Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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A Livery Stabla Sato Oraoked for a Very
Email'Amount ,
A. Mttlo Girl Bhot hi tlio'Ilcnd by n
Spoilt HI Ho Hull Voting Thicvca
Other Joltliiyfl About
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 14. iSpcclnl to Tun
nun. ] O. II. Sklnnor , ttio liveryman on
Twelfth noir Q , was robbed this morning by
two of his employes. The robbery occurred
about 4 n. m. and the money win taken from
the safe In the llvory barn. The outer door
of tlic snfo WHS not locked , but the Inner ono
was secured and ttio follows innnagu'l to
smash the front of It , which wns constructed
of wood , and then helped themselves to the
contents. Fortunately there were only S'J In
the safe at the time. As Richard Tnlbot , the
watchman nt the barn , and \V. S. McMurray ,
ono of the hostlers , hiivo hoth dlsnpcared ) ) ,
It is bollovcd that they are the guilty turtles.
Talbot IB twenty-two yean old , Is dark com-
ploxioncd and talks broken English. Ho
wears short slilcwhlskcrs , is Bllghtly bent
and wears a black stiff lint and cutaway coat.
McA'iyrny Is thirty years old. of sandy com
plexion , red lintr , rod mutiicho and weighs
105 pounds , Hovoro light colored panti-
loons , snutT colored overcoat and a blue cap.
TUP. STATE I.lllItAlir ,
State Librarian Campbell has flnhhcd his
annual report that is to bo presented to the
governor. Among1 the statistics are the fol
lowing : Hooks in the library on July 14 ,
22,6K ! ! ) ; pamphlets In the library on July 14
lt25 ! ; ooolts received since that dnto , 14 ;
pamphlets received since that duto , Gl ;
totnfSI,890. ,
TUB ASH urn i.ovnn.
After causing th6 arrest of her manager
and lover , Mr. Dcmtnon , Atlolo Payn , the
tragedienne , has met with reverses and only
Uvo performances have been Riven since. On
Friday night the company went to pieces nt
Plattsmouth. Mr. Demmon. after two aays
Incarceration in the pity Jail with drunhnnls
and \naboiitls ? simply because ho allowed
his love for Adclo to get the bcittcrof hW *
Judgment , managed to secure bail last evon-
Intrand was released to appear for trial later.
Miss Payn Is under $200 bonds to appear
against him.
is noTn \ cni/.r.x ?
The subject of discussion In Lincoln Is
still the question as to whether Govcrnor-
elect Boyd Is a subject of Queen Victoria or
of Uncle Srfm. Prominent attorneys , in
speaking of the matter , say that if as alleged
Boyd is not an American cltl/.cu , of course ho
cannot take his scat , and In case the present
contest case falls to prove fraud , the election
will bo null and void. In that case , they
claim , the present incumbent , Governor
Thayer , will hold over. In case the legisla-
laturo finds that Powers lias a plurality , still
it Is claimed that Governor Thayer has a
rifiht to question it. In that case Powers
will , It is held , have to apply for a quo
warrunto , and this will bring the matter before -
fore the supreme court.
A noted attorney , who does not wish to
hnva his naino mentioned , declares that all
the talk about Lloyd's Itiellgiblllty is time
wasted. "Because " ho " "
, says , "Hoyd "served
ns a soldier for nlno months in the union
army nnd is according to law a naturalized
cltUoii , as a li.w was passed after the war ,
clothing all aliens with the full nights of citi
zenship who bcrvcd iu the union army. "
SHOT ix Tim iinAv.
"While Mabel Astloy , a iiino-ycar-old girl ,
was bitting in the doorway of her homo at
Twentieth and Q streets last evening about 7
o'clock she was struck in the head with n
bullet that made an ugly but not fatal scalp
wound. No report of a gun or revolver was
heard ana where the bullet ciuno from is a
mystery. It It , supposed that the mlsslo Is u
spent ball Irom a rillo.
A. Beswick , nt Twenty-seventh nnd E
Btroots , complains at police headquarters that
iwo fourteon-yoar-old boys named Fred Ues-
wlck and John llhyltord entered his homo
whllo the family was away nnd stele 815 and
a lady's ' gold watch. The police are looking
for the youthful thieves.
At the meeting of Farragut post , Grand
Army of the Republic , last evening , ? 12."i was
raised for distribution among comrades in
the western p.irt of the state who are suffer
ing from destitution.
Frank Williams , the burglar , was found at
Fourih and F streets this afternoon by Ofllccr
Ktnnoy and Uctcctlvo Poscnrd nnd was ar
rested. Williams had u bullet hole In his
Bleevo that told the significant talc of a re
cent escape from being killed whllo on ono of
his plundering raids.
The Lansnstor county fanners club has
been offered the use of the botanical lectrro
room for the mooting of Tuesday evening.
Lanis James played Macbeth to n poor
house last night.
F. C.Duncan , the follow charged with rais
ing a H. & HI , check for $8.W ! to $30.33 and
passing the same upon .Mayer Brothers , was
arrested yesterday in Sioux City and \vn-
biought back to Lincoln by Detective Mnlonp.
Kay Merrill , 1111 P street , complains nt
police headquarters that bornobody entered
his room last night and stele u gold watch.
The mark on the case is No. 51,115 , and tbo
works are numbered "Elgin , No. 2,781,024. "
Did you over buy a horse nnd nothnvosomo
misgivings as to his points till they were fully
tested ! Not so with Aycr's Sarsnparllln ; vou
may bo sure of it at the start. It never dis
appoints these who give it u fair and persist
ent trial.
Tickets nt lowest ratoa nnd su porlor
accommodations via the grout Rook
iBlund route Ticket ofUco , 1C02 Six
teenth and Farimm streets Omaluv.
All Mnslo at I toil need Price.
0,000 pieces only lOc n copy at Moin-
Lorg'a , ICtli Bt. bqt. Capitol tivo & Dodge.
Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh , Boo Bldg.
Tliclr Desire to Kmulutn Illnolc Hurt
GctH Them Into Trouble.
Tbo two highwaymen arrested Saturday
night for holding up Pat Uoach turn out to
bo n couple of young men who are very prom
inently connected in this city. Lewis Jones ,
who Is the son of the local manager of the
CooU remedy company , gave his name cor
rectly , and the name of the other , who gave
his iinmo as Bert Hush , Is Wilson. Ho Is a
son of John Wilson , assistant superintendent
of niQtlvo power nnd machinery for the
Union Pucillo railway company. "Jones bus
owned up to the whole transaction , but denies -
nies that ho has been implicated In any other
robbciles. Ho resides atlilOl North Twenty-
sixth street , nnd Wilson resides at 180J Ohio
street. Jones claims that they planned the
robbery ns they wore going homo together.
They hold up Hooch at the corner of Twon-
ty-llrst and Charles , Jones covering him with
a revolver whllo Wilson went through his
pockets , securing CO cents and two or three
buttons. Koach wont homo and told his broth-
cr-ln-law. P. J. Tlgho , of what had occurred.
Tigho did not care for tbo loss of the money ,
hut ho objectad to having his relative iin-
posed upon , so ho glnted up hia loins and the
pair shouldered their blackthorns and started
on the trail of tbo highwayman , They met
Mutinied Ofllcorllazo and enlisted his ser
vices. The robbers wcro overtaken near the
Coliseum and placed under arrest. Uoach
tald that one of the fellows hud a gun und
the other had hh sixty cents , describing the
money , and the pioporly was found as aos-
erlbod , when the prisoners were searched nt
the police stutlou.
\Vniits to Ho a Tough.
Arthur Duggau was arrested yesterday ns
a suspicious character , Ho Is a son of Mart
Duggan , wbo was krUed In Lcadvlllo two
joara ago , Uuggan sr. was marshall of
LeadvlHoln thocxcltlncr days of 1879 , 1SSO
and 1881 , nnd was credited with planting
tovcn border rufllnns In the Interests of law
and order. Young Duggan Is a stranger In
tbo city , but It is said that ho aspires to ex-
ggcrated tougbucsa.
( Jhrlntinnn Jcwoiry nt Auction.
The entire stock of diamondswntchos.
llvarwaro nnd jewelry of the diamond
mrlors at 14th nnd Knrnntn streets hav-
boon purchased from the receiver , I
I sell tlio Biuno nt nuutlon hotwecn
now nnd Jnnunry 1 , 1891 , commencing
Thursday , December 11 , nt 7:30 : p. in. ,
ind continuing nftcrnoon und evening
until the entire stock Is sold. These
; oed were purchased for first-china
rndo , and partita desiring to buy lioli-
lay presents can procure the lineal nrtl-
lea known to tno trade at their own
This Is n bona fldo niictlon sale of
owolry , and nil goods are warranted to
10 as represented.
Diamond Parlors , 1-Jth and Fnrnam sts.
The Winter of Our Content
s the tltlo of u recent charming paper
iy that brillant writer Charles Dudley
Varner , wherein the , glories of the
'aelllo coast , as a winter resort , nro
nest graphically described. . The Amor-
can , people are beginning to understand
hat the Puget Sound country is ono of
Mir most splendid possessions and that
ho nhmo of the "Mediterranean of the
'acillo" is a happy tltlo not misapplied ,
h Bpenking of Mount Taroinn , Senator
George l \ Edmunds says :
"I would bo willing to go 600 miles
igaln to sco that scone. The continent
s yet in ignorance of what will bo one
af the grandest show places as well
is BanltariuniB. If Switzerland IB
Ightly called the playground of
Europe , I am sa'tlHlled that
irouiid tlio huso of Mount luiiuier will
jccomo a prominent place of resort , not
or America only , but for the world bo-
ides , with thousands of sites for build-
ng purposes , that are nowhere excelled
or the grandeur of the view that can bo
btuinod from them , with topographical
oaturos that would make the most per-
ect system of drainage both possible
mil easy , nnd with a most agrcenblo nnd
lealth giving climate. "
Thousands of delighted tourists over
ho Union P.iullli ) Mho 'past year bear
mplo testimony to ttho beauty and
majesty of this now empire of the Paeilic
"Wcntlier Probabilities.
For December Indications point to
old , frosty weather. That , however ,
vlll make no dilToronca to these who
ravel in the stoam-heatod and electric-
Ighted , limited vestibule train which
i run only by the Chicago , Milwaukee
; St. Paul Hy. botwooa Omaha and
hicago. This elegant train leaves
Omaha at 0:10 : p. m. arriving in Chicago
t 9:30 : a. in. , in time to make all eastern
onncctions. For further information
pply at city ticket olllco , 3601 Farnam
t. , Omaha , P. A. NASH ,
, E. PUKSTON , General Agent
City Passenger Agent.
| Wntit Better Fire Protection.
The Clifton Hill Citizens' club , composed
f residents of Crclghtou Heights , Baker
'lace , Clifton Hill ana Saunders & Ilimo-
Hugh's addition , all lying along tlio western
Ida of the Sixth ward , hold Its regular
voekly meeting Saturday evening.
Tlio meeting was presided over by Prcsl-
.out Beach , and J. T. Yntes presided at the
ecrotary's desk.
Henry Deals presented the report of the
ornmittce appointed at a previous meeting to
iroparo a petition to the city council asking
or bolter llro protection.
In the discussion -which followed the rcad-
IIR of this petition , It developed that the lire
H'otection m that section of the ward is en-
Ircly Inodcqunto. Over ono hundred rind
Ifty houses uavo been erected In that vicin-
ty the past season and they are without any
irotectlon from flames. There nro over four
lundrcd voters In that Immediate vicinity ,
oprcsentlng a population of 9,500. It was
itatcd tliattho now hose house , which It was
iroposod to erect at Hamilton street and
l ewe avenue , would bo useless , as far as
this part of the ward was concerned , unless
Ire nydrunts wore placed at vailous points In
these additions.
The petition was finally adopted as pre
sented by the committee , asking the council
to place hy dr. ills where they were needed ,
ana received about ono hundred signatures.
Another petition was introduced asking the
city council to place street lamps itt certain
loints in the western part of the ward. The
lotltlou stated that the scsldonts of that lo-
: allty had had several lamps placed In posi
tion and had paid for the same by voluntary
contributions , and they now asked that the
council take thcso lamps off the hands of the
subscribers. U.ho petition was favorably re
ceived and was adopted unanimously. A
lommittoo leconsistlng of Messrs. Gates ,
Sonno , Deals and Millar was appointed to
circulate this petition and present It to the
The club then adjourned for ono week.
tiord Chlul' Justice Coleridge.
The Youth's Companion announces as an
.mportant accession to its list of contributors ,
; ho lord chief Jastico ot England , Lord Coler
idge , who will write on "Success at the Bar. "
Sir Morrell Mackenzie , physician to the em
peror of Germany , contributes a similar pa
per on "Success in the Medical Profession. "
AV. O. W.
Joseph C. Root of Lyons , Ja , , the founder
Lho order of Modern Woodman of America ,
andalso of the Woodmen ot the World , is in
the city , and on Thursday evening mot with
the newly organized camp of the latter order
in this city. About one hundred members
vero present and they wcro entertained for
about two hours by Air. Hoot , who spoke at
length upon the purposes and objects of thu
order and communicated the secret work.
The Woodmen of the World was organized
in Juno last and has increased rapidly , thu
major portion being In the Pacillo coast
states where there is already a membership
of about live thousand. Camps of the order
havo' been organized In Kansas , Nebraska ,
Iowa , Ohio , Indiana , Connecticut and Texas ,
and others are being organized m Now
York , Pennsylvania , Arkansas and Missouri.
The order is a fraternal insurance society
In which members may c.irry pollcloi rang-
Irom fJOO to ? , JOUO. Great enro has been
taken in compiling the constitution und by
laws of the enter , to avoid the rocks upon
which other slmilurortiors have been wrecked
and to incorporate the features of all.
Ono of thu.linportant features among the
objects of the society Is n provision for mark
ing thu grave of each member with a suitable
monument provided by the order , without
cost to the bcnollclnrlcs.
The hfudminrtcn of tlio order will bo at
Omaha and Mr , Uoot will rouiovo to this city
in the near future.
For burns , scalds , bruises nnd all pain and
soreness of the llesh. the grand household
remedy Is Dr. Thomas' Electrlaoll. Bo sure
you got the genuine.
Miss Funnlo Martin startoj Saturday evenIng -
Ing for Chicago , whora she will stay during
thu winter months studying to complete uor
musical education.
C d la Million * of Homes
to Xean tno Standard.
"When It nln't ono thing , Its two , " ns tnc old indy pertinently remarked
cent Departments that we've somowhnt neglected two departments v '
.we've got n Hat store and n Shoe store ; not very pretty , nor is the fui
> oq , low prices prices that hat stores nnd shoe stores don't care to tnlk about.
We keep nil kinds of Shoes for all kinds of men , nnd men In different "walks" in life wnnt different sorts of shoes. The Inborlnn mrm
don't want the kind of a shoe thnt n banker wears ( wishes ho could step Into the banker's shoes , but that's different ) , nor does the bank
man want the kind of n shoe the laboring man wears "don't need them In his business. "
We sell n shoe with solid solo leather Insole and counter for one twenty-five ; shoo stores say ono seventy-five.
For one sixty-five or ono eighty-five we sell shoes well worth ninety cents to a dollar more.
At two fifty we sell n genuine Gooclyeur welt. "That's enough said , don't you think ? "
At three dollars and ninety cents wo sell a shoe that makes a friend for us of every man who buys them. Shoo stores try to sell as
good a ono for five dollnrs. Some doj more don't.
In high grade shoes we cnrry three distinct lines , nt four twenty-five , four seventy-five and five nnd a quarter the last one a genuine
French calf nnd every bit mnde by hand. They represent a saving of a dollar'and a half to two dollars n pair.
Boys'shoes , made for wear , sizes eight to twelve , eighty-five cents ; thirteens to twos , a dollar-ten ; twos to fives ( hlah button ) , ono-
forty. We sell ! Rubbers , Rubber Boots , Arctics , ntn . ' '
ivo matter how good a suit of clothes n mnn has on , no matter how stylish an overcoat adorns his person , no matter how Immacu
late his shirt front , if he has on a shabby hat it condemns the whole outfit. We'll toll you about our Hats. We carry n large assortment of
Hats for men and boys , soft hats , stiff hats , good go6ds , right prices. Wo don't carry the kind of a hat where you pay threa dollars for the
hat and two more for the name of the fellow that made it. Wo give a man a dollar's worth of hat for a dollar's worth of monoy.
We've stiff hats for 950 [ ever see one ? ] , $1.25 , $1.40 , $1.75 , $2 and $2.25. [ The best made at $3. ]
Soft hats are here sold for 750 , $ i , $1.25 , $1.56 , $1.75 and $2.
And to sort of "cap" the climax we've got *
Men's Cloth Caps for 400 , 500 and 6oc.
Boys' Cloth Caps at 150 , 25c and 350. ,
Plush Caps [ the best ones are made of Walker plush ] , at 950 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2 , $2.25 and $2.50. \
.We have today marked down a lot of Boys' extra fine Overcoats to about half price.
"We'll announcej cmething new about \Vednesday or Thursday. Open evenings until 9 p. m. ; Saturdays 10 p. m.
anil Orefion.
This now empire of the northwest 3s
attracting universal attention and the
reason for this is the iilmost unlimited
resources that have recently boon opened
and the surprising1 growth of this region.
Largo agricultural areas ; vast forests
and immense deposits of precious metals
are to bo found in Oregon and Washing
ton , nnd by reason of the varied natural
resources of the country this section
pflors uncqualcd opportunities for 'the '
Investment of capital anil location of in
dustries that nro not surpassed by the
older sections of the United States. The
Union Paciilo on account of its fast
time , through Pullman sleepers and din
ing cars , free reclining chair cars and
frco colonist sleepers from tho. Missouri
river , is conceded to bo the favorite
route for persons going to either Wash
ington or Oregon.
For pamphlets fully descriptive of the
above named states , or for rates , time of
trains or any information pertaining to
the Union Pacific , call on or address
your nearest ticket ngent or the under
signed , who will most cheerfully furnish
any Information that may bo desired.
A.'P. Douol , city ticket agent , 1302 Far
nam street , Omaha , Nob.
The only railroad tram out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Bluffs , Dos Molnos and
Chicago business is the Rock Island vos-
tibuled limited , leaving Omaha at 4:30 :
p. in. daily. Ticket olllco , 1U02 Sixteenth
and Furnara sts. . Omaha.
Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrn , I3co bhlg
iTotm A. IjninrloU's Kmicrnl.
The funeral of the Into John A. Lamrlch
took place at 2 p. m. yesterday from Ms lat
residence , 2200 Lake street. The remains
were encased In a tmuu&omo hlnolr , clotti-
covered casket.which , was .literally covered
with llornl tributes.
Uov. II.V. . Kuhns conducted the services
and the pall bearers wcro Messrs. E. M.
Brown , W. A. Hosteller , Charles 1'eleraon ,
Hnrvoy Wells , U. II. Coftln and C. AV. Jov.
TJio remains were interred ! n Prospect Hill
cemetery , nnd were followed to their last
resting place by a long line of carnages con
taining friends of the dead man.
Children Enjoy
the pleasant flavor , gentle action and soothIng -
Ing effects of Syrup of Figs , when In need of
a laxative , and if the father or mother ho
costive or bilious the most gratifying results
follow its use , so thnt It Is the best family
remeily known und every family should huvo
a bottle.
Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldg.
Square Hopes Batter Than Flat.
The newest thing in the transmission
of power by bolting or ropes Is the usoof
square leather ropos. The grooves In
which they run nro iniido to an nnglo of
forty-live uogrocs , so that there Is a per
fect lit of ono-half the surface of the I'opo ,
inoro .than is possible with a Hut bolt.
The traction of a square rope is also
greater than In a flat belt on account of
the angles. The square leather ropoa
used for mala driving are about ono and
ono-fourth Inches square , and are inado
up of layers of leather cemented so that
the whole Is uniform and continuous. A
rope of this slzo weighs a pound for cnch
foot of length nnd will sustain a pull of
GOO pounds. At a speed of 2,600 foot per
minute n square rope of this BZO will
transmit twonty-fivo horse power.
Cromwell's IJaUy ClotliPH.
Oliver Cromwell was really once a
haby ; his baby clothes are still to ho scon
at the famous houbO of Chequers , in
Buckinghamshire , says the London
Daily Kows. They nro carefully clior-
ished by the present owners. The costly
satin robe in which ho was christened
has since been used for many of his de
scendants , as well ns for the babies of the
family that now own Choquors. Six tiny
caps , scalloped around the edges find
bound with ribbon tlwt is now yellow
with ago , form part of the collection.
Dr , Blrnoy euros catarrh , Bco bldg.
Approaching Holidays.
In these practical times It is
wise to combine the useful
with the ornamental. , What
could be more acceptable to a
friend than one or our Fine
Paragon Frame
Silk Umbrellas ?
or would he v- refer a stylish
and becoming
Smoking Jacket ?
or an ample luxurious
Lounging Robe ? '
Possibly a set of "neat but
not gaudy"
Night Shirts
would meet n present need
and a TIMELY gilt has a
double value ; or it may be
that one or more of our
Full Dress Shirts
would be well received.
Neckwonr In mostattractlve
variety may be suggestive
from the large rich muffler
to the daintiest of Full Dress
Our assortment in this line
of goods embraces all styles
for all occasions. There ,
wth an Infinite variety of
Handkerchiefs , Hosiery ,
G eves and Silk S.ispenders ,
made n Chrlstrmts collection
that is an education to look at
and may help to settle the
vexed question of "What
shall I give my husband , or
father or brother. "
A Full But of Tout'i
on Kiitibor , ( or
1'ivi : DDM.AIIS.
A perfect fit Kimrantoert. Ttoth oxtraotod
without pain or dknsor. and wltJout nimus-
tlietlos. Gold antP MlvortHlngs lit lowest
ratoa Bridge mid Urtwu Work , 'leulu with-
nntilal < * . All work warranted.
Kntrauce. 18th slroot cluvato' Upono\eii-
ngs until 8 o'cloolc
VOUS DRIUMTy.SWknoss \ of lloily
Mliidj KlTcctsot Errors or oteoisealn Old 01
Vounir. KoUiHt. Noble JIANIIOUO fully restored -
stored Wo guiirmitfo ovary case or money
refunded , Buiuplo course , live days treat
ment , * lj full course , t& Scouruly doaloU from
Lscrvullon. Cook Komedy Co. . Uiiulia. NoU
. Htli
r _ . * O w3O > nij iN nupTUnt
iirtsivorelief llkB"Ir. llorcn'o ilasnello o
Trim. " IthairurriitliouattxUI It you want I lie
llliHT.ioiHl loluatiiiii | > t > torreol'Ainpm tAu. 1.
Mufuctlc lilwllc Trun Co. , Hau FraucUco , CV
WopnsockBii & RhodB Island Rubber Co
And Address wo are , their western agents nnd always carry a large stock.
Smericeii } land Sewed Shoe Bo
120-1 and 1206 Harney Street
Bomo answer cliocrlly , brrauio they urn
l of lift , othura iiiflvrlnir Iron ) NiilV : *
OU.S III'.im.lTV. oic. , aniwer Kloanilly.
U'il , f'l-t * for
I nun MEW
Jlflliuiln. Mlirnc/IM / Illllfoflll.
DR. QlaUOK ,
D arkcr Ulocli , 15tU anil raroam. Tclevboaa W ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
lhfMiIit't" ? niiJJ ! ; " .1iFv"nrf ' . | ( , " ? , ? . ' ! " * ? ' " 'M < 1l'lom' | " ' 1 < " ' ' ' " " "I trestlnj wit *
L , ! , ? w" ' " ! ' f 'T'iS ' ' . " f"8'A . euro mmrnntood for Catarrh !
I t \
i i n s i i
i f 5khl , . J d ? irin , o ? iVoilk5re * ' f11" ' O1 ° ' Impotonoy , HrplilIK Stricture , and nil .ll
unl. Urinary . N.ll I /or
r . , 'n , , . orjaos. gurtronteo twoor every caio I undertake nj fall ta
SIS' to „ IMrstorlc * of Ufo ) tent free. Oaicohoura-9ft. m. tof p. in. Hund&r' W
Corner Oth and Ilamay Stroetj , Omahi.
Chronic Diseases and Deformiti ? >
Foundnd nv Dr. J. W.
If you miir r fmni , ll r Mnutnl b/
CESSeQuiVOUTHFULERnonO.j I no * Uanhnnrl W' Utr. . . l.o..i in l > r ln
LOSl MannOOQmf 'mml nu .rant lo know
To jurp nillouinoss. Sick Hcnrtaclio. Corutlpatloo.
Malaria , Liter Complaints , uku the ealo
and certain remedy , SMITH'S
! ? ss a r3" A AI %
Utot1io8MAU.8IZF-IO ! HUM beans to the boU
tie ) . Thar nro tlio most convenient : suit all mj&a.
1'ilcoof eltlior gUo , JS ceiit4 i > er tulllo.
eeau ( coppers or utaupa ) .
J. F. SMITH & CO , I
Mnlicraof "llllo lluuiiM. Bu l/iuls. Mo.
Jllir n uiliD acknowiKlr
leaillni ; remedy lor all Tlio
unnatuinl dlacbarxes and
prlv leilieHfi-silni n. A
certain t urn for lUw delillu
tatlnir vt.okticti peculiar
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