Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIJLJfi OMAHA UA1JUX ± JJ < JJ < J : TUJ1J&PAY , 10 ,
hy Carrier In any part of the City
H. W. Tll.TON. . - - MANAUKIt
niilnrM Office. Nn.ll
Editor , No. Zl
N. V. P. Co.
Council Hluffs Lumber Co. . coat.
The Salvation army has deserted Dobany's
hall on Ilrvant street , nnd taken up now
quarters in the Clark building on ilroudwuy ,
near Peterson's hull ,
Hegulnr communication of Illuft City ledge
No. 71 , A. F. A ; A.M. . this evening nt 7 : : )
o'clock ; nnnunl election of ollleerB. All
Master Masons arc Invited. By order of
W. M.
Pctor McN'nlley. nn unfortunate from
Omnhavlio Imbibed too much whisky on the
Island Sunday night , was lined frli,70 ( In the
morning session of the pollro court yester
day , lie will woik It out on the streets.
The gnrnlUimciitniid attachment cases In
which Iteubcn Atkins , n mldillo Broadwny
gi-ncml dealer who recently failed , Is mntio
defendcnt , were continued In .Justice Bur
nett's court yesterday. They will bo heard
one dny next wei'k.
Hov. L. A. Hull , the newly Instnllcrt pastor
of the First Baptist church , left last week
for his former homo In Mnson City for the
purpose of removing his family to this city.
Ho will occupy a residence on Sixth avenue
near the corner of Klghth street.
Ofllccr Wyatt's street gang comprised only
three unfortunates yesterday nnd ho Is In
great need of moro men. Tour or five vn-
grants wore discharged by Judge Mcflco
yesterday morning nnd the ofllcer's anticipa
tions of an of his force wcro dashed
to the ground.
A paity of flvo young loys.who were out in
the woods hunting on Sunday.tooK their noon
lunch around a camp lire which they had
built. In the midst of their Jolly time the
lire got Into a basket , In which was u puper
of gunpowder. As a result , two of the lads ,
mimed O'Brien ' nnd Holmes , had their ban-Is
and faces badly burned.
Mrs. Colby will lecture this evening
In thu First Baptist church , under thonuspi-
ccs of the Womcns Chflstiiin Tcmparance
union. Kho will speak upon womnn suffrage ,
and as she has made much study of thu
theme , will doubtless present intcro.sting
views. She tins the reputation of being n
pleasing speaker , as well us a graceful writer.
The lecture will bo free , a collection being
taken to defray expenses.
The preliminary hearing of Pete Illltgcn
was continued hist night until 8 o'clock In
the monilnu. It is reported that an informa
tion will bo Ilk-it this morning charging him
with insanity , and that ho will bo taken
before the county commissioners for the
insane for examination before the trial is
called. If ho Is adjudged to be Irresponsible
ho will bo sent to the asylum at Clurimlu for
a brief course of treatment. t
The Indinn creek sewer ditch has been com
pleted nnd the worU has been approved by
the city engineer nnd accepted by the city.
It Is regarded as one of the most important
and least expensive improvements that have
been iniule in the city's sewerage system
since the solution of the problem of sanitary
scwerngo has been attempted. The credit
for the work belongs exclusively to City En
gineer Tostevin , nnd it will bo ono of the per-
tnnncnt monuments that ho has erected for
himself since his ndvcnt Into ofllco by the
grace of the citizens' ' movement last spring.
A llttlo girl named Holder , ngcd thirteen ,
is just now the subject of controversy. Since
her mother's death she has been cared for
by an aunt , Mrs. Gardner , living nt the cor
ner of Plcnsnnt and High streets , An uncle ,
named Holder , has lately been desiring to get
the child , anil Is said to have secured from
court an order making ono Alexander the
gunrdln'i of the child. Alexander sought tc
get her , but the girl refused to go with him
and Mrs. Gardner also objected. Then lit
called upon Constable Covnlt to assist him ,
but with no Dettor result. A move will
now bo inndo to get the court to set nsldo the
order making Alexander Ucr guardian.
A somewhat sensntionnl story was giver
currency by a local paper last evening con
cerning the discovery of an alleged defect ii :
the title the Chautnuqua association has tt
the lands upon which the assembly has con
structed its buildings near this city. Thi
ofllccrs of the association snv the story i'
simply the revival of an old Indian legend
nnd that It wns thoroughly Inquired Inti
yours ngo. It Is to the effect thai
the original Indian title to UK
lands has never been extinguished , am
that , alleged descendants of the Pottnwat
. jtnmics who used to roam over the hills when
Council Bluffs now stands are hero for tin
purpose of disputing with the white pcopli
the ownership of the property. Heal estati
men say there Is nothing whatever In tin
pretense , and If the claims the Pottnwattn
mics are said to have sot up , or contomplnti
setting up , are good , not only the Chautnunu :
grounds but about nil of the county will belong
longto them agoln.
A month or so ngoJ. Whnrton , nrcsldon
of Harrison county , caused the arrest of T
E. Daniels on n clmrgo of obtaining mono ;
under false pretenses. Daniels wns engagci
by Dts. Bellinger of the medical hospital ii
this city to represent them nnd sccuro busl
ness for them. Daniels made n contract wit
Wharton to undergo a course of treatmen
nnd took bis note for the payment agree
upon. About the tuna the contract wn
taken Daniels and his brother wore nrreste
upon complaint of n man in Iowa Cltv 1
connection with a fruit trco deal. Thi
was Homohow regarded by Whnrton n
evidence thnt hl.s connection with the ii
stltuto In this city wa merely n protcns <
nnd when Daniels returned from Iowa Clt
after' being honorably discharged bo wn
nrrestcd upon complaint of Wharton that n
had obtained his note by fraudulent mean !
bv claiming to represent an institution tin
did not exist. Drs. Bellingers came to tli
rescue of their man and the case wasdroppei
Daniels has now commenced n suit ugalm
Wharton for malicious prosecution and fab
imprisonment , ullcirlng damages to tb
amount of 15,000. The suit is brought In tl
federal court on account of prejudice ullctrc
to exist in Harrison county against Daniel
Frank Trimble has been retained by Daniel
The case will come up at the next term i
Ilotnl For Itont.
OirilOH house. Council 1)1 u Its , at low rente
Inquire nl hotel. _
See the elegant Christinas cards , thousnni
to select from at Elscmau's.
Money to loan nt straight 5 per cent pi
annum. E. S. Harnclt , ugont ,
"A "Wonderful Toy Dopiirtrnonl. "
Thnt Is what every man , woman and i-hl !
says when they look through Klseimin's tint
lloor. It feasts the eyes nf everybody , not on
lu tlio Rival variety of Koojs on exhibition , hi
when they learn tlio low prices. Ordlnarll
merchants who haiullo fancy goods usk bl
profits , ImlHlscman's uro Bellini ; their toys i
chean ihatl ROOM futjthor toward buying
supply than $ c ) elsewhere. The assortment
so immense that It would be Impossible
entimonito them. It would tnko more tin
the entire columns of this paper to onuine
nto ttiom.Vo have everything ornament
nud useful for holiday presents. Como at
see them. Price thorn nnd vou will sure
buy. ' HKNUV 101SK.MAN * CO , ,
Hroadway anil Pearl street.
Council mutts , la.
Mayor Mncrao will leave tomorrow f
Kansas city to attend the meeting of t1
medical society. Ho will be absent the i
malndcr of thu week.
George W. Losoy loft yesterday for Ci
cngo , and will bo absent until after the ho
days. Mrs. Losoy precccdod him n few dny
nnd they will spend Chrlftmiu ut Mi
's old home.
Prom lo nplcoo up to fW.OO and tbousnn
to select from at Klseman's.
The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 4
The Jlnost assortment to select from at Els
Tbo only first-class fresh canjy made f
the holiday trade , at A. C. Deuipsoy's , 1
Maiu street ,
Charles Meyer * , a Horse Thief , Him a fit
While on Trial in the District Court.
Himnn Old Soldier Defies Misfor
tune Tlic Now Urn ml Hotel
A YOIIMK 3ln it'N
Clmrlcs Meyers was ou trlul In the district
court yesterday on tlio clmrgo of stcalinp n
horse nnd buppy from A , Clattcrbiiek , In
Clamor township. Ho litul been nt work for
CliiUcrbuuk on his fnrm for two months.
One dny when Mr. Clnttcrbuck bud been
nwiiy fioin homo for several days Meyers
hitched up the horse nnd buggy nnd started
to the city , saying lie wns sick nnd must sco
n doctor. Ho poj , of ono of the sous $ ; ) .GO ,
sayliif ? that ho owed the doctor thnt amount ,
nnd started off. IIu did not teturii , nnd In-
vcstlynllon led to the discovery that ho hud
tnkait the rlj ? toOrtmlm nnd there disposed of
It , fdviiiK n bill of snlo In duo form. Ho WHS
niTQstcd nnd brought bacit to this side for
The case inndo out by the prosecution wus
very stronp against him , and when ho went
on the stand ho proceeded to tell what seemed
to bo a very lllinioy story In Ju'stillcatlon of
his nets. Ho said In ctTcct thnt ho started to
drive over to Omaha to sco a doctor tlioro ,
nnd wlien on or ncnr the brlilco ho hurt a lit
nntl fell out of the buggy. Ho wns drained
quito a ways by the nnd b.uUy bruited
mid scratched , Hecnmo to , nnd was helped
into tno bupjjy and started on , but ncnr the
Omaha t"ul ol tliu bridge he was taken with
another lit , nnd did not know nnytlilnff more
until bo woke up the next tiiornltiK and found
himself in n hotel. Ho went back to the
bridpe and by Inquiry found ho had sol d
thu horse , nnd then ho tried to hunt up the
Clultcrbuck boys who cnino toO'imhannlly to
soil vegetables. Ho could not Unit them , nnd
lioneo hail no opportunity to explain , for
wiillo Iniiuine for them nn officer who wns
for him arrested him. Ho declared
thai lie know nothing iiboul making a bill of
sale of the horse , or of nny of the circum
stances after fulling in this second lit. The
ill ? wns recovered , nud the la-robo | lu Ilio
buggy lind blood upon It , thus fnr corro
borating his story of being hurl by fulling
out of the buggy. Hln face also bore the
murks of violence nf some sort.
The story of the Ills did not seem very con
sistent nnd lookers on were waiting to sco
County Attorney Organ tear ll to pieces by
double-action cross-examinations.
one of his - -
Organ began llring questions ut tlio defend
ant nnd in loss than ilvo minutes lucre wus
evident much nervousness , then the fellow s
eyes nnpt-ared to have a strange stare nnd his
articulation begun to bo somewhat incoher
ent The whisperwcutaroundn.iiickly thalhc
was going to play the lit game on the stand ,
and all watched him eagerly. In a moment
or two his arms began twitching , nnd he was
apparently becoming stupid , lie gasped for
a drink of water. It wns given him , all pro
ceedings wcro suspended , and ho was re
moved to nn nntc-rootn , where he soon keeled
over in a violent epileptic fit , writhing on the
lloor , foaming nt the mouth , and presenting
n horrible nppearnnco. It became evident
that then ) was no shamming. In a little time
he became quiet , nnd soon after returned to
consciousness. Then his mind cleared up ,
and while apparently wcnk and nervous , ho
was able to talk Intelligently. Hosa > sthat
over slnco boyhood ho has been subject to
thcso tits. If the poor fellow has got to have
tits , ho could not hnvo been more fortunate in
the .selection of a time , for the exhibition on
the witness stand evidently had a strong ef
fect , creating sympathy among all who saw
his sufferings , and going far towards corrobo
rating at least n portion of his story.
Owing to his Illness the case was continued
until this morning when , If able to bent
further cross-exulninallou ho will probably
tuko the stand ugain. On coming out of his
lit yesterday ho expressed great dread of up-
pouring in court again , the excitement and
nervous strain seeming to bo the cause of the
i'he Greatest OlVer of the lOtlr Century
At the book department ol the Boston store.
FotheriiiKhum , Wldtelaw & Co. , Council
Bluffs , In.
Some kind of a cyclopedia Is recognlrcd as
n necessity , nnd hitherto the best has boon
most costly. Wo now offer you the heaped ,
up knowledge of the centuries , the latest ,
greatest work in English literature , the great
Britnnulcu , at Ihc lowest prlca. Wo give not
only reasons but reasonable reasons why this
is so.
The Henry G. Allen company , by ne
methods of book-making , have reduced ttu
cost so as to permit its sale in stores. Here'
toforo sales have been made by the expensive
house-to-house canvass , which nlono addoJ
greatly to the price. Wo dispense with tin
traveling canvasser , the installment dclivcroi
and the periodical collector , and you pookei
the saving by coming to our store and trans
acting your own business.
Quito recently there tins been perfected th (
"Smvthu Book Sewer , " which sows our books
precisely as the "Oxford Teacher's Bible" ii
sewed by hand. This labor-saver accom
pHshus a two-fold good It makes ttio mosl
durable of binding * , und at the same time ro
duccs the cost below former prices !
A "Brltnniiiea war1' Is now on. The price
are cul nearly to cost , until now it Is morel )
n ( juestlon of onduraneo. In our judgment
this war will soon end , either by surreudci
or combination. Therefore if you hope t (
ever own the great work you should act now
wo have bul a limited contract nud are no
sure of holding this offer open for twenty
four hours.
You need not pay for the set nl once , bu
if you only order now , you will secure lui
work al iheso ligures , no mailer when , am
no matter how high thu price goes up. Sinci
the necessity of "cash down" is removed
why delay J Why ) We will give Vol. I fo
00 cents , for a sulllclenl answer from one win
appreciates the work I
The Alien reprint is tlio only complete reprint
print , the only unmutllnted icproductlon o
nny Brltaunlca , the only roprintof Iho latest
'iNinth Edition. " If your present knowleilg
or casual examination does nol satisfy yoi
on thcso points , call at our store and wo wil
prove thcso statements or forfct a scl c
books I
The only popular-priced edition of the enl
"American Supplement lo the Kncyelopedl
Britunnlcn , " Is controlled by the Allen con
pnnv exclusively.
Five firms have failed in attempts nl Brli
nimtca ; only Iho Allen company Micceedoi
You need nol tear a fragment ; the entire sc
of thirty volumes Is now ready.
You need not lake all al once , nut may tiih
one or nny number of volumes perinontl
Just as you please , nnd paying as you R <
them. Green cloth $1.20 per volume , mid htv
Kussln Jl.fiO per volume.
If jou have begun the purchase of nny n
legod reprint , nud have received not too man
volumes , wo will take up your volumes , trad
ours for them , nnd complete the set at yoi
price. Como and see , nnd look over the wet
carefully or write for a fuller cxplanatloi
o Very respectfully ,
n KoTiiKiiixniuM , Wmrr.iAW & Co. ,
llostotr Store , Council Bluffs , In.
Holiday Out * .
See those beautiful silk umbrellas at Els
mail's. .lust the thing fora holiday gift fro
n ludy to a gentleman , or vice versa.
Chinese goods , Japanese novelties nt No. 31
llroaitway. Odd Christmas glfU. Jim Lot
For clothing nnd furnishing goods , try 0
tcnholmcr's , 4H Broadway ,
Wanted Boys at American District To
II I- I- cgraph ofllco.
* ' Tim Grnml Hotel ,
The ndarer the now hotel approaches con
pletion the moro apparent it uecomos tli
Council Bluffs has duo reason for its onthu
Is lastio pride. Few cities In the land c.m [ toll
to a . ' 00,000 hotel wluch has so many foutuii
nt beauty nud attractiveness. It is not rcai
for occupancy yet , nnd already there a
numerous opportunities for the owners , Kit
ball & Champ , to lease It to thorough goli
hotel men. The chief hesitancy seems to 1
on the part of the owners to sccuro the bo
ir possible landlord , Tlioro liavo been promlnc
)5 ) parties hero within the past few days , ai
others are expected tula week , aruoug the
> no of the well known Lclnnds , which name
n synonotnous with popular landlordism in
connection with several of the most promi
nent hotels In the land. The now hotel Is not
) nly n matter of prldo that nil citizens will
[ oln heartily In making it a grand nucccss ,
but many of the cltl/ens tire necullnrly Inter
ested , having contributed of their own mentis
In the purchnso of a portion of the site , as n
practical expression of their desire to sccuro
bch a hotel. They will naturally give to
nny worthy landlord all the encouragement
and support possible. With such a locnl
backing there seems no reason why the Grand
should not prosper from the very start.
Dolls (31 von Away.
"With every misses' or child's cloak pur
chased nt our store this week wo will give a
beautiful doll for n present , besides saving
you nt least 'J.i per cent on thu cloak. Take
auvantago of this offer , and trade at Else-
Buy your coal and wood of C. B , Fuel Co. ,
WU Uroodwny. Telephone 130.
The Council ,
The meeting of the city council last evenIng -
Ing was attended by the mayor and Alder
men Mlkcscll , ICnepher , Everett , Smith ,
Word und Wind.
Mrs. McCnulloy , nt n previous mooting of
the council , presented a claim for JJ.150 dam
ages clmmcd to have been sustained by falling
on the Northwestern railway tracks several
months ngo. The matter had been referred
to the city attorney , nnd lost evening ho sub
mitted an opjnlon that the lady wns not en
titled to any damngos from the city , nnd that
If anybody wns to blnmo for the accident It
was she herself or the railway company.
Grading WHS ordered on Tenth avenue.
The waterworks company gave notice that
the council's recent order to lower all stop
boxes on sidewalks nnd parking wherever ;
the sumo are above grade did not apply to
them ; that the boxes wcro private property
belonging to the premises. The marshal was
Instructed to servo notice on the proper par-
tics nnd have the nuisance abated forthwith ,
Deere , Wells it Co. gave notice that they
desired the payment of certain Judgments
against the eltj held by them. The city at
torney was instructed to take charge of the
Before the council opened the bids \\lden
the old levee George F. Wright and others
submitted n demand for the council to llx the
methods of paying for the sumo before award
ing the contract.
The levee bids wcro then opened. Thcro
were a large number of bidders and the nldcr-
men gained the impression from hearing the
bids read thnt the contractors were not anx
ious to do the work. "Tho.V nro all outlandishly -
ishly high , " remarked Aldermen Casper.
"They must do better than that or wo will
hnvo to build the levee ourselves. " C. H.
Mitchell wanted 37 cents per cubic yard for
the dirt. D. Maltby & Meloy put In a Joint
bid that ranged from IS to 4T cents , the dif
ference In price being irrudcd by the length
of the haul , the price Increasing as the levee
was constructed from the initial point at the
base of the bluffs near Big Lake. John C.
Leo offered to do the work at from liO to 41 }
cents per cubic yard ; M. A. Jones at 11) ) to 43
cents ; C. F. Bray 18 to 44 cents , or 91 cents
per yard for the whole work It paid in cash ,
nud .TJ's cents If required to to tnko bonds or
cettilicates. It. C. Bergcr offered to do the
work at from 18 to 47 cents.
All the bius were referred to the commit
tee of the wtiolo , to bo considered nt some
future time.
The mayor called for the report of the com-
inittco of the whole on the proposition to
build n new levee north of the old one. The
discussion revealed the fm-t that the commit
tee had held no meeting since- the afternoon
when the cold trip was made in the
patrol wngon to view the proposed line
and the matter wns deferred until next
Monday afternoon when It will bo discussed
nud n decision arrived nt. Mr. J. W. Paul
was present nnd asked that the bids specify
a dirt levee with a sodded slope similar to
those constructed at New Orleans. The In
formal discussion that followed Indicated the
fact thut a majority of tlio council was in
favor of dropping the project to widen the
old levee nnd build the new , which would
cost but llttlo more and would have to bo
done in time , and when It was done the old
would bo simply so much dirt filled In on pri
vate property.
After n little moro debate on the same sub
ject the council adjourned until Monday
Nn Humbug.
Our special sale of watches and diamonds
is noxv the great attraction. The best goods
furnished at the lowest prices. We make
it a point not to bo undersold.
C. B. . .TAOQUKMINCo. . ,
7 South Main street.
Special Sale of Itlunkets and Com
This week. Prices way down. They must
go.Vo \ have too many of them and must
sell them. Call at Elscmnn's.
J. O. Blxby , steam boating , sanitary en
gineer. Uta Llfo bulldmir , Omitii ; 3JJ Mor
rium block , Council Bluffs.
Elseman's store is the center of attraction
at the present time. The real live Santa
Glaus will arrive at their store tomorrow
Monday evening , nnd will mnko his head
quarters ut their store , Children who wish
to wrlto to him must bring or send their let
ters addressed to "Santa Claus , " care of
Eiscman's storo. _
Writes Wll i HI * Troti. !
Captain L. B. Cousins yesterday received
n letter from his old nnny comrade , E. P.
Latham of Barton , O. The letter Itself would
not seem remarkable to anyone not con
versant with the facts , as It appeared to bo
simply a chatty , friendly letter , written In a ,
bold , plain , businesslike hand. The remarka
ble feature of the letter Is that
Air. Latham carries on his corre
spondence with his teeth. During
the war ho hail both arms shot off nnd his
right eye shot out. Although a man with
liabita matured , ho has , slnco losing bis arms ,
learned to write by holding his pen in his
tooth. Ho is a good penman , nnd docs the
ofllco work for the ilrm of which ho is the
senior partner , and which does a very ex
tensive business. Ho keeps the accounts ,
nnd no ono would suspect by a glance at his
books that his mouth , instead of his hand is
his pcnholdor.
Special Snlo of Furs
During this week at Eiscman's.
C. A. Bcobo & Co. nro going out of thorof
tail trada und will close out their line line o
ladies' writing and oftlco desks , book cases
chiffoniers , parlor tables , parlor and chmnbei
suits , folding beds , plain nnd fancy rockers ,
cabinets , mirrors , etc. , etc. for less that
Fnr Muffd Given Avrny ,
With every cloak bought at Elsoman's this
week you will receive an elegant muff for
Threatened to Coin mlt Arson.
Yesterday afternoon a man named T. R
Penny appeared at the police station nnc
asked for the arrest of n Dane named Gus
Jestenson , whom ho declared was endeavor
Ing to burn his house and barn. Ho was re
fcried to the city clerk and told a somowaa
rambling story about Jestouson's actions
which he thought constituted n menace to hi !
property if not his life. The Dane had boot
working for Penny and a short time ngo hi
discharged him. Slnco then the Dane ha !
been annoying him oxcesslvelyandycstcrda :
came around and coolly Informed him that hi
wns going to gel , oven for his discharge bj
setting tire to Penny's house nnd barn. Ai
Information was drawn and signed br I'enn ;
nnd Jestenson wus arrested. Ho will have 'i
hearing today.
' Positively cured by
thcso Little Tills.
They also relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia , In
it ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty
ISy IVER Eating. A perfect rem
y edy for Dizziness , Nausea ,
o PILLS. Drowsiness , Had Taste
I- In the Mouth. Coated
IR Tongue. Pain In the Side ,
10 TOHl'ID LIVKH. They
10.t . regulate Uio Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
m -
Both the method and results
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is plcnsntil
and refreshing to tlio taste , nnd act-
Itently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys
Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the S'VF
'em effectually , dispel B colds , head
.iches nud fevers and cures habitus !
wnstipntion. Bynip of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
iluced , pleasing to the taste nnd ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
' .to action nnd truly beneficial in its.
effects , prepared only from the most ,
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil nnd have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in EOc
and 81 bottles by ill ] lending drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on Land will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept nny
IOWSVIUE. Kf. /V / l'WKK. . tl.f.
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc *
QO6 Broadway , Council Bluffa , la
Corner Main nnl Broadway ,
Dealers In foreign and domestic oxchautk
Collection in nil u und Intoriist paid ou time
Council UltitTrt , Iowa.
14 North Main Street.
Funeral Director nnd ICmlmlmur.
kitrtm n rd ouiiitiij.
lorctural w&ere all Kemf il iu niuiir i bock t ro t
t&KK. iddr iiorr llonr.KlecnX.b5 lroiiUwu , Ji.X.
BAHOAINS In fruit nnd vegetable lands.
Korsitlo , ft" nores , 8J iods north of ( Jhau-
grounds ; eastern blnnc , line
fine spring brook , Inml very rich : will soil In 10
ort'Ouoro lots atiSO i > or uero , or J7. " > pcrucrofor
whole tract.
IKJ acres on Oriuul ixvoniio ; line orchard
wind mill , line KIUVC , sltuutcd on Mynster
proposed motor line ; jirlci ) $ 'L"Oiier acre.
10 acres udlnlnlnc city limits , two story
house , rood burn , line orchard uud small
fruits. Trlco. | ) ,000.
0 acres on Grand avenue , IK miles from P ,
O. &JOO un aoio.
110 acres , three nillos from city limits , Rood
house , barn and out buildings , H ) hearing
apple trees nnd Hinall fruits. Price , } 0,000 ,
mock farm , 4V ) acres , line Improvuments ,
well watered , only one mile from station , tan -
an uoro If taken soon. Busy terms.
Kami and city piojierty for sulo. W , C
Stncy , room 4 , Opera hotiM ) ulk , Counull HlulTs
BOOTS AND SHOKP-Stock of boots aiu
shoes to uxchiinve for Improved clear lowi
land and cash. Address V IU , Bee , Councl
WANTED KnorRctlo lady or Kent : porma
nontposition ; Jl" > per week ; experlcnci
not neccs&ary. ! ' . 0. H. , 00 ? Willow incline.
FOR linNT.-Furnlsliod front room , Slttliu
and bed room onsiiltc. ( USFltth avuiiiic.
\\l ANTKD A Rood Rlrl to do ponem ! house
work : will pay llrst class wages. Amilj
atlOSJJ. 7th street.
FURNISHED rooms at very reasonahli
terms , en sulto or single ; baths nnd stean
heat ; new house , newly furnished. Mrs. Sto
phcnson , 103 1'urk avenue. Council IllulTs.
T71AHMS For Sale A 16m ; list , ninny of then
-t ! at low prices ; also M acres line Kiirdei
and fruit land near the city limits , house
burn and other Improvements ; also ! H acre
fruit and garden land .lust outsldo the city a
ta,500. W. A. Wood A Co. . 5JJ Main street.
OR KENT ' 1 lie McMulion threo-stor
brk'k block , No. 33 S. Malnst , wltholorutoi
J. W. Squlro. _
MRS. AMELIA NIELSON , M. II. . special mlcl
wife. 13.11-8 ave , Council lllulls , In.
ALTER S. STILUlAN. Murcui bloc
_ Kotary 1'uhllecollections , typowrltlnt
FOR HALE Lonsn nnd furniture- Scot
House , Council mull's , .Ti rooms. Cheap ;
bargain. Address J , a. Jordan , Council lIlurTi
OH SALE or Hont Garden land , wit
houses , by J. U. UIco. 104 Mala t. . Oounol
Bluff *
Sloro than 15 ; cnrt > ' experience In the trcntuiontot
AciiroKimrnnteud In 3 to flvo dn/J without tlioloji
cT.nn hour's tlino.
I'rrmnnently cured without pain or InUrnmontii no
ciittliitrt no ( Ulntlnir. Thu mnit re mnrkibio rcinodr
. .known to modern sclenco. Write for clri'Ul.irj
Dr. > tcrow' ( troiitmont for thh terrible litocul ill ? '
CHJO hni been ptonouiicotl thu moil powerful
successful rouicdjr ever dl < iovermlfur Ihe iibio
euro of this ( llNM o. lilt mccon with thlt ilheaia
bai never boon rqnnllcd. A complete CUKE ntTAIIj
A.NTk.r.1)Vrlto for circulirs.
nnd nit wenknms of tlio sexual orgnm , iiprvotmiou ,
tlmlilllr nml despondency nbiolutulr cured.
Unfit IniniiMllnto nnd cotnplcto.
Cntnrrli , rlioumnttxm , nnd nil rtl ernoiof
liver , kldncrs anil bladder permanentcured ! -
and neuralgia , norvotnnen nnd ill cn o of the num.
ch cured. Tlio Doctor's "Homo Trcitmont" for
Indies It pronoinccd br nil who hnvo usrul It. to l ) >
thomo't compote nnd convenient remedy oror of.
fcrwl for the treatment of fenmlu c1l en : > M. Itli
trulr n wonderful remedy. No tintrutnontJi tu
imlll. 1UIUI18 1011 IAUIK-I KIIOM2TO I UNI.V.
marvelous success lim won for him n rapiititlaa
which Is trulr nntlonnl In clinractar , nnd liH KruV.
army of pMtonH readies from tlio Atlantic to tlia
1'ncltlc. The Doctor li n grniiimta of "UKiitfliAii"
medicine nnd tins hnd long and rureful etpcrlenoola
hOBpltnl practice , nnd Is clasiod nmoni ! tlio lonrtlnj
ipeclnllsU In modern sclonco. Treatment by corns-
rponili'iico. Write for clrculnri about each of tan
abovedheaaos , 1'llIR.
Office , 14th and Farnam Sts
Eiitrnncoou olthjr ntroai.
O MA 3-1 A.
Corner Dili and Haraoy Street ] , OraiUx
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DR. A. T. MoLAUGHLIN , President
Founded by Dr. J. W. McMenamy.
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $4OO,000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O - 07,800
Omcr and Dlrecton-IIenir W. T t , Fr > ld nl ;
L vliB. B ea , Yloe-rreildonti Jamil W. BtTftae , W ,
v7Mor , JobnJB. Colllni , 1C C. CuiUlntf , J. S. M.
FaUlok , W. Et. 8. Huiilio , cmhlor.
Corner 12th Mid r&roara SU.
A General Banking Uuilncss Traninotril.
Of Council Bluffs.
PAID UP CAPITAL . $150,000
numerous I. A. Millar , F. O. CJloason , E. L
Shuijurt , K. K. Hurt , J , D. Kdiimiiilson , Oliarloj
0. lliinnan. Transact b.iukltu busi
ness. Lur-cest uapltil : and surplus ot any
liaukln S dillnveatui-n Iowa.
Over C. B. Jiicnucmln & Cos Jewelry HtJr
NCrhnr ? JiiMlooof the Peace. Onico ovoi
. OLUUU Ainorlciiii ExnresiS , No. 421
Broadway , Council Kinds , lowu.
' Attorneys nt Law. Prao-
1 tlcc m the state IUH
federal courts. lloonis ! i , 4 and 5 bhugur
lleno block , Council blulls. Iowa.
A POSITIVE md permanent CURE lor al
dlsoas.soilhaURINARY ORGANS. Curei
where othtrtreatrnentlalls.FulTdirectlontwItheacI
bollle. Price , one dollar. See signature o ! E. L
STAHL. For Sale By All Druggist * .
The Standard Cocoa of the World.
A Substitute for Tea and Coffee.
Van Houtbn's \\asfiftyper \ ( entmorc of the ilesli-formtng
elements of fcocoa than is obtained by the best processes of
other manufacturers.
Doctorsmnd analysts of the highest standing all over the i ;
world , certify to this immense saving , and by VAN IIou-
TEN'S speciol'process only can this be attained.
IIotrUM' COCOA ( "onco tried. Always used" ) potneuei the croat advantage of
loafing no Injarloni elTocta on ttio nerrous sustain. No wonder , therefore , that In all parti
of the world , thli THWnlor'i Ooeoa ! recommended liy incUlcul men , liiBttinl oftrii
nnd cuOVn or utlior cucoui op chocoliilec , fur dully me liy children uruilulli , ! |
hale nnd > lck , rich und pour. AikfurVAH lloUTEK's ndMl nowA/r.
Is in every respect the best Coal for domestic purpose ? In th
It lasts longer , produces more heat and burns up cleaner tha
any other Iowa coal. One ton will go as far as a ton and a half c
the oral nary stuff , and Itcosts no more than the cheap , unsutlsfactor
grades commonly sold. Try it for cooking nnd heating. Sold only b
All kinds of Wood and Coal. Cobs a specialty. Full weight nn
prompt delivery.
29 South Main St. Telephone 303.
I cfutt Aiio.irUitTii.Ti rex A y. Arrltf >
I Jop t loth n < l Mftion Hired * . Omiha
I SOp in .T. " .r.dilcago Kiprnu . . R Ml a in , > , Crilciu.'o Riprosi , < i.w p m
B.IO p ni , , Chicago Kiprmi , HI 03 ft III
I.Wp ra ; limit luril 12 IV 111
UUUI.lNiltO.S' A MO. ItlVKIt. ArrlTol
Depot loth anil Muson tr t . Oinah . _ _
la ? * ft Ml Iwnrrr U.v Kriirc" 4 OJ P n
10.14 it m Oenror Rtpreji K.14 p ra
S 40 n m tntiT .NlKlit ( Ctprcai. VM it in
B.IJa in Lincoln y.rt ) p m
I/oarai If. ' . , ( T , J. .VC ; ll | Arnvui
Uinahx Depot 10th itmt Mnxm slrcoK. i Umnlin.
VoOnini. .KaniniOty Day Kipreii , , .
t IS p mK | t' . Nlht ( Kip. Tin t' I1. Trnni.i i m
" Jcn o I UMON IMl'ff 1C. , Arrlrai
OmMi it. | _ n pot 10th mid .MurcjrjJ I OrantiA.
"j.M p rill ; .Omli m1 Hrer , ,7 | 9U3 p m
7.3U p nil 1'nrinc Kipre * ill 1 } n tu
10.VU n in Drntrr Kinreit 3.M p m
; 7.0 * n m [ , . . , , , KnuiniClt ; Kxpreii | I2O ) a in
t , nTu I I'UU'AUU. H. I.A I'AlMt-'Ity. I Arrltei"
omahn. | U. R depot. 10th II < 1 Muter SH. ' On'nh * .
( .10 p in Nlclil Ktpre DUO ) n m
1)M n in Atlantlo Kinroi * | ( UO p m
430 p ni Veitltmle Umltel 10 tl n in
fotvos I rflOUX ifl'V A I'Al'Iti , | AtrifV
Oinahix. It ) . I' , depot , lUlli ami Marry Ht | Omtht
" .Tin I'ltT ' . , .
. ml . Vldiu I'aiivtiiier i
_ 4.SO D nil ili.h t. Paul Klpron 110.10 n m
"faveri SltTij.x Ull \ A PXUHU j Arrlroi
Oiimhn. | _ lMu > t I6lh and Wcbtlor Hli. I Oninhn
' "
TfWji'iuf" . t < t. IMiil Limited. . . .j- .t l' * > nni
Oiimhn. [ ll , I * , depot' 10th nml Marey M . 1 bmt'lt ,
T3 li iu | . rhtcntfo Kipresi. , | 62U p w
430 p 111 Vvitlbnlo Limited t'.W n
6.15 p m Iowa AcroniiiKKtntlon ( K c. Sunl " oP m
Wll ) .Rasttirn Klrur. , 2.43 IB
p in . ,1. . . . . . ! . ' . , PV i. . 7 ll p n
11.15 n nl in
"lxHTB u'liltAUO ' , MUj. , A 1 : 1'AbU ArrTto
Unmlirt. | U. I' , dctxit. 10th nnd Marcr Sli. tnmh .
6.10 p ml . . . .7..Chlcnito Ktprnn U I'l it m
Jl.Ujt nil . .CliloatfO Muroy. . . . . . . . L ( ' - " ° "J"1
T.BHTMJ | O.MATlA , \ SI. lATl/iK / . Arrival
Omaha. ] _ U. P. depot , lOtb and MarcTSti. ! Omnhii.
IJO p jn.7.M. [ lAiulii Cnnunn Jtay.i. , . | 12. ; J p ro
Unmhv Depot l..t'i i i.lVob fHi | O.mliv
SMll n m . ItTnck illlli Kspr 9i I 6. l P in
9(0 n m . . .lliKtlnm Kzp. ( Kr. SuniUrl. ft 3D P m
HO p ni WnliooA Lincoln I'm ( I'.x.Siiiiil'j ) III. * ) n m
610pm . . York A _ Norfolk ( Rr. 8iuili ) . . | . ) n m
TS.'siT. 1 * . M A 0.
Omahn. Pcpot nth nnilWolntor Stt.
8Trtra | .TBUiili CUr Aecummndittlon. I 90i p m
100 pin .Hloux Cllj K prosi ( Ki. 8nn ) . . 12.10 p ra
? 110 p ml St. 1'aul Limited V t't n in
_ 6J6 i ) jm [ . jlinrottJ'lmeiniprJ Hi. Sun ) . . ) 8 & n lu
CCeitTejT MrS"001U TAfTPll. "
CUmnha. | Depot ISl'ijiiid WMI r Hit.
10.SO nTinfT .Ft.lxiuTi A K.ll Tf pr s . . . . 4.S ! ) p m
U 15 p ml. .M. trfiuh V K. ( X Kijirou. . . .
T. nTO i OIllUAlIU , K. i. A tALlk'iU ' i Arrl o
Tnxniiferl Union Depot. Coiiimi Illiiiti ' "rain far
" SOpml Nlubt Kxprci H/lS a m
850 nml. . Atlnnt.o KxprQii b.S P in
SW ) p ml „ , . . . .Vetlllmlo Limited 10:10 : it ra
Ixtavn lOlilOAltll.t NOHl'IiWKs'i'MIN Arrive ? "
Tramferl Union lciot.Jjuncll ) | lljnfft. Tran tor
"fl.40 n"m ClilonKO Kxproi UIV p ra
6.0U p ni Vettltiula Lliultod 91)0 ) it in
10.UI p m Kaiterii K'jcr. ' . 2UO p m
I. TO p m AtlnntlcMnll. . I'M n m
0.10 p in r > (0 u ra
" "
Traiufcr Uuloii Depot. Council Ilium. iTrinnfur
m ChlcnEU Kipren. . . . . . I ti.ll n ra
1MU p m . . . . . . . .Chicago jEiErPi' . .Jji 00 p m
L aYeT" Tf. C . T. JOtf A 0. H. " TArrlvgj
Trnn < ter Union Depot. Council Hl'itTi iTrnnifor
1001 n m.Knii8M | Cllr liar Kipreis. .
ll Ji p . . ntjr Nlclit KiprMii.
Triin fcf Union Depot , Cuunrll lllufTi
f..U ) ji m TSl7Txiill l anon llnlT.
1302 FnrnnmStreet. .
Harry P. Deuel 9
City Pnssonpror antl TicUot Acnnt.
Nervous System
Parnlynlii ,
Cntalcpir , llyntero
Epilepsy , Convul-
nlon , Solnul Inlln-
tlon , ItlK-ninntlnm
Clironlu Alc < iliull"m ,
Nervous llui : < l clic ,
Nervous 1'rostrnllon
cuiHiiinptlon unit nil
Ul > eac9oftlio IUIIKI
Itoonis 311) ) to S10 ,
urnain dtrcot. - Uuaha Neb ,
Epps's Cocoa
"Ily n Ilioiouuli knonrtodxi ) nf thn natural Ini
nlileli uoTuru the operation ! ! of illk'ritloc nnd null
tlon , and liy ruurjfiil iippMcntluii of tlio line piopo
tluiot nulliolvcml t' io in , .Mr. Kipn | liun | idiiridi
our lirenkra ttablo w th idol cntcl/llnror itbevei
HIU : Hlilch nitty xavii u iiiunr liituvyiloctor. ! ' nllU.
\t \ by tlio ludlcluut MM ) of aucli nrlli'lua of dlot Unit
constitution may bour.idually built up until itroi
vnuiKhto roaut uvory cuiidency In itUeimo. lln
ilrcilauf miullumiliiilli-B lire ll > ntlninrouiid mroai
toullnck wlicretor there ( art w ak ( xilnt.Voini
cuciipu inuuy n fntnl iliifti > y kcoplnx ouiiulTUi HI
fortltUnl with iiuro blood , nnd u propoiljr nourish
frnni" . " Civil t < i'rvlio ( Jiuctto.
.Miiiluklmily | with bolllnic wuUiror milk. Hold on
In half puuud llni , by itrocom , labeled thut :
\\\V\ \ \ ] ( VPP IVUJ. ' ( HoiiKJUOjiiithlo ChcrnUl
, London , Knttliind.
Ataolu Ij uue.inojt power ful fi'roi
reiruUtor Known i never fall ! M a IMII , jKwiiiMd icno b <
.ufoclent. JLMtfmf 1.KIN.IIIIUO . O ) . . 1'utr.Jg , . * .
Mnllrr of niilloiitliii | | ( of M T , Moi nnd J , P ,
M < v , < lttlnit liiKlnoM untlorllio linn nnrnoot
M T , Mo-n > V To. , for permit to > ell liquor ni a
drimjtl t
Unilcp In lioroliv Klvtit thut M. T. Mo i nnd
,1. H. MiixH'doinn luiMni'sM iinilor llfiu tiunipof
M. T , MoH4 fc Co. . tllil uiiiin lint lllth tiny of I'o- '
comlior , A. I ) . , IS'W. ' tllu IholriiiMillcixlliMi to tlio
hoard of fire nnd pollen coiiiinlxtliuicrN of
Diniilut. for tu-null toxoll ni ltnilrltiiiiu | nnd
\liums lliimir * , n n drimulsl , for incilli-iil. inn *
ohnnlonl and chrinlcnl ] ) tiriosc | < i iiiilv. nt KXH
lloHiuil silent , 1'ourllinril , Oiiiiifui , Nrli. ,
from Iliol-t ilny of .tniiunry , IM > I , to tliulst
dny of .liimmry. IS'.rj.
If tliiMi'lio no objection , roinonlr nco or
lirtitft Illrd wltliln two\MM'l < s fniin Di'voiulior
1' ' , A , l > . , 1 R ) . tliu Hiilil in-null will lie pnuiUMl ,
M , T. Mo s AMI JS , Miii4.
Dolnit linolnoss ItitiK-r Hun nniniiof M , T ,
Jlnts A : Co. Applli-nnM.
I )
Mnttorof npnlk-nllnn of ,1 , A. Pullrr nnil J.
it. Damon ! , doiiiR bntlin-ss iiiulor llrni iiiiinn
of .1. A. 1'nllor \ t'o , , for permit to soil llnitor
n *
Notlrch hrroliy itlvoii tlmt .1 , A. Puller &
,1. II , Ihiimmt ilolnn liiis'.no-is inidor llrni iiiimu
( if , I , A I'tilU-r.V Co. , Ol < l iinon the 1Mb ilny of
Itei'i-iiilHT , A. I ) . IS'.ll , Illo tlii-lr nplilktlon to
tliu lioantl of tinnud pollen i-omnil-ulnm-rii of
Umiilin for pornill to MI 11 mult , xplrUiioiit and
viiuiislliUirs | ( , us n tlriiKKlit , for mrilli'lnul ,
tiiochnntrnl nml - ! ( - ; IIIIIIHWI-H iinly.ut
No. HO'J UnitxliiH stri'i't , llnl \ \ tnOiiiiiliu \ ,
Noli. , from tlio 1st day of January , 1KI ) , to the
Utility lit Jnuunrv. lrj.
If tlicrnbu no olilt-otlon , rriuonstrntico or
prolt-sl Illtovllliln two \\rrUs from lloet'inlu-r
10. A. l > . 1MM , tttuHitld permit will 1)0 ) isr.inU-d.
1) 1M3 . ) , A. KIII.IIII : A : Co. . applloiints
No tier.
Matter of application of.Tncoli I.iuulrool ; for
lloiinr llci'iixe.
Notion U hcrt-liy clvou ( hat , Incob Iindroclt !
did tiiioit the l.Mh day of Di-romlii-r , A. U. , ls-90.
tile his npplloallonltli tliol-oaril of llro ami
inilleo coiiimlsHlonoisof Omitba forlleon to
- < i'll mult , slilltioimand | vinous lliinnrM nl No.
r.Mli-oiUh Kit hit i col , Sordini ward , Umiiha ,
Xcli. , from the 1st < lnv of January , b'H , to thu
1st ilay of Jiuinarv. biC.
IftluMi-bo no ( ill K'l-t Ion , romonslr.ineo or
protott Mlrd wltliln two \u < cKs from HcecmlKT
10 , A. ! . , IS'.H ' ) . lln-salil llccnso will be jinnlt'd.
J.tcoir 1Minoci 1 ; , Anpllcunt. IIO-'J3 )
Notruo ,
Matiorof uppllrutloii of John MorrNny for
Honor llcensi- .
Notlools lu'iohy ulviMi thnt John Mori Noy
did niioii the IMli ( lu > of DoooinhiM- . 1) , K-'AI.
Illo his applloatloiMUth thu hoard ol llro ami
polleo roinmlssloiH'rt of Oinnlm for llcoti'.o to
M'll mnlt , spirituous and \ Inons lliiniiis at No.
T'.Mftuilh lath sti | < cl , 'Jdvanl , Uimihn. Neb. .
from thu Nt day of Jumiarv , thill , to tlio lit
dnv of Jiimituy. IRUi.
If there bo no objection , retnoiiMrnnee or
Iirotcst Illod Hlllilii lu-o weeks from lici1. 10 ,
A. 1) ) , IMk ) , tliu said lli't'ii-u wl 1 lie iranU'l.
JOHN .MOHIIISKV , Applicant.
Mnttorof npplleatlon of Jakob Kopnhl for
lliiiior llcenso. licroliv ' ulvcn Hint Jukob Kopald
dltl mum the IMh'diiy of Dccombof. A I ) . ISW.
Illo bis application with the lio.ird of lln ; ami
polleo eoiiitiilstloiiois of Omnhii , forlleoiiM1 to
soil malt , uplrllous and vinous liquors , at 7KI
North Sixteenth street. Plflhiinl , Omiilm ,
Nob. , from the Nt iluv of January , IVDI , to the
1st day of January. IWW.
Ifthrro bo no olilcotlon , remonstrnm'o or
tjrolost Illod within two woolis from Doeom-
bor 1(1 ( , A. I ) . 1BOO , the siild lleonsu will bo
grunted. JACOII Koi < oi.t > .
IIIG-XI Applicant.
Mattrrof npnllcatlou of 1'nuik Sunhoda for
Notice Is hoinby jjlvon that Prank \\n1iodn
did upon this HHIi diiy of Duconibcr. A. It. 1MHX
Illo bis npplleatlon nlth thu board of II 10 nnd
jiollco eoniinl-sloiiors of Om.ihii for llccnsu to
soil mall , stihllous and \lnoim lliiuors at N'o ,
lavi South SlNluontli stieet , Second watd.Omti-
Im , Noli. , from Urn 1st dny of January. tfe'H ' , to
the 1st tiny of January. Ib'JL' .
If ( hero ho no oliloctlini , iviiion-.tranco or
protest Illed within two weeks from Docciubor
Ifi. A. I ) , , 1890 , thn H'lld llcensulll bo granted.
DW--'a KIIANK HHOIKIIIA , Applicant.
Matter of iippllciitlon of Gottlieb Wiioth-
nli'h for liquor license.
Not Ice Is hetuby Divert tluil Oottlleb Wni'tli-
nlcli did upon the l.rith day of Deeombur , A. I )
IS'xi ' , Illo Ills iippllcntlon with llm board of flru
am ) iiolleueoinniNslonoisof Uniaha , forllcensn
to sell malt , spirituous and Uiious Ihinorsnt
No. i'Wmid iT.MSt. MiirrRuviMiiie.Kimrtii ward ,
Omaha , Nell. , fiom tlio l.stdny of Jnuitary ,
Itt'M. to the Nt dny of January , IMU.
If there bo no objocllon , lomonstruncn or
within two wvoKM front Deecmbur
0. A. 1) . IfciW , the said llcrnso will bnKrunted.
DIG-SI Oorri.miVtlKTiritlcn7 Applicant.
Matter of applluutlou of William Darst for
lliiiior lluenso.
Nollco fs lieieby Klven thnt William Parst
did upon llm irilh ilny of December , A. I > . , IMK ) ,
Illo his application with the board of llro and
pollcu commissioners of Omalm , fnr license to
sell limit , spirit nous nnil vinous liquors at No.
iiii : | ' 'HIIIHIII street , Third waul , Oiniiha. Nob. ,
fiorn tliu 1st ilny of January , 1801 , to the 1st
day of January , Ih'r.1. '
If there bo no objection , rcimmstrnnco or
Iirolcst tiled \\ltbln two weeks fioni Iloeemlicr
111 , A. D. , 1 90 , thu said lleeueo will he unintud ,
D 1(1 ( Z\ \ WiM.t M DAUST , Appllcmit.
Mnltorof application nf l.nnrs Hanscii fo *
lldiior license ,
Notlcu IM liniotiy gl\on tliat Knurs llrvnsen
did upon tlin 1X1 h day of December , A I ) . IKK ) ,
tlln his application wllli thu hoard of Ilio Una
pollcocoiiiml-sloners of Oninlia for license to
soil malt , spirituous timl vinous Honors ut
.No. fililund 821 South Seventh Kticct. 1'lifit
ward , Omaha. Noli , , from tliu IM clay nf Jniiu-
arv. IS'll ' , to the liUiliiy of .liuiiuuy. IMW.
( f HUTU lie i lijcttIon. luinoiiHtranco or
protest Illfd within two woi'Ks from Pccotnlier
1C > , A. 1) ) . Ib'.K ' ) , tliu sild ; llcfltiso will lie smiiled.
IIIO-2'I \i \ UIH llAXSEN , Applicant.
Mnttor of application of F. A , Mulch for
llnuor license.
Notieo iHliornhy given tlinl K. A. Unloh did
nptin the llHIi day of iJocunilMir. A. I ) . Mil , ( lln
Ins application with thu Imitrd of Ilio nnd po-
llcn L'oniinl-s'onciH ' of Omaha , fnr llet'iisn to
11 mult , spiritIIIIUH and vinous llnnuis nt Nn.
(117 ( South Tlilrtcrntli .slieot , TliHt wnrd ,
Oinnliti , Ncl , . fiom Iliu 1st dny of .liiiiiiury ,
Ib'.H. ' to the Ut day of .Iniiiiary , IHc. ' .
If tlii'ro Im no objection , iciiuiiiMr.nieo or
protust IIU'il \ \ Illiln tuo wiieliH from Dc'coni-
tier I. , A. 1) . 1BX ) , the hiilil UoiMiHL will bo-
t'ltintcd , F. A. IIAI.OH , Appllcunt.
din M ]
Mutter of application of John Johnson fnr
liquor license.
Notice Is horohy nlvori that John Johnson
did upon the I.Mh dny of Docuinhor , A. I ) . . 1MN ) .
lilo hN application with tlio hoard of Ilio nml
police commissioners of Omaha for llociisti to
bull malt , spirituous and vinous | ! CIIOIM | ut No.
'Jtflt Ciiinliii ; st.runt. Kluhth ward , Oiiinli.i. Neh. ,
fiom the 1st dny of .liHilary : , IWI ) , to the 1st
dtiv of Junuary , 181 ! ,
If thuro Is no objection , reinonstiiuico or
prolesl Illodvllliln two weeks from Druomlier
10 , A. I ) . Ib'.O ' , tliOHiild llvoiihu will liUKinntod.
liu-'ji ) : JOHN , IOIINHIN. :
Notloc. .
Mnttor of upplloatlon of Joppo.T. Gram fof
lliiiior license.
Notlcu Is hereby Rhe.ii that Junpo J. Grain
did upon thn 1'itli dny of Ilouuinhcr. A , l > . lt > 00.
( Ho his iiiipllcntiOM ulth thn loird of llro and
polled ooiiiiiilKsliinors of Onmlm for licence to
hull mult , spirituous und vinous Illinois at No.
Till l.ciivi'iiwoith Mrcot , Klrst ward , Omaliti.
Nnli. , from the 1st dny of Janunry , Ih'M ' , to tha
1st day of Jiiiinary , Ihir.1.
If tlioK ! ho no iibjectlon , rninnristranco or
protusl Illed within tun weeks fiom Hecuiuliu *
li ) . A. 1) ) . IS'.U ' , thoHald llccnsu will ho Ki-antod ,
1)1(1 ( Zl .IiiTK.I. : ( litAM , AppllcunU
QalSfornla Nerve t
' .
1'ro. f
Anii'inl.i , .Sfrnlul.i , Iliul < : irrnliilnn |
an I nil ImnurltloH of the blood " well an tlin
liiUnulnz Norvn Oiaenooi , viz : Nrrvoim 'iml
I'hr < l < ilil l > cllllly , Vlliil Kxlniiitliin , I'ra-
iniitnro Iloeiiy , TroiiihlliiK , lljxlcilu , Ncl'-
voiu IlKiiiliiche , I.DHII ol l'i orln tiillirr Bex ,
NerTdimidHH In nny form , ( . 'nld llnnils or
Vvol , I'aln In Ilio llaclc unit otliur forms of
V.1aKii > .
Dr. IIobh'K Nrrvu Tonic IMIIs hrlnK the
rosy tint of health to tha ehollow cho k <
WOK , nernnK i > ouilo | diouiil lake tliU Kicat Llfa
Rennwer. 1'rr ( licm. and ymi will Join the tliiinunda
of luiiiiy iiK'ii and wnrncn wlm ( UHjf Mc&i Dr.
.lotili I r Fill emt work In their bthiilf. 'I IIP ; Bra
lugirroatrd , M rents a vial , for ulo b ;
mvs Moicint ca. HOPS , . SAM mmitto , oiu
lOKHAU : IN OMAHA. Hl'.ll. . IIV
Kuhn A : Co , Cor. l ! > ih & DnueUf blrrpli.
.1. A. Kulltr & Co. , Cor , lllh & Douitlat btrceta.
, / A 1 > . KoMrr A. Co. . Council Hindi , lo-a.
It eanhfttonf , H youMAyounc nrold.liavo
any WeakncM , Maironnutloti. Debility.Our A'c *
etutlvc Method * A'Monuftotjf o/.S < urr < * xplftinid In
| ( mulled frco fur a llm-