Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1891, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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ho business of this houso. "With on ftvorftfro
t 1,500 , employes on the pay roll , nnd as blgh
Us 1W)7 , nt ono tlmo , wltli an annunl pay roll
pf more man 1700,000. tbls bouso in Itself is
llttlo loss than it small city , The retail meat
market docs a business of nearly f 1,000 , per
BLAunitTrniNO IN 1690.
No. killed. dross w'gb't Total coat ,
" ' ' ' ' ' '
' '
< * nttlo. . . . . . . Htw7 : w'iin'Bi5 3l2or | | > i84o !
Ehcep. 15,771 t.OOa.848 tH.7ni.Bl
aU.3CO.2IO f01373M0.4a
Ar , Cost per
Nutnbor. Av. Wt , perhuad 100 Ibs.
< XG.V SCO I O.Ki M.07
. 8SVI87 1,015 33.63 3..J
lihccn. . . . 15,771 101 4.47 4.43
Vcar. How. Cattle. Sbccp.
Jf < SS 4K7.I43 0,741 I.SBS
I 3K ) 470..WJ 61,13) 0.4KU
JfcOO G0,800 | 68.a07 13,771
Ifoci Cattlo. Sheep.
D.OJO 1,000 0"0
p. 8. short ribs . 2fl.S08.05S
J ) . H. short clears . HKOWE
J ) . H. lonucloars . 82.V08 ! !
J ) . 8. boillci . ; . 10.072
1) . KHliouiacrs . 487,011)
Otlicr I ) . S. moats . anS3iM ;
8. IMmiMH . 15.mi.H88
H. I' , shoulders . S.ffiSWWB
OthorH. I' ' , moats . Ilir77iw , :
lliirrolleil pork . il7.K/7 ( bbls
llurrcllvil beef . . . JH.G'JO bbls
dinned moats ( lioj : prod net ) . 3RGIc.l : )
CiimiiMt tiiciitHiboof product ) . H,4KliSO
Hoslialrand furtlllrcr . 0.11I.807
t-'attlo and sheep foitlllzcr . ilC4iSI.5 !
l.unl . 2a.Mi .74B
Tallow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tlio O. II. llnminoiiil Cnmiiniiy.
In 1880 Ocorgo II. Hnmmond ft Co. sold the
entire plant to a company of eastern and
European capitalists nnd the immo of the
company was changed to tlio G , II. Hammond
company. Tbo ofllccrs nro O.V. . Simpson ,
president , Chicago ; J. D. Stnndish , secretary
nnd treasurer , Chicago ; A. Nitnino , assistant
treasurer , Chicago , and Ily II. Mcdny , South
Omaha , superintendent. TUo bouso is the old
est and onu of the most prosperous in the west
I under the management of Super
intendent Mcdny. Largo brick additions
wcro erected late in 18SU. supplied with all
modern improvements. Uy ttieso improve
ments tbo capacity of the house was almost
doubled , and during the phenomenal year of
18'JO Its fullest capacity was taxed nlmost all
tbo tlmo. Tbo foundation hns been hid for
nn irmnonso brick structure to replace the
nmlu buildings. It wis tlio intention to tear
down tbo old structure Justus fastns the new
ono was erected , not oven stoppin slaughter-
ing for a day. The plant is ocntcd In the
Union stockyards "V" west of the Union
Pacific trucks nnd mld\vny between the Kx-
cbnngo crossing nnd Q strcot. During sev
eral years tbls was the only house nt this
point that slaughtered bogs , cnttlo , sheep and
calves. The plant Is supplied with n com
plete electric light system , an electric lire
nlnrir , 'pystcm , watchmen and house police
men reporting nearly ono thousand times
from every purl of the building every night
nnd on excellent lire brigade , equipped with
every convenience , lioth lending nnd un
loading trades connect till tbo railroads di
rectly with the houso.
ELAfOUir.llI.NnS IN 18'JO.
Number Totnl Totnl
killed. wnlKht. cent ,
lion * 1I5MM 3lr.7lliO : fI.574fS501
micepi ! . ' . ' ! ! ! ! . " . ' . ' . ' . ! ! ! " ! " iiui ! ; ) I.'W.TIO uiuui
NumAT. . Costpor. Uot per
tier. > wt. hcaii. 1UO Ibi.
HOBS 14SW1I 237 18.74 t't.CJ
Cnttlo Wail 1,129 89.4i 8.49
Sheep 11,000 103 4.81 4.71
B. P. menu G,4'.VKn
I ) . B. mcnts .
4,4 < " .r > , l18
I.nrd , 4iwa,445
Tallow 4.784.KU
The average number of cmploves during
1800 was 875 nnd tbo total pay roll was $107-
622.03 , giving nn average of $5'JObO per year
for each employe.
The Oiimhn 1'iiuklnjCompany. .
The Omaha packing company , plant
originally erected by the Fowler pack-
ipg company , is ono of the pioneer
neer packing plants of tbo city.
Its growth under President P. L. Underwood
of CMcngonnd Superintendent James Vlles ,
] r. , of Omaha , has been commensurate with
the growth of the packltiK business at this
point. The several departments of this
plant will plvo an idea of Its magnitude nnd
tno yearly slaughterings will tell the Impor
tance of the company's ' business.
Tbo following ore the several departments
within the IIURO brick walls of this plant :
Main building , 100 by 12S feet , 4 stories ; of
fices. 112 by 100 feet , S stories ; bcof house. 'Q
by 110 feet. B stories ; smokehouse , 5t by 110
foot. 4 stories : warerooni , 113 by IfM feet , a
stories : urctlo room , 32 by 3'J feet , U stories ;
blacksmith shops , 80 by 7(1 ( feet ; boiler rooms.
82 by 01 feet ; killing rooms. 50 by lS.r. feet , 3
stories ; gut rooms , ( JO by Co foot ; killing nnd
blood rooms , 10 by 10 feet , 4 storlos ; fertiliz
ing dopnrtmont , CO by 75 feet , and suck
room , 10 by 20 feot. Besides those are the
rotnll market , 82 by Cl feet ; Ice houses , 00 by
110 feet , with n capacity of O.OuO tons , nnd
sheds nnd pens to nccomodato 00 cattle nrad
0,000 bogs per day. . The plant Is equipped
with 9 boilers 75 horse power each and 3
engines of 125 horse power each. Three 135
horse power engines uro propelled
"by stcnm from two 100 horse power
boilers , furnishing 200 Incandescent lights.
During ono day 32S3 hogs have been slaugh
tered In this house.
I' - . BLAUailTEnlNIIS IN' 18M.
" " No. Killed. Totnl Wolclit. Totnl Cost.
Cattlo. i. B.f > lU WII..I.'H )
Hhotp , ; . . . , . . . . . . 1.55U 157,159
.Av. Wt. Av. Cost Av. Coit
No. " I'erllcml. 1'crloo Ibs
) IoR- . , , 3M1.1SI - . > fkS f U.UJ M.75
ruttiu Mil" Iu5i ; u.33 : ; . : ;
tSlCOr 1.V.V > 101 4.47 4.4J
I'lionucTioN roc.vns.
R. P. llnui.i 12,1I4ASI
B. H.HIdim 3I.41I.OU
1) . H. . ' ; . ' ' ' , - . ' . ' , ' . . . . ! ! " . " . ! ' . ! . ) ! . ' : > Iia ; )
1' . H. I.uril 15r > IT..NJ
rortllUur 2,11.13,713
Sovcnty-two per cenfof the llvo weight Is
o btnlncd of packing house products.
Your. Itocs. Oitllo. Sheen. !
JSSS GU,7 ) 1 HtJ 2CJ
jgau ! I.'JJO 2.H''I ' 1.5J.1 .
ifM aMijjsi ; wis iOU
ANNUAL CAtl Ijllll'MEKTrt. iOUM.
18.SS. 18S1 . 1KX ) .
Ko. Car Sil7 U.WJ 4.M2
Ycnr. Suit , Coal.
my 2. > 7 JCT
isyo 'MI IX
A Test l ot of llo-ii.
To those unfamiliar with the business of
I'n bcof and pork packing it Is dtftlcult to con
voy any adequate idea of the nilnutiu of the
business. To the popular mind the name of
n packing house suggests very llttlo nsldo
from the slaughter nnd mila of animals in
tended for food. It Is generally recognized
ns being the source of grcut wealth , but at
the sumo time is regarded as not a very gen
tcel business. The fact Is entirely overlooked
that In a modern packing house the greatest '
discoveries of science are united with prac
tical experience to a degree .found In few
other lines of manufacture , and that the
whole operation Is conducted on tun most
exact principles of science and business , The
concentration of vast capital has done away
with the clumsy methods prevalent iu tbo
country slaughter houses of only a few years
ngo , where the hldo and the /ore quarters
only of a bullock were preserved nnd the bal
ance thrown into the back yard to offend tbo
nostrils of iiooplo for miles around. Improved
methods , with unlimited capital , have made
it possible to conduct the business on a scale
not dreamed of twenty years ago. The man-
ngersof the great packing houses have con
stantly striven to solve the problem of how to
convert an animal Into manufactured product
without any loss , and they have BO far suc
n ceeded that it has been facetiously said that
When on nnlinal Is slaughtered in ono of the
largo Omaha houses nothing but the breath
is lost , and that experiments wore being
nrndo for bottling and prcsorviuu' oven that
for use. It is an Interesting study to visit
one oftliobo houses nnd BOO how every pnr-
tlclo of an animal , flesh and blood , bone nnd
sinew , is converted Into some marketable
product. The scrutinizing care with which
everything Is done , the necunicy wltb which
superintendents and employes conduct oven
the most minutti detail , nnd the detecting eye
on every handler , from the buyer to the last
eollor , Is truly surprising to every one who
becomes familiar with the business. It would
bo Impossible to explain all the various moth *
ods by which the business hut been reduced
to such a perfect system , but a practical example -
ample In ono department may servo to glvo
ftomoldoo , Durlng-lSPO wo ore told that In
round numbers 1,400,000 hogs were slaugh
tered In Soulh Omaha. The product manu
factured was sold , some of It n day or two
after the animal was slaughtered , some was
held for a week or two nnd some of it oven
for several months. The question is , how
can the packers keep any close track on the
business when ills of such , extent and when
the animal Is divided up Into so many differ
ent products which are sold nt different
times. The fact Is that the pucker can tell nt
anytime exactly what hols petting , on an
overage , out of each nnlmnl killed. In the
first piaco every purchase of BtOuk Is separ
ately weighed , slaughtered ana booked so
that the Judgment of the buyer Is as much
under the eye of the superintendent as the
Helling ublllty of the salesmen or the accu
racy of the bookkeepers. The following leaf ,
copied from n pncKor's book will show tholr
method of keeping accounts. It this Instance
it wns a test lot of 180 hogs , bought Novem
ber 14 , at fcl.7t per cwt. They wcro cut up
nnd put on the market November IS. when
the price of provisions was as shown in the
No. Description , ATO , Welshl , . 1'rlco. Amount
8S r.leht hniii.s 13 Mia 7K d W
IM aiKllum INIIIIM 17 " '
23 Heavy limns 21
19 Kcnlpnr limii : < _ . ' . . .17
.1 Kaon llnil'pil li.ims.3) )
" " N. V. MiniiMer. 10
18 Hklmioil nliniilrtcrs.1.1
I'll ' Heavy Cnl. hum * . . . Vi
l.luht Cnl. Imnu. . . 7
5U I ) . 8. Miortrlln .
W I ) . H. dliott clears. .19
IS Ixing clean ) . U )
ll'J Koitcrpnrk . 8
butts .
. . . Hpnrcrlbs.
m iiiiiiiroct. : . . " . " . . ' , " . " . ' . "
500 Koro foot
. . . Tcmli'rlolns
I'ork trimmings. .
Keck Hones
I'ork fat
Totnl . KVG9
J. nf liml . 1-B.l ( US 82 10
Jlom'heaiU . l.SID 1 18 10
llttin fuclDKs . S'.O 4.10 IT 1(1 (
Live cost. 41.G10 Ibs. , OM3.75..7.7. . " "i5lt W
1'rollt . 23 SI
Profit porh OK . 19
Ylold , 79.3 pur TP nt.
l.lvo nvcrnne , TT8 11) ! . 1 dead nrornge , ISO Ibs.
Cold wolitlits . W.Clrt
Cutting tlirlukaKO . 757
Slirlnkneo 1ATJ
From this It will bo seen that the packer
was able to figure out the exact profit made
on cacli hog , wtilch , in this case , was llc. )
In tlio same way they arc nblo to tell the
profit made on every bunch of cattle and the
buyer , by means of this information , is en
abled to judge in what kind of cattle lays the
most prollt and what price ho can afford to
Kan < ; < ) Cattle KccL-lpts.
The following comparative table will show
the receipts of range euttlo for the season of
1SSU and 1SOO :
[ The receipts for the five months of 1939
and 1S90 is given In the following table ] .
ism. iss9.
JlllT IO/-S2 19,464
August , V..fV 17.WJ
September ayt'JO 27,323
October : ilIUI 27,119
November IS.UH 11 , < JU
Totnl W,270 1011,353
The receipts for April , May and Juno 1800 ,
wore :
April 4,995
Jlny 7.106
Juno 7.UU
Totnl 19,175
The total receipts for the eight months of
IS'.K ' ) were 118,4-15 head of all kinds. The
lightest receipts In any ono month was in
April , when only 4UUo , were received ana the
heuviost in October , when 81,194 head of all
kinds wcro marketed.
1'auklnt ; House Shipments.
The following ; table gives the shipments
In carload lots frum ttio several packing
houses and over the various railroads for the
twelve months , commencing December 1 ,
1689 , and ending- November 0,1SOO :
Iowa Stock HocctplB.
During the year 0,150 carloads of stock
were received from Iowa nt these yards ,
while 1,500 , carloads wore received from other
eastern and northern states. The patronage
from Iowa points the past year has increased
over tbo year preceding nt least 00 per cent
nnd indicates that shippers from western
Iowa nro rapidly realizing that South Omaha
Is the market for their stock.
South Oiunbn Mvo Stnnk K.xoliiuige.
The South Omaha Llvo Stock exchange has
n membership of ISO , is a chartered company ,
nnd is ono of tbo potent factors in protecting
the rights nnd serving the Interest of ship
pers of stock In this mnrkot. It Is a member
of the National Llvo Stock cxuhungo. The
initiation fee is $ 0. The regular meetings
are hold the Ill's L Monday of ouch month. The
ofllccrs and committees nro ; J. A. Hake ,
president ; M. H. Murphy , vice president ; H.
C. Uostwlek , treasurer ; A. L. Lott , secreta
ry. Board of directors : J. D. Dadlsman.Ab.
AVaggonor , H. Gllchrist , J. H. nianchurd ,
Albert Noe. Committee of arbitration : Ab.
Waggoner , George W. Jackson , Jumes Foley ,
Provision Inspector.
Chlof Provision Inspector George W. Mas-
son , of the Omaha board of trade , reports
that during the year ho Inspected , weighed
nnd certified 0,101,014 pounds of moats and
packing house products. This careful double
inspection , by Inspector Howard of livestock
on its arrival nnd Provision Inspector Mas-
son. insures tlio wholcsomoncss of all meats
shipped from this point. To this may bo
aptly nddod the remark of President Under
wood of Chicago , of tbo Omaha and Fowler
packing companies , that "Oinuha receives
the best meats ul any center iu America. "
Obcrnes' Ilnmlprlinj Works.
The rendering works of George and George
N. Oberno nro located on the Union Pacific ,
Chicago , Uock Island & Pacific nnd Union
stockyards railroad tracks , in tlio southern
part ot the city , n short dUtnnco below the
packing houses of Swift & Co. The works
liuvo n capacity of 100 hogs and " 5 cattle per
day. FnyottoS. Hush is the resident man
ager. _
Union Itonilorlng Company.
The Union rendering company has a ennl-
tal of ? 100,000. .The plant is located atPlutto ,
ten miles south of this city , on the D. & M.
railroad , near Uollovuo. The capacity of the
plant is aw hoes nnd 150 cnttlo per day. The
ofllcors nro Kdwurd A. Cudahv , president ;
A. C. Foster , vice president ; John Forbes
secretary anil treasurer.
Disposition nrstnuk.
The following tnblos will show the monthly
disposition of stock during the last thirteen
mouths with the purchases made by the sov *
oral packing houses combined.
December , 1880.
BwlftA : Co 12 , HI
OoorRu H Iliumnniul & Co B/'ll '
Tno Arnmur-Cudnliy packing comiKiuy. . 11fti
The Umuliu packing company ftiM *
Shippers , ftodots aud othur buyers 15,407
Total "as.oa
Ttie Arniour-Oudaby packing company , . 63,570
Tlio Omnhn packing company lO.fl'.o '
Swift & I'o , U.KI7
( iuorio II. Hammond & Co , . , 13'Jol
Bulupora , feeders uud uthor buyer * 4tUU
Total 1X1,935
81IKEI * .
The Armour-CuJaby pnoU'luj ; company , TO
HwlfUV Co. . . . . , ft
Goorgu II. Ilainmond i. Co 013
Shippers , feeders nnd other buyers 4.089
Total 6.W3
January , 1800.
SwUt&Co , . 13.402
flpomo II , ttarnmond A On. . . . . 6,389
The Armuur-Cudahy packing company. . 0,291
Omiha packing company Ml
( shippers , feeders and other buyers .12,001
Total .45,500
The Artnour-Cutlnhy packinR company..42RVI (
Omalm packing company 29.RV )
HwlttACo 7 . . . . : 11.7110
U. U. IInmmond& Co 13,77 *
Shippers , feeders and other buyers -Mi
Total 03,181
The Arrnpur-Oudnhy packlnR company. . 0004
b. . * ' ( " ' ! ! ! ! . ' . ' . ' ! ! ! ! . " . ' ! ! ! , ' ! T.MI
Bhlppora , feeders uud ether buyers & . -1U
Total 0 , ;
February ,
Swlftft Co . .2 ! > 3
Coorgo II. Ilnmmond k Co . 0,871
The Armour-Cuclaliy Tacklnc company. 4.K1S
ThoUmnlm 1'aokliig company . "
yiilppors , fuedorsund otherbuycrs . . 21.005
Total . . 41,471
The Amiour-Cudnhy Packing company. 23,9 0
ThnUmnhn Packing company . 14,801
Swift & Co . f. . . . . . . . . 11.811
George II. Hammond & Co . 12,104
Total . . 74.C51
The Armour-Cudaby Packing company. l.Oftl
Hwlfuv Co . y,81"
UeorKC II. Hammond & Co . . . . . > 7
Shippers , feeders and other buyeis . 700
Swift .t Co . lM7fi
( Ii-orKO II. Ilainmond & Co . . . . . 8.424
The Arnionr-Ondiihy jiiicUlne eoinpuny. 7KI ( )
TSI Umaha packing company . 439
Hhlppors , feeders and other buyers . . 23,034
Total . . . 00,450
The Armniir-Gudnhy pncklms company. 31,012
The Uninha packing company . itf : > .v. )
Swift * To . 21.1)03 )
Oeoritoll. llaininond & Co . l'A7. > 9
Shippers , teedersund other buyers . 7U8
Total . . . 72,070
8 11 KB P.
Tbo Armour-Cudnhy packing company. 1,101
. . . . . . . . ,
OcorRO H. Hammond A ; Co . l.OSMI
Shlppora , fuodorsand other buyers . 2,1 4 tl
Total . 8,040
Swift A ; Co 14Cr-
OcorKO H. llatiunoiid &Co 6,1107
The Armour-Ciuhiby packlnK company. 48a |
The Onuihapiicklnv eoinpuny ( < n < )
Shippers , feeders und ether buyers 20,707
Total 57,009
The Armour-Cudahy packing company. 40,7X1
The OIIKIlui packing eoinpuny 21,2711
SwIft&Co 10tlO :
Qearro II. Hammond & Co II , 81
Shippers , feeders and other buyers 2,500
Total f9,701) )
The Armour-Cudahy packing company. CS2
Swift * Co 3,171
OoorgoII. HiiiiinioiKl > tOi > 1 , : > 27
Shllors ) | , feeders and ether buyers U40
Total 0.320
Oeorco II. Hammond A Co .
The Armour-Ouduhy packinir company.
The Omaha packing eoinpuny . . . . .
Shippers , feed cia and othur buyers .
Total . : . 03.237
The Armour-Cudahy packing compnny.
Thu Omaha pnokliiR eonipany . : w,771
Swift * Co . . 12fi2l >
fioorfio II. Hiiminond&Co . lO.Wil
bhlppcrs , feeders nnu other htiyors . GObO
Total . 157.2S3
Tlio Arnionr-Oudnliy packing company. 1.321
Swift * Co . . . . . . . J.11C
OviirKO li. Hammond & Co . 4C !
Shippers , feeders and other buyers . 11
Swift * Co . - 12.142
( icurgo II. Ilummoml A Co 5.0'JL'
The Arinour-Oudiihy packing company. G.l.VS
The Omaha packing coiiipiiiiny SiO
Shippers , feeders nnd othur buyers S2ici :
Total 45.1i2 !
Tlio Armour-Oudahy packing company. M,598
The Uinahap'ackhu company fir : > : i
Swift iScCu 23,070
Guor o U. Uitminond ft ( Jo 0,302
Shlupcrs , focdors and olhor buyers
Total 157,031
The Annoiir-CuOahy iiacklng company. 431
Swift * Co 1.0C4
Gi-orRO li. Hiitiimona & Co 100
Shlpuurs , feeders and ether buyers 707
Total 3,021
SwlftOo- . 13,773
Ooorco II. ll.tmmond & Co . 6,731
The Aruiour-Cudahy. I'lieklng Co . 6.m2
TlinOnmnal'aukliiKCo . 211
Shippers , feeders and ether buyers . 2.X001
Total . 40.1U1
The Armonr-Cudahy Packing Co . 74,003
Tim Onmlin 1'nukliiK Co . 52.760
Swift * Co . 1H.371
Overgo II. Hammond fe Co . 8 , . " > 0 *
Shippers , feeders and other buyers . IM.S1L1
Thu Annour-Ciidaliy 1'acklng Co . ail
Swlft.t Co . 1..V.I7
( ! eor o II. Uammond & Co . 2U
Slilppcrs , feeders and other buyers . 1IIU
Total . . . 8,810
Swift * Co 11,021
( icorcoH. Hummond. Co f > , : ini
The Armoiir-Ciidaliy I'ncklni ; company. C"J1
Thu Omaha piioklng eoinpuny 2-"j
Shippers , feeders und other Uuyora l,7i'l ;
Total - „ 41,574
The Arinoiir-Oudahy packing company. ( M.fSI
The Unmlin packing company S2.2I3
Swift * Co 2t.,7'.i :
fluorKu II. llamiuond .S : Co 12.2NS
Shippers , feeders and other buyers bUM8
Totnl 211,511
The Armour-Cudahy packing company. 253
Swift &Co , . i,8ll !
Hoorga 11. Hammond * Co 312
Shlppols , feeders nnu other buyers an
Total JC07
Swift * 0o 13,741
The O , H. Hammond Co 4fv )
The Arinour-Cuduhy I'acklni ; company. 8.1MO
Tlio Omaha I'uoklni ? ooiupany jm
Shippers , feeders und other buyers 27biiU
Total 53,591
lines ,
The Armour-Cudahy Packing company. 32.931
The Onmliu I'nuklng company 17,730
Swift * Co I8ol2 ;
The O. II. llainmoiul company 12,131
Shippers , feeders and other buyers &G.2UO
r i -r
Total 137,004
The Armour-Oudahy 1'acklng company. 607
swiftco r. . . . . . a,8io
Thn U , H , Hammond company 470
Shippers , feeders and other buyers 1M7
Total. . . . . . . . . 0,343
Swift * Co 18.134
ThoO. II. Hnmmoncl company B4Ul
The Arniour-Oudnhy packliif : company. .
Thu Omalm puoklng comimny 319
Shlppur : , , feeders uud other buyers. . . . . . . 41,670 (
Total 74,513
The Armour-Oudahy packing company. 67,800
The Omahu packing company 3..stS
Swift &Co 29,073
ThoO. II , Hammond company 15,271
Shippers , feeders nnd-othor buyers . StMPO
Total . . ' . 10MJ3
The Armour-Oudaliy packing company. (24 (
Swift &co . < . : !
ThoO. H. Hammond company . -W
Shippers , feeders and other buyers
Total . . . . . . 7,13l
Swift A : Co 10.300
ThoO. It , Hammond comtwnr ilro
The Armour-Ouilaliy1 nuuKliiff company. 0.5iil
The Omaha packing t'omnnny 2 < w
Shippers , feeders nnd other buyers 22.440
Total 45,100
ThoArmotir-Cuilahrimcklnn company. 7. > ,219
ThoOmaha ptickliig company 43,021
Swift & Co. ! V
TlioU. 11 , Iliuiiinoiiil coiiiiiaiiy 1:1.III : !
Shippers , feeders and other buy on lg.014
Total . 131,378
The Arm our-Cud any pnoklag company. 3S7
SwIft&Co J.P3H
ThoO. II. Hammond company 075
Shippers , feedurs and other buyers 5.481
Total . 8.779
December , 18UO.
Swift < fc Company , - . . 0,341 :
TheO , H. Hnmmond company 4.731
ThoUiiilahy packing company 7.227
ThoOmaha paukliiK company --t
Shippers , feeders aud other buyers. . . . 1C.71B
Total "w.233
ThoCudahy packing company G2.P97
ThoOiiiiihn packing company S ,732
Swift A : Comiciny 2 , " > ,4N )
TheO , 11. Haintnond comnany 12,213
Shippers , feeders and otlier , buyers. . . . 21.OS !
Total 150,100
ThoCiidr.hy packing company. . . . . 433
Swift Ac Company 1.0S3
TheO. H , Ilainmond eoinpuny . f-'l '
Shippers , feeders and other buyers Gil
Total : i,833
Digt'OsmoN or STOCK IN 1600.
Swift & Co 171,313
TlioO. H. Hammond company 75.001
Thot'iidiihy packing company M.123
Umaha packing company 4ir > 9
Shippers , feeders and other buyers 200,591
Total G352S3
The Cud ah v packing company Kl" , 782
Oinnlin iiackliiK eoinpuny 4I0.1C !
Swift * Co : 2'O.WO '
ThoO. 11 , Hammond company 14(1,812 (
Shippers , feeders and other bu > ers 2.VJS72
Total . 1,001,033
The Ond rihy packing company
swift & Co. .
Tlujtt. II. llninmotid company
Shippers , feeders aud other buyers . SJ.OOi !
Total . 61,570
Gross Totnl
Iloueo. No. Killed. Woleht. Cost.
Swirt A co . rjturj MHistts
Onrilni I'ncklnK Co.tef.OS4 : 10.1,4.13.200 (
( J. II. Ililliiinonit Co. . . .115814 ; U,570,4 ! ) 1 , I5.V01 ( !
C'Ulllllljr 1'iicllllg Co..WiyW ( laB-)07.Xa ( ) GISI,2 , 4.62
Total . 1,401,733 2
Nnmlicr Oross
Tloii o Klllttl WelKht Totnl Cost.
Swift .V Co . 1.71.8(3 ( ICS.SS7.76d S . ,
< J. ll.Hrniiiiionii Co. . 72.2lil Sl.dld.a'lO 2,8. ' > O'J > ; I.0 ;
Omiilni 1'ucklllK Co. . : i,59 ! 3i'Vl.Va 12UC7.0B
CuOuliy 1'uckliif Co. . SS7 03,443,616 3,120,518.40
Total . U17,010 313,373.031 tll , CO,61.r < .53
Number Orosn
Ilnujo. KIlleiL Weight. Totnl Cost.
O. II. Ilummond ACe lUW 1,137,710 I M.IIB.M
Onmlia 1'ncklnuCo. . . 1AV.I U > 7,459 , ' .i ( .7.1
Hivlft.VCo " '
Cudahr 1'licklng Co , . 15,771 l,003ti OS.'lil.M
Total SUM G,2$9f101 S 231,100.71
Itouso. No. AT. Av Cost AT cost
trt , pur h'd. 1110 Ibs.
TliaCmlnliy P. Co MOffM 2CX ) 19.55 ?
TliuO. II. lIanimondC.H5.W4 237 8.74 8.f.'J
Swift A Co Mn,3IB 237 8.49 S.81
Onmlia Tncklag Co W..IW1 SC3 90S 3.05
TotnU . 1,101,1198 247 KM 13.73
The O. II. Hammond
_ Uo 73.201 1.129 $39.44 J3.49
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' * '
ilmtthn I'lickinc'Co. . . . 5,519 I'o31 3432 ! 3.27
Tlio Uuduliy racking
( Jo 8SiC7 : 1,015 33.52 3.21
Totals , . . .317.010 1.077 SkMsD $3.30
The 0. II. Ilainmond
Co 11,050 IMlbs $1.81 M.72
Pwlft.tCo 35,813 951bs 4.21 4.41
The Uuduliy Paoklns
Co 15.771 103 Ibs 4.30 4.27
Oinnhn 1'ucklnjjCo. . . . 1.55'J 101 Ibs 4.47 4.43
Totals fl4lD3 100 Ibs $1.4(1 ( $1.40
No. InPer
Year. killed , crease , cent.
" ' ' " ' ' ' " ' * ' "
ltOoI"I.'i..V..V. ! ! ! ! . 317,010 77i432 32.6i
1P89 1,027.505
18UJ 1.404.7U3 377,503 30.03
E1IKK1' .
18S9 3B.4IO
1&90 54,193 17,757 40.81
House. 1837. 188a 1869. 1S90.
Swift&Co 114 2.383 4,940 0,753
ThoCildnhvl"k > cCo 0,370 10,801
O. II. Hammond Co
Omaha Packing Co 3,317 3,509 4.5S2
ThoCudahy paokhiB coniunny..JI3,171aSl 10
Swift and com pany ti.S'.i.'l.ri.V ) ; u
Thu 11. II. Hammond coin pany 5.570OSI1 8 ! )
Omnha paeklnc company 4W',2,3s9 115
Total $33,007,11287
Production. 1'oumls.-
S. I' , hams 3X. ! ; i,275
S. 1' , shoulders 8,00\7 < ; o
Other H. P. intmts 14N77,1.:3 :
Total H. P. meats m.lKU.n : !
Dry s'llt rllwand aides ( il.o , ' , 'J- . " >
Dry suit hliouldois li.O'.U.4' ) . >
Other dry salt meats : if > 88..T > o
Hollli't 1l.loi,4si : ;
Lards UU.KI1.00I
Mosnpork l , tM
Itarrc-lsuf hoof 2I.C20
llarioisof pork : i7li07
CtmiU'd moats , ho ? l.Rlll,320
Cnnncil meats , beuf U.liiil.l o
Tallows ' it,021OU7 :
1'ertliUors 13.270,839
Thq hair nnd bristles nro sold under yearly
contracts to eastern manufacturers or Imfr
dealers nnd net the packing companies about ;
3 % cents per hog. The revenues from hair
alone last year to the packing companies
hero was 5.53.00U.09.
A rusty musket nnil tin ancient silver
wiitch were found at the bottom of the
Maritime river a few days ngo which
suggest nn interesting history , says the
Spingflold ( Muss. ) Republican. Tlio
musket wns broken nt the grip nnd othcr-
wise showed marks of damivgo. Tlio
luvmmor was down nnd there vma
no bullet inside. The watch is lO
moHt interesting relic of the two ; Is
exterior nnd interiorara finely engraved (
but only tlio Inttoi1'can bo soon , as the
action of the water has worn nwny most
of the outer engraving. It la o. hunting
Bccno showing an Indian on snowBhoos
armed with n , unifb'und u hatchet , await
ing the charges of n inooso that has
turned nt bay. The inside of the outer >
case bears this inscription : "Prosonted
to Joshua Armstrong on his twonty-flrat
birthday by his loving mother , Prudoneo :
Armstrong , April IU , 1C20. " The in-
Bcriptlou of the mnkor is na follows tis :
"John Bowles , nstrologor to his
Majesty , 108 Trondnecdlo street , Lon
don. " The discovery hna glvon rise no ;
many speculations. It is possible tlio
place was the scene of a tragedy , ns it
was a famous stamping ground of the
Indiana , nnd is near whore they buried
tholr dead nnd the squaws cultivated ;
innlzo. The dates ebow that the watch
might Imvo been on tlio spot when the
Indians hold the land , nnd the notion of
tlio water upon it indicates that it hns [
laid at the bottom of the river for innny >
Tbo cost of an electric unit of horse power
at tlio usual rates charged by central cra
tions 1s about { 0.37 a month net. Tbo same
power supplied by gas engines costs about
tr.eo , with gu atll.W per 1,000.
Companies and Firms Organized for Bus- !
iiosa Daring the Fast Year.
Corporations ICmlmrk In Many Kinds
of Knlcrprlscs from which Oninlin
Is to Kccclvo Direct find
The records of the county dork's oflleo
furnish mi evidence of the growth of the city
in tlio matter of new incorporations. A list
is given borowlth of the flrms mid companies
that Incorporated for business lu Omaha nnd
Douglas county for the year 1S90 , It Includes
organization for various purposes , from the
manufacture of nlckcl-ln-tlie-slot machines
to the building of railroads and the establish
ment of big commercial Industries.
Following is the list showing the names of
the ' Incorporntors , the object , date of incor
poration and the capital stock :
1'arkcr implement company , January 0.
Capital stock , 525,000. Jncorporators ,
Churchill Parker , John Barker , Kclward
Iledeuhnll , Daniel Burr , William J. Ken-
nedy. For the purchase and sale of agricul
tural Implements , , carriages and wacrous.
No-Wood Ulver oil company , by its secre
tary , C. W. lo Lnmatro , tiled amendments
tcw tholr articles of Incorporation January ( i ,
whereby the capital stock was Increased to
Si 3,000,000.
Sirt Young men's democratic club. Articles
recorded January 10. Capital stock , S.'j.OOO.
Object , the propagation of democratic prln-
K. E. Nnu glo company , January 17 , capital
stock $100,000 ; for the purchase r.nd
cedar ( , cypress and oak posts , poles , shingles
nnd paving blocks , and to contract for laying
street pavement. Incorporators , Edward W.
Nauglo and Fred W. Gray.
Omaha Investment company , .Tnnuary 17 ;
capital stock , J50.000 ; business to bo trans
acted , buy , acquire , improve , hold nnd sell
real estate , tenements , etc. , nlso bonds , notes ,
warrants nnd corporate stocks , Incorpor
ntors , G. W. Logan , A. A. Egbert , J. B.
ISvnns , E. 13. Cllppitigor nnd W. J. Wagoner.
Independent Order of Oddfellows' Ilnll
association of South Omaha , capital stock ,
$ : IO,000 ; articles recorded January ! ! ! ; busi
ness to bo transacted , the purchase of real
estate for a site for the erection of a building.
Ineorpor.Uors , Peter Cockroll , , T. P. Kvers ,
K. J. Soykora , J. B. Evans , J. A. Silvers , A.
F. Miller , X. Cuddlngton , C. M. Ulyim , Jr. ,
and J. \ \ . Johnson.
German-American Savings bank , January
21. Capital stock , ? i" ( ) , ( KX ) . Incorporators :
.Tonas H. Harris , J. W. Harris , Jeff W. Bed
ford , J. J. Johnson , Georijo A. Classen , S. S.
Price , jr. , A. S. Churchill.
Omaha Title Indemnity nnd Trust com
pany , Jnnunry 22. Capital stock , $ JOO,000.
Object , to own and compile abstracts of title
to real estate , to loan money and funds , to
purchase , bold and sell notes , bonds , mort
gages , etc. Incorporators : Jonas , H. Harris ,
Jeff W. Bedford , L , . M. Anderson , J. J. John
son , E. K. Savage , A. S. Churchill , J. W.
Harris , George W. Masson.
Amended articles of the Nebraska Central
railway company , filed February 1 , by John
A. McShnnc , president , nnd George U. Bur-
num , secretary , authorizing the extension of
tlio line of the company to the Missouri river
and the building of a bridge across tbo Mis
souri nt Omaha , to nnd from the Iowa sldo.
Also increasing the limitation of the capital
from Sl.OW.OOO to $4,51)0,000. )
Amended articles of the Nebraska Ice com
pnny were recorded January 27. by the secretary -
rotary C. M. Rico , transferring its principal
plnco of transacting business to Kearney.
Onmlia Wall Paper and Paint company ,
January 23 , capital stock $10,000. Incorporn
tors : Mels O. Brown , Peter O. Brown nnd
Chose Combination Dcntnl Plato company.
January HO , capital stock $30,000. To buy and
sell and use dental supulios. Incorporators :
A. S. Billings , U. Stebbius , F. N. Conner
and W. II. Sborraden.
Potter & George company , January al.cap-
Ital stock $100,000 , . with principal to increase
at , any iinminl mooting to 8500,000 ; to pur-
J cbnso , bold , Improve nnd sell I'cal nnd per
sonal property. Incorporators : Arthur B.
Potter 5 , Charles C. George , Edward P. Mc-
Alabou and James B. Moihlo.
Howard Loan and Trust company , Feb
ruary 1 , capital stouk S" > ,000 , with power to
Increase to S100OU , ) ; real estate and Joans.
Incorporators : John Ledwicb , Charles F.
Shaw , LoGrnntT. Ledwich.
Dime savings bank , February 7 , capital
stock $200,000. Incorporators : P. C. Ilitn-
bnuKh , W. H. Russell , G. H. Payne , T. H.
Taylor , G. M. Nuttingor , F. W. Hills , W. A.
Goddard , Alvin Saunders , N. Morrirnnn. J.
A. Gillespio nnd W. F. Allen.
Hlninan mlllc can company , February 7 ,
capital stock $00,000 ; to manufacture and
sell Hlnmnn's delivery and shipping cans.
Inenrporators : Churlos K. HinmnnWilliam.
O. Husscll , William O. McKluloy and Frank
D. Pierce.
Morse dry goods company , canltal stock
$250,000. Incorporntors : S. P. MorsoW. V.
Morse nnd J. O. Lewis.
Omaha Vitrified Paving Brick nnd Tile
company , February 11 , capital stock $100,000 :
to manufacture paving brick and tile and
other articles manufactured from clay. In
corporators : Frank Murphy , Andrew Rosewater -
water , S. A. Huntdou , George Higglns and
Newman S. Clark.
Nebraska Furniture and Carpet company
filed amended articles February 17 , recorded
same date. Thu amended articles provides
for the renaming the corporation as tbo Ne
braska Furniture company , malting the nu-
thorized capital ? l.r. , < H)0 ) nnd limiting the ox-
tent of Indebtedness to $10,000. Tlio amended i
articles wcro signed by W. 1C. Smith , P. D.
Boutell , Do Mott Smith nnd J. M. Smith.
Amended urlidcs of the Omaha and Coun
cil Bluffs Railway and Bridge company were
recorded February 17 , whereby the capital
stock of the company was Increased iroin
$750,000 to 81,1500,000. The umund meats wore
tiled by Jolm T. Stewart president , of the
An amended certificate to the Incorpora
tion articles of the Omaha & Southwestern
railway company was recorded February 20 ,
illed February 10. The amended articles
gives the corporation power to build several
branches from the main line.
Omaha Southern railway company , Feb
ruary 20 ; capital stock , 8:1,000,000 : : to build
and operate n standard gauge railway and
telegraph lines. Incorporators : S."H. II.
IvllllU , George C. Smith , K G. Merrlmnn , H.
S. Hall and 1J. J. Niebols.
Amended articles of incorporation of tbo
Nebraska and Iowa flro insurance company
recorded February , changes the imino of
tbo corporation to the Nebraska Flro insur
ance company.
Amended articles of the Nebraska Savings
bank , wore llled by Its vice president nnd
secretary , March 0 , changing Its naino to No-
brnsku Savings and Kxclmnge bunk.
Custom Tailors' Independent union of
Omaha , Nob. , March ttf. Incorporators :
.latiH'.s Ilolmgrcen , 1'oter J. Mullandcr , Carl
A Lindijuest , Fell Scburtz , John Jnlnou ,
Johen I' . Ilclgrou , P. Swnnson , Oscar Carl
son , Frank Nestadlk. No capital stock.
Catholic Younir Men's union of Omaha ,
Nob. , recorded March 11. The union wis : es
tablished to Improve the morals , intellectual ,
social , physical nnd material condition of the
Catholic youns mun of the clt.v. The nrtldes
were lllcd by H.I'.MuIcahliy.secretary ; John
A. Hoonoy Is president and William Conners ,
Now Omaha Thompson-Houston olcctrlo
light company , March 10. Capital Htoclc ,
fOOO.OOO. incorporatorsj S. L. Wiley , Frame
Warren , J. J. EvcrhiKhain , H. E. Sweeny ,
Georca Martin and Thompson-Houston elec
tric light company.
Glebe Loan nnd Trust company savings
bank , March 22 , capital stock $ .V,000. ) In
corporators : II. O. Dorms , Cadet Taylor ,
Daniel II. Wheeler , Charles K. Williamson ,
H. 1C. Burkct , W. J. Uroatch , John L , . Cur-
son , W. B. Taylor , F. S. Stolllng , Hueh (5. (
Clark , Uernard Fowicr , jr. , Nelson K. Fruuk-
iln , H. S. Uakor. John II. Dennis. I ) . T.
Mount John Jenkins , Charles W. Cochran ,
Omaha Publishing company , March 25.
Capital stock. $1,000. Incorporntors : John
D , Ilowloy , W. J. Vunco llaluer , Henry
Doiner ,
German Savings bank , March 27 , capital
stock f.00,000 , general banking buisinoss ,
Incorporntors : Fred ICrug , Henry Meyer ,
Li , D. Fowler , George Ileiinrod , John H. F.
Lehman , Louis Schroder , U II , Schmidt , L.
Uauiiko , C. llauscn , Churlos J. Karbach ,
Fred Matz. sr.
Amended articles of the Mutual Trust com
pany were recorded March 'JS. Increasing the
capital stock to & 00,000.
IlutcUer's Companion Publishing company ,
March 81 , authorized capital stock , $10,000.
Incorporntors , William Kotdams , Herman
Blnck , a. W. Currnn.
Omaha driving park association , April 3 ,
capital stock $ iV,000. ) Incorporntors , \VIlllntn
U.S. Hughes , Hobort W. Patrick , Kit-hard
S. Berlin.
Hush Creek Land nndLlvo _ Stock company ,
April 7 , capltnl stork 1125,000. Incorporntors !
Thomas K , Wells , Thomas Kent , William 0.
Scott , Kit. Perslngcr. John T. Clark , Will-
lam II. Burns , George u. High.
The Onmhn Stags , April 8 , cnpltnl stock
f-'OO ; social nnd political. Incorporators :
John C. Hubbard , A. D. White , Howard F.
East Omnhn Land company amended arti
cles rc-conled April 10. Authorized capital
stock JI.'iMl.OOO. Nnturo of business , pur
chasing , holding nnd selling real cstnto In
Douglas county , Nebraska nnd Pottawntta-
nile county , lovvn. Tbo amended articles
were signed by Hlchard 0. Gushing , presi
dent and Arthur S. I'ottor , secretary.
Omaha Luesco compnny , April 21 , cnpltnl
stock $160,000 ; to buy real estate nnd erect
thereon houses , tanks , machinery , etc. , min
ing and boring for coal , natural gas and oth
er lultu-rnls. Incorporntors : Joseph W. Bans-
doll. ' John T. Cnthcss , John 11. Flndlay.
'Western hotel company , April Sit. Cnpltnl
stock $5H,000 ( ) ; to purchase sites and erect
hotels , stores mid ofllccs , buildings. Incorporators -
porators : Sylvester Cunningham , William
Gate City hat compnny , April 28. Capltnl
stock $50,000 ; manufacture , purchase and sell
bats , caps , gloves , etc. Incorporators : AIox
Gunther , Edward J. Hoe , Herman Drlshnns.
Omaha economical watcrwork company ,
May ! . Capital stock * I,000,000. Incorpora-
torsi Roliort Smvell , W. K. Vnughnii. .1. C.
Kegnn , Harry IJlrKlnbrlup , Jnuies K iioyd ,
George Canllold , Dnn II. Whcclor , jr ,
Omaha elevator company , May 7. Capital
stock ? 5. > 0,000 ; to construct , own and oper
ate elevators for the storage of grain. Incor
porators : Prank H. Peary , Nathan Morrl-
man David S. IJonlRor , liaward P. Peck ,
Arthur I ) , Juqultli.
Omaha Abstract and Trust company , Mav
8. Cnjiltnl stoc'-t , $ : IO,000. Nature of bust-
ness , ubstrnctiug titles to realty and loaning
money. Incorporators : K. A. Benson ,
George II. lloit , II. H. Benson , Herbert II.
Hoalo , Homer Abbott , J. U. Carmlclmel.
Columbia Dovelopmcnt company , Mav 12.
Capital stock , $50.000 : to buy , hold and sell
land and tenements. Incorporntors : W. W.
Lowe , J. W. Her , W. Kulbo , J. H. West , O.
U. Uellecker , Kd. Han man , F. H. Heft ,
Anton F. 1'okomy , J. C. Her , J. S. 131ako , J.
C. McGuckln.
Western Kcal Estate company , May 15.
Cnpltnl stock , $200,000.
Implement dealer company , May 21 , capi
tal stock 1,000 ! to publish inncnzines nnd
periodicals. Tucorporators : H , O. Hub-
bard , George ti. Smith , W , Morton Smith.
Nebraska club , May 22 , no capital stock :
nnturn of business cultivation of social inter
course and advancement of philanthropy. Incorporators -
corporators : Herman Heltzhauserpresident ;
Clnus Thomson , clerk.
Nebraska Fair Ground and Driving Park
company , May SI , capital stock ' 00,000 ; to
acquiro.cstiibllsb. maintain , hold and dispose
of fair grounds , driving parks , show grounds
nnd buildings for athletic contests , picnics ,
nnd all kinds of outdoor and indoor sports ,
Incorporators : Isaac S. Hnscall , Louts
Schroder , C. Spocht and twenty-four
Dawson brick company , Mny 20 , capital
stockfoO.OOO ; to mnniifncturo b'rlck and all
other merchandise made of elnv. Incorpora.
tors : Newman A. Kulm , C. D. ' Woodwortli ,
Jeff W. Uckford , Alexander G. Charlton ,
Uichnrd Siuith , AV. S. Glbbs , A. H. Carloy !
Omaha hardware company , amended arti
cles recorded Mny 23 , whereby the amount
of Indebtedness which the corporation may
subject itself shall not exceed 00 per cent
of the capital stock issued.
Security trust company , May 29. Capitol
stock , $200,000. Incorporntors : II , Jncobsen ,
C. K. Boiler , J. II. Boutelle , S. P. Bostwlck.
F. L. Wilklns. M. M. Hobertson.
Gcdnoy plcklo company , Juno 3 ; capltnl
stock , $25,000 ; to grower buy products rind
plcklo or euro tbo snuio and soil. Incorpor-
aters : J. W. Kouofor , John P. Gcdnoy , W.
A. Smith , W. W. Marsh , Joseph W. Bishop.
National Investment company , Juno fi. Cap
ital stock , $100,000. Incorporators : Joseph
S. Woodruff , Joseph B. Woodruff , Edward
C. Wentworth.
Security abstract comnany , Juno 12. Cap
ital stock , $50,000. Incorporators , George N.
Hicks , George L. Miller , 1C. F. Seaver.
Boone Pavinp-brlek and Tile Manufactur
ing company , Juno 12. Capital stock , $100-
000. Making paving-brick and tile.
Nebraska construction company , Juno 12.
Capital stock , $300,000. Constructing rail
way and wagon bridges nnd other works of
internal improvements. Incorporators. John
A. McShnno , John II. Dumont , George C.
Bnruum , William L. Adams.
Northwestern street railway company ,
Juno 10. Capital stock , $ 100,000. Construct
ing , purchasing and operating street railway
lines In Omaha. Incorporators , C. F. Good
man , Oscar P. Goodman , II. J. Penfold ,
Hiram G. Hell , Joseph Bell.
Union stockyards company , by its secre
tary , J. C. Sharp , lllcd amended articles
Juno 111 , authorizing the capital to bo $1,000-
000 , with privilege of Increasing bv n two-
thirds vote of stockholders.
Thompson lumber company , Juno 2 : ) , capi
tal stock ? 25,000. Incorporntors , C. Thomp
son , L. Boyd , J. Evans , P. Martin.
Republican newspaper company , Juno 30 ,
capital stock $75,000. Incorporntors , E. C.
Catkins , AV. Morton Smith , J. C. Wilcex.
Electrical coin slot advertising company ,
Juno aO , capital stock . ' ,000. Incorporators.
W. II. Kelley , M. L. Lindsay , J. F. Coyken-
dall , E. U Lomax , C. F. Kossiguie , John M.
Thurston , John S. Tebbets.
Central National Loan nnd Building nsso-
ciation , July 10 ; cnpltnl stock $ ir,000,000 , Ill-
corporators , William G. Bonn. George U' .
LusK , Kiclmrd S. Belcher , Irving F. Baxter ,
Ilarlan B. Coryoll and Frank S. Brownlco.
Pilcher Coal company , July 12 : capital
stock f 100.000 ; incorporators , W. U. Vaughn ,
Thomas il. Kussell , John A. Smiley , C. W.
Pilcher and D. Soper.
Topics company , July 10 ; capital stock
$5,000 ; Incorporators , Fred Nye , Joseph Gar-
noad , jr. , Pierre A. Gnrneau.
Illinois Improvement company , July 25.
capital stock , $300.001) . Incorporators : Joseph
W. Fifor , J. S. Cmrkson , Jolm Ward , Green
B. liaum , C. B. Farwell aim others.
Lannon P. Pruyu company , July 20 , cap
ital stock , ? 10,000 ; real astatu dealers. Incorporators -
corporators : Lurinon P. Pruyn , II , .1. Prnyn.
Snow , Church it Co. , July ill , capital stock.
$10.000. Nature of business , debt collectors.
Omalia Pearl Hominy company , August ? ,
capital stock , $25,000 ; milling cereals Into
domestic mcrctmnuly ] , Incorporators : Jolm
J. Shepherd , John II. Monahan , William L.
Balllo , Danlol Farrell , Jr. , William L.
Bailie , jr.
Northwestern Investment companyAugust
11. Capltnl stock , 100,000. Incorporators :
Ernest Hiall , Frank li. Mend , U B , Ulch-
urds ,
Northwestern Improvement compnny ,
August 23. Capital stock , $50,000. Incorpor
ators : Norman A. Kulm , C. U. Woodwortli ,
C. W. Pt'lamatro , William II. Alexander , S.
K. Spaldlng.
Brown Brothers' grain company , Septem
ber 2 , capital Htock , $200,000 ; to own nnu op.
crate elevators , buy nnd sell grain , lucorpor-
ntors : C. F. Brown , U. 1C. Brown , W. K.
Kirker , John I teed , J. W. Bowman.
Woodmon-Kiteho companv , September 4.
Capital stock , $50,000. ( ' Storing nnd dealing
In grain , Ineorpor tors ; Clark Woodman ,
Frank B. Itltche , Charles L. Harris.
\Vyatt-Bullard lumber company , Septem
ber 0. Capital stock$51,800. Incorporators ir :
Gorman D.Vyatt , William C , Bullard , AVur-
ron Switzlor.
Commercial loan and trust company , Sep.
tomberS. Capital stock , $100,000 , Incorpor
ates ! J. AV. West , Frank Ilellen , Joseph 1C.
Onmha mercantile company , September 8 ;
capital stock , $15,000 ; general merchandise ,
lucorporntors : Joscnb 1C. Hold , Frank Ilullou ,
J. AV. West.
Milk Dealers' association , Soptcmbor 18 ;
capital stock , (5,000 ; to regulnto the milk In
tercuts of Omaha , buy aud selhfeed for rnllch :
cows. Incorporators : Louis Llttlelleld ' ! ,
Henry Batdorf , Andrew Malllco , Frank E ,
Fox , John Stuben ,
Omaha building Investment company ,
September 20. Capital stool : , f 10.000. Incor-
ponitors : AV. D. Mead , Jr. , David Jamison
Daniel H. AVhcolor , C. B.ViUon. . t
Max Meyer & Bro. company , September
20 ; capital Block STO.OOO ; to buy and veil din.
mauds , jowclry iiml musical Instrumunts.
lncorponitots ; Max Mojo r , Adolph Meyer ' ,
Montz Meyer , Max Bnvlir , Slmou J. Fisher. >
Nebraskn And Iowa Town Lot and Land
company , September 2'J : capital stock J.VW-
000. IiiooriMiratora ; C. F. AVIghtmnii , E. ( J.U. .
HurlburU E. D. Nash.
South Omatm Eloctrlo Light , Heat nnd
Power company , September 'Mcapital \ stock
$100,000. Incorporntors : Charles M. ICojr ,
John A. Dee , Cary M. Hunt.
Lin wood Park I > and company , October !
cnpltnl stock authorized ( . 'XMIOU. Ineorpor.
ntorst H. S. Hall , John F. Ilollln , J. V ,
Bay , William Pitch , J. II , Collins.
Omnhn Art Kxhlbitlon association , October
n , capital stock $15,000 ; exhibition of works
of art to the general public. Incorporntorst
J.M II. H. Patrick. George L. Miller , W. V ,
Morse , Lewis S. Kood , H. Kouutio , JntnosW.
Savage , G. W. Llninger.
Knight Bros , & Barnes , grading contrac
tors , October ! ? , capital stock * , V,000.
Pliitto Vallev Llvo Stock company , October
M , capltnl stock flOO.OOO. Incorporate : II.
H. Uorsoy , C. H. Toucrny , Goowo W. E.
Dorsoy , George A. IllckoK , William K.
Glebe Building company , October 31 , cnpl
tnl stock f 100,000. Incorporntora : II. H.
Mclntvn' , W. B. Taylor. H. O. Doverle * ,
Cadet Taylor , M. Etipeiie Culver.
Oinahn Uundorwritors exchange , October
21 , capltnl stock $1,000 ; promotion of harmo
ny and correct practices In insurance. Ineor-
porntors ; Charles KIMIfiniinn.Tlioo. L.ltlng-
wait , M. J. Burns , U. H. Wbeclor , Jr. , Jolm
U. Webster , John It. Hamilton , I. P. Will
iams , M. C. Nlchol * .
Omaha Hydraulic Press Brick coimmny ,
October 31 , capltnl slock f 100,000 ; nmnufno-
turo brick , tile , pottery , etc , Incorporuieflii
Irving Allison , I'1. II. Davis , Kdward U Ster
ling. ;
Oriental Steam Laundry company , Novotn- |
her" , cnpitnl stock $7,51X1. Incorporntom : S.
S. McNally , S. A. Broad well , U. M. llowo.
Omaha Brewing association , Octohor 8 , ,
capital stock $1,000,000. Incorporators. Gott- i
Hob Storz , Fred Sternsdorf , Henry Ilnubens , * |
Louis Solirooclor , UlmrU'-t Gruoiilng , John J
Hocliatrasser , Kdward Qulnn , Joseph Kavau ,
George llclinrod ,
DannobroK association , November 17 , no
capital stock ; mutual benefit nnd benevolent
association. Inroruoralor * : Ncls Paulson ,
S. 1' . Atulorson , John H. Rlepor.
Joseph Garnoau Cracker company , Novcm-
berlM , capital stock $75,000. Incorporntor.i *
Josctib Giuncau , Joseph Garaeau , jr. , James
W. Uarneiiu.
Omaha Brick Paving company , November
2S. capital stock $100.000. Incorporatow , L.
D. Kowloif Henry Bolln. E. I ) . Van Court , J.
J. Jobst , J. W. tfcst , William Wade.
Clemens Oskiunp company , November 21) ) . -
capital stock $ \5,000 \ ! ; buying , soiling nnd
milling Hour , feed nnd grain. Incorpor.icors ,
Clemens Osknnm , Milt N. San ford.
Omahu Fruit Preserving company , Decem
ber ( i ; capital stock $ . ' 10,000. liu'orpornlors ,
Hohnematiu Pybiim , Walter H. Crnbb ,
Henry K Hand , Henry M. Hand.
Hamilton Loan and Trust company , Novem
ber " (1 ( ; capital stock $100,000. Incorporators ,
Hamilton Loan nnd Trust company by W. T
U. Willis , second vico-prosldent.
The Work of the Telojjrnph and Telephone -
phone CotiipanioN for 18110.
Nearly flvo hundred persons Ibid constant
employment In Omaha in ennb ling the telegraph -
graph , telephone nnd district , messenger com
panies to care for tbo wants of their patrons.
During the post year the business of nil of
these companies has materially increased nnd
the service has been improved in many re
The Western union telegraph company
shows an increase of 15 percent in business
for IS'.Ktovcr ISS'.i. ' The Omaha ofllce carries
on Its pay rolls 172 employes and the weekly
pay roll is $2MK ) . There are eigbly-threo
circuits outside the city covered by the local
ofllce , and over 0,000 cells of battery nro re
The third district comprises all of No-
brnska , Kansas , Wyoming , Utah , Montnnn ,
Now Mexico , Colorado nnil part of Iowa ,
Missouri nnd Texas. The district is under
the supervision of J. J. Uiclcoy , superinten
dent ; O. B.I I or ton , assistant superintendent ;
J. H , McGnlro , chief clerk. In the Omnlin
local oflleo W. W Umstod ismimugor , AV. II.
Doyle cashier , E. W. A pplogate chief oper
ator , W. J. Rusland tranic chiof.G. H. Nlcholl ; , i
wire chief , day ; night assistants , J. II. Owen 'H '
chief operator , J. P. Barnhnrt asblstant
night chief , W. E. Wukoflold wire chlof. ,
There uro branch olllcos In many of the ' 1
wholesale houses , which employ twelve operators - * J
orators nnd twelve messengers. During the '
year over flvo million telegraph messages
wore handled in the Omnhn ofllco. &
In this district over llvo tuotmiid miles of - '
now wire wcro strung In IS'.M. ' m
The construction department , under the *
supervision of H. E. Jcnnison , has nioro than
three hundred men constantly at work In this
I'OSTAI , TKI.nOltU'lt rOMl'AXV.
1'ho postal telegraphy compnny openoil Its
lirst ollleo in Omnba llvo years IIRO. W. S.
Dimmoek has charge of the local oftlcc , and
reports that In the past year the company
Increased Its business fully ! ! ( ) per cent , nnd
built about 7,01X1 additional miles of line.
Nearly every important point in the United
States nnd Canada is now touched. Ail tbo
territory formerly covered by tbo old Haiti-
moro & Ohio telegraph company is now cov
ered by the postal.
The service at Omaha was greatly Im
proved within the last year. Under Mana
ger Dimmoek the business of the company
lias greatly increased In efficiency ,
The company employs forty men loci' .
n monthly expense of $ J,500. ( .
Omaha has a very complete tolo.
system which Is owned by the Nol } " °
Telephone company , whoso hondciuartcao
In thU city. Its lines extend to iiinny'atl '
towns In this state and Incluuo u portlaar
our neighboring state , Iowa. wo
Tlio total number of subscribers fire
city is l.filO , an increase of 127 for tlos <
months of tlio current year. Tlio conlvo
carries on the pay rolls in Omnhn sov , . , .
ono employes and paid out for tboyeariStiOii'
in salaries.
Considerable work In tbo nature of con
structing now lines was done during
last year. The company Is making stren
uous efforts to place Itself In a position for
putting its wires underground throughout
the business portion of tbo city. Tins work
will bo commenced next year. The company
recently purchased ground nt the corner of
Eighteenth and Douglas streets , upon which
It will erect a building to cost $150,1)00. )
Tlio following nro the ollicors of the rom-
nany : S. II. II. Clark , president , ; 0.1C. Yost ,
vice-president and general manager ; Floinon
Drake , general suporinlondout ; L. H , Korty ,
secretary and treasurer ; V. P. Mussolmaii ,
cashier ,
TIIK A. I ) . T.
The American district toli-grnpli company
was established In this city In IhS-'t , and the
following ofllcors now control the company :
L. H. Korty , president ; J. J. IJickoy , vice
president ; L. M. Hbecm , secretary ,
treasurer nnd general manager , and
J. Donnelly , Jr. , superintendent. Dur
ing the past year the company
answered -11,001 messenger calls , B.fWO cab
calls , and express wngon calls 17,085 , a total
of57iW ! ! calls. The company has 1)00 ) call
boxes , In the messenger department forly , > - <
messengers nro given purinniicnt employ
ment , mid ten wagons are used In the express
department. Thu company also 1ms a night
watch signal service department , by which a
cheek is kept on the movements of night
watchmen iu nil the largo institutions of the
city. A burglar alarm and special lire alarm
sorvleo are also operated , nnd btivo boon
found very efficient and valuable.
Wo acknowledge our Inability to succois-
fully run a newspaper In Garflcld county ,
says the Valley ( Colo. ) Cactus , fn
the first plnco , wo received a classical educa
tion , something that n Gnrfleld county news
paper man bus as little use fonts n Irog has
with side pockets. In the second place , to
manufacture a Ho out of whole cloth and niako
nn apology ( on the Hldo ) . nnd the next Issue
double discount nil the liars from Annnnlus
down to the Cnrbondnlo Snowslldo , to day
to some corrupt corporation or Individual
who has a few thousand dollars , with the ex
pectation of getting u few dollars on advertis
ing , to carry the woodcut of some hotel pur
porting to give tint best board in tlio ctate.
and nt thoj > amu tlmo lot the hotel man fcori
you rough on rats and never kick ; those nro
only a few of the many characteristics neces
sary to thi ) sucooss of u GarJleld county news
paper man. AVe prefer to lese n llttlo on the
Cactus and run un ludonundont Journal. Wo
don't cater to any of this class of people , because -
cause when a man can't find onouKh whole
some literature to publish without rusortln ,
to thu lower grade of Journalism or thu wholo-
ealu manufacture of ncnmlul anil falsehood-
InUtnqxirsoil with Ignorance of the most In-
oxouanblo typo , It Is about tlmo U ) stop down
and eut.
A line of eloctrlo omtbusaj Is about to run
from Charing Cross to Kings Crtm in Lon
don. Ono of them , handled by the munaRlng
director of the company , lately convoyed the
lord mayor from Euaton to the MunbOD