Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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" *
tff' "f A DVEUTISEMKNTB for these column will
" " /\.bo taken until 12:30 : p. m , , for th evening
edition and until 8:30 : p.m. , for the morning
edition ind BUNiUr lint ,
rpEIUIB-C shlna lranco. ,
TATE8 AaVcrtlnernentBon thli page will I ; *
JVchnrged for nt Iho rute of 1V4 cent per word
for the first Infortlon and Icent per word for
< T ch subsequent Inicrtlon , atidtl.0i > or line
tier month. No advertisement taken for
i Ins than 21 cents for thu IIrut Insertion ,
"INITIALS , figures , symbols , etc. , count each
J nil ono word ,
rpllKSB ndrortlnnmentn must run consccn-
JL lively nnd under no clrcnmitniiccs will
they botnken or discontinued by telephone ,
PAUTIKS advertising In these column * nnfl
barliiK tliolr answers nildrcused to a "num-
tcr d letter" In care of Til * IlKEwlll receive
n numbered check to onabl" them to get their
Utters. AtiswiTi will bo delivered only on
presentation of tliN cheek. Kncloso answers
In envelopes properly addressed.
A Jili ndvcrtKemi-nts under the head nf
"Hpeclnl iS'otlcns" nrn published In lioth tlio
tnornlng nnd evening edition * of TUB HBK. tlio
circulation of which apgrc ntes more than
20,000 papers daily , nnd lvcs the advertiser
the benefit not only of the larso circulation of
5'nn 1H.K In Omaha , but also In Council HltilTs ,
Lincoln nnd nt her r-ltkR nnd towns I n thnwoat
Advertising fortnesocolumns will be talifn
en the above conditions , ntlliofollowlr ? bull-
noun houses who are authorized totauoxpeclal
not Iocs , ut the sarno rates ua can bad at tlio
main ofllro , .
| 3 2C23N Street , Mstcr Hlock.
mnclJt , 820 Bouth Tenth
IIASB ft EDDY , Btatloncrs and 1'rlnteM ,
113 South 10th street.
s II. FAHNS\YOItTI ! , I'liarmaclst , 211S CumIn -
, In ? street.
W J. ntOHES , Pharmacist , 021 North 18th
TCO. W. I1 AIUl , Pharmacist , 1718 Lenyen-
worth direct.
"UOIIES'IMIAHMAOY , 21th nnd Fsrnam.
I or raits , ttt. , tec lop nf fret cnttimit m Uita p ig" .
WANTED Ily it yonni ? boy attondhiK
Bchool a plnco to lionnl nnd do chores.
( loo. Walters , M N. Cth street. Council lllnlTs
WANTED Ily a younp mnn ( Onrrnan ) posi
tion In a meat market , Address X "T. llee.
7-.T-U *
WANTED Situation by n man ni a No. 1
meat cutter or experienced grocer. Ail-
tlross X 64.1100. 070-0 *
WANTED Steady wlnlor work to run
steam heater or Janitor work : 15 yearn'
licensed ilieinan. Addrcsi X
1 lice olllco. 73010
Y ? from England wishes to plrk up
JJAinorlcun style ; WIIROS no object : ( food city
> efcrcnce . Address J. 1'aul 3411 Oass St.
WANTED Sltuntioni for Rood girls ; my
walthu rooms are full from 0 a , in. to
f.p. . in. No need nf lii-lnuont of help a day.
Mrs. llroKa.JIHK S. IMh. Tol. K"l. _ 7M Ji :
rpHAVniKIt ; ojion for eiiKiiKeiiicntas trav-
Jclei - or bookkeepers a rustler ; HraUclaas
jofercnecs. Address J. II. 0. , 1001 N 10th st.
W ANTED Position as Iwolc-kceper , Jlrst
clnss , city references , X 7 llco. C9J
fi r iatrx , dr. , ttttopof Jtnt cnl\\mn \ _ _ _ ,
A OKNTa-W to $10 per day colloetlnp smal
J-\ . pictures fonts to enlarge. SalKf action
guaraiitoed und a Sloiiltlr , froe. A Dunne &
Co. , M Koado Htreot , Kow York , M712 3
AOIINTS-Miiloanilfomalo wanted , Light
ning soiling hpoolallly lust out ; success
certain. Send stamp ( or particulars. Patter
son &Co. . iK.1 Dearborn street , Chicago.
M 092-10 *
WANTED Ono or two ixood ndvortMng
fcollullors. Oall at olllco Western Mor-
chnnt , room 80 , U. B. Kat'l bank bldg. botwcnn
7 und 0 p. m. MMK )
WANTED Salesmen on Hillary orcommls-
Hlonto hancllotho now patontchumlcal
liilt erasing prncll. ThoKrontest Hollhn ; nov-
c\u \ * luer. iiroilutccl. Erases ink thoroughly In
two seconds ; no abrasion of paper ; i.1'O ' toMl
percent protlt. Ono ncriit'M sales nmountcd
in SfUOIn HX ! days ; nnother 9.U In two hours.
Woyant ono oncrsctlc Reneral agent for each
ctatoand territory. Bamplo by mnlliKi cents.
J'or terms and full mrtlcnlnrs nddress. The
Moiuoo Eraser MfR Co. , Lat'rosso. NVls. 6r > 0 *
WANTF.I ) Hoy.s bet\ > eon lOimtl 20ycaisof
a o ; those who have worked In cracker
factory preferred. Apply Joa. Garnoau Crack-
crCo. _ _ UM H
DWKCTlVK-Wo want a man In every lo
cality to nut us private detective inidor
C'Jr ( list ructions. Send for particulars. AVash-
'JnRtoii Detect lye Agency , box 787 , Washing
ton , Iowa. Experience not necessary.
_ _ US Pis'
ANTED M n tnsolllluo of clears , flOOpor
month and expenses paid. Address , with
stump , Globe Glgur euiiipuiy. St. Louis , Jlo.
WANTED flood coatmakois , Omaha halt
Club .t Supnly Co. . Iloonw 203 nnd 20t. :
DotiRhiHS blk. . opp. llayden's. t > j'l 0 *
\\7 , ANTED Salesman who meet thn grocery
T T tradoto soil ono of thu host articles on the
m'UKct oiuoininlssloa. Address. XM , Dec.
WANTKIi ItOBlsteretl driiKclerk : also lirst
class grocery clerk , * 10 , ami doll\ery
man for gioccry store , nnd min forthewest.
Vhllo'sonieo. II ! ) N. 10th. 070 1 > *
" 1711 UK Insurnnco Fulloltor , Liberal cominls-
JL1 mission to proper party , Smeatoiut Allen
1007 1'ariiani Htreot. lUO-iy
AOKNT wanted In every town. Bamplo
cutlltficu. Address Drowcr D , . Fremont ,
Noli. CC511 *
WANTED ARonts wnntod tlirotiKhoutNo-
lirasKa. Send stamp for reply , Jos. I' .
Mcee.tth. Omul in. 400
W ANTED Jlen to tra\ol forourl/anndlan
nurbcrlcs.Stoiio&\VoIllngtonJIndlsOi\Vls !
IXfANTKD JIan with good reference at
T Metropolitan Jlfg. Co , lUOOHoward st.
WANTED A live , energetic party In every
idacoto Introduce our poods. Wo have n
now line that will poll at every house and
ncentH reap a harvest between now and
the holidays , will pay a salary of $73 poi
month If preferred nnd furnish n team free
-Address nt once. Standard Silverware Co.
Iloston Jims. MKW-IM5 *
fr. t < t tup n fuin i
" \JVTANTiD : Olrl for central liousowork Ir
family ot two. I23 North 20th atreot.
WANTI ! ! ) A peed , reliable k-lrl for Renoral
housework ; Gorman or Danish preferred
C04 Tarnani ht. MOSJ u
A Rood chambermaid , Inquire
at f > IOH. 22nd st. Ui7-ll'
WANTED rirst-elass girl for seneral
liousenork , 2223 Hurl Ht. TO-H )
W ANTKl > roniftctont girl for housework
Mrs. T. V. Half. 1WWHliormaii n\e.
\v flood servant Rlrl ; apply Mrt
1'nrk , L'JID Loutenworlh Ht , UU 10'
"V\7ANTE1 > Coniiictont nur-,0 irlrl at onec
' No si'bool u'rl need apply. Mrs. L. A
Oarimr. 2.W California .slroot. M80A
W ANTKD flood girl for uonorul houso.
tvorU at 2213 Leaveiuvortli , Mt > o ;
Forratt * , etc , seetop of frit < viliim ioii
WANTJID To filvo usoof good light drlv
I im team till sprint ; < rellublo man. J
\V. \ r.ller. 1001 IS , V. Llfo bldg. Itesldonce.41s
Mid I'nrnam.
, ( titopif Jint
AulvEl > - oarvovniit. naturally gfted
tolls past and future , love troubles , at )
tout frlendx. clmngoi. tr.ivol , LUHIII'S-I. | Satis
Jfuctkm given. Airs. Wallace , l0b ! ! Turnani st
WJsl 21
j Olayton , clairvoyant , ' can by Ijorwll
rtxiueit , SUN. lUh Htieot
MlbSES MIY Olalrroyixiitand trance mo
diuuis ; iiiiLisagouHiiei'lultr. 1310 CUplto
avounu. 8."ii0
M1IK. llurrounh I'almUl tolls the past , pres
cat and future from tlio lines of the band
! n thbohHlypsir vray. l'eo. II : ladlen only
1817 Iturrt street , Omaba. 413 'J7
ABSAOE Madam Peltier , overelO B. Utli
Mlt9. Nunnlo V.Wiirrea , elulrvoyunt trance
ipoakhifftrltlnx und reliable bu lne
medium , four Team lu Omaha. lly.N. ititli.
For ralti , ttt. , to lni > nf [ flnl foTMmn on thh
AN 8-room detached homo with nil modern
conveniences , two-story without biwo-
mont , In ( IcMrablo location. per tnontn
rent. Will drlvn applicant to premises. Bmen-
ton & Allen , 1007 rarnatn street PX ! It
IpOIl UKM'room flat on 10th. near 1'nr-
Jnam. . All convenience1 ! , KK.M ; references
required. Hiiigcr St llradley. 1318 rurnati.
UENT-Slx-room coltiiRC,84l South 21st
street. C17-D *
OllZC'ap. ave. , f-ronin cottage. Wcstlmlf 2.U1
< Uavcnp. st . .Illl'ms , Enn.flHUnu. uvc. 8BI-JU *
FOH Iir.ST Larjo list for Deceiubor now
out. llouHesto.OO and up George J. I'uul ,
1509 Karri am. 8U2
iroll HKNT rourclcKant brick bouses. 19th
L and California btreutn. Alt modern cun-
vcnloiifos. lloii'os Just completeil. nonts
\ery moderate. Iticnnan & Co. , G22 X Y. I.lfu
building. i-82-13
for rents lOroonn , modern conven
KJ1 y. 10th st reet. 013 0
THOU UKXT ToRood tonnnt 19 month , elo-
J- cant H-iooui nir tncKlorn brlok uouso on
motor line. J. l > . UleoKS N. V. l.lfc. 1)1710 )
FOIt KENT I'lttecu-room IIOIISP , No. 210 N.
Kill strfotj bulb , heut uml at ; ono block
from business cent or. m-arpostollluo site. Sen
Jjunus Nuvlllo , 111 S , litli. M77S-11 *
10011 KENTTo responsible partlo * only.
JJ these fine now brick and stano houses on
Georgia nveniie ; fifteen moms nnd alcotcs ;
morn conveiilenees and better finished than
any IIOUIP for rent In the city. 11. It. Hender
son. 400 1'aUon block , city. 4W
FOU IlKNT Hiiuill house , with or without
barn , 1UI7 California St. , T&'J
ITlOlt IIK.VT Steam lieatiid flats in now
-L biilldlni ; , r.onvctnvorth and 1Mb st. Apply
Kolkcnnoy ft Co. No. 19 Continental bldtf.7J410
NEW brick 8-rooin housp , all modern con
veniences. II niliiutos'rl < to from I * . O , , J-0
pcrinontli. II , i : . Cole , Continental block ,
OltOOM hoiibolo rent , near Shcrniiin ave , R03
Slicely blk. 7 , > J
311-KOOM houses , ror. 20th and TiodKo st. 2
3-rooni eottliKcl. 1K)0 ) S. 15tll st , O. K. Davis
Co. , 1M.1 l-'urniuii Ht. 843 \
rpOUoniliiL'torstind EUR Incurs Woofforthoso
JL ton new nnd compluli ; llnt.s with nil modem
conveniences , situated two blocks from thu
now Toutli Nln-ot depot ; they have several
iievMuul ( oiiiincn < liimo foiturea and rent for
only f'i'i.Ofl PIT inontli , 0 nnd T looms each with
largo bnth and convenient closets. Oall and
Bee them , Tlio Mcud Investment Co. . loom
442. llL-o building. Ml
rr-HOOM liouso wltli bnrm nominal ront. C.
I V. Harrison , UIU N. V. Ilfn. 405
I1'YOU wish to rent n house or store see H.
E. Cole , Continental Mock. 4Ki
"VTKA.T cottage , inodorn linpiovements , also
-L > largo barn nnd ynrd , at 2120 St. Mary's
avo. Inquire loom 2 Union I'acillo headqna'rt.
702 10
RKNTAli Asent Oeo. .1. I'aul. 1019 Karnain ,
l and storoM for rent. Hunts col
lected. 587
171OU HKNT 8-room house , all modern hn-
Jt ? nrnvoinunts.Saa ) Uhlcugo St. , HI,07 , KhiK-
walt llros , Itnrkor bloolc , 4DO
SO. HKNNET'P. moving express ofllco with
. Neal & Oonrad , 1)13 ) Uodgo st. Tel. 127.
FOR KENT Flats , 4 rooms each , city water
and Hewer connections. O. It. K. and T , Co.
4 lioo hhlg. Mi
HOUSR for rent at fi2l I'lcrco fitreot , con-
vonlent to ilopot. Nice cottage. Inquire
of T. J. Loivry. 131
FOR HKNT Small liouso oa Emmet St. ,
west of 24111 , $ S ncr month , ANoT-room
house , city water , batii. on Oaldwoll , bet eon
20th and 27th. 125 per month. O. L. Qreen ,
Ilooin U9 , Harker block. M7&7
POR Iir.NT-K2i Mapio st , ' „ block east 24th
st. motor , ( S rooms nnd iinllnlNhed \ ' \ slory
above , full lot , well , cistern and cellar , good
nulRhliothood , $17.r > 0 per month. 0 , G. Wul-
lace , Urown block , llith und Douglas. 088
HOUSE of 8 rooms , nicely piporcd , water ,
SGUcrnnd nas , ICIrd and Cumin ) ; , J30ier )
mo. O V , Harrison. Ola > , | V. Mfo. | W7
FttrmtrH , etc. , ttt top nf hut rmiimn unl/ifi prtos
POIl RUNT Largo furiiNlicd room for
man : ind wlfeor two young ladles. res S.
J8th street. " M1B5-11 *
PHONT room , furnished , down stairs , IS.OO
pur month ; 2224 I'oppleton avonue. CJ1-13
GOOD rooms and board , hot air hcateiV at
1713 Dodge ht. W2 11
OK .REN'r I'urulsliod ro'oms , 1811 Daven
port slrcot. Ml-U *
NIOE room , stcniti heat , 1710 Davenport
wiao *
ACOUl'I-Kof furnished rooms for rent. Oall
at 8w : South lilth street. bill
IJIOH RUNT Nicely furnished hoiith room ,
JD suitable for 2 or 3gentlemen. 10(13 ( Capitol
avenue. HIU-IO *
10 ItOOM house , furnished , modern Improvo-
ineiit.s , fur board of family ot throe , Ad
dress X : , IJt'O. 871-U *
EXOAGE furnUhcd room with steam heat ,
bouthein exposure , 021 S.I Cth street. Hat 1) .
FURNISH ED room , 80 per month , 1908 Tar-
nam. 81311
D room. C23 North 10th. ? JJ 11
"IT1OK lir.NT-Nlccly furnished room with
JU bent. S.2Uthbtreot. . 7r10 *
FOH HUNT Seven-room cottape , cor. 2Sth
, avo. and Cap , are. TiiqulroSilia Dodge. M407
TG10U ItKNT Kurnlshcd rooms ; gas , bath
J- ' and steam , l.'ilO Howard. 41)3 )
" 171011 KENT Furnished rooms , 1C09 Douglas.
JC 4W !
DESTItADTjE room , inodorn conveniences
701 Capltolavo.
Fiiriate , itc.fttto\tnf \ fnl column on tliir jxir ; .
RUO.M and board , M.OO , 1712 Douglas street.
_ _ _ _ _ -
KOO.MS and board at 010 3. 17th st.
fWI 10'
TWO furnls-lied rooms-Ono a front room
with board , Each room bultablo for two.
403 M. 10th st. *
, TTIOH ItKNT Nicely furnished rooms with
, J board , all modum eovonlenccs : also gent
wishes room mate. 1721 Davenport st. KVS-13'
"IjMJHMSIlKDrooimvlth oo.ud. Itnforennos
JU 2214 rarnimiht. M 7l 12 *
DKSlRAIHin Hooms peed table board , at
The Moil tin , 2Vth and lod'o .sts , ui/J-15 *
EOOMS Wllh board ; can accommodate a
number of talilo boarders. 411 N , Iflth.
NIOKLY furnished room , nil modern con
veniences , with or without , board. 2017
Lcavenworth. ' 75310'
' IT OU UIINT 1'ront. 2nd story room , with
-lU board , 201 So. 23th. ave. 070-14'
' TJ101' focil board , nice rooms , modern convoa-
JL1 icnces , rates and location , the I'ullmuti
houac , 1310 Dodge st. , cannot bo excelled.
811 J 5-
TTlURNISIiIM ) rooms , furnace bout , board U
' Jv desired. 1310 Davenport Ht , 7S3 11 I'
ciLY furnlshoil rooms in modern house
IN close > to I-'urnuiu motor , good table , home
comforts , 257A llaiuuy atrout , new I'aul block
. 747-10 *
TJOOMS and board , 1SIO Ohicago street ,
* . '
- 710
K Lennox nil and MS N. 10th Is now open
- for thu reception ol Riiests. Itooms will
lie furiiMied tohiilt oocupunU or rented un-
ftirnlsluHl , Superior boaiil. 1X11 iy
EUUNISHV.I ) front room for rent ; modern
convlencct , ; hpard. 22U7 Douglas strcul.
ST.OLAlRKuropean liotol , wth dlulnp room , ,
steam heat In all moms , 13th and DodRo. I ,
Sucelal ratei by wcckor month. 501
For ratti , etc. , ue top or Jbst riKUMiitini J/il | xius.
e ) itOOMS , , l\Kt\t \ \ housekecpTTi 20flSt. Marjr s
avenue. U74 15' '
"I7IOR RKNT Two suits of good rooms milt'
-L' able for light housekeeping. 2S20 DotiRlai
street. U07-D' '
- T > 'OOMS forllgbt liousckeeplns. 1712 na
* - lflS DUU 15
TTIOItJtENT Suit of 4 unfurnished rooms u
-C family without children. 1'rloe J1U.20.1701
\Voh tur it. J1757
1JAOK HEN l'-3 nnfurnishoU roomi. 210 N. 13tt
J.1 it M 7M
JVf wltr. tic. , ite
- lliiKinan Pension AKcnoy
J , 21 Frenier block. lufunuatlou frco 117
For ralM , tie. , tee top of fir t column an ( Alt
lilOK IIKNT 3-Mory "rick slnro. No. 1310
-L' Ilarnoy r. . suitable. fornny Jobbing busi
ness , for n term nf years
On Uurddto H. , between th nnd tb very
desirable 8-room hou o and barn. In porfcct
1418 N. Kill st. , rery desirable 3-room flat. In
porfcct order , ,
On SOtli and Woolwortb , very desirable
modem liouso.
Arucs lii'al rotate Agency
15orurnnin Sircot ,
Bole Agonts.
Ofllce open evenings , _ 7j2
ur.ST Store room , ono of the most
dcslriblo : locations Irt tlm city for linn no
tions , dry uoodi or stilts. Located between
Ilith nna 16th on Douglas street. Address X
Kl Hce. MUM-IS *
"VTOTIOE-Wo will liavo fur rent Deo. 15th ,
J- > t o handsome stores , suitable for grocery
nnd meat market. In ft Rood Incntlon , wheio
neighbors nnd owner will assmo a llrst-olass
liuslni'ss to n linn who will keen up n first-
class line of goods. Apply Kclkoiiuy & Co. .
room ID. Continental tilock , 014-11
CJTOUK 4lxl.T. , 5 stories nnrt bnsoiiient : rall-
Oroad trackage , elevator , steam heat , 'etc.
Apply room 2 , Union 1'iiclllo headquarters.
TOKEStttTODB. Ifith. Mteain heut furnished.
S Thos. r.llull.JIll 1'axton blk , 6uU
1J10H HKNT 1'or olllco or store , 203 S. lilth st.
V HOC 1U *
| 7\OH \ r.NT Thu 4 > storybrlokbiiUdliiL'.nlth
JL1 orwlthout power foriuerlyoccutiled bytho
llco I'ublUhliiK Co. , Die Kurnrttn t. The build-
IIIK lias u ( Iroiiroof cement basementcomplete
Mcnm heating ( Ixttires wnter on all the floors ,
gas , etc. Apply nt the olllco of Tliulleo. 1)15 )
IAUOK.ilry basement for rent : n. A M. track
Jatiilntforrn : very comcnlunl. Apply to
A-vory t'lanterCo. , cor 8th nndl'nclUe. 82C-14
FOH IlKNT-lls Janiiarv 1. 4-story bulldlns.
> . . ' > 40f > iiuaro feet ; Kultnblo tor any kind
of wholesaling , nt fentb and Jones strout. O.
A. Liudqiicst , HID South Klfteunth slrcot. ! > 'M '
"I7\OH HKNT Corner store and basement.
JL } nth and N st.s. , South Omaha , H block
from depot. Jlra. llrcga , aU4 ! S. 15th , Tol. 8SI.
mo HKNT After Jiimiary 1. store nnd Hat
JLntGlM H. Kith st. Kiiqulro nt 300 lirown
bldg. 1J. J. Kendall. yil)23 )
1710K nr.WToravlo-Flno : , heavy brlok' llvo-
JL ; story corner warcliouso with most central
trackage In city ! lloors nro irt.MObijuaro foot.
airlngorA 1'eiiny. llarkor block. 183
! errata , tie. , ttt top of Ir t column onits ( /
FOR HKNT Itrlok warehouse , two stories
hlzli , ka.soincnt. hydraullo elevator , track
age ; best location Intl s city. A. O. 1'owrll.
Forratfn , tic. , nttnpo ! jlntrodimnimfAtx
ri UAOKAOKstorajo at lowest rates. W. M ,
JL lltmhman , 1.111 J.cavonvorth. COO
TOUAOR and trackage. David Cole , 813-817
Howard st. W7
STOHAOK Tlio best In city , cloiin. dry , safe ,
and uilvatoly stored at roawnablo terms.
3maha btoro Hepalr Works , 1207 Douglas. Tel.
[ for tales , etc. , tec tovof ft ft column
WANTI1D-Uy two youiiK men. room and
board , Are wllllnt ; to pay * oO Dor mo
References. Address X M , Hoe. ilft"ill
Vttrratef.ctf. , ne tojtof Jltslctitumn onlhU page.
LIST your houses to soil or rent with 0. ! ' .
Harrison. DUN. Y. JJfo. 5C5
H , " . IUEY&Hraroutiiluscnts,200N.Yljlfo
E. COI < K , rental agent , Continental blk.
3TAU Land & i-onn Co.-ltoal estate , loans
uud Insurnnco rental aconcy , UT5-dlT
Forratrttc. , KM fop oJlrit r ( t4mii nnits (
T OST A dress pattern , between Grace and
JLJ Webster on Itlth street. Howard If re
turned to Hoc ollloo , M Ps3-ll *
r OST KiiKl'sh ' mastiff .1 months old female ,
JLJllboral ri-ward on returning same to 8112
Emmotst , Ivountzo I'lnco. ' 012 10
Morrntcn/le. , ttt top of Jlri'.C'itu on till * \i\V \ .
AKQE double slttliiR desk , almost new
Jl'hll ' fetlniinel , No.UIl.Ioiiesst. _ 618
FOH SALK-Two heating stoves , hard or
soft coal , In first-class order and will bo
sold cheap. L'nll nt l.Mii N. ISlli st.
S KCOND hand tyuowrllors. J. P. Mcgeatri.
1607 l''amamstr > 'et. Umaha. 4 !
callgiaph , prlco ic.isonablo. R0.1 , lleo
OR SAI.K cheap A 10 horse power Now
Vork safety Htu'im ciiKlno In llr-st class
ndition. Kcstncr 1'rlntlng Co. , 1307 Howard
st. M 127
For rates , etc. , teelopnf Jlrfluilnmn on this pan *
E 2 fresh cows ; Inquire SSth nnd
Miami. .MO.-.S-11 *
TjlOR SALE Choap-22 head of thoroughbred
- Jersey cows und hulls. Apply at olllco
Kaufman , Smlloy &Co. , Exchange uldg , Foiith
Omaha. 607-W
SECOND hand omnibus. 1'hll Stlmmol , No.
Ull Jones st. 817
" 117 OR K horse ? CO , two-liorso wason$20 , dou-
VV bio work harness $15. Or will trailo for a
Rood llL'htsido bar buggy , H , K. Cole , Conti
nental bloot 4W !
POH SALE 2 good work teams. Inqulro at
CIS 1'nxton block. 50fl
Foil SALE AO horses and marcs , cash or
tlmo. 1'rlees from * 15 to t-'WO. Would o\-
cliaiiKosome'of them for Omaha real estate.
W. T. S-eaman.Omaha's largest variety wagons
and carriages. -W
Fnrrntts , etc , , ret topnf flat roriimn mi thl < P'lq.
, FOR SALE A ilno uprlzht piano , used but
. a short tlmo , ucasacrlllco , Inquire at2IIU
Caldwell street. SI-7S4-1I
A ME1UUA.N and foreign coins bought and
-ci-sold. ICoom 14 Chamber of Oomuier ce.
ForiHr , ( tr.MCtnpnf flrit column on Hits \ntje
\\TWrKl1-Ta buy lot to AVInsor 1'laco , one
T Y in Dwiirht & Lyman's add. , ono in 1'ark
1'laco or Hrennon 1'laco. Owners answer.
Waterman & Ileull , 1'axton block. 1)10 ) 0'
ANTED-To buy clnlnis o : all kind ;
against railroad employes Hums ovtii
J'JO preferred. Write Win. Ulctardson , Slom
Oily. la. , U II. WW. KJ7-J5'
PUUN1TUHE , household goods , etc. Hlghcsl
cash price. Wclli , , 1111 Karnam. , f.ll
Fvrrato , etc. , tee top of fro column on l/ita / ] Ag *
< AWAIJj stifot mnniialfrt'e. Ptockshoughi
and sold outright or on margin. I.ari-'n 01
, small accounts ucroptrd , J.V1 uuward. S. J
I'ock Si Co. , 02 Ilroadway , N. V. M90.1-IO
TJIENCINO classes still forming dally ; ladle ;
J during the forenoon , gentlemen afternooi
und evening. Kasdnatlug exorcist ) !
mended by physicians. Itoom O , babomenl
N , Y. Life. Omuba fencing academy ; i :
IUVOKOES qillctly. Aflvloo iruu. Ad '
dross , Lawyer,31 Church street , Now Vorl
Oily. Oil 12
JF you have horses , carrln ns or houses t (
- tradu see I1' . H. Jerome : , roe u 317,1'lrit iiu .
tlomil banlc building. .M710 J2
" \fAeSAGK Madnm Dolzler , over 810 P13th
iVL 720 J2
"T ADII.S & gents tohuy the I'lumer rocllnln ;
JUduilr ; uusiirjiasbca for comfort , B21 N. 13th
T\ ON'T forgot Jos , I' . Megonth , 1(107 ( Farmm
- * - ' . , whoii oou want to buy , rout or bdl i
typewriter. 4f >
_ _
l\1 AS.SAGEtroatment.olecti'O.thormal baths
J-'fsoalu and hair treatment , mnnlcuro a
chiropodist Mrs. Test , It 20-21 , Wlthnoll k.OS
_ W
_ _
mvi'EWIUTERSfor rent or talo. Steiiog
Jrapliurs suppllei. J.I' . tlegoathlGU7 rurnani
Fcrmtet , etc. , tte top uf flnt column on thta PTJ/C.
TJ ORSES wlntorud. We have thd best aa
J I commoamloiialn thoxtiite for wlnterln :
horses. Itox or ulnalo etalU , with paddouk.
Apply to Windsor , homu A Oo. , 203 New Yorl
Lifo ulilif. , or to ChrU Nurlne , at he stabled
Irvlnatou , Neb. 116UI
Icf ratu , tte. , tee top o//r | < uliimn on 1/1(1 ( j > ny
ItS.OiXJ.OO special fund to loin on city Improved
'P property , Ooo. L VaVU4GOO rurnam struct.
_ t. . . _ 8P1
TO , i n nnd 20 pcrccnt.'lntprest. on short
J-tlmc loans. Ollt cdgoicUurlty. J. U Rice.
ICi N. Y. Lite. g , _ WMO
13RlVATEfund to lodW'fiu ' short time. Ad-
JL dress Mil So S8th st ? _ 7X1-J J
iTvSTONB'MortBago'Itti. ' Loans of jioTi
11,000 : ( tot our rates boforn uorronliiK nnd
save mnnoy ! loans on her ( n , furnlturoor nny
approved ncurltywlthiUit pnnllclty ; notes
boiiKht ; for now loan * , renewal of old and low
est rates , call 11.203 , bhcciy blk , 15th & Howard.
MONEY to loan on socohil mortijaco. W. S
AVynn , Kooiii 't Omalla.Nut , Ilk. 111'iU.
MONfcYtoloan on Improved city property
ateurrent rates : funds on liana ; noilolny.
0co. r & Co. , va Kamgo bldg. Wl-d 15
MONKY to loan on Improved and vacant
property , Lowest rato. O. J , Cuswell , Sit !
N. Y. Life. a : . ' . ) D.'t
05.000 Bhort tlmo loan wanted on real estate
'I'seourltyj will pay 10 nor cent uud cash com
mission. J. L. Itlcc. B22N. Y , Mfo. 1117
iJTAK Land St Loan Co. Heal estate , loans
J nnd Insurance rental agency , 075-dl"
T OANSof 11,000 nnd upwards on np
JJeollateral or real estate. W. II. Mlllurd , 3)t )
Omnlm National bank building. till )
bunk , 1110 S st. , loans money
Won chattels or collateral at roasonablu rates
"ITMItST & Rccpml mortgages on vacant St lin-
* - pro\od city prop. County warrants bought ,
Money on baud. I'.M. Hluhardion.818 N.Y.LIfc.
UJ2.MO private money wanted on short time.
Pitllt edge security ! will pay lo per eent and
liberal commission. J. L. Itfce , 022 N , Y. Mfe.
MONBY to loan on city and farm proporly.
W. M , Harris , H MO , 1'rcnzor blk. , opp. P. 0.
made on choice city property at lowest
rates. Sums of M,000a d upwards porforrod.
Klmbull , Champ ft Kyan.
! ) . " > rarnam street. 809-D13
MONKY ! Kf CO or 00 days , on hoiisnhold "fur-
nlturo.etc. 018 Pax Ion block , J. J. Wilkin
son. 51070-n
S TAIl Land & Loan Co. Heal estate , loans
and Insurance rental agency. l 75-dl7
MONEY to loan by II. U. Masters on chattel
and collateral securities for any tlmof rom
1 to U months. In any amount to suit bor
Loans inado on household poods pianos , or-
pans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse
receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible rates ,
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so arranged thatou can malio
a paymunt of any amount at any tlmo and ro-
duro both principal and Inletosc.
If you owe a balance on your property or
have a loan you wlHh chanced. I will pay It oil
and carry It for yon. If you lind It more con
venient , call up tolcphuno No. 1G21 nnd your
business will bearr.iiiKcd athome.
Money always on hand. No dolay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates.
B. P. Maulers ,
Ilooin * , Wlthnoll blk , 15th uud Ilarnoy sts ,
MONEY loaned nt low latcs on furniture ,
horses , etc. , without publicity , Hawkeye
InvestmentUo.,33 IJouglasblk.lGth and Dodge.
"WANTED ( Tper cent real estate loans. C.
V > P. lliitrlHonOl2 N. YyUfe. 512
WANTED First-class 'llislde loans. Lowest
rates. Ualluud sco-'tis. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1504 Barnaul. . ' 6KJ
BUILDING loans , ( Itol7 per cent ; no addi
tional charges for commission or attorney's
fees. W. 11. Melklo , I'irst National bank bldg.
i. . JIT
REAIi Kstnto Loans Unah on hand. Globe
Loan i.Trust Co. , 307 & 10th st. No delay
no extra charges. IIOIIBUB for rent , good list.
, r 018
OE. & 0. M.ANTHOmVU3 N. Y. Llfobulld-
lng , lend money on furl" ' ' In choice coun
ties of Nebraska nnd .Ipyn , also on uood
Omaha roldonco property ; lowest rates' best
terms ! no delay ; money ready. Titles and
values passed on here , i / 510
1 eastern money
and Trust Co.
promptly ; first
" " .Co & tea , rop-
' ) . rop515
MONEY to loan onanYjJecurty
forshort tlmo nt low
rates. Lowest rates
on porrfunal nroporty.
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Compa
ny , room 4UO , 1'axton Dlk. 520
Far rales , ete see to , ottilrtt colmn on tills
DUUG business , retail , Astoria , Ore. , the
seaport city of the I'aclflo coast. Uuslncss
ostabll'-lied fifteen yoar.s. Annual sales bo-
) twecu $21,000 and $22,1)00 ) ; gross profit on sales
40 per eent. The loading store In the city ; ex
cellent prescription tiado. block will Invoice
810,01)0 ) ; fUtuics and apparatus , $ , ' 1.000. Rent
of building , J100 per month. Vrlcc , iii,000. :
Reason fdr solllnir. Ill health , solely. Address
Uavld I ) . Lynch , 1'ortland , Ore. , corner 1'lrst
and 1'lno streets. M0b2 12
FOR SATiK The best barber shop In Central
City , Nob. ; good reason for selling. I' . O
Ilox550. MOsJIll
FOR PALH The furniture and fixtures of
restaurant doing good business and In
good location ; good reason for selling. Tnnulro
on promises. N.V. . cor , 15th and Webster
streets. 012'
ORSALi : Half Interest In a first-class
well established beer agency. Good open
. ing for rlk'ht man with small capital. Satis
factory reasons for selling. Address X W lleo
LIVE hotel man wanted with two or three
thousand cash , to purchase half Interest
and open tip ono of the host & -room 11.50 nnd
$2.00 hotels lu Omaha ; line location ; reasonable
able rent ; brick building , well furnished ; 01
will sell entire Interest nnd take part pay'In
clear Nebraska land , Prlco t-lWO. J , L. Rico
U2N , Y. Mfo. 078-124
. A . ROOM Hat. full of roomers , for sale
must bo sold ; price $200. Call at410 S. 13tli
st. M. Olsen. ( HM >
ORKAMKRY for sale. Will sell or trade foi
a Rood firm In southeastern part of thli
state the "Stella creamery. " with from two tr
twenty acres ot good land joining town. This
K a splendid business oppoitunlty fora Rood
live , cnernotlo man. Address II. E. Clark
Stella , Richardson Co. , Neb. y.M
PKR Chanco-l'artner wanted
praetleal nowspaiicr man preferred , U
' take half Interest in old established and onlj
republican newspaper in ono of the best coun
ties In Nobraska. Address X 49 lice olllcu.
FOR SALK A flrst-elass stove repair bus !
nossjn LeadvlllH , Colo. ; good profltabli
hushicsa for money Invested , Reference1
Riven forsolIhiK out. Charles Adam , lit am
' . liaiast : Sixth street , Loadvillo , Cola W17U'
flOK SALK 113 barrel , steam roller mill
Thos. Crouch , Tokamah , Nebraska.WJ .
WJ dll *
i . > i
J or rate ' , etc. ttttnpot frttwlumn on thli
PUOK Gil. I'LTEUSKNVIImno , violin , zither
pultar , vocal Instruutluii. Studio so.'iShreli
block. _ J , a _ M 7iff Jr > *
BKI'ORK buying a pMb ( ) o.xamlno the nuv
scale Klmball piano. "AuIo ! > pelul3IoiiKliis )
4 ! )
Gr.O. K.GKLLKN'HKOKileaeherof the banji
With 11 OSje ) , 1513 Dout' is , J4
MISS H , J. Miles , cxficHonced teachers o
voice culture , pupil of Madam Kdna Hall
Ito-iton , Mass. RoomoOGrllfown building , coi
lOtu and Douglas si i cots.11' ? J2 D i
Fortatcji , ere. , ire tup ofJtnUtotumnun thl * wp.
GOOD cutter , fitter ttiulJfaper fromUhlcag
desires work In funiilj'js bythodav. Ad
dress Xti , Hoc. ' . lir lKi-20'
NQAOEMENTS ' ( : In faml
lies solicited. Miss titlirdy , 2010 Ilarnoy lilt.
For tnfM , tic , tee fop of tnl column on t/ifs / i
MASSAOK bath at Maduni Smith's parlors
007 3.13th tt. . next Marker hotel. aili-4 |
. ABSAOt : Madam Delzler. over 010 8 13th
720 J2
For ro ( , etc , , tee lop nf frit column on thin 7x131
/ 1ANAII AN employment ofllce , 311)4 ) fl. lith
v ibo beit iilneo In Otuulm to find help omit
uatlons. nmle or feaiftle. Tel.tiM. 5521)3 )
For tej.t M top ftr culuinn nnlhljH < ji
LAD11C.S and gentlemen can rent masquer
ado Bulls ut 022 N. 10th U ! r7
Fvrrattt , etc. , rrr tupnf frtl column nn lht page ,
lOO aero farm , clonr from
J < ! encumbrance : 100 ueres with tnnrtKaze of
fMO nt 7 per cent ! n west front lota. What
have vou to oiler lu way of merchandise ? Ad-
( IrMsXftl , lleo. U52 10 *
1J10U KXoTlANnK-N'ico level lots Inside tbo
J-1 oily limits of 1'lorre. thocatiltat of youth
Dakota , for eneunilirred liloperty or land ,
Apply at 701 N. Y. Llfo bldK. 815 III * t
lilOUTlSAIli : or sn.lo-4 well built 7 room
-L frame house ; ! , only 100 ft. from 24th st. mo
tor. lnivltiK n frontage on Emmet ct.of 400 ft ,
by M ft.l property high ami dry n rpli'iidld lo
cation for a row ot \Vllltakoiinliuprovud
or Improved clear city projietty In part trado.
Ames Ucal Kstato Agency ,
1J07 Tnriiiim st. ,
t-olo Agents.
1J1OUKTKF.N building lots In Omaha to trade
J-fora good farm. Itenawa&Co. KU-U
WILL trillion clear lots In nth st. addition
to South Omaba for Hvo stock. J. L. Ulro
022 N. Y. Life. ' IU7 10 *
IilOIt KXCIIANOH Wanted , a peed upright
piano In cxelinngo fur real estate. Itoom
13 , Uoiillncnlal block. DIO-10 *
O OOI ) buggy liorso for sceond-hantl piano.
V3WIII Jolinaon. Columbus. Neb. KXi-U *
TmOlT EXTHA aB-S Bcctlons western land ,
J. elenr. What have you to offer ? Itlsoly ,
ghonnndoali. lii. 7CO lu *
\\T ILL trade linn corner lot on 1'arnam st.
M In Windsor Terrace add. clear for good
horse and carriage or team. J , lv. KIcoV22 N ,
Y. Llfo. UI710 *
T.OTIn South Omaha for slock of groceries ;
JJwlllput lusoino money , aos Shccly block.
Ntl 11
TflOK IIXCIIANOE J3.000 stock hardware ;
-L want Iowa land , llox Did , Shcnandoah. la.
7C."i iu
WAN'TKD Tocxchaiigosonio valuable real
estate foruood.s , trade must be madn
quick. Address X 111. lleo. M TOS-Sl"
/ OTTAOU nnd cash to exchange for equity
Win vacant lot. Shaw , SOS fchcely blk. 074 1)17
WILL trade clear lot In llogc-s& Hill's ud-
( Illlon to Grand Island forboiso nnd car-
rloifo or piano. J , L. Hleo tCJ N. Y. Life. 1)17 ) 10
/CHATTEL loans at lowest rates , Removed
Vto U24 N. Y. Life bldg. J. 11. Kmmluger.
WANTED A horse or mare in part I ) " } ' "
iiient. toward a wagon or carriage. W. T.
Soarnan , Omaha'a largest variety WIIKOIIS and
carriages. 'Mi
FOIl HAIiK Chop honso with established
trade , dohiK good business , In goo 1 loca
tion. Good chance forrlght persons. Address
X GO , lleo. P87-1C *
for rait' , etc. , ta lap of i rst column an tliii
WKlmvo a customer that ban Jv',000 In cash ,
f.J.CXK ) In Rood notes 2 < 0 acres hind , C cor
ner lots. clcRant residence property with
barn , nearly all clear. I'nrty wants a $12.030
or Jlfl.WO stock of merchandise at once. Lar-
mon T. 1'ruyn Co. , 24100umlliK Bt , 008-10
lCN acre hlock In Itcnson for sale at an ut
tractive priceliciison &Uurmluhaol.
75t 10
rplinbe.stcoinor on upper t'lirnam stteot ,
JL froi.taRoon II streets ; Hplcndld corner on
Tarnnm street. cloo tocoiirtbouse.a harRahu
corner with truckitRO in S. E. part of eity
peed rcshlonees and low-priced cottanes , ROOI
lots for bulldlnp , tome an low as J1UO , Inside
acres. farm and unimproved land.
We will sell any ot this property , of which
wo have entire control , at prices way below
what you can buy at > lso 'heio.
Stringer & I'onny , llarker block , 15th nnd
Tarnam. IbS
"VTO man can allord to let the cbaneo RO by'
. X > suclias Isolfered him In Atnos place , if ho
has nny Idea of making money and securlnx
a home lu a RrowhiR and thriving city like
, Omaha. Noelty In the west has a better rec
. ord and no city outside of Uhlcnuo has as Rood
a ono for solid advancement ana prosperity as
Omaha. Now Is the tlmo to buy Mich property
- as Auiesplaco at'JTiOforfiO-ft. lot.
Ames Real Estate Agency ,
1507 Turnum street ,
Solo Agents.HOT
RANOriKS and farms We are ROO agents
for some nlcicant ranch and farm prop
erties , clear of Inciimbranco that wo can sell
. on easy terms or trade for Rood Income prop
erty ; r > .2SO acres hi Hoono county. Nob. , lift ecu
- honses on it. finely Improved , urlco $120,000 ;
4,000 acres In Vernon county. Mo. , nine houses ,
and other excellent Improvements , $100.001 ;
000 acres In ColTey count3' . ICnn. , very llnely
Improved , 10,000:5,000 : acres In Wichita county ,
Kan , , every necessary Improvement for a
first-class western stock ranch abundance of
water. Addiess M. A. Upton Co. . Om aha.
aha.on. . - .
FOR SALE At a bargain,00x123 on Daven
port near I7th , ono i block from new post-
oince , very choau. $20,000 ; KKKJ2 corner 20th
and Knriium , $ . ' 10,000. 0 , Ii. Green , room 119.
Darker block. B27
- Ili" you make up your mind to buy a lot In
Ames place the terms will bo made within
your reach. The property Is valuable. 1'rlces
asked aio moderate and the terms inadu will
commend themselves to any man able and
. willing to help himself by buying a , lot sure
to Increase lu valuo.
Amos Heal Kstato Agency ,
1507 Tarnam Street ,
Solo Agents.MT
* , FOU SALE Some very cliolco bargains la
bouses and lots and lots without houses.
Those will not keep only n. few clays and you
should got a hustle on yourself atonco. w. A.
Spencer , room 7 , Chamber commerce. 8M-0 (
' TITAN IIEIJIIKN. 1401 DonKlas st. . sells loth st
V nddltlou lots , 840fls Van Iteurcn Heights.
, 100. Toruis , $2."i cash. JIO monthly , 62x150 , well
Improved , California t > t. $7,500 , will take some
trade. 14J-M
, " \7"OU cannot allord to let the opportunity
' J- now presented to you goby If you have any
Idon of making money in Omaha real estateas
thousands of pcoulo have dona and are doing ,
You can buy a M-foot lot now In Ames place
for $1,050 , $1,150 , $1,250. This property Is all wo
- claim for It.or It would not bo advertised and
would not sell.
sell.Ames Real Estate Agency ,
, 1507 Farnnm sticot.
Solo Agents.
FOU BALK Choice aero property at the
' city limits ; clcotrloear.s i milling near tills
propeity at the present time.
60 acres on Ames avenue.
20 acres near the Bolt line.
IS-aero fruit farm near Ames ave.
210-acrn tracts , llonum addition.
5-ncroH Solomon's addition ,
200 acres near b'otith Omuha.
1 10 acres In Kensington.
O. M. 1'owor , Polo Agent ,
Itoom 28 Chamber of Commerce.
740-10 *
rpHE following property must DO sold at
JL once : Corner lOtli and Ma.son , Improved ,
$ < ,000 , paylng'lO percent. I'ull lot , 28th , near
, \\oolworth. It'ull lot,21st nnd nurdette , only
$2.aoJ , Also corner 23d and Laird , only I , W.
Terms easy. These barKiilus worth mveHll-
gatlng. Smeatou A Allen , IG07 Farnam street.
M7iT : > 10
AMES I'luco The best property today In
Omiihn , not only for location and present
Talue. hutnlso forlncrenso of value In the
nonr flit tiro. There Is no property In tlio city
of Omaha that has a bettor title and Is offered
any nearer Its aotual cash value than Ames
1'laco. You can buy Ames 1'laco 50ft. lots at
11,030 , $1,1.10 and JI.2JO iipon very reasonable
terms. It will pay you to Investigate this
oirer and s o what you can do.
Amos Itenl Hit n to Agency ,
1507 Furnain street.
t'olo Agents.
1 20 acres flno farm land adjoining good No-
X braska town ; nearly clear ,
100 acres finely Improve. ! land 2 ! { miles from
49 county seat In Nebraska : lightly encumbered ,
120 acres good land In Nebraska , 5miles from
oir county seat ; 2,500 Inhabitants.
II. liouso and lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
ir. Clear lot In good Nebraska town ,
4 loom house and lot , lir.rn , well and cistern ,
ICthbtrcot. Umaha ; slightly incumhored ; will
trade for Omaha property und assume Incuiu-
brunecs. II. K. Cole. Continental block. DOQ
FTO lotos In Amos 1'laco with the facilities the
Juropuriy lias of rapid transit , paved streets ,
and an Inside city location , are all valuable
factors la considering the advantage of
making nn Investment thoro. You itannot
Und today any Omuha prouui ty priced at any
nearer Its aotunl cash value than Wft. lots
. In AMCS Tlace.Ames
Ames Heal 1-Mato Agency ,
1507 Tarnam Htreot ,
tolo Agents.
ELEGANT resldorco In Kountzo I'laoo ; U 7I I
rooms finely finished and all modern con
veniences ; \Vlrt \ st. , iicur 20th. Uan toll on
one-quarterciiHh tiuyinunt and balance time
to right party. This Is no cheap affair ot 9I
honso , but a comforablo homu in every Hcinso
mid iiblKbimp bartralo. I' ' . K. Uurllng. llnrkor
Hlock. M.703
MEN of moderate means want places of
moderate ) value upon which to build their
homos , and nothing conies any nearer this
wuntthunu 60-foot lot In Ame * plaeo , thut
you can buy on very cai > y terms ut * lU."i0.lll5u ,
11,250 per lot. This property has all the ad
vantages of rapid transit , perfect title arid all
the points to make It valuable. Yon will ad
mit thl * when vou Invehtleate the xround.
Auiculteul Kstato Agency ,
ISOTL'urnum btn-cit ,
- Bolo Agentf.
* U07
Forralo , etc. teelnpof/lrtl column on this
A ME9 ionl l > tnt Anenoy
\ . 1307 Vatnurn Street ,
Bole A Rents.
Sautulen nnd Uuinln ft. , No. .11.
Saunders nt , north of Donlso ndd.lM
ft , froutngo , mittablo for Iniprovn-
inontns rental prtiporty , I'rlco. . . . $10,000 00 : OnOiimhiKst. ncnr ! tli. Half
lot with 2-story store building , for. , 7.000 09
No.o. : Half lot. Oiimlngst. near 2oth
with small IIOUHO and barn . fi.OOO 00
This properly wo consider as good a bargain
nslhcrnls fortho money on Oiimlne su , hut
rhevj prices- will not hold good very much
No.29. Saundcrs it. [ 21110 nnd Mapla
ave. 181 ft. at 70.W per ft. and 200 ft ,
ut T80.W jior ft.
No. 24. Pull lotSStnml Cuinlng ts. . . JI3.OM 00
No. K. Cuiuing nearlllttst. . fllll lot. . . 5,00000
, No. 1'L 22 ft , Saunders st , near Decatur -
tur . fi.OOO 00
No. 12. 22 ft , same location . K.OOU 00
No. II. 22ft , same locution . Ci.OOO OU
No , ID. 22xM ) ft. Huundors st. near Odd-
fcllowshall . fi.OOO 00
Ames Iteal Rstntn Agony.
1507 Pnrmim st. ,
Solo Agents
Office open evenings. 007
BIISINHSS corner on West 1'arnam , 42x12 $ to
an alley , $ . ' , IIMI.
Lot on 2-'d street , I'laluvlow , Wxl24 ) loan
alley. tl.OOi ) .
Alexander Moore. Ml Slicely hloch , MfWMl *
AUC11I A Westoi-lleldreuesttitoSOniiiha
rr HOOM cotlnRe , full lot. Hanseoni I'lacf.
i east front antl a great tin rim In for a few
days. Bmall eush payment and hllanuoon :
IOIIK tlmo. 1' . K. Darling , Itarkcr block. Kit
rpIJN elegant ncro lots In Itcnvin ; will sell In
JL u body or divide , llcnson It Oarmlchucl ,
413 N. Y. L. bldK. 7M 1U
POll SAIjKor I > aso I" feet east front by
'Ml feet deep , alley corner. ' 'Ith nnd Cumlntf
streets. Address Joan Sclious , Dee bulldlnir.
! UU D''l
SNA11 J-J.750 will buy n tilcetv-room hoiiso
and lot , with cellar , cistern , city water
sewur and barn , centrallv loealed ; termi
easy. J. 1) . 7-lttlo. OU N. Y. lfo. M8 < Hi ;
EIGOr.bT bnrRiiln In Omaha. Only threoof
tin wo olegaiit bouses on 41th nnd I-'iirnutii
left out of six ; other thieo occupied by Ilist-
cla s partlos , Houses uru open all day for In
spection , Kvery eonvonleneo lit the houses ,
Including pas and gat Mxtun > 9.
Tnko a look nt thorn during this fine
Mcathor ; buy one and take llfo comfortable *
during the winter.
Only tal > s from l00 ! to $ . " > 00 cash. Fee thorn
without fall for they will please you , 1) . V.
Sholos , 1I3 ! li'lrst Nat'l bank. NO
"TT OU SA t.lltlc linrmiln ; T room lioush and
JL1 full lot In linker I'lncc.lic.ssthanlfoit. flli)0. ! )
Kasy terms. Imiulre. of owner , K. U , Merrill.
4211(1 ( and Cassstroets. US1
"II1OU SALK-Onoof tlio flnoststook farms in
JL1 thu west. 01 mllca southwest of ICansas
City. In the garden part of Kansas. The farm
consists of W ) acres , all first elass land , fonccd
and cioss-fencotl. An elegant l--rooui liouso
and other line Improvements. A r.-nero
orchard , urtlllelul luKe , etc. , etc. To any ono
wanting a Kilt edge stock nnd grain faun
nothing can bo found that wlUemroly fill the
bill bettor than this : 'M head of eattlu , 300
tons of ha v.Ican bepurchasod with tlio f rain If
desired. Wn will soil for cash or uurt cash
and notes. Hilt , edge Income property would
li consldcicd In oxohango. Addicss BI. A.
Upton Co. , Omaha , Nob. TIG
O KTjEGANT homos In Koun(70 ( ptaco from
J-oOOtoSCJ)0 ( ) : fWcnsh , balnnco 4 years $ .15
licrinonth , ( I per cent Interest. Olnnr good
tiomcH In same addition to oxcliango for city
property. 8-room modern bouse , il1 } blocks
west oflMth , on Caldwell St. , for ! M.f > 00 : } .Va )
cash , balance 1KW per month. ( II per eent Inter
est. J. J. Ulbson , sulu uuent , Kountro plaeu.
K room house , lot 33x82. JI.700.
t > 0-room house , stable , lot : tlSxR3 , K.OOO.
llrlck house , and American liouso. lot ( HUM N.
UcorucrlOtli and Douglas. Enquire 2121 S
HIM. Ill
STAIl Lurid A Ioan Co. real estate , loins
and Insurance rental utcncv. l)75-dI7 )
M'OHR men bavo made money In Omaha
real ostat" than In iinythlngolsc , and no
man who has bought property well located and
at a fair price hnsoror hiit anvthtiig. All prnp-
oitv in Omaha will advaiu'u rapidly In value
within the next six months , and now Is the
tlmo for the prudent man to make his Invest
ment and no Investment can to .safer or surer
thantobuy a CO ft lot In Ames place , at the
prices asked nnd the terms gl\en.
Ames IJetnl Estate Agency ,
1307 Itanium Struct ,
Bolo Agents.
r pn K bent lot on Hamilton and Lone a vmme.
J. Kiiqulro nt 40J $ Hamilton st. fi U di ) '
Forratei.ctOf teelopof Jint column imllita jig ) .
15EST llnobalrgoorts In west ; hnlr dressing ,
JJVIgs , swltchcn , bangs , hair chains , etc. , u
sDcclulty. Davlcs , hair goods and milliner ,
opposite postofllcc , 111 S. ISth btroot , Oniuha.
Forratcs , etc. , fee top of fln' c'ticn > i on Ciu pij
V\7ANTKI-subscrIbers , $ I.M per your In-
Tl cludliu Inch space free , sample copy IS
cents. Halo and Hxchaugo Journal , Modulo.
la. 847-it : *
/ orrattf. etc. , rec toji nf < lnl column on t/ili / jinae
changed , runted. J. 1 * . Jlegcath',1007 1'arnam
( .truol. 4'U '
/orra/fc" / , ete , tea top nf ( frst coliunii on tninimn
PATENT lawye
Co. , llco building , Omaha , llruneh olllcu at
Washington , I ) . O. Consultation fiec. Ktt
Forratn , elf , , tec top of fint column OH Hit * page
17UIKU Mohlo loans money on diamonds and
-L wutchos , ] owolyetcS , II. cor. Farnam .tilth
Stockholders' Meeting.
OMAHA , Neb. , Deo. C , 1890.
Notice Is hereby given that the minimi meetIng -
Ing of the stockholders of the Omaha & Klk-
horn Valley railway "company for the purpose
of electing sovun directors and biich .uilior
business us may proptrly conio before the
meeting , will ho held at tlio ofllco of John M.
Thurston , Union I'aelflo building , Unniha ,
Neb. , upon Wednesday , the 7tb day of Jan
uary , IbUl. at 10 o'clock u. m.
W. J. OAimor.i- , Assistant Secretary.
S toulclioldcrs' Meeting.
OMAHA , Neb. , Doc. t > , 1ROO.
Notlco IH lieroby given that the annual im-ot-
Ing of Iho stoeklioldors of | the Union ulovator
company for the i > urH | o ofoleutliig seven
dliectors , and Hiich other business as may
properly como bofoio the meeting will bo hold
ul tlio olllco of John M. Thurdton. Union 1'a-
clflo building , Omaha , Neb. , upon Monday , the
5lh day of January , IMIH , botwuon the hours of
10 o'clock a , m. and 0 o'clock p. in.
\V. J , OAHIIOLI , , Assistant Secretary.
lor Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Cogs. Hogs , j
OOOPnao Hook n Treatment of Anlmala
and Chart bent i'roo.
cmusT'eTerHCoii ( esiloii8.Inllamniiitlon
A.A.lHplual fllcniiiKltlHAlllk I'ovcr ,
( ) . < ) . Dlmomper ,
] ) .l-'liotN ) or ( irub , WorniH.
Ki : . . . < : iiuuhB , IlruveH , rneumnnla.
] . ! ' , . -'ollc or ( Jriuc , llellyncliu.
( > . < > , * > nilHcnrrlnuo , Heinorrhu
11.11. Urliiury nnil Hldncy Di
I.I. Eruitlvo DlHFiiHCH , Miiii
J.H. JJUeiiHCior Dlnt'Btloii ,
BlDKlo Bo tlio ( overall oficf ) , - - .00
Btnble Cane , wltu Sreclflc * Manual , .
VtU-rlimry Cure OH anil Modicator , 87.0O
JnrVftcrluuryCiirvOIl , - - 1.00
Sold by Drnculita ; or Sent Prepild anyvrhoro
nnd In am quantity on liocclpl of Price.
Corner William and John Sit , Now York.
In u o 30jen. The only nnwc "ful rtraody far
Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
end ProKtratlon , ( ram ovrr-worlt or ottier cauifa.
31 per vUl.or 6 rt l j nnd Inrse vlil powder , forts.
Soi.u HT DHDiraun , orient lioitpald on receipt
Cor. William and John Sti. , K , Y ,
fi eet\icnluvtaicl \ Pcbimy , AUoiiby.liiipotfncy ,
V ar , Kvll TUoiiBUU , V rfcoce | , J.osnn ,
filuvrrr to unmanly pr ctlce , NervoiunMi ,
Hlirunken Orir ns-ull tliesa are cuinl/lr. '
nml KII a tWunopalu of Muootui ,
tIMIK HKI > I ! AlT ; u. , llullulu , N. Y. Yn < i
ran. < -J
_ .
BEAUTY * * POLIS. . . -
tanvut I CllllAliU , llt'UUNUTUN A ( J. I ArrltM
Omnliii. I ) , ' | ) mill nml M nm urooti. I
C < J p m , . C&l gaTKipru * > r..n. . BU ) > m
PM it m . I'htniKO Ripren . fl.'O p ra
S.10 p m . CLIcn a Kiprou . 1 10 Ui mil
( .Mom ! . IIIWH liornl . l2UUiu
\n.ioi \ illUKM.XiJTON A MO. HIVKll Arrltc >
Ouinlm. | IK'ixH lUtli nml Mmnn lro ti. Onuliv
10.V5 n m nr 101 p ta
10a n m . . . . . . . .UuitTcr 0.1S p ra
8.40 p lu Dot ram
8.13 n in
ir.TJST.j.rc.u Arrlfei
lpnil | IDlli itml Mmon ttcati. thunht.
"t IX ) n in . . . .KiuunaCltr ltaT KprfM. . . 0.10 p uT
H.ii i m 1C. C , Nl lit Kip. U U. f. Trnm
Xrri ( i
l ) p < ) l lOlhnuit M rcjr ulrdflti . Omilia.
] M ) p m " . Onrfniul Vljor BuTp m
7.3U p m . 1'ncino Kiprai * 111.41am n ra . Dunrur Uxpn s . . , . , , . . | 3.Upni
0 Ul am . Knni Cltr Eiprvn . 11.03 a u
10.15 n m . . .KnlrlloM Kin. . ) . . , ! '
Uiunlin. jir.J } depot , loth ami Slnroy SM ! Oii'mliy
( .10 p ml NTuhl Ktprt UU.OJ R ra
BOS it m Atlantic Ku > nm ' 6.30pm
J.M p nil . . . . . . . . . . Vrillbiilq Llmltoct. . . . . . . y m o > sioirx"crri
Oiimlii. L .J" tiiput , lOthjin'l M rcr _ St j Unnhn
1.16 a nil Vlour City 1'nnv.Mik'or. . . i
" 4. : D niJ . _ . . . .St.l > i\iil jn
"l uviii TOUX t'l'Ft .Cl'ATTtHfcT lArrfiJf
_ Oiu li . I ljupot Ulli ftnJ Web l f Ht .
R.UU K nil Mmtlail. . .
Unmh . | U. I' , ilopot , 10thniut _ Marcr !
9.i. > n ml . .rtilrniiu Kiproii. . .
iu ; pm Vcitlbiilo Mini toil. .
8.15 p mllowi Accommodation ( Kso , Bun )
11.1(1 ( p in ICMU-rn Kljrur
11.15 a mjoxp | iiiiKn ) t Must liv-li'io
l/onv 4 | TrnK.AllJ ( , Mlu. , 4 'K
pmitlio. | U. I' . iH'iMit , loth unit .Mvor Bti.
6.10 pm ! . . . ClilcnK-o
TAmreTT ( ) MAllA A"8rTTUTS I ArrTvM
_ _ _ ilopot , 10th jiml AlnroTSti. | Onuha.
4J5U vinj . . . .St. loul Cannon llall . . I H.jM J _ ja
] , CI\TO > I I' ' . , K. It M Arrlioi
Oninhti. | Pcimt 15th imclWotMtorfltr. I Omthi.
900 a ra Illnck Illllj Kxpn > * i. I 5 pm
00 it m . . .Ilastlimi Kit ) . ( Ex. Sunday ) . . , &M p m
6.10 p m Walioo.tUncoln I'm ( Kx.SiinU'T\\OM ) \ \ a m
J > .10 pm _ . .York A Norfolk IKi. 8
, .
Oninhn | Popot litli iiml WohMor Sti. Omnht.
SVfO n ra Clt ; AccuiiiiiiodRllon. . . 9.1)3 p m
I.UO p m . .Hlouz CUr Kxprt'91 ( Kr. Dun. ) . . 12.40 p m
? . ( ! p in St. 1'nul Uniltuil. ' U.VJ a m
6.15 ujn illnnroft I'anoiigOT ( Ki. Sun' ) . I
Pcpot IMhjunlJVohitor atn. I Omahi.
.SI. IxiuT ? , VK. U. KipruKi. .
St. I nuli.t . ltU.i _ Kiir | i
Tmnnfirl Union Depot. ( Vninu
9.30 nni Atlantis Kipron
600 prax . . . . . VoHllliiilo l.iiultfd
1/cnrei TCliltiAllli A MOlllTlNvKsi'iniS
Triiniiferl Union Depot , roimcll Illulli ,
0.4U ami. . . , Chicago Kipress
WO p m Vcstllnilo l.lnilluJ
10.00 p ,11 KMtorn Kljor
I.IXJ p in AtlantloMMI
O.0 pmpwft Apcomnn > (1ntlnn ( Kxe , " " "
"l ? e r itrt. & ST. I'Aui
'frnniifor Union DetHiU Council Hludfl.
C.'M p m
" '
p m
10 CD n in .KnniM CUr " "T Kxprcus. .
10 J5 p inj _ . _ nt _
nearori - D.\fATrA A"8T."lAHIlH : TXrrrTei"
Triimfurl Union llvl'Qt. ( 'mum II lllurTl Trnmfor
' "
.ft. l.oiil i n nun Hull .
Tiuiutor Union Depot , Council lllugi. I'l'riinifor
V.W a m1 a.'M p m
10 CO p n .ClilcnKO Itiproii , 9.40 a tu
7J)5 ) pm laical. ll.aia m
Union Depot , Council Ilium. Tiamfor
T.4J in . . .Sioux Cltr AccommoJatlon. . .
civ , p m St. 1'nul Kspreil
p.m n
Portal . a , 1.4) . . . . 9.S3
Seymour t'ark. . s. 4.53 . . . . u.a ; l.u
Mnncot , . s.H. . 4.M . . . : 1.47
6 4.5'J ' . . . .I .as 1.53
West Shi" . 0.1. ) 7.i58 | , .Uj tl.UI 9.40 1.53.M
DuiKleo 1'lnco. . 7.188 , 5.1)7 ) 11.171 9 41 i.r.7
Wulnut Hill. . . 7.SI 9. . i.10 11 20 2.1X1
Ijiku Stroot. . . . . . IV 4.IH 0.21 0.43 3.01
DruliI Hill . (1.85 ( 7.S * J.15 . . . . t.Oi
OnkClintlinm. . . C.2-S ' .1) ) 5 18 U.51 3.0)
Wobatcr Street. 11.40 ' .43 I ! 40 lo.m 2/'u
HOOD : General and NKli-
VO1IS nEIIIIjlTV. Weakness of llody and
Mind ; EtTocthof Errors or oxi'o.ssoiln Old or
Younir. Robust. Noble MANHOOD fully ro-
utored Wo guarantee ovoiy case or money
refunded , naiuplo course , 11 vo days' treat
ment , 81 ; full comic. $5. Securely bealod from
baervatton , Cock Remedy Co. . Omaha , Neb
fit.Ola ir Uotol , Ofllce Cor. iith : iin'IDoileoS t
TNSTRUMENTd plaooi on ruoord IJeconi-
JL borli.
0 H Tzschuck to J W McDonald , w 0.1 , lot
20 , MklS. rihilU'BSndnilrl . 0,000
Edward Klrwan and wife to Anton
Schiiutror , n > .i n H li'-Ui-U ' ! . 2,500
II G Clark and wlfo to Ellen K Oration ,
lotlO. lilkT nul'ont 1'laco
. , . 700
South Omahu land compnny to Law-
Miiicu Weeda , lot 14 , blk 120 Bouth
Omaha . 400
8 llllioivnniul wife to A O Mlllurd , lot
It. blkiitl , KutuitTo I'laeo . 1
Rleld Mu n u to Vr'llllaiu Latowsky , lot 4 ,
blk 2. Vim Damp's add . COO
H II O.sterhoudt to U J fox , lot 25 ,
Archer . 4.00Q
W II Illsheoand wlfutoKdwiirdHpiiusor ,
lot ! , ' > . blk "II , " Baiiiidoi-s & Illiuo- '
bnilKli'.s 11(1(1 ( ( . 750
Nathan 1/ii/anis and wlfo to (1 J llouk-
111:111 : , UL al , lot ; j , bile : i , llolfniiin Ter
race ( . ( . . .4 . f , , . > > . . > . . ) . . . . * > i , , i i > 650
K Ki'ri'iiehanilwlfo to W 11 Kreldler.
loU , blk 18 , Central I'arlc 800
Walter Wills to 0V I'arlildgo , lot H ,
WIll'H sub 2,500
United States to John Hitches , n OHO 1 -
l-l' ' . ' , pat
UnltedHtntes to John llaokcs , u w a ,
and s V H u l'J-15-lU' , pat
tfourtcon transfers ? 1S01
The following mirriaso Hcoiisoa were U-
sucdby Judge SUlolils yoitorJiy :
Name anil address. Atro
j CarlKuhemonsky , Omaha . : i'J
1 rniilliii'fchiiildt , Omaha . 27
j OharloM Whlt.stnno. liougliis county , . 21
I Jenny McUurtliy , I > ou laa county
j Henry S. llrynn , Two llarbum , Mich . 45
I MIIIIcuiitH. WlUon , Omahu . 29
Hulliliiii ;
The following parmlts wora Issued by the
superintendent of IjulldlngB yesterday :
K. 1) ) . I'nrcon.s , two-story frame dwelling ,
l-'irteitiith and Hois streets . t 1,500
Two minor purmlu . HO
Total . . . . . I 1,530
Dr. DIrnoy cures catnrrn , Bco bldff
A Mclnnolioly liivltatlnn.
Tim Brr. Is In receipt of n neatly printed ,
Invitation to attend the execution by Imntr-
IIIK of four rcncKudo Indians ut
Missoiiln , Montnnn , on December 1'J
The Indians to ho hanged nro Pierre I'aul ,
Antloy , Lulu See mid I'u'ailo , four of tlio
most treacherous und bloodthirsty tmvagcH
that over harrassetl the ButUcm of tlio north
.Sheriff W. II. Houston , formerly nn Omaha
man , hus been Instrumontul in Iho
capture and conviction ot those out
laws. The Invitation has bcon for
warded by Herman ICoscimvolK ,
ulso a former resident of Omaha , who bus
prcatly IntcrcstoU himself In the capture.
riio in * Uoiiuii 4. printed In heavy shurnclcrs ,
with wide hlacM.uurKin Und t very f uutreul
In It * uppcaiutiii\ :