OTUATTA DATT/Y / TWR : RA-'RrnnAY. ' .TANTTATIY a THE OMAHA 1VEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PEARL ST. rellvrrrd by Carrier In uny part of the City II. W. Tll.TOJJ. - - - MANA.OKU TELEPHONES : e , No. ( X Night Editor. No. 21 K. Y. P. Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal. MlM Lou Olbson Is homo on a week's visit from lion Hoinnio county , Dakota. Joen Mcsseus was llnX'd $15 yesterday for Intoxication nnJ indecent conduct on the street. Subscriptions to periodicals nt wholesale prices. Drop men card nnd I will callouyou. F. J. Hongmnd , No. 100 ! Sixth nvcimo. In the supreme court yesterday Judge McGco was listening to the onso of Thomas 'French ' v J. I' . Klckert it Co. It being a ult on a note. _ Deputy Marshal Fowler yesterday picked , up in the superior court room a gold ring , , whlch the owner can have by applying t the marshal's ofllco. _ JIt Is said that Judge McGco will Inquire into a recent attempt to bribe a witness who had been summoned to testify in a police court case- The witness took the money and reported tlio case after the trial was over. jf-Tlio Modem Mooilmen installed their new ofllccra la-it nl ht for the ensuing year. They were C CI. Saunders , V. G. : C. W. Atwood , " W. A ; John Ciilbort , R. II. ; Ilr. M. U. Sny- ) r , cnmp iihyslclun , nnd M. liublctz , escort. Dnn Cmrlgg yesterday sold the sa loon nnd fixtures Known us the Mint. Ilo Iwlll snow ! the greater part of the winter In the sou lit and will return to the city next spring and engage in the chattel loau busi ness. ness.Ofllccr Ofllccr AVyntt had the cosmopolitans who constitute tlio chain gang nt work yo-ttcrday shoveling snow from the struct crossings nnd sidewalks where tlio owners hnd neglected to keep the walks clear In front of their property. In the case of Schlcsingcr Brothers against It. C. Baldwin the jury has returned n ver dict of $ :107 : for the plaintiffs. The clutrn wns for pasturage- for the defendant's cuttle. The defendant claimed as un offset , damages be- eauso of improper euro of his stock. The special meeting of Harmony chapter Order of the Eastern Star , which was to beheld held Satimlav ' , January ! l for tlio purpose of installation o'f onicers is postponed till Satur day owning , January 10. Visiting members cordially Invited. Hy order of the W. M. Frank Llndon.Tohn Ilermon , Frank Smith , Fred Moycrs nnd Frank Collins , live trumps arrested'by Ofllcor Wugcck , were discharged hy Judge McOee yesterday morning. The evidence showed that they were simply un fortunates hunting for tlio means of gaining a llvilhooil. Mrs , Mapgio Van Dorln hns commenced , divorce proceedings to release her from Frame M. Van Dorln , to whom she was wedded in Fremont county in 1SS5. She charges him with cruel nud inhuman trcntment and with having forgotten her for a notorious woman IP Uod Oak. The regular monthly meeting of the Potta- wnttuinlu County Fruit Growers and Gard ners' association will bo hold In Farmers' hall ut the county court house , this Satur day afternoon , January ! i , nt 2 o'clock. All persons interested in horticulture and garden- ug are Invited to bo present. There hns been u good dnal of complaint in the city of the work of irresponsible insur ance agents , whn have charged higher rates thun the hoard of underwriter. ! fixed. It is reported thut n movement Is on foot to effect 'nn orcanl/tlon , of Insurance men for the pur pose of pr isocu'.ing the fellows who make ( xo bltantcharges. .Among the many business changes mndo eliii-o tlio now year begun arc the co-partner ships formed between Attorneys west and Wheeler , who will practice law together and onieov. 1 h Captain Hayes , nnd the doubling o' the real estnto ofllces of J. P. He s and P. , f Day. Thu latter firm will hereafter bo k lovvn as Day " * IIoss. John B > ii'k was lined $15.00 in the police yesterday for intoxication. Ho was arrested for vagrancy the night before , but whcu ho wus searched at the central station six I ttles of wino were discovered stowed . ' .vay la various"pochctH. . This , nddeil to the .fact that ho hnd emptied the contents of Several moro down his throat , induced the olllccrs to change the charge to intoxication. Little Daisy , the daughter of J.V. . Pcro- goy , was stricken with dlpthcrla yesterday end n dark shadow is cast upon the homo. Althcugh the disease Is not pronounced to beef of a uuil annul type , yut the sickness of the Hltl3 plrl onuses the grave t anxiety to her parents , who wcro cruelly bereaved by the Biuno disease n few years ago , nnd to whom the very name of the malady causes a shud der. der.Tho The man Shonqucsturrcstod at the instance : ( f L. S. Nixon of Hot Springs. Duk. , on a charge of op3ning letters , will take place to morrow morning nt 10 o'clock boforoCotninis- -alpuer Hunter. Tlio defendant claims the letters were addressed to Nixon in his ied pud that ho unintentionally opened them and that as soon as ho noticed they were not for > him ho replaced thorn In the envelopes with : out reading them. An accident happened to "Old 1'at , " the veteran horse of the llro department , while marching In the procession following the funeral of Aldermnn Lacy. The snalllo of his bridle caught on some projection of a err rmgo nlfead of him , and n sudden jerk back ward resulted in painfully wounding him kIn the mouth , Several teeth were knocked out and tlio nido of his mouth badly torn. The firemen are taking tomlor care of him. ; At the time when an attempt was being rondo to secure the Hed Oalc carriage factory of Ivoyos Brothers , the board of trade passed about a subscription list to raise a bonus as an inducement for the removal of the factory to this city. This subscription list was as signed to ICoycs Brothers and most of the amounts were collected. Some of the sub scriber * hnvo neglected to pay , and yesterday suits were commenced ngnliibt thorn by ICoycs Brothers , In the district court. A car repairer named Dunton , employed by i the Northwestern railway company had ya narrow e.-capo from death yetsenlay. Ho was working in the yards and started to pass between ' two freight cars that wcro standing Bllghtlv'npnru Just as ho got between hoist bumpers another car wns shoved against them by the switch cngino. which ho had not observed npuroachlng. Ho was taken to l his residence on Avcnua J and the company's ' physician , Dr. Lacy , summoned. His Injuries were found to bosufllelont to conlUio him to his bed for several weeks. Sec the Mostou Store advertisement and tee what they are offering in coats for this week , lioston Stoa , Council H lulls. All our toys Just bnlf price for the week. ? Prices cut In two , every thing in the tov Hue marked in plain figures , you can half 'U for yourself. fl.X ( ) for 50c , 7So goods for 3Sc aud so on. Boston Store , Council Blunts. Great reduction on Indies1 , misses' nnd chil dren's coau to clear at the Boston Store , Council Uluifs. The Boston Store never itocs anything bv IwlvcM. They hnvo put the knife in ladles' , misses and ehildrun's coats. See advertise . ment in another column for this week , Bos ' * ton Store , Council Bluffs. Worth or n llrokon Ann , Mrs. Mary MeCauloy commenced suit against the city yesterday by her attorney , J , G. Tlptcu , claiming 5,000 damages. She was walking along Broadway on New Year's liny , 1SW ) , and when at the point whcro the Northwestern railway tracks cross the street fell und broke tier arm , She claims thut the cause of the accident was the neglect of the city to lay uny sidewalk along Broadway nt that place. Her Injuries have Incapacitated her from following her usual uvocatlon , and she thcroforo wonts the city to pay her , First-class fresh candy made for the boll- 'ilny ' trade , ut A. 0. Dompsoy's , 105 Mala st. Buy your co.al and wood Qf C. B. Fuel Co. . , tSSt Broadway. Telephone 13i ) . Horse blankets and lap robes at cost at Thco. Doclduau'it , ! EJ7 Main street. i The American District Telegraph Co. has been reorganized and U now prepared to give ; service. Special utteutlou to express Hnpt delivery. THE SEWS IN THE BLUFFS , Two Missouri Valley Men Badly Mangled and Under tbo Surgeon's ' dire. THE WORTH OF A DISLOCATED ARM. Mrs. McCuulloyVnntH $5OO ) from the City An Unruly Son in Trou ble Plenty ol * Dniungo Suits In Bight Minor Mention. Freight train No. 10 , on the Northwestern railroad , brought in two badly mangled men nt 1 o'clock yesterday morning. They were employes of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Mis- sour ! Valley road , cngnged In the shops at the Valley. A brief account of the accident was published In TUB DEE yesterday morn ing , but the men were moro seriously hurt th nn was at first supposed. At 10 o'clock a dispatch was received from Dr. Colt , thu company's surgeon at the latter place , asking Dr. Lacy , who looks after the company's medical business in this city , to meet him at the Northwestern city depot with ambu lances and stretchers to convoy the wounded men to a hospital. Tlio train was expected to reach the city at midnight , but an extra hour was taken to make- the run on account of the dcspcruto nature of the men's wounds. Another hour was occupied in getting them to the Women's Christian association hos- , pital , They were kept under the influence of opiates until daylight , when au examination of their wounds showed the necessity of re sorting to amputation in both cases. The men wcro Nrls Eclienhaugh and Ncls Mntson. They were boiler makers , nnd did not work on the first day of the year. They spent the day largely in the saloons , nnd when night cnmo they accompanied some of their acquaintances to the depot who wanted to take the St. Paul train for Council Dluffs. They were very drunk , but went aboard tbo train to sco their friends off. The train started before they got ready to leave , and in attempting to get off one fell against the other and both went under the wheels. Kck- enbaugh had his right nrm crushed from the shoulder down , and his left broken , and sui- fcrcd serious Internal Injuries. Mntson hud his right leg crushed at the Unco and one nrm broken. Yesterday Urs. I.acey and Colt am putated the mangled members , Mntson losing a leg nnd arm and JCckonburg his right arm at the shoulder. Both recovered very well from the shock of amputation , and were doing very nicely yesterday. It is feared , however , tliatKlcueubaugh's internal Injuries may prove fatal. ISlatson Is an unmarried man of abouttwon-.l ty-pght | years of ngo. KcKonbaugh is thirty , und lias a wife unu three children. Both live in Missouri Valley. For Snlo 115 acres , one mile from market ; finest grain or stock farm in Pottawntatnio county. Very cheap. Most ofground has boon In tame grass from live to ten years. For particulars sco Ohio Knox , 0 Main street , Council Bluffs , la. \\'hy pay $1.50 when you can get jnst ns , good fare and beds at the Scott house for \Vo have Just received 100 pairs cured live geese odorless feathers in pillows of l Ibs each , M ha In the pair. The price while they lust , $ \ r > a pair. Wo also keep on hand n full stock of fcithers in bags from ono to live pound bags from a medium to the llncst live geese cured odorless feathers. Boston Store , Council Blurts. I Hooks. Charles Dickens' works , 15 volumes , bound in cloth , excellent type , $3.85. Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Iia.st Yonr'H Itcnl Kstnto Denis. The real estate record for the past year shows n larger number of transfers , nnd the payment of u greater sum of money , than any previous year in the history of Council I ! lulls. This statement includes the boom years of 1SS7 and 1S33 , and It is a very excel lent indication , that the phenomenal activity in real estate in those years did not have a depressing effect on succeeding years. Dur ing the boom there were hundreds of trans- ford that never wanton record , a single piece of property often chan nig hands a do/en | times before a record was miido on tbo re corder's books , the original seller - finally making his deed to the last purchaser , the intermediate transactions being covered by contracts only. This gave an unreal activity in the market. In subse quent years , nnd especially the last , tbo transactions were solid and every ono wont on record , rolling up line totals for eaeh year. The transactions last year were nil larger and the capital invested came largely from outside purchasers. The following statement , prepared from the record boons , shows the record of the various years : Veur. Transfers. Consideration. ! > . i.M } l,4H.w.T8 : : ) 1SSS . 2.ff3 : 2,015,919.02 , IttH ) . 2,5.14 < , IK .00'.27 ' ) According to this showing the transfers for IbUO have exceeded these ol ISb'J by srcs.cor.is. Notice of Dissolution. Notice Is hereby given that the copartner ship heretofore existing between the under signed , under the llrm name and style ot E. II. Sheafo & Co. , conducting business of real estate and loan brokers , nt Council Bluffs , Iowa , is tills day dissolved by mutual consent. Tuo business of the firm will bo conducted by and in ttm iniiiio of K. H. Sheafc" , by whom all liabilities will bo paid nnd all debts owing the linn collected , and to whom all the assets of the copartnership hnvo boon transferred. Dated at Council Bluffs , DccemberSl , 1S90. K. H. SlIUtFK , S. B. W.UISWOIITII , C. D. ETN-YIIE , W , II. Gtni.roitn , DAVID ETNYIIE. J. C. Bixbv , steam heating , sanitary en gineer , 304 Mo rriani block , Council lllufts , lioyH Wanted. Wanted Boys at American District Tol- egraph oftlco. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Get our prices on ladles' , misses' nnd chil dren's coats. Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Shnntln : ; . Thcro was some wild nnd reckless shooting by these desiring to usher In tlio Is'ew Year : with nil the nolso posslblo. William irJ. Matthews , maiding nt No. 203 Hloomor street , has evidence of this In the form of srn largo slzo.l ball fired from some revolver , anil which came through ono of the windows of his house and struck a bed , cutting through some of the clothing and lodging la the s'bt ) board. A boy was asleep In the bed at the " time , but luckily escapou injury , llooks. Thackery , 10 volumes , hound in clotb > beau tiful clear type , $ a.Si. ! Boston Store , Council Bluffs. C. A. Beebo & Co. are going out of the ro- tall trade nnd will close out their line line roof Indies' writing and oftlccf desks , book coses , chiffoniers , parlor tables , parlor and > er suits , folding ucds , plain and fancy rs , cabinets , mirrors , etc. , etc. for less than cost. Sco our prices oa coits In another colania Boston Store , Council Bluffs. An Unruly Son. A telephone call was uiado for pollco assistance sistance by John Green , proprietor of a boot > and ahoo store ou Middle Broadway , yester day afternoon. The mcisago demanded the presence of an ofllccr at once to quell what was re portent to bo a serious disturbance. Deputy Marshal Wlilto responded , and whcu ho arrived In tno vicinity of the little shop the sldowalk lu front wus blocked with pee * plo. The glass doors were shuttered aud the pavement was covered with broken glass , giv- ' tug the Impression that a Jesse James raid had been mndo upon the place. The proprietor ! was ou the street , bare headed and In his shirt sleeves , excitedly gesticu lating nnd urging the crowd to go in and bring out the author of the mischief. The crowd lacked the courage or the disposi tion to do so , and when the oftlcer entered the place he found a very small young 111111 itia stage of intoxication that approached delirium , wielding a heavy iron poker with great effect on the stock und llxturcs. The young mnr. was II , Green , son of the proprie tor. Ho wns working off n New Year's ' drunk , and after his father had put him out of the store and locked the door ho hnd broken Into it by smashing the glnss. Tim oflleor found It necessary to choke him into a submissive state before ho would surrender. Tlio young man was locked up and will answer to Judge McGco this morning for his remarkable conduct , . The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 41S Broadway. tlO.OO conti for Ki.OO , JI2.00 coats for $5.00 , $17.00 coats for W.OO , at the Boston Store , Council Bluffs. .Mail Contracts Awnrdetl. The hid of the Omaha i Council Bluffs bridge nnd motor company for the transpor tation of malls between the two cities has been accepted by tbo government , and the carrying of nmiU under the now contract went Into effect yesterday. A special mes senger meets the mall trains at the brldgo and carries the mall to and from the Omaha ofllco. In the Bluffs tlio conductors receive nnd deliver the mall nttho postofllce. The mulls will leave the BlufTs nU5H : , 8:2(5 : ( and 10:33 : a.m. . 1'J:17 : , 3:40 : and 0:31 : p.m. of each day , nnd will arrive at 7:00 : , 9:45 : and 11:57 : a.m. , nnd 0:09 : , 5:05 : and 7 : W ) p.m. The schedule running time is thirty-four inluutcs. All our $30.00 , $ ! 3.00 , 15.00 nnd KW.OO plush coats ( ) | reduced to f J5.IX ) . Now Is the time to buy your plush coats , all guaranteed Walker plushes , best London dye , at the Boston Store , Council BlufTs. Great success. Kcllabla good * . * Fair dealing , Bottom prices. AtC. B. ' Jacquemln & Co. , No. 07 Main street Damage and I.Uiol Suit. Yesterday morning Constable Wesley served notice on C. W. Scott , L. B. Crafts , \ \ ' , U. Kemp and G. W. Jacobs that suits lor unrnago hnd been filed against thorn by the uhovo named plaintiffs. It h alleged that the parties were arrested by Ofllcers IComp nnd Scott. The bondsmen for the twoofllccrs are made parties to the suits. Each plaintiff de mands $10,000 to heal their wounded feelings , The petitions claim that they were Injured In mind nnd body by being falsely Incarcerated , nnd that they lost the respect of their many frii'nds by being thrown into Jail , A glance nt the citv records fails to record any such names as Nasinusscn and Koblo on or about thut time. SIOUN IKD JN.ANTUY. . Upon n Growing Arm. Recently a lecture on "Mounted In fantry and Its Action in Modern War" wns delivered in connection with the school ( of military engineering at Chat- hum by Lieutenant Colonel E. T. II. llutton in London. The lecturer began by defining mounted infantry as infantry soldiora , who , in addition to their duties us in fantry , were so organized nnd trained as to render thorn capable of being given means of increased locomotion whereby they might net in their capac ity ns infantry soldiers whan great mo bility und rapidity of movement was necessary , . , says the London Times There should bo no confusion ns to the functions of mounted Infantry and mounted rifles. The hitter were horso-I men trained to light on foot. Moreover , they were differently equipped. The in troduction of mounted infantry into our service was duo to the teaching of expe rience thai directedly cavalry arc op posed to infantry fire tholr further action must bo paralyzed from their sheer inability to compete with their op ponents on equal terras. It was to give our cavalry this necessary fire power that our pro ont force of mounted or m o bile infantry oxistcd. It was intended to create for this coun try a combined force of the three arms vin. , cavalry , artillery and infantry isf f which should ho able in all circum i- stances to net freely und elfleiently with- ii out any support from a slow movinpr in ii fantry. Numerous instances were cited to demonstrate (1) ( ) that the independent action of ono arm without the other two could never achieve nny real or solid re sults ; ( - ) that the indopendonl action a3f cavalry nlpno trained to rely mainly , if not exclusively , upon anne blnncho was liable to bo paralysed ; at any momontnnd , that its tuctlcnl . effect could nt best bo temporary , while uny lasting strategical [ restlt was impossible : (8) ( ) that n certain degree of tactical ollcct might still inof inw looked for from the judicious use of masses of cavalry against infantry : ( 4) ! ) thut If used in conjunction with such ) fire power as infantry mon carefully trained to light on foot could nlono sup l > ply , the independent strategical notion of cavalry was increased u hundred fold. If the maximum of result wus to d.JO achieved by mounted troops noting tactically on tlio Held of battle o > strat egically i. o. , by independent action it must bj by tin oin.jloy.net of the combination of the throe arms. Tlioro must bo cavalry possessing the highest skill nnd training in the use 10of anne blunuho , there must ho the employ ment of a rapidly moving and a highly trained infantry urmcd with the most perfect flro weapon , and there must bean an artillery armed with the moat olToct- ivo guns and possessing1 siiuilur powers of mobility to the cavalry und infantry. It was u fair assumption to nmko Unit the power which could 11 rst satisfactorily solve this problem and achieve this re sult would in the next great war effect sucn a revolution in the tactics of the past as would ccllpso the fonts of Shori- dun nnd Stuart nnd astonish the world with successes such as might rival these of Napoleon und Alexander. UNDIOKSOhl ) 11V IlUhGIANS. They Send Us TlionsnnilH of Cheap SIiiitKiiiiH Annually. The upartmonts at the Tromont house of All .Tansson of Liege , liolglum , pre sented the nnporranco of a small arsonrd when visited by a Chicago Tribune : re porter the othorday. Not lossthan fifty brooohlouding guns were arranged on i n long table , and there were boxes full nof them all over the room. ofn "Thoy nro a choup grade of guns , n said Mr. Jnnsson , "and wo ship thou sands of them to thin country every year , \Vo make money , too , because labor ir.fn Belgium is cheap. The workmen ho mitKO these guns receive but U francs i a day , If they were miulo in this country the inanfiicturor would have to pay from S3 to $3.50 a day for lubor. The duty is 45 per cent , hut wo willingly pay it , be cause the American nrmufueturor could not compote with us if the duty were GO per cent. All the cheap grade of guns wo manufacture ) tire miiuo hy hand. "Xo ; I cannot say thut LJclgium is much of a country for the poor man. His wages uvorugo bO cents a day , and on that amount ho can live comfortably but can never hope to bocoino rich. Still the government takes considerable inter | est in the people , and enforces the school laws , which uro rigid. Not only tire the students required to learn French , which ! Is spoken in my country , but English nnd Germun as well. " Mr. Jansen hns boon In this country only thro3 months , hot Hponks almost porfeot EnjlUh. ivTho best ami surest aye tjroior tno beard brown or bl cl < , as may t.o desired is Duck- i n gha m's d/o for the whisiurs. It never ! f 1'- ' THE PEOPLE OF TOE CONGO. Very Interesting Lotior , from a Oolored American Minister , WHERE THE LIVING JOIN THE DEAD. How a Sava.no Klnx's ' Subject * Ar ' Korccd , to Follow Him to the hand of Spirits Fantastic Peat- tires of Dress. Rov. "W. II. Shoppord , an intelligent colored preacher , who recently wont , . . I . 1 from Georgia to the Congo independent state , has written u letter , dated Decem ber 1 , In which ho describes a 200-mllo , tramp t through that country , says un Atlanta , Go. , dispatch lo the St. Louis Globo-Doiuocnit. Ho says : "I was scouring carriers for a trip Into the Interior east by way of Klngungo to the Kussa river. There were 70,000 ear- riorson olthorsldoof tlio rlvor. They uro the only monns ol transportation for the country's produce , its steamers , provisions , etc. , till the 'steamer to run on land' comes ( the railway ) . I nto and slept in the homo of the Bucangos and saw their worship , marriages , burials , etc. I bought three idols , besides spenrs , knives and other curiosities in ono of thofr towns. A man whoso body was h : ono who hnd hawitohed him had boon orbt buried alive. There Is a custum far nway \ up tho-rlvor that whoa a king many slaves , as well ns his wives , ura mnssacred , so that they may go with the king to the land of spirits. Ono end of u rope is securely fastened to a strong , pliable limb of a tree , the other end is pulled down and fastened to tlio head of the victim , who kneels beneath the tree with his hands and feet tied. The executioner then steps forward , mid with ono powerful blow from his hideous knlfo ho severs the hand of the victim from the body ; the head is sent tossing Into the ulr ; it is packed up and with others boiled und put in mils to decorate the pravo of the dead chiof. tltl "After seven days' rambling through the jungles and over mountains , und holding palavers , I secured twenty-ilvo strong < men und started with them for Stanley Pool. I staid ut Lukunga thrco days. ( "The A. M. B. U. has n largo na tive church. I stood bv the river with hundreds of unlives while ton were beini ; baptized. I ) The candidates didn't need to retire to n room to change their wet gar ments , for the heat of the sun soon dried the t : little pieces of cloth. In Africa , as in other countries , they have peculiar styles of dress. Down on the coast they wear plenty of clothes. Up the Congo 100 miles a picco of cloth the bredth of three fingers is woron. On the upper river a few strings of heeds only. Faraway up tlio river a riinilo only. I was present when n native brought to a missionary a little ufllicted child to soil for brass wire ( the currency ) . On being refused ho wont toward the river with his barter , the pluco to which they all go to get rid of | ulllicted children. Such is the in humanity 1 of the people without Christ. 1t At the slate station hero ( Lukuma ) they t uro throwing up barracks and pot ting t their soldiers in 'trim for a possible invasion i by the Portugese. Before roaclung the Ukoso river i siuv the skel etons of four native mon who hud died or hud been killed yhilo on route for Stanley Pool at this rivor. I inquired about a sick man whom I had previously pussed , and was told that ho had gone Into the bush. I fully suspected that ho must have fallen n victim to seine ravenous boast. I passed a Roman Catholic prlost who had been dead only a few hours. lie wns on route for tho'Kassal rivor. Early In October the carriers brought in another priest who died at n place three days distant. White mon dying on the road arc never loft there. The faithful curriers make n hammock of palm fronds and bring them in imme diately ; their goods , too watches , brass wire and barter g ° ° ds are equally safe in the hands of the carriers , and are turned over to Iho state. My caravan halted at the Pumaa- pombo market to buy food. These mar kets uro held every fourth day. Hero I mot Tippo Tasso , his stalT and n few of his many wives. lie was tipsy and hun dreds were sitting around him dringing palm wino and making merry. Here I wus shown the dead body of u man stuck upon a thirty foot polo und the barrel of a gun driven into the ground the pun ishment this kinginlllctod upon the man for bringing hla gun into the market- but that law is now void , und every man can now buy his old Hint-lock for 100 brass rods ( $1) ) . 30I In the palaver house of unother king I suw throe largo cannon. This king has : vowed by his gods to make it warm for the "land steamer" ( railway ) If it comes within his reach. Before" leaving the market I bought venison , chicken and eggs. They had hero almost everything > for sale drums , spears , swords , bows and arrows , guns , powder nnd knivrs ' , tusks of ivory , ivory horns , buffalo and nntolopo horng , wooden Idols , gourds , pots , mugs , basins , hatchets , hammers , axesanklets , bracelets , sheep , goats , pigs , ducks , chickens , eggs , Kns- sava mats , palm fiber , sago , palm , wine , beans , iniliot , bananas , pineapple , to , bacco pipes , baskets , fish , pumpkins , potatoes , hollows , anvils , etc. After inarching two hours more I had dinner. I told my Doy , Kibo-Kn , to get soft boiled eggs. When ho came ho said all was ready hut the cg gs. Ilo said , "Thoy had boon boiling1 half an hour , hut I don't think they are boiled soft yot. " Justt boforo. . J reached Stanley Pool i I had un unpleasant experience with "drivers. " They are always on the move. They travel by mill ions and drlvo everything before them ; the missionary and native alike must leave the house when they come , whether it bo day or. night. All kinds of hihocts , lizards and oven chickens are devoured by these voracious ants , which area little larger than pur largest black ants at homo. The elephant Is driven to madness when those ants get up his trunk. Upon reaching the pool wo begun to mnko llnal arrangements for the trip , but the carriers .tyoing told by the Uatokes tlmt for thrl'Q days they would Und no water , refused to go on nt any price , nnd therefore wo returned to their town. Hlbbcd lull s fur Hollers. A series of experiments have just been concluded with n now kind of marine [ boiler tube , which promises to have con- sldornhlo oiloct on" the future of steam propulsion , s.iyb the London Field. The external surface of .tho tuba shows nn dilToroneo to the ordinary pattern , but internally It Is ribbed longitudinally , ac cording to n plan patented by M. Servo. These ribs are spaced one-eighth of , lie internal circumference apart , and are ] about one-sixth the internal diameter apart. I i The experiments were conducted with two boilers of the samp size au t patu-rn In nil rofipecls , oxciMitlng hi tho'malter of tubes. The boilers tire 10 foot 0 Inches In length , ami thosanio in dlatno- toi . The grate surface in each Is thirty- ono square foot. The total hoatlng sur face ( of the bollor fitted with llw tiorvo tubes Is 1,63(1 ( pqtitiro foot nnd of the other 05(1 ( square foot. The tubes are of thosamo diameter in onch bollor , ittul each lins 120. A twelve hours' trial ] wns carried out on Octo ber 22 , ouch bollor undo tlio same conditions burning' 11,8712 pounds of coal , but whereas the Servo bollor evaporated 114,000 pounds of wnlor , the other . only evaporated 1011,000 pound H ; m. , the Servo boiler ninilo 0.05 pounds of steam for ovorv pound of coal burned , tied the other S.O" . That is to say , Iho Serve bollor evaporated ono pound of water moro than tlio other did for caoli ono pound of coal. If tills advantage should prove to bo tlio sumo in tno ac tual practice of using the steam , the t-lll- cioncy of the ordinary 111:1 : vine tiibo bo will have been increased more th 10 per cent , nnd this , added to the advantages gained by the use ofbtcamat high pressure , will bring down the coal consumption per I. II. P. per hour al most to the vanishingpoint. . i CANADA ANUNDUVKUOI'nDOlAST' . . . , Hntcrtnllilni ; KautH About Our tt\K \ tlu > North , The Dominion government statistician has just compiled some interesting facts regardiiiL'tho area and development of Canada during the last two ducndes. The area of tno Dominion of Cnmin.i is estimated tit 8,279,000 square miles , or , including its water surface , 8,610,000 square mlles , says the Chicago Tribune. It is tbo largest of all the British possessions , constitution 40 per cent of the empire , the total nro a of which is over 8,000,000 square milos. It Is as largo as tbo wliolo conti nent of Europe , nearly thirty times as largo as great Britain and Ireland , and 600,000 square miles larger than the United States , exclusive of Alaska. Canada covois more than one-fourth of the earth's ' surface , out contains only l-2SOth tiart of tbo population of the world. The Dominion of Canada from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean , a dls- tanco of 4/JOO , / miles , and from the United States boundary to the Arctic ocean , a distance of 1,400 miles , and comprises all the British possessions sn North Ainor- iea. excepting Newfoundland , Labrador ami the West India Islands. QSoino idea as this immense country and of its great waterways may bo ban when it Is considered that its west line on the Atlantic measures 10.000 miles , and over 7,000 miles on the Pacific ; that 2,000 miles from tbo ocean the .traveler . may lese sight of land , and that with | ono ] transshipment tit inontreal poods can bo landed at tbo bead of Lnko Superior , itft tbo center of the continent , 4UOO miles from Liverpool. Entering1 Canada from the north by Hudson's Bay an ocean ship roaches nt Port Nelson tbo outlet of u river system stretching , with few intoruptions , to the very backbone of the continent , anil I draining an Interior basin more ro- inoto than that of tbo St. Lawrence.over two ' million square miles in extent. In ' the praitio region the Saskatchewan af fords 1,500 miles of steamboat naviga tion. Close upon the north of it com mences tbo MtiuKcnzio rivet1 basin , ox- lending over five hundred and fifty thousand square miles. This great stream , with its tributary lakes and rivers - . ors , nITords , with trilling obstacles , tip- ward of two thousand miles of waterway 1 navigable for steamboats. From Fort Nblbon to Liverpool the distance is 2,000 miles ; from Now York to Liverpool , 2,040 miles , and from Ualifav to Liver pool , 2-153 miles. In Ontario , Quebec , Nova Scotia , Now Brunswick , and British Columbia exist the greatest forest regions in the world. In tbo extreme necopt"i"S western provinces of Nova Scotia and British Columbia , as also midway be tween thq prairies , 'lio extensive coal Holds , while the sen fisheries of tbo maritime provinces and the fresh water fisheries of the great lakes and rivers furnibh u supply of food vastly in excess of the needs of the country. While a considerable portion of Can ada is unavailable for cultivation , yet , as the north ano northwest are opened up gradually , enormous tracts of good land are revealed , so that the orca of agnicul- tural and timbered lands is now esti mated to exceed 2,000.000 square miles , of which over 1,000,000 are adapted lethe the cultivation of wheat. The northern part of the center of the Dominion , from the Hoehy mountains to Hudson bay , is very extensively wooded , and has been gonorornlly considered for tbo most part unfit for settlement and useful only as a preserve for fur bearing animals. A parliamentary inquiry , however , has had the oiTcct of dissipating this idea. The area inquired into cov ers about 1,260,000 square miles of whibh , it is estimated , 800,000 are fit for settlement , and tlio remaining 400,000 iboleas for cullivutlon ; 050,000 square miles are suitable for potatoes , 4)7fiOO ( ) for barley and 310,000 for wheat. TUoro is a rlvor navigation of 2,750 miles. This territory contains largo aurifer ous deposits , as well as silver , iron I graphite , oehro , brick and pottery da ; ) mica , gypsum , lime and snndstonowhl' ifo ' the petroleum area is so extensive as lo I justify the belief that eventually it will supply the greater part of this conti nent. Furs are at present the chief commer cial product of this region. Minerals of almost every Mud are known to exist In Canada. Gold is mined extensively in British Columbia and Nova Scotia , and has alK ! ) boon found in Ontario and Quo- bcc. The natural industries of Canada nro agriculture and stoik : raising , llsh- ing , mining , lumbering and ship build- UXA.WA.IIKS. Kiolics Aw.ittitiK HI in for Six Years nnd Ilo All UK ! Tim i To bo a millionaire for six years und not know it isn fortune thut rarely bo- fulls a man in those lima * of telegraph nnd postal facilities , yet that has appar ently been the luck of Mr. A. P. ( Jun- ningham of this city , says the Wash ing- ton Post. Mr. Cunningham is now a clerk in the document room of the sen- uto. He hns hold various positions in the government service , nnd Is well known in Washington. On Friday night he was informed that his uncle , John Cunningham , hnd died in Australia six years ago , leaving an estate valued ut $1,500,000. Mr. A. P. Cunningham is the solo holf of his uncle , all bin rela tives who might have conio in for a share of the estate being dead. The bearer of the news to Mr. Cun ningham was Mr. Browning of Sidney , Australia , now visiting in Washington. Mr. Browning , upon ills arrival h'oro , ascertained the address of Peter Cun ningham , Tenth and C streets , north- oust , nnd culled there , but learned that ho wus no relation to the deceased , Mr. Browning was finally referred to Mr. A. P. Cunningham , to whom ho communi cated the Interesting intelligence about the Australian fortune. Tins Mr. Cunningham is the son of 1'utrlclc Joseph Cunningham. Tlio lat ter hud two brothers named John nnd Francis , who were imUvos of Ireland , and came : l-'rom Dunknlk to America In IS'JO. They wont to Montreal , then to 1'liilndelphla , and then to Australia. In 1850 John ro- turnml to Philadelphia , and in thut year Invited his brother Patrick , who then lived no Kllicottvlllo. N. V.to visit him. Patrhk attempted to nec-opt "i"S V ho Invitation. There was < m Irish cole- brntlonnt UulTtilo , and ho started to it , Intending logo on to Philadelphia. The train on which ho embarked was snowed in between Dunkirk anil DufTnlo , how ever , and Mr. Cunningham In the trying times that followed lost the address of hinl'hlhulolphla brother. Patrick lived In a number of cities , dying in Pennsyl vania some years ngo. Now , nftor the Inpso of years , his son receives the first dollulto Information about the undo whom his father started out to (1ml ( more than thirty years ngo. UtiiMim-itltiiii or QotoKxcelslor Spring , Mo. Will Muko a ( iront City. All the dllTorcnt forces nnd Interests essential to the building of the largest city on the gulf coast , after months of negotiations , have combined to make Aransns Harbor , Tex. , the largest city in the whole southwest , ( treat auction sale of lots January 7 and 8. Vho only railroad train out of Oinnhn , run expressly for the uccomiuodution of Omaha , Council BlulTs , Dos Molnos nnd Chicago business Is the Hock Island ves- tibuloct limited , leaving Omaha atMO p. in , daily. Ticket ofllco , 1C02 Sixteenth and Furnam sis. , Omaha. Sl'AXlSIl DANCING OIItlB. The Kaiulnnco an the CoutitCHS do Otero lntorprotH It. Spain is a nation of duncers. writes Countess Carolina do Otorolntho Now York Morning Journal. All Spaniards , it may bo bald , nro horn dancing , nud there would seem to bo no need for apol- ogi/.lnir for them ou that account. Asa rule they are good dancers , because - cause what wo love to dove \ genornllv do well. Thoprovorb tolls us that : "A pair of light shoos Is not all that is needed for dmiclng , " mid I have found Itnr to bo true. The fandango Is the oldest national ilnnco of Spain , especially in i the district of Andalusia. This dance inter- nrots what may be called tv passionate lo . Tlio opening is u mild bit of in . It' is danrcd in couples in what isac culled throe-four time. The nuibloai accompaniment isn guitar and a tam bourine , nnd castanets are used to keep time. It is a wildly voluptuous nnd ex citing dance , nnd it seems to bo appreci ated by Now York audiences , if I can judge from their applause.fl In the fandango as I dunce It the movements are designed to interpret love making ; between a couple. Thcro are coy glances on the part of the woman and smiles from the man , advances und retreats , feminine coquetries nnd nmscu- liui no sup ) [ ilicatlon , and tlio eventual tri uinph of the mini. Such a dance affords largo scope for intelligent pantomime nnd romantic act- Ing. Tlio free , extemporaneous eliarae- tpr of this dnnco has led to abuses at times , and in Spain the church ha * sought to suppress It. lint when danced scas it should bo there is no hint of im modesty nbout it. Nearly all dancing in Spain is accom panied by singing sometimes mi Im promptu melody , but moro often some song hamled down for generations , and in : which nil the dancers can join. Kvor.vbod.y should know how to dance. With Spanish girls dancing veined us naturally : as eating , SIR MORELL MACKENZIE NTI2U WITH PROF , KOCH'S ' LYMPH , The results of Ills experiments will bo made public shortly. Both Prof , Koch and Sir Morcll Mackenzie have for years used and recommended the Sodon Min eral Pastilles for Catarrh , Sore Throat , Coujhs , Colds and all throat and lung 1 diseases. SirMorcll Mackenzie said in the . .TourI I mil of Larnygology , oilitod by him ( No vember No. , 1887) ) : "Tbo Soden Mineral Pastilles ( Troches ) , produced from tbo Soden Springs by evaporation , are pnr- ticularty serviceable in Catarrhal In flammation , Sore Throat , Coughs , Bron chitis and Lung Troubles. " Dr. Koch said : "A cough for which I tried many other medicines , which had not the slightest effect , teen became bet tor and has now entirely disappeared. " The genuine Soden Mineral Pastilles must have the testimonial and signature of Sir Morell Mackenzie around each box GITIfflS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . 8150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 215.000 Dinr.CTOiu I. A. Mlllnr , V , O. Oloason , R. U Ehuuart , K. B. Hurt , J. U. GilmumUon , Oharloi 0 , iuimin. Transact Keuor.il biuiklut lu'as. ljiirrost capital ami surplus ot auy ban kin SoiHh westor n Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , IX H. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' ' aid Packers' Supplies , Market Fixtures , Casings , Fplcrsnnd Sausage Mnkon' Machinery. 8J1- fcii Main st. , Council It lull's , lit. Also dealers 11 llldfs und Kuri. DO YOU ! Use S , S. S. , when you inol n tonlo. If you do not , you should. It Is tliosaf ! B t an tl For Old People. medicine Mytnothcrwlio Isa vcrjold made , It lady , wns | > hy lc.illy broVrti Is purely down. Tlio UBO of Swlft'n 8ieclfl | (8. ( S. B. ) liis entirely co M t a i n- restored lirr lic.-xllli , Ing nopol- It. H. DiLWoiirn , 60-i of any Orfomlllo , S. C. kind , and can IK- tak en safely hy the most do loitu child. Vo ! It euros all boul ! troullos from n orillniry fnoo Dimple to tlio worst form of contagious lilood Taint. lOovso/t / BLOOD 4X0 SKi/toiaewa FHIC. Tlio Swift Specific Co. , Alhnti , On. SPECIAL. . NOTLCES. COUNCIL BJ.UFFS. V\rANTM > ( liHxl iimn a * ernprnl iiuontl ' naliiry * 7ft per mouth , < 40 security re quired. I'nll January 0 or" , OJ7 Willow uvu. Vjunoll Ilhitrs , \\rANTKI ) -A pooddrl for Kwpral liouso- > work In family n ( tlinv ; u KIHHI jilaco for lliorlxhtilrl. ; Cull uU'KU Avenue li. OWA farms for Kali' , nUorlioici1 Kiinli-ii nnd fruit liind near ( . ' ( Hindi Bin Its Johnston Van I'nttcn , Kvnroll block , . - KKNT or l' ir Salo-Tlio liM-aore farm ! li mlirs from the city limits , known UH tlio Itrceii faint iitul Just south of tliaSupn farm' occupied liv Mr. KOIIIII. Uoml IHHH : ' . li.iru ami slicila. tlooil wi'll ' and spring or llvlni ; wator. About CT > nrrcs In c'l.ltlViitlon. Hiiltulilo for Riink'ii utul dairy farm. Ki-nt la ( lee per year. Apply to l.conaril Hviwtt , AltO Als'slni fruit uml vc otalilo IiuiiK 1'or sik ; % , . ' > ' in'riw , S > roils north of I'liaii- lamina groundi ! oustorn slont' , line spring * , llnosprliitflirook.lanilvoryrleli : will * i'll lull ) or lOui'ru lots atfjO ioruereor ) I ? ) jioracre fur whole trui'U I ueros nn Orniid iivcniio ; fliu ( nrchanl jvlml mill , line erovr , sltu.itotl on .Myii.ster jiroiiii'.i'd motor line ; prleo J.I.M ) iior aoro. 10 neroH lullolnlnu city limits , tun stoir liousc. uroo.I burn , Hue orohanl anil Hiniill fruits. I'lloo.OJO , 0 nrros un ( nun ! avenue , I'/l mlles from" . 0. $ ; 0 an iiuro. llOaercs , thron milts from olty llinlH , Rood IIOIIM' , barn anil out lulMln s , S > liparlnZ nnitlctri-osanil Miiall frultt. l'rlci > , JrtKX ( ) . Stuck farm , 4M aerrs. line linprovi'iiiunts well watorcil , only ono in Ik' from station , ? un acio if tikL : > ii soon. B-isy tornn. I'nrni unit oily pnipprty for silo. W , 0 , Stacy , room 4. Opera liouso ull , I'ouni'll llliidH. TTHIHN'ISIIKn rooms nt very roasoimulo 1tiTiiis , on sulloor slnslt1 ; hnthn and sto.mn liciit ; now IHIIISO , iiinvlv furnished. Mrs. tito- lilionsnn , 1(01'ark ( avuniio. Oounoll llliilfs. 17 > AKMS 1'or Halo -A lou ? list , ninny of them J- ntlow prleosi iilsn VO ncrus line and fruit land ii"ir ; the city limits , lioiiso , barn and other Improvi'tiit'iit-i ; nlsr > ill iiori'i fruit anil ( .Mi'.lru luinl hint oiitstdn tliot'lty at Kr < W , W. A. Wood & ( "o. . KM Muln street. 171OH KKNTTlio MoMalion tlirco-story -L lirlolc block. No. U3S. Malnst , wltli olovutor J. \ \ . POU SALE or Kent Qanlon land , with homos , by J. U. Uloo. lUJJUlii st , , Oouuoll UlulM BHappyMBwYear Talk about Home rJrosipil naeH I liava line ! 15 corn fed cuttle 1,60 O weight ouch -ctr Hied by tha Cmlaliv Paciclug Co. o ( South Jiiiahi. Tlio art.stio work % vai ilono by Lurry Noonan , the champ 0:1 : bao dresser of the United States , who toolc thu honors both hero aud Chicago , In dressing beef on exhibit on. Coma and judge for yourself If those cattle don't ' beat uny homo dressed cattle advertised yet or Itllled In our city for New Years or any ether time , which I will sell for cash nt my market , 333 Broadway , At the followln T pKco % which moan cash or O , O. D. only. ! OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Muln nn 1 Hroidw.iy , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign and do nustlo xchun i Collection made uud liitorojt lulil on tlmt deposits. rinloy Burke.Gc-o.W. Howitt-Thos , E. Oosady Burke , Hewitt &Casady , Attorneys-at-La\v 1MIACTICI5IX 'J'1115 KTATU AND K12UKKA& COUKTS. O dices : J. J. Drown lliilldlng , Coiilivllllluffi , lowu. W. C. ESTEP , Council lllufTM , lowii. 14 North Muln Street , funeral Director and I3inbalmer. A FINE LINK OF HDLIDRY AND WINTER FOOTWEAR. At prices that will sur prise you. Tlio best goods ot lowest prices in the city. Consult your own interest and buy your 'Winter Foot wear at the HOOT UPSIDE DOWN ,1 , CVPi 25 Main Street. PEERLESS BUCK PEEELESS , Is in every respect the best Conl for domestic purposes In the market , H lasts longer , produces moro heat nnd burns up clennerthan , nny other Iowa coal , One ton will go as far * ns a ton and a hnlf o the orainarystuff , nnd itcosts no rnora than thochenp , unsatisl'nctor grades commonly sold , T y it for cooking and heating. Sold only b L. G , KNOTTS , FUEL MERCHANT , All kinds of Wood and Coal. Cobs n specialty. Full weight and prompt delivery. 29 South Main St. Telephone 303 ,