' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : W/faflNESDAY , PECEMBEE 81 , 1890. THE CITY VIADUCT BONDS , "What Will Bo Done with Thorn After Tlioy Are Begistered ? VIEWS OF THE MAYOR AND CITY ATTORNEY. How iho llonils I'n qiMl from tlin Clly CoinptrnllcrTliroiiKti T. It. Kimball - ball toStnto Auditor Ucnton. The quoitlon of turning over the 1150,000 Viaduct bonds to the Union depot company , In view of the recent action of the Union Pn- clflo railroad company hi freezing out the Chicago , MHwnuHco & St. Paul and the Chicago cage , Uock Island & Pacific , which desired to cross the hrldgo into thU city , wiw the subjcctof much discussion among u number of the city ofllcials ycsterdiiymornlnu. Vhcn Bollcllod for his vloivs regarding the Huatlon , ruid 03 to what ho would do with thd bond- , Mayor Gushing snld that there Vould ho no star-chnwhcr session when tlio bonds were turned over. The city comptroller 'nnd city attorney would both bo on hand , and nome of the aldermen would also bo present nj wltncws. If. the railroad company man- nged to gut hold of the bonds In sonic other way It would ho Illegal , nnd ho thought that It would lay the railroad ofllcluls criminally Ha- bio. bio.Tho The bonds were not to go to tHe Union Pa- 'cllloorto the Union dopotcorapany direct , out were to bo turned over \o \ Kountro brothers as trustees , by whom thcv were to bo held for a certain period. Ho did not bo- llovo th.it the attempt of the Union 1'nclHo to abrogate and annul their agreements with the Hocle Island ana Milwaukee companies would have any bearing on the delivery of the vluduct bonds , ns the contract with the city Is that the Union Pacific shall allow the other roads to enter the union depot , nnd the regulations bearing on the use of the brldgo nnd 1U approaches nro with rofcrcnco to the usooftho union depot , which will not bo completed for another year. City Attorney Poppleton was of the snmo opinion as to the irrelevancy of the recent notion of the Union i'uclllc as far as turning over thu bonds was concerned. Ho said that the union depot company had no cltilm on the bonds at the present time , but they were to bo delivered to Kount/o brothers as trustees , nnd this delivery was not to talto place until the depot company had turned over their bonds of $300,000 to the city Insuring the completion of the plans ns specified , and the bond of the Union Pacific to allow ull roads equal rights over the bridge after the com pletion of the depot hnd also been lllcil. An examination of the depot grounds nnd the work on the now structure must bo mndo to determine whether or not the work already done annnnts to $150,000 , which the contract spcclllos must bo the case before the bonds nro turned over lo the trustee * . The bondi ever which so much anxiety Is felt are now In the hands of the state nuultot nt Lincoln , where they weto taken for the tmrposoof being recorded about ten days ngo. City Comptroller Goodrich took the bonds to Lincoln for thnf. purpose , but the nudltor was not to bo found , nnd as the comptroller would not leave the bonds with' out Bocurlng the auditor's receipt for thorn , bo was compelled to bring them homo will him. Shortly after his roturti ho was waited upon by Mr. T. L. Klmball , third vlco president of tbo Union Pacific , who stated that ho was anxious to have the bonds re corded and agreed to tuko them to Lincoln for that purpose. He later sent his private secretary for thorn nnd they were dellveroc to him , the comptroller receiving the score ' tary's receipt. In view of recent developments , this action on the part of the comptroller is what i- causing him to fcol very uneasy. The bond ; were sent to Lincoln and delivered to the au elite r by Mr. Kimball's secretary. The que-s tlon now causing agitation is "To whom wll the auditor deliver the bonds -when rocordci to thu comptroller or to the man from wlion ho received themi" Comptroller Goodrich has telegraphed thi auditor to hold the oonds until ho can gel them , and under no clruumstiinccs to tun thorn over to anyone clso. Ho reall/es thatli the bonds ot into the hands of the railroai company through his mistake it places him it n very unpleasant situation. Officials nt Union Pacific headquarter : telephoned the city comptroller yostordnj to ascertain the assessed valuation of the city and the amount of the city's bonded In debtcdnoas. The desired Information viv pn. The anxiety of therullroad compatij ho matter is attributed to the 1'uct that i 'city's ' bonded indebtedness would there by o ct-od the constitutional limit of 10 pci cent of the assessed valuation the bonds cai not bo recorded. Regarding this phase o the question the mayor said that he hadsomi doubts about the viiltio of the bonds , as hi was not sure that they would notlncreasotni bonded Indebtedness of the city beyond thi limit. Whatever may t > o the action of th < nudltor withroforonco to recording the bonds the comptroller will not rest easy unti they are again in his possession to bo turnci ever by him to the mayor , which will reliovi him of all responsibility. The history of these bonds nnd the ordl nances passed by the council bearing upoi them , clthor directly or indirectly , are as fol lows : On August 10 , 1889 , an ordinance wa nassoil declaring the necessity of construct Ing a viaduct on Tenth street ever the Unloi -Pacltlo nnd B. & M. tracks , and ordering th city engineer to make surveys and furnlsl plans und specifications. Another onllimncowas passed October 8C 18S9 , ordering nn election held for the pur pose of voting upon tbo proposition to issu coupon bonds to the amount of $150,000. On the liSth of the following month th election was held nnd the bonds were voted At u council meeting hold January - - , l&K the plans nnd specifications of thn city cngl iiccr were approved and the mayor was in structcd to appoint tlirea fieehnldcrs to af pnuso the damages to condemned property. On March SO , 1890 , the last ordinance wa passed , requiring the railroad companies t eulld n viaduct the length of which was note to exceed 800 foot , and work to bo commence V within thirty days. The viaduct is now practically completed Bud next in order will bo an ordinance nc coptlng the structure. The superlntcudon f construction announced thut the vlnduc * WouIUbOr > cucd to the public on Wednesda er Thursday of this week , but whether rt cent complications will tend to delay thi event it a matter of conjecture. The action of the Union Pacific In rofusln to carry out its contract obligations , is th talk of the town. Tfio Uock Island's now lines through soutl crn Nebraska and Northern Kansas ni almost parallel with tlio Missouri Pnclllc , nu the arraugemnta agreed upon would take th Rock Island direct to Colorado Springswhll , the Missouri Pacific readies Pueblo , enl forty miles below there. To Gould's objei tlon to having the territory of the Mlssoui Paclllo encroached ujwn Is thoroforn a trlbuted the attempt of the Union Pacifli under its Gould management , to head off tli now line of the Hock Island at the MHsou : river. If this done , the opinion Is that the noi line of the Hook Island just completed b < tweon this city nnd Lincoln will becom practically worthless for at least a year , ui ill the union depot is completed and occuploi Under the terms of the agreement bctwce the Hock Island and the old Union Puctil management , the former comnnn was to use the lattor's trac to South Omaha and botwec Lincoln nnd Beatrice ns well as u shoi stretch Into Denver , whllo the Union Pncll ! was to have the we of the Hock Island's n < v line from South Omaha , to Lincoln. Tl ; abrogation of these agreements vlrtuall loavco the Hock Island lit the same condltlc "It wus before , with the addition of ever lift miles of isolated track. In the event that the Uock Island resorl to the courts to compel the Union Pacillo 1 fullllliu contract a legal content of pcrlun two years duration would result. A r oonrco to spanning the Missouri with nuotw brldgo would pluco the Hock Island unitor U necessity of closing the gap between the on of the hrldgo and boulh Omaha nnd bctwoc Lincoln and Uoutrico , all of whic would prove exponslvo and , consuwo niuc time. The course of the Union Pacific , it is hoi shuts off the promised fust trains and bctu service botwcon Otnaha and Lincoln , Inn Hi trains to Denver and the mountains , at ; kocps another custom road out of Omah The Hock Island la urcvoutctd from open It its direct line from CMcnpo lo Denver , nnd must continue to travel its roundabout route , which increases the distance fully onu bun * drod miles , Auditor Hontnit Talk.q Out. LINCOLN , Neb. , Doc. 30. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEB.J State Auditor Benlon says that the depot and viaduct bonds were sent to the state auditor's ofllco for registra tion two weeks ngo. Today thny will bo rug- 'stored ' nnrj tomorrow Auditor Denton will go Omaha and , accompanied by Mayor Gush- ng nnd other ofllcIaU , will deliver the bonds .o Thorn as L. Kimball , third vlco president f the Union Pacific. Auditor Ucnton declares that there Is no Toworon earth that can dclcr the delivery of ho bonds ; Unit the stipulation between the 'Ity ' and the Union Pacifli refers only to tbo 1 0 of the union depot , and does not In any , vny affect the use of the brldgo over the Missouri. The suggestions mndo In Tun Bun this morning , ho say * , cannot cut any llguro now. H Is too late. Mr. Benton says ho met Mr. Nash of the Illwaukco road yesterday , in Omaha , In ro- giiru to the shutting out of the road ropro- -icntcd by him. "Tho gentlemen representing the road * ihu tout tried to get mo to protect their In terests , " says Mr. Benton , "by saddling ivorythlugon toino. They nro very smooth gentlemen , but I nm on to their methods as I mvo known them for some time. I bcllova , hat the present trouble will bo patched up before tomorrow night. " The senior proprietor of this paper has t > con subject to frequent colds forsofnoyears , , vhich were sure to lay him up if not doc- : oredntonco. Ho finds that Chamberlain's cough remedy Is rollablo. It opens the sccro- tlons , relieves the lungs , nnd restores tlio system to n healtny condition. If freely used , ns soon ns the cold has been contracted , and before It has becoino settled In the system , 't greatly lessons the attack und often cures n a single day what would otherwise hnvo been a severe cold. Northwestern Hotel Ho- [ > orter , Des Molncs , la. Dr.Birnoy , nosoand throat. Bcobldff. Tlio American Idea IB that "nothing Is too good for mo when I travel"nnd In consequences wo have become noted ns tlio moat luxurious trav elers In the world. Thut which the people plo demand , the roads must supply , nnd thus wo have also the most perfectly np- pointed railway sorvlco in the world. The traveler now dines inn Pullman , palace - ace dining car clear through in hisiour- noy , from Council BlulTs and Omaha to San Francisco , on the Union and South ern Pacilio roads. SIMPLIFYING THIS SYSTEM. S. II. II. Clnrk llt-Bins III * Work of Lopping On ? Heads. The first stop toward the centralization of authority in the Union Pacific management , vas made yesterday in the appointment by General Manager Clark of E. L. Lomax as general passenger and ticket agent of the cntiro Union Pacific system. Mr. Lom.ix has had the title of general pas senger agent for n number of years , uut , under the Adams administration , really had Jurisdiction only ever the Missouri river di vision of the road , each of the other grand di visions of the system oclng supplied with a separate general passenger agent. The extension of Mr. Lomux's authority docs away with the position and title of gen eral passenger agent of the various divisions of the nystoms. The men who have held the the positions affected are : T. W. Leo , gen eral p.isscnger agent Pacific di vision , Portland ; Gcorgft Ady , gen eral passenger agent Colorado and TTort Worth divisions , Denver ; F. L. Lynd. general passenger agent of St. Joe & Grand Island division , St. Joseph , with division and assistant general agents at Ogdcn , Salt Lake , Fort Worth , Kansas City , Pocatello and other division points. It is not announced as to what other changes will follow Mr. Lomax's promotion but it will result in the ttrst instance In very materially reducing the number of titled nnd high-salaried ofllcials in the passenger de partment. Some of the present general pas- sonccr agents will probably bo retained as division passenger men. TflE KUEKZK OUT. Unilroml Magnate * ) Coining to Omaha to Talk About It. General Agent Nash of the Milwaukee road made no effort yesterday morning to cross from thoBIulTs with his train,1feeling satisfied that ho had alreadysufllcicntly emphasized his position as regards the illegality of the freeze- out by the Union Pacific. President Cable of the Rock Island road was expected in the city yesterday to take steps to enable his company to make some use of the road which it has built from this city westward. It is understood that his company and the Milwaukee have engaged Messrs. Poppleton nnd Woolworth of tills cltv to contest in the courts the abrogating of the contract regarding the crossing of these roads Into this city. A well known railroad man said yesterday : "You may not have heard of it , but it is a fact nevertheless , thnt last summer the Mil waukee nnd Hock Island entered Into nn agreement with the Nebraska Central for the usu of the bridge of the latter and Its terminal facilities in this city They also contracted with the Missouri Pa clllc for the use of its line to South Omaha. That contract was signed by S. II. H. Clark , and was forwarded to Joy Gould. But ho re fused to sign it. The wizard saw what ho wanted six months in advance. This proves conclusively that Gould has a flnger In this contract breaking. " "Tho Uock Island allows the Union Paclfio the right of its track to Lincoln ; why should the Union Pnclflo oppose the entry of the Hocklshuidl" "Jay Gould does not want any other ro.id to enter the territory of the Missouri Pnclllo ns the Union Pacific would do by means of the Hock Island oxtontion. " "But Gould has control of the Union Pa- clflo as well as the Missouri Paclllc , and the advancement of the Interest of the Union Pa clllo would innuro to his bcncllt. Why would ho restrain It from entering Missouri Pucillo territory i" "Because , I think his interest In the Mis souri Pacilio Is greater than tttat In the Union Pacific. " . Omaha's Great Carnival. The grand carnival and masquerade ball , which takes place at the Coliseum this ovcnlug , will undoubtedly bo a grand suc cess. Many have ordered costumes from the cast. A special artist has been engaged to decorate the building. The Coliseum has been transformed Into a fairy palace. The following are some of the citizens who have engaged family boxes : Box E , Hon. Jatnc ? E. Boyd ; box C , Hon. H. C. Cashing ; box A , Hon. W. J. Broatch ; box D , C. J. Bell. Gov ernor lhaycr nnd stuff are expected from Lincoln. Tlio llttlo queen , Corinno , and com pany will occupy two of the boxes as specta tors after tholr performance ; and main others will participate In the festivities nnd help ring out the old. ring In tbo now. F. A. Balch , proprietor of the Darker hotel wlirsorvo refreshments. Costumers will been on hand to supply nny who will want to mask , Lmllcs' and gentlemen's dressing rooms have been arranged for. Over cighi hundred tickets have been sold to parties who Intend to como on masque. The MyHth Circle has gone to an enormous expanse tc inoko this Omaha's 11 rat and grandest car nlvul an elegant affair. Two bands of inusjo , ono for tbo promenad ors and the other for dancers , have neon en gaged. The street cars will run all night and in fact every arrangement possible hai been madoto hnvo everybody enjoy then * solves with comfort. Tbo originals of the certificates of cure ; effected by the use of Ayro's sursaparllla an kept on tile at tb < - ofllco ot the J. C. Ayci company , Lowell. Mass. Probably no siml tar establishment in the world can cxhlbl uuch a muss of valuable aud convincing tos tlmony. Throuph coaches Pullman palace sleepers , dining cars , free reclining chaii cars to Chicago and intervening point via the great Hook Island route. Ticko olllco 1(102 ( , Sixteenth and Farmun. Dr.Ulruoyuoso und throat. Coo bid ? . SECURED AN INJUN Mil wank jo Officials Teko Their Case Against the Union Pacific Tnto Court. THE CASE SET FOR HEARING ON JAN , 2 , Ernest Stulit ( Jrnuteel nn Order Tent * pornrllr Hcstr.UiiliiK the De livery of the Depot and Viaduct Hontls. General Solicitor Fish of the Milwaukee road arrived In the city yesterday afternoon , iiul , ai a result , at S o'clock lost nlglib In unction proceedings were commenced utrolnst the Union 1'iiclflo company. The > ctltlon filed In the onlco of tbo clerk of the district court sets fortti the ( act that on April 30 , 3890 , at the request of the ofllclols of the Jnlon Pacific road , the Mllwaukoo entered nto a 999 year contract , on which $3,731) ) was o bo paid annually for the privilege of using ho Union Pacific track between Council Huffs and Omaha , and for the privilege of running lute and using the now Tenth street depot , As Is well known , on Deccmoer 27 , the Union Pacific locked its switches and pre vented the Milwaukee from carrying out Its iart of the contract. Upon innldnpthls show- ng Judge Donne last night granted a tempo rary Injunction , and set the hearing for Jnnu- iry 2 at 10 o'clock n. m. In the meantime the Jnlon Pacific people nro enjoined from Inter fering with the running of Milwaukee trains. General Agent Nash , In speaking upon the subject last nlfcht , said : This was our last resort. Wo triad to cct along without , trouble , hut were blocked at every turn. Wo considered the natter before wo applied for the njunctlon , and fully understood what wo ivoro going Into. To-day wo shall run our DhlcdKO trains into the depot , and shall con- .Inuotoeloso until ordered by the court to discontinue them. " Superintendent Goodnow , who arrived From Chicago lust night , said : "All the Milwaukee wants In the matter Is fairness.fo made our agreement In good Faith , and then bought $100,000 worth of Omaha and South Omaha property , which wo would bo prevented from using to any purpose should the Union Pacific carry out the policy that It has adopted. " TIIK VIADUCT 110NDS. Ernest Stulit Secures an Order Preventing - venting Their Delivery. It now looks as though some of the citi zens were about to take a hand in the railroad fight. Lntolast night Ernest Stunt commenced suit against the city of Omaha , Hlchard U. Gushing as mayor.Charlcs Goodrich as comp troller , Thomas II. Bcnton as auditor of pub lic accounts of the state , Alvin Sauudcrs trustee , the Union depot company and Thomas L. Kimball , president of the Union do pot company. The petition seta forth nil of the facts con nected with the voting and issuing of the $150,000 of bonds to aid In the construction of the union passenger depot. It also sou forth the fact , of the deeding of certain property to Alvin Saundcrs , trustee , the consideration for nil of this being that the Union Depot company would construct a passenger depot at a cost of $400,000. The petitioner further alleges that the depot was to bo open to all roads alike , upon their paying a certain rental to bo agreed upon ; that by collusion between the depot company and the Union Pacific road nn attempt has been made to freeze out the Mil- wnukeo people and prevent thoni from run ning their trains into this city. The plaintiff further alleges that the depot is In no wise similar to that represented by the sketch presented to the city coun cil and to the people before the bonds were voted , being much smaller , and cheaper ; that up to this 71 nto the vouchers show thut only about $30,000 has been expended upon the structure , though it is well under way and up to a point where it would have required the ex penditure of at least 8150,000 had it been built according to the sketch submitted. Mr. Stuht gives as his reason for commenc ing suit against all of these defendants that at the present time ho does not know where the bonds are , hut if they uro in the hands of Mayor Gushing or Comptroller Goodrich ho wants to prevent them from de livering them to Auditor Hen ton ; and if they are in the hands of Benton ho wants to prevent him from turn ing them over to Mr. Kimball , president of the depot company , and if in the hands of Kimball , to prevent him from disposing of them. This showing was made before Judge Doano last night , an injunction granted and the case sot for heariuir January 5 , at 10:80 : a. in. This same injunction prohibits the dis posal of nny of the real estate now held by Alvin Saundcrs as trustee. Mr. Nash Kcplles to Auditor Urnton. General Passenger AtrentNash of the Mil waukee road takes exception to the statement in lost night's BEE , purporting to come from State Auditor Bcnton. Ho says that ho never attempted to Influence Mr. Bouton in any way regarding the depot and viaduct bonds , and that all such statements nro misrepresentations of the facts. Mr. Nash says that hu told Mr. Bcnton that the Milwaukee road was not interested in the matter and had no quarrel with the Union Pacific or the depot company. Said Nash lust "Under circumstances Mr. night : no stances would wo attempt to do anything to invulldato the bonds , and I cannot under stand why Mr. Bcnton made his statement. " Bad drainage causes much sickness , and bad blood and improper action of the liver and kidnovs is bad drainage to the human system , which Burdock Blood Bitters rem edy. Washington and Oregon. This now empire of the northwest is attracting universal attention and the reason for this is the almost unlimited resources that have recently heon opened nnd the surprising growth of this region. Largo agricultural areas ; vast forests and immense deposits of precious inotals are to bo found In Oregon and Washing ton , and by reason of the varied natural resources of the country this section olTqrs unoqunlcel opportunities for the investment of capital and location of in dustries that are not surpassed by the elder sections of the United States. The Union Pacific on account of its fast time , through Pullman sleepers and dining - ing cars , free i-oclining chair cars and free colonis Bloopers from the Missouri river , is conceded to bo the favorite route for persons going to either Wash ington or Oregon. For pamphlets fully descriptive of the above named states , or for rates , time ol trains or any information pertaining to the Union Pacific , call on or address your nearest ticket ngont or the undersigned - signed , who will most cheerfully furnish any information that may bo desired. A. P. Douol , city ticket agent , 1302 Far- nains troot , Omaha , Neb Will Make n Great City. All the different forces und interest ! essential to the building of the largest city on the gulf coast , after months ol negotiations have combined to make Arausas Harbor , Tox. , the largaat cltj in the whole southwest. Great auction sale of lots January 7 nnd 8. P. W. Vnll 1'roinntcd. F. W. Vail , who was in the railway mal service , running between Omaha audOgdon with head quarters in this city , hus been promoted meted to the position of assistant genera1 superintendent of thomall service in Oregon Idaho and Washington. Mr. Vull was wet known In Omaha , having been in In the ser vlco hero for three years. About a year am : a half ago. ho was appointed chief clerk a < Cincinnati , which position ho ho held at tin time of his promotion. Mr. Vail has man ; friends In Onmha who heard of hU promc tlon with feelings of pleasure. Ho was con sldcrod ono of tljo mostrompctent men In the service and his oromoAlQU was considered ns 0.1 well n well deserved reward. Ho re mained In the city du'rlHg the day renewing old acquaintances and loft for ills new post of duty last evening. , ( Mr. William T. Price , a Justice' the peace nt Hlchland , Nobj , wns confined to his ied last winter with a severe uttnok of lutn- Mgo , but n thorough application of Chamber- aln's Pain Balm enabled him to get up and go to work. Mr. I'rinj tnya ; 'Tho remedy cannot bo recommended too hluhly. " Lot anyone troubled with "rlicumatlsm , neuralgia or lame back give It-a. trial and they will beef of the same opinion , j , t i - Dr.Blrnoy , nose ntid'throat. ' Boobldg. Hie Shining Ijtlit4 | | Of the old world , soldiers , stnteamonand nton of loiters , all write in the most ox- traviiRant pruiso of our facilities for travel in America And wo are entitled to the pralso. On ovary English line tlioro is the saino old dusty lunch coun ter , known by all tourists for these many years. Not oven a-drink of water , nor a jrust of bread to bo had on the train. No wonder our trans-Atlantic friends express - press amazement when they sit down to n liotol dinner on 0110 of the palace dining cars on tlw Union and Southern Pacific railways an arrangement which is the most perfect in the country today. xiin L.ICKNSI : uo.vui ) . A Number of Permits to Sell tjlquor Oratitrel "Ycitpnlay. The fire and police commission hold a ses sion as a llccnso board yesterday afternoon. Liquor licenses were granted as follows : Michael Burke , 2321 Farnam ; William J. Lcmp , 1517 Nicholas ; August Schroeder , 2401 Cumlngj Nicholas Yoager , 1103 Far nam ; Slup & ICrcmell , Fourteenth and \VU ilnms ; Julius TroltsclK , Thirteenth nnd Howard ; Gram & Jcnson. 12001 Cumins ; Giustnvo Hudolph. 2S1G Cumlng ; Hoffman & Kuca , ( Ul South Thirteenth ; Uurnard Boyle , 11U" > Noah Twentieth street ; Jerry O'Grady. 10i4 UouRlaa street ; Anthony Weber , 415 North Sixteenth street ; P. F. Andresor , 15'l ) Dodge street ; J. E. Murkol and Thomas Swobo , 115 South Thirteenth street ; Chris tian \Vuetrlsch , 10JI Uodgo street ; Frank F. Bellamy , 101 South Twelfth street ; Goodloy F. Brucker , 1418 Harnoy htrout ; Thomas Collopy , 1001 Vinton street ; H. W. Dunwall , 1121 South Sixth street ; Leonhard Kurst nnd Emil Durr , 407 and 409 South Tenth street ; John Donohoo , 203 North Sixteenth street. ; Fritz Kelmers , 110J South Sixth street. The following cases In which there have been protests filed will bo taken up on Fri day ncxtnt'J p. in. : Fritz Plnzorcamp , 703 South Sixteenth street ; John Slmerack , 1315 South Thirteenth street ; W.V. . Thompson , 1517 Douglas street ; Daniel Young01(5 ( North Sixteenth street ; Eldriso Floyd , Frank Sautter , 033 Bancroft street ; John Dldain , Thomas Cum- ing.Tho The case of Charles Blacic nnd several others In which Mr. Ilosowntor has. filed a protest based upon a question of law will bo heard at 2 n. m. on Saturday. Butts Brothers have been charged with selling linuor on Sunday and will have u hearing on Friday at 53 p. m. License was refused August Grube , wno keeps a plnco near Park , 011 Thirtieth street. Tlio board passed a resolution instructing the secretary to return his receipt for $1,000 , and the city treasurer to refund the money to Grubo. , _ . . . Pin This lii Your lint. And you will then know that the largest auction Balo.ot city lots over hold in the southwest , and. the great oppor tunity for investments takes place at Arnnsas Harbor , Texas , January 7 und 8. > More Help nttho Poor Farm. At the session of the board of county com missioners to bo held this afternoon , the members will pass upon the question of whetVier or not Supcrlntenden Mahoney , of tbo poor farm , shall have an additional sup ply of help to run the now hospital. The members of the committee on the poor farm have looko'd the premises over , nnd undoubt edly they will recommend the employment of the following additional help : Ono clerk at salary of 8JO ! per month and board ; one watchman , ? i5 nnd board ; ouo male nurse , § 20 and board ; two chambermaids , $ tScach ; ono assistant engineer , $70 , and ono assistant llreman , 30 per month and board. A Charming SLcmory. No improvement have boon so marked , so signally perfect in attainment , In the last fev ; years , ns the numerous luxuries which have been introduced in transcon tinental travel. Instead of harrowing recollections the tourist now has left to him when his journey is completed , a. charming memory of perfect train ser vice and palace dining cars. The ar rangements this xvintor for dining- cars on the Union and Southern Pacific roads is something far in advance of anything in that hitherto attempted. o Cnptnln Rogers' Funeral. The mortal remains of the late Captain W. W. Rogers of the Ninth infantry , who died last week In San Diego , were laid to rest in P respect Hill cemetery yesterday afternoon. The funeral procession proceeded from Maul's undertaking rooms at 2 p. m. The re mains were followed to the cemetery by a number of the military friends fo the departed - parted soldier. The pall bearers wows : Captain Stanton , Major Bell , Major Baker , Captain Avers , Captain Ray and Lieutenant Warden. Hacked by Powerful Influences. The City of Arnnsas Harbor , Tox. , is backed by the railroad influences , also the company to whom the congress of the United States granted the exclusive right of obtaining deep water over the bar at Aransas Pass. District Court. Judge Cluvkson spent moat of yesterday afternoon in hearing arguments in the case of Charles H. Gaden , who Is suing his di vorced wife , Fanny Gaden , for the posses sion of tbo six-year-old boy , the Issue of the marriage. Tom Carroll , who was convicted of burg larizing the residence of Dr. Luddlngtan , succeeded in giving bail In the sum of fc..lXX and was released pending the trial of the case In the supreme court. Go On n Visit. Hero is a chancojto go homo and visit the old folks during1 ( fho holidays. The Union Pacific will sell on December 24 , 25 and 31 , 1890 , and January 1 , 1891 , round trip tickets ttynll Kansas and Ne braska points for otnrand one-third faro for the round trip , gopel returning Janu ary 6 , 1801. , _ g WOllLit'S milt JHHXGS. A. Move to DlscovcCirculators ol'Dc- rojjntory Stories. CHICAGO , Doc. 31) ) . [ 'Special Telegram to Tim KEE. ] Promoter-General M. P. Handy began work In earueittat the world's fair headquarters this morning. "One of the first cftyvts of the department of publicity and prooitftjpu will bo to discover the source whence all of the European re ports derogatory lo the fair originate , " sale Mr. Handy. "Apparently the papers tha1 print thojo reports are being mlsli i by s < me one or some organized clique of men , who have an object in heaping contumely upon Chicago. The papers cannot do it out ol sheer hatred. Every force at our command will DO employed to ferret out the guilty ones. " Commissioner J , W. Halncs of Nevada writes that Governor-elect Colcord has tin- nounccd that ho will embody In hU message to the Nevada legislature , which assembles January 9 , a suggestion for u very largo state appropriation. "From what I hoar , " continues Mr. nnlnos , "our exhibit will startle all other states woht of the Mississippi. " Members of the state board of agriculture now In the city have notlued the director- Bonoral of their choice of Bites for the Illinois exhibit. Architect Uoylngtou is preparing plans for a building 60 feet wide ana 000 fco THE GREAT LIVERand STOMACH REMEDY Cure * nil clmnrilcra of the Stomnoli , Ijlvnr , IlowcK Kidneys , Ulnador.Norv- oim Olnonsr * . Ijoss of Appetite , tlcadnohr , Contlli > ntloii , Costlvonoss , Imller"- tlon , IllllonftttcM , FCTCT , Piles , Klu. , iiiut roiulors tno sygtoiHless llnblo to con tract dlsnnso. HADWAY'S FIIiLS nro u euro for tlili oitnptatnt. Tlioy tone up the Internal serrations to healthy netlou. restore strength to the stonmali , nnd omibla It tn perform lit lunation i. . , I'rlco'ilc u bov Sold by all drugjlsta , or mailed by HAUWAY & UO..a ! Warron. Sttoot , Now York , 011 rucolpt ot prlco. GRAND MRSQUEMDE = COLISEUM = New Year's ' Eve , December 81. [ $500 ] N &iOIN GOLD to best Rroup ot mtiskors , not SlhVEIMIANDLKD SIUC UMHltntLA to less than llvo churaoters. . best timto comic costiuuo. lit ) IN UOtiU to beat represented couple en aoLD-HRAnni ) suic UMUHKLIA to best COM ) \YATCII \ to best represented malochir- fcinulo comic costume. uctor. GOIjU WATCH to the best represented female HANDSOME CAN E to ueit "Undo Sam. " or iiractor. BOX OF Oia.VUS toVost "Ilnrlcauln. " HANDSOME OANH to second best male liRAQEMn : "Ooddcss of character costume. IJASanr to best DEiVUTIKUb VASE to second best fcmalo Liberty. " character costume. PIVG I'OUNI ) 11OX Ol1 CANDY to best DIAMUMU KINO to handsomest costumed "Topsy. " . DIAMOND Indy. PIN to handsomest costumed gcn- And numerous other prizes to Individuals and tloinan , Rroup s. Grand March , 9 p. m. - Dancing , 9:30 : , - Two Hands of Music. ELEGANT DECORATIONS. l.OOO ELEC RIG LIGHTS. GENTLEMANSTICKET , $2.OO. LADIES TICKET , $1.0O. Ion ? , in the form of three sides of an octagon nnd one story high. Smaller administration buildings will bo on side ot this structure. Jlalco a Pot tune. Don't fail to visit the auction sale of city lots at Aransas Harbor January 7 nnd 8. Educators In Sonston. SrniNiFini.n , 111. , Dec. SO. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Dei : . ] Fully 1,500 teachers nro In the city attending the thirty-seventh an nual convention of the Illinois state teach ers' association. Among them are some of the most prominent educators of the country , The vorious sections held individual meet ings this aftnrnoon. Tonight Bishop John L. Spaulditig of Fcorla spoke on religious in struction in state schools nnd Rtivo an Idea how it can bo mndo acceptable to the Cath olics. Much interest centers in this discus sion. Stata Suporliitcndent-olect Henry Raab made a talk on tno county supcrlutend- ont , his qualifications nnd what ho has done , which was advisory to a preat extent to the newly elected superintendents. Some rad ical changes In the constitution will bo made at this session , Not n Unrc Case. NEW YOIIK , Dec. 30. Receiver Higgins of the North Illvcr bank made a statement to the court today showing that the liabilities exceed the assets by over $42,000. No Now City will bo started during the next quarter of a century offorinpr such grand oppor tunities for investments us Aransus Harbor , Texas. Miss Nelllo Uosowater returned Monday oven Ing from a four weeks' visit In the east. The Misses Boulter nro spending the holi days at Fremont , the guests of W. D. Thomas , where they will taHo part iu a concert to- uight. Mr. Norman Maclcoad , manager of the American correspondence bureau , London , is in the city , homeward bound from a visit to the Paclllc slopo. Last Saturday morning Mrs. James E. Boyd , Miss Margaret Bo.vd. and James 13. Boyd , ] r , , arrived In Omaha from San Fran cisco. They have been absent fifteen mouths , Mrs. Boyd and her son sojourning In San Francisco and southern California , and Miss Margaret meantime tailing a pleasure trip to Japan. Governor-elect Boyd has engaged apartments for the winter In the new hotel in Lincoln and will remove his family thlthor next week. On account of nor poor health , however , It is likely .that Mrs. Boyd , accompanied by her son , will leave shortly for Sutherland , Fla. , to remain till spring. Miss Boyd will remain In Lincoln with her father. As A Rule Your own feelings will tell you , when you are in need of a tonic or Blood purifier. A lack of energy , a tired feeling , depressed spirits are good indications that the blood is sluggish and your system is out of order. "I HAVE U ED S. S , S. FOR DE BILITY FE ULTiNG FROM- XHILLS AND FEVER , ANO HAVE FOUND IT TO BE THE BEST TO > JIC AND APPE PIZER THAT I EVERTOOK. , T ALSO PROVEN i- ED THE RETURN OF THE CH LLS. " A. J. ANYLtN , EUREKA , SPRINGS , ARK. Hooks on ItliKxl anil Skin dheanes free , TIIK SWIFT SrKOirtO CO. . ATLA.J.'T.Y. OA. Who rules in this town ? . % Depends on the question up. The lamp-chimney ques tion what sort do you break ? Whatever sort your dealer deals in. How , do you think , he selects his chimneys ? He buys those that cost him least ; he can get the regular price for them ; and the faster they break the more he sells. That's how he reasons. - Tell him you ivant Mac- beth's "pearl top " or " pearl glass , " tough glass , transpar ent , clear , not foggy , fine , of right shape and uniform. Tell him you'll pay him a nickel more apiece , and that will cover his extra costs twice over. Tell him you Jon't pro pose to break any more. Try your hand at ruling. PittBbnrg. oxo. A. Micnrrn & Co. O < LV-r. | 11001 funuilicitl i'llli tUek'renchrniuwljr. acton tba munilriml ijttfluiuiU , cure inpiireiiluQ from irlutovur ctuie. 1'roinoui I mcnitrunllDii. Tboio ullli diould nut ba tskon dur- , HK proKiinnojr. Am. I'lllCo. . Itufnltr Props , Upon- ' c r , Clar Co. , In. Uinulceby Bliuriinn A. McConnell , < Uodiioit. . Dn r I' . U. . Ouialin : U. A. MoloJur , South I Oiualiu , M. r , I'.llU. Cuuucll Ulutti. IJ.ur J for U 'VETERINARY ' SPECIFICS For Horses , Cattio , Sieop , Dogs , Hogs. J AND PODLTHT. flOOFnzo Hook onTrrntnipnt \nlmaln nnd ( Jlmrt ttont l-'reo. cnucaFoverpiConirt'HtloiiHliillnmnintlon A.A. iHiilniil nicnlnaUlH , illllU 1'cvcr. ll.M. MIrnlnii , Jininni" < , Itliouniiitinnir : . ( ! . ll ) tcnipcr , Niisnl Ulnchnrgca * ] ) . ! ) . Uotn or ( JrulmVormH. . K.K. CoiiuLs , Heaven , riii'UiaonliL. JMf. ( ! ollc or iirlpcn , ] Iull > nclic. < : . ( ! . Mlncnrrlnuc , llrmnrrliacct. Il.ll. Uriimrr ' " " ' Kldnciy J.I. Ernptlvo Jl < p ii < r > pinnae , J.K. UlHCUHca of Jllucmion , X > aiaIyBU. Single Bottle ( OTcrKdoscX ) - - .00 t-tublo CnHOi with Bpcclfles , Manual , Vcltrlnnry Cure Oil and llodlcator , & 7.0O Jar Velerlnnry Cure ( HI , * 1.00 Sold br Dmeelsts ; or Sent Prepaid anrwhero andinany qaantlty on Bocelptol Price. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. . Corner William and John Sts. , How York. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC I SPECIFIC No , ! In use 30 jenra. The onlrrocceftifnl Kmodjrfor Nervous Debility , vital Weakness , and Prostration , from over work or other causes. I per Ttol.or S vlata and Urao vial ponder , for & HOLD nr DIICOOIHTS , or tent postpaid on receipt ofprlox-UUMPHIUYS' MEDICINE CO. , Cor. William and John Dtj. , H. T. To euro Biliousness. Sick Ilcndnclie. Constipation. Malaria. I-lfer Complnlnts. l-nko the unfo and certain remedy , SMITH'S BILE U60tho8MATTSIZE(40 ( llttlo bonnstotlioboU tie ) . Tlioy nro the most convenient : suit all ages. 1'rlccof cither elio , 15 ! conu per lJuttlo. KISSING nt 7 > 17 < 70 ! Photoimwiira I ICPOIIW * panelBltootthlj picture tot 4. cents ( corpora or stamps ) . 3 F. SMITH k CO , Makenof "Illlo Ilcnns. St. Ixrala. Sic. C. L. Erlckson. Local Agent , 200 N.lUth MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO"the Wonderful Spanish Hcmrdjr , cnreB all Nur > oua Dlacnies , tucli ns Weak Mem ory , LOBU n ( Brain Power , Headncbo. WnkcfuluriB , L l svw rcff jk&ei ? Manhood , Ncrxonu- Its/oro & , After Use. ntsn , Jjinltndo , all PIwtogrBplieU from XiTc. drnln and loss ol power of the Generative Orcimn , In cither fcr , cuneed by ovcr-citrtlon , youtlifiil lndlKCHtlnn , oi the ciccfKlve ufcof tobacco , oplnm , or etlnulajls , which ultlmutelj' lead to Inflrmity , Contamptlon and Insanity. Pat an In convenient form to carrr In tbo vert pocket. Trice SI a package , orO lor Si Sent by mull to any ruldrcaa. Circular freo. ilea ttonthln pnner. A'ldrtrfl aiMUDCUiniciLCO.ii > ncubornSbC2 > lc > go.lll. rim SALV. IN OMAHA , NUI. . in Kuhn d. Co , Cur. 15lli k Uouulaa Mrfels. J. A. Fuller it Oi , Cor. Dili 4. Doutilna Streets. A n rotter & Co. Council lllult . Ion a. leading ri'intily ( or all Ilia iinnatutnl dlsclinrKOH and prlvatoclU iw0aoliiipn , A curUIn cum ( or tlie dehlll. tuttnj wenkuoua peculiar to women. Xl > mcrlbeltnndcel8afa In recommending It to all 8uiTorer . J.8TONEnHD.OtC TUBlll. liiri : SLOP. FOR SALE Mr Tainting and Pnr > crtinnslnK bnilneii , Kitnb- llslieil l Vi. linn n well rolcctud Ktock of Wall 1'apcr , Wall MouUllnes , 1'nlnta , llru lit' , etc. P. WINDHEIM , 510 S. IGth Street , Oraalm. 'hlclint r' EnglUb niMmiml llr.nd. PILLS Original n > l Only Gtnulne. APK , al > ; t relUtl * . Lkoicail iuulu for CMcMirm KnMik Mi- mnSHra > fl In Kcd > ml r/iU DiecilllaX ttoiti , t. l l wlih bli < rlbbto. 1 ii ntiother. R'/uii danytrtntt luftittt HomantHnftallani Al lrurtlstie. In ilitup * fbr ptrtlcuUri , te tluoaUU lot „ "Itfllor r r I. Jlr , " ( nl ( ( r. br rrlurn ' M IL H'.OUO ' [ tillnollili. Hunt I'aprr , Cbl < - b t lr Ulttwlcal C'u.Mudl .on H < | Hurt , UctI Oiaiilili. I'li WANTED ARonntosoll the / > ( iu yv/vi OlolliM Llnu ; tlio only line over Invunteil tli.it Iiolds tliu clotlius wllli- putplnsi ri perfect success ; p.ilont rouuntly iMiuidf upla only by airnnti , to whom tlio o\- cluslvn rlxht Is KJvon , UiueculDtuf M cunts wo wllUetiaasiiinpIo line hy miilli also clicii- lar i prlcu Hat und terms to aeont. Sceuru yoiirtorrlUiry lit onoo. Addrt'SH TIIR 1MN- U > S t'l.OTftia UNI : CO. . IT Hcrnmn H. , Worcester M'isj bfitfcur kM Bfc UO3H INTHC WORLOWILI. * > . - . r m i. , , . . . . ' ' " ' ! * * ? * " * PCTAN | 'i. | < lifrruiE or give relief like" lr , 1'lorce's 3utnrila ; Klulla Trim. " ItlmnrurfilthuUHBUils I If yuiiwanttliu IHihT.BoncI lolni > tan/s ) | / turlrcul'i > [ nilil"t | . "Su. I. Mucnellc HlfKlloTruu Co. , hall I'runcUru , tiii OR. GT.xUOK , EYE AND EA.R , Darker IJliolt , IHli nuj l'arauiu < Telai > liouaOSl OUSH BEAUTYof POLI SHr-s SAVING LADORCIEANLINESS , DlIBABIlJTYBtCHEAPNESS.UNEQpALLED. NO ODOR WHEN HEAIEn. AMUBblM R N T S , DfWTVCCiiftH il NK\V YHAH' ? ! JBU > XJLJ > . OjiCClill KNtlAOhMllNT. A Q\IA WKIIC : or n STIVITIKS. n TIIK OIlKHNAt. AND 1 Cotlnnc ; GQRINNE Corliino Corinnc Coriuno - SUM OHTt I ) MY - Kimball Opcra-Comlqiic and Burlesque Co OMrtl-H CO Including Mr , Hornnnl Dillon , In Iho follovrlnf rcpirtnlrn : Monday , Tuoulny and Wo ln s < ? d.iy EYO nlngH.mil Now Year's Matinee , ThaPputtiiculnr Conilo Uprr -C OARMELN. Thursday and Friday Evenings and Satnr * day Hatlnuoatul Evonlnc. T ( ) , JR UnJur the ulumnnnKcmcntof Mra.Jotinlo Kliubull. I'rUi's nn muni. EDEN" MUSEEl \VlllLnwler. Maniignr. Cor. llthnud I'sinnm NEW YKAU'S WKhlC. THE NEBRASKA TRIPLETS Slvmontlis old-cute , oiiiinlnir , p ratty , artf the Jurrottti Triplets. , ' WclhorMnntl t'arroi , tlm coon Hum. Swoony contortionist. Allln Clmmbur , the Lascar and a host of nttrm'ttnm. THAT S\VlUK-SKn HIM. SYPHILIS H CUBED We guarantee to cure any case of Syph ilis no matter of how long standing. And we have the only rem edy that will cure the disease. You have tried everything else and wasted your money , -why not now try us. We guarantee to cure or refund every dollar. When it is nec essary for patient to come here we agree to pay railroad fare "both ways , all hotel bills I and refund your mon ey ifwe do not cure yon. "Write for partic ulars ; do not be hum bugged any longer. We are financially re sponsible with $30O- OOO capital , Cooz BEMEDY Go , , Omaha , Neb , , Rooms 39 & 40 , 13th and Dodge Sts. DK. MOGREW , THE. Sr-3EOIA.LiIB'r. Is unsurpassed In the treatment ot all forum of PRIVATE DISEASES Stricture. Syphilis. Lost Minhnnd , 8kln Dli- e.ihut and ruinalo DKuasi'H. Dr. MoUrun'a suciUHs In the treatment of Uioubuvo Dlsoiisos bus nurur l > o nr < ] iiilc < l. Ae'urjilsuiiaruiitcoil without the l > m of an liours tlinu , Wrlto for clroulur * . I/ADIKS. from 2 to 4 only. Olllci ) , Cor , Hill iiinl Knrmim Sin. , Umahii , Nell. Hntrunuuem ulthor streot. C. WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. BpjocHta for Hr rl . Pliilne i.rt .K iir ilgl . Wnk ( lulnoii , MtntM litprustlon. . ttoninlnir nt the jiraln , r - ultlnir in losanlt/a.id Uidln to roUery il oav acj jth. Prvmituro did AR . luirinncu I.u > or I'owir UioUher HI , Inroluntiirr LOIMI , arvl 8u rmtorrtcu e&uwl t > r ttT r- initloot I in ln ln , ; MlN Imie oren on liHlultfincB. ILoch box eonttln * oni monlL'J tmt * rnenk SI al.oi , or l < ( or t ) , nl tj mallir | > pU. WllU oocl orilxr tfcr all lioxiu. will rami | > urchtwr irnartnto * * tu refund noa y If iho tmtmtni falUlo , rum Uu&rMitaetlMueitaad KVQIUIIO tul4 uairujr GOODMAN DUL'G CO. , Utrcut. - Uuiitha Net