Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1891, Part Two, Page 15, Image 15

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Asauranccs that the Viaduct Bonds Will
Eo Returned to the City ,
Ho HnyH the Itcuoiit Dlflluulty Hns no
Hearing Whatever on tlio
Ooput , Contract Auditor
lionIOII'B btatcnicnt.
City Comptroller Goodrich was calm , cool
, nd collected yesterday M ho looked after
the duties ol Uls olllco whllo waiting for the
much talked of viaduct bonds to pub In an
tppcaranco. Ho had received satisfactory us-
turanccs that the bonds would bo returned
to 111 in and to this fact and ngood digestion
i bis peaceful frame of mind largely duo.
comptroller Tuesday watted upon
Vlco President Klmball of the Union Pacific ,
and was assured 03 * that gentleman In the
l > rcscnco of witnesses that , should tbo state
auditor turn over the bonds to him ho would
promptly return them to tbo city comptroller.
The mayor likewise waited upon Mr. Hoi-
flrcgc , general manager of the B , & M. , and
received similar assurances. These comfort
ing words from representatives of the only
Iwo roads figuring In the union depot coinpa-
by satisfied the comptroller that all was well.
When culled uponyestcrday morning bosntd
that ho did not thlnfc that tlio bonds had yet
been recorded ana did not bcllevo that they
would ho until ho had an opportunity to
BCO the nutlltor. Ho wni very \\cll pleased
with the outloolc. Ho was certnln that the
Union depot company would not stoop to qies-
tlonnblo methods regarding the bonds , as
thus far , to use the comptroller's ( expression ,
"tho city had the dead wood on "em. "
Further inquiry revealed the fact that the
rlccdx to the lots recently acquired by the
company liavo not yet been signed nor turned
aver , and the injunction restraining the do-
Uveryof the bonds also enjoins the delivery
tt these deeds.
Till ] VIADUCT I10ND9.
Tlio U. 1 > . Don ? Not Seek to Obtain
Speaking of tlio existing situation between
the Itock Island nnd Milwaukee companies
nnd the Union 1'aclflc , General Solicitor
Thurston said :
"Tho point at Issue does not in tlio slight
est degree effect the matter of the mo of the
UrJon depot or the Union Pacllio bridge by
tl'J ' passenger trains of either company , nnd
the oor.tract with the city of Omaha will bo
carried out with respect thereto In the utmost
good faith. There Is no disposition whatever
on the part of nny ofllcinh of the
Union Pacific to prevent either of these com
panion coining into thu union depot on tbo
Jilaa proposoii In the ordinance under which
the city bomls were voted. The real ques
tion nt Issue Is this ; A lenso was oxccutod
Wltn these coiripanlo.i whereby all the mnln
nnd passing trucki of the Union Pacific from
thn connection in Council Bluffs to a point a
'Biilo nnd a half south of South Omaha , as
Veil also as a very 'nrgo ' portion of the ter
minal facilities of tlio Union Pnciilo at
Omaha and South Omaha , were granted for
the term of M)0 ) years. Shortly nftor the
change In the management ono of the gov
ernment directors In New Yolk brought the
matter to the attention of Air. President 1)11-
'lon ' by n loiter , of which the following Is a
copy :
NRW YOIIK , Dee 21 , IBflO , Sidney Dillon , esq. .
President Union I'liclllo railway company
'Jliu matter of tbo con t met of , I think , > Muy 1 ,
ISEM , wlllf HID Union I'ucllle railroad company
nml the Kouk Island , baa IHUMI nulled In my
utlontlon. lly tills contr.tct tlio Union 1'aclllo
Mndi'rtitkt'B to lunsu and grant the use of Its
brldso and terminals In Otnuliaiind partoflts
road to tin ) Hnck Ihlnnd for two yours. As this
nil ! unablu the Ko'-'lc ' Inland to establish u
rival anil computing road to Denver and
Ogden nnd use tlio tcimlnnbof the Union
I'ucllle at Onialin und puilmps seriously inter
fere with the preferential rlKlit of thogovcrn-
rnrnt ot tlio use of thu Union Pa
cific , asvoll us tbo Rovnrnmont proportion
tion of the enmities , I deum It my
duly tolny this iniittor leforo my co-govern
ment dlrootors , also bofoio the attorney gen
eral at Washington , both as tci the legal and
biisltipw problems Involveil. The purpose of
this letter Is to suggest to von that weimwhllo
nothlni can ho douo under the contract until
furtlii'reimsliloriitlon bohiid. If this mailer
was over autod on In the boaid when I was
present , wlilcli 1 do not roincinbor , I huvuto
Say , that I did not undursttuid Its moaning or
Import. Vours truly.
.roii.v 1' . I'M IMIII. : flovorntiiont Director.
00 Wall street , Now York.
"Tho matter is now being brought to the
attention of the courts to determine us to
\vhotbnr or not the oulccrs of the Union Pa-
ccllo bad nny right to grant away Its prop-
ortv nnd franchlbcs In the manner stated.
lJudgo ! Dillon , con oral counsel of the coni-
pauy , wires mo today from Now York as
follows !
" * \Vo wish the people of Omaha and the
public to understand thnt tbo Union 1'nclllo
will keep Its contract as to the union depot ,
nnd Is willing that nil roaiU shall bo upon nn
equality us to the use of the bridge , but no
ro'id ' ciui have u lonso of our terminals to cn-
nlilo It to establish competing lines nnd
thereby keep out ether ronds.1
"To provo the utmost good fnlth of the
Union I'nciilo so far as the people of Omaha
nro concerned , it is only necessary to read
the provisional undertaking nnd arrangement
"between Mr. Oould ana Vlco President Bond
of the Milwaukee road , mudo la Now York
oayesterday , which is as follows :
" Provisional agreement between the TInlon
Faclllo limit liu Chicago , Milwaukee A. St. Paul.
Itullway trains of tlio St. Paul tuny for tlio
tituo being pass over tbo Union Padua brhlgo
unit tracks from Council HlutH to Onmhu fur
n rnii > oitnbli ) compensation , to ho adjusted hy
the KOiuiial imianiters of the two companies ,
the Union Pacific not hereby recognizing Iho
contract of Anrll SO , I MM. \ \ 1th tba bt. Pmil
compnny , und tlio St. Paul company lioroby
not nsscntliii ; to the above action of the Union
Pneltlo , and not waiving nny rlhts iniilor .silil ;
contract of April MMSlio , It t > elti ! ? nnilurstooil
that ho respective rights of Iho Halil parties
Bliall not by reason hornet In nnv wlso bo al
tered. atTectpd or Impulreu. Any party may
tcriuliinto this inirtk'uliir contract on thirty
duj-H notice- , und fall buck on the existing
status without projnulco to either. '
"This agreement , which Is ns fair ns could
Ijo asked for , and which permitted the Mil
waukee rend to run Its passenger trains as it
had Intended , was rejected today by Presi
dent Miller of tbo Milwaukee road , who so
advised Mr. Clark by wire.
'Tho question , therefore , Is not as to
whether or not the Milwaukee or Hoclc Is
land roads shall run their trains Into Omalm.
Taut it Is ns to whether or not they are to bold
n lease of a very valuable portion of the
Union Pacific road for 090 years , during
which tlmo they will fix their own rates , col-
Icoct their own tolls , for freight and passen
ger business under tbo franchises grouted
exclusively to the Union Pacltlo by tlio
United States.
"In thU snuio connection , I dcslro to notlco
the foolish and uncalled for application for
nn Injunction , nn account of which I saw In
the morning p.wers , which purports to bo an
action to restrain almost everybody from dU-
poshiKof the bonds of' the city of Omalm
issued to the Omaha Union depot company ,
a'ho citv comptroller , having failed to secure
tbo registration of thcso bonds at Lincoln
owing to the absence of the state oftlcors ,
allowed Mr. Klmball to take thorn on his per
sonal assurance thnt ho would secure tticlr
registration nnd return thoin to the comp
troller. Any ono who knows Mr. Klmball
knows that bo hnd no other Intention nnd
Hint it Is moro nonsense to think that tlio
Union depot company or the Union Paelflo Is
engaged In the business of attempting to
occuro these bonds by a trick of logordomuln.
"Tho bonds have been fairly earned by the
compnny , Thcra Is no question as to their
legality , and the auditor of state now has nn
order signed by Mr. Kimbull directing him
to tarn the bonds over when tticlr registra
tion is completed to the city comptroller.
Iain advised th at the registration will bo
completed ana the comptroller will have the
bonds on Friday next.
To any ono who looks at this matter from
the simple question of dollars and cents. It
might suggest Itself that the Union Pacltlo
could innko n great deal of jnonoy by refusing
to take thcso bonds and hnvo the Union depot
and brtdga run without regard to the
agreement contained in the ordinance under
which the bonds are Issued. The fact of It
is , however , that the t.roseut management of
the company Is In entire harmony with the
people of Omalm on tbu question of establish
ing u union passenger station Into which the
tralni of nil roads may bo run on term ) that
nro fair ant ) just. "
Mr. IJentoii niul tlio Iloncln ,
Auditor IJenton arrived In the city nt 11 : RO
o'clock yesterday morning nnd Immediately
proceeded to satisfactorily explain his action
with reference to the bonds. Ho stated thnt
the bonds were delivered to him by Mr. ICinv
ball's private secretary nnd ho was therefore
res pan si bio to Mr. Ktmball for them. Said
ho : ' 'Whca Mr. ( Joodrlca brought the
bonds to mo ho wanted n receipt
for them , and I refused to glvo it.
I liavo made U a custom during thn twelve
years 1 have been In oftlco not to glvo n re
ceipt for bonds , but to return them to the
mnn who gave them or let them go on Ids or
der. Thlswiswhv I could not return the
viaduct bonds to Air. Goodrich. I had no
personal feeling or Interest in the mattcrand
only noted lo protect my.self.
"A wrong impression has gone out regard Ing
my purported nction In refusing to hare the
sheriff ( tcrvo the Injunction on me. I was In
bed and had been so much annoyed during
the past few weeks by midnight visits from
men In the employ of tlio con install tain the
election contest that I gnvo Instructions that
I was not to bo disturbed , but could bo seen
at my oflko on the following dny. That -as
why I did not got up. Thcso men did not
announce their business , aud I did no
know who they wore , or I would
certainly hnvo. gene to the door.
It Is nil arranged now that the bonds are to
bo returned to the comptroller. Mr. Klmbull
has glvon mo hiHtrui'tlons to that effect "
Mr. Benton slowed the following letter ,
and allowed a copy of It to bo tnkon :
O\u n A , Dec. lit ) , IS'JO. lion T. It. Bcnton ,
auditor of public accounts , Lincoln , Neb.
Dear Sirs Please deliver to Mr. C. H. Uood-
rlch , couiptroltorof Iho city of Omnlin , the
81f 0,000 city bonds which were transmitted
to you for registration. On delivery of llicso
bonds to Mr. Uoodrich plenso take up nnd re
turn to mo the personal receipt I gave him
for the same. Yours truly ,
TIIOS. L. ICiMiuu , .
"Kcgnrdlng the interview In which I am
reported IM criticising Mr. Nnsli , " staid Mr.
Bcnton , "I wish to say that Mr. Is'ash was
not the person to whom I referred. The cor
respondent evidently misunderstood my ro-
marks. " The bonds are now in the vault in
the auditor's ofllco nt Lincoln nnd are at the
disposal of Comptroller Gooilrk'h , who was
assured by the iiud ! tor that they were duly
registered anil recorded.
The senior proprietor of this paper has
been subject to fiequcnt colds forsomojcnrs
which weiosuro to lay him up if not doc
tored ntonco. Ho llnds thnt Chamberlain's
cough remedy Is reliable. It opens the secre
tions , relieves tbo lungs , nnd restores the
system to n healthy condition. ' If freely used ,
as soon as tlio cold has been contracted , and
before it has become settled in the system ,
It greatly lessens the attack and often cures
In a single day what would otherwise liavo
been a severe cold. Northwestern Hotel Re
porter , DCS Moincs , In
Chonp Ijots at AruiiHim Harbor.
City lots can bo bought In Arnnsas
Harbor , Texas , today cheaper than the
average prk'o paid in villages located in
the Interior containing 1,01)0 ) population ,
and yet no city was cvor started in the
United States with greater rcsoncos of
all tlio oflicmtinl requisites to make a
( front city like Aran&aa Harbor.
Dr.Birnoy. IIOHOand. throat. Beobldg
A. Valuable Sncuuslloii Tor Utilizing
tlio Water of the Klklinrn.
OMAHA. Dec. 31. To the Kditor of TUB
BISK : Onoof the most important questions
affecting the citizens of Omaha nt present Is
how shall we maintain In the future the era
of prosperity the city has enjoyed
during the past flvo years.Vo
have now paved neatly ah our
streets that needed paving.Vo have completed -
ploted a system of sewerage through out the
city that amply meets our requirements and
In n very short tlmo wo shall hnvo finished
nearly , If not all , our public buildings and
other publiclinpravoiucuts that ivero needed.
To bring about the present metropolitan con
dition of the city u vast army of workmen of
every description hnd to bo employed and
this stimulated commercial activity uioro
than anything else.
But the question now arises , what can wo
do in the future to give employment to the
mechanics nnd others that nro hcroi I pro
pose to lay down a plan for your considera
tion nnd tnat of the public that in my opinion
would solve the dllllcu'ty ' , and that is that
the citizens of Omaha nnd Doughis county
petition the coming state legislature to pass
a special net authorizing the city of Omaha
and Douglas county to issue special bonds to
the amount of $ . " ) , UOO,000 , to boused for the
construction of ncnunl from the IClhhoni
river through Douglas county and tlio city of
Omaha to the Missouri river , and to chmige
the channel of the ISlkhoru river to the pro
posed canal. The management of the con
struction of the canal should bo intrusted to
aboard of llvo commissioners elected by the
people. Tlio canal could housed for supply
ing power to factories and other establish
ments thut need power , nnd also for the
drainage of the city. Our present drainage
Is far too small to drain that part of the
county lying west of Thirtieth street. If
this project was successfully carried out , I
feel certain thnt theio would bo no tnoro
question about the future prosperity of our
Kreat and growing metropolis.
Regarding this suggestion Mr. Andrew
Ilosowater , civil engineer , says :
The legislature can not pass special acts
under our constitution. A general act ,
however , for such improvements , providing
a method of condemnation for right of tvny
and appraisement of damages from diverting
channels of streams , etc. , could bo passed ,
A canal from Klkhorn into Omaha , however -
over , is not feasible , but n canal for water
power to Homo elevated point above Papllllon
valley near Seymour Park is practicable.
From the summit in thnt vicinity , water
would ha-e a fall of 100 foot or more Into the
Pnpilltou which would nocd to bo enlarged
and deepened and thus servo as an outlet.
Water and water power for from fi.OOO tolU-
000 liorso power could bo secured at a cost
probably of loss than ono-hnlf of the amount
The originals of the certificates of euros
effected by the use of Ayre's sarsnnarllla are
kept on file at the oftloo of tlio J , C. Aycr
company , Lowell , Mass. Probably no Mml-
lar establishment in the world can exhibit
such u mass of valuable and convincing tes
Sale of City Iots.
The largest auction sale of city lots
over hold in the south will take place
at Aransas Harbor January 7 and 8.
"The Clemcnccau Case , " the most tnlkod-
of play that has been produced la this coun
try in years nnd which Instantly sprang Into
the greatest popularity , will have Its first
production In Omaha , on Sunday evening
next at the Grand , the engagement being for
four nights. SybllJohnstouo will take the
part of Iza , nnd she Is the most noted woman
playing the part among the hulf-dozcu Izas
now on the American stngo.
The IJostonlans , the most famous opera
organization In America , will bo the attrac
tion nt Doyd's opera house on the last days of
next week , prcbcnttng the following stlpcrb
repertoire. Thursday nud Friday evenings
the now opera of "Hobln Hood , " Saturday
matlnco "Suzotto , " Saturday evening "Car
men. " All the old tlmo favorites who have
given to the Itostonlnu opera company Its
great prestige will appear during this en
gagement. The company this season Is meet
ing with extraordinary success. Monday
evening they opened the now Metropolitan
opera bouse in St. Paul , and Urn receipts of
the opening night wore & , SOO.
"Held by the Enemy , " which Is to bo
presented nt Boyd's on next Sunday oven-
fug , has a reputation almost world wldo.
This is both because of its genuine merit and
because It is the Ilrst play written on the Into
war , wherein the conflicting interests of the
north and south have been so ingeniously
Interwoven as not to give offense to the )
sympathizers of cither cause , Tbo play
abounds In exciting situations and a genuine
battle scene with galloping horses , but these
are happily relieved by doftcuto touches of
the most oxqulslto comeJy , The company
presenting the piece Is spoken of everywhere
I in the highest terms , so an excellent eutor-
. taiument Is an assured fact.
How the Cliar oAHnliiHt the Nebraska
Company li Considered.
II , J. Johnson , nn insurance agent repre
senting a foreign company , filed a complaint
In police court Tuesday afternoon charging
M , J , Burns , secretary nud manager of the
ts'ubrasha flro Insurance company , with hav
ing committed fraudulent and illegal ncta In
falling to file with the county clerk a aw orn
statement to the effect that , the company had
complied with the law nud was authorized to
do business In the state.
M. .f. Hums , upon whom was served n
notlco of arrest , was interviewed yester
day by n Unn reporter. Ho said :
"Thcso proceedings are in my opinion an
attempt on the part of nnoutslJo Insurance
company to make war upon the various hqmo
companies nnd to injure mid discredit them
in tliuir business for the purpose of Increas
ing thereby their own business in Nebraska.
"Tho ground upon which the arrest was
mnJo wns thnt the certUlc.ito of organization
was not properly ( lied In the olllcooftho
clerk of Douglas county. The certificate ns
filed by throe icadinc companies are substan
tially the same , and were tiled la uqcorilnnco
with directions of their legal adviser , and I
understand it h believed by the best legal
authority that the local companies have all
complied with the law in every particular.
"This attempt to make a personal attack
upon the secretary of a homo company
upon n pretext , which at best , could bo b.utn
morn technicality , Is very clear evidence that
the local com | ianics nro mailing It cxticmcly
interesting for this foreign company- which
lins hithcito taken out of this state largo
sums of money annually. "
Air. K. S. Hall , attorney of the company ,
win seen In regard to these proceedings , lie
said :
' Our company in my opinion , has compiled
with the law in every particular. This ar
rest it seems , to mo is an attempt to discredit
the local companies by n rival company.
American people whllt , willing to sCo fair
lighting among competitors , are opposed to
underhand assaults.1
Nervous I'roitration or Insomnia ?
Go to Excelsior Springs , Mo.
Nrcil n Tonlo ?
Drink the Hcgcnt ( Porro-Mangauoso )
waters of lixcolslor Springs , Mo.
Dnu't I'orgct it.
The grout , auction s.ilo of city lots
takes place at Aransas Harbor , To.x. ,
January 7 and 8.
Tlie hate Mectliijjiir the Soap Men of
thu .Missouri Valley.
The called meeting of thosoapinnnuf.ictur-
ers' association of the Missouri Valley has
Justcomoto a close at the Paxton hotel. It
wns attended by ropicsonfatlves of about a
doycu of the largest soap manufactories m the
The following firms wore admitted to membership - ,
borship : .1. S. Kirk of Chicago , Denver soap
company , Wichita soap company , Hello of
Buffalo , Procter < fc Gainhlo nnd the Sioux
Citv company.
vtmmbcr of important subjects were dis
cussed , some of which\voro not dlvulirpd.
It was decided that in accordance with the
agreement with the National boap manufac
turers'association hereafter no boxes would
bo allowed to bo returned by dealers after
soap had been sold.
It was also decided that the custom or giv
ing cue box of .soap free with every ten hoxys
of soap ordered would bo abolished.
The abolition of this custom was accom
panied by the determination to offer no mere
tricious inducement to purchasers of soip.
Hnllrond rates had l > ocn discussed , but
nothing conclusive was decided upon.
Prices were talked about nnd it was de
cided that they should bo neither reduced nor
A long discussion took place over jobbers
and manufacturers to determine when a uinti
was a Jobber in nnd when a maker of &oip.
The next meeting of the association will be
held In Kansas City nt thec.ill of the presi
dent. Thoollicers areas follows :
President , J. 1'ago : vice president , A. Bol-
ton of Dos Moines ; Secretary , C. Harririiohfl
of Peters Drothers , Kansas City. The „ . , . . „ -
utivo committee consists of Messrs. Page ,
Bolton , Uoskio , Hammond , Newton nnd
Tor Derangement oftlio tlrain
Use Horsford's Acid I'liosplinto.
Dr. D. P. Boulster , Augusta , Mo. , says :
' 'In functional derangements of the bruin
and nervous system , I have prescribed , lt
with gratifjing results. "
Mafco n I'ortunc.
Don't fall to visit the auction sale of
city lots nt Aransas Harbor January 7
nnd 8. '
Hull road Consolidation in 1 SOU.
The year 1800 has boon rcmnrkablo
for railroad consolidations , Buys the
Ohio State Journal. The sharp rivalry
between the largo systems lias led to the
absorption of many of the woukor lines ,
either for the purpose of uouuring1
valuable connections or terminal
moilitlcs or to prevent rival
systems Invading exclusive terri
tory. The absorption of smaller roads
in Ohio has bean ono of the notable
fesituros ot progressive railroad manage
ment. No loss than fourteen roads have
become n part of other roads or systems
( luring tlio year. Tlio Baltimore &
Ohio has scoured control of the Colum
bus & Cincinnati Midland , the Valley
railway anil the Cincinnati , Washington
and Baltimore road. Tlio Norfolk &
Western absorbed the Scioto Vulloy ,
the Cleveland & Canton gobbled
up the Chagrin Falls & South
ern and the Clinton & Wnynoslmrpf
roads. Tlio Cincinnati , Hamilton &
Dayton secured the Toledo , Springfield
it Cincinnati road , the lilt' Four added
the Cincinnati , Sandiuslcy fc Cleveland
nnd tlio ColumbuH , Springfield & Cin
cinnati , roads to its already extensive
system. The Erlo bid in the Chicago &
Atlantic , Judge IBurko gave the Toledo
& Ohio Central a southern extension bv
tlio purchase of the Knimwhn & Michi
gan , nud tlio Columbus & Eastern con
solidated with the Shawnee & Musk-
Inprum Elver road under the title
Columbus , Shawnee & Hocking. The
Pittsburgh Akron & Western , a now con-
btructlon company , and the Findlay ,
Port Way no & western took un the
American Midland. The consolidation
of the Pittsburg , Cincinnati & St. Louis ,
the Chicago , St. Louis & Pittsburg- and
the Cincinnati & Richmond roads is not
included In the above. The number of
companies reporting to the state rail-
B a rare vlrhio ; but the grateful
people , that S. S. S. has cured , nftor
physicians had declared them Incura
ble , number wiy up In the thousands.
Oswr Wles of Huntinsburg , Ky. (
says : "For years I was afflicted -vvlth
a blood taint , that bafllod the skill
of tlio best
Tlio illsoaio affected my oyoi until I
was almost blind. I am thankful to
say thtt a few bottles of S. S. 8 , . cur
ed mo entirely. Sly eyesight la com-
ploti'.y restored , nnd 1117 general
health is hotter than it lia been for
yeaM. "
Book on ll'.oocl and skin dlseasos free.
The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta. Oa.
Mr Pointing nd l' perhnntlnir baslneii , Kitah-
llttiod IkiJ. Una well folectfj utock ofTnll \
1'uiifr , Wall Mouldlngi , 1'alnts , Iru ! Uui , oto.
616 S. 16th Street , Omaha ,
road commisslonop IB mpldly docroaslng
and the coming yoaitrill no doubt brlnj , '
about further consolluvtlon.
The dmgslsts of thirdly sell the most suc
cessful preparation that has yet boon pro
duced for couRhs , coldi' nWU croup. It will
loosen and relieve a ciildptn less tlmo than
any other treatment. Ilio nrtlclo referred to
Is i ! Chamberlain's cough remedy. It is a med
icine that } \M \ won fame imcl popularity on its
tnoiits niul ono that cau'ni ' ways bo dupendotl
on. It Is the only known remedy that will
prevent I croup. It must tie tried to bo np-
predated. , Ills put up in OOoand fl.OO bet
tles. { fl"
II -
Jlr. I'arnell ns.\ (
Mr. 1'urnoll Is known to a good many
Australians In n character In which ho
lias never Hg-urod on the northern side
of the equator Unit of dramatic author ,
Bays the Chicago Herulil. For uioro
than flvo years u play , entitled "Shatti-
rock Oroon , " by Clinilos Stewart I'ar
nell . M. 1' , " hns
, o q. , , enjoyed prodig
ious favor among "provincial nudlonc s
In the colonies. The lucky exclusive
proprlotor u ( this piuco boasts of hnvhif ?
already netted 5,000 by it. Whether
recent ovotits will mid to or cliniltiisli its
poiularltjremains to bo scon. Its
nronrlotor an Irlahinun , by tlio wny
has novof yet vcnlurod to pi-oduco it in
Melbourne or Sydney , doubtless from a
slirowd sutpioion that tlio dmniiilie
crltiusof tliiiso cilpitnln would waul to
know something m tire about its history
nnd anlucodunts than tlio hold ntiuonticcs-
incnt on tliu play-bills that "Air. 1'iiriioll
wrote this piny when a young man at
collogu. " Provincial pressmen are not
f-o unpleasantly ukoptlciil , and the Irish
men nnd women of the interior towns
consider it n patriotic duty to roll up in
their hundreds to BOO " > Ir. I'nriicll's
play. "
_ _
Sudden changes of weather causes throat
diseases. Thcro is no moro cHectual remedy
ffli' isought , colds , etc. , than Drown's liron-
chlal Troches. Sold only In boxca. Price
' 'Dcts.
Tickets nt lowest rates aacisu perior
iccominodationa via tlio ( llouk
Island route Ticket olllco , 1002 Six
teenth nnd Parnttni streets Omaha.
I'ln TliiH Iii lour Knt.
And you will then know * that the
tion sale of city lota cvor hold
in the southwest , and the jn-eut oppor
tunity for investments taitos plsicO tit
Am nsas Harbor , Texas , January 7
and S.
_ _
rho only railroad tram out of Omaha
run for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Ululls , Dos Moines and
Chicago business Is the Rock Island vcs-
tlbuled limited , lo.iving Omaha at 4'M : '
p. m. daily. Ticket oflico , 1S02 Sixteenth
und Fanitun sts. , . Omaha.
* IIii Curiosity Satlhllpd.
A loaticollo correspondent of the
I3rocktoii ( Mass. ) I ntcrprlso writes :
"Thut the daiiylituvrijot Eve do not p.os-
so > .s a monopoly of Curiosity is jirctty
well .sustained by n oircum = tinco ( which
recently occurred in till ? locality. Some
boys were playing with a turtle , one of
the Hiinpping spei'lus , when ono young-
hid thrust out his ton iio toieo wliethcr
it would bite. Thp- turtle promptly
carried out its part oft the programme ,
itbointf found necessary to forcibly ro-
movu its hold from "Urn lad's tongue ,
which was ijulte suveBoly bitten.
Mrs. WnSiow's sootlilii/ ( / syrup rertuco in
flammation while children' ' nro teething. -
cents a. bottlo.- '
No Ni'\v-.Cty !
will ba started during- the next quarter
of a century olVoring such grand oppor
tunities for invtistmuuls as Aransas
Hnvbor , Texas.
Curious Copt ic Customs.
Tlio Cojjtic Pntfiarcli of Alexandria
is 'never allowed to sloop more tlniu
ilftcon minutes at a time. At the ondof
every quarter hour , lie Is duly awakened
by un attondunt. The nliuna , or primate
of Abyssinia , Carries the principle of
nolo opii-copari so far that , when ap
pointed , ho refubcsto bo elevated to Ills
now dignity , and lias to bo chained nnd
taken to Egypt in order to rccoi vo consecration
cration at the hands of the Coptic
+ > 4Ktmh V i
John H , Comes
318 S. 15th Street ,
Range Building , Omaha , Neb.
Letter Filing Cabinets ,
Carbon Papers ,
Racine Automatic Letter Presses ,
Rockwell & Rupel's Impression
And Office Specifies.
O. S. WOOD iii M. D. ,
Homoeopathic I'liysliiSn ' and Surgeon.
K.V. . Cor. IStlirtiuvt encl Capitol aronuo
'J'eloplionoKtU. ,
UESIPENCKI ZXiODivonpoj-tMrcot. TolophonoTM.
Olllco llonra : 8 to ID a. ui , ( to t anil I ) tu 8 p. in.
Reclining 'hair Co.
Slont populur chair proJureit. llclnif rrcllnlne ,
oilnK. rvudlnKiml InTaltfl.tlinlr. Ills porfcot-
ly biiluiiccj un J nta Ihoha ly , ri'rfoctlr.
1 II , J , ArlFjftON. tJOLBAQEVT.
321 North 3iftoonth Stroot.
For scalds
uee Pond'a Extract.
III SoutU IStli St. , Ornah * .
Dealer in Artificial Ey ea
Soloctlona tent to by ocnruis to any part of
tt/e U , a.
The Majority
0 ! so-cMloilcoiiRli-curcido lllllft moro than
Impair the digestive function ! nnd crcit *
tlio. Aycr's Clicrty I'ccloral , on the coiv
trary , while It cure ) the cough , docs not In
terfere with tlio functions of cither stomacher
or liver. No other medlclno li so safe and
cfllc.iclotis In diseases ot the threat and
"Four y cars n go I took s e vcrc colJ , wblch
WM folloxvfd by n terrible cough. I wu
\ery sick , nnJ confined tomykd about ( our
iniMitlis. 1 cinplojcil a physician most ol
the \TliofltintlraaMI WM In ccnsiimr
tlon , awl tbatho coulil not lielpino. Oitoof
my neighbors mhlscil me ti > try Ayct's '
Cherry Pectoral. I did so , niul , before 1 h.iil
finished taking the first bottle wns nblo to
fit up all the time , and U > go out. lly tlio
tlmo 1 hail flnhlivdllio liottloascll \ , and
have ri'inalni'd so c cr since. " L. 1) ) . lllxby ,
Jtortoimlllo , Vt. - *
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
DR. J. 0. AYER& CO. , Lowell , MCasB.
Bold by all J Jruculsts. 1'rlcJ SI i ilx bollloe , (5 ,
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
The meat widely nna favorably know * poo-
lallswin the Unltoil States. Tliolr lonn ox-
Iiorh'noo. rormrk.ililoskill mid unl-remul auo-
cess In the trontiiiont nml euro of Nerrouo ,
Elironlo and tiuritlcnl P'soasos , tm'.ltln these
eminent physicians to tlio full confidence of
tliw nfUlcteiil ovorjrwhcrM. They nunrnntno :
the nwful oirortiof curly vice and the nuinor-
nun uvils that follow In its train ,
spiMMllly. eoniplclply r.tul ticriniun'ntljrciirwj.
OUDhUS ylolJ rtiadiiy to tuulr skillful trust.
" " " "
F'-iniutec'J cured without iialn or detention
lio.u tmBlno'is.
DuntlV and iiccpssrully onrcMl In ov ry onto.
mntorrhtm , Horulnn.YcrvUiiMs , lait Manhood ,
N'tKlit Emisulons , IJuiMyucl Faculties , I'om.ilo
\Vuaknoaa \ and nil < l :1lcato : disorders rocullnr
to flthor sex positively curoct9 < wull iui nil
fuiu'tlonnl disorders unit result ( ram youth-
( ul ( olll isor tliooxccsiof m ituro years.
< \ThMr"l'lI ttl' auiuxutciul uomiiine ntly
o A mv _ > i u AVIV ourcil removal oouinloto ,
without. outttiiB.caustic ordlliitulon. Ourci
atT < > cted At liumo by patient without a mo
ment's phtnor umioyanou.
A 9IITR rTiPT < The awful effects ot
OUlXD V UrvL , eariy vice nUlchbrlnn
prcnnio weakness Oostroyliu both tnlnd and
body , with nil It ] dreaded Ills , pormanunty
11R "RFTT Address these who bare Im.
U1\O. 1)1,1 iOpnirea themselves
by 1m-
proiirr Indulgence mid fiolltarv liiblti. which
rulnbnth nilii'l and body , unllttlna thoin (01
bunines1 ? , stud v'flr innrriiiRC.
MAUUIKD MEN or these ontcrlngon that
hiipy : lllo.awuraof iihyslcnldoblhty.qutokly
Is banfl npon fncU. Flnt-1'ractloaa ixperl-
enco , Dooond Every case Isipoclally otudltd ,
tbi'H itn-rtluR rl lit. Third MtdlolnM are
jrepared In our laboratory ox otly to aull
, iaon c&oo , thus Rffectlog euros without InJury.
Drs , Betts & Belts ,
0. L. Ei'ickHOii.Local Agent , OG N.lOth
I'liiiwi1 ' Rccliiiini Chair Co ,
Most pjpulnr chair nrndnood , Ilolnij re-
cllnlnv ru.stln ? ro.idliuaua iiivnllil olialr. It
Isp Tfcetly Inlnncpd nml UK the body por-
fectly. II. J. AfMlKSON.SoI
32 1 North Fifteenth Street.
( Ozone & Electricity ]
The Health Rostorinpr untl Life Giving
Force of Nuturo The World's Com
ing Great Modiciiio for Healing
the Siclc by Iteino/ing the
. Cause of the Disease.
Tlio public nro asked to earofully Invoxtl
aetu-thti iiaivcl ) ius results uttuiiilhiu the
( till" nunilorfiil iiiixlldiio , In Oiniilia but a
( ow weeks , but tliO'.o who liavo Invoblljntod
coulil not lii'lp bi'liiR convinced nfltsuorth.
.Nooiiocoulddouht In the fiico of sut'h cvl-
denciMH our mi ewseiiitfil sworn statements
niul < > mlortmi < uu from pliy lciam oniliiont
In their imilcsslmi , mid alicaily prouiliiunt
pltlzcns of Omahnaro .sn-iiKIn In uraliu o (
iii : > utrozine. ) Nuniliorcdiiiiinni ; them arc doc
tors lawyers , bunliors , cuntrictoit , landloids ,
sonio o ( wlioni Imve yent hundreds tit dol-
laM Inpiirsult of the hi'.ilth they hnvo loiuiil
In u few woelis" use o ( ISleetrcuoiic. Tlioy
Uuvu stMit It to their filciKU east UK fur as
Now York ! \U" > t. nsDoiivtr : houtli , Tar as
Tcvua , imcl mirth , to M. I'aul. Thtso nro
fuels. Wo liavu nutu ro's honest rcmody , All
wo ask It mi hoiiust Iiiu"alj'utl < m mid triul.
\Vo want the facts known. "An oiincu of
fuel Is worth a pound of theory. " AUnny -
ono who hasusod I'.loctiiutniBlr Itvlll cum.
If It Is jjlousiint and liunnlciss ,'ctm/ono h
a toulu for the systoni , n purlllor fur the
blood , and nlriiodSeiv'uponndostroycr. The
only roniocly of JUi kind In the \vorUI. The
pooiilo o\ pert wonderful results cotnuaroU
wllh tlio riNiilt of olil-tlino productions ]
thuv o.vioot | euros burUerliii ? almost on tlio
inlruiHiluun and they uru not boInK dlsap-
polnted , ItUciirlnx tliepoonlo. Wo uru ho rote
to pro v 0 tin1 viluo of Kluutiu/oiiolit chronlo
uml lonsBtunllns'll ( oa''es us wull as rnoro recent -
cent mid as n prevent Ivo In i-onti [ lou l-
ou dlscuson. I.ouru how to Use It tind keep
fricc , Small Large , $2.
Ask your dmcRlst Jot it. If he docs tiot
kiep It send to Jlcud quart on ,
707 S. 1 ( Jill St. , Omnlin , Neb.
Bwdna for Hjitrla , Dlislnm. Titi , K nr let , Wakd
lun nllint l Iwprtulqn. Bolienlni of lliu Iirtla , ra *
ulllntr In lutinlty il IKodliiir to iniiet ; il r v nnj
< ] o th. PriniAtur Old Airt > , Iiai ntnnititm. Lots u ( Fowar
iaclttmr MX , InroIunUry Loi-e , * na Burmitorrbcoa
iii ( l IIT or rf * rtlo-\ tit thn trtln , Hlr-Jl-un - or
OT r-liuliftncu. ! Kachbox contftlsioii * RonlL'lr au
ncnt. ll&boi , or ill fort ) . * Mt Iir null uriptld.
With f ch ordtr for iii toi . will na purrbuar
iuir utve to rifund ocne ; K tin Irvmutni ( UU ( o
nn. Uuir ntw > IwutJ uid > tiu ioM > ldialr bi
lllOFarnutaStrett , - Omaha Nib.
Dirkerlllock , ISlhuud Ktmitm. TelcpbonetJI
O..T. S\tiTit , 1'ros , .
\V. H. \ 1' O. . U MI-ITIN. ir.LiA.MH i-t'P. , Trcas. Incorporated. Capital Stool ; , JSOJ.OCO. av > NOUTII MTII bT ,
Make a specialty of exchanging property , both real and personal -
sonal , buying and selling of business chances ,
Conveyancing , Notary "Work.
Paying Taxes for Non-residents ,
Loaning Money on Real Estate.
and General L.and Business.
Real Estate and Investment Kgsnt ,
Plrst Mortgage Loans I.owpt Hntri.Tii3co8l'iild. _ _ Uonti Collcotod.
o ll t ofIniiiovt'lniiil _ _ | Unimproved 1'ropprty KnrSalo and K ol'niiKa. '
Van Beurcn Real Estate Apcj.
II one County. Nebraska , Improved and Unimproved I.andn nt Lowest I'rlco and Kaiy Teimi
Is unsurpasiied In tlio trcutiiiunt ot all
forms of
Strlotuio , Syphilis , I < est M.inliooa , Skin 1)I -
ouses and Kenialo Discuses , iir. McOrew'8
siicccxs In tliu Irimtmi'iitot thuahovo Ulheases
baHiiuvcr buuniHinalod. A euro Isuiiaruntnud
without thu loss lit nn horns time. Write
for circulars. hADlKS. from 2 lo 4 only.
Olllco , Cor. Ilth nnd I'm 11:1111 : St.s. , Umaha ,
Neb. Kntratico on cither btroet.
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $40OOOO
flurptUB Jan. 1st , 189O - B7.0OO
Offle riukd Dlroetori"Henrr W , Ynte , l > re lil n )
VUot , Joh'na. Coillni , ll.'c. OuihlMkJ.a % B
W. n. B. IlugUen , cublor.
Cornir Uth mil 7 rnnra Sti.
4 General IlankliiK OuiliiosiTrans&ctoil
A Kull Sot of Tootb.
un linbbor , fur
_ , . _ _ KlVK Ddl.HltS.
A perfect fit ( ruarimtoed. Teeth pUruotod
without pivln or danger , ami wltlout aiiaes-
thotlos. Gold aiifl silver 1111 iiKij at lowest
ratesL nrlclpo nnd Orown Work. 'Icotb wltu-
ontnluti'i Allwnrlf wnrrantcil
Entrance , lOlli Btroet ulovutor Upon ovou-
' '
Bufferln from Uia rtlecU of jouthful rrror , ftrtf
decay , wutlnftweakueu , loa maolicxxl.d ,1 will
Mail a fuliiuiilu trutlifl ( waleiii wntalnlni ? full
HrtlciiUr * for homo rur . I'lll'.li or il > trK . A
Iilendldmodlctl work : houlu IM * riau ty fvftf
xn&a wto IA D rrout and doltllttAU > d. A < 1dret
Viof. V , C , l'O\VLIiH , ! Uooau , Cuuii4
id and Surpl lostitolc
Coriior Oth. and Hamey StrootJ , Omaln.
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DE. A. T. MoLAUQHLIN , President.
Founded by Dr. J. "W. ,11 .111 x n r.
I'rnttlco limited to
Ulicnscsof tlio
\crvous System
nrluillnR Neuralgia ,
'nrnlyHln , JCpllep.-r ,
utnlcptjr , Hyntero
Slillcpny , Con vii I -
ilons , hnlnnl Jrrltn-
Ion , Itlicunmtltm ,
"lironlo jMiolio1i > m ,
s'orvons Ik'Hrtiichc.
Nervous I'rontrutlun
ronsumptlon niul nil
llooniMSIO to 3W ,
of Debility , Iiniioleiiuy , U'uHkniDii'iu ] ot
crutMiis , I.OHSCSKvll rnrpboillnga ,
, htuutfiKlruwtliH.utc. firrfimlva
v lisa " .iVlfillotlMlfy M/Al pr > r . "
I inal iMl fnf for llmllnl
Jro. . itnimio. n. v.
Tliuusanda of Uuarniilicd ImllmmilaU tliut
ill un Hrrvlce , I'ltin lOdge Auonoy , Ho n 111
Dakntu , DecuiiitorSiitli , IWHli Kimlcil proposnls ,
: in < lnised "l'roiio-.alH fur Kluld bfi'iU , " anil ad-
Ircssed to the nnilerhlined ut I'lno HlUk't )
AKuncy. Hhnnnon r i. , South Dakotii , will ho
rm-clved nt tblH ngonoy until ono o'clock nt
luminry 'M , Ml , for fnrnlshlim for this
ai ; iicy niul clollvorliiK tbo sumo ut Kushvllli1 ,
NobrnHldi , nlioiit 500 Inihbuls of necil wliuat.
CUO husluilHof scod ] ) otitH'S,4i'0 : liusliolsof Hui'ii
outs nnd 1V > biihlirls of heed corn. Illilclors
ninststiito the proposed pilcn of i-ach tirtloto
to huofl'ertd forutillvciy nniluru contiuut.
CiTllfleil OhtinliB.
ICiicli bldmiiHt bo uci'oiiiiiiiiill ! liyacurtlflrd
olicokor diiifl iipoiiHOinn iJiiltt'dblatusdeixis-
Itory , tiiudopiiyiililo to tbooriliirnt tbo undersigned -
signed , for ut luiHt II > o pur ( en tot the amount
of the proposal , which check or draft will liu
forfeited in the United States In cuso nny bid-
( li-ror bldiluM roeulvliiK un awuid sliull full to
promptly luouiitu a conti'iict with KOOI ! und
siillloloiitsiirotles. otln'rwlsn lo liu returned to
the hlddur. D. K. KOVlUt , U. S. Indian Auunt.
htuekholdoi-H' .Mooting.
OMAHA , Nnb. . Doc. IP. 1ROO.
Notlco Is liornby clven that thn ,11111111 ! niuot-
IIIK of thu f > toukliildoia ( of Itlui Union uluvntor
coiiiiiuny for tlio purpoiu of ( ilcotltiK novun
dluiulori , niul such other bunnies * as may
properly com heforu Hit ) meeting will lie hold
at tliHollleoof Juhn M. Thiirston , Union I'a-
olIlulMilUlliiK. Oiimhn , Nub. , upon Mondaytbo
Mb dny of January , Ibiil. bntwoun thu lioma of
10 o'clock n. m. mill 0 o'ulouk p. in ,
W , J. OAIIIIOI.I , Assliituntt'onrotary. '
OMAHA , Nub. , Due , 0.1800.
Notlco la licrohy elven that tins iiiiniiiil meet
ing of tbo stookliiihliirH ( if tlin Omaha & Klk-
liorn Valley railway Icnmpaiiy for the iiurpovti
of oh'otlnx Hovrn ( llinctorti anil siicb ether
IjiiHliiohs as may iiroimrly cuinu hoforu thu
nicLaliiK , will bo liuld nt thu nllli'eof John M ,
Tliimum Union 1'iiclllo Inilldliii ; , Onmliu ,
Nob. , upon Wcdnehday , the 7th iluy of Jan
uary , Ibul , at 10 o'ulock it , in ,
\V.J. OAIIHOI.I. , AHsUtanlSonrrtary.
OMAHA. Nolir/isliu. Diii'cintiir'JI. ISM.
Notlcn Ulioruhy Riven tluit tlHiiiiinualniout-
Inx of the Htoeklioldvrs of the Union I-iunl
( /'Diiilniny for the ulritlon nf Uvu ( llrfctom ,
IIIK ! biitli ether liuslncss IIH may proiicrlycome
liffciru tlio inciting , will ho lirlil In tliocoin-
piiny'i ) otllc'O lit Oiniiliii , NcliniHUii , on Monday ,
thu mil duy of Janiiury , HU , lit IU oVIook
a. in. \V. J. Olltiioi.L , , AssUtunt f-i--rctiiry.
v rclliljle , iKrfu-tlr wfe. inoit ixwiTfulftiniU
rrif'inortf&uw never full , tin iwn , iKN.tiulil | i cn bii
nu/Ucllul. / iMriMi I ION liM'll Kt ( lulIoJu , $ . T.
boiaTy UOUUJJA.V uiiUii yo.