Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1891, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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    T1IJU UJMLAJtiA. UA1UX JDJUJii ; XttlJJKSJLlflU , J AN 1 ,
A Fear of Nonsense Lends to Cautiousness
All Around ,
IIiilolilnNon Alakcfl tlio Corn Market
Mitch Strength Developed In tlio
Provisions Pit
of tlio Day.
CHICAGO , Dec. ai.-tSpcclal Telegram toTnw
Hr.B , ] Tlio belief tlmt buslncssof the lastduy
of the year on 'cliango mlriht bo Interrupted
at any time uy "nonsense" led to cnutlousnnd
llfilit ocratlons. | There was llttlo poaltlvo
MOWS to lead to fresh business In any of tlio
pits , Tlio opening allowed a weakness In
vrlicat fora few minutes , followed by u rally ,
while corn and provisions wuro firm from tlio
etart. Kurly sales for May were ! Wheat ,
07Uc to 7iio ? to075ieto09ietoO" ! ? 0 ! corn,52io !
to f,2So ( tnf,2Ut outs , 45 o to 4lJu : porlc , $11.30
to Ill.fiO ! lard , J0.47 } ' , to J0.53ribs , $5.73 to
Tlio volume of business In .wheat for the
closing dny of the year surprised everybody.
Tlio llttlo weakness at the opening on tlio
Wall street failure was soon forgotten with
tlio heavy buying of Ilutclilnson and
tlio Olllords. After - the advance was
Btnrled Logan. Mitchell and Tuttle
also pitched In to buy. Tlio prlco
of May started around 07Ko with some sales
ntfl'Ucand advanced at once to 077ic. Atthls
point OIITonl sold out a lot and Cottrell and
Aldrlch A Vaiico sold frculy. After a llttlo
not back the prlco rallied and went up to O Jo
and on Ilrndsliect'Hlncrcaso of OOD.OOO busliols
In available supplies went'bacU to 07Jie. Cud-
nliy bought nruund this price , Cables were
Hd up all around and India anJ Baltic ship
ments for the week worollBhtnt 1,800,000 bush
els. Norlhwost receipts wcro moderate and
there wus a remarkable llriuncss to tlio nmr-
Icct. About noon seine ( 'ood buying sent the
prlco of May up to OSUe or } | o over the best
point Tuesday , There wn an oaslor fec'iliiK
later with the prluo round OSu and the crowd
disinclined lode initcti * more trading , There
was no further business In wheat after 12:30 :
- because of the dolnxs on the floor. The lust
prices wcro : January 69 c , May 08c , July
O-'OaC , On the curb puts sold at 07c ! , calls at
03 c.
In the corn pit all dny Ircnl trailers were
ixBulnstllutclilnson , and yet that trader 111:11 : ! o
the market , llo bought early and put the
prlco of May from 52Ko to t&llc. llo olTurod
BOIIIO stuff and the prlco went back to 62lio.
There wcro liberal olTerlnss atthut flKuro , but
they wcro absorbed easily. Later In the day
the prlco was put up to ! > 2'jc , lliitehlnson buy
ing , nnd again to fVJSic the half hour buforo the
close , liccclpts wcro over thocstlmato at 207
cars , hut this was oif ot by { .Jd lil ber cables.
January corn sold 3JJc under May at n Jew
times. May corn closed at 02'ic. January
corn was quoted at 40o to 40JjC to 49Sc ! at the
close , fc'obruary was at JDKc. to 50c to 49'Sc.
Tlio en rb was quoted at52io.for ! puts and Kl ? o
for calls on May.
Tlio oats market acted very strong and May
( old up to 157iC and closed at IVic , with pre
dictions frculy made that It will soil at par
with corn for tlio sanio month. January was
u.p to 42c nnd February to 4Jc ! , closing nomln
Trndlns In llux seed today wns of a light
nature , but although quiet the market was
firm In price. No.l casb ( lax teed opened up
Ho aW > vo yesterday's closing prlco at $1.14 and
eold from that amount up lo fl.liy. Options
were dull and ncKluulocl. May dullverlus was
bid $1.23. but with sellers holding back fur
inoio money.
Timothy seed was suarccly mentioned but
the prices wuro nominally niiuhnnccd from
yesterday. The March dclfvoiy was quotable-
nUl.IU and prime cash seed uUl. i.
Nothing was done In clover , but the March
dcllvury was nominally quoted at W.30.
Nothing prevented a rousing good market In
provisions early. Hot ; rccolptswcro5n0. ( ! short
mid prices higher.logs have advanced in
urlcotngftaiutho bottom , equal to.,0c in ribs
nnnCTlii mossiiorU. Products have not ad
vanced with hogH , and that fact gave much
Btreimth to the market. Fork started at JIJ.DO
forMay.und sold up to $11,50 and buck toJII.JO.
I''icKiiis sold early , but ceased olTerlngs later
and oven bought fcomu openly. Lard advanced
to J.\9. > for January and ifo.M for May , and
Inter clroppcd baukSc. Itibs niovod up 5O7JJo.
Uaxtnrnnd the scalpers bought pork curly ,
and Orr and U. G. Moore later. Armour was
called u buyer through others.
OincAao , Doc. HI. ISpoclal TeloRram to THE
BEE. } CATTLE Prime stcera were ngalu
ecarco and sold readily at $ j.00@3.5 ! ! , Kast-
V , iiiaii' paying the utsldo prlco for one load ,
- < Good to cliolco steers sold a shade stronaor ,
buttlicro was llttlo or no change on medium
and undesirable stock. The supply of com
mon and butchorss' stook was larger than the
trade wanted , hence It ruloa slow and rather
on the down turn than otherwise. Only a few
Texans were In sight , barely a sunk-lent num
ber to make a market. . The stocker trade wus
slow"and prices weak. Throe loads of o.\tri :
Btrors sold at $5.35 nnd sixteen loads at $100 ®
fi.3.1 , other nrlmo sti-ors , $4.s. ( > @ 4.iU ; medium
* 4.WX(7i4.5n ( ! butchorb's stock , J1.15-,75j block
ers , $2.0J < a2.S3.
Hoas There was an advance of 5o to lOo all
nlong the line , with the same malntalnud
from thooponlnc to the elnso , The ordinary
run of mixed sold at $ LF.3ifr.4) , prime heavy
nnd btitdmr wolKlits , * 1.701.81 , a few at fiOOj
light , $ J.5U < i&a.70 : pigs , $ .MK3.0U.
NEW YoitK , Doc. III. [ Special Telegram to
TUB ltKK.1 The tnlo went around the street
this morning thatGould's tactics In the Omaha
bridge mutter wcio delaying the effect of the
now ngrcnincnt among western lines until the
iniirliut Is In better slmpo for nn advance.
There Is llttlo enough contldonco In the schcir.o
now without throwing any blocks In the wuy.
At the close yesterday tlicro wcro few en
couraging messages sent abroad , as It Is bo-
llovcd thut tlioro will bo a dragglivz mirkot
for another week. Tlio Ilutctniin collapse had
notorious olTects , whereas two weeks HRO It
would have caused a sharp break , I-ucUa-
\vanna and Yundcrhllts sold ex-dlvldcml to
day. The 11 rat named wns very strong , opon-
lins nt 130 against IMS nt the close , with 1&
dividend. After selling at 1--J11 It rose
to 130U. At mill-liny Lake Shore
wns at 10."i7 , Sugar receipts bo-
cnmo hoiiyuiit nnd moved up 2 points to5SJ5.
Westernstooks. after opening nt slight do-
clhioH , and sclllnRon ( urtlier , rallied tolicttor
than lust nlKlit.H tlciiros befuro 1 o'clook , when
the whole list was well supported. Tliunmr-
lict cahiod stroiiKth to tlio close , The ful-
vance led by Imoknwnnaii , which rose to 1.12
ox-dlvldciiu. Atchlson , Missouri 1'nclflc ' , and
bt , 1'nul each gained a point and other western -
orn shares U to 3i per cent , l.iiko i-lioro io o
tolOliU .pjc-dlvldt'iid. There was u bonyiuit
feeling to thtu'iidof tha day nud year , bulu.s
vero 1 VIOO sliaioi.
The following were the Closing quotations :
U , H. 4s rrinilnr 1'JIVs .Nurlliorn I'ncWo 2I4J
l > . 8 , 4a con pom 1 ! do iircferrcd , , Si
U. B. ri-Kiilnr WIV4 C. .VN , W 105
U.H. 4H9Couinns..lU.U | { ilo preferred , 1HI
I'ncltloiiiof 'M W.I New Vork Central,1XM ( )
CentrM Tactile 29 I' . , 1) . .t K 15
ClilcaiiO&Altun 121 Hock lilniul 7UU
ClilcoKu , HurllnKton a , it.v st. i > 6ij |
ft Qulncr KWf ito prcfornvl 104W
! . , UA W 1311 * St. I'ulilA. Onmhn. , . , K >
Illinois Central l-C ilo profurrcil 7ri
J * , II * W Union 1'iicltlo . ) ' (
HnnsiiH & Tons. , . . , 13 W. , St. U .V 1' u4
iJikoHlioro 1M do preferred 17
Ccntrnl. . . 'M Western Union 7UU
MONEY On cull , firmer ; closed offered at 3
per cent.
1'itiMU MKKOANTII.E PAVKH-7 < S9 per cent.
HTKIIMMI KxcuAMiK-Onletbut llrm ; sixty-
day bills , JI.T'J ' ] ) ! .
Onicxao , Pee. 31 , 1 p. m , close Wheat
Btondyi cash , 69)to ) ; Junuary , B'Jlloi ' May ,
Corn Steady ; cash and January , 49 * oi
May. So.
Outs li'lrmj cash , 414llSo ? ; May ,
roru-Btoadyt cash. t'J5 ; January , 110.50 ;
Lard-Stuinlyt cash , li,6Ti ! | January , I5.6TJJ
e.VlOiMiiy.ftl.5U. )
fliort Hlbs-Sloadyj cash , fl.OO ; May , tJ.60 ,
Ityo Steady at OJo.
Jlnrlev Nominal at 7037Sa
1'rlnio Tlniothy-l'lrm at J1.13.
FIax-1'lrm at * 1.14 i.
Flour Unchanged ; spring nfttontsfl.60O.VOO |
irlnter patents , iN.7u < i5.00 ; bakers' . ' .
Hulk Moats Shoulders , l.2.V'tl.a3 ; thor't
clonr , ( . ; KKg3.U ! ; iihortrlbs , ( I.b0 < i.4.t)0. )
llutter-'l'iichaniicd ; orvamory , 1&227C !
Jnlfv. L'ttSlc.
EZKB Unchanged ; freib , ZlQSSo.
Uhocno UucUuiiKed ; full cruu Cheddars
" flats , OliaiOci Young Americas ,
Unehanppd ! nnd green
' ' . hoayy , " .
salted , 5ci I gre'on.T'fB'Klcisait'ed ( billlb"ldes , 4'lc :
preen salted , OJJ'it'ei dry Hint , Hc | clrysultod
hide * , ( VBTo7iYrjr caff , &tl'Jo ' | deacons , otich. 25o.
Tallow Unchanged ! No. 1 , solid packed ,
4UlCi No. 2,3 < i llic ; cake , 4Uc.
Ucculpts. Shipments.
Flour , bhis 2.OJO co.ooj
WhiiM.Ini 4P.OOO 2.WK )
Corn , bu. . . . . IC'.OOO 177,000
Oat8bu li 'm &W'00 °
11 _
Nr.wYoiiK. Dee. ni.-Whcat lecclntp,1.M5 !
bushels ; exports. lf > . .V)0 ; spot quiet ; No. JJ red ,
II.05X In elevator ; Sl.07 i allontj tl.OO.'i l.CSU
'corn Hecolpts , BT.S.V ) Intsliels ! exports. 1,000 ;
ppot lilRher ; No..M > ! < ® .VJ4c ! In elevator ; OOJiO
Ouiioalloat. ( Optionsclosed steady.
Oats KecolpK 40,000 bushulst exports , 800 ;
spot higher ! options strong ,
SuKar-Qulot but steady ; refined steady ; 0 ,
4 l.-i-lftOSc.
Petroleum Steady ; united cloicd , January ,
70c. .
KKIIS Steady ; western , lf ii30c.
I'orU I'lrin ; now mess. S1I.OO ® 11.50.
Laid Higher and strong ; western steam ,
iTu'tter Itathcr weak ; westernilulry , llSOc ;
creamery , lii"SWc ! ; Klgln , ' . " .i WOJJc.
Cheese StronS ! light Bklms. 4VJ'iiU ? c.
MiNNnAi'OT.i ? , Poo. 31. Whrat Demand for
wheat good at higher prices. Kccclpts.SU ) cars ,
shipments , IliO cars. Uluslns : No. 1 hard. December -
comber nnd January , OOiic ; on track , ! ) l'JW)2o ( ) ;
No. 1 northern , December and January , 87Sci [
May , O.'c ; on track , BSliSlMte ! No. a northern ,
December , Blc ; on track , MiQ !
OllICAOO . Dec. 31.-Cattlo Receipts. 12,030 ;
ninrket steady ; extra stonrs. S , ' > .00.Vl."i ; other
steen ; , $ J.OOtl.85 ( ( ! butchura' stock , } 1.15a2.75 ;
stoolters , 1005jirl."i.
IInj ; Keculpts.W.003 ; market higher ! mixed ,
tl.RVfin.O'i ; prime heavy and butchers' weights ,
$ .1.703:1.00 : ; i ig l rt , n.noi.70.
Snoop ItCL-olpts. O.thM ; niarUot easier : na
tive ) , * : i.73'31.feU ! western. $4.4035.03 ; Tu.xans ,
SL'.ootfi.iJOi lumbs , ti.s.ViiO. i.
ST. Louis. Deo. ni.-Oattlo Kocclpts , l.TOO
load ; HlilpmonK 200 heail ; market sternly ;
air to fancy natlvo steers , Jj.OJ35.OJ ; stockeis
and feeders , . " " " . " " .
Hogs Kecolpts , 5,203 head ; shipments. 3W (
lieads market easier ; heavy , 8a.5i4W.G3 ; mixed ,
[ 3.SO3.50 ; light , U.Wa.W.
OMAHA , Doc. at. IROO.
OAiTr.n-Estlmated receipts , 7TO ; as com-
iarcd with : i,5'0 ' ycsterdny. I'lio quality of
jcoi'cattlo hero was poor , demand guod and
prices Ilrin to strong on nil sultiiblo block.
y'holca cows nnd heifers hero and such rc-
; elved sold MTllOc higher. Cnnncrs and coiu-
uonstttlt sold about tlio same as yesterday ,
few feeders changed hands at steady prices ,
owovor the trade was dull ,
llofis Estimated receipts , 7,000 ; quality
rather common and an excess of light nnd
mixed otrcrlngs. Market opened steady on
good and a shade lower on common grades , at
which basis tlio bulk sold. The tone of the
: rado Improved toward the oloso nnd prices
Inner ; nil sold , Light , * 2.MKS'UO ; mixed ,
Ki.S.lS'J.SO ; heavy , $ J.50iij.70 ) : ; bulk of sales , J3.23
HIIEKP One load , hold over , wns all that
were on sale. A satisfactory Did could not bo
cuutod und they weio forwarded.
llcprcscntntlvo Sales.
N'o. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r.
1 . 080 K75 IS . 1071 K1SO
1 . 7fiO 275 24 . 1117 UCO
5 . 8&4 285 10 . 1SW 375
8 . ! )1K1 ) 205 2 . 1175 1173
17 . 80.-1 1125 19 . 1170 I1S5
: i . 1071 3:10 : 21 . 12M : i9a
; 3 . 1025 a 40 11 . 1205 400
8 . 070 : i 40 19 . 1X8 410
32 . 007 3 TO
5 . C30 2 80
7 . OnO 125 12 . 1020 220
W . WiS 1 t-5 5 . 77(1 ( 2SJ
2 . 025 140 4 . 1223 2r >
2 . 80.1 40 8 . ID'IQ 2ri :
1 . 1UOO 1 fiO 89 . lO''H ' 2115
It . 1100 150 70 . 1047 235
1 . ' 1)00 ) 150 18 . 1M3 23- >
2 . 04r I .V > 14 . lOlii 2i7 : >
7 . UK-0 170 13 . 000 240
1 . 010 175 2 . 1153 240
1 . 1320 175 1C . UIO 343
44 . (140 ( 185 II . ISSI 250
1IH5 185 14 . 10ti : 2'iO
U50 200 0 . 11175 250
700 200 20 . 078 2(13 (
15 . OX' ! 200 11 . 1020 270
4 . 1072 210 7 . I I7 280
G . 101G 2 10 2 . 1320 280
10 . 1)13 ) 210 1 . 1320 300
0 . 075 315 1 . 1000 300
2 . 1120 2 15
1 milker . J2.1 03
2 cows and calves , each . 25 00
1 . 130 400 2 . 353 400
2 . 1(15 ( 400 1 . ICO 400
2 . 215 4 00
1 . 1000280 4 . 817 300
1 . line 125 1 . 1C10 200
3 . 1520 170 1 . 1280 200
1 . H40 1 75 4 . 1410 205
1 . 1IS.-0 175 2 . ISfiO 21H
1 . 1720 185 1 . H10 275
2 . 1440 1 85
2 . 1230 2 75
25 . 718 180 10 . 871 250
1U . C > G7 225 15 . 815 2IM
30 . 788 230 II . 8UO 2bO
1 . 810 240 10 . UJ7 300
4 . 1070 250
No. Av.Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sb. I'r.
70 . 105 200J280 CO . 241 ! ICO 3 45
100 . 1C3 KM 2 OJ 5S . 270 240 345
01 . IBS 120 2 ! )5 61 . 231 440 34.1
1 . fv O 300 Gi . . . , i32 200 345
52. . . ? . . 154 40 300 50 . 280 200 343
103 . 1KI 100 300 54 . 208 500 345
70 . 1K ! ! 280 305 74 . 20 ! 343
84 . 1U2 400 310 50 . 200 UtiO 345
C5 . KM - - S 15 68 . 304 100 347'/4
Bt . 181 200 315 GO . 277 200 347&
85 . 109 20(1 ( 315 70 . 280 80 347 4
Ul . 154 120 315 54 . 3KJ 240 3W
10 . 270 ! MO 315 50 . 2O4 120 350
8-i . 1S5 200 320 50 . 2S1 210 360
OU . M8 40 3 0 69 . SCO 200 350
71 . 210 2 0 3 2U 52 . 2f4 120 350
87 . 20fi ! ! 20 325 TA. . . .231 - - 32U
70 . 2llfl 280 325 W . 228 - - 350
78 . VO ] JI.O 325 59 . 201 SO 350
71 . 200 SO 3 25 C5 . 278 240 350
05 . . . .170 3 25 C2 . 2S1 40 360
08 . 237 200 323 CO . 278 240 350
D5 . 2t5 : 240 325 24 . 31U 40 350
04 . ll ! SO 325 SI . 200 80 350
84 . 211 200 325 63 . 328 60 350
Til . 221 200 31:0 : 52 . : r > 2 10 351
SO . 21li 120 .I 30 68 . 207 M 350
20 . 231 2bO 330 71 . 2lSl 350
71 . 225 100 330 58 . 28(5 ( 80 352 4
CO . S9 ! 320 il 30 SO . 2b7 SO 352 4
53 . 2(11 ( 200 315 45 . 331 100 35' . >
78 . 521 200 335 68 . 32"J 240 352tf
74 . 237 240 335 60 . 305 210 353
70 . . . . 273 120 3 ! ! 5 CO . 231) 80 355
r.7 . 22tl 209 3t5 : ( W . 282 120 353
77 . 2iO ; 1UO 335 67 . . . ,32J 80 367W
70 . 210 100 3 35 39 . 405 ft ) 300
70 . 241 240 340 53. , . . , ,200 120 3CO
01 . 249 200 340 54 . 3S2 280 300
5 . . . .2,13 3 40 52 . 3117 3CO
CO . 2.V1 60340 . 3.11 360
74 . 212 200 340 38 . 311 360
70 . 2t > 'l 40 340 53 . Kit 3(50 (
Gl . 217 80 3 40 43 . 310 40 3 >
KJ . 257 120 340 40 . 333 80 365
70 . SIT 3 40 57 . 3:17 : 40 a 03
84 . 228 120 345 119 . 300 40 365
Cl . 288 120 345 47 . 37a 60 303
8(1 . 220 120 345 39 . 400 370
75 . 333 40 345 60 . 401 240 370
70 . 243 240 3 45
54 . 70 2 00 15 . 100 225
17 . M 810 1 . ,170 J25
8 . 101 2 00 24 . IIO 225
18 . 62 2 00 6 . 130 250
U . 101 223 81 . 12 ! ) 205
Today's Ho r Purchnacs.
Shows the number of hogs bought by the
different buyers on the market today ;
The Cudahy pauklng company . 3,322
Omaha packing company . lili :
TliuU. 11. Hammond packing company , , . . 458
Swlft.Sc Co . l.Olia
North packlug company . 170
CANNED l-nuiTS California-Apricots , 2.30
O2.40 ; peaches , * 2.7Mt2.90l poars. , ' .50X32.70 ;
iirnpes , | .S3 < 21.00 ; cherries , white , I2.50 < 2 >
2.75 : cherries , block , 12.25(32.50 ( ; quinces ,
82.00 ; blackberries , r. .23 | raspberries , J.OO ;
Ktrawhorrlos , 2.l > 0 ; currantH. (3.2U ; goosobur-
rles , 13.25 ; wluins. egg , tl.S&i.05 | plums , creon
pages , tl.801.00. KiiBtorn canned fruit
reaches , sooonJs. } : > .20 < i62.30 ; nunlcB , 3-lb , JI.IO ;
Rul , ! i doz Incase. 13.40 : gooseberries , llultl-
moro standard , 2-lb. H.10 ; Htrawuoerlt.ti,25 ;
raspberries. (1.40 ; blueberries. (1.30 ; red rnsp-
hcrrlcH , tlJX ) ; blaokborrlesl. 10 ; cherries , tl.25
< iil.tl5 ; plnenpnlos. t > llcedll,25Q3.40.
.MOI.AS8KS llbls N. O. fancy , per pal , 40 ®
48o ; choice , 4045o ; good , .Njyjoc ; Cuba , uaUlns ,
' -.i blaekstrap , IKit22o | syrup. 70 grade ,
bbls , 20c ; 14 bbl , ittoi 4-gal kegs. (1,21 ; 2-gui
kltts. 070.
HuoAu-drannlatcd , 0 ; ci cubes. 8 0 ; cut
loaf , 7 ! c ; powdered , standard , OSo ; XXXX
powdered , 7Ho ; yellow 0 , Bo ; canary. 6Koj
light extra 0 , 6&&Cc ; confectioners' A , ttUo.
Ui.ivES-QunrtH , per doz , * 4.lXj ) jilnts , perdoz.
t2.50 ] bulk , per eal (1.20. Olive oil , ii pints , a
Uoz per case , tl.iO < B5.20.
TWINES , COHIIAQU , ETC Cotton twlno
"Illbb.1' very tine , U-lb bales. 32o ; cotton
twine XX brand. Ji-lb bales , 18c | honin twlno , , Ibo ; lulttwloe , 80o ( cuudlo wick ,
2Jc : i0-foot cotton clothes lines , ll.JOi G-foot
cotton clothes line ? . f l.05t CO-foot final Hues
tl.7fi | GO- foot Jute , Jf. 8.1 ! wool twines , 8Mc. .H
nllln rope All sizes from 7-10 to 1 In , llcl sis w
rope , all Kites from T-in to 1 In , Doi "no
jn-occsses , " nil slos from 7-10 to 1 In , 7So ! | cot-
Ion rope , U In. ICc.
UiiCKtiK I1. CJ. twin flats , per Ib. lie ) P. 0 ,
Young America , lllici domestic Swiss , 15Jo !
brick , 14o ; Kdnm , in foil , ouch , 91.00 ,
Vmn : All-Apple elder , lUcj double cldcr,12c |
wliltowlnu.lvc : trlnlo strength , lOc.
STAHCII I'er Ib. < &Ha ,
l'iCKt.E8-Mollimi , bbls , { 3.00 r snmll , llO.OOl
gherkins , $11.00 , ' Moaton mixed , * 1100.
KtCE Jnvn , Co ) choice , ( id fuucy ( Col liond ,
'CiDKn 1'crbH ronncd , MM' imli bbl. J3.60) )
hard elder , iniro , per bill , 8 > " > .00 ; onmpo elder ,
1ml f bbl , ito.60 ! pear elder , lialf bbl , W.W.
lmit : > 1'iiutTS Turkish prunes les ? thnn
) ili Kl&3 ! > . 8cj iipplcs , evaporated , now ring
choice , 14'Sci apricots , fiuicy , In sacks , iOH'l <
bluckburncs , now , lies nisiiherrlos , " > Ibs to
Ixix , : r.'c ! currants , now , fiJiuiVotlzm currants.
extra , In boxes , G'.Je ' ; noai'lica , Cnlii. . choice ,
licl ! Uullforula dried Krupcs. In biiK9. fl !
soicllesi Pulttiiius. sacks , lUi ! < " muscatels ,
8ici ! now Valencia. 8o(0iiduru ( Inycr , tte ! llgs ,
Inyurs , U'i'.Mc ; citron , Leghorn , Wo' lemon
puol. lac. '
Mxru : SunAit-l'prlb-So cakes , no-lh boxes ,
jio ; ; too cakes. : w-lb boxes , 12ic } ; Mb bricks , 3J
Jim Inbox , pure , He.
iiiM8--tlo ) ( parlor , J3.00 | 4-tte. $2,75 ; 3-tlo
(3.Ki ! | li-tlc , plain , $1.M ) : warehouse , fJ.Wi toy ,
II.1.- . ; whisk , > .
Castile , mottled , per Hi , lOc ; do white ,
per Ib. I4c ; laundry soap , per 100 bars , '
6.00 ; shaving soup , f > U ® ? : > c per dozj toilet soup ,
Si'itkcs poruo.x , per dot , 50c4M2."i.
NUTS I'erlb Minimus , ISc ; Hriizlls. 2lo : fll-
hurts , lllc : pectin1) ) , iil4u : : walnut * , Ifci noa-
tints , fnnuy white , 8ti ronsted , lOc ,
SAW Diiliy. 280 Ibs In blK ) tnilk , fS.IOi best
Rl-iide , fiOfls J-iObost ! ! ( 'railf , KMKIs , * MO ! best
grade , 28 10s , Ki.liV , rook salt , crushed. $2.10.
SODA I'uckaic9 , CO Ibs to box , 5io ? ; Ucgs ,
SAi.ponA-ICeRS per lbbbislc : , franu-
IntiMl , 100 ll)1 > otcs : , i-'u.
IIANNIII'KntTAiirES : : Tomntoes ! J-lb , $1.00
dl. 10. Corn Very tine , $1.2Jl.a ; : S-lbstiKiir.
II , IS ; 2-ib standard western brands fl.W.
jliroonis 1-lb French , extra line , " _
l-lli 1'ronch , line , 18"c : l-lli French , ordl <
nary , lGlSc. l' < ! ns .Mbonrly June , $1.3 ; 2-lb
Jlarrow , standard brands , $ [ .10 ; 2-ll > soaked ,
70c. French peas Per case of 100. JIS.CKKW-.OO.
String beans ' .Mb hlu'li grndo , IKicMb ; wax
beans , Kia ; 2-lb string beans , SOe. Lima benn'i '
2-lb snaked , 85c. liosUm baked bonus IJ-lb ,
8l.3.Y31.5."i. Sweet iotatoes-i-lb : New Jersey ,
Il.f > 0 ; ! Mu olira nnil tomatoes. Sl.ll'i ; JJ-lhokra ,
tl.liO ; aspurasus.i-lb. ; C..N.'X&nS ; rhubarb. U-lb ,
$1.40 ; succotiish. Jl.20l.a" > .
BAKING I'owjiMi ' Itnyiil , Olmo cans , per doz.
OSulli ; cans , $1.43 ; JJ-H' ' cans , * 2.G3 ; 1-ibcans ,
} . " > . ( )0 ) ; Price's dimeeans.DOo ; H-lb cans , 8i.ti : ;
! j-lb cans , 12.50 ; 1-lb cans , 21.75 ; othur kinds ,
1-lb onus , ner iloz , $ l.TOiW.85.
WiUl'Pi.M ) I'ArKU 1'erll ) , host straw , 1.1x18
to : ! Vx44 , I7 o ; dry goods , 4ic ; extra quality ,
intinllhu ( ilic ; munlllatua , l'\13 , Uu ; dark rag ,
hardware , ? 4C.
FAKINACEOUH floons Ilarloy , 4a ; farina ,
kens , $ .1.00 ; split ppis.l'o : ; green peas , 2o ; oatmeal -
meal , bbls , * U.av30.B ) | half bbls , Kl.a'i ® .SO ;
macaroni , I'-'c ; vermicelli , lilo ; sngo and tuplo-
ca , ( ! { ( iia ! } ; Iilnni lieans , 0iui cureullne , $3.21 ;
llaked hoinlny , ! IMc.
Oir.8 l.Vlnrlmo white , OMc ; ITi'J water white ,
HVio ; heiulllght , lllo ; 71 RitsolliiP , U'/tC. Oil
eaiis-1 galKi.UJw.VJ.1 ; "gal , W.7.I.bO ! fi gal ,
$ : ) ) .
ToiiACCO-Fino out , porlb , 2V 7C : plug , 22
smoking , ' . " ( ao.Jc ; fanoy brands , OOc ©
Oroen lllo , 233.34e ; Juvn , 27o ;
ilochnSc. . lioastcd Aroala. 2Jc ; llnnola ,
| jc ; Oerni'in , Wic ; Dllluorth's , 24Tac : Lion ,
fie ; Mallpouuli. a > e ; Cordovla , 2. > o ; Moclia ,
Ic ; 0. G. .lava. COc. Colfeo KHICIICO 1J ero.
boxes 81.3531.50 ! chlckory , 7.5M4c. | !
TP.AS Jiipan , basket llrod,2i.a.Vn ( ! ! sundrlod ,
20Q.4.V1 ; Kreon. KKJii' ( ! gunpowder , WftOo ;
EnRllsh breakfast. LTi@7Ac ; Young Hyson , iija
We : Oolonir. 'J.i45u ; 2-lb pnoknso dust , ISO.
OANIIV Mixed , : w-lb palls , KJiasyc ; stick ,
.e ; twist stlclc.Vo ; 1'ronch mixed , lll'/Sc ! hoar-
.lotnu ! stick , Slit ! ! ,1nr an l ca o eandlcs , C-lb
boxes , l.VTdi'lc ; extra line Boods. SY/S5a. { (
Axr.K UliKASK 1'or Krois Frazler's largo
us , tK.UO : ) ; tiivdtiun tins , J537.0U ; suiiill , 415.00 ;
other makes , wood , S5.50S.r > l.
liiiACiciNn : t doz In box , yo7."c ! ladles' Hlioo
ilre ln . 43o3$1.00 ; btovo polish , per gross
UMlElNll-Llquld , 4 oz , 3 doz In box , 001.7.j
8 oz , a doz In box , $1.50(5 ( .73 ; dry , small , -"ic.
arge , 4.r > o.
St'iCES 1'opppr Slnvuporc , sifted , LVSHfio ;
shot , 2ic ! ! allspice , lUes cloves. Fuming , se-
uctcd. liQlllc ; cnssln , Ohlnii , 4-11) , mats , Uc ;
nutmegs. No.1,7r > u ; muuiiskor , Coc ; pickling
splco , 10-lbboxes , ijc1.
OitACKElis Soda , Col oyster , 5jccream. ! .
\/ia \ ; ginger snaps , Siic.
UiiocoiiATi : . KTO. 1Mb boxes , lll.T > c ; Ger-
niin , sweet , ! "J-'lu ; cocoa , Il'l ' ® IUc ! Hromo.Ko
( JofOANUT l.Vlb oases. ! 4 and'/illpackages ) ,
per II ) . 2tia.37c : bulk. 15-lb palls. 2. > c.
KXTKACTS Li'inoiiSo.Vieaifl.feO ! 4oz. $1.00
{ iU-MJi vaiillln. 1 ! oz , ( ! 5c(3 ( t2.bO ; 4 oz. Sl.i.l5r .M ;
Jiiniiileti ginger , 4 o/.3I.K > .
MATCIIUA I'arlor , 200 and 300 per box , $1.0. ) ®
" .70 per gross ; hulphur , J1.1.V81I.30.
Hmmi IKS-SI IDC. uer doz. $1.2.VBi.OO : ; daubers.
7. > r < afl.00 : scrub brushes , 00c.82.00.
liiiiu SK.KD Mixed bird , Mb packages , 5c ;
canary. 4jc ! ; hemp , 4Hc ; anise , 15c.
WOOHENWAIIK 1'or doz Tubs , No. 1 , 88.35 ;
S'o. S , S7.y. " > | No. 3 , * ' . 'J ; keelcr , oak craln , rln ,
best , JI.50 ; whiteceila r. 4-ln , best. H.SS ; palls ,
J-hoou. oak grained , I1.7S : ; syrup.
M.K'i ; dowell. S1.75 ; uupor , metal hoops , * 2.oO :
codur , U brass hoops. No. 1. all red , J. > .5 ! cedar ,
J brass hoops. No. 2 red , 9.YOO ; qccdur 3 brassi.
lioops , No. 1 striped. $5.00 ; cedar. 3brasshoop ,
No. 2 striped , $'l ' ; horse , o.xtni heavy , No.l ,
$ , ' .7.'i ; wolf buckets , * ,1 . llnttcrwaro-Tubs ,
sash , Il-In , per nest , 70c ; ash , 2-ln , " largo size ,
nor ucst , 4Jo ; butter ladles , hard wood , 70o ;
butter pnddles or spiules , 70c. Washboards-
Single. J1.40S2.00 ; double , K.50Q3.55. Olothea-
plns , r > gross boxes , ( ioc.
OANDI.KS 40 Ibs to box. OJie ; mining , 10 ®
wax , lie.
Country Produce.
GAME Yesterday was the last day on which
pralrlo chickens , vonlson and < iuall could bo
sold according to the gaino laws. Commenc
ing with the llrst of the year deal
ers are llnblo to n line of & > for every
bird found In their possession , and as
the law Is pretty strictly enforced. It
Is decidedly hazardous to break over It. Rab
bits uro about the only kind of Kamo likely to
enino at this season , but it Is to bo hoped that
tbuy will not lioso plenty as they were last
season , or , la fact , BO plenty as they liavo been
during tlio past few days. Jatsk rabbits sold
yesterday as low as JI.UO per dozen , and 81.59
wasahouttho outside. Small rabbits wcioslow
at 40350C. 1'ralrlo chickens had to bo sold as
low asiSt.OO In order to clean up , and quail
wont ut $1.00 per dozen. Nogocsonr ducks are
coining to market , nor have enough conio at
an vtlmo this season to make a market.
I'oui.Tiiv There was a good demand yester
day for poultry to supply Iho holiday trade
and stronger prices were paid. Good chick
ens brought 7c , while KOCSO and ducks went
at lOiillp and as high as l-o was paid at tlio
iiloso of the market to 1111 soiiiu very urgent
orders. Turkeys dressed brouylit lU12c , and
llvoS(5,9c. ( Stocks were pretty well cleaned up
boforu the close ,
Knns The receipts arc Iho heaviest In some
time and the market Is weak at2lo.
UUTTKU The receipts are lat-xobut the mnr-
ket Is abous steady at the recent decline. A
very lartfo percentage of the sales of what Is
called KooU country butter , but that which
arrives In poor condition or m usiod up , a runt
12c. Select country rolls. t.VS > Uo ! ; coed country
rolls , I''Olllo ; Inferior , TiJJH'c ' ; rbolco dairy , 16
® l7o ; Rood crouniory , iSl@'J5o ; fancy. 20c.
Vosctatilcs ,
CAIIDAOK rpr crate , ? 2.'iO.
I'OTATOES Homo grown stock , $1.0001,10 ;
Colorado , Jl.l.VcJI.a ) .
ONIONS Uholco stock , } l,41.50j Spanish ,
$1 501.CO per er.ito.
HuniiAiui SsQUASll'-Pcr doz. $ I.531.W. !
ner bbl.
1'Ki.KHY-Cholco ' stock. 4)04.o. )
UtiTA HAnAS Some clio I Co Michigan stock Is
sclihiK at ( KXTftilTio per bushel ,
I.KTTUCK Uholco stook , 40o.
I'AIISI.KV Fresh stock , 40c.
ii's 1'ur bbls , ifx'.tH.
I'or bu , J1.2A
. Fpenh Knil t * .
STiiAWliKlttilM Per hex , 2. > ® : iOc.
C'liANiiKiiuuis-l'anoy Capo Cod , $1.0013.00.
Ai'rKS-Tho supply Is siaall and choice
stock Is held very hlxn. f 4.00r .W ) .
GiiAi'Ks-Somo vorycholco concords , hold la
cold storage , luubolni put upon tin ) market
at ( VVQ,70o per 10-11) baskets , ilulaga , SU..VjiJ (
8.50.OAMFOIINIA , PKAIIS Largo and fancy per
box , tLOOi3i.50. : :
I.EMONS-ChoIco stock. * l,50355.00.
OIIANOKS Mexicans , boxes. (4.UO ; 1'loridns ,
bright , $ l,00@4.5Qj rnsaots , jl.5OSI.ou.
Prcsli Fh | .
Lake Silver herrinc , Cc ; perch round , Cc ;
porch , dressed and scaled , Be ; pickerel , round ,
Ho ; steak trout , Bo ; trout , choice , tc | purfcct
white llsh.Oo ; pluo. totiud , Do ; stripped buss ,
lie ; cropplo. IJo ; black bass. lOo. hoaod ( ,
market , ec'.hnddook , Oo ; smults. lOo ; llound-
cr9 , i&j ; rod snnppor , 14o ; blue llsli , 15u ; liall-
btit , 17o ; lobsters , ISo ; eels. 18o ; Cohunbla
river salmon , 18o ; mackerel , litr.'e , each. 30o ;
shrimps , per gal , tl.JV ) ; suallous , per gal , $1,00 ;
Dry Goods.
CiiECKS-Oalodonla X. Olio ; Cjlodonla XX ,
lOiioi Economy , SVJoi Otis , 8)o. )
, 15WO ! O V , 15o ; II A 1M , 25ot J H ! ' , U
W/lo ; u , H , 20o.
COTTON | < 'IANNEIV Ouardlan LU 6o ! } , not ;
On Guard CO. IWo ; 88.7 01 KB. 8 o ; ( JU , U a ;
XX.WvtoiOO. H',40 ! NN , ISKoi AA.llo : 1)1) ) .
ISHei TT , Ifijici YY , ISc ; III ! . IDo ; bleached ,
No. 1W , BKO ! No. ( X ) , lOito ; No. 80 , 12Ho | brown
and slnto. No. 50. Dot No. 70 , 12JiOi No. W. Idol
colored Mlesouri valley. 12ie. !
i.KAcntn COTTON llorkoloy Cnmhrlo No.
Co. UUo ; liiiat Yet , O'io ! liuttorclnth. XX. 411 o ;
Uubot. 7 o ; First Uull.OUei I'rultof tha Loom ,
4'et ' ( Clovor,6os Slnjr tollcd , 5 ? C ! nlglt col
ors lo extra , nrM
UlN < lllAM8-Plunki5fcliocks , O C ! "VVhlttcn-
ton , Ojio ; York , iWChfftrntnndl dress , 8ci Cal-,7)4ci ) Jvblttonton dress , get Ucd-
ford tlrsss. 8S ! H2c.
SiiiKTiNfis ANII I'ju.ow OAsisos Drown
Net 1'cnoercll. Mln.dOiic : I'eppciull , 8-4. Wet
l'cnpcrcll.lM.20c ! 1'epporoll , I0-4a4o ! : Utlcu ;
4SIn , Ifcj UtloHIHItulTict ! ITtlrii , S3 In , ' . ' 40 !
Utlen.SI In.SGc ; In.SSMc. Illeaclied
Not l'eperoll,4J ] liulO'ioi ' 1'cpporcll , 40 In ,
IH'ic ; I'epperoll , 0-1. 15o ; ropncroll , 8-4. SOoi
i'epncrcll. o-l , i ! oi Voiiporell , 10-4,2'ic ; Utlea ,
8-4 , 24c | I'tlca , n-liZDOyUtlcn , 10-J,28c.
DucK-Wcst I'olnt , SS In , 8 ox , lOHol West
1'olnt , ffl In , 10 oz , I2 ! ci 'ost Point , 29 In , 12
oz , Kiel \Vost \ l'olnt40 ' In , 11 or , l.'Uc.
11ATT9 Stand ardi c1 Mohawk , ld c ; beauty ,
* " ! ie ; lloone , 14c ; II , cased , JO.OO ; Hoc , tl.73 per
OTTON 'Aitf-llbV ( , S , whllo , lSSu ( ; colored ,
ISJjc. * ' '
iuML'CKV JIANS "Memorial , 15c ; Dakota ,
2lc ; Dunham , 28 > ic ; Hercules. lOei I.onilngton ,
S8 s : Cottswootl , 27 e | Mulvlllc. 2'ic.
UlNniiAM Amoskeajf. 7c ; Amoskeap dress
8ic ! ; Hates , C'io ; Warwick dress , 8c ; Lancas
ter , ( Pic ; Olciialrc.OHitVhlttondou dress , 8c.
I'niNis rnncy Kddvstono. CiJo ; Steel
Itlvor , lie : Katnnpo. 4iu ! ; St. I.cduor , 5Hc !
blilrtlnst Mart lia washing ton , 4 MCI Merrlmac ,
4 io ; Tufkoy Koil-KauiitaliiOVio | Garner , 7c ;
Crealleld , ! ic ; llorlln.OiJo.
I'lti.vrs IndlKo Illiio Not Martha Wnsh-
liittonr ( > ! Jc ! iVmorlLMin , nV o | Arnold. flic ! ; Ar
nold IIIOIIK cloth , lOc ! Stllio A.lliic ; Morrl-
mac. 7-9. Kiel Gold LcafSHc ; Hamilton , r > ! ic !
Allen I'lnK''ioi Allen Chambray , ( So ! Gloil-
ccstur,6',4o ; llark-1 f MC.
llKAvr UitowNCoT-roNS Atlantic , 74o ! ; At
lantic II. Tel Atlimtlo 1) , O c ; Atlaiitlol' , Co ;
Aurora O , 4Jfe ; buck's ' head , 7cs ( Cabot W ,
tljio ; llarlliisjton , 0io | l-'iiriners' No. 1. 4 &
4iie ; llooslor II/ , n c ; Indian head , Tic ! ;
Lawrcneu Mi , n fc ! llt'iirlottn LI\Ifi'.iC. \
KIND HitowN CotroNS Atlantic Ijl. , . fc ; Au
rora ll.ll'ioj Aurora It.ii'Sc ; Atlns , ON'll , 7lic ;
ehreso cloth , 4o ! Ullntou IT , { jic ; 1'cppcrcll
1 ( , CiUei Kandoii , OH , 7c.
| ) IMMS Net AnioskeaK , 9 or. , IGiicj Vork
cninlut , I2e ; Kverntt , standard , 124ci ! Hay-
niakcr.s' . T',5c ! Old York , XX , lOHci I awrunce ,
VM , 1-C ! } ! Jjiiwroncc , Uoz , 13/ic ; fancy stripes
and checks , ll',4e.
COTTO.VADM Yorlc , naiiKln , 10je ! ; Everett ,
So ? , ISi'i Lewlston , 10 oz , -jc ! ! ; Uorkingnian ,
TICKS-Vorlf , 371n , 15ic ! ; S\vlft \ Ulvor , 7'/tc ;
Thorndylco , OO , 8V4c ; Tlioruilyko , 1010 , 8ic ! ;
Thorndyke. 120 , Olio ; Thoriidyko , XX , lie ;
Cord Is , No. o. HJiC ! Cordls , No. 4. OJic.
WinANS Net Thistle , OMc ; Hod Cross , 7'Jc. '
OIIASII Stevens' ' II , 10-Inchnuc : Stevens' I ) .
18-InchOJ es Slovens' A.10-Inch. 7Uc ; Slovens'
I' , la-Inch , 8u ; Stevens'M. IS-lnch , Uo ; Slevi-ns
N.20-Inch , DC : Stevens' NN , ' "J-Inch , lOcj Ste
vens' BTK , vo-lnch , 12o ; bleached , lo extra.
Oulnlno. ] , croP. . & W. 4lc ; Gorman , 27c ;
Indigo , pur Ib , 7. > c | Insect tiowdL-r 2lc ; opium ,
pl.03 ; iiiortihlnu , pur oW.70 ; liops , ner 11) . I0c (
Rlycurlnc , ISc ; dextrine , lOc ; cuttlobone. y3v
cream tartar , pure , JtUci commercial , 18c ; cam-
pi ior , file ! am. ciub. . 14ci blue vitro ! , 75ic ; car-
liollc acid , ' .ViJlKti ! ! citric , 4i < 3lfo ; tartarlo , : ©
ailc ; siilplitirlc. perlb. Siii sperm oil , $1.10 ; tur
pentine. 47e ; Tonka boan.s. JI.854J2.00 ; balsam
tolu. 4iaioc ; calomel , 11.112(31,03 ( : eimtharadlcs
$ -l.l(3i./l"i ! ) ( ) ; cnssla buds.022ci ! ! ( ! chloroform , f > 7 ®
lOo ; ertfot , 4TfW2oi ( KUIII arable , 5. > cffil.05 ; lyco-
podlum , 40Qi'e ) ; mercury , 88c ; sulphur , " 3gc ;
alum,2e ! ; I'ODperas , l&o ; cpsoni Halt , l c ;
plaubcr salt , lgc ! ; nntlpyrlnc , { I.4U per oz ;
anlstol , $1.SO pur or. ; antiknma , H.UOpuroz ;
cryst , strychlnatl.o/@l.l" : ' per ox ; llcorlco root ,
per. Ib , lflcnll ; cnssla. H.iO : per oz ; oil cloves ,
ll.2.'i per oz ; oil an-ilo. W.OU ; oil lemon , } l.i ! : > ; oil
bcrffamot , $ l.i' pcrox ; balsam copabla. C2a perez
oz ! sub. nit. bismuth , $ . ' .00 ] > eroz ; Iodide potas
sium. J..7. > per ox ; bromldo potassium , . 'l c perez
oz ; salicylic acid. $ IM per oz ; ben/.olc aclJ ,
laiinhcr. for car lots on bo\rdcars at
Omaha :
12 ft II ft IB ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
3x4.1501 15 00 IS 00 15 fiO 1000 J7 00 IS 00
2.\n . is oo ir > oo ir oo is nj 10 oo i oo is oo
2x8. . 1500 1500 IS OJ 15 fiO 1C. 00 17 .V ) 18 00
2\IO. 1500 1)00 151W 1500 10 OJ 17 M 1800
2x12. 10 00 1C 00 18 00 1C 00 17 OJ 18 W 1 ! ) 00
4\4tO '
8.\8 10 00 10 00 15 00 17 00 13 00 10 00 10 00
l''iunsn : No. 1 , ( V-ln. 12 and 14 ft , rf , JllUM ;
.No. . , IMn. 1(1 ( ft. . J1D.OO ; 4-In , Jin.Oi ) ; No. 2 , o-ln
liaiidU ft.rf. * H.OU4-ln , tll.'K ) ; No. , 10
ft. * Ii.Ol ( ) ; 4-ln , 31G.OJ ; .No. ; il-ln ( , TJ and 14ft ,
$1.1.00 ; 4-In , $13.00 ; Nq.ln-ln : , 10 ft , * iaw ; 4-ln ,
Jll'.tO. '
Ho Aims No. 1 com. f 18.50 ; No. 5 com , $15.00 ;
No. : Jcoin , Jlll.M ) ; Nc > 4fomll..r)0 ,
j A , 12 , Hand Ii ft , J.-2.0J ; C , J17.50 ; 11 ,
2 , It nml 1(1 ( ft. S.U.V ) : 1) ) , Jll.M.
FkuouiNfl A. B-lii , white pine , J.TS.OO ; C ,
iJI.VJ ) ; II , ( i-ln , wlittu pine. Sll.iiO ; D. $ jj.V ) ; K ,
J-ln. white ) > lnoscl. ( fencing ) , $17.00 ; drop sl < l-
ne , nOupcrM o.xlra.
STOCK Ho iii > s-A. 13-ln , sis S4S.CO ; 11 , 12-ln ,
flls. SI.-.Wl ; 0. J40.M ; I > , rii.03 ; No. 1 roiiiinon , 12-
n , als , la , 12 and lii ft , Kl.tH ) ; No. - ' , J1S.5J ; No. 1
innmoil , 12-ln. His , 14(1 , tt0.00 ; No. 2. il7.f > ( ) ; No.
1 common , li-lii. sM , 10 ft , ill.50 ) ; No. 2 , $17.CO ;
\'o. I coiiiinon , 12-ln,1 sis. SO ft , J2I.03 ; No. 2 ,
SIIUT/AJ * No. l.pliiln , 8 nnd 10-ln , $10.00 ; No.
2 , $10.00 ; No. 1 , 0.0. . d-ln. 8111.00 ; No. S. $15.50 ; 10-
n. grooved looting , 12,14 mid 10 ftl.50. ! )
FiNisiiiNa-lKtand 2nd cl. . l-lns2.s , $4'.l.00l'i ' ;
I'/i ' Iiiil2-ln ( , f4i.OOs ild clear , 1-iii Ks. ! JI5.03 ; 1 > {
li ! , ami 2-ln , $7.00 ; A , select , 1-ln. s2s. 141 ; 14 !
1'i ' ami 2-ln , J4..00 ; B.sclectl-lii , s s. $111.00 ; I'i
Hi and 2-ln , $10.1)0 ) ; O , selectl-lii , sis , $27.00 ; 1'j
li ! and 2-ln , KJ.-.00.
A. It or O soluct all 1C ft , JI.OO extra.
HOUTIIUIIN YRI.LOW I'INK ' 1st and 1n& clear
flooring 13-111,2.100star , 1S-10$10.0,1 ; com floor
ing. IIWIJ. 1,500 rlftclfiir. ii-lliK.1.00 : ! ; 1st and''d
clear , H cellliiB.tH.M ; 1st and -'d clear , ? 3 cell
ing. $10.50 ; 1st n nil 2cl clour , colling , 425.0J : 1st
and Sdcloar. finish , s,1.1" , from 1 In , &J7.CO ; 1st
and Sd clour , Hnl h , 8' ' , from 1U In , $ ' . U)0 ) ; 1st
and "u clear , tlulsh , s2s , from I1/ and 2 In ,
$ .10.00 ; 1st and ad clear , y p casings , fciO.OO ; base
$ : io.oo.
I'oi'LAH LUMTIEII Slnch and up , 1st nnd 2nd
t'leiir. 1 tneli , si.'s , j.KVC'O ' ; 8 luoh ami up , 1st ami
Snd clear , y , Inch panel , iflill.UO.
HASH , UOOHS , ETC. Tar board , $ l.nO ; sashr > Ti
per el ; doors , SO per ct ; blinds , .10 per ct ;
mouldings , V ) perct : tarred felt , per cwt , 8S.10 ;
fctruw boiird , J1.20.
HATTKNP , WKM.TUIIINO , ETC. 0. G. 2J { Inch ,
CTc : ! i\lt , sis , ; uci ; : Inch well tubing , I ) , > t .M.
nnd bov , * ! I.OO : pickets , U. & II. , Hut. $ ffl.50 ; I ) .
' II. , S ( | , J20.30. , IjATli Kxtra "A. " pine ; 85.60 ;
standard "A , " $ J.4."i ; c.vtni "A , " cedar. J2.5J : U
Inch clear pine , $1.00 ; clear redwood , 8I.S3 ; lath ,
. 'S ' "WhltorcdurB Inch , ! s , lie ; 0 Inch ,
qrs , lie ; wlilto ccdiirMi Inch , 'i .Uu ; 8 Inch ,
qrs. 8c ; whltoundir , 4 Inch , round , ISc ; split
oak , Sc ; Tennesauo icJceUar , split , lie.
Itaccoon-No. 1largeCOSTOo : No. 1 , medium ,
.Vft-lOo ; No. 1 , siiiiill. U)340u ) ; Noa. - , a and'4 ,
Mink No. 1 , large , riOililOo : Xo. 1 , medium , 40
04.JOJ No. 1 , sinaVl , 23i'Jei : Nos. 2 , J and 4 ,
Musk1KillFallSOIO'c ; l < lt , 3c.
HUinik lllacU , 7.i -M.OO ; htrlped , Nn. 1,31
We : Ns. a. r > TiJ.e ; No.i : , lu < iir > c ; No. 4. MMOo.
I Cross Kox Xo. I. &J..VI © 1.03 ; No. 2 , $2OJ-.5' .
red. No. lfl.XK3l.2. ( > ; No. S.SOffiCOe ; grey , No.l ,
4XriC ( > le ; No , -'Hffli'ie. .
Mountain Wolf-No. 1 , $2.50v1ii.OO : ; No. 2. $1.00
© 1.50 ; pralrlo wolf. No. 1 , 75uStl.OO ; No.43 ©
Mu.Uoavor No. 1 , per $2..r)32--J.riO ; No , 2 , $1.50 ©
2.50 ; No. a.5075c ; No. 4 , 51c.
Otter No. 1 , lurvin prtinr. $ . " > .oo < a7.00 ; Mo , 1 ,
modlinn. $ l,00f-1.00 ; No. 1 , siuall$2..riO3.5J ; Nos.
2 , II nnil 4. MnitilM.
Wild Cat-N'o. 1 , 40c | No. 2. 20T5e.
Opossum-No , 1cased , lOBlic ; No , 1 , open ,
Hadsor-No. 1 , full furred , 5075o ; No. 2 , SO ©
Mo ; No. : t. f > QlOc.
Hear Hliiek.No. ] . $ | 0.00(120.00 ( ; srizzloy. No.
1 , $3.ouir .uOj brown , No. 1 , 83.ooaio.oo ; cub ,
ItuckHkln Indian dressed , porlb , 75cJl,00 ;
deer , summer , per II ) , 'J5i5t fall , per Hi ' . 'Oift
S5o ; winter , per Ib , 'JKQS'o ; itrecn salt , per
piece , 75S80c ; antelope , perlb , ISIWOo ; cllt , per
Ib , 12c.
Others rishcr. Xo. I. $ ' .00 < ( ir .00 ; maiten. No.
I , 75c@1.50 ; No. 2. SvaMo ; lynx , No. 1,83.50 ®
S.OO ; wolvcrino , Xo. 1. tl.OOQO.00.
STKEI , 'NVinn NAII , llusc , $2.55 ; steel nails ,
base , W. 15. , '
( JoiTr.ii Planished. boiler size , 20o per Ib ;
cold rolled , 27o ner'XblbhectliiKi 2fc per ib ; pit
and Hats. S8o per IbV !
\VIHB Jap. uarb' , yi.25 ; sal. , 53.W.
, KooMNa-CJharcO > Xl , 1. O. , 14x20 , 112 , $3.00 ; I
' Sl/EET / IltON No.'W.'JI.SO ' ; No. 27 , $3.00.
Hor.liKii-Strlctly hrilf anil half. IUc.
TIN 1'r.ATK- . a..JO$24. 87,50 , ; L X. , 10.X14 , $3.25 ;
coki'.4xm II'- , W.4r
SilEKT XlNC Sc. ' . . ,
Ui.ocic TIN Snjall'plB.ROo ' per Ib ; bar , lOo
per Ib , , r
GAI.VANIZEO SiiESTIltoN-niscoiintM-10 per
cent ; uat. plan , iron , Nos , 2J and 7 A , 10)io ) ;
II , mic. _
niCKOiivNtrra-tJLurpo. per bushel , 11.50.
I'oi1 COIIN Uholco took , li2c. !
COCOAMJTS 1'er ' 100 , Backed , $4.50 ; bullf ,
iiKATliF.n Ileluloofc slauRliter sole , 2CG293
per Ib ; hendock dry hldo sole , 2oa'4e : oalc
sole , w(3Mei 1'iencli kip skins , lte < iWJ,10 ;
1'ronch calf skin , tXt'.W \ : American oak
calf , 85cll,15 ; American hemlock cah' , 75cifi
11.10 ; American oaic Idp , 73ct < 5u ; Aninrlcaii
hemlock Idp , Gfl&75ot > hocp skins , Wcitll.OO ;
goat iklns , per foot , W tOc ,
BIIAN SuoKod.portou , ttt.OO ; chopped feed ,
(21.00. (
HONKV Whlto clover , 1 Ib frames , per Ib ,
( So ; 211) frames , I7o.
I..IME , CB.MKNT , KTC-Oiil > oard cars at Omaha
1'cr bbl. A.HI ! Urovo Ihno , UJo ; Cliamploii
llmo , 85uQnlney white , 80cj Loulsvlllu cement ,
JI.M | Mllwnukcecoiiicnt , il.45 ; Utlcn coiiicnt ,
11.40 ; KiinlUh 1'ortlund rciuunt. $ : i.45 ; Now
Vorlc plaster. t..23 ; Michigan plaster , $2,00 ;
1'ort DodKO plaster. 11.75 ; whlto Band , t..OO ;
I' . IMialr , porbalo. tl.W ) .
HIDES KrozunlildeAiKuloi No. iRrecn salted
hides , 4V4e5fl ; No. 2 cvceii salted hules , MtlHo ;
No. 1 green salted hlJoa , 2.1 to 40 Ibs. , 4Htttc :
No. ' . ' procn salted lildcihiU tola Ibs. , : i4S.'Hio ;
No. Ivealcalf.Sto 15'lbs..7o ; No,2 veal calf. 8
to 13 Ibs. , fto ; No.l dry Illnthldiw , 7o ; No. Sdry
niuthldua'So ; No1 dry salted liiucH , SSte.
Bhoen nelts Orcon , salted , each , ,
green salted Hhcurl Ink * . ( hort wooicd curly
each , JOttUioi dry shearling *
woolcd early skim ) No , 1 , each , KlIOo : No. 2 ,
each , ( o : dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska ,
butcher woo ! pelts , per pound , nctunl weight ,
IWOll'ici ' dry II I nt KniisaH niul Nebraska mur
rain wool polls , per pound , actual weight , if ®
12o ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
pound , actual weight. UX&12)ios ) dry lllnt Cole
ain wool pelts , per pound , actual
? IOo ; dry pieces iniduucks , actual
TAU.OW AND OIIKASE Tallow No. 1 , ! l
tallow No. 2 , ; i .il'4cj irreasc , white a. 4iolic ! :
preaso , whlto b. : iiifici ! : uroii'ie. yellow , iio ;
greasc.dark , 2Mc ; old butter , 2'J'lc ; beeswax ,
prime , ICO'iV ) ; rough tullow , I'iO'.V.
HONKS In oar lots only-Dry buffalo , per
ton , StO.00@lft.OOi dry country , bleached , per
ton , $10.0041 13. 00 ! dry country , dninp nnd
meaty , per ton. } 8.KXBIO.OO. Them prices are
for bones welched and delivered lit Ohluauo.
HAY-OII track at Omaha Upland , No. 1.
! ( UV > per ton ; ooarso blue stein , JO.W ) ; oats
slrnwi W.oopor ton.
Hr.ACK WALNUTS 1'cr bushel. 11.23.
CoAti On board cars at Uinalin Antlirnello
Chestnut , range and C K , fs.a. " > per ton ! irrato ,
J .OO. Soft coal-Ohio. ? : . .lhl ) Southern Illinois ,
J4.50 ; walnut block , W.50 ; Iowa lump , 8-.S5 ;
luwti nut , WOO.
CHESTNUTS Lnruo Italian. 14epor Ib ,
1'alnts and Olln.
riiiMRTjAim Olt - ( Winter strained ) , 49o ; ex
tra Itird oil ( winter strained ) , 47ci extra No. 1
lard oil , 40o ; No. I lard oll.illc ; No. 8 lard nil ,
: ilo ; extra neat's foot oil , 45c ; tallow oil , 45s ;
half-bbls : io over bbls ; K-RII ! c'iiis(2 ( In a eusc )
fiooverbblsi 1-pal cans (10 ( In a ease ) , lOo over
bbls ; 'i-Kal ' cans (20 ( Inn case ) . Hoover bbls.
KNOINK Oit.sDiamond crescent online oil.
per nallon , 40o ; tK'rfoctlon cn.ulnooll , Me ; ster-
llni ; eiiKlne oil , 4.V ; herunlcs oimlno M , Mo ,
VAIINISIIKS I'uriiltiire. No. I , we ; fnrnlturo ,
extra , $ I.W ( | coach. No. Ml. 10 ; coach , o.\tra ,
JI.'AI ; hard oil Mulsh , Unlit , } ! 20.
( U.Ass 73 and 10 per cent from list of March ,
I.KAII WIIITI : IN Oit/-Cartor , In 500-11) lots.
S7.r > 0 : In l.XiO-ll ( ) lots , per rwt , * 7.20 ; Southern
Co. . rit.I.ouh , In fido-lh Ibs. $ ; . , ) ( ) : In 1,000-lb lots.
per cwt , MVJO ; lied Ionlslu 50fl-lb lots ,
JW ) ; In l. < l0-lb ! lots , per t-wt , $7.20 ,
WHITE Ditv ( illder's whltlnc. per Ib , 1'ic ' ;
Coniincrolal whlllup , per Ib , lo ; English O. ti.
1'arls white , perlb , iyc.
KKII Diiv American Venetian red , l'/c ' { ;
Chattnnoojjn. 2u ; Knghsli Venetian , barrel : t'IO
Ibs , 2iu ! ; Indian No. 1 , U'cj Tuscan Kngllsli ,
2le. )
Yitto ; v Oroino yellow. fIOc ; oehcr. llo-
chelle , 2icooher ; , washed Dutch , 4e ; ocher ,
washed 1rench , 2'jC. '
I'imv 1'uro ' In barrels. l < oss nnd tubs , 2e ! :
In bladders , UVici In ro-lh thiH , 2ic. !
VimTAWKOii.s : I.lnsecd. domestic raw , In
birrols , per gallon , TMC ; linseed , donicsllo
boiled , In barrels , per gal ton , 5Se.
ANIMAF. AND KIHH Otr.s-\Vhalp , bleached
whiter , pcreiillon , 5"ie | whilee\tra : bleached
wlutcr , ( wci sperm , bleached winter , Sl.OO.
Ciirrc-iitH dl Coliuiicrcc.
The Great Western stow company liavo
moved their business ncro- , Tones stieot nnd
now occupy a building directly opposite tbo
old place.
Qiiall. pralrlo chlolfcns. Rrouso , deer antelope -
lope and wild turkeys will bo out of season
tiom Juiinnry 1 and cannot bo handled on the
Omaha market.
While the parties attending the recent soap
men's meetliiK In this city were very ictlcent ,
one thine Is unite curtain tliure will bo no
more gift schemes connected with the busi
Strnwbosrles can bo had on tills marUct at
S.V&100 per pint box , but. the demand for homo
reason Is light. Last .January they were
( jiiicKcriialoat Mc1.00 per quart than they
aio now at5'3fiOc.
Siicaklngof the low price at which rabbits
nro selling Just now , on account of the larao
receipts , a dealer remarked that last year It
was nntlilng uncommon for one house to huvo
500 to GIK ) dozen on hand at one time , and sales
were made us low as 15e pordo/en for jacks.
'rhuflrinof I'eycko llrothers company has
made a docltlod chiiir o. Un and after Jan-
nary 1 the fiult , produce nnd general eomnils-
sloii business will bo conducted by Messrs.
Krnobt niidJiilIual'cycku , undt-rtlio firm naino
of 1'oycko Ill-others. The candy and clear de
partments have been purchased by Messrs.
Kdminid I'nyoKo and. M.S. Van Uuiisun and
will hcruuftur bu known as the 1'oycKo candy
company , lloth houses will continue to oc
cupy thu Biunu bnlhllng , at the corner of
Llovcnth and Howard streets.
Anew method of moduelnR artlllclal fuel
consist * of the nilx'ns of ( 'round corn sfillis
nnd spadlccs with coarse pralrlo grass. Thu
mlxtino Is made Into a coarse dough by means
of water and vigorous stirring up , The iluu h
Is then put Into proper molds and exposed to
an oven dryhiR process under hlwh pressiiro.
Hereby pieces are pioduced In the form and
sl/e of briquettes , but which look KITCII gr.iy. .
' "hese stones , when tlioiouglily dry , aie sold
, s f uel. They give greater ana cheaper heat
ban bltnmlnoiH coal , and arc , besides , from
'U to2.'i percent chenpur.
Still another toUllo material bids fair to
'Ivaljutc. ' Thlstlmult Is the plneapplo Illher
ind a Mr. II. Blochyndon of Calcutta Is nt-
.eiuptlng to awaken Interest lo the great
'conointc ' viiluu of this product. The plne-
ipplolias long been cultivated for Its II bur In
ndlii , while It Is maiiufacturoj Into a cloth
-ii the 1'hll lupines , and wovun Into llnon In
China. Hut moro recent Investigations show
: bat when subjected to tlio proc'Ois of bleach-
.ng , tlio liber becomes pliant enough to bo
spun llko llannd by tlio same machinery.
The liber can bo subdivided into threads of
such dollciicy as to bnbaioly Dcrcoptlblo and
I'Ot sulllclciitly strong for any purpose.
Thotannlng of elephants' hldo Is compara
tively a new Industry. The method employed
's practically the smuts us In the tnnnlngof
, 'ow hides , except that a stronger combination
of the tannlo IiiKred'onts Is lenulred , and a
jreater lengtn of time , about six months. Is
necessary to perform thu work. When the
hldo Ib taken out of tlio vat It is about one and
one-half Inches thick. Articles mudo of ele
phants' hldo are expensive luxuries. A small
por-Uetbook of elephant leather , without liny
sllveror gold ornamentation , costs about li ) .
A small satchel maderof the same leather
'osts anywhere from $100 to $403. Cigar case * .
: ard cases and similar articles vary fiom * - " >
lo f 180. 1'Moor tints arc also made out of the
leather. In finishing the hldo no attempt Is
made to glaze orpollsh It. fivcrythhi ! : isilone
lo nieser vo Its mitnral color and appearaneb.
It Is a very undiiilmr leather , S''vural years'
wear having but llttlo oll'cctupon It. The
.scarcity of civilian's and the grunt expense
entailed In the tanning of their bides pre
cludes the possibility of elephant leather ovur
becoming a thliii ; of popular and general use.
rV Vagrant Who HUH Sxvoru Ni-vcr to
Draw a Sober Itrcatli.
A strnngo piece of hiinmny was ar
rested as a vagrant at Wichita , but WIIB
released us soon us hib history bocunio
known. Ho carries tlio story of tlio
pnstifow ycuryof his life in his pocket ,
and the well thumbed document tells a
Bud tftlo , says a dispatvh to the St , Louis
Gloljo-Duinocfiit. "Aly name Is Fred
Travis , " reads the diary. I am
from Sedulin , Mo. , am pen-
orally donomirmted a tramp and
cnmu to this city to spend Christmas
with some friends I Icnow in better days.
They are not here now , Flvo years npo
I wiis prosperous , but n little too iniioh
given to strong drink , or what toinpor-
itnco upostlos nro ploasotl to dononiiiiitto
double-distilled damnation. I drunk in
secret at that time , and , whenever I got
drunk , locked myself In my room and
had a personal inserted in the papers to
the effect that I was sick. About thrco
years ape I foil in love for the first time.
Other girls had interested mo , hul
nothing moro. I celebrated the
discovery by n , rip-roaring1 drunk.
My btiit did not prosper us I woulc
have liked and my means were dwind
ling nwuy , BO I determined to know m\
fate. I was refused , and in the proHcnco
of tlm woman I loved and before mj
God I swore never to draw n soboi
breath. Several times I huvo coino neiii
hrciiklncr my oath , owing to fiimncia
rensons'but have inantiged somehow al
ways to make ends moot. I go on mj
way , and when my corpse is rattled ovoi
the stones , as the poets liivvo it , it wll
bo nothing but a mixture of boor and
bad whisky. "
Queer lluiiumlly.
A German baker kissed his sorvan
girl twenty-two years ago and another
German saw the transaction , says the
Detroit Free Press. Ho agreed to keoj
still for $8 pel1 week , and for twenty-two
yours ho haw boon paid that sum. The
baker cnmo to this country and Bottle (
in Chicago , but the blackmailer cnmo
also , and it was only the other day tha
the police broke him up ,
Hindu women tire forbidden to rend o
write. Indeed , those who duro to indulge
dulgo in such luxuries are often "accl
dentally" missing ,
London , Hngland.
Arnstordam , Holland.
nurindicll .American securities on commlsstoi
l n'Ixmdon and on all Continental murkou , v
i cf. suwl
uuiiiiw' and Jobbers1
'ho ' Dranswiok-Balko JobnL , Wilkij ,
. Oollemlor Oo.
llllard niprchnnillie , Omaharapor box factory ,
S.iloon a.ttiiroJ. ISU JIO IlOllHl.1l.
< 07,40 ! ) 8. 10th ( trout ,
Omaha. Onlcrs jiroruptlr fllloJ.
Omaha Eopublican Printing Oo. ,
aw brlofi , bank nuppllos , nnj cwytliln * In the
printing Una.
lOthtml DouKlji Btrciti.
Ackornmnn Bros , & Ilointze ,
"rlntcrs , blndors , rleetrotypcra , blank book rnanu-
"KHIfacturors ,
IIlOHownr.l trest , Om\ha.
harlcs A , Ooo& Oj , , KirkendallJono3 & 0o ,
Innufncturcrs nnil Job \Vbolosilo Mnnufaclur'j
bers. for llostnn Hub-
ItrtnicpoCo , , Iliw , 1101 ,
lIWHoiriml street. r.iul ItOHllnrner 8t ,
William ? , Van Aor- . Y. Morso&Oo. ,
nam & Hnrto , Ehoo Fnclorr.Corncrllth
1312 Il.Trnor street , anil DniiElai U. , ( hni.
Iia. Mcrctmntn Inrlted
Omaha , Neb. to null unit cinruln ; .
Louis Hellor ,
Iliitchori' nnd Packer * '
Tooli IL Huppllos. Hoof ,
lioif \ flieop cnslnii.
1110-1113 Jackson tit.
blurabu3 Bu ey Oo , , W , T. Seaman ,
arrives , etc. rarts iulkloi , t Variety
. n. Kilwardi , Minaccr. WAGONS AND
S13-31J Soutli ICth.
Omaha Oarpet Oo , , Oilmoro & Eulil.
nrpeta , ol ! clotln , mi\t- Manufacturers \ Wliolo-
tine'curtain woodsoto. ealo Clollilor.1 ,
1511 Douilas stroat. llWIInrner Bt ,
West & Fritsohar , Doan , Armstrong &
nnufnctiirori llnoclgnrs Oo. ,
obbcra of leaf tobaccos. tt N. Iflth Strost.
Ititl Knrnatn street.
COAL , 00KB , EPO.
inaba Ooal , Ooko and Ooutant & gquiros ,
Lima Oa , llurd and soft coal ibly-
Html nnd soft coal.
. K. Cor. intli nnd Doup 1803 Firnani reel ,
las BtrooU. Ouiahl
Hulbert & Blnm , Harmon & Fceth ,
Dhlolump.Itock Sprlnm , Atmo lump , Eacle lump ,
l xcolslorVrttniil
\Vrttniil bloolc , Wulnntolock and An
icrecncil nut , Hiitliraclto , thracite coal.
unllMnK. steam.
Onico2IIS. 15th st. OClco 119 N. ICtb street.
American Fuel Oo , PE. Mahoney & 0o.
hlppors nnd cloalon la Ilnrd-Coal Bofl.
antbrnclte and bitu
minous coal. OrJocii 811 N. letH nod oor.
115 8.15th street. 10th and Uouglai its.
Nobraski Fuel O Howell & Oo , ,
213 S. 13th street ,
2178. Uthitrcot ,
Omaba , Neb.
Omaha , Neb.
' . J , Johnson & Oo , , Johnson Bros , ,
218 8.13th street. 914 Fnrnnm street ,
Omaba , Neb.
Omaha , Nob.
Mount 4 Griffln , 0. B. Havonc & Oo. ,
113 S. llth atrset ,
Omaba , Nob. Omaba.
Eagla Cornice Worksi F , Ruomping
Manufacture of Gnlvan- Gnlrnnlicd Iroa cornlcoi.
lied Iron Cornice. Dormer windows , door
Winnow caps , nu'tnllcsiT- CBI > , ( tnluli , otc. Tin
lights etc , 1110 and 1113 Iron and alato roofer.
Dodito St. 611 Farnitm St.
M. E. Smith & Oo , , Kilpatriok-Kooh Dry
Dry goods , furnlshlnz Goods Oo , ,
goods , notions. lrr Roods , notions , gents'
fiirnlihlDKKooil ! .
Cor. llth and Howard ats. Corner lltli nnj llarner
Wolf Electrical Oo.
Illuttrntcd C'aUlovut
1CII Cup ito ATcnue.
Purlin , Orondorff & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo , , General western
Corner Jones nnd Uth ts. Skandln. IMonr Co ,
Oiuulm , Kcb. 1349-1351 Hlionnan are
Broken Bow Roller E , T. Davis Mill Oo. ,
Milling Oo. . C. 0. Underwood ,
Olllro nnd warehouse , Mnnapcr atOmahn.
1012 N. IGlh sirect. Cor. Utb and Jackson st * .
S. F. Oilman , ClomenB Oskamp ,
of roailr to ratio
10U N. 16th strait Blup Jack .Meal , tlnost
caktin In tbo world.
C. K. Black , > Mnnazor. 12U7-12I5 a. SOtli streot.
Dewey & Stona Furniture - Obas. Ehiveriok & Oo.
nituro Oo ,
, .
Furntturo and Carpets.
Furniture and carpets ,
1115.1110 I'arnnm street , 1200-1210 Fnrnam St.
Echnoider & Loomis , J , T. Eobimou Notion
Oo , ,
Jobbers and Irnportoriof
' ,
Gcntis' furnishing goods
notions and furntshln ; m'f'c ciilebntod bratnl
goods , "Iliirkskln" ovornlls ,
pants , shirts , roats , etc.
1111 Howard street. Cor. nth nnd llo war juts.
Kennard Glass and J. A.PulUt & 03. ,
Paint Oo ,
, 1402 Uimzin Stroll ,
HOSHl'llnrnorstroot. .
Owalia , Ni'b. Omaha.
"William Oumraings , Blake , Bruoo & 0o , ,
617 and CIO Boutll ICVli St. , WG-M3 LoaTonworth it.
Omaha , Neb. Oc.aha. Neb.
Paxton & Gallagher , Meyer & Raapke ,
705-711 B. 10 th street , 1103-1105 Harnor street ,
Omaha , Neb. Omalia , Neb ,
D. M. Bteole & Oo , , Sloan , Johwon k
1201-1205 Jones street , Uth and
treeti ,
Oinaha , Neb. Omalu , Neb ,
Allen Bros , , MoOord , Brady & Oo ,
llll Ilarnor street , IStrianl I.osTcnwortli ,
Oinaha , Neb. Oinahu , Ntbruska.
Hugh G. Olarlr ,
ficnl Wc tcrn Aaont .
Dupont'i HportlnK Han.
povriler. AtlH liliiUo plo
lTrIIIu llnu cniii.fuiol
Ilia llarnur stroot.
Hector &WilhelmyOo ; -A.ndrea3aa
Cor , lOtU and Jackaon nU
IIOS-IIW llirnur struat ,
buiulii. Omat
, HlDfeS ,
i . Obarna & Oj J , 8. Smit !
113 B. I3th street ,
nos-nu LaiTgtfJrtti it
Oirmlin. Oraiilit
Paxton & Viorllng Omaha Safck Iron
Iron Works , Wo *
\VroiiBlit nnd cat Iron
bulldlniwork , engine * , ManuCrs flroj
tirim work , untiarrtt proof sain
foundry , nnchlno nntt work , I
Mnck'mlfti work. U. 1 * . flro O'onpoO . . . , .T
llr. nnd 17th st , drocnUthii3acksouili ,
Acme Iron nad Wire "Wilson ft Drato ,
Works , st'fjc tubular niiei , nn'
: rcn , wlro box ballon , tank ) , 01 ,
& .
&laH. ICtU utroet.
W. Ilochl , - I'ruprlotor. Plorfonn.1 I9lh ilrooU ,
Eoos Printing Oo.
and lllank llooki.
lltli nnd llovrnril Sti.
L. Kirsobtt Ooi A , Friok & Oa. ,
\ViolcsaloI.tqiiorr ! > \Vbolcs.iloMquojrDealorl
(07 ( nnil < OOB. 10th St. fOIS03 9.10th 9t.
0. A , Stonobill , I. Oberfolder & Oo. .
Mllllncrr , Notions Imiorlern | nml Jobber * u
Clonks , Itto Mllllncrr. 7
203,310and 212 South 11 ti
11C-113 S. ICtli St , Omihn street.
Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. A , Hoapo , Jr.
M'f'g Jcwctor.i , dcnlors In Pianos , Organs ,
musical Instruments ,
etc. , Material ) , Etc. ,
fnrnam anil Kith. 1613 Uouglai Stroat.
Consolidated Tank
Line Oo.
Hcfned and lubrlcitlm
oili * . nxlo KrcrtHO , I'to.
A , II. lllsllop , Mnnaiar.
A.BoothPnokingOo. , Piatt k Oo , ,
" brand , " frci
Oyntors , 0 h nnil canned "Tiger
( ,
130S l nycnworth.
Carpenter Paper Oo. ,
Carry n full stock of Gold , tllvorfW- ,
and plating on nil mo Lull ,
printing , wrapping
tnliliiT me , etc..revliitgiX
writing paper , card pal - rollililinfarnis l
l > or , etc. dollorwork ,
Bates & Oo. , Williams & Gross ,
Coiintr * nroduco , fr'aln. - \
' Produce and fruits.
vofotaliloi , grocora'
etc. 411-119 a. llth Ht. 1211 Harnojr i-troot.
Omaha Rubber Oo. ,
Manufacturing nnit Jo'j-
1003 Karntra stroot.
A. L. Deano < Sc Oo. , Emarson Seed Oo. ,
Ocnoral o oiiti for Hill's Seed grower ) , do > ler < l
Hnfud. eunldii , urnii , uralaaa
BilondllMHoiith 10th St. , ,
Onmba , 4l-m South Uth ,
M , A , Disbrow & Oo. , Bohn Sash & Door Oo ,
Manufacturer ! of sash. Manufacturers of mo-.ili-
doors , blinds ana Inm , bllnli , aoir ,
Mouldings. Branch of die.
fice , U'lli nnd liarJ sti. 10th and Clark street * .
Oonsolidated Ooffoo
Oompany ,
KUandltia lUrnoyst.
Oniiho. Nob.
U , B. Wind Engina & A. L , Btrang & Sons ,
Pump Oo. ,
llnlllilar wlndmllli. 013 lOU.-iOOl 1'urnum strait ,
and OJJ Jones t0. . K.
Huns , acting manager. Om alia , Nob.
Orano Oompany ,
Hose ( jcltln * parkl'iz ,
tloum piiiups , plurnblntf
1132-21 Kmrnaui street.
H. Uardy & Oo. , The Omaha Typ
Tus , ilolU , albums , fnnoy Foundry ,
tooclHjIiouio furnlshlnz PrlntorV 8u n""T-p
( oods , chlUlren'i car- Now and maehlao * :
rlaKOS. 13191'arnanist. 1118 Howard r
1H1 * ID *