Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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Wlieat Active with a Show of Strength and
Closing Higher.
Yield Avltli Corn nntl I'rovMoni
Ilcrtvy mid Unchanged Cnttlo
Improved and HojiB tin-
GiucAno , Doc. 12. ( Special TolcRrftm to THE
HUB. } U lilmutnny very oxcollcnt biill'ncws
wliont WUH up I'.lo ' from lint nlidit Ijcforo 1
o'clock. Tills carried tlio iirlco of May to
tl.OO'j. Tliu uarly market wus ( Iron ; , but
little headway WHS ruiulo liocamo offerlngi
were M'ry liirso mid wheat had into absorbed.
The opening was lit WJfeOM.OO. At the top
fluro ( ? offerings wore very Roncral , but the
cclllngoutof H li\rgo \ line of lonu wheat by
lllooriilhroiicliCoiinsclnian'shoiiFO , Schwartz-
Uiipccand Iianisoii'H , was a bin load ( or the
market. Log 11 n i Co. also Bold at tlio.stut ; ,
llioujili they WITO afturwurd buyers. The
telling referred to put tlio prloo of Mny to
OQl-jC. There was a recovery to tiflfc ! , followed
by a dull period und anotlior ducllau to OOJjc ,
helped by a small Nan York failure , of which
no ono seemed to know anything ilcllnlto.
It wni after curly oITorliiRH were taken
by the trade mid the uncertainly about
tlio failure was cleared away that
good biiyliiK was felt. It wus
not clear vheio wheat was going to , but tlicro
was fiitco under the niarliot. Tlio theory of
scalpers was that unless they could rim I'ard-
rldRola on his lurso short line no Rood o/l-
vance need ho expected , but the ndvnnco
dime. The price of May passed llio Jl.OO mark
about noon , and It wont right onup lofl.CHHj.
There was an casing oil to tl.OO.'j , ( i buljjo lo
ll.OOJi , nnolliorillii to 11.00 ? ; © ! . 10 5 , niul thu
price rose tol.iO.'i. Now York slocks , iiftcra
Rood early advance , noted weak about inlil-
Oay , hut the decline was checked anil a second
end recovery begun Inter. nud this save some
assurance to buyers In all markets. foreign
advices were < | iilto favorable. The wheat
rnnrketvnsnctlu \ to ( ho close. Then ) was a
IHtliMll ] ) fioin } l.00j to $ l.00'i 011 reallzhiK
Huh : ? , with tlio closa at $1.00)1 , or 1)40 ) up for
the day. December wan quoted at to
OOife to ttt'io to ! tt ! at the close ; Jiuiuary , UJ'o '
to DlJi'o toKPuC to COc at llio eloso. On the curb
privileges for May wheat sold at 09'io and
tl.OI'j. '
The corn market did not hold Its own today
TlicolVorlngs wcro not laru'o but the buying
was not suniclent to take euro of them with
out a decline. Perhaps tlio absence of Iltitch-
Itison had soniolhlnK to do with llio poor sup
port. I'ardrld''O wus largely responsible for
filling small traders with nil they wanted and
making the market heavy. The action for
Mny was : Opened at f > lc. ? ; sold at.M'/lcto
M4Cto ? fillic to Mo all o'clock. The com mar
ket closed heavy at 5lc for Stay , u dccllnoof
! to for thoilay. nud a loss of Ic , whllo wheat
has inovcil up nearly ic In u few days. Decem
ber waH quoted at f > 2 ! u and GllSe , closing lit
SlTic ; Jntiiinry , fil ? e , closing at 515ic. Jlay
corn privileges kold at 2j.0 : p. in. at WJ e anc
Tlio oali market yielded 14o with corn an <
tlio price for May touched 45Via and closed at
l.r ? .ic , or u fraction under last night. Nominal
range for near by futures-December , 42&0 to
1Mc , closing at42io ; January , We to 4U > Jo to
There were unmistakable slsns of woaltntss
and heaviness In provisions most of the day ,
although buying bcforo the eloso left , prices
little elinngoil from last ulglit. All products
opened llrm unil pork wusSa up on tlio early
estimate of IIO.OUJ IIORS , with the market lit llio
yards active mid linn. Hut every show of
firmness brines out free olTorliigH and prices
jro down. I'ork w out down from J10.4. ) to JlO.Iin ,
nud clos-i'd ut $10.40 for January ana $11.43 to
(11.110 to tll.aT'i ' for May. Tim most iiotablo
Bolllnit of pork was 8nmo5.0JO ( barrels by S. E.
Diinliuin , Bald to ho for the ( Jiululiys at
Umalia. January Inid WHS at. J3.00 mid & > .S.- ,
oloslnir atl5.87iifefi.tlO ! Mny. $0.47 > J and S6.42 ,
olosliiR nt Sa4."ffla.l7 ( ( . Itlbs sold as low as
fur January and JS.lSforJIay , closing at
fl. ' ; ' ! .
I'll f C.I G f. I VE .STOCK.
OIIICAOO , Doo. 12.-lSpecIal Telegram toTur.
nEK. ] ( "ATTi.E-Uuslness Koucrally In better
sllnpe , showlnssomoslKiisof llfo as against
the iiiu.atural doprcsMlon of llio past four
days , yet so far as prlcos were coiicerned thcro
was llttlo or no change , liuvors were out
earlier and scorned rnoro anxious to flll tholr
ordois and the chances wcro that fewer cattle
would 1)0 ) left at the eloso than for any day
this week , hopeful salesmen bulug of tlioopln-
lon that nearly everything useful In the fat
cattle line would bo sold. Nothing but nn ex
tremely light run next week can save the
market from fMllni : back to the ruinously low
prices of the past week. Theio are no other
chances for Improvement , as there Is plenty
of beet In sight la all markets to last
n week or more. A few loads of prlmo
und ono or two lota of Christinas
.50 ©
lions Kaily reports made the rccolptsoiily
nboutoOiX : ; . which would have been a fair run
for the day , hence early sales showed a slight
ndriiiicp.hiit luturon the run was estimated at
jrr.OM ) and later miles showed that the advance
of thu morning wus lost , the general market
closing about the same as yesterday. Itoiiuh
nnd coinnion light mixed sold at J.'l.4X3.pI.Vi ( ;
peed mlxod and paekcrs. tl. fi-'l.TO ; iirlino
lienvy and hutv.lii > ri > ' wolghts. ( , I.TriQ3.80 a few
nl KI.72I1WI.M : n-gulathm llKht , nay KM ) pounds
und ui ) . KLflGftiMi.- ; average , U'OO pounds and
up. KLfii0i.riUtlightliKhtto : average , 100pound *
and up , JJ.tOiW.-l5.
Nnw YOIIK , Pec. 12. [ Special Telegram to
THE HEE.I Again trade was deceived In the
stock market , Jinny things Indicated moro
than temporary Improvement , but after n
showy market of an hour or moro and some
brisk advances on covering by shorts , the old
tiresome sot-back was experienced. Hotter
financial prospects , the faet that no applica
tions wcro made for clearing lioimo cert 111-
catesho easier working of time loans and the
oversold condition of the market all con-
eplrod to nmko room traders very bullish ,
They clalmod that the market , was good for
more than an upward whirl. In this they
were mistaken , first prices were from ! i to 1
per cent better than the llnal prlcos of yester
day. Sugar Koflnorlvs , Cleveland , Chicago ,
Cincinnati k St. I.ouls , Ilurllngton , St.
I'nul and Clilcao Gas showing the great
est advances , The upward movement made
further material progress , lunvovur , und enacting
acting trading la leading stocks gains of from
1 to 1 ' , J per cent generally were scored , hacka- '
wanna led thu advance at Ili-ht , but it win
closely followed by all the prominent stocks
nnd the prominent llunrjM as compared with
last iilRlit'H prices , show Missouri ( 'aclllo and
Hock Island up each L' , St. I'aul nud Laekn-
wanna each 5 percent , i.oulsvlllo & Nashvlllo
1 } ( . llurltngtou IV , Union 1'aolllo ' iindSirjiir
TX'V ' yl'llo.oitlii'rn ' 1'aclllo preferred ,
ybleh § old ox-dtvldendsof 1 per cent , rose Hi ,
Hits was thaond of thoadvanco. lloforu noon
nil the stoilfs named won ) oir fmiu tlio Ucst.
prices U to 1U percent. Thlsdld not wlpo out
nil tin ; early gains , and whllo ( heio was hope of
n further recoveiy. the lunrket win for a t Imu
In the duiup. I'.Mollent buying of stocks win
resumed liner In the day. Them was nothing
except a coinmerchil falluro to cloud the pros"
ucet.huu snorts tried to buy they found
etocksfomowhnt scarce. Thlsgavo moro In'
iictus to thotrado. The ralus scored lioforo
the close wcro very llattorlnir. Kron Iliilnn
raeltlc.xvhlch broki baoli"tSYl.i ? r"-
i. „ . ! i uivnu uauK in 4 > at noon . r.- )
covered to47. Atchlsonroso toai' ' . Hurling
ton tolKlU , Northwesti'rn to IDIW , Uoek Islaml
tola St. Paul toMi ? , Missouri I'liciliu to ill'l
nnd Iiackuvranna to 127 j , Hulcs wuro SGO,7ib
Thu following were the elosliiR quotations :
MOSEV Onciill. ousy ; closed offurcd at 3
per cent.
I'Ai-sit-TKaiO per cent.
STEIIMNII K.\ciiANiu-Qiilct iiiul itoutly :
ilxtj-day lilllti , HI.- * ; Ucinanit , J4.K1.
Nxvr YOIIK , Uco. 12.-LSpcctal Telegram to
Tlio Coffee ) IMnrkot.
Nr.wVoitK , Doc. l--t poolal Telegram to
Tin : Ildil-Coirco Optloni opened steady
nnd tinchntiKcil to r > unltils down und closed
sloridy , ft jiortits down to f > polnti up. Snlcst
7,7.W Ijairs , InclllillMR Dceoinbor , J17.'J ) | .Inn-
u.iry , JlO.'Jfl ! Kebrunry. IllTSj Muy , tirutf.
Snot Itln qulutnnd study ; fair cargoui ,
o. 7 , JI7.60 , _
CiltCAOo , Doc. 12. 1 u. in. cloie. Wheat
Mnrkvt firm ; unsli. Dl ? . G , ! e ; Jttiiuary , uuc ! '
May , tl.OO'.fi' ' .
. .
I.u'rd Cuili. J5.7TS ! | Jtinuary , tj.ST'/i ' ! Mny.
Short Hlbs Onsh , $3.00 ; Juuunry , 15.17(5 ( ;
Mu.vt3.77S05.W ! ) .
Uyu Steady iitGSo ,
Ilarlov Nominal atCSo.
Kins-Steady at I.3J.
Tlinolhy-Kiny at JI.22Q1JB.
U'hUkv-JI.14. _ ,
Klotir UnchangoC ; winter patent * , $ I.W6
S.OO ; spring uali'iits ' , tl.05B3.CU ; bakers' , M-TO
Bulk Meats Shoulders , fJ.IVKM.CSli ! short
clour , tS.BKlTi.Hii short rilM , .l.00i.o. > .
Huttcr Uneiati ) uderoamery'u ! < ii27cidalrv.
I'heeso IJnchimcodl full cream Cheddars ,
WiCt'J'iO ' ! Huts , UliSilOcl VOIIIIK Amurluas , 1UC0
KSJH Unohnngocl ; fresh , I'VJMlo.
llulos Unclmiiiepd ; heavy mid llsht . ,
salted , ( > o ; preen , 4 < < &lJe ! ; salted bull hides , .
preensaltcJ , ( ij ® 7e : drv Hint , 8c ; dry suited
hides. ( V7j7c ! drronlf , 8Ha ; deucoiis. ouch , 2te.
Tallow tJnelinpsed ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
JUlc ; No. 2 , UBX'icj unkc. 44c. !
Kccelpts. Shipments.
I'lour.bbls 11.030 ie,000
Wheat.bu 70,000 TWO )
Corn , bu 7iWO ; ( 108,000
Oatsbu - la0 > ( XW 119l00 °
-Ll _
Nr.w YOIIK , Dee. 12-\Vhcat llecolpts , 32,100
liiislicls ; exports. 124,800 ; spot , noiulnnlly
hl lirr ; No. 2 iel. I.04H In uluviiter , S1.03J4
ftl.l' ' . " > 'B ll-U.'i'iiil.OJ'i ' f. o. b. Options
stronjr and hlijlior : No. 2 reel , December , elos-
liiK nt Sl.OI'a. '
Corn liceelpts , 10,150 bushels ! exports , 40-
; iOO ; Hpot weaker ; No.2 , In elcvalor , OJlio
alloal ; nngrndi'ii mixed , ffilUGaVic. Options
weak and lower ; December closed nt KlViti.
Oats Heceliits , : tSXiO ( bushels ; exports , MO ;
spot lower ; N'o. white , WHi'iO' ( ci mlxod
western , 47 < JT 1 ( ! ! whlto westornr ' ) l,5i.\7c. Op-
lions weaker , Duceinbor closing nt40ju. }
Sugar Haw , dull ; Muscovado , 8 ! ) lest , 4Jie ;
inoln scs fUKiir , bl ) test. 4'iC. lliillned , < iulut
and oir AS-IUu ; standard A , 51j-lic ( ; confee-
tloncra A. 5Ic ; powtlurod , 0)4e ) ; granulated ,
J'etrolenni United closed for January at
vigiis Weak ; western. 'X/HSHc ,
I'ork Dull nnd unsettled ; mess. 311.0012.00.
Iaril Dull and weak ; western ato.un ,
butter Finn ; western dairy , 1IS21C ! cream
ery , 2l20Vio ; KlKlii , : c.
Chceso Strong ; llgltt skltns , 4
ST. Thorns. Dec. 12. AVhoat Hlchcr ; cash ,
Corn I-ower ; cusli , 51Hci May , 51U0Jl4o.
Oats Knslur ; cusli , 44J4c ; Muy , 4tic ,
Turk Dull atll.23.
I.nrd Dull atj.1. .
HiiUctl'Irmi creamery 23G20c ; dairy , 21 ©
> IiXNK.\ror.ts , Dee. 1U. Spot wheat In good
doiuand , hl lier. lioeolpts. III ! ) cars. Ulosins :
No. Ihanl , JceoinbiT , Wu on truelt , UlXit'Jlc ;
No. I northurii , Oeceiubor , S7c ; May , l)7 ) ? u ; on
truck , 87 < 288c' , No. 2norlliorn , Ducumbur , Uo ;
January , ti-Ju ; on track ,
KANSAS Om ; Doc. II. Wheat-Strong ;
No. 1 hard , onsli , 8i'ic : ' bid ; Ucceiabur , KJo bid ;
No. 2 red , easn , 7o bid.
Corn steady ! No. 2 , cash , 43JJo bid ) Decoiu
bcr , 4Slic.
Dais Qulot ; No. S , cash und December. 4 Ic
bid , _
MILWAUKEE , Dec. 1 ! ! . Wlieat lllghur ; Xo.2
spring , uttiib , tHftttfsci May , t > jie. )
Corn No. Ii caHli , WEjJli'/iO.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 white , cash , 44QIU5C.
1'rovlsious Qttluti pork , January , 110.40.
CINCINNATI , Dec. 1- . Wheat Firm ; No. 2
rod , uuw/iu.
Corn LlKlitdoniand ; No. 2 mixed , 52.JG.r ! > 3c.
Oats Moderate dulnand ; No. - mixed , 4 ? ! c.
Mhlsky-Sl.H. _
Livititroot , , Dec. If. Wheat and corn steady !
demand poor ,
CniCAno , Tice. 12. Cattlo-Recelpts , 0,000 ;
market allowed no chaiiKo for bettor ; prlinu
and Uhrlstiuaa steers , f o.OtXTKi.W ; cuiiiinon to
clioleo stueis. ? l.Ovl14.1VJ ! ( ! TOMUIS , ft.MO3.UO ;
native butcliers , $1.0051.2.50 ; stockers , t\.OlXiM.5U. !
lloss Hucoipts , IIT.U'JU ; market closed about
the sumo us yesterday. lilKhtmtxcduiul pack
ets , * J.lCiti.0 : : iirlinolicavy und butuber
\velsht-i , a.TMta.8j ; light , 8a.50aa.U5.
Sheop-Hccolnts , a.oooj inurkiit showed no
improvement In urleus. Natives , WUI.Vjri.Mi
westurna , W.l Ja-4.lJi Texans , W.lOiffil.55 ; lambs ,
jJ.MXifiS.btl ,
ST. Louis. Dec. 1 : . ' . Cattlo-Uecclpts , 1MO
huad ; blilinients , 2uOO head ; markut steady ;
fair to fancy native steers. gl.OO&j.lO ; stockum
and , - - ' .
llo s-Kecolpts , 5.1UO head ; Bblpments. 1.030
head ; market stroiiKer. Heavy , JJ.5lXiUI.UO ;
mixed , ( J..Wil.50 ; Hgbt , W.'JO'
KANSAS OITV , Dec. 12.-0nttlo Receipts , 3.0JO
huiul ; Hlilpnients , I,5UO huail ; market steady ,
Sleers , i.l.iMil.70i ! ( fancy Ulu-Istnias hteers ,
tC > .00'i.ui ; cows , 41.9Caa.W ( ; stoekcn and feed-
era. ta.SMtl.W ) .
llojs llucolpta , 13,130 head ; hlilpincnts , 430
head ; market stoutly ; all gradus , 4J.OJ © ) . 'f.
O.MAIIA , Tce. 12. 1590.
CATTLE Estimated receipts of cattle 1,400.
ng coninared with 87" yesterday and l.tis :
L'rldny of last week. The market on beeves
was stoady.good Imtolivrstoclc wasstrong and
poor Kriuloa woalc. Feeders iinchanKcd.
lloos-Kstlinatcrt roeclpts of ho s. 7.1100. ns
compared with 8,7(11 yesterday and 7,123
1'rlday of lust week. The market opcnoil
ncllvu and steady to slroim and closed wual < ,
with all sold. Itaniio * i7yaur : > , tlio bulk sell-
llizat M.4tJa3.50. l'las , l.'J.Vtl. .75 ; lliht-.7 : ) ®
M ; heavy. S1.5S'I.O. : ! ) ; ml.xed. $ I.2.V5 > J.4J. Tlio
average of llio prlcos paid was JMI , as com
pared with ft ! ! U ycstcruay and W.4lfi Friday
of last week.
Shecii-Ksllmaled receipt * of sheep , 773 , as
compared with 01 yesterday. Tlio market on
Kood muttons Is steady to strong. Natives ,
J2.IWOUO ; westerns , * J.OO4.1.\
Disposition of Stock.
Showing tlio number of head 'of Block pur
chased on this market as ropurtod by the
WHlKlitmasterof the Stockyards company for
December 12 ;
Buyers. No.
SwIft&Co . r > ?
The O. II. Iliininioud Co . , . i (
The CuduliypaekluK company . 40S
OmuhapacKlnu company . 10
Shippers and feedcrn . ] .o j
) ions.
The Cudahy packing company . 4.5.11
Omaha packing company . IKS
Swlft& 'o . 1,07 ! ,
The O , II. llaniinond paclclngCo . 60
Khlppors and feeders . n
llcurcscntntivo Sales.
No. Av , i'r. No. Av , t'r. Na Av , I'r ,
2..1G7JM 73 I.-lffiOWM a..llMira ;
sn , , iwi a on oo..i202 am 20..ia iiw
J2..iou a ID 20. .1101 aoi a.uta ) aio
08 , . ! a 40
2. . 1403 5
51. . 4M 1CJ 8. . 680 8 M 8..J081 2W
. _ . . . . rs Suijareiirod-llnms , 14 to 10
Ibs nvornso , O'.c ' : hams. 20 to 22 Iba iiyeriiKo ,
! io ; hams , 12 11)4 avciugc.OUe : slclnneii linius. ; hams. No. 2 , So ; shoulders , oe ; clear
bruuUfast Imcnn , PC ; boneless breakfast hneon
backs , o e ; boned hum , c ; C'allfornlu. orile-
nlo humsG/ic ! ; boneless hiiin , 85o ! : dried beef
hams , sets , 7Kic ; dried beef clods , Co ; short
spteed rolls , or ham roulette , V oi smoked
beef toiiMies ( per doW.W ) ; special brand
hams , 12 to ISlhs nverane , lie ; spuolal brand
boneless breakfast bacon , llo ; selected dried
beef lui 1114 , Insldes nnd knuckles UJc ! ; selected
wide I'li-iir bronkf ast bacon. ! ) ' 4i' .
Dili' SALT .MKATS I'ancy llsht xvolcht short
clears. ( iie ! ; Ions clears. 5 o ; short eloara. tic ;
short ribs , 5 e ; shoulders , 5c ; clear bolllas ,
GUc ; clour backs , Oo.
SMOKED MIIAT.S Dry suit cured Fancy light
wolcht bacon short ulears. To ; bueon short
rlbs.GKc ; bacon short clears. Gc ! ; bacon lon
clears. Glie ; bneon elcar baoKs , GVio ; bucon
clear bellies , 7c ; bacon shoulders , SJio.
SWIIT : I'ICKI.EP JlBATH-Ilains , tlorcos , 8-Jc ! ;
shoulders , Now Vork cut. tlorees , r > ! ie ; bellies ,
tlorecs. 5 California ham , tierces , CiJc ; beef
hum , bbls , ? 12.00.
1'icnr.EO llKiifTONnuKs-IInlf bbls , 100 Ibs ,
Slo.M : cuiiirUir bills , CO Ibs. JO.OJ ; ulghtli bar
rels , 60 Ibs , KICO.
SWEIT I'ICIU.HU SrAilE Ruts-Tierces. 300 Ibs
net wolisht , * 13M ; barrels , 200 Ibs net weight ,
JS.UO ; half barrels. 100 Ibs not welcht , $1.75.
LAIIU 1'uro leaf , per ib , tierce basis , OJlc ;
compound , per Ita , tlerco basis , SJio ; pure lard.
> er Ib , tlcrcu basis , C'ie ; kettle rendered leaf
i ard , pcrlb , tlorco basis,7e.
llAuitni.r.i ) I'oitic AND HHEI ? t'cr barrel
Sless pork ( new ) $11.50 ; family pork. $11.2.1 ;
short cut clear norlc. S12..M ) ; short cut clear
pork. $11,25 ; boneless plz pork ( fanny ) ? 14.dO ;
extra moss beef , $ ( i.CO ; pinto beef , J7.03 : extra
Plata koef , $ o.OO ; extra family beef ( boneless )
S .UO ; rolled beef ( boneless ) $8.50 ; rump butts ,
I'm I'oitic llonelcss It Is made of the best
cuts of choice piss , hus a bright , fresh color.
Uarrels.201 Ibs ouch , J14.00 ; half barrels , 100
Ibs oacli. $7.51 ; quarter barrels. .M Ibs each ,
$1.00 ; olRhth barrels , 25 Ibs each , ' 2.2.1.
SAUHAflK ItoioKiia , 4c ; smoked sausace , 7c :
blood sausiiKe , 4ic ! ; liver sausage , 4ic ! ; lioail
chvosc , 4'c ' ; fresh pork saiisaeollnks ( ) lie ; fresh
pork siiusniuball ( < | .r Hesm ; < ) kc ( ! pork saiisit > ; c ,
So ; Franlcfiirt sausage. 7c ; smoked head
nhecse , Co ; 1'ollsh sausage. 7c ; Knoblauch suu-
sui-'il , 7c ; tomiUQ sausaie , 8c.
The above ( irlcca are for lols of ( Ift.y pounds
and upwards ; a less quant Itv ' .i cent mine.
FiiKsn IHit' : : OUTS liolls , 7ic ! : beef tender
loins. 14c ; Hlrlnln butts , 7c ; boneless strips ,
7o ; Htrlp loins , CHc ; roumU , rump olT , lie ;
rounds , rump on , Ce ; rounds , shank olY. 5 ic ;
bonolussrumps , 4jc ! ; ; plates,2ic ;
back halves , 4u ; sliouldor clods , 41 c ; beef
loins. No. 1 , steer , iiJ614c : ; No. 2. 10 < rillc ; No. : i ,
71ie ; beef ribs , G Sej No. 1 , lOQlli-j sweet
breads , per doz. . : r > uj kldnovs , tach , 32 ; ov
tails , each. 3o : lU'ors , each. 1.1 ; beef hcurtn ,
ouch. 4c ; boot IOIIBIICS. each , 40c.
MUTTON Oholco dressed iiiutton , 8-5c ! ; racks
of mutton , 14e ; middles of mutton , He ; breasts
of mutton. 3o ; lei ; of mutton , inc.
l'liisu I'oitK Pork loins. Go : tenderloins ,
llo ; spare ribs , .1o ; shouldor.s , 5c : hocks. 3o ;
trimmings , Co ; back bones , 2e ; dressed hoes.
r c ; cleaned pl s' foot , per doz. , 30c ; rougli
unclcaned plgb' feet , Dordoz.,2Jc.
ONIONS Choice stock , $ I,4D1.CO ; Spanish ,
J1.75 per crate.
' SWKET I'DTATons There Is sonio very chnlco
stook on tlio market which Is quoted ut J4.-3a
I'OTATOKS-Conslilnrnhlo AVIsconsIn slock Is
boltm thrown upon the miirkct ut'.WcSJI.Oj iior
hi'shnl. ( jood Colorado potatoes uro quoted ut
UELEIIV 3540c.
Frrnli Krultg.
Smnll winter Nolls , 81.35
Cil.115 per half box ; largo und fancy , per box ,
( HAW : KHUIT Per box , $4.o05J4.CO.
OiiANiiEiiniES I'aney Capo Uod , (13.00 ; fancy
bell nnd cherry. 810.0'J.
ItANANAS Vollow. $2.25iij.00norliuiieh. ; :
OIIAMIKS Mexicans , crates , Jj.COj boxes , S3.7.1
(34.00 ( ; Tlorldas , bright , $ ; J.7."i4i4.25 ; : russets , $3.50
fii4.0'J. 4
1'uiiRlMMONH Cnllfornla , ti032.20 portray ,
TANOKUINES I'lurldn , poreaso , t' > .CO.
LEMONS Choice stock , * i.r)0a7.00. !
Al'iT.lS Thu supply of apples has been cut
down very materially , and blocks hold In the
cltv at the piesont tlrno are not large. The
quotations range from (3.50 to $1,25 , accord Ing
to the quality.
ailAl'ES MalnRa , W.iWOS.OO.
Country Produce ,
POUI.TKV The arrivals of ehlnkens wcro
larue , the marmot was lower uiidsomu stook
wus t'lirrled over. The bulk of the sales woio
utstliio wlthun oecaslonal small lot of fiiney
stock at 7c , but that was mi outside price.
fomo coarse and heavy old hens und roosters
were rcporteil us sellniK us low au 4c. hive
ehlokons out of reason and slow at fl.752.21.
Turkeys , > ! ' 'eso and dueksuro not so plenty
and soil ut oaiOo If choice.
Kcuis The market N ubout steady with
strictly fresh country slojk selling ut lQ3lc.
UAMK Tlio market la tlrui on most lines nnu
hUhor In proportion than eastern marki-ls
Quito n K"od many antelope saddles have
been received durlna the past few days uii'J
dealers have had some dllllculty In kcuulni ;
Monks dosed up. Mallard ducks , nominally
J2.7533.00 ; teal ducks. I1.00QI.25 ; ilil.xod ducks
II.M : qunil. $1.2531.50 * ; juck rabults..50ai.OJ' :
small rabbits. 75c&fl.OU ; dcor uud antoluno '
O'lrcnsses , 8ft'o ) ; saddles. 12lie.
1'lQKONS There U no demand ,
. Mill Co. . hlKl. . patent No. 1 nnd
Cream,82.70) ) HlucU , full patent. f..SD ; Hawkeye -
eye , half patent , J2.30 ; spoclul Iloyal patent.
Nu. 10K.Mlt Minnesota patent. J.,73 ; Kansas
hard wheat patent , (2.53 ; Nebraska spring
wliont patent. * 2.00.
S. 1 * . ( IIImm's : uold medal , f2.75 ; Snow Whlto.
: . : ; Snow rinke. 2.10i low Krnde , Jl.w ) .
Broken How Itoller Mills' Cream. S2.DO ; Slyr-
tlo. * 2..W : C'lttlm , 12.20 ; XXX , 1.W : FUiolltr.
B.OO } Minnesota Chief , J2.50 ; Patent , l..70.
Oskamp's ready to ralso buokwheat Hour ,
1100 per ousoof 5) 2-lb uucka c4 ; buokwheiit
In bbls , N. Y..W.OO ; Kxeulslorbrnnd , M.M ; bluu
Jack moul , (1.00 nor caia of 50 2-lb puokages.
QulnlnoperozP. vt W. , 41o ; Oernian , S7oj
Indigo , per Ib , 76oi Insect powder , 21c ; oultnu ,
U.OO ; morphine , per ox , 12.7V ; hopg , pur lu , UOgj
Kljrcorlnp , Mot ( lost rlpviool cuttlcbone , : i5c ;
cream tnrtnr. pure , ; tJ ) ioniNicrcliil. Ifot cani-
> r. Wo : nin.c.trb , Hfy , blue vitriol , 7)cs ) | car
a le iicld , IWVCk ) ! citric1. 4VZ48c | tartarlc. : iWl
I9fl niilDhurlc. per Ib , 2c ! sperrn oil , 11,10 ; tur
pentine. 47c | Tonka Iwftnu. H.l.va2.00i Imliatu
lolu. . . '
( I.3 < x3l.35 ; ca sla buds 2tVil.'c ; chloroform , ft"
GOOctcrcot , 47 . ' > 2ct K ni nuibli'.MtfaMl.oS ! ly-
copodluin , 40B4ioi : iuorfllry,8So , ! sulphur , 2iC ! |
him , 2aie | copperas , 'Ijjc ' ; opsoni salt , IVci
Inuber sail , ISc ; u'lllfpyrlne , (1.40 per oxi
ulstol , II.M tiernr. ; 'AiUlkaniii , ( l > 00 per or.\ \
ryst.stci'chnlii.M.txWJIilSper o/.lllcorlco root ,
icr Ib , 10o ; oil cn < slii'mio ; per ot. ' , oil cloves.
1.25 per ozt nil nnlsc , J.MH ) ; oil lemon , ( l. ( > 5 | oil
lornniiiot , (1.25 ( per ozflialHatu odpulln ( V.'oper
t , sub nit , bismuth , jlWi per oz ; fodlilo potus-
luiu , ( J.75 pur c7 | bromide potn'sliim , H o per
z ; salicylic ueld , $1.4 ; pur o/j benzole nclOG2o
icr oz. , , i
FIIESII per Ib. I.nko Trout. medium , small ,
Oc ; trout , lar e , 8e ; white , lOe ; perch , 7c ; pike ,
ic ; pleki-rel , Oc | blaek bass , ice ; croppio , lOe.
lea llsh Steak cod , 12e ; lloundcrs , Klc ; led
nnppcr. 14c : blue ( Ish , 17o | eels , ISct lobsters ,
80 ; scollops. pcrKiil. , $ l.40t innckurcl , largo ,
JOc each , lllver llsh Cat , lie ; liun'ulo , 7Uc.
CUIIBII IlKiiittMl Crown brand , dark hoop ,
fie ; full whlto hoop , 75s ; full whllo hoop ,
lllchiier's.Wc ; domestic , Holland. 40e ; llus-
lan sardines , spiced , ( Vc ; Iiis < lan curdlncn.
ihiln.COc ; Swedish felslll,8' > c ; lliuuburRsplcod
icrrlntr , OOe ; Norway spiced herrlnir. (1.00.
Codllih Extra Ut-orces , white , per Ib , Ce ! ;
xtra llrand bank , Inrge , 4ic ! lloncless cnd-
Isli Turkey cod , middles. Vo ; snow white , C-lb
loxes. 12 In crate , 7 ? c ; snow whlto. 2-ll > br.ckft.
Sic ; silver brand , 2-lh hrloks,5'io. , Smoked
Ish Extra thick Imlllmt. strlpt. llic ! ;
ilonters , Oromnrty , r > 'l in Ixix , ( MT ) ;
culctl herring , otrlully mod him , 25c ;
cnled hcrrhiK , No. 1 medium , 2ilc ;
lock llsh. 7io.-Mnek ! rcl-Or. bbU ot ' 0 Ibs
Ixtrablo'iters , $7.25 ; extra No. 1 shorp , larie ,
4.1) ) ' ) ; medium shore , No. 1 , (1.35 ; No. 1 bay ,
5.1.r > ; medium No. 2 , Jl.lo. While llsh , nncho-
los , etc. Or. hblH of 40 Ibs. Kxtnt No. 1 white
.sh , larRo , ( .i.o.1 ; No. 1 white llsh , medium , $2.G5 ;
< o. 2 whlto llsh , law. (1.D5 ; extra family
trnlnlit whlto Ihh , tl.niNn.l ; . tackllla r trout ,
2.25Callfornlasalinnn ; , blond red , } J.25PpIccd ;
unchovlcs , C1.25 ; bristling , CI.OO.
1'nititNiuul Oils.
PIIIMB IjAitt ) OttVlnter ( \ strained ) , 40cs ox-
ra lard ell ( winter strained ) , 47c ; o\tra No.
lard oil. 40o ; No. I lard oil , 3lc ! No , 2 liirdoll ,
Ic ; extra Neat's font oil , 45o ; tallow oil , 45c ;
uilf bhlsllc over bbls ; 5al cans (2 ( In a case )
ic over bbls ; 1-jjal cans (10 ( In a case ) lOe over
bbls ; ! i-snl case (20 ( In a case ) 13i ! over hhls.
iKMIt.NilUll.s Diamond crescent ciuiiio oil ,
icr Kallon , 4Dj ; pnrfcctlou engine oil , Me ;
torlliiK emtlnti nil , - ! . " : licrculos engine oil , "lOc ,
VAIIXISIII : ! } rurnlturo. No. I.UOo ; furnlluru.
nxtrn , $1.00 ; coieh , No. l(1.10i couch , extra ,
l.'Ji ! hard oil finish , ll ht , J1.20.
Ouss 75 and 10 per cent from list of March ,
J.IJAIIVlllTr. is Oiir-Cnrtor , In f > 03-lb lots , ; in 1,000-lbloK per cwt. $7.20 ; Southern
' < > . , i-t. Louis. In MIMb lots , $7.50 ; In l.iW-lh
ots , per cwt. J7.20 ; led ( Seal , St. I.ouK In 5CO-lh
ots , < r.5'J ; In l , iO-lb lots , per ewt , $7..0.
WIIITK liiiY Glider's whlllni. . ncrlb. ! { ;
-'oinini'teliil uhltliiK , per Ib , lei KngllsliU. S.
nrls while , per Ib. lj < c.
ItKi ) Diir American Venetian red , l' c ;
) hattanooia.2u ; ICn llhh Venetian , barrel : ! ' !
bs , 2ic ! ; Indian No. 1. r.'c ; lusuan , Kn llsh ,
J0cYBI.LOWR Cliroiuo yellnw , C to 10o : ivhi'r ,
Jochelle. 24e ! : ocher. wiiblicd Dutch , 4c ; ochcr ,
viibhcd l''iench,2.jc. !
1'tiTTV 1'uro , In barrels , kegs nml tubs , 2Kio :
n bladders , 2ic ! ; InM-lhtlns , 2'ic.
VmivrAtir.KUli.s I.lnset'd , iloinestlc raw , In
lands , per Kallon. ( j2c ; linseed , domestic
boiled , in barrels , per Kulton. lite.
ANI.MAI , AND KISII OILS Whale , hloiichod
winter , per gnllon , .v ; whale , extra bleached
winter. ( He ; sperm , blenched winter , $1 00.
STCEI. WIUK NAii.s-Hasc , S3. CO : steel nails ,
base , J2.15.
_ lipri.vo { ( Charcoal , 'I. C. , ? , 30.00 ; I ,
' rillBETlllON No. 20 , $3.51 ; No. 27. HGO.
Hoi iiKii-Strlctly luiif and half. lito.
TIN I'I.ATK-I. C. . 10x21 , $ f.50 ; I. X , 10x14 , 19.23 ;
coke , Ixllt'l. in , W.75.
Coi'i'Kii-Fliuilshcd boiler "filzo , lOo per Ib :
cold rolled. 3Jc pur Ib ; Aliectlnu' . 23c pur Ib ; pit
and Hats , : iOc per Hi. ,
WlllK Jill ) , barb. $3.25 : gal. , ( I.M.
Hi.ncK TIN Small pis , HOopar Ih ; bar , 30u
per Ib.
( ] Ai.v.\M/.ti > SiiKi'.T Inos Discount flO-10 per
coat ; pat. ulun. Iron , Na .24 and 7 A , 10ic ! ; II ,
OSjc. _ .
Quotations nro for car lots on board cars at
Omaha ;
' '
12 ft 14 ft Ifl ft ' 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 21 ft
2x4. . $15 00 150. ) MM ) 15 SO 10 OJ 1700 18(0
2x0. . 15 W 15 ( M IS OJ U 50 10 00 IS 00 13 (10 (
Jx8. . 15 ( X ) 1500 15 OJ 1550 1000 175) 1803
JxlO. 15 03 15 OS 15 00 J5 HO IH 00 17 BO 18 Oil
Jxl'J. 1000 1000,1000 1000 1 ? 00 1831 1900
4X4 to
K\8 10 00 IB 00 10 CO ' 17 00 18 00 19 OO 19 00
llo.viiDS No. icom , $19.50 ; No. 2 com , (15.o : > |
No. a coin , f 1X39 ; No. 4 com , * ll.5O.
I'EXCiwi No. 1 , O-ln. IS and 14 ft. rf. $19.00 ;
No. 1 , Cn. , | 16 ft. J19.00 ; 4-ln , ( Ul.OO ; No.
2 , ( i-ln , 12 und 14 ft , rf , $11.00 ; i-ln. (11.00 ; Ko. 2.
O-ln. If , ft , 11(1.00 ( ; 4-ln. flUOO ; No. 3 , li-ln , 12 and
14 ft , Jii.OO : ; 4-ln , J13.00 ; No. 3 , C-ln , 10 ft , $13.00 :
4-ln , miX ) .
SlliINH-A. 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft. S22.00 ; C , J17.50 ; II ,
12 , 14 and 10 ft , $20. 50 ; 1) , $ I4M.
1'I.OOIUNO A , O-ln , v. . hi to. pine. $ : tS.OO ; 0
820.50 ; U. ft-iii , white pine , $30.00 ; 1) ) , J20.50 ; K ,
Ci-ln. whlto plno ( sol. fencing ) , $17.00 ; drop bid-
IiiK , 50o per M extra.
STOOK ItOAKDS A , 12-ln , sis , $48.00 ; K , 12-in ,
slm , JI5.00 ; O. WO.HO ; I ) . J25.00 ; No. 1 common , 12-
In. sis , 10 , 12 and 18 ft , fc.M.00 : No. 2 , ( IS 5J ; No , 1
common , 12-ln , sin , 14 ft , 120.00 ; No. 2 , 17.51) ) ; No.
1 common , 12-lu , sis. 10 ft , $111.50 ; No. 2. $17.00 ;
No. 1 common , 12-ln , sis , 20 ft , (21.00 ; 'No. 2 ,
SIIII-LAP No. 1. plalu.8 andlO-in , $19.00 ; No.
2 , $ li.OO ( ; No. l.O. ( , . , 8-lnlll.OJ ; No. 2 , $111.10 ; 10-
In , grooved roolln ? , 12 , 14 and m f t , $ lt ) . . ' > 0.
I'lNlSllIMI-lHt and 2d Cl. . Mil , h2s. $411.00 ; IH ,
l'i ! und 2 , JI9.M ( ; 3d clear , 1-ln , ss , Jll.OO ; 1 > 4 , Hi
and 2. 77.00 : A , select , 1-lu , s2sI.OO ; 1U , IH and
2-ln , S4.VOO ; II , select , Mns2nMl.lK ) ; 1U , l'/i and
2Iu.IO.iO ; C , select , 1-In , B2J27.00 ;'i and
2-111 , B.W.
A. 11 or O select nil 15 ft. $1.00 oxtra.
PoimiKiiN VEI.I.OW riNi-lst und 2d clear
floiirliifl3-in. 2,10) ) star , ii-ll. : ( $ lli.OO ; com lloor-
ins , 13-1(1 ( , 2,500 rift dour , 13-10 , $2(1.00 ( ; Island 2d
clear , ' celling. tl4.50 ; 1st and 2d clear , "S eell-
lii ! . ' sfll > .50 ; 1st and 2d clear , cellhi ) . ' , S2.VOO ; 1st
and 2d clear , tlnlsh , s2 < , from 1 hi , ? 27.0U ; 1st
aml2d clear llnlsh , s2s from I'.i In. $ : ! O.IKi ; 1st
and 2d clear , llnlsh , s''s.fioin Hi und 2 InftJ.Oi : ( )
1st and 2d clear , y u casluirs. $ .10.00 ; base ,
HASH , POOII. " , ETC. Tar board , $1.50 ; sash. K >
per ct ; doors. 51 per ct ; Jillnds r > 0 per et ;
inoiildlnss,0 pereent ; tarred felt , per e\M , $2.10 ;
straw board , $1.20.
1'oi'Mli I.UMiiiit-S Inch nnd up , 1st and 2d
clear , I Inch , s2n , } : i'.L'0 ) ; K Inch aim up , 1st and
I'd clour , ' - Inch panel , ! ; * . ! . ( H ) .
HATTENHViii , TUIIISO , ETC. 0 , G. 2S ! Inch ,
05c ; ! ix3 , hls.Kf : i Incn well tuliliifr. I ) . &M.
nnd bov , t'SIM ; pickets , 1) . & II. , Hat , $20.50 ; D.
All. , sn , $20.50.
SlliNni.KS. LATH Extra "A. " pine , 85.80 ;
standard "A , " * 2.45 ; extra "A. " cellar , $2.55 ; (1 (
Inch plno , $1.00 ; clear redwood , $4.2.'ij
lath. * S.fcO.
I'OSTS Wlilto cedar , 0 inch , ' /is , lie ; 9 inch ,
qrs , llo ; whlto cedur , .tt : im.'li , ! is. He : 8 Inch ,
( | rs , 80 ; whltn cedar , 4 Inch , round. 15c ; split
oak , Be ; Tennessee red codur , split , 14c.
Dry Goods.
CHECKS Caledonia X , 9'Jc ! ; Caledonia XX ,
lOiic ; Economy , D7Ci ; Otis ( * biic.
Ki.AN.NKi.s-l'laM , raftsman , 20c ; Goslicn ,
'i , No. 4 , 32i Jc ; Aswan , ii : ? c ; Windsor X U , 21
In. . IWc ; 0 IM5o ; U A F , ? ,25c , ; J K K , J .
27e ( : tl , ? .C , 2 ! > o.
colored .Missouri 'valley ? 12" je.
lli.K.AUiii : ! ) UoTio.s'ftllerlveley Cambric No.
OJll'4c ; Host Vol. woi 'llutteroloth ' XX. 4ic ! ;
Cabot , 7ic ; Tlist Ua ii o ! I'mltof the Loom ,
lie ; llillHeniper Ilenifi' ; llouscliriMirr S'ic ' ;
Kins I'lillhi Cambric , We : I/.uiKdon G II , ! l'c ' ;
l.oiihdaU * , Do : Lnnsdalo cambric , lOJic ; Now
York mills , llo ; Oak.totvn.Tc.
U rouiiCAMiinicH-r'io\Mi : 4'jc ; lied Slur ,
4'jc ! ; Clover , 5c ; felaterJColled , afi ? high col
ors , lo oxtra. .
( iiNfliiAMS-riimke.tirhocks. nve ; Wiltten-
ton. fi oi York , oyenNo niaiuli dress , K ; Cal-
uttadres- , \\hlttjntoncliens.tcj ; lled-
'o dress , bii4SI2c.
. ASH I'itfow ! CASINOS Ilrown
Net i'epporoll. 4ihf/ia : c ; I'opperell , 8-4 , 18c ;
l'eiperollll-4. ' 20e ; 1'pnpnrell , lu-l,22 c ; Ullca ,
4Sln. I5o ; Utlca,5i HiA7'/ic ; lltlcu , 23 in. Sic ;
UtIcn.Rl in , .Me ; UtlcaV IK ) In , 2sc. ! ( Illcaclied
Nut 1'opporull , 42 In , I0c ! ; 1'i'ppercll In ,
IHtc ; i'oppcroll. t-lWo ) ; ronuerell. 8-4. 20c ;
rnpperolll-4 ) , 2-JHoTfrtporclI. 10-4. 25e ; Utlca ,
8-4. 24c ; tltlcii , 9-4 , 2CttV 'tlca ' , 10-l,28c.
PUCK \Vcst rolnU'iJH In , 8olOJic ; West
I'olnt.28 In , 10 oz , 12"c ; AVest Point , 29 in , K
OJ. . 15cj West I'olnt , 40 In. 11 oz. 15IJC.
HATTS Standard , He ; MohawU. luljc ; hciaiity ,
U'iu ; lloone , 14c ; II , cased , i'3.00 ; lice , $1.75 pet
COTTON WAiii'-IUbb.S. white , IStfc ; colored ,
KKNTUCKY jEtxe Memorial , ; Duliotu ,
18u : Dunham , 284c ; llermilcs. lOe ; J.emlntton
22ici ! CottswOod,27'/ia ! Melville , 25c ,
TICKS I.owiston. 30 In , 20ict ! l.owiston , 32
In. 22Joj ! York. U2 In , 12Vio ; Swift Klver , 7 c ;
Tlioindykn , OO , 8'o ; 'riioriulykc ' , KB. s lc ;
Tliorndyko , 120 , 9Hc ; Thorndyke. XX , 14o ;
Cordls , No. 5 , mjc ; Cordls. So. 4 , Olio.
GiNnn.AM-AmosUcnK.7o : AmoskoOit dress ,
; llutrs.OUc ; Warwick dresses , ; r.unius- ;
-m-mtii ( cut inuwiin > "i JO'iuviii w wnjtnr >
N , 20-lnoi , Bos Slovens' NN , 28-Inch , lOoj Sto-
vuna' BTK , W-lncli , 12ot bloauliol , lu iixtra.
1'niNTS Fancy Lililyetnnc , O'Joi Stcol
lilvnr , , U i Uuinapo , liui Bt. Lcdcor , 5'U' ' .
KhlrtliiK Martha\Vusliln ton , 4)c ) ! : Mrrrlmnc ,
4io ? ; Turkey Ili-il Fountain , One ; Garner 7u :
Cr.jnflela,8jorllerllnOMe. ! ,
rnisrs-Indlgo Illue-Nct Murtba
Ington , fiiic ; American , f > Wc ; Arnold , P-Mot Ar
nold II , lone cloth. lOc ; Sllilo A. ll'ic ' ; Mrrrl-
mnc , 7-S. lee ; ( loltl Leaf , 8140 ; Uitinllton , S'ic ;
Allen I'/nks / , OUo ; Allen ChiunbrayOc ; Olou-
choMcr , Mo ; llurtel , ft'4f.
. llEAvrtiiiowx COTTONS Atlnntli * , 7 { clAt-
lantlo H,7c ; Atlantic I ) , OVcl Atlantic I' . Get
Aurora U,4 ? < L' | buck's head. 7Uct Cubot W ,
Ht ! | PiirlltiKton , f'ic : I'nrtncrs' No. ] , 4 ?
Hut Homier L\i \ , r < Uc : Inilliui head , "Sici luw-
ri'iico 1A < , 6Uc | llcnrlottu 1,1 , , 5Uc.
1'lNB HiiowsCoTTONs-'Atlntitlo Hi. Oo | Ait-
torn 11 , GUtM Aurora II , C'lioi ' Atlns. ON'll , 7Vi ' .l
cliecin cloth , 4v : Clinton IT , SUu : L'ciiLTcll | It ,
G&ci I.aiiKiIon. till. Vo.
IKRI.M5 Net AlllUSkCBfC , 0 OZ , IIHJc ! 'N Ofk
ciunlct. 12o ; Ilvorctt. Mnndrml , li'ic ' : Hay-
nnlicrs' , 74oOI ! ! l Vork , XX , lo ; > a ! liiiwrenco ,
- SJ , 12i4cl hiiwrctu'i' , 0 oz , 13J4oj ftuioy strlpva
mil chocks. llHc.
CotTOXAtiK * Vork , imliktn , lO'.icj Everett ,
I o , IScj I.owlston , 10 oz , 22icYorUlniiiiin ! ; ; ;
IIiCKottv NUTS I.nric , per bushel , } 1.1T ! > O
l.M | snmll. Sl,7.Vit2.00.
l'it < COIIN Clioleo lust season's stook. 2 l2V4o
CocoANUTS-l'orlitnul red. sacked $ o.05i bulk ,
ciiKHTStJTS-I.tiw Itiillun , 17o pcrlb.
llitAN-HucKeil , per ton , (20.00 ; chopped feed ,
HAY On truck nt Onmlm ITpland , No. 1 ,
S7..7) per tout i-oarso blue stein , W.Ml oits :
straw. $ (1.00 ( PIT ton ,
IloxiiVvlilte clover , 1 Ib frutnes , per Ib ,
ISoia II ) triiiiics , 17o ,
HiDKSANi ) rr.i.-rs-Ciiecn salted lildo No. 1 ,
4'4' " > e : No. 2 , 24 ilo ; dry Hint hides 7iTtSct !
calf hides , 7c ; ( liitnuKoit lililo-i. PJc li > m ;
slieoi ) iielts , Krccn. uiivli , 33eU)1.2U ( ; slicop ,
iultslrv. peril ) , IOC7.UP.
TALLOW A No. I.IIUdWi'o ; No. 2. lie ; crease ,
llONr.s Qiiolntlons uro for dpllvery In t'hl-
rtKO"lry biiirulo , pur ton , J10.0 CUS.OOs dry
eouiitrv , Ilciclu ! lrl0.00iaiy.t'0l ' country , dump ,
and hit-illy , $ . 1.00 10.00.
i Hemlock hlattuhtrr sole.
per Ib.i liciiiloc.-l dry hlUo sole , 2Uc2iS4ct oak
Hole , IWOIllei Ki-cncli kip skins , iKc3fl.lo ) ;
Krcnuli calf skin , f I. ' - > ! . - . 00 ; Aniorlunn oak
oalf. KicGtl.l.'ii Aincrloan hemlock calf , 7r > c ©
fl.10 : Ainorlcati ouk kip , 7VitS.V't Aincrlcan
hemlock kip , GU u : slieop skins , MlcOtl.DOi
Boat skins , per foot , 2JciOo. :
I.i.Mn.CKMEXT , KTIV On board cars nt Onmlia
IVr 1)1)1. Ash ( Irovo lime , 0ic ; Chatiiplon
lime. KVs ( Jiilncy wlilte , Me ! I.oulsvlllo ce-
ineiit , JI.W ; Mlhvaulcoo cuinunt , ) l.4.i ; I'tlc.i
cement , $ t.40j Knclbh I'oitlnnd cement , $1.43 ;
New York tilnster , S2.2.'ij .Vluhlmin plaster ,
$2.00 ; I'nrt Ilodso plnster. J1.73 ; white sand ,
J2.0J ; 1' . 1' . hair , per bale. $1.00.
C'OAI , On hoard ears at Oniiilii--Antliiicllo ;
--rliostmit , lanse. nnil ? xa , ts,2. > tcrtoiieriitc ; ,
& < .00. Soft coal Ohio , * ) . ! ) : Southern Illinois ,
74.7. > ; walnut block , ji.M : ; lowu lump , JilMi
lowu nut. $ , ' 1.00.
VOWIIKII. KUSIJ , I'TC. ln 1'ont'i rlllc Kcss ,
I'd , KlU Vl'l'G , 2. ' ) Ibs , } : > .nOhalf ; krts.l3'i Ih ? ,
? ; i.OJ ; ciiiar. kcss , C'i ' Ib.s $ l.n.i ; 1 Ibentis , 2.'i cum
lu case , : Hi ) _ " , ! ( 11) eaus , 2.'icans In case. 18illti
I'ont's eairlinliU'k-ICc. , . Noi. I , 2aiitt It , 2. > llx ,
911.00 ; half KI-BH , 12'i ' Us , M.7.V. ipuir. Kck's , ti'j '
Ibs , 4'I.Hl ; 1 Hi cans - . " > eans Incase , ffle. ln )
I'ont'si'hoko born ICetis , Nos. riaiiI7 , 2. " > lln ,
( No. n jncd , No. 7 coarse ) $ ( ! . .r > 'i ' ! half Uo s. 12li
Ibs Jl'.V ) ; qiinr. Kei-'s , ( i'i ' Ibs , $1.00 ; 1 Hi cans. I'ft
cans iiiciiH. ' , ; ilc. Oil I'oiit'H til ralu
Qiinr. ki'B , Nos. 1 , 2 und ! J. OH Ibj. f I.M ; lib
cans , 23 cans In onso , UOi1. O. T. 1' . Is neoarso
crtiln pla/.od muler. . KCU.S unlv , of 2r > lh ,
J. > .50. HIiiHtlnu' KCIJS K ins , ! ' , VI' , KIT. R 0.
H. In Omnha , $2.05. I use Single tupo ( In small
lots ) per lOOfuct. 40c : iluuhle , ( In small lots )
per liiofcut , f > 0c : blasting unps , nor MTSu ; Und-
uow &Ilcallosiulbs , per 1'JU , 15u.
Currents o"oinmcrco. ! .
Shippers will notice Dint llio poultry market
Is ouoted lower.
Tlio market on hides romalm steady , but
tliuro Isu weak feeling nud dealers would not
bo surprised to heo sonic further decline.
A singular Instance of the wldespieadlnR
pllec-t wlileh a sudden frank of fashion , oven
In leather , may liuvc. Is afforded In the fact
that Kiigllsli naval ollloors have innilo it dc-
iiiiuul to be allowed to weur russet leather
boots at sua ,
Ilranch & Co have received from linmlitrro
A'Soti who me pauklnv fruits at dunth Lake
\Volr , Florida , n snniplo box ot Christmas
fruits that are IIR line as anything over seen
In this market. There aiu fancy largo loiiiinis ,
navul oraiiRes. vanilla tweets , tuiiKi'ibies and
"crape fruit. Tlio llrnt engaged In jiackiiiK the
fruit Is from Oinuliii. llandii/zo , sr. , IH-IIIK tlio
father-in-law of Ho-so of Kosso & Co. , an
Omaha fruit Ilrm. Fred lliuiiiril , an Omaha
boy. Is also down thorc. They report business
good and arc rushed lo 111 ! orders.
A quiet tip may bo ho taken fioni the
declaration made b v koiuo of the leatllns tan
ners of the country , says the Kcvluw , that 1111-
lois tlicro Is soon a change forllio betlerlu
the condition of the leather trtulc , they will
priieeeil to curtail their production. As It Is
Reuerully ndiultlcd that there Is no great ex
cess of stocks now on hand , this , If
adopted , would speedily atToct the leather
iniirkcts of the eountry and that In a manner
nioi'o In accord with tunnels' views As they
now view It , they claim that the Increase.
In the demand for leather , which must Mian
come , will keep what surplus theio Is , down lo
n reasonable limit and this , should II. ov de
cide to decrease their output , would practi
cally make them masters of the Munition.
On the other baud , manufacturers with ono
eye on the hide markets of tliecountrv and
the other on llio listless condition of the
leather markets , are liidltVercnt enough about
purchases. The situation nil urounil Is one
imzyllim , even lo the widest heads , and ho-
youd tlio keu of either parties to accurately
predict the future.
ItankliiRlii all hranrlies. irrelvo Accounts , Issue
Interest Certificates of Deposit , up.
Deal In clmlco Miinlcliml llnnds nnil other
tenuities lieiirlna n to tt iitrcenl. Scml for In
vestment Msts. Alsii ilenl lu J.inil Warruuta mid
tici-lp , : .iiiillcal > ! o to ( iou'riimciit. Laml.
CHICJEO : .03 WASHINGTON ST. N. V. onicc : 115 Il'u'jr.
A ( iloi'lniiH Country.
Ilelon Hunt Jackson used to say that
'o Amuriuiins took our pleasures sadly.
llollecting on the manifold ilibconifotis
of railway travel twenty years ape , one
does not wonder that wo wcro wuldost
when wo traveled. No such objection is
now heard from the thousands of tour
isty on the original overland road , the
Union Pueillcvhoro every tlotuil for
the comfort of travelers hits boon sup
plied to tlio utmost , The California trip
of this winter is ono of the most charm
ing in America. The Union and South
ern Paeiflo railroads have made vast im
provements upon the line via Oglenand (
tlio journov now to San Franeibco is ac
complished with the greatest possible-
ease and comfort , without the delay for
merly incident to winter travel.
Tlio only railroad train out of Omahn ,
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omahn , Council Bluffs , DCS Moines and
Chicago business is the Rock Island ves-
tibuletl limited , leaving Omahn at 4:30 :
p. in. daily. Ticket olllco , 1C02 Sixteenth
and Farnarn sts. . Omaha.
The rlly nf Ilelenn t.i locntcd In thft beautiful
Prickly I'cur Vulloyi timiUitimlluU ) ' built of unno
BMiH'rlck. ' with teen holds , fliurchos , rrhoulu nnd
nil modern convenience of lire. Trw eocleiy It ex-
coptinnullirlilKlicluBj , having inoro tliun tlio uver-
aca nuinbur ot cilncHtcd anil Intollleent pconlo ,
Ai place iif roldencolt l uiiequiilled , It
rnn tie reached by luxurious Irnlnn dully , wlili
tlirnuiih ( llnlnBrare , on tlio ( Iruat Northern nnd Nor
thern I'ncitla ItallwBTB from Be.I'uul and Stlnno-
nnolis , or from Kansas cur , via Union 1'aclUo
Jlallroad. IMW ratt rounil ( rip Htktt * .
Montana tius dnxent of liroiifl valley * po fer
tile nltll tba deposits of aces that farmers Unit In
them a pnracitee of productiveness ami u borne mur-
ko * . ( or nil yield.
Omtlrtt of nil mlvnntnzo of Montana 11 the
xvaniteiTiil cllmulr , The worm nlniljot the IM-
cincOceHniuodlfv tlio trmporaturo to the clonroo
which atTords thahlulieil pnrtlcul comfort. U'lieulr
In vo full of ozone und 10 cxtillorallnK In II * rffecta
tint the continued cxlttcuce of ducaao U an Impro
Conaumpllvri Jlnt in tlit almost conttant meets-
rton of bright tunMnyday * ami dry atmotherf rtmr-
tlltiirhtch teen drive nwuf Ihelrviirtl ymp-
IODII , a < uli { _ < juicktnrmite ofapjxtltc and/tuA tiidi.
ctitttan tarty return of health.
For full Informationoddreis ,
L Q. PHELPS , Seo'y Citizens CommiUco ,
Helena , Montana *
Barker Block , IStb and Ifurnam.
The Brunswick-Bilkg John L , Wilklo ,
Oollcntlor Do.
Illlll.ira lurreli.inill'p , Omnlmpn | < rbox ( nctorr ,
H.iloon fixtures. 131J-1.1I9 Potulii.
407. 4011 S. 10th street ,
Uainha. Orders promptly flllo I.
Omaha Hopublicaa Printing Oj , ,
Inw brlcfn , bank supplle * , nml CTor/thlujt In the
I > rlntlni { lino.
10th nn.l lloiik'lii streets.
Acterutitm Bros. & Hoiutzo ,
I'rlntor' , binder ) , eloctrotrporJ , blank book ninnu *
facturcr. ,
rl ulraat , Omiln ,
Oolumbus Bn gy Oj. ,
Cnrrlnco , cnrti siilkloj ,
O. t ) . TCrtiranK Mnmgor.
; ] : ] - ; ; , somii inm.
Omaha Oarpot Oo. , Gilmoi'o & Rvibl ,
Cnrpet i oil clotlitnnt - Mnnufncturcr.t \Vholo- -
tlii 9 , en rtalnKooit 1,010. mlo ( . 'lothlor.1 ,
1511 DoiiKhi stroat. lloailnrnojrSt.
West & Pritscher , Dean , Armstroiig &
ManufacltircM llnocli.-irs Oo. ,
Jobbers of leaf tiihaoo'jj. 3 .V. lath Stroat.
Ibll Karnniu tri > ct. "Ilellol" K33.
Omaba Goal , 0 jko and Ooutantdc Squires ,
Limo Oo. LI d niul soft coal ship
llnrd anil soft coat. per * ,
S. K. Cur. ICtli nncU > iUif 1305 r.irtum root ,
Ins slrceti. Oumlii
Hulbert & Blum , Harmon & Weotb ,
01ilolumpItock Si > rln , Acme lump , Knglo lump ,
Kxpc-Mor , Wnlumtil > ok , \Vnlnnt Dlock anil An-
icrccneil nut , anthracite ,
( mlthlnir. sto.nn.
y. Olllco 119 N. loth .itrcct.
American Fuel Oo. P. II. Mahoney & Oo.
Shippers nn < l ilrnlen In Ilnnl-Coiil-Soft
nnthrnclto nnil Mtn-
mlnoiis conl , Offlces 81.1 .V. ICth nml oor.
2S. \ < . IJtli Ktreot. 10th nntl Duuglni sti.
Nebraska Fuel Oo. , Ho well & Oo. ,
213S. 151U street , 217 S. llth druot ,
Omnha , Neb. Oiu.ilm , Neb.
J. J. Johnson & Oo. , Jobnson Bros , ,
21SS. ISthstroot , t4 Fnrnnm street ,
Omah.i , rob. Omahn , Nub.
Mount & Griffia , 0 , B. Havens & Oo. ,
213S. JUIistrojt , 1U)2 ) Farnnm street ,
Omaha , Neb. Omtihft.
Eagle Cornice Works , F. Euompin
Mnmifnet urcrs of ( Jalvnn- Onlrnnltcil Iron cornloev
licit Iron Cornier. Dormer wlnrtown , ilnnr
Wln < 1iivciiiumutallosky cnps , UnlnN , otc. Tin
otc. 1110 mid 1112 ( run nm ! ulnto roofer.
811 Knrimm Ht.
M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpatriok-Kosh Dry
Dry gooili , furiilshliiK , Oo3ds Oj. ,
Euoila , notions. ltj poixU , nutlutiH , ucnt3'
tnrnlihlniu < > ili.
Cor. llth niul Howard sts. Corner llth nnt iliirnojr
Wolf Electrical Oo ,
Illustrated Cntnloxuo
1C1I Capita Avenue.
Pnrlin , Orendorff & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo , , General western ngont
Corner Jones nncl ! Uh s\s. \ Sknnilln 1'low Co ,
Oinnhn , Neb. 1319-lXil Sliorniau nvo.
Broken Bow Eoller K. T. Davis Mill Co. ,
Milling Oo , . C. O. Underwood ,
Otllcnnnil wiircliouso , OMnn.mor at Oninlm.
1013 N. Ilith street. Cor. Stltjiml Jnokson nts.
Dewey & Stone Fur Obas. Shivcrick & Oo.
niture Oo ,
, .
Furnltiiro and Carpots.
Furnltiiro unit carpet' ,
11IS-111U Farnam Ktrcot , 1200-1210 Farnam St.
Schneider & Loomis , J. T. Eobinson Notion
Oo , ,
Jobbers nnd Importers of
dents' furnlslilint ( tooij .
notions and furnishing rn'fV culubr.itiHl brant
"Ilucktkln" o v orulH ,
imiid , ililrtt. CDiiti. etc.
1111 Howard utrcet Cor. r.'lh and Howard Hti.
Kennaril Glass and J. A. Fuller &OD. ,
Paint Oj.
, Stro t ,
HOS-HTJ llnrnoy lrool.
Ouialia. Nub. Omaha.
William Ouinmings , Blake , Biuco&O ) . ,
UKi-'JOS Lunvcnworth at.
ICth St. ,
017 and ( JIO South
Oinnlin , Nt'ti. Omaha , Nob.
Qoo. Oborua & Oj. , J , S.3aU'i & Ji , ,
6133. Utlmtroal ,
1403-HtJ I.aivoiiiTOilit il
Omaha. Ornatii.
Fasten ft Viorling Omaha Safe & Iron
Iron Work ? , Works
Uronulit niul cnst Iron ,
hullillni : work , rrlnn , Mnnuf'rn nro „ , „ ,
hrn s ork , Kuuarnl pnior * nfci , vnult * , J.alj
fotinilrr , inni'lilno an.I wink , Iron Khuttors nnt
blnckMiilthnork , U. 1' . lro O'ont'os. ( I , An
Itr.nnitKllist. cJrecn.l Itli A J nekton > tl
Acme Iron niul Wire Wilson & Drake ,
Works , M'f'K tubular rtut , fltl
Iron , wlrn nivl brnsi ir'ki. liox boilers , tnnki , ot
filJH , li'ith tnvt.
\V. lloohl , I'roptletor. I'lcroonnl 18th ilrccts.
Koos Printing Oo.
thocMphlna , rrlntlnj
niul Illank Hooki.
Her & Co , , William D.\rst ,
I.lquor McrchanU. Wines , I.l'iior.i ] anil CU
UN llnrnoy strcot.
Mnmifiiftur'rn IConnoJy's
Knstliiillallltterj. 1313 Pnrnani St. , Omnhi
E , K. Grotto , Frank Dallono & Oof
Importer niM Jobber of .
Liquors nn.l Oeniilno No *
Wine' niul Ilitior9 | lull
Hurt Lenvcnnortli Kt' . vaitn ClKtir * .
I'rlcolht * onapiillcatlon IJ0.1 Douiilns Street.
L. Kirscht & Oo. , A. Trick & 0o. ,
Wholcsnlo MquoiDoAlori WlicIo nloMquorPealcrl
407 nn.l ( ff.'rf. 10th St. MlMS. . lOtliSt.
Ired W , Gray , Louis Bradford ,
Mme , Cement , lite , ICtc. l.nmbor , Itmo , comcntct4
Cor. 9th nn 1 I'1. ' : ! DoiiKlns itrcot.
0. A. Stonohill , I. ObcrfeUler & Oo. ,
Milliner.Notions Importernnd ! .lobbori It
Cto.iki , Kto Mllllnerr.
SOS.IIO nnd SIS South lltli
11C-113 S , IGthSt , Omnha Urct't.
MaxMoyer &Bro. Oo. A. Hospe , Jr. ,
MTitJeivclor , ( tenters In 1'lanos , Orxnns , Arttsty
mujlcnl Instruments ,
etc. , MfitiTlnl * , Klc. ,
Farnnninnd ICth. 15ll : DuiiRlni Street
Oonsolidatod Tank
Line Oo ,
lleflncd nmt Intirlcatln ;
oils , nxlu Krci'C : , cto.
A. II. Ulshop , .Malinger.
A. Booth Packing Oo , , Platt & Co. ,
Oyster * , n > h niul canned 'Tiger brand UTS , " , froah oj
Omaha branch ,
1303 Ix.iTOnworth. SI5 unit 817 Hutriird.
Carpenter Paper Oo. , Western Plating W'k ' <
Carry n full rtock of Goltl , allvor nnd nlokal
printing , wrnpplnit and lilntlnu on nil niot.ili ,
tabluwnio , utc.rui > lntcd.
writing paper , card pa I'olliililn tirnn A chnn-
per , etc. ( Idlernork. till DotUOk
Eibbel & Smith , Echrocdor & Oo. ,
Doalcrt In country prod Cnh buyer i butter imd
uce , fruits , veiiutaljlei , t-ta-s. un I General coal'
Gtl > . tuition niorcliant * ! ,
KW Iloirnril street. ( il South UtliBtrcot.
Omaha Rubber Oo , ,
MnniifncturliiK nn 1 JoJ-
ber.Hill kinds rubbvr
1003 Kauriiu troot.
SAFE 3. I D3-
A , L. Deano & Oo , , Emerson S oil Oo , ,
General nironti for Hall's 8ccil eroirorM , doileri In
Mafus. Knrdeii , urn J , ifniluanit
B21 and 32.1 South 10th St. , treu MCO.H ,
Oiiitilia. 4'Jl-fmouth 15th.
M. A. Disbrow & Co. , Bohu Sash & Door Oo.
.Manufncturom of sns'i , .Mnimfacturors uf moulil-
doorx. lillndH unit liiK < , blinds , dours ,
Mouldlntftlrnnchof - uU : .
flce , 1-tli and UurJ sts. ICtli ami Cl.irkntroet * .
Parroll & Oomp.iny , DtifTy-Trowbridgo
Wholo.inlo mnnfnctiirors Stovj Minufao'g Oo. ,
tyrups , molasioa anil
vlno arj , .Manufiftur'K itorusanl
KtllVU plpo.
217-i'J South 8th street. 12H-121S
Consolidated Ooffaa
Company ,
111) ) mi.I HIO Humor it.
Oiimlin. N'cb.
U , S. Wiud Engine & A , L , Straug & Bon,1 ? ,
Pump Oo. ,
Ilalllctnr wlnlmllH. ( til 10U2-100I Farnam utroot ,
nnil U-M .loiuvt nt. ( l. R
llos.i , ncllnK mnnnner. Omaha , Nob.
Oraue Oompany ,
IIoso belting , packliu ,
Btl'-itu puini | , I'limibln ; , '
S -'Jt r'arnu'ii street.
H. Hardy & Oo , , The Omaha Typa
Toyn , dolh , albumsfanor Foundry.
goods , liou.10 furntshlnjf Printers' Bupplloi.
Nuw niul iuconJ-lmn <
goods , chlldron'a car- inachlnerx.
rlaucs. Kliat'urnarast. IllSHowunlitroet.
Boyer & Traitt , Martin Bros , ,
( I-W Ktchnnio Ilulijtna
M-W Kichiingo Uulldlnir ,
6'lCidialiKO Millldlntf ,
Boutli Omaha. Huiitli Ouiulm ,
8 , CofTman , Srailov Hunter & Green ,
& ( Jo , ,
30 r.icliaiiBOllullJIna
20 Kxclianuo Ilulliiln.- ,
Houtli Omaha. Buuih Omatiu.
Wood Brothers ,
25 Uiclmnue llulldlog ,
HoutU Omuh *