THE WENTIETJI. YEAH. OMAHA , FEIDAY MOlWHSf ( & , JANUARY 2 , 1801. NUMBEK IflS. BEC1NTOC OF THE END , fA Mammoth Square of Eifles Surrounding tbo Indians. , DROOkE AND CARR ON OPPOSITE SIDES. I'ntlittlc ; .Sesoncsltnessed ly the SconIH tljl\n Indian InfiuilH round ileHldc Their Moth ers' Head IlodlcH. PINT Uinnr Anrvcv , S. D , ( via Rusuvlllc , Neb. ) Jan 1. [ Kpcclil Telegram to Tin llri' ] General Biooho nr.d stud , together with tbo Ulghth company of the Second In- fnt.tryatid . all tho.Ninth cnvnlrj that hnvo been here , started Into the field at 11 o'clock this morning , via the Oelrlchs road to Beaver creek , eighteen miles almost duo west of this nk'onev From there they will swing out Into ns long nllnons practicable , thus form ing the western nnd part of the northern side cfii hollow square , which it now seems it has been decided to form about the hostllcs. Can's command hns airived nt Wounded Knee , near the point vvhoro the bittle took place , which Is six miles east of Porcupine Itutte , or about sixteen miles northeast of licro ut Wounded Knco postofllce Thus it scorns that Carr's command is to constitute the cast and north sides of the square. From the expression upon the fates of the officers and men , us thov pulled out through the snow nnd hitter cold , it was evident that they didn't iclish Gcneial Miles'order that tame like the sharp crack of a whip Three companies of the First infantry from Ban FiancUco hnvo aheady amvcd and six moio nro expected tonight to leplaco the Sec ond. ond.A A scout came In this morning and reported that tbo main body of tl.o hoJtilcs had moved bock twelve miles fiom the a enej and to ward the bad hinds on the north. Another arrived this afternoon nnd repoitcu the reds indulging in a wild war diinco only eight miles from here nnd shouting forth the hope that the soldiers would como and fight them General Curr Is rushing thioui-h a plan whereby ho will give the treacheious , bloody horde a light that will bo their List this side of the phantom hunting grounds. These deUs have Jint ono and onlj ono alternative now , cither to lay down their aims or bo shot down eat rylng them. + IT The sun of the I ist day of pcnco pnrlejing , /th thnm sank upon the bloody field of .Voundcd Knee Their killed numbered but mlo moio then a hundicd then , but j\ will be swelled to thousands ere a 4Jvv moon rises , If Ihoy do not "ilo themselves into thovciy dust in tmnco fortjalr ) piescnt attitude. ( A'hcrpuultc at a distance fiom hcio cannot predate the feeling , thounoltciablo deter- ilnatlon that has taken possession of those representing the Goveimncnthoio rogniding Jlils situation. A , uity of Indian scouts today v Islted the scone of Moudaj 'n battle , and found nine Imlians whoweio wounded in the light still n'.lvo. Two of them had been taken ton log hut near by and weio being cared for by a squaw that had remained be hind the other seven , all of whom wore found Ij ing in gullies remote from the battleflelii , having sin vivcd the blizzard without attention of any kind. Two were bucks , nnd the other flvo weio squaws U'hcio was scarcol ) enough llfo loft in any of the seven to pay the scouts for bilnging them in , but they did so , nnd they are now w 1th ttio others in the Episcopal church. In addition to tlio nine adults found , two tiny Indian babies , neither of thornovei three months old , were found alive , each beside the dead body of its mother. Thoj wcro well wiappcd up , but how they suivlvcd the fear ful weather of the last foi ty-clght hours scorns n mystery. The llttlo innocents wcro of of course brought to the agency and found filcnds in the wives of some cf the Indian couts. the thiity-flvo wounded Indians brought oilutter the battle , noaily till whom vveio squaws and children , not n jho has as yet died , though many of them are .badly mangled with millets. ' The rear guard of the party of chultj floiug scouts that went out on their search for wounded Indians was foiccd to ex- charge scvcial shots with some roving bos- tiles , who seemed to think the former had no business to do any nets of kindness. For the benefit of the few people who nifty feel Hko immediately seeking to attach some blame to the military for not taring foi these wounded Indians sooner , I will snj that , lifter the battle , the Indian scouts did > go over the Held and picked up all the dis abled hostile * they could find , bofoio the troops woio compelled to hurry in hero and piotect the agency from the uprising that occuried , as previously desciibed In my dis patches. Since then they hnvo been too busy every moment preventing n niassne-io heio to spend thno doing deeds of kindness. The Indian scout that fell nt Wounded Iviioo was given n military burial this after noon by his comrades under the command of L'outcnant Taj lor , Kov Mr Cook presiding The snow storm Hint has been i.igliig for twenty-four hours has ceased The .vcather Is warmer , and as a result the high tension of vigilant out look for n surprise by the roil devils which wns allowed to iclnv during the war of tbo elciicnts has been icsumed Captain - tain Catloy ef comp my C , Second infantry , did not accompany his regiment Into the Hold this morning , owing to bis health. The death of Captain Mills promotes First Lieutenant Larson to the captaincy. None of the wounded boldlors nro anv worse tonight nud most of them seem n llttlo bettor. C. II. Ciirssnv. iis j-'oit TIIM : Governor 'llinjei- Instructs Them to 1m Heady nt a Moment's Notice. LINCOI.V , Nob. , Jan. 1 , Governor Tbayor today sent telegraphic Instructions to the co'uinnnclor of the state militia nt Long Pine to move at once to Chndron , the scene of the thioatencd Indian outbreak Orders were also given to commanders nt Fremont , Cen tral Olty and Tokamah to bo prepared to stuit atar.y time. A Wild Humor. \V .3iiivnTov , Jan. l.-Secretary of War proctor was interv lowed tonight regarding the rumor from the Indian agency at Pine lUdgo that General Brooke had bcon relieved. The secretary snld ho know nothing about It ami did not credit the report. From what could bo learned through other souicas there appeared llttlo reason for believing the roe l < oit to nave any foundation. Tlio Natural Order. CHICAGO , Jan. L Nothing has been heard nt hcndqunrtora , department of the Mlssoutl , i rc'sardlng thoropott : "Gcucial Brooke has ' been rellovoil , " Captain Iilgglns dlsctcdlted the report , saving It was tlu natunil order of events that ( icncrul Miles , belnir the superior ofllcer , should on his arrival at Pine lildgo ( tuisuniorcniiiiand. IndliuiB Diinolnc. II IWATIU , Kan. , Jan. L The ICIckapoo Indians bcenn n ghost ilaneo on the reserva tion ncnr hero Suiidiw nntl have been nt It ever since. Ono of tliolr mouibore fell dead with cxbaustlon.yestordiiy. Mtii-e TroopN lining to Itiishvlllc. SUT LIKI : Cirr , Utah , .Inn. -Hlght 1 com panies of troops loft this morning for Hush- vlllc , Neb , taking with thorn four galling guns. Much excitement prevailed hero today overall tincoiioboratcd icport of a massacre offlvotioops of the Ninth cavalry by In. dians. Tin : intsii ii..itun&iiii' . Uiiuior That I'nrnull \ \ III Withdraw If Nm-oecdcd l > y O'llrlrn. Bi ni.iv , .Jon. 1. It Is understood hero that William O'Brlcn has cabled John Dillon , now in Now York , tli it Pnrnell consents to ictlro if O'Ut lun Is in me lender of the Irish natty. It Is fuithcr umierstood tuat the Boulogne conforoiiLO adjouinod In older to await Dillon's reply. 'Iho Insuppressible , the organ of the Me- Carthyitc faction of the Irish partv , sins "Pnrnell wants no vindlt ition resulting In the utinuliHcnt of the O'hticu iHvoice Ho intends to main Mrs O'sho.i when the ill- voice is iimdo absolute. " \'i.tit. Sppcclics nnd .Muslo nt the 31. S. Yor- rlt k lliiiK'iu-t. Sii'iHtioii , Neb , Jan. 1. [ Special Tele- to Tun KMNow ] Years daj passed pleasantly. Our peuplo icjolccd that the > wcro not In need of aid from the state. M , S. Yorilck , ono of our most noted cltl- /ens , gave a banquet In his spacious parlors to bis friends and visiting brethren from St. Joe. Toasts were responded to by distin guished clti/ens * The Superior oicbcstia , led by Prof. James A. McCoiklc , enlivened the hour. The imdequiutotto furnished delightful music. C5 Catudal , u famous club swinger , gave un exhibition of his vv ondoi All skill lion. B L. Uosseiinan , manager of the SuperioreHtlo conipmv , on bohilf of his visiting St. Joe friends , passed u nigh 'otn- pliincnt to St. Joe in particular on Its enter- pusc. Tin : Ovum BI.B iccclvcd high com mendation on Its fearless stand against piohioltlon , Piof U L. Davis of New Mexico ice , who attended the banquet , toltl his ex perience of frontier llfo la Nebraska and Mexico among the Indians. Ho exhibited seventeen w omuls that ho iccuivcd in ludina vvaifme , and pioduced four scalps of noted braves. Mr. Yciricit is a prominent farmers' alll- anco man In oilr city 'iho has considciablo political sig nificance. Li W. Helm , the genial lopie- scntutiv e of tlio B X M , responded to the toast of tallioails. ns Karwell In It. CIIICVGO , Jan. 1. A recently published story regarding the alleged silver pool men tioned the name of Senator Faiwell in con nection with It In on Intoiv low toetaj Sen ator Parv , ell said ho never bought adollai's worth of silver pievious to the silver legislation last suinmci While he was told tint othcis vveio endeavoring to make bomcthing out of tlio anticipated fluctuation in pi Ice , ho steered clear of it. Ho know of couiso that the piico would go up , and when some fi lends In London cabled foi his \Iows. bounsvvc'ied to the best of his knowledge Ho icceived no profit , dlrcctl } or indiiectly , thiougu the speculations of friends. Hegaullng the silver pool , ho &aid ho had been Infoimtd that n pool tl Id exist , but this did not como to him until long after tlio silver legislation. There wns not a hint expiesscd cancelniug the pool while the matter -was befoio cougicss , DenlcH Tlmt Tliero Are Dissciillons. PAHIP , Jan. 1 Clibborn Bootu , son of General Booth writes n letter to the Join- mil dos Deb.its dcnjIng that tbcio nro dis- sentions in iho Salvation Army , savs that "Darkest England" funds nio not placed to the general budget of the airny , and assents that Oicncinl Booth is the solo author of "Darkest Hngl md " LOS-DON , Jan 1. Commissioner Smith has published n leplv to Booth , In which Do asserts that ho undertook tin vvoik ns set foith in the book , "Darkest England , " with the undeistniidinir that the scheme waste to bo conducted by a separate dopaitmcnt Ho resigned his poiltlou , ho sujs , because - cause he found that the Snlvition Arm * , ofilcers bad decided that the financial depart ments of the nuny should bo ttnnsarted by other dopirtincnts , which he believed were ulicadj fully occupied T lie Scotch Hallway Strike. Ui < Asnovv , Jan. 1. At a meeting ot tbo strikers today the moposal fiom Dundee that thostilkers appioach the railroad companies vv ith a view to a settlement and the resump tion of work vvhilo the negotiations wcro pending was rejected. The Is'oith British inllwav company for the first tlmo since the striKe bepan today tunning full passenger soi v ice and the fi eight business showed ovi- dcnco of hnmovcincnt. Itaiii In Illinois. ProitM , 111 , Jan. 1 , The drouth , which has threatened disastrous rcuults in this vlchiitv for two months past , tot initiated last night bj n heavy rainfall , which wns succeeded tonight by a heavy snow. The people in this section hail the rainfall ns a gieat blessing , for they woio on the verge of a water famine. The continued drouth was also ieiloualy affecting winter w heat. An iMibatni Kaon War. UMONTOWJla , Jan. 1. There was n tiot at f.atha'ii. station , on the Mobile ft Bliminglmin load , Tiiesdai Jiight , nnd It 'is ioported that st > - al people ) .coio killed The " ' difficulty aiose"o'i.r ( of n faction fight. The colored postmaster nt that nlaco was ordered to leave town , which ho did. The excite ment continues nnd an application has been made to the governor tor the militia. A Cyoloiu * in I otilsinnn. SimuvLroitT , La. , Jan. 1. At 3 o'clock this morning a cjclone shuck Kcachl , n small town In Dcsota pailsh , Tbo masonic hall nnd the postoftico and sov ernl stores w era demol ished The Spencer house anil a unmoor of dwellings weto damaged No lives vvciolost , MlnncHOlu TariiiTs' Alliance. ST. PAUI , Minn , Jan. L Today's ' session of the farmers' nllian"0 was a warm ono. A resolution to ondoi-ao the Ocaln platform was heavily defeated and the subject of sub- treasury ignored in the regular resolutions , while the Conger hud bill was endorsed. Hid Not Compromise tlio Knit. LOM > OV , Jan 1. A denial Is given to the statement that Mrs , O'Sho i compromised her will suit by accepting 50,000 , but on the con- trorj it isstatedtlnit the ciso will bo begun soon after Kustor. It is aKo dliilcd that Par- nell either compiled or witnessed the will. Itosicqnlo Hinted Tor Hetlremcnt. SUT LvkK CITV , Utn.i , Jaa. L It Is stated : hero that C , F , Hosscqulo , general manager of the mountain division of the Union Pacific , will bo superseded January 15 by W * H. Ban- croft , late supetlnteiidciit ot the ulo Uraudo Western. A U hole rnmlEy PoUoncd. Ltnvi , Vu. , Jim. L The family of Honja- tnln Tours weio poisoned today by eating pumpkin plos supposed to contain nit poison. Mrs Tours and one child died and the others nio seriously 111 , Stokers null ( Vial Trimmers Strike. lUMiiTliii , Jan. 1 , A general strike of btnkcit , und coal tilmmors at tills poll began ted j > . A Brilliant Scene at the New Year's ' Levee at the White HOUSJ. THE DISTINGUISHED PEOPLE PRESENT. A Description of the Costumes AVoni by Some of tlio liuliih : The Christening of ttio IJluc Parlor. WASHINGTON BimnvtiTitr OvtAiti RB(1 , filJ rouiiTKKVTii STIIKBT ' WASIUNOTOV , 1) . O. , Jan 'l. 1 President nnd Mrs Harrison received all the diplomatic officials nnd social world of the capital at their Now Ycir lovco The occa sion was moio than ordlnnilly biilllant , cclo- biating , as it did , the completion of the white house Improvements and the christen ing I of the blue pulor. In each of all these details Mi's. Harrison has been si closely interested that she enjojcd the nd- inhution that ovcrjbody else so fully ox- prosscd ' in the results. Of course there was j1 dainty floral decoration in all the pnrlois , but in the blue room , whoso graceful proportions tions and rich ornamentation needed nothing to accent them , Mrs. Harrison bad only n few flowers placed. The thrill of excitement caused oy the re port of ( lie at Seerctiry Blnino's house and the discovery Inter that It ivas at Mr. Letter's homo wns the ono sad Incident of the day. A heavy fog prevailed nil day , but it old not seem to detract anything from this icccption or at any of the ofllclal houses. Many n glance of sympathy followed" tlio depaituio of Societary Iracy from the bill- llant scene just after ho had escorted Mrs. Melvco to the blue pallor ind had piid his icspctts to the president and vlco president and their wives. Ho wore black gloves and n black tie. But again the sccno changed and all looked forwatd to the grand cntiOo of the ttlploni Utc cotps. led by the suave Baron Fava. Secro- taiy Hlalno perfoimcd the ngrceablo duty of presenting the foreigners to the picsldent , being assisted by M. Tovellon Blown. As they passed bv tbo receiving party in stately but swift 'pioccsslou ono scarcely took in the details of the elaborate court dresses on the brilliant military uniforms. The corps tuined out in larger numbers than over heiotoforo , iio.nly all of the thirty-three countiies with which we have diplomatic connections being icprescnted. Many of the gentlemen were accompanied by their wives nud daughters and this so augmented the throng that the capacity of the red parlor , where they had galheicd before being presented to the president , wns scat cely sufllclent to bold the gaily appat cllod tluonir Mr Vechavun , the Core in charge d'affali-cs , und his pictty llttlo wife looked vervdemuie The llttlo nmdaino had on n dark gown of blue silk and held in her tiny kin gloved hand a small card case and un cm- broideicd hnndKcichiof After the Coieans came the supreme court , headed bv the chief Justice , who had with him Mrs Fuller and a unmoor of young ladles ; Justice and Mis Blutchfoid , Justice Field , who bad with him his nieces , Miss Field nnd Miss Condlt Smith : Justice , Mrs. nnd Miss Hailnn , Justice Lainar , Justice Blower , Justice and Mrs. Grav , Justice Uuidlov , ox-Ju tico Strong and his daugh ters. In the line were the members of the international conference , the interna tional railway conference , the Judges of tbo court of claims and of thoDistiict com Is , the commissioners of the district , ox-mlnlsteis of tbo United States and ox-members of tbo cabinet. There woio but few ladies after the first half hour. The vlco president and Mrs. Morton wlthdiovv fiom the iccoptlon , Miss liachnel Sherman accompaujing them , and went back to their own home to commence their iccoptlon. Their withdrawal was also thoslpnal for the departure of Secietary Blulnc nnd ids daughter , who also bad a per emptory engagement to meet The cabinet ladies felt equal freedom in leaving the line caily , and bofoio the icccption ivas nn hour In pioqicss the president and Mrs Hnirlson alone icinnlncd to lecelvo the constantly Increasing throng. Manv of the ladies who formed part of tbo pageant behind the line also foisook their places early , so that when the public was ad mitted it did not ha\o what hasnlvvajs added such nn attractive featiu-o to thcsdieceptlons , the presence of a largo number of lailles. If tbo number who did stay with Mis Hussell Ilanison , Mrs. Melvco and Mis. Dlinmlck wcro Mrs. How-aid White , MM. Ida Thomp son , Mrs Kamsey and Mrs Charles Alexan der. General Schotleld headed the long line of officers of the nrrny , nnd Commodores Uainsny and Farquahart the ofllceis of tbo navy. The ladies invited to ro- celvo with Mrs. Hnirison icpre- sentcd ttio families of senators and incmoersof army and navy circles and a number of her ovv n as well as Mrs. . McKeo's pcisonal fi lends. Of the fifty invited thoio weio piescnt the wives of Senators Black burn , Aldrlch , Blair , Cullom , Ciaig nnd Jones of Aikunsas , the wives of Kcpiescntatlvcs Andrew , Cogswell , Dalsell , Grosvcnor. Mis. Lieutenant Ana lows , Mrs. W. C. P. Bieckinrldgo and Mrs. and the Misses Krncst , Miss Clark of Boston , Mis Folty , Mis. Hnmsoy , Mrs. J. Alills-Btoivne , Mrs. nnd the Misses Knndnll , MKs Halford , Mrs. William Hajwood , Mrs. William L. Huiris , Mrs. Hondoison. Mrs F. Gaiducs , Mrs Mtichener , Mrs JohnHay , Mrs and Miss Warder , Mrs Catlln , with the young ladies of the cabinet , their guests nnd those already mentioned. The toilettes of the receiving party as well as of many ot the ladles were elegant. A few er them were Imported gowns and wcie de signed for the first timnat what Is considered the leading dress paradaof the season Mis Harrison's gown gave herself and her friends unlimited satisfaction. It wns consldeieda' the most becoming she has ever worn It was of p.du blue satin , biocadcd In wavy lines of satin The front di.ipery was Jew eled , nnd where thu train fell back fiom the sides there wcro blue ostiich tips , caught with sprays of gold wheat. She were some line diamond ornamentsand cairlcd a bouquet of long pink loses and a largo point face fan Her gloves were of the palest tun She was unusually animated and took the opportunity of asking all her Intimate friends their opinion of the w hite house with Its new dccoratlQns nnd electric lighting. Her housewifely - wifely enio. which never deserts her , seemed to exact itself in a inarKed degree today , nnd vvhilo others were admiring the new lights she was planning the changes which she ttimks necessary for tholrim- movement. Mrs. Morton's gown was of white brocnded sntm , flounced with old Venetian point. Her w aist had elbow sleeves , and the square open ing at the neck was flttod in with Inco. She were penis of main stiands in n deep neck lace. She also can led a largo boquot of plnic roses. Miss Wlndom were n gray striped silk with 11 po laco. iie Mrs. Miller woio a French gown of dovo- gray crape , vv Ith black ostrich feather bor dering , Mrs. Proctor wns In black velvet , n prin cess gown with line old lace at the V shaped opening at the throat. Mrs. Husk were un elaborate costume of blue broc-ndo and point. Mrs. Noble were a vvhlto s.llk brocado. Mrs. McKce's gown of cieponno lilted her like a charm The htialght drapery had slashes wheroa pleat of cmbroldoud crcnx ) showed around the hem in the crepe frills around tbo neck She had several handsome diamond ornaments , Mrs. Hussell Harrison's dress was also of pink striped silk , nude with along train and a pointed waist She were a diamond neik- lucoof Ijrgo solitahes , with a diamond lese pendant and another large diamond star glis 0I I tened In her corsage. . Mrs Dlinmlck wore a gown of black slclll- chue , tbo square opening in the waist being tlpncd with ostiich feathers. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorgo Boyd of Philadelphia are guests of the white house. The latter U n close personal friend of Mrs. McICe'C , the , vvo ladles having ticcn schbolnntes nt In- Ilanapolls. They will remain until after tbo uller-Wullnco wedding. Mrs. Bovet vvoron rained gown of vvhlto liroc.itlcVlsillt , trimmed ichly In rose point , and In the lace on her jodlco weio many line dininonds. A OCtlUOt'S CONTilAST. A curlous'contrast hi tone with the tidings of Indian lighting In South Dakota is fur- ilshcd bv n moaiorlnl to congress It was drawn up at n nicotine of the ropicsontatlvcs of the religious Society of Friends for Pcnn- &j Ivania , Now Jersey nnd IJelavvare. hold n few days before Christmas. This memorial speaks of the enormous nniounts of money jxpcnded for many years In hostilities with Indians , the primary cause of which has been .ho Injustice and rapacity o' the whites , and asks congress whether it li ot the part of wisdom , mctcy and forbearance befitting a VIP powerful nation to inquire into the cau o of the piesont trouble nnd to n plv a remedy which might ic-storo tran- qullfty cvciv wiieio wlthout'fuuher effusion Jl of blood. "Tho discontent nnd suffering which have followed tbo reduction of rations duo the Sioux under the stipulations of former ticatles nt a tlrao when the failure of crops had already caused n scarcity of fooei. by which they were threatened : with starvation , and the opening of 11,000,000 acres of their land to occupation of the whites before the terms of agreement for its sale , as they understood it , had been ratified by the government and the money piov Ided for Its p lymcnt , appear to have been the chief causes of the distrust and animosity toward the whites , and the disposition on the pait of some of them to nets of violence which nowexist. . These feelings have no doubt also been stimulated by the illusion In- dus'ilously propagated aniODi ; them of tbo speedy appearance of a supernatural being ns the avenger of their wrongs nnd their deliverer. Disappointing to them as this expectation of tbo appearance of a Messiah must be. should not the wide spread acceptance of this belief cxcito pity in the minds of those who profess to have a true understanding of the hroccpts of Him vvlroso advent to the world * vns ushoied in by the angelic anthem , 'Glorv to God hi the highest on earth , paaeo , peed will to innnl' And does not a knowledge of the tiuths of tlio benign religion which Ho Intro duced Ijnposo an obligation oti those who hold them 'to act hi conformitv toward a people who , though they may not in dlvino providence hnvo been fa vored with a knowledge of the truths of the' gospel as recorded In the holy scrlptuies are yet tbo recipients of a measure of that light with which Christ enlightened every man that cometh Into thowoild and aie equally with ourselves the objects of His redce'minglovol" nisnoivr.wMiN PINES WITH Titr nusinrsT. Bishop John P. Nowmrn and vvlfo of Omaln dlucd with the president last night In a quiet , homelike vvav , devoid of all ceie- mony. Ted ly the v loft for the south , iho bishop said before leaving : "I have four conferences to hold ono in Mississippi , ono in New Orleans nnd two In Arkansas. The oftlc-o of a Methodist bishop is no sine cure , I can tell you. To lojk after 15,000 preachers and tOUO,003 ! members Is a huge task. But that is what I have to do It keeps mo away from home , too , Just forty w eeks out of the j ear. AUMT NMVS. Very radical effects are shown of the In dian distuibaneo in South Dikota by the army eiders issued from the war department now. The following namej medic il ofllcors w-ill proceed vv Itbout delay to Pine Hidgo agency nnd icport In peisou to the command ing general of the department of thoPlattofor dut.v in the Held : Captain Hcniv C Kil- bourne , assistant surgeon ; Cnptuln KdwlnF ' Gutdncr , assistant surgeon ; Quplaln Edvviud Everts , assistant surgeon. " "Sergeant William II. Anthony , ordnance detachment , on duty at the Ojuhn ordnance depot , will bo discharged the. jscrvica. The leave of abscnco or. surgeon's certifi cate of disability granted " ; rst Lieutenant William H. Abercrombo , Scioud infantryris extended four mouths on surgeon's certflcato of disability. Major John V , Laudcrdalo , surgeon , now on dutv at Port Ontarlo.JNew York , hn3 been ordered to pioceed without delay to Pine Hidgo Agency and ropoit In person to Buga- dier Genera' ' Brooke for dutv In tlio field. So much of the special orders of November 23 as icl.ates to Captain Kara P. Uvvcrs , Fifth Infantrv , Is amended to direct him to procccl to Pierre , S D. , and thence to Fort Bennett , Instead of piocccding to Chlrago PriutY S. HE ITU. ConiHtock'H Unreality. KANSAS CITV , Mo , Jan L The Midland mercantile company , produce commission brokers , failed recently. Suit was brought by several creditors. The answer of the companv filed today chnigod the manager of the company , C. H. Comstock , with having entered into n conspiiacy with several largo commission houses here , to tiofr.iud the company , it Is nlleped that ho dofiaudsfl the company out ot $10,000 Suit iii bo brought ncalnst the firm involved in his tiansactlons. When the failure of the company ot-cuired Comstock t'ied to commit suicide , and falling loft town. His where abouts are unknown. City OfllcfnlR Indicted. KANSAS CITV , Mo , Jan. L Tbo erand Jury ompanneled for the purpose of Investigating the charge of bribery against members of the city council , found Indict ments ngalust Fred M. Hnjes , speaker of the lower house ; Dennis Bows , member of ttio lower house , nnd Louis Irvine , attorney for the Eleventh street In cline plane companv. The Indictments against Haves and Bows nro for offering to accept a bribe. The Indictment against Irvlao is for off01 ing to give n brlbo. Peculiar Death. ST. PAUI , Minn , , Jan. L | Spcdal Tele gram to Tin IJrr ] Dr Henry Christiansen ot Belmont , N. D , one of the most noted physicians In the Daicotas , was killed last nlifht la a peculiar manner. Whllo making n lather sharp turn In the rontl his road cart struck a largo stone and tipped over In fall ing out Dr. Christiansen caught his foot In the wheel and ho was so badly mangled that ho died In an hour. Ijoonard Jcroino Sinking. ICopi/i toht tSOt ttuJama fJonlnn IJennttt.\ \ LOMIOV , Jan. 1 , [ New York Herald Cable Special toTiiK Bus. ! la splto ot re ports to the contrary Lady Handolph Churchill Is not 111 , but In good health. Leon- aid Jcioinu Is In n bad way. The report given mo tonight was : "Mr. Jerome Is grad ually sinking. " Pul'lln's Lord Minor Installed. Dm IN , Jan L Lord Mayor Mendo was in stalled amid a scona of considerable excite ment Sexton nnd Healy were hissed bv the crowd present nnd the mention of I'm hell's nainovv as cheered to tbo echo. Pnur Hilled , Four KatnMy Injured. llornnsTi u , N. Y. , Jnn l.--lly tlio prcma- tuio discharge of a blast in a rnilroid cut near StafToid jestordar1 , four meu vveio killed and four latally injuicd. All were Hunguilan labors. Collision on thn D. & O. PAHKPUSIUMO. W. Va.J Jan. 1 An engine on the Baltimore & Ohio Northwestern , on which were flvo trainmen , collidud with a coal train to lay , seriously injuring all the "Morton Sellw HH | Summer HcNldenee. NUVVIOIIT , It , L , Jan 1 , Vlco President Morton has cold his summer iQsidcnce , "Pair Law n , " to Isaac TovvJisend IJardon of New- York , for $ UOHJ. ( ' A Mining Hclioonor. CAMI * , Me , Jan 1 , 'Iho sctiooncr Mort- light of Calais for Poi timid December is given up for lost , She had a crow of six be- aides the captain. f APT HIP I IPP 1WIV IIIt > TPIIf LOST HIS LIrii 1'ORIIIS ' ItAM , Farmer Robinson Moots Death While Battling for His Property. FRIGHTENED TO DEATH BY SANTA CLAUS , Sad Itomilts of a CtiH tnin4 Colobrn- ( Ion lor Ono Nebrnskii ratntly Sharp Kdijcil Competition of Hotel lliintici" * . Sir-vAiir , Neb , .Tnn. 1. [ Special to Tun Bur. ] During tbo tciilblo snow bllzrnrd whirh proMiilcd Inst Friday n pmltlo llro swept across southeastern Hock and south western Holt counties , destroying much property. O. W. Robinson , a fanner Using near Perch , Hock county , la attempting to tcscuo bis team from the burning stable , was so severely buincd that ho died tlio following day. All the buildings oa W. O Palvor's ' and Airs. Dulls' places and a hupo quantity of hav on Fisher Biothors' ranch was do- strnyod. Much other damage , not jot re ported , was doubtless dono. A find Chi IHIIUIIH. QMIIVO , Neb , Jan. 1. [ Special to Thn Din : ] AjounglaJ of a ruial district In this county was taken to sco a Christinas tico by his father and mother. When the personator of Santa Clans caino hi to assist In distrib uting the presents the child was f lightened so badly that i ! resulted In convulsions uud fhmllj In death jcstcrday. Collision or Knnnor" ) . ) , Neb , Jan 1 [ Spcclil to Tun Brr 1 Last night a quauol took place bo- twccn Dill Miles and John Fowler , runnel's for the Union * hotel nnd the Dlmwood house , In which the former was filghtfullj cut from the back of the head to the mouth \ \ ith a knife bv fowler The affray seems to have grown out of a. llttlo qiiaucl whllo nt the train lustllng customers Fowler disap peared and has not jet been found by the OllieOl'S. _ Alnny Secret Societies. VAIIMIIAI O , Neb , Jan. 1. [ Special to Tin : Bur ] The Modern Woodmen of this place held a grand bnll at the opcia house last night for the benefit of thu lodge. Messrs. Plnney und Willimns of Lincoln and II K GtccnoatulL W. Cramo of this phico fur nished tno music nnd a very pleasant time was had. Several couples were present from other towns. Tno lodge now comprises about forty members and Is la n flouiishlng condi tion indeed. Valpaiaiso is well supplied w 1th societies , hav lug now In uctlvo condi tion tbo Modern Woikinen of America , Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons , Inde pendent Oiiler Oddfellows , Independent Order Good Templars , Grand Aimy of the Republic , Women's Clnistian Tenipeiaiifo Union , Young Pconlo's Society Cliristiau En- de.wor ana a Chautauqua ciiclo besides chinch elides nnd societies Valpiralso did not stand back In aiding the westein sufferers. Se\ouil largo boxes of clothing , etc , the lesult of the dibits of the ladies' aid society of the M. I ) , church and of the Baptist Sunday school , woio sent last week to gladden the hearts of the sufferers. Onocolu Jottings. OSCFOI.A , Neb , Jan. 1. [ Special to Tun BEI : . ] The gicat talk in our city Just now is the issue of 3,003 of the boom . . .cdltlonjj ttyj , " Polk County Democrat , It is hardly such" corkci as the usual edition on Sunday of Tin' OMAHA Bi I , hut it is the fiistono overissued in this count } and Is a beginning of bettor things for our city. Mis 11. A. Scott , Q W M of the order of the Bastein Star , Masonic , went to Hastings this wcok to reoigani/o their chapter there. Quito a number ot thocood people of the town assembled at the homo of Colonel Ocorgo W West on Wednesday night and sang the old year out and the new jcar in. Watch night services weio held at the M. K. church as usual. Di L , M Shnw took a tiip to "iorkon Thinsday to confer with * ho pensioning ex - nminiiig'boaul there. Mis. Kov J W Seabrook Is spending the holidays with friends at Almi , Neb. ThoM. E chuith ha\o been having meet ings every night for the past live weeks and are still pounding away at the lllnty hearted sinners licto. The Presby tori in church will hold a w cok of pinvor at their chut ch next week. A I'a ir of VAIIHHAISO , Nob. , Jan. 1. [ Special to Tnu BEK. ] Delia Ingralnm and Albert Throop , ngcd noout sixteen nnd twelve , ware sent , In charge of a constable , to Wahoo , to day , as candidates for the lofoim school Delia is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Hurtt and Albert is the adopted son of Mr. and Mrs S S. Throop of this place The hoys have had all the advantages of pleasant homes , hut have gone beyond the control of their guardians who ha 'o at last decided to tiy the discipline1 of the reform school Thcto are several others of llko age in this place who are fit subjects for the same place. in NHUHSKV CITV , Neb , Jan. I ( Special Tol(5gram ( to Tan Bi i J 'Iho Omaha Ger man Tribune received hcio toduv was hojd by the postmaster because it contained the Louisiana lottoiy nilvcitisomont Beside1 each copy contained a foreign supplement , which is not mnllablo as second class matter. The State Democrat of this city wns also held for the latter loason , and the Domocint editor thioatons to ntiest the postmaster. The Tiibuno's lottciv adveitisemont has been laid before the postofllco itopaitinout. O'Ni ILL , Neb Jan. 1. I Special Telegram to Tin Bur ] The now electric light plant for O'Neill , put In bv Donald McLean of the Shoit line , was operated for the llrsttimo this evening There nio flvo nro lights for the city and three for the Shoit line , make n splendid light nnd give satisfac tion so far. nveijbodym O'Neill ' Is hapn > ton 1 trlil that the now jcar begins with the new Hunt. The weather up hcio Is colct anc there is some excitement over the Indlui : tioublcs butuothing serious h anticipated. HiiHincNS Abandoned. YOIIK , Nol . , Jan. 1 [ Special toTnr BII : . ] A terilflo blizzard is prevailing It this vicinity. All business Is abandoned. I\pccted ] to I'rovo DIsuHtrous. KANSAS CITV , Mo , Jan , L The nuthoilza tlou by the western passenger association o a J5.7C passenger into from St. Louis to Chi cngo , over Iho Alton and Illinois Centra toads , has caused a rcauctlou in the rate from this city to Chicago , This is expected to prove a disorganizing factor In thoieccntlj imiirovcd condition of wcstcin passenger buslnobs. T.aH the Ciliiio on IIIFather. ! . NEW VOHK , Jan , L Willhin C. McCiownt was arrested last nlghton suspicion of havlni , thrown his mother from a five story window killing her almost Instantly. At the statloi house McOowon salt ! his father was tin guilty person , and tbo old man was alsi locked up. Stonnnliip AriivalK. At Hamburg The Moravia , from Nevi York. _ I injicnir Willliiin'n New Year. BIIIUV , Jan. 1. Kmperor William at tended Uiv inu service in the castle1 chapel and nftorwnrd held n'\ - \ \ \ \ In the vvhlto hall olct the palace. Su bit to the public ro- ceptiou the cinponv unn inullnnco to the nmb is ndort and ui , - . ; V of foreign conn- . tiles , ami then attel "c ' 10 ceremony of the giving out of the p \ \ - to the Horlln gai- ilson in the couit ya'uhmcahallc \ , .Jr. A lllt/zaril K.iilii .Iiirtlierii IMIs- Hiiurl nntl insn . KvsoAsCiTi , Mo Jan 1--A bllzznrd sotln last night aiuUontinucd severity duilng the dii ) over northern Mlssoml and Kansas Kansas is lovoicd with u blanket of snow fioni four inches to a font thick , \vblch in many plates dilftcd to such an ex tent as to seriously cripple rallwnv tralllc All incoming trains from the west mode- laved , some four bom's. Dispatches fiom dllToront parts of ICansns Indicate the inmost entire cessation of all but local talluay tiaftlo as a result of tbo storm ho Huillngton cast bound passenger tiain Is ilotkadod on the praitio north of AUhlson , tid the Mlssoutl 1'aclllccast bound train Is tailed noith of Hiawatha. Hcliof trains vith piovlsions nnd have bicn sent from \tchlson to the blockaded trains , but they , oo , may bo unable to plow through the hugo lifts. 'Iho east bound Hock Island passenger rain is tied up at Salina and the east hound Union Pneiilo train has been unable to get ) ast llrookvlllo No fieigtits have been sent ut of ucio slni.cnoon .1 8UKJOVN UIOT. Striking Iliiiig.-irliiii Kitrnauo IMcn AHHnnlt I VI low- Work 111111. PiTTsnt'ito , Pa , .Inn. 1 The stiikoof the lunganan fuinace men at the Kdgar'lhomp- on steel works at Hrailrock , i'a , icsultcd In i serious riot this aftei noon , in whiih four vcro seilously hurt and a dozen others ruiscd. Iho Hungarians quit vvoik at mld- Ight and the plant was partly idle , only 100 ncn beimr nt the work ropiiring the lurmjeo Vbout 1 o'clock u uovvd of 200 strikers , rined with clubs , pikes , shovels and icvol- ors , made an attack on u fin IIIILO The men itv\orkv\ero wholly unpicpnied for the as- auit , but brill olv stood their ground The ight lasted neatlj half an hour and v hcn the lungnrians weto put to Highlit was found hat Michael ( Juinn , Andrew Ciniuor , Jolm leason and Patiick Uriu'gs , all vvoikmen , vejo seilously wounded nnd at a do/en theis moro orlcsshuit Quinn'H injuries aio fatal. The sheriff has sworn in00 ! depu ies. _ A it n TI : it nvit , rlnh lilshops and I'nrncllllf'H Airnj od AtiiiiiRt I'noli Other. Conic , Jan 1 The feud existing between , ho Irish bishops and the Parnellltcs , w hlch ins been smouldcrlnir since the election In S'ot th Kilkenny , again tiiirst forth licrccl.v oday and the most bitter feeling prevails on joth sides Major Hoi gan , nncainc&tsup loiter of Parnoll , was Installed at the town mil as maj or of Cork tod.i } , amid a scene of titonse enthusiasm on the part of the Par- icllites No nnti-Parnollites woio present V Himor was ciiculnted caily In the daj that hcio was tioublo hiowinj ; for tbo Painell- tcs The tioublo manifested itself vlien the arrangements weio being m.ulo luiing the inouiiug for the customary list illation ceromonj at the Catholic citheu- al , which has formed p.utof the daj's pio- cocdings The Piunellitcs vveio then in- 'ouned , llrat bv rumor and aftenvaids by o-iitivo fact , that the Instillation ceremonies it the cathedral must bo abandoned , as lllsnop O'CJ-Jluhan lefused to receive the Parnollltu mayor This lufoimatlou was erected with nany signs of oxtiomo luillgiialion b" the Airiiollltea , who are now convinced that -the battle \vith Iho pilesthooil is only In its first stages , and that a long and despot ate stiugglo for supremacy between themselves and the ) iiests niav bo looked foiwaid to throughout icland If Parucll remains at the head at the Irish party _ Coi , | cctiinM or Ifnljrl , Jan. l.-Willlun O'Brien , annoyed > y false statements as to what took plate at the Iloulo7iio coaleienco , has Issued a state ment again winning the public against cicdlt- mg such statements as these They aio either puio conjoctuics or fabtkatlons. A He Stirs Up nn IiiHitricotion Which Nrw YOIIK , Jan. 1. Advices ftom Pom ; i\o details of a revolution which OLCiiucd at Lima on Dec ! l fliero'a ' , the Boulungcr of 'cru ' , had been quietly at work forsomo time among the lower classes endeavoring to cie ate aievolutlon vshich would place him In n position of dictator. On the nftctnooii of Dccomber.T several of Peiiola's chosen followers obtained admis sion to Port Santa Catalina with about eighty men. A signal was given airl the in suricctlonlsts suddcnt.v took possession of the fort. Gov eminent tioops were callc-d out nnd for two hours n fierce hattle vvngcil , which ended in the dofeit of the i evolutionists The Peruvian consul said today that ho had no fear of a fnrthci outbieak. Thoporiospondontsof W U Oraco , t Co. mnlio liLrlit of tliotiouhlo and .savtheiois no fuither danger of icvolu'ion. faovontv-livo ot the Insurrectionists woio killed In the light at the foit. After fit. Ijnnls Muclc ST Lot , i , Jan 1. 'Iho nnnouncetnont wn1 made hcio toilnj that a deal bignlfj ing mud to live stock intoiests is on foot , the exact nature of which is known only to the piitic' ' InteiObted It looked out , however , that tin movement looks to nothing short of complete control of the union stock1) ) aids of St. Louis oy mo Chicago Big Fear combine of packers vv ith Hammond of Baltimore comiii ) . in for a share In the nmalgama tion Armour nnd Swift of Chlriiun am' lepicsontatlvcs of Nelson Mori is of Chhago un l Ilaiumondof Baltimoio mot in conference once in lids city last.SatuuHy Jolm M Glnsinore , who handles the meat1 of Hammond of Dalllmoro , declares tlut ho knows nothing respecting tlio objects of the packers' mooting Il < said "It may meai the consolidation of tlio two v aids in Kast St Louis , but I have an Idea that this meeting wns called to foiestall the possible oponlng o a now ynid " All IntciCHting I WiThiivu i.n , Me. , Jan. 1. j-jpcclnl : Tele gram to Tins IJn.l In the laboratory o the Colby unlvcislty jcsterday , Prof. IJd ward W. Morley of Adlcbcrt college. Cleveland land , and Prof. William A Kogers of Colbj university succeeded In measuring by mean of wave lengths of light , tbo changes In th length of bars of metal caused by the ladiu tion of the tetnnoratuio A machine , con structed by Piof Kogers for the special pui DOSO , was uinplovod nnd changes in lengtl woio meusuicd in millloiiths ot an Inch. Th cxpcilnient has hlthcito been untiled b ; physicists. 'Iho AVonthrr Foi coast. For Omalm nnd vicinity Fair ; colder. For Nebraska Fair ; northerly wind ? , becoming coming vailablu ; Mlghtiy warmer. For Iowa-Fair , except local snows it eastern ponton ; colder except In uxtrcm notthwost portion jtstatlonary temperature northerly winds. v Foi South Dakota -Fair ; slightly warmer v.u hiblo wind j. Kansas Ilinlc ( Jno-t Under. AWII.MKan. . , Jan. 1 , Tlio Wallnc county bunk closed today. Liabilities abou (15,000 ; assets nominally $0,000 , but ulmus cntliely In vvestoiii lands and equities i largo line of ledi counti of Westeia moil gages guaiantecd to lliliiois and Pcnnsj vuiiiu inventors caused the ' Agent Pnrdy Bound nntl Gagged ly Three Masked Men. ABOUT SHOO TAKEN FROM THE SAFE , Wrook on tlio Ii\\n Central A llitrclnry at DCH State Tcnuliers * Con tention. Drs MOINI , In. , Jnti 1 [ Special jmm to I'nr. Bi i-Paittculan ] of the OK- ness robbery at Albla Tuesday night were eceived hero today The totibery took place between 10 and 11 o'clock , and T U Piudy , gent for the American express company , vas tbo victim Dining the holldtjs his ash collections have been something in ox- ess of the usual business , nnd ho Imd some ( XX ) or fcOO on hand. Ho was getting this noney ready to put in the safe vv hen three iinsked men entered the ofllco. Two of them overed him with revolvers , the third keep- ng watch outside at the door. The two men jagged anil hound Piudy and then protcoded oilllo bis pockets and then lobbed the snlo of Its contents Tlio robbeis then niiiiie their escape and as jot thoio Is not the shadow Of a eluo to their wheieabouts The agent was left bound nnd gngped , but ) V rolling over and moving abo'it ho was iblo to reach tbo door , which they had safely ockctl behind them , and hi the course of an iour , by kicking and stilklng the door , at- racted the attention of fileiuls , who hroko n and icseued him fiom his tramped tondl- ilon 1 he chief of the trio scorned to bo n man of ibout thiity-llve jcars of ago , vvcaunga leavv inustaclio , vvhii h is thought In have jceu artlliclnl llowns about Iho feet nine nchos In height. 'Iho second buighn was a oung follow with 11 smooth fan-land a trlllo aim- and tnllei than tbo chief The thliil vas outside , and Mi Piudy did not got a 'limco to see him well enough to flvo n du- > cilpiion. A I'lissenjior 'I i'.ilVieoknl JUsov CITV , la , Jan 1. A pissc.igcr .lain on the Iowa Central , iimning forty nllos nn hour , crashed into a standing ficlgbt lain near Oskaloosa lust night I'nginccr Woliottwns fatally injined and several pas sengers seriouslj hurt Two engines , tlio ox- luss anil passoiiHcr cars woio totally do- nohshcd The freight train was twenty nlnutus on the passcngci tiaMi'stlmo Tlio Sloiin in Iowa. MAIISIIAII.TOWV. la , Jim 1 A hcav\ snow .term has prevailed here since 10 o'cloik this norning , with a high noith wind. About eight Inches of snow have fallen and It Is considerably drifted The wind nnd storm omevvlmt subsided late this evening Unll- w.ij tinfllo is consldt i nbh duinot allied nnd telegraphic communication badlv lnt > irnptt > d. Ci P MI UAI-IDS la , Jan 1 [ Special Tele gram to Tar Id r | The run of this morn- ng has turned into a blinding sno\\ storm , and one of tbo vvoist lillz/nids over known icio is lagingand the vvfither Is ( 'lowing niRli ( older High winds piovail nnii .orioui blockades on all tbo mihuiys .no Inevitable - evitable Hepoits fiom other pints of the tate show the storm to bo general. 1 1io Comt'iitlim of Drs MOISTS , In. , Jan 1. [ Special Telo- ; ram to Tun Bi r.j The state teachers' con vention today was devoted to general meet- , ngs. Thtf flrsY'mattor < 3ri tW'programmft is moining was the leading of a paper on ' "Iho County Snpoiintendency its Kcqulro- mcnts nnd I'loblums , " bv County Superin tendent K. C Barret of Osage The discus- ion of the paper was led bj County Snpciin- tendent Maiy Alda TattJ of Washington anil upoiintendent A W Ktn irt of Ottnmvva "Ijducatloiuil Tendciuv" v\ns the subject of n inper by Piof J. C ( iilolnist of Siou-x Citv , which was also discussed bv Piof A Lough- ritlgo of Cedar Palls and Supeilntendent O. W Samson of Bcllo Plalno. Iho standing comir itttcs v.cio appointed for the next year and the elccjtlon of nlllceis resiild'd as fol lows President , II H Picer. Cidar Hnpldst Hist vlco picsldent , MIs M uy Hosors of M.ilnska countj , second vlco piesldent , May Doollttlo of Ames ; sccictaiy , .1 M Mohan of Dci > Moities. _ \\rcclc nn tlio I\oi HiveHt rrn. DISMP , la , Jan l.Spuclil TVlcgram to Tur Bu. ] The Northwestern train , No. : il , reached 9 n a m , consisting of tvvcnty-ono cms and ono Mogul engine which was being sent to the Union 1'aclllo at Onmhi The train bio'to ' in two , the head pait rnmilnc to the water tank The rear portion soon crashed Into the engine Two tramps who woio beating their way were badly bruised , both alighting on their laces. The wittklng tialn was sent for to lemovo thodebiia. _ ( tiirgliirj ntVi > Hhln. W \sirn , la , Jan 1 | Special Tolegiam to I'm Hn J stoio of IMtor & ninckno ) was bioken upon last night and a igo amount of drv good , silk Imndkcidilofs , etc , wcio stolen The windows of the Wnshta state bank wcto also bioken open , but notti- iiif was tilyn Pint of the goods stolen from Ftltor & Ihnckncy's huvo been found in the stieet. Ono man has been airi-sled vv 1th pait of the stolen piopeity In bis pmscsslon. Othei-s aio thought to have born Implicated , h } the ( Jnr ) . MIKSOUUI VAIIM , In , Jan , 1. [ Special Telegram to Tur Hn.l Nels Muttson and Xtls Hckenbav of this , tlty vveio houlbly mangled tonight , uoini ; run over bv i train li'.ivlng hero for Council Bluffs at fi o'clock. Thuj Imd seen friends aboard tbo train. Just as the train started they got on to give a llnal faiewcll am ! In Jumping oil' fell under the wheels Ono will piobibly lese u leg and the other both nuns 'I lie .11 lisle Tc'auliciH. Sioi'Cm , In , Jan. 1 ( Special Tele gram to Tun Bi i . ] - The low a Music Teach ers' association closed u veiy micicssfulttnce dnjH1 session this evening w Ith a concert by Fredcrlo Archer. About flftv teachers from outsidewcto piescnt and cich day'H session has been of plcasiue and prollt The next meeting will bo held at DCS Moinus at n timt \ ct to bo fixed. _ A Clothing Si ore ) Kobbcil. Dis MOI < I : , In , Jan. 1. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKij-Tho Ooldtn Hulo t lathing house of this citv was visited by burglars last night nnd about $ .VK ) vvoith of goods so- cuiod. 'Ihcro is no dm ; to thu thieves , 1'alniur anil 'lio Pai'iner . Cine-Ann , Jan 1. [ Special Telegram to Tnr Hr.r.J The farm'iri ' * ' movement nguinst General JohnM 1'almcr is growing nnd It proving a dlsconcciting dcmonl to the demo crats , At a mooting jcstcrciny , tlio Farmers1 Mutual Donollt association of La Sulla county adopted iv icsoliition Instructing the allliiKO ineinbeis to the legistitnionot to vote for iniv candid ito to the United States bonuto whoso vlovvs 1110 untiigoiustio to th alli.uico. A KiMiiinkable Aolilt'VOiniMit. WATKIIVIII.P , Mo , Jan. 1. 1'iof. Morley of Adelbert college , C'levclnnd , and Prof Hoi- ; crsof Colby university have succeeded la measuring by uii-nns of v.aio Iciife'thH of light changes In the length of bars of motul caused l y the variations of temporal ire' , TUo ehaiigoHlnlongthtioinuasurodlii inilllonthg of an huh 'Iho oxpuiimunt was hUhurto untried by phsicluta. ItllHilK'NX 'J'f HlhlOH. Di vv 11 Col. , Jim 1Tho 1 jewelry hoiua of BiMijimlii \ , t'o. was tlobcd today , Li a-