OTUATTA DAT1/Y IVFTTC. "H11TDAT. ? JANTTATIY 2. 1.891. USHERED I BY A BLIZZARD , Tli9 Advent of the Now Year Marked by a . Decided Change in Temperature. DRIVING STORMS OF SNOW AND bLEET , Oimiiliig of the To.nth Street Via duct to Travel mill Tratllo Social I'cnlnruH ut tlio Ony. The ndvcnt of the now 'year in Omaha brouRlit with It a distinctive feituro of its ' own In tbo way of weather Unit was much inoro noticeable than any of "tha special ob servances mndo of the occasion by the citi zens The old year prepared to sink Into the past In n misty shroud of nature's own wearing , but the rnptil approach of the young blizzard that wns to usher in the new year rendered f tbo closing hours of 1890 considerably live lier , atmospherically speaking , than Is wont to bo the case nt death bed sccnoi. Tbo mercury began to fall rapidly about 8 o'clock Wednesday evening , and ns the wind i ! increased in velocity in a corresponding de gree , the Ucnso cloud of mist that bnd enshrouded the city during the latter part of the afternoon was changed nt midnight to a driving , pelting storm of sleet. Tbo I coy blasts tore around the street corners nnd up nnd down tbo alloys , pene trating every nook and crevice , nnd suc ceeded very well In malting frxitbulls of bo- Intod podestrinns returning homo nfter fol lowing out tbollino-houoreJcustom of watch ing Ilia old year die. From reports received ut the local signal oflleoit w.is found that the storm was gen eral over llio entlro northwest. Snow was reported in small quantities , accompanied by high winds. The wind was reported blowing from the west and northwest , with indica tions of a cold simp lasting several days. A telegram was received nt the signal of- 0cofrom Washington conveying tbo information mation tbat the temperature would fall to 10 ° abovozoro by thH inornlng , bub the indi cations were that it would full considerable below that point. Small wonder was It , in view of these cir cumstances , that tbo Ice man nnd coal dealer smiled benignly as they bid the new year a liearty welcome , while tbo average citizen pulled the coverlets more tightly over his iicad anil debated in his own mind whctucr n new your was sueb a desirable acquisition after all. Thoughts of the hnppiness and prosperity that the old year had brought to Omnhawero not In the least lessened by recollections of tbo balmy December weather Just passed , but tbo rich promises held out for tbo future werosufllclentto cause n feeling of thankful ness , not only for tlio past , but that n new urn of prospective brightness hud been en tered upon. As tlio clock in the high school tower an nounced the death of the old nnd birth of the now year bells in all parts of the city nnd tbo whistles of every engine in the railroad yards added their quota to the conglomera tion of sounds that were turned loose on the midnight nir. It lasted for fully flvo minutes , when each v > ai'tlcipatit evidently considered bis full duty done nnd silence reigned once more , with the solo execution of the ele ments' roijuiem to the old year. " "When inornlng dawned snowdrifts were piled across the streets at frequent inter vals , f.nd tbo motormcn and gripmen started out to clear the street car trades of the ob structions , During the first few morning hours street car travel wns anything but satisfactory , but sweepers were sent over tbo lines nnd the effects of the blizzard be came less noticeable. The dnv hnd a Sundny-lllto nppenranco , as the business houses were closed nnd tbo streets were n deserted nir. Now Year's customs were very generally confined to home gatherings' nbout the family hearthstone. L.CSS New Year's cnlling was .dono than it usually the case , although n few social events were .successfully curried out to tbo enjoy- inentof favored guests. The hotels treated their gucsts.to . a special nprcnd in honor of tbo day. Quietreigned on every bund , and during the afternoon the weather coincided with the prevailing char acteristic. The police Judge held n brief morning ses sion for tbo benefit of tbo few unfortunates whoso exuberant spirits had called for mu nicipal control during tbo night , nnd after that oven tbo police station witnessed no happenings of au eventful nature. Til 13 V. W. C. A. 1K ( . 121'XION. One or tlio .Hunt Knjoyahlo Affairs Hvor Given by TIilH Association. The time-honored custom of holding a re ception on the first day of the year was fittingly observed last evening by tbo Young Men's Christian association of Omaba. The past year has been ono of some difll- oulty and considerable bard work for the leading supporters of this worthy institution , nnd they look forward to the work of the year upon which wo are Just entering with much solicitude and witb a great deal of hope for substantial growth and excellent results. As n natural consequence , then , the reception Which wns tendered the young men of Omaha nnd nil friends of the association last night was one of genuine liospltnlity nnd Christian good will. The general attractiveness of the reception rooms nnd parlors was .supple mented by an array of tropical plants artisti cally arranged about the apartments , and the reading rooms and , parlors were made to ap pear Just as inviting ns possible for all who cutiio. The reception began at S p. in. nna the par lors were thronged until niter 0 o'clock , when lunch was urinounccd. , "WHIlnm Fleming , president of the associa tion , nnd Mrs. Fleming , assisted by nearly one hundred ladies , performed the work of making everybody feel that they were wcl- como and that tbo Youtur Men's ' Christian association of Omaha wishes everybody n happy New Year. Following nro tbo mimes , so far as could bo ascertained , of tbo ladies who assisted in the reception : Mrs , E. ( } , Ballon , Miss Shurtz , Miss Ella Burns , Miss Emma Ilalbneh , Miss L. Brunor , Miss Bowen , Miss Minnie Burns , Miss A. Uoyco , Miss J. Bur- kott. Miss Minnie Clayton , Miss F. Clayton , the Misses Joslo and Marie Cameron , Mrs. Klckleberger , Miss Nora nnd Miss Frances Emerson , Miss B. Ellingwood. Miss May JiiRcrsoll. MissTeranco , Miss French , Miss Fitch , Miss Foley , Miss Hungnto , Miss Kdua Hnrney , Miss A , Holmes , Miss E. llnrtman , Miss 1C. Ilickoy , Miss Mary Hand , Miss Ilattlo Ingcrsoll , Miss .lord.m , Mrs. K. O. Jones , Miss A. 15. Johnson , Miss .S. Kelloy. Misses Cnrrlo nnd Alice Knodo , Miss O. Lancaster , Miss Kmmn Leon ard , Missns Joslo and Ilnnna Lltulcrholiii , Miss L , . Llltlellcld. Miss Bertie-GreenMisses Fannie nnd Midge Lehtnor , Miss Oraco Lilly , Mlis Cora McCandlish , Miss Alda Jryor , Heed , Miss Maude Kichards , Miss Anna Slmungbucssy , MUs Kcna Strung , Miss Clara SUlmyro , Miss Taylor , Mrs. C. K. Williamson , Mrs. M. L. Wuro , the Misses Wells , the Misses Mnpciuaiul Fnimio Wedge , Miss H. mid Miss Ilcllcn VanKuren , Miss Lllllo Vnn Wagner. Miss Vaughn , tbo Misses | Young. Mrs. w. W. OlabnuKh , Miss Holtarf , Dr. Oavlcs , Miss Nellie Hall , Mrs. F. C. Brooltncr. The reception hour was enlivened by vocal mid instrumental music in the parlors. The upright niul the concert pianos were both In use almost constantly , nnd so v oral very tine vocal solos were given. At 0:30 : all tbo guests wore Invited to a delicious luncb In tbo lecture room , con sisting of coffee , cake , sandwiches and fruits. From 7 o'clock until 8 the exorclsoa In the gymnasium drew tlio attention of the guests and proved'to bo a very enjoyable feature of At 8 o'clock the doors to tbo concert ball were thrown opea , nund ovcry seat In the epnolous room was soon llllod. The pro gramme , which lasted about ono hour , con sisted of a plnno solo by I'rof. Elmer A. Todd : a prayer by Kov. A. J. Tur- klo ; a soprano solo by Miss Hot- torf : n short "Happy Now Year" speech by M. A. ( Jrnnt , chairman of the reception committee ; a vlolincello solo by Mr.101111 priwn : ton minute speech by Hobort VVcldeusall of the n&ttonal committee , mid. an address W , W. Sinbaugh upon "Kcaolu- lions Good , Dad and Indifferent. " The programme 'vas very much enjoyed nnd wns a titling close to the most successful reception , in many respects , over given by tlio Young Men's Christian nuoclntion ot Oinnbn. Fully flvu hundred people attended tbo reception. Tiiero wns n party of twelve from Walioo nnd several from Fremont nnd Hastings , TUB VlAUuOr OPKXI2D. The New Tenth-Street ft ! nature Heady Tor 'frniilu. / Thcro was no public demonstration , no long speeches nor bottles of wino broken over the mllluirs ; but , notwithstanding this , the now U'cnth street viaduct was opened to travel yeUordny. The morning wns fresh , nnd as it took on many of the characteristics of a Dakota bllz- , zml : , but tow cared lo get out nnd witness the passage of teams atut cars over thostru- : turo. turo.Tho The cable cars were iluo to cross nt5 o'clock In thn morning , but owing to the storm they were delayed , and itwas not until nfter 0 o'clock that the grip picked up tbo opo nud crossed the approach on to the irldgo. From that time on during the entire Iny cars made regular trips , switching ut ' 'ncltic street. Shortly nfter tbo cars commenced crossing ho cabmen and teamsters discovered tbo lew route to the depot and it soon became .tie popular thoroughfare. During tbo aftornooii some of the city oniolnls happened down that way and stayed long enough to pronounce the thing n success ufter which they hunted a warm fireside. Tlio railroad ofllcials passed over and after miking similar remarks , pulled their coat collars up over their ears mid hastened away to their liotnes Or hotels. Tbu opening was quiet and unpretentious , nnd up to this tlmo but few pcopla In the Ity ronllzo .tbut the Tenth street viaduct s completed and open to traffic. This morning tlio Fnrmitn street motors .vill . commence crossing , sothntln connection .vith . tbo running of cable trains , cars will : wis over this viaduct every two minutes during the day. l < 'ntirtnliie < l Llio Motnrinnn , Mrs. W. P. Munmugh kept open house . cstcrday nt her residence , 1117 South Thirty-second street , and entertained the rninnieti on tbo Ilauscom park motor line In royal shapo. An invitation was extended to ill ofllco boys on the line. Hot coffee , calto ind fruits were served between tbo hours of jooti and 0 o'clock. The llriukhiycis' Hull. The bricklayers' union gave n largely at- Lcnded nnd social ball at Washington hall nst nirbt. ThU union is In n healthy Ilium- inl condition , niul is made up of the very best workmen In that line. XO JlOKtS tiJJALt , SiOl'E CO.-tL. . IleaiUng Collieries AVII1 Furnish o More of that Gnulo ol'Antliracitn. 'nihADCi.i'iiiA , Pa. , Jan. 1. The Heading coal and Iron company bnvo issued a circular notifying the trade that on and alter January 1 the production of "small stove" coal will bo discontinued , and that "chestnut" coal will thereby bo unproved in size and quality. All the operators have agreed to do the same , therefore , hereafter "small stove" will : iot bo obtainable. The following reasons for this action were given this morn- tig by a prominent oftlciul of the company ; "Tho small steve si/o became immensely popular ns soon ns it was introduced by the Heading company several years ago , It Is a size be tween stove ami chestnut. Tbo former was not satisfactory to consumers because It did not work well in self-feeding ranges and fur naces , being n trifle too largo , while the hit- tur , though very desirable. In this respect , was thought , by householders to ho expensive for the reason that it was consumed inoro rapidly than tbo larger sizes. The small steve proved lo bo a good feeder and n ton was thouirht to give better results in heating than the same amount of chestnut. Hence the consumer would have nothing but the small stove , and the retailers being flooded with orders for it , they in turn made such largo requests for it of the wholesalers that t he latter demanded about five tons ot small steve to ono of any other Itlnd from the collerios. Of course tbo colleries could not till the orders in these pronortions , as they nro able to mnko but a limited amount of each size nnd the failure to supply the kind of coal demanded caused constant complaint and irrltationainongdoal- crsnud consumers. For instance , a dealer , to get 100 tons of small steve coal , would be compelled to tnlco along with it 500 tons of other kinds which ho did not wnnt. In order to protect themselves the colleries would sell but n limited amount of small stove , unless orders were innde at the snmu tlmo for other si/.cs In proportion. This became such n iiuisanco that retailers mid mlddlo men im portuned the operators to discontinue Its -ya ductlon and tbo request has been granted. ' ' A TJtll'SAL 1'nstor and Congregation Pall Out Ov sr Thrir Now Church. Mvcov , On. , Jan , 1. An nrchltcctural question whether there should bo ono row of pillars in a church or two rows , appar ] enlly n trivial matter is nt the bottom of a popular Savannah pastor's transfer to nn- ether licld. The Houston Street Methodist congregation has a handsome now church in courses of erection. Kov. David RIley , the pastor this year , raised several thousand dollars lars for the fund ami got tbo build ing started. IIo labored earnestly and with great success , nnd his congregation appreciated his work. The plans for tbo building provided lor ono row of columns in n certain part of tlio church. Some of the members thought there ought to bo two rows , The pastor considered one row sufllcicut. A division nroso over tlmt question and those who favored having two rows pot tbo opin ions of different builders who recommended two rows. Tbo division being close nnd ex citing much bitterness among the brctbcrn , Air. itiloy remarked that rather than see a breach in the congregation grow out ot such n small thing ho preferred to go somewhere else. andalthouKh thn congregation had asked the bishop to sen a him back ho was , nttho recent session of the conference in Macon , transferred to a new charge. onieors Elected nnd a Quantity of IttiHliiess Transacted. CmcAdo , Jan. 1. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The Illinois State Teachers' association at Springiield , have elected officers for the ensuing year ns follows ! President , Alfred ICirk- Chicago ; first vice president , George II. Shawlmn , Champaign ; second vlco president , Prof. S. M. Inglls , Onrhondalo ; thiixl vlco urosidcnt. Miss J. Koso Colby , 1'corla ; secretary , Joel M. Bowlbv , Aletropolis ; treasurer , C. O. Scud- dor , bouth Kvnnstoii ; railroad secretary , Homer Ilevans , Chicago. The resolution rutoptcd. . relative to the much discussed compulsory education law endorses Itasn measure calculated to promote intelli gence , humanity and personal liberty. A resolution endorsing the ucilon ot tno di-und Army of the republic in asking tbo legis lature to establish manual training nt the soldier'sorphans' homo at Normal , was adopted , Abho l nnl | Heenllid. Piius , Jon. 1 , [ Special Cablegram to Tuts BKI : . ] It Is announced that thu French gov ernment has recalled the Abbo Pujol , su perior of the church of St Louis h Frauenls , ntllomc. The pope recentlyctinrRcd the Abbo Pujol with a mission to tie bishop o [ Buy- onnein connection with the suspension of the stipends of four priests of the diocc a of linyonno. Though nothing definite is actu- tiliy known in regard to the cause of the action of the French government , it Is sup posed that protests have been made In high quarters in Franco as to tbo mission under taken by the ubbo , who , it is alleged , U con sidered to have overstepped his duties In cult- ing upon the bishop on tbo subject re ferred to. A. Slrllci ) Collapsci. HUI.I. , Jan. 1-Tho strike nf dock ; laborers at this point has entirely A List of tlnch Pam'a Representatives to Foreign Courts APPOINTED BY PRESIDENT CLEVELAND , The Schedule ) Mndo Out. by the Stnto Popart in out up ti ) October 1U , IJ.'IHI FewOoinnernta Hold l-'nt Olllccs. WASIIIXOTOX. Jnn. 1. ( Special toTinBr.K. ] DillRcnt unil often frequent Inquiries hav ing been made of parsons In Washington by politicians throughout the country M to Junt how ninny men nro tit present retained In the consular and diplomatic servlca of the United States who wcro appointed under President Cleveland , your correspondent has prepared n comprehensive list , which will not only give thu mi mo of the incumbent nnd his place of otllcc , but the state from whence ap pointed , the date of commission or appoint ment , nml the snlnry , if ono is received. In the great majority of instances tbo demo crats retained in these ofllces rocelvo only fees , and there uro but fey instances where democrats hnvo positions in tbo consular serv ice which pay a salary amounting toflr,00 a year , or which hnvo fees ngRrugnting these figures. The following is a complete list made up at the state department to October 20 last the first indication being the country to which appointed ; the second Indication the place where the ofllco is located ; then tbo name of the nppointco , with the titloof tbo ofllco ; next in order tbo state from which the appointment was made , date of commis sion or appointment , and lastly thu salary , or If no salary is paid , the fees : 1111'I.OMATIO SERVICE. China Pelting , Charles Denby , envoy ex traordinary and minister plenipotentiary , In diana , May U9 , 1885 , $12,000 ; Peking , Howard Martin , secretary of legation. Now York , September 5)3 ) , ISSS , $ -OS ) ; Peking , Charles Dutiby , Jr. , second secretary of legation , In- drmn. July 1 , 1885 , $1,800. Great llrltiiln London , Henry "Whlto , secretary of legation , Maryland. March 1 , ISSO , $2Wr ( > . Persia Teheran , 12. Spencer Pratt , minister resident and consul gotieanl , Alabama , August 3 , ISSO , $5,000. co.vsui.xn , sEiivicn. Argentina Hopublio Hosnrio , WillU Bator , consul , Illinois , March ! i4 , 1SS. > , fees. Austria Hungary Prague , Austria , Emil Kubinzky , vlco consul , March 11 , ! Ss7 ; Heidi en borg. Do- lieinlu , John U. Hnwes , consul , California , Jutio i5 ! , ISbO , fJ.500 , fees , § 3,317 ; Koicbcn- berg , Gustavo Herman , vlco consul and dep uty consul , ngent , October 12 , IbSO ; Trieste , Austria , James 1 < \ llnrtlpm , consul , District of Columbia , July 12 , IsSS ; Fiuine , G. Col- letieb , agent , May 1 , 1S8S ; Vienna , Austria , Otto Mass , vice consul goncr.il , August 13 , 1SS5. llarbary states-Tangier , Kobcrt Stalker , vice consul , August 24 , ISSS : Ln- ralchc , Id ins Bcuatuil , Agent , .January 0 , 1888 , no feesTotunn ; , Isaao L. Cohen , ngcnt , June 7 , 1S8S , no fees. Belgium Antwerp , Frederick Von "Wrode , deputv consul , No vember 110 , ISSO. Dnizil Bahia , David N. llurke , consul , New York , May 10 , 18S8 , Sl.r > 00 ; Manaos , Anton ) a J. Tnvarcs , ngent , August 31 , 1887 ; Maceio , Edward M. Legene , agent , October2S , ISMS ; Natal , Lyle Nelson , agent. February fi,18SS ; Porto Alcgrc , A. H. Edwards , agent , November 10 , 18S51 ; Dos- tcrro , Hobert Grant , agent , July 25 , 1SS7. Chili Iquiquo , Joseph M. Memam , consul , Massachusetts , November 10 , 1SS3 , lees ; Iquiquo , Muxuno IJosonstock , vice consul , November Hi , 18S5. China Amoy , Francis Cass , vlco consul , December 11 , I860 ; Amoy , U. Lai-un , interpreter , Fobruarv 25 , ISb'J ' , SI,000 ; CbofooV. . K. Fuller , vice consul , March W , 1888 , fees ; China-ICiang , Alexander C. Jones , consul. Minnesota. November 17 , ISM ) , $3,300 ; Cnln-Kiang , Wan fling Chung , Interpreter : Hankow , Alfred M. Franitlin , marshal , January 2 : ) , 1888 , $750 nnd fees ; Shanghai , Walter S. Emeus , vlco consul gen eral , November' ) , 1SS7 ; Shanghai , George A. Shufeldt marshal , December 17,1SSO , $1,000 nnd fees ; Shanghai , Walter S. Unions , interpre ter. February 20 , 188. ) , $1,600 ; Tien-Tsin , Willian N. Pcthick , vice consul , January 21 , 1SS5. Colombia Darruuquilln , Samuel M. Whclplcy , vlco consul , July 22 , 18S7 ; Ulo Hncha , T. V. Henrique * , agent , Mny 14 , 1887 , $ lSO..r.O ; Bogota , William G. Boshcll , vice consul-general , April SO ; Poca del Toro , George Fitzgerald , ngent , August 12 , ISSS. S30C.UO , fees. Congo Free State Bonui , Emory H. Taunt , commercial agent , Penn sylvania , November ii : , 1SS8. $5,000. Costa Ulca San Jose , Harrison N. Kudd , vice consul , Mny 0 , 18S7 ; Port Lisbon , A. K. Brown , neont , April 20 , 1S87 , ? 1,003.31. Den mark nud dominions Uyrefjord , Iceland , N. Chr. Gram , ngent. March L'2 , 18S7. St. Thomas , W. I.- Joseph Kidgwny , Jr. , vlco consul , July 23 , ISsG ; Santa Cruz , Joseph Taylor , agent , July 23 , ISSO. Kcouudor Batua ao Cnmqucz , Edward T. ( Joddard , agent , February 2(1 ( , 1SS5 ; Mantn , Pedro A. Moroaira , agent , October 7 , 1SS3. Franco and dominions Algiers , Africa , Charles T. Grollot , consul , California. November 17 , ISSO , $1,000. Algiers , Africa Viator A. Grel- let , vice and deputy consul , April 12 , 1837 ; Bani-snf , John O. Stewart , ngent , Janu ary 2 , lSS.r > , ? S5 : Orau , Uciijainin A. Courcello , ngcnt. September 10 , 1SS5 , 572 ; 1'au , J. Morris Post , ngent December 20 , ISbO ; Gorec-Dakur , Africa , Reno D. Potln , vice consul , Mny 8 , 1888 ; Havre , James U. Aayno , vice consul , JuneS , 1887 ; Honllour , Henry M. Hardy , ngent , Mny 21 , 1SSO ; Ltmo- gos , Walter T. Grlftln , commercial ngent , Now York , November S3,18S7. , foes ; Limo ges , Augusto Jouhauniiud , vlco commercial ngcnt , February it , 1868 ; Lyons , Carl A. Hansmami , consular clerk , Missouri , De cember 13 , ISSS , $1,000 ; Bastin , Simon Damituil , agent , December 30,184(1 ( ; Murin- tinlque , W. I. , Simon H. David , vice consul , June 4,1SS > (3 ( ; Mentono , Augo Cloricy , agent , September 10.1SS7 ; Itouou , Henry C. Powell , vlco consul , May I' ' , 188.T ; Bou- logiio-sur-iner , Emilo Flagcollet , ntrcnt , December 28 , 1885 ; St. Etieimo , Hastings Burroughs , vlco consul general , Juno 28,1SS8 ; St. Pierre , Miquclon , John I' . Fruckcr , commercial agent , November 20 , ISSS. Friendly nnd Navigators' islands Jaluit , K. M. Morgan , agent , January IS , ISSS. Germany Alx la Chappolle , Franz Bertraim , vice and deputy consul , January 11 , 1887 ; Berlin , George H. Murphy , consular clerg , North Carolina , Juno # . ' , 1880 , $1,010 ; Bremen , Leopold Strube , vlco consul , July 15 , 18S5Hmko ; nnd Nonlonhanitn , Wllhclm Clemens , iiKont , November 13,1885 ; Bruns , wick , L. Austin Spaulding , consul , New York , fJ,500 and fees ; Brunswick , Hans Bautler , vlco ( 'onsul , March 17 , ISSti ; Han over , A. AI. Simon , agent. March 2 , IbSd , $1,923 ; Chcmltr , Henry F. Merritt , consul , Illinois , AprU 19 , 18S7 , * i,500 , ; Cliom- itz , AV. Porter Hoyd , consular clerk , Missouri , August 15 , 1887 , ? 1,000 ; Cologne , William Watnor , consul , South Carolina lina , May 20 , 18S5 , S'J.OOO ; Cologne , U. W. Mallincltrodt , vice-consul , December B , 1885 ; Dusscldorf , D. J. 1'artollo , consul. District of Columbia. October 9,1835 , fi.OOO ; Frankfort , Alvosto S. Hoguo , vlco and deputy consul general , October 18 , ISSo ; Hamburg , Charles S. llurko , vice nnd deputy consul , December 15 , 188.1 ; Lubeek , Jacob Aloyer , jr. , ngetit , September 5 , 1S85 ; Kohl. Edmund Johnson , consul , New Jersey , November 1.1 , IbSO , SICOO ; "Kohl , Theodore Kiniscr , vice-consul , Octoborg 7 , ISSO ; AusburR , 0. Obondcrf , agent , May 17 , ISSO ; Nuroinbnri ; , William J. Black , consul , Delaware , April 15,18S5f2K ( ) ( ) ; Nuremburg , Sigmund Dunkelibuhlcr , Dis trict of Columbia , May 3. .ISSS ; Sonnoberg , Alvin Florschultz , vlco and deputy consul , Februnry 21 , 1888. Uilbert Islnnds-Butnrl- tarl , Adolf Kick , commercial agent , May j , ISSS. Great Britain nud Dominions Ainhertstburg , Ontario , Septlmis S. Kol- fage , vice consul , June H , IbSS ; NoVls , Charles S. Simiuonds , ngont , FobruaVy 14 , 1SS7 ; Auckland , Now Zealand , Francis It. Webb , vice consul , Juno 25 , lbSi ; London derry , P. T. Kodgers. ugent , April 19 , 18H $ ; Belleville , Ontario , William M. Ponton , vlco consul , April 11 , 1885 ; Nnpaueo , William Templeton , ncent , August 8 , ISSS ; Picton , .Incob T , lliirrnngcr , agent , Soptembur 2S , 1888 ; Trenton , Dnvld C. Strong , npent , July 1,1SS7 ; Bombay , India , Horumsjcu R Jioilo , vlco consul , January 4 , IbSS : Karuoln , James Currie , January " 1,1SS7 ; Gloucester.Charles E. Portlock , nKent , Fobrunrv 11,18SU ; Rloul- meln , J , 1C. Orr , auont , February 17 , 1SS7 ; Rangoon , W. ( ! . KeJillo , ttRont , June 18 , 18 < 0 ; Capo Town , Africa , Ueorfc'w F. Ilollls , consul , Massuchusotts , May 10 , ISSS , fl.COO ; 1'ort Elizabeth , John AClmub.iud , ngent , July SJS , lbS7 ; Ceylon , India , Wllinm Morey consul , Maine , August 0 , 1887 , f 1,500 ; Jaffna , . . \Y > lU&a M. S , Tvvyman , agent , Septomber4 , = = - - = - p- ] ISSSj Point do CLUlo , Thomas S.CInrk , agent , JunoW , 1887 ; Clinrlottolown , P. K. I. Isnno C. Hall , consulf JMnssiichusetta , July 24 , 1SSK ) , ? l,500 ; ChHrloncfowir. John Mcnccachorn , vlco and deputy consul , Soptcmber 15 , 1837 ; Albcrton. Alexander McLcod , ngent , Mny 8H , 1S S ; Suttiiiicrslilo , John GniTno.v , nucnt , November27 , bpSS ; Chatham , Out. , Amos A , Brown , consul , Now York , November 12 , 18SO , f ISOO ! Cllflan , Out. John J. Bampllold , vlco nnd tienuly consul , Februnry 4,1887 , : Contlcook , Quebec , Willis Roberts , vlco and deputy consul , September 23 , IStO ; ( Jcorgo- villc , John Tnylir , ngent. February 13 , ISSS ; Lineboror , George A , Uoberts , nient , Juno'- , 18S8 ; Colllngwood , Out. . Herman Profon- talne , eommorcl.lngent | , New York , August 0 , ISbti ; Algoma , Glnssop C. McQuire , agent , August 21 , lSM ; Cork ( Qiiccnstown ) , John William Scott , vlrq consnU'ebruarv 13 , ISSfl ; Domeriira , Guiana , William T. Wantbnll , consul , Mississippi , April ' 'I. 18S8 , $3,0 < > 0 ; Dublin , Ireland , Stephen M. Mackenzie , vlco consul , September 8l 1861) ) ; Athlone , John Burgess , ngunt , Juno 20 , 1S8S ; Dundee , Scotland , Arthur B , Wood , consul , Now York , Mny Hi , 1885. $ V)00 : Gaspo Hnsin , Quebec , Altnnr F. Dlekson , consul , Mnssa- cbusctts , August B , 1837 , Jl,000 ; Ilnmllton. Ontario , Charles RI , Belknnp , vice and deputy consul , July 31,1885 ; Gnlt , Milton P. Townsend , agent , Mnrch 30 , 1837 ; Lnunces- ton , Lindsay TullocU. ugrnt. February 10 , 1887 ; Hong ICong- , China , UobertK. Withers , Jr. , vice nnd deputy consul , November t7 ! , 1883 ; Hull , England , Hobert H. Micks , vice consul , March 1,18SS ; Fnlmoutli , Chnrlos A. Nuncs , agent , Februnry 12 , 18M ) ; Port An- tonln , George 1C. Davis , ngent , Februnry ! i' ) , ISSO ; Port Morant , [ Lorenzo D. Baker , ] r. , agent , Febrnarj12 , 18SO ; Leeds , Knirlanil , Francis II. _ Wlgfall , consul , Mnrylnnd , April Ifi , ISSS , ? 2,000 ; Lovuka , F. 1. Andrews , A. St. John , commercial agent , Pennsylvania , May J > , ISS',5 ' , $1,000 ; Liverpool , Kng. . William J. Sullis , vlco and deputy con sul , July IS , 1SS7 ; St. Helen's. John Hnmlll , ngent , April 10,18SS : London , En ? . , Francis W. Frigout , deputy consul general , October 0 , 1S37 : Brighton , n. D.Varne , agent , December - comber 10,18S.T ; Dover , Francis W. Prescott , ngent , December 10 , 1SS5 ; London , Ont. , Cbnrlcs W. Dnvls , vice and deputy commer cial ngcnt , December 1 ! } , 18S7 ; Mclborne , Australia , J. Knne Sinytho. vice consul gen eral , September ! ! ! ) , ISM ) ; Adelntno. Charles A. Murphy , ngcnt , Nbvomber 10,1887 ; Freo- mantle , William Sandovcr , agent , Juno 3 , ISt-.O ; Monoton , N. B. , James S. Benedict , commercial agent , New York , September 10. 1SS7 ; Monoton , ( ieorgo McSwoeney , vice nnd deputy commercial agent , March i ! , 188(1 ( ; Bnthurst , Edwnrd IHckson , ngent , October 20 , 18SO ; Campbelton , John McAllister , ngcnt , April 9 , ISSS ; Hichbucto , 10. E. Phair , ngent , Juno 27 , 18SS ; ' Montreal , Quebec , I'ntrlck Oor'nan , vice nnd deputy consul general , February 18 , ISSO ; Henimingford , Wellington W. Wark , ngcnt , Mny 14 , 1835 ; Cornwall , William T. Gorman , ngont , October H , 1887 : Albert Town , How ard Farrlncton , ngent , January IB , ISSO ; Dunmoro Town , Norman E. B. Munroo , agent , December 14 , 1SS7 ; Green Turtle Bay , JabczA. Lowe , agent , Mny 7 , 1885 ; Mathow- town , Daniel D. Sargent , agent , November-1 , 1SS5 ; Newcastle , N. S. W. , oorgoT. Baggs , commercial agent , Mnrylnnd. November 12 , 1887 ; Brisbane , Ccorgo Harris , agent , .iv i. . . 8 , 1885 ; Norfolk Island , Isaac Kobinson , . November 18 , 1SS7 ; Townsvillo , Will- lam V. Brown , agent , April 17 , 1885 ; Not tingham , England , William T. Cartwright. vice consul general. March 31 , ISSO ; Ottawa , Ont. , Edward King , vice and deputy consul general , Febru ary 21 , ISSS : Pitou , N. S. , George C. Tanner , consul , South Carolina , March ifl , 1887 ; Anticonish , Kiipert Cunnigham , ngent , July 25 , 1SS5 ; 'Mngdalen Islands , Hobert J. Leslie , agent , Junes , 1887 ; PortiiawUsbury nnd Mulgmro , Aloxhmler Bain , ngont , Octo ber "fi , 18&6 ; Pugwasli nnd Wallace , Conrad W. Morris , agent , September 11 , 1SS8 ; Syd ney , J. E. Purcbcll , accnt , October 20 , Dartmouth , Georcq llingstou , ngont , April 20 , 1S > 8 ; Port Hope , Out. . Luther M. Shaffer , commercial ngent , West Virginia , January 1-1 , 1880 , .81,500 ; Peterborough , Allan V. H. Young , v agent , November 20 , ISSS ; Port Howau , Out. , J. Thomas Murphy , vice com mercial agent , March 11 , 18s7 ; Port Stanley and Saint Thomas , Ont. , William II. King , vice and deputy consul , December 13 , 1S87 ; Prescott. Out. , William C. Hall , consul , Now York , August 0 , ISSO , $1,500 ; Quebec , Hobert McD. Stocking. vi6o consul , November 4 , 1785 ; Shoflield , Knglnnd , 13enjamin Folsom , consul , New York. October 15 , 1SS5 , ? J,500 ; Sheffield , Gcorgo , A. Branson , vice consul , December ! JJ , uj1-8S ; Uarslcy , Hobert I ) . Mnddison , agent , December 0 , 1SS7 ; St. Helena , Jiunes LT. Coflin , consul , Massu- chusctts , April Si , 18SS , $1,500 ; Turks Island , West Indies , Joseph LIlance , consul , New York , February 2 , 1SS7. $1,000 ; Wnllaco- imrg , Ontario. Isaac G. Warden , commercial agent , Michigan , March 20 , ISSO , 51,500 ; Windsor , N. S. , Edward Young , consul , Dis trict of Columbia , August 3 , ISSO , $1,000 ; Yarmouth , N. S. , Dean F. Currie , commer cial ngent , New York , February 10 , ISSS , § 1,000 ; Hawaiian Islands Hon olulu , Arthur W. Hichardson , con- mlar clerk. California , July 2(1 ( , ISSO , $1,000 ; Italy Florence , Isaao It. Diller , consul. Jan uary 29 , 1887 , $1000 ; Messina , Wnllaco S. Jones , consul , Florida , Juno27lSS5l.r)00 ; Tourm , St. liegor A. Touliny , vice and deputy consul. District of Columbia , May 20 , 1S.W5 , fees ; Venice , Henry A. Johnson , District of Columbia , March 20 , ISSO. $1.000. Japan ICnnntrawa , William B. Herbert nnd John McLalno , November and September , 1885 nnd 1880 , $1,000 and 81,000 respectively ; Osaka and Illogo , vice consul and interpre ter , $1,000 each , May , ISSO. Madagascar Tamatlvo , John P. Campbell , California , Oc tober 20 , 1680 , ? 3,000. Mexico Saltillo , John Wocssner , consul.Tcxns . , Mnrch 12 , 18Slifocs , ; Tuxpan. John Drayton , consul , * South Care lina , August 2(1 ( , ISbll , fees ; Ycra Cruz , Joseph D. HolT , consul. Now Jersey , October 14 , 1835 , $ . ' 1,000. Netherlands and Dominions I'arnmaribOjGuiatia.Thonins .Browne , consul , MontnnaMny 15,1SSS , fees. Persia Teheran , 10. Spencer Prntteonsill general nnd minister resident , Alabama ; August it , 1880 , $5,000. Russia Odessa , Thomas E. Heonan , consul , Minnesota , October 29 , 18S5. Spain nnd Do minions Cieufuiigos , Cuba , Henry A , Khnlnger , consul , New York , August li ! , 1880 , $ 'i,500 nnd fees ; Manila , Plilllipplnes , Alexander H. Webb , consul , Missouri , Sep tember 29 , 1887 , S'2,000 ; Sagun la Grande" , Cuba , Daniel M. Mullen , commercial ngent , Massachusetts , October 20 , 1885 , $2,000 ; San tiago do Cuba , Otto E. llelmor , consul , Now York , October a , 18S5 , $ i,500. Switzerland St. Gall , William Henry Hobertson , consul , District of Columbia , January 12 , 1SS9 , $ J,500. Turkey and Dominions Bagdad , John 11. liayncs , consul , Massachusetts , August 10 , ISSS , fees ; Beirut , Syria , Erhnrd Uisslngor , consul , Now York , October 19,1885 , S'J.OOO ; Jerus alem , Syria , Henry Oilman , consul , Michigan , Juno 7 , ISSO , S'J.OOO ; Sivas , II. M. Jowett , consul , Massachusetts , May 18 , ISSO , $1,500 ; Smyrna , William C Hmmet , consul , Now York ; November 10 , ISSn , 82,500 < mu fees. Uruguay Colonla , Benjamin D. Man- ton , consul , Ithodo Inland , November fi , 1809 , fees. Zanzibar Itarll.i , George II. Murphy , North Carolina , Juno i,1 ? , ISSO , $1,000 ; Honolulu lulu , Arthur AV. Hlchardson , California , Julv 20 , ISSO , § 1,000 ; Chonmltz , W. Porter Hoyd , Missouri , August 15 , 1SS7 , 81,000 ; Liverpool , Willianj Dulnny Hunter , Min nesota , December1 ! ; ! , , ISSS , ? 1,000 ; Lyons , F. Carl A. Hannsman , Missouri , December lli , ISSS , $1,000. , , Besides those nt > mojl above tbcro nro n number of consulaclerlcs nnd commercial agents located In' Iluyti , Guatemala , Hon duras , Muscat , 'Madagascar , Liberia , Mexico , Nlcarajiutf , ' Paraguay , Peru , Portugal , Houmanih , Salvador , San Do- inlni-'o.Siani , Swedon'and ' Norway , Venezuela and other countries , who are not paid by snl nry or fei s , but ocvouiiy the positions they have for tbo Amqricaji connection the oiltco gives them. These 'places nro filled in almost every Instance bf Datives in which the places are located , ' * ' There are ccrtslh 'sldo fees or porqulsltlos which go with ailt Tuearly nil of the con sular ofllcos , Tni'scwe made from notarial charges. All blllsjoC ading or invoices for exx ] > rt to this coyiiriiy must bo certified by a notary public , whoris authorized w adminis ter oaths under trm i\mcrcan ! laws , nnd In quite nil instances a profit accrues to con sular ofllccrs from these services. In some instances these fees aggregate liberal salar ies , whllo In others they are Insignificant. A Change ofth" Yun's. ST. JOSKIMI , Mo. , Jan. 1. [ Special to THE Ilnu.j The old year wont out In a driving rain and the now year was ushered in by a blizzard of snow , which has been scurrying nroutid corners nil liny. The electric cars stopped rumiinu before S o'clock , nnd these who have to go out on business have to do it afoot , The St. Joe gun club were to bavo their regular quarterly hadga shoot at live birds today , hut thu weather prevented. It will occur Saturday , If possible , nnd at tno same tlmo a private match" for $100 nt fifty bird * will lie snot. Tlio contestants are John Comb ] ana John A. Doivcll , both well known artists of tit. Joe , A COMPLICATION IN KANSAS. for the United States Sanator- ehip Cropping Up Everywhere. HE LADIES VERY MUCH IN POLITICS , Vo One of Any Party Sneezes nt Their InlliH'iioc How Senator IngalU' Campaign ia lining Coti'luctcil Tlio Alliance , Tcrrm , ICnn. , Jan. 1 , [ Special to T'tn liu.J Senator Ingalls' opponents nro tnoro determined than ever. The men \vho luivo barge of the senator's campaign nro very different from tbosc who conducted the ro- ccnt stnto flght for the rcpiiDlicaiH. They invo fewer confidants , nnd hro better ichoolcd politicians , Prom the very inccp- Ion of the Ingnlls fight they have worked to : ) rlngsuch n condition of nfTiurs about tlmt the United States senator-elect would cither bohigalls ornn nlhanco man.- The strenuous efforts \vlilcli wcro made by ccrtnin rt'puWl- cnn leaders to have Senator Ingnlls withdraw 11 order tlmt the republican senate might .inlto on a tiinn against whom tbo nlllancn re- > uhlic.ins were not plodded , was fought to n finish within tbo republican ranks , nnd Sen- ixtor Infills' friends Bullied tlio victory. Scnntor Ingnlla will return to Topeka .vbeii . tbo legislature convoiios niul will ro- i.nln hero until nftor his successor Is elected. Una tbo senatorial election occurred ono : noiith ago ho would hnvo been easily dcfi'al- cd. Then the republicans were illvidod but now the division is within tbo ranks of the > oonlo's party. Three distinct combinations nnvo been 'onnetl and two of them have already been liurstcd. The various candidates for the sen ate have grown suspicions , uiuln combination 'ias been formed against Judge Potter , who is bought to bavo the most strength. Tbo seeming certainty of the election of an alliance nmn to succeed Senator Ingnlls has caused ho "old guard" to lese its bond , and tbo , vomen who were such potent factors in tbo stnto campaign nro beginning to nmlco trouble. \Vhothcror not this condition of jill'ulrs was brought about through tbo manipulation of Senator Ingulls' managers Is a question , but Die people's party leaders freely attmlt tbat the light Is nioro complicated than ever. The Alliance elected ninety-two represcnta- ivcs , nine more than enough to elect a sen ator , but there nro something like twenty > vho remain unpledged. None of them were iistructcd nt the nominating conventions. Judge W. .A. Poffer , editor of the Kansas Farmer , was the llrst alllanco cnndlilato for senator in the Hold and succeeded In getting n number of alliance nominees pledged to him before the election occurred.Vhentho re turns showed that J. Willits , tbo alliance nominee for governor , was only defeated by a small plurality his friends at once began booming liim for tlio senate. The list of senatorial aspirants now In- clinles 1' . P. Kldor of Franklin county , a nolltlcian of twenty years' .standing ; Judge \V. A Pepper , editor of the Kansas Farmer ; .lorry Simpson , congressman-elect from the Seventh district ; 1'rof. .lames II. Canllold of the state university ; J. F. Willits , defeated candidate for governor , and General John II. lilce , a republican. Within the last week Tudgo Frank Dostcr of Marlon county has bci-ii brought out by his friends and the women arc engaged in booming him. The alliance is also determined to elect a state winter. Governor Elder , who was clectod to the egislnturo from Franklin county , will un doubtedly bo elected speaker of the house. His position will give him prcstigo and ho will have the additional advantage of being a schooled politician. Mr. Willll's campaign is being managed by S. W. Chase , chairman of the people's central committee. Shot 1'Voiu Ills HOI-MO. DBNISOX , Tex. , Jan. 1. .1. D. McSwam , deputy United States marshal , arrived in this city this morning from Ardmorc , I. T. , having In custody Edison Drown , .Tnclcsou Conway nnd James Conway , full-blood Chickusaws , who nro being conducted ns prisoners to Paris , being charged with violating tbo in tercourse law. The deputy United States marshal nnd prisoners furnish the particu lars of a horrible murder which was com mitted ' Christmas day thrco miles east ot Tis-homingo. Austin Tloauba , J nines Hob- bins and Willis Honitubby loft Tislio- miiiffo on Christmas day is to proceed to their homes , distant about fifteen miles. The men were drunk , nnd loftTisboiningo yelling ami discharging their pistols. After riding a short distance n quarrel ensued , and the coni- lanlous of Tiounbiisbot bun from his horse. When tie was In tbo throes of death , Itobin- snn and Honltubdy cut thenyingniiin's throat from carlo oar and plunged their knives into his bronst. The umrdcr was committed in an unfrequented road , and the body remained exposed until Sunday. The bogs bad de voured a great portion of the body when dis covered. All the parties were citizens of the territory. The case will bo tried there. When the deputy United .States marshal left there they were still at liberty , defying ur- rcst. A Illg 11:111 : Ic Swindle. DETIIOIT , Mich. , Jan. 1. Banking and rail road circles were thrown into excitement yesterday over the issuance of a circular by the Dank of Montreal , warning the Runic of Detroit nnd the United States ngninst'tho ac ceptance of four certificates of deposit on the State and four on the People's banks. Service of this notice nnd the presence of four provincial detectives brought to light n swindling story by which the Bank of Mon treal was done out of ? ' 20OOJ. It appears that James N. Henry , n produce dealer of Chat ham , Out , presented early in the month to a local branch of the bank at Chatham sundry bills of lading purporting to bo Issued by the Grand Trunk mid Cannnlan Pacific railroads. Ho entered then ) us deposits nnd checked against thorn until bo had'drawa § 30,003. Ho then cnme to Detroit , presented Ills money at the two banks named nnd took ccrtllicates of deposit. It notr turns out that thiiso bills were bogus nnd that no such freight was de livered to the companies. Some of these cer tificates of deposit bavo been cashed , but It is believed that 10Si5 ; on the People's bank nnd flS.SCilon ) the State bank nro still out. Notllicntion is mndo to prevent their pay ment. Henry bos disappeared. Threw Vitriol in Ills Face. OKKBXCISTI.E , Ind. , Jan. 1. Never hofcro in the history of Putnam county was there such n criminal assault as was perpetrated in the city of Greencastlo tills evening. Shortly before 7 o'clock , ns Theodore Kloinbub , a resident of the north part of the city , was re turning homo from his place of business , ho was mot bv n thlr-.hly veiled woman , who , thinking it was his brother Kd , rushed upon him with n pitcher of some un known acid. Discovering from beneath the gleam of the gaslight that she was mis taken in her victim she suddenly disappeared in the darkness nnd n few moments later ap peared nttho business place of Kleinbub , the most ponular barber of this city. Mr. Kd. Kleinbub was busy nt his chair when n small boy handed him a note which read ' 'Como to the door a moment , " nnd as bo approached the door some unknown woman d.ished a pitcher of blue vitriol in bis fuco. Kd's face is in a most critical condition. It is said that ho knowd who ncrpatrntod the deed , out keeps the knowledge to himself. Two I nlal A W. Va. , Jnn 1. Two peculiar Occidents Involving loss of llfo occurred hero last night about 7 o'clock. Thomas Lewis stopped from a train nt the Baltimore & Ohio depot and foil through an opening in the plat form nnd bad bis bruins dashed out on the lea in tbo creek forty foot below. At 1 p.m. Utchnrd Knight of Cleveland stepped from a train and foil in the same hole , and was also killed. Chief of I'olico Dolbnigko was nl- most drowned In uu attempt ut rescue. Chiltlron Hurnod tn Denih. UAI.KIDII , N. C. , Jan. 1. N'ows was ro coivnd hero tonight of n horrible affair In Pnmllca county. Sunday night Scott Thomp son , colored , who lives near liayboro , In com puny with his wife and oldest child went to church , leaving suvcn children , live of hi wn and two grandchildren , nt homo , their gcs ranging from infancy to nbout fifteen ears. Before the services cmlod Thomp- ons's house was found to bo on lira , nn the ongregntion nmclo n rush for it. On ncnrlnir no scene of the con narration the sa'ivium of w cblldren could be plainly hcnrd , but vhen the plnco wn * reached the buildljig had illen In nnd every ono of the children hail orlsht-d In tbo llanibs. It Is supposed there ro cnuglit from the chimney and spread ndldly , nnd tlio children being sound nslcop Id not tuvako until the Humes bud cut off nil gross. SHOT IX ' 111 10 Tl.IGII. . V Colored Man I'lnys with n Revolver with the Usual Krsult. Clans Ilubbnrd and Hilly Wetzel , two col- rod men , were handling a revolver rather 'tirelessly ' last nlgm In n saloon on Tenth trcet , when tbo weapon was accidentally Ischarged , lodslng a bullet In Wet/el's I'lgh. Tliowounu is very painful and rather angerous , 'j'ineti : < ; ntmTtY I'JNITOHS. V Strange Supernatural IMmiioinonon at .Nevada , tlo. NEVADA , Mo. , Jnn. 1. Considerable ex- Itemcnt was occasioned hero last night by n apparently supernatural pbonomonon. Valter Cnlbraltb , a real estate luan ; II. II. llanton , a lawyer , and Samuel Atkinson , a lusincss man , whllo Hlttlngln Mr.Gulbrnlth's ifllcont a late hour last night , wuro stnrtTeil ly un npoarltlon of three lllo-sizo female llg- ires appearing on tbo plato glass front of tbo Illce. A close Investigation fulled to account or the prc once of tlio 11 cures. Parsons on he street had their nltentlon called to thu ihcnonienon and it was witnessed by twenty- vo or thirty persons of undoubted ver.ioity. "ho whole town Is oxelteu over the matter , n't not n few nttributo it to some supcrnntu- al agency. _ * A 'JiiVcnti-nctl Iiynuhliu ; . OXTAXAOO.V , Mich. , Jan. 1. Twnn , ono of bo worst places In tbo northern peninsula , vns the scene of a deliberate murder yostor- ay , In which Michael Downey of Sagiunw VIM shot md Instantly killed by , lee Thomas. Vhatciiuscd thocrimols not known , but tbo ound of the llrst shot called the villagers to ho scene , und they saw 'J bonus emptying ils revolver into Downey's body , Downey , t appeared , fell nt the llrst shot , nnd 'lioiuns stood over him nnd continued to ire until his revolver was empty , ind then turned away. The crowd yelled to ynch him and Thomas started for the woods , mrsucd by fully two hundred men. nil dotcr- ninod to lynch him if caught. Ho took refuge mder a bed In u homostoudor's cabin and tent the crowd nt bay with a revolver until bo sheriff arrived. Sheriff Ford started with he prisoner for this place , but there is little ikt'llhood of bis arriving , ns the woodsmen , vith which the village is full a great ninny laving come in to celebrate the New Year are determined to lynch Thomas and hnvo tnrted across the country for this place , say- tig that they will take Thomas from Juil nnd yucb him it necessary. 9 KnliiiH Mny ( ut Away. Four WAVSB , Ind. , Jan. 1. A sensational caturo in the case of Marvin ICuhns was the appearance of tlio outlaw in the superior "ourt yesterday , on habeas corpus proceed- ugs , tbo prisoner demanding bis liberation ipon the plea tbat ho is unjustly hold with out a warrant of law. Judge Dawson , upon application of the state's attorney , continued bo hearing of the matter until Friday after- loon. The nrrcst of ICuhns after bis buttlo vith tbo officers occurred iuChurubuscn , just iver the county line , and no c'largei hnve icon sworn out against him. Meantime tlio Jhto authorities , vho hnvo undertaken to invo Kuhns taken to Fostoria on a requisi tion from Governor- Campbell are moving with provoking slowness , and it Is feared the nurdercrs of Campcan may yet find n legal oopbolo through which to escape. Dakota \Viro 1'nllers. MiTCiii2i.t , S. D. , Jan. 1. [ Special Tcle- : rntn to TUB BinJ Ills losrnod today that : bo indepenJcnt members of the legislature will bold n caucus nt Huron tomorrow to decide upon a man for the United States senate. The four democratic members from Krulo nro hero today on their way to 1'iorre , where the legislature convenes next Tues day. They assert tnat tbo democrats will stand solid for Trlpp. It is not thought the independents will get any Help from the democrats. The republicans will stand solid nnd with the help they will got , both from democrats ami independents , when it comes lo n Html vote , will nialco Aloody's election inevitable. lluitox , S. D. , Jnn. 1. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; Bffn. ] Judge Moody was hero this afternoon looking after senatorial affairs. Ho is very uneasy , and while ho does not admit ilefcat his chances of success nro not llattor- ing. llewiillinvosomodifilenltv in prevailing upon several dissatisfied republicans to support - port him. .Independents declare there is no probability of Moody securing enough inde pendents to offset the votes bo is suru to lese iimong ropulillcaiis , and his election is qulto Improbable , If not impossible. Tlio Sniibnrn Hunk , WOONSOCKIIT , S. D. . Jim. 1. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Rnn. ] Jud 'O Hnnoy has issued nn order doposIngO. W. ( Jorkings ns assignee of the Sanhorn county bank and Installing W. II. Uurdlclr ns his successor. The story Hint Stevens , the president of tbo bank , Is i'lsnno Is all bosh. Ho was under a great mental strain no doubt iinct was nt times do , lirious , but Is getting along rapidly now , There nro no now or startling developments. Dr. Fm-rar'fi Promotion. ArrniROX , ICnn , , Jan. 1. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : 13 KB. ] Dr. M. C. Farrar , ro ) cently a local surgeon on the Wabash In Illi nois , has been appointed assistant chief sur geon ot the Missouri Pacific , for tlio western division , to succeed Dr. P. J. Holland , de ceased. Dr. Farrar's territory includes nil tbo lines north of Kansas City in Kansas and Nebraska , ills bead quarters will bo at At- cliison , M'linat Kan. , Jan. 1. Advices re ceived by the Mows from twcnt-y counties in southwestern Kansas show that there has been a heavy rain this afternoon nnd even ing. lloports concerning wheat prospects nrcof the molt flattering diameter. The area Is the largest in the history of thesn countioj and the average condition on January 1 will bo the best over known. Want I'ny Wlillo They lint. Loxnov , Jan. , 1. The men employed on the Victoria dock have gone out on a strike. The present movement is made for the pur pose of compelling the employers to pay the men for the tiinn tbov tire absent nt dinner. Two thousand colliers employed in the mines In the vicinity of Morthyr-T.vdvll , Wales , have quit work on account of ulleged grievances. .Snowbound drains. ATCIIISOX , Kan. , Jan. 1. [ Special Tele gram to Tin ; BUB. ] All Missouri Pacific nnd II. & M. trains north of bore nro snow bound. Missouri Pacific , No. ) , Is laid up tit Auburn ana n U. .t M. train has been lying ton miles north of hero till the nfternoon. Trains on all tbo other roads nro delayed. The snow Is twelve Inches deep on a level hero. _ It. U. .Smith Mr. B. C. Smith , who has been tbo chief clerk In the ofliro of the assistant superin tendent of motive power of the Nebraska di vision of the Union Pacific , severed hi ? con- nectlon with the road at the close of the year niter n continuous service of thlrtonn years. Mr. Smith bus boon in falling health forsomo time and concluded to make a change , Ho will devote Ids tlmo lo the grocery business In which be has hud an interest for some tlmo. Koll From n Riot or. OnicerP. J. Knright slipped us ho got off the motor last night nt the corner of Six teenth and Jackson itrootn anil fell , throwing a linger out of Joint anil gottiug shaken up generally. AMI'lilMtKXTS. A trndltlotml New Year's house witness * ' ! tbo Initial performance during this engtii.- incut , of CorlnnoatltoyiVs.of "Monto I'risiu Jr. " The piece Is styled nn operatic bur lo quo molo-drnma , nnd certainly justifies tin characterization , Thcro Is In It something otoitorn , burlesque nnd , ludood , of incl" drama , the lust feature being n fupjje.ition ' tlio story of "Monto Crlsto. " In the title role Corinne Is M'or.Taps ' so" " nt her 1)i st. She nets charmingly n > id hi'.r dances seem to bo selected withdlsceritn t Her songs , too , nro imich inniv lutcrc .tin * belnirmluptoil to ber voice , which hi < 'isi * ' ' to ndvanUige. Her dro.ssltig of the p.ir' < both rich and noaiitiful. L.lki' the star , tlio company n | > tu < ntx 'on' ' vnntiigo. In fuel , there Is little ivimi ( < i which is not satisfactorily pi > rfuriiK > ii \s li-i" Ibis Is trnoof the singing um I imnclu . u Is especially so of the drill of "Tho Haalimu Hussars. " Tills fcnturo li.-w never been ex celled by any sluillar on the lloyd suigo. .1 .VA O r A rKJI The Kilcn Museo presented n fine Rp bill yeUcrday. ' The troupe now playing there is ono of the bcst.spednlty troupi's trav cling. The curio hull Is tilled with new fea tures tlmt tire Interesting. Voster.lay M.m tiger Lawlor prosi.'ntod all bis patrons \vllli a linndsoino New Year's ' souvenir. Commc-ttclng Sunday evening "Tho Clementoaii Cn. o" will open nn engagement ot four nlRhts nt the ( ! ranl opera house , pro tlucod by the originnl New York Stnndnnl ( heater compary , which includes Miss Sybil Johnstonons I/a , the model. The row'rVeil seat sain will open Saturday. The prices will bo the iiigulnr prices of tbo house the last season , We to $ l. Corlnno will during the remainder of tbH week present the operatic burlosiiue , "Monto Oristo , Jr. , " ut thoHoyd. Uramiitlcnlly , there is no stronger play booked at the Uoyd this season than William ( illlillo's great war drama , ' 'Held bv the Enemy. " Tlio company tiiat will appear m tliis great play at the Uoyil on next hiindiit evening is a most cumpetontoiip , nnd has had llattcrlng mention from the press of the largo cities , The engagement is for ono night only NOUTHOJI < 1 IM.t X1WN. Died on tins Train. A young man mimed Urilitoti , of Dlxon , 111. , died last night on the Union I'nciilc train , just before reaching South Omaha. Ills ro- mnins were taken off the train and taknn to the undertakers. Fell I'rittn n Trentlc. Charles liarbaugli , n bi-akomnn on the Fre mont , Elkhorn and Missouri Vnlloy road , was walking on the Union Pacille trestle west of the city last night about 11 o'clock and missed his footing. Ho fell about thirty loft nnd brokn his right leg nnd received other injur ies. Ho was taken to tbo Transit house , where medical assistance ) was called. UV TIJK SHKItlKF. Failure of C. I. . lOrloU.son , tlio Six teenth Si reel , ilpwolcr. Thostoroof C. L. Hrlckson , the North Six teenth street Jeweler , was closed last night on nn attachment Issued nt the instance of C. C. Briggs & Co. , of New York , who bold n claim of $1,000 ugainst Mr. Krickson. The stock is now in tlio possession of the sheriff , nnd other iittnchmonts will bo levied Ibis morning. Mr. KHrkson states tlmt his ni seis far exceed bis liabilities , and that if his creditors will give him a little time ho will soon bo on his feet again. - The ltrx-1 ; Inland Intends to Como In. The Hock Island pcoplo nro not courting a light with tbo Union Pacific , but Sunday morning tlicy propose to run their passenger train into Omaha and the Union depot. Gon- cral Agent DeBeroiso said last night"Wo bavo a contract similar to that which the Milwaukee mudo with the Union Pnclllr.oiil.v ours dons not go into force until the 1th. On that day wo shall bring our through Chicago train over the bridge and laud our passengers nttho Union depot , providing thu switches are not locked against us ; Wo don't antici pate any trouble , though Judging from what has happened it Is impossible to tell whether or not tbo Union Pacific will go back on its contract. " Tin IJnsliieSH Nnnrly Completed. The members of thn grievance committee of the Jirolhcrhood of Locomotive Engineers , who have been in session for sover.il wec-iw , have about concluded their labors nnd an ad journment will bo reached cither today or to morrow. When the committee mot llion1 wore indications tlmt a stormy session would bo hold between the members of the committee too and the Union Pacific ofliclals , but the change in the general mimugorsliip of the road has resulted in nil the differences havliii ! been settled in n manner tnat is satisfactor to all parties concerned. About nil that uc' remains to do is to select a chairman for U > > ensuing year nnd approve some atnendmt ; is that nave been made to the by-laws. Captain Mills' HomnliiH Arrive. The remains of the late Captain Mills of tbo Second infantry , arrived from Pine Kidgo agency last night at fi o'clock , accompanied by First Sergeant Stahl of company A , Second end infantry , ns tbo mlllttuy escort. The remains were mot nt the Webster street depot by several of the ofilcors from Fort Omaha , and were taken to the garrison It nas not been fully determined ns yet where tbo remains will bo interred , but it Is probable that the body will bo sent to El- myra , N. Y. , for burial. Army Note ? . Sergeant T.owii , Company K , Eighth in fantry , bos been cr.mted a furlough for three months , with permission to npply for Ins dia charge in vloiv of thrco years' faithful ser vice in the army. Post Chaplain II. II. Hull , U. S. A. , has been ordered relieved from duty at Fort ( . 'us tor and ordered to Fort Kobliibon , Nob. jtjr.it. BUO WN' Francis C. . wife of JuJgo Ofiorpe F. Brown , at her residence on Capitol u\ nuo , nt - o'clock a. in , , January 1. Funeral from residence , DM ) Capital a\o nue , on Friday , January 2 , 1SU1 , at 'J p. n > Friends of "tho family nro invited lo bo present. _ H. B.Stnnton of Danvcr i at the Patton. II. Vt. I'nlmer ot Hastings Is uttho Casey 0.V. . Moshor of Uncoln U at the Millard W. 1' . Cole of Fremont is at the Merch ants. 1) ) . J. DaoyofSt. Paul , Minn. , Is nt tlio Mlllurd. II. S. Williams of Kansas' City is at the Merchants. O. Fr Wiley of O'Xolll ' was nt tliu ( . ' * ' lost night. II. B. Hollman of Fort Madison , In , It ut tbo Murray. \V. II. U'adoof Now York is rcplstoro'J nt tbo Murray. John II. Hrcnun of Hapld City , S. D. , is at tbo I'axton. GeorgeV. . Osterbort of David City is nt the Murray. W. F. Untton of Petersburg l registered nt the Casey. A. IM Hates of 1'ortlnnd , Me. , is in tbedty , nt the Millard. J. A. Elllolt of Ilurllngton was nt the I'ax- ton last night. C. 1C. Buckley of .Vow York is in the city nt thu 1'axton. F. A. McUlellun of Wllion Is In tbo city , at the Mcrchunts. II. C. Seeloy of Cashing was nt the Merch ants yesterday. W. II. DltiKinan of Grand Island Is In the city , nt the Casey , Calvin t luutor of Choycnnu waut the Murray lust night. J. C , McMahon snout the holidays with hh family at Columbus , H , II. Doty of Warren , Pa. , was In thocltj last night , uttho Millard , Miss Ainundu Summers ot Poorla , 111. , Is in tbo city visiting with bcr sister , Mrs. Hoburt Green ,