THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THURSDAY , JANUARY i , 1891.-SIXTEEN PAGES. BL NOTOB8. r thnso eblurni will V.itll :3Q : p. in. , for the eronlnt ( , 8v : : ) p. in. , ( or the mornlns r IIKE , adranco. . T ? ATES-JOrtlwrnffflta on this p r will 1)8 ) J ohnrgod' * * Jlie t < 3 of 1H cent per word tor tljo flr > , > * flrtlon unit 1 cent nor word for 0 ch Bub t'nt Insertion. iind 1I.AO per Una month. f o advertisement taken for than 21 nts 'or HID first Insertion. TIAI-PiSurc.i , symbols , etc. , count each nauim ttutul * > TIIKSR advrtlRemciiiA munt run oonsccn- tlrely and under no circumstances will they bo taken or dlscontlntHul by telephone. PARTIES advertising In thrso column * ana hdvliu tliclr answers addrnsaod to a "num- ,3r d lottnr" In cure of Tut HUE will rccclro iv nmnboriid check to onablu thorn to get their , Jotters. Answer * will bo dollvcrcd only on . presentation of til ) check. Kncloso answers In c n r elopes properly ml circled. A I'T' Silverllhonipnti under the heart of " -"Special Notlpos" nrci published In l > oth the rnliiE fiiul ovonlnK editions of THE JIKK. tlio circulation nf which nRdroiintrs nioro than 20,000 papers dally , and elves the advertiser the benefit not only of the larKO circulation of Tim HKK In Omaha , but also In Council Waffs. Lincoln and other cities and toxunlnttio wn t BRANCH OFFICES. Artvortlilng for those column * will 1) taVcn on the above conditions , uttlin followlrit bml- ness hoiiDt'H who are nuthorltcd tottikoHpeclal notices , nt the same rateu nn can had at the jnnln olllco. SOUTH OMAHA HHANCII OKFIOE-No. WSU N 8toot ; , Muter Illock. _ , 1'harma.olst. 820 South Tenth street. 13 ft. EDDY , ntntloners and Printers , 113 South 16th street. Sn" FAUNSWOUTII , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum- Ing street. jTTlUailES.l'harmacIst , C2 North Hth street. HO. W. I'Aim , riiarmaclst , 1718 Leaven- worth street. f-yUailES' HIAHMAOY. 21th and Farnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. IcrralM , tte. , rer. ( op nf frrt rnlnmn on ( Hi ITUATION as hookkeupor or olllco work by lady. Reference. Address A 15 , lino. MWH-1 * CCOt'NTANT Twenty 7uars oxporfvn o , - will post or YwAnm'n books ; statomor.ts rend' led ; terms reasonable. Mark Al , 1'armnr nr Ituthbiin'.s Buslnusi college , or address hot 472 _ _ _ M705-J \\rANTEI-Sltuatlon liy a .VOIIIIR inan.llb-s ' orally rducnted nnd good ponmnn ; any kind of work where them 'iro nrospocts nf promotion. Address A 14. llco. _ 789 K 1' ltl'IjT salesman orion for onR.iRCtnont ; first-class rcfurences. J. Ctirrlo. 1WI ) Nl IGth t. 76T 4 * . _ . 3 Kniracrniont by an experienced loan man as special agent and examiner nf loan M < uiirltl ( > . Territory preferred : Knst- orn KansiiH , N. W. Missouri , Eastern Nn- lir.lskn , Iowa , So. Dakota and Minnesota. Ad- dtoss A. 12 , Iloo. M7GO 4 A YOUNG lady stenographer owning typewriter - writer nnd with a business education wishes a position In the city. Address M.Kil.l Douglas.1 J17072 W ANTKD A position In Implement houio. V I' oxpprlonccd In handling machinery. Cull addrcs ? P.O. Koggondorf , 521 N 21st street , ith Omnhiu 750 1 * _ clerk wlslios ovcnlntt om- -l'ploymont ; state work and terms. Address A 7 oo. 704 1 _ TA'I'IONAHY engineer with llconso ( ma- clillst ; ) , > wltii experience , wants work ; ivoulrl go In country. Address J. Uos'i-ky. Omali .121ta iith : street , 077-yt . good busliu"s trnlnlnc will January I. Am a good l\a \ sltu.fyj / fill any olllco position , Hlayvislte ! \ /Iu are roabonaolo. AdU21 nil iimimr.i ? T tUo n-x Wi . .Jtioiis for good plrlij my * - altln ? rooms arn full from n a. in. to r p. in. No need of bolmt out of help a dav. Mrs. Ilrcgn. :1I4V : { S. IStli. Tol. SS4. _ Wjl WANTE D M ALE HELF\ Fiviatrt , etc. , rectopnfflnt column o GKNTHcaiVgotanoutBtfroo Now Year * .for our lalest book. Itoyal Tubllshlng Co. , lion building. MM3-1 * _ Dr-A reliable man to Introdnco anew now household Invmitlon that Is having n bl sulo whurover Introduced , salary or com- mission. For terms , etc , , nddicssM. II. Tvlor &Uo. . Muncle 1ml. M7iff-G * _ " \TTANTEU-A man thoroughly competent IT to eu < and store Ico. Address wltli refer ences , Lincoln Ice Co. , Lincoln , Nob. MT78 4 W ANTKD A seed baker to take part of store nt 115 North 10th street. MG03-5 W A peed Swedish drug clerk , I Addles : ? O.V. . Long , Wakcaold , Nob. 080 4 * _ MEN orvomnn sooklng employment ; good positions furnished frco ; any town or ntato. Address AiiBtln tilt's Co. , I'rovldenco , It. I. 020-2 * WANTED Salesman to manufacture and wholesale our now process elder , made without nj > i > l ( " . Kxcellent wages. Particulars > c. Iowa elder inf , ; , Co. , box 4tJj , lU'ddlmr , la. * bid J21 T7 ANTED I'lrst das' ' } piano player. 103 N. YV lth streot. KW 500 salesmen wanted to sell our premium nursery stock. The largest nursery west of the Mississippi river. Tim llnest stock. All the now and old fruits. Tlio lowest prices and bhjgost pay to nKeuta. Money advanced nvory vreok. Outfit \Vritounatonco. . Thou. J. Ourpontor Co. , Kalrbury , Neb. 8M J18 WANTED Pnlemnan who meet tlio grocery trndo to Roll ono of the bestartlclos on tlio market on commission. Address. X 35 , lleo. 821 ANTED Men to travel forourX aiiadlnn luruerics.btoue&Wolllneton.Mudlson.WU 4BI ) . ' fiTICD Mini 'with good reference at Metropolitan Mftf. Co. , ICO ! ) Howard st. 000 Jl WANT dD FEMALE HELP F tectc.teeM _ _ _ _ offlritcitlumnon _ tMinogi. W AKTEIl-OIrl for genon ! housework. 110Southed ! ) street. 11300 2' I A DIES can earn big money onnvasslne for i HoynU'ubllslilnKCo.'tviie.v book. Outllt free Friday. 40Jlleo building , MMB-l * ANTKD-OIrl for housework at COS Dav. enimrt street. Mjl-2 GIHIf Wanted for general housonork ; no crokluv ; good wages paid. Apply. " 00 North imhstri'ot. fl70 ! ! ) 1' \\7 ANTKD An oxporh'nced second girl. T\ Apply to Mrs.V. . 11 , iloCord. 204 B 18lh Bt. 701 1 V\7ANTni-Good girl , small family ; 8M \i Georgia nvo. Mrs. J. II. llaynoa , 700 1' \\rANTr.D-Oood. stonily girl or woman , T ' capubto of cooking In short order res taurant. State wages wanted , Address box IIS , YaiiUton. South Dakota. C70 1 \\7ANTr.D-OlrI forhousoworkigood wages. T > Cull 2X7 California at 6J3 ' ANTKD-GIrl for second work , and to take oare of child six years old , ! & . ' Wlrt glreel , Koimty. iilaee. fiCO I' " \ \ j ANTKD A good woman to do work , lOd N. T\ Dili Btreot. Kis TW ANTED Oood girl for poncral house- \\orl ; atCJIa Loavnnworlli. M QJ ' " ' " CLAIRVOYANT. forinfw , rtt. , nMfiijxJr \ l roliunn oa tMsjivji. MISSES Kddys , sisters , trance mediums ; massaco a specialty , 1510 Uapltol uvo. ' I \ Tb8S HlW/iTKVEn Is giving best success of any fortune teller In thu olty , rihu does not deal hi uiy fraud , Her terms uro the lowest < MN.U lloor. nibOU-a * jt f Mil Ilnrrongh I'alinlst toll ] the past , ores- AiAriitund future from the linen ot the hand. In lliuOI. . tlypsy way , fee. tit ludlea only. 1617 Iziiju struct , Omaha. KW v _ .KIMCJ.AYTON can by her wonderful will JJ poylr R'ant u y roiiuei.t. 424 North inth street. I tl n l Altltr\si \ | _ > _ filalryoyant , imturallv gifted , tpin'imBt null future , love troubles , ahi , sent maul * , diangei . , tra\el , business , t-utla- A fuotlou | lvon. Mrs. Wallace , 1UW Parnam st. DoUlor.ovortllO S. 13ih. fits. Naunlo Y.Wurrcn , olulrvoytut trance , "atlnpoaklng , vrrltlng and reliable bu > lnes jueUlum , four yearn hi Omaha lit ) N. ICth. PENSION AGENCY. T > KNSION8 The Ollnenmn 1'ennlon Agoncj , 4. vl Freiucr block. Information froa UT FOR RENT-HOUSES. _ tnrratc * . tic * tn to tnf r t column , nn I'll ' * POIl IU'.NT-1-room hotiios , SOU Contro fif HlJ-acrs farm. 20J acres cultivated , Brooms. OulltJBN.liUligt. 780 a * _ OHCOM hrlck bonrdlnR homo , root 170 , furnt- turo , I7'i0 : HO omli balance ; f lpcr iimnlli : fo-opornllvo ; land and lot company , Mi North .Sixteenth street. 808-2 AO-KOOM liousuon Ft. Mary's avoniio near 'Mlstruct. \ . Kiuiiilrc at Sl''i SI. MIIJ'H n\c- ii no. M7HO S * _ "I71OH HKNT Hcnutlful now brick nnd stone houseiatH-w ror. lutli nnd I'ltllfornla sts. , all modern conrontonccs. li niul 14 rooms , special terms for winter months , llrcimiiii Ac ' ' lca Ny ; I'l to building. _ 7j7 5 CTKAM hoatcil flats at 700 S 10th. Tlios V. ' Pllall. 311 I'mtton block. 705 _ rT-HOOMhoiidO with all modern con venloncos ; ' ri'titi' > per month , corner Thirtieth and Woolworth , fnclnn Hmtscom I'ark. Knnulra Leu .V Nlcliol , mth niul Lciivcinvotth. J17U1 Oil KKNT-KIno corner hou o Apply O. S. KlKiitter , Uooin 407 , Klrst , r > tu i hiuk. 083 OH UHNT-7-rooin hotiBe.lSth and Ylnton. (15.00 ( i-room hnimo. 'J.F > th hnd Corliy. Jio.oo. B-room house , ITTth and \Yoolwnrlli , S1S.OO. X- oem house , ! Xth and CaUhvull , $ . ' 3.00 , J , II. ohnson , 511) ) I'axlon block. OU KENT Klats , 4 room * ouch , city water f ! nml cwur connculions. U. U. K. and T. Co. Dee bid ? . Sll { -room ntoatn huatod flat for rout , KV > . Hoberts , 40J No. Kith street , MC7U 4 TYOU wlsli to rent n house or store bee If. .r. Cole , Contlrientnl block 4O ! rr-UOOM house with linrns iiomlniil rent. O. t I' , llntrlson. max. Y.LIfe. 4M riKJOondiietorsaiid KiiRlncers WoolTortlioso J ten new and complete Mats with nllmoilern conveniences filumtt'cl two lilocl's from the low Tenth street depot ; they luivo several jiuw und coiiiluenilablofontnresaiul rent for only Ji" > 00 per month , fl and 7 rooms cnch with liirjto bath nnd convenient t-loseli. Call and KOII them Ilio Jlcatl Investment Co. . loom 44S , Ilcobulldliiir. Gil TTlI/ATof .1 rooms In now hrlck building In J-J Lemenworth sts. , near ICth sts. KJ4-I11 * Aaont-Oco. .1. 1'aul , loon Eiirnam , Housed and stores for rout , llents col- cctcd. 587 "IjlOll KENT To renponslhui parties only. J- these line now hrlck and .stiino houses on Georgia mcnuoj fifteen inoius nnd alcoves ; more convenience ! ) anil bettor finished than any homo for rent In the city. II. U.llomlor- 011. 410 I'lixton block , city. 401 171011 KENT Good S-room houses , con cn- -JL' lent to : i car lines , li > per month. Jno. II. Tale , U. 15 , Chamber of Gomiuurce. UW J10 * EOH ItnNT 3 houses 10 rooms each. I'ark uvo niul Woolworth st. , city wator.furnnco. &e. Unll iitouei ) . MumauKli iV ; I'llchetl. liimso rontlngugunts , S. W. eor. IJth nnd HowaiU st. O112 Cnj ) . avo. . 6-room cottiiRo.Vcsthnlf - " > U'ms ) | ; , Knq. tfilH Unu. a\c. BUI-JO * "iVfODLUN now brick 8-room house , nicely -I'Jpnperod , cholci ) location , only $ S3 per month. II. K. Cole , Continental block. 440 "I71OU UENT b'evon-room cottaKO , cor. ffith -U avo. and Cap.ave. Imiulro 2DH JOIKO. ! 51407 TIOU KENT Jan. ] , C-rooni cottape. llrst- L'cltiH.qlii cvorv respect , bit tli , hot and cold water ; on motor line. Cull at IHlKliuiiiiiinavo. BI an FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Fnrratrt. etc. , fee Inn t hrtl ( iiimnn on Hit * FOU KENT 1'lonsnnt furnKlied rooms In prlvuto house , llest location In the city , : ifl.N. ! 20th struut. inSIO a * EOOMS , sliiirlo or en sulto , gas , bath and heat. : ej N. 15th st. 7S7 V "V"IOKIA' furnished rooms , rent reasonnblo , JLby a widow lady ; cigar makers preferred , inilllnrnoy. 7UO 0" * I7ICltNI5iIii : } rooms , 1008Capitol utcnnc. JlJ B1774-C' NEWIjY furnished rooms for rent. Steam heat , bath and gas , $10. 11 l "aruam , 2nd lloor. J1782 4' "VTICEIA" furnished rooms with or without -l.ibo.inl. OL'N.l'th , 70 ni\VO furnished rooms for rent , all moilorn JL Inipiovenients , r > 00 N. 18th street ( AVI * PllltfilSfinn room First lloor , all conven iences. Iteferonccs required. M Farnam st. ' COl-i * "TjlORltENT-Frontroom with nlcovc.curtalns JL' mantel , hto'ini huat , Rasand bath , 2 , sultublo for 2 Bcntlemon or man dtid wlfo , J1S.OO per i-jontli. Also udjolnliifr room with big closet and all conveniences J10.00 per month , -HIT S : . ' 4th st , Uall between 8 und 0 a. m. or 8 o'clock p. in. 019 FUHN1SHED for Hcht liousekcenlnu , rooms with all conveniences from $7.00 per month and upuariK 419 S 1Mb st. C18 TJOOMS licasouablo rates. 8023 St. Mary's Jli avenue. MSGO-JL'l' LAHOE front room , private family , llcfor- onccs. 2015 Coss. CC1-J3' riCELY furnished warm room. 82SS. 25th sb I 012 3' ' T71OH KENT I'nrnlshod rooms ; gas , bath J-1 and steam , 1511) ) Howard. 403 lloautlful front roonMH best part J.of city , cloMito Rood board. Hont roason- nblo. 123 H 25th st. 413 TAKSIIIAHLK room , modern convon fences -L'1701 Capitol nve. 775 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. For tales , cte. , tretopof flrxl folumu onllttr "I7IOH KKNT Largo plognnt front room , wltl J- board ; all convonleiiccs. Itofcrcnccs. 1721 Dodge street. .M807 1' 111 North 10th street , handsomely fiirnUhoi ] t rooms Ith board , Mrs. 11. A. Cliurclillls Jltfll- KOOM niul board t5 week , 1021 Turnnm. AI701-J31 * ) OOM nud board. 010 S 17th street , t Kft-1 ) OOM nnd board. 94.00. 1713 Douglas street t lny board H.OO per week SI071 4' M1O Itl'.NT With board , two beautiful rooms XattlmSheltan. 101 , Soutli 2 , " > tli street. Term1 rcuaonnblq , Kll-4 T71U1W1S11EI ) rooms with gns. bath and fur Jniicu hunt : boartl It dcairod ; s. o. cor. 'fill avonuounil llarnuy. COT - EOOMS and board nt 1923 Hodge. | NEW house , large , handsomely furnlshoi room sultublo for 2 ; 1 Himdlor room for l ! excellent board , heat. RIIH. bath : llrbt-clnss private family. Terms ( J5 each per month Address X 01 , IJeo otllco. isc TjlOHgood hoard , nlco rooms , modern convcn X1 lonces , rates niul location , the Pullman house , 1U10 Dodge at. , cannot bo o.xcollecl. ROOMS and board , 1910 Chicago street. 710 J2 QT.CLA1H Eilropenn hotel , > vth dlnlinr room Ohtoiim heat In all rooms , 13th and Dodge Special rates by weckor month. 50 FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED Furrata , etc. , ret top of flut rouii'iti on QUIT3 unfurnished rooms on parlor floor Oinodcrn conveniences. 611 N. loth st. 081-2 O.UOOMS for light liousolvCopliiE,2512 llarnoy FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES For rate * , etc. , tee top of fill column nntMt Tnoil KENT 1'art of storeroom at 115 North JD 10th street. JIU03- ADKStnAItLK store room to rent In tli besttlry goods or olotiihiK location In Ho- atrlco. Address Harris & 1'rledmau , Uontrlcc Nob. 43 17IOU UENT The third lloor of-No , 1307 How i.'nrdHtroct , with steam boat and power I dcsliod ; rent reasonable. Fcstucr 1'rlntlne Co. , 1W7 Howard. Mat STOKES at TOO S. ICth. steam liout furnished. Tlma. I'.Hull. UlU'qxton blk. W3 TTIOH UENT The 4-story brick bulldlny.wlth JL' or without /oriuerlyocminli-d by the lleo 1'ubllslilngOo. , QIC rarnainst , The build line has u 11 reproof comontbuscmont.comploto Etuam lioatlnu flxturrs , water on all thu floors , gas , etc. Apply at tlio otllco of The lleo. 01 ! Foil UENT lit January 1 , 4-story bulldlns U8.MOsauaro feet : sultublo far anykim of wholesaling , nt fen tli ami Jones street , U A. Lindijucsi , U10 South Klftooiith btroet , 5Ud " | J > OIl KEHTorBalo-Mno , heavy brick flvo J- story corner wnrchouso with most contra truckage Incltyi llooniuro 13,500wjuaro ( loot String. & Tonny. Darker block. FOR RENT WAREHOUSES. I cr ( < , tc. , ire ion ont o > ) unm on thti pool Foil KENT Itrlok wnrehouno. two atorlo hlKh. basement , lirdrnullo elevator , track best locution In tbu olty. A. U. I'ovrelL M7 WANTED TO RENT. For ratei , etc. , tec top nf flnt column on thU pro W ANTKD to Ilcnt 0 or 10-rooni furnished house , all conveniences , by party re sponsible , nulot young mm for rpsldunco pur poses. Address , with terms , A IB , lleoofllco. 811 4 * W ANTKD Unfurnished room with board , for man and wlfo. Address , statin ! loca tion nndjirk-o , A. 11 , llco ; MiTtt 1 * \\7 ANTED To rent. Ono night a week , T largo lodge room centrally located. Ad- ( lresl A 111 , Iloo , M78J S * ANThlWTo rent a small building with steam boiler. ] loom314,1'axtou lilk. RENTAL AGENCY. I'nrmtrt , tte. , K6 fop of fnt column oil Hits nNNNOIIAVEN & 0 , rental a Ron t8,207 Omaha Xntlonul bank. MJM-JMl * _ LIST your hotisos to soil or rent With O , P. Harrison. Uia N. Y. Life. 603 _ E. COLE , runtul agent , Continental blk. LOST. . ffc. , ite 'op nf .frt ro/nma / on l/ih T03T A IOTIR lentlier poekctbook , vlth nnto Jfor 1151 anil other pjnors. ICuturu to lleo > lllco anil got reward. A1777-1 * _ LOST on Sunday A geM knot , shell Dronjf. lialr plu hotwcon l-'lrst CoiiKrejfatlonal linrcli and IRth and Doil o or l.'tli anil "Hli mil Dodge. The Under will bo suitably rc- vaiiled by ri'turnltiK Haino to 1515 Dodt'o BtrucU 0. II. Muoru fi Co. _ r OST-Siinilay night lot. Ifith and Castollar IJand 13th anil Center Ms. , ladles' open faeo KOlil watch and chain. Monogram 0. M. II. , inil7-ia-89 on back. Louvo at I'ullur'i drill ? stoic , 14th and Douglas und iccclvo ronanl , 7M I * _ _ T OST. near Ilnns-om Park , putt dozj return -Lj to J. C. Schrelvor at Slorse lry ) Goods Co. mil get reward. 477 FOR SALL FURNITURE tTC. l' * r mteclt. , > ee tui > of flnl o > l\t \ nn Will T71uNITjlU : L cation for routine ; rooms or boarding , liont ow. Address All , Hoc. 074-U1 * FOR SALiC-A ( Ino lot of nearly now lieu > .e- liold furniture , cheap , lv the ploco or all. II. II. Iroy , axiNuw Vork lAte , 6SJ-U Alton double sitting desk , almost now J I'hll Stlinmol. .No. oil Jones st. 613 SI.COND liaiul furniture , stovcs.carpots anil SlnsorsowliiK inaclihio at half jirlco ; onsy wuymeuts. Iluwkoyc Inv. Co. , UJ Douglas hlk. . FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. Fur mtct , etc. , tee top nf Jli at lolumn nn Iflfci jnua JKCONI ) lianil omnibus. I'hll Stlmmul. No. JUH Jones st. 817 horse $00 , two-borso wagon 12) . dou- bio work harness 313. Or will trauo for u peed lluhU ido bur bugRy. 11. E. Cole , Conti nental bloc ! ' . TOU SALK 2 good work teams. Imitilru at ! 018 1'axton block. 509 Oil SALK T > 0 horses and mares , cash or tlmo. Prices from $15 to &JOO. Would ex- ingosomeof them for Omaha real estate. W , T. ircaiiiuii.Uiiiulia'slargest ' vurloty wugons -1-17 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Ftirratet , etc. , tee top nfIrst column nn Ihts T710H SALi : Cheap , 1 sot Lytton'a works. J-1 now ; 1 set Chninbcrs' Encyclopedia , now. Address A. 0 , lleo olllco. M775-2 * TJ1OH SALi : 500 tons of Ice. Gilbert Ilros. . J-1 Council HlilfTs , In. UVI-at FOH SALK Two Iron safes. Room 208 N. Y. UfobutlilliiK. 7C4 5 7\On \ SALH Stclnway piano but llttlo used - at a sacrifice. Inquire at " 419 Ualdnull atrcut. owl T71OU SALK cheap A 30 horse ponorNow - Al ork safety steam enslno In first class condition. 1'estncr Printing Co. , 1'Jffl Howard st. M 1T WANTED TO BUY. liorratrs , etc. , tec tup nf kmt column onilli WANTii-To : buy claims of all kinds npalnst railroad employes. Sums over 820 preferred. Write Win. Illehardson , Sioux City , la. , Li. n. iAS. K17-J5 * S wanted at 1331 N ICthst. 674 TTIURMTIIHK , household qoods. etc. Higlipst J-1 cash price. Wells , 1111 Tarnam. 510 MISCELLANEOUS. Forratet , tte. , tee top nf fiisi column out/its / pays T\7ITjO furnish and put on lIolntlro'B T wenthor strips fora cents a foot. They do not Interfere with bcieens. IJ. . Kecno , Kfi-Ji N 84th street. (00-2 ( * ; F you liavo liorscs , cnrrlapca or houses to trade see P. II. Joromc , room 317 , l'Ir-.t Na- onal bank hulidln . M711) ) J2 * nrASHAOK-Mudam Dolzlcr , over 010 SUth. 720 J2 * i\1 ASSAGK treatmentelectro-thermal baths , -I'l.scalp nnd balr treatment , mnnlcuro and chlrpoodlst Mrs. Post , ai9 > 4 S. 16th Wltlmoll blV- . MS MONEY TO LOAN. 1'crrata , etc. , tec top offlnt column nn i/ili jiy STAR Land and Loan Co. . 0. O. Shlmor , prest. , W. M. Kelso , scey. ; 1st lloor. N , Y. Life. , - J1SU5 ) MONEY * to loan on Improved city property at current rates ; funds on hand ; no delay , Gco. F. lllust & Co. , 20i : Itanigo bldg. MU2 CHATTEL loans at lowest rates , Hemovod to 024 N. Y. Llfo bldg. J. 11. Eminlngor. 521 KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of J10 to JI.OOO ; get our rates before borrowing nnd save mony ! loans on horses , furnlturo or any approved s'-curlty without punllulty ; notes bought ; for now loans , renewal of old and low est rates call It. 203. Sbcoly blk , IJtli & Howard. 010 fONEY to loan on second mortgairo. W.-S LWyun , ltoomU34 Omaha Nut. Hit. lll'd ; . M rai OHATTKh bank , nifl 8 15th st , , loans money on clmttelsorcollatoral at reasonable rates "I71IKST A second nioitsanos on vacant & Im- Jiroed city prop. County warrants bought. Jloiioy on liund. P.M. Uloliardson.SiaN.V.LIfo. B.-J T\O You Want Money ? Merchants who arc J-Miverhtocked nnd must realize , address , In conlldence , I. T. Newell & Co. , 1410 Douglas htioot.Onmlm , Neb , r > KI OJsKV to loan on olty a d farm property. Vt. II. Harris , 1120 , Kroiuor blk. , opp. 1' . o. 525 _ MONEY SO. COorOO days , on household fur niture , etc. 018 1'axton block , J.J. Wllkln- unti MU70-P1 HONEY to loan by 11. K , Masters on chattel and collateral securities for any tlmufroin 1 to 0 mouths , lit any amount to suit bor rower. Loans inado on household Roods , piano ; , ar- Riins , horses , miilec. houses , loaiiHaroliouso iccelpts , etc. . at the lowest possible rates , without publicity or removal of property. My loans uro MI arranged thntyou can nmko a payment of any amount at any tlmo and ro- dnca both principal and Intoroit. If you owe a balance on your property or liavu - . loan you wish rlmiiKud , I will pay it elf und curry It for you. If you find It nioro con venient , call up telephone. Na 1K1 and your business will be arranged nt home. Money always on hand. No dolay. No pub licity. Lowest rules. n. P. Masters , TtoomJ , Wltlmoll blk , 15th and llarnoy sts.6H 6H WANTED 0 per cent real estate loans. C. HarrisonBL3 N. Y. Life. 513 WANTED I'lrst-olaas Inside lonni. Lowest rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invust- incnt Co. , 1501 Farnam. 513 "OUILDINO loans. Oto 7 per cent ; no nddl- JJtlonal clmrKOs forcommisslon or attorney's fees. W. 11. Mullflo , First National bank blilR.M7 M7 17KAL Katato IxiaiHi Cash on hand , ( llobo -IVixJuni Trust Co. . 307 H. 10th Bt , No delay , no extra churKcs. Houses for rout , good list. OK. Sc 0 , M.ANTllONYtl3 : N. V. Mfo build- lnK , lend money on farms In choice coun ties of Nebraska anil Iowa , also on good ( Jmulm residence property | lowest rates ; best terms : no delay ; ciuuoy ready. Titles and values passed on here. 619 MONEY to loan on any "eourty forshort time at low rates. Lowest rates _ . _ on personal nroporty. The Henderson MortXHBn Investment Compa ny , room 400. 1'axton Dlk. KH ) COSTUMbS. LADIES &ad gentlemen can rent manniior- ado sulti at 62J N. 16th it. C7JJ26 * DUSINESS CHANCES. Ferrate * , tto net to t ot ijl t fnlmu on thli > > aj FOll HALH or oxoUrnite A 24 room hotel , furnlshnd , noarOmftHa , Might rent. Ad. dress A10 llco , , JI703-U * A OOOU position Is oftcrcd In a corporation xX In Oiuahn to nntanerectlo man vrho will buy from W,500 to $7,030tock. Address A. 17 , Iloo olllco. ' > , ' , M804 8 C IDA It store In goml location , prlco accord- Inu to Invoice , t'oto eratlvo land and lot company , 205 North ijl.ttocntlistreet. MBQj-2 WANTKO Man of i-linractcr , capacity ami some financial ahlljty to conduct a west ern business for us. Mtiiuneratlon $100 per month nt the start , lT,3caro Lord.V Thomas , Chicago. Fiiy well iMronlzpil bakery with grocery store connected. 1'or further In formation apply to J. Koontgsteln , Norfolk , Nob. JI7IW-7 * TTlOIt SAMS IxmfflnnBO with furnlturo of a - A40rooiu liotel : ofllee. dining room , bar and bllllnrd room on around door ; steam Hunt , electrlo bolls and lights , hot and cold water baths , -tc. : town ROOD ponitlatlon. Aildrosi Joseph lloironr.ttli , Soutli Onmha. } li.8 2 * BUSINESS chance wnntcd-JI.401 cash and quarter section good land Yuma county , Colorado , for stock general r.ierclinmllic.iiuiHt I in well located nnd cheap : state 'particulars. W. L. llruwer. Uuslivlllu , Neb , coa U * "ITIOIt SALK Ilnndsonio store , nloedy fur- JJ nl'liert , well stocked clears and novelties ; best location In city ! reasons for selling , tlmo tiiken up with other business. Address J. J. Kahoy , gcnernl dollory , Unniliii , .Nub & ) . * > WANTED Active or sllont partner or the ' nsu of il.utw for one year to extend my business ; will g vo real estate security and pay a good bonus. Address Y 70 , lice olllco. 1172 FOH SAM-Half Interest In a well rstab- llslied business In this city ; will rrqulrn < f l..OJO cash. Address Y 01 , Heeolllcu. Mi ! J2l ( Troll SAI.K-Or trndo. A largo llvery.hoaid- -L IIIR and feed stable , with feed store con nected , ( > ooil location and doing a tine busi ness. Call nt once onMuniniiRli tc rilchett , loul estate agents , s.v. . cor , Jolh and Howard. FOK SALT : or Trulo : Large lively nnd feed stable , feed store attached. This Is Nell located on paved Btiout and dnln agond business. Munmiigh & Kltchctt , real estate agents , eor. 15th and Howard Ht ( / ) ( HAT MAUKKTforsalo. ritted up first class In wery particular. Good biiHlness. Will bear the strictest Investigation. AildresK lock box 400. Council HlulTs. la. AKIIU-J1 TTIOlt cjALRoroxchaiigororstouk of general X' nmiclmndlso \ acres of land 2i ! miles from Grceloy Center , the countv scat of Orei'Ioy county , W ) acres In cultivation , 2 wells wind mill , house nnd stable ; black loam soil nearly luvol ; every foot of this track1 tit for cultivation ; hicumbornno $ I"V ) ; rented for next year Also 100 ncros unlnipiored Innd fi miles from Qreoloy Center and W miles from first track adjoining Ackmlo nostrilllrn ; black lonm soil , will give clou tltloofthls tract , or will oxelinneo for Omali . or Council lllulls property. Address U. J , F. .Lock bov U5 , Oruoley Center , Nob. cU'SJlil * HOTnti I'or Sale fo ) you want got Into a teed business ? If voii do , buy the C'ommer clul at llrokcn How , Nob. a > 0 A established business for sale or trade. Hex M8. city. 10J FOR EXCHANGE. Vorratn. etc. . rrr tun of ( irnt rutiimn on f/i'i / ' mqt. \\7AKTI't ) T o stocks of t'oneral mer- TI cbandlse , will tniilo ioed faim and linrt rash. My Alalnigren & Lorgron , Kuciin 14 Itiirkar block. M704-4 " 171 ARM of 100 ncies , all Improved , located In JL' middle of state , to.nulii . for eneuiubcied city procity ] , house or furnlturr. Cooperative ative land and lot company , ! A)3 ) North Six teenth Mreet. , . T710U KXOHANan , Nb. ' 1 Omaha propmty -L for Improrod farmIn Eastern Nchrnska orWostern Iowa , lleinwa , & Co. Rl'71 2 ANUMHKU of stock ranches toe.xelianpo for mcrchandlicG13 1'axton blk.Canioron & Co. WIJ'JO * fpo TUADE Twobofiutlful nsldo resldnnco JL lots Iji Omnha for projHirty In Ien\or or any part of Uoloiauo. ( see JoliuHlcel , loom 4LO , HeobuUdlug. ' 078 a " \\7"ANTKn-lIorso , itndr buggy In exchange > T for Omaha equities or railway lamls. Address W. J. 1'aul , lUIi.Ifanmm St. 44i.lil ; : "V\T AN IE I ) A. stock joii drugs , notions , etc. , M amounting to nboiij.luwo . , w 111put In 1U > ncrcs of good land , bislanco hi cisi | , Jly Malmgron& Lovgien , Itouin U , Harkor block. M70I-4 MKUOHANTS If you want to dispose of your Cmus or surplus stock , wo will cho yon u big deal In lots , nouses , lunilhaiul niort- u-npes. This must bo dunoqulokly. Address Y Cl , Heo olllco. 6bl-l''ji ! FOll TKADH Six mos. lonso of 0-room house , lunnlro ut 4"nd mid Ouss fats. K. ( J. Men 111. 679 FOHTHAnK for f-rms , 2houses In Hukor Plucoand Clifton Hill. Imiulroof onncr. K. G. Merrill , 4nd and Cuss sis. 570 \\7 AHTKD-l'crsoiial property of all kinds. > f such nshorses and buggies , furnlturonnd rflnnos , machinery , etc. Also all kinds of htouks of iiKTumindlse , etc. , clear lots and In mis for equities , or as first payment , In Omaha pioperty and railway lands. \\o have a place for such pioperty and will give an ex ceptional trndo if mudo Immediately. Ad- dicss Y 43 Dec. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE , Forrattt , etc. tee tnftnf first column on tills BAKGAIN" Vacant Lots Orchard Hill , corner. N.nml R front. $ 700 Saunders A : Illmebaugh , 103x150. H. and K. corner sightly 'i blocks from motor . 1,500 Ucdford I'lnuc. full lot. , . . . . , . K < 0 Idiicoln I'lacti . . . . . . 7 , ' < 0 Hawthorn. : ciil and Davenport. . . , . 1,100 I'opploton I'ark , sn front , corner . I"CO bna ] ) , Insldt ! ono mile from 1' , O. , 4-room cottage and east front lot , $1,075 ; * 4" . " > ensh , balance U years , llulchliibon & Wend , 1524 Douglas. M8ro 1 A N UMltKTt of houses nnd lots on eabytoims -ti. alsoaeioand tracUasu property. Co-op- cratlvo land and lot company , 203 North Six teenth street. MWS-2 TjlOK BALK-rMy residence , IKKO rnrnnin JL1 street. Cbohoit lix-atlnn and bo-t house In Omahu for the money. Hot water and every convenience possible. Itarn , i-onnoetrd wltli sewer , water und gas. I ) . V. Bholes , 211) ) 1st Nat. bank. M78I TTIOK SALK-Onoof the flncststook fiirinsl JL' the west. Cl miles southwest of City. In the garden part of Kansas. Tlio farm consists of IK ) ) acres , nil ( Irst class land , fenced und cro s-fenced , An elegant 12-room house nnd other linn Impiovomonts. A 12-acpa orchard , artificial lake , etc. , etc. To any ono wanting a cllt cdgo block and grain farm nothing can ho found that will cnlroly 1111 the bill belter limn this : AX ) head of eattlo , : in tons of hay , ean hopurohuscd with the f ram If desired. Wo will sell forcaslior unrt cash and notos. Gilt edge Income property would bo considered In oxchango. Address M. A. Upton Co. . Umalni , Nob. 7J2 BAUQAINS-In Acres. 5 acres , Kensington 8 300 Sai'ros.on U. 1' . tr.ick , , i'.MO 8 iicios In cunter of olty 10,000 llutchlnson .t Wead , 1K4 Douglas. MB tl 1 1 SO acres flno farm luirl ndjoinln ; good NoL - -L brasUa town ; noarlyiHuar , ICO acres flnoiy Improiu ; ! laud 2i miles from county seat la Nebraska ; lightly encumbered. l.'iJ uores good land In i\qb.riska , Smiles from county seat ; 2,500 InhaUliants. House and lot In towif ; clear. Clear lot In good Nohnifiiia town. 4 room bonso and lot , t > ) rfn , well and cistern. ICth street. Oninhu ; sllRllfly Incumhurcd ; will triulo for Omiiha propmU'imtt ussumo Incuni- briinces. II , K. Cole. Co iljiuiital block. 1XX ) OHAHLnS Kaufman1 & _ ; Hin , ical estate ami loans. Cholco vacant and Impiovcd residence and business jiroporty for salu In all purtsof the city and rWuth Omaha on eusy terms. List your proporlywith us. Loans at lowest rates , Olllco W Tftuglai st. Tol. ftOO. " ' " 481 J2J $1,500 hi cash to the flfst customer .lanuary 2. Wo offer proportl/vln the hobt pa it of Omaha at cash values. iCUll at our now nunr ters , Utlloor. N. V. Llfaiu-W. M. Kolsb , secy , tatar Lund and Loan Colt i M80S 17 AUG1I & WostorfleJil.realestateS.Onihaa ' M WO 17 HOO.M cottiiKe , full lot. Hanscom I'laco , east front nnd a great barKiiln for u few days , eiujll cash puymcnt and baluncooa Ions time. P. 1C. Uarllnif. Ilarkor block. BUSINESS Property , -5 ft. on Slth street ( north ) for sale orleuso. . , , , \ J I.MO CQxlXi faolnit Loavoiuvorth and U. 1' . truck. In alloy 18.000 llutclilnson.tVcRd , 1524 Douglas , tel. 15W. MSOO KOUNTVCEl'laco-Ihavo sold | 2M,000 wnrth of this property. When you see ono of my add * you can bet ft Is K bargain. Ihavono money to throw away on advertising. Hero la a bargain I will guarantee the purchaser WOO not In six montlitt U-room homo ou paved street. I5,500i 4500 cash , balance easy. Also 3 line dwellings , same add , from 15,600 to RLftoO , MOO cash , baldnco 135 per month. > Nould take some clear property In ozolmneo. Alsot-room bouse , full lot. llansooni I'laco , to exchange for Kountzo Place property. J. J. Qlbson , solo agcut Kountio Pliicc , lloom 3. Orolghton block. j 705 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. J'or rate * , etc. , ttt tuunr nilnmn on ( hi * 11AHOAIN P-room homo ami cor , lot In - ! > beautiful Clifton Hill , U : < 00 : your own terms. K. U. Merrill , 42ml and Cass sts. t > 79 T > 1OOI.ST bargain In Oinnlm. Only thrcoof JJ these elegant houses on 44th and rnmam left out of six ; other three occupied by flrst- class parties. Houses are open all day for In spection. livery convenience In the houses , InnludltiK gas and gas fixtures. Tnko a look ( it thorn during tills flno xvcathor ! buy ono nnd take llfo comfortable durniR tlio winter. Only takes from KWOlo KHO caMi. Sec thorn without fall for they will please you. D. V. fclmles , gia I'lrst Nafl bank. T0 HALE A largo list of cholco rcsldi-nco J-1 nnd business property. Houses and lots on monthly piivmetit.s ! tlya nnd upwards ; vncnnt lots (530 and up , Ucorgo J. Paul , inn I arniim. sffl _ K-HOOM house , lot 33x82 , fl,700 | nUofUroom Jhouse. lotaiVi.\8. , B. o. cor. lull and Ylntoti Rt. , Ju'.LHW , llrlek house und American | IOIIM\ lot mvfiTi , n. u. cor. 10th and Douglas ? 40OtX ) . Mrs. Kiiilniaiiii , ilil ! _ ! S. _ lltli. _ 4W 'plIK best coiner on upper Knrnntn street , 1. frontage on ; i streets ; Hplendld corner on rarmuii street , eloso to court house.n bargain ; corner xvlth trackauo Inf. K. part of city ; irood residences and low-priced cottages , good lots for building , sumo as low us 3100 , tnslda acres. farm and unimproved land. Wo will sell any of this property , ot which wolnivepiitlro control , ut prices way below what you liny at olsowlioro. .Stringer & I'onny , llarker block. 15th and I'atnam. 1SS 3'ANl'AUY 2 is the estate can bo bought cheaper than any other day In sDI the flritiliir In our now quarters. Call and buy "a $1.000snap. " W. M. Kelso , cecro- tary Star Land and Loan Co. , 1st floor , N. Y. Life. MS05 1 "OANliHKS and farms Wo nro "solo agents JLV for Mime Hrsant ranch and farm prop erties , dour of Inciimlirancu that \\ocnnsell on easy terms or trade for good Income properly - erly ; o.-'M ) acres In lloimo county , Nob. , fifteen houses on It , llnely Itupioved , urlee i 120,000 : 4WK ) acres In Vernon county. Mo. , nlno homes , nnd other e\ceI'-nt | Improvements , Jloo.W ) ) ; 100 acres In Colfcy county , Knn. , very finely Improved , * . KMM ) > : f > ,00) ) acres In Wichita eoiinly , Kan , , every necessary Improvement for a first-class western stock ranch abundance of water. AddlessM. A , Upton Co. , Omaha. TjXU SALIC At a bargain , 1X1x120 on Dnvon- J- port near ITth , ono block from new post- olllut' , very olitMin , JX'0,000 : DOxtHJ corner 'JOtli and Iinrimm. J.W.ODa. U , L. Green , room ! M. llarker block. T T ELf.OANT residence In Kountzo Pluoot U rooms Iliuily finished nnd nil modern con veniences ; Wlrt St. . near 20th. Cnn soil on onc-iiunt tor cash payment and balance tlmo to right p.irty. This Is no cheap nftalr of a house , but a comforaulo homo In iivery sense nnd a big snap bargain. V , 1C U.irllnj ; . linrkor Illock , M.7D.I MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. fort-ate * , etc. iff tup nf first ctilnmn nnMi ptjj. . j- guitar , \ocal Instruction , btudIoM5hheoly block. .M 7i)7 ) J5 _ I"MPOKTANT These wishing to Join the Now Year Spanish club , will call at once and makuarraimomcuts. Language Institute. 21(1 ( hheely block. 705 III * _ _ R buying a piano evamlnn tlio now scale Kluiball piano. A.llospe,1513 Douglas. G EO. r.OKLLr.NIir.OIC.tcaoherof the baiilo with Hoapo. JMi ; Douglas. 2IU MASSAGE , BATHS ETC. Tor ii\tfn \ , itf , ftr tt > ) > of I st rolunin on l/if lain. M AHSAOK batli nt Mndnm Smith's parlors , W)7 ) S. nth bt. , next llarker liotul. 3104 * "T7MNEST electric and olcctio thermal bath X1 rooms. IncUidlni ; Turllsh cabinet baths. Ladles.S to 1 dally A Tuesday .V I'rldny uv'ngs G to 10. Dr. ICIelmrds , roomsUlH & U20lleo bldK. " J\I \ IASrfAGI.Mndam Delzler. over CIO S 13th l ) J2 * STORAGE. Torratr' . tte. , feelnpa ? jlit * column ontht rnitAcTcAGrTsToToRolvt Imvcst ratcl W. M. JL Itiishnnin , lllll Lenvcnworth. WXI S1 TOUAOi : and trackage. Du > Id Cole , 813-817 Howar.lst. 007 S TOK A OB Tlio best In city , clean , dry , safe , and privately stotcd at reasonable terms. Omaha Steve Kepalr Worlis , 1207 Douglas. Tol. DUI. 833 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. lonatcx , tte , , seeMinf ) tnt column nntltls page \\7Ti tiust you will Irtvestluato Tno bmlth T > premier tj-powrltor bofoio piirehaslng any ether , as It has mauv valuable Improvo- murits over all other-writing muolilnes. Com- petltnro must Improve mordurto equal. Ollleo 10CUH L'arnnm st < K. II. .Mayhow , niiiuager 1 7 HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. Fotmtcf , etc. . feett > i > nf tint column outfit * BI' > T line balrKoods In west ; halrdresslns , wigs , switches , b.ings , hair chains , etc. , a Kucehilly. Darlos , hair goods and milliner , opposite postolllcc. 111 . 13th street , Omaha. PAWNBROKERS. Fnriatr * . cte. , fre fop nf flrst column fin I7UUi ; > Mohlu loans monny on diamonds nnd JLJ watches , Jonolv.etc.S. ll.cor. Kiirnam Allth KU PATENT SOLICITORS. For rates , etc. , fee top nf Jlrtl column on tlilt rave PATHNT lawyers and bolloltors.G.W. Sues & Co. , Hco building , Omaha , llranch olllco at Washington. D. O. Consultation free. 5:13 : DRESSMAKING. I'or rale * , etc. . WM lop ofjlrfl rilliimiinn Hit * rage. TTiNGAOEMKNTStododresswaklns In faml- Jl411cs sollclt'jd , Miss Sturdy , W10 llarnoy bt. 2SI-J14 * TUB HiaaLiTy AIAllKfiiT. TS pluood on rooorJ Dotom- JL borlll. Anna Corrlgan ct'al , to the public , dedi cation Ot 1st add to Corrlgan I'laco , Walter'Wll'i's to II Jlc'cVuVinliim , ' lot V , Wills' hub , n ed 1 M r Hiiiinons to 11 M McClanahan lot 1 , Wills'sub , w ( J 1,700 Ida I'lcmlng and husband to K G Jor dan , lots 4 to S. blk 1 , Howling GroBii , and n Wt foot of lot ? , Hall 1'liico , wd. . . II G Jordan to William ricmlng , lots 4 to H. blU I , Hpwllnx Green and n 1)3 feet of lot 7 , Hall Place , w d A Siiuncluri , tr , to Lucy Iliitturlck , lot 21 , blk 1) ) , Haundois & lllinolmiizh'a add , w d COO U M Stone to the public , dedication of It M Ktnno'ssuhor lots M and W. blk iij. ; South Onialin , plat J 8 Gibson and wife to Mis Kiln 0 Shlv- orlck , und hit In lot 1. blk 0 , West Hml add. wd 3,500 J K tllo < mor to K T ( Kpgleston , lots ( I to | i , blk 3 , lot 14 , blk 4 , Mayno 1'laco , q o J T losto''nndw'lf'6to ! rVll Orulibo , ot all lot : ' , lilk I. llclvodiiro. wd 1,100 Albert Leigh nnd wlfo to John Colbert ; , lot 10. blk II , North Omaha , w d 500 E G Jlorilll and wlfoto.M M Olson , lot ID , lilkP. Hakor Pluco , wd. . . . , 1,500 J 1 : Nuvln , special master to Amelia 'Ihlelirnnrd , p'irt-of lotlO , blkl , Oamft- bell'H ndd , di > d 530 Amelia 'Ihh'luanrd io William Krnu , part of lot.10 , blk 1 , Campbell's add , wd 1,000 A J ti.illo and wife to A O btoneilalil , und hit In lot Iti , blk 4 , Dupont ' I'laco , wd 800 outh Omaha Innd company to William Francisco and wife , lot G , blk Oil , bouth Omaha , w < 1 010 CO Turner to Charles Turner , lit lots 11 and 12 , blk 0 , Kountro & Until it add , u tract adjacent on KastSldo , w il. . . . . . . G G Wnlluoo and wlfo to J J block , lit lilk"O."Shlim's add wd COO J W West to public , dedication of plat divisions of lot 2 , blk lO Wcit Onmhu , ' " " " " " ' Marr'iinii"wlfo"to"ll"D"i'6wi6r ! W H ' trustpo. nBUftlntT , Ulk 8 , sub of J 1 Hortlek'sadd. w d 5,000 0 M JInynard to 1'ottor , Oeorco tc Co , lot 14 , blk 2 , and lot 21 , blk 4 , Ilodford pi lice , w d , 1,500 J 11 LovyuhU wlfoto J L Haney , lot 10 , blk B.Summit ) add. w d 1,000 V 11 ColTman and wlfo to Mury Now ot ul. n 40 ft lot 23 , blk 2 , Alemo 1'laza , w d 0,000 Twcnty-tliroo transfers 125,00 , Notico. Matter of application of f , . A. Myers for Honor license. Notice Is liuroby ? lven tliat L. A. Myors did upon thu 3lst day of December , A , D. , 1800. Illo his application with the board of flro and police commissioners of Omaha for llconso to sell malt , iplrltnous and vinous liquors at No. ail South Uitli street , Fourth ward , Onmha , Nob. , from the 1st day of January , 1691 , to the lat duy of January. lt > 02. IftLorubu no objection , remonstrance or prottftt Ulod within two weeks from January 1 , A. D , , 1591 , the said license will ho granted L. A. MVEIIS , Applicant. Jl- ' Notico. Mnttorof application of John J. 1'roytAC for lormlt to poll Iliiuor at a druirelst , Notice | 1 hereby gtvon that John J. 1'rcytaa lid HKn ) the 27th duy of Oecombor. A. 1) ) . 1WM. lie In.s appllaatton to thn board of llro and xillco commissioners of Omaha , for permit to hull nmlt , spirituous nnd vinous liquors , as a IruftcUt , for nirdiclnnl , int'clmnlcal and olicmlcRl purposes only , nt No , 1014 North 24th uti-eot , Sixth wunl , Oinaliii , ISeb. , from the 1st layof January , 1MI ) , to the 1st day ot Jauu- vrv , I8l If thorn bo no objection , remonstrance or irotcst tiled within two weeks fiom December 27th , A. I ) . 1B90 , thosalcl ticimlt w 111 bo urnntod. 1)37-31 JOHN J. riiK.VTAd , Appllcntit. Notluii. Matter of application of S. K. Unwell for per- in It to H liquor as n druggist. Notice is hereby given that J1. K. Honell did uiioa theWtli day of December , A , D. 1K * > , tlio its application to the board of flro nnd pollcu oiuniNslonoraof Uniahn , for permit , to sull null , spirituous and vinous Illinois , us a Irugglst , for medicinal , mechanical and chemical purposes only , at No. 21W1 Lcavun- vorth Street. Ninth Wurd , Omalm.Neb , , from ho 1st day of Jaiiuiiry , isul , to tliu 1st day of Jnnnnry , Ifiti2. ff thorn bo no objection , remonstrance ) or irotcst tiled within two weeks from Dee. Ul , V. I ) . I MX ) , thu sakl permit III bo granted. 'Kll-J-0. g. C How F.I.I , , Appllcnnt. Notico. Matter of application of John Oummtns for llnuor licence. Not lee Is hereby given that John Cummins lid upon the 3lflt day ot December. A. D. l'K ! ) . tile his application with the boaril of Ire iind police commliisloiiers of Omaha for leenso to sull malt , spirituous and vinous Iqiiurs at No. Ml North 1Mb Rtreut , 'irth ward , Onmha , Neb. , from thn 1st duy if January , isiil , to the 1st day of January , Iftheiobn no objection , remonstrance or irotcst filed within two \veeks fiom December il. A. D. IS'JO , the said license \\lll bo granted. > 31-JO JOHN OUM.MINS. Applicant. Notloi' . Matter of application of August Schmolliig 'or ' Iliiuor license. Notfeo Isheiebv given that August Schmol- nir did upon thn Hist day of December , A. 1) . IS'Kl ' Illo his application wltli thu board nf fire mil n illcoconimlssloitorsof Omnlia.forllcrnsii o .sell malt , spirituous ami vinous liquors , nt No. f 07 South Tenth Ktreot , Thlid ward , liuabii , Ni-b. . Irom thn 1st day ot January , .s'.ll. to the 1st day of January , K-9J. If there bo no oiJectlon ) , renionstranco or irotest tiled within two weeks from December II. A. I ) . HUO , the said llconso will bo granted. ) .ll-j-0 , AUiuST.SciiMir.iNn , Applicant , Notluo. Tlld'AClFIO nXI'HBSS COMPANX , Olllco Of tllO mcsldont , Omalm , Nob. , NovembeJ 27th , 1MH ) . Notice Is hereby given that the annual ncctlnsot the stockholders of the company or the election of directors nnd the trnnsnc- lon of such other business as may properly . oino bofoio It. will be held nt the olllco of the LMiiiipany , No , 14U1 Hnrncy stieet. Omaha , Neb , on Thursday , January 1 , IbOl , at 11 o'clock , a , m. llr order of the board of directors. 'Attest : L' . M. MDIINKM.AP. Wit. P. llKCHEr , , rrcsldont , Secretary. Nov-23-Deo 4-ll-18-2Ti-Jnn-l. OMAHA , Dec , 10.1890. Notice ! s hereby glvon Hint the annual moot ing of the stockholders of the Omaha Gas manufacturing company will bo hold at the itllco of the company , Merchants National Dank Imlldliii ; , at 10 a. in. Mondav , January 5 , I Ml I , for the election of directors for tlio ensu ing year , and any other business that may uomo before the board , PIIAMC Muiiriiv , Piosldetit Omaha Gas Manufacturing Co. ( VJOdlO Annual "Mooting. Notice Is hcroby gl\cn that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Union Stock Yard Hank , ot Smith Omaha , Neb. , for the election ot directors and tlio transaction of such business as may properly arise , will 1)0 held at the 1'lrst National Hank , of Omaha , Neb. , on Wednesday , January 7 , IH'JI , at 4 p. in. K. II. HUANC'II , Cashier. South Omaha. Neb. . Dec. 0,1890. dccOd.'IO RHILWHY TIME GHRD L.OATOI I ClIlCAtio , milU.I.SCTON Mi. Arrtru Omtiha. | Depot loth nntl .Masun aireots. Onnilia. 4.30 p ml. . . ChlcftRO KxproJ * 8(10 ( n m D.5J a m Chlcono Eiproil G20 p ra Sl.lOp m Clilcnito Bxprois 1005 am O.Wp nil. . . luwa lx)0'U 12 UO in _ Jrfi-iTuiTTlllIlrtl.NfriTOrr'S MO. lUVlilt. , ArrlvoT Omilia. I llgpot loth mill Mi > on troen. I Oimilia. DunviT Bxpreji I ) iiT r Night < xpre Dopril 10th anil Mason utroatl. n raj . . Knn aCltr p mill. 7JU p m 1'acillo KipruK 11.45 am 1020 n in Uenrer Kxpreij 365 pm ft 07 a ml . . . . . .KauiMdtr Bzpron..jljOjj > g ; toavo * T ( JIITDAtla IdTSl'IClFlE [ An-TroT Onmtm. | U. 1' , depot , lUlh niul Marcr Sit. I Omaha. 810 p mi NlKlit K\preii. . 10US am 1)0 } n nil Atlantic Kipron. . ft'M p m I0.1S a m Oinatm. | U. I'-jBjmt , 10th imJ MarcSt . 7.15 n ra Eloux CUT 1'asionKor. . . , 1 4.a : p m . . . .St. 1'aul . . . . . . . . | i Arrlrei Omaha 1100 p m | Ht. 1'nul l.lmlloil CIHUAIH ) A NDIU'11VYIS31'tiltM I ArriTOI Onmha. | U. I' , depot. 10th unit Marcr at < . | Omaln. OMAHA AST. J.UUlb. Arnvei Omaha. | U. P. tlopot , IQth and MarcrSU. Oni.-xlia. .au p | . . . . . . . IxiulH ( .annnn Halj7 . _ . . . | iJu | ij l.ravo' V. , K. A MirTAThKYT Arrival " Omnhn. llapot 15th ami Wabiter Hti. Unmh ) . ( I ) a ra Ulack Illlli Kzprvii I 650 p m 800 * m . . .llnitlimi Rxp ( Ex. Sundir ) , . ' 6 W p m 610 p m \Vnlioo4I.lncolnl-nt ( Kx.Bund'r ) | ll..r > a m tig p m J..NorfoU < Er..Humltrl. I'Lai ' T cnvut f CS7SI. I' . . M" S7 | "ArriT Depot lilh ami Wctiitor 8tj. _ I Omih Ti.lo"ft ml . .Hloux CUT Arcouinindatlon. . . 0i p m 1.00 p in .hloux Cltr K i print ( Kr. tiun. ) . . S.4U p m 1(1) ( ) p ra St. 1'aul Limited. . . . 25 a m 615 u m | llnnoott tjaiiBiiimr ( Be. SIS n m T Arrltoi COnmhfv | Depot lilhftnil _ Weliitcr 3ti. I Omthii. lO.Un ml , . .HI. I iuli A K.'CL Kiprun. . . , ! I W p ra J.I5 ) p mil. .HI. JxiiljA K. C. Biproii. . . . ! 630 am " | IVTO i CtUCA JCK H. T. A. PACltTiUi i ArrlTfti Tr n fer | Union Dopot. ( 'minim Illilfli. lTran f r " 5o"p ml NlKht Kzpfai I 9 am SIM a ra Atlantic Expran. . . . . . . . . 616 p m J00p mj Venibulu Llmlti > : . . , , . . . | a m " "i aTeTOintAO"UXOIrfHWISW | MtN.I ArrlvcV Transfer I U nlon I lopot. Conn clj Hliliri. ITrani ' t er U.W n m . ( 'lilciiuo Kiprmi. dm'p m 6.00 p ra Voilllmlo I.lniHud. . ( D.iu : a m JO.OU p m . . . . . . . . . . .Kanturn tlyer. . . 2ID p ra I..K ) p m Atlantic Mull. . . 7JO a m ( i.'ld p m iiVw Arcnmmiicliitlnn ( KrrVHun ) _ mo p m 1/unvui itlilCATTo , AllU A HT. l'AOi | Arrlf5i Truntfi-rl Union Dopot. Council HlulT , ITrnnater J 6.80 plniI , .ChTcano Kxpruti I a in 18.30 p ml , , . .Chlc KqKxpr < Hri.j.jJJ..J.HX ( ) p ra Lea o.T K. C7BT.3SK A a"ir. rirrT ( ir Trnn fcr | Union l ) pnt. Council lll'ilfi Tranitor lOOi n inl . . .Kanin Clfr ll y Kiir | ii , . .I 6 13 p m tUM pjn | . .Jhjin iyrittNItitJSxpro4i..i | ir * ) a tu : | ave "l ( ) MAllA A T. rxUIH. i ArriT < Triiiiifcrl Pnlnn Depot , Council Illiiffi-T [ 5n'f r TTar | Cf firaWJ ; ntnviVM" QtllNOff ArrTTo Tr n fef | Untonjlepot , Council llluUi. I'lTantfor . ClilcnKO Ktiirtis i 6aj p"in lOOOp ni ChlcaKO Kxprtn. . . . . . .i Sin a ra 1 X)5 ) p m Crcnton lxcal MI.M am Tearet I BIOUJ ClTlf A 1'ACIMU lArrlTdl TiainferjUnlon l ) pgtounelMllugi. . Traniftr 1U Tml.Sioux CUT Accommodation.I 0.411 am 0115 p rai it. r ul Exprtli IIOX ( ) p m J1I830U1U 1'ACIKIO 8U110HUAN TIIAIN3 Halt ward. u pm pm. Portal . , 8.85 . .45 (4 ( rmoui I'ark. . . . 8.43 I.M 1.41 UMCOt 8.43Ml 4.M 1.47 Ijtwn ' 4.W ' V.U I.W W tt 8lilo i'.lA a'ii > .40 1.65 Uundoo ri c9 , . , . C.17 MB a.M 5.07 11.17 9 42 1.67 Walnut Illll 9.20 7.71 .00 t.ll ) 20 2.00 ' " " " - 7 Si V.UI i.ll II.2.1 JOJ liru'd llTlt . ! . . T.W 9.05 .lid H.O ) J.Oj OikCbttbam 6.t 7.9.1 a.w i.UUM 9.U J.Oi W b lcrSlrnt. , . u.Ju HO .10 ID.Ci 2.11) ) Not loo. Mnttorof application of 11. Strattiman and tV McUonnlok , partners , ai Stratliiimn.V. Mo t'ormlck tor liquor license. Notice Is hrroby given Hint II. Blrathman anil U McCorinlok dlil upon thn " 4Hi day of DwemtHT. A. 1 . 18M , Illo tholr npultca- lion with tlio uonrilnf flro and pollcu roininls * ( donors of Uniahn , for llconso to Roll limit , HDlrltunu * nnd vinous liquor * , under tlio llrirt numonf Str.ithmaii .V Alot'nrmlck.nt No. lUJ .lack-ion street , I'lratwanl , Uinnha , Nob. from the 1st day ot Jnmmry.lbOI. to the 1st daf of January , IftrJ. If thorn bo no objection , roinonslranco or protest tiled witliln two weeks from the BTith tiny of December , A. I ) . 1800 , the said llconso \\lll bo granted , 8T1 AT1IM\N.V McCOHMICK. It. Strathmnn , 0 , AlcCormlck , partors nml applicant * . 11'4-ill Not tun. Matter of Apullcntlon of John A. Dodge for permit to sell liquor us a ilrupKNt. Notice Is hereby given Unit Julm A. Uodgo did uion thtj"Uh diiy of December , A , I ) . , Illo lift n | > | illcntlon to the hoard of tire and police commissioners of Omnlin for ponnlt to sell mult , spirituous nnd vinous UinioM us druggist , tor modicum ) , mechanical nnd chemical purposes only , at No. IOIU South Tnontfcth ntreot. Second ward , Omalm , Noli. , from tlio 1st diiv of January. U > n , to the 1st dnv of January , 1SX' . If tlioro N no objection , roinoiistnuico or retest filed within two weeks from December v A. I ) . IS'JO , the Miild pciiriltwlll lie grunted. D.'G-ai JOHN A. Doixn : . Appllcnnt. Not loo. Matter of application \Vllllnm Molvonn for liquor llouimo. Notice Is hereby glvn.ii Jhat William Mo- Koiinii did upon tnnaist day of Docemuor. A , I ) . IMU. Illo his application with tlio board of tire and police coiutnlssloncrsof Unmlin , for llconso to soil in alt , spirituous anil vinous liquors , at No. Ili2l Nicholas street , Klfth ward , Uniaiia , Nob. , fiom thu 1st day of January , 1SUI , to th 1st day of January , iVjj. If there bo no objection , remonstrnnco or iirotest Illud within two weeks from January 1 , A. I ) . INK ) , the xiild llconsolll bo ranted , WILLIAM MoICKNNA , Applicant. ,11-7 Not loo. Matter of application of Oustav'llahu for permit to neil liquor ns a ( Iriictflsl. Notice Is luiroby uhun that ( liistav Huhn did ujioii tliolllst , day of Doci'inbor , A. II. liViO , Illo his application to the board of llro iind polloo coniinlHsIonui'H of Omaha for penult to malt , spirituous and vinous Ilijuors , as n , for modlcinal , mi'clum leal and ohiMn- leal purposes only , at 1WJ St. Mary's a\eiuu' , 1'oiirth ward , Uinnha , Noli. , from the 1st day if .liuuuiry , isui , to tlio 1st duy of Juuuury , If them bo no objection , remonstrance or protest | filed within two weeks from December .11. A. 1) . 1800 , the said permit will bo rant oil. J 1-7 OUSTAV IlAIIN , Appllc . Notice to Siockhnltlei'H. The nnnual meeting of tlio stocKholders of The Hco Uulldlni ; ( Jomuanvvlll \ he held lit the ofllcoof IIIK OMAHA HKK , llco llutlaiuK , Oninlia , 4 o'clock p. m.Tuetday , Janu ary. L'OlS'U.fortbo piirpovoofeleotlnpabo.vrdof dlioutors for tlio eiisuliiK year and tlio trans act Ion of Bucli other business us niiiy come bo- fern the ineetliu ; . Hy order of tlio iirosldont. OmahaDec.14 , 161W. N. 1' . t'KliSocrotnrv. 4dld39t Ajjency 1'nbst Urowlnir ConiDany. Tlio partnership between Olmrlos Miuray nnd ThomasUhalmurs under miniunf Western Cold MIoraRO company lias been dissolved , Mr. Cluirlos Murray , No. UII South I'wolflh street Is authorized to collect all oiitutandlnci and wind up the business. Cius. Miiiiiur ) TllOR , OlIALMlIllfl. December 31 , 1800. Jld3t SABISONS. Men In All ACOH AVIin Ilavo lUicn rto- innrkablo for Tliolr Stronutb. Firmius , tv nntivo of Soloucluyhown.B executed by tlio Emperor Aureilnn for osnousing the cause of Xunobiti , WIIH eolobrntod fot' Ills fusita of atrunytli , suys Spare Momonts. In his auooutit of the lifo of Finnlus , who lived in the third century , Yoplsuuu Informs us thnt ho could sulTor iron to ho forgot ! upon un nnvil plnccd upon his bronHt. In dolnjj IhiH ho lay uj)6n his back , and resting his feet mid shouldora ngiiinst HOIIIO sup port , his whole body fanned un arcli. Until the foui'tccnlh century the exhibi tion of such foutH docs not Hcom to have boon common. In the churchyard of St. Potor' ? . Isle of Thnnot , Kent , the tombstone of uifihtF famed by land na well as sea , who wi'w drowned in a sinuR linjj transaction , has a memorial quoted in county hand-boohs and guides. This man was Air. Richard Joy , called ' 'The Kentish Samson , " who died May 18 , 1712 , aged sixty-seven. In his youth ho was invited to London to exhibit before King William III. and the court some of his feats of strength , and was named "Tho Second Samson. " Among his feats wore to pull against n draynmn'a horse , to brnko a rope capa ble of suspending thirty-five hundred weight , and lift Ul00 ! pounds. Tlio epi taph is : Herculean tioro ! famed for strength , At last lies here , his breath and length. See how the mighty man Is fallen I To death the strong and weak are all one. ; And the snmo Judgment doth befall Goliath groramiil Dnvld.Ainall. His own por&onnl strength was very great , but ho had only discovered var ious positions of the body in which men oven of common strength ! could perform very surprising feats. In the course of eight or ton yours , howovorhis methods were discovered. Seine time afterwards John Charles Vim Eukoborg , u native of Harzogorodo , in Ainhalt , traveled through Europe under the appellation of "Samson , " exhibiting very remark able examples of his strcncrth , Dr. Dcsaguliers , " by piitiont observation , found out that Ins pot formanccs were exhibitions of skill rather than of strength , and performed many of the feats himself with more or less success. The famous Thomas Tophnm of London relied on his powers alone for the suc cess of his feats of strength. Dr. Dosu- gullors gives the following relative view of the strength of individuals : 1'OUIIllH. Strength of the weakest man. . . . . 123 btruncth of a very HtronK man va StnniRtli of Topliani 800 The welKlitof Topham nx ) The Emperor Maximin was nine feet , in holght and ho could draw with case n laden chariot two horses could not move. The feats of the famovs Roman athototu Mlle are too well known to need description. The present czar of Russia can roll up n llorln Into a bouquet-holder , flatten a metal cup , etc. , by the simple pressuroof hln hancla. lie often surprises his frionda by the ex hibition of such feats. It will bo neon that , the name of "Samson" has boon plagarl/.od from nn early dato. Like their great prototype , moat of tlio world's ' famoiiH mon have come to a vie lent end ; Mlle waa devoured by wild boasts' , while Maximlm was assassinated. Colds arc frequently the result of dornnxo- incut of the stomach and of n low condition of the system generally. As n corrective and strengthening of the alimentary organs , Ayor's pills are Invaluable , their use beiutf always attended with marked bcacJlt. Hacked by Powerful Influence * . The City of Aransas Harbor , Tex. . In backed by the railroad influences , also the company to whom the congress of the United States granted the excluslvo right of obtaining deep water ovor'tfao bar at Aransaa Pass. Don't Keel Your-Hom Notwithstanding all rumors to the contrary , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul Ity's now Hti-ain hunted palace sleeping cars , with ' 'electric lights li every berth , " still loaves the Union do- not , OMAHA at 0:10 : p. in. dally , arriv ing at Chicago at 0:80 : a. in , , In ample time to make all eastern connections. Ticket olllco , 1501 Furnam at. J. U. PHISSTOK , F. A. NASH , C. i'ass. Agt , Gun , Agt. The now onicos of the Oroat Rock Island route , lUOli Sixteenth and Farnam streets , Omaha , are the finest In the city , Call and goo .thorn. Tickets to all points east at lowest/atos. DrUirnoyno3o and throat. BJJ bldj. 16. th 'RISES. ' ItlfllO- H- I thtr- & nud 'really ' i jjrcai X'rity. > ry , ft Cd by od list U cm- npllnl Vl' l0ll. IfOWO MKI UU mow M-WO 2.UIIUI a . ( KO MIW ) fOIHO 40,100 . . Ml 1110 10,1x0 SftlMl IU.IIDO UI.UOO 14IUKO , 8SUUO 27.VIIUO ( .H ) ao . 21.0110 ttMKX ) 18 , 00 1IUMO JIO.UM 4,000 roac- ClObO otur- ho\va dol- jiroa- inual v na fhoso y A lorlos S en- frlucr fucta a : hosa last | aroUsed Used : om- 'orlci ' fsot bach rtbo Ih au I ) os a par- iiry i lira Jro- lurj ? fof jkor tlio 'day bar- adi. luid jifo pa > > i Inu Q ot hub ills era lib , IVllO Itho far * ivns md tld. lUIlt sty. pay rcra cs- > loy b'JO. I an nnd id a inn , Btly Ulii , I l3 'ca- ' tha The I 1W /oa lo nt > CS3i nsl- lclc l&'JO job * KS. Job- fillO Ittl to ! .yet low" avq i a an/