Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1891, Part One, Page 5, Image 5

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Im 'Y\r\r rrr A
Ik -JL > I
tofv i
th < y Office No. 3O Bee Building ,
( . . Omaha , Nebraska.
II >
We positively guarantee to extract your teeth without pain or danger. Come and try us and "be convinced. "We make a specialty of Fine Gold Fillings , Gold and
Porcelain Crowns , Bridge "Work , etc. , at very reasonable prices. All parties having $1O worth of Dental Work done at this officeshall , get their teeth extracted free of
Charge by the aid of our new and only'successful painless remedy. Sets of teeth from $3.OO on rubber upward to $78.OO on gold.
"We subjoin as an introductory to our advertisement an able article by the editor of a prominent Dental Journal , on the history of Mechanical Dentistry , its difficul
ties and its successes. He was induced to the writing of the following by a personal experience of the different kinds of work used for a period of over twenty-five years.
A Brief History of Mechanical Dentistry.
Difficulties Besetting its progress and Its Final Success.
The nrt of constructing mid properly adjusting nrtlflclal tooth nnd ortiflcml
.plates will not bo without interest , even to tlio casual render , for.tho perfection to
which this most useful art hns attained , from the period of Its crude nnd bungling
essays , is perhaps , unsurpassed in nny other department nnd must nfford pleasure
to every true lover of progress. One of the most serious deformities nnd incon
veniences Incident to ago , nnd one , toonot confined to pray luiira , but common to
the adult , nnd oven to the youth , is the decay and linal loss of those moat useful
organs of speech nnd mnfltlc'ition. the teeth.
And it must ho a sort of gratification to every lover of progress , as well ns
every friend of humanity , to know that by the discoveries nrndo In this nrt those
doficloncicB can ho so far remedied as that the loss of our teeth cnn be considered
no longer an unallovintod nfllictlon. They can now bo replaced by artificial ones
BO closely resembling the natural ns not to bo doteotod without close examination
nn.d s" wall subserving every purpose ns greatly to mitigate the inconvenience of
their loss. It is a pleasure to record that mechanical dentistry nas arrived nt
such a Btato of perfection , which twenty years ago its most zealous operators
novur anticipated or dreamed of.
But ho who thinks that practical and successful dentistry cnn bo performed by
nny one with almost no skill is greatly mistaken. Ho who would bo a suc
cessful dentist should unite tin enlightened judgment with great practical skill.
Ilo should understand thonnatomyof physiology of the mouth and bo thoroughly
skilled in the various mechanical munipulntions that pertain to the prothosis
of these organs.
Iff Tooth can not , like coats , bo furnished rondy mndo to order. No one can ho-
como a successful dentist in this department unless ho bo a natural mechanic.
There is now more qunckory in this art ihnn any other extant. Lot us look
briefly at its history.
Substances Employed for Artificial Teeth.
Tho'qualitics which should bo sought In nrtificial teeth are durability nnd
resemblance to the natural organs.
In the first ossavs of this urt human tooth were employed. When these wcro
sound and coated with a good enamel and wcro suitable in every respect they
were oatoomod preferable to nny other substance. But think of the difUculttes
presented hero in the defects of the material itself , deficiency of the supply , nn
started to do , under the order of the court
Lhat they were to run HO cars thereon until
the final determination of the suit.
Judge Field then entered im order allowing
thorn to lay track on Twelfth street between
O nnd P streets and ronlaco the pavements
thereon and granted nn Injunction In favor of
the plaintiff , restraining defendants from
running cars upon the same.
A. Properly Qualification for Council-
nion Tljo AsHcsHorshlp Question.
Nine of the members of the charter amend
ment commltieo met In 'Mayor Cusuinc'a '
ofllcoat 3 o'clock ' yesterday afternoon. The
first thing considered was a petition from a
number of citizens who protested against sa
loons and dnnco halls run under the same
roof. Thcso people wanted the saloons nnd
the dnnco halls at least 100 foot apart. They
also wanted dnnco halls licensed , but in no
way would they have tnls apply to halls used
by societies. The communication was laid on
the table nnd may bo considered at som o fut
ure mooting.'o
A section was adopted by which the city's '
share for paving streets and laying sidewalks
around parks shall in the future bo paid out
of the funds sot aside for park purposes.
For park purposes the council was given
authority to purchase lands , nnd improve
them , at nny point within six miles of the
present city limits. Park bonds are to bo
voted and paid In the same manner as paving
nnd curbing bonds.
Mr. Chalice thought that in the future he-
fore a nmn cnn ho eligible to the ofllco of city
councilman ho shall bo worth at least $3,000
above all debts , liabilities nnd exemptions.
A motion to lay on the table was defeated.
Mr.Popplotou was opposed to any property
Mr , Bcchol thought that the line should bo
drawu at 12,000 , , and submitted his thoughts
In the form of an amendment. The amend
ment was carried.
A former proposition for the appointment
of an assessor- for the city was reconsidered
nnd again discussed.
A charter amendment was nt last
adopted , by which in metropolitan cities
tho" mayor shall appoint nn assessor
with a salary of t,000. Ho shall glvo bonds
In the sum of $10,00. . ? and after being ap
pointed shiill bo conflrmea by the city coun
cil nnd the board of county commissioners.
Ho shall assess lor state , county and city pur
poses , and his valuation placed upon prop
erty shall bo taken by the state nnd count } ' ,
An ofllce shall bo kept open during the entire
year , whore the boons or the ofllco shall al
ways bo open. This man shall appoint his
own deputies , who shall receive $3 per day
while actually employed. The term of ofllco
shnll bo for two years unless sooner removed.
Tills nppoln ment shall bo iniulo as soon
as the charter amendments are adopted
by the legislature. This , If it is parsed , leg-
Isintcs the mou out of oOlco who were elected
last full.
The rnto of Interest on deferred payments
upon city obligations was changoJ from 7 to
0 nor cent.
The uoxt mooting of the committee will beheld
hold Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Murrln o
The following marriage licenses were Issued -
sued by Judge Shields yesterday ;
Name and address. Ace.
I Clmrloa , llallmwuy , Omaha. . „ > . . . . . 26
( Sunili Ulpshaur , Omaha . M
i Snninol lludlur , Omaha . . . . . . . 33
I Idn TalbtirtOmaliu . , . 2 !
i William II. linker , Omaha . 23
I Kllu Klnu , Omutm . 19
i Harry II. Clinton , Omaha . 13
1 llridgot Truoy , Omaha . 21
JI ) . M. llrpwn , South Omaha . 2J
I Lottie lailton , Omaha . 33
jl'rankW. Ellis. Omaha . 13
I Hntthi M. Hondor , Omuhn . 17
i George II. Pucker , Omaha . 20
I Joimlo Johnson , Unuihii . 20
I Charles O , H. Carlson , Omaha. . . , . 2(1 (
I AmiuuhiSuwol ) , Omulm. . . 21
j Goorco II. SlorrU , OmtUui. . . . S7
I Nuuulo K , lladgnr. Omaha . 19
The Paul Blto Fund.
The members of the board of education
held a ton-minute session yesterday after
noon , and during that time they accomplished
what they hare been working upon for SOT-
the revolting idea of wearing another's teeth , In which , perhaps , were disease.
The repugnance can scarcely bo overcome.
The teeth of nont cnttto were also used by altering tholr shape , those , of
course , being fitted hy sawing1 nnd filing ; but by the absorption nnd decomposition
of the saliva they became fuctid , randorlntr the tnsto and odor very offensive.
Teeth from ivory and tuslcs of the hippopotamus were next used , but these ,
like the Inst mentioned , wcro pormonblo by the fluids of the mouth nnd soon
became obnoxious to the wearer , ns well ns to these who wcro in his presence.
Porcelain tooth wcro afterward introduced by the French , but these , too , were
deficient in BO many ways that they were not received nt first with approbation.
The Perfection of the Art Dueto the Americans.
Although the Pronch led the way In this most valuable invention , it ia princi
pally to American Dentists wo nro indebted for the perfection now attained in the
manufacture of porcelain tooth.
A want of resemblance to the natural tooth , in color and animation , was the
great objection urged against porcelain.
Such perfection has now boon attained that few can toll these teeth from the
Their advantages over every sort of animal substance are numerous.
They can bo more perfectly fitted to the mouth and are worn with greater
onvonionco and comfort.
They do not absorb its secretions , and , if properly cleansed , do not contnin-
nate the breath nnd never change their color.
These and other considerations entitle them to universal favor.
Methods of Applying Artificial Teeth.
Iloro great progress has boon attained In this nrt , as in the soleetion of the
material for the tooth. The methods for applying the teeth are four : First , on
roots of natural tooth ; second , on plate , with clasps ; third , with spring , and
f pur th , by atmospheric pressure. "Wo need not descant upon the comparative ad
vantages and disndvantagos of thcso several methods.
The dependence upon atmospheric pressure is now almost universally re
garded as the most approved course , and the one practiced most extensively.
The firmness with which teeth cnn be made to ndhero on this principle render
them the moot desirable. There may be cases which might determine recourse
to one of the other methods , but they will bo found rare indeed.
oral months. The meeting was called for the
purpose ol transferring some of the bchool
money back to the Paul school site fund ,
from whence It wus taken three years ago.
A resolution to transfer § 20,000 , was Intro
duced , and by a unanimous vote adopted.
A Letter Which Shows Him Up In
His True Light.
J. Austin Hake , the South Omaha commission -
mission merchant , Is In receipt of the follow
ing letter from A. C. Hopkins , the man who
recently created something of an uproar
among the Indians by claiming to bo the
Messiah :
CHAMIIEIIU.IK , S. D. , Dec. 29. Dear Friend
Aust : I am Just down from , Crow Creek
agency , and In the same financial condition I
was when I was sontoutof Pine Hid go.
Have asked thrco acquaintances.hero for $5
or $0 and been refused. It's a little embar
rassing to bo the Messiah , but I like it first
rate on the wholo. Shall try to "touch"
George Babcoko ( our old Princeton and
Ulpon stage driver , you know ) and if that
fails there's one other man and a clmnco to
pawn my ring and then "Pm up a stump. "
Am trying to got back to Canton , having
done Lower Brule and Crow Creek agencies.
I'm ' so tickled I hardly know how to contain
myself , and so decidedly embarrassed that
myself will hardly contain mo. I suppose I
could get used to being a beggar nnd n tramp ,
but I haven't really learned to like It yet.
A beautiful day , with the mercury ut C5 = or
70 ° and the river unsafe to cross , nfoot or
otherwise. Mot H , aboard train coming back
from Pine Rldgo and ho , took mo to dinner.
It "knocked him clear out nt one knock" to
know that I was the Messiah , but his pretty
wife stood it first rate. I don't ' dare stamp
this for fear I'll have to use the stamp for
railway faro. Will report later. Am deeply
obliged for your honoring my draft and shall
live long enough or dlo rich enough to pay
you ,
Morning1 , 80th Pawned my ring to George
B. for > , and by fasting all day today I can
reach Canton. Have just this stamp loft ,
having given the other ( one of two I had ) for
railway faro. That leaves mo with the poor
"La Indian" on a penny I have kept through
the campaign , nnd whoso head is battered
very much , like mine. Love to A. nud the
children. A. C. H.
'llio Cliy Printing.
Suit was brought In the district conrt- yes
terday by Edward Hosowater to restrain the
mayor and the city council from entering
into n contract with the World-Herald lor
doing the city printing for the year 1801.
The petition ullegcs that the city council
had no right to udncrtlso for bids , as the law
provides that at the commencement of tlio
year some dolly newspaper shall bo desig
nated as the official paper of the city : that
by the terms of n conti net with the SVorld-
Herald that paper Is the official organ until
February 4 , 18'Jl ' , nnd is under bonds to do
all city printing until that date. The poll-
tion further alleges that for the year JS'JO the
official printing has amounted to $2,500 , , but
under the terms of the pretended contract
for 1801 It will amount to fully * 7COO ; that in
response to the ndvertisomont for bids the
Daily Democrat submitted n bid that was
much lower than that of the World-Herald ,
but this bid was Ignored.
ypon reading the petition Judge Doano
issued a temporary restraining order nnd sot
January 7 , at 10 o'clock a. rn. , ns the time for
hearing arguments why a permanent injunc
tion should not bo Issued restraining the
council from entering into a contract with
the World-Herald.
Hoooptlon nt Y. M , C. A.
Today the Young Men's Christian associa
tion of this city will tender its annual recap
tion to the young men of the city , together
with all others interested In the work. Presi
dent and Mrs. Fleming , assisted by the re
ception committee nnd a number of ladles ,
will receive from 5 to 080p. ; m. Following
this there will bo refreshments ana the fol
lowing programme In concert hall :
Solo IMano 1'rof. E'.mnr A. Todd
invocation Itov. A. J. Turkln
Jiolo Soprano , Mia * Ilnltorf
A Happy Now Yonr .Mr. M. A. Orunt
Solo vlollncullo Mr. John llrown
HcsoUitlous Uood , Itud and Indifferent.
W. W. Blnbaush
Solo Haas Mr , Derrick
A cordial invitation Is extended to the
young men of Omaha and all friends of the
association to call during the evening.
Proud Eecord of a Tear's .Progress of the
State Capital.
Now Hotels , Now Educational Insti
tutions and New Industries or All
Sorts Street Car Facilities
Transfers and Buildings.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Doc. 31. [ Special toTms
BBE. ] | Lincoln has fourteen miles of paved
streets at tlio present time nnd has con
tracted for two miles additional , which are
now in course of construction.
During the present year thcro were CO-
875 square yards of brick paving and 15,500 ,
square yards of cedar block paving laid In
this city at a total cost of $177,027.00.
During the ycnr thcro wore nine miles of
water mains extension laid at a cost of $33-
During the year 1800 2,473 lineal feet of
storm water sewer wcro laid nt a cost of
$7,857 , whicn , together with thnt expended
for sanitary sowcrugo , makes 523,43-1 , the
amount expended iu sowcrugo extensions dur
ing the year.
The summary of public improvements Is as
follows :
1'uvlrif ? 110X300.09
Souornge iM.I.'H.OO
Water 'W.TJI.IW
Total fc 9M8.01
The past year has been n great ono for
Lincoln hi the line of now hotels. Tlio most
prominent is the splendid sovou-story struc
ture on Ninth nnd P streets tbat will bo
known as "Tho Lincoln" and will bo in full
operation before Sunday next. Its cost was
8 25,000 ,
The Bond hotel on the corner of Q nnd
Twelfth streets , \VM opened for use In May.
The building cost ? TO,000.
On Fourteenth nnd P a now hostelry to ho
known as "Tho Western" is being built. It
will cost $ r. < i,000.
Across the street another hotel is under
headway that will surpass anything in the
state. It will cost fcUU.OOO and is the result
of Mr. Q. E. Blgotow's enterprise.
The year of 1800 has Wen n wonderful ono
to the college city of Llticold. No less than
four now colleges nnd ot\er | \ educational insti
tutions of the higher , grade have decided to
make Lincoln tuelr homo. The tlrst was
Union college , which is under the control of
the Seventh Day AflV6ntlst3. The college
building Is a splendid atrueture , live stories
high. Over 00,000 , 'is being expended in
Trinity Hall , an Episcopal college , wns the
next now Institution , i .Tlio building being
mit up will cost SIGO.OOO. .
The Lincoln Normal university Is another
institution that will ISCftro in Lincoln. The
building which is being erected will cost
The Halsh manual training school is to
have Its headquarters in a (75,000 building
now being erected in University Place.
The list of now. factories in Lincoln the
past year has kept pace with the growth of
the city in other directions. Among the more
important is tlm selection ot Havolock by the
B. & M. railroad company as a site for its car
works. This plant will cost fl.OOU.OOO and
will employ nn army of 1,000 men.
The Lincoln steve ana furnuco company ,
composed of prominent local capitalists , has
been organized during the past tlirco months
and l ulriudy at work manufacturing down
draught stoves under the fiobblns patents.
The company has an. authorized capital of
S100.000 and in the spjlng will begin opera
tions In a flno plant oJ'lts own. A force of
100 men will bo employed.
The Hall steve nnd mngo company Is an
other new corporation. It manufactures
steel stoves and rand * . The plant now con-
Gold has been tlio kind of plate sanctioned and used almost entirely by ttio
best dentists until recently.
The modes of attaching the tooth are various , nnd to the dentist would fur
nish an interesting detail , but hy the ponoral reader would bo considered unwor
thy attention.
Last Great Improvement Continuous Gum
But the no plus ultra of the denial nrt , and that which should suporccdo all
former practice , is that which has been denominated the continuous gum , in
vented by Dr. J.Allen , formerly of Cincinnati , now of Now York City.
On its first introduction there were , as almost always happens , many practi
cal ditlicultles to bo overcome.
But all dilllcultios have , to the ono skilled in manipulation , nt length been
overcome , rendering the tooth , thus mndo , tuoro durable , natural in appearance
almost defying detection , and most elToctivo in mastication , the most important
function of teeth , nnd the ono hitherto imperfectly attained.
A sot of continuous gum tooth has many advantages ever these formed in
any other way.
And , first , there can bo no counterfeiting or alloying of the metal employed
for the plate , which is platinum.
If alloyed it will not bear the heat employed in baking. The motalis not
acted upon by the lluids of the mouth. The platinum plate being moro compact
and at the earno time more pliable , Is made to lit more completely every irregu
larity of the mouth , and when flowed over with porcolam.'becomos very much
Acain there are no interstices in which the food cnn lodge , rendering artifi
cial tooth , ns ordinarily made , olfonsivo and unhealthy.
Ooportunity is furnished to adapt the verge of the gum more perfectly to the
mouth , nud thus filling out the contour of the jaw , rendering the face more youth
ful and natural in anpoiranco.
It is impossible to break the tooth otT by proper usage. They much
smoother to the mouth , nnd persons who have used both say that the continuous
gum is n support and it is unpleasant to bo without thoin. Indeed , these who
have used the gold pinto , made in the best poasiblo iniinnar , and subsequently the
continuous gum , say there is no comparison.
3' Artificial Palates , and am warranted in assuring the public -who may be afflicted , with malformation or loss of this organ , whether congenital , accidental or oeoa-
_ ned by disease , that they will be successfully treated.
"Warrou Olough Will Today Bid Good Bye to
Nohrosfca's ' Penitentiary.
Jtle Was Convicted on Purely Circum
stantial Kvlclenco Tlio Lincoln
Street Itnllwny "War nnti
an Opinion Tlierooti.
Liscou.tfob. . . . Deo. 31. [ Special Tolo-
ram to Tun BKE.J This cftornuon Gov-
irnor Thayer listened to the appeals for the
pardon of poor old Warren Clough , who has
been in prison fifteen years on the charge of
murdering his own brother. The evidence
that convicted dough was circumstantial
only , but somhody had to bo punished for the
crime and on the brother of the murdered
man the blame wns laid. Tuo old neighbors
of Warren dough in Sownrd have of late
l > cgun to bollovo that possibly nn innocent
man might have been punished. The testi
mony brought out In the trial a decade nnd n
lialf ngo has boon reviewed und not only have
his old acn.unlntni.co3 , but the prosecuting at
torney that worked for his conviction , tlio
Judge that sentenced him , nnd a number of
the surviving jurymen that scaled his doom ,
have all united in asking Governor Thaycr to
free the old man.
Warren Clough Is a flno appearing man of
sixty and his benevolent nnd kindly features
looic strangely out of place above a convict's
garb. Ho has been most exemplary In his
conduct during his long Incni brntlon , and
, Wardou nt the penitentiary nnd his assistants
Y tiavo nothing but words ot pralso for him.
Judge Mason appeared Iu behalf ot the con
vict nnd presented a petition for pardon
ignod hy ever ono thousand persons living
iu Scxvnnl , York nnd Lancaster counties.
Among thcso were tbo names of Judgoftorval
of the supreme court , lion. K 10. Brown and
Colonel J. R. Wobstor.
Judge Mason mndo a most eloquent plea
for the Imprisoned man , Ilo declared that
there had not been a scintilla of evidence pro-
tented thnt would convict Ulougu ; thnt the
couvlntlon was on onlv thosUjjtitestovldencd ;
thnt the testimony which sent Clough to the
penitentiary was , in fact , not suttlclont to
bind nlm over to the district court.
Nobody appeared to even hint thnt Clough
should not bu allowed his rcodom , nnd Gov
ernor Thay or , who has been curofully oxaiu-
lulnp the merits of the case for several
mouths , granted Clough a pardon. The
humane action of the ch. > f executive is uni
versally commended. Tomorrow dough will
stop forth n free man nnd will bo greeted by
his faithful wife nud son , whom hobos no't
teen for flftooa years nnd for whom bo had
too much love ana respect to meet them la a
convict's gurb ,
i the cases of John tihoody against the
coin city olcotrio street railway company
the Capital Heights street railway com-
/ , Juilgo Field this afternoon heard the
Plications of the plaintiff for a temporary
{ Action restraining the defendants from
tt third track ou Twelfth street bo-
CD and 1' streets.
Judge said that it was his opinion that
und ! had full right to regulate thor
r of street cur tracks to bo laid upon
> rcct , and that they hod power
'ono company wns using a street
two tracks to compel that company to
" "lorusolU tracks Jointly with the
. The Judge said further that if Mr.
Bush so doslrod ho would give hlra leave to
lay tracks oil Twelfth street and replace the
pavements , so that it the action should bo
llnally decided In tholr favor after cold
weather set in they would bo In shnpo to do
% Iuo8s , or tie would order them to remove
racks laid by taom on Twelfth street and
\co \ the pavement as it was before they
i | rbcd it. Mr. llusb took the choice o'f
nur down their tracks u they had
slstsof a building 83x1-12 , with an ell 40x70
feet In sizo. Thcro Is also n foundry 00x50
feet on the ground , In addition to coke sheds
and other small structures. Twenty-five
hands nro now employed. One of the fen-
tures of tbo establishment not often found
west of the Missouri river is a complete
nickel Dinting plant.
The Lincoln paper box company occupies n
commodious building of Its own on North
Fourtecntli street nnd manufactures nllklnds
of boxes. The force of hands varies from ten
to forty , according to the amount of business
on hand.
A young factory has been put in operation
In the last few weeks by the Western aiut-
trcss company , with n capital of # 10,000.
Only a week ago J. N. Eldrod of Lansing1 ,
Mich. , formed a company hero for the manu-
fucturo of nn Improved bed spring nnd a fac
tory thnt will employ llUy hands. Worknl-
ready hns begun on n tract of ton acres , lo
cated south of South street nnd between the
tracks of the Union Pnclflo nnd the Nebraska
railway , which will bo the site of the factory.
The Lincoln Eelectrical company hns dur
ing the past year established a plant for tlio
manufacture ot electric lumps and supplies
that has cost ? )0,000. ) Fifteen hands nro nl-
ready employed.
The Kaglo Hraco company established in
March has now six men on the road. The
company bus a capital of foO,000. ,
During the past year Mr. Bush nnd his son
established an electric railway running from
O street to Grand View. The effect has been
mngical as arrangements are already being
mndo to convert nearly all the mule power
lines Into electric lines , nnd within a year it
Is probable that thcro will not bo n horse car
in use on any line operated wholly within
the limits of the city of Lincoln ,
The Lincoln street railway Is making ox-
tcnslvo preparations for electric power. The
power house for the ontlro svstom Is located
on 1C and Kighth streets. This building is
fast approaching completion. The dimensions
uroOOxlN ) foot. At the outset it will be
equipped with 350 horse power steel safety
boilers , four 125 horse power automatic com
pound engines , nnd lour 12. " > horse power
generators. The machinery is so arranged
thnt the capacity can bo easily doubled. The
equipment will consist of at least thirty and
perhaps forty motor cnrs.sixtccn nnd eighteen
feet long , nnd provided with thirty horse
power motors.
The realty record for 1S90 began with n
showing of 11,800 acres ns the nroa covered
by Lincoln nnd her suburbs and It closes
with an Increase of 2,010 , acres , about "J per
cunt , and a total of 14 , (10 ( acres. In n com
pact square this would represent a city ot
twenty-two nnd two-thirds square miles.
Seventy plats of ndditioim and sud-dlvislons
have boon tiled acalnst llfty-ono in l&i1. ) , nn
increase of about ) per cent. The real os-
Into transfers will show a total of nearly
$ .0,000,000 , a gain ever lost year of a little
inoro thnn $1,000,000 , or about SiPper cent.
The increase In the number of business
blocks in Lincoln during the tpast year has
been most remarkable , nnd if tlieso Improve
ments were put In n line they would present
neaily u bull inilo frontaco. Among the more
Important iiro the following :
Young Men's Christian association build
ing , Thirteenth nnd N , $00.000.
Oyor & Cochran block , 0 street , $30,000.
Newman block , O street , 10,000.
Mayer Brothers' block , Tenth near O ,
B&lloy block , O near Twenty-first , 10,000.
OpiMjnhclmor block , 433-0 North Tenth
street , 30,000.
CofTiuan block , 1517-23 O street , five stories.
Hutcultis block , 441-5 Noith Tenth street ,
Alexander block , Fourteenth and O ,
Young block , 0 street , 123,000.
Fisher block. KW.OOO.
Crandall block , Twenty-fourth and O ,
There have been besides a great many
blocks costlnirfiom $10,000 , ia $ ir > ,000 , anyone
ono of which In a town smaller than Lincoln
would create profound public Interest and
Some splendid prlvato residences have been
erected during the year , the most oxpeuslvo
boingtho following :
Hesldenco of C. W. Lyman , II , near
Eleventh , 150,000.
Residence of A. W. Jnnson , Twcaty-flftU
and N , 23,000. )
Residence of E. E. Brown , Thirteenth and
J , $35.000.
Kesiilenco of C. A. Uickotts , Thirty-third
nnd 1C , $25,000.
There are a legion of other flno now homes
costing from So.OUO to $15,000.
Today Corlnno will present two operatic
burlesques to the patrons of the Boyd. At
2:30 this afternoon the now burlesque on the
grand opera of "Carmen" will bo the bill. In
the evening ntS:15 : "Monto Cristo , Jr. , " will
bo produced for the first time thh season ,
nnd will bo continued during the remainder
of the week. y
Do Wolf Hopper and his- , " jd band of
comedians nnd singers , prcjtrng Byrne and
Korkor's picturesque and tuneful opera ,
"Castles In the Air , " will bo the attraction
at the Boyd opera house beginning uoxt Hun-
day evening. The comedian Is nt present
playing a highly succecsful oxgagonicnt in
Kansas City , and the press of that city speak
in high praise of the charming opera and its
surroundings. Mr. Hopper's reception nt
the opening night of his Chicago engagement
wns a most enthusiastic ono , nnd at the close
of the second net his many friends and ad
mirers called him before the curtain again
nnd again , until ho flnnlly ncceeded to their
numerous demands for n speech which he de
livered In his own graceful and peculiar
stylo. The presentation of "Castles in the
Air" In Omnha will bo identical in every re
spect with that given In Now York , Boston ,
Philadelphia and Chicago , nnd will Include
the same cast , the chorus of sixty people , to
gether with nil the original scenery , costumes
and stage effects.
Story of n SoUllur Hey Who "Was Sen
tenced to Ho Shot.
George Heed of Liberty , this county ,
foil from a wagon at Sorfaoy Shore n low
day/3 / tiffo , snya n Wollsboro , Pa. , special
to the St. Louln Olobo-Domocrat. His
nook wns broken and ho died instantly.
At the ago of eighteen , iu 18G I , Koed enlisted
listed in the Two Ilundred and Sev
enth rcjriniont , Ponnsylvuuiti volun
teers , under Colonel ( afterward
General Cox. LTo had u peculiar in
firmity which attacked him at times ,
which took the form of an almost irre
sistible inclination to bleep. Ono night
in December , 180 } , Hoed wns detailed for
picket duty. The rofjimont wus in tlio
Army of the Jumos , under General
Itecd fell asleep on his post. Ho was
found in that condition by the ollicor of
the clny. lie wns placed undur arroit
nnd taken to Fortress Monroe. Ilo was
tried hy court-martial , convicted
nnd sentenced to bo shot hy six
mombora of his own company.
Tlio sentence was approved at
headquarters. Colonel Cox , know
ing tlio boy and his peculiar ailment , in
terested himself in his huhalt nnd got
the matter before President Lincoln.
On the day the boy was to bo shot Secre
tary Stan ton returned the paper to thp
K-opor military authorities , commuting
ecd's sentence to two yours1 imprison
ment In Auburn prison. The war was
ever a year und a half before Reed's sentence -
tonco would have expired , and the cauo
hoimr laid before President Johnson ho
telegraphed a pwdon to the young t > ol-
dlor , Rood's death occurred juat twonty-
Bix years to a dny from the night ho fell
asleep on his post.
TlioVnnlty of Alan.
Mon have few outlets for tholr vanity.
Bays Miss MnUland in the Pall Mull
Uudfjot. Tattoo marks nro the favorite
adornment amontlio / wealthy and Indo
lent classoH. Lord Charles Boron ford
has tattoo marks all ever him , BO have
Lord ClilTord und the son ol the prime
minister. It ia military and sporting :
nion who go in for this decoration mobt-
ly. 1 was in the workshop of Mr. Muo-
nonnld , the tnltoolet In Jormyn etreot ,
and saw him at work on a gontloumu'd
arm. The latter was being tattooed with
the star of his regiment. Mr. Macdon-
aid showed mo hundreds of designs , but
* ho dragon , tlio tiger nnd the snake nro
three of the mofat popular patterns. To
have a largo dragon on the chesot is the
ambition of most men. Tills is a most
dilllcult part of the body to tattoo ; tlio
arm takes the operation the easiest.
The tattooist works in various colors in
red , blue , green , brown and dark violet ,
as well as in black. I iiskcd him wheth
er ho counted many women aiming his
customers. They were in tlio minority
ho said , hut , ho had tattooed a good many
women at dill'oront times. With women
the decoration is usutilly a boo , n butter
fly , a spray of ( lowers or a monogram.
Tlio ornaments are worn Insldo the
wrist , so thnt they can bo hidden by tlio
glove if necessary ; Mr. Mncdomild also
produced beauty spots. A short time
ngo ho put two on the face of a lady well
known in society. Whether they are
really "beauty spots" is a moot question.
They resemble a mole moro than any
thingol&o. .
A City nt tlio ItoUom of ilio Son.
The city authorities of Rovigno , on
the peninsula of Istria , in the Adriatic
son , liavo discovered a little south of the
peninsula the ruins of a largo town at
tlio bottom of tlio sea , says the .Now
York Sun. It hns been observed for
Bomo years that fishermen's nets were
sometimes untangled In what appeared
to bo masses of masonry , of which frag
ments wiu-o brought up from the sou bed.
A year or two ago a diver donlarcd that
ho had soon walls and streets below tlio
The city authorities recently decided
to investigate. They sent down n , diver
who , at the depth of oighty-flvo feet
found hiinsoHsuiToundod on the bottom
of the ben by ruined walls. Ho eaya ho
knows they were the work of man. Ilo
Is a builder by trade and ho recognized
the layers of mo.rtnr.
Continuing his explorations , ho traced
the line of walls and wns able to distin
guish how the btroots were laid out. I o <
did not see any doors or window open
ings , for they were hidden by massss of
suawuod and incrustations , lie traced
the masonry for a distance of 100
feet , whore ho had to atop , as his div
ing cord did not permit him to go
further. IIo hud proved beyond a doubt
that ho had found the ruins of a oncu
Inhabited town , which , through some
catastrophe , had been sunk : to the bottom
tom of the sea.
Some people think that they laontlly
this lost town with tlio Island mentioned
by Pliny the Kldor undur the name of
of Ciiissa , near Istrliu This Island can
not bo found now , and it is thought tlio
submerged town may have boon a settle
ment on the island that so mysteriously
tllO C < llllJ IlVlOll.
"I wash my face , " Mmo. Hupport said
to a Now York World man , "twice a
day the last thing at night and the llrut
thing in the morning. Tlion I am facial
ly douo for the day. lloforo I retire I
lather my hands with n good uiihcontod
soap and rub it Into my face with fric
tion enough to innko the skin crimson ,
and wash it off with cold wntuiv. That
clonuses. In the morning a wash with
clour , cold water refreshes. During the
day , if my face looks gray or greasy , I
wipe it carefully with u soft cloth , The
complexion is a delicnlo allah * and re
quires nice treatment.
"Hot wutor I consider bad for llilsrca.
bon : There is a natural oil In tlio skin
which hot water washes out of the poroa
or removes , jiihliu hot wutor will clean
greasy diulios. With cold wutor the oil
tluckuiiH. It is just BO on the face , Tin
oil preserves the skin , keopa Its frosti-
looking nud soft. "
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