THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TjpiSPAY , DJSOEMBER 10 , 1800 8PED1KL NOTICES. " "rVT/VEUTIBEMENTS for UI M colum-TwIll taken until 12:30 : p.m. , for th Tonln ( edition nnil until 8ai : ; p. m. , for th mojnlns edition ud HtmnAT Ilti , rilKIlllB Cash In advance. T > ATES AnTerOemontson this pice will to JUchar rod for at the rate ot IH cent per word { ortho flnrt Inpcrtlon and Iccnt per word for rjach ftuhsequcnt Insert Inn. and tl JO per Una per month. No advertisement Ukon for Irsj than 21 cents ( or tliti first Insertion. INITIALS , figures , ijuthols , oto. , count each its ono word. fllHESB advertisement ! ! must runconiccn- JL lively and under no circumstances will Ihcy betaken or discontinued by tolephono. Tr > AUTIES advertising In these columns and JL having their answers addressed to a "nutn- bcr d lottnr" In earn of Tnr. HUE will rccelvo n numbered elicek to enable them to got their letters. Anwcrs will lie delivered only on presentation of this cheek. Knoloso answers in envelopes properly addressed , 1,1 , advertisements under the heart of A " .Special Notlees" are published In l > oth the morning anil evening editions of THE Hr.t. the circulation of which aggregates more than 20,000 papers dally , nnd glios the advertiser the benefit not only of thn law circulation of trim HKK In Omaha , hut nlnu In Council lllutTs , I.lncnln nnil other t-ltln nnd town * In Mi * w t BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for thcso columns will bo taken on the above conditions , utthofpllowlr * bust- ness houses who arc authorized to takospoolM notices , nt the game ritca an can had ut the main oflloo. < 20UTIf OMAHA 11RANOH OFFICE No. O fcGZIN Btrcot , Lister Hlock. W. HELL , 1'huriiiaoUt , 823 South Tenth Ktrict. J tt EDDY , Stationers and Printers , 113 South ICth street. H.FAHNBWORTH , Pharmacist,211JCunv Ing street. J.street. , 1'harmaclst , G24 North 16th street. EO. W. TAIUl , Pharmacist , 1718 Lo&vea G worth street. TTUOIIBS' ' I'HAKMACY.SIth and Farnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. lcrraltt , rle. , tttt < > vnf flirt cnlumnoiithlapage. CJITUATION wanted by young rnnn o. O twenty , not afrr.ld of work. Hefereneo git on. Address V 83 , Rco. Mai4-18 * TKJsTrfojTAVnntod-Hy a man of 1(1 ( > ars A n\torlonco as furniture trimmer ; best of reference chant latolv fiom Rochester , N. i. Call on or address E. Yaston , 7ld So. 10th st. MJIO-I6 WANTED Position by lady stenographer nnd bookkeeper. Address Y 13 , lice. TANTED Hy a young lady , position as , clerk , copyist or ofllco work. Address Hex K , aienwood , Iowa. 2iK. ) n * 0 Situation by lady slonoa 1'our jnnrslii lo.iu . olllce ; experience hi law and wholesale business ; good education. Address Y 12. Hoc. 2.V > 20 * WANTED-Hy nn experienced tri\clliur man. a situation on the road. Address \ fi , llco ofllco. 235-10 * WANTED Steady winter work to run steam heater or Janitor work ; 11 years' rxporletiee and licensed llremun. Address X gll lice ofllco. 7i010 : "llfANTED Situations for good Klrls ; mv Ti xr.iltliK rooms am full from 0 a. m. to 5p.m. No need ot being out of help a day. Mrs IlreBail4l4S. : IMh. Tol.KSI. 759 J1 WANTED MALE HELP. Fitr iatffttc. , fftlnpof frtt coliinin nn ttift nnnt. A nENTS Wanted Tosell wall pipers ; flno J-J-lino ; low prices , still nearly half profits ; ocnd stamps forsamplos , F. 11 , Oady. Itmlllch Ht , I'rovldrnce. It. I. _ MJK1-16 * "ITT Kxporloncud shoo salesman at > V The Fair. 2UV1J WAN"1'ED Immediately , young man to re ceive Instructions nnd take sot books to keep. J. It. Smith , UIO Now York lifo build Inc. 207-15 * WANTED 500 laborers for Northwestern V > It. H. South Dakota. Tree faro. 1,003 for Arkansas and Tennessee ) . Wascs $ . ' .03 and 4'J.fiO per d.iv. I'Mlloy ' & Cramer's labor agencv. 210 9. 18th stioct 2f J7 * TVETncTlVn Wo want a man In every lo- JL/ciillty tt act as private dotoctlvo under our Instructions. Pond for particulars. Wash ington Dutcctlvo Agency , box 787 , Washing ton , Iowa. Experience not necessary. Salesmen on salary or commission WANTED sion to handle the now p.itcnt chemical Ink erasing pencil. The greatest soiling no'v- elty o\er produced. Erases ink thoroughly In tno seconds , no abrasion of p ipor. 200 to WO percent , pi oil t. One uzent's sales mnnuntod to KillIn six dnjs ; another $ -12 In tun hours. AVe want one oitotwotlo general agent for each Mate and territory. Sainplo by mail 3.1 cents. Tor tenusand full nnrtloulars. address The Jlonroo Eraser Mfg. Co. , La Orossc , WIs.M . M 21.1 10 * WANTED A first-class coachman , at once , 123 S. 17th nt. 2AI f XrANTED Iloxnerlonced salesmen to help VV sell out The I-air. 10S i WANTED Halesman who meet the grocery tr.ulo to soil one of the best ni tlcles on the nuulict oncomralshlon. Address. XU5 , lieu.ffil ffil WANTED Agent-s wanted throiiKhout Ne braska. Send tamp for reply. Jos. I' . Jlejronth. Oinalm. 4 J l\7 ANTED Men to trmol for our ( Canadian ii mirscrlcs-btoneA.WellingtonMadisonWIs 1TANTED Man with good reference at i Metropolitan Jlfg. Co , 1000 Howard st. st.tJOJl t/JOJl WANTED FEMALE HELP tariattf , tie , , ffflinntr Jiiwciiliiiniimt Hi teA A GOOD chambermaid and washwoman. 109 JrV. N. mil. Maoi-K \\TANTr.D-nirl for hotiinuork. i > .Mrs , ffrluht. No.2(114Soward ( at. M.lll-18' "YVTANTED A competent housework girl In " small famllv. Hood wages. Refoienccs desired. Apply 122 South 2oth street , city.JKttM JKttM 17ANT1ID Experienced second girl. W. H i McCord , 304 South 18th street. MUO ! GIRL Wanted nt 22 10 Seward street. Three in the family. JlJOI-17 WANTED-A girl for general sow ork 4" N. 2.kl St. ' . ' < > II W ANTHD A first-class second girl , ntonco li ! R Uth st. 2S irl for Kitchen work , must bocoo < washer and Ironei ; references. 2314 Harney " \\7ANTIH ) A compotout girl to cook nnd d ( i > laundry work. Apply to Mrs. Ooorgo W Doano , 2024 Chtc.iKO st. 285-1' WANTED 10 oxperlenced salesladies tc help Hull out The 1'ulr. ICi WANTED Good girl for general house work at 2218 Lea % onworth. FfJR RENT HOUSES. Fnrrate , tie. , Kttnynf ftrtt column on th ! IjlOH RENT A new 5 room cottage on streo -L cur Hnootv , | water. Hplondld neighborhood cheap to small family. Han H. Wheeler Jr. , Douglas and 15th street. Itontal agenolc1 please list. _ JKllO 1 opHKS for Rent 7-roora dwelling , modern. Hurt street . . . .122 fi fl-room ( hvelllmr , 2ith and Woolworth. . , , 200 V-room dwcllmir , Douglas street , steam heat . , . R5 0 10- room duclllmr , modern , I'ark avenue. . : ' 0 D TOroom flat , Kith and Jones . no o 6-rooin Hat , Karnam street . 22 fi . Other dwolllngH und flats all parts of city Bmcalmi A Alien , 1007 l''iu mini ht root. 278 1 TTHNB U-room corner housi\ all Improve JL' inent-s. convenient for business and whole sjlii district. A-l loontlon. Apply a S. El gutter , 407 1'lrtt tNatlonal bank. 13 _ FOU UENT-Slx-room house In I'ortlam I'lncouryllttlocasb and balance month ! payniquis Imyslt. J. U. Cortelyou. 4U Uhumlie ot CommcrcL' . _ Mi ; FOR HENT fl room Hat ; gas , olty wato bath room nnd closet , In Biindor'n blojk luqulro ut clothing store , 2112 Cumins tree gct-n _ _ _ l UTKEN-Room house , 210 N. 17th. I'm * - mice , kitchen range nnd lath. Hullt to rooming and boanllnx. M 143 18 * FSS ItKNT llouio of 4 rooms In good r > pnlr. olty nnd cistern water. JC8 B , loth. 200 1 ! i TfOH IIGNT Two small houses , I12.M nnd I -i.1 i ir montli. near buslnesscontor , The O. I Davis Co. ion 9J12 Cap. ave. . 6- room cottnze. West half 2SI la'nii , Enq.giliUmi. ave. 8UI-Jt 0 TIIOU IlKNT KIttt. 7 rooms. 2ud tloor. 703 H lot U St. , r nire and other tcouvcnlcnoos. W Oeorgo Olouscr , 701 8 l th at. ms \ ; FOR RENT HOUSES. jFor nlti , tttetetof ) offmt columnontMi rr-KOOM house with barn ! nominal rent , C. I lyilatrlseii. 012 N. Y. Life. . . 495 TV YOU wmh 1o rent n hotneor sloro co H. IE. Cole. Continental block. 4W T > ENTAI < Acpnl ( lc < > . .1. Paul , 1WX ) Human ) , JX | louses and stores for rent. Rents col lected. S87 FOR RENT Flats. 4 rooms ) each , olty water and sewer connections. U. R. E. and T. Co. 4 llco bid f. 641 FOR KENT Small house on Km mot Bt , west of 21th , M per month. Also'-room house , city water , bath , on Caldwell , between SCOi nnd 27th. ti" per month. U , L. Omen , Room1) : ! ) , llarker block. J1787 -I 0-Kooiu flat two blocks from post olllce ! rent 1 KO.OO. 1'rlceof furniture tatxt.Otl ! cash balance ti'i 00 per month. Co-opcratlvo Land & Ixit Co. , an N loth Btmet. 2W-IJ TilOIl KKNT-S2S3 Mapio it , h block past 2Uli -L' pt. motor , n moms nnd unflnlnhcd K story above , full lot , well , cistern antl collar , coed neighborhood. 117,10 per month , O. U. Wal lace , Ilrown block , ICth nnd Dotiulas. DH8 HOIISK of 6 rooms , nicely papered , water , Fewer nnd irns , iClrd and CnmhiR , tJO per mo. C Harrison , Oil ! N , V. Mfo. M7 FOIl KENT Small house , with or without barn , WI7 California at. 789 OKOOM house to rent , near Sherman ave , ! W3 dhccly blk. 7.V1 FOUItnNT Pcvon room cottaRe , south west rornerl'.lRntbenth and Dodqo streets. Inrvo y aril and pluiisnntllttlo homo. Very conon. . lent to huslness. Uall at premises. _ 104 TI HOUSE for rent , ten rooms , modern conven iences1. 021 S. lOtli street. ao3 li * xUOOM cotl nee. cellar , cistern and city water. 817 S. 18th , near Leavenworth. 'JOl 15 * _ "IIIOU IlKNT To rcsponslbio parties only. -L those tine now brick and stone bouses on OcorRla avernio ! fifteen rooms and alcoves ; more conveniences "and bettor finished than tiny hotiso torrent In the city. 11. II. Hendor- Bun. 410 I'nxtoii block , city. 494 _ FOlt IlKNT One ontsldo flat of 0 rooms , steam heat , In uoixl repair. Mnton block , corner tilth and IStason sts. Inquire of John Hamlln , In the block store loom No. 017 , 130 rPO Conductors and KiiRlneersVoofTerthoso JL ten now and complete flats with all modern conveniences , situated two blocks from the new Tenth street depot ; tboy have several new and rommundnblo features and rent for only JI5.03 per month , 0 and 7 rooms each with largo balh nnd convenient closets. Call and KCO them. Thu Mead Investment Co. , room 411. . lloo bnlldlnir. Clt FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. ForrattH. rlc. . rrr tun iif Jiint iiiiumn nn ( Alt T OR RENT Nicely furnished room wltn all Jmoderncomcnlcnccs , 21SI California. 275-1.1 * T7HTRNISHEO rooms , also ! I unfurnished. -L ! Hath , gas , all conveniences at 1324 Capitol avo. , "v" ! ip , * BURNISHED rooms , 119 South 25th stroet.o ONE largo and ono small furnished room to rent In a private family to parties em ployed during the day. References required. 1012 ILirnoy .St. 240-17 * FOR HENT Furnished rooms ; gas , bath and steam , 1J11) ) llouard. 403 steam heat , 2315 Doug- 101 ID * TI O married couple pleasant rooms furnished JL for housekeeping , central location , Ad- drcssX mice. 1311C * TTIUHMSIinDrooms ; modern lmpro\emcnts ; JL1 stiltablo forl or " gontleinun. Apply 2047 15. ) ia FUUNISHCD rooms 1003 Capitol ave. 123 17 * IIOOMS , light housekeeping , SO''OSt. Mary's Am-mio. 074 10 * NICE room , btcam heat , 1710 Davenport wh ao * _ _ OU RENT Soon-room cottage , cor. 28tb nvc. and Cap. avo. Inquire 2018 Dodge. M407 OU UENT-rurnlshcd rooms , 1000 Douslas. 490 DK room , modern conveniences 170 Capitol ave. 775 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Fin- rates , tie. , ttf ( oof / firtl rnumu ( on thlr pant. " " > 1411. Tones , corner 14th , AVIlt bo thoroughly refurnished and ready for occupancy Thursday. Neat HliiRle rooms. Cheap double rooms. Nlco pallor bed rooms. The neatest , cheapest and best private boarding house In Omaha. 4 WANTED lioomors and boarders ; flrst- class board ; nil modern conveniences for rooms. Inquire 1707 Dodge street. 270-10 * NIOELY furnished room with or without board ; with board $3 00 a week. 002 N. 17th st. 202-17 * ANDfeOMELY furnished looms , single or nn suite , with satisfactory board , at * J.'i per month each ; modern residence near business center : no other liomders ; references ex changed. Address Y 21 , Hue. SGO-lfi * "OOOM and board. CIO S 17th street. 227-16 FUHNISHKD rooms with board. Koforcnces. 2214 1'arnain. 2J7-IO * N ICE loom nnd board for two gentlemen. 2WM : &U Mary't , avo. 100 II ) NIOELY furnished rooms , with nil conven iences ; also tlrst-class tublo board ; terms reasonable. 2uu N. 18th st , 10110 * DESIKAHLE Rooms good table board , at Tbo Mcrlam , 25th and Dodge sts. uf.U-15 * NIOELY furnished room , all modern con veniences , with or without board. 2017 I/Oii\enworth. 755 li" ENTLEMEN only , now house , largo , hand- Rouiely furnished rooms sultablo for 2 ; 1 smuller room for 1 ; excellent board , heat. gas. bath ; ilrst-clusg jirlvato fnmlly. Terms $ J5 porinontli. Address X ( A , llco olllco. IV ) FOH good hoard , nice rooms , modern conven iences , rates and location , the 1'iillman house , 1J10 Dodge st. . cannot bo excelled. 811.15 * TJOOMS and board , 1810 Chicago street. 5 ST.OLAIR European botol. nth dining room , hteam heat In nil rooms , 13th and Uodgo. Special rates by ncokor month. 501 FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED rorrattn , ttr. , tre ti > j > of flivt enliiniimn FOU RENT Four good imfurnlihod rooms for light housekeeping , 2J1S Douglas atreot. 251 1C * "IJ1OUU unfurnished rooms , all conveniences J- for housekeeping. Reference reuulrcd. 2.W1 Furnum sU 240 21 * O ROOMS for light liousokoepln5,2512Hurne.y ; T3OOMS for light housekeeping. 1712 Doug- lihis. fcOfl 15 * TTIOHHENT Suit of 4 unfurnished rooms to JL1 family without children. I'rlco $10.20. 1701 Webster bt. " " M7J7 I OK REN 1' 3 unfurnished rooms. 210 N. mil it. M 750 FOR RENT STORfcS & OFFICES. Forratf * , tie. , tee ( ) ) orst column on ttilt 6iriVrix'T-TbVthlr l aid street , with steam heat and power II f desired ; rent reasonable. 1'estuor 1'rlntlnc Co. , 1J07 Howard. JUis OR RENT-Dcsk room In I'lrst National bank building. Address Y 14. Hoe. 253 1C STOKES ntTO ) H. 10th. steam heat furnished. Tbos. r.Hull.ail I'a-xton blk , 50J T7HJK H1'.NT The 4-story brlokbulldlng.wlth JL1 orwltliout power formerly occupied liy thu Heo Publishing Qtx.PIC rarnum st. The build ing has a fireproof cement Inisomcnt.complotc fcteiim heating fixtures , water on all the floors , gus. etc. Apply at Hie olllooot The Hoc. 01. ' POR RENT 11s Januurv 1.4-story building , as.540suiro ] : feet ; suitable for any kind of wholesaling , at ronth ntiil Jones street , ( I I. A. Lnuliinest. UIO South Kltteenth street. V * r 1O RENT After January 1 , store and ( lal XaKK ) H , 16tn st , Euiiutro at UOO Hrnwn bldg. 11. J. Kendall. 397 DJ ; TTIOR RKWTorSalo-KIno , heavy brlolc Hio- Jstgry corner warehouse with most contra1 trackage la city ; Uoonnro U.WOsquare foot. Stringer A I'enny. llarkor block. 1M - STORAGE. * Formttttte. , tee top of Jlnt column on thli png B rpRAOKAQEstorage at lowest rateZ W , M i\ JL liushman , 1311 Loiivonworth. 60i > im m - STORAflE and trackage , Da\ld Cole , 815-61 H Howard Ht. W * STORAOE The host la olty , clean , dry , safe tha and privately stored at reasonable terms a Onmhft btovo Repair Works , 1207 Douglas. Tel MO. 8SI FOR RENT WAREHOUSES. For ratti , ttt , , tn fop of Jlnt wiltimii on l/iti | xig "I7KJK RENT Rrlok warehouse , two Htorlos -L hlzh , basement , hydruiiliu elevator , track age ; best location In the olty. A. 0.1'owell. 807 WANTED TO RENT , For ralt , tie , , ret fop af fnt column on fifrryf " \\7ANTED-Two unfurnished rooms for 11 light housekeeping , centrally located. Must bo cheap. Addiess 030 New York Life. gll-lfl * married couple without children AQUIKT room and board In pilvute family. AUdrcss Y ' . ' . ' Heo. 2M ) 10 * RENTAL AGENCY. I or rate * , tit , , ret fop of Jlrsi tnlumn on thti JKIO& 1ST your houses to sell or rent with C. I * . "nrrlson , 013 N. Y. Lite. BOS nil. IKttY&llrolrentalnBents,200N.YXtfnMl H. COI/K , rental agent , Continental blk. 40J S Lund & loan Co. Heal estate , loans and Insurance rental asency. 075-1117 PERSONALS. For rateK , tte , , teet < > i > nfflnt colttiuit nn thfaxtoc \ IV this should meet the eye of Hattte Illoks or any ono who knows her whereabouts , please address a I'rlcnd. Wallace , Nob. ? > 3 15 * LOST. Forrattt , tit. , rtelnpof Hittcolumn onl/ih / pagt. IO9T A child's satin lined , beaver bow , on 'Saturday mnrnlntf. between Morse's and Hamcy rum Tweiity-Uratstreets. I'lca o leave at niadstnno'sRrooory , 1J08 DouKlas street , and rccelvo reward. M U07-18 * LOST AVhlto for terrier pup with ono ear black , thu other black tip. Liberal toward for the return ot same to2045Iodgo street , Omaha. MIHB Id * LOST 1'rospectus of Century dlotlonary. Party flndlnz It will ho rewarded by leav ing at the Heo olllce. 193-13 * FOR SALE FURNITURE ETC. For ratet.clr. , tee top of flnlcolu on fhli 171OH SALE The furniture of a nine room L' house by the ploco or all together. 1030 OupltoUoenue. M 303-20 * , AUOR double slttliiK desk , almost new -U'hll Stlmmcl , No. Oil Jones st. 818 POH BALi : Two hoatbiK stoves , liard or soft coal , In first-class order and will bo sold cheap. Call at 1MO N. 18th st , „ I1OU SAI.I2 cheap A 10 horse power Now York safety steam ciiRlno In tlrst class condition. I'cstner Printing Co. , 1307 Howard st. M l-T FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. For rate * , etc. . Me f < > p nf first column on IMn pnae FOK SALE Handsome , largo family horse , young , sound and stylish. Also best tiiakn phnuton and harness. A nleo turnout costliiK over J.7X ) . Parties romovliiR from olty and will soil turnout iompleto ff-TOO. Call at Illco during business hours , HOGLcaVonwoith treet. 1C4 13 ECOND hand omnibus. 1'hll Stlmmel. No. ones st. . 817 WOHIf horse $00 , two-horso wagon2) , dou hie work harness 115. Or will Undo for a oed Ik-liU Ido bur buggy. 11. E. Cole , Contl- entalbloo 40' [ 71OH SALK 2 good work teams. Inqulro at 018 Tax ton block. 501) ) FOH SALE SO horses and mares , cash or time. Prices from 915 to 1,100. Would ox- lnuigo some of them for Omaha , real estate , V. T. Soamnn.Omaha's largest variety-wagons nd carriages. 'M7 ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Tor rate * , ttr. , tee top of frit column an WASHINGTON relics sold-Not In I'hlla tlolphla but In Omaha. We have a man hathas a letter thatwas written by Thomas leach at Walllngford , In I'nRland , In Oct. 13 , 770 , and Is supposed to bo friends of George Washington , and ho has other letters over 100 oars old , and many other valuable nnd e\- rnordlnury collections. Same can bo scon at. or hycullltiK at 37 Chamber of Commerce , or 18 South 10th street , Omaha , and the .same are orsalo. M 300-10 * FOH SALE A Ilowo scale , as good as i now , capacity 0 tons , 8x88 feet , warrant cor- rcot and In perfect order , with tblnatlon List price $ .103 ; will sell the same for I.B. W. 11 , Vaughnn , Domocratofllce.Omnbn , Neb. M111722 LADIES & Rents tobuy the Plumcr recllnln ? chair ; unsurpassed for comfort. o2l N. t ! > th : 818 DW $100 cash and balance In Rood room and board for man and wlfo will take an cle- ; Biit good as now upright piano , references exchanged. Address Y18 Hoe. 28o-2l FOIJ SALE 2 first-class heating stoves. Tn- nulro 1712 Dodge street. . 270-lj ( FOH SALE A line uprlcht piano at a sacri fice : must bo sold at ouco. luqulio at No. 2410Caldwcll st. 101) ) FOU SALE Lease and carpets of the co/lcst little cottage In Omalm ; (7) ( ) hoveu rooms , very low.niid less than lUo minutes walk from P.O. Add rebsXGI lloo olllco. 11MJ5 WANTED TO BUY. For rat' * , etc. , see tnpnf nisi aiitimn imiMi LAM ) wnntcd In Illinois , Michigan ana Indiana. Address J. It. Ulco,102 Main street. Council HUllTs , la. M 32018 WANTED A 57-m bicycle , or safety. MiiBt bo In good cordltlon and cheap for cash. Address I' . O. Box G70. Omaha , Nob. 242-10 * LOTS ! Wo have buyers for medium and for low priced lots ; will pay all cash ; must bo bargains. Alex Moore , aoi Sbcoly block. 248 1(1 ( * St ° rC ' " " > Slieoly block. 210 WANTED To buy. lot In Marker place , Clifton Hill , launders & IHmcbatigh add or Orchard Hill for part cash nnd horse , harness and phaeton. Address E. O. Merrill. 42d and Cass sts. 193 WANTED A second hand , small llro proof safo. Culbcrtson Milling Co. , Culbort- son , Nob. M170 WANTED-To buy claims of nil kinds against rallroid employes. Sums o\rr $20 preferred. Write Wm. lllcliurdsou , Hloiix City , la. . L. n.if ! > 8. BJ7-JJ * 'T7HJKNITUUK. household goods , eto. Highest U cash prlco. 'Wells , 1111 l-'aromn. 510 MISCELLANEOUS. Ferrates , fit. , ttt fop of'flrnt cnlamn on tliti jxijt jplIlllSTMAS'trees , large nndlfincrfrom 12to V/20 feet high , bales of evergreen branches for decorations. Address L. A. Williams , Qlonwood , In , SIO.I 13 * WANTED Tomorrow J800 for ono year oa good second mortgage security. Address Ilox5S3. City. 132 IB * K you have horses , carriage * or houses to trade heo I' , II. Jerome , room 317-FlMt Nn- tloiml bank bulidliiK. -M710 J. TyrASSAOE MadamDolzlor , over 010 S 13th. - L T-JUJ2 * MAPSAQE trcatniont.elcotro-thurmal hatJis. scalp and hair treatment , manicure nnd chiropodist Mrs. I'ost , K 20-21 , Wlthnoll blk. fiOH CLAIRVOYANT , Fcrratci , rtc , ttetapaf fnt roliimiion tlihjrvn. AIlRIVEU-Clnlrvoyant , naturallv gifted , tells past and future , lore troubles , ab sent friends , chunRCs , travel , business , hutls- faotlou given. Mrs. Wallace , 1308 rurnam st. MU8J 21 * MHS. 8TEVER Is giving best suocosa of any fortune teller In the city , 8he ooos not deal In any fraud. Her terms are the lowest. 400 N. ICth. : ird lloor. ' 87-16 * MISSEd EDDY Clairvoyant and trance me- dlums ; massage a specialty. 151U Capitol avenue. 2W 31 * MME. llurrougb I'almlst tells the past , pres . ent and future from the lines ot the hand. In thoold Gypsy way. Feeo. fl : ladles onlv. 1817 Izard lit reel , Omaha , 4IJ 2 > MASSAUE-Mndam Dclzler , ovortilO 8. 13th. 7CO Ji * MHS , Nannie V.Warren , clairvoyant trance , spunking , writing and reliable bushiest medium , four years In Omaha , 111) ) N. Ultli. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. For rales , rta. , tee top e/jHrtt column nnthti yogi /"CANADIAN employment office , 314M 8,13th , 4 v/tho best place in Omaha to find help or slt- nations , male or female. Tel , 884. KB DJfl COSTUMbS. Fbrrattt.tte.trt _ _ topufflnt _ column on thtt two * LADIES and contlemea can rent masquer ade cults at G l N. letb it. MONEY TCf LOAN. f ttt ratti , tit. , ttt top of fro column on Ml paqt IIAWEL loans at 1 WA'it rates , lleinorcd to 024 N. Y , Lifo bldt. < < T J , H , Euitnlugor.iVt flg. iVt TJRIVATE funds to llllfn on short tlmo. Ad- JL dress 808 Sheclyjdk/y 7J.I-J ) KEYSTONE Mortgage' Co. Loans of $10 to { t.OOOt cot ourratesTibforo borrowing and sale money i loans orl hones , furniture or any approved security wltblmt punllcltyi notes bought ; for new loans , rtfhowal ot old and low est rates , cull R. 203 , Shouly blk , 15th & Howard. jia 510 MONEY to loan on nyiimd morUare. W. S Wynn , lloomitii Ouiivhn Nut. Ilk. llt'ds. Ihll M 721 MONLY to loan ou llqprovod city property at current rates : funds ) on hand ; no deny. OfO. I' " lllust & Co. . SO.I Itmnge bldg. 10l-dl5 MONEY to loan on Improved and vacant pmporty. Lowest rato. U. J. Caswoll,8ia N. Y. Lite. JV.O 1)34 ) MONEY to loan on real ottate , Improved or vacant. tier. Am. BaVga Hank , 16th nnd 1'ariiaiii His. 1,18 24 QJ'i.OOfl ' short lime loan wanted on roalestito Pseourlty ; will pay lOpPreontand cash cum mission. J.I , . Hlcc. 022N. Y. Mfo. 017 STAR Land fc Loan Co. Heal estate , loans and Insurance rental agency. U7.cll7 LOANS of $1,000 and Upwards on iipl collateral or real estate.V. . 11. Mlllard,201 Omaha National bank building. 810 nL bank , 310 S15th st , , loans money \Jon chattels or collateral at loasrmablo rates f.U EIRST & second mortgages on vacant & Im JU proved city prop. County warrants bought. ! Money on hand . I'.BI. RIohardbon.SlSN.Y.LIfo. " \fONRY to loan on city nnd farm property. 1U.\Y. M , Harris , 1120 , Tronior blk. , opp. I1.6. 535 MONEY 3D , on or 00 days , on hoiiHoholil fur niture , etc , GMl'uJtton blook , J. J. Wilkin son. - M070-P1 JTAH Land & Loan Co. Heal estate , loans J and Insurance rental agency. U75-dl7 " \fONKY to loan by 11,1 > \ Masters on chattel -l.1-uiid collateral securities for any tlmof rom 1 to 0 months. In any amount to suit bor rower. Loans inndo on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses , mutes , houses , leases , warehouse receipts , etc. , nt the lowest possible rates , without publicity orremoval of proporty. My loans are BO arraiiRod thntyou can make a payment ot any amount at any tlmo and re duce both principal and Interest. If you ewe a balance on your property or have n loan you wish changed , I wlllp iv ItolT and carry It for you. If you find It more con venient , call up telephone No. 1C21 aud your business will bo arranged nt home. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. II. T. Masters. Itoom 4 , Wlthnoll blk , l.r > th and llarnoy sts. 514 MONEY loaned at low rates ou furniture , horses , etc. , without puDllolty. llnwKcyo InvcstmontCo. . 33 Douglas blk.lGth and Dodge. 511 WANTED fl per cent real estate loans. C. 1' . Ilnirlson , ! 12 N. Y. Life 512 WANTED-First-claos Inside loans. Lowest rates. Call and see us. Mutual ln\vst- inent Co. , 1504 I'nrmtin , Mil "RUILDINO loans. Oto 7 per cent ; no uddl- JJtlonal chargesforcommlsslonor attorney's fees. W. H. Melklc , First National bank blilfr.M7 M7 ECAL Estate Loans Cash on hand. Olobo toan & Trust Co. , 307 S , Kith st. No delay , no extra charges. lloist'.s ) for rent , good IKt , ul8 0 E. & O. M.ANTI10NY.3I3 N. Y. Llfobulld- Ing , lend money on farms In choice coun ties of Nebraska and1 Iowa , also on good Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; best terms : no delay ; tnoney ready. Titles and glues passed on here. 510 CHEAP eastern money 1'hllndclphla Mortcfigo nnd Trust Co. , nlwnys ready to loan ilttd pay promptly ; first inortgiiRes vuntcd. George W. 1 , Coates , rep- rcsentatlve. room 7. bUjir ot trade. bl'i MONEY to loan on any sccurty forshorttlmoat low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The Iiendorson Mortzagn < Iuvestracnt Compa ny , room 400 , 1'axton Oik. f > 20 BUSINESS CHANCES. For mlei , ttt tee to ofiJ , / -it cotmn oil tltts pass " 171IHST Class meat ihnrkot ; doing business JL1 of W5 toJOO per day ; reasons for NcllliiR going Into other business. Inquire corner'JOtb and IMorco. Fred O. Hayes. M303-18 * T\7"ELL located ll.noogroceryfltook In Omaha ' nt a bargain * Hutchlnson & Woad. 1524 IJouglas. 241-10 HOTEL For Sale Do you want to got In a seed business ? If you do , buy the Oomincr clal at Hroken How. Neb. 288 / IIGAU store , ono restaurant and other busl- V > ness chances. I'rices reasonable and best of locations. Co-opcrtalvo Land and Lot Co. 2 5 N. 10th street. ' "W-r "TT1OR SAIjE Finest saloon In ono of the best X' cities ( toiinty seat ) In Nebraska. Good bar gain to resncetahlo parties If possession taken soon. Address Y 17 , lice. 204-21 * FOR SALE A well established business , furnltuio nnd household goods. Some money nnd town lots or good land. Address 0,314 N. 17th street. Omaha. SM-IO FOK SALE Furniture and lease of a 40- room hoteldolngu splendid business and In flrst class location It will pay you to In- % estlgato this. W. S. Cooper. Morrlam block. Council lihills. Ml110 1HOK9ALE Furnished hotel,20 rooms , Rood i -L ! town ; owner not hotel man ; easy to D'MntitQrnh . Orphurd. Nnil. 30110 : ) * TT1OU SALE Choice small creamery , been running two venrs at a profit. Good loca tion In Elkhorn Valley. With or without clear farm joining It. J. 0. Cortolyou , 40 Chamber of Commerce. . M170 GOOD coal yard , building , teams , etc , , for sale , with good trade already established ; profit this weather $ JO per day ; JI.WM only re quired. K P. Cook , 031 Now York Life build ing. M17V22 T71OHSALE Meat market In Omaha. Good -L'locatloli and business. AddrcssXCD , lloo M 143 is * TX7ANTED A practical flro Insurance mnn to take charge of the Insurance depart ment of a well established company. Addron XnSHce. ijo-l f AN established business for sale or trade. llox filS. city. 100 FOR EXCHANGE. yprrnto. etr , , ret Mn ot' ' frtst column nn fftti rnje. OIl TRADE-Stocir of goods In country Jtown and stock of groceries In Omaha. I'artcashand retttrade. Inriulroof John Lln- dcrholm , Uio bonth 15th btrcot , Omaha.M31522 M315-22 * OLEAH lots to oTchango for western land. Addiess Y 13. Dee olllco. 2J2 20 * rrUIHER largo lots , half block west of Vlnton J- street , clear , for bouse and lot. flood borsn and buggy for outside lot. Extra good 8-room hpuse , mlle and naurtor from post ofllco , for good lot. 100-iicro Improved fapm , Sheridan county , Nebraska , flue soil , lui'K * ' Incumbr.inco , to oulsldo lot. AlexanderMooro , 301 Sbooly block. . , 21715 * $7.000 for Hno 10-roomiWdso 20th and Davcn- port ; largo barn ; iqM"Moslrablo proiiorty. C. F. Hnrrlbon , DI2 N. Y/itfto. 2SJ-17 TO TRADE A dandy1 bony and now road WIIROII for good tolrmisrgy. Call at 2501 N streetSo. Omaha. ' * ' M123-10 * OR THADE-Itcnl estate and onsh for Brat mortgage notes. Ailrtross H. A. D. , room 54 , Hoard of Trade building. KU 10 WANTED To excluuiiIOMinio ruluabloroal estate for goods , 'trade ' must bo inudo quick. Address X 19 , Ifqa'.i . M 703-21 * 1 ill . WANTED A horso..or mare In part pay ment toward a wapml or carriage. W , T. Beaman , Omaha's lurglht. Variety wagons and carriages. j'l ; na TCTOIl SALE Chop IIP'UM with established J- ! trade , doltiB B xl buMiioss , In good loca tion. Good chance for rlKut persons. Address \ 5(5 , Ileo. 087-10 * HORSEJ3 WINTERED. For ralet , tte , , tretop uf fnt coJumn cnthlt wine. TTORSE3 wintered. Wo have the best ao- JJcommoouttons In the state for wintering horses. Hey or BliiKle mails , with paddock. Apply to Wlndrtor. Kemp & Co. , 20J Now York Lit o bldg. , or to CltrU Norlns. at the Ntablua. Irvlngton. Nob. PENSION AGENCY. gar rate * , tie , , teetopof Jlnt column ' aittl \ * page. PENSIONS The Cllngman 'Pension Agency , 21t niiunr block. Information frea 317 PATENT SOLICITORS. For rate * , etc , tee top ot Krtt column in PATENT lawyerand 8Uor o\\v7 Co. , lloo bu lldlug. Omalu. UranoU offlco at U. U. Consultation true. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. e „ MI tn t of nt column on fiti ray4 TtlST think of It , Full lot. Mjtlffi , on urado. ( ' VOth and Vliiton , only 11,250. Knsy terms. 8mcaton.t Allen , 1007 Farnam street. 27U 21 / 1UOIOH llttto homo not fur from Hntiicom V park , full east front lotVroom ( cottnito with water In the hoii o and sewer , on the utrwt , worth. M.WO ( , will sell for $ .1.200 ; term * very easy , O. I' . Harrison , 1)12 ) N. Y. l.lfe.INI17 INI-17 FOR PALK-AIIWhon o. the building of which you can superintend yourself , and a eornor lot worth $1.500. n lit t lowest of Konntre I'laco , nil for JI.SOO , terms not haid , Colseth & Johnson , room f , Hoard of Trade. & ' 4-lT -HoomeottiiKe nnd barn , no foot of Rround , A nice home. One mile from post olllce. $4WOou easy inymeiilsV. . II , Hates , ftll-.VU N. Y. 1/fo butldln . TelcplioiiotOO. : 2W-10 EAST front lot on the high ground north of the pnrk. on the new motor extension. M.f.CO. O. I' . Harrison , UIJ N. Y. Life. i'65-17 RANCHES and farms Wo are solo agents for some eleitnnt ranch and fnt in prop erties , clear of Ineumhratico that wo can sell on easy terms or tr.'ulo for peed Income prop * ertyi f > .2sOncios In lloone county. Neh. . fifteen houses on It , llncly Improved , uilco $1:0,000 ; 4,1)00 ) acres In Vermin county. Mo. , nluo houses , and other excellent Improvements , tlHiO ! ) ( ) ; two acres In Colfov county , Kan.uryflnely Imptovedf.l0ooo ; 5XX ( ) acres lu Wichita county , Kan , , e\erv neecssarv iniiroiment | for a llrst-olass western stock ranch iibundancu of wutor. Address M. A. Upton Co. . Omaha.OCT. OCT. FOR SALK At nhargnln. Od\120 on Haven- port near 17th , one blook fiom now post- onice. very oilcan. $ JO.KX ( ) ; r > 0xl 13 corner 20th nndl'iirnam , $ .10,000. U , L. Green , room : i' ) . llarker block. * r 27 DnsiKAHLE lot In Windsor 1'laco. 3 blocks from new motor extension , $ . ' ,000. O. V , Harrison , lilg N. V.Iilie. 20-17 1 SO acres fine farm laud adjoining good No- JL brnska town ; nearly clear. KiOacrus ttuoiy Improve I landt miles from county scat hi Nobriskaj llRhtly enmimbered. 12U ucns good land In Nebraska , Omllusfrom county scat ; 2r > 00 Inhiibltants , House ami lot In town In Kansas ; clear. Clear lot Ingood Nebraska town. 4 room house and lot. barn , well nnd cistern , IGthstreet. Omaha ; slightly Incumbored ; will trade for Omaha property ami assume Incutn- brances. H. K. Colo. Continental blook. 1)00 A S fine a building site as you can Hud on the -C.Yhills near west Karnam and Lo oa\e. $2.800. O.K. Harrison. 012 N. Y. Life. 20-17 ELEGANT residence la Koimtio Pluoo ; 9 rooms finely finished and all modern con- M-nlencM ; Wlrt st. , near 20th. Can t-ell on onc-quattcr cash jiayment nnd balance tlmo to right party. This Is no cheap affair of a house , but a comforablo homo in every souse and it big snap bargain. 1' , K. Darling , Ititrkor Hlock. M.71TJ 1IK fect'on ICth st , bet. rnrnnm and T.eaven- worth , S.15,000. O. F. Harrison , Ol'J N. Y. Life. 28(1-17 ( A NICE little homo worth 11,550 for 100 acres western laud in Nob. D'Ment , Crab Orch- rd , Nob. MO 17' BEAUTIFUL lot on 28th street near Wool- worth , only $2,100. Eisy terms. Smoiiton & Allen , 1007 Ftunain street. 271) ) 21 50x132 on crado at the torncrof 23d and Cali fornia. Nothing better foreleirant cottatros ir a lint , only $50 per ftoU 0. 1' . Harrison , 12 N. Y. Life. 28(5-17 ( riiltAOKAGE propcrt v for sale at reasonable JL price , corner \08ft , TJnnplaco for ware- 'louse , immuf.icturlng. coal , or lumber jaid. Imcstlgalo. Co-operatic land & Lot Co.IM'i N'orth Sixteenth street. 1W 15 lIE best comer on upper 1'arnam street , JL frontage on U streets ; splendid corner on Fiirnam street , close to court house.a bargain ; corner with trnckago In S. E. p.irt of city j p Md residences and low-priced cottages , good lots for building , some as low us } ll)0 ) , Inside icres. farms and unimproved land. Wo will sell any of this property , of which wo have entire control , at prices way below what you can buy at elsewhere. Stringer & Penny , Harkor block , 15th and Pnt num. 183 FAUN AM st. lot near city hall for J10.000 ; A nn Investment. O. 1' . Harrison , 1)12 N. Y. Life. 280-1" 7 ROOM cottage , full lot , Hanscom Place , east front and a great bargain for a few days. Small cash payment and balance on lone tlmo. F. K. Darling , Barker block. 531 HOUSE and lot In coed location for sale ; tonsonftblo ; also vacant lots. Co operative hand and Lot Co. , 205 N IGtli street , tfKS . Tradnso property In first class loca $12.000 tion. A bargain. Co-opciatho Land A. Lot Co. , 205 N 10th street. 2SX3-17 FOR SALT ! or Lease 17 feet east front by 201 feet deep , alloy corner , 24th and Cumlng streets. Address Jean Schons , Bee building. : nu U TAH Land it Loan Co. real estate , loans S1 and Insurance-rental a.cncy. 073-dl7 f \nn. 2tld and Cass. $7,000 ; very cheap. O. F. Ollarrlsou. 012 N. Y. Lifo. 280-17 { 1GGEST bargain in Omaha. Only three of > those elegant houses on 44th and Farnam loft out ot MX ; other three occupied Uy llrst- class parties. Houses are open all day for In spection. Kvory convenience In the houses , Including gas and gas fixtures. Take a look nt them during this fine weather : buy ono and take lifo comfortable durniK the winter. Only takes from KiOO to $500 cash. Sco them without fall for they will please you. 1) . V. Sholo.s , 2IJ First Nat'l bank. 680 FOR SALE A largo list of choice residence and business propuity. Houses and lots on monthly payments ; (1,250 nnd upwards ; vacant lota $ JOO and up. George J. 1'uul , 1UX ) Furnum , cottaee on California nnd SSd YEUYnlco ; will takesonio exchange. 0 , K. Harrison. 1)12 ) N. Y. Life. 2WJ-1' room house , lot 33x82 , B , E. corner llth and Vlnton 81.700. 0-roorn bouse , stable , lot 341\S2 ! , S. E. corner llth and Vlnton $2,000. llr'.ok ' house , and American house , lot GflxCON. C corner loth and Douglas. Enquire 2121 H llth. Ill \VcsterfleldroalcstatoS.Omaha FOR SALE-Onoof the finest stock farms in thu nest. G4 miles southwest of Kansas Olty. In the garden p.irt of Kansas The farm consists of tXJJ ae res , all first class land , fenced and cross-fenced. An elegant 12-room house nnd other line Improvements. A l.-uoro orchard , artificial lake , etc. , cto. To anyone wanting a gilt cdgo stock and grain farm nothing can ho found that will onlroly fill the bill bettor than this : : WO head of cattle. : > 0f ) tons of hay , can hcpurchasod with the tram If desired.vo will sell for cash or part cash and notes. Gilt edge Income property would lie considered In exchange. Address M. A. Upton Co. . Omaha , Neb , 7J2 O ELKOANT homes In Kountzo place from O$5,000 loJO.JOO : 000 cash , balance 4 yonrs , * J. > pormonth , 0 per cent Interest. Other good homes la sumo addition to exchange for city proiuirtv. 8-rooin modern house. - ' , blocks west of 21th , on Caldwcll St. , for J.1.500 : ? 50J cash , balance WO per month. Oner cent Inter est. J. J. Ulbson , solo UL'oiit , Kountzo place. * 857 MUSIC ART AND LANGUAUE. for rate * , etc. ttetitpot ins' column onthti ' guitar , vocal Instruction. Studio ftOSbhcoljr block. M79TJ5 * BE1''OHE buying a piano examine the now scale Klmbull piano. AIlospo,1513Douglns. G EO. F.aELLKNIIROK.teaohorof the ban Jo With Hospo , 1513 DouKlas , 249 MISS H , J , Miles , experienced touchers ot voice culture , pupil of Madam Edna Hall , Hoston , MHHS. Kooni .000 , Ilrown building , cor , lOtti and Douiflas btrcets. 22U 1)21 * MEDICAL. Forratct , etc. , tee topafflrirt Mhcmn nnthl * DR. linns Hollmann , physician and surgeon , 1510 IOHen worth st. ; jimt arrived from Ilerlln In ( lermany. Treatment of tubercular diseases of throat , limns , akin and sto-nucli under I'rof. Kooli's new lymph syHtuin , I'nstor Knelpp'sof Woerlshofcn In Ilavnrla exoallont hydropathic treatment of all chronic diseases , especially of asthma , rlimmiitlhm , neurulcln , etc. , for Ino first time Introduced In Omaha. OtIIco houra from 9 a. in. to 0 p. m. Tel. 912 10015 * DRESSMAKING. For ratct , ere. , tee top offlnt folimmnii t/ih ENaAOEMENTStodndresimnklng Infatnl- llcs solicited. Mlsa Sturdy , " 010 Harney bt. 281-JU M PISS J , KAY will at present do dressmaking at home , 1159 N. 16th at , 1U7-10 * GOOD cutter , fitter and draper from Chicago desires work la families by the day. AdO - O , llco. Ojj-bo * SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING Fcrratrf , tic , , tee lop of trtl column nn t/ili / ixtm makoi , bought , sold , ox -L changed , rented. J. I' . Ucgcatb.lOOT 1'arauni street. 4W ' MASSAGE , PATHS ETC. Fbr ratrt , ttt , lee top of ] nl column on Uifiag . fAHHAlin bath at Mndiim Smith's psrlors , LOOTS , lathiU. next Ilatkurhotnl. JM8-21. [ ASSAOlv-MndamDcUlor , over CIO .S nth L 730 Ja * HAIR GOODS WIQS , ETC. Frirratefrtet < ttopnf Jlnt column nnthl * j > ia * "IJEST llnohalr gnodM In weM ; hnlrdrvsslntr , JJwIus , nwltchoH. banita , hair chains , etc. , a Mipolulty. Davlos , hair goods and mllllnor , opposite postofllco , 111 S. loth street , Otnahii. PAWNBROKERS. for iiitm , dr. , rfe fo | > of Jlrtl ( vifdmn nu Ijlltni ) Mohle loans money on diamonds and JL watches. jowclyotcH. K.cor. I'lirnam JLllth Notk'i * . JIattorof application John A , Swanson nnil John llnlst doing business under linn nntiin of Snnnson .V Moist , fur permit to sell liquor HSU dninuiM. Notice Is liaruhy ( tlrpitlhnt John A. Swans in and John lloM , tiarttu > dolnibiiMliirss | under tlriniianoofHiraiison&lldlst.tlld uiinii tliel.'lli < Uy of Deeuinber , A. I ) . IMnt. Oio tbolr npnllcatton to thn Hoard of I'lro nnd I'ollro Coinnil isloni'rs of Omaha , for m'rmlt to neil malt , xplrltuous and A Inotm liquors as a dniKnlsl , for mpdlolnal , mechanical anil uhemlc'il purpose * only , at No. SOiBt'iiinlne Btreot. KlRlith wnnl. Uinahii , Neb. , from the 1st day of January , 1 > ; > 1 , to the 1st day of Jiimniry , MX1. It there tiono objeotlon. romonslr.inco or protest Illod within two weeks from Dooombpr 15 , A.I ) . 1800 , tliouiild permit will bn u-rnnlotl. hWASSON tt llol.ST. JOHN A. SWAN cox , JOHN Hot.sT , 11I5-S3 Partners and Applicnnts. Xcitior. Matter of application of 1'cter I' . Ilor and Henry Hussenbach , partners us Ilor A ; C'o , for liquor license. Notice Is hereby nlvonthatl'etor K. Ilor and Henry Hussoubauh did uuun the 11th day of December , A. I > . 13'JO , fllo tliolr nplleatlou | \ > Ith thn hoard of flro and police cnmmls loii- ors of Omaha , for license to sell malt , splrltu- ous and \lnous llquur . uutlor the linn n.ime of Her A , Co. at No. 1112 llarnoy street. Third ward. Onuilia , Nob. , from the 1st day ot Janu ary. 18'H , to Iho 1st day of January , ISse. If there t > o no objection , leiiiouslrunco or protest flled within two urolti from the Ifith day of December , A , P. 1800 , the sild license will bo granted. Imi > V Co. , 1'KTKii I ; , li.m. D19 23 Partncrn and Appllcunts. Nottuu. Matter of application of Klbrldgo G. I'loyd for liquor license. Notice Is hereby plvcn Klhrldpe a , Kloyd did UIKIII the lithdayof : Ilecomber. A. I ) . Is'.iO , fllo his upplli-atlon with the hoard of lire and police couinil lonoisof Omaha for license to soil malt , snlrltuonn and vinous liq uors at No. 1,111 DoiiRlits street. Third ward , Oninhn , Neb , from the 1st day of January , J81I , to the 1st day of January , 1SU2 , If then ) ho no objeotlon. remonstrance or pretest filed within two weeks from December A 1600. the said llccnso will ho granted. KumiDui : U. 1'i.orn. D1G-23 Applicant. Nottco. Utter of application of Frank T. Hollamay fur liquor lIvuiiKp. Notice Is horehy clvpd that Prank IDelia - nay did upon thn l > th day of Deccinher , A. I ) , 1SW , Illehls npillcition | : with the hoard of llru and police commKslonurt ) of Omaluifor license tosoll malt , spli Itmuus ; uul vinous llqunrs at No. 101 f-ontli r.'lli Ktieot. Third waid , Omnhn , Neb , from the 1st day of January , 1SUI , to the 'stday of January , ISO4 ' . If there ho no objection , remonstrance or protest tiled within two wei-l.s from Decemhor r > , A. I ) . 1890 , the said license will bo granted. P15-23 rilANicr. HLLLAMAV , Applicant. Notice. Matter of application of John Slmanak for liquor llccnso. N'otlco Is hereby Riven that John Slmanok [ lid , upon tholSthdsy of December , A. 1) ) . 1800. Jllohla application with thu board of flrif and pollco eonimlssloncrs of Omaha , for license to sell malt , spliltuousand vinous liquors at No , ii5 : ! South 13th street , First ward , Omaha , Neb. , fiom the 1st day of January , 1801 , to the 1st day of January , Ihtvj. If them bo no objection , remonstrance or protest Hied within two wooliS from December 15 , A. V. 1S90 , tbo said license will bo cr.mtecl , dco15-23 JOICN SIMAM-K , Applicant. Notice. Matter of application of John N , Woltzcl for liquor license. Notice Is hereby elvon tlmt John N. Welt/el did upon the llth aav of December. A. 1) , 18X ! ) , flla his application with the hoaid of flro anil pollco commissioners of Omaha foi licence to .sell malt , bplrlt nous and vinous liquors at1.1 and 215 South ThlrtecMitb hlnet , Tlilid mud. Omaha , oNeb , from the 1st flay of January 1801 , to the 1st day of Jammiy , If-- ' ! . If Micro ho no objection , reiiionilraiico or protest flled within two vooks from December 11 , A. U. 1890 , the said license will hn granted. JOHN N. WKIT/I.U Applicant. Notice. Matter of application of Owen MoCafTroy for liquor UCOIIMJ Notice Is hereby ittvcn that 0 on McCalTroy did upon the 15th day of December , A..I ) . lnHi ! , IllohlH uppllcallon with the lloird of I'lru and Police. Commissioners of Omalm. for license to sell malt , splrltlous find \ Inous liquors at N'o. 111 .South lOthstreot.rourlh wird.inahiN'eb. . from the 1st day of January , 1801 , to the 1st day of January , 18U. ! If there bo no objection , remmiMranco or protest Hied within two weeks from Due. 15 , A. U. 1800 , tbo said llccnso will bo Rranted. OWEN McOAFi'KEV , Applicant. D1V.-J Notice. Matter of application of Frederick Poppon- dlok for Honor license. Notice Is hereby Ron | that Frederick Pon- pendlck did on the lUh day of December. A.I ) Iri'm ' , HlohlB application with the Ixinrd of lire and pollco oommlsslonersof Omaha.for llccnso tosoll malt , spirituous and vinous liquors , at No. 200 South Fifteenth street. Third wuixl Omaha , Neb. , from the llrst day of January 1801 , to the llrst day of January , 1813. If tliero bo no objection , remonstrance or pretest flled within two weeks from December 10 , A. 1) . , WM , tbo said license will bo ( limited I'HKIIEHICK 1'OPI ENDICK , ApUllOHIlt. d15-23 Notice. JIattorof application of Oluf L. RatiR , forpor- mlt toBcll liquor as a druggist. Notice Is hereby Kl\en that Oluf TIlanc did uuon the 15tli day of Decemhor , A. D. 1KW , Illohlsappllcitlonto tbohnaidof llru and IHI- llco commissioners of Omaha , for penult to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors us a ( linguist , for medlelnal , inuchanliial and chemical purposes only , at No. 4IMI Hamilton street , Bth ward , Omaha , Neb , from the llrst day of January , 181)1 ) to tbo llratdayof Janu ary. 1MB. If them ho no objectionromonstrnni'o or protest Hied within two weeks fiom December lr > , A. D , 18110 , the bald permit will bo Rr.intoil. 1)15- OLUFL. llAso , Applicant. Notice. Matter of application of John O'Donohoo for liquor license. Notice Is hereby el von that John O'Donohoo did upon the nth day of December , A. 1) . , 1MW , lllo his apiillcatlon with the board of flro and pollco commissioners of Omaha for license to doll malt , spirituous and vinous liquors at No. 1W.I North Hlth street , 1'ourtli ward. Omaha , Nub. , from the 1st day of January , 1801 , to the Itit day of January , WG. It them bo no objection , remonstrance or protest Illod within two weeks from December 15 , A. I ) . , 18'JO. the said license will bo gianted. 'DoNonoi : , Applicant. l)15i ) i Notice. Matter of application ot Michael ICilgallon for Honor license. Notleo Is hereby Rlvon that Michael KIlKal- lon dlil upon the 1Mb dav of December , A , I ) . 180 , Hie Ins application wllhtlio board of flro and police commlbilonerHof Omaha for license tosoll malt , spirituous and vinous- liquors , at No. lts.1 ChlcaRO htruot , Third ward , Omaha , Nub. , from thn 1st day of January. 1801 , to the 1st day of January , 18TJ. If there ho no objection , remonstrance or pretest filed within two weeks from December 15 , A. D , 1801. the said license will bu granted , MICIIAM , KIUIAU.ON , Applicant. Notice. Mutter of application of Good ley Ilruckcr for liquor licence. Notice Is hereby given that Ooodloy V , Ilrucker did upon the 1MI ) day of Decemhor , A. I ) . , IK * ) . Illehls application with thu board of llru and pollco commissioners of Omaha for llcenuuto sell malt , hplrltuouu and vinous liquors at roar of III * llarnoy street , Third ward. Omaha , Nob. , fioiu tholKt day of Jan uary , 18 ! ) I , to the 1st day of January , 18'r.1. ' If there bo no objection , rumonstraneo or protest Hied within two wt-ii s from Decem ber 15 , A. D. , IbW , thn mild lleenso will bu Kruntod. Uoodloy F. llruokcr , d l.VXJ Applicant. StooklioUlora' OUAHA , Neb. . Doc , U. 1800. Notice IB hereby Riven that thn .niiuul meot- inx of the slookhdldeivs of | tbe Union ulovutor company for the mmioio oteleullnu seven dlrcotors , nndsuch other bimiucss us muy prorxirly eomo before the uiectliiR will bu hold utthoolllooot John M. Thiiraton. Union 1'a- clllo building , Omulm , Neb. , UKin Monday , the fithdayot Junuarjf , 1801. between the hours ot 10 o'clock a. m. and 6 o'utook p. m. W. J , OAIIIIOLL , Assljtant r'eorclary. DoolOd itM Matterof Apiillcatlru of B\mnol : J , MontRom- oty nnd Jnmos Admns , Mont' gomory ft Admits , for Iliiuor llocnvp. Notice U hereby Klvcn that Samuel J. Mont- Soineryand James Ailnms Old Uxti ) the 8th ay of DccnmlMT. A > l > . IKK ) , tllotlie r applica tion with thn board of HIP und police. Commis sioners of Omalm , for llconsn to lull mult , spirituous and vltuiouM llnuors under thn firm name of Montgomery .V Adams , lit No. lot and mi South llth street. Third Ward , Omaha , Neh. , from the 1st day of January. IS.H , to thn Istdav of January ! . If there lie no objection , remonstrance in protest filed within two weeks from the ( Hit day of December , A. 1) . IPO , the tvtld license will bo granted , Montgomery x Adams , H. J. Moujjoniery D-O-Ifl nnd .1 lines AdtiiiK. 1'artiurs Mini Applicants. .Not ire. Matter of application of Andy I * . Ornm and James 1' , Jensen , partners in drum iinU Jen sen , for llpuor Heeu < c Notlco Is hereby R\on | that Andy 1' . Orum anil James I * . Jensen did upon lliu Sib dnyof Itecenibrr , A. II. 1 * , tile their uppllontlon \ \ llh the tumid of llro anil police commission ers of Omuha for llccjiso to soil mull , splrltu- OIH and \IIIOIIK llijuors uniler the llrm riamo cif Uriiiii i Jensen , at No. i.'Ofll Uuniliiff nlri > et. Kluhth waid. Omaha , Neb. , from tlio l.slilny of Jaiiunry , 1SUI , tothe 1st day ot Jaiiunry , 1MB. If there bo no objection , romonstr.iiicn or protest tiled within two uooks from the Oth davof Dicembcr , A , I ) . IH > , lh said license will bo Krintod. llram , % .lenien. Andy I1 , Orum and JHIIIOS I1. Jensen , 11-0-18 1'art ncm and Applicant * . Aotloo. Matter of Application of Hans Schumann for liquor lIciMtxu. Notlcols hnre'jy Rluui that II ins Bcbuinann did upon the 8th day of December. A. I ) . 1RU , lliu Ills applle.itlon with thu board of llro and pollco commissioners of Omaha for license to .sell malt , spirituous nnil vinous liquors tit southeast corner of : ) th and bpiiuhllnK streets. Hlxlh wardOmaha , Neb. , from the 1st day of January , IS'Jl. to thu llrst day of Jiuiu- arv , 1MU ( f them ho no objection , remonstrniico or protest , flled within two weeks from December 0 , A. 1) . 1SW , the fluid license will bo u'nuitcd. dO-10 HAN < SOU UUA > N , Applicant. Notice. Matter of application of M. J , ICtuifmaiin for H < iuor license. Notice Is hereby Rl\en that M. J. Kaufmaun did upon Iho 8th day of December. A. 1) , 18tn. Illnlilsi application with the board of tire nnd police commissioners of Omaha , for license to Hell mult , spirituous and \lmious llquon at No. l.llt lonthis ) stteot , Tlilrd Ward , Omaha. Neb. , from tbo first day of January 18'H , to the 11 rst day of January l0i * If thorn ho no objection , remonstrance or putlost filed with two 'Hooks from December U , A. D. 1890. thu stild lleonse will bu Ktautud. dM(5 ; ( M. J , KAUFMANN , Applicant. Notice. Matter of application of .Tos. Tuchok for permit to sell liquor as a driiKKlsU Notlco Is hei-oby Rl\en that Jos Tuclieok Id.uixin the 15th day ot December , A. U. 18IM. In his application to thu board ot llro and jollco commissioners of Omaha , for permit to ell mult , ( .plrltnous and vinous liquors , as n IriiKRlst , for medicinal , meihunlunl andohom- oal purposes only , at No. Ill ) " buuth nth itrcet , teeond ward , Omaha , Neb , fiom the Ht day of January , 1S01 , to the 1st day of Jau- inry. 18' . If there bo no objection , remonstrance ) or iiotest flled within two weeks from December 5th. A. I ) . 1800 , the Slid permit will bo granted. ( IG015-22 JOSKI'H TllClllic. Applicant. .Nollc-e. latter of application of Henry Uoenfeldt for liquor license , Notlco Is hereby given that Henry lloeiitoldt illd upon the htb day of December , A , I ) . 180 ( ) , 'He his application with the board of flro and lollce commissioners of Omaha , for license to . .ell malt , spirituous and vlnuous liquors , at No.Oll North W.tli street. I'lftb Ward , Omaha , Nob. , from the 1st duy of January , ItiOl. to Iho st day of January. 18'U. ' If there bo no objection , remonstrance or .rotest flled within two weeks from December i , A. D. li'K ' ) , tbo said lleenso "will ho Kr.iutod. U-.l-lO. Homy Kounfuhlt , Applicant. Notice , latter ot application of rimll Oall for liquor license. Notlco Is lieioby Riven that Hinll Gall did .iiion . thu 15th day of December , A. I ) . , 1890 Illo ils application with ttio board of llro anil po- leo commissioners ot Omaha for lleenso to ioll malt , spirituous and > Inous I Iqunis , at No. WJ DoiiRlaR street , ltd ward , Omaha , Nob. , rom t ho 1st day of January. 1891 to the 1st day ot January. IbW. If them ho no objection , remonstrance or irotost filed within two weeks from December fi. A. U. , IbOO. the said lleenso will bu granted. UI3-22 I'jmr. GAM , Applicant. Notice. . Mutter of application of Danlol Young for liquor license. Notice Is hereby Riven that Daniel Youni ; did upon the Kith day of December , A. I ) . 180J , lllchU iippllcnl Ion with the board of llro and police commissioners of Omaha , for llccnso tosoll malt , Kplrltunus and unous liquors , at No. ! Ki ) N. Itith street. 5th ward , Omaha. Ncl > . , from the 1st day of January 1801 , to the Ibt lav of January , l 'U. It there bo no objection , remonstrance or irotost tiled wltliln two wieks from December 1 ! > , A. I ) , 1800 , the said license will bo crantod , Dee l"i--J DANlMi YOITMI. Applicant. Not ice. Mattorof application of William W , Thomp son for liquor lleenso. Notice Is hereby given tint AVIllIatn W , Thompson did upon the 15th day of JJecem- bor , A. I-1WK ) ) . Illo Ills application with the boaid of flro nnd polko commissioner ) of Omaha , for llccnso tosell malt , spirituous nnd vinous liquors at rear of No. 1517 UoiiRlas street , ronrlh ward , Omalm , Neb. , from thn 1st day of , January , 18D1 , to the 1st day of January , ISt' . If them bo no objection , remonstrance or protest tiled within two weukH from December J5. A. I ) . , 1800 , the said licrnso will huisranted , U 15- * Wllllum W , Thompson , Applicant. Notice. Matter of application of Fritz Rolmors for liquor license , Notlco Is hereby l\cn that Fritz Itelmon did uuon the I5th day of December , A. 1) . 1800 , fll bin application with the board of fire , and pollco commissioners of Omaha for lleense to sell malt , spliltuous and vinous liquors at No. 110J B. (1th .su , becond ivutd , Omaha , Nub. , from t ho 1st dav of January , 1S91 , to the flrst day of January , 181CJ. If them be no objection , remonstrance or protest lltedulthln two weeks from December 15 , A. O. ISM , the said license will bo cranlcd. In KJ FIUTIfinMP.KS , Applicant. .Not uo. ) Matterof application of Prank O'ltourUo for liquor license. Notlco Is hoieby Riven that Prank O'Hourko did , upon the IMh day of Decemhur , A. D. IbOO. illo his application with the hoard of tire and pollco commissioners of Omaha for license to sell malt , Hplilluons and vinous lliiuors at No. MM North Kith street , I'lflh ward , Omaha , Neb , from the 1st duy of January , 1801 , to thu 1st dav of January , lw- . If them be no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two wooMfrom December in , A. II. 1800 , the said license nlll bo cmuted. dccir > - i FnANK O'lloiriiKK. Applicant. Notice. Mattnrof application of August Grubo for liquor llccnso. Notice Is hereby Riven that AURiisl ( Irubo did uimn the 15th day of December A. 1) . 1S)0. ! file hlh application with the hoard of flro and police commissioners of Omaha , for license to Nell malt , sphltous and vinous liquors , ( fu Thirtieth Ktriut. iieir 1'iirlt on lot 10 , O'ltrlou'H addition , KI.Mh waid , Omiilin , Neh , from the 1st day of January , 1801 , to tliolHLduy of Jan- tinry , IBtt ! . If there bo no objection , remonptraeco or protest flled within two weeks from December 15. A. IIbOO , llioxald license will bo grunted , d I.VJ'J AUIIUHT UIIUIIK , Applicant. Notice. Matterof uppllcallon of roonhnrd Klrsuht aid Ctnll Iliirr , partners as d. Klrscht fci.'o , for liquor llsense , Nfctf.0 Is hereby Riven that L. Klrsebt and Tialel Durr did upon the 15th duvof Decem ber , A. D. , l * ' 'i , Illolholr appllciitlon with the boaid of fire and pollco commissioners of Oniithn , for llccnso to sell malt , spirituous mid vlnoiiH llquorn , under the llrm iinme ot L. Klrscht. . Co. , at No. 407 nnd 400 South 10th street. Third ward. Omaha , Neb. , from the iHt , day of .limuury , 1691 , to the 1st day of Jan- uurv. IfeOJ. If there bo no objection , remonstrance or pretest tiled within two weeks from the 15th duy of Decemhor , A. 1) , 1SOO , thn Bald llccnsu will bo pruntcd. Klricht ft C'o. Leoiiliunl Klrseht , IJnlel Durr , D 15-53 Partners and Anpllcftnls. hlocUlioldorw1 OMAHA , Neb. . Dec , n , 1SOO. Notlco Is hereby Riven that the annual moot ing of the stockholders of the Omaha & I ! Ik- horn Valley mil way "company for Iho purposa of ulcotlnK sovcn dl rectors and biiuh other business ns may properly coino before tint meeting , will bo held at thn nlllco of .lohn M , 'I'liiirston Union I'aclllo bnlldlnic , Omaha , N b. , upon \Veil luwdiiy , the Tth day of Jan uary , 18111 , ut in o'clock a. m. W. J. OAUHOI.U , Assistant Secretary. DoelUdSJtM TYPEWRITERS