Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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    m\r A in A r > A TT , v a A nirmT. Av . T A xnT A i ? v 1 aoi
A JIVKKTISEMENTS for theie ooluma will
/A-tjiitaken until 12M : p.m. . for the evening
edition nnd until 8.30 p. in. , for the tnornhiff
edition anrtbunuAT ll-K.
mEHMB-Cashlu adranco. .
RATES Ad > ertlnemPnlion trill PR * will bo
charged for t thorn toot IK cent per word
tor tlio flril Insertion nnd Iccnt per word for
rauh ) uli ciuont insertion , nnd I1X } per Una
per month. No advertisement taken for
less than 21 cctiti for tl.n first Insertion.
TN1TIA 1,8 , figures , symbol * , ute , count each *
JLnsono word.
T1IESR advrrtlncrncntfl must run consecu
tively and imdor no clreumntnnces will
the ; bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
TDAUTIES advertising In thrso column * and
JL having their answers addressed to a ' 'nuin-
lor-dlottor" Incnro uf THE HUB will recelvB
p numbered check tn enable thorn to get tholr
letter * . Answers will bo delivered only on
presentation of thin check. Enclose answer !
In envelopes properly addressed.
A Jili ndrerthcmonti umtor the heart of
Special Notlecs" urn published In lioth tlio
inoridtiK nnd evening edition * of Tun H n. the
cirriilatloii of which nRro < atos inoro than
ZO.OOO papers dully , and gives llio advertiser
the loin-lit not only of the largo circulation of
J'IIK HKB In Omaha , but iilsnln Council IllurTs ,
Lincoln and other eltlM and towtn In the wmt
" "
Advertlilng for thcso columns will h taken
en thOHbovo condition * , at thofollowlru liu | .
nnxiihousii who are authorUud totnkospeclal
notlcis. nttho same rates as can hndutthe
mnln oHIrn ,
Mil N Street , Muter Hloelc.
TOIIN W.'llEI/I , , I'harmaolit , 82D South Tenth
U Btri'et. '
MASH k EDDY , Btatlonors and Prlnteri ,
113 South lOtliHtrcet.
SH. FAliNSWOKTII , I'harmacHt , 2115 Cum-
Ing street.
"j. IIUOIIES , rimrmnclJt. C2I North l th
GEO. W , I'AIUt , Pharmacist , 171B Leaven-
worth Btrect.
jq-UaUKSMMIAUMAOY.SIth nnil Fnrniim.
7 or tfll < , lit. , ret Inn nf frrl rnlumil on IMi JMUJH.
WAN'TIID Hy eomnetcnt yomiR tnnn. po-
Hi linn ns linokkropcr , assistant or any
lilnd of Dlllco work , licit of rcfcrencot Ad
dress U 1 llco.
ACCOUNTANT Twenty yonrs experience ,
vlll post or hitlnnci ) IjuoUsi stali'inont1) )
renilereil : tcrins ri'iiMjnalilo. Mark M. 1'itrinor
nr Kalhbun'd HnslncMcollege , or address IIOT
472. M7'-i-7 )
OAHl'ET salesman open for encasement ;
Ilist-ulass rclurcnccs. J. Currlu. ICnt N.
ICtli st. 7K > I *
"l\7ANTKD KnsaKomPiithy nn experienced
' loan man assponlal agent and examiner
of loan Hi-curll Ins. Territory profi'rrrd : Lant
ern Kaunas , N" . W. Missouri , DnHlorn Ne
braska , Iowa , So. Dakota nud Minnesota. Ad-
drox-i A. 12. llco. AI7C ! ) 4 *
AYOIINO ihan having exceptionally good
oily roferoticnsand liuslucss training will
be open for a position .Taiiuary 1. Ainu good
accountant and can 1111 nny olllco position.
Kxpoct'it Ions as toHiilaiy are roasonaule. Ad-
druss Y7I. llco olllco. 021
\ \ -\NTKD-Sltuations for good Klrls ; my
t walllnj rooms aru full fiomO n. m. to
fp. in. Nonei'd nf holnit out of liolp a ilav.
Mrs. Hroirn.BimS. ISHi. Tel.S'il. 7MJ1
For nlfi > , tff. , tee top of fmttoluinnim tliti
ANTii--Mnnnf ) cliarnclcr , capacity and
POIIIO finnnolal ahllltv , to conduct a
western business for us : remuneration $100
per month at tlio HI art. Address K.'l , euro
Lord A Tlinniiis , . . ' > -4 *
" \\7"OKI < I'S Knlr WP act as asonts In scour-
k JJ triRajipdiitiiiciitsorsltiiatlons. Headline
I'w full piirtlculnr l > y letnrn ninll. Address
F.I. A. .Toil vn k Co. , 71 niul 70 K , Adamas street ,
OnlcaKo , III. MS.11-n *
ANTED-JI oxporlencod clgarsalosmen ut
once. AilclrcssA 20 , Heo. 8.)2-4 )
" \\7ANTI5ll-ActI\o nnd oxperloncod men to
TT tiiko K < Miorul agnncy for n new and Im
proved ctisli rt-gWor ; roglstcr dno. < i all tlio
vorlc of the otbnisaiid .lulls for half the price.
Apply to 1 nlon Cash KcRlstorCo. , Waturlmry ,
C'onii. J1SH-4
" \\7 ANTEO-lly nianuf.ictiircr. strictly flrst-
TT class salesmen to.scll llavorlns extracts ,
linking powder and other goods of similar na-
turo.'boih wllli nhd without schemes. Ad-
dicss , with rofcicncca , K20 , care Lord A
Tlionitia , Chicago , 111. j 5Hh5 ! ? ! !
\\f ANTEO-Agents , mtilo or fcnlalo. to soil
TT Leo's iiatcnt buckskin ( chamois ) gar
ments for lndli'4 nnd jreptlenu > ii , The best
ni.iilo. I'or tllustratoil iirleo list , und terms
iiddiossl'lilloll. U'o&Co. , llhigliamton.N. Y.
M Kit ) 5
\\7ANTKI-MeVor ) women with capital to
M Join la rw colony of live people KobiR to
the > tiito of Wns'ilngton. ' Burn work , largo
nrofltH. dull nn W. O. Gerard , Jun. 8 , 'Jp in. .
I'uxton liotulOiiiaha. Neb. M84U 4 *
" \\fANTEn-Oi-occry clerk Immediately at
1SOI C'hlcnBO st. M812 „
_ _
GJ75.00 to $ . ' . " > 0.00 a month can bo mndn worklnt ?
< Pfor us. Persons prefi'ried who can fnriiKh
u horse and gho Ihclr whole tlmo to the busi
ness. Siiaro inoineiits may bo prolltalily cin-
plovcd also , A few vacanolcH In towns and
. njtlt" ) . II. V. Johnson & Co. . 2COO Jlnln street ,
lUchniond. Va.
17i : ISTKIUU ) iiliiirinnclit. Swede proforrod.
JL\ Address box \Vukullolil , \ , Neb 818-J"
ODTTEU8 and tnllors wanted Tlio Cleve
land Outtlni ? School , now In the Uth year ,
liail n InrKor nttumlancc for K'M than over bo-
fori ( nnd Indication1) ) point to Its bo hie crowd I-
ed durliiK the cntlrfl winter ot 1901. "What Is
the reason ? " Pimply thK cutters prodm-ubot-
torrosnlts with the A. 1) ) . Undo New Method
than by any othorprliicljiloof cuttluic tiuicht ,
T\ lotra > ol forour Oanadlnn
niir5orlos.Stone.t-\Vclllngton.M adlsin.Wls
\\ANTEI ; > A reliable man to Introdnco a
* now hoiKOhold Invention that Is Inning
u bin snlowherovor Introduced , salary orcoin-
Jijl lon. For Innns. etc. , address 31 , II. Tvlor
rx. A On. . Mimclc. Ind. M7frr-G *
"VirANTKU \ rnnn thnrotiBlily comiMitcnt
Tt to out nnd Htoro l < 'e. Address with refer-
caccs. Lincoln Ice Co. . Lincoln. Nob. M778 4
"WANTED A soort UuUer to take iinit of
V > store at 115 North 10th btrut-t. Mfttt-li
\7irANTKn-A jroixl SwedWi drue clerk.
> Address 0. W. LOUR , Wnkeflold , Nob.
CS04 *
M _ KN or women secklnu umployincnt ; Rood
position * fnrnhlieil free ; unv town or
. Addrobs Austin Mf'c Co. , 1'rovldrnco ,
It. I.
TT\7ANTni ) Salesman lo nmniifacturo and
T wliolosalo our now process elder , nnido
without apnlcM. Kxcellenl WIIKCS. rartloulnm
4c. Iowa elder infg , Co. , box Is.1 , Itcddlnc , rsa.
. f.18 JJ1 *
clas.s piano player.
Uth strt'ot ,
fTCO siilcsninn wanted to poll our premium
- > niirsory stock , The Invest nnrsrry wustof
the Mls.sKsliipl river. Tlio finest Block. All
the now und old fruits. Tlio lowest prices nnd
blRHestpuy to neon Is. Money advanced every
week. Outfit lira. Write- * nt once. Tlio \f. \
J. Cnrnentur Co. , Kalrbury , Neb , a54 JlO
" \\7A > 'Tnn Siilcsninn honioct the crocory
T > trade to fell ono of the best art Icles on the
tntukct on commission. Addro s , X J , Hue.
_ _ _ _ _ 821
Forratff , fir. , ft " > ) ' < > f Jiitt lutuiiin on "
\\TANTFrn-6ood eooksiiifaiuliles ; girls for
T > all kinds of house\\ork ; bejt of wunca.
Now Kniloyineiit | ) lluroati , ICtu and Dodim
streets , bulldlni ; , MtCT- "
WAN'l'Iin I'lrst-cluss girl for general
liousuuork ; Ninull family , Imiulro almi
II. 11. Necly. 44m Hamilton bt. , ouo block from
Walnut lllli motor. M bil 10
\\TANTKI-Ouo dining room Blrl. 5u7
Hotel. MSa ) . $
IYILIJ pay Indies u Hulary of flu per \veok
to nork fen mu In their locality at home ,
light work.jocdpay for'purt time. Write with
BUI nip. Slrn. > i. I , I'lirrlngton. box TO- Chicago
\X ANTKD-dlrl . about H years old to help '
do huu-OHurk. CallufJH boutU I''lh
street , 821 A
T.D Twenty ladles at People's Theatre -
> * > atro for next week for ballot pantomime.
vOullSntiirihiv. 10 a. m. DIolt Dovlln , 1'eo- ?
jilo'.Thoulre. * KSS *
YS7ANTiijlrl ; for general housework.
} \ MlQSt Miiry'a nve. bai-t *
ANTUDQuod | lrl , iniiill family : KO
( leorKla uiMr * . J. H lluynoa. 700 t *
_ NTED A good voman to do work. 103N.
mh a tree U NH
rVTitu-Oood girl for general housework -
work tV-l > LoiiMinwnrth. MW
_ _ _ _ _ _
T AUlEti anil ( teutlainen can rent tu-xiuer-
J Judo Hulu Rt ti N. UtU it. 07JJ-3l
I or rater , tie. , re > tnipt r.t coliimit on thli rag
7-UOOM house nnd barn. 2-d utrcot near
Iicavnnvorth , SlH.OOporino. . or for ale on
ciiny terms , J , 0 , Cortolynn , U. 40 , Chunibcr
of I'oiiitnort'C. B183I
"IpOK KENT l-room house' . 2011 Centre Bt.
JL.1 S4V-uia farm-OJ acres cultivated , 'i rooms.
Cull 638 N. Lilli st. _ 760J1 *
OltOOM brink boardhm home , ront70 , furnl- .
tnrc , $7.Vi ! J.VJcash balance ! Jil per inontlu
Co-opcrntlvo land and lot company , 203 North
Sixteenth streot. 08-2
P.NT Iteantlfiil now brick and stone
houseH uts-w cor. mil and California fits. ,
all imxlern convcnvoncos. 13 tind II rooms ,
dlieclal trrms for winter months , IJrennan .t
Co . UMN. V. Life bulldliig. 7575
TEAM hi'"atciriliilsat 7098 IClh. Thos I1.
Hall , nil I'aMon block. T
7 K OOM hoiTso with allmoilprri ronvetilencev
runt I2T pur month , corner Thirtieth nnd
Woolwnrih , fneliu IlaiiRCom Talk. Lnrmlro
Leo A Nlohol , "ith aim Loavcnworth. 1701
IoirKKNT I lats , 4 rooin ? each , cltv water
nnd sewer connections. 0. 1C. K , and T. Co.
4 lieu nldg. 7W
IF yon wish to rent a house or utoro see 11.
E. Cole. Continental block. 700
rpo Conductors nnd Knulnocrs AVe offer
L those ten new and complete Hats with all
modern conM'iilcnces sltuutcd two blocks
from HIP new Tuiith street depnl : they have
several nt'iv and conimendalde features anil
rent foronlr ? " > lier monlh.tliind 7 loomsetieh
with largo bath and i-onvi'iilent closots. Uall
nnd BCD thttm. Thu Mead ImostmuntCo. room
4 llca building. TH
IflOK KENT Hevoii-riHun cottaire. corSth
J. ' ave anil t'up. ave. lniiilro | 'MIS loil ) o. M7I4
lilOU KENT 7-rooni hou c , l tn and Vlntou.
.L1 } ifl.OO ( i-rnom liotisn. 2.'illi nnd Corliy , JW.OO ,
fi-room lioii'-e. 27tli nnd Wonhvortli , SH.OD. B-
riKiin house , "Oth and Caldncll , JJO.OO. J , II.
Johnson , 511) ) I'tiAton hlock. fW7
a -room steam heated flat for rent. Mi
Hoberts , 402 No. lllth street. MlJ7 ( ) *
lilOK KENT Oood 8-room houses , iHinven-
' ' ' ' ' '
J-rlVnt't'o'Yi'arYltcs : ! , iw'nor montii. Jno. it.
Tale , It. 1.1 , Cliiuiilicr ut Commerce , illJ1C *
lilOK 1IBNT R houses 10 rooms each. 1'arlc
a : ave nnd Woolworthst. . city \ Milur.furnnco1
Ac. Call aloneo. Mum.uigli \ I'llchott , honsu
rentlniMisoiits , S.V. \ . eor. IJth and Howard st.
OKI2 Cap. mo. . 8-rooin cottage.Vcst half Kill
. -yPiiM'iii ) . U'ms , Kiui.-oiaUap. iivo.Ml-JC *
MODKHN new lirlclt 8-room house , nlcoly
papcri'il , cholco location , only $ - > per
month , II. 12 ( . 'ole , Contliioiitnl block. 410
'I/1OU KENT J tin. 1 , 0-rooin cottage. II rst-
J. class In otory respect , bath , hot nnd cold
water ; on motor"line. Call at 1SJ1 Sherman nvo.
Furtnten , etc. , tfc tup of tirx' cnlitinn nn tills
IAROR room with alcove ; modern cpn-
-voillencos , fe25S. _ Qth St. J184 , " > ! ) *
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
171OU KK > 'T Kooms furnWied for light
-U housekeeping , also bud rooms 1704 Onp , avo.
8JO-4 *
1T10K KENT Fiinrlsliert rooms , gas , bath
JL1 and steam , inio Howard. 715
rvKS room , modern conveniences.
SJ 17 01 Capitol live. 710
ST. OliAlH European hotel , with dining
room. Btram hcnt In all rooms , lllth and
Dodge. Special rates by cok or month. 717
FOIl KENT 1'lcasant furnished rooms In
nrtvnto house , llest location In the city ,
I.-OtliHtreet. mSlO a
"I70OMS , hlnelo or en suite , gns , bath and
Jlheat. 3X. . Ifithst. 787 4 *
" ryiuisia furnished TOOIIIH , rent leasonahle ,
Jby a widow ladj ; cigar makers preferred.
1511 Hurnoy. 7UO ) 0'
TTIUKNISllEI ) rooms , 1W3 Capitol avonun.
JL1 J1774-0 *
" \TKWIjY furnished rooms for rout. Steam
-LA heat , bath and gas , 110. ' "J34 I'arnam.nil
lloor. J1784'
"NTIOEIiY furnished rooms with or without
i-N board. tXW N. 17th. 7CC 31
TJIOR linNT-rrontroom with alcove.curtalns
JU mantel. Htciin heat , ( ? as and bath , 2 closets ,
snltablo -'Rotitlmnoa or man .aiil wlfo ,
$18.00 per inontlu AlsoadjolnhiK room with
ItlR closet nnd all conveniences I10.DO per
inoutli. LOT S Sltli st. Call between S and U a.
in. or 8 o'clock p. in. CIO
TJOOMS-KeabOuablo rates. SU22 St. Mary's
J-l avenue
T AKOK front room , private family , Itcfor-
JUcnccs. J-imUass. " W51-JU'
N10ELV f urntBhcd warm room. 8258. 20th st
012 2 *
rilO LKT Huiiutlfiil front room la best part
JL of city , close to uood board , Ilcut reason
able. K-Jf. 25th st. 4111
f , rtf. , ne top of jlrnt roliimn nn Uitr
NICKIiV furnltlicd rooms with lioanl.
Strictly ilrat class. Location central Kit"
Uodgo street. M8J7-J *
N K\VLY furnished plnasant room , "closots.
with ilrbt-cliiss board , " 578 llarnuy.
JI815-4 *
411 North 10th .street , handsomely furnished
rooms with board , Mrs. II. A. Churelillls
JlbOt-T *
ROOM and hoard K week , 10.11'arnam.
J17DI-J31 *
ROOM and hoard , $4.00. 1713 Douglas street
Hay board KI.OO per woelc. MC7t 4 *
rpo KENT With board , two beautiful rooms
JL atthoVholton , 101 , tiouth 25th street. Terms
reasonable. Kil-1 *
PUKNISHEDroonn with ens. bath and fur
nace heat : board If desired ; s. o. cor. _ Hh
qvcmio und llarnoy. 007 S *
UO.MS und board nt 11KU Dodge.
5T8M *
N"K\V \ honso , lurge , handsomely furnished
room sultuliln for 2 ; 1 smaller room for
1 ; excellent board , heat , pan , bath ; first-class
private family , TorniH $3 ouch tier month.
Address X ( X. llco olllce. 150
lOItgood board , nice rooms , mo < lern conven
iences , rates and location , the 1'iillmun
house , 13101 'odgo st. , cannot bo excelled ,
SllJfi *
ROOMS and board , 1S10 Chicago streot.
719 J2
i. fit , , fettfji of flrat CIHIIMH nit thin
SUIT 3 unfurnished rooms on parlor lloor ,
modern eon venlo ices. 811 N. Ibth Ht , 531- . *
O UOOMS for light housokeoiin ! , 'Jol2 llarnoy.
M 147
= =
For rates , etc. , nt lop of Jlnt column on thts finot.
TJ\IItS-OIASS \ table board. SJ78 llurnqy. .
MUlO-ia *
For rttfCT , eff. . ff ( up ' / frtt column on f/ita 7x139.
STOKES nt TOtiS. ICth , Htcnm heat furnlsh d ,
Tlios , r. Hull , : ill I'uxton blk. 71H
FOU KKNT Tim 4-story brick bulldhur.wlth
or without powiir.formerly occuiiled by the
lloo 1'ubllsUlns Co. . Did Farnam st. The bulld-
IIIK has a fireproof cumontqaseinent.coiniilcto
eteuut hcutlnK tlxtures , wnter on all the floors ,
BUS , etc. Apply at the olllco of Thu Ueo. UI5
17IOU KENT llr.Tnnuury 1,4-story bulldhfz.
-1. Uv'ilO Mjuiiri ) feet ; stiltuble for any kind of
whoh'sa1 Ing , ut Tenth and Jones streets. ( ! .
A. Llndiiuest , yiliSouth Fifteeuthstreet. O710
IIIOI ! KENT I'art of storeroom at 115 North
JL1 16th street , MUU5-5
ADESinAltLKBtore room to rout In the
bpstdry Rooditor clotliliiK location In Ilo-
atrlco. AdJiusii llurrls A ; Fried man , llcutrlce ,
Nub. 431
171011 HKNT The third lloor of No. 1307 How-
Jnrd street , with steum heat and power If
desired ; rent rviihonublo. I'o.stuer 1'rlntlne
Co. . IW Howard. M3I2
I crratet , ete. , tet lop of frst rnlitmii on fid ;
| 7 ' > OIt HEM' orsalo Kino , heavy brick nv -
X' story corimr warehou o with most ventral
trackage In city ; ( loon are 13.WO tquuro feet.
btrlngur & 1'cmiy , Uatkor block. W )
oil HKNT Ilrlok wuruhotiho , two btorlM
hl li. but-omuat , hydraulic ulovator , truck-
a o. Heat location la tuo city. A. U. I'owell.
Torratn , ett.n loot fivt oijumM on tftti tie
rnHA"oKAlK itoVaeoftt lowest rntca WIl.
Xllutliniun. lail l.eavcn worth. Wl
CTOHAfiKand truokneo. IMvld Colo. 615-817
Olloirurd gtroet. 721
STOllAUK-The host Inclty-cIeun.dry.Kafo ,
and prl vutiny aUirud at rcksoaablu t rma.
Oiimbattovc Kopalr Wk ,1207 Douglas. Tel 0JO.
For ratet , tic. , tte toy of jlnlcolumn onthttvro
WANTKI ) to llent-0 or 10-ioom furnlshoil
house , nil convenience. * , by party re
sponsible , quiet young men for residence pur
poses. Address , with terms , A 13 , Dee olllco.
811 4
, fit , , rrt Ion nt flrit tnliimn on Ihtt
, ARent- ( "leorKor.tyi'aiYl , IWXM'ar-
niin. : Houses und stores for rout. Kent *
collected. 713
LIST your houses tn soil or rout ltli u. K.
Harrison , 012 N. V. Mfo. 720
Wi : . COLK , rental agoncy.Contlncntal tile ,
fix )
BENNINOHAVEN A , CO. , rental aprnui.-OT
Urnnhu National bank. Jl.CH-Jm *
7"or m/rj / . rfV. . ret lint nf firft column on thin 7x1/79.
T" OSTor Stolen I'hyMolnn'ssntohelcontaln-
JJ Inc Instruments , medicines , oic. Hullnblo
rpward If left at ding store , 4018 Hamilton Ht.
No ( ini'stlom ) asked. 82.1 ! l *
JO.ST. near llnnscom Park , pug doe ; return
J to.I. O.Schrelvorut Jlorso Dry Ooods Co.
and get rewind. 477
Pur mtei.ctc. , we top of Hrtt coui nn ( Mi pait.
SrcONlfiiiuirtfimilturc , stove" , carpet1) nnd
Singer sewing inai'lilno nl half jirlco ; easy
payments. Huwkeyu luv. Co. . IS ) Douglas blk.
"TTlOlt SAljK A line lot of nearly now hoiw-
J- hold furniture. clii > ii | ) , hr llio pleco or all ,
II. II. Iroy , aw New Vork I-lfo , 68J-J
LAIIQIO ( loublu sitting desk , almost now
I'lill KtliiiiiiDl. No. Oil Jones st. t < H
To rotes , ctr , we ti < \ > of Krsl column n tills
vv OUK horse W ) , t o-liorsu wanoii 120 , double -
ble work liariu' sl. > . Or will trailo fora
treed llcht Bldu-uar buusy. II. 11. Oole , t'on-
tlnplital block. 7UO
( -1 omnibus. 1'hll Stlmmel. No.
J5 Ul 1 Junes st. S17
1J1OK 8ALK 2 giiodtork teams. Inquire at
J018 1'nxton
- block. 609
. etc. , tee top nf first column onin pagt.
OIISALK Coinplolo&ot of drill ? store fix
tures , show cases , etc. I' . O. llo3 ? ' . 819
TvlOIJSALK cheap A 10 horse pouor New
J- York sufi'ty steam eiiRlno In flrht clan
condition , 1'eatner I'rlntlng C'o. , 11307 Howard
M7S )
T710U SALE Two Iron safes. liooiu 2U3 N. Y.
J-1 Llfo bulldlnit. 7C4 5
IpOU SAIiE Ptulnwny piano but little used
, at a bacrlflcc. liuiufro at 2411) ) Cakhvdl
street- WO
Forralm , rtc. , tre t < i ) > nf tiivt oilliniit on i/it < I > TJS
' . . . _ . h.ctc. lllghe-st
cash price. Wells. 1111 Farmini. WJ
WANTED To buy claims of all kinds
ngnlnst rallioutl employes. Sums over
$20 preferred. Write \Vm. Itlchardson , floux
City. In , , L. . KI7-J ! ) *
= iS : wanted at 1331 N 10th st.
_ f.7l
Fcrratta , tic. , fee tup of first column on Utts jjagt
A SNAP for reporters , compositors and car-
rliTD. Address A3I , HOP. ilft-'O-l *
AWAIiTj.streotinanual free. Stocks bought
and Mild outright or on margin. JarK ( > or
small accounts accented. ? . " > 0 uiiuard. H. .1 ,
1'cok A Co. , U llroadwiiy , N. Y. M8IO 3 *
1\rASHACKtroatmonteloctro-thernial ! batlm.
-I'lfioulp and hair treatment , mnnleuru ami
chhopoulst. Mrs. I'ost.ami S ISth.WUluiull blu
BEl'OHK buying a piano examine the now
scale Klmball piano. A.Ilosjio.lOH l > ouilav. ;
7. > 1
Tl II-fj furnish and put on Molntlrc'B
T weather strips for 3 cents a foot. They do
not Interfeio with SBrucns. L , J. Keene , 1022'i '
N 24th streot. fOi- ( * -
MAbHAdK Madam Dolzlor , over 010 Sl.'ltlu
720 J2 *
I'crratct , etc. , tee top of Jlrst column on Will
/1IIATTKL lo'ins at lowest rates. Removed
. V. Ufolld ( ? . J. 11. nmimngur. 732
KEYSTONE MortKaco Co. Loans of $10 to
$ IOCX ) : got our nites before borrowing and
MHO money : loans on horses , furnltuic ornny
approved M'Ciirlty without publicity , notes
bought ; for new loansjlrenewal of old anililow-
cst rates , call H 203 Shecly blk.l.Mh & Howard.
MONEY to loan on second inortsase. W. S.
Wynu , loom U'jlUiuuha Nat Ilk. bl'dg ,
/11IATTKL bank , 31 ! ) 3 isth St. , loans tnonoy
Won ulmttulb or collateral at reasonable rates
FIHST & second mortsases on vacant & Im
proved city prop. County warrants bouu'lit.
Money ou hand. F. M.UIcliardson,818N.Y.Mfu.
MONEY to loan on city and farm property.
W. M. Harris , II20 , Viunzor blk. , ojp. ) 1' . O.
W IANTKD I'lrst-cliiss Inside loam. Lowest
rates. Call and EOO us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1504 1'arnam. 740
BUILDING loans , C to 7 per cent ; no addi
tional charges for commission or nttornoy'8
fcos. W. 11. Mclklc , 1'Irst National bank bld .
* O EAL Kstato Loans Cash on hand. Oloho
JLVLoan & Trust Co. , 307 S 10th st. No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rent , good list.
OK. k 0. M. Anthony. 318 N. Y. Llfo bulld-
InK , lend money on farms In eholco coun-
tlon In Nebraska and Iowa , also on coed
Omaha residence property ! lowest rates ; best
terms ; no delay ; money ready. Tltlos and
values liaised on hero. 7411
Tl | "ONRY to loan by II. F. Masters on chattel
j.-Land collateral securities for any tlmo from
1r 1 to 6 months , In any amount to suit bor
Loans nimlo on household Roods , pianos , or-
Rnns , horses , mules , houses , leases ,
n'colpts. etc. , at the lowest possible rates ,
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans are M ) arranged tluit you can make
a payment of any amount at any tlmo and reduce -
duce both principal and Intciost.
If you owu a bulancii on your property or
have . a loan you wish changed , I will pay U oft
and carry It for you , If you find It uioro con-
ronlent , call up telephone No , 1R21 and your
business will bo arranged at homo ,
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Low citrates.
n. F. Masters ,
Koom 4 , Wlthnell blk , 15th and Hartley sts.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property
at current rates ; funds on hand ; no delay ,
Geo. T. lilnst & Co. , Ulll Hiuiik'o lildK" . W1W
DO You Wnnt Money ? Merchants who reIn
overstocked and must realize , nddiess , in
contldence , L T. Newell i Co. , 1411) ) as
ttioct , Omaha , Nob.
MONKY ! . cOnrOJ days , on household fur-
nlturo. etc. CIS 1'axton block , J. J. Wilkin
son. MC7U-K1
I'vrratr * . tie. , wefojio/ t column enL
L IKIL CLAYTON can by her wonderful -will
DOW or gram any request. J'l North ICtl ;
street. M8J8-S *
MIHSE3 Kddys , slsterfl , trance iiicdlunib
massagu u specialty , 1310 Capitol uvo.
M KS. Nannln V. Warronclairvoyant trance
speaklug , writing and reliable biiKlnct
medium , fourycars In O in a 1m. liu N , 10th.
TVrME. IluriouKh _ I'ttlinlit tells thopa _ t , pros-
cut and future from the lines of the hand
In thoold Uypsy way. Foo. tl : ladles only i !
Ibl" Izaid street , Omaha , KW u
AUlilVED-eialrvoyant , uuturally gifted ,
tolls past uud future , lore troubles , nb -
sent friends , changes , travel , business , halls .
faction given. Mrs. Wall-Co , UOS 1'arnam bt
ilWI I b *
rAbSAOE Madam UeUler , overlilO B. 13th
L 720 J2
For rait * , etc , tee tap of frit rotumnon l/ili
MA8SAOK butti nt Madam Smith's parlors ,
COT 8.13th t. , next Ilarkor hole ) . Ulfl 54
" 171INE3T electric and electro thormnl itT
JJ rooniH. iuoludluK Turkl.h ciiblnot baths
leu.s to I dully & Tuesdny & Friday ov'n
0 to 10. Dr. Itlch-rds , rooms J1U & ru.llco bid
" ] \rAS3AGE--Miidum UoUler , over 010 S.l-tli
for ralet , eta t4 to > of flirrf foltmi on fAf *
IjlOll SALE No. 1 Koniiral store In Wnyno
* ( comity sent ) , lMM , .Clean stock , fUM ,
Terms , cash. Two-story irlck bulUllnp. _ 4\CO ,
for rent or sale. Qcrnian buvor iircferreil ,
Iti < n on for ncllliiK , rottrlu ? from business.
I'or particulars "nddrc\rt \ "Wai. Socnnokcn ,
Wayne. ISob. f M82S-I *
"l\7 ANTUU CapltallsUii or men or women
' with capital who would Join a largo com-
piuirln now town drnliOCe-ccptloniil proinl o
In stalls of WasliliiKtoti tu call on W. 0 deraiil ,
Jan. 8,10 a. m. , I'a.xtoti'Uotcl , Unitilni , Neh.
i . M Wl 4
"T71OH BALK or oxchrugo A 21 room hotel ,
-L furnished , near Omaha , Might rent. Ad
dress A 1 llee. Ji ; ,
iK A well patronized Imkocy with
- groci-r stotc con ncctuil , Kor fnrtlior In
formation apply to J. KocnlgsU'ln , Norfolk- ,
Nob. _ MTW1-7 *
"IjlOU SAU2 Handsome storo. nlcoly fur-
J-1 nlshed , well stocked cigars and novelties !
best location In city ; masons for selling , tlmo
taken up with ether business. Address J..I ,
Kniu-y. general delivery , Umaha , Neb 6l" >
\\-ANTr.O Active or silent partner or the
nso of H.WO for ouo year to extend my
business ; will give real estate security and
pay a good bonus. Address Y 70 , lloo olllce.
POI SAIiK Half Interest In n , well estab
lished buslines In tills city : will nxjiilrn
JI5.0JOcash. Adtlress Yd , llpo olllco. Jl.V.W J2il
iroHSAIiB Ortraile. A largo llvory.board-
J- Ing ami feed stable , with feed HIOIO con
nected. Uooil location and dolni ! a line busi
ness. Call at unco ou MnmiiUKh fc I'ltcbutt ,
ical estate agcuU , s. w. cor , 15th and Howard.
FOH SAIiKorTvulo LiirpQ livery and feed
Htnhli ) , feed store attached. Tins Is well
located on paved stivct and dolint n iiood
business. MntnauKh A 1'ltclii'tt , real citato
. 15th and llomirdst. 001
for stock of Keneral
merchiimllse-'JlO acres of land Wi miles
from lireeloy Center , the county seat of
diet-Icy county , IW acres In cultivation , U
\\ells \ , wind mill , liouso and stable : black loam
mil nearly level ! every foot of this track
lit for cultivation ; tnciimbor.ino Sl.-.V ) ; routed
for next year Also 100 acres unlmpioved land
r > miles from Oieeloy Center and't \ miles
from Hist track adjoining AuUinlc nostollleei
black lenin ell , will lvo clou tltloofthls
tract , or will o\cliiinco forOmahior Oounell
HluIVs proportj- . Address I ) . J. p.Lock box
H5 , Gieoley Center. Neb.
HOTIMv I'or Bale Do you want Rot Into a
LHiod htislness ? If vou do , buy tlio Uomincr
clal at IlroUcn How , Neb. " 3
AN established buslncs ! , for solo or trade.
Hex 518. city. 10J
Forrfitrt. etc. , rer f | > of frtt column n ;
THOU nxcii AN an .
Jto trade for merchandise or ether prop
erty. AS. . Uco MKW-J
\\7"ANTI2I > Ohcao western lands nndcnul-
T ties for cash or trade. Give description
and lowest price. AS ! lloo MiUS-i
W ANTED Two stocks of general mor-
chandlse , will tradu coed farm and part
ensb. Bly Mnlingroii i. Lovgren , Koom 14
ItaiUer block. M701-4
N UMUnit of stock r.inchcs to exchange for
-tXmerchandlse.GlS 1'aMou blIc.Canioron k I'o.
X1O I'ltADE Two bountiful nsldo residence
lots In Oniahn for piuperty In Denver or
my part of Uolorado-See John fateul , room
CO , HeobuIldlnB. , C78 3
WANTED Horse anl , buRgy In exchange
for Omaha cnuttlos or railway lands.
Address W. J. I'aul , IGOyjl'aniiini st. 4).Uyi )
W ANTED-Kncimibernd or clear lands In
exchange for Omaha lots , II vo stock , etc.
Hee. ' JI6-5-4
w ANTED A stock 'of dniRS , notions , etc. ,
amounting to abouI 1,000 , will put In 100
acres of good land , balance In cash. Ily
Malmgrcn A : Lovgrcn , Itoyin 14 , ilarkor block.
* M70I-4
MERCHANTS If you want to dispose of
yoiirXmasor surplus stock , wo will glvo
you a blu- deal In lots , lioiihcs , lands mid moit-
raues. Thltimist bo dune quickly. Addiess
Y 01 , llco olllco. M1-K28
TJIOU TUADn Six mos. lease of 9-rooni
Ji house. Inquire at 4i'nd. and Oass sts. U G.
Alcirill. % f)70
for f nps , ahoiihcs In Jtakor
1'lnce and Ollfton IlllU luqulroof owner.
K. O. Jlcrrlli. 42nd and Cuss nts , 570
WANTED j'ersonnl property of all kinds ,
such us horbes and uuggles , furnltuioand
iliiiion , machinery , otc. Also all kinds of
stocks of mcrcluindlsc , etc. , clear lots and
Innds for equities , or as first payment , In
Omaha property and railway hinds , \Vo have
a placi for such property and will give nn ex
ceptional trade if made Immediately. Ad-
lless Y 43 lice. 4Um
Furratcttte. tee tniinf flitl column on tlids ] > < icje
street. Cliotcot location and hist honso
In Omaha for the money. Hot/ water and
ivery convenience possible. Ilarn , connected
with sewer , water and , D. Y. Sholos , ' . ' 13
1st Nat. bank. M7S1
, ' 7'OK SALE A largo list of cholco resldcnco
JL1 nnd business property. Houses nnd lots on
nonthly payments ; 51.2.V ) and upwards ;
vacant lots $500 and up , Ueorso J. I'aul , 1MU
iMirniim. 21:6 : ;
OUNTXE l'laco-1 have sold 8iO,000 ! worth
of this property. When you see ono of iiy
adds you can hot It Is a bargain. llia\uno
money to throw away on advertising. Hero Is
a bargain I will guarantee the purchaser f.'rflO
net In six months : li-nxmi lious. j on paved
streot. * . " ) , )00 ; fi30 cash , u.ilanco easy.
Also a fine dwellings , Mima add , from J."i,500
to W..MIO , WOO cash , hahlnco KiS nor month.
Would take some clear property In
Al'-utl-room lioiihe , full lot , llanscom I'luuo ,
to evchnnve for Kouutze I'laco property.
J. J , Gibson , solo agent Kountzo I'lucc , Koom
3. Orolghton block. 755
"J 20 acres flno farm land adjoining good No-
J-lirnska town ; nearly clear.
ICO acres llnelv linpiovcd land 24 ! miles from
county In Nebraska ; lightly eneuniL-ort'd.
120 acres good land In Nelir.iska.5 milosfrom
county seat ; ' . ' , . ' 09 Inhabitants.
Ilouso and lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
Clear lot In good Nebraska town.
4 room liouso and lot barn , well and cistern.
10th street , Omaha ; sllgntly encumbered ; will
tradu furOniiiha property and assume onuiiiii-
brances. U. E. Cole , Continental block. HW
rELI'.GANT residence In ICountzo I'liicoj 0
rooms finely finished and all modern con
veniences , Win su ncar20tu. Con soil on ono-
nunrter cash iiayment and tialauco tlmo to
right party. This Is no chonp affair of a house ,
but acoinfortablo homo In every sense and
a liiK snap bargain , K. K. Darllnx , Harkor
block. M749
POK BALK Ono of the finest stock farms In
the west , M miles southwest of Kansas
City , tn thu garden part of Kansas. The farm
consists of'.10 ' } acres , all IIrst class land , fonccil >
and cinss-fencrd. An elegant 12-room houo
and other linn Improvements. A l--acru
orchard , aitllielal lake , etc. , etc. To any ono
wanting a Kilt edge stock and grain farm
nothing can bo found that will entirely fill the
bill bntterthan this ; : m head of cattle. .10) )
tons of hav , can bo purchased with the farm If
desired.Vo will sell for cash or part cash
and notes. Gilt edge Income property would
ho considered In uxchaiiRo. Addicss M. A.
Upton Uo. , Omaha , NoH.i ' 731)3 )
rr-KOOM cottiiRO , full loKHanscom Place.oast
front , and a great bargain for a fuw days.
Hmnllcash payiiientaim lialunooonloiig tlinu.
1K. . Darling , l > lo > ! l < . 10.jf >
"ITIOK SALK At a harKaln. COxlJO on Davcn-
-L. pint near 17th , ono block from new post-
ollli-o. very cheap , * IUW ( ) | WxlX1 , corner 20lh
and rarnam , ftHOOO. Or U Uicen , rooinW ,
llarkcr block. , „ 7 m <
OMtorfloUI.reat i cstatc.S.Oiuaha.
' 71 °
ST Imritnln In jbmaha. Only thrco of
-IJthoso clcgnnt houses on llth and I''arnain
left out of six ; other tlirot ) occupied by lint
class parties. Houses ai t > pcn all day lor In
spection. Kverv convcnlmico In the houses ! ,
Inoliullii' , ' gas and gas Its lure's.
Takes a look at them during this fine weather ;
buy ono and take life comfortable during thu
winter. , a
Only takes from 1300 to.KOO cash. 800 them
without full for they will plouso you , U. V.
Sholcs , 21l ! 1' Nafl bank. V.rr. .
rpIIH best corner on upper Farnam street ,
-I. f rontago ou three streets ; splendid corner
on rurnaiu street , COMI to court hoiihe , u Uar-
gain ; corner with trackage in S. U part 4orf
iucity ; good residences ana low-priced cottages ,
good lots fur building , wnno us low as iUU , In -
feldn acn's , farms nnd imtmproved land.
Wo will soil nny ot tuts property of which wo
havn cntlru control , ut prices wuy below what
yini can buy at uUewhere.
Stringer i 1'cuuy , Darker block , ISth and
lurnnm , 747
I-JANOHES and Farms Wo are solo agents
AVforsomo elegunt much unil furm proper
ties , clear of Inuumbrunco , that we can sell
on easy terms or trade for good Income prop- l
irty. 8U 0 acres In Ifoonu county , Nob..Jlttcufi
lioiiNc's on It , lluuly Impruted. price 1120,000 ;
4t < K ) uurci In vernon county , Mo. , nine housus ,
and other excellent Improvements , llOO.oui ;
t < W acres In Cotfey county , Kun. , very Uucly
lmpro\ud I B.MiOi 8,000 acres In Wichita coun
ty , Kan. , every uucossury Improvement for a
-m-cluss western Bto'k runch , ubunclanco ot
wuttr. Addles U. A. Upton Co. , Umati _ .
805 JS
Fur m ( < . , tie , K Ino'ot rolnmn on thu
TpOll SALE-IM cash and * I3 per month ( no
JL1 Interest ) will buy unulcgiititll.WiO ( ) lot.W by
I''S ! fcrt , on Wth Rtrcut , duo west of fair
grounds. Only short walk from motor lino.
Apply 1012 rarnam .streot. MX.V-4
Groom liouso In Portland place ; 7-roornhouso
anil good barn. 22d street near l.ea\on-
North ! houseof 4 largo rooms on S. I'lh street ,
north of Vlntoni hoiKoand barn , with largo
grounds , In Council HitilTs. In. ; U-room liouso
nnd 4-room liouso on r1. . loth street , near Dor
cas street. Small payment down or will take
vacant lot nnd ea y terms on balance. J. U.
Oortolyou , U , 40 , Chamber of Commerce.
OHAltLKS ICiiutinnn & Son. real pstnto
nnd loans. Chotco vacant nnd Improved
resilience and business property forsalo In ftll
partHof thu city and South Oninlia on easy
terms. 1,1st your proporlv with us. Loans nt
lowest ratei. Olllco 130J Douglas st. Tel. BOO.
431 jju
13 A.UOA1N 0-rooni hou o and eor. lot in
J buautlful Clifton HIM , } J , ; J : your own
terms. 1' . C3. Merrill , 42nd anil Pass st.s. fiTO
5-HOOM Iimi4t > . lot aj\SS. : * l,700j also 0-roiiiu
liousv. lot 3l'\hJ ' , . c. cor. llth anil Vlntou
Kt. , t2.mxi. llrlck liouso and American hnu c ,
lot oc.vfiil , n. e. cor. 10th and Uouglns
Mrs. Kiihlmann , 2121 S. lltb. 42d
for rates , t lc. Mr tup < > f DriSciiIiiwi oil fill pw.
J guitar , vocal Instruction , fctiidlo WB Mieoly
block. M 7t 7 J.'i'
GI'O , I' . Oellonbeck , teacher of llio banjo
with Hospe , 1513 Douglas. 219
lonatei , electee i < t > of in ( column orfin ( iius
" \\TE trust you will ln\estlato Tlio Smith
' premier typwrltcr before pnrehiisliiL' any
other , aslt lias many valuable Impunemeiits
OUT all othorwrllln machlnrs. ( . 'nnipetltnr *
must hniiioM' In order to equal. Office lUXi't
I'uniiiui nt. 12. II. Miiyhuw , manager. 375
Ferrate. * , etc. , ree. fern nf flitl lo/iimn / on ( A fa , . . .jj.
"I n.ST line hair goods In west ; hair dressing.
. ' 'wigs , switches , bangs , hair chains , etc. . a
specialty. Davles , hair goods and milliner ,
opposite postofllei1 , 111 S 1Mb street , Omaha.r _
For rni > , etc. . nf fnj > nf first column on this \vigt \
" 171KEI ) Mohlo loans money on diamonds nnd
-JL' wntclics.Jottclry.utc.s. c. cor. Fai uam & llth
Vnr ralcit , err. , tec ( uji itt tint rnliimiinii Hit *
EM.AuKMiNTMododre.ssiu.ikliiir : In fami
lies solicited. Jllss Stuidy , aill ) llarney ht.
'J84-.114 *
For rates , etc. , sen fop of flint lolumn onthtslW-
IJATEST lawyers and solicitors , O. W. Sues
\ Co..llco Imlldlng.Omnlia. Itranch olllco at
Washington. 1) ) . U. Consultation flee. 75,1
I'orrates. etc , fc tn i nl < rnt rolii'im on tht > JKI/S /
N8 The Cllnirmnn Pension Agency.
-1 Fien/cr block. Information fiec. 7JS
TNSTUUMENTplaoud on record January 2 ,
J II Atkins to A K White , lots 1 and 2 ,
blk 2. rarnam Heights * 1,000
Anna E llutt and husband to llnlthas
.letter , lot II. blk ! ! , Jotter's ad add to
South Omaha COO
Jennie Hrui'lt to Frank Kobllng. n M of
lot II. Summit Hill add 300
I- A llenson to W McMillan , lot 10. blk
IV 1 , llrlss-'nliicu l.MO
William Cuburii and wlfo to O I. lllb-
blns. fli ) ft of lotli , blku7 : , Omnha . . . . 8.WO
Jan os Donnellj to 1' A Kemp , und " 4 of
o Wl ft of lol 7. blk 78 , South Omaha. . . . 7,500
J F 1'laok and wlfo to N J I.nnshiR. w
III ft of lot 3 , and o I ) ft of lot 4,1)1 k C ,
Isaiio nndSuldimNiiild " ,000
John lloglo and wlfo to I'r.inlc Pascala
et al , w 't ' of lot. 0 , blk 1 , Uust S. belly 'a
2d add loSoutli Omaha 23i
G N IlloUrtHiid wlfo toXTLIndhcr utal ,
lots 1 to 10 , blkl' , und lots 1 to 10 , blk
15 , Lawnlluhl 7,500
E K Hastings to J P Mallnndur , lots 13
and St. blk in.V Albright add ISO
J It Hamilton nnd wlfo to.I M Jlcllowun ,
n 4 of lot -II. Heed's Sd nil 2,000
E T Johnson and wlfo to Peter Nelson ,
lots 17 and If , blk U. Marsh's add . . . . 3,000
Alfred I.indliolm to W WMoi oley , lots ,
blk l.Kalph Place COO
J A Jli'Slmnetoh W M K chinch , lot 0 ,
lilk SS , West Side ndd 1
J li MeUnisiii' to William M Hell , lot 2 ,
ulkfi , 1'lnlnvlow 'iy >
T A Muriihy to John Iraney et al , ; lot II ,
1)11:51. ) South Omaha 700
A I' Moo and husband to James John
son , lot 8. blk I. Moo's sub COO
Patilck land company to John Mnlhol-
lund , lots 13,14 , and l. > , blk 111 , Dundee
I'laco 4,000
O 11 I'aynoand wife toT J Lund , lot 13
and w 10 ft of lot 12 , blk IS , Orchard
Hill 1.500
Sherwood Park HulldlnK association to
K W Gray , lots 1 , 2 , 11 and 12. blk 2 ,
Hhornood Park 1
Anduiw timlth to Henry Kuvlcli , lot 17 ,
Wlnh'shiiblnblklt. llrookllni ! 200
W J Wagoner and wife to G A lllohn , lot
3 , blk 3. bKtuenth Street add 400
M Jj Mansfield und hiinbiind to li A Dalton -
ton , w 34 ft lot" , blk3 , Toater's add. . . . 7,000
J F lloyd , shorllT , to P M StraaU lot 3 ,
Prtiyn's sub lu Mlllurd .t Co.'s add 1.200
Total amount of transfers 101,2 * )
nullilini ; rernnts.
The followlujf permits were Issued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday ;
John Wustorhenr , one and one-half story
frnmo dwelling , Twenty-llrt and
Oaldwell $ 1.200
Chris llenson , onc-stoiy frame coltago.
Twonty-oluhth and Uusules streets. . . 1,000
Chris HciiHon , one-story fr.imn oottngo ,
Twenty-elghthand UtiCL'lesstreets. . . . 1,000
Ohrls Henson , onu-storv frame cottage ,
T enly-iilghth and liugglesstreet- . . . . 1,000
Chris llenson , one-story frnmo cottage ,
Twenly-i'liihthiiud Ituggles.stroetH. . . . 1,000
Cue minor penult 250
Total 5 , < 50
The following mirria o Uconsoa were U-
NamoanU address. Ago
I Joel Ihtin , Nebraska . 41
1 Alwllda Scott. Nebraska . 41
J Gerald L. Btonehlll , Omaha . 20
I Klla Newman , Omaha . 1X1
I Willlain J. llrownleo. Omaha . SI
iLllllo.M 1'nincls , Omaha . 17
FOU FHLD : bins-u. : : s. in-
dlaii Pervlei' . Pine Kldgo Agency. South
Dakotti , Ih'eunihorSCth.lfliU : Healedproposuls.
cmloised ' 'Proposal * for rioldH'eds , " and ad
dressed to thu undersigned at Pine Uldge
Agency. Shannon I'd. , boutli Dakota , will b '
received at this agency until ono o'clock of
January Sid , 101 , for furnishing for this
agency and dtfllveiltig the Name at Kushvlllc.
Nebraska , about 50ij bushels of seed whout.
OuO hiiMiulM of seed potatoi'H. 4'K ' ) bushels of teed
ontH nnd l.Vi bushels of seed corn. Didders
miihtslato the proposed pi Ice of each article
to bo offered for delivery under a contract.
Certified ( 'heels.
Knch bid must bo accompanied byacertlfled
check 01 draft upon some I'ulted Sixti'S depos
itory , made payable to the oiderof the under-
I , for ut least llvo pore-cut of the amount
of thupioposal , which check or draft will bo
foi felted to thu I'nlted Plates In case any bldt
derorblddurviecclvliiKan uwutd shall fall to
promptly uxeciito a contract with good and
siilllolcnt suiutle.s. othorwlMi to bo icturncd to
the bidder. U. F. HOYKU , U. 8. Indian Acent.
d d''lt.M
Not Iff.
Matter of ntipllcatlon of J. F. VIokers for
permit to sell lliiuur as a druggist.
Notice Is horony given that J. F. VlcKers
did upon tlini'nd day of January , A. I ) . , iv ) I. |
tlio his application to the hoard of lire
and police I'umml'-slonor-iof Omaha for prrmlt
to boll malt , ( -plrltnoiis and vinous liquor- , > Its
u druggUt , for mi'dlelnul , nwlmnlcul , und
chemical purposes only , ut No. Ur.O I.ako (
btruot. I'lftliurd.Oinulm \ , Neb. , fiom tlio Ut
day of January , IsUI , to the 1st day of Janu-
nrv , IK'12 ' ,
If there bu no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled within two weeks from January
.nd , A , D , 1891thosald lleensowlll bogranled.
F'VicicKiis , Appliciiiit ,
Both the method niul results
? yrup of Figs is tnkcnj it is plpnsaut
inul refreshing to the taste , nnd ncL
Rcntly yet promptly on the Kidnoyn
Ijivor nnd Jbwela , cleanses the sys
tern oflecttmlly , dispels coldi , licnd
.ichea nnd fevers nnd cures Imbitunl
constipation. Syrnp of Figs is the
only remedy of ita kind ever pro-
ilticed , pleasing to the iupto nnd nc-
ccptnhlo to tlio stomach , piompt in
ito action nnd truly beneficial in iU-
cllecta , piepared only from the most
benlthy nnd ngreeiiblo substances , HE
ninny cxccllunt ( puditiea commend it
to all nnd have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs io for snlo in 50o
and 81 bottles by rdl lending drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
mny not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
lOUISVllif. Kit , _ _ _ MW YOKK. * .lf.
LOurea Coughs , Colds nnd Lunts DlseaaOO *
Rub sprained limbs
v/ith Pond's Extract.
Nilure'i Tonic , Diuretio and Uric Solvent ,
C D. MOORE & CO , , Ag < . 1515 Dodge SI.
s' Meet I n u.
O.MAIIA , Nob. , Dec. 0 , 1803.
NotIce Is hereby pi\oii that the annual nicot
ine of the stockholders of the Union elevator
company for the purpose of electing f.e\cn
dlieotoiH. and sui'li other huslness nH may
properly come bcfoin the nieetln ? , will bo held
at thi'otllceof John M. Thuratiin. Union Pa
cific building , Omaha , Neb. , upun Monday , the
Mh day of January , Ib'il. ' bnt\\een the hotir of
10 o'eloi'k a. in. and C o'clock p. in.
\V. J. OAHIIOI.I , , Assistant Secretary.
DcclU(12. > tM
llapot lOlh nnd .Mniun utrocu.
Olilcwo Kxprou 8(10 ( nia
ChlcnKO Kipre 6.70 p m
Cliicaeo KjprusK 10.05 a m
. . .j . . . . .Iowa l.oc"U. . . . , . . . . < Ij.U ) m _ _
UUHLlNUTO.N' A Jltf. inVttl _ " > rrlve
O&inha Depot liHli ana .Mason utrmitj. I Omaha.
10.25 n m . . . . .Denver Divy „ _ . I.U.'i p ra
10 25 a ni IKmvor Kxprtm ttlS p in
71.0 p m Denver Night Vxpran. . . . U C3 a in
6 ID ; > m Llnrijln Limited
8.15 n in Lincoln Lucal VOO p ra
K. C. , BT. X \ _ . fArrlvot
Omaha. I Depot IQtli and Maion alrmiti. I Omnliii
" 9 Sf iTm1 . . .KaniiuClty DIIJT Krpri-ij . . | l > .10p"m
14i p in 1C r. NlKlit Kip. Tin U. 1 * . Truni.l n 45 a ra
" "
Omahn. j Depot 1'Jtli ' n'nd Mnrey n'treeU. "Xrrlye Omnha. >
I..O p in .Overland Kljar 0.0) p m
7.3U p m , . 1 1 43 a m
} OM n ra . . .Denver 8..U p m
507 n m ! kntiiMCIt Kzjronil ( ! ! _ ! . 12.05 n m
i K uT-cTiRrATOu-mrATt'rc.- ; :
Oinahn U.I' , depot , lOUi nnil Mnrcr 8ti
610 p ml . Nlitht lCtpra 10 05 S ra
9Ui n in ! . Atlantic Kzpres * . . , O.JO p m
- . Lliult d. 10.45 a m
j.B'iVbri" SloDXtTfi A PXCflFiC | ATn d
Onmlin. | U. 1' . depot. IQlli nu.l M nrcy SU. | Onmlii
7J6 a m ! . 9l ux Cltr I'nJicoKur . . . I
OU u m } . . . .Bt. I'aul Kjpr ? . . . . inJw 'P ' ,
A I'A'ClFld :
Oiiialiiv. Depot 151U anjl Wcbf tar SU. _ [ lmnli _
8 00 p a > T ! _ . . . .M.t 1'aul l.lmllHil. . . . , , I V.'iA nm
* jfolTl'Tnv'KS'rETisi
10th nnit Marcy Bti
IownAcconnnoi1nt1onKio. ( San )
81' . I'Adui Arrirei
Omaha. | U. I * , dupot. 10th Bn Mnrcy Sit [ Omnh .
8.10 p m n cTitcano E-pr i . .ftM.1 u m
ll.M a nil ChlciDio Biurcu .1 fi.30 D m
_ OinnliV.P. \ . . Uopot. . lOl'h . . and MnrcySU. I Oinh _ .
jinll . . . . . [ ItjjJ pm _
1,1'HTO' K , K. A MO. I Arrival
OuiBha. Depot IStli unil WabitBf 3U I Oumhv
! U ) a m | i.'JU p n
OOOa m .JJiiVlUiK" Kip. ( Ki.'Hundnr ) . .I 530 p m
6.10 p ro \ValiooAI.Incoln ! ' ( Kz.biind'rill-H ) m
_ i.U ) ( I JIl
" . .to.
Oumtif- ) apnt lilli nrt Webiuir 81 . | Omith
" "
8To"a"ra . .Hkiui City AccurnmodKtlon. . . 90S p ra
1.00 p lu .hloui ntr KiprufifKx.-im. ) . . 12.40 p m
4M p m St. 1'nul Limited 9M n m
6.15 D m Hmieort I'aHinu Hr ( ICi. Hun ) . . ) JUS n ni
. . . . rArrTvof
COmahn. I _ Iepotl5th ) aii < J Webstar Hti. _ I Oumhn.
IO..JJ n nil .Bt.TxnU"A K. ti Kxpruii. . . . | I i'J p ra
U.15 p mU .HI. i/uli AK. _ C. Kypraai. . . , I 6..JU H in
l.vnfei i I Arrive *
TrKQifer Union llapol. ( Vinniai Illnlli. n'mnifor
' "
8.30p ml . Nlutt Kxpr M .I M a m
B80 a ml . AtlnnUo Kiprmi . 865 p m
BOO p ml iliti.Vc llbulg Uinttort . . 1 10.110 n m
L afe "iClliLAi&G * NodTIlWK hll.N. . Airlvet
Tran Union llepot. Conndl niuBi. _ ITran er
U.IOara ! . L'hlCBKO Kxprnit ( IK ) p m
[ . .UDpnij . Vottbule Llmltod USU a m
IO.UO p < u . Kn Urn Klr r ZOO p m
. . Atlantic Mall . 7.30 m
B. U p mjlowa Atramnimlatlnn ( Kj0- ? Bun ) 640 p m
Leaver iTJUllJAllicr MlC ; "A rfT. l'ADl * | ArrTr
1r ntforl Union I'fput. Council Ilium. ITrnnifer
" 6 fO p nr . . "r 7M'Ktcaio Kxpreu . I ) 13 ra
I'i.SOjijm _ .j ± . ChtcjKO Kxiret | . . . . . . 8.UJ p m
LuaroTl K. "OTfiT JOB A 0. ill.
Trnnifer ! JJntpn t' ' i' ° J.Jo1")5ll"J'Llri. )
lOK a ml . . .KuniM flty Dar Kipren .
10 Ji p m | . .jkiuitui litNlulit Krproii.
Tritn furl _ IJnlonJ ) l'ot. Cunnfll Illuffi
i.0llj > " inj. . _ > i.Jxmljj unon HRll IJlijim
"lav"ei-CiIlCATJO" ( , Ilinif.'rf A QL'INCr I ArTlvuT
Trnmferl Union Depot , 1'ounill HliHT I'l'r-nif-r
" 840 K m . .TI7.'blCKo Kxprun j C.'JU p m
10CO v in. Chlca-0 Jitprtu ' 9V ) a m
1.05 p m' ' Proton.l.oc-1 , . . . . . . . .UI.Ma m
"ne v ef"rntlOUiCIT\r \ A 1'AUIKIO. lArrlvui
Trnnifurl Union Depot , Council Illugi. rrr n f r
t.ij'TTTBloiir'CHr AecorambiJatloii. . . ) U < 0 am
, g.Ui p m | . . gt.j'ttuHt prim JJOU ) p ui
Wtitwar * . -p
S r 14 p
am am rvm'p.m ' n riiit , tn. | i in
\VcbitorRl i.Wfl.n T.WlS.fiO 6i& ! 8.nl3. ! S
Ouk Chatliaru. . 5.M R til
Druid Hilt . . . . . 5 U 7. )
L-kB Struol. . . . S.M'T.dl '
WiUnut Hill. . . ti.UU I US
Dundca I'lica. . n.aili.iw
Bldu. , O.UDlT.lU 8.U 1.10
8.6'V ' 1 II
9.01' ' 1.IJ
I 0 lii I.W
.17 .
, M
lunil I'lnc * f.7
Walnut I1IIL ( f.7M
I .M Strtxtt 01
Druid Illll , , , 01O
Oak ChalU-in 01
Ilomnlim of tlio 1'rlinltlro Kloplinnc
Kotuiil In ( Jrlnnoll , In.
However common llio ronmtnsof the
nintninoth may liuvo Iwouiuo , thuro la ill-
ways IUOTO or li'ss littorost nltiwhod to
the tllwovcry of ouch now iiullvliltiivl ,
IIOWOVOP frntjiiiontary , or who rover
found , writes u ( .Mnnoll , ( In. ) corre
spondent of Sclonci ) , Aooonllnjr lo vnguo
rumors , tlio llrnt ovidcnno of the mam
moth's remains In ( U'hinoll onino to
llfliL so early In the hlslory of the town
that It 1ms panned into o'biotiflty ; unit
the bonus , livnsurcd for n tlmo us prl-
vnlo relics , hixvo elmply diniipponrcd , no
ono Itiiows just when or how. It Is not
certain whether this doubtful xpcoltn.u
\viutatllstinct individual or part of the
ono subsequently found near the samu
pltii'c. The hist ono alluded to was futtiid
Iti 1SSI , while breaking K 'otmil for the
Ktifjlo bloclt on the northonsl corner of
Main Htroot and Fourth avenue. Thin
anlmnl , tv Inrno ndult male , is ropro-
seated by a. tusk ( olirhlfoct long nnd nimi
inchoH in dlauu'lor ) , ttovornl frrlndors ,
lower jaw nnd part of yytjoinatio arch ,
prosoi-vcd in the intisuiiiu of Iowa i'ol-
lego. Tliono boiii-rt ocuurred about llvo
foot below the sorfiteo , and were In nn
uxooediiijrly soft and porislmblo Condi
tion , us Hlmilarly nittiatod romaltiB usu
ally nro ; but , owitijj to the nldll of Prof.
II. \\r. 1'arkor. the tusk and tooth ivspoo-
inlly were HO well llxcd with hnrdimintf
mixtures that they wi-ro roniovod in an
o.xci'ptionally line rendition. The other
bones were miturnllj more fragmen
tary. Tlio nmndlhlo represented by
a , hi rpo fragment , inuludlng the
entire svmpliyslnl region the
loft famous being com plot o as far na the
angle. No limb bonou in whole or part
were taken * out with these fragmontB ,
although many bono.s were scou in the
clay pawing under the walls of an ad
joining block , oudangoring Its founda
tions if dug out , and consequently loft
there. Doubtless when other excava
tions are made on the lots immodlntuly
adjoining other bonus will bo found ,
.ludgitig bv the condition of the parts
now at hand It is not unrciiHonablo to
hope thnt a skeleton nearly complete
may yet bo uncart hod.
Ki'inalns of itnothor
Elophns primliion-
ius have just como to light , found Octo-
1-orO , IS'JO , within half timlloof the slto
of the ono of 1SSI. There is additional
interest attached to this ono , bocanso of
thodopth at which it occurred. Work
men , while engaged in excavating an
enormous well to supply the water
tanks of the Iowa Central railroad , rnmo
upon certain badly broken mammoth
bones , in the drift clay and pebbles , tit u
debth of twenty feel. All tlio bono.s ,
fliivo a well worn molar , were badly
comminuted , and all the Hur'roundings
load inevitably to the conclusion
that they were transported with
thedrlft in which they occurred. In ad
dition to the small , though complete
molar , thcro were limb hones , n ncapula ,
ribs and a small tusk nome 6 or 0 inches
in diameter. Tlio tusk , however , ex
tended into the bides of the well In such
a way that it could not bo taken out
without danger of a , cave in , and was loft.
The buapulu , when found , was fully complete -
ploto , but wits almost destroyed in the
taking out , little besides the thick
ened parts in the region of I ho
glouold fossa remaining. The
few limb bones , owing to their
fragmentary condition , coupled with the
inexperience of the workmen in digging
outsueh remains , were almost totally
destroyed ; the proximal end of a tibia , a
fragment of the shaft of a femur , and the
casts in clay of the medullary cavities of
the same , being about all that remains
to show for thorn at all. Although it is
by no means uncommon to find skeletons
of mammoths close to OHO another , yet it
is let-s so to find thorn so furbelow the
To Nervous Donllltatoil Mon
11 you will send us your address wo will
send you Dr. Uyo's Celebrated Voltaic Holt
ntul Appliances on trial They will quickly
restore you to vl or , manhood and health.
Pamphlet free , VOLTAIC liisur Co. , Mursliall ,
Malcc n Fortune.
Don't fail to visit the auction sale of
city lots at Aransas Harbor January 7
and 8.
Through coaches Pullman palace
sleepers , dining carp , free reclining chair
cars to Chicago and intervening point *
via the great Ilock Island route. Ticket
olllco Ii02. ( Sixteenth and Farnam.
Don't Fool Yonrsoin
Notwithstanding all rumors to the
contrary , the Chicago , Alllwuiikno & St ,
Paul liy's now steam houtod pnlaco
bleeping cars , with "olectrlo lights in
every berth , " still leaves the Union depot -
pot , OMAHA ntO:10 : p. in. daily , arriv
ing at Chicago at 0:110 : a..m. , In ample
time to maka all eastern connections.
Ticket olllco , IfiOl Farnam 8t.
C , Pass. Agt , Gen , Agt.
Matter of implication of K. O. AVIUon for
penult to sell Iliiiioras
Notlco is licruhy nlvcn that K. n , Wilton
dlil upon I lie I'd any of January , A , I ) . 1MH ,
llio his aiipllca'tlon to Iliu Imaril of flru
and pollco cointiils'iloners of Uinahu , for pcr-
inlt to Mill malt , Hpl rlt nous am ) vinous Illinois ,
lisa ill ujfKlM , for ineillcliiul. incchanlcai nnd
'clieiiilcal imrjioses only , ut No.701 l.uavi'ii-
worlh fitreot.boventb wnnl , ( Jniiiba. Neb. , from
tliiilirst day of .lunnary , IbUI , to tha llrut day
of .Iiuiniil V. 1HC. .
If tlicio bo no objection , remonstrance or
nrote.stllled within two wcol.H friini .liuinuiy
U. A. U..18UI , tlio hald pornilt will lie uniut < 'il.
J3-10 _ K. 0. WlLBiitf. Aiuillcant.
.Nut iie. :
Matter of nppllcnt'on of Oeorgo W. Parr for
penult to mill Iliiiiorax a ilrncuKU
Notice IH hi'ioby ulvt-ii that tieorgu W , I'air
( In ) upon llio''il day of .laiiuary , A. I' ' . IB'Jl. llio
his aiiiillciitlon to tlio hoiinl of llro anil pollco
iMHiitniNSloneni of lltnah.i for purnill to .null
niul t.spli It iiiiiis n nd vinous liquors , as a ilrux-
lllst. for loi'illflnal , moi'luuik-al mill < lieinlciil
iniruoscs only , at No. 171H I.euvenuorlli stieet ,
rointh wnnl , Oiiialui , Neb , fiom thu 1st d.iy
of January , IbOl , to the 1st day of Junuaiv ,
Ife'i- ' . ' .
If thcro ho no objection , remount riineo or
jirotest Illeil within two week f nun January
: i , A. I ) , , tbu bald permit will bo Knuitod ,
jMU : ( JKiiiiiii : W. I'AIIU , Aitpllcunt.
OMAHA , Nub. , Disc , n , IBM.
Notleols hereby Riven Hint tlioaniiual inoet-
Inirof the HUKikholiliTS of tlio Omaha k Klk-
horn Vnlley railway company for the | ) urXsii
of electing boven Ulteutorti anil Hituli otbur
hnslnoss n H may prol > nrly coimi Ixiforo tlm
iiu'otliit , ' , ttlll bo held at tlio ulllco of John M ,
I'liursum UnUin 1'ucltlo bulldliiir , Umnlia ,
Neb. , upon \Vcd ni'sdiiy , the 7th il ay of Jan
uary , IbUl , at in o'clock n. in.
VV. J. UAunoM/ , Assistant Socrntary ,
OMAHA , Nun. . Dec. 27th , 1M . Notli-o li
hi'niby glvi-n that tlio annual meeting of tliu
stockholders of the Omaha Ac Republican
Valley railway company , for the olwtlon o (
Him-n directors and micli ether as
mny pniporlycoiiio bo'orn tuo meolhig , will
lie buld at tlm ollluo of John M. Tliuntoii ,
Union I'aclllo lniMillnK. Omah , Nob. , upon
Wedno < > diiy. the 7th day nf January , 1891 , lio-
twocn tli" lioursof lOo'clnukn. m. and 4 o'clock
p. m , W. J. OAltUOU , , A.s 1st lint .Sui'rrt.iry
OUAIIA , NolirnsUa. Decvnilmr.l. 1807.
Notice Is hereby Khun ihutthouiinualmuut'
Inn of tlio Htockholilrra of the Union I. nnil
Company for tlio olcetlou of llvo illri'ctori ,
and sui-li other | ) IIHIII > SN na mny properly oomu
hoforo tlio ini'i'thiK , Mill b luilil liitlmcom *
pimy' olllcii at Oiiinlm , Nobin-kn , cm Monday ,
the mil day nf January , IHU. ul 10 o'uloulc
u , ui , \V. J. UAIIIIOI.I. , Assistant rVoretiiry
li-i--il ) | ) t.M
_ _
A POSITIVE : -ndpermintnt CURE for all
illieainoilhe U RINARY | ORGANS. Curw
whereolhtflrestmon tain , FulTdiroclioni with each
bottle. Price , on < dollir , Set ilgntlure ol E , U
6IAHL For Qnlo Dy All Druglato.