I THE OMAITA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , DECEMBER 21 , 1890.-TWENTY PAGES. / ' THE WEEK IN , SOCIETY , \7hat lasMonablo People Have Boon Doing in the Past Eovcn Daya. PLEASURES BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS , \ SClm Innttgiirnl Unit of ttio Scnson- Cnrd I'nrtlcfl niul Itcocptlotis to Give Splccto ttio MidWinter - Winter Calottes , Is Christmas what it used to bet It doesn't ' seem so when the goings on of the present nro recalled In contrast with these that mndo up the lives of our fathers nnd mothers , and oven wcro n part of our childhood. When tbo W ritor was a youngster , Christ mas toys rtml cards vero not advertised on the 1st of November , and Christmas numbers of the papers only socmcd to como out In tlmo to find glad faces at the breakfast table the morning of Sunta Glaus' visit , Now the magarlncs and vvccklv papers issue tbolr hol iday numbers so cnrly thnt their subsequent nppoarauco In their usual sonibro form nnd ngaln ( and often several times ) before Christ inas day is singularly mapropos and not at nil merry. A "symposium" recently published on the subject of "Santa Claus" indicates that there arc n number of pcoplo represented as parents and teachers of children who deem it immoral and dcvllsh to cnuso children to bcllovo Iu the existence of tbo jolly old elf ; that the realisation , finally , tint there is no such being Is likely to make children doubt true nnd better teachings. There is no use arguing1 Ibis thing. These deductions nro absurd , and you might as well cast out from literature , but itmaymjuro > oung people , 11 fairy stories , mythology , and everything also likely tobobollovcd In during- that do- llgbtful i > cried of llfo called childhood. The mother who docs not draw ubDut her the joys of her children , nnd feel within her a charming reimniiccnco of early nvvcot- licartcdiicss in reel tin R Clement Moore's " 'Twns ' the night before Christmas , " is un- \voilhy Ooa's blessing. Why ? Uccauso It sncnlts of Homo. The man or woman grown , who docs not seem to Imvo nU'Cinpty place in thoughts on Ctulsr- inas day n longing for the satisfaction of ono moment's return , when tbo toy Noah's uric or the tin locomotive was first discovered by the fireplace In the hay dinco of that happy morn has hvcct n llfo nvvay. God bless Santa Cltiusl God bless the children of these sweet , loving mothers who BO live lu their own gentle tenderness us to almost believe iu Hint wholesome nnd happy myth. For ho Is an honest puiveyor of tlio teachings of Christ iu that it is better to give than receive. But what can this have to do with the world of fnshlont May bo little , but do not the leaders in the smart vv orld huv o children , and are they not to bo remembeied upon this universal day ol pence , which midnight Wednesday -will usher In 1 There is simply n suggestion to these whoso names hu\o been mentioned time und ngaln in thcsn columns , to so surround their chll dren's lives with brightness , with great Joyv that they , the little ones , will como to believe that the real Chrlstmis is not thnt which comes nnd goes every 23th of December , bul that which lives In the heart all the year round. Socially the week has not been noted for great doings in society , although there have been many delightful little nffniis , which Bccm to bo grow lug in popularity as the sea hon grows old. Hostesses are gradually com' ing to the opinion that two or three llttlo af fairsduiIng the season , wherein jou rna\ choose to hnvo the young , the middle-ngct nnd the old about you , in turn , is so much plcnsniitir than a crush and then have re niaiks made about the crowds und tbuservice and so on ud inllnituui. The Dickey permnn was a very dcllcrhtfu. though somewhat Informal p.irtv.but It broke the ice and ulieady a number of gcrmaus are announced to taito place during January. The Turner reception brougbtout the smar woild In Inrgo numbcrswhlle several charm intj curd parties gave the people who daucc but llttlo opportunity to show what they know of the enticing game of high live. Next week promises llttlo hi the way of bij , " affairs but usually Itioweek brings around Its full complement of dances , parties and re coplions. It is a pity thnt society cannot hnvo nn op portunity to pay its liomngo to Mrs. Dorolln Tenunnt Stanley , who. with herliusband.vvii bo in Omuhii both on the evening before anc on Chiistmas day. The leulersof society h every eastern Uty have siov\n Mrs. Stunloj treat attention , nnd she has accepted it ull.as the gejitlo English woman naturally would n tribute to the great fame of her husband Christmas morning ISlr , nnd Mrs. Stanlo ; Will worship at Trinity cathedral mid prob ably will take their Christmas dinner at the Millard , wheroasultoof rooms bus boon re curved for tbe famous cxploier and his beau tiful and accomplished wife unless somebody should carry them away ton , renl old-fash ioned English dinner with boar's head , plum pudding and a gorum of punch to wash It all down , n gentle reminder to the llovvcr of English womanhood thut she is not so very far away from the tight llttlo island and tbo scenes of her childhood. In view of the fact thnt n number of germans - mans are to bo given in the near future the follow ing hints for favors mny not bo out of place ; Quo of the most unique Is a ciush hat made In delicate satins after the latest stj lo and nt exactly the some expense ns tbo regu lation opera hat During tlio Jiguro the gen tlemen will dnnco with these beautiful hits of color under their arms and utter the ball they will bo used as card rctoivcr , ash box or wnsto Dii.sl.et.s. Tbo coricspouding favor for the lady is n parasolctto of the sumo color as the hat , drupcu w ith lace or net and mounted on n long orook handle tied with ribbons. " " Then there nro reins of painted ribbon padded with sachet powder with na arm- piccoat ono end nnd n fiingo of bells at tbo other thnt aie sure to bo a "go" Opposite dancers will bo harnessed In the nrmlots Trnd driven aiound the ballroom by the lady on the loft or gentleman on the right. These reins nro three jnrds long and cost from J 3 to $10 n pair , according to the quality und style of work. Another very novel favor likely to become popular Is the cowl nud clonk for the gentlemen nnu the hoods and clonk for the ladies , woven in metal cloth , bullion gauze and gum , dlnmand dusted or jewelled not. These transparencies will bo ample enough to envelope the dancers , and aspen Blocks , sheplicid ( .rooks and pilgrim stuffd will complete the outtlt. While the purses , curd cases , bonbounlcrcs , inntch safes and stamp boxes nro not now iu design , they are presented In a style thnt Is both novel nnd fnnciful , enamel , mosalo. ropousso , rarvcd leather and pniutcd porclaln being used indiscriminately. It is a peculiar fact thnt aomo women kill flowers within twenly minutes after therm o adjusted to the corsage. Others will wear - thorn for hours and they w ill look as fresh as when they weio first plunt > d on. A florist sulu : "women wear llovvora sometimes be- cnuso Ihcy aio vain , not because they love them. They droop nnd mourn tneinsolvcs to death , because they know there Is nothing in common betw ecu them nnd the vvcurtT. They nrolIUo llttlo children ; they love these who love them , und their bostbrlghtcst beauty is given to Iho woman who plus tlio boquct on through her love for the /lowers. " A phvsl- rlansald : "Certainly some women can kill flowers within a very few minutes. Ills a sure Indication that a poUonous vapor is es caping from tlio body to a great degree. It may bo the result of discoho , or it may bo that bathing and proper care of the skin are iicpleclcd. The body that is kept in wholesome - some cleanliness will give now llfeto the flow ers. A magnetic strength Is carried from too wearer to iho llovvcr , and long after the woman Is weary with nn afternoon's shopping or calling llio flowers will smllo back ot bor with tier own strength. She gives llfo to the flowers through the sweetness of her body. There 1s such n difference in women about the care of the person. Some ot our best dressed nnd wealthiest ladles are tno most negligent , They seem to have no prldo. There Is nothing moro dijccnmblo than this dlsngard , 'ikey are cither Ignorant orun- oonsdous of the fact or else they are with out tue prldo that should go with Intelligence. Flon era cuuuot llvo lu the poisonous vapor nnd tlicy bctrny thosocrclof Invisiblenogloot by soon drooping. " * i * * IJrowncll llnll iMiiHlonl The semi annual musical recital 'of the Urovvncll hall young ladies occurred at that place lost Thursday evening. The largo auditorium was densely crowded with the friends and relatives of the participants in the rccltnl , many of them bclni ? from out of town. Among these present wore noticed Kcv. D. T. Hrndy of Crete , Dean Whltmnrch of Bouth Om ihn , Mr. nnd Mrs. Harvey of Wilber. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hnnyan of Council HlufTs , I. Dawson of South Omnhn , C. W. Thomas of Grand Island. Mr. Hospo , Mrs. limiting mid Mrs. Doty of David City , Otto Morton of the Nobiaska Cltv News , Captain John Simpson nnd Mrs. Simp son , Mr. nnd Mrs. William Clcbmno , Mr. and Mis. John I'otcrs , Mr. and Mrs. r. L. Haller , Mrs. G. W. LIuIngor , Mr. and Mrs. ij. M. Hhcom , Mr. nnd Mrs. L II ICortv. Dr. and Mrs. Holmes , Dr. nnd Mis. Moorb , Mrs. Wllklns , Harry Wllklns , W. Baxter , Mr. nnd MM. Ocorgo Marker , Mrs. Heth , Miss Miller of Greenwood , Ky , , Harry Ilotu , Stock Heth. The young Indies who wcro to partlclapto In the entertainment were gathered in the front of the auditorium. They were under the direction of Miss Wnllacc , the Instruct ress In instrumcntar music , nnd Mrs. J.V. . L'otton. who has charge of tbo vocal classes nt the ball. The programme was n lontr ono nnd occu- [ itcd over Uvo hours in its deliveiy. Iho Irst number was iv piano quartette by Mlssos Mna Fovvlcs , Loulso Doherty , Maggie Olsen nnd Margaret Groves , ull of .vhomwcro . between tbo ages of ten nnd 'ourtecn. The number was well rendered , ind was followed by a vocal duett by Misses Clara 1'almer and Amy Unkcr. This vw > n loublo number nnd was sung with good 'asto and feeling in nn effective manner. \Iiss \ Kstclla Thorpe entCLtninod the uudl- inco with a piano selection by Gottschalk mtlttcd "March do Null. " which was beautl- ully ulayed , the young lady show Ing excel- out judgment both in phrasing nnd tech- mruo. bho displayed n cousulutious regard "or the woik In hand and gave an almost 'aultlcss leiulei Ing of the selection. She was followed by Miss Maud Haywiird , who nxe- cutcd Durand's "Sous IPS Hois" in a brilliant mm effective mannpr. Miss Jcanctto Left- wleh sang a Venetian song by Tosti and was followed oy Miss Carrie Thomas , \vlio exo- : utcd Heothoven's ' "Uoudo" in C , very of- cetlvcly. The next number , -a "Min uet , " by Miss Clara Palmer , was vvoll executed , and Miss Ina Kennedy charmed her hearers by her rendition of 11 "Cuckoo Song. " Master Joseph Barker played a "Hunting Song" and Miss Mabel I'utnnm charmed tbo nudlonco with n splen did execution of Haft's "Cacliouca " A piano duo by Misses I'licuba Doty nnd Nlti Bunt ing was well received , as was u noctuino by Miss Geoigia Towler. Miss Nellie Holt amused the audience with n noug entitled "A i'oolish Little Maiden" mid Miss Amy Barker followed with nn instrumental number , "In the Moonlight. " Miss Hstello Thorpe then ' 'I ' Dreamt " Sdilia. sang , by The number was an excellent QUO and showed Miss Thorpe's voice to good advantage. Her volco Is sweet , yet poweiful , and was well co-itioiled. The lower regis ter was full und clear and the upper notes wcro taken in a clear und certain tone All of the following numbers wcro very well rendered , being performed by ttio clder'puplls and presented many points of roil merit. The execution was very good nnd , in some cose } , exceptionally so , showing c.ircful and conscientious w oik on the p.irt of the punil aud instructress. These numbers consisted of a piano number by Miss Kato Collins , n vocal solo by Miss Clara Palmer , a piano solo by Miss Janet Livingston , n vocal num ber , double , by Miss Amy Oaiker , n piano nunrtetto by Misses Alma Hulincrs , Kditb Abbott. Anna Nelson nnd Maud Havward , and u chorus in which nil the young' ladioa took part Miss Barker's number was very well rendered. Her voice is a rien contralto , rich and cleat and heard to good advantage In Gounod's "Slumber Song. " The entire entertainment was a pronounced success , nnd the JOUHR Indies weio the re cipients of many congratulations at tbo close A. Picturesque Tournament. A pretty nnd exccdingly animated spool men of class woik w as offered at the Academy of the Sacred Heart , Park Place , in ttio novel form of n "Tournament in too Field of General information. " The courteous com bat was conducted In strict accordance with all the laws nnd usages of medieval chivalry , and the joust was n moro "gentl'o and joyous feat of arms" than any recorded In Scott's hoioic pages. Soveu fair champions , pupils of the second English class , composed the array of emulous knights , and the laculty aud scholars of the academy formed the f > pectators. Four heralds , from the graduating class , up- poured with badges of ofllco , "Garter- King-at-Arms , " proclaimlnR the nature and conditions of the polite contest , the nn- poitnncoof the occasion , the dignity of the nudlcnco nnd the lofty loputatlon of tbo forthcoming champions. k"Lion King-at- Arms , " then throw open the folding doors which screened the "doven champions of pro gress , " nnd , while the third and fourth her alds lea cacti combmutioii In turn to the cen ter of the lists , "LIou" proclaimed the name , device , deeds and armorial bearings of the sovotnl claimants. The lady knights wore beautiful shields in quaint designs of enamel , silver and gold , pretty swords und luuccs of silv or and enamel , fastened to their sides by gny ribbons. Tbo first challenger drew from an urn , nt the herald's ulgiiul , a card bearing live questions , and from another urn n card in scribed with the immo of another knight , who , thus challenged , became the defendant. The challenger made the in- tei rogations rapidly , by her chance sent card , and the oppaier was expected to respond spend with equal alacrity. If the respondent hesitated or failed , It was hnr sad duty to hunt ! her lance , tbo first forfeited trophy , to her fair foe. 'J. he challenger must then reply to the remaining questions on the card her self , or , falling to do this , baud both her own lance nnd tbo captuied weapon , ton knight whoso nnmo she herself must draw bv lot. So the brilliant joust ran on , displaying , cer tainly , un amount nnd a variety of informa tion unexpected in jouug ladles of sixteen. The range of Interrogation was as quaint , ns vniicd and as ingcnlus as the scheme lUt'lf was novel nnd striking. In one card might chance to be a quotation , the author of which was de manded , followed by tbo requisition of a date In history ; succeeded by the name of n char acter in lletion , creator and book to bo named ; after which might bo presented a Latin motto or verso for translation ; thou the origin of some quaint naino or custom might bo solicited ; or u question nsiccd as to the works of great painters , poets , novelists , historians or architects , or queiles on our owu civil government , or explanations of some question of the day , etc. When u knight ] had been so unfortunate us to have forfeited lance , sword nnd shield by three failures , she was hors du combat , but , happily , such defeat was not , In the dcciocs of fate , reserved for any of tkcso charming champions of progress. After nn hour and a half of splendid prowess , wherin some wounds were iutllotod but no belligerent foiccd ft am the Held the u in- plros declared a drawn battle , and three prizes w era awarded to the tin ea victors who had escaped without oven n sword scratch from UiO'lmrd fought "Field of General Informa tion , " The lirst prize w as verv appropriately , "latest poems , " nnd was placed In thohauds of Miss Mary Hegun. The second was Irvlug's "Knickerbocker papers'1 and recompensed the efforts of Miss llinim Lemon. The third was ' 'Gumboil's jxjems , " and was well merited by Miss Anna Getty. The following young ladies wcro eminently dcsorv Ing of honorable mention : Mlssos Greenwood , FisherMyers and Hclmrod. Tbo ordeal was severe , but the \lctory was a veritable triumph to the "seven champions , " n singular satisfaction to tholr teachers , aud no doubt , a great pleaura to their many friends. A HenulH'ul Luncheon. Mrs. Warren Rogers gave ono of the most delightful luncheons of the season Thursday , nt 1:80 : , nt her homo , 2701 Faniam street The tables vvoro placed throughout the drawing room , library and dining room , and assisting tbo hostess in entertaining her guests wore : Mrs. T. J , Rogers , Mrs. John Wilbur , Mrs. Oscar Williams , Mrs. Will Hamilton , Mrs. ll. J , Rollins aud Miss Bishop. Flowers or namented tbo rooms , which are particularly cosy nnd comfortablo.tho luncheon being per fection itself. The fortunate guests present were : Mrs. TUoinas Roger * , Mrs. Stubbing , Mrs , Will Popplotou , Mrs. Mcday , Mri. Swobo. Mrs. Arthur Wakeloy , Mrs.vVos < ells , Mrs. G. W. Mcgcath. Mrs. Will Hnmllton , Mrs. Alfred Millnrd. Mrs. Will Mlllord , MM. Rollins , Mm. Uarkalow. Mrs , U.R. Kiugwnlt , Mrs. James Chambers , Mrs. Hlcrhowcr , Mrs , Chase , Mrs , Bradford , Mrs. B. U. Wood , Mrs. Frank Johnson , Mrs. Guy Bniton , Mrs , Prltchott , Airs. Brooke , Mrs. Hill , Mrs. Wil bur , Mrs. Deiicl , Mrs. Cauldwcll , Mrs. Mot- calf , Mrs. W. V. Morse. Mrs. Wheaton , Mrs. Colpctrcr , Mrs. Dan Wheeler , Mrs. Wood- worth , Mrs. David Hnutn , Mrs , J. E. Ilaum , Mrs. Vnlll , Mrs. Lewis Uecd , Mrs. Briggs hud Williams. Misses Yntcs , BesMo Yntos , Smith , Isaacs , Sharp , Ida Sharp , Hongland , Laura Hoiglnnd , Hanscotn , Carter , Damn , Bishop , Wakcloy , Millard , AVllliams. Miller. IMorrlngoH. ClAItlC AND rtllZUM. On Thursday. December 18 , Mr. J. W. Clark of Council Bluffs and Miss Jesslo M. Chizutn of this city wore united in rnarrlagu at the homo of the bride's father , 1700 Corby street , Hcv. C , W. Savldgo odlclutiug , as sisted by Mr. Fred K. Reed , who is a deaf mute nnd professor nt the dcif mute instl- ute , the contracting pirtlcs also being dent nutcs. Mr. Savldgo read the service , which vns repeated by Mr. Reed in the sign lan guage to biido and groom , I.TTLK AM ) IJOVAllDn. Wednesday evening , December 17 , nt the omo ot the bride's parents , 1203 North Mghtccnth street , Mr. Edward Lytlo nnd Vllss Mnv Donahue were nulled In marriage , lev. G. W. Sav idgo oniclntlng. By this mnr- lagotwo of the oldest and moat icsuectcd 'atnlltos In the cltv wcro united. A largo : ompanyof friends witnessed the ceremony ind the ceremony was followed by n delight- 'ul wedding supper. MEMUMIV AM ) PINNBr , A very pretty wedding was solemnized iVi'dneslny evening at 8 o'clock nt thoiesl- lenco of the btiae's parents , 17.2J Cass street , ho contiucting parties being Miss liertlo ? inncyand Mr. Scott Morryman. Hev. Mr. Slerilll odlclatcd , u very huge number of 'ricnds being present to witness the happy vent. MINH IMIlltVUOM'II. Tno marriage of Miss Katie Kline and Dr Prank Randolph wns solemnized nt the real donco of Hev. F. G. Hlllnmn Friday at lO.W ) i. in Dr. auil Mrs. Randolph will leave for Jalifornla in a few days , where the honey' noon will bo p isscd. The hi Idols u resident of Wilkesbarro , Pa. MAUI , AND JALOI13. Monday afternoon nt 5J.10 o'clock Mr. M. O. Maul ami Mrs. L. M. Jacobs wcro united In innrrlngc at Trinitv cathcaral , Dean Gaidnor otllciuting. The wedding wns somewhat of a surprise to the many friends of the groom , although Ittvasgcnoinllvknown tlmtituould be consummated In the near future. The .H'ldo aud groom , however , have the warm wishes of n host of people tor n happy llfo. Tuesday morning Mr. and Mrs Maul loft for Hot Springs , Ark. , where they will visit 'i lends. The TiirntT Hceoptlcin. There Is no moro beautiful homo in Omaha .ban that of Mrs Charles Turner , ntThlrtj- ilxtlf nnd Fnrnam streets. Occupjfng a com manding position at the top of the long 111' cllno on Fnruain street , with nn unob structed view of the suiroundlug country , It s the ideal of n retired .caiiitallst's residence Sunouuded by beautiful grounds , which slope ccntly toward the streets on cither side , built or daik red pressed brick and Kormn csquuin its stvloof nrehitcctuie , it completely lllls the eye , as it must please iho hearts these \vho dwell therein. Completed in March lost and occupied for inoto than nine months , it is essentially i new house , ono of the few handsome man sious which liavo been completed within the year. And Friday evening it was throw i open to a largo number of guesta many of whom were treated to their flrs gllmpso of the intaiior , which is quite in kcemng with the beauty of tbo exterior , Although the invitations announced a roaep- tiou , it was really In the nature of u house warming and per conscquenco there were very few regrets received , for many ot the pcoplo had a desire to see a moiel homo , elected by ono of the leading citizens of the metropolis. Intoriorally tbo residence Is n serie ? of pic tures. The drawing loom to the left of the wide hallway is finished in nn Ivory white ' with gold bo'rdor , the decorations toning lu % v Ith the woodwork , the furniture a shade darker and relieving the beautiful floor pal tern , whlcl. is a vciy light gray , a small lig- uroofdaiker uiateiial running through It. Tlio room Is thoioughly Louis belzo in style , nnd is ono of the veiy few examples of that school in the west. The hallway is carpeted in a much dniker .shado than the draw ing room to the left or the library to the light inil brings out in relief the beautiful examples of the upholsterer aud finisher's ' art as icpie- so itcd b ) these two looms. The lltnary is largo and roomy for that matter ull the i coins In the house aio roomy und airy , and is finished along the same lines ns the drawing room , but in appreciably duiker shades. Bookcibes line the wall * , while heto and there n statuette or a pictuie delights the ejo nnd pleases the sense. The dining room is diieutly In the rear of the drawing loom and like the other looms on the ground lloor is n poem in color aud light A w ido stall w ay le ids from the ball to t ho upper rooms , which wns utilized as n trysting phuc for many of the young men aud maids who were thero. Can luges entered from the Farnam street Hide nnd set down heads west , the guests en tering the residence from the rear , through storm canopy , tbo back stairway w hlcli Is utmost us wide as any front stairway , in most houses , being utilized to get to the dressing rooms on the second floor. The receiving party besides Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Turner wore Mr. Curtis Turner , Miss Turner nnd Miss Kennedy. Mrs. Tui ner vvoro a handsome gown Of black silk trimmed with exquisite lace. Miss Turner was costumed iu a prettj whlto cashmere covered with n profusion of feather trimming. Miss Kennedy appeared in n-dainty costume of white caslmioro und sillt relieved by lilies of the valley. Among tno guests remarked for tholr n nidsomc costumes wcro : Mrs. Joseph Barker , black silk with a pro fusion of passementerie ti imraing. Mis. Dr. C. E. Smith wore a very stylish gown of white silk crcpo with plnltlngs of the same shade , cntrainc. Mrs. K. S. Dundy , hlacksllkniid diamonds. Mrs. George Gould , a wcddlug gown of white silk trlmmod with white loco , cntraino. Mi's. J. M. Metcalf , distinguished for hoc excellent tnsto In gowns , were a dainty white brocade ilchly trimmed in gold passemen terie. terie.Mrs. Mrs. Squires , a pretty costume of blacknoU Mrs D. H. Wheeler , jr. , were a houdsomo dross of black not trimmed with gold lace. Mrs S. S. Curtis appeared in n rornarknblv piutty gown of black Lyons velvet tilmmod with white brocade , with black lace finish. Eutruino. Mrs , C. W. Hamilton , black silk , cntrnlno. Mrs. W. S. Popploton , white crcno orna mented by broad ribbon trimmings of a hello- trope shade. Mrs , Dan Whoilor , sr. , black silk. MissDwight of Pcoria , aromarknblvpretty girl w ho received a great deal of attention fiom the eligible bachelors present , vvoro u fetching gown of white China silic. Miss Moore , white silk trimmed with white laco. laco.Miss Miss Yost , n vivid blue gown trimmed with a piofuslon of laces. Miss Kmlly Wukoloy were n dcllcato pink silk crone relieved by softcdstngs of laco. Miss Doauo were white silk and white net , cntralne. Miss Curtis , white China silk with pansy trimming. Miss Mary Ludlngton looked very pretty in a white tulto trimmed with white Van Dyke pointed ornaments. Miss Margaiet Williams , white tulle trimmed with gold braid. Miss Hoagluud , a very stvllsh Parisian gown of heliotrope crepe prettily trimmed , Miss Laura Hooglaud were a handsome costume of white silk. Miss Jennie McClelland , yellow not over jellow silk trimmed with gold laco. Miss Wymau were a gown of pink not over pink silk. Miss Dundy were ono of the hnndsomas gowns at the reception , n golden brown vel vet trimmed with a lighter shade of brocade. Around the neck sbo were a delicate blue ruflllug of light blue silk mousseUlne do solo. Miss Bertlo Jordan of St. Louis , and by many considered tbo prettiest young- lady present , were a dainty tollotto of white China silk trimmed with lace j sbo carried a handsome bouquet of pink roses and aUo were pink roses In her hulr. Miss Florence Yatcs. who goes Into society but llttlo 011 account ot her Ucolth , appeared In ft Dale blue silk and Blab tulle , relieved by white hvaclnthcs , n Mlns liossle Gate * wfro white tulle trimmed - mod with whtto ribbon ! Miss May Clnrko of Chicago , and another of the beauties prcsontrmndo ninny conquests in n costume of dark maroon satin trimmed with puffings of white mullo. Miss Nash , who him Just returned from Salt Lnko City , were a pretty dress of pink tulle over pink silk. Miss Hibbard , pink net Miss Lcola Carter , xVhoso engagement to Mr. Newton Bnrkalow has Just been made public , were n delicate-i wn of yellow note oor silk. Uerreshments were solved In a largo room In a third story , which | Rpmo day will un doubtedly bo the billiard room , nnd so well was everything nrrnrigAd that there was llttlo crowding , notwithstanding the presence of so many people. Dancing followed the reception nt 11 o'clock , many of the married people stnv lug to ptrtlclpato in the thorough chuim of the veiling. Among these present were : Mr. nnd Mrs. . Barker , Mr. nnd Mrs. Metcalf , Mr. nnd Irs. Dundy , Mr. and Mrs. Catlln , Mr. nnd rlrs. George Gould , Mr nnd Mrs. D. H. Wheeler , Mr. nnd Mrs. D. II. Wheeler , Jr. , Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Yntcs , Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Curtis. Mr. nnd Mis , C. W. Hamilton , Mrs. Cumlng , Mr. nnd Mrs Warren Hogers , Mr. nnd Mrs. T. J. Hogers , Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Hamilton , Mr. and Mrs. ClomcutChaso , r. and Mrs. Kccse , Dr , and Mrs. Deiilse , Dr. nud Mrs. Smith , Mr. and Mrs. Chniles Deuel , Judge and Mrs. Lnko and Mr. and Mrs Squires. Misses Uundy , Kennedy , Dwlpht , Moore , Yost , Hmlly WnkoloyDo.me , Curtis , LudiiiRton , William ? , Hoaglond , Liuri Hoighuid , McClelland , Jordon , Yatoi. Bessie Yatcs , Brock , Claiko , Nash , Hibbard , aller , Messis. Saundois , Hamilton , Hull , II irtcn , Art Gulon , Loomis , Shnnis , Ken nedy. Coles , Keller. Slunlov. Smith , Arthur Smith , Dewing , John and Uob Patrick , Al I'atrlck , Brigps , Henry nud Will Wyman Barlow , Bnrkalow. Two I'lcnsnnl Card Parties. Mr. and Mrs. Lcvl Carter , who ntooccupy- IK the Bovd residence at Nineteenth nnd Davenport streets during the absence of Mrs. Boyd mid MUs Boyd In California , gave tw o delightful card putios last week , Wednesday and Th.uiad.iy evenings. High live was played nnd In many respects it was n remarkable - markablo series of games , ten ladies baing to cut for liist piizo on Wednesday evening nnd six ludies for the second prize on Thurs day evening , lu thoThmsday's game Mrs. II. B , Lockwood won every game , which , to say the least , is remarkable , ns there were u number of llrst-rato plnjcrs present. De- chtful icfreshmonts wcieserved , both oven- .ngs being exceedingly pleasant made BO by the delightful hospitality of an Ideal hosteia Wednesday evening the prlrcs wcio taken ns follows. FItst ladies' piizo , a pretty Huvllaiid dish In chocolntonnd gold , won bv Mrs.F W. Wesscls ; srconda , dainty Iv ory fruit : lish Interlaced w'th ribbon , won by Mrs uoutant ; the consolation \tr\o \ \ , n pictty lese lump , was taken by Mrs. JJ. B. Wood Mia General Wheatoii won the llrst pi I/O foi the gentlemen , being compelled to take a gentle man's seat In the game , which wns n hand some ciir.ar lefrigcialor. When asked whit she ptoposed to do with it , Mr-i Wheaton re marked that it would bo nu excellent thing for her husband while hunting Indiiiis In thu bad lauds The second prire for the gentle men was taken by Mr. E M. Moibcinuu , u pretty card case with jplaving cauls , 'ilio consolation prize wn ? won "by Mr Commit , n vary appropriate bootry honor conslst'ng ' of whisk bioom iu a do ikcv'head ' holder The guests present vvoro tile und Mrs. W.ilto- ley , Mr. nnd Mrs. Wcs ells , Mr. and Mrs. Adumi , Mr. nnd Mrj. Barker , Mr. and Mis. Coutnut , Mr. und Mrs Hunscntn , Mr and Mrs McICcnnn , Mr nu\lMis \ Mor-anauMr nud Mrs. Wallace , Mr , nnd Mrs B. F. Smith , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vales , Mr. and Mrs Bukalow , Mr. nnd Mrs. 'Bennett ' , Mr. and Mrs. Greene , Mr. nnd Mr * < . Kilpatrick , Mr. nud Mrs. Mor o , Mr. nnd Mrs. WoodColonel , nnd Mrs. Slieridnii , Jud o and Mrs Thuis- ton aud Mesdnmcb Miller , Wheaton , Brooke , Hill , Judge and Mrs. Y\lclev ! ( , Mi's , i-tintor , Miss Amos. Miss Hunscotn , Mr. Tuttle aim Mr. Drake. " ' Thursdav ovcntng piircs wcref taken by the following : First ladles' prize by Mta Lockwood , n very diilnty book of etchings of inctiopolilaii museum pictures ; second Indies' uii/o vyns won by Mn. Uud ahya , picttv pink night la-rip ; the cohsoUiUoYi prize Ucnt to Mr * Vnlll , a kid button box , Ainonj , ' the gentlemen the winners Were : Mr. Catlln , n handsome weichsco wood cane with stalling silver clasp ; second to Mr. Lockwood , n bottle - tlo of violet water with mi Ivy vine In silver covering- ; the consolation prize wns carded off by Mr. T. J. Rogers , a pretty silv or Itoj ung The guests were : Mi , and Mis Cut- lln , Mr. and Mrs Daniel Bium , Mr and Mrs Boggs , Mr. nnd Mrs. Button , Mis. David Baum , Mr. and Mrs Bradford , Mr nud Mis. Cudnliy , Mr. and Mrs. Squires , Mr und Mrs Vaill , Mr and Mrs. Mill.ird. Mr and Mrs. Churchill Parker , Mr ami M Amp" , Air undM > 's Mclntosh , Mr nuii Mrs W. Rogers , Mr and Mrs. Estnbnok , Mr. nnd Mrs. Piuiktmuscr. Mr. and Mis Jones , Mr. ujid Mrs Holllus , Mr. and Mrs Lockwood , Mr nnd Mrs. Redick , Mr uml Mis. Woolworth , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hogcrs , Mr. nnd Mrs. Chase , Mrs I'd war Is , Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnllnce , Dr. nnd Mrs Jones , Dr. Leo , Mr. and Mrs Woodward , Mr. and Mrs , Wallace and Mr. Berlin. A I'fotty lllblJon Gorman. In honor of Mr. Harry Jordan and Mis * Bertie Jordan , hi other and sister of Mis J , J , Dickey , the latter cave a very pretty Gor man Thursday avoning. Two or three years ago the Capitol Hill German club tluuicc very largely in the social life of Omaha , n the guests of Thursday evening will latgclj bo confined to the members of the Caplto Hill , which has since been disbanded by ica son of the marriage and removal of seveial of the then loading lights. SU direct ami Unco indirect flcures were danced , the first being the Hovvor figure , the other llvo direct being mndo up of libbon gioupings. Tbo indirect llgurcs weio the familiar screen Ide-a , tlio chariot race , while not In the least suggestive of "Ben Hur,1 still animated and exciting to a degico and the choice of partners by ilbbons. Mr. Jordon lead with his sister Miss Jor dan , the others partcimtlug | being Mr. W. Ljlo Dickey and Aliss Ames , Mr. Art Galou nnd Miss Chambers. Mr. W. Wyman and Miss Williams , Mr. W. J. Carton and Miss Laura Hoaglaud , Mr. Stu.ut Shears and Miss Hall. Mr. Coles nnd Miss Knight , Mr. Charles Snundors and Miss Chandler , Mr. Smith aud Miss Wymau , Mr and Mis. Cbailes Deucl , Mr. 1C. C Barton nud Miss Hougland. Mr. Frank Hamilton nnd Miss Dundv , Mr. Bailovv nnd MUs Bishop , Mr. Newton Barkulotv and Miss Carter , Mr. Will McCacuo and Miss Ulbbard , Mr. Crofut nnd Miss Bessie Yates , Mr. John Patrick and Miss Yost , Mr. Kennedy nnd Miss Nash , Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith , Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Poppleton. It wns very Jolly nnd brought back reminis cences of day s gone by when the German was hi the full tide of Its popularity , nnd to bo n peed loader was the aim of every ceiitlemaii then movIng hi the small world. As for the joung ladies they havujtlways been nblo to assist in reading , but the , friendly contests , the i ivulrlos for the liquors of being at tbo head , were vividly recalled Thursday evenIng - Ing at the very hospittlltlo homo of Mrs. Dickey , who is a very aharmlng and delight ful hostess. M Dancing Pnrty nt 'Jt'fritropolitnl ' Hall. Although somewhat nastily planned , but nevertheless ono of theory delightful danc ing parties of the seasou ps given nt Aletro- politan hall Wcduosdayifpvening in honor of the following joung ladles ) , who are visiting friends In this city : Mi Natalia Wollstoin , Miss Ilormy WollstoU > , > Ml33 Julia Bloom , Miss Fannlo MaiksMiss Crnma Homer , Miss Minnie Stcnrn.uMIss Maud Iscman , Miss Pauline Mnndolbiium , The gentlemen having the party In targo w ore M. Obor- feldor , Fred S , Seligsohn. D , Silbersteln. P. M. Hose , A , Wessols , Julius Meyer , Gus Deiches , J. Oborfelder , C. Stonehill , S. Hoyn all well known members of tbo Metropoli tan club. A tempting supper was served during- the evening and everything done to make the young ladies realize that for the tlmo Omaha girls were forgotten and that they were the real belles of the evening. In addition to those mentioned there vvoro pros- cut Misses Pollock , Goldsmith , Tllllo Newman - man , Etta Nowmau , Lizzlo Isaacs , Ella Holler , Miss Adler , Messrs. Martin Ober- felder , G. L. Stonohlll , Mr. Nowmau. The Omnbix Kindergarten. The pupils of the Omaha Kindergarten will glvo a pretty and unique entertainment nt the Young Men's Christian association hoi Tuesday evening , December 23 , commoncine at 7 o'clock precisely , A very appropriate programme has bcca ) roparcd , the opening performance being n flag drill , followed bjr nn exhibition of the regular Utndorgarton work , comprising among other things gift and occupation les sons and circle camos. Tableaux , songs nnd recitations will ho given during iho evening , so that the entertainment will bo of n very varied character. Among these who will take part nro the tallowing : Gcrtlo Hospo , Juno , Hojpo , Vloln Calm , Minnie Mover , Herbert Alever , Marlon Ilamos , Klsloy 1 lames , Alnrtln Har vey nud Jesslo Cutler. The cutcrtiliiniciit willcloso with n beautiful Christmas tree covered with presents from tbo children to their parents. Miss Evelyn Griffiths , di rectress. Proceeds to go to western Ne braska sufferers , lllrllidnr .Surprise. A number ot frlondt of Mr. George ICer \ Isitcd him at IiU homo on Tuesday cvcnlnir to help htm celebrate the fortieth anniversary of his birth. Mrs. Ivor was admitted into the secret and sent her husband on nn crrrnd down tow n while preparations were in ido nnd time glv en for the visitors to arrive. Ono his return Mr. Kur found his homo In pos ses sion of his ft lends and the surprise was complete. Vocal aim Instrumental music wns the fcatuioof the evening's amusement , followed by refreshments and dancing , and all present had a good tlmo Mr. Ivor said that but for the fact that It would make him grow old too fast , ho wished blrthdajs wcro moro fre quent. Among those present were noticed Mr. nud Mrs J F Coj Kendall , Mr , and Mrs. John Mlr.cklc-y , Mr and Mrs. H. n Hand , MUS Etta Vnn Beck , Miss Miii'i Hand , Miss Jossta Johnson , Air. J. W. Mnvnaid , Mr. Wllllitii M Giller , Mr. Morgan Maclean and Mr Heiuy Hand. A Pleasant Will Almnnson was plcnsantlv surprised by his many friends Tuesday availing , December - comber Id , it being his eighteenth anniver sary. Lunch wns scrv ed at 1 1 o'clock. These living In the vicinity of 2109 Loavenwoith stiont might hnvo seen the following llred buthip ) ) ) pcoplo leaving for their icspoctlvo homes nt 1 o'clock n. in. Misses Cow eiy , Loiing. Crawford , 1'attou , Knsmusseii , Shon- lati , llaikcr , Jacobsen , Donahue , Alvord , Va- line , Cooinbo , Peters. Cole , SchwartMox - hnm , Black nnd Ilnydon , and Messrs G. Cox , II. Cox , C. WIMHIO , P. Wearne , A. Knicker becker , F. Knickerbocker , Bon.mnou , Roeho , Black , G Fergan and It. Forgau. i\cntH. : In honor of Ihclr daughter Miss Louie Drake , Mi and Mis. L. ,1. DiaUo will give a germ in How Year's eve December 31. Movement * mm AVhrr'iibouts. Miss Clnia Urown was reported yesterday as quite ill. Miss Mail s of SIouv City Is the guest of Miss Dolly Pollack. Mr. John W. Campbell will spend his Christmas vv ith fiiuids in St Louis. Miss Siullo Nnsh returned Tuesday from a delightful v Isit to Salt Luke City. Miss Mary i'oppleton retinned jestcrday from Miss Uiowu's school , Now Voik. Mi's J A. lliickstaff of Lincoln was the guest of Mis John iVaneis Wednesday. Mrs D. C Patterson give n pleasant din er party Wednesday to a few liicuds. Mi-i. H Warwick nud fniuilv left last week to take up their resident e In Montana. Miss Mne Burns returned yesterday morn ing fioniMt. Auburn seminaiy , Cincinnati. The engagement Is announced o Miss Lcola C. ( 'niter to Mr. Isevvtou U. Uarkalow. Mr. and Mis S S Curtis will entertain n number of friends at dinner Chiistmas after noon. noon.Master Master Reinnrd fowler , son of C. II. Powlet1 , ii'tmued fiom r.nibault , Minn. , Weduesd iv Mrs. .1. AI Woolworth pnvo a beautiful luncheon 5estetday afteinoon in honor of Alisi Uibuarcl Mis. P .1. Nichols , who has been quite 111 , is recovering very lapldly und is again able to bo about. .Miss May Ciirk of Chicago is the pucat of Mrs George S. Gould , IRK ) North Twenty- fourth stteeV. Augustus Kouutrc , Will Rogers aim Wllk Hustin arrived homo josteiday from their eastern colleges. Mr. John Harvey and wife of Turlington. Neb , wcie tlio guoJt-s this , week of Mr. and Mis C A. H.uvey. Curoll M. Carter returned fiom Harvard college , Cambridge , Mass. , jcslerduy , for a ten days' vacation. Miss Julia Oiooloy of Oltumvva , la , h in the city , the guest of her cousin , at 1110 bouth Ninth sticet. Aliss Dui ea leturned vestcidav from her school in lovva to hpeud Christmas with Dr. und Mis J. T Durjea. Mis. Max Mejci left this week for Now Yoik on an extended visit to liicuds. She will luUirn some time in Kebruaiy. . , Miss Fanny Mnitin left for Chicago this we'ckto visit friends and icUtions aud to taku vocal and instnuucMit.il instruction. AIl s Louie Drake , ( laughter of Mr. nnd Mis. ij. J. Diako relumed from St Catherine's academy , Davenpoit , jesteiday. Mrs. M. V. .Solomon tenders Mr. and Mrs. U. O. Solomon a reception Monday evening , December i2J , nt her homo ut Mount Pleasant Miss Cat tor of St. Louis is the guest of Mrs. Levi Cuter , Nineteenth auu Daven- pott , w Ith w bom she will remain for a mouth. "The Club" will hold their foitnlghtly meeting next Monday evening at the Lin- Inger gallery. Subject for discussion , "Tho Futui oof Music. " Mr. and MM J. H. Ilcrtsche of Hamburg , la. , will spend Chiistmus with Mr. and Mis. .T M. Motcalf at their beautiful homo on South Eleventh stieot. Miss Ada Shepard of Arlington and Miss Ilavvley of Llndoln , two charming joung Indies , will bo tinguests of Aliss Knthrino Barker during the liolidavs. Air. I. W. Miner celebiatod his forty-third liirthdav last Mondav cvcninc by Inviting n number of fi Sends to join in a crania of cards In bis looms at the Alcrrlam. Airs. A. B. Smith ga\o her second reccp- tion on the 17th. which wns largely attended , n number of leading society people of Lincoln being present during the afternoon. Alastcrs Dwlcht nnd Kil Swobo returned from tholr school at Farlbnult , Allnn. , on Wednesday to spend the holldus with tholr parents , Air. nnd Airs , Thomas Swobo. Mr P. T. Burkloy , a prominent banker of Stromsburg , accompanied by hlsv'lfonud children , nro \ Isltliu ! nt the residence of Mr. E. Dunn , 014 South Eighteenth sticet. Mrs. I * AI. Bennett , 401 North Twenty- second street , gave n pleasant loto party Monday evening lu honor ot Miss Ames of Chicago. Thirty young pcoplo were present. Aliss Carrie B.Curtis of Washington , n sister - tor of Colonels. S. Curtis on Gvoiirln ave nue , arrived In this city jcstcriluy on nlsit to Air. nnd Airs. Cuttts , wblih will extend over the holldn > s. Air. Frank Alulr loft for New YoikThurs- day evening to join Mrs. Mulr who has been visiting friends there for the post three months. Airs. Mulr will return with her husband about January C , Air. nnd Airs. C. S Rnvniond entertained on Tuesday evening Air. mid Mis. I , W. Aliiicr , Air. nnd Mrs. C. J. Filco. Mr. nud AIi-s Bon Uobldc.aux , Alls. W. S. Rlgcs and Air. A. S. Carter. Air. L. A. Sucsmaii of Chicago , manager of the western dopirtnieut of tno United Press association , accompanied by Airs. Suciman have been the guests of Air. and All's Johu Francis tuu past week on Oc-orgla avenue. Mr. and Airs. E. G. Solomon rotuined from their extended wedding tour to the Paclllo const Wednesday , and nro the guests of Airs. AI. V Solomon They will bo nt homo to their friends after lautinry 15 at the Swing Vulloj stock fin in. Airs. J. W. Vnlll , in honor of her daughter , AIlss Alny Claiko of Wliionn , WIs. , gn\o n pleasant dancing party last Thursday oven inc. Twenty joung people were present nud enjojed tlioo\cninggieutly 'Iho party was glvui at the residence of Mr. O. W. Piokard in West Lawn. Charles A Goss , esq. , of this city loft his business Thursday evening ostensibly to spend Christinas with his father's family nt Akron , O , but really to iclmn with itnes- tlmablo lady ns his wifo. Ho Intends spend ing New Yctiis In Omaha The reorganized Assembly , which gave sev eral vciy delightful dancing parties last season , announces the llrstpartvof ihe season next Friday evening at the Millard. 'ibis will afford an excellent opportunity for the college boys and phis to muko their appear ance In society. Tlnoo dances will be given by the assembly during the season. Thursday evening a naity of gentlemen met and formed what will bo known as the Ghost Dmco club , nnd elected odlccrs ns fol lows1 Piosldent , Air Kd Hergcr , vlco presi ded , Air. Allen ; secretary , Air. E H Blown ; tiensuici , William Hclnzcman. They mo to phon complimentary inasquerado party on Now Year's ov o. The Washington club gave their second dance last Wednesday ovculiigat Washington hall A most enjojahlo time was hid 'Iho memboisof thuclut ) , nil of whomaio well knoun In society of Oumhii , nro ns follows : Messrs. Uort Goodman. C G. Phclps , W C. Bnrtlett , W. J Aladdin , W .1. Dolphin and II. Newton. 'Iholr next dunce will bo held on Jununiy , lb91. Colonel nnd Mrs. J N. Cornish entertained at dinner last Thursdav evening Bishop Worthtnglon , Air. John Worthhigton. Alls. Aluiphv , Hon. nud Mi's. George W Liimigcr , Ii. and Airs. Doheity , All's Windsor , Mr. and AIis Joseph Barker Theio wcio'ten courses and the service was quite in keeping with Mrs. Cornish's reputation us one of Omaha's famous cooks. The Foitnlghtlv high live club were enter tained last Saturday night hj Dr. and Alts. Ewlng Brown , nt their lesidenco , loinci of Thiitleth and Pucilio stieets. Aliss Ucssio Tntuni iccclvcd the llrst ladles' prize and Mis William E. Clnrko the second. Mr. B.unard won the Hut gentlemen's prize mid Air. Pease the second. The b icholors of the club cnteitaiii nt Air. Tntum's residence at the next icgulur incetjnt. , December JT. Air A II , Bishop , who has forso\cial ye irs been nnnuner of thu Omilm station of the Consolidated tank line company , is to leave that company on January 1 to engigo in business for himself , and will bo succeeded by John B. Ruth , present manager nt Daven port , In. Air. Bishop is ono of Omaha's best known business men. Ho has a"blllty , nud , what is still better , n very large circle of ad- niuiiur fiiends wtio join in wishing him all manner of success in bis now \eutuio Already indications point to a very laigo number of people who will paiUcimto In the cat nival at the coliseum Now Veir'3 eve. Costumes mo being looked up , old time- honoied gowns nro being brought down from garrets and tnkou out of dust-coveied cedar boxes in which they ha\o icposcd for years. These who haven't costumes of their own art } looking up costiunus , and everybody seems to bo on the mil vivo for the inaiigui.il masquerade of the ' 'Mystic Circlo1 ' the club bnvlug the carnival iulunge . Two bands of iiiiisio will bo hi attcndnuco , ono for dancing , the other for promouade , nnd ns $100 aroorToiod in prizes , rivalry will no doubt bring out iiiiny beautiful costumes nnd character masks It will bo a pleasant way to spend Now Year's eve and to assist In welcoming the birth of Ib'Jl. Hefiesh- incnts will bo Rcncd and the house made brilliant with floral decorations audelcctiic lights. AMU SKM IS NT S. THE OneKigltOi.liSUNIAY. | | | ) DEC. 21st QRRLTS QPERR GO : In Cillbcrt A. Sullivan's J.ntest Opcrntlc Craze , Q The Gondoliers GORGEOUS COSTUMES. TWO CARLOADS OF SCENERY , Direct from the c'lilfmio Opera llovixo Grnnacst Production I'.n'r Been In Oiuiiliu. llox Slii'ct opens Hntiinliir A H. Tabb ( //HIM' ttmnt Journal At Chrlstmti tlmo , from clltno to clime , neb < tar to stnr dotli sweetly chlm j Till nil tbo hem cus nro ringed \vltli rhymo. Tbeti , loosed nbovo. n note , thereof Tloiits downward HUe n wnndorliiR dove , And all tbo world Is rlticed vvltli lovo. hursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday , DECKMHEIl 18 , 11) , ! iOai. .Miitlnoo nrrtmv or TUB rAvouirr iNF iv Tim nnr.ATrxT or AU , NATURAL G-AS ( IN A NEW METER. ) nmbollshod with now music , n vvsongi.nnw dnncos , Btrilclng continues , provoking sit- nations and pretty fi-un. Munlcnl Dlnitor. IIU II VIII ) ST.MIt. niithor of. tliofou hint nml H-ilil I'aMia boots nowoninlo. Boycl's l unit Tfiemtiiu , ' / ) < . tfv ? , Xtt. Gorgeous Production of Ulco's iJJi.iHX ) Spectac ular KxtriivnRanzu , 'Iho CORSAIR. Bright Scenic Effects. Magnificent Costumes , Elaborate Properties. Mechanical Sensations , Calcium Ilght Novelties And Gront Cnst 4O Artists , llegular nrleos Scats on s iln Sunday. 3 NIGHTS , Thursday , Dec. 25th. A MERRY- HOLIDAY ATTRACTION MR , RDLRND And his 1'ci feet Coimdy Coin ] ) my under till dlrcotlon of Mil. E. H. JACK. Clti'lKtiixiH } D. I ) . Lloyd's I'oontrlu Coin- /ly/i'i'iinoii ( oily. V/X JTHE WOMAN HATER Mr. Itiii : ; ) nsSniniioI itttiulj. ) I'lrst I'roduollon Hero , . . llCl l/ ( I'KUr , I LEND ME YOUR WIFE Arranged by Dion llonclcnult and Hldnej lioic-nfuld. Mil. Itl ED , ns Ciipt. Aimer Tnrhox. "As Mild a Muniiorrd Nnn as T.ver Scuttled fehlp. " bents v\ ill to put nn oiloVodncsilny at res- ul ir prices. . PKOPRIETORS. MONDAY , DEC. 22 , 1OO _ m Bicycle Race. Start n W , p in. 1'lnlMi about 0:30 : p in. For Sweepstakes , Gate Money and Championship. - Between Ed , Reading , frank S1I and lirdis' Unknown. Admission 2c. Ladies Free. Roller Skating and Music After THIS RACE. DIME" EDEN MUSEE. V/tll Lawler , Mannger. Corner llth and Farnom Streets. Omaha , Neb. WE.E.K. OF DEXOEIMBEIR T7 7TTW THE- R One of the Friendly Indians who Rescued Whites During the Sioux Mossncro by Hole-m-the-Daya Band in 18G2. THE DERVILLE Symphony Troupe A Family of Talented Musicians , Renowned Comedians and Artistic Sketoh Spoclalties. TUG ONLY DOCKSTABER , In His Black Face Oddities. MALA DALMJAHTE The Uoautlful , Qrucofnl Sniko Charmer , nud harden of hissing , soothing reptiles , in which art ) some of the most poisonous eiialces known. A cute llttlo brute with the anti ? ) of a human , and he cats epanlced In the old fam- ilhr way , Itnown to wa all , by his mother. THE WOK.LD FA ME 13 Bijou Trio. FRANKLIN. TOSriilt. COltJIOS. In their Comlcnl Absurdity , entitled IRISH : MIXTURES , Introducing rapid changes , bright , breezy soiiijs , roHneil comedy , artiatln dances , oon- eluding with their fUmoui trlplo Btatuto clog. OiJr : Christmas : Novelette : Exposition. Another floor has been opened up , nnd Historical Scenes commensurate with Christmas and Elegant Paintings will be placed on exhibition. A GRAND , QLOmOUS I-IOLJPAY TR.E1AT. NO ADVANCE IN PRICE - - - - ONE DIME IS ALL , A