Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1890, Part Four, Page 26, Image 26

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"I've the Lovollost Brain , " Says One Fair
Young Lady Student
Cadavers Have No Honor for Them
nwl They Kxonl tlio Mun ns En-
tlitiHliistH In tl.o Study
of Anatomy.
Slio walked up the Htreot , na dainty a
bit of lomlninlty ns over shrieked nt n
mouse. From the top of her brown
curly head to the teen of her tiny tan-
colored boot ? she was as gentle and soft
as a kitten. Even the wny she svrantf
her rlbbon-bodcckod handbag wna pretty
and Bwuot. She mot another young per
son , nnd her enthusiasm bubbled over BO
that what she said was qvorlioard. "O ,
I've ( jot the loveliest brain that you
over saw , " she Declaimed , throwing up
her nissot-glovcd little hands to express
her rupture. "Everybody wanted it , but
I slipped buck to the college afusrovory-
body had gene and took it out myself.
Won't ' they bo disappointed tomorrow ,
though ? I've got it bore" she gave
her handbag a shako "and if you
will como up to my house wo'll dissect
together. " „
This timid , gcntlo creature had really
In her pretty autchcl the brain of a fel
low creature. Moro than that , she had
gene all alone back to the big , silent ,
deserted medical college , with its gruo-
homo jars full of sections of fragmentary
Immunity , and all nlono in the gloomy
dusk of the tomb-like dissecting room
had sawed open the head of ono of the
hllont forms on the slab laid out there In
readiness for the next day's scalpel work
hnd triumphantly carried away with her
the dead man's brain.
That 1" } the kind of a girl the female
medical student Is. The man died at
the city and county hospital. They
know that ho was going to die , and the
fctudonts , the bright , falry-liko girl in
tan , witli the others , had watched the
progress of his malady to its certain
end , and each ono of them was burning
for the autopsy to demonstrate the correctness
rectness of hi's diagnosis. That is why
the pretty girl carried oil the dead
man's ' bruin. Subsequently , at her homo
with her follow student , she divided it
and subdivided it and laid bare the
affected spot , and almost screamed with
delight to find that the long Latin name
witli which olio had characterized the
man's disease was the correct ono. If
anybody hnd suggested to her that there
was anything unfeeling about this sort
of thing she would liuvo stared with
amazed surprise nt the person who could
look at tilings that way.
The first woman to go through the
course at a California medical college
was Miss Li. M. \Vun/.or , who grad
uated from the Tolnml college in 1871
and is now ono of the most prominent , it
not the most prominent , of San Francis
co's female physicians. To her a Sun
Francihco Examiner reporter recently
applied for an explanation of the mental
process of the young lady medical stud
"Tho dissecting room never hud tiny
horrors for me , " said the physician. "I
had studied from books and charts , of
course , some time before I took up the
pcalpol. Some of my medical friends
had told mo of all the foitrful things 1
would have to go through before I be
came an M. D. , and possibly I looked for
something so much woi-bo than what I
found that there was no shock * at all. I
romoinbor the first time I over wont into
the room that is regarded with such horror
ror by the outsldo world. I was the only
woman in the class , and everybody
watched me to BOO how I would act. I
envied my male classmates then for their
cigarettes and cigars , which I had be
fore thntday regarded with disfavor and
contempt , but so far fioui what I saw
making mo sick or making mo faint , It
only created the livolie&t feeling of in
terest in my mind. When it cnmo to my
turn I simply put on n big apron anil
some sleeves to save my dress , took \ \ \ :
my scalpel and wont to work without the
slightest qualm and with considerable
enthusiasm. The cadaver I simply regarded -
garded as u piece of ' worked-out mech
anism , from which I could learn what'l
hnd to know in order to keep simi
lar mechanism in working * order.
Once , when I was alone in the
college building , I stumbled onto s
cadaver in u sack in an unsuspected cor
ner and It startled mo , but that was the
only time I felt any dismay because ol
the presence of the dead body.- Ever
then the scivro lasted only an instant.
As soon ns I began to reason with myscl :
ray fear vanished , and I wont on nboul
my business and passed the cadaver or
my way out of the building without t
"Somo of the students thought to plnj
n trick on mo that had often boon trice
on now students. When I was busy it
the dibsectlng room. They locked moil
all alone , except for the moro or loss dls
momborcd cadavers , and waited for UK
to IInil out the state of alTalrs nnd go
Beared. Finally they went away loavinf
the door locked , when they came bacl
Bomo hours later and opened the door
they found mo Btlll busy with my seal
pol. 1 had hardly noticed that I wa
alone and it had not oven occurred to m
to bo frightened. Since then I hav <
very frequently boon in the dissecting
room with students of both EOXOS , but .
can say that I never yet saw ono of th
foinalo fatudonts weaken. Indeed , ns
class , I must say that they stand it bet
tor than the young men. I have know
Bovoral of the inalo students to glvo u
the profession because they could no
Bttxiul the work in the dissecting-room ,
"Tho hardest thing that I found , art
others have told mo it was the snmo wit
them , was the visits to the hospital !
The mlbory nnd suffering that I BIV
there WHS almost moro than 1 could boai
But oven this became a matter of hnbli
The young women studnots do not 111 %
those trips through the hospitals , bu
they recognize the faot that in nether
other way can they lear
what they must learn. The
they become Interested In indlvldm
cases nnd the unpleasant features nt
soon lost sight of. After I had boon a
tending the college for a year anothe
girl joined the class. She was the mo :
onthusltistio student I over mot. Sli
used to carry homo livers and brali
wrapped up In her shawl , and once en
ntcn considerable commotion in Kearnc
street by dropping a rnnn'a forearm rlgl
on the street crossing. "
The nranks of medical students ai
proverbial , nnd it must not bo suppose
that only the men are concerned in then
In the Toland college two of the fouia
students spoilt half a night arranging
series of cords eo as to make a cadavi
do gymnastics in order to terrify'tho o
janitor. The medical student , both inn
and female , takes his greatest ploasui
in shocking people with his irrovorom
for the doad. In nearly every student
room there is a skull , and when th
grinning relic is not bounutod or glvt
10.110 othdr coquettish muko up there
something very wrong. Ono doltcalo
younp girl has a skull for nn Inkwell on
nor desk. She dips up the writing fluid
through the staring , oyclcss sockets.
UMioro Is In the city a bookcase mti'lo al
most entirely of human bones. It was
the design of ono of the foinnlo modlonl
pupils , who presented it as n birthday
Kilt to her father , ti nervous old stock
Some of the costumes worn by the
young ladles whllo they nro cutting up
cadavers tire really picturesque. At
llrst n big apron and a pair of sleeves
were all that was considered necessary.
Later n coarse , bng-liko arrangement
came Into use , but the prevailing tastes
for luxury demanded moro than this ,
nno nun-llko costumes and others even
more elaborate nro worn. They call
them dissection robes , and when a num
ber of young women dressed in them tire
gathered about what Is loft of somebody ,
with their knives In their hands , 'tho ef
fect is extraordinary.
Tlio Ijlinji Youth , tlio Tricky West
erner , anil the Deteutlvo.
The young gentleman in faultless evening -
ing dress who loaned accross the bar iu
a fashionable Broadway cafe was thor
oughly Intoxicated , but ho was not of
fensive. Some one near by remarked to
n companion that the youth belonged to
ono of the "best and oldest families" iu
America , and suggested that it would bo
interesting to observe that his gentle ,
roflncd Instincts prevailed in all his
notions oven while no wits wofully sub
jected to the inlluonco of liquor. Near
by Htootl a personage whoso broad-
brimmed slouch hat , llorco moustache ,
nnd crude garments indicated that ho
came from thu far west , stys the New-
York Sun. In moving forward to bocura
his drink the fashionable youth acci
dentally jostled against the westerner.
"I bog your pardon , sir , " ho said.
The westerner looked him over , and
smiled derisively toward the bartender ,
making no response to the apology ad
vanced by the other.
"If I do not make lav'solf too bold , "
wont on the youth , "I should like to ask
if you are from the wost. Understand
mo , it is not idle curiosity that prompts
the question. I am thinking of going
out tlicro to live , just in orUor to getaway
away from ruinous existence here in
Now York. I am very inquisitive on
the subject nt this time , and so I have
dared to hope that you mlghtlio willing
to toll mo something of the country. "
Tbo westerner seemed stunned by this
long and ornamental speech. Ho looked
hard at the inebriated young man for a
moment and then burst out laughing.
' Say , I'll tell you what I'll do with
you , " ho bald. "I'll play you odd or oven
on the number of ono dollar bills. "
The young man iustantly.took a roll
of bills from his pocket and" asked the
barkeeper to glvo him ones for a ten.
The first bill the westerner called olT.
Upon examination it was found that the
final number on the bank note appeared
to bo 1 , and this made the westerner the
winner. Just as the young man was
passing his money over a stranger
stopped up and asked to look at the
bill. The youth gave is to him , and
after n glance at it ho said :
.The last figure on that bill is eight ,
and the young follow wins , The mark
after the eight , is nota figure ono , but a
partially obliterated bracket that occurs
on every greenback made. The trick is
n very old ono. Our friend hero with
the broad brimmed hat would guess odd
all the time , ypmulman , and you in your
generous condition of mind would lot
him got all your money away from you. "
Then turning to the westerner , the
stranger , who was in reality the private
detective of the plncoreaid , very sternly :
"Got out of hero and stay outer I'll have
you up the river inside of n week. You
are a swindler. "
* 'O , my dear sir , " intorsposcd the fash
ionable young man , touching the nrtn of
the detective , "perhaps you do our
friend an injustice. At least , if ho must
go , why ( hero ho hesitated as though in
search of some plan by wliich ho might
ameliorate the swindler's evident dis
comfiture ) , why , at least permit him to
join us in ngood-night glass of wine. "
As the youth hung limp across tbobar ,
the gentleman that had observed his en
trance a few moments before made n
further remark to his companion as fol
lows :
"His father was a magnificent soldier ;
his mother a woman among a thousand
Kven the devil of drink can't rob him of
his inheritance from them of invariable
gentleness of heart and chivalry of man
ner. "
Miss Frostlquo "I caa't bear the atten
tions of moro boys. " Miss Caustiquo'No ,
I suppose not. You have no time to waste in
flirting now. "
"That Sallto Haruins Is the greatest girl
for potting biinMlns at socoml hand. " "Isn't
shot I understand she's going to marry a
widower. "
"But why do you want to marry horl"
"Because I love nor. " "My dear fellow ,
that's an excuse nota reason. "
"What nro our young mon coming to ! "
Some ono exclaims hi pain.
Just keep your oyc upon our girls
And you will ascertain.
The students of Lchlgh will not bo able U
boast of their conquests nlnoni ? college wid
ows la their college town. Twenty-eight
joung ladles have formed a society to dls
courage the attentions of the college boys ,
nnd for the first time in history the nttcntiot
of college "men" will not bo welcomed.
No ono reads the society news ia thi
weekly papers moro icnlouily and caperlj
than the woman who gets her only gllmpsi
of society In that way.
"Mario Is n widow now , Isn't shol" "No
Her husband U living. He's lost nil hi :
money. " " 'Chat's what I meant. She mar
married that. "
The largest thing you chance to find may nebo
o bo a great prize ;
You cannot iudgo a lover's heart entirely b' ' '
Its sighs.
"Dou't you think you're lacing too tight
denrl" said her wiser mother. "You'l '
squeeze yourself to death. "
n O , no , mamma , wo girls have come t
stay. "
P Chocolate lovers will leant with Interest o
it the case of a young lady at present undc
itd treatment at the Clifton Springs , N. Y. , son
d Itarlum , for a malady caused by an uncon
h tollable appetite for chocolate , Shci ha
3. eaten so much chocolate sweets that her sldi
3.IV has become the color of her favorite confcc
tloncrj- .
t ! Dacro I am so delighted to see you again
Miss Uosobud. It seems years slnco wo mot
It Miss Rosebud MaUo ib weeks , please , Mi
Dacro. Years are so unpleasant to a d <
lOn butanto.
lOn Ho I love you better than anything clsoo
n earth. I
U She What do you swear by I
o Ho I swear by you.
t- Who will venture to say woman Is not Infinitely
ir finitely the superior of man whoa It comes t
at that which , in the vernacular , Is familiar !
termed "packing a trunk I"
is As they parted : "A lass"sighed , ho. "Al
men , " wept sho.
3y When n woman Is ready to acknowledg
y that she has U is safe
a corn , to assume tlm
It she U either married already or does not ei
Ito pect to bo.
o Miss Notlnlt I detect all sorts of ring :
d If I wora a man I should keep out of thee
n. Mr. Slowcomo How about a woddln
n.lo ring )
loa Miss Notlult Well , you see I am not
.sl man.
idle "I see , " said n man , entering a caterer
lore establishment , "that you advertUo woddini *
ro "Yes. sir " the
roe , replied caterer briskly.
: o "I wfsh you'd send n couple to my nous
's right away. I've two daughters I'd llko i
Is got 0(1 ( my bauds , "
is Dr. Blnioy cures caurrh , Dee bldg.
A Bit of Lifo from the Damp at Stinking
Water QulcL
IIIIl Wyinnn 1)1 < 1 His Host lint Wns Bo
Drunk Ho Foil Into the Grave
llio Story of n
lluryln' .
A DCS Molnos lady , who is now in
Montana , writes for the Iowa St'ito Reg
ister the following description of n death
and burial in the camp she is visiting.
The silent messenger came to camp
last night , and who toll whether the
soul ho borp awny was not as white as
snow ? Whether the circumstances of
lifo would not have dragged our own
boasted standard of morality into the
Btinio depths of forgetfulness and de
spair ? The beginning was nintlo years
ago back in the states when Peace loft
the pretty little fireside and a rival
came to sit by his hearthstone and steal ,
little by little , the joy ho had known.
Soon the end came and ho wandered
alone , drilling from ono c.unp to an
other until ho reached Stinking-Water
gulch , and hero ho lay down to die.
Eighteen years of nstorm-toisod soul loft
llttlo to mourn , and yet there were some
who remembered when "lllll" Chfok
were a white shirt and would have
scorned a patch on his trousers. Now
ho would have been grateful for oven a
patch to keep out the cold and make him
feel ho could at least bo respectably
lie wandered aimlessly into camp late
at night , cold , wet , foot sere and
drunk. With the recognition that
someway al ways lives in a minor's hoirt
that there is a divinity never entirely
crushed , no intittor however forsaken by
the poor wretch hlmsalf , they took him
into the cabin and cared for him. True ,
there w.ts only a rough blanket and
some pine boughs fora bed : the hinges
of the door were loose and croaking ;
in fact , tbo whole cabin was a picture of
neglect , and possibly , filth. But wo
could only fool the spirit of human sym
pathy and charity for a soul about ready
to step over into another woi Id. another
life , without kith or kin. Homeless ,
penniless , and worse than all , mad with
the delirium of his own sinning. When
the last breath was drawn , and dream
less sleep had come , and there was noth
ing that their rough hand-t yet willing
hearts might do , then human nature
sought a natural outlet , nnd thnir pent
up emotions loosened all test mints , nnd
I ho pad commentary before them was no
ehock to their appetites. So a huge jug
of "oh-bo-joyful"yieldod to their greedy
thlrot. They made a night of it , but
Bill slept on , and morning came. Soon
the tldinga spread throughout the camp
and there was an engor interest to join
hands and relieve the bojs of any sus
picion or imputation of heathenism. A
generous little rivalry sprang up and
helped elaborate the plans for a final
b'crno. Otto benighted companion of the
previous night's revels proudly boasted
lie had "slept with the corpse and kept
oif the mice and chipmunks. " The
pretty nnd sweet smelling pine of the
mountain trees made white smooth
boards which were fastened into n cniket >
and ono poor woman of the town took a
cherished bit of tinseled laoo and fast
ened around the edge , and tacked black
braid over It to hide the defects and
make it a little "softer lookin' IIKO. " A
wreath of the glowing pointed pot flow
ers was twined around his head , and all
the bright flowers of the mountain side
contributed to fill up a pillow for his
head. When all was ready ono of the
boys remembered that away back in the
long ago his mother hnd given him a
prayer book nnd so ho slowly spelled and
blunderingly road the solemn "I am the
resurrection and the lifo" and they
listened with bared heads and a souse of
gratified propriety , or curioiily , until
the beautiful bervleo was rend nnd then
the funeral march began. This part of
the final arrangements had taken close
management. The only wngon within
forty miles hnd had its green sides
draped with dark calico nnd'tho black
est colored mules in the valley hitched
to the bolpmn , sombre funeral car. It
was "mail day" and the btago was in , so
"Uncle Jukoy Redding's" tottering
stop found n place and with a steady
arm to hold him in , the order to move
nnd two bttclc-
was given single-seated -
boanis were driven up and offered to
these who could not walk to the grave
yard. It was some place to go and the
merry horseback riders cantered ,
for the distance was considerable nnd
the hour Into.
Bill Wyman was chosen to deliver the
oration at the grave , for ho had once
como within "throe votes of bom' 'looted
governor of Californy,1' and the four liv
ing wives were no present drawback to
his inspired eloquence. But the driver
of the hearse had stopped at too many
hostolrles on the way up , and Bill was
not steady in the knees nnd his tongue
was thick. But "ho bravely faced the
dignity nnd responsibility o'f the trust
imposed upon him , nnd , standing above
the open grave , began his npostropho to
the All-Wise One , explaining how it al"
happened and why Bill Chick was no
with them today. But oratorical pride
o'roloapt Itself" , nnd ho tumbled head
over heels into the depths of the grave
beneath , nnd , ns old Horn Miller then
and there declared , the "gamo was on",1'
und Bill Chick was lowered into his nar
row bed without further formalities.
The dirt was piled up high , while tlv
mon Einokcd , swore and planned t
" " claims and
"jump" some neighboring ,
the women declared the now school
ma'am didn't "know nothin1 , " for sh <
spelt d-o-g without an "r. " However ,
wo walked out next day to see whore
poor Bill Chick had at last found a homo , ,
and some kind hands hnd built a rude
fence about the carefully smoothed bed ,
and eomo wild flowers lay at the head
smiling welcome to the sun.
So Slinking Water Gulch is quiet
today , but enjoys the distinction of n
noteworthy incident in its history they
have had a buryin' .
Trinidad nrul the Gulf Ports. *
Trinidad Is the nearest Colorado towa of
Iraportnni'cynml has the nearest grout coal
fields to tlio Texas gulf ports. It Is a distribu
ting point fora largo territory. Tor further
Information address Trinidad Laud & Im
provement Co. , Trmidud , Colo.
Shot n Ijnbrndor Cormorant.
A bird seldom soon In New England , a
cormorant from Labrador , was shot by
E. W. Hazard , of Southlngton , Conn , ,
while hunting nlong the ehorolnstwook.
It was sent to Yale college and has boon
handsomely mounted and placed on ex
Pure , chotto , rich cut gloss Is , raoro and
moro prized for use and for ornament. Dor-
fllngcr's American cut glass stands unrlv-
aled at homo or abroad. Kvory ploca baa
their trade mark label. Inquire for It of the
Dr.Blrnoy cures , catarrh. Boo
itV 1409 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Drs. Betts & Betts arc the oldest , most experienced and widely known , specialists in the United States in the treat -
ment of Chronic and Surgical Diseases. Our extensive American and European Hospital , military and private cxpericn ce ,
should entitle us to your confidence as the most skillful specialists iu the country.
"The widespread and phenomenal popularity of Drs. Betts & Betts and the ever increasing demands upon their valu
able time and skillful services , arc but the rightful tribute which merit everywhere commands. They have demonstrated ,
in many thousands of cases , their ability to perform all they claim or undertake to perform , and so great is the confidence
of the general public in these eminent physicians that the afflicted always feel certain of a cure from the time they place
themselves under the skillful treatment of these able and conscientious practitioners. Their record is a record of unparal
leled success , and their future triumphs will be greater even than their marvelous achievements of the past. " Omaha
A Cure Guaranteed in
all Cases of
Private and SMn
Sexiia ! Organs
. " 'CURED ' :
Consultation Fre e.
A Friendly Talk Will
Cost You Nothing
FistulaRectal Ulcers
No knife used. No pain or de
tention from business. Cure
guaranteed. Consultation free.
If we can't cure you we will
frankly tell you so.
' 1
Permanently Cured
The awful effects of early vice , which brings organic weak
ness , destroying both mind and body , with all its dreadful ills
permanently cured.
Address these who have I in pa rod themselves by Improper In
dulgence and solitary habits , which ruin both body and mind ,
unfittlnq them for business , study and marriage.
. MARRIED MEN , or those entering on that happy life , aware
of physical debility , quickly assisted.
Is based upon facts. First Practical experience. Second
Every case sespecially studied , thus starting aright. Third
Medicines are prepared In our labratory exactly to suit each case ,
thus effecting cures without Injury.
L O9 Douglas St- ,
OMAHA. - - - - - NfclB.
NfWftirc Urcow XoYiiiil nkoji llrinnv Trnnlik
liUVUllo L/loUlijUUyjl/AUdl / ) L/loUloUo / Ulllklj liUuUluo
Kldnpy and Liven Disensos , Eye and Ear ,
i * I
> ic
Ills tlio duly o f every honorable physlclnn to do all ho to rollovo himmn
BiiITtirlng , and. wmlo suoli diseases exist , wo doom It our duty to minister to
their nllovlutltmutul euro without questioning tlio da-roo of depravity wliluh
) msbrpnRlitoniu | | troumo , Muny num und women of pure minds , who Imvn
novcr parted frpoi the path of virtue , limo unconsciously contrnited dlsemps ,
which , boonnr or irrtor , will sup the spring of life or Iny the foundation for u
miserable olil HlnV' unless checked nnd auroa. HuvliiK l"i'l ' a lariro oxporlmicn
In tills class of flM-fuscs - , wo can In nil sincerity usturo the atVHcted that uiidor
our method of tri > utinuiit rnpld cures nro olTnotcd In tlio woist conoohnulu
onses In a'uliort time and nt a ronsottaula expanse , Kotnembor tlmt the only
danger comes frMIl "neglect or attempting to euro yourself by iislnj ; iirt-scrlp-
tlous that liaviiiijoved successful In ctirlnc your friends. Do not therefore
wiihte lime iuul iQihi > Ioita ! : the difficulty , nor let falsa modesty dolor you from
at once applying to us , cither In person or by lettor. Strict conlUlencu will bo
observed and oxpobutu will never como at our huiula.
\ji ?
Men and Women
Successfully Treated
Lost manhood , nervous and
physical debility , exhausted vi
tality , premature decline , weak
ness in women and all funct
ional derangements that result
from youthful follies or ex
cess in after years.
All communications and con
versations sacredly confidential
Guaranteed permanent cure ,
removal complete without cutting
ting- , caustic or dilation. Cures-
eflcctcd at home by patient ,
without a moment's pain or an
noyance. A wonderful remedy
which neVer fails and also cures
all discharges and irritation.
We Successfully Treat
fain and jlcr
Every complaint incident to
females at the dawningof
womanhood , the age of mater
nity and the changes of life , fe
male weakness , prolapsus ,
uteri , ulccration , leucorrhoea ,
affections of urethra and blad
der , pains in the back , painful
or suppressed menstruation.
Treatment warranted to pro
duce expected results. Advice
free , confidential and reliable.
Positive Medication , Now Theory , New Treatment , New
Life , The Latest , The Rational , The Best.
Bnpnnatorrliu'a , somln-il losses , night omlislons , physical decay nrlnltiK from
Indliorotlnn , excess or IndiilKOuco , imHiunliiK Hliuiplitssnoss. ( luipoiiijcnuy , plm-
pltiHon the fiii-o , nvorslon to booloty. uiislly dlscoiiraKcd. laolc of contldotico ,
dull , unlit for study or business , anil find lifo u burden , snfcly , pcrmuiiuntly anil
prlrntuly cured. Consult Drs. Holts k Holts , 14UU Douglas strouU
Syphilis , udlpcaso most liorrlblo In Its results completely ornillalcl wllli.
nut I'm uld of mercury ; scrofula , < > ryslpulns , fovorsoros , hlotohos , uluors.
In thn head and hones , syphilitic Roro throat , mouth and tonguu , cututrh , etc. ,
.poiiimneutly cured wlioro others liuvo fallod ,
Complaints , painful , dlnicult. too frequent , burning or bloody nrlno , urlno high
culoicd or with inllUy hedliiieiit on stiiudliroik buck , gonorrhuiti. glout , oyn-
lltus , safely anil promptly oured. Oliarnos reasonable.
OnsobeoUshotts tlmt they linvo been coiiRulleU by R.OI2 persons , residents In
Onrnlm und adjoining towns and Hlntes during tlio past twelve months , 7,76of !
whom took treatment ; 5,1'U ' liuvo reported themselves oil rod ; have Imon
Kro.itly henollttdd and aio now under treatments 2.S report no liiipiavoinunl ; 7
claim Ui lie vsoi&c. and 5 out of the 7,78li nro dead , Th sis the record of Dm. lint Is
k Hells' iir.ietleo for the pant Uvolvo mouths la Om.Uia a record of whluli they
lia\o Jiiit causu to bo proud.
Do you look outon llfo'x hUUwny und HOC n seared nnd ruined past , forward tea
a future iilin loii null i > n funhloili and to the Hltont tuinb your happy rolo.iseV Are
your Kldnuyx , Stotmioh , Urinary Organs , l/lveror Illood la a cllbordercd condi
tion * lla o you carried marital rolallons to excess , leaving you woalr , nortous
uud debilitated ?
If you need help , delay no loncor , "Ho who holtitos N loU. " Now Is the
Koldrn moment to seek for houllK Speedy , satisfactory , safe and purmunont
ouroti guaranteed. \J
1)H. ) W. H. BETTS , a gruilnnlo of four niotllcal college , anil ( HCiitj-iilno )0.irs' experience lit L'lUfluiul awl Aiiiorlm , prliiclpil of tlio IN , Hulti
& IlcllH , America's best kiuiHii nnd inosl Mim"rul , plijslcliins mill MirsL'ons , wlio liiui ! performed Midi MimilciTiil euros In tlio p.nt Ino ioun , ba
consulted free of clmrgo anil strictly prhntc. . . , ,
Jlln nouderful cures Iu the pan hmo lioeii commented iijiou by the press , pulpit imtl notnulw of ( ho olil ami now tvorltl , Notlco ? o Us curoUinvo
appeared In the European. Aurtralian , Canadian nnd American impew. lliu pnllents riMlorcd to health and strength can bo iiiimbureil by the thou
sands. Among them millionaires , banker ? , statesmen , mint-lent , doctors ami lawjcrs. ArciniuilnUjo cvlilcnr diirlns ! ; tw ty.ho } ' < ; ; ' 1'r ; ; ' .V"1'11.1,11 ' *
practice , from the loading business men 'of the country , Justifies tlio assertion that he Is UNlllVAUW , UN hJUALKI ( ) mid UNAl'l'UDAtillAHI.i :
in his chosen specialty , uud can ho rolled upon as eircdlnt , ' cures itheu all oilier phj Scions have failed. Patients can rely iinjn a cure In ciory ease.
Consultation free , In person or by mall. Call upon or address
1409 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. 14O9 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb.