Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1890, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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OKt'lCH , NO. 12 PEARL ST.
JVIvrrnl liy furrier in tiny pnrtof tlio City
11 , W. Tl I/TON. - - - MA.NAOKll
eNo. . 41
NlKlit nultnr , No. S3.
N. Y. P. Co.
IJurhoru's for watches.
Council lllnfTB Lumber Co. . coal.
Three Anderson brothers from YorK town
ship xvero mndo citizens by Judge McGro
ycstenlny ,
Subscriptions to periodicals tit wholesale
jirlcrs. Drop mo u card and 1 will c.nll on
you. R .1. lloaglnnd , No. 1000 Sixth nvcnue.
The printers nru making arrangements to
Imvo : i motor run iif tcr the dunce Christmas
iiiRht to accommodate their Oinnliu guests.
J. Martin , tbo Otmitm man wlio ImJ to bo
clubbed before bo would submit to arrest on
the charge of Intoxication , was lined SlO.iD
There will bo n mooting of tbo Potttiwnttn-
mio Bar association Monday morning at UlliO
o'clock for the purpose of electing ofllcers
nnil the transaction of other important busi
ness.Onicer Wvntt's chain using only comprised
two Individuals yesterday. The Sunday
round-up of drunks nntl vtiir * will probably
bring the number up to thu usual figure
John Poloy was sent to the county jalt
yestcriliiy to serve out n thirty clay sentence.
IIo bus spent tbreo-fourths of his tltr.o for tbo
past two months on tlio chain ping serving a
lentcnco for Intoxication and vagrancy.
Tbo youiif ? people's societies of tno differ-
enl churches will give an imteitnlnmcnt and
rccoptiou In the Young Men's Christian as-
Kocintln on tbo ovoninjr of December - . " > . An
interesting programme bus been prepared.
In the case of I. . . C , James , charged with
bigamy and with adultery , a continuance was
granted yesterday on the application of the
defendant , who claimed that an Important
witness could not be bad In tinio for this term
of court.
Died- Saturday , December 20 , at 1 p. m. ,
Mrs. Alary 0. Ueobo , wife of our esteemed
fellow clti/cn , Colonel II. C. Ileobe , in the
forty-ninth year of her ago. The funeral
services will bo held at tlio residence , b'Jfi
Seventh avenue , Monetay , December 2' ! , at I
p. m.
In tlio superior court yesterday tbo cnso o (
Glddings vs Tlnkcn , Uall & Co , was on
trial , with fair prospects of tolling up u per
tlon of this week. It Is a suit for damage
claimed on account of the handling of Texas
cattle , whereby disease was communicated
to the plaintiff's cnttlo.
Otto Paul , the boy arrested for attempting
.n burglarize a store on Droadway on Tiiurs-
my night , was sent to the county jail yester-
lay for llftcen days. The other boys named
; y him as members of the gang of juvenile
. urghirs , have not been captured and the
< ollco are still lookinir after thom. If they
ire found they will bo given a taste of the
.amo punishment.
-V well known sprinter In this city was pro-
Rented yesterday with a hugemediil that bni !
> coii artistically cnrvcd from a section ol
harness leather. The inscription announced
xlrnt the recipient was llio chnmnion "ten
yard sprinter" in his set. U was sent by mail
and now the professional runner is hunting
With a gun for tlio fellows who designed aiu
purchased the medal.
An elegant bouquet composed of tbo ex
tcrnal Iniivos of a line , large , thrifty cabbage
head , with the Interior cut out and filled wttl
bright colored tissue paper , was presented tc
a soloist in a patent mod lei no vendor's shou
last night. The soloist appeared forty-sever
consecutive times before Ills nudiciico line :
each thno cave his cuckoo song. The cabbage
head bouquet was n handsome recognition ol
his musical talent.
Ono fellow who hns already been up threi
times for vagrancy , and has worked in tin
street gang for tliiity days , does not seem ti
be cured , and yesterday ho was before Judgi
McGco again. Ho was sent this time to tin
county jail for thirty days , to see what cffoc
that will Imvo upon him. Ho is a line spec !
men of manhood physically , and if cleanci
uj > nnd dressed up would bo in fact notice
able. IIo seems to hnvo lost all pride , am
Vrcsents a problem In sociology.
Charles T. Bray , a CounellBluffs boy win
has pushed bis way to the front with re
marknblo rapidity , and who is now wldel'
known us a contractor for railway nnd grad
ing work , has become associated with Den
nls Cunningham and J. Peterson , we ]
known Omaha contractors. The three wll
incorporate ) in a company having ? . "iO,000 capl
UU , and will bo the strongest combination ii
this line that there is In the west. Thoj
hnvo already nearly three Hundred horses
needed stock in proportion.
% Wo Will Mnko
very close prices on the following articles
very acceptable for Christmas pro joats : Pee
rests , blacking rases , carpet sweepers , rugs
ottomans , down comforts and pillows , tabli
covers , Inco , Madras , silk and chenille cur
talus , carpets etc. Please call nnd examine
Council IllulTs Carpet Co.
Plush goods , Christmas books and hollda
poods at Uell 0. Morgan & Co.'s , 74'j Lowe
fnnunry 1 , 1N ) > 1 ,
Wo will start to invoice , but until that tim
wo will make swooping reduction * in all ou
departments , including bedroom suites , pai
lor suites , rockers and lounges , carpets
lamps , crockery , glassware , tinware , eui
tains , tedding , in fact everything pertalnliii
to keeping house. M.VNIIUI , .Sc KI.UIX.
A. Kllno of Mandcl & Kline , who wn
taken sundenly nnd seriously ill on Frlda
last , is getting along well and his pbysleia
hopes to have him out in a few days.
Hotel For llcnt.
Ogdcn house. Council Bluffs , at low rental
Inquire at hotel. _
J.C. Bixny , steam hoatln ? , sanitary en
glnecr , 013 Ufo huildmi ; , Omaha ; 'JJJ Mo
riam block , Council HI lifts. .
C. A. Beobo & Co. arc going out of the re
tail tradn and will close out their line line o
Indies' writing and ofllco desks , book cases
chiffoniers , parlor tables , parlor and chambc
suits , folding beds , plain and fancy rockers
cabinets , mirrors , etc. , etc. for less thai
the Iowa National Guard
Adjutant General Grecno of the Iowa nt
tlonal guard wns In tlio city yesterday ii
spooling tlio condition of company A of th
Fifth regiment located hero and known a
tbo Uodgo Light guards. IIo spent the fore
noon under the clmporonngo of Colonel Dai
ley , nnd mot nearly all the members of th
company nt their places of business. A
hour or two wore spent In inspecting th
armory and the equipments of the boys. Tin
result of the Inquiry was announced to Coh
iicl Dalloy later in the day to bo comimin !
catod to the members ofllclnUy at the nos
meeting. The adjutant did not try to cor
ceal his satisfaction with the company an
the state's pioperty in its keeping , nnd cm
tioncd the colonel not to forgot to toll th
boys how well bo was pleased with even
Adjutant ( Jreeno is on a general tour of It
Bjxjctlon , visiting headquarters of all the con
panics. Ho Is highly pleased with the state' '
cmbryotla soldiers , and says the Iowa mllltl
will compare favorably with ttmtof any othc
state In the union , and that the people of tl
state ought to bo proud of the boys.
His stay in the elty was limited , but h
promised to return In n short tlmo and spoil
n day with the boys as their guest.
Wanted Boys at American District Tc
cgroph ofllco. _
When buying your Christmas presents stc
in nnd see if wu haven't got something yc
want. Dell O. Morgan & Co. , 7-l'JLowe
Broad wav.
Our Mottoes.
"Best Quality of Goods for the Lea-
Money , " "Special Effort Made to Picas
Every One , " "No Trouble to Show Good
Mill ( Jlvo Prices , " "Prices to Suit th
rimes. " "Llvo and Lot Live. " Head nn
profit by buying your holiday goods at th
aid established house of K. Burhoru , 17 Mai
Jutlgo Thornoll to Be Oallod Upon to Decide
a Oaso and Incidentally a Bet ,
Muni 1'ny Their Subscription to the
? latiu\vii Hallway Church Notes
Minor Mention nnd 1'cr-
sonal Notes.
Justices of tlio Pcaco Schurz and nnrnett
spent the greater part of the afternoon yes
terday In considering a knotty question ol
common Inw tlmt bin arisen In Iho endeavor
of a client of Attorney West to settle a land
lord nnd tenant caso. The case wus brought
In Schurz1 court and was an effort of o man
named Hunyou to sue out a writ of attach
ment upon tlio goods of a tenant named
Drown to secure the payment of ? 1S bach
rental for a small cottage. The house waj
leased in tbo usual manner , the landlord's
agents , K. II. Shcufa & Co. , taking the usun
Ironclad lease. Some dispute arose over the
payment ol the rental , anil the tenant refusei
to pay tbo $12 balance , claiming that bo had s
K'ood defense nnel urging the agent to brine
the case into couit. The challenge wa.1
accepted , but Attorney West for tlio defense
refused to permit the case to bo heard before
Schurz , and took it to Darnell on a cliamro o :
venue. Ho hnu previously bticlly outlined
his elufcnso to Justice Sclmiv. in an unoftlelal
chat , and indicated that It would rest upon
the fact that only one of tbo defendants , anel
Hint the wife , had signed the lease. Tbi ;
was ono of the reasons for taking the case tc
the othe'r court.
The matter was submitted to Justice Har
nctt , and tlio greater part of the afternooi
spent in arguing West's motion to ellamis !
the case upon the grounds that the iiuidlori
had no claims on the tenant Itrowa for the
reason that ho had not signed the lease am
could not bo made a party to the suit by tin
act of his wife , Plaintiff's ' attorney nttomptee
to show the latent of tbo lease. At the con
elusion of the arguments Justice Barnot
sustained the motion to dismiss. The east
was then appealed to the district court solelj
for the purpose of petting a ruling upoi
the problem In a higher court. The matter
tor Is considered important by landlords , foi
there are scores of leases liken whore tin
wife only signs them. If Ibis act Invalidate1
them and enables the tenants to avoid paylni
their rentals the landlords want to know i
at once.
As a side issue some of tbo attorneys one
oilier interested parties have iiuule som
wagers , nnd Judge Tliorni-ll will decide i
few bets as well as what Is considered i
somewhat knotty mid very Important pro
To ( Jot th" Great UurgaliiH Offeree
Ily the Ilimton Store , Council HI nil'
ijuNt unel Itest Har nliiH.
Only three eluys more until Christinas
Only three more days to get the Httlo one
nnd the loved ones the presents that wll
gladden hearts ami nnko the day what i
should bo , the happiest in all the year
Tneso three davs will bo full of events fo
tbo people who come to tlio Boston Store
Council HluiTs. la that time all the holiUa ;
Roods there w 111 bo sold. During the uas
week thousands of dollars worth of holldn
goods have be-on solel notwithstanding th'
summery weather , and thousands of dollars
worth yet remain to bo disposed of , sold a
prices that will take your breath awnj
From now until Christmas our customer
will have an opportunity to gut the most use
fill and beautiful articles at sacrifice prices
Ladles cannot make their Rontlomen fiieml
a more appropriate present than by givin
them handkerchiefs , gloves or scarfs , ani
tbo stock that wo have to select from Is th
largest In the city.
Oentlemeii cannot make their lady friend
any more appropi into or acceptable prcson
than is found in the immense line of plus !
goods , including toilet eases nnd workboxe :
Hccollect that while you have the larges
stock of the latest novelties to select froi
you will only be asked to pay popular prices
which means a saving of 2."i per cent.
Only three days more nnd our toy ileparl
ment on the second lloor will bo closed oul
Come and see what wo have got to offer yo
for the least money you over paiel for toys.
The greatest book sale over seen in Counc
Bluffs will mark this closing holiday offci
Wo make you the greatest book offer of th
ago when wo guarantee you the latest n
print ot the English and American cncyck
pedia britanlca , the ninth edition , at $1.20 pe
volume , cloth binding , or $1.50 for half Uu :
sin , the llrst volume of the half Hussia fc
COtf , or UUiO for the entire sot of twenly-flv
volumes. Loolc nt these prices for a fe\ \
samples of other books :
Publishers' On
i'rlco. Prici
E. P. Roo's works . $ l.fiO S . ;
llickens , 15 volumes . 15.00 O.C
Palestine , England and Africa
( illustrated ) . 5.00 l.E
Scott's Wnvcrly novels . 18.00 O.C
Thackeray , 10 volumes . 15.1)0 ) 5.C
Webster's unabridged . 10.00 2.t
Webster's unabridged , Indexed 10,50 . 2.1
History of New York state , . . .
History of Now England .
History of Ohio . 1.50 . (
Life of Christopher Columbus. 1.50 . ;
History of the Unitcet States. . . 1.00 .5
The Creates ! Tiling In the
World , by Prof , Drum mond. l. ! > 3 .i
Macuuloy's essays and uoeins ,
.1 volumes . Jlt. 3.75 i. "
Martha Turloy's works . 1.25 .1
Household poems . 2,50 1 , !
5,000 volumes of beautiful bound books i
25o per volume over 300 titles to select fron
1,000 volumes of the celebrated Edgowoc
edition , witu sldo and back gold stamp , 31
per volume.
Publisher's Om
Price Prli
Happy Hours . , . $1.00 . !
Wide Awake , 1890 . 1.50 , (
Chatterbox. 1891 . 1.50 .1
Homo Sunshine- . 1.00 . !
Aunt Virginia's Pretty Book 1.00 . !
People of Council Illuffs will find thogrca
cst bargains this week In all other lines tin
wo have over mndo them since wo came hui
to introduce and promote low prices.
401 , 403 , 404 , Council Bluffs , I
tTimmy DuvlH.
The Httlo legless hero , Jlmmlo Davis , wl :
distinguished himself on several occasions I
saving people from drowning in Lai
Mnnawa , Is endeavoring tosecuro an educi
cation at Tnbor college upon money that IK
been contributed by several generous gontl
men in recognition of his bravery. Jlinml
was a Httlo bootblack , who lost his log
while aitomptlm ; to board n moving tra
while a very small boy. When ho recovore
the only thing ho could turn to assist la su ;
porting himself nnd others dependent upc
him was to black boots. For several yeai
the figure of the helpless Httlo crtpplo drai
glng himself around the streets oahisstubh
crutches , and frequently making daring dive
under vehicles and horses , was a familln
ono. Ho was passionately fouel of tli
water , and when Lake Manawa attractc
general attcntloii'llttlo Jlmmlo spent agree
deal of tlmo there , splashing around In tl
water when ho was not blacking the shoes e
the people who wont there. Notwlthstoni
ing that he had ouly the shortest kind of
stump on OHO leg and the other was entire !
gone , lie soon became a very expert swln
mcr. Ills llrst exploit was to save the llfo c
a Httlo boy who had got beyond his ilopl
and was drowning In sight of a largo crow
of men and women on the shore. After th
ho made several during rescues , at OHO tin
swimming out to a small sailboat that lin
been capsized and cutting awuy the sail to
noath which ono of Iho occupants of the boi
was drownln pimd saving his life at the In
mlnent risk of bis own. His last deed i
heroism wns tno saving of ono of the udu
sons of Contractor Hughes , who lid
tjotton into the water over his head an
could not swim. The Httlo follow broughthl
ashore , but was almost dead from oxhaustlc
nnd laid in a faint for some time aftcrwnn
This act attracted general publio attention I
him , and it was soon found that ho was an
bilious lo secure an cuucutlod. A fund w.
tartcd by Contractor Hughe ? , who hooded
ho list with $100 , and Jimmy was sent lo the
Tabor college. IIo quickly gave evidence
Hint ho could muster ino sciences as readily
as ho could s\vlm and fiavoliunmn llfo. Sev
eral gentleman have contributed regularly to
ho fund , nnd llio legless hero hns been kept
n school for the past two years. Recently
.ho funds have been running short , nnd the
joy was compelled to face tbo sad necessity
of leaving school after having Just lasted the
waters from the fount of leacnlng. Under
Iho Inspiration of tbo allualton ho recently
AToto n totichlngly pitiful lotler to Hon.
I ) . 0. Bloomer , who was chosen the custodian
of the fund Unit had been raised , telling him
how ho dreaded to bo compelled to leave the
The letter has awakened renewed Interest
in the bright child and yesterday there were
several donations tew the fund. Ono of tbo
contributors was II. Mendel. In hU letter
to Air. Bloomer Mr. Mendel says : "I do not
know what amount U necessary , but I am
ready to contribute for tbo further advance
ment of I'ottawutlamlo county's Httlo hero.
Can you not Ibid enough cltirctis who will
each contribute $5 for this purpose ! You can
count mo for ono. "
The desire Is to raise enough to keen the
boy In school another j car , and there Is no
doubt but It will bo realized ,
Flwt-rlass fresh mndo for the holi
day trade , . ! t A. C. Uempsoy's , 105 Main st.
Having derided not to carry this line we
nro closing out our entire stock of holiday
goods. Consequently can offer vou bettor
bargains than any other house in the city.
Wu have a lundsomo llnu of plush poods and
toys , Christinas trees , ote. Come and see us.
Kelly & Vounkermim , 101 Broadway.
Trei Warm.
Everybody knows that , so there's no use for
us to tell it ; but what wo do want to say is that
owing to the warm weather wo will cut the
prices of heating and cooking stoves in twc
and give you the biggest end of the bargain ,
By this means you can buy u useful Christ'
mas present for which you can pay cash 01
easy payments. Mimdel & Klein.
Seott house , 22 N. Main st. , Co. Bluffs ,
Good board , nice rooms and beds , lowest r.ites ,
tlio Oiurchc * .
Mr. E , M. Bunker will address the rallroai
men's meeting at 2 p. m. at the Voting Men's
Christian association rooms. All rnllro.u
men invited.
liorean Baptist , Church The pastor wil
proarh In the morning to the children hi tin
evening on "Personal Duty. " Everybody in
vitcd to attend.
Christian church Hov. C. Monroe pastor
Pre.tehlug nttho corner of Broadway am
Twenty-third streets at 11 o'clock a. in. ane
7 ; ! ! 0 p. in. ; Sunday school , 10 n , in.
"Tbo Greatest Gift" will bo the subject o
the Young Men's meeting today at 4 p , m
The xulutctto will lead the singing. All moi
of the city invited to attend. Coins am
bring a friend.
Trinity Methodist church , South Mali
stioet , opposite Eighth avenue S. Alexan
der , pastor ; residence , UJO Eleventh avenue
Pleaching at 10:1)0 : ) a. in , and 7itO : p. m.Sun ;
day school , 12 m ; class meeting , 10 a. in
young people's meeting , 7 p. m. Prayer meet
ing , Wednesday , " : ! 10 p. in.
First Presbyterian Church -Corner of Wil
low uvcnuo and Seventh street ; Kev.Slcphct
Phclps , pastor. Preaching bv the pastor a
100 : ! ! a. in. und : ! iO p. in ; both sermons wil
bo appropriate to Iho Christmas Sabbath o
tlio year. Sabbath school at 12 in Yonuj
people's meeting nt fi : : i p. m. Strangers am
others cordially Invited.
Congregational Services morning am
evening. In the morning tlio p.ustor wil
preach n Christmas sermon , subject , "Laii
In n Hunger. " In the evening there will hi
a Christinas concert , consisting of an addrev
by tbo p.istor , select readings and recitations
Interspersed with anthems by the choir
Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor
or nt t0. ! : ! ! All are cordially welcome.
Broadway Methodist Episcopal church IT
MdC. Stuart , p.istor ; residence , 2.)0 i-'letch-j
nvonuo. Services at the Mtisonio temple
corner of Fourth and Broadway , nt ! ( ) : : ) a
in. and TH : ! ) p. m. Morning theme , "Tho Op
portunitlcs of Christ's Coming. Evenlni
theme , "The Strait Gate ot Salvation. " Sal
bath school , 12 m. Class meeting , (1:30 ( : p. in
St. Paul's church Divine service today n
10:45 : a. in. and 7:110 : p. m. ; Sunday school
15ir : > ; Bible class , 0IO : ! p. in. ; sermon topics
morning , "Aro Our Churches Worthy of th
Suoport ot Business Men I" Evening sermon
"Kingdoms of this World. " The offcrini
will bo for the music and Christmas decora
tions. Young men and strangers cordiall ;
welcomed to Ihcso services. T. J , Maekay
Ono More.
Wo have placed our order for spring stoc
of carpets. The stock we now have must b
closed out to keep pace with the times. Don' '
lose an opportunity to save money. Com
and buy of Mandel & Klein , 320 Broadway.
The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 41
A ChristmnH Feature Which AVc In
lierltoel From the DruielH.
Tbo legend of the mistletoe is an ir
horilance from the religion of Iho druids a writer in Harper's Weekly. Th
cathedral arches under which the Colt
worshipped were the spreadingbrnnche
of the oak , the roof u douse foliage c
greenery , and the iniBtloloo , Ihe myi
lical parnsilo of Iho tree , was a symbe
full of inclining , for it was believed I
renew ils llfo by some agency elilTorin
from thai which propngaled all olhc
plants , ana lo oxiat by a divine powoi
Hero , under the onk. Iho faorilo troor
the Collie sun-god , at Iho period of ch
winlcr-bolstico , pricbts and people-micr :
( Iced wliilo bulls and human victims
The mistletoe was authored and dispensed
ponsed in small sprays , to bo lumg b ,
Iho worshippers over Ihoir doors n
amulets against evil and proplliatio
to tlio sylvan deities. The Seandlniu
ian legend of the mistletoe , which loll
Iho story how Loki , Iho god of lire , mad
Iho mislloloe Iho agent e > f Iho tleull
of Balder , most glorious of Odin'
children , is familiar lo all students c
the Norse Sagas. Tlio mistletoe eor
linuos to bo specially cultivated in Eny
land for the Halo which is always larg
at Christmas-tide , but the apple tree ha
taken Iho place of llio oak , us the boil o
which the plant feeds the most gonoi
ously. Tlio kissing privilege eonncete
with the mistletoe- during the day
of yule is probably Iho most fi
mlliar rolio of its tradition !
Both the yulo-flro and the mis
tlotooworoof old believed to have spc
clul vlrttio as safeguards against th
powers of evil ; yet when they becam
thoroughly embodied in the Christin
legend , it was not so much this as Ihoi
Ruggoslion of the divine power which n
ChrlHlmns kept the prints of darknos
and ills satellites in object Bubmlssioi
Unit gave ) I horn llieir value. All roadoi
of Shakespeare will remember Hi
legend and Us association with llio crow
ing of Iho cock , as put in Iho mouth c
Marcollus in Hamlet :
"It fndcel on the crowing of the conk.
Some say , that over 'gainst that seaso
Wherein our Savior's birth is celebrated ,
The bird of dawning slngoth all night long :
And then , they any , no spirit can will
abroad ;
The nights are wholesome ; then no plancl
strike ,
No fairy lakes , norwlich hath power t
charm ,
80 hnllow'd nnd so gracious Is the time. "
Cure for Diphtheria.
The Sclentillo American glvoa th !
rceipo , which the whole world ought t
know : At Ihe llrst indication of dipt
tlioria in tlio throat of a child make th
room close , lhan take n lin cup and pou
Inlo it a quantllv of tar and turpentine
equal purls. Then hola Iho cup eve
the fire , BO IIH to 1111 the room with th
fumes , The paliont on inhaling th
fumes will cough and unit out llio men
brnnous mailer and 'dipnlhoria pas
oil. The fumes of tar and lurponlln
loosen the matter In thu throat and Ihu
ntTord Ihe rollof Unit bus bullied tlio ukll
of physicians.
.1,1 ,
That Is What IlenryMi'saman ' & Oo. Say , But
They Must Lot Ih6 People Know It.
A ntniiuo Tliroujjli , tlio Imrjjost Coin-
incrulal Moimolh the West Santa
Clans' Honelnimrtcrs A. Kor-
tune lirlJargulns.
ToTniO.MUi\ : ! Ad. Man : It is lin-
possible for us to write out tbo largo adver
tisement that wo spoke of , as our store Is so
full of customers that It requires nil of our
time nnd attention to wait on them.
You can use your own Judgement and write
such facts as you may know about our holi
day goods mid lot the public know that Klso-
nnti's ' Is headquarters for any nnd all kinds
of holiday presents and that wo will discount
anybody's prices. Uospcctfully ,
HuNiir EISEMAX & Co. ,
Council Bluffs , la.
The above note to Tin : Br.B advertising
man , written by Mr. Simon 1' on u
telegraph blank , was the Invitation to the re
porter sent to enjoy uu hour in rambling
through the half mile of nislus on the live
lloor of tbo Klscmans' ' great commercial
palace. The hour was insiifllclent to see all
but enough was noted to support Mr. Else-
man's assertion that there was no person
about the building who could ilnd time to
write advertisements without neglecting
On tbo llrst lloor Saturday afternoon there
was scarcely standing room. The ladles
wore making their purvlmsoa ot Uress goods
from the great display of rare bargains for
the holldav trade. It was as busy a scene as
Council Blurts ever witnessed. Clerks were
almost concc.iled behind , the piles niul
stacks or goods that bad been liken
down to suit the varying tastc'3
of the shoppers. Every loom in the
eivilUeit world had contributed to the stock ,
and the lady who elld not buy had no excuse
to plead except the single ono that she had
already bought too much for her purse In
some of the oilier departments.
The gieatest attraction was on the third
floor , which is devoted wholly to the toy elo-
jMrtinent and the holiday goods. Of Itself
It is as largo as two ordluaiy stores , but
every Soil of room that was not taken up by
the crowds of pcoplu was occupied by stacks
of goods designed lor presents. Santa Claus ,
tbo real live old gentleman In llcsh and blood ,
was there making Ids way through the crowd
followed by troops of happy children , The
hundreds of visitors were unstinting in their
commendations of the elegant exhibit , and
thu children especially were exuberant in
their exclamations of delight nt the many
things peculiarly attractive to them.
Bantu Claus was in all his glory and
the kindly ol < i king of the Juvenile heart was
followed about as ho led thu way from ono
attractive exhibit to another "by a band of
enthusiastic children who abundantly as
sured him of their love and loyalty. And
what did bo sliow thuini A brilliant display
of mi almost endless variety of toys a eld-
p.irtment which is n , veritable museum of
curiosities , ombr.icliig everything that the
nonius of Invention has brought out for
the amusement of the children. Tbo
mechanical nnd steam toys were particularly
attractive and elicited the most vociferous ex
clamations of delight from thu little ones.
.While Santa Glaus was escorting the ju
veniles through thu crowded and beautifully
arranged departments allotted to them , the
older visitors were fincllm ; gratification la an
inspection of tbo Hiij-erb stocks in which
there are hundreds ot appropriate gifts foi
gentlemen , young and old , unlquo and desirn-
bio presents for ladies of all ages , nnd many
articles useful and .beautiful , which arc
always m demand.
IleVe Is a partial llitof thojholiday display ,
about ono article in , a thousand , and tin
clerks tell you when you inquire the price ol
anything that it is just one-half what It was r
weuk ago that 'Mr. Eisoman ordered then :
to sell everything at half price until after the
holidays :
Soldiers nnd union , magic lanterns , trum
pets that automatically play beautiful tunes ,
trombones , swinging horses , ranges and
stoves , hook and ladders , tire engines , hose
carts , drays , wagons , express wagons , elof
carts , passenger trains , freight trains , Han
som cabs nnd horses , mouth organs , Jack it
the box fifty different kinds , tops that bun
and tops that sing , rubber balls , violins
guns , printing presses , sheep that cry ani
sheep that "bah , " ' dudes' drawing slates
tvrltmgdosks , drums , nnd a thousand others
wo can't think of ,
The assortment In albums is really start
ling. Beautiful plush albums for.llle and ui
to many dollars. Plush boxes , toilet cases ,
manicure sets , perfumery sets , collar am
cuff boxes , glove boxes , "p'n ' cushions , fooi
stools , work boxes , shaving sets , smoking
sets , etc. , etc.
OxyaUod silver smoking sets , toilet sets
manicuio sets , pin cushions , nnd many other :
too numerous , to mention.
Dolls I A bewiildcrlng nssortmcat fron
the low priced doll atc ) to SIS , with china
patent bisque and washable heads. Dolh
that talk , dolls that cry , and dolls tnat go te
sleep no mere newipipor description can d <
thorn justice : a kid body doll lor t0o ! ; area
prince for ouly Sl.iW , little sailor boys : littli
Scotch girls.
Baskets in eycry conceivable shape , styli
and color. Japanese baskets ; German IMS
kets , Indian boskets , ranging in price frou
! ! o to $5.75.
Thcro are more plush goods on this llooi
than used to conic to the city in an cntiri
season , and everything H of the newest am
handsomest design , and lacked to each I
the startling legend "half pilco. "
On thu second lloor is displayed the lines
and largest line of clonks and jackets to hi
found In any house in the west. This depart
ment was likewise crowded , and the fac
that so many people from abroad , as well n :
Troin the city , were buying was explained hi
the clerks , when they would tell the custom
crs that the management had determined t <
close out the season's stock by the llrst of tin
year , and rather than curry over anything
had cut tbo prices on every garment to tin
wholesale figure. Among the purchaser
were noted several dealers replenishing thel
In all the other departments the same bus ;
scone is noted , proving the assertion of th'
management thatElscmau's is the hcadmmrt
era for this western country lor every line o
dry goods.
I'ny Tholr SubsorlptloiiH.
Justice Hendricks yesterday decided th
Mannwa railway cases. They were llvo Ii
niimocr , thu dofendcits | being John Clausen
Frank Lovlno , II. J , Palmer , J. K , Handles
and F. O. Uleason , 'ri'ho case against Oloasoi
was the only ono ho.ird in full , the other
being submitted on' the evidence taken Ii
that case. ThojLjpfciidaiits ] were nmotii
those- who subscribe for the Manawa rail
way for tbo purpose of securing its huirdinp
Originally they subjerluoil for stoeli
but later a vqr al arrangement wa
made by whjqU the subscription
were to bo donations merely , am
this change was inado with t ho agrccmon
that the railway should bo com plated withli
a specified time. The railway was not don
within the time atatiid , but Inter It was com
plotcdnnd put in operation. A largo mini
bor of the subscribers paid half of their H\il :
scriptlons , and them -refused to pay the real
Some have not paid 'anything. Others hav
paid in full sin co suits have been commenced
These cases nro looked upon as test cases
and will probably bo taken up to the dlstrlc
court for final determination. Justice ( Ion
d ricks having decided that the subscriber
must nay the amounts as shown on the sut
scriptlon paper.
Kino Holiday I'resentH.
Every person in the city and surroundlni
country is Invited to call and examine th
line line ot holiday goods at the old rullabl
business house of E. Burhoru , 17 Main street
Buy your conl nnd wood of C. B , Fuel Co ,
630 Broadway. Telephone 130.
Neckwear , silk mufllors , plush caps , etc.
for holiday presents , Ottunlioincr's , 41
Broadway. _
Great success.
Kullablo goods.
Fair dealing.
Bottom prices ,
At C. B. Jacquciulu & Co. , No. 27 Mala strce
IIAUNTKI ) UY lliU : VlOl'lM.
Cclcfitlnn IMnrtol Iiui lncfl Him Been
John Ilrcmmii'a Ohont.
Poo's poii-plcluTo of the ngony of tnhul
of tlio man who hearcl constantly tlio
elMnlo boating of the mttrdorou via-
Itn's ' hourt hiifl u near ropruilaction In
ho invhil mental suiTorlng of Coles 11 mi
tlartel , now looked in ncoll tit the Stock-
imb police station for the killing of
'ntrlelt Hrcnmm not long ago , says the
Chicago Tribune , llainorsu has so preyed
iDon her mind Unit hut * condition is now
oi-fjlnir upon insanity. Hy night mid by
lay her disorelorod Imagination conjures
ip the most frightful pictures , mm she
BOOS In her cell's inclosuro the murdered
nun pointing nt her with ono hand ,
wliilo with the olhor ho directs ) her ga/.o
to a bullet wound In his forehead from
which blood constantly oo/.os.
Again the form of nor victim appears
H'osimto upon the lloor of her prison ,
ils blood dying its cold surface crimson.
[ In Is iippirontly dying and the womiin
liears his brouth coming in gasps , and
Hum , just as death booms at htind , ho
i-aibos his ho.ul nnd utters a feohlo cry
[ or mercy. Them the prisoner covers her
head to shut out the bight and cries
aloud for the phantom tci bo irono. Her
slirlulcs fill tlio barred corridors , but in
i moment die away into convulsive sobs
which shako her frame. In the few
moments of pence that rotuniintr reason
brings ! hen- the woman socles to sloop ,
but Unit boon Is eh'iiied hor. After lying
rutiotly for n while she will start from
her bed with a cry like n wild nnimul lit
bay , and beg the victim of her anger to
leave her. ( Jut then lie stays with Ills
ghastly fiu-o blood-streaked , ami his
trembling hand pointing to tlio gaping
The terrible scenes enacted in the lit-
Lle colt ago on the fatal night that Celos-
tlna Muriel shot 1'utricle Uranium to
death are now u part of the wretched
woman's very existence. They pass bo-
[ ere her in succession , and when the last
lias gone the llrst appears ) with an added
and horrible realism.
Hi-cumin's funeral occurred Thursday ,
tlio body being carried by the station ,
.mil , though the woman did not know of
Llio piibsing of the cortege , it was at the
instant that the hem-so throw its shadow
over the curb at the station's door that
she ilrst saw her victim's body lying at
lior feet. Then her mental suffering
was intense , but not so marked by out
cries as it has since proven.Vhori ar-
resteel she gloried in the killing , saying
It was in defence of her honor. Gradual
ly the change came. Thursday marked
the first outbreak. Yesterday came tlio
climax of hot1 delirium. At the hour of
2 In the afternoon slio sprung from her
bunk with tv low cry , her eyes ilxed upon
it dark corner of her cell. Slio turned t
the light that came feebly throughtho0
bars. Towards the door she wake1 !
haltingly , twining her head slowly
while she moved till she looked one'o
more into the corner of horror. Uncer
tainty , mixed with deadly fear , was in
her eyes. Uncertainty vanished and in
tlio gloomy recess of the cell she saw
the form of the man slain by her hand.
Shriek after shriek came from her lips.
The olllcers of the station hurried to
her cell and found the woman tnuislixod
with terror , the right hand slrott-hoel
out as if in supplication. She appeared
to bo strangling as she sought for ut-
leruiieo. Speech came at last.
"O , my Godl he's theroP'sho groaned.
Then she circled round and round the
spectral visitor , begging him in piteous
tones to know her and to break tlio si
lence by tlio sound of his voice. She
called on God to kill her , and then
again she addressed her imaginary
guest : "In God's name , Pat , leave mo,1"
wus her appeal. Ilor victim's "shndo"
came close to her , and pulling up her
hands as if to warn oil an avenging blow
the imprisoned creature sank to the
lloor , screaming : "Look tit the nolo in
hid face ! "
The cell door was thrown open and th'o
police olllcors raised the prostrate
woman and sought to quiet her , but
their efforts were unavailing. IJrennan
was s-till before hor. Now ho wns
laughing and making a mockery of her
"Great Godl can't you see him ? " wus
her appeal. ' 'Ho is talking to mo ; can't
you hoar him ! You must hoar him ? O ,
bav that you do ! "
Her voice died away into tremulous
muttering and she scorned as though in
u faint. In a moment strength came
agin and with another outcry she was
upon her feet pointing with her hand
straight before her.
"Thero is no onllij.'j , " sill the
matron of the station
"There is , and it i Put , " answered the
prisoner. "Look at the blood and the
hole in his face ) . Now ho is on tlio lloor ,
and ills breathing is is a gasp like this. "
Then the woman imitated the noise in
imagination she hoard. Ilor hands
were clinched t > o fast that the nails sunk
into her ilosh. Her mood softened for a
moment , and raising her arms she called
on God for mercy. Tins prayer uttered
the delirium returned , and breaking
from the matron she rushed about the
cell crying that Bronnan was pursuing
At length she sunk upon the floor and
bonding down her head slio looked into
the face of the spooler , who to her imag
ination was now prone upon thej slabs ,
"Ol why do you laugh so horribly , Put ?
I didn't mean to kill you. Toll mo how
to undo it. "
"Thoiois no ono there : calm yourself. "
interposed the matron kindly.
The woman said : "I am sorry I did it.
lie's standing right there , " and with n
gobluro she Indicated a spot at a little
distance , for her victim hud evidently
risen. "Cannot you see him ? Ol do say
that you can , " was again Iho burden ol
her appeal.
"Why don't you prayV" said the mat
ron , soothingly.
Tlio question was unheeded and cries
for mercy were again directed to Bren-
mm'8 . ilnulo ,
Tlio woman was finally taken from the
cell and nil effort madeto quiet her and
restore her to reason , but this failed ol
ollcet. ICvory where she turned her bend
she saw the face of the dead man will ]
blood dripping from Iho wound.
Finally she screamed her elf inlo n
btato of complete exhaustion , her head
foil into llio matron's hip.and a troubled
bleep stole over hor. When she a > voke ;
she was calmer but her face still bore n
hunted , fearful look.
Floral AVcilding ; HuntlcufTH.
Ono of Iho prettiest novelties at English -
lish bridals is that of linking the brides
maids together with chains of ilowors
uttaohod'to floral handcuffs.
Usually there nro are six maids be
sides the maid of honor. They walk two
by two , those on Iho right sldo of Ihe
aisle having llio chains depending from
Iho loft wrluls , the maids on the leftside
having Iholr wrists connected. The
chains are long enough to curve grace
fully from wrist lo wrist. The outside
band of each maid is free to hold hoi
bouquet , posy or basket of blossoms and
linking tlio wrists , that are on the in
side going up the uible , brings the inaidu
in the right order us they , form quarter
cirolcs , ono on each sldo , at the chancel ,
After the ceremony in Iho twinkling of
nn eye , the maid ncurobt the brldo on
each Blelo slips oil her handcuff , passes
it to the bccond maid , takes the arm ol
"hor" and usher and falls into line ,
Maid number two follows Milt and thu
Iwo who are lasl lo leave Iho church ,
carry the chuitiB in loops on their dis
engaged arms. Ladies' Homo Journal.
Benjamin R. Tuokor Unearths a
from Old Frcmch Literature ,
Jules ' ' -
Itrcton'H C'lmi-nilng Autobiogra
phy OeM-inati Christntat Talon--
FrcHli OosHlp ol" Current 1'erl
oellenlM and Other Not OH.
Hcnjamlu It. Tucker Ins discovered mi-
other groit work of fiction , ttirnuJ. ll Into
English unit put It upon the American mar
ket , us ho previously did "Tho Kruuter Son-
nta" and "The Hag Picker of Paris. " Ills
latest publication is called " .My Undo Bon-
jntnln , " and wns written by ( Jlaiulu Tllller ,
"an obscure genius , a child of the French
revolution , who lived and elled cmly in llio
nineteenth century and will bo famous early
In Iho twentieth.1'
Ono way to describe this truly remarkable
novel would bo to c.ill It a French Pickwick.
It Is quite as humorous mid many of Its
rollicking Incidents , with tbo iiivoniiuiilnipiit.
of the flowing bowl , suggo-st the work of
Dickens. Hut to speak thus Is to do It but
p.irtlul justice. There Is an undercurrent of
profound philosophy , clothed in language ten
der , beautiful , eloquent and scathing by
turns. There is p.ithos tlmt summons tears
to the eyelids. There Is the art of' the word-
painter that brings out the life , the land
scape , the pernmianes and the social customs
of provincial Franco'00 years : igo. There Is
tbo touch of genius that makes the birds
sing , the hawthorn iiloom and the sweet air
felt upon the cheek of tbo absorbed reader as
be strolls tlitough these pages on the
arm of tbo red-coated country doo-
lor , who Is "My Undo Benjamin. " Hut
most nolnblo of nil , there Is all through the
bonk , from llrst to last , the steady pulse of
that rising republicanism which produced
the French revolution In ITb'.l ' ami the true
French republic eighty years later. This
was doubtless the real significance of the
novel when It was written , anel it Is oven
now one of Its nieist charming features.
Aside from a few vulgarises , which would
deb ir It from the honor of being read aloud
to a mixed e-ompany , the book has no Haw.
It is well worth reading for its style mid
thought , as well as its interest as a work of
fiction. An appendix contains axkoteli of-tho
author's life and work , which shows him to
havij been a slnccio republican pitriot , as
well as a work of ni-nius. Benjamin H.
Tucker , Boston , publisher , 51.
"Miss Nobody of Nowhere , " like the other
novels of its enterprising author , Archibald
Clavoring Gunler. Is .1 very lively mid thrill
ing romance. It begins at a Harvard-Yale
football match , proceeds c.ilmly to a Beacon
street homo in Boston , takes a sudden plunge
Into tbo wlUl lifo of Now Mexico , lives
through the vicissitudes of gold-hunting and
Indian lighting , and ends In a glow of success
nnd glory with a swell wedding in the cast.
Of these stirring materials Air. ( Junior makes
the most , and the result is n story that will
keep a mini away from his meals , or rob him
of his midnight rest , until bo has read the
last of it. It Is needless to bay that it Is a
success In a business way ; all o'f Mr. Gun-
tor's books are now. itvlll probably follow
Barnes and Potter on the stage , too. Homo
publishing enmimny , Now Vonc , 50 cents.
For sale in Omaha by Falconer.
"The Lifo of nn Artist" is the charming
autobiography of Jules Breton , tbo famous
Kronen pin tcr. In its first pages he shows
how the beauty of the flowers , the landscape ,
tbo sun's rays , all had a decpur meaning to
him than to tlio common child. Ills child
hood was extremely happy anel melted into a
felicitous boyhood , during which ho
attended the Hoynl academy at Ghent nnd
visited Antwerp. In Paris , during his early
manhood , he met many famous artists anel
made his entrance into his profession , lie
exhibited in the salon of 18-18 his first
picture , "Want and Dopalr. " But the grand
work of his lllclime did not , commence until
after bo returned after ninny years of ab
sence to Conrrieres , to which ho dedicated
himself iu these words :
"Ah 1 I no longer rogretied either Clamart
or Mendon , and 1 loved the simple beauty of
my native place , lhat offered Itself tome
mo , as Huth offered herself to
Boaz. Yes. I became ono with you , O , laud
where my llrst Joys wore felt , and tliou didst
Infuse into my soul tbo tender beauty of thy
carnations , the majesty of thy wheat fields ,
and the mystery of thy marsh , with its
motionless waters shaded by ashes swarming
with cantharides. O , laud of my childhood ,
to theo have I given my heart , to thco have
I dedicated my life I"
This was the keynote of his lifo and of his
art. Ho was pre-eminently the artist , of the
peasant and his provincial Franco. For sale
by J. S. Caulllclel.
A good example of Worthlngton's series of
dainty paper covered books Is "llcimburg's
Christmas Stories , " translated by Mr. G. W.
livls. These eight tales are of that sweet ,
pure typo so characteristic of the lighter
strain of German literature. They are pret
tily illustrated. Worthlnglon company , Now
York. " . " > cents.
Tlio Worthlngton company announces for
immediate publication "Ono of Cleopatra's
Niphts" and other stories. By Theopliilio
Gautier. Translated by Lafcadlo Ilcarn. 1
vol. , lUmo , illustrated , forming No.I , Hose
libiary. Exquisite short tales , us perfect as
the world has over seen , intensely dramatic ;
pictured with an idealistic brilliancy , they
afford many examples of that peculiar beauty
of fancy and poncr of words which made
CJnutlor the foremost author of his time. The
stories fairly cnclmln the reader , The subtle
charm of the French style , light , brilliant
and sparkling , is admirably retained by tbo
translator , Uifeadio Hcarn. who Is a true
artist. The nhtogravuro Illustrations acid
very much to the interest of the author's im
aginative creations. Price In cloth. 1 : paper ,
50 cents ,
A work of unusual Interesl nnd value lolbo
bar of Nebraska has just been issued. It is
entitled "Nebraska Uaihoad Law. " The au
thor is Hon. Lcavitt Burnlmm of Omaha ,
foiincrly connected with the land department
of the Union Paclllc railway , ntiet known gen
erally over the west as n close thinker and a
dceo student of the law , especially in that
branch relating to railroad problems. This
book ba.s come Into being In response to a
well defined demand for Just such a publica
tion. Our railroad IcgUlalion has been
enacted under varying circumstances through
a long scries of years , ana is of course found
in r. very fragmentary condition as one
searches through the statutes. Litigation
involving the railways has Increased enor
mously in late years. At the same tlmo a
general awakening In public interest In those
corporations has taken place , and nt present
every wide awake clti/cn wants to know tbo
legal status of the companies and their exact
relations to the public. State and county of
ficers must liavo nn accurate knowledge of
their elutins in connection with Iho railroads ,
Uallroad men Ilnd it Just as necessary to have
this infurmntlor. In fact these corporations
nro so intimately connected with the commer
cial , Industrial , nolltioil and legal lifo of Iho
state thai a work of lids Klnet Is needed by
all classes of cill/cns , Mr. Hurnlmm has gone
over ibis constitution nnd statutes with the
utmost care , nnd his compilation may bo con
sidered as perfect as it can bo tnailo. All of
thu constitutional nnel statulory provisions on
the suhoct | of railroads now in force are
grouped under appropriate titles , with supreme
premo court citations explaining and con
struing any passages that may bo uf doubtful
or conflicting meaning , So systematic bus
been the preparation of this book any
subject can bo turned to In an Instant , and
nil the law on that point will ho ntlmiid with
out a long and vexatious search. State Jour
nal company , Lincoln , Nob.
em iii * or TIII : rnuinniCAW.
Tbo bound volume of Bahyland for 1800
comes us n welcome visitor to n happy host of
Iho wco people of Iho nursery n-t well ns lo
tlinao thousands anel tens of thousands of
mothers and sisters who Ilnd their caro-taK-
ing lessened anil lightened by the appearance
of so ucconUiblo a hell ) . The volume is
crowded with good things litllo stories ,
rhymes and Jlnglea , and a wealth of lllustra-
lions lhat .servo to emphasize and make doub
ly Interesting the text. 'Iho volume Is drassed
In an attractive nnil decorative cover , and
Miss Adams' ' spirited colored drawings are
a filling Introduction and conclusion to the
delight anil glco for the llttlu folks that llvo
Ixitwoen ttio covers. D. Lothrop & Co. ,
Boston. * 1.
The Century magazlnn Is running n fast
press day anil night In ordorio print the lirst
instalment of the delayed "Talluyrand Me
moirs" In the January number. This Kama
magazine wax the llrst to in hit , botore Ils nit-
pearanco in France , the llio and llu-r.iry re
mains of the gwat Ficnch artist , Jean
Francois Millet , and now the Century la to
bring to light , bofoio Ihoy uui > < -
otbcr country , tholoiiR-hiilJen memoirs of the
most iiunons of French diplomat Isti. This
ilrst nrllcleiwlll bo prccode'd by wbnt is sola
to bo n brilliant peii-i irtr.ilt uf Tnlloyrand ,
by Minister Wlntclnw Itclel , who has made )
tbo selections from the moil interesting
chnptnrs of thoflrsl Miluino.
In the Now Vorlt Ledger of N'ovcmbcr 20 ,
Kobert tlrnnt bogim a brilliant nnil enter-
tnlnlng social satire unelortbu title of "Mrs ,
Harold St.igg. " The story Is told with tbo
ninuilng nnd iiulot cleverness which has
iniulo tbo authors reputntlon , and contains
ninny striking Ideas which will cnuse so
ciety' * backbone tocroop.
Tlio Clulsttnns odltlou of Iho Cosmopolitan
Mngiuino Is 1UMX10 copies. The order , n-i
originally given to the i > rlntor ! < , win for bS ,
( KX ) , out \\lilli ) on the press tt wns Ihought
ndvlsablo lo Increase ) tno number to 100,000.
It contains n fc.ituro never before nttcmittoel J
by uny mapulne , consisting of 11W cartoons
from thu hrusb of Uc.irel , the now fam
ous artist , who illil such wonderful lihulra-
tlom in Mark Twain's book , "Tho Yntilteo at
tbo Court of King Aithur. " These cartoons
nru placed nt the bottom of each page of thu
inugazlnu , and take for their subject , ( "Christ-
inns during the KlKlitecn Ccnturius of thu
Christian Kr.i , " with variations , allowing
the way In which we , modern Christians ,
carry oul some of tbo chief texts of the
Christian gospel.
A fnc slmllo reproduction of the original
MS. of Mrs. Hemnn's fuinenis poem. "Tba S 1
Landing of Ihn Pilgrim Fathers , " Is given In * * -
tbu Christinas Wide Awuko. James T.
Fields brought this MS. to America and pro-
scnlcd it to Pilgrim Hall , I'lvimmth ,
Ono of the most remarkable lists of famous
ooiitiibutor.s ever brought together In a single -
glo number of a mauazlno will bo printed in
tho.Ianuarv issito of the LaeiloV Homo Jour
nal , of I'lillaelolphia. Tito authors In that
unmoor will Inclndo Henry M. Stntdov , 13 r.
Oliver Wendell Homes , Kx-Prosidciit lliiyes ,
\VnnuiinilcrilosopbJolTcison ( , lion.
Hnnnlonl llnmtin , Miuhuno Albanl , .lames
Whiteomb Klloy , ( Low Wallace ,
Cicortro W. Chllds. Ur. T. Uo WittTalmnge !
Mrs. A. I ) . T. Whitney , Kobert J. llnrdctto ,
Edward liullntny , Will ( . 'arloton , Churles A.
D.ina , Sarah Orno Jowott , George U' . Cahlo ,
ilulliiu Hnwthorno , MM. Lynriii Abbott ,
Mrs. Margaret Uottome , nnel nearly twenty
others ,
The holiday number of LV.uilc Leslie's
1'opular Monthly has an cover in -
colors and gold , while its contents , llti'rnrv
asti \ \ ns artistic , are notably rich nnel
varied. "Tlio Census , " in its most significant
nnel plctnreseiuo phases , Is analysed , with the
necompnnltnontof many pictures , hy Fred-
crlckS. Daniel , "Tho Amateur I Miotogr.ipher
nnel His Cnnicr.i , " by S. M. Ultoon ,
Is nn Illustrated paper full of information -
formation iinil entertainment. D. K. Hor-
voy contributes nn niticlu on "American Mu-
slo nnil Composer.,1' with which nro given
portraits of twenty eminent living composers
belonging to our time anil country. Otbov
Illustrated articles nro : "liMlnliurgli Hovls-
Itcil , " by N. Mneilonald ; "The Avocado , op
Alligator I'ear , " by Anna M. 1'aris ; "Snakes
ami Snakc-clinriners in Ceylon , " by V. Fltx-
lioy I3ixoii ; " .Slmrk's-locth Weapons , " by J.
Carter I3 ( a ( ! , "Tbo Feast of Jul-Alton , " by
Wilf. IM'ontl , and "The.itrical Musks nnd
Make-up , " by Alleo Hoard. There are tUort )
stories by W. O. Stoilelurel , Lnev II. Hooper ,
David ICer , .lohn Mncmullen nnd others ; anil
poems by , Ioiquln ; Miller , Madison C.iwoin
anil Cosmo Mnnkhonso.
Tlmt household favorite "Peterson , " begins -
gins Its fiftieth year of publication. It stead-
Hy crows la popularity and must continue to ,
for it is just such n magarlna its ovcry body
on Joys. It is Interesting , practical aael use
ful , besides being very hanilsomo in its now
dress. It.s engravings are superb , Its liter
ary contents of n high order , and its fashions
atiet needle-work designs are as novel as thov
nro attractive. Fifty , \ears succors have
only spurred It on to fresh efforts.
A Human Glove.
She was slender , but slender witn the
curves of Venus , bays tlio Now York
Sun. The thpughl of bones nnd tingles
never ontoreel your head as you looked
at her , but you did wonder how she over \
trot Into Ihe frock that lit her figure so
closely and permitted tlio beautiful
curves of her entire figure to bo visible
as hho .walked , BO you naked a woman ,
anil Ibis is what ( the said : ' * AIy dearest
boy , that frock was put on with ti shoehorn
horn I moan metaphorically. But
really , it couldn't lit her much olosor if
it required that. It IB quite plain in the
front , with just enough fullness behind
to permit bor to walk easily , while , 03
fur as you know , the lighl-lltting bodice
in glued on her , though if you look you
will tee Ihutitis buttoned nnderthoarm.
"Neither petticoat nor divided skirt is
but instead there are Blockings
worn , . * - "
thai roach inmost us high as lightniiuuL yf v"
Ihon a long blaek silk unelorvcst.Ovor *
tills is put n closollttingblack satin bolt
from which depends black rubber sus
penders lhat hold the stockings , yol not
interfering in tlio least with llio movo-
inent of the body. The dross skirt is ± f"
then put on , anel , of course , its stilt foun- J
elation form n bkirl in a way. Then ray
lady assumes her hat , for once the bodice
is on she can't risk stretching1 it by
raising her arms up so high. After Una
she gets into tlio basque anil then her
maid , a button hook , and her presence )
of mind are required to mnko those hut-
Ions ami the o buttonholes utiilo. When
it isdono and her gloves are on she is a
living evidence of tlio fnot Unit the
American girl is the best shupcd in the
world. She hns not the inclination to
Iho huge buhl of the French woman , the
alelorinnnio proportions of Iho English
woman nor the English lack of hip.s. so
she eun afford lo wear her glovo-lillinir
coslumo , knowing Unit she is a success. "
Ono young man gasped after lliis do
Hcripljon and went away fooling that hej
was wiser than ho had over boon boforo.
FOfl PA I.R On 1'iisy terms , IdO acroi choloo
Iowa land iindiT cultivation. Unllonoy
neldross A. A. SoaKrnvo , 41 Main struct.
EltOIIAMHSn to nxchuiiKO for Iowa
fa rnis. Johnston & Van I'utten , Council
ItluflH. l.i ,
B AKUINHIn ( fruit , and voxotutilo laiuN.
Korsalo , r > 7 aeros , MJ roils north of ( 'him.
lamina grounds ; cimtorii slope , linn Hpringiir
line spring luiiok. land very rich : wlllHoil In 19
or .0 ueru lots lit $50 per acre , or 17. ' ) per aura for
whole ! tract.
.M lien's nn elraiid avmieio ; linn orchard
wind mill , line trove , sllu.ilud on Mynstct
prnjiosuil motor llnu ; price fIV ) nornoro.
II ) aeius adjolnlnc city limit * , tno story
bouse ) , cooel hiirn , llnu orclmrel unel email
fruits. I'lleo. i '
Uneie-s on elrand aventio/1J ! miles from P.
O. J.100IU1 neiro.
Ill ) ucri'S , thi'i'o mill's from olty limits , K'ood
Imii-.e , harn unel out Imllillius. 8) ) tirarliig
aopli ) trt'os anil small fruits. I'rlci1 , ? (1WW ( ,
hloi-k farm , 4.V ) ucres , line liniiroviiniciitt.
witll wult'ied , only one ) mlle from Htatlon , $ ii
an .101 u It laKon soon. I ) isy Irniis.
1'ariu nnil elty pieipi-rty for sile. 0.
Stacy , room 4Opuri IIQII I lilk , ( 'oiincll lllulfa.
) -l < ne < riutlolii < lyiir Knit : iiurma-
nunt | > o > > ltloii ; { ! * > jiur wnik ; iixiurlunc | < )
not neci'ssury. K. 0. S. , 007 Willow uvoniio.
TjlOIC KKNT. FemilsliiMl friml nmiii. Hitting
Jami lieel room uiiHiiltc. eCSl'Ifth uvtiiuc.
TTIIJIlNISlli ; ! ) rnoniH at vury reiahonablo
* terms , en suiteor Hlnclo ; baths and xtoam
boat ; now linuse ) , nnwly fiirnlsliod , Mis , Hto-
phcnson , 10:1 : i'ark avenue ) . Ununoll IlliilTM.
"Ij AUMS For Sale A luin : list , iiiiinv of them
J , at low | irlees ; also VQ ULTOS line pirelon
and fruit land itcnr tlio city limit * , house ,
burn anil other liiiiirovi'inonts ; alto 'II uerei
fruit anil gnrilon land lint , oiilnliln the city at
< X',5U3. W. A. Wood ti. Co. , 5'-'J Main Htruut.
1JJ10H UKN'P 'Ihn jriiMunon" throo-story
J1 brli'U block , No , 113 S. Muln t , wllli oluvuto ?
J. W. f '
1TJ1OK H.v'l.E nr lUmt-Uarlon laml. wltrf
J ? homo * , by J. U. Itluo. 10J Main it , , Uouuoll
Or Council Bluffs.
PAID UP CAPITAL , $150.000
DWKCTOIIS-I. A. Mlllor , I' . O. Oluison. 1-1 r
fchmtart , i : . n. Hart , J. 1) . Cilmuii Urn. ( Jhirle
Cllniinnn. . TrtuiviuL ( 'onoril h iiikliu Imnl-i
ness. J.arriuit ounlt-il anil uur.iiuy ot any
luinUln HmUhwustuiTi lowiu