8 THJQ OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JANUARY s , isoi. THE CITY. Owing to the fuel that Thursday a holiday the real estate oxcli omitted its mid-weekly incotlnp. The regular monthly meeting will bo held today. "W..T. Crowo 1ms boon transferred from the Croifrhton iind Norfolk branch of the railway postolllce to the Sioux City nnd O'Neill run. Ho will bo succeeded by M. II. Cuniuit of West Point , a now ap pointee. Alficd Kechnor , arrested last Tuesday night as a suspicious character , was before - fore Judge Hclsloy yesterday and was discharged. Kechnor says ho Is nu hon est , hard working man and has not been engaged In any disreputable work. The Omaha boys who are homo from tholr respective colleges during the holiday vacation were booked for a game of football on Christmas day , I3ut as the game was declared oil they indulged in a dinner in its stead tit the 1'axton yes terday. Court Ofllcor Keyset" yesterday served nsearch warrant on Gcorgio Wneelor at 210 South Thirteenth street , and recov ered a lot of clothing that had boon stolen from Edward Aplln. Misa Wheeler had formerly been employed as a domestic by Apliii. Ono of the lorgo plato glass windows In Sherman & MoConnoll's Htoro on Tenth street was blown In by the high wind Thursday and badly broken. The glass had boon craukcd bovonil days be fore by a pleco of Iron striking against it and did not oiler much resistance to the wind. C. II. Jowoll ft Son , proprietors of the Grand Pacific hotel at Nebraska City , spent voslorday in-Oinnlm. Thews gentlemen - tlemon have about completed a deal by which they will Icaso the now Oraml hotel at Council 13 luff a. Should they succeed in doing so the hotel will bo opened to the public about the middle of May. The district judtres mot on Now Years day and arranged that the throe terms of district court in Douglas county ( luring the coming year should bopinon Febru ary I ) , May 11 and September 21. The present term properly ends today , al though it will prob ibly bo some time next wcok before the Until adjournment is taken. On next Monday at 11 o'clock the an nual election of olllcers of the builders' nnd traders' exchange will take place. Nominations htivo been made , two mem bers being named for every olllco. Rich ard Smith , who is the present incum bent of the presidency , has decided to re main out of the race and give some other man a chnnco. The Grant asphalt and slnpolithic company has filed articles of incorpora tion with the county clerk. The capital stock Is $30,000 and the principal place of business is Omaha , Neb. The ollicors nro John Grant , president and general inanngor ; Dr. S. D. Mercer , vice presi dent ; Guy C. Barton , secretary ; E. W. Nash , treasurer. The funeral of William II. Long , late clerk of the police court , will take place at 12 o'clock this afternoon from 2010 Burt street. Interment will bo at Forest Lawn. Oriole lodge No. 70 , Knights of Pythias , of which the de- couMjd had been a member , will attend in 11 body. The Oddfellow * will also attend , Mr. Long having been a member of Ilolton lodge , No. 31 , of llollon , Kan. A XA0 lt\CJJlK.\Tfi. Dramatically , there is no stronger play booked nt tlio Moyd this season than William Gillette's great war drama , ' 'Hold by the Enemy. " The company that will appear In this great play at the Doyd on next Sunday evening Is a most competent one , and has had flattering mention from ttio press of the largo cities. The engagement Is lor one night only. The DoWolf Hopper opera bouffo company In "Castles in the Air , " lias been Oiling a Berles of engagements In the principal east ern cities with most wonderful results. Tlio Bl70 of the audiences attending their enter tainments every where , has been limited by the capacity of the theaters to accommodate ) thorn , which is proof positive that a complete comic opera company is nt all times a good investment , and when that opera company is beaded by an artist of Mr. Hopper's well known popular , the investment becomes additionally secure. Tnis organization will form the great at traction at Lloyd's opera house commencing next Monday evening. The production of "Castles in the Air" is identically the same ns that scon during the past few months in the Broadway theater , Now York , as the management brings with them thu entire plant of scenery , costumes and effects used In the original production , The boxsheojs for the engagement of the Do Wolf Hopper com pany will open this morning at 0 o'clock. The IJostonlans will sing their now opera , "Kobin Hood , " nt tUo Uoyd on next Thurs- dny evening .for the first thno in Omaha. The opera has been pronounced the grcatc&t light opera success since " 1'limroro. " It was written for the Bostonlans by Do Koven and Smith , two Chicago newspaper men , nnd their methods wore an innovation. All the principals , who for years have been so well known here , are still In the famous orgnnlm- tion , nnd will bo seen and heard In tlio fol lowing beautiful operas at the Uoyd next week : Thursday and Friday evenings , "Kobin Hood , " Saturday matinee , "Su totto ; " Saturday evening , Carmen. " Thu Itlg C111 Iroui * About the largest individual proportion of humanity ever known dropped into Omaha yesterday. Just how it got hero Is not known , but tlio city has probably the tallest person nllvo within Us pounds today. It is a woman. She is eight foot high and weigh Sl'J pounds. She came to Omaha with her father and will bo the guest of Will LawlCt for n week , Thinking something of the strange person woulO bo Interesting , n reporter porter sought an Interview with her. Her name is Ella Kwing. Ella was writing her nnmo on the celling of her room when a reporter called las evening. "Do you know I love your great city o r Omaha , " f > ho chirruped as she swiped u cob web from the southwest upper corner of th j room. "But what a muddy place ; just look nt mj shoo from the cllocts of your streets , " aui the reporter moved the table and looked the shoe. It was the shoo of a life-time. It was long as a political argument and broad as a pre-election promise. Hero nnd there abou the surface were suspicious looking mounds showing that some Umo lu her lifo Ella hat cramped her foot. "But thcr. I suppose I shall got used to it , ' continued the dashing creature , smiling , "u the weather , not thu foot , " she added by wu' of explanation. "Aiy ambition has over been In the direc tion of the stage. But papa says I am to largo to play Eva , and I won't play nnythiiu except the legitimate , " and Ella tapped ho foot Impatiently. Six boll boya came to the room and wantoi to know what was the trouble. With a snillo that looked like the breaking up of n hard winter Ella , in ft largo voice informed the boys that she merely droppot her foot , 'I was bom lp Lewis county , Missouri,1 she resumed 03 the bell boys left. "Until was nine years of ago I was normal in size When I began to grow like a gas bill until mn now over eight feet tall. I am'still grow Ing nnd expect to bo ton foot tall unless I see cease to shoot upwards. I attended sclioo all along nud am fend of riding. I nm I perfect health and weigh 21'J pounds hard ! . In proportion to mv height. I did not wan to come to Omaha , but papa nud Mr. Lawlc persuaded mo to come. I don't know how can stand the people gazing nt mo , but 1' , try It , " And then Ella lifted the reporter ot his feet la attempting to shake hands a parting. She had some trouble In securing a bed las night , but one Is being made for her aud sh < Will curry It with her on her travels. She 1 a queer woman , only eighteen years old an promises to grow much taller. Just now shoe e probably the tallest person living. tr v OIlAHTKIl IliVIB10N. : A Coiiiinlttco Aii ] > 3lnc l to Draft n Ilonllh Aiiiciiihnont. The members of the charter nraon dmont commlttco wore prompt lu meeting at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. K. 1 ° . Alorlurty was the llrst mnn to sug gest nn ninendmcnt. . Ho wanted thn charter cliiiiijfcJ to provldo for the election of the members of the 11 ro and police commission. The other members were of n different opin ion , nnd thought tuny should bo appointed by the governor. The proposition to amend was laid on the tnblc. Once more the mutter of city treasurer was brought up and discussed. At last It was decided that after January' ' , ISO'J , ho shall bo n salaried ofllcer , receiving $ ' ! ,000 annually , to bo paid monthly , The funds shall bo depos ited In the banks that will glvu the greatest rale of Interest In no c.iso shall a bank ro- colvo any of this inonoy unlcsi It can show a paid-up capital of f.250,000 and no bank shall rceolvo this money In excess of 15 pur cent of Its paid-tip capital. Mr. Illtuhcodc Introduced a resolution to create sprinkling districts. Ho wanted to see ull ol the paved streets within the now llio limits sprhiKled. To pay for ilolni ; this work ho thought a sprinkling tax should bo levied and collected the same as nil other special tuxes. 0. JO. Squires , a sprinkling contractor , was called In and talked in favor of Mr. Hitch cock's resolution. Tlio resolution , however , was defeated , but a proposition was adopted by which the mayor and council in iy create sprinkling districts and lix boundaries whenever - over n majority of the property owners within the districts may petition for sprinkling. ThU sprinkllni'Mlmll bo paid for by the luvy and collection of nspcci.il tux nn the property abutting tlio btrc-cts sprinkled. Dr. Oapen appeared before the committee nnd gave his iilou of n , board of Health. After listening to him. ho and Secretary liurnham were appointed as n commlttco to draft a health amendment to the charter. The amendment committee will meet at 3 o'clock thti afternoon to hear and consider the re port. The originals of the certificates of euros effected by the usn of Ayro's sarsaparilla are kept on llio at the ofllco of the J. C. Ayer company , Lowell , Mass. Probably no simi lar establishment In the world can exhibit such a mass of valuable and convincing tes timony. hOVTJI O31.1H.I XKW8. A. O. U. W. Klcrtlon. South Oimiha lodge , No. CO , Ancient Order of United Workmen , has elected oftlcers as follows for the ensuing term. J. C. Graham , P.M. W.illiam II. Stousloff , M. W. ; J. M. Kvcrolo , T. ; Patrick 1C. O'Sulllvnn , O. ; .lames M. Ciallaghcr , Hi H. U. Hllliker , l-\ ; Jacoo Jaskalek , 1 { . ; William Thom.is , C ! . ; M. V. Doyle , I.V. . ; Charles Alattlson , O. W. ; F. A. It road well , trustee. The oftlcers elect will bo installed Tuesday evening. Matrimonial. Tuesday evening the Hov. Robert L. Wheeler oflleiatcd at the marriage of Mr. William Walker and Miss Mary J. Hopper. The marriage was performed at the residence of Mr. anu Mrs. Ilnrris , Thirty-third nnd K streets. Charles W. Hathaway and Miss Sarah ilip- shear were married by the Hov. Hobert L. Wheeler Wednesday ovoningat the residence of Mrs , Boll , T wen ty-t bird and I streets , Alexander Munro , one of the popular men at the Cudaliy packing liouscs , and Miss Ida Unfold were married at the resilience of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Hardy , Thirty-sixth nnd Q streets. Wednesday evening , tUo Ilev. Hob- crt L Wheeler oniciating. Iiigersoll and Ontario , Can. , papers copy. Notes About tlio City. The citv council will not meet till Monday night. South Omnhu lodge , No. 148 , I. 0. F , , will Install the olllccrs-elect Monday night. James P. Murphy nnd Thomas Wall of tbo stockyards have returned from Chicago. Charles O. R , Carlson of this city nnd Miss Amanda Cerrell of Onwhu will bo mar ried this evening. S. Warner and nlcco , Miss Miiinlo fhom- kins of Grundy Center , la. , are the guests of friends in the city. Mrs. J. T. Vanderpool of Sioux City , who has been visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boyle , has returned homo. The Now Year's ' eve dance by the South Omaha club was a pleasant social , and en joyed by a goodly number of lovers of tbo dance. Richard Kane , night yardmaster of the stockyards railroad , is suffering with erysipe las in the face and is so uflected that ha Is de lirious. Editor Bruce McCulloch of the Stockman , with his family , after spending tlio holidays with his parents in Kuoxvllle , Tcnn , has re turned homo. The charity commlttco will meet in St. Agnes' hull Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock to appoint sub-committees aud transact regular routine business , The masquerade dance given Wednesday evening by the Magic City cornet band wna a gratifying success. The house was fullthc , costumes elegant , nnd the i.100 receipts sat- Istied the boys us much us the friends were pleased. Mr. William T. Price , a Justice of the peace at Hlchlund , Neb. , wus confined to nis bed last winter with a severe attack of lum bago , but a thorough application of Chamber lain's Pain Balm enabled him to get up , and go to work , Mr. Price says : "Tlio remedy cannot bo recommended too highly. " L.et anyone troubled with rheumatism , neuralgia or lame back glvo it a trial aud they will beef of the same opinion. Dentil of Isaac Johnson. Isaac Johnson , who resides at 0015 Capitol avenue , died yesterday morning of consump tion. The deceased had been a resident of Omaha about 11 vo years. Ho cnmo from Ran dolph , la. , and engaged in business as the representative of John M. Suaw & Co. loiter on ho engaged lu the grain nnd commission 1 business with Ben B. Bryan under the firm nnmo of Johnson & Co. Mr. Johnson was n man of excellent business ability and had n great many friends among ttio members of the Omaluk board of trade aud other leading business men of the city. Ho was a member of the board o'f trndo , The deceased was a brother of P. J. Johu- son , president of the Midland tnto bank. Ho was about forty years old and leaves a wif.e nnd children. Among His Grandchildren. J. H. Dodds , editor of the dally and weekly Arbor State of Wymoro , Nob. , says : "I have scon the maglo ettect of Chamberlain's Cough Homody In cases of croup and colds among my grandchildren. Wo would not think of going to bed at night without a bottle tle of this remedy In too houso. Chamber lain's medicines are growing more popular hero every day. 1002. Sixteenth and Farnam streets Is the now Rock Island ticket oflico. Tick ets to ull points oust ut lowest rates. The Usher Suit. The case of Llnton J. Usher of Lawrence , Kan. , against TUB B KB , was sot for bearing yesterday in the United States court , but the plaintiff insisted upon a postponement on account of a lack of liino to prepare and because ono of the counsel was engaged to assist In seating Governor Boyd. The defense Insisted on a hearing and after a long argument tbo plalntitT was given until 10 a , m. Monday to show grounds for a con tinuance. Tim Ijiconso Hoard. The members of the llconso board were into session three hours yesterday afternoon , and during most of that time they listened to too protests. Action upon all protests was deferred oS ferred until some future mooting. Licenses ) were granted to Gladstone Brothers , at 1303 Douglas street , and to Andrew Schola. nt 2001 Pine street. The board will Meet again at 2 o'clock this afternoon. \ Hun nn the County Coal Pile. Tlio recent cold snap das started a sevcro run on the county coal pile. Yesterday Poor- rX master Mahoney served oat eight tons In SOO nnd 1,000 pound loU , During the day twenty- live applications for aid were tiled , six being > these of parties who have never before bocn ! on thu cwciy books. JOIJ. How the lax payers Are Uolng Flint- Hummed by tlio Council. OMAHA , Nob. , Jan. 2. To the Editor of Tilu BEE : Animated by the honorable posi tion tnkou by your excellent newspaper con cerning the bid made by the Democrat pub lishing company to do the city advertising for the coming year , and the further fact that TUB BII : : did not bid for the advertising , the subscriber Is Induced to ask you to give this communication a place in your columns In order that the taxpayers of Omaha may bo enlightened respecting the methods devised - vised to get nwny with their wealth without any consideration whatever. The Democrat publishing companyin com pliance with a request from the city , mndo n fair mid honorable bid to do the city adver tising for Ib'Jl. Our bid was as follows : Ten lines of nonpareil , first insertion , " ' cents ; each subsequent Insertion , 0 cents. The World-Herald was 21) ) and 21 cent respec tively. At such a rate wo can make n fair per centage , but there is no gloat margin for pro lit. With our bid , several nflldnvits were illcd showing that our circulation wus equal to the requirements of the law. The bids and accompanying afllduvits were duly tiled in nn honorable and busincss-llko manner. Now , note tlio tortuous action of Mr. Hitchcock of the World-Herald. Ho pro cured the service of a worthless fellow to drop Into Tan Bur. ofllco In an informal man ner nud In n cursor } way tlio visitor bought to lo.irn from nu employe , and did learn , tLat Tin : lii-.i ; did not euro for and would not bid for llio city advertising , After performing this smelling feat or line iit > tcctlvo work ( if Mr. Hitchcock desires to call It such ) , lu thu business olllco of one Journalistic competitor , ho proceeded to discredit another newspaper in a very cowardly way. Three persons , nil of them disreputable in every sense , wore sent mto the press room of the Democrat ( and they had to slip quietly and tluoMiko through their doors In order to reach their objective point ) and there they interviewed a young lad who acted as press feeder , respecting the circulation of the Democrat. Tlio men were probably influenced b > fear of losing their Job. The smelling committee secured such o /idenco as a frightened boy was able to im part and lotircd without knowing anything whatever , but it wus mudo to answer Hitch cock's ' purpose. Councilman Bechcl put in his pocket tlio affidavits of the three sneaks heloro nien- tioncu nnd when the bids for advertising were opened before the council ho supple mented these bids by prescntingtlicnllldiivits of HID sneaks. Under a gag rule , any mem ber can object to a citizen or taxpayer speak ing in open council. A Democrat stockholder asked permission to to the reply ex-parte af- lldavlts , but objection was made aud the privilege was refused , In case a dry goods merchant , a druggist , a grocer or other busi ness man should pursue such an underhand method against n competitor wo respectfully ask whether it would bo accounted honor able in this community I 1 have half a dn/.en ullldavits In my posses sion from parties who swear that , to the best of their knowledge , the dally circulation of the World-Herald delivered to bona lido sub scribers , is about ono thousand copies in Omaha. These ntlldavits are ns reliable as those of the three sneaks who Interviewed a boy In the basement of the Democrat olllcc. \Vo also have an nflldavit of the boy in ques tion , refuting those stealthily procured by the World-Herald. But all this is of little consequence. Aycrs' ' American Newspaper Annual , a reliable publication , places the circulation of the World-Herald at about live thousand copies for ono edition , while it gives the cir culation of the Democrat truly at 0,000 for its afternoon-paper , which is the only edition it publishes. At ttio sumo time the circula tion of THU Bci : is iixcd at 21,000 copies , which is about rjght. It follows that In case circulation is to guide , Tan BUB ought to hnvo the city advertising , whether it bids for itornot. Justice is Justice. The annual of Aycrs' publication is qulto as reliable in newspaper aff.iirs ns the commercial reports of Duu or Bradstreet arc regarded in business line * . With these facts before the public wo are prepared to dispute the right of Hitchcock nnd his associates to defraud the people of Omnhn by giving oftlcial advertising in u quarter where it has no right , and is in de- llunco of usual business methods. THE DBMOCUAT PL-IILISIIIXO COMPACT. Do not throw away your hard earned cash for every new cough syrup , when that stan dard remedy for coughs , Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , Is 25 cents. "Hurrah 1" said n little girl , "I'm not to bo kept in because of that horrid neural gia. Mv mamma has bought a bottle of Sal vation Oil. Charles M , Stewart , a young mnn about twenty-live years of ago , who represented a glove house in Gloversville , N. Y. , arrived at the Hotel Cosy last Wednesday morning. Ho complained of n severe cold nnd soreness of the lunps , and a physician was called , who announced that the patient was in nn ad vanced stage of pneumonia , with slight chances of recovery. A telegram was at once sent to his father , James C. Stewart , at 43 Kingsbury avenue , Gloversville , N. Y. , announcing the young man s condition , nnd c. reply was received directing that ho bo given overj attention. Everything possible was dona for him , but the disease had taken such a strong hold on his system that all efforts were useless , and ho died yesterday morning. A second telegram was sent to the father and a reply received announcing that a relative wason _ his way to Omaha. The remains were removed to Heafoy & Heafoy's , where they await the arrival of the relative. No household is complete without a case o Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne. It's the best sparlfllng wine made. The now offices of the Great Rock Island route , ICO- Sixteenth and Farnnra streets , Omaha , are the finest in the city. Call and see thorn. Tickets to ull points east ut lowest rules. United StiitcN IN-tlt .Tiirj- . The following Is the full list of the United States petit Jury for the January term of the district court , which opens ut Lincoln on the llith inst. : S. U. Jncoby , Wavcrly ; Gcorgo Denham , Lincoln : Gcorgo W , Jackson Geneva ; Stephen Roberts , Fullortoii ; P. H. Bush , Naponco ; J. B. Howell , Locust ; W. J. Abrams , Superior ; Jerry Fcnton , Dawson ; Leopold Hnhn , Hastings ; J. B. Sedgwick Omaha ; John W , Norwood , Nelson ; Hlrun Savage , Beatrice ; John Slicrimvn , Tecumseh J. R. Cnmnucn , Sterling ; P. Morton , Blue Hill ; Clilford Lueo , Broken Bow , Low Franklin , Lincoln : Clark Stewart , Gram Island ; R. 13 Allen , Omaha ; W. 1C. Holt kins , Crete ; John Jack , Dorchester ; D. D Hcuvls , E. J , Holdhrook , Jacob Leopold and Martin Werner , Falls City ; Peter Brown Talmngo ; Patrick McArdlo' Omaha ; Join : Dunbar. Stratton ; L. W. Coates , Gcorgo J MuArttrur and D. N. Johnson , Lincoln ; Uriah Wolton , Prairie Homo ; I. S. Cochran Superior ; Peter ICommerllng , Peter McCunn and G. H. Fitch , Omaha. U ed In Millions ol u utOXear tOXear th 8tand A. The Majority Of so-called cough-cures do little more than Impair the dlgcftUx < c functions and crcato bile , Aycr's ' Cliciiy 1'cctornl , on the con trary , while It cures tlio cough , docs not In- tcrlcro with the ( unctions et cither stomacher or liver. No other. medlclno Is so safe and efficacious In diseases of the throat and lungs. "Four jears aeon took a severe cold , which was followed by.n terrible coiigli. I was very sick , and confined to my bed about four months. I uini'lvycd ' n plijslclan most of the time , who finally said I was In consump tion , nnd that ho could not lictp me. One of my nclglibois advised mo to try Ajcr's Cherry 1'cctoral I did so , ami , before I had finished taking the first bottle was nblo to sit up all the time , and to go out. lly the time I had finished the bottle ' . vas well , and liau1 icinalned so ever slucc. " I * l > . lllxby , Itnitonsvlllc , Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , DR. J. 0. AVER & CO. , Lowell , BolJ by ull UruKiiiili. t'rlcofl ; ilxboUlcit5. Drs.BBtts&Betts Physicians , Surceons and Specialists. 14OO DOUGLAS STREET OMAHA , NEB. The mo-jt widely nna favorably tmowm spoo- lallsttln the Unltnd State * Their long o- piirlunoe , remnrknulo skill itnd unlTorsul luo- ci'ss In ths trcntniont nnd euro of Nerroua , Chronlo nnd tiurglcnl Dlsoisoi , entitle these ctiilncmt physicians to tlio full confluence of tlio anllctnd everywhere. They Ruarnntao : A OEUTAIN AND POSITIVE CURE for the awful olfecta of early vice nnd the numer ous OTllg that follow In Its train , 1'UIVATE , 1H.OOD ANDSldN DISEASES snoertllr , completely nnd pnrmatiently cured. NKiivouB f > KiiiiiTY AND SEXUAL ins- ORHEItS yiuld roadliy to tholr skillful treat- til I * II t. PILES. FISTULA AND REOTAL ULCERS Rimrnntcod cured without pain or detention ' ' 'fi'yDKOOEllE AND VARIOOOKLK pernm- nontlr nnd luccossfiilly cured In overr coso. SYPHILIS. GONOiWIlEA , GLEET , Bpor- rnatorrhen. , Borr.lnn.1 Weakness , LostMnnhood , Night Kmlisions , Decnyod Kacultloi , Fcmalo Weuknesi and nil clullcate dlsordorn peculiar to either sox positively curud. ns well iia nil functional disorders that result from youth ful folllus or the excess of muturo yean. TMIPTI11 ? 1 UuRrnntced permanently ij 1 l\iw > i < j I\LI ourcd , removal complete , wlthou euttlni ? , caustic * or ililntruion. Ouroi KlTooted at homo l > y ptuiont without a mo ment's pnlD or nnnoynnco. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MbN. A . PITPT ? CUT ? ! ? Thn awful effects at f * dUI\L , Vyu l\.Li early vloo which brings orpnnlo weakness , destroying both mind ana body , with ull 113 dreaded Ills , pormanonly cured , DK'S HFTT9 Address these who bavoIra- US\J. UL.L IO paired thoinielve * by Im proper Indulgence and solitary liiblU , which rulu both mind and body , unfitting them for business , stud v or mnrrluRO. MAKKIKD MKN or these entering on that happy life , aware of physical debility , qulokly taslsted. OUB 8UOOH33 Is bund upon fact * . Klnt Praotloal sanerl- cnco. Ueoond Everytcase linpeolally itudled , Ibca itartlng right , Thlrd-M dlolnM are prepared In our laboratory icoUy to lull each oaae , thus effoctlngcurei wlthoul Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , M09 DOUGLAS STREET. - OMAHA. .OWEN'S With Double Wire Suspensory. PATENTED ADO. 16,1887 , IMPROVED JULY 29,1890. mmm mi. KI.KCTIIO-GAI. VA.N'IC BODY UUI.TANDSUS rnsfonv win cure nil Illieu nintlcCinilnlnts ) | Ijiinibn o. (3cn crnlnnd Nervous Debility , Costhe nes . Kid nor plsonscs. Nfrv outness , Troinb- llnK , Sciunl Ki lumstloTi , Wast- Int ; of body , 1)18 cnfca caused by Indiscretions Ir Youth , Ago , Mar- rlcd or Single Lllo. 8ospen3or7. SENT TO lirSPONSlllLK TAIITIKS FOH PER TAIN COMI'LAl.NTS ON 3O DAYS' TIIIAU Also nil Klcctrlo Truss nntl licit Combined , Send So. postazo for FliEB Illustrated book , 224 pnitcs , which will be cent you In plain bcalcd envel ope. Mention thin I'iil'Or. ' Address Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Co , , 3O6 N. Broadway , St. Louis , Mo. 826 Broadway , Now York City. if you find the name "DUEBER" in your watch , you can rest assured that you ; have the lest TiiM-keener. THE DUEBliR WATCH WORKS , Canton , Ohio. DR. ELECTRBG BELT coic , r r. ol U . rttlf0 n.ik.rii , cltlof Fr.tlf. nlld , 8onlh. ( nr. C tnll.iiaut lurr U of Klrrtrlellf ibrwuib til RBAK 1'lKTM. rcilorlm lli.m l HKiUII > .4 t II.OHOI S KTIir.MII II tl.tlrli Urr.il C.ll l il 1l ; , or wt Mftll Ji.CXO In c ltl liKLT nd HB.priiorT C wpl t * f 5. .adult. Mor.l oieiff ntar.llf lur.d la Ibrv. niooU. . Hcalra rftnpbUt trrt. \Huin ELF.orn.ia co. . UDUJ..II.SU , CHICAIO.II DR. MtLEY GRADUATE DENTI3F A 1'ull Set of Toul'i on Hublior , for I'lvu Din.i.ins. A pcrfoctflt B.ijirnntocd. TcotU without pain or dn ' ! , , , lit lwoit thutlcs. Gold ' "l,8llvorJ"lL"1ST. rated , ttrlilgo tinJ Crownurc. \ . IcotUwltu nut nliitc * . Allwnrk wurr.inU'il . . . . . . . . . . OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Entrance , Jfltli etreot cluvuW OponuvuU' gi > until Su'clooU WELCOME ' 91" A little over four years ago the Nebraska Clothing Company threw open its doors to the public. Beginning at the same locatiion it still occupies , at the cor. of 14111 and Douglas Sts , in one small room 33 feet wide by 70 feet long , we have seen it grow year by year , reaching out , covering more territory , reaching up , taking in more floors , until today it occupies a store just a half block long , three stones high and a basement. The history of our store for the past 4 ycarr is simply the history of Omaha on a smaller scale. As she has met and overcome obstacles in her pathway , grown , reached out and covered more territory , so hav6 we , until today we enjoy the proud distinction of clothing more men and boys than any other house west of Chicago. Each succeeding year has brought us new custo mers and an increase of business , last year being no exception , for when our doors were closed on Wednesday night they were closed on the most successful year's business we have ever done , We intend to ' make the year just begun still better. And to make a good beginning- will offer at special sale'on Friday and about " ' " Saturday 300 "Big Boys' Suits as follow s : .At > S 5v 75 64 handsome fancy striped cheviot suits , sizes. 14 to 18 , worth $7.50. iB Z.SO 61 very handsome neat gray all wool striped cassimere suits , sixes 14 to 19 , worth $10.00. 8BTZ. SO 52 elegant all wool brown striped cheviot suits , sizes 14 to 19 , aio suit. SB9.OO 58 very nobby all wool gray plaid cassimere suits , "square cut coats , " as the large sizes are all sold we offer the remaining ones , sizes 14 to 17 , at $9.00. They were $12.50. These are the cheapest suits for young men and boys ever sold in Omaha , Co , Cor. 14th. and Douglas. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. ARE MADE BY THE WoonsockBi & Rhode Island Rubber Go And wo are their western agents and always carry a larso stock. Address , Jtad Sewed Shoe Co 120'land 1206 llarney Street. THE OPPORTUSlTYl THE SEASON ! facilitate matters , TO we have divided our immense stock of fine custom made SUITS AND OVERCOATS into four [ 4 ] lots and marked them at prices that will insure a speedy sale E want to call your attention to the SUITS AND OVERCOATS we are offering at the above named price. Look in our window ; come in and we will show them to you. Remember the price , $15.00. DR. G1VUGK , EYE AND EAR , lluikcr Illock , ICl'inud Fanuim. TeloDbouoCi ! NO CURE , ! NO PA.Y. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Pcvontcon ynnr CTporlonco. A rcuulnr Bradiisto In nieillclno , ai dl | > ioraai shovr. Is still troiUIni nltli IliOKrcntost succc'ss , nil Nervous , Chronic and 1'rlviito llio.i oi. A permanent euro uunmntDoa for ( Mtarro , tperiunlorrhreu , l.o t .Manhood , cnilnnl Wonknoss , NUlit lx soi. Inipotunoy , Silillls | , Btrlcluro , nnj Mow eaiesoltho lllood , bkln uiiclUrlniry Oruiiu. N. II. I su.irniiteB 500 for ovcry case 1 undorlako nnd fall w euro. Cansullatlunfreo. lluok ( Mystcrlu * of Lllo ) out fruo. Oillcohours On. in. to8 p. in. Sanlays II a. in. to U m. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 12OY DotioLa.s Street. Steve repairs of all descriptions for cook and hcatliu stoves , ftunlly and liotol rangoa.Vatei \ iitucliiuuuis a specialty. l l i lirMi C f \ ROBERT UHLIG , Proprietor 1 CiepllOlie \ J\D\J' c. M. EATON , Manager. i Oaiifornia Nerve FfiM : I\Iakos \ Now Trosli Itlnoil and. 1'ro- ilnrnn 1'lcxli. Curi'j ' Aiiii-inlii , Srrolnla. llul : C'lrriilntlnii and all Impurities of the Blood M well as tin ; foHowltiz Nerve Dloonsos. vit ! Nrryoiu and rityilrlul Debility. Ulul KxliHiitlon , I'rt- liiiiturn Ileeny , Trmiilillnffi llyslmiH , N T. THUS llttiidnclin , I.iik of rn r Jn illlifrx , Nitrvoutiu'i * In liny form , Cold Ilanili n ; I'Vot ' , 1'nln In thu Ituck uiul other ro mm ol "ilr. lloliVd Nrrvo Tonic I'llln brlns the rosy tint of health to the Bhijllow cheek. WiuV , nnrvoiis peopln should taVo tlili Kri'it Life Ronewor. Try tbrm , and ion will Join llio tliousandj pt JiBiinr m n ndvoin n ho daily tltsj Dr. Uobbfurlili Itreat worlc In tlitlr tithall , 'llic/ are suaar anted , to cents a ui. tor Hdl by ' > " " " " OMA M'.ll , Kunn A Co. Cor. I5ih A | ) ciii J A. Kulltr& C'o , C'or Illli A. HUUR'.M Slrcet , A. O. Fmlft < t Co. . Council lllua * . IUMB. AND PRINCIPAL p una'CTi cvcn WHfnr LYOW STATE 4. MoNnotBp. , CHICAGO. will ti.tlli 11. ItllU u < < * rTlulvii ] i TiUlium or IliaJ InilraiiruU , Uolformi > nj lulpni.ou , 4U'I ' tin. IlluiUtllonl JuLiMnj " ry .rilcl. r i l > l ly Uwl. l > " " > " l r | . luiMlnl I.1JI ! | J il U- ll.U , THinm aft , tie Couuloi IniU-uclliti for m l.nr Uin i , fcmclu ind ' - , , . Ml tIUllrUlna Mule. | flilehe.trr' . Knill.h Dl.monil llrnnJ. TNNYROYAL PILLS . . . ; . . in .tftiui. for i-.rtl'i'kn , tr.tlrunDltli kul "Ittllrf for l.inllf , " < i l r. hj nlurn Mull. 1 II.UUIMcMloiBDiali Kami l\ifir. ' NESS CU NED k F k' < y milflliUTUBUUIIimUSHIOir Wkliptra heard dl.tUrtlj. tomforuU * . gtwUcui''ilibCQ:3utiltVrtUi : j.HK