Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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' A DVEHTI8EMKNTS for those colutnm will
.Abo taken until 12:30 : p. m. , for the orcnltil
edition and until 8:30 : p.m. , for th morning
edition and BuitDAr Mil ,
rPEHMB Cash In advance.
T > ATEF * Anvortl fmf.nt9on this page will t > o
JLVcharzod for nt the rat of IM cent per word
for the first Insertion nnd J cent per word for
ntcu Bubsciiucnt Insertion , nnd 11.50 per line
jeer month. No advertisement taken for
If s tliiin 21 cents for the first Insertion.
TN1TIALB , figures , symbol * , etc. , count each
J n one word ,
rpllESH n < 1vortlfl < * mcnt. ) must run conscciJ-
J-tlvefy nnd tinder no circumstances will
they botnkim ordlsconllnuotl by telephone.
PAKTIKSadvortUIni ? In those columns nnd
tinvhiK tliclr answers addressed to a "nurn-
ber d letter" In cure of TUB HUE will rocolvo
p numbered check to cnablo thorn to get their
letter * ) . Answers will ho delivered only on
presentation of this check. Kncloso answers
In envelopes properly addressed.
ndvertlfemnntfl nnilor the head of
ALL NotleeV nro puhllMirdln both the
morning nnil evening editions of THIS HEB. the
circulation of which aggregates moro than
SO.OOO paiirrs dally , nnil Khos the ndverttsor
the brni-nt not only of the largo circulation of
yiiK HKK iii Omaha , but also In Council Il.uif | ,
Ijlncoln nnd othereltli'S mid Iriwnsln the vri-it
' "
Advertising for thesn columns will bo taken
on the above conditions , nt llio followlrn tiuM-
ness hoiibi's who nro authorized totakespecuU
iiotlcon. nt the same rates as can had at the
fnalnotlleo. ,
2C2J N Btroot , Lister Hlock.
OHN W.11ELL , Pharmacist , 820 South Tenth
TTASR fi EDDY , ( Stationers nnd Printers ,
ll.'lBoiith lOtlistreet.
SH. PA IINSWOUTII , I'hartnaelst , 2115 Cum-
Ing street.
' \\T J. IHJOIIES , Pharmacist , (24 ( North 16th
W street.
/ 1EO. W. PAHIl , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven-
worth street ,
H UaHES'l'HAHMACY , 21th nnd Farnam.
Ferrate * . 'It. , f cr lop nflift column
rnilOUOrOIl biislness ntitii seeks position In
.L Rood firm tiSBnliMinun or othorwlse. A 1
business abilities , llrstolns * referfiiet-s. Has
been used to oils , paints. varnlshoR. groceries ,
hardware , drngi , chemicals. Hour Can bo
Tory nsof nl In ninny ways. Oool : all round
juuii. Address XH ! , llee. 8M- & *
WANTEI1 Copylnif , nddresslni ? circulars
or such work for evenings. Good refer
ences. Address X 4,1 , Den. 1'12-S' ' '
WANTED Ily a young man ( Gorman ) posi
tion In a meat market. Address X27. Hei1.
"IKrANTKI ) Steady winter work to run
> stoain heater or Janitor work ; 13 years
experience and licensed fireman. Address A
ill lice olllco. 7)0 ! ) IB
WANTED Situations fur peed ; girls ; my
wnltln ? rooms are full from n u. in. to
f > p. m. No need of helm ; out of help a dfiy.
Jlrs. Ilrega.imViS. 15th. Tel. 8S4. 7Wi :
'ANTED Position as book-keeper , first
class city references , X 7 Hoe. C'JJ '
For iflfr . etc. , rcetojitif flift column nn this rwt.
NOVKLTY Nnw-llest seller In mnrliet.
Oln-.ulars. The Culler's Indicator. I La
fiallo avoiiuo , Chicago. MlKVJ-9'
WANTKD Salesmen on salary or commis
sion to handle the new patent chumlctal
Ink erasing pencil. The gi en test selling nov
elty ever produced. KniM'.s Ink thoroughly In
two beeonds ; no abrasion of paper ; 2WtoDOD )
per cent prollt. Ono agent's hales amounted
to $ RM In six days ; another $ : a In two hours
Wo want ono energotle general agent for eaeli
ntnto and territory. Sample by mull : ! " > cents.
1'or terms nnd full nartlculars address. The
Jlonroo Krnsor MfK Co. , LaCrosse. WIs. 873 \ > r
WANTED 'Uoyn between 10 and 2i ) year of
atO ! those who have worked in cracker
factory preferred. Apply Jos. Onrnoau Crack
er Co , too r
"PVI5TKCTIVE Wo want a man In every lo-
jL/callty to act us private ) detoetlvo under
our Instructions. Send for particulars. Wash
ington I > utuPt Ivo Agenuy , box 7W7. Washing
ton , lownl K.vpcnonco not noccssarv.
US D18 *
WANTED Man tosoll lluoof clgars.JlOOpor
month nnd expenses paid. Address , with
etamp , Glebe Cigar company , St. Louis , JIo.
840 0
WANTKD Good coiitmiikors. Omaha b
Club & SupnlyCo. . Kooms 202 and 20:1 : ,
Douglass blk. , opp. Haj'den's. 0X1 0'
WANTHD Persons of either sot to do
writing nt their own homes. Pleasant
occupation , good pay , Bund lOo for paper , etc
M. K..Moore , 177JIacUonsal atroot. Now Yorli
Ulty. KI8-8' '
WANTl'D Salesman who moot the grocery
trnde to sell one of the best articles on the
market on commission. Address. X 'JJ , lice.
( M
WANTKU--I 000 men for now U.1J. . work Ii
Uregon nnd Washington Tor. , botneer
Portlimd and Seattle ; long job and good
wages ; Albrights Labor Agency , 1120 I'lirnain
Btroet. M7J8J11
T71IHK insurance ) solleltor. Liberal commls
JLJ mission to proper party. Kineaton.t Allen
1507 Farnaiii stieut. tKW-l :
AOKNT wanted la every town. Samnl-
cutfltfreu. Address l > rower U. . Kremont ,
Not ) . CG511 *
WANTED Agents wanted throughout N
hrnska. Head stamp for reply. Jos. I *
Mcgeath. Onuiha. 1'JC '
W ANTiD ; Men to travel forourCanadla
46 !
WANTED Man with good roforcnco a
Jletropoiltan Mfg. Co. , 1000 Howard st.
\\TANTKI ) A live , onerRetlo partv In over
T T place to Introduce our goods.Vo have
now line that will Hell at every liouso am
agents can reap a harvest between now an
the holidays , will pay a salary of 873 po
month If preferred nnd furnish a team free
Address nt oneo. Standard Sllvorwaro Co.
Iloston Mass. M KB-U 15 *
Fctriate . etc. . rretnjinr firm column im
TVANTKD 1'lrst class nurse woman for ono
T ? child ; it n week ; a lady olorks ; exp. lady
book keeper ; cook , private family. * 2fi month ;
lots general work and work of all kinds.
OnuUia Kmp. bureau , 110 N. 10th strooU
MOTfl-O *
W ANTKD Comtietont girl for housework.
WV Mrs. T. P. Hall. 1003 Sherman avo. MU5I
\V ANTKD Hood servant , girl ; apply Mr < .
* 4'urU , 21110 Leiivcnworth st. tui ; 10 *
"VVJANTKI ) Aetlvo lady and gentlemen so-
TT Hcltors. at humour abroad ; t.'l per day to
workers. Call on or address Manager Kooni
IKklleo blilg.
_ 845-8
\\ few ladies and gentlemen of
i good address who iloslro to earn from ft !
to JlO per day. Call on or address Manager
Iloom 4a'l , lieu bid * ? .
WANTKD Competent nurse alrl at onco.
No school girl need apply. Mrs. L. A.
Garner. 25i7 California street. _ ilSOl
W ANTKD Good girl for general housework -
work nt SilS Loavonworth.
Forrntc * . tie. , * tt topnf fin' eolu-nri on f/iu / pi/
\\7ANTKI-subsorlbors , per year In-
TT oludhiK Innh hiiacu ( ran , sample copy U5
cents. Silo : nnd Excnungo Journal , Modalu.
lu. _ _ K47IJi ;
' \ \ 7ANTKD Stenoifraphor would like the
Ti Usn of a coed Itenilngton typewriter In
iaiiKO for work. Inquire 517 N. V. Life.N" .
N" > 7-8
for rate * , etc , tcctoji /fraicotunri oiitAti
guitar , vocal Instruction. Studio 505 Shcoly
bloc I ; . _ _ M7U7 J5 *
BKKOKE buying a plnno oxamliio the now
scalaKlnibiill piano. A.liojpo.UKJDouglus.
G KO. l..tlKLI.KNllEOK.teueherof the banjr
with Ilospe , 1513 , 240
_ _
MISS H , J. Miles , experienced teachers of
volco culture , pupil of Madam Kdnu Hall ,
lloston , Mass. llooniWXl , Drown building , cor.
lOttmnil streets. 1)21 *
. , , ree top of ftiil column , on < ; if < jn3
ITtllED Mohlo loitni money on diamonds and
JL ? wutolies. jewolyetoS. E.cor. Kurnuru & llth
n tttfop of f.rtl cotiimnnnlhti \ IKIUO.
TAD1KS and gentlemen can rent snii'ir-
Jttllo suits ut ! N , lOtll St. 401 U27 *
For rait ; tit. , if tnp nf firxt fodimii on IMt p < [ 0 < .
AN 8-rooi detnched house with all modern
convenience. " , two-story without base
ment , In denlrablo location , f.'V'i.lO per montli
rent. Will drive applicant to promises. Smrn-
lon A Allen , 1007 1 aniain sttoet IKtiJt
"IjlOlt HKNT 7-room lint on Inth. near I'nr-
JL1 nnm. All conveniences , * .l2.f.0j references
required. ltltiger& Drudlcy. 1310 1-tinmii.
M0i > l-l
TilOH HENT-Sl.x-room cottage , SI4 South 21st
X1 street. 017-D *
'I71OH UKNT C-room cottnse , city water and
X1 bath , 'Mil California st. tm > * *
Oll'JCnp. avo. . fi-rootu cottnge. West half 2.MI
. - liivuiip.M.ilt'ins. : iiiq.251HOni. : | iivo.Ml-.IO *
iroil HUNT Largo- list for December now
Jout , Housestr > .UOnml up OCOI-RO J. I'uiil ,
1CW I'ariiiim , bi
FollirENT I'our elegant brlek houses. 10th
nnd California stieets. All modern con
veniences. Houses just romploted. Hents
very moderate. Ilrcnnun & Co. , B22 N. Y. Life
bullfllng. rlB-1.1
" 171OK KICN'T An elegant ll-room house , all
JL' modern Improvements , water nnd hcnt
furnished , IIvo minutes' walk fiom I' . O. Cnll
quick. Also good 10-room house , Waterman
i lleall , 1'axton block. 8tw-b *
H ' for iprit : in rooms , modern convcn-
- leiico" . ( Ml H. 10th street. I'll 0 *
TTiOIlllF.N'T Togood tenant $25 numlli , clo-
J- ' cant H-iootn new modern brick IIUUMI on
motor line. J. L. ICIcoltt ! N. Y. Life. H710 *
HKNT 10-room brick house , all mod
ern conveniences , location beSt. In theelty ;
references required. Inuuiro Ncthurton Hall ,
2IH South l.'ilh Btieot , Kooni 1. MO d
'I7IOHHK ' FIflceii-rooiii houso. No. 210 N.
J'I7tli street ; bath , heat and gas ; 0110 block
from linslness center , near postofllcu site. See
James Novlllo. Ill S. 17th. M772-11 *
"I/\UU \ ItnNT To rrsponslluo parties only.
Jtliosn line new hrlok nnd stone houses on
Georgia nveniic ; fifteen moms mid iilL'oviMj
morn conveniences nnd bettor finished than
liny liouso for lent In the city. II. ll. Hender
son , 410 I'nMoli hlock , elty , 4 ! > t
37IOII UK.NT Smiill house , with or without
- barn-llll" California st. 7811
| 7iOll HKNT steam heated Hats in 1101
J- building , Leavenwortb nnil JOIh st. Appl' '
Kolkenney .t Co. No. 10 Continental bldg.
"VTMW brick 8-room house , all modern con-
-L > vcnlences. 11 minutes' rldo from P. O. ,
per month. II. K. Cole , Continental Monk.
7HO 14
GltUOM house to rent , near Sherman uvu , iltf
Sheely hlk. 7.V ]
> 1 1-ltao.M houses , cor. 20th and Iiodeo st , !
O.Vrnoin eolt ! i'L' ( . l.v'IO S. Utli st. U. ! ' . Dnvl
Co. , ' 1M ) . " > I'urtinm st. SVi r.
r pO C'oml net ors and Knjjlncers Wo offer thosn
-1 ten now and complete Mats with all modiTi
coiivcnleiu'cs ' , situated two blocks from the
now Tenth stieot depot ; they huvu several
now and coniincndnblu features and lent for
only } 'J..Oi ) per month , ( i and 7 looms cadi wltl
li\i'Kt > Initli nnd eonvenlenl closets. Cull nm
see. them. The Mead Investment Co. . roun
44'Iteo Lulldlng. frl
1HOM ) lint near St. Mary's ave. and ICtl
street . rent Jan. furnltnro | . ' ! 00. J50 cash , bal-
nuco monthly. Uo-opcratlvo Land and Lo
Co. , sic y. mi h struct. sa-a
- house with burn : nuiulual rent. 0.
I V. Harrison , ( US N. V. Life. 4 ! 5
I' ' YOU wish to rent u liouso or store sue II.
E. Cole. Continental block. 41X1
XTEA.T cotliiKC , modern Improvements. al o
x > larso linrn nnd yard , at " 120 St. Mary's
uvo. Inoulro loom 2 Union 1'acifio huadiiua'rs.
7B2 10 *
RENTAL Auont Gco. J. 1'iiul , 1500 Kiirimm ,
llciusea and btoro.-i for rent. Kents col
lected. M7
IjlOU UKNT 8-room homo , nil modern Im-
X ? provoinent.s.l.V-'O Chicago St. , $11.07. KlnK-
walt llros. , Barker block. 4UO
S O. I1KNNETT. moving express olllco with
Ncal & Conrad , 1413 IJodgu st. Tel. 127.
M82S-D14 *
F OIl KENT Vlats , 4 rooms each , city water
and sewer connections. O. H. K. and T , Co.
nieojjidg. _ JV14
HOVSK for rent at f.21 PIcrco street , con
venient to depot. Nice uottago. Inquire
of T. J. Lowry. iil :
T71OII KKNT Small house On Kmmet St. ,
JL : nest ot 21thW pnr month. AlsoT-rooin
house , elty water , bath , on Oaldwoll , between
"fith nnd 27th. I2. > | > cr month , Q. li. Green ,
Kooni : llarkor ' block. M787
OH KENT SSSJ Slapio st. H block past 21th
t. motor. 0 looms nnil unfinished li story
above , full lot , welh cistern nnd collar , good
neighborhood , J17..riO per month. 0. O. Wal
lace , Itronn block , 10th and Douglas. U-vS
HOUSK of 8 rooms , nicely p.ipored , water ,
.sewer nnd tras , il'lrd and Cumlnc , Kt ) per
mo. 0 K Harrison , 012 X Y. Llfo. U17
For rntrs. etc. . we tup of jtivt cnintnn < ; n tilt *
KP.NT Large furnished room for
Jman and wlfo or two young ladles. K2SS.
18th street. MP.u-11 *
FIWNTrooinl furnished , flown stairs , ? 5.00
per month ; 2224 Poppleton avenue. 0il-ii : :
T7MJUNIS1IKI ) house for rent during the wln-
Jtor mouths. Apply at 1108 , S. 10th 6t. ICM-8 *
FOIl HKNT Purnlshod rooms , 1811 Daven-
port street. 811-U *
N ICK room , steam heat , 1719 Davenport
WW 20 *
FDKNIS11KD room to rent , gas , bath nnd
furnace heat. 2.174 Ilarnov. 870-8
A COIM'LK of furnished rooms for rent. Call
nt 838 i-outh 10th street. feft'l
"IJ1OK UKNT NIeoly furnished room with all
JL modern conveniences , 2123 California st.KY
KY8 *
POIl UKNT Nicely furnished south room ,
suitable for2 or 3 gentlemen. 1003 Capitol
iveniio. S70-10 *
10 15OOM house , furnished , modern Improve
ments , for board of family of three. Ad
dress X avileo. Nl-'J *
ENOAliE furnished room with steam bent ,
southern exposure , 521 S.I ( Jth street , flat I ) .
nti.n *
FUUNISHKDroom , W per month , 1000 Vnr-
"TJlliONT Parlor , also front room , sult-
JL' uliln for 4 gentlemen , furnace heat , gas ,
balli , XM N Ifith'st. 8158 *
TJ1UUN1S1I El ) room. 022 North 10th. 7H ! 11
rooms In any part of elty for
- ' rent at D. J. Wilson's rental agency , room
isNy. Llfo. aiTtit-a *
F OU KENT Nicely furnished room with
heat. S'A'iS. 2Cth street. 745-10
LAKRKhandsomoly furnished room , suita
ble for two , excellent board , modern con
veniences , prlvato family , tlrst-olass In ovcry
respect ; terms , } 2a a month each. Address
X 15. Hoc. fihS 8 <
"T710U UKNT Seven-room cottage , cor. S.sth
JL' ave. and Cap.uvo. Imiulio 21)18 ) Dodgo. M407
FOIl HKNT Furnished rooms ; gas , bath
nnd steam , 1511) ) Howard. 408
F OIl KENT-l'urnlshed rooms , 1COO Douglas.
T"\KSIUAHLE room , modern conveniences
JL/J701 t'npltnlavo. 77S
. etc. , ttetapnf flrst column (
LI'.IL Clayton , clairvoyant , can by her will
power grunt any request , 014 N. 10th stieot.
J11HVI-10 *
MISSIvS LUUY Clairvoyant and tranuo mo-
dlums ; massage u speolnlty. 1510 Capitol
avenue. 8.'iU- ! > *
* ] \fMK. Ihirrough I'alinlst tells , the past , pres-
AiLont and future from the Hues of the bund.
In thooldtiyiisy way. Fceo. (1 : ladles onlv.
1817 Izard street , Omaha. JCI ' 'T ' *
ASSAOK Madam Del/Ier , ovortllO S. 13th.
_ _
MUS. STEVKU U giving best eueccss ot any
fortune teller in the olty. the does not
dcnl In any fraud. Her tarnis are the lowest.
40(1 ( N. 10th Urd lloor. 410 M *
1\I'KS. Nannie V. Warren , clairvoyant trnnco ,
J.H speaking , writing nnd rollabln buslneb *
niFdliim , four years In Omaha. 110 N. ICth.K12
AHUIYKD Ulalrvoyuut. naturally gifted ,
tolls past and future , love troubles , ab
sent f rluinid , chaiiKCS , travels , business , Hatls-
tuctlon glvou. tlra. Wulluce , I'M Farnam st.
- *
for raff * . te. , itc fop of ft ft column on thin jxi0e
OANADiANTi Toy noVtomce , ai41S sri5th
Iho best plate In Omaha to find help orslt-
uatlons. male or female. Tel. Ktl. 5M DJ.
ENSIONS The Cl Ing man Pension Agency ,
U Frviuur blook , luforui tlou froa : J1 ?
THOU UENT i-overal oxtravngnntly fur-
J. tilshed roomi with A 1 honrd. None but
first class people will bo taken. People pre
senting first class credentials will receive all
the comforts and convenience ot nn extraor
dinary refined homo. Apply at J13J llnrney
street. Mom-U *
_ _ _
rnW ( ) furnished rooms-One n front room ,
J. with board. Each room suitable for two.
m N. luth st. oco-o *
I ilOU 11KNT Nicely furnished rooms with
Iward , all modern coveiilencesi nUo gent
wishes room innto. ! ? ' ! Dnveupoitst. a" > a-13 *
IJIIHINISIIKI ) room with board , lieferoneos
J 2214 'nrnn lust. M JS3 1S _
'OOO.M With boanl ; can nceommodato a
JI- * number of tublo boarders. 411 N. Will.
_ SJI : ' !
"VTIOELY furnished room , all mmlern conJ -
Jvetilenees , with or without board. 2017
Lenvonworth. 755 10 *
iriOllgncd lioanl , nice rooms , modern eonvcn-
Jlenecs , rates and locution , the Pullman
house , 1310 Dodge st. . cannot bo excelled.
_ _ J 81 US *
FUHNISIlKI ) rooms , furnupo heat , board If
desired. 1310 Davenport st. 788 11 *
'VTKWLV furnished'looms In modern house.
-L > close to l-'armim motor , good table , homo
comforts , 2578 llainey street , nuw Paul hlock.
[ -747-10'
"OOOMS und board , 1810 Chicago street.
\ > ' 710
E Lennox fill nnilfilll N. 19th U now open
. for the reception of RIICMH , Hooms will
ho fiiinlibed tosidt oeeupuuls or rented un
furnished. Superior board. i"l _ Kj *
fronl room for rent ! modern
couvleiices ; board. 2W7 louglii street.
aiuco-i : . *
ST.CLAIKKuropean hotel , wth dlnlnc room ,
steam bent In all rooms. 13th and Dudue.
i-lioulal rntes by weekor month. , Ml
1'orratcn , rtc. , rcctcput fist column-ui
FUONT rooms , unfurnished , IllG S. 2Uth.872R'
l Olt HKNT Two suits of peed rooms snlt-
-L ahlo for light houhcUeeplu . ' > 'M Douulns
street. 1107-1) *
OOOMS for light housfkeeplni , ' . 17I' ' Do
L\1H | | , S'J'J ' IS *
Foil UKNT Sultof 4 unfnrnlslicrt rooms to
family without chlldron. 1'rlco JIU..U 1701
Webster st. M7."i7
TTIOU UKN I' 3 tinturnlshed rooms. 210 N. llltli
JL1 st. M WO
Forratn , fir. , 'C ( l > of Xtsl ro'ilrnii ' n this
llarni-y st. . snltablo fornny Jobbing busl-
ness , for ii term of yqars.
On llurdetto tt. , between SSth and SUth vnry
de.slrablo S-ioom liouio and burn. In perfect
1418 N. 17th St. , very desirable 3-room flat. In
; iorfeet order ,
On ffitli and Woolworth , very desirable
nodern bouse.
Ames Kcal Kstato ARunoy
1M7 l-'arnani Street.
i-olo Agents.
Offlco open ovenlncs. 7. > 2
"ITiOll HKNT Store room , ono of the most
JL ; tleMrablo locations In the olty for tlnu 110-
lons. dry goods or suits. Located between
5th nnd ICth on Douglas htreot. .Address X
k'l llee. M05G-1.I *
N'OTICE-Wo will Inivo for rent Dee. Wth ,
two hniidsomo stores , suitable for grocery
and meat market. In a good location , whore
nulKhbnrs and owner will nsmirou ( Irsl-elnss to a Hrm who will keen up n first-
class line of goods. Apply KolKcnny.t Co. .
room ID. Contlnentnl Dlock. illl-ll
STOHn4lxiii,5 : stories and hnscmont ; rull-
_ road traekauo , olovator. steiim boat , otc.
Apply room S , Union Pacific headquarters.
oUo 11
JTOUES ntTOOS. IRIh. steam heat furnlMicd ,
5 Thos. Rllallill : Paxtonblk , 6ui :
FOH KKNT For olllco or store , 203 S. Kith st.
S'.lli 111 *
171OII UKNT The 4-.story brloU building.-vlth
-L1 ornlthout power formerly ocenpUvl by the
Jleu Publishing Co. , DIG Karnam st. The buildIng -
Ing has a fireproof cement husumont.c-oinplote
sU'uin heating llxtures , water on all tholloors ,
gns , etc. Apply at the otllco of The llee. ill. ' )
IAIlUK.dry basement for rent ; II. ft M. track
Jat platform ; very convenient. Apply to
Avery Planter Co. , cor bth and Pacific. K2i-II !
Foil HKNT Us Jnnuarv 1 , 4-story bullillm ? ,
: < S.)4nsiiunro feet ; sultiiDlu for any kind
of wholesaling , nt ronth and Jones street. G.
A , Lmdiiiost ] , ; illtSouth I'lfteonth street. f > ! W
IrtOK UKNT Corner store and busoment ,
1 27th nnd N sts. . South Omaha , H block
from depot. Jlrs. llrega. : i4'i ! ' S. 15th , Tel. SSI.
rilO HKNT After .Iniiunry 1. sloro and Hat
-LntCa ) H. llltli st. HiKiuliQ at : G Ilrown
bldg.Jl. J. KendajK : B7 D2.i
"T71O11 KKNT Ulaeksinlth shop and hou < = o ;
JL' only shop In town. Add toss Mo Nielsen
Stiimford , Neb. H'I7
17IOII UKHT or Sale-Fine , heavy brick llvo-
JL story corner warehouse with most tentral
trackage In city ; lloors are lll.MOwiunro feot.
Stringer & Penny. Barker block. 183
ferrates , etc. , rec tap of first mtumiioii Mils pays
FOU KKXT--Ilrlck warehouse , two stories
high , basement , hydraulic elevator , track-
ago ! best location In the city. A. C. 1'ownll.
Forratff , etc. . we ( oj > of Jiivt column nn thk
rpUAOKAOK storage at lowest rates. W. M.
X llnshmau , Kill Leavonvtorth. M >
QTOKAOK and trackage. David Cole , 815-817
Olloward st. 507
STOHAOK The best In city , oloan. dry , safe ,
und jirlvately streil at reasonable terms.
Omaha Steve Ilopalr Works , 1207 Douglas. Tel.
oca gas
Forratts , rti. . arc ( up i > t Jml tn\imn [ \ on this
LIST your houses to sull or runt with C. P.
Harrison. 012 N. Y. Llfo. 5G5
HI ! . IHKY&lira.rental agents.200N.Y.LIfo
_ _ _ 504
HE. COLE , rental agent , Continental blk.
' 411' )
STAR Land A Loan Co. Kenl estate , loans
and Insurnnce rental agency , H75-dl7
I'o r latcf , etc. , tec fop of first rnlmrm oii IMi jroc
T\7ANTiD--lly ; two young men. room and
board , Are willing to pay JiO per mo
Roferenees. Address X 52 , lleo. MK ! > 7-11
For rates , etc. , ree tan of flrtt rolnmn on f/il.i
LOST KngllshmastlirS monthsold female ,
liberal rownrd on returning sumo to 2112
Emmotst , Kountzo Pluco. 042 10
LOST In Omnha , largo oraneo vollow Ht.
llornard dog named "Ouldo. " Liberal re
ward for his recovery. Address M. I' . Ilrown ,
Papllllon , Neb b4l b *
For rate * , etc. , tire tc > r > of flnt column an tMa
1/lOUSALK 2 fresh cows ; Inquire , SSth nnd
jo Miami. auoa-it *
Oil SALECheaii-22hcad of thorouRhbred
Jersey cows and bulls. Apply ut ollico
Kaufman , i-mlloy ft Co. , Kxchungebldg , South
Omnlm. 607-10
SECOND hand omnibus. Phil gttinmel , No.
Ull Jones st. 817
\VOKK horse I K ) . two-horso wagon J20 , dou-
i i bio work harness (15. Or will trade ) for a
good llzhti Ido bar buggy. 11. E. Cole , Conti
nental bloe 41(1
TjlOIl SALE Sxond work teams. Inquire at
J ? 018 Paxlon block. 500
FOHSALV : llorso , buggy and harness , Ap-
ply to McCord .llrady &CQ. an
FOH SALE fiO herm > s nnd mnro.s. cash or
time. Prices from 115 to Ktxt. Would c\-
cbnngosomeof them for Omuhu real estate.
\ \ . T. t-oamanOmuha'slargest variety wujjons
. ai7
For rate " * * tte , _ , iteton < nf fnt coiumq m > ( Alt jv
Oil s A In ADno upright pianouscd but
a short time , at a sacrifice. Inquire at 2410
Ciildwell street. M-7S4-11
AM1CH1UAN and foreign colui boiiRht and
sold. Itoom II Chamber ot Couim er ce.
7200 *
For rnf , cIt , & lop nf'jlril tain OH thU prtjgT
LAIIGE double slttlftFilcsk , almost now ,
I'h 11 gtlmniel , No.ptyJones st. 81J
FOIl 8ALK Two hoatltif ? stoves , hard or
soft coal , In flrst-cln * order nud will bo
aolilchcnp. Cnll at 1.111)N. ) lath st.
SECOND hanil tytie rlters. J , P. McRonth.
ItW I'arnam street'Qnnilia. 4'JO '
AJKW callgraph. prlco reasonable. 1105 , lleo
1\ J ' 4W
IflOK 8ALR chenp-tiV 10 horse power Now
1 Vork safVly steauv , .englno In llrst clnsi
condition. 1'cstuor Printing Co. , 1307 Howard
st. . M127
Farratff , dr. ,
i i\si ir.n m > 'uj lot In M'lnsor I'lnce , ono
11 In Dwlght * V Lyman'.s add. , ono In I'ark
I'laco or Hri'imcn Place. Owners answer.
Walcrmnn & lleall. 1'nMon block. UIO 0 *
ANlT-IlTto IJuy-A siiTo. Address \ M.
Iteo. H2 .b *
\\rANTKD-To buy claims of nil kinds
> T against railroad employes. Sums over
J2 < 1 preferred. Wrlto Win. llluhardson , Sioux
Uliy , In. , L. ll.HCH. 837-.I5 *
Rhoiihcholdgoodsetc- Highest
JL1 cash prlco. Wells. 1111 I'm-nam. fill )
Forrtitfn , rtc. , tee tap / flrn column on this \xiut \
EKNOINQ classes fctlll forming dally ; ladles
diirlUK' the forenoon , gentlemen nftcrnoon
nnil evening. Pnsclnatlng exorcise : recom-
mended by physicians. Itoom t' ' , basomcnt
N. V. Llfo. OiiKilui fencing academy ; 80S 12
AniVOUOKS quietly. Advlco freo. Ad-
dross , Lawyer,31 Church street , Now York
1Jliy. Oil K"
[ I * ynu 1mvo horses , carriages or houses to > IIT. . Jerome , room 317 , Flivt Na-
lonal bank building. MTU ) J2'
M , VSSAGlMudam Dulzlor , over CIO K nth.
7tU ! Ji *
LADIES & gents to Inly the I'lumor rocllnlnn
chulr ; unsurpassed for comfoH. : > - ! N. l.'ith.
HIS 1)13
DON'T forget Jos. P. Megeath , Kff ! Karnam
xt. . when oou want to buy , lent or sell a
ypeurlter. ' 41X )
A1 ASSAUK treatment.olectro-thernialbatli < s.
-I'isenlpand lialr treatment , manicure nnd
chliopodlst Jlrs. Post , ltai-21 , Wlthnell blk.
rpYl'EWKITKKS for rent or sale. Strung-
JL raphers supplies. J.I' . McgenthlG97 rarnam.
I ci rates , etc. , ftttf > i > of flnl column t > u I/ill /
O'.VMO.OO special fund to loan on city Improved
* P property. Uco. J , Paul , 1610 I'arnam st reel.
MONKV to loan on jewelry nnd chattel * ! . 1 > .
J. AVIIson , room : w N. Y. Life. M70IM ) '
[ 0 , 12 , Ti and 20 percent Interest , on short
time loans. Ullt edge .security. J. U Hlce.
23 N. Y. Llfo. 017 10 *
I JltlVATK funds to loan on short time. Ad
dress ti : > 4 So I'lithst _ 7-ji ) :
i 'STONE Morti-'age Co. Loan * * of $10 to ; got our rates beforn. borrowing and
H.iMinionoy ; loans on horsei , furniture or any
apjirnvud ! ciirlty without pnnlloltyj notes
bought ; for new loans , renewal of old and low
est rates , call Ii. SOS,61u > cly blk , 15th & Howard.
' ' 51(1 (
MONKV to loan on micond mortgage. W. S
Wyim , Uoom U3i Untaha Nut. Ilk. Hl'de.
M 72 f
M ON I.'V to loan on Ihipi-ovcd city property
at current rates : funds on hand ; no delay.
Geo. I-1 lllust & Co. , iXa-JianiKO bldg. Wl-dl.
MONEV to loan .oiiilmprovod and vacant
property. Lowest.rate. O. J. Caswell , HHi
N. Y. J.lfe. ' US ! ) Di4
fl , " > ,00 ( ) short tlmo loaif wanted on real estate
Pt-eeurlty ; will pay lQper cent and cash co
mission. J. L. HlceO'lTN. V. Llfo. 017
8TAKLund& LoanCo. llcal estate , loans
nnd Insurance rental agency. | i"dl7
. ui '
OANSof $1,003 nnd E upwards on npprovec
collateral or real estate.V. . 11. Mlllard.-'ii.
Oiiiahn National bank.tmlldliig. blU
OHATTKLbanlc , : Ul ! SJSthft. , loans money
.on cjiatlelso'r eiilijVJeril at Reasonable rays
111STV second mortfcages on vacant ft Im-
provud city prop.County ; warrants bought
.Jlonoy.onhnnd . LOU lUchardson.smN.Y.LIfn
$ WiOU private money' wanted on short time ,
gilt edge ( .OKiirliy ; will pay ID per cent and
liberal commission. J. L. llloe , 02 ! N , Y. Life ,
1)17 ) J <
MONEY to loan on elty and /arm property ,
W. M , Harris , 1120 , ITreuzor blk. . opp. 1' . O
B U1LDINQ Loahs-
made on cholco ulty properly nt lowest
rates. Sums of * . " > , (03ami ( upwards perferred.
Ivlmball , Champ & Uyan ,
120.-I Fn'rnam street. 80-li3 !
MONKV 'M , ( Xl or OJ days , on household fur
nltuio. otc. 018 Pax ton block. J. J. Wllkln
son. .MOTO-l' .
STA U Land .t Loan Co. lloal estate , loans
and Insurance rental agency. ! 77j-dI7
MONEY to loan by II. ! ' . Masters on chattc
and collateral securities for any tlniefron
1 to U months.'In uny amount to suit bor
I.oanfli.indo on household goods , pljinos , or
gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warebouso
receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible rates ,
without publicity or removal of property.
.My loans aruso arranged Ihntyon can make
a payment of any amount at any tlmo and re
dnco both principal and Interest.
If you owu a balance on your property t ,
have n loan you wish changed , I will jriy It olT
and carry It for yon. If yon find It. moio eon
venlent. call up telephone No. 1021 and you
business will bo uiranged nt home.
Monev always on hand , No delay. No pub
llclly. "Lowest rates. .
H. F. Masters.
Itoom 4 , Wlthnell hlk , 15th and Ilarney sts.
[ fi4 !
MONEY loaned nt low rates on furniture ,
horM's , etc. , without publicity. Ilnwkeyo
Investment Co. . XJ Douglas blk. 10th and Dodge.
T\7ANTKD 0 per cent real estate loans. C ,
W K. Iliu rlsou. 013 N. Y. Life. 512
WANTKD First-class Insideloans. , Lowest
rates. Call and sec ; us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1. > OI Karnam. Mil
BUILDING loans. ( I to 7 per cent ; no addi
tional charges forcommlsslon or attorney's
fees. W. 11. Melkle , First National bank bldg.M7
EKAL Estate Loans Cash on hand. Glebe
Loan & Trust Co. , 307 B. llith st. No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rent , good list.
K. k C. M.ANTI10NY.318 N. Y. Llfobulld-
Ing , loud money on farms In cholco coun
ties of Nebraska nnd Iowa , also on good
Oniaba residence properly ; lowest rates ; best
terms ; no dela/ ; money ready. Titles and
values passed on hero. 510
OH HAP eastern money
I'hllnduiphla Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
always ruiul > to loati'and pay promptly ; first
inoi'tRiiKvs viuitud. Cieorgo W. P. Coates , rep-
re < entallvo , ruom 7. boilfd of trade. M5
MONEY tn loan on luiy securty
forhliirll'vio ( ' at low
rates. I OITIM rirtos
on DorsoiVHlProporty.
The licndorson Mortg uo Investment Compa
ny , room 400 , Pnxton ulk , 620
- -
{ .j
Fortntts etc see to of.fll' ' ( rolmn ( Ad
, i on
- . . . -.jjj. . . . . _ _ _ . - -
$5.000 cash buys ono tolf Interest , or sopar-
atu Interest , In 21 M-fdot lots , ellglhly locat
ed ; uccesslbln to motnr , where 5 und li-room
( xittnges can bo bullt''umd sold for fiom 41.500
to IHOO to supply ox.Mliig demand. Tlllo
perfect. Ciranu onpoiit/unlty for person of
means. No Incumurank * . Inn.ulro at oucu
8li ) N. Y. Llfo. ini : 7500 *
A7-KOOSI flat , full ijti roomers , for sale ;
must Do sold ; pncqi&'yo. Cull at 418 S. 13th
st. M. Olson. n jit 015-il *
_ _
0 KRAMKKY forsale < VIllsell or trade for
a good firm In WMitlmnstcru part of this
st | to the "Stella creamery. " with from two to
twenty acres of good land Joining town. This
Isubpiemtld business opportunity fora good ,
live , enorgotlo nmn. Address II. E , Clark.
Stolhi , Hlehnrdson Ca.r > vb. O.m 0
NKWKPAl'KIl Clmnco Partner wanted ,
practical newspaper mini preferred , to
tnko half Interest In old established nnd only
republican newspaper In ono of the best coun
ties In Nebrabka , Address X 40 lieu olllco.
rjOOD > , , ' hectlpn of land In N W. part of No-
VJliraska , clear , to trade for hushies * or
Omnha property encumbered. Party will nut
In iomo cash , Co-Oooratlvu Land and Lot
Co. . 205 N. 10th street. 824-8
SALE Two chair barboMlioo , Him fur-
nlturc. splendid business , bathing attach
ment , excellent location , in Hotel Kllev.
.Address Klchard llllUtoln , 1'Iattsmouth , Nob.
RKSTAUKANT. good location , II.HX ) ; ! ' . .
bill , on tlmo. Also , good boardln ; house ,
fAM ; I xa cash , Co-operutlvo Land and Lot Co. .
205 N. 10th st , 822-8
K r terms , itc , , tte t > ji ont column on 1/iU
"TJ1OU SALK-A tlrst-clnss Move repair liusl-
JL' ness In Leadvlllc , Colo. : good iirofltaulo
bnslncx * ) for money Invested , llefereiii'ea
given for nelllnz out. Chnrle.s Adntii. Ill nnd
113 East Sixth street , Loiulvllle. Colj CC70 *
HALE-Aharrel steam roller tnllU
Thos. Crouch , Tokaiunh , Nebraska.
r.W dll *
Forrcitrt.etc. . Mr topnf Jlnt roltimn on thin jxw .
IJlOIt iXCHANGi--ITOaere ; : farm , ctoar from
JL'ono\imbrnnee ; 100 neres with moitgace of
* 500 at 7 per cent ; 3 west front lots. What
hnvo you to olTer In way of merchandise ? Ad
dress X 51 , Hoe. 032 10 *
TilOU TllADi : or sale 4 wull built 7 room
JL' f ra in houses , only KM ft. from 21th st. mo
tor , having a frontnge on Kmmet st.of KM ft ,
by S5 ft.j jiroperty high and dry a splendid lo
cation for a row of lints. Will take unimproved
or Improved clear city property In part trade.
Ames Keul l.stnio Agenev.
1507 rarnam St. ,
Solo Agents.
building lots In Omaha to trade
JL' for a good farm , llenami & Co. Kil-ll
EOH EXO1IANOK Improved lot on lower
Dodge st. for vacant lesldenco property.
JI. (1. Mnelood , 1U5 it , Y. Life ll'ld'g. M VlHlS
irLL trndoclenr htiu ISth s
to South Otnuim for Ilvu btook. J. L. Illeo
fffi N. Y. Life. UI710 *
F"OiriOXCIIANGEWanted , a good uprljibt
piano In e.\ehanjo ( for real estate. Houm
Kl , Continental block. 1)10-10 *
/1OOD buggy her c for second- baud piano.
VJWIII Johnson , Columbus , Neb. KIC-O *
E.\riIANTi-2TecTioTir : ! weTtern laml.
clear. What have jou toollor ? Klvely ,
Slieniindoan , la. 700 1U *
" \tTILLtradeflnecornorlot on I'arnnm st.
' \VlndMir \ Terrace add. elear for good
horse and uatrlage or team. J. L. Klco (122 ( N.
Y. Llfo. III ? 10 *
LOT In South Omaha for stook of groceries ;
will put liiMiino niuney. 308bhuely block.
HlOll E.\CIIANiE 15.0110 stock hardwnro ;
-L want Iowa land. Ito.x 080 , Hhenandoah. la.
7ti5 ID *
WANTKD To exchntmu Mime vnlnabloreal
e. late for goixls , trade must bo made
quick. Address X I'.i ' , llee. M 70S-21 *
OOTTAIIIJ nnd cash to exchange for eciulty
In vacant lot. Shaw , WWSheely blk. 074 DI7
WI LI < trade clear lot In Hoses & Hill's nd-
dltlon to ( i I'M nil Island for horse ami car
riage or piano. J. L. Hlce 022 N. Y. Life. 1)1710 ) *
/1HATTEL loans at lowest rates. . Itomoved
Vy'to ' 024 N. Y. Life bldg. J. 11. Emmlnger.
"VVT'ANTKD A hdrso or mure In part nav-
i > mcnl toward a wngon or carriage. W. T.
Seaman. Omaha's largest variety wagons nnd
carriages. J43
ifioiMBXOHANOK-iro neres well improved
J- ' land nnd two bnslnesslots forstoiik of gen
eral merchandise ; hardware ptcforred , W 40.
lleo. : r4 DS *
/ 'nrra' ' < " . elc'n3 fop of rsi column on Cif.i rni'jt ,
irori'arnam Street ,
Solo Agents.
Aero Property.
No. 5. IflneroH. Hrlghton Iteneh. line
garden land ; easy terms , price . 53,00000
No. 1.25 acres well located , near i'ort
Omnha , per acre . 50000
No. 3. 10 acies.same Ideation us above ,
for separate aeios , $ : r > a.OO each ; for
the II ) acre * . 3,00000
No. 2. The handsomest piece of acre
age for subdivision anywhere in
this olty. being bO acres , every foot
of It available ; price per acre . 250 00
No. fi7i Choice " > acres , llellalr ; per
acre , KOi.ou ; will take clear lot In
part payment .
No. 41. A iniii-bor of nrrelots : splen
didly adapted for mm l.etgn I donlng ;
will be sod : upon easy terms ; prlco
perarte , ? . ! OO.IK ) to . 350 00
No. 20. 10 ueies in Kdgunood Park on
ensy terms fur . 1.350 00
No. 2 , ) . 5 trnclsof n acres each In Kdge-
wood Piirk. Price for each 5 acres. . . 1,500 00
No. 11. 4 nores \VestOmahn , splen-
dhl building lots. Price . 15,00000
No.t'4 , 5 ncies. 7-room house , good
barn , on North 21th st. Cash pay
ment J2.000. deferred payments 5 to
lOyoarS. Price . 8,00003
No. as. 3 acres fronting on Grant live.
with peed 0-room house and barn.
Will plat to excellent advantage.
Price . 7.20000
No. 42. 5 acres In West Albright . D.OOO 00
Hi acres same location nt same rate.
Will trade for house and lot within
! i. mlle of Park ave and I'oppleton
ave . . - .
Ames Heal Kslalo Agency ,
ir,07 I'ariiain stieot ,
Solo agents.
"TTIOK SALE At a bargain. (10x120 ( on Duvon-
43 port near 17th , ono block from now pojlt-
olllce. very client * . $20.000 ; MxllW corner OTTt
and I'nrnam. $ : X,000. ) O , L. Green , loom 3 ! ) .
llarker block. 527
IJKU'Krt have advanced In Ames Place J5U.UO
per lot. Present nrlces J1.U.VJ , i 1,150. J 1.250.
_ J 307
"ITU'KOANT residence In Kountxo Phioo ; ! )
Ji' rooms finely llalshod nnd all modern con
veniences : Wlrt St. . near 20th. Can .sell on
one-quarter cash payment and balance tlmo
to right , party. This Is no cheap all'alrof a
house , but a comforublo home In every MMI O
nud u big snap buriraln. ' 1' . K. Durlluz , liarUur
Hlock. M.70J
T5KICES have advanced In Ames place J50.00
J- per lot. Present prices $1,050 , JI , 150 , l,230.W)7
W)7 )
5 room house , IotHxR2 : , tl.709.
(5-rooin ( house , stable , lol lll'/jxSC , ? 3,000.
Itr'.ek house , und American bouse , IntGQxMN.
E. corner 10th und Douglas. Enquire 2121 B
llth. Ill
S' TAH Land ft Loan Co. real estate , loans
and Insurance rental agency. 075-dl'
rilUACICAGE Wo hnvo for sale an elegant
JL piece of trnckngo propurty centrally lo-
ctitoil , Co-Ope.rn.tlvo Land & Lot Co. , 2u5 N.
lUlh st. 8JU-8
FOK SALE Some very cholco bargains In
houses and lots and lots without houses.
Those will not keep only a few days ami you
should got a hustle on yourself at onco. U. A.
Spencer , room 7 , Chamber commerce. &ii-9 (
PKICKS have advanced In Ames Place ? .V.00 )
per lot. Present prices $1,050 , $1,150 , $1,250.M)7
M)7 )
VAN I1KU11EN. 1401 Doiiglns St. , soils 10th st ,
addition lots. $100 ; Van llouren Heights.
$ .100. Terms , $25 cash. JlO monthly. Kixl.V ) , well
improved , California st. { 7,500 , will take sumo
trade. 113-M
"OHICKS hnvo advanced In Amos Placet $50.00 )
J- per lot. Present priees JI.050 , $1,150. * ! , ! ) .
TpOH SALE Choice acre property at the
J- city limits ; electrlo cars running near this
property at the present time.
50 acres on Ames nvenuo.
20 acres near the Holt lino.
15-ncro fruit farm near Amos nvo.
210-acro tracts , Benson addition.
5-ncrcs Solomon's adilltlon.
200 acres near South Omaha.
10 acres In Kensington.
O. M. Power , Sole Agent ,
Iloom 33 Chamber ot Commerce.
740-10 *
"ORICKS have advanced In Amos Plnco50.00
J- per lot. Present prices $1,050 , $1,150 , $1,350.W7
TjjIOH SALK forty acres lying between
J- Newport nnd Cote llrllltante , $ .7)0por ) aoro.
Com. tongents.
Twenty neres beautiful high ground on
Pnrnnm and Dodge street , 3H nilles front
courthouseJI.500 nor aero. Com. to agents.
Two choice lots In Orchard Hill , corner of
Dewey and Orchard streets , ono blook from
motor , i2,500.
Four room cottages with forty foot lota ,
three blocks jfronimotor line , 24 ! miles from
. O. . JI.OOU. Monthly payments.
Full corner lot on 21th direct In South
OinniinJLiTOcnBh ,
Livery stable and stock , on good ground
lease , good buslnohs , In Omaha. Will trade
for real estnto In or near Omaha. Curtis Sc
Haolfott.gus B. 15th street. Mill block. Kl'-8
T710" HALK-Ouoot the flneststook farms in
J. tlm west. ( II miles southwest of Kansas
City , In the garden part of Knnsns. The farm
consists of Mj ) anros , all first class land , fenced
and cross-fenced. An eleuunt 12-room liouso
and other line Improvements. A 12-acro
orchard , artificial lake , etc. , etc. To any ono
wanting n gilt eilgn stock nnd grain farm
nothing can be found that will enlroly fill the
bill belter than this : : xiO bead of cattle. ; xx >
tons of hayoan | bepurulmscd with the f ram If
desired. Wo will soil for ensh or pirt cash
and notes. Gilt edge Income property would
bo considered In exchange. Address M , A.
Upton Co. , Omaha , Nub , 7.C !
3ELKOANT homes In Kountze place from
)5oootolfl,5uo : 600 cash , Imlnnco 4 years , * :
pormonth , 0 per cent Interest. Other good
domes In same addition to exchange for olty
property. 8-room modern houso. 2'J blocks
west of 24th , on Caldwcll At. , for M/.00 : (500
cash , balance (30 per month. 0 nor rant Inter
est. J , J. Olbnon , tiolo lixent , Uountzo pl.-ieo.
T > IUUEH have advanced In Amos Plaeo { 50.00
J- per lot. Present price * tl,05v , 11,159 , tl,
forratet , etc , tte topgf Jlnt folnmu on IM
AME9 icn Bit ntt-
15U7 Koriiatn street ,
S ola
No. 57 , fCld sK , bet. Davenport and
CAM , full lot . . . 1,67500
No. r . N. W. Cor. lilt a nnd Wlrt , full
lot . 5,00000
No.fB. Cor. icidnnd I.env.Ms.S4fcoton
.I.env. . per fm > t . 10000
No. ( VI. Celso's iidii , , liu feet. , runnliii ;
fn > m Cnsslus st , to Newton , very
cheap nt . . . 0nnO 00
No. . ' . ' . ' . Oak Illlt. full lot , easy terms. . IVO 00
No. .11. Oak Hill , full lot , jlO ) cash ,
.balance to milt purchaser . 75000
No. w. 2Sth st. , bet. lluruetto and
Yntes. full lot . S.fW 00
No. I1. ) . Half Unwind , bet. 22d nnd Md
,9tBfull lot . 10,50000
No. 4.s. Two lots on Locust si. , bet. 17th
andlSlhsIs . 2,000 00
No. 41 , Kul I lot. Dwlght fc J.ymnn's ,
near licit line . 7M 00
No. 4i. ; I'ullloU Wohlcr I'laco . f ) 00
No. 40. Yiirlous lots In Ambler's I'lnco
No. : i' . rulllot.Shl and Ialiil . l.PW 00
No. 117. Two lot * oil U7th st. , bet. ( 'nss
and Davenport . 4.00000
Nos.lW.IG , 111. Ytirlous lots In Orchard )
No. 33. ssd st..north of I.eav.full lot. . . 2,00) 00
No. 32. Two lots , N. W. Cor. 2tlth and
.Urant 0,20000
No. 31. Various lots In Moo's subdivi
sion , north of Ames ave
No. DO. On Dodge st. , bet. Levy honsn
and tlnrllch's house , 'M feet ot
ground by I III feet deep ; present
price per foot 173 00
No. 20. On 2ch ( st. . nonr LPHV. , Iot75x
140. all pnld In full , per foot. . . 125 00
No. 27. Lincoln I'lacc. corners on Dav
enport , full lol 1,500 00
No. 21. Ivos and 3 < th St. , with three
frontages , Iwo full bit ? , each 4,50000
No. 23. Fnriiiim. bet.inth nniMOth Its. ,
south front , two full lot.s. ouch 3,500 03
No. 22. I'arnam st.eor. 40th , three full
No. JI. St. . bet , DMlge and Daven
port , full lot 2.00J 00
No. 20. Cor. 25th nnd Jones sts. with
Leavonwortb st. motor , elegant
sight for Hats or houses to rent , lot
GOxlX' , and very cheap ut ; 0,00000
No. 111. Snumlers st , near Oddfel
low's hall. 22.\W ) feut 5,00300
No. 15. Clark's ruin. , on Sitih nve. . lot
( MxlIW. very desirable property for
Improvement S,150 00
No. 14. Hnrdette and 30th sis ; two
No. l.'l. 10th st. , north of Nicholas , a
.cheap traekngo lot 2,10000
No. I' ! On Mason si. , bet. 31st and . ' 'M
sts. . no < tl48'i. or 12ivl IS'i , one of the
most desirable building bites in
No. 10. Cor. Hurilettonnd JStli. lot
8t\K'.l ) ' foot , very desirable , nnd cheap
at 3,00000
No. 8. 41st , st. , hot. rarnam and Doug-
Ins , full lot 1.60000
No. 7. Honth.Tilth st. , bet. Jackson and
Jones , full lot 2,000 00
No. (1. ( 2fith 9U. bet , Woolworth nnd
Hickory , full lot 2,200 00
No. r > . Lot 4i : < ! 70 , on Itith Kt. and 15th
ave. , a bargain at 4,50000
No. 4 , Cor.Marev ; and IHil sts" . , south
.and west flout [ 5,50000
No. 3. Kast front. 'Mill st , , bet , Fnriiatn
and Dodge , very choice O.iwn 00
No. 2. On 2 th St. , lot 22.1140. per foot. . 153 00
Houses nnd Lots.
No. 2D. Main St. . Florence $1,50000
No. 22. North 15th bt. . bet Coibv nnd
Locust , two-story frame house and
barn 4,500 00
No 21. Chicago , bet. f > th nnd Silh sts. .
.two houses 4,00000
No , 20. oh lost. , slv rooms , good ro-
pnlis , $200 cash , balance monthly ;
price 1,50000
No. IK Hlondost. . bet 28th nnil 29th ,
eight rooms good order 3CO ) 03
No , 17. Kmmottht. , thhd house east
of 27th St. , H rooms 4,000 CO
No. IB. On t'nrhy st..l > < * t.2iid ! and Iflrl
sts. , 7 rooms , well built , fruit and
shndotrecs 3,00000
No. 15. ( ieorgla ave. near Shirley st. ,
small house a ml IIHTII 3,300 00
No. 14. North tr > th ave.,2 houses , each
3 rooms , now rented , price 2,00000
NO. 13. Special bargain , full lot on
Moore uvc. , south of Cnmlng , 2 * .
blocks from motor. 2-story 0-room
house , street graded , vnry cheap , at 4.COO 00
No. 12. ! ! 3rd si. north of Leiivcnworth
St. . full Int,3-rooni house 2.003 00
No. II. 14th St. . bet. Center aud Dor-
ca.s. 2 sntiill bouses 0,300 00
No. 10. Lowunvo. and Hamilton St. ,
5-room modern house 4,000 00
No. u. 7-room liouso nud barn. In
flrsl-eliiRsorder.a very uent and du-
ulrahlo place , nnd very cheap at
prlco quoted , Seward st. . bet. S'th
and 2th , onsv terms , pileo , . 4,11000
No. 8. South front Hurdetto St. . bet.
28th nnd 20th , very neat 8-room
hinibi ) and barn , In perfect order , on
casylerms 4,00000
No. n. On Parker st. . hot , . 2.Hh nnd
2Rlh. 4-room hon * > n and burn , all In
unrfcot older , price 3,10)00
No. fi. 3 , 2. Various houses and lots
In Moo's subdlv. , north of Amos'
Other Residences.
No. 30. Cor. 30lh ami Wool worth , fac
ing park , H-ronin brick , modern , nnd
8-room frame , modern , with barn. . . 20,030 00
No. SO. On Furnuin St. , west of 4Jid ,
0-room modern , good barn , easy
terms , desirable 7,500 00
No. 28. li'iill lot. fronts east on 7th
St. , with four 7-room houses , nil
routed , being llr * > t-elnss rental prop
erty nnd will grow In value 12,000 00
No. 2 , ' , South front , Kmmott .st. near
i'llh , lot 100 ft. front. 7-room houso. . fi.OM 00
No.2il. llth St. south of Pierce , st , , 6-
rooni house O.O.X ) 00
No. ss. Cor. of 18tli nnd Leav. Ms..wiih
07 ft. fronton Leav. . 12-room modern
house 30,00000
No. 21. 17th st. near Leav. st. , 4 houses
now rented 20,000 00
No. 2:1 : N. W. cor. loth and Mason , 4
houses , modern Improvements , now
rented 0,0.10 00
No. 22. Full lot , 4 houses 8 rooms each ,
onalnm.so5 rooms und burn , room
formoro houses 30,010 OD
No. 21. Stewart Place , Lowe avo. . 10-
room brick modern 8,000 00
No. 20. 30th nt. , L' full lots , each with
press brluk modern houses nnd Ivirn ,
encl 8,50000
No. 18. 8 rooii's. ' full lot , 25th st. near
Popplolon ave fl.OOO 00
No. 17. On 2ith ! st. close to l'irmun , 8-
room modern house with half lot ,
price O.COO 00
Will take clearlot In part pay men
or makn very easy terms.
No. 10. On park avo. . ll-room tnodcri
house , lot 37'JxIIO , very dcslruhu
will take$1,1)011 ) cash , prlco 7,50000
No. 14. Luke st. near 30lh , G-room
house andn-room house 5,00000
No. 13. 17th st. north of Nicholas , 2
houses U rooms each , ono house 4
rooms 12,003 00
No. 12. On Park avo. , 8-room house ,
half lot , prleo 0,00000
No. in. I'arnam st. bet. 41M and 42nd ,
full lot. 10-room house , modern ap-
pllaneos , coed barn , prlco 0,00300
No. 7. On Park ave. , K-ro'im frame
house , half lot , promises in perfect
order 8,500 00
No. (1.20th ( st. near Hickory , very
choice 7-room ruttniro. price 7,0'X , ' ) ( X
No. 5. Jones Ht , wostof 'Bud. lot 47x177 ,
7-room frnmo liouso nnd barn 0,0X ) 00
Nbo. 4. 10-room brick modern , with
am , Kouiit/o Plane 11,503 fX )
Ames Heal Estate Agency ,
1507 F.iniam street ,
Solo agents.
Ottico open evenings. 752 _
WAUO1I k WestorlloldroaostatoS.Omuhn
1 20 acres line farm land adjoining good No-
Jbraskit town ; nearly clear ,
IfiOacres finely Improved land 2'/J miles from
county sent In Nebraska ; lightly encumbered.
120 acres good laud In Nebraska , Smiles from
county hcnt ; 2,500 Inhabitants.
House and lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
Clear lol In good Nebraska town.
4 room house nnd lot. barn , well and distort ] ,
ICth street , Omnha ; slightly Inciunhored ; will
trade for Oinnha property and assume Incum-
brniiees. H. K. Cole , Continental block , OJO
IilllCKShavo advanced In Ames I'lnco * .V.00
. per lot. Present prices $1,050 , $1,150 , $1,250.
_ fc07
A CUB property near Dundee I'laco at. .11,250
8 neros between Omaha and Mouth
Omaha , truckage , at 3,500
hlegant fl-room cottage bet. motors ,
lOlhHt. . nt 2,000
A fine east front. Georgia uvo
-room honto with cltv water In kllchon ,
lot 2H'sMil to alley. $ W ) mish. pr ice 1,050
Hutchison & Wend , 1521 Douglas st. tv.7 B
rplli : following pronerty must Im sold nt
JL once ; Corner 10th and Mason , Improved ,
$ SOOn , paying 10 percent. I'ldl lot , 2Hth , near
Woolworth. I''ulI lot , 21st and llurdette , only
$2.300. Also corner 23d nnd Laird , only il/wu.
Terms onsy. These bargains worth Invcutl-
gating , t-mcaton & Allen , 11307 Faiiiam street.
M'i5 : 10
171011 SALK-IIousoon 20th St. , a 20 per cent
L' Investment. Ilrlck block In business cen
ter , great Miup , Waterman i Ileull , Paxttm
KESIDKNOK property for sale In nice locT- !
tlonn at lonsonablo prices and e : y terms ,
Co-oporntlim Land uiid Lot Co. , 205 North Six
teenth btrcvt. B8 ; )
> IHCEShavo advanced In )
per lot. Present prices tlOM , (1,150 , tl,25u.
. . SALK lllg bargain ; 7 room house and
full lot In Halter PUcc.llosithntr.cost.(1,200.
Kasy terinn. Inquire of owner , E. 0. Merrill ,
42ml an d Cussstrcota. Ml
ACHK property at ron otmhlo prices and
terms. Co-Operutlvo Land & Lot Co. . 205
N. lOtb Bt. KiO-H
I > IIICES have advanced In Ames Place IV.00
per lot. Present prices $1,050 , JI.1.V ) , $1,250. ,
rpHK best lot on Hamilton and Lowe uvenuu.
JL Kmiulro ut 49 8 Hamllto" * CSO dll *
Forn\t < , ( ( . , tft fop nf flrtrt nitumn an ( A ( <
" "
1507 rarnum Street ,
Solo AKonta. Properly No. 31. N. W. cor ,
8th nnd Douglas 2 full lots , with
ample trackage 145,00001
This property Is ; ivnllnblo nnd If de-
Hired we can lopuralu lols. Will
make nrlei on corner. If deslro.l ,
nnd Insldo lot In pix > | iortloii ,
No. ; W. Hit hit. bet. DiMhio and Canllot
avo. , full lot ; present hupruvemeuts
arotentcd , Price OO.O.H ) OJ
No. sn , 21th .st , iSntindcrs t. near
HrlMol. De.slrsiblo properly at 1W
per foot nnd at { TO per fool. Ternn
of sale will bo U cash nnd balance
ft to 10years , If desired.
No. 84. Half lot , Howard Kt. bet. llth
and 151 lists. , for 50,000 OJ
No. 27. 2 full lols glvlnit frontage on
Vtllhst. of 100 ft. by 142 ftIn depth ,
double traeknco In rear , 2-storv
press lirlck sloro on preuiNes. I'rlio J2".iVX ) 00
No. 2il. A ehcnp lot on Lake st. Price 2W 00
No. 25. Cassst. bet. 17th nnd Mb st .
property that rents for t'iw per
nioiith. Prlco 2J.OOO 00
No. 21. 25lh and Ciimlng sis. 5UI24 for UOdO W
No.21. 101 band Paelllestreets. , splen
did hotel site , lol IX'.vllr ' ; will romeo -
mo\o present Imiirovements whk'h
are not Included ( n prleo quoted\U MWO 00
No. 2. . Williams si. bet. Illlb and llth
sts.j cheap business lot with 25ft.
froutngo. Price 2,500 00
No. 21. Oil lllth. near flalffoinliij prop-
erty has3stores and 2 Huts , Is mod-
ern , built of brh'k : icnts now for
M. XI nor year. Prleo iVi.tXW 00
No. IV. IK.ifect on Dixlgonnd llth sis. .
renting for tX > per month , prlco per
foot CO ) 00
No. 18. Knnmm bet. and 27th
Ms. , l.V. fet front by 1IH In depth ,
.prlco per fool 300 00
No. 17. I'M rim m bot. 2Sth nve. and
-.Mill St. . full lot. prlco per font . . . . ! XO 00
No. Hi. I'ninnin , cor. Sllth st. , 115 feet
on rnriiain.pilce per foot 20) ( W
No. 15. , bet llth nnd 1Mb
sts. , half lot , per foot 55) 00
No. It. Cnmlng ist. , lict. iflst and X'd ,
full lot , cheap at 54x10 oo
Nos. 13. 12 , II. 22 foot tuts on Sail n-
tiersst. : . opposite Decatur .it. , each
22feetnt 5 000 00
No. 10. Ii'arnam bet. Oth ami lUth
sts. , 44 feet , per foot 7.V ) 00
No. 7. Pull lot , 10th st. , bet. Douglas
and Dodge 40.0CO 00
No. li. Full lot. Cor. .loii"s nnd 12th ,
present buildings rent for JI , 100 per
year ; prlro 3).l > 00 00
No. 5. Dodge , bet. 15th and 10th sts.
present buildings bringing a good
rental ; full lot ; price 7.1.00) 00
No. 4. S. K. Cor. ot 20th and Leav. sts. .
built of brick , well I'on-Uuoled ,
comprising 2 stores and tints above ;
Is never vacant nnd at a low rental
pnysl ) percent.on prleo of 23,00300
No. I. Flrst-clnss trnckngu pronerty
on Cur. of Oth nnd .lonos ; owned by
Consolidated Tank IInn Co. ; wltl
make very reasonable terms to right
parties ; prlco 'tfl.OJO 00
Ames Heal Kstato Agonuv ,
15071'nrnam street.
Solo agents.
Omen open evenings. agents.ROT
"IDHICICS have advaneml In Ames Place $ -V.00
Jjior lot. Present prices JI.OM , J1.1SO , 11'iV ) .
13H10KS have advanced In Ames Plaei J.VKOO
JL jcrlot. Pre ont. ] ) rlcesl,0."O , ifl.l.'iO , Jl.'iV ) .
fT IinOM cottage , full lot , llanscom I'laco ,
' east front und u great liargatn for a few
days. Sin.ill cash payment andbalaucoon
long tlmo. 1" . K. Darling , Marker bloel. . Ml
rpl'.N elegant aero lots In Ilcnson ; will sell In
L a body or divide. Hoiisou & Carnilehnul ,
412 N. Y. L. bldg. 7r.l 10
" 1JU1CKS Inivo advanerd In Ames Place J.-.0.00
-I- per lot. 1'tcaunt prices Jl.O.M ) , tlI.VJ , JI.VSO.
FOIl SAI.Kor I/oaso-17 feet east front by
201 feet deep , alley corner. 21th and Cumin * ;
btroets. Address Jean Schons , Iteo building.
3111 1 > 21
A SNAP $3.7S'i will buy a nice 5-room house
and lot , with collar , cistern , city water
M-wer and barn , centrally located ; terms
easy. J. D. Kittle. 014 N. V. Life. SOSdU
i > HICKHImvb advanced In Ames PlaceiiO.Oi )
uer lot. Present prleo * $ lW > D , $1,150 , l,250.
I3UICKS have advanced In Ames Place JlO.Ofl
J- per lot. Present prices Jl,050 , JI.15J , $1,250.
BIOTiKbT bargain In Omuru. Only throoof
those elegant bouses on tlth and I'arunm
loft out of blx ; other tlireo occupied t > y firm-
class parties. Houses are open nil day forln-
spectlou. Kvory convenience In the houses ,
Including gas and gas fixtures.
Take a look nt them during this flno
weather ; buy one and tulto llfo comfortable
during the winter.
Only takes from $ 'U)0 to $500 cash. Bee thorn
without fall for they wilt plciiho you. li. V.
aiioloii , 213 First N'nt'l bank. ,580
MHKN aero block In Ilcnson for sale nt an ivt
JL tractive prlco. Ilcnson & Carmlehaol ,
754 10
"OHICKShave advanced In Ames placoV.00 )
J- per lot. Present prleos $1,050 , $1,150 , $1,250.
riTHK best coiner on upper Karnam street ,
.L fror.tnge on 3 streets ; splendid corner on
Fnrnam street. elo o to court housi'.a bargain ;
comer with trackage In S. K. part of city ;
good residences nud low-priced cottages , good
lots for building , some us low as $100 , Insldo
acres , farms and unimproved land.
We will sell any of this pioporty , of which
wo have cntlro control , nt prices way below
what you can buy at oliewhero.
.Stringer A ; 1'onny , llarker block , 15th and
Farnaiu. 143
Forratr * , crc. , xre ( ) ) iifhrxt ruliiniiiniiits ( / i
GOOD cutter , litter and draper f nun Ohoa | iu
desires work In families by the day. Ad
dress XO , lleo. U20 *
\\7ANTKn Dressmaking In prlvato family ;
> T waposI..V ; ) a day. J2 years experlcneo
Call l)2i ! ) : Lcavenwortli street or address Mrs.
II. JlcArtor. 8ir.-8 *
ENGAGEMENTS tododrcssmaklng In fiunl-
llos solicited. Mis * Sturdy. 2010 Iliirnoy sU
MS27D15 *
/ "or ratrx , etc , tcf tai > nf I ml coftmin on t lit * i < TJ.
MAS-SAfilC hath nt. Mndum .Smith's iinrlors ,
( JOT H. l.'ith st. , next llarker hotel. Hlfi-14 *
ASSAE ! Mada7iTUelzler.over"oiO H"tilth
7iO .12 *
Ferrate * , etc. , * fc ( opIrst ruimnii nn Ihi
OHHKH wlniflrel. ( Wo have the best nu-
. commonatlons In the state for wintering
horses , llox or single stulN. with paddock ,
Apply to Windsor , Kemp & Co. , 23.1 Now York
Life uldg. , or to Chris Novlns , ut ( ho stables ,
Ir\In ton , Nob. Mlilll
Forralr * . dr. . nee tap nf flivt uilumn Will
BEST line hair goods In wust ; hair < lresslng ,
wigs , sivltebes , bangs , hair chains , etc. , a
HDoclalty. Dnvlcs , hulr goods and milliner ,
opposlto postolllce , 111 ri. ir > th Mlreut , Omahii.
SHO R f HA N D A N D " 'I V > t W HI 1 1 NGiT
J-orratrt. rtc. , sec l'i > > r 'Inl coliiiiiu on tAli pfiut
JL changed , rented. J. P. iMogcuthUK > 7 I'arnnm
street. 4Ui )
Fur rntft. etc , nee / / ) of Hrt r lnnri nn thhoct'n
PATENT lawyers and sollcltors.O.W. Sues &
-L Co. , llee bullilliiK , Omiiha. llraiu'h olllco at
Washington. I ) . C. Consultation froo. KU
AVenthor I'rolinlillltloH.
For December Indication.- ) point to
cold , frosty weathor. That , howuvor ,
will inako no dilTorunco to those who
travel in the Btoum-hcutod and olcetrio-
lighted , limited vo.stilMilo tniin which
IB run only by the Cliiu.i u , Milwaukee
& St. Paul uy. batwoan Omahii und
Chlun o. Tills dopant train ICMIVOH
Omaha at 0:10 : p. in. arriving in Chicago
at (1 ( : . ' ! ( ) a. in. , in tlmo to inaUu all uttslorn
connections. For further information
apply nt city ticket olllco , loOl Farimm
HI. , Omaha. R A. NASH ,
J. K. PiiKSTOtf , Gonunil
City Passonpcr Agont.
Dr. Dlrnoy euros cuturrli. Huu
only railroad out of Omnhn
run oxprosttlj' for the nccoinmodatlon of
Omnlut , Council JilulTn , Dos MolneH and
Chlciipo businoHs IH the Hock Island vct- :
tibulod limited , leaving Omnha at 4iU : :
p. in. dally. Tlukot olllco , ICOi Slxtoonth
and Furnuiu ats. . Ointihn.
Miss Hosslo Mason , daughtOD of Judge O ,
P. Mason of Lincoln , Nob. , U visiting Mra.
Martha Hctb , 'M' } Cus strocW