relieve a cold in loss time than any other treatment. The article leforrcd to Is Chamberlain's cough remedy. It is a med icine that has won fame nnd popularity on its merits and ono that can always bo depended on. It Is thu only known remedy that will prevent croup. It must bo tried to bo np- prculutod. It is put up In 50c and $1.00 bet tles. . /Y Hotel Sneak Cuptiirul. G. M , Bunker was arrested for vagrancy , but yesterday morning Olllcer O'Hara came up from South Omaha with a warrant for the fellow for larceny. On Now Year's morning , Bunker , who gave his name In South Omaha as George W. HelmroJ , went through the Delmonlcohouso ana stole'an overcoat , hat and suit of clothes valued at Jt > 0. Bunker Is known to the Omaha police under the niuno of Stringer , and has served two terms In the county jail for larceny. Ho denies any knowledge of the Dolmoulco Job. For neraiifjcnicMitB of ttio Rrnin Uno HorHl'ord's Aelil I'liosplintc. Dr. D. P. Boubtcr , Aupustn , Mo. , says : "In functional derangements of the brain nnd nervous system , I have prescribed it with gratifying results. " A niiBliiuss Colleso Closed. Major J. B Pond , manager for II. M. Stan ley , yesterday brought suit against J. P. Byrne and W. T. Larlmoro" of the Standard business college to recover a shortage of $500 that resulted from a guarantee made between himself and the college management for" the delivery of the lecture given Christmas ovo. Mr. Larimoro is at SUonendoah , la. , where ho is now confined to his bed by sickness , The school , which was to have opened yesterday morning , is closed pending Mr. Larlmoro's recovery. Tickets nt lowest rates andsu porlor accommodations via the great Rock Island route Ticket of11co , 1C02 SLx- .teenth and Farnam streets Omaha. c The KrlokHon Failure. The creditors of E. L. Erickson are having a lively time endeavoring to g.iiii possession of the stock , which is now in the custody of Sheriff Boyd. As soon as ono party claps on nn attachment another brings an action to replevin. Last ; evening the Seth Thomas clock company attached $100.07 worth of goods , anil the Mcrldcn brltanht company $15'J worth , but their attachments had barely got cold in Frank Moore's ' ofllco before Mr. Ford of the Union national bank ruplovlned the same goods. The Hero or. Wniinileil Knee. The remains of the Into Captain George D. Wallace , who was killed in 'the ' battle at Wounded Knee , have boon taken to York- vlllo , S. C. , for burUl. It was intended originally to give the dead captain a soldier's burinl at Fort Kilcy , Kan. , where ho bad boon stationed , but at tlio request of his mother and brother It was decided to remqyo the re mains for interment to the deceased's ' former homo In South Carolina. lUlomnatlHMi or Gout ? Go to Excelsior Springs , Mo. A. New Immlnr Company. The Hampton lumber company filed. Its ar ticles of incorporation with the county clerl yesterday. The capital ntocic is nloccd nl $35,000 and is divided into shares of $100 cacu Omaha will bo the piincipal place ot trans actuiR business. The corporators ere E. G Hampton , W. T. Hohinsoii and F. L Fltchctt. A Club House Assured. The directors of the Omaha club yostcrdaj elected the following onlccrs : Henry \V Yates , president ; Thomas Kllpatrick , vice president ; C. S. Montgomery , secretary am Frank Murphy treasurer. This selection of ofllccrs is said to be thi first move In a plan for the erection of a clul house , The Grand After a Manager. Mr. Harry W. Semen , manager of W. S Cleveland's ' colored minstrels , came to Omahi yesterday morning on a call from the owner : of tlio Grand opera house of this city , wh offered Mr. Somou the management of thel house. The terms wore not butisfactory , am Mr. Somou refused. o i- A \xo vx C/.M wars. " Frank Murray , manager of Frank Daniel : h "Littlo , Puck" ' company , arrived from the Pt .3 clflo coast'Sunday , where ho reports hi company did the banner business. ' Littl Puck" will bo played at Uohnnoy's opor irIS house , Council Bluffs , on Wednesday over ing of next week. Frank Murray is n so of W. H. Murray , agent of "Tho Sea King , which appears at the Boyd soon. Mr. W. II. Rowles , agent for Clara Morrli Is in the city. Ills great star will appear t the Boyd on Monday , Tuesday and Wcdne : day of next week in the following repertoire Monday evening , her now play , "Odette , " b Sardou ; Tuesday evening , "CamlHe. " an IS Wednesday evening , "Odette. " AIlss Morri : 10 health Is greatly Improved , and she is dom c- the best work of nor lifo this season. cilc ilco J. M. Klnnoy , ngent of "McCarthy's Ml ill haps , " which appears at the Boyd on no ; Suuaay evening only , U in the city , o Ello Ewlnp , the Missouri girl Is draw In Immense crowds to the Eden museo. She ir over eight feet tall and a perfect wondo ts All who sec her pronounce her the large ot human being alive. She U Intelligent at bright and makes a coed attraction , ANUX-CONSUIVSOl'lUO.V , lie Speaks of TMUsourl Politics and Omaha's N" ntncss. Hon. Ephralm B. Ewlng , ex-consul general oral to Mexico nnd managing editor of tdo OcfTcrson City Tribune , the ofllcial paper of Mlssouil , is lu the city. Mr. Ewlng was tbo youngestr member of the convention that nominated President Cleveland , nnd was the youngest man in the diplomatic scrvlco. In spc.iltlng of Missouri politics , Mr. Ewlng said : " "Yes , ills true tbo Farmers' ' nl 11 anco will control the general assembly , but they were nominated nnd elected ns democrats and are loyal to their party. I know the mot direful predictions are being mndo by the alarmists who can see no good in this organization and think It a menace to the prosperity of the country. I do not share this feeling , for I know our legislature to bo composed of hon est , Intelligent nnd well meaning men who eve their state and party nud will not sacri fice the Interests of either. " OfSenntor Vest and his candidacy for re election , Mr. Ewlng said : "There is no op position to Senator Vest In thodoinocrntio party of Missouri , and ho will recelvo the unanimous vote of his party In the gen eral assembly. Ho is a brilliant , asrgrcs- sivo and able man who is looked to for leadcrshii ) whenever party Hues nro drawn In the senate. Tbo country cannot spare him from that bodv. " Mr. Ewing said of Omaha : "What a beautiful and prosperous city yon Imvol Iw grouth nud improvement since 1 last saw It is marvelous. There are so many Imposing business blocks and so many attractive resi dences that I scarcely recognize the Omaha I used to knoxv. Do you knoxv , I thlnlc the greatest piece of luck Omaha and NobraUki has had recently is the ro.inpolntmont of Mr. S. II. II. Clark as gonor.il manager of the Union Pacific road. Wo have hud him in Missouri for live years and knowwh.it Ills presence is worth to a state. No man In thU country In his position has ever had ns tunny friends , and none has so successfully man aged the vast Interests committed to his hands. Hois not only a man of uroat ability , but is so fair , candid and honorable in all his relations that bis character and life compel the udmlmtion of all who know him. " Bosuroanduse Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for your children while teething. 'Jo cents a bottlo. Iho Ijatcst Sporllntr Nows. Prof. Bill Clark of St. Louis is in receipt of a letter from Jack Dempicy , the Nonpar eil , inviting the professor to bo present at the meeting between Dempscy ana Fitzslmmons in New Orleans , January II. Dempsey writes that ho U in the pink of condition and fit to fight for bis lifo. "I realize that I have n hard Job before me , " writes ttio Nonpareil , "but I am so confident of winning that I ad vise you to back mo If you wish. " Prof. Chirk says ho will accept the invita tion and will start for Now Orleans a few days prior to the fight. "If Dnmpsey loses this match I'll feet mielity b.ul , " said the professor , "but ! don't ' think ho can lose It , barring accidents. " The total value of stakes run In Great Brit ain last year was : England , jEll3rj7 ! IBs ; Scotland , 11W" ( ; Ireland , Cl.V'M- Joe McAullfTeoii his arrival hero will chal lenge any man In the world to light. This Is the man xvho went from California to Eng land to fight eight minutes. Mick Dooley , the Australian middleweight , is coining to this country to tight either Dempsey or Fitzslmmons. Dummy Maco. an Australian middleweight , recently attempted to stop Billy Murphy in six rounds and failed. The Gllmorc-LimUay finish fight for a purse of SliUO before the Magic City athletic club bos hcou postponed until Monday even ing , the 12th. Habbit shoot Ing is immense throughout the state. The cottontail species are being slaughtered by market hunters by the thou sand. Not a rabbit should be killed after February 1. Kollo Hcikes , well knoxvn to local shooters , with II. A. Penrose , formerly of Omaha , have opened nn accney of the Itoystouo target company in Chicago. Champion J. A. It. Elliott of Kansas City will remove to Chicago , the coming trap shooting center of the world. Elliott will conduct an immense shooting park in the Windy city. The idea of giving a tournament onan to the xvorli with big cash prizes during the world's fulr at Chicago is gradually assum ing shape , and it may now bo regarded as certain that such an affair will bo given. Of course the details have not yet been consid ered , but it may bo said generally that the affair will surpass anything of the kind over attempted In this country. The grouse tick is said to bo uncommonly prevalent this year. Mllxvaukeo announces that her ball team forlSOt iscomplote. It includes the following xvcll known players : Juntzcn and ICreig , catchers ; Grifiith , Clausen mid Ken wick , pitchers ; Ted Larkin , first Daso ; Fred Dun- lap , second base ; Alberts , third base ; Shock , shon , stop ; Darlyrnplo , left Held ; Pettit , center < tor flelu ; Poornmti , right Hold. This team is strong enough to hold its own in any league , nnd its strength gives some color to the story that Milwaukee Is to bo in the American association next year. Billy Harrington , the manager of the Min neapolis team , announces the folloxving club signed for next season. Dugdulo and Mahoney , catchers ; Duke , Killon and Barston , pitchers ; Hyn. llrst base ; Day and Ilenglo , second base ; 'Miller , third base ; Shugart , short stop ; McQunld , leftfield field ; Carroll , center field ; Mlnnchau , right field. field.Tho The itching of the scalp , fulling oft of the hair , resulting In baldness , tire otten caused by dandruff , xvhich may bo cured by using Hall's ' Hair Uenoxver. District Court. Victor G. Lanty is , ° fter County Treasurer Snydor. In a potltion fllod yesterday after noon in the district court Mr. Lanty sots up that lots 5 and 0 , in block 8 , Capitol Hill , belonging to him , have been tsold for taxes ( o II. A , Merrill. Lauty asks the court to re strain the treasurer from , delivering the clear tltlo to Merrill , claiming that tbo lots sluco 18S5 have been irregularly assessed nnd irregularly taxed and sold. Ho also prays that a clear title bo delivered over to him. * J. C. McICull yesterday commenced a suit against Melville 13. Hoxlo to recover ? " 00 on a promlsory note. County Court. A suit which does not involve a largo amount of property , but which Introduces a very fine point of law , was oa in Judga Shields' court yesterday afternoon. Sandlo- somoctal. sold Jacobs ot al. a coal yard nnd considerable co.il. . A small payment was made a'nd a mortgage given to secure the bal ance. This was a year ago. Recently the mortgage was foreclosed , The defendants now set up that the coal upon which the mortgage was given has been sold , and that the mortgage xvlll not hold good on tbo stock on hand ut present. Judge Shields will hand down his decision today. The county court docket will bo called today. It contains 19i cases. United States Collector Peters and Dis trict Attorney Ben Baker went to Lincoln yesterday morning ; . 2 ir. ir.st st ld ' Used In UlUlonaol Home * The majority Of so-called coiiplKures do uulo more than Impair tlio dlgcsUvo ( unctions ntiil crc.ito bile. Ayer'i Chcrty 1'cctoral , on tlia con trary , while It elites the cough , iloci not In terfere with tlio ( unctions o ( cltlicr stomacher or liver. No other medicine Is so sale mid cfttcaclous In UISCMCS of tlio throat mid lungs. "Four years .TRO I took n severe cold , which was followed tiy it terrible cough. I was very sick , and confined to my lied about ( our months. 1 employed n physician most ot the time , Mlio 011.1117 said I was In consump tion , and tint ho could not li el pine. Onoot my neighbors tulilscd mo lo try Aycr's ' Cherry Pectoral. I'dld so , and , before I hud finished taking tlio first bottle was able to sit up all tlio time , and to go out. By tlio time I had finished the bottle ' .was w.ell , and have remained so e > er since. " 1 . 1) . lllxby , Hartonsvlllc , V't. Ayor's Cherry Pectoral , DR. J. O. AYER & CO. , Lowell , TSas8. Bold by all Uruuslgli. I'rlcflijl ; lx bottbs , 5 , Physicians , Siliceous and Specialists. 14OO DOUGLxAS 9TREL1SX OMAHA , The meat widely ana favorably know * > poo- InllHtsIn the United Stntut. Thulr langox- porlunco , remarkable skill : uul unlTomn.1 IUQ- cess In the troatmtmt nrnl euro of Nervous , Clironloaml BurKlcnl Disunsos , entitle thcso eminent pbvslolniH to tlio full conBdoncoof the aflllctod ovorynhere. They cuiur.nteo ! , A. CERTAIN AND 1'USITIVB OUIIB for the awful olTectn of early vloo nnd ths numer ous ovlti that follow In fti train , 1'IUVA.TE. HI.OOD AND HKIN DI8EA9K9 spportllr , ooninlotply r.mj porminontly curod. NEHVOU8 MKlllfjlTY AND 8KXUA.L UIS- OUDKUB ylolil rumlliy totholr skillful treat- FISTULA A.ND RECTAL OLCEU3 guaranteed cured without pain or detention HVUl"oc8KLE AND VARICOOELK pormn- nentlrnncl tucct-istully cured In ov ry caso. SVl'IIIL.19. QUNOUIUIBA. OLEET. Bpor- nrntorrhon , BemlnM WonVnnss , Loit Mnnliuod. NlKlit Emissions. Doonyeil Faculties , Fumnlo Weakness anil nil delicate disorder ! peculiar Ui uither aox positively cured , ns wnlldJtiU functional disunion that result from youth ful follies or tlio excess of irmturo year * . STRICTUKl1 irj"iteoa poroumently ol I\lui U1VU cured , removal cotnpleto , wltliou. euttlni ? . cnustloor dilatation. Ouroa tffooted nt homo by patlont without mo ment's pain or umiurnncc. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MbN. A 9IIPP rilPlf The awful etfeoti of .n. OUK.E.jUlli unrly vice which brlns * nrcnnlo weakness , tltmroylus both mind and body , with all It } dreaded ills , permunonty cured. TJ ) ? < RUTTX AddreHthoso whobavelm- \ UR.J. D.L.1 10 pitruj , themselves by Im- properlndulffinct ) nud solitary h-iblti. uhloh ruin both rulud anil body , unflttlng thorn for lunlnesi. Btudv or marriage. MAltUIEL ) MEN or tlioso entorlnu on that bnppy lifo. awarool pbyslca.1 debility , quickly Mils ted. OUB 8UCOH3S Isbattd upon facts. First I'riotlo&l aperl- enc * . Beoonil-Evory case I * npeolallrituuled , thi-s starting right. Tlilrd-Madlolnea &ro prepared In our laboratory xaotlj to suit tch case , thus eTeGtluK ( tit iwrtb.out injury. Drs. Bfetts & Betts , U09 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA. GABL I OHE POUND A Day. A CAIN OP A POUND A PAY IX THn 5 ' CASE OF A MAN WHO HAS BECOME "ALL , RUNDOWN , " AND HAS I1CCUN TO TAKE i THAT UEMARKADLE FLUSH 1'RODUCKR ' , j OF PURE COD LIVER OIL WITH Hypophosphites of Lime &Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. THIS FEAT HAS BEEN PERFORMED OVER AND OVER AGAIN. PAI.ATAIH.E AS MILK. EN. DORSED nv PHYSICIANS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. AVOID SUBSTITUTIONS AND IMITATIONS. TRADEMARK THE HUE AT TRADE MAKK KNliLIMH ItEM- EI > Y Anunfnll- Inu euro for Sem inal Weakness , Bpirnmlcrrhoci , Imrotency nnd all dlsuusu ! that follow ns a o- qucnco of Belt- abuse ; us Loss of DfFQRETXKIIIQ. . TAJIHD. I'nln In the Iliick. Dimness of Vision , I'rematurs Old Ago , nndmnny other dlsenscs Hint lend to li nltr or consumption unit n premature urave. tTr-fullpnrtlculiirslnourpiiiiipblet , which we do- jlro to cnd frco by mall to every cno. lir'i'ho bpo- cmo McillclnoUsoUlotfl pet piick BO , or six pack- nnc for 15 , or will bo sent free by mull on receipt of tbo money , by addreiilntf THE GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 FAIIXAM STRUCT , OlIAHA , NEB. On nccount of counterfeits wo have adopted tha fellow wrapper , tlio only Konulne , C. L. EricksonLocal Agent , 00 N.llith DlLG. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. Bptcino for nyiterlaIK tneirJt , Kenr lla. Wnki * fulness , M ntal Daprtulon. HoftenlnKot ttia llraln , r < v lulUnff In inianltr iJ l < 1luito inUery docav anj doitli. Ptcmaturo Old AKO , liirr nnct . I.oii of rower In oil Her toi , InrolunUry Loiiei , And Hpirm > torrlitua eauc > l IT OTtr-uxertlo of the bnln , icll-c.buie or crer-lnjulervnce. < ich box contain ! on * monlb'i treau mrnt. 11 a Lei , or ill ( or l > . nt l > r mill jir | . lO , WHli eiclj ordir for ilx IIOKH. will sunil purchuor traaraowa to r.fund m < i3 r U the Ireatrotnt ftlll M cur . Uaaruiteoft luuwd &Jid fftniuno old culy ur GOODMAN DUUG CO. , FOR SALE Mr PnlntlnK and I'aporlmnKlnR Uuslnesj. Kitiib- llshed I1W. linn a well nolocU'd Block of Uull 1'uptrVnll MouldliiKB , 1'alnts , Bruiuw , etc. P. W1NDHEIM , _ 610 S. 10th Strgot , Omftlm. "FEMALE * b olut ly nlUblc , | * rfc < tlY i f o. most ponirf ul frmals reirul ' 1" ' kuown i uctpr fall , u a l i , iKifiiild | cn bo i WE NEVER LET UP . On Friday and Saturday of last week we held a special sale of "big boys" Suits at four of from two dollars and a half to three and a half. Flattered by the great success of this sole spurred on .to still greater efforts , we have decided to repeat the same sale on Monday a Tuesday "tot the same tune" only "svith variations , " MONDAY ANP 'TUEXSDA.Y $4.78 buys handsome striped Cheviot Suits , sizes 14 to 18 , worth $7.50. $6.26 buys heavy brown plaid Cassimcrc Suits , sizes 14 to iS , worth $9.00. $6.78 buys serviceable brown Scotch Plaid Suits , sizes 14 to 19 , worth $9.50. $7.SO buys very handsome , neat gray , all wool , striped Cassimcrc suits , sizes 14 to 19yortll \ $10 $7.80 buys elegant all wool , brown striped Cheviot Suits , sizes 14 to 19 a $10.00 suit. $9.OO buys nobby all wool , gray plaid 'Cassimcre Suits , "square cut coats , " sizes 4 to 17 , that were $12.50. , In order that the "little fellows" may not feel neglected , we have decided to add at special sale at the same time about two hundred KNRR PANT SUITS In sizes from five to fourteen , in three lots , as follows : ° S Boys' Suits , In two handsome styles , the first n handsome brown plaid , A.T nnclthe second n neat brown and.vlno plnlcl. They're usually four dollars. LOT A very handsome Gray Plaid Suit that's made to stand the racket. Tlicro's A.X about fifty of these , and every one sold saves somebody a dollar und sixty TWO : cents. LOT A beautiful brown striped suit , made up in a strong substantial manner. A.T Six dollars is about the overage price of this suit , though , some storessny THREE : they're a leader at five. There's about fifty of these. We'd ought to clothe every rag-god urchin in town hy Tuesday Night. Every Able Bodied I\Tan in Oma/ia Should Read Our "Ad ? in Wednesdays Paper. NEBRfiSKI CLOTHING CO. , Fourteenth and Douglas Streets. We Close at Seven O'clock. - - Open Saturdays Till Ten , THE BEST m IN THE WORLD : ARE MADE BY THE WoonsockBli & Rhode Island Rubber Go And wo are their western agents and always carry : i laro ; ; atoek. Address , SmeriGan Jiand Sewed Slioe Go 1204 and 1206 Ilarney Street THE OPPORTUNITY ! THE SEASON I TO facilitate matters , we have divided our immense stock of fine custom made SUITS AND OVERCOATS into four [ 4 ] lots and marked them at prices that will insure a speedy sale E want to call your attention to the SUITS AND OVERCOATS we are offering at the above named price. Look in our window ; come in and we will show them to you. Remember the price , $15.00. . NFSSCUREDbTr k'tru. IO WINTER RESORTS. Clianning\Yiutcr \ Resort in tlic Highlands. Huntsvillc Hotel , SubslantialElcgantScw lUItvr.V S , UKMSOX , Manager UVIION f , DUMriON , AKllltiint. MO OTJR.EX ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. " " Sotciitoon jcnrs experience , A regular graduate In motllclno , a * diplomas nlioir. Is "till trontlnz w : IliOKrcntosttucccis , nil Nervous , Chronic anil I'rlynto Dlsoisoi. .A. permanent curoKiinrantooil for Cntarrl , fpernialorrluva , Lust Mlinhooil , Seminal We.ikness , NlKlitLoiaoi. Iiupotuncy , Syphilis , Mtrlcturi ! , nnd nil dl ca os of tlio lllooil , Skin unit Urlniry Oruans. N. 11.1 Buamntoo 000 for ovcry cmo I undorUku nml foil " CUM ; . Consultation frog , llook ( llyntcrtoi gf LAta ) sout froo. OUJoohourn-'Ja. ' ra. toB p. tu. auaJaja a. ui , to 12111 , OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS Street. Steve repairs of all descriptions fop cook niul hoatliit ; stoves , family antl hotul rangei. Water ittachmcuts aspoclalty , ROBERT UHLIG , Proprlotop C. M. EATON , Manager. DR. 1'rnctlco llrallocl to UlBCaSCS Of till ! LUNGS AND Nervous System Inclinllnif NeuralKla , rntnli'iMjr , llruturo Epllouir. fonvul- tann ( , Hiilnnl Irrlt.l- tlon , Ithuumutlrim , Clironlc AIcolioll.ini , Norruui lleadiiclii- , Nervous I'rostrntlon cundiuupllon nnd till dlsuneciof tlio luniia llooni ! 3IU to S'iO , BEE BUILDING , OMAHA. IAMES J MEANS' Is tbe iM'dt nindc.iMid It o overvwlicrc. ' 1 lil h Iho orlg- InnUIHhoc llcnartinl linl- tntloiu. I'oslthcly Kt'iniliio uiilcsR itn tin Hie Nolri , " .lumen JMc-aiiH * 83SliOB."x. ; J. MEANS & CO. . 41 Llmln Slrtrt lloiton , Mtti "LUCKISPLUCEC" If you have run n muck npnlnst soinn ills. cnurncltiff Ulscanovhlcli you tlwi't want wur famtlu iloctar to know about , rcmenilifr Hint tnriif ; 'U'btlniuiiluls : Hook eni ( r > irornml/r > ( ( lnirEniCMEDIOAI.CO.Dulllla N.Y. ASK. YOU WILL 1'INlt TJIAT "PLUCK WBIMS LUCK ! " DR. BAILEY GRADUATE DEUTlSf A VuH Sot of Tooth on Kiibbor , fur , . _ 1'IVK 1)1)1.1.4118. ) A perfect „ nt ( tniirnntoed. Tooth extracted Mthout imln or dnniur. inn } wltloul antie ; thetlci Onlil nd sllvor 111 nxs ut lovscst rutes. Ilrlilpo nml Crown Work. Tcul wltli- nut iiltitci. All work wiirriintuu OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK. 16TH A D FAR HAM Kntrui co , 10th utruot uluvato' Opcr. ovuii- U'b until b o'clock _ > 'U" B IfT I \ 5l riililno Ilalill Od . K I JLVJt.ciir.dfa III to UUd > 7i , NojiyllU r.d. DB J.UI fUENBL.k llon,0. T3FI. ELECTRIC BELT ' IU " tlklkKTHH or Ilml. t'f'il.HIU CU3 ! Jl.rlhliN. B BUT AND SUSMMtPR ! t % . . - - - . - . . . . . . Midi for iMitptillt p r. "T IMP r rf ol Uinr > lli < Mr.k. . . . , ( bin V\ \ , , riltd , S.otk. > l , < o.iUunj , lurrtili or Ilt < trlell > itiroiih .11 WEit . l UlM.K.t.rlnth njl HKUTtl a1ll.llltOg8TmSmt | / ! w.rM Hriirni ? r > c" * "tiJ'rr . ' r"r'"liiax ) ' * " " ' ' ' Miffnllr Tarr-l - lo Ihrtl luoplbi. Hcilftl'p n bUt'rl * .