Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1890, Page 9, Image 9

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    m m flfmmmmHm m mi1 f m m r m m mmmmm
Liberalo Uncertain What to Do in the Pres
ent Oriaii.
I'nrly lenders Tnkluc n Decidedly
Gloomy View of ilio Outlook lif-
feet of trio IJnjsct-Imw
. ' Ifan Itti Jama ftordon TUnvlM
LOXIKJ.V , Dec. 17 , ( Now York Herald
Cablo-Spcciul to Tim BEn.l-Tbo Uassott-
Law election was a staggering blow to the
Oladstonlnns.'iThey scarcely expected to win ,
but to lose by a larger majority than eighty-
flvo Is a severe dlsuppolntmet. The cause
was solely liberal absence from the polls. Re
cent events have Increased tbo number of
Oladstontnns who positively refuse to vote on
anything called homo rule.
Yesterday I con versed * with a very close
friend of Gladstone , himself a leader of
Influence. Ho took a ploomy view of his
party.This Parncll business has killed us
1 fear , " ho Ruld. "Nothing can wipe out of
the nubile mind Iho fact that wo have been
holding up Parnell to admiration as a model
patriot for flvo y cars. Now wo are obliged
to call him a rascal and ho abuses us as
hypocrites and tolls all the world that our
homo rule Is a rank Imposture. How can wo
hone to get over such sr scandal. The Kng-
llsh peonlo wcro beginning to believe In homo
rule. Now they BCO that the chiefs of the
movement never had a clear understanding
of what homo rule meant or any confidence in
each other. "
"What are you goingto do ? " I asked.
"All depends on the old man , " ho said
. wearily. "I wish \vo could cut adrift from
this Infernal Irish alliance at onco. Of course
It would look bad after all the fuss we have
made , but It is better than iolng on to cer
tain shipwreck. The conservatives would
beat us all along the line If .they hud the gen
eral election now. What "fools they are no )
to strike while wo are so demoralized. As
for these Irishmen they will ruin yicmselves
nnd everybody who ROCS In with them. They
always do It. O'Brien thinks wo can pater
up the dlfllculty. Ho is dreaming. The boys
are all out on the war path and the Lord onlj
kribws where it will end. They destroyed
the Every fool can see tbat. "
My friend turned into the reform clul
where other dejected spirits were sulklnj
about \vit1i no prospect of throwing over
board the damaged cargo.
For a nil AgrxIiiHt Farnoll.
Di'iu.iN , Dec. 17. [ Special Cablegram t <
Till ! BEE. ] The Parnell section of tbo Na
tional league held a rocctirg , at which tbi
announcement was made that tbo receipts fo
the last two wcSks amounted to 1,171 , In
eluding a subscription of JESOO from Scully
tbo Parnclllto candidate for parliament ii
North Kilkenny. All the speakers of thi
meeting denounced the Gladstonian party.
Father O'Connor , president of the Corl
Grellc association , writes to the unll-Pnrncl
committee : "If nothing else showed the hy
pocrisy of thoantl-Pnrncll agitators , Healy'
antics would be sufficient , for they betra ;
both the man and the causoho champions
The question of Irish leadership is not to b
decided la a holc-In-thc-corncr meeting 1 :
Cork assembly rooms. If the people's vole
is In sympathy with such a meeting , hold i
publicly. If otherwise , why oppose it J"
Iho officials of Liiincrlck , by a vote of 10 t <
8 , bavo passed u-resolution of confidence ii
the McOartbyltcs.
Most HOY. John McCarthy , D.D. , bishop o
Cloyuo , whoso diocese includes a great poi
tlon of Cork county , has Issued nn cplseopc
letter In which ho condemns Panicll. Ho dt
clarcs tbat ho is sclllsh , ungrateful and' ur
patriotic. The letter states tbat the blsho
has made arrangements to withdraw the nr
tional league brandies in his dloceso from th
control of tlio executive which is su'pportin
The local branch of tbo national league n
Knoeklong , County Limerick , yesterday vote
In favor of supporting Parnell , Father Mui
pby presided.
Father Barry , parish priest ofUathcoi
mack , County Cork , and a prominent uatiot
nllst of O'Brien's constituency , has como ou
' IiMi-publisheJ interview Maurice Hcaly i
represented as suylnir that assurance can b
given tno publlo that no settlement bf tbo p <
litlcal crisis is possible by arbitration. Th
contest , bo said , would Do fought to iho bit
ter end.
Notwithstanding the Injunction Issue
against Suppressed United , thti
paper has again appeared. The word
"United Ireland , " however , do not appon
on the top of the page. The word "Suj
pressed" only appears there. Hereafter tb
paper will bo entitled "Inspprcsbiblo Unite
Ireland. "
Let Him Htxvu In Peace.
Loxnox , Deo. 17. Ibpeclal Cablegram t
Tim BiiE.j The News says It trusts thi
Dillon will use bis influence to prevent
repetition of the criminal folly of the llm
throwing Incident. The best way , the pap <
continues , to destroy Parnell's power , Is 1
lot him rave In peace. The News , In an ed
torial , says : "It is evident that Dal four o
derod ttio police not to arrest Harilsoi
Should Dillon and O'Brloa bo arrested it wi
roiluco to utter absurdity anil revolting n <
tlon tlfe theory that law Is Impartially a
ministered In Ireland. "
Fntlitr FaJiy Itclensoil.
lloniJix , Deo. 17. [ Special Cablegram
THE BEE. ] The sentence of six weeks' U
prlsomncnt Imposed upon Father Fuhoy
\Voodford , county Galway , for violating tl
crimes act , expired today and ho was rcloasi
from jail. Ho nt once proceeded to Kllkoni
whovo ho will join Parnell. Ho will accoi
pany Parncll during Kilkenny parliatnoatni
campaign , and will work in the Interests i
Scully , the Parnollito candidate.
The Conservative Klootc3.
" " " "LONDON , Doc. 17. [ Special Cablegram
TiuBti : ] The clcctioa to fill the vacancy
tbo commons for the Basset-Law division
Nottinghamshire , caused by the doa
of Mr. WIHlnni Beckett , who was recent
killed bv a'rallroad train , washcldyostorda
It resulted in the return of Sir Frederic
Melticr the conservative candidate , who i
ceived 4W1 ! votes.
Levin tollcslgii.
ATCIHSON , ICan , , Deo. 17. [ Special Tel
grain to THE BEB. | A private dispatch a
nouuccs that J. Levin , assistant suporlntcn
cut of the "Western Union with hcadquartc
nt St. Paul , will resign because his heal
will not permit him to travel so much. I
will , however , continue in the service of t
company. Mr. Levin was formerly inanau
of the Atchlsou ofllco and nioro recently mi
. user at Omaha.
Betrothal.of Prlnoos.
Lo.VDOX , Doc. 17. [ Special Cablegram
TUB BEK. ] The Berlin correspondent of t
Standara says that Prlnco Christian of DC
mark and Princess Margaret of Prussia u
betrothed. >
A. Verdict Against Marks.
LoNcoy , Deo. 17. [ Special Cablegram
TUB BEE. ] The Jury In the libel suit broug
by Harry Marks against 0.Y. . Buttcrlli
today returned a verdict in favor of the t
Trying tiio Ijympli on
BURUK , Deo. 17. [ Special Cablegram
TUB IhtE.I-Two lepers have received Inj <
t Ions of the Koch lymph. The experiment
being made at tbo request of the [ uticuls.
Anarchists Expelled.
BKIINE , Deo. 17. ( Special Cablegram
TUB Bun. ] The government has issued
decree ordering the cxpulson of six nnan
IsU frcm Cicueva ,
Inwn Corporation HeportH.
DBS MOIXEB , In. , Dec , 17. [ Spec
to Tits BsKj According to n law pasi
by tbo last general assembly , luio
as the "anti-trust bill. " , itho s oro-
tary of itate was Instructed to nctid
blanks to oil corporations who bad
fllcd articles In his ofllco to bo fllol ! out , giv
ing the nature , extent and other data cover *
In their business , the report of which Inves
tigation was to bo transmitted to the attor
ney-general for Inspection. Secretary of
StntoJiickson has mndo out bis rcpcrt nnd
will tins week nio it with Attorney-General
Stone. The total number of corporations
Is H.'ISI , of which 370 reported ns out of busi
ness , 1,001 were heard irom , 051 blanks were
returned ns not cirllcd for at the postofllco.
23 returned * modified anidnvlts , and 40
foreign corporations did not report at nil.
01,13 mi , A XDSTIIJKKTS VA XltA t.
It Is Hccnllcd by tlio Trial of Ham-
tnotul nt Hoattl o.
Sr.nrr.r , Wash. , Deo. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BED. ] Clmrlcs K. Hammond ,
keeper of the notorious Cleveland street
house , London , where shocking Immoralities
wcro practiced by the members of the
English nobility , Is on trial hero today for
grand larceny. Hammond lives nt 10 Cleve
land street , London , nnd when the Pull Mall
Gazette exposed the horrible debaucheries ot
young girls uiul boys nt Hammond's house
ho was forced to flee to Dolgluin und thcnco
to America. Ho came to Seattle In August ,
ISS'J , and opened the HaymarUot saloon. Ho
seems always to have plenty of money and to
bo nblo to draw hush money from wealthy
Englishmen whenever ho desire * . Last
spring J. K. ToJhnntcr , who Is aunposed to
bo n Scotland Yard detccllvo , locates ! In Scat-
tic nnd cultivated Hammond's acquaintance.
In May ho tried to get Hammond Into British
territory , there being a largo reward
offered for him In England , but failed. A
steamship was altcrwanu procured nnd Hammond
mend was Invited to join Todhuntor on n trip
to Victoria , British Columbia , to cclobnito
the queen's blrthduy , but ho would not go on
British soil. In September Todhuntor en
gaged as barkeeper for Hammond and then
worked up the present cose against him. Ho
Is now on trial for stealing a valuable seal
skin sacquo nnd gold watch nnd chain from a
woman who was drinking nnd carousing with
him In the wine-room of Ills saloon. The
woman got drunk and claims to have lost her
sacquo and watch that night. Todhuntcr
a\vcirs Hammond cot them. Hammond Is
stylish and well educated nnd about thirty-
live years of ape. His wife , who assisted him
In running the Cleveland street house ,
is with him. On the witness stand Hnmmond
admitted llvingnt 1 ! ) Cleveland street , Lon
don , but refused to state hii business. Ho
said ho was in duty bound to his fellow-men
not to disclose these secrets. Ho swore Unit
big money hud been offered him to give in
formation In England exposing Kngllsh roy
alty ajul nobility , but ho will never give them
The trial Is supposed to bo n , malicious
prosecution instigated by Todhuntcr , who
has been foiled in his effoiti to kidnap Hammond
mend and get him Into British territory , for
Ilnminond Is always supnlled with abundant
means and docs not need to steal.
The Winter ot * Our.Content
is the title of a recent charming paper
by that brillant writer Charles Dudley
Warner , wherein the glories of the
PacilSo coast , ns a winter resort , arc
most graphically described. The Amer
ican people are beginning to'underbtand
that the Puget Sound country is one of
our most splendid possessions nnd that
the name of the "Mediterranean of the
Pacific" is n happy title not misapplied.
In speaking ot Mount Tacomn , Senator
George P. Edmunds says :
"I would bo willing to co COO miles
again to see that sconu. The continent
is yet in ignorance of what will bo one
of the grandest show places ns well
us sanitariums. If Switzerland is
rightly culled the playground of
Europe , I ntn satisfied that
around the base of Mount Rainier will
become a prominent place of retort , not
for America only , but for the world be
sides , with thousands of sites for build
ing purposes , that nro nowhere excelled
for the grandeur of the view that can bo
obtained from thorn , with topographical
features that would make the most per
fect system of drainage both poshiblo
and easy , and with a most agreeable and
health giving climate , "
Thousands of delighted tourists over
the Union P.iai lie fctho past year bear
ample testimony to ttho beauty and
majesty of this now empire of the Pacific
For Russian Jowa.
VIENNA , Dec. 17. [ Special Cablegram to
THE Ben. | Baron Hirseh ils organising
meeting hero In behalf of the Russian Jews ,
Go O.i a Visit.
Hero is a chance to go home nnd visit
the old folks during the holidays. The
Union Pacific will sell on December 24 ,
25 and 31 , 1890 , and January 1 , 1891 ,
round trio tickets to all Kansas and Ne
braska points for one and onethirdarc /
for the round trip , good returning Janu
ary 5 , 1891.
A DcllRtitful Entertainment at tin
Central United 1'rcsby torian Chnrclj
Miss Orlo Brown , who holds n position in
teacher in the Omaha pubho schools nni
Is possessed of considerable elocutionary
ability , pave an entertainment Tuesday nigh
nt the Central United Presbyterian church 01
Seventeenth street , under the auspices of ttu
Young People's society of the church. .
The musical part of the programme , whlcl
was to have boon supplied by a male quartette
tetto , failed to materialize , but Miss Browi
was not to bo discouraged by that. Tin
frequent and enthusiastic npplausi
ifo which creeled the talented lad ;
ifd who gave the entertainment unaided , provei
d the success of her undertaking.
Miss Brown is r.itlier tall , well propot
y tloned and graceful. She possesses an e.u
iy nest , interesting ; face , and u volco of excel
y lent , timbre and full , clear volume. Her con
ccptlon of the dramatic , pnthctla an
humorous in lltcr.ituro Is quite correct , am
her manner of delivery Is clover and effective
U iolndy recited n vanetv of selections , rang
ing all the way from a semi-tragical doscrip
tlon of n scene in the Coliseum at Koine t
the humorous "Joslah Allen's \Vlfo ntSaro
toga , " and with each piece the audlenc
seemed well pleased.
Weather Probabilities.
For December Indications point i <
cold , frosty weather. That , however
will make no difference to those wlv
travel in the sto.xm-heatod and electric
lighted , limited vestibule train whlcl
is run only by the Chicago , Mllwaukei
& St. Paul Ily , botwoan Omaha am
Chicago. This olojjant train leave
Omaha at 0:10 : p. in. arriving In Chlcagi
at 0:30 : a , in. , in tlmo to niako all easteri
connections. For further informatloi
at city ticket ollico , 1501 Farnan
'raaha. ' F. A. NASH ,
J , 13. PUESTON. General Agent
City Passenger Agont.
Tickets at lowest rates and su pcrlo
accommodations via the great Rod
Island route Ticket ofllco , 1C02 Six
tcenth and Farnum streets Omaha.
The original London Gaiety Girls will ope
nn engagement of three nights and Saturdn
matinco at popular prices at the Gram
this evening. The reserved sent sal
opened this morning. The latest Now Yor
hit , the Carmcnclta dance , holds a proiWnoi
place on the bill , Tbo costumes nro semi
thing beautiful , and all the stage draping
and ornaments are the finest obtaluabli
The funny burlesque , "Mercedes , " fiulslu
the bill. It Introduces the entire company I
different parts assigned them. The musfo
exceptionally catchy and the comedy workc
iu is funny on the farcical ordor. Tl
natrons of tlio Grand can prepare to see
bang-up show.
The Chicago opera house production i
"Tho Gondoliers. " was a uQtablo operat
success dud It will bo presented by the Gre
opera company , at thq.Grand next Sundo
al evening by tbo sumo ca t wlflptho same no
, , scenery and costumes that made such
u umrUotl success of Gilbert & Sullivan's favo
Ito opera In the Garden City ,
WBOpen Today OUr jPifll Line of Fine Holiday Furnishing Goods , Showing tin Far
i ttiB Handsomest Rssortment of
Neckwear , Mufflers , Handkerchiefs , Suspenders , Jewelry , Glovesnnd , "such like , " that we
have ever shown. Christmas comes but once a year , and most men are glad of it by the time
the last bill is paid , , and fully realizing the unusual strain on man's pockctbook have marked
each and every article at rts ( lowest possible price ,
CASHMERE MUFFLERS Handsome styles at 150 , 250 , 300 , 400 , 450 and 500.
SILK AND WOOL MUFFLERS Splendid assortment at 300 , 400 , 500 , ; oc and 750.
SILK MUFFLERS Every-color , magnificent goods at 750 , 900 , $1 , $1.25 and $1.50. . * r
IMPORTED MUFFLERS The finest in the land , at $ i,5o , $2 , $2.25 and $2.50. . " -V
SILK SUSPENDERS Fine holiday goods , blacks and fancys ; from 6oc to $2.25. " - " .
HANDKERCHIEFS Silks and linens ; special prices on line China and Japanese silk handkerchiefs. < { > *
" " " :
Just before leaving New York for Omaha , our buyer closed out an entire stock of Neckwear made by a leading manufacturer
69 dozen handsome Teck Scarfs , good styles , good silk , satin lined - At 150 each
63 dozen stylish Teck Scarfs , splendid styles , handsome colors , satin lined At 250 each
41 dozen Ring Scarfs and St. Nicholas 'Knots , [ don't have to tie 'em" ] At 350 each
62 dozen very fine Teck Scarfs , goods that sell every diy for 502 , 6Dcaid 650 . , . . . At 350 each
147 dozen finest Teck S\rfs mule [ goids woth from 750 to $1.50 ] At 500 , 650 and 750 each
And a magnificent line of High Grade Novelties at 750 , 900 , $ i. oo , $1.25 , $1.50 and $1.75 each a clear saving of from
500 to $1.25.
'our Ancient Butch Pictures nt tlio
Oiiialia Art Kxhililtlnn. '
In the Omaha art exhibition are four of the
most remarkable , and at the sumo tlmo illus-
rious pictures Iu America today. Two of
hem are undoubtedly authentic Wouvor-
mans , painted In 1040and two Brought-ls , tlio
nttcr palntoa ou wooden p.vncls in 1KO.
These pictures are hung just \vlthln the eu-
, ranco to the gallery.
It Is well known to connoisseurs thathereto-
'orobutono genuine Wouvcrm.m was known
.o bo In America , and that was purchased by
Vondorbllt find presented to the Metropolitan
art museum la Now York , \\horo it now
The Wouvermans exhibited hero have all
the mannerisms of that famous Dutch artist ;
the lights concentrated In the center of the
canvas , the tender sky effects and the old
Dutch architecture , attest this. The Wou-
vormans nro the "Falcon Hunt" anil
the 'Haying Scene. " The Breughel's
tirotwo seonos on the Khino.
The VVouverman's are what Is known
ns central or radiating composition ,
[ n the center of each Is the known character
istic gray horse , with pink saddle , and in the
"Falcon Hunt" the microscopic portraiture ot
father and son excels the famed technique of
Melssonler. When viewing these pictures
a magnifying glass should ho used.
Many \Vouvermans pictures bung in the
galleries of Russia , Paris , London nnd Dres
den , wtjtro they are highly prized as ex
amples df Dutch art , and to possess a
Wouvcrman Is Inimical with the possession
of a Rombrnndt.
These pictures are the property of Louis
Schlosscr , of Washington , la. , who Inherited
thorn from groaf-Breat , grandparents. They
wcro bought from the artist , 1'hllln Wouvcr
man , iu Haarlem Holland , before his death
in IGtl and. have been in the family over
slnco. The pictures wcro painted In 104C and
bear their authenticity on their backs.
The Brouchels came Into possession of the
family through the gift to an ancestor , by
King Maxlwillinn I. of Bavaria In 1811.
On the back of the Brcughols are the num
bers of the galleries In wnich they were
hung , and the black electoral of tucking.
These pictures have been exhibited in Chicago
cage , where they exeitod unlveisal comment , *
and an offer of $10,000 was refused for them.
The family wish to dispose of tuoin , and for
that purpose Mr. Gcorgo Howe , an eminent
attorney of Washington , has brought them
hero for exhibition. The prlco the family
sets on tins rara collection is Ji5,000 end the
city of Omaha could not by bettor than
subscribe an amount that would place It iu
possession of such gems of nrt which would
make it the "envy of every nrt center both In
this country and abroad. Negotiations for
the purchase of those pictures must bo ad
dressed to Mr. O. W. Howe , Washington ,
Winter Kxcurslons South.
The Wubash has placed on sale roundtrip -
trip tickets , with choice of routes , to ull
the winter resorts of the south. Partiea
desiring to go direct to Sutherland ,
Omaha's famous winter resort , where
you have bdating , flailing nnd bathing in
midwinter , should take tlio Wiibosh , in
connection with the now fast train * on
the Li. & N. , with through sleeping cars
to Tampa , Flo. , via Jacksonville and
Lachoocheo. Only 62 hours to Jackson
ville , 03 to Tapjpa and 70 to Sutherland.
12 hours iu advance of all ether routes.
Reclining chair and Pullman buffet
sleeping cars on all trains. Baggage
chocked from hotels and private resi
dences to destination. For tickets ,
sleeping car accommodations and full In
formation in regard to routes east or
south call at the Wabnsh ollico , 1602
Faruam street , or write to
Northwestern Pass. Agent , Omaha.
1002. Sixteenth and Farnam streets is
the now Rook Island ticket ollico. Tick
ets to all points east at lowest atoi
lOO-Mllo Bicycle Race.
There will bo a 100-mllo bicycle race run ai
the Coliseum Monday , December SO , open U
anyone who desires to enter on the following
conditions : Each rider entering roust deposit
110 with the ruferco ; the race to start at i :3 : (
p. m. and continue until one of the riders ha :
covered 100 miles ; the rider winning thliraa
to receive thq ontlroentranpo fee depoiltoJl by
the liders nnd the pate receipts. Edward
Jlcjullnir , Frank Shlll imd William Mardis'
unknown bavo already CiWWd | This race is
open' , to all fond will bo run'on ' its merits. The
entrcc uro now In uctivp training and expect
to beat'the record. f
Dr. Birnoy cures c.xtnrrh , Bee bldg.
Old Folks AC I01112. !
They will bo thereand expecting'a
vibit from you at Chcibtmns time , nnd
the Union Pacific will eill } tickets on De
cember S4 , 2o anil SI , 1800 , and January
1. Ib'Jl ' , to all Kansas nnd Nebraska
points at one and one-third faro for the
round trip , good returning until Janu
ary C , 1801. '
\V11ECKS ON a'HK U. P.
Uoninrkablo Encnpn of n Switchman
nnd His Jsnn.
Yesterday there was a1 collision on the
Union Pacific near Twenty-first street which
happily -was unatteiuleil'vlth'loss of Ufo. A
aeavy snow plow driven by Engineer Stev
enson and Fireman Milltr. took the wrong
track and ran down unaua switch , engine
manned by Kraulc Campbell ! engineer , and J.
U. Peterson , fircmnn. The tender ot the lat
ter was smaahou to kindling wood. Steven
son sustained a sprained ankle.
Tuesday afternoon the switch shanty of
Henry Odcll , nt Twentieth street , on the
Union Pacific , was rua down by n flying car
of dnt which bad slipped pn the wrong track
at tbo switch points. The shanty was liuocIccJ
to pieces. Mr. Odell and hla'son , Arthur ,
were In the house at the time and escaped
almost miraculously , Arthur was somewhat
burned. _
For Throat Discuses and Cnu lm use
Bnows's BuoTsciiiAij Tnoqins. Like all real
ly peed things , they are imitated. The gcna
hie nro .sold only1 in boxes.
The only railroad--train out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omulm , Council BlulTs , Dos Moines and
( Jliicupo business is the Rock Island vcs-
tibulcd limited , leaving Omaha at 4:30
p. in. daily. Ticketofllco , 1002 Sixteenth
und Farnam sts. , Omaha
llnlTalo Hill Us turns.
Buftti'o B'll nrrlvoJ Iu the city yesterday and
attracted the attention of overyboJy all the
way from the depot to the city an d there
after wherever he wont. His form was as
erect as over and his eye beamed with Its old
tlmo brilliancv. Ho loft for his homo In
North Platte lastiilght.
For Oplniu Habit.
USB HiirBlord's-Aold IMumphnte.
Dr. Win. Powell , Now York Mills , N. V. ,
says ! "Its free use In broakinu off the opium
habit has prevented tbat Intense nervous
prostration which always follows when the
narcotic Is withdrawn. "
The now offices of the Great Rock
Island route , 1002 Sixteenth nnil Farnam
streets , Omaha , are the finest in the city.
Call and BOO them. Tickets to all points
east at lowest rates.
[ usillslio t'olnter * .
The Whlto-Daly benefittakes place at Ger-
mania hall , South Omaha , tonight , and
tbo Allen-Davis battle Friday nlghU
Tlio American idea
is that "nothing la too jood ? for mo when
I travel , " and in consequence wo have
become noted ns the most luxurious trav
elers In the world. That which the people -
plo demand , the roads must supply , and
thus wo have also the rtioat perfectly ap
pointed railway service in tlio worm ,
The traveler now dlnoaln , a Pullman pal
ace dining car clear through In hi * jour
ney , from CouncilBluiTs and Omaha te
San Francisco , on the union and Southern -
orn Pacific roods.
Flying Machines.
Although the solution of the problem
of an effective mode Of flying machinery
eoerastouG still afarolT , , experiments
are being systematically conducted both
in England and in this country , which
are gradually establishing a number ol
reliable data that may at some future
time bring forth fruit in
the conHtruction of a ' prac
tical niaqhinei Mr.Hirnm S. Muxitn lias
Constricted the Inert cliibontte : lpp iric-
tus for the $ erios of 'experiments 6n
which ho hast for some years boon sen-
gaged , nnd has succeeded in determin
ing the olHclencjrof a screw working in
air , the amount of push developed by a
screw , and the power required for pio-
polllng planes through the air placed at
dillercnt angles , its well as sundry frlc-
itonal phenomena and sundry
ether details connected with
the subject. lie has suc
ceeded in making motors that will de
veloped ono-liorso power for every six
pounds. Ho ITnds that 133 pounds can
bo sustained in the air by the expendi
ture of power. Ho also finds
that for a successful flying machine a
speed of at least thirty miles an hour is
necessary , fitly miles being still more
favorable to good work and 100 miles an
hour being well within the limit of jioa-
siblo developments In icrial locomotion.-
Dr Birnoy cures catarrh , Bee bldjj ]
Tliey'rn Awfully Awkward When You
Don't Know Ho\v to USD Them.
"My dear fellow , " said a society wo
man ot great candor to nn awkward ,
timid young Harvard graduate whom
she was to present , "you have any amount
o' talent , you have position , you have
money , but you will never bo at ease ,
never show at your best , until you know
what to do with your hands and feet , "
writes Emma Mofftvtt Tynjj in Harper's
Bazaar. "You must lese them , forgot
them , bo unconscious of them. ' '
This Is easier tali ! than done ; and yet
it is possible by the persistent use of a
few simple exercises which brings re
laxation , and freedom from stillness , and
others which encourage flexibility and
strength of muscle. Cultivate the habit
of letting the arms fall and place them
selves us they will when standing or Bit
ting without occupation. Learn to
swing them , one tit a time , back and
forth , llko a pendulum hanging from the
bhoulder , the elbow-joint straight .and
easy , but not taut. Lift the length of
tlio arm as a weight from the shoulder
very quietly and slowly as high as it will
go , ami bring it down in the same
manner. The muscles across the back
are wakened to a wonderful degree. Try
tills movement singly , and again with
both arms , fifty or a hundred times u
day. With the arms hanging at full
length , elevate the shoulders slowly , and
turn them in a rotary motion toward the
A dally practice of such simple move
ments calls one's attention to the varied
actions nnd UFO of joint and muscle ; the
idea of using the arm from the shoulder
is understood , and the habit of bringing
different sots of muscles into nlay In al
ternation nnd succession becomes second
nature , Tills is the numbering of one's
forces , and training them to do each its
own part. It is a kind of personal mas
sage , the virtue of which lies In
tlio minute search for weakness , llnbbl
ness , and lack of development in the
smallest muscle , nnd the daily gentle
manipulation strengthens it by
action. No woman wants that closo-knft
slnowand knotty , woody fibre that many
men seek to obtain from athletics , it is
entirely opposed to the offices o [ life to
which nature calls her ; she does
want firmness with flexibility , staying
power and endurance ,
The great European expositions have
awarded tbo premium to Cook'a Extra Dry
Imperial champagne for boquet.
Tlio Partition of Africa ,
A French magazine , devoted to geographical
graphical matters , figures up the areas
of African territory appropriated by the
European powers. They nro as follows :
Franco , 2,800,000 square mile * ; Great
Britain , 1,909,415 , ; Germany , 1,035,720 ;
Congo Free State , 1,000,000 ; Portugal
( nytjot ratified ) , 774,093 ; Italy , 300,000 ;
Sj Hinr210,000. , While the area secured
by- Franco Is much the largest , so far as
value is concerned England has no rival
in Africa. There are still 2,500,000
square miles in possession of the native
rulers. .
and Oregon.
This now empire of the northwest is
attracting universal attention and the
reason for this is tlio almost unlimited
resource's that have recently been opened
nnd the burpriting growth of this region.
Largo agricultural areas ; vast forests
and immense deposits of precious metals
are to bo found in Oregon and Washington -
ton , nnd by reason o { the varied natural
resources of the country this section
olTers unequaled opportunities for the
investment of c.ipital and location of in
dustries that are not surpassed by the
older sections of the United States. The
Union Pacific on account of its fast
tlmo , through Pullman sleepers and din
ing cars , free reclining chair cars and
free colonist sleepers from the Missouri
river , is conceded to bo the favorite
route for persons going to joithor Wash
ington or Oregon.
For pamphlets fully descriptive of the
above named states , or for rates , tlmo of
trains or any information pertaining to
the Union Pacific , call on or address
your noaccst ticket ngont or the under
signed , -who will most cheerfully furnish
any Information that may bo desired.
A. P. Douol , city ticket agent , 1302 Far-
nain street , Omaha , Neb
Rough Nevada Miners Pay Tribute to
n Curiosity In 1'cttlconts.
Senator Stewart of Nevada occasion
ally relaoses Into reminiscences , says
the Louisville Post. One of the best
stories ho tolls is of the arrival of the
first woman in the mining camp. The
boys had toiled with pan and roekqr nt
Washoo for three years without so much
ns a glimpse of a sunbonnot. Date of an
afternoon u ahout was heard. The cry
wa taken up and repealed until it rang
from end to end of the gulches , "Petti
coats ! " "PotticoutBl'J
Down wont the picks nnd shovels , The
rcd-fihlrtcd miners bwarmed up the hill
sides. An emigrant wagon , "all the way
from PikoJ' was slowly moving along tea
a camping place. A lone man sat on the
seat in f rent. The lucky minor who had
raised the shout told how he had seen a
live woman sitting beside the man when
the wagon flrbt hove in sight. But as
soon as ho gave netico by tlio warning
cry , she had dodged back out of sight
beneath the .canvas cover. Plied with
questions by the less fortunate , the minor
described in glowing detail how the
woman was droascd and what she looked
That evening while" the slices of nork
wore- sizzling and the cofTco pots wore
bubbling the minors dbcussod the great
ovojt. The more they talked the more
they felt that they must see a woman.
Somebody proposed a purse and a visit
to tlio emigrant's camp. Ono after an
other chipped in. There was $3,000 in
gold dust when the last contribution was
turned in. Than , forming In line and
looking very solemn , just as they did
when they ranrchtd in to see "Tho Luck
of Roaring Gump , " these minors started
for the wagon of the MIssourlan.
By a unanimous vote "Bill" Stownrt
had been solcctod as the spokesman. Ho
walked to tlio head of the procession
and carried the bag of gold dust. As
the column approached within sight of
the little camp the louder saw a flutter
of drapery at the front of an Improvised
tent , Than the ilap was hastily drawn ,
and as the minors approached they saw
only the man of the 'putllt ' , and ho gazed
rather apprehensively , nt the array.
A big ling was' formed. Stowurt ad
vanced to the cont6f. Ho explained to
the traveler the boys meant no
harm to him or hie. .But . It hnfl been !
throe years Blrico eomo of them" liad soea
i woman. Ja-fjwt , unt.U * ho arrival tliai
afternoon the gulches of Wasboo had
never boon honored with the presence of
> otlicoats. 'The bojs had doomed
.ho occasion worthy of recognition.
They had made up , not exactly a jack
pot , but a purse , which ho was commis
sioned to present to the lady.
The Mibsourlnn listened. As tlio llttlo
speech nearcd the climax ho grinned.
When Stewart held up the buckskin bag ;
tlio emigrant's eyes grow big. Ho turned
and started with olacrlty for the tout.
"Sally , " ho snid , "come out and show
yourself. The boys don't mean to hurt
ye. They've got somothin' ' fur yo. "
Lending the frightened woman by the
hand the Mlssourlan returned to whore )
Stewart was standing. Stewart hundod
over the buckskin bag with hla moat
elaborate bow. The woman took it ,
made nn awkward acknowledgment and
scooted for the tent.As she disap
peared there wont up a shout which\
made the coyotes hunt their holes fo
miles around.
Gesslcr's ' Magta Headache Wafers. CuroaH
headaches ia ' Omlnutcs. At all
Change Cars ? No.
Among the many exigencies of modorq
travel there is one requirement which
is always popular and al ways in doinund ,
and that is "a through service. " Life )
is too short to "change cars" every fo\v
hundred miles , and the travelling"pub -
lie have very properly rebelled against
all such old-fashioned railroading. Th $
through equipment of the Union Paclllo ,
"the original overland route , "provided
for a through car service for all points
west from the Missouri river.
The Gnmo of Golfl
The game of golf , to which Mr. Bal
four appears to pay closer attention than
to the destitution and mis overnment of
Ireland , is played very llttlo in this
country. It was originally a Dutch
came , but has boon played by the Scotcli
at the head of their outdoor sports. The
word "golf" moans "club , " and hoa
reference to the staves or clubs with
which little balls are propelled in the
game. The "link , " or playground , for
golf may bo a meadow , but ia oftener a
stretch of sand and course grass , buck as
ouo- finds following the seashore. At
short or long distances bowl-llko holes
nro punched in the link , and the players ,
taking sides , endeavor to knock the
balls from one hole to another inset
moves over th r whole length oi tlio Unit.
There Is plenty of outdoors , plenty ol
skill , and miles of walking in a good
game of poll. _ _ . .
- -
* H M. I TJ-LJI-.M |
Holiday Kxouraloiio.
On December 24 , 2. ) and 81 , 1800 , and
January 1 , 1801 , the Union Pnclllo will
boll tickets to all points In Kansas and
Nebraska nt one and one-third faro for
the round trip , coed returning untllJniv
uary 6 , 1801. Ilemombor the dates.
Cured of ilor Bingo Pasjl n ,
A stage-struck girl loft her Uouio in
Plttsuurg , and jomcd a traveling com"
pany , that she might learn to become an
actress. Pour weeks later he * friends ;
received a postal card from her , bearing
those words : "I am utterly destitute , in
a Chicago lodging house ; my clothcsaro
all Bold or pawned , and my last penny
gone for this postal card. For ( iod'fl
sako. send me some money to pay my
way homo. I've had enough of theatri
cal life to convince mo that I was a fool
to leave my happy homo. "
Mrs. Winslow's soothing syrup Is the best
of all remedies for children teething , 125 couts
a bottle , _ _
Through coaches Pullman pnlnco
bleupors , dining cars , free reclining chale
curs to Chicago and , intervening polnto
via the great Hock Island route , Tlokel
ollico 1C02 , Sixteenth and Farnam.
j 4ur h t 11 * J ti J [