Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1890, Part Three, Page 23, Image 23

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    r J fa * f f
Li Furs and STORE Manufacture
\ Sealskin of Sacques Largest Store , Largest Stock to Select from. Loivest Prices Possible. Fur All Goods our
Description. Every WILL BE A BIG SALE DAY WITH US Right Premises on , the
Sealskin Sacques. . Sealsldn Sacques ,
" *
Wo II TO nt Icnat 175 to HX > genlskln . Snctitici. mnnufno-
inrort br ur cnnnlnntly In stock. You tan llml no aiicli
lolottlonulsenhcrr ondwo pride onrselvtuuu ojjrjJit- Our lin'KO and complete nB ortmoul Is nil
menu . of the best Alaska , Seal iuni Murtin. Lou-
Fit and Durability Guaranteed. don dyed.
Wo bnTO a f ir ircnuln * 8oat ktn Jnckotn . and . tacquos ,
of different longtlis , bust measure 82,84. ill ! and .M which Larpo purchases and stock previous to
SELL TO-MORROW ONLY the Into 100 par cent rise , enabling us to
- . sell you garments for iv short tlmo only at
At $8O , $00 , $10O and $11O. former prices.
Those nro beautlc * nnd . worth V ) , Como in Tomorrow ntnl tee
ASKTOSKlITHUM. per cent moro. "S1v " what wo nrc doing. vi
A < y
Special Prices Tomorrow. ' Special Prices Tomorrow.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Astrachan Capes and Miijffs ,
Seal Capes and Muffs , Oltcr Capes and Muffs , Fur Caps , Fur Garments Persian Lamb
Capes andMujfs
, Nutria
Capes and Muffs , Krimnicr Capes &
Beaver Capes and Muffs , Midi Capes aud Muffs , Mnffs ,
ments and Fur Robes Wool Seal Capes and Muffs , Monkey Capes and Muffs , Coney Capes & Muffs ,
of Every Description. nt- - Black Martin Capes & Muffs.
'Sealskin Furs Sacques and AULABAUGH FUR COMPAQ Us for
of Catalogue.
j t Mailed
Every 218 South Fifteenth Nebraska.
Description. StrelrOmaha , . Free.
Items of Interest About Prominent People
in Omaha's Sister Cities.
' flic FcBtlvo Tlilillccly-wliik llcceivoa
with Open Ariu by Nebraska's
I'rettlest GoHnip from HaHtinn-j
Events at Beatrice.
The movements of society people in some of
the lending towns of tlio state nro detailed
below. The season may bo said to have only
fairly opened. In Inter issues Tun BEE will
nttompt to cover the Importantsocloly events
Of the chief towns in thu state.
Never in the history of Fremont has there
been experienced a more brilliant social sea
son thau the present ono. Parties , teas ,
Kensingtons , tlddledy-wlnks , chocolataires
mid hitch five and balls , have chased each
other In rapid succession. An extraordinary
degree of sociability has been mvukcnod nnd
scores of hospitable homes liuvo been thrown
open for society's ' cntortninmonl.
Mr. Theodore F. Hummel returned n few
days ago from Morrison , 111. , whore ho wns
wedded last week to ono of Morrison's best
girls , Miss Ivy Green , who accompanies him
mid who has been Riven a cordial welcome by
Fremont society , in which she is so well
ciualllled to lakoa piomlnout part. Mr. nnd
JAra , Hummel have begun housekeeping at
118 nest Ninth street.
Frank McGlverlu and family , formerly of
Btauton , this week became residents of Fre
mont. Mr. McQlvcrln comes to take a i > osl-
JLion as cashier in the now Commercial na
tional bank to begin operations January 1 ,
Tuesday evening Fremont lodge , No. 15 ,
A. F. and A. M. , gave a bamjuct. There
ivoro present not only local members of tbo
order , but visiting brethren from Arlington ,
North Bend , Hooper , Scribuer and other
Mrs. J. A. Elliott returned homo Wednes
day from an extended visit with bur sister at
Howard , Duk.
Miss Nellie Illowott Is at homo from Cor
nell college , MU Vernon , la. , to spend the
Dr. aud Mrs. Crabbs are entertaining Mrs.
W. D. Mlllor and Miss Ullen Miller of Ne
vada , O.
Monday evening tbo members of the Turner
Boeloty perpetrated a thorough surprise upon
their president , Mr. John Hainan. Tuoy
gathered on tuiisso tit his hospitable
homo ami reminded him that it was bis
forty-third birthday nnd that they had
- E thered for the express purpose of duly
celebrating it. They wcro moat cordially ro-
coivecl unit suent u delightful evening as the
guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Human. A pleas
ant incident of the occasion was a presenta
tion of a beautiful cold-headed c.uie.
> Miss Addio Warren entertained n largo
company of young people Tuesday night at
her delightful homo on West Sixth street.
The reception was given In honor of Miss
Ball ; of Omaha nnd Miss Denchy of Boston.
"Wcdnosuay evening the Misses LoiiUo
Torpln nnd Kntlo J co Jointly entertained nt
nt tbo homo of the latter on Military avenue.
They RUVO a chocolatalro nt 7 o'clock , fol-
L'wcd by progressive razzlo-dazzlo.
S Thursday afternoon Mrs. L. B. Smith anil
w lior mother , Mrs. Albortson , gnvo a ICeusIng-
' toutou. About flfty of tholr Inay friends
were present.
Irldny night Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Muhanna
threw open their larn , new and beautiful
resilience on West Military uvenue to their
friends , there being present about seventy
guests to enjoy the occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. a. H , Uccsnian have issued
invitations to tbo marriage of their daughter ,
, ptollo , to Mr. J. J. O'NcFll , Wednesday oven-
lug. December n.
Mrs. Fred Nye of Otualm has been in the
city the past week visiting her friends.
Mrs. J. D lion A very loft Wednesday for
Cplfax , Iowa , thouro to Chicago and Now
York , for a visit at her old homo in the hitler
tat * .
Thomas J. Woodsldo ot Pas a d l Norte ,
Vlexlco , is in the city , a guest of his father ,
Thomas J. WoodsU'o , sr. , and bister , Mrs. S.
W. I3oyd.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Nebraska City.
It has been announced , privately , in social
circles , during the past week , that the wed
ding of Dr. II. C. Miller and Miss Gertrude
\Ictralf \ will take place some tlmo this month ,
Mrs. Charles Copenharvo left Wednesday
for an extended visit with her parents , Mr.
and Mrs. James Schultz , nt Keyport , N. J.
stio will also visit friends In Now Yoik ,
Brooklyn and Philadelphia before her return.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Giles celebrated their
golden wedding Monday night.
Mrs. Max IColm of Lincoln visited friends
In the city this week.
Adolph Holler of Sioux City was a visitor
in town this week.
Miss Kate Hickey of Lincoln returned to
her homo n few days ago after a short visit
with friends in this city.
Miss Minnie GUI man has returned homo
from a visit at Lincoln.
L. F. D'Getto has gone on a pleasure trip
to Salt Lake City and Ogden.
Mr. und Mts. Sceloy of Lincoln wore
guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. M. Taggart the
fore part of this week.
Hon. and Mrs. D. P. Rolfo celebrated the
twenty-fourth anniversary of their marriage
last Saturday evening by cntcrtHlnlngnlargo
number of friends , old residents of Nebraska
Cliy. The event was ono of the most pleas
ant of tbo season and the assemblage was a
very select ono , as the following list of these
present will show : General , and Mrs. Van
Wyck , Hon. and Mrs. E. F. Warren , Hon.
and Mrsi Itobort Payne , Colonel and Mrs. W.
\Vilson , Hon. and Mrs. M. L. Hayward ,
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Metcalf , Mr. and Mrs.
F. P. Ireland , Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Sliewell ,
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Uolfo , Mr. and Mrs.
David Brown , Mr. and Mrs. Itobort Lorton ,
Dr. and Mrs. Hershey , Mrs. General Coo ,
Mrs. H. F. McComas , Mrs. William Fulton ,
Mrs. Mary Lot-ton , Mr. George L.
Mr. Fred Blyschlae has returned from a
pleasure trip through California and the
southwest ,
Mrs. George L. Woolsoy is visiting In Now
Several weddings In society nro announced
to take place during the holidays.
Hon. Leo Martin and wlfo will spend tbo
winter In Texas.
Miss Maud Chllcoto entertained a high five
party of young people a few evenings ago.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. ICnapp nro visiting at
their former homo In Louisville , ICy.
Miss May I3oynton Is in Osccola , visiting
with her friend , Miss Mny Hofelbowcr.
Hon. and Mrs , Leo Love will spend the
winter In southern California ,
Miss Anna Killlan of Grand Island , Is vis
iting with her sister , Mrs. Henry Hehllng.
Mrs. D. K. Forrcstall is entertaining her
sUtor , Mis. Dr. Mower , of Indiana.
J. C. Carnahan and wife , on account of the
health of the former , will spend the winter In
Kev. JD. . Countermine , assisted by Rev.
Tl. F. Sharp , dedicated a now 1'rcsbyteriuii
church at Oroshnm last Sunday.
Mr , and Mrs. Charles Burt entertained a
high tlvo club at their residence last Monday
Mr. S. Mansfield Is at his former liotnp In
Ohio , and rumors nro alloat that when ho re
turns It will bo necessary to purchase two
Skating parties arc ull the go.
Mrs. S. C. Grinicn and daughters report
thatthov enjoyed a delightful tlmo during
their trip to Denver and vicinity , from which
they have Just returned.
Mr. and Mrs. Jnck BUhop will bo missed
from society circles thU winter. Mr.
Bishop lias secured n position In on Omaha
house , and will in tbo future rcsldo in that
Tuesday evening n pleasant party of young
people gathered at the residence of Mr. aud
Mr * . D. K. Forrcatull , and spent the evening
in a delightful manner. A treat In the shape
of a musical programme was enjoyed by thcso
The F. & K. L. club's meeting this week
was a prolHublo one to those present. Due
of the questions discussed was , ' 'Should Gen
eral Elections bo Moio Frequent. " This lit
erary club is rapidly winning a popular repu
C. J. Nobos Is enoylng-a ] visit from his
father , Isaac Nobcs , of Jollct , 111. , proprie
tor of the Joliet stone quarries. Mr. Nobas
Is accompanied by his daughter. Miss Lizzie ,
and they will spend the winter In tbo city.
A brilliant social affair was the ono ten
dered by the ladles of tbo Presbyterian
church Tuesday evening. The church was
lilled by a merry and pleasure seeking
crowd , who were well entertained by a most
excellent programme , which was executed
during the evening.
The Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor of the Congregational church at
their meeting held in the lecture room ,
elected now ofllcors for the ensuing 3 ear ,
after which a literary and musical programme
was engaged in by the members present.
Arrangements are being completed to hold
a charity ball on Thursday evening , und it
will bo the social event of the season. The
entire proceeds are to bo given to the poor of
the city.
York's ellto wcro nil there and pronounced
the masquerade ball tendered by the ladies of
the Select dancing club to the gentlemen , n
grand affair ! Among those icvcaled by the
unmasking wore : Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Behllni ? , C. Hamltn , O. W. Shldlor , C. E.
Wnllcor , J. Douglas , A. C. Blngor , C. Brigham -
ham , L. Dally. J. Meredith , and the Misses
Eva and Nellie Douglas , Loulso Newman ,
Annie Johnson , Luclla Pluimnor , KatoLvlor ,
Nottio Sauls , Annie Kllllnn , Mrs. Lee , Mrs.
Davidson , Kd. and Charles Woods ,
Mrs. \ \ . II. Wintorbothara of Genoa , gave
an elegant reception Friday afternoon , from
4 until 0 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Phillips and Mrs. C. E. Pollock from this
city attended.
A very quiet wedding but ono which
created great interest was solemnized at
Ogdcn , Utah , on the 8th. The contracting
parties , Charles Whaloy mid Miss Hattie
Plant , wore former residents of this city ,
Mrs. W. B. Backus , wife of the superin
tendent of the Indian school nt Genoa , spent
n few days of this week visiting friends in
this city.
The young society ladles will glvo a scries
of entertainments at the opera house this
winter for the benellt of the poor of the city.
The llrat of the bevies will take place the 120th
of this mouth.
Dr. H. J. Arnold gave a social dance to
thirty Invited friends at Fitzpntrick's hall
Thursday evening ,
E. K. Brown with his wife and family re
turned from a short sojourn in Wyoming last
weak , and has taken up his residence on
Fourteenth street.
F. Brodfuehrornml J. N. Kllian , editor of
the Gorman papsr , intended the silver wed-
dlii ? of Mr. nod Mrs. Herman G. Lucschon ,
In tbo not thorn part of the county , on
Einil Von Bergen passed Sunday in Hum-
It has Icon the custom for many years to
celebrate together the birthday anniversaries
of Mrs. W. A. Downing and H , U. Greor.
This happy event took place on Monday nt
the splendid residence of Mr. Downing on
West Twenty-second street. Both of these
estimable people have long been identified
with tbo growth of the city , having cast their
lot with the first settlers in the village of
"Kearney Junction" In the early seventies.
At this gathering wcro all of the first people
of Kearney who reside hero.
On Thursday morning John D. Knight ,
register of deeds of Lancaster county. John
McGlllan of Lincoln , and Lieutenant Town-
ley , United States navy , started northward
from the industrial school buildings , accom
panied bv O. G. Smith , W. K. Macauloy and
Tommy Malluliou , The party was bent on a
quail mid duck hunt.
\V , W , Cunningham of Clinton , fa. , has
boon appointed manuaor of the water plant
here , and will conduct business for the
American water company. Mr , W. II ,
Cramer , who has served the company fojth-
fully for the ptut thrco yean us manager , Is
awaiting orders to go elsewhere for his em-
The Midway military band lias seen Its
palmiest days , it is feared. In the past few
months several of the best players have re
moved fiom the city , Practice is still kept
up with icgulnritynnd in spite of discourage
ments , Kearney boasts of tbo best band in tbo
state ,
Mrs. F. Y. Robertson , who 1ms boon 111 for
several weeks , Is able to bo out driving on
pleasant days.
Louis .Tunics , who was booked last spring
to appear bofoio a Kearney audience Decem
ber IT , had to forego the pleasure on account
of tliounllnlsbed condition of the now opera
house. The building is promised to bo com
pleted in Januarv.
The "Feast of Days , " under the manage
ment of the Udios of the Trinity M. E.
church , ran a successful career this week ,
and the church debt was lessened thereby.
The Kearney Musical society is matting
fine progress In classical music. The society
meets regularly each week.
A literary society ts Being agitated among
the wants of the students at the business col-
ttLew Irvin , special agent for the treasury
department and stationed at Sacramento ,
Cul. , spent a few duys with friends in the
W. T. Scott has returned from an Inspec
tion of bis building operations for the Union
Pacific In Wyoming and Idaho.
W. McCrnry of Kansas City is visiting his
schoolmates here , Katherine Parrotto and
Hurry Ray.
A ' 'i'mk Carnival" wns the mystic title of
an evening's entertainment provided by the
Daughters of Veterans on Tuesday evening.
A rosy hue inniked everything In the hall.
H , M. Allen started on Friday morning for
his old homo in England. lie will remain
there about six months.
The Jol do Via social club gave the final
dance of the scries Thursday evening ut Ger-
munia hall.
The "King's Daughters" of the Episcopal
church held nn Xmas sale for the benefit of
charity at the residence of Mrs. H. M. Oliver
Saturday evening of last week , The attend
ance was largo and a neat sum was realized
for charity.
The "Pleasure Seekers' " club entertained
themselves at a social session at Gormanla
hall Tuesday evening.
Sixteen hundred visitors wcro entertained
at the Young Men's Christian association
rooms during the month ojf" November.
The Elks club are arraying to hold n stag
session December 18 , nt iruU-'lvtlmo they will
Initiate their handsome nCw-luiU and parlors.
Frank Juektivlaa , cashle bf the Harper
County ( Knn.j bank , forinlU of this city ,
was marrlod Wednesday " 'morning to Miss
Freda Wablquist of this vUy'ttf
Sid Moore , bookkeeper pt lgrlarity , Trim
ble & Co. , this city , ww ( jiiarrlcd to Miss
Lllllo Selby , also of this cltjvSunday morn
ing , it i , .
Dr. Frank Babcock leaves tor Illinois In a
few days , for the oxnross'inirposo ' of taking
unto himself a "rib , " so [ tvfs given out in
social circles , l" *
Misses Cnrrlo and Addle Rfenfrow , who for
the past year have been at Button completing
their studies In music , linvo .upturned home.
County A ttornoy John AC'asto , is visiting
tills week In Utah. , T
Jacob Slohl and children of Nebraska City ,
have been been visiting the family of Marie
Levy , the past week ,
Mlssos Kitiy Hartlgan nnd Maud Mc-
Wlilnnoy returned Thursday from Ashland ,
where tboy have been in attendance as dele
gates to the Young Women's Christian asso
ciation convention.
Miss Miriam Knllsky of Chicago , Is visit
ing the family of her unclu , Mr , A. J. Unna ,
tills week.
J. II. Hnnoy and family have returned
from u pleasant visit to Konvcr ,
Miss Ettn Dutton of Oskaloosn , In , , is visit
ing the family of Will Dutton , her brother ,
for a few weeks.
John Meson Is homo again after an extended -
tended trip to Chicago and the east.
A. W. Jones , cashier of the City national
bank and C. G Lime , of the Exchange na
tional bank , have been elected directors of
the Young Moa's Christian association of
this city.
S. J. Mattocks , cashier of the Eastern
banking comoauy. who has boon bedfast
with typhoid fever for the past tbroo months ,
is speedily rccovcilng ,
Nortli Platte.
Arrangements are being nude for a charity
ball to take pluco on tUo evening ot Decem
ber Si.
Thu C. B. C. is n club which meets weekly
composed of married ladles , but their hus
bands and all oilier males are strictly ex
cluded. Mrs. A. S. Baldwin will entertain
the club tills week.
ThoT. W. T. G. M. high five club hold a
pleasant meeting with Miss Luna Eells at
the homo of her uncle , Lester Eelh.
An Impromptu dance wns hold nt the opera
house Monday evening , by the U. P. shop
men with their wives nnd best girls.
The members ot the A. O. U. W. , with
their wives and families , will bold a social
gathoi ing at the opera house the evening of
the i'Jth.
The Mnnncrcholr society are making nr-
rangoinonts to hold a sociul'and dance on the
evening of tbo 'JOth.
Steps have been taken for the organization
of n dancing club to run through the winter
The members of tbo Nortlj Platte lire de
partment arc in active preparation fora ball
to bo hold on New Year's eve. Tills will bo
one of the great events of the social season.
A very pretty and pleasant social affair was
a "Tlddledy Winks" social party given Satur
day afternoon lost by the Misses Wcston.
Those present wcro the Misses McGee , Penn ,
Brudt , Hnlladay , Rccd , Rawlos , Talt , Moore ,
Black , Bnrnlay , Sabin , Ryan , Dorsoy , Smith ,
Miles , LnSalle , the Mlssos Davis , all of this
city , and Miss Dunnut of Clinton , la. Re
freshments were served nt 5 o'clock and n
most enjoyable time was indulged in through-
A number of the young men of the city
have formed n social club and have glvou It
the unmo of the Entro Nous club. The chief
objects of tbo new organization are the giving
of dances In the proper season with boating
parties and picnio excursions In tbe summer.
The officers ot the club nro : President , E ,
Maxwell ; vice president , Maurice D. Hessoj
secretary P. II. Myers ; treasurer , M. B.
Thrift ; board of directors , J. D. Uainey , "W.
II. Harrison , M. D. Hcsso , M. Sinionds and
C. P. Swllcr.
The amateur dramatic club of the city ,
comprising some or tbo best local talent , lias
arranged for the production of "The Mlltudo"
at the Paddock opera house on tUo nights of
December ! ) l nnd January 1. The cast In-
eludes among others the Mesdamcs J. B ,
Buchanan , George C. Barker , C. J. bmlth.
Miss Minnie Bibb and Messrs. Gilbert Pal
mer , Allen Green , Douglas Oliver , Ben R.
Cogswell and Maurice D. Hesse. The enter
tainment will bo aided by Mrs. A. W. Brown
as piano accompanist.
Mrs. G. C. ICnapp entertained a largo num
ber of her Infly friends nt her residence ,
North Seventh street , last Friday evening ,
from ! ! to (1 ( o'clock , Mrs. ICnapp was ably
assisted in the reception of her friends by
Mrs. D. AV. Cook.
Ex-MnyorJ. L , Tnlt , Mrs. Tnlt and Miss
Lulu , their charming daughter , nnd son
Galen departed Wednesday evening : for
Chicago , where they will reside for tUo lu
lu ro.
The Ladles' league of Unity church gave a
very enjoyable and Interesting social nt the
residence of Mrs , L. M. Pomberton Wednes
day evening.
Mrs. Clara B , Colby , who was so seriously
burned Monday last while trying to suppress
un incipient conflagration at her residence ,
is rapidly recovering from her injuries.
Mr and Mrs. Joseph K. Eborsol und family
have departed for Chicago , where they will
reside for the future ,
Mrs. S. C. Smith entertained a number of
friends at her elegant homo on North Fourth
Monday evening. Tlio affair was wholly In
formal , but nouo the less enjoyable from that
Mru. Nettle Hl&rby & of Glenn Falls , N. Y. ,
who has boon vlsltiiK ; for n few days with
her cousin , Mrs , S. C. Smith , depnrtcu froiri
Denver Tuesday afternoon , where she will
remain for the whiter with a son.
Hon. F , M. Wothcrald and Miss Irene
Wctbornld of Hebron , Neb , , wcro visiting
friends in tbls city Tuesday ,
Tbo many friends of Hon. Gooruo B ,
Everett will bo glud to learn that uo is able
* o bo up and about again nftcr his very se
vere siege with the rheumatism.
Dr. Hollopcter has leased ox-Mayor Tail's
residence on North Fifth street during the
lattcr's rcsidcijco in Chicago.
Mr. Al Thompson has rotttrncd from a sev
eral months sojourn in Canada. Ho will ro-
eiigngo in business hero.
"Chiel ! " Harrison returned Wednesday
from Denver , wliero ho has for some tlmo
past been engaged in business.
Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Uurkcll of Norfolk ,
Conn. , were visiting friends in the city dur
ing the current week.
fllr. Frank Michel and the Mlssos Mtcliel
of Liberty , Neb , , were Beatrice visitors
Tuesday ,
L. II. Lawton , critwhltc of this city , but
now a resident of Grand Island , ? iob. , was
renewing old Beatrice acquaintances Wed
P. J. Myers and E. J. Roderick have gone
south to bo absent tovonil months. They
will visit Now Mexico , Texas , Arizona and
the extreme western and northern states be
fore returning In the spring.
J , B. Long drouped down from Sycamore ,
111 , . Tuesday evening for a couple of dnvs'
visit to Bcntilco nnu to his extensive live
stock ranches In this county.
Mrs. G. C. Barker K'IVO an elegant lunch-
con last Saturday afternoon to Her numerous
W. II. nnd Edwin Johnson , of tbo Johnson
Dry Goods company , visited In Sioux City
Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. mid Mrs. Jay Helphroy entertained
Dean Whltmash of Omaha , Sunday nnd Mon
Governor Thayer was a gucsl nt the homo
of Colonel S. S. Cotton last Sunday.
Mrs , Dr. Alexander Bear , and Miss Lillian
Gerccho , loft on Monday last for Richmond
and Norfolk , Vn , , wuoro they will remain
during the winter ,
Mrs. T. P. Menulngcr , of Madison , wlfo of
Madison county's treasurer , visited relatives
In the cltv durinp the week.
Mrs. Trios. A. Searles Is enjoying n visit
from her friend , Mrs. N. Brewer of Mlssour
John Muror , made a business nnd pleasure
tiip to Elliott , la. , during the week.
Air. and Mrs. O. J. Showers of Long Pine ,
nro visiting nt the homo of their daughter ,
Mrs. H. C. Tlmrber.
N , A , Rainbolt. president of the Norfolk
National Dunk , went to Minneapolis on
Wednesday to attend n mooting of the board
of directors of the American building and
loan association.
The Queen City skating club lias been or
ganized and tbo young peonlo of both hexes
are already enjoying this exhilarating winter
sport under Its auspUos. A commodious
club house , comfortably furnished and
heated , has been erected on the banks of the
North Fork river for the use of the members
and their friends.
Mrs. Frank L. Hull of the Hotel Pacific
entertained a Inrgumunbcrof her lady friends
ntan afternoon luncheon on Tuesday.
The Congregational society of this city has
recently purchased a vocation , a linyo church
organ built after the style and partially on
the principle of n pipe organ , and the public
was given Us first opportunity to hour the
now Instrument nt a recital which took place
In the First Congregational church on Friday
evening. The instrumental selections wore
rendered by ( Jcargo < - ! . Knopfel , organist of
Kountzo Memorial church , Oinuhn , wbllo u
programme of choice vocal numbers by Mlsa
Mattlo Kennedy of Omaha , assisted by local
talon t , tilled out an evening of rare enjoy
ment to all lovers of music.
I'llll MIIIOtll ll.
Society In this city is having a lltilo moro
llfo and spirit infused Into it now ami ar
rangements arc being made for a number of
notable events , which together with the
' Christmas festivities will engage the utton
tion of socioh's votaries.
The charity ball last Tuesday nlsht under
the auspices of St. Agnes' guild , attracted n
largo crowd. Fltzgorald's hull was hand
somely decorated and fitted up foi fuo occa
sion , and special musicians were obtained
from Council Bluffs to assist the lionir ; or
chestra. The muslo was superb and the vo
taries of Terpsichore wore surfeited with
engagements. The handsome and recherche
costumes presented n gay and kaleidoscopic
scene which was witnessed and enjoyed bv a
largo number of visitors. The affair was a
pronounced success.
Mrs , Perry Walker returned Wednesday
evening from n visit to Chicago.
Airs. D. Hnwksworth nnd son Ficd have
rctmnod fimn n long visit at Burlington , lu.
A. W. Ciitesof Chadron was visiting with
bis former law partner , Judge B. S. Rum > cy ,
the oArhcr part of the wcok.
TlioHuIlshauMMi-tioo'i woddlngon Wednes
day afternoon was quite a social m-cnt. The
ceremony wns impressively peiformed bv
his honor .Indgo Ramsey at the residence dl
tbo bride's puivnts. and was witnessed bv
a largo number of relatives and lilendi. Tim
briuo , Miss Colin Gnos , is the daughter of
Mi's. Fred ( lees , ono of Phittsinoulh'.s ol li st
and most rcspceled citl/ens ; und the grjom.
Edward Hcltslintiscn , Is a former resident of
tills dty , his liomo now being in 1'oro I I'lty.
Ore. , where the young couple will in tiuuru
Next Wednesday n well known und popu
lar young banker will lend to tbo hymeneal
nltnr the charming daughter of another
banker. These young people nro vorj popu
lar in society nnd the event Is looked forward
to with plcusant anticipations.
Among the coming events Is the pallor the
atrical paity which will hhoitly bo given by
Mrs. G. E , Dovey. Tlio lady's prc-jinlncnt
dramatic ability will have tbo offeut of
enhancing , the value of nn invitation , let
nlonotho fart of any gathering at tlio Dovoy
resideneo being exceedingly pleasant und
Mr. Samuel Parker and wfo have gene on
a visit to iclativos nt Malvern.
Mr. C. M. Butler lias gene on n two weeks'
visit to Chicago and adjacent points.
Hermann IIoltshnuH'ii nnd JIann Coos of
Omaha wcie visiting in the city during the
past week.
Miss Lucy Wolcott of Weeping Water Is
visitlno friends In this city ,
A most delightful "Kensington" was en
joyed by u largo number of ladles ut MM.
Wnugh's Thursday afternoon.
I'Jll'I'filtMMXT IHt tll'S.
Before n political patty "swoops the state"
the inanngcr.s generally have to "como down
with the dust. "
"What , arrest mo for voting iwlco. " said
Patsy , the tramp , reproachfully , "don't ' you
know that even history repeats itsulf i'
"Mine Is a highly reputable trade , " said
the counterfeiter , as ho inado a gold eagle out
of a piece of lead , "for I deal in gllt-ed ed se
curities. "
"Do you play pokorl" "Not now. I have
lost even my Interest in the gatno , "
Dashaway The other night I went to an
amateur theatrical performance und then
went homo and liad a torrlblo dream. Clovoi-
ton What did you dream ) Dashaway I
dreamt I went to It ngain.
Dinks I wonder how nctors mimago to get
such exulted expressions on their faces when
they're ' posing for portraits. Bunks Tlio
photographer places u square meal bofoio
thorn , 1 siipprno.
"Dr. ICocb's lymph isn't any hotter tbiin
tin ) MelCinloy bill. " "Than what ! " "Tlio
MuKmluy nlll. They both put n stpp to con
sumption , uon't they i"
Kvcrv dav that the wild western town of
Wall.i walla postpones the establishment cf
n unlvcrsltv Is that much tlnm lost from
forming a most beautiful college yell.
Johnny ( at Lincoln park ) Wliat'.s the use
of your oflorin' a pleco of gum to the elo-
ptinntsi 'Ihov won't tourh H.
Wllllo I'll bet this little ono w 111. She's a
girl elephant.
Vhst Duilo That's an nwful liuil fitting
hat you have on. Second Dude YCH , but 1
attended u swell ball last night , and my head
isn't built to ill liny and ovciy Irat.
"For disobedience you take the imlm , " nnld
inn to Johnny us'niio tattooed his tiuusen
with the sumo.
Head of Firm O , by the way , Mr Trav-
or.s , I shall have to ask you to HI ay In tbu
ollico nil day next Wednesday ; I mil going
out of town. Travors ( nsldo ) Hung thu
luck I That H the very day I bad arranged
to have my grandmother dlo ,
"Papa , " Inquired a congressman's ilttla
ilnuKhtur over a French lo > son , "what m Iliu
French fern balllo horsol" "A wur horw
you moan , don'l you ! " "I guess so , pupu. "
"Of couwoyoudo , daughter , The lYuncli
for that is hors du combat , " and the member
stroked hh whiskers with prldotul dignity
and went on with bis newspaper ,