OHAIIA DAILY Blijp TUESDAY , P3BQEMBEE 10 , 1890 I IS IT A COMON INTEREST ? Parmcrn' Alliance and Knights of Labor Hold Secret Sessions. HAD THEIR LABOR FOR THEIR PAINS , Tramp- * Hold Ujin Knrnicr nnd Search Kmpty I'ookois Ijlbcrnl Siibsorlp * tloiiH for Western Suffcrnrs A ' ' Mortgage Filed. I.K , Ncb.Dec , Ifi. ( Special Telegram to Tin : DKC. ] The ntinunl meeting of the farmers state nlllanco convenes tomorrow in Dohannon'a hall In Lincoln , and the town is full of farmers from vnrious portions of the stnto. The most Important business is to bo " transacted In executive session , The plan of notion for the nlllanco members of the legis lature Is to bo formulated nnd other political interests looked after. Changes uro to bo made in the state constitution. It is astonish ing what n revolution of fueling thcro Is con cerning Dictator Durrows. His rcln ( ncein s to bocndud and tomorrow's ' convention prom ises to commence the work that will result In Ids overthrow. The reason for this Is that ho hns ciownod bis autocratic methods by demand Inc that ho bo chosen to tbo position of pro"idciit of the alliance as i'owors1 sue- cpssor. In addition to the alliance convention It luus leaked out tonight that the executive com mittee of the Knights of Labor Is to have a secret couforenco tomorrow and it U undor- fltood this evening that the two conventions havonn interest in common. DlngiiHtcd Tramps. Cirr , Nob. , Deo. 15. [ Special to TUB UP.B.J While returning from the city at a Into hour last night , Tom Golden , U young farmer , was hold up by four tramps on the Missouri Pacific , just north ot the city. As ho hnd no monay or valuables with him they secured nothing , nnd ho escaped Irotnthpin after being rather severely hau- iled. NrhritNkn llolns Herself , Cn.nr.iiTHON , Nob. , Dec. 15. [ Special to TIIK Bin : . ] Tin : Brr.'a editorial In answer to the DCS Moltics Register meets popular ap proval hero. Help is needed , but wo believe that Nebraska Is able and willing to help hoi- own people. There is already much being done to rcllovo these In need. Thanks to Governor Thaycr and the state relief commit tee , old Is coming from all parts of the state. /Joining to speakof hus been received from outsldo thu stnto. Coal and flour is the prin cipal need , ThoB. &M. Is f-hipping every thing frco of freight charges nnd the county clerk H distrlouting only on orders from the county Justice. Two hundred nnd nine teen families hiivo already been relieved in , this comity. There is no particular distress hero nt present , but there would bo if n severe storm should come. All eastern loan companies have withdrawn from this county and the banks are making no new loans. The problem of what will become of this part of the stnto If capital refuses to remain hero is now a serious question with every farmer nnd every business man. The fooling bus been so strong against banks nnd loan coin- ' panics that they feel that it is useless to at tempt to stem the tide of public sentiment .j nny longer. Many of the farmers of Hitch cock countv will boublo to go ttirough the winter without assistance , lint will bo ab solutely unable to sow their fields and tend their crops next year without assistance from some source. They have no money nnd no credit. A Hit ; Alortgncc. ViinMONT , Nob.jDec. 15. ( Special Telegram to Tun Hin.l : A $10,000,000 mortgage was today placed on file for record in the county clerk's ofllco of Dodge county. The mort- engo Is given by the Union Pacific railroad to Edwin 1) . Morgan of Now York nnd Oakes Amos of Massachusetts. The instrument which was received hero direct from New York is an old one , dated in 18G9. It was once before recorded in this county. Itisn voluminous document of forty pages of closely printed matter. AValliiig Tor the Louislntnro. lNni\NOiA , Nob. , Dec. 15. [ Special to THE BHH. ] The governor's estimate that there nro bOO families in the western part of the stnto who need present immediate roller is very nenily correct. The vnrious county nlli- nnccs have mndo a careful canvass nnd there nro fully Unit many families which need prompt assist an co. Ten cur loads of coal have already been ordered to this county nnd several car loads have been distributed. Tlio banks hero have ordered a car load of coal each in addition to the above. .Everything so far has been shipped free over the railroad , nnd this fact has materially assisted the re lief committees. Other years there has been a constant stream of eastern money pouring in hero from farm loans and the bankers have supplied the local demand for short tlmo monov , but iiow tncso sources of revouuo are cut off and no loans are being made. Bonkers nnd loun men all over the country nro hedg ing against publio sentiment nnd tbo probable action of the coining legislature. Farmers hero believe that n stringent Interest law will mnko money plenty nnd lower the rate to 7 or 8 per cent per annum , while the bankers claim that most of the money loaned is bor rowed by ttiem at 8 per ci-nt.'nnd they must mnko their running expenses nud profit above that amount. But little Is being Uono hereby by cither farmers or business men except to dlTiiss politics nnd prophesy as to wbnt the coming legbilaturo will do. Sequel ol'n Failure. FIIRMO > T , Nob. , Doc. 15. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB Bicr.l The latest phnso of the Golbgrabcr failure , wherein the liabilities wcro about $1)0,000 ) , the stock selling Satur day for 112,000 , was the commencement today of a suit in equity in the district court. The pluIntiiTs la the cnso ask that a receiver bo appointed and the proceeds bo divided pro rntn among the croilltors. There are fifteen or twenty creditors who failed to got In on the ttiftt ilenl nnd they are thu ones who hnve begun the suit. \ Nobrnslca Kalluro. Oxroiin , Nob. , Deo. 15 , ( SpecialTelegram to Tin : Ilim.JV. . Giles' general merchandise store was today closed fortlobt , the principal creditor being Donald Uros , , of Atchlson. The fanners' state bunk of this city nnd a Ked Cloud mlllor hold smaller claims. The stock Is valued at $1,000. Mr. Olios' liabili ties are not known , but ho claims they nro not so largo but that ho u ill bo able to effect a satisfactory Bottlcmoiitwlth all creditors. Hohlnd Cloned Doors. HiSTiNdB , Nob. , Deo. 15. JSpcclal Tele- grnm to TUB DISK.-At ] a mooting of the county alllanco In this city SUurdiy , which was held with closed doors , the railroad and money question was dlscussod nt some length. They will urge a Opor cent luw and a law re quiring the state trcusuror to retain stata funds In the treasurer's vaults Instead of bclug deposited in the ban its over tbo state. * KOhtiu ) Children Contribute. IUsTixni < , Nob. , Dec. 15. [ Special Telegram - gram to TIIK IEB ) , ] RobertBrowa , solicitor iu this city for the western Nobruka desti tute , shipped'a car of clothing and provis ions to Ucnklcman for tbo Dundy county nuffcrors. The donation of a barrej of Hour by the public1 Bcliool children was also hipi > cd from the snmo placo. llusti to Pnjr Tnxr > 8. FIIEMOVT , Nob. , Deo. 15. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tim Ben. ] Todiy was the limit oi the tlmo for the payment of Fremont's occu pation tax which lias been a bono of conten tion for nearly a year. There was a big rush of business linns to the treasurer's ofllco , The ouloons , thirteen In number , each pay $200. WAkoflold'H I'nrU WAKEriKLD , Nob. , Deo. 15. [ Special Toliv groin to TUB' BEK. ] Wakcfioia will do Ita part for tbo unfortunate. One car load con taining flour , corn meal , groceries nnd cloth- inir was ent from here over the Uulon Pa cific rnllroad to Chnppoll , Duchl county , Ne braska , to bo distributed ninotift the poor pco- plo thcro. Dr. SASTRP. AoKNCr.Nob. ( via Nlobnira , Nob. , ) Deo. 15. [ Special Tclcirram to THE HitK.J Dr. A. L. Hlggs has been reinstated , with full executive power , ns n principal of Snntco normal school nt Snnteo ngcncy.Mr. . Steer , treasurer , continues his position and Is not hold responsible for the executive depart ment. Found Dnnd In Hod. KnAiiN-nr , Neb. , Dec. 15.-Spednl | Tele gram to Tin : HnK.I-Ycsteriby morning E. C. Gnllur of St. Alhans , Vt. , was found dead lu his bed at u late hour by a chambermaid nt ttio Urunswlck. An autopsy was held In the nftornoon , which proved that ho hnd died from heart disease. The coroner's jury ar rived at the same conclusion todny. The de ceased came hero nbout ten dnys ago to start n general market , nnd line : nbout completed bis' arrangements. Ho hnd been drinking benvlly for several days prior to his death. The body will bo held for friends to.nrrlvo from his Now lingland homo. An Old Soldier COCH Innnne. SriiiNOViKW , Neb. , Dec. 15. [ Special to Tin : Bnit. ] James Lowe , nn old settler of this county , was adjudged liisnno by the board of Insanity recently and will bo taken to the Norfolk asylum as soon as arrange ments can bo made. Mr. Lowe has been a soldier in the regular army for eight years and served on the plains with General Cus- tor. Ills Insanity U not of n Violent nature , out on the contrary very mild , probably cnuscofby softcnini ? of the bruin. Ho simply lays In his bed and picks nt thoclothlng with out Inking notice of anything or anybody. Grand Ixlmid Illuyulo HIIOPH. Giuxi ) Isi.txn , Nob. , Dec. 15. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BIK. : ] About eight hun dred people witnessed the bicycle races nt tbo exposition hull this evening between the locals. The first race for boys under twelve years , one mile , safeties , was won by young McMcnns In 4:48. : The freo-for-nll safety nice , mile heats , best three in five , for the championship cuu , was won by Charles Mcnck , A. "W. Itiichort second , A. Mayer third. Tlio event of the evening was the live-mile race , ordinaries , in which there weio three entries , Powell , Nelson and Lorenzo , who finished in the above order. A fall In the last mile lost Nelson ono lap ; other wise It would have oecn doubtful until tbo finish. _ A Wiinmti Killed by a Fall. WOOD Htvftit , Neb. , Dec , 15. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bui ; . ] The body of u woman was found about 1 o'clock today lying bcsldo the truck abouta mile nnd a hnlf east of town. She had Jumped or fallen off the fast mail train. She was taken to a house near by nnd n doctor was called , who pronounced her injuries fatnl. She tiled at 4 o'clock. She and her husband , William Hoberts , and two children , and her brother , A. S. Stone , were on their way from Portland , Ore. , to Seneca , and as she had tiled to commit suicide oncobcforo it is supposed that she jumped off the train while laboring under temporary insanity. She was not missed until tbo train reached irand Island , when her brother came back ivith a team in search of her. FOK FlXASlXAii JIELIEF. Secretary IVimlom Confers "With the Krpublionn Senatorial Committee. WASHINGTON , Dec. 15. ThorepuDllcansen- utorial caucus committee today had a long consultation with Secretary Windotnrospcct- ng the formulation of a financial relief meas ure. The vnrious propositions contained In .ho Shermuu and Plumb bills were iakcn up. The scretary endowed the proposition to rc- duce the compulsory holding of United States bonds by national banks and commended the ; > reposed Issue of 2 per cent bouds. In ro- jard to the proposition to purchase ttio exist- ng surplus of silver bullion now in ttio eoun- , ry , Secretary Wlnaom took positive grounds n favor of tbo purchase as a means of en- iianclugtho prlco of silver nnd relieving the financial btrlngoucy. Ho suggested , how ever , that it might bo prudent to restrict by law the amount of this surplus silver pur chased iu one month. The caucus committee referred his sugges tions to a subcommittee Sherman , Allison , Aldricb , Plumb and Teller. After delibera tion the sub-commlttoo readied a decision , which was promptly ratified by the full com mittee and will be submitted to the caucus tonight in the shape of a bill to bo druf ted by Sherman. The main features will bo a provision for the purchase of Sr.,000,000 worth of silver surplus Within one year , not to exceed $ ; t,000,000 worth in any one month ( in addition to the purchase of1,500,000 ounces per month now required by law ) i the Issue of 'J per cent bonds not to exceed $100- 000,000 , in amount , and the purchase of suffi cient silver bullion ( In addition to the fore going requirements ) to muko good the de ficiency in the national bank circulation whenever that circulation falls below $180- 000,000 ( by means of ttio issue of treasury notes based upon bullion thus purchased ) . In case bullion in sutllclcnt amount to meet this deficiency cannot bo obtained the de ficiency in circulation will bo made good by tbo issuance of ordinary treasury notes. In addition the bill contains a clause providing that when the prlco of silver shall for ono year remain constantly p.t or above legal "p.ir" with gold , nny holder of bullion may deposit it with tbo treasury and have it coined into standard silver dollars or receive treasury notes therefor. W'nlli ) the committee neglected to take specficatlon upon the subject of reducing the amount of the compulsory holding of United States bonds by national banks , nil the mom- bow appeared to bo in favor of legislation for that purpose. The report did not meet with the unani mous approval of the committee or the sub committee in every particular. The republican senatorial caucus tonight discussed the report of the caucus committee agreed upon today. The 2 per cent bond pro ject found few friends ana was quickly knocked out. The ? 5,000,000 bullion purchase seemed to have strength , but neither on that nor the other propositions was final action taken. There was a great deal of discussion. which may bo summarized as indicative of the willingness of a strong majority of re publican scnn'ors to considerably enlarge the monthly purchases of silver bullion , possibly to the extent ot ) ,000)00 ( ) or * rOOJKK ( ) . An other caucus will bo held soon. The elections bill was not mentioned tonight. ttF .rOHTJCK 3ItIT.iit. Resolutions Adopted by tiio Itnr of tbo Supreme Court. WASHINGTON' , Dec. 15. The resolutions adopted by the bar of the supreme court on the death of .Justlco Samuel V. Miller , wore today presented to the court nnd brief ro- murks marto in eulogy of ttio deceased. In presenting the i evolutions Attorney General Miller said : "When Justice Miller ascended the bunch a political earthquake was shaking thu foundations of the government , obliter ating the old landmarks. To guldo this , the weakest and most sonsativo branch of the government , through all the troublous times that followed , so that on ono hand no just power of the general government should bo lost , and on the other no just right of the state or of the citizen should bo sacrificed was worthy of the best efforts of the greatest of Jurists , and most worthily has the task bocn dono. " Chief Justice Fuller , who responded , paid u high tribute to tbo dead Jurist. Ilo said : "Whilo ho took a shnro In the consideration of every subject of judicial investigation , ho carefully distinguished himself in the state ment of enxvo constitutional questions , \\hiuh brought Into play the patlcnco , deliberation , foresight , intellectual rat p nnd brtuulth of view , all who have deserved the nunio of statesman. " The resolutions were then ordered spread on the minutes of the court. Tobacco Toun. , Doc. 15. Hancock , Ilollnns it Co. , proprietors of the Gracoy tobacco warehouse , ha vu assigned. Liabilities nbout $160,000. The assets are thought to ox- cced that sum , The stringency of the money market was the cause of the assignment. Dr. Ulrney cures catarrh , Bee DILLON WRITES A LETTER , The Irish Envoy Touches on the Mora Re cent Events in Ireland , HE DEPRECAtES THE LANGUAGE USED , Tlio First Isfiuo of nioCarthy'H Sup pressed United Ireland Makes Its Appearance Patrick O'llrlcn for i'anicll. NEW VOIIK , Dec. 15. John Dillon has Is sued a lengthy loiter to the press as to tlio more recent events in Ireland. Ho says Unit ho has been from the first qtrongty opposed to any personally offensive attacks on Par- noli , although it must bo admitted that the cruelly unjust charges ho has leveled iiftnlnst the members of his party and the oxtiaordl- nory violence of the methods by which ho has Bought to suppress all expression of opinion hostile to himself , renders It very difficult for his opponents to maintain .nil attitude of moderation. Dillon deprecates in strong terms some of the language which has been used in Ireland on both sides tbo post 'ow days' . Hcfcrriugagidn to the attacks on ladstono and Morley , ho says hols convinced .hnt there is not a shadow of fouudntlon for .ho charges mndo ni/alnst them , ' 'Charges iVhich would never have been imagined , much loss uttered , " says ho , ' 'but for the O'She.i divorce case and Gladstone's letter. " Dillon speaks of the charges against Glnd- itonu nun Morley as u gross nnil monstrous nsult. Dillon says that his reliance for tbo mtlsfactory character of the homo rule bill ins always been not on the pledges of nnv Knghsh statesman , but on the honesty and ndcpcndenco of the Irish party , and , above all , on the unity of the national feeling of tbo 'rish rnco. Ho still has hopes thnt ho conference between O'llrien nnd t'arnoll tuny result in restoring unity , but in the meantime Parnell has plunged Ireland Into a contllct which wrings the heart of every Irishman with pain ana humiliation. Ho has done this for n purely personal end " and Dillon feels bound to say "that since ho commenced his Irish campaign J'arnelt has uscdlanguago and douo nets revolting to every f mo born man , nnd if ho ( Dillon ) could meet I'arncll in Ireland ho should toll him , unless ho very much altered his course , that no was not a tit leader for nnr.tlon aspiring to lie freo. Dillon. In closing , strongly appeals , o the pcoplo In Ireland , notwithstanding ho provocation , not to forget the respect duo ' 'arncll for his past mighty work. ? ntrlolc O'lirlcn Deolnri-H for I'nrnoll Ditiiux , Dec. 15. [ Special Cablegram to Tin : IJiK.J-Patrick : J. O'Brien , member of parliament for North Tippcrary who was sen- enccd at Clonniel to six month's imprison ment for conspiring to incite tenants on the niith Barry estates ntTippornry not to pay rent , and Michael O'Hrion Dalton , who was entencctl to four month's imprisonment for .ho same offense , were removed to Monagh .oday where they will bo prepared for riot- ng at Tjpperary at the opening of tbo con- splrnoy trial there. They both informed a reporter that they regretted not being beside Parnell In his fight to rotain-tlio leadership of the Irish nationalist party. O'Brien said ho had abandoned the extreme ideas formerly entertained by him when it appeared likely that constitutional agitation would secure the boncuts demanded. But if the independence of the nationalist party was lost by abandon- 'ng Parnell , any full measure of relief J'or Ireland through parliamentary means would bo Impossible. The formal nomination of Scully as the can didate of the Parncllltcs for the sent in the commons for North Kilkenny mndo vacant by the death of Marum was made toduy. Sir John Pope Heunessy , his opponent , was for mally nominated by the McCarthy section of the nationalist party. ' The branch of' the national league afc Armagh has adopted a resolution repudiating Parnell. , ' At the Franciscan church ntT3nnis yester day the friars denounced Paraell both for his moral and political action. Several members of tbo congregation became offended nt the uttcrauoo of the friars nnd left. An Editorial Opinion. ' LOVPON , Dec. 15. The Dally News corre spondent at Kilkenny declares his belief thnt Parncll's cause is Io3t. Speaking of the lathdowiioy meeting" today , ho says that 1,000 persons attended Davltt's meeting , while only a few hundred llstoncd-to Parnell. The nlluslon to the Freeman's Jour nal in Tauucr's speech called forth the shouts , "To blazes with it. " Tanner thereupon burned a copy of the paper. Duvitt in Ids speech said" ; "Parnell has fled as ho will ilco from ICI1- Iteniiy next Monday. But I will meet him face to face before this contest Is over und nsk him to ropc.it that archbishops , bishops , priests , nnd Sexton , O'Brien and Dillon nro the scum of the earth. This is the Parnell who did not hesitate to accept 40,000 , from the "scum of Irelnnd. " At the conclusion of the meetings the farmers dragged the wagon with Davitt nnd others on through the village lu triumph. Archbishop \Vnlsh to McCarthy. DUIIUN , Dec. 15. Archbishop Walsh's let ter In Suppressed 0nltedslrelnnd urged Mc Carthy to keep his pledge to sit , net nnd vote with the party always in front. "It will bo your bast argument in the long run nnd you will Hnd yourself safe in tivkinc your stand of it alone. Tim discreditable device of calling members to account for standing by their party Instead of by Parnell has been resorted to not without temporary success , but every ono knows that the assertion that the pledge was to nil indi vidual leader is grossly untriio. Calumny has been a favorite weapon in the bunds of our cnomios. " The new paper displays pugnacious head ings , such ns " 1'nrncllito Cowards , " "Freo- nmns Journal's Falsehoods , " "Purnollito Opinion Manufactured , " etc. The paper had a lariro sale. Circular Itcgardlni ; 1-cngne Funds. NKW YOIIK , Doc. 15. A circular letter has bocn Issued by the Irish delegates to the treasurers of funds at all points where they liuvo been deposited that befoita they loft Ireland n clear understanding was arrived at that the funds collected in Amcctcu'ahoiilil bo used for the support of evicted tenants. Jo seph E. Cctinoy and Alfred Webb , who were appointed treasurers of the fund , have taken opposite sides In the present controversy. "But in every case , " the delegates say , "wo nro quite content thnt the monov , if sent to them , will bo honorably applied to the pur poses for which it was subscribed. " They theioforo earnestly request thnt any funds in hnnd bo Immediately forwarded to Dublin , payable to the Joint order of Dr. Joseph E. ICennoy nnd Alfred Webb. I'arnrll at Itatluli > wncy. Dunux , Dec , 15. Parnell nnd several of bis adherents today addressed a largo meet ing at Kathdownoy. Parnoll wius prcsimtct' w ith nn address of confidence. Harrison , lu his speech , regretted that the opposing mem bers of the party descended to hurling a woman's name at their former leader. This was received by the crowd with shouts o : "Dirty Tim Ilealy. " While tbo meeting was iu progress Davitt and Tanuer arrived in town nnd bocnnlo nddross n crowd in the market squaro.Vhllo they wcro talklug I'arncll drove nway in a cnrringe , whereupon Tanner shouted : "Ilo is clearing out now Tally-ho , the lox has got away. " PiirnQll am party managed to depart without nny col iisioa of the factious. 1'nrncll's Supporters IJPIIVO a Church Dum.ix , Dec. 15. During the celebration o mass at Klldysart yosto'-duy , "Father Gillian the ofllciiitlng priest , took occasion to do Parnell lu very severe terms. Whllo ho was speaking the whole congregation arose am loft the church. A meeting was organized by tbo parishioners outsldo and a vote of con 11 dencc in Parnell unanimously adopted , McCarthy's ITnlted Ireland Issued. Dunux , Dec. 15. The Suppressed United Ireland , the paper issued by the McCnr thyltes , appeared todav. It contained a letter tor from Archbishop Walsh , supporting th opponents of Puruoll. llcv. O'ltoagan , deat of Chnptcr Cloyne , called n meeting at vhlch rcsohiluns wcro adopted repudiating PaniolL AN9iunbcr | of these present pro cured a plctifo | > f I'nrncll and burned It. At a mcfctmV Called by tlio" clergymen of Qnlhvny foryilii purpose of denouncing Pnr- icll , the siiil(4ors ( ) ( ; of Pnrnull turned out In orco and paSoJCn'rcsoluUoa supporting their coder. * v-r Tlio Particuitiul Antl < I'nrnoll Content ' ' 5 W ( HJ Daily'Hotter. ' ICapuriuhbiwj b\i \ Jtunt * ( Jnnlnn HenntU. } Kii.KKN.Nr/Doo. 15. [ Now York Herald Cable Special IpTiiE Br.B.l As'the decisive diiy apprdacliiiiho con test prows more bit- tor. ParnellJH njually cilm , has taken to lushing his opt'/ttcnts ' / with epithets much worse than they hnvo used lu speaking at Uillugford. ] { o called his late followers "gutter sparrows" nnd "scum. " This roused .Davitt's ire nnd today ho announced his de termination to meat Parnell and hurl the charges In his teeth. Todny both sides went to Ilatbdowney , Purncll accompanied by ICelly , Noliiii , Har rington ; Davitt accompanied by Dr. Tanner. Knthdownoy is not in North Kilkenny , but it was a fair day and many electors wcro thero. Parnell found himself lusuch disfavor that ho held a meeting In the house. It coulu hardly bo cnllr-d n meeting , so Ulmly was it attended. IJ.ultl anil Tanner on the other hand addressed a roaring outdoor mooting AVhllo Davitt was speaking Tanner espied Parnell drilling foe his hotel. Ho nt oueo culled .attention to him and shouted , "Hoys of Kathdownoy , give a good tally-ho to the fox who is stealing away. " The advice was taken nnd Parnell might bavo tasted Kathdowney mud had ho not driven out of town in a circuitous route. The inci dent made Parnoll contemplative. Ho took the train for ICllnuimgli , accompanied by a do/en correspondents. Ilo said ho would speak nt Kilnmnugh as announced. The train slowed up ns It approached BnhUraggot and quietly Parnell nnd Harrison slipped out of tbo train nnd went into the town. The train went ou without him , car rying the correspondents who did not find the game gene until too lute. Hereto fore Parnell has been anxious to have the correspondents with him , but they have grown trksomo sltrco the tldo has turned against him on account of their unpleasant way of speaking the truth In regard to his personal feeling. By the way the only American paper represented hero oy a roving correspondent Is the Herald. This was u peaceful day at Kilkenny. At LUO nomination today the candidates had to bo nominated botwocu 11 anil 1 at the court liouso. Scully's pnpci-s were handed In soon after 11 ; Hennessey's ' soon iifttr 12. At 12.30 n hundred people were at the court house , ilong with them Uctmcs y , his agent Mur phy , Tim Ilealy , John llocho , Daniel O'Klclly'and ado/cn priest * . Sub-Sheriff Fanning occupied the bench. Ttio place was as cold as on ice-house. Kvcryboily was concealing when running said : "There lire three minutes in whichob- lections can beimado. " Scully came in anil there was a buzz when : io said ho had hn objection to make. Ho said according to th law a candlcato must hand ; n nomination pajiers to the returning ofllcor and IIonnfcss.ey.jhnd not done so. Hennessey , who looks hire'a bantam cngio or an over grown dicky-bird , grow red about the cars. An nngollc > snillo crossed Hcaly's ' face. Agent Murphy laughed checr- iugly. The returning ofllcor said Hen nessey bad compiled with the law. The objection was disallowed. Scully eft the loom amidst the mocking laughter of tbo crowd , all qt whom wcro against him. Tbo nnti-Panicllltes uro feeling very jubi lant tonight on general principles and on ac- couujof a.dlf lJ'lNftoiyoa fronf Father * Nlurpfiy ot 'Kiltnandug'ti imlrounbittg that ho iad joined , their fcn/6s'though / a few days ago ho was considered a llorco Parnolllto. Tbo rumor of conservative candidate ) is un founded. The torics are working hard for Paniell , oyen the women , foremost among whom is tlio Marchioness Ormonde. There will bo meetings day and night all over the division until Monday. So far the contestants have managed to hold meetings at different hours , hut collisions are sure to occur. lIck Power mounted the stops nt the Patriots' hotel hero last night to address the crowd for Purnell. Ilo was promptly pounced upon by Tanner , nnd Ilealy sent him word that ho would bet him JE100 Purnell would bo beaten. Tanner hurled a man down stairs who was battering Davitt's door. Late last night tbo follow , when questioned , said ho was a Clan-ua-Jaol ( man from Boston named Hchncssy. Ho swore ho wanted only to got Davitt's opinion of the election. Ho left Kilkenny on the first train , as it Is not a safe place for an inquisitive perron. EMUIOIIN'S CHEMICAL. It Starts a Lively Kuinpus In the Lit tle To\\u. The town of Elkhorn has n J700 chemical engine and It is causing the officials no end of trouble. Tbo machine was bought some weeks ago and to give it a test , a shanty was built just outsldo thu business portion of the town. This was tilled with combustible ma terial , set on tire and the machine turned loose. It worked well , but some of the mem bers of the common council desired a second test. This was made mid tbo iinglno refused to operate. On Sunday a third trial was demanded , and after the torch hail Decn applied the officials indulged in a frco-for-nll light over how tbo engine should bo man aged. During ull of this time tbo Humes continued to oat Into tlio shanty until noth ing remained but n pile of smoking ruins. The cart was then started and in its progress Kd Mnhow was knocked down und run over , the result of which U that ho Is laid up with thieo biokcn ribs. Sovcral of the oillcials were arrested , but they all escaped the pen alty of the Inw except one , who was lined $ lf > and costs. Higlitower HiiraiRCH llnrrls. The HIghtower-Harris fight at Gcnnaula ball , South Omaha , last night , notwithstand ing its lopaldedncss , was a very Interesting mill. Harry Qllmoro and Tommy White wcro behind iffgfitowcr's clmlr , while Pat Allen nnd Prof. Sharry ofilclnted in a Hko ca pacity for Harris. The story pfitlio ) bnttlo can bo told In a few .words. Hightower simply went in and in a foV minutes demonstrated thnt Harris' clatmfctlb being a fichter were of the shabbiest description. Ho buinrod and smashed him about tlio squared circle lilco an old shoo , tin1 leniency of the referee , Jimmy iJJSunclly , alonn allowing him to continue. Iifi tlio fourth round , however - over , Hightower put on the "kibosh" beyond - yond dispute , u Mow on tbo jaw Bending Mr. Harris to tlio rosined lloor , where ho re mained until > a > anted out. Hlghtowor showed himselftii. bo a really good man , while Harris as-'idoroughly evinced that what ho knows abbdt lighting wouldn't make more than n lliio-iuttpomiy primmer. A llnrgo IJ ( lMvcl to bo Lost. Soi'TiiroiiT , Coiaijy Dec. 15. rears are en- tcrtaiuod hero that tbo steam barge City of Utura of 'New York hns gene down with allen on board , \Vrcekugo nus como ashore. A IJOIIK Cmirtfchlp Kndcil , WASHINGTON' , Dec. 15 , Miss Klcim Porter , daughter of Admiral Porter , nnd Captain Charles H. Campbell of" the army were mar ried tonight at Assonsion church. The ( hem Tournament. NEW YOIIK , Deo. ! & . The fourth gumo of the chess tourney resulted la a victory for Guns berg. Hull's Hair Uonowor eradicates and prevents vents the formation of dandruff , thickens the growth and beautifies tbo hair as no other preparation will. Dr. Birnoy cures caiurrli , Boo bldjf CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS A Resolution Extending the Bonded Period Presented in the Uouso. NO ACTION TAKEN UPON THE MATTER , Tito 1)111 ) to l rcot a Monument to the Victims of 1'rlHon Ships 1'x- oltcH CoiiHldornblo Debate Senate WA IIIXOTOV , Dee. 15. In the house today Mr. McICInloy , from the ways and means committee , repot ted and the house adopted n resolution , calling on the secretary of the treasury for the names of the banlcs in which pti bl lo money is deposited , the reason s for mak ing tlio deposits and the riito of interest , if any , which is returned for the use of public funds , Also for In formation as to the author ity by which and the law under which such deposits nro mada. The speaker said that the pending business was n motion mndo by Mr. Hermann of Oregon gen to suspend the ruled and pass the bill for the adjustment nnd payment of claims arising from Indian depredations. Aftcr advocacy of tlio measure by Messrs. Lnnhum , Towtiscnd of Colorado. Snyers , Mills ana Perkins , and criticising upon It by Messrs. Iiolman and Kilgoto , tlio motion was agreed to and the bill passed. The bill pro vides for the appointment by the president of three Judges to constitute u court to adjudi cate nil claims for property taken by the tu- dlans without justice. Mr. Spinoln , of New York , inovoil to sus pend the rules nnd pass the bill appropriating f 100,000 for the erection of a monument to the victims of the prison ship at Fort Green , Brooklyn. Mr. Allen of Michigan , while adding tils meed of nralso to the patriotism of the mon whom it is designed to honor , opposed the bill. These men hud suffered untold horrors , but there wcro men all over this , county men who bad suffered horrors equally as atrocious nt Libby , Andcrsonvlllo and every prison south of tbo Potomac. These men hnd como time und again asking congress to give them u pittance , but so far their prayers had been refused and thu leading papers of New York had bocn engaged in bringing their powerful battcrlos to bear upon public sentiment in order to turn It npuiust granting pensions of any kind whatever. At the same time repre sentatives of Now York city came hero and asked the government to build a monument to commemorate mon who needed no monument ment to toll tbo story of their patriotism. Mr. Sweeny of Iowa said the present was no time for mnklnir approprintlons of this character. The gentlemen who urged the passage of this measure wcro the very ones who day after day declurcd that thcro would bo a dcllcieucy iiftho treasury. Mr. Cannon of Illinois .said ho was in formed that the library committee had re ported favorably thirty monument bills. There was nn estlmntcd increase in the ex penditures of the government ot $75,000,000 and an estimated decrease In the revenues of JfiO.OOO.OOO. Congress must choose between giving relief to the living nnd erecting menu ments. Messrs. ,1. D. Taylor of Ohio and Kerr of Iowa twitted tboNow York members with the fact that their city had not erected a monument ment to General Grant , but nevertheless asked congress for a. monument to victims of prison ships , Mr. Splnola's motion was lost 103 to M ) . Mr. McKinley of Ohio reported the Flower resolution extending the bonded period to July 1 next. There being a disposition on the part of Mr. Culbersoti of Texas to debate it , Mr. McKluloy withdrew It. Adjourned. In the Senate. WASHINOTOX , Dec. 15. Tlio senate1 met at 10 o'clock this morning. After the transac tion of unimportant business Mr. Morgan gave notice that ho would tomorrow morning call up the Dolph resolution respecting the abridgment of the right of suffrage. The bill enlarging ttio rights of home steaders on public lauds was passed. The house bill was passed for the erection of a public building nt Fargo , N. D. , at a cost of $100.000. The bill subjcctlngoleomargarlno tothoop- cration of stnto laws , the Paddock pure food bill , nnd the Conger pure lard bill , having como up in their order , were laid nside with out prejudice , and tbo senate proceeded to the consideration of the election bill. Air. Colqultt spoke upon It. * Senator Suunders today introduced a bill to amend the silver colnago law so ns to au thorize the secretary of tbo treasury to pur chase all the silver bullion oft'oroil nt a price not exceeding SI for I171.U5 grains of fine sil ver nud issue treasury notes in payment tbor-j/or. Messrs. Colqultt of Georgia , Wilson of Maryland nnd Vance of North Carolina snoko at some length niruinst the elections bill. At the close of Mr. Vunco's speech the vice president announced tbo question to be ou Mr. Graves' amendment to stiiko out the house-to-house clause. A veto was not reached , however. Mr , Hutlcr spoke in support of the amend ment ho had suggested sovcral dnys ago , pro viding that supervisors , canvassers nnd other election ofllcers bo regarded as ministerial nnd not judicial oftlccis. Mr. Hoar opposed the amendment nnd a long debate ensued. Before it ended the sen ate went into executive session and soon ad journed. Business Troubles. CHICAGO , Doc. 15 , The Morrison , iVdnms & Allen company , pulnts and putty , toduy. Liabilities , $53,000 ; assets , PiiiLAiiBi.riiiA , Dec. 15. Judgment wns en tered this nftornoou against the old broker linn of Muris & Smith by John M. Maris on a note for $15,000. It will probably cause the assignment of the Unn. SCIUXTOK , Pa. , Dec. 15. C. A. Hindscll , nn extensive clothing dealer , assigned today. Liabilities believed to bo heavy. KIVOXK : , Deo. 15. Mho Lorillurd brick works company of this city and Keyport , N. J.tus been placed In the bands of n re ceiver , Churlcs Soldier. The company 1ms boon carrying n largo amount of real estate and builders' paper nnd was short of cash. Jacob Lorlllnrd was president of the com pany and It. C. Guyor secretary nnrt treas urer , The liabilities of the company are re ported to amount to upwards of 81XH,0 ( ) < X ) , which Includes mortgages on projMHty for JOST.OXI. Assignee Soldier suys the assets amount to $1.500,000 , which is enough to pay ovcrv debt nnd Icnvo n largo surplus for Lorillard. Du.Tex : : . , Dec. 15. The wholesale liq uor house of A. H. Liureuio &Co. assigned toduy. Liabilities , 1120,000 , ; assets , not known. A VlrtsIMn Ki'imntlnn. fliniMOMi , Va. , Dec , 15. President Ernest Howard of the Virginia stock exchange of Stnunton was arrested today on n warrant charging him with embe/yloment. Howard locked the door of the exchange , refused the stockholder * admittance , ami kept a ciowd at bav with u pistol. Ho uftiirivards loft the exchange and was arrested while , checking money out of the bank. Olijnctn tii Probating tbn VIII. Nr.w VOIIK , Deo. 15. Mrs. Fayerwcutucr's objections to the probate of her husband's will were filed toduy. She claims that tho- will was not the free act of thu decedent and that It wus'pi-ocured through wrongful and undue Inllucncoexortod upon him. Kocli'H Ijyinpn Killed the Child. Xavf Yoitic , Dec. 15. Doctors today ro- imrtcd n case of death following the use of Koch's lymnh. The patient was an I'luhtoi'ii-moiithfi-old child suffering from tubciTulosU meningitis , und inoculation was . pcrtormed as a last , resort. Kclitvc l Iron ) Iliti K < : oilvrN' > l | ) . G UTKaTrt.v , Tox. , Dec. 1C. The United States court has issued nn order relieving the Houston & Texas Central railroad from n 10- coivonhlp and turning it over to the new company. Murder nnil Knioldo. MOIIIIISOX , 111. , Doc. 15. llobert Hoblnson , agjigeii widower , has bocn for some lime Im portuning Miss Mary Wall of UnloaUrovo o marry him , bit she has steadfastly do cllncd. Today he blow her brains out with a revolver and thcasuicided. HtcnniHlilit ArrlvnlK. NtNow York-La Normandi , from linvroj ho Dtmin , from Hamburg and Havre. Ho Will Bo Prosecuted. PAIUS , Dec. 15. It bns boon decided to pros con to AnarchtHt Do la llruioro , the no ompllco of OrcRolre , for conspiring to do oat jnstlco lu assisting Pndlcwiskl to escape rom I'nris. JKJtltUILK NKXS.l TWXfi , They nro ICxpci-lcnood by a Family Inhaling Natural Oits. LooiNavoiiT , Ind. , DL'C. 10. [ Special Tolo- [ rum to TiiEliE. ] A fnmlly of live , consist- ng of Mr. Sarah AVorstcll , daughter and hrco sons , came uenr mcotliig death last light from the effects of natural gas. A leak n too pipes filled the house with gas , after ho family hud .retired. About midnight one of the boys awoke , and by crawling and rolling on the lloor , reached a window , and hy calling for 'help ho other members of the household were arrled to u neighbor's house and physicians lununoned. Thu oldest son , JJonJnniln , was 'omul to belli a critical condition , liuvlug be- OHIO completely Mind und his hearing gono. i'ho various feelings experienced by the nonilxu-s of the family wcro tcrrlbln , and -hey dc.scrlbo tlielr tigotiy us excruciating for lours while they lay in their beds conscious , but In n helplc.ss condition. It is thought the whole family will recoiir. A Charming Memory. No improvement litivo huonso marked , 10 Digitally perfect in attainment , in tlio list few years , us the numerous luxuries which have bc-cn introduced Intfai eoii- inont.'il travol. InatuaJ of luiffowlng ocollootioiiH tlio tourist now lias loft to ihn when his journey IB completed , a charmlufr memory of pcJoot train nor- vlco nnd pnluco ( liningcars. . The ur- aiifjements this winter for dining cars in the Union and Southern L'aciflo roads 3 something far In mlvnnco of anything n that hitherto attempted. The Voting Jinn Siiuralntl. ' BOSTON , Mass. , Dec. 15. A civil action has icon begun by Mrs. Ankle Kvcrctt for lonnthnn Bournoof is'ow Bedford to recover < 18.000 from John Stetson. The money is alleged to have been lost in gambling in oems occupied by "Canton associates" in lowurd Place. Stetson is president of the nssoclutes. Bourne came Into n fortune of > I,000CO < > about uvonr ago. and it is claimed that ho was a victim of a ncecing game , Tlio Aniorlcnti Idea s that "nothing IB too good for mo when [ travol"nnd in coiifeuquonco wo have jocoino noted us the most Iuxurioun trav elers in the world. That which the poo- ilo demand , thu roads must supply , and hus wo have also tlio niost , pcrfoctly ap- wtntcd railway service in the world , rho traveler now dines iniiPnllmnnpal- \co dining car clear through In hisiour- loy , from Council lilulTn andOmami to San Francisco , on the Union and South ern Pad tic roads. Tlio I > onth Hull. STCVCXS POINT , Wts. , Dec. 15. A. E , Bos- worth , president of tbo First National bank , died today. TiniXTpN , N. J. , Dec. ID. Jo-soph H. irough , socretarv of the New Jersey grand edge of Masons for the past forty-eight years , died tonight. ST. i'Aui. , Minn. , Dec. 15. Colonel Glover [ 'criii , U. S. A. , assistant surgeon general , died today. Ho was retired in IbS" . Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldg. Holiday K On Doccmbor2t , 25 and 1 , 1800 , and Tanunry 1,1891 , the Union 1'acilic will sell ticlcots to all points in KUIIMVS and NohruHlca at one and one-third furo for the round trip , treed returning until Jan uary 5. 1891 , Itemembor the dates. Tivo ArkaiisaH Toivns cl ; slr ocd. LITTM : Eocic , Ark. , Dec 15. Two thriving Arkansas towns , Dnrdnuelloand Montecollo , vero almost wiped out of existence Sunday night by fire , whole business blocks being burned with their contents. The losses reach f 1.10,000 ; partially insured. Neither place had facilities for lighting lira , Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Ueo bldg. Did you ever buy a horsounil nothnvcsomo nlsgivings as to Ills points till tbo > were fully : estc'dl Notso-wlth Ayer's Snrsapnrilla ; you may bo sum of It at the start. It never dis- ippoints those who give it a fair nnd persist ent trial. Nelson Outrmvs Kemp. SIDNEY , N. S. W. , Doc. 15. The sculliiiR match for i'-TOO a side and the championship of the world toolc place today on the Para- metta river between Kemp and Nelson an J resulted in n victory for the latter. Dr. Birnoy curo.s catarrh , -Geo bldg Kor Throat Dlacjnsrs null CoujjIiH use HuowN'8 ' BHONCIIIAI , Tiiocnra. Like nil real ly good things , they nro imitated. The gen u no nro so Id only in boxes. The Silver INiol I"Hi > lutloii. WJSIIINQTOX , Dec. 15. The house commit tee on rules hud under consideration today Iho resolution proceeding from mi investiga tion into thu alleged silver pool , but came tone no definite conclusion. Dr. Birnov cures catarrh , Iloo bid , ? . 1002. Sixteenth nnd Parnam streets la the now Hoclc Island tiukot olllco. Tick ets to all polnUoast at lowest atoa. Anxiety About t lie J'OJIP. BKHLIN , Dec. lfiA disxwtch to the Na tional X.eltung from Homo says there Is much anxiety over the condition of the pope , who is seriously affected by tbo extremely cold weather. _ _ Dr. Birnov cures catarrh. Boo Mrs.hnslov's soothing syrup is the host of all remedies for children teething. 'JH cents a bottle. i'KMlNO\A L M'.l It.WIlM'IlH , Mrs. Ilonry Fnlirmnn of Krcmont is in the city for a few d.iys , thu guest of Mrs. E , Hosewator. . .1. Murphy , who for four years has hold the position of chief clerk m the custom house , has resigned , the resignation to take effect the first of next month , GusM. Duller , formerly -with the "Western Union telegraph company in this city , hus Just returned from Albuquerque , N. M. , und \\ill manage u hotel for Ids mother. The Babys HoMth often B'VOS fond parcnto very great anxiety and cnro. S. S. S.B | the popular rornody for chil dren. Itla snfo. palatable and cloca the work. Divld Zartman , of In- dopondcnco , O. , says ! "S. 8. H. CimKI ) MY 11A1IV Of Till ! WOIIBT CASH OK CATAIUUl I KVHU SAW A C1III.O WITH. TIIKNASU , VKIIV LAUCIK AND ' OKFKNSIVK.8.H. H. MADK A I'IHMA. KKSTCUIIK. " | t < te nn ni < xxlanflfUdndlM eifrc . TIII : SWIIT srucmc co. , ATLANTA , OA. We Advertised Week to Give Away/ SSO3 Suit or Ouercoat To the person in this state or Iowa that would furnish us die best original suggestion for an ad vertisement or trade scheme. We got over 1,000 Answers some were old chest nuts and lots were good , \ve will in our next advertisement notify the successful contestant. We will have Christmas - Gift Look out for our ad- vertisement. We this day opened 500 suits of * * underwear that are as good as the very best garment sold in this city for $1.00 * - Our Price will be 65c each We can also show you beyond a doubt the Finest Line of N cck- ivear every shown in the city , of Omaha. Our bargains in overcoats are PARALYZERS and you had better come quick , for our _ stock will be bursted before New Years. The new-comers maybe led away by the prancing and sputtering of some clothing houses , but - the old settlers say ? 1 Corner 11 KM Omaha. IS THE OLD RELIABLE