Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1891, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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The postofllco will bo open todny
between the hours of 10 a. m. nnd ll !
o'clock , noon , and the cnrrlors will
make the nauiil morning tlollvory.
Articles of incorporation of the
Poycko cnndy company wcro filed yes-
tordiiy. The Ineorponitors are yesEd
Poycko , M. S. Vim Dousen nnd F. II.
Suydiun. iincl the capital stock is fixed nt
IGO,000 ,
DDoputy ShorlfT Orobo returned from
Kcnrney yesterday , where ho went for
the purpose of plu'clnif Dan McGinty in
the tcform Bcliool. Air. Grebe reports
278 Inmates in the bchool , 1UO boys and
eighty-eight girls.
A South Omnlm nnd Council Bluffs
motor collided at the Intersection of
Howard nnd Fourteenth streets at 1
o'clock yesterday afternoon , but nodnni-
nfjo wns done untile from shaking tip the
passengers quilo lively.
Dr. U. W. Connell has returned to this
city from Cincinnati , where on Christ
mas ho wits mnrricd to Mixs Kntlo Wnlsb ,
daughter of the Into John Walsh , well
known in this city. The newly wedded
couple hiuo tnkon up their residence nt
2580 Harnoy street.
Tlio best nnd surest dye to color the board
brown or black , ns may bo desired , Is Buck
ingham's dye for the whiskers. It never
llio Homo Ufcor N. Y.
IBSUO a moro desirable contract thnn
over before olTored by any company. See
this bond before investing. 0. A.
Wonstriiml , gen'l tigt , ! 51iM4 Drown blk.
Dr.Birnoy , nose nnd throat. Beobldg.
The MCOIISO Hoard.
The board of flro and police commissioners
mot ycstarday afternoon as a license board ,
The following licenses were granted : Hans
Schmnnn , corner of Thirtieth nnd Spaldiiift
streets ; John Murphy , 1113 North Twenty-
fourth street ; Prltz Bloomer , 1COI Leaven-
worth sticet ; W. W. Gill , 223 Noith Six-
tcotith street ; John B. Bohn , 1S22 North
Twenty-fourth street ! Clnls Jensen , North
Fourteenth street ; Albert K. Wylle , Utl
South Thirteenth street ; 1'etcr Turkclson ,
111 ! ) South Sixth street : Atthur Kothery121
South Tenth street ; 1'etcr Nelson. S-'O-'I Gum-
Ing street ! Charles Ivammle , 1J20 Dodge
Btrcct ; H. Woblsteln , fi''a South Thirteenth
street ; Owen McCaffrey , 111 South
Sixteenth street ; lluns Schumnn , cor
ner Thirtieth nnd Sp.iUlliiR streets ;
George Meder , 1022 Nottb Sixteenth street ;
Michael llckcrds,711 { North Slxtcenthstreeti
Christ Toft , 812 Soutb Fifteenth street ;
Einll Gall , H02 street ; F. A. B.ilch ,
017 South Thirteenth street ; William U.irst ,
lain Furnam street : P. E. Her , 1112 Hnrnoy
i " street : Frederick Poppendlck. 209 South
"Fifteenth street ; Frank Swoboda , ISGTSouth
Sixteenth street ; Charles Houfiin057 Cum-
hip street ; CJus Carey , 1120 Fnrnam sticet.
The cnso of 'Ihoinas I. Murphy , in which n
protest has l > ocn Hied , will bo heard on next
Mondiy nt 2 p. m.
In the protest case of Henry Rolph , 2030
Popploton avenue , the board learned that
Mr. Rolph had been keeping the front door
of his saloon opni on Sunday fore
noon because thcio Is a baibcr shop
In tlio rcnrcnd of building with tlio
saloon. The board oidcrcd Mr. Rolph to
either remove the harbor shop entirely or
ulaco a solid bo.ird p.utltion between the sa
loon and tbo tonsorfal apartment.
In the cases of Charles Helior , Frank
O'Kourke , JoUn J. Shumiin , Gottlieb Wucth-
rich , F. J. ICasper mid August Schultz , In
which protests have been Hied , a hearing
was set for Monday , January 5 , at 2 p. in.
People will not have a now coujrh remedy
when they know the vnlLO of Dr. Bull's '
Cough Syiup.
She stood at the pate In the Into spring twi
light , and wlrcn she said pood-bye , she felt
nour.Ugrt ! kiss her rosy check ; but she only
wnStcd , for her mother hud Invested 25 cents
In a bottle of Salvation Oil.
Among the many real estate agents in
this city is Geo. J. Paul , 1G09 Fnrnnm
street , who has n very largo list of choice
city and farm property for sale. Ho
makes a specialty of placing loans on
improved property , For collections of
reins , notes , &c , ho makes low rates. If
you have any houses to place in the
hands of a rental ngont call on him.
Dr.Birnoy , nose and throat Bee bldg.
Pnt Allen's IlctiolU.
Pftt Allen , recently defeated by Jack Davis ,
was tendered n bonollt at Gcrmnnia hall ,
South Omaha , last evening , which resulted
In something Mlto $150 for the benetlciary ,
Thotfo between Pat and Davis was uu ex
ceedingly clover exhibition.
To the O. K. lllllo Clul ) .
I horohy challenge any member of the [
Council Bluffs rlflo club to shoot mo a match :
for from $35 to $50 n sldo , two hundred yards ,
off hand , at n 2o-ring target , twenty to fifty
shots each. This challenge will bo loft open
ton days. A forfeit of ? 1U has been loft v/lth
the sporting editor of Tin : Bun.F. .
F. A.
Match Shoot T.'ils
W. E. Nason of this city and Dorsoy Bur-
pcss of St. Joe , will shoot a fifty llvo bird
match at 11 o'clock this morning at Ptckard'.s
prove for WO a side. Afterthis special event
there will bo a number of sweepstakes
matches , Mr. Nnson having about llvo hun .
dred live birds. Carry-nils will leave Collins'
gun store at 10 o'clock for the shooting
A Cut-On' Inland Matinee.
There was a savage dog fight for $50 n sldo
nt Cut-Off Island yesterday afternoon , which
wns witnessed by about ono hundred sports :
ol the short haired ccmis. The pups wcro ;
Barney CumltiR's ' bundle Barney and i'rank
Koblnson's black Billy , both weighing thirty- [
eight pounds. At the twelfth scratch , after
llghtlne ono hour and forty minutes , Bnrnoy
failed to come up. and the light was awarded
to Billy.
Indoor Hull Tonight.
The Eden Musees and West 0malms will
play Indoor ball this evening. The game will
bo Iu all llkollbood close and exciting , as both )
clubs will have their strongest team In ibo
field. The following Is the battery order :
Musecs. VVcst Oinulms.
I/ufRi.,1. 4 3 Mimhatii . .0
OuUWood. . . . , 1 Nelson BS
Van Armun , ) i Money " 1
J. Thompson I Tow , ,3
I.onUton iu Hart r
' '
O. Thompson o Patterson . .I
Millet 1 llowman . .1
llluhtowcr t ( inuuljcuii -V
Melrose , , r Hurley , . , . , . m
llcnloy sub Camp lube
Tlio StnmlliiK of the ISIIllnr.llstH.
Tlio Palace bllllaid tournament came to a
close yesterday afternoon , Mr. Halo winning
the tirst prize. The tlnal game was Between
Messrs. Beck and Parrlsti , the former fin -
nlnp by a score of 200 to IS'J. Tbo ing
of tlio contestauts Is as follows :
Played , \Von , f/ost.
Halo t 4 o
Heck 4 3 0a
Farrlsu 4 l a
Otitm , 4 1 3
lialo took first , & 25 : Uoclc secondf I0wlillo
Calm , Pnrrlsu and SlaRncr tied for third ) ,
wlilch will bo played oft lua triangular gnmo.
1'ho tournament was a inoit gratifying suc
cess , nud has goao a long ways toward re
awakening a heaUny Interest In this beauti
ful gnmo. Mr , Donnelly , the proprietor utlor :
the I'alaco parlors , has a tournament upon a
largo sculc in vlovv for the near future ,
Among Hit ) Grandchildren.
J. R. Dodds , editor of the dally nnd weekly
Arbor State of Wyraoro , Neb , says : "I
have seen the maglo effect of Cuumberlnln's
Cough Romeily In coses of croup nud colds
among my grandchildren. Wo would not
think of going to bed nt night without a bother
tlo of this remedy In the houso. Chamber
lain's medicines nro growing more popular
hero every day ,
Dr.Blwoy. uosguud throat. Boo bldg.
A IjAlton UEPAUTMKNl' STO1113.
Ilaytlcn JUros. Have Mndo It n Market !
No ono thing pees farther toward
establishing the commercial value of n
city than the success of its business
houses. Omalm is to ho congratulated
in this regard. Notwithstanding the
great number of largo business firms
located in her midst , disasters in the
line of commercial ventures are rare and
of minor consequence. Among the larger
business houses which have opened their
doors to the public may ho mentioned
the dry goods establishment of
Hnydcn Bros. , corner .of 10th and
Dodge streets. Thcso gentlemen began
business in Oinnlm about four years ngo
in it small double store building which
soon pro veil too small. A fine brick nnd
Btono structure with hnlf a block of
frontngo nnd four stories in bight was
erected for the accommodation of their
fine department storo. This , too , has
proven too small in which to transact
the Immense volume uf trade enjoyed by
them. A now building is now in process
of erection which will join on to the
present structure and bo ono and ono-
Iialf times its Bixe and two stories
higher. Tlio present building will
bo raised two stories , ranking
the completed structure six stories high
and basement , and having a floor area ,
equal to three and ono-olglith acres.
A building which if reduced to onostory
would cover nearly three entire blocks.
Many of the articles sold in this great
commercial bec-hivo are imported di
rect from foreign countries , and all
goods nro purchased in original pack
ages nnd from llrst hands , thus avoiding
the costly middle men and giving their
customers the bonollta of well bought
goods. Besides their largo retail trade ,
which , embraces every requisite and
many of the luxuries necessary to the
needs nnd comforts of the family ,
They do an extensive wholesales busi
ness , embracing goods from every line
carried by thorn. This department , like
nil others in their big etoro , is growing
rapidly in popularity and business trans-
noted. It can bo fairly said without dis
paragement to any business house in the
city that the great department house , of
llaydcn Bros. , is the most successful
business enterprises in Omaha. This
great store is a monument of what cor
rect business methods , coupled with
strictly honorable dealing , will do.
Dr.Birnoy , Bee bldg.
Tim si
Sp-clal Preparation , Spsclnl AVork
ami Success Go Together.
A liberal education is necessary in this
nfjo of progress to the nccomplishmont
of success in any work of life. But in
the mad race for place and power it re
quires special prenarntion to insure a
plnco upon the upper rounds of the
ladder. In no calling is this moro ap
parent than In the practice ol medicine.
That mcdicnl men nro nwnro of this
fnct is attested by the largo number
of bright physicians who nro devoting -
voting their entire attention to the
treatment and euro of discuses peculiar
to certain portions of the human mint-
oray. By thus limiting their practice
they are enabled to devote their entire
attention to the mastery of specific disu
eases nnd to select romedics best
adapted to their nllovititlon nnd euro.
Many of the most valuable discoveries
known to the urofosslpn liavo been made
by these snmo specialists. They are the
hope of the hopeless , for from them must
come euro , if i t comes at all. They ob
tain results ; they euro. Among the
most successful medical exports
nnd specialists in the west
is Dr. J. K. McGrew of this
city. His reputation extends from Nor
way to Alaska nnd thousands of patients
all over the country rise up to call him
blessed. His specialty ib diseases of a
private nature nnd nervous disorders.
This gentleman is a thoroughly read ,
conscientious physician , whoso marve
lous cures attest his mastery over dis
ease. His olllco is at the northeast cor
ner of 11th and Farnain streets , Ornnhn ,
Dr.Birnoy , nose and throat. Bee bldg.
Fine Jlorscs in Omaha.
Some of the finest btoppors in the west
nro owned by Omaha gentlemen , who ,
while laying no claim to being turfmen ,
delight in a good horso. The proper
care of this noble animal is commanding '
more attention than used to bo bestowed
upon it. Good warm blankets now form
nn essential part of a stable outfit , and
the best informed are adding specially l
prepared foods to their list of necessi
ties. The equine anatomy is just as sus
ceptible to derangement as the human
organism. To counteract these , alter
natives , laxatives , ' etc. , are necessary.
To meet this want The P. E. Sanborn
Company have placed before the public
their Standard liorsoand cattle food , an
nrticlo which supplies the need : inn
pletely. Thoroughly harmless , yet
powerfully oll'ectivo , it is the grandest
discovery of the day. Horsemen will
llnd it on sale by all dealers.
Dr.Birnoy , nose and throat. Bee bldg.
A Successful Firm.
Messrs. James A. Clark & Co. , com
mission merchants , successors to Morse ,
Clark & Co. , COS South Thirteenth
street , are proving themselves the ripht
men in the right place. Their business
has steadily increased until the volume
of trade enjoyed by them is equaled by
perhaps ono other commission house in
O in ah H. Beside dealing in all kinds inof
commission goods , Messrs. Clark & Co.
make specialties of Al butter , cheese ,
fresh eggs , poultry and game. Their
butter department is always full of the
choicest creamery butter , a fact much
appreciated by the grocers ot the city.
They nro also the largest dealers in
gnmoof all kinds in the west. Mr.
Clark is a thoroughly experienced , hon
orable dealer , whoso success is wall raor-
Poor Farm ICtnployes.
At yesterday's meeting of the county com
missioners Superintendent Mahoney of the
poor farm was authorized to employ two
girls at not to oxccoil f M par month each ,
ono clerk at $30 per month and' ono male
nurse at o salary of § 20 per month , each of
the above employes to bo boarded and lodged
at the expense of the county. Thosamo reso
lution authorized the engineer , J. W. Uussoll ,
to employ a llrcinau at a salary of $ JO per
month and board ,
Mr. O'Kcoffo's resolution to allow the
superintendent ana the engineer to select
their own help was adopted. This resolution
also provides that the superintendent shall
have full control ot the building- .
The usual number of appropriation shoots :
were presented and passed.
The county clerk was Instructed to advertise -
tiso for putting gas fixtures Into the now
county hospital. The bills are to bo opened
January 1,1801.
The board adjonrned until next Thursday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Mr. William T. Pnco , a Justlco of the
pcneo nt Ulchlond , Nob. , was coiillnoti to his
bed lost winter with a severe attack of lumbago
bago , but a thorough application of Chamber-
tola's 1'alu Balm onoblod him to Rot up and
go to work. Mr. Prlcosaysi "Tho remedy
cauuotbo rocoramondod too hl&hly. ' ' Lot
anvono troubled with rheumatism , neuralgia
or lanio bnclc clvo H a trial and they will beef
of the same opinion.
1C02. Sixteenth nnd Farnrun Btroots la
tlio now Hook Island ticket oillco. Tick
ets to all I'ohHs ' cast atjowodt ratoi
Many of Them in Kmsai and They Know
Their Business ,
Tlioy Can 'Talk on Hither With K
Facility Mr . GlmlNtuiio'N Minoo
1'ies-Can Women Keep
n Secret ?
The pessimistic prophets who so con
fidently undertake to define for us wo
man's true "sphoro" say the present in
dications are that she will dcgonornto
Into a Boxlos3 , undollnablo urcaturo too
dreadful to contoinplato. But who shall
say :
The granting of municipal suflrago to
women has made sonio startling innova
tions not only possible but actual , writes
a Wichita. Kan. , correspondent to the
Philadelphia Press. It is no news to
Mrs Kellogg , tho" lady who hits boon the
assistant attornoy-gonornl of the state
for the last two years , fills the olllco
as creditably as nny of the stronger sox
have dono. Mrs. Kollogg's legal ability
ranks high among her brethren nt the
bar. She is a handsome woman and
very popular with tlio social as well ns
the olllclal circle at Topokti. .
All the world knows that tlio entire
aldermanic body of the town of Cottou-
wood Falls is fominino.
The saino is true of Oskaloosa. At
this place two elements were fighting for
supremacy. The party known ns the
"anti-prohibition" party on the very eve
of olcution got out a ticket composed entirely -
tiroly of women , intending it merely as
a demoralizing ngoncy in overthrowing
the plnns of the "law and order" faction.
But the "law and order" workers elected
"tho woman ticket , much to the chagrin
of the perpetrators of the joko.
Mrs , Salter , the mayor of Argonla , is
administering the allnirs of that town
for the second official torrn. She is said
to have attended to her public and Social
duties , to have performed all her houso-
hold work , including washing , ironing
and cooking , for a family of five , nnd to
have Increased her family from flvo to
six , all in ono your.
She Is a nervous little thing and her
managers were evidently afraid that her
personal nppoanmco might not ho all
that a discriminating world demands ,
for a bevy of women took her of ! in ono
corner and adjusted her drapery , picked
out her frizzes and generally looked her
over before she mounted the platform.
The poor little mayor was badly fright
ened , reading in a voice a little above n
husky whisper n short sketch of the sit-
I nation in her town ,
Mrs. Lowman , the mayor of Oska-
loosn ' , wns present at the same convon-
tion. She is a very pretty , womanly-
looking woman , appearing much too
young for the mother of a twoniy-two-
year-old son who accompanied hor.
Tlio towns under petticoat govern
ment are the butt of the facetious para-
grapbor. It is written I
"The men of Otikaloosa.who have boon
accustomed to slipping little 'presents'
into nldormanic pockets will now have
to change their methods , since no man
can hope to find a woman's pocket. "
"At the lust mooting of the city coun
cil of Cottonwood Falls the tlino was di
vided between n discussion of street-
lamps nnd n now recipe for ranking angel
food , " etc.
Kansas is said to bo the banner state
for organizations of womon. Every town
has its equal suffrage local society , and
there nro ever a hundred woman's clubs
in the state.
Ono of the most prominent nnd suc
cessful clubs in the stnto is the Hypattn
at Wichita. It is now in its fifth year
and numbers llfty mombors. Ilypatia
was organized after the pattern of Soro-
sis. It has handsome club rooms of its
own and meets fortnightly. It is a part
of the general federation of woman's
clubs , mooting every two years , and
which will moot in Chicago in 1893. Hy-
patia frequently entertains other clubs
from sister towns , and is very popular iu
The equal suffrage women are concen
trating their forces nnd expect nt the
next constitutional convention to strike a
blow at the word "male" In the suffrage
clause of the constitution.
Mrs. Laura Jolitu , the state president ,
is a sweet-faced , quiet-looking womun
whoso personality is anything else than
thnt of the typical female suffragist.
The farmers' nllianco of Kansas , the
body that has inaugurated such a polit-
icaf revolution nt the recent elections ,
swears by the name of Mrs. M. E. Lease ,
who slumped the state nllsunitnor in the
interest of its candidates. This lady has
blazed up in the public sky with the ve
locity nnd brilliancy of n rockot. She is
a magnetic speaker with a tongue that
can lend itself to eloquence and patriotic
fervor , or scathing sa'ti o and vindictive
almso of her opponents.
Mrs. Lease is a palo , dolicato-looking
woman and rather prepossessing in ap
pearance , notwithstanding tlio fact that
an ungnllant Texas editor called her " ita
lantorn-jnwod , gogglo-oyed nightmare. D
She is a lawyer , nnd enjoyed a lucrative
practice before her alliance with the
Mrs. Lease is not popular with her
own sox , but she has a linn hold on the
affections of her party.
Speaking of the fnrmors' party brings
up the thought of fanners' wives.
If nny ono should conjure up a picture
of sod houses and dugouts , of privation
and 'poverty , lot him clear his cobwebbed -
webbed brain at oneo. That picture belongs -
longs to the remote ngo of the sixties.
The average Kansas farmer lives ns well
as , if not bolter than , hia Pennsylvania
The pi osont prosperous condition has
boon nchioved by hard work , however.
The motto of the stnto , "Ad Astra per
Aspora , " is the history of every suc ;
cessful farmer. It depends on the mar
ket now whether the Kansas farmer
burns Kansas coal or Kansas corn in his
The women on Kansas farms aro.many
of thorn , independent of that slavish
condition which requires if woman toof
nsk her husband for every cent of
money she wants. Shooftonor makes
her own money and spends it , too , The
corn nnd the oat crops are sometimes
failures , but the chicken and tUrkey and
butter crops rarely are.
Mnny women , Blurting from small be
ginnings , mnnngo successfully Hocks of
Bheop nnd herds of line cattle indepen
dent of their Husbands' special intor-
Flvo yonrs ngo a lady living in one of
the larger towns wns told by her physi
cian that if she wished to llvo nho must
continue to live out of doors most of the
"Lonvo off your corsets nnd pot nato
fnrm ; rnlso pigs and chickens anything
which will icoep you In tlio open tdr. "
liar husband bought a farm close to
I ouoy f the nearest railroad btatlons , so
k ana
Used in Millions ot Homos
* 0 Years the Standard.
that ho might attend to his business In
town , There was a tolerable house on
the pluco and a young orchard , which
contained a few plum trees. The boos
buzzing about those plum trees when in
full beauty and bloom of early spring
gnvo this woman her inspiration.
She planted a plum orchard and a few
acres of buckwlioat and .catnip. She
road up on boos and poultry and began
It is a fact that this industry , begun
in the smallest way , now pays this one-
tlmo invalid in goou round dollars as
well as health and restored vigor.
Mrs. Glndatono'H I'lcq.
A Indyonco asked Dr. Parr on what
day it was proper to begin eating tnineo
plo. "Begin on ' 0 Snpiontla , ' " replied
the worthy doctor , whereby , wittingly
or orthorwiso , ho convoyed a double
meaning , for few invocations could bo
moro appropriate than the summoning
of wisdom nnd discretion to one's aid in
the consumption of such n highly com
plex dainty. But Dr. Parr hud too much
gullnntry to bid a lady to look to her di
gestion ; ho was .simply reminding her
that mince pie is Christmas pie , and that
ono should taste it llrst on December 10 ,
the ecclesiastical beginning of the
Christmas holiday , a day which takes
its name from a hymn sung during ad-
vont. Logically , ono should adjure the
compound after Twelfth Night , but
mince ' made according to an old rule
jj |
given to mo in England this summer is
warranted to keep until spring. This
rule , by the by , if tlio personal mention
lends interest , is Mrs. Gladstone's , used
in her family for generations and pre
pared in bor kitchen every Christmas.
It cnmo to mo through a Nownham girl ,
writes a correspondent , for Miss Helen
Gladbtono , who is vlco president of
Sedgwick hnll and who inherits her
father's digestion , whether with or with
out his habit of chewing every mouth
ful thirty-two times , has introduced
ho mother's plo at the yeomen's
college , nnd hero it isl oaten by Miss
Philippa Fawcett and ether , lights of
Cambridge university whoso mental
brilliancy sooma not to liavo been
clouded by its soporific inlluoncos.
"Boil a neat's tongue two hours , then
skin it and chop it as smnll as possible ;
chop three pounds of fresh beef suet
very fine , three pounds of good bakoing
apples , four pounds of currants , washed
clean , 7)lcked and well dried , and ono
pound of raisins stoned and cleaned ; mix
all those well together with ono pound
of powdered sugar , half nn ounce of
inaco } half an ounce of nulmog grated ,
a quarter of an.ounco each of cloves and
cinamon and ono pint of French brandy.
Make a rich putt paste , nnd ns you lill
the pie put In a little candled citron
nnd orange cut in smnll pieces , what you
have to spare cover up in nn earthen jar
and add no citron or ornngo until you
use it. "
Can AVomon Keep n Secret.
"Every woman is not trusty nny moro
than is every man , but quite as many
women ns nioti are so , writes Junias
Henri Browne in the Ladies' Homo
Journal. In truth it may bo doubted if
there are not moro trusty women than
there are men. Secrets are seldom im
parted to persons who do not inspire
confldonco ; they who toll what they call
secrets to dozens of persons , without
knowing much about the persons , with
out forming nny positive opinion of their
discrimination or reticence , are not apt
to have nny secrets from the entire
circle of their acquaintances. They are
moro babblers , gossips , tattlers , who try
to bstow some importance on their com
munications by declaring . .them to bo
Bccrots. Such communications are
usually commonplace , or of so little consequence -
sequence as to make no distinct im
pression on the mind ; needing to bo
labelled private , lost they bo thought to
belong to the the public. Besides , the
communicators are prone to the habit of
repeating their stories to over ono they
can uorsuado to listen to them and then
pronouncing them confidential. To any
to whom they nro thus disclosed the
stories nro already familiar , nnd polite
ness alone prevents the recipient from
immediately saying us much. Candor
nnd delicacy compel thcso , when in
formed of their confidential character , to
acknowledge that they are by no means
now. But the babblers men for the
most part take notice of this. They go
their babbling round , and when they
Hoar their currant tnlo , they like to as
sume an iujurddnir and to assort that
some confounded woman has betrayed
their confldonco ; that women never can
kcop a secret. That women should owe ,
in any measure , their false reputation to
such a dunce , is the best evidence of its
Nellie Grnnt'ti 1.1 To.
A London letter writer says : It is becoming
coming quite generally known on both
sides of the water that Mrs..Sartorlsand
her husband do not llvo together , but
there has been much deference shown to
her father's memory in refraining from
publlbhing the particulars of the bopa-
ration. Tl hey are really so honorable to
her that there iB > really no reason why
the publlo should not know about it.
The innrringo ot 'Mr. ' nnd Mr. Sartoris
turned out unhappily. Although Mrs.
Sartoris made no open complaint , but ,
woman-llko , determined to mnko the
bobt of her life , the futhor of her hus
band , who Is tv rpynl old English gentle
man , all of the olden tlmo , became
aroused to the linjustlco which his son
wns doing her , and with his wife , a good
old English woman , sought to straighten
matters out. When they failcdho gave
Mrs. Sartoris a Jlondon homo , forced Ills
son to glvo her a country place about
Hampton and settled 7,000 per annum
Mme. Puttl iinil Glrtlstono wcro both In Ed
inburgh u few cluys siift ) , and the great ttutos-
mini called upon the famous singer , Tim toplo
of cotivormtlon , winch heomcrt to lo of Inter-
oat to both , wu * the rulutlvo incilu of tlio
Botlon Mineral Pastilles ( troclios ) ( hey wuio
euchobllKul to use , ulthou h each ono for u
different piii-pCso.
Tin-so nonclTfiil Porton Mineral I'unUlles
are of Rtcat hon Ice , not only to publl * spoak-
on mill ulnsi-r * . but to tlio vast array uf suf-
furori from Coughs , folds , Throat mitl Lung
- .
Obtain the irnulno Imported article , which
must have thislKiiatur und Utttlmoalul o'
Blr Worrell 5lJ Ucu/o ! with cuch box.
A little over four years ago the Nebraska Clothing Company threw open its doors to the
public. Beginning at the sams locatiion it still occupies , at the cor. of uj-th and Douglas Sts ,
one small room 33 feel wide by 70 feet long , we have seen it grow year b } ' year , reaching
covering more territory , reaching up , taking in more floors , until today it occupies a store i
half block long , three stories high and basement.
a The history of our store for the past 4/
ishe simply the history of Omaha on asmallcr scale. As she has met and overcome obstaln- (
her pathway , , reached
grown out and covered more territory , so
we , , until today we enjoy the proud distinction of clothing more inj ° { " °
boys than any other house west of Chicago. Each succeeding year has brought us nc IVNII
mers and an increase of business , last year being no exception , for when our doors werjJn tin
on Wednesday night they were closed the '
on most successful year's business we have ever §
We intend to make the year just begun still better. And to make a good beginning we will oil
at special sale on Friday and Saturday about " ' "
300 "Big Boys' Suits as follows :
-64 handsome fancy striped cheviot suits , sizes 14 to 18 , worth $7.50.
.A-t. -61 very handsome neat gray allVool striped cassimere suits , sixes 14 to 19 ,
worth $10.00. u
JB 7.O 52 elegant all wool brown striped cheviot suits , sizes 14 to 19 , aio suit.
& 0.OO 58 very nobb'all wool gray plaid cassimere suits , "square cut coats , " as
the large sizes are all sold we offer the remaining ones , sizes 14 to 17
at $9.00. They were $12.50.
These are the cheapest suits for young men and boys ever sold in O malic
Cor. 14th and Douerlas.
on her. Ho gives a similar income to
his son on the condition that ho shall
live separately from his wife and see her
and their children at stated times with
her consent. I understand , too , that the
old gentleman has written his will , and
that the arrangement will bo continued
after his death , the principal of his estate -
tate to go to his son's ' children nftor tlio
death of their parents.
Gorman Girls Hcfool.
The German phis nro beginning to
complain with considerable bitterness
that American and English girls are en
croaching upon their preserves , writes a
correspondent of the Chicago Mows.
Very many Americans and English send
their daughters to Germany to bo edu
cated ; the pretty dears not only master
the language iu a short time quite as
quickly and as easily they make a con
quest of the hearts of the susceptible
Gorman omcor. The number of army
olllcors in Germany with American nnd
English wives is very larco , and the fad
appears to bo increasing. In Dresden
particularly the English and Americans
are in great demand ; the native madchon
( bo she over so pretty ) seems to have no
chance at all. In Berlin there is a fancy
for a peculiar style of feminine beauty ;
the Berliner admires brown eyes and
hair and a dark , clear complexion ; thcso
features nrguo amiabilty , fidelity nnd
gentle breeding , they claim , The Gor
man girls complain that the American
girls tire natural adopts in affairs of the
heart that they scorn endowed by na
ture with all tlio arts , the audacity , and
the confidence of the average young
By the way , the wife of Count Wahlor-
see is an American , and she is the only
person at the Gorman court who de
clines invitations to dnncos on Sundays
and who is permitted to do so without
As Bravo as Joan of Arc.
The administration of posts nnd tele
graphs of Franco has decided to add a
grant to the subscription opened for the
purpose of erecting a modest memorial
to Marie Blard , who saved her country
during /Franco-Gorman war in a
manner which the most unsentimental
person can hardly refuse to. regard as
When the Prussians invaded the de
partment of the Soino-Infoiiouro during
the campaign of 1870-71 , Marie Clomon-
tine Binrd , then aged twenty , noted/is
an assistant to her aunt , who was chief
postmistress nt AufTray. Postal com
munication was interrupted in the dis
trict by the invasion , whereupon Marie
Binrd carried the letters herself every
night during a period of two months
over a distance of about twenty-live
mlles , delivering' them at various vil-
Inges hotwoon Dionpo and Ilouon.
The enterprise was full of pain an
peril. The snow lay thickly on the
roads and Holds ; the Gorman patrols
were every where , and In order to avoid
them the girl was frequently obliged
either to make long circuits or to Ho hid
for hours in a wood. Slio was arrested
three times by the enemy , but succeeded
in escaping on each occasion. After tlio
war the government offered to promote
Marie Binrd , but she preferred to re
main with her aunt. She died from
rheumatism , contracted during her per
ilous nocturnal expeditions at the time
of the war.
Tlio Origin orllriincttcs ,
The children playing round ths cradle
of our race wcro all fair. The ancient
Jews oven they were almost to a man
fair haired. The old Greeks and Romans
sprung from the gods , were sunny-
halrod , as were also the Venetians , us
Rusklns tells us. Why have nil these
pcoplo changed ? Why have wo , in
those Islands changed ? I'll toll you sir-
it's all the llvor. That's what's the mat-
tor. I once asked a physician why it
was that dark-halrod people had such
weak livers , while fair people never know
whether or not they had a llvor. Ills
answer was , "I cannot toll you why , but
you are right dark-hnlrod people imisl
bo always careful of what they cat.
There Is the whole thing in a nuUholl.
Heaven fccnt usgoldon-lmlrod women In
olden times' ' , when wo wore good , and the
devil sent us cooks in .modorn times
when wo were bid. ; Our grandfathers
livers are ruined , nnd wo inherit thoii
bllo , which turnf our hair blnck. It
Ireland , by the way , oven us Into as the
the bixtocnth century , dark-lmlrod mot
wcro to unubunl that such men or womun
hud Duluth ( black ) prefixed to thel
Ask yourftrocor for Cook's Extra Dry Im
pcrml C unmiHi iiP Ouco usi-U no other wll
suit. Its bojuot li delicious.
Dr.Ulvnoy. nose ami throat.Beo
Corn or 15th and D Robrbough Bros. , Proprietors.
"ft tcncic7. ! " TKlit"slio6Iuntll April i. .All branches t.iuuht. bliort Hand tauclit by null In o lesson *
rue. bond for circulars.
Two Great llolUlau IorformanaO9.
Jorinnc GQRINNB Corinnc
Corinnc Corinnc
In the Xow Operatic Hurlojquo
Tlio Celebrated Ilurlocquo
Mntlnco prices Mo nml 7Sc. livening prices 25c ,
We , 76c 00.
A Great Attraction.
The De Wolf Hopper
Opera BoufFe Co , ,
In Iljrno i Korker's Charming Comic Oporn ,
The Slost 1'oworful Compnnjr of Comedians In
1'rlcci us usunl. Io.x ! sheets open Kitimlity.
Boyd's ONLY.
Sundaij.January 4.
6t/i Successful Season
or THE
Greatest Play of the Age.
\Vm. ( Jlllctto'n Mtuterplcco ,
Presented by a Most Powerful
Cast and all New Scenic
Effects. '
I'rlcOK as uiun ) . Ho * iheets open SnturdAjr
ThB Grand Special.
SUNDAY , JANUAPY jlth , 1801.
\Vm ricrnn's Now York Standnnl Tlicitro I reduc
tion uad Acln | > tiit'on ' < > t Alox. Humus'
tire Act 1' ay ,
Clemenceau Case.
sation of I'nrln nncl Now York.
tliolowltoliln ) In. ( JiutmuiLovIck , Him Kent ,
Jonnlu llolltafth. nncl tlio entire urluliml cviupjnjr
under tlio Ulrcct'on of Win A llrmly ,
I'rlceii 2.K ! 5)o ) , Mo unit tl IM. 'llio ri'ncrve mlo will
open fciitimlay moniliiK.
\S'I11 Liiwlor. Miinnyiir. PorMltiinml rarnam
BU months old-cuto. c.tunliu. . piotty , aitf.
-HID Jnnutlu Trip lots. ,
AWlhoiaand Curiol. thuco'jn toum. rhvruny
contortionist. Alllo I'liun.Uur . , the I.iiscnr
Plumbing , Steam & Gas
. U. DUNCAN , 20S8 Davenpor
: - l \
TO facilitate matters ,
we have divided
our immense stock of
fine custom made
into four [ 4 ] lots and
marked them at prices
that will insure a speedy
E want to call your
attention to the
we are offering at the
above named price. Look
in our window ; come in
and we will show them
to you. Remember the
price , $15.00.
Are You Thinking About Q a Kb *
X'JlAS I'l
An Immnti
rape will milk „ , . - -
iinil HitriirluliiK i ! 'n , i
J fuitlior rut mi'1" ' , ,
stock of linii toil ! L" , .
( lllllirll'H ' , KHLU-JlJl' ' 1 I
llhli IVpinr l"il ( , aliiioil If
Slnni'lit'stor Ciipples *
otlicr lictiitlful fiinurlci.
Tall'.ln 1'nriots from 11153
! ' I
U Jniiniir o Qoliinbh au9 I
Bloljo I"
417 S. 18th St.O naha.