I v * v * m t COiNDITION OF THE RED MEN , Annual Report of Ibe Commissioner of In dian Affairs. m AN EPITOME OF THE WORK OF THE YEAR , A. Ynnt Amount or Interesting Information mation in ItcKnrcl to the Trllicn on tlio Two Nebraska WA9HIXOTO.V , Doc 8. [ Special to TUB BKK.I The annual report of the commis sioner ot Indian affairs Is now In press and will bo given to the public in n few ditys. In addition to the formal recommendations nnd thocpltomo of the work for the year con tained In the report proper thcro nro reports from till the ngcnts regarding the conditions prevailing at their agencies nnd containing a vast amount of Information in regard to the details of the Indian business. Among them nro thoao of the two Nebraska ngcnclcs. From Killey proofs kindly furnished by the Indian ufllco the following extracts arc mndo : Ilobort H. Ashley , agent for the Omnlm nnd Wlnncbnco Jndlnnn who hns resided nmoiiK or near the Indium for thirty years , rcnorts : This reservation Is located on the eastern boundary , and embraces the entire county of Tliur.sto'i , Nebraska , except a portion of the reservation which has been sold and Is now occupied by the white purchasers , It is boiinucd on the east by Iho Missouri river , eighteen miles from the northern to southern limits , nnd extends west thirty mllesv cm- bracing one of the tinest tracts of land in the Btato of Nobraskn. . The eastern portion is wcl1 timbered with the valuable varieties of hard wood native to this section : the central ntid western portions nro made up of Kc"tly rolling pralrios , wide nnd fertile valleys , well watered by thoLoKnn.Oninhaand UlacVcblrd creeks and their branches , and possessed of the Illicit soil. The Wmnoungo trlbeof Inldnns occupy the noithorn portion , containing lll.ilGO ucrcs , nnd the Oiunhn tribe the southern , contain ing iC,84Q : ! ncrcs As theru Is nothlnij in couimon bctwrcn the Omiiha and " \Vinnohngo Indlnn.M , speaking ns they do a different lan guage , of dissimilar character and habits , I Bhall report thfcin separately. WlSXCIJAfiOIIS. The t'encral condition ol thh tribe has not materially chmiKud Uurintr the year. 1'ro- eross toward n higher and better civilization there has been ; each year adds n few to thn number who have to an extent forsaken their old hnbiti and customs , hut their advance ment is slow. The rovinp , restless disposi tion of llicsn people , fostered and encouraged ns It hns been by their removal from reserva tion to reservation ( having been moved no loss than llvo times during tlio past fifty j-cars ) , is always impeding their rapid ad vancement. The population according to census Just completed is 1'Jl'J. The cultivated acreage has been increased during the year bv 080 acres of now breaking , the larger part of which is In the western portion of the reservation. The AVinnclmco Indians , while slow to acknowledge and accept the new conditions resulting irom the allotment of the lands ISn fcovenilty , nro now exercising the rights of cltlzcnsh'ip , aud the Industry nnd thrift which iimonR all people nxsult from the ownership of the soil , begin to bo scon. KlRhty-thrco thousand ono hundred and twenty acres of the Winnobago reservation has been ullotod , covered by 9. > 3 Individual allotments ; 23,210 nro ns yet unnlloted. Of tlioallotcdlandsat lens t GO percent belong to women , ngcd or inllrm men and minor children. The ublo-bouicd men hnvo all and tnoro than they can cultivate in their own right. As the law now stands there is no legal way to derive any benefit or revenue from this largo tract of'land. It cither lies Irtlo or Is illegally occupied ; In the latter c.iso the owners derive hut n sinull per cent of its true rental value. I would recommend that the law bo so modified or amended that allot ted lands of these Indians may , under proper restrictions , ba leased , the leases to bo sub ject to the consent and approval of the com missioner or agent , nnd only then .when by proper showing it is made to appear that It % impossible for the nllottres to cultrVutu the land themselves , nnd tbo leases bo made only for the purpose of cultivation. ' It hns bec-n my aim , in which the dcpart- mont lias given mo nil the nid In Its power , f' to locate ns many as possible on allotments in _ the western portion of the reservation. With the limited moans nt my command I have been nblo to assist but few of the many who nro now anxious to open up and Improve the allotments. It Is of little use to get breaking done on the prairie twenty miles distant from whore the owners now reside unless teams , nro provided to work it nnd houses for the workers to llvo in. It has been my policy to select these who had not heretofore received government aid nnd who show n disposition to support themselves , and young men who have just returned from school , nnd to give them all the assistance possible. Five have been assisted to the extent of $100 each in completing houses on allotted lands from the appropriation "aiding Indian allottees. " The Winnebagoas are provided with excel lent facilities , with nmplo accommodations for nil that can bo induced to attend school. They have , however , boon slow to appreciate thcso opportunities , mid it has often been dlf- , llcult to Keep the school even moderately well filled. I cnu , however , see improvements in this respect during the year. AH the missionary work at this agency Is conducted by the 1'rcsbyterlan board of mis sions. They hnvc a neat nnd coufortublo church , a resident missionary , nnd services are hold regularly. The attendance is small. There is no church organisation. The Win- iicbagoci nw not a religiously inclined people ple , nnd missionary work among them Is dis couraging. The Sabbath school connected with the church is , during the session of the Winnehago industrial school , well uttended , as the school furnishes over sixty scholars , and is doubtless doing much good. But Httlo crime has been committed dur ing the year , and all have been of u minor nature , for which there has been but ono conviction and that for assault and battery. Circumstances hnvo been ngnlnst punishment of minor crimes , as wo have had no state oftl- > cor within twenty miles of the agency. Wo hnvo now n resident justice nnd can bring - offenders to Justice. Especially will this bees valttnblo in cases of drunkenness. The mornl status of the WinuebaRoes , es pecially ns regards the marriage relations , osts anything but what it should bo. Tlio prac tice of assuming and dissolving the marriage relations at will , without form of law is com mon. It has been the custom ot these people from the curliest history , and Is n vlco dlftl- cult to remedy. Outsklo ot the moral ques tion It will necessarily cause those people i nn endless amount of trouble in the future us re gards the law of descent , us it will bo impos sible tii determine who nro legal heirs to prop erty , I most earnestly recommend that lot the power which this ceneral governmuntyet retains ho exerted to suppress and wlpo out this practice. Whisky can bo procured by Indians nt most of the towns adjoining the reservation , nnd HO far it hns been impossible to prevent Its sale to them. Every case of such Illicit sale coining to my laiowledgo has been its- ported to the federal court authorities. rein two coses the guilty p-irties were convicted : nnd tlned tl and costs each. SuchslUhtpun ish uu'iit inspires no four , nnd without the liearty co-oporation of the fcJem.1 courts wo can do little. Tlio snmll cosh annuities paid the Wlnno- bago Indians is , in my opinion , of Httlo actual benefit to them. The larger part is wasted or worse. If it is to bo paid thorn at lilt should bo during the latter part of the winter , when their other menus of subsistence Is ex hausted. If it can bo done , I think inuoh moro peed would result by using the uionoy in establishing them on their allotments. OMA1US. Outside of having charge of the schools , tny duties as agent nro only nominal as ro- Kurds the Omaha Indians. They are doing fairly well , hut they much need the counsel , eucounigiMncut and supervision of au agent. The Omnlm Iiullnnsocoupy almost tlio Mitno ) spot they did in Isol , when Lewis and Clurlco Jlrst explored the Missouri valley. They have always been n quiet , peace-loving people , and easy to control. They are not possobsed of all tlio energy ono could wish , and they con sequently ivqulro i HI shiner and encouraging. A number of them have good farms opened end rtie progicsslvo. The census just completed shows the total population as 1,173. Of the 1 3,540 acres In the reservation 07- 019 Imvo been nllotod to 0.4 Individual allot tees. Thcro nro 210 houses on the reserva tion occupied by Indians. Ono Indian hni been assisted dutltit ; the year from the gen * crnl fund , "Aiding Indian allottees , " to tbo cxtentof $ . > ; > 0. The rcnindy suggested In regard to lca.iloff \Vlnncbago Indian lands may bo applied also to the Umahas. . The cultivated acreage on the Omatin re servation hns been Increased l,7fiO acres dur ing the past year , but this land hns almost been all been broken by white men uudor some kind of lonso. The Omahns uro dlvldod In opinion 03 to the vntuo nnd benollt of citizenship , the non- progressive party holding out against It , the progressive acknowledging the benefits and exercising Its privileges. The feeling on this point Is pronounced , but I am convinced thnt iho progressive will in tlmo overcome the op position , nnd that all will nckno\vlctlgo it to bo beneficial to the race. The Oniuhns Imvo just received the lost payment of $15,000 uniler act approved May in , 18SS , making f7.OiX ( ) that has been paid thorn within tbo last eighteen months. The Oinnhni nro provided with nmploschool facilities , which they appreciate to n certain extent , and your by jear. improvements In this respect can bo seen. As xvith the Win- nclmgocrt , the children attending school nro mostly the younger ones. This is mostly dun to the fact that many of the children attend other Institutions of learning. The Presbyterians Imvo for many years Inhered nmong this people , nnd with good re sults. They have a church organization with n membership of 100 Indians , two resident missionaries , two church bulldinns ; services nru held regularly nnd nro well attended. Very Httlo crlmo exists nt present among the Omaha Indians , nnd their morals nro good. They respect the marriage relation , and family ties nro recognised. They were formerly polygamlsts , but of Into years this evil practice has been dying out , nnd there Is on the reservation at present only eleven cases of polygnmy. Till ! StNTKKS AND rO\CAS. Jnmcs E. Holmes , the now ngent of the Santces and Poncas ntSnnteo ngunoy , whoso roiKU't Is mndo alter but two month's service , speaks ns follows : Santee agency Is located on the west bank of the Missouri river , in townships 31 , ! W nnd 33 , ranges and D west of the sixth piinclpal meridian. Ponca agency Is located at the Junction of I the Nlobrnra and Missouri rivers , upon the ! north side ot the Niobrara , In that portion of T Dakota now annexed to Nebraska. About three-fourths of the Santee reserva tion lies on very rough nnd rocky territory where It would scorn to mo tlmt It would ho very hard for nny ono to live depending upon ngrlculturo. The soil in some cases Is fair and oven peed , but the hills nro very abrupt nnd so steep in many cases that a hone can \ not climb them. The valleys or gulche.s are narrow in most instances , so that to nnd a Hold containing ten acres of plow hind is an exception. About ono-ciehth of the reserva tion Is on the Missouri river bottom nnd of remarkably rich soil. It lies low and Is sub ject to overflow. Verv llttloof this land is In cultivation , being used for hay land , Thcro Is n sp.irso growth of Umber over some parts , but it has been mostly cut out. Nearly alt of the dwellings built on the bottom are very close to the bluffsso , that the inhabitants can got to the hills in case of nn overllow. The balance of the reserve is along the BnHlc and Mini Wnsto creeks nnd Is rich soil laying In a valley from one-fourth toonc-lmlf mile wldo and the finest Innd on the leservntion. Along these streams there Is moro prosperity among the people. These people seotn to have mndo some ad vancement in farming , but the nature of their lands is discouraging and not calculated to kindle much enthusiasm in theirwork. Their Holds are mostly small patches of indifferently cultivated grain , miuly corn fields having been planted nnd never cultivated , there being very fuw Holds tlmt have received the attention necessary to ft good yield. 0o I uould Judge thnt about one-eighth of the number of ncrcs In cultivation heretofore was not plowed this year , while manv of their houses nrc vacant ami liable to bo burned the first tlmo n prairie Urn sweeps over the coun try , their owners being absent on a visit to : some other sod Ion. A Inrge amount of ma chinery for farming is lying about elthor in the Holds , where the owners quit work , or sUickod together in the door yards , where irit is linDle * o become the prey to the annual Visitation of the prnlrlo lire. ilh The people nro Doing rapidly supplied with small but good dwellings nnd seem to take kindly to living in them llko their whlto : neighbors , nnd n largo proportion are as neat and tidy as ono would tind in whlto settle - ments. Their houses ire in the main cpiito well lurnlshed with the ordinary household articles , such as btoves , cupboards , tnbles. beadsteads , etc. , but all nro not yet supplied with them. All of the Santces Uross In citi : i- zens' clothes and are hi the main as neat as a community of white farmers in their dress. This ngency Is fortunate In hnvlnpn num ber of Indians who nro quite proficient in the use of tools , and in the main , men who can ! 10XJ depended upon. It Is evident that more ad vancement hns been made in the trades . J111 * WHIjVIIHrfU V * * l/V V J11IIUU * I * hMWbl.ttltV.iJ than agriculture. This tact has been brought nbout by tbo more liberal policy of the gov - eminent In regard to keeping up thU branch of the service by a Judicial experuliluro of money for salaries. I hnvo a number of artt- zauson this reservation who uro as well quail- lied in their respective trndos as nny ordi nary white mechanic , and it la obvious that rapid advancement is being made in thcso In dustries. Santee agency Is abundantly supplied with excellent schools. The Suntco boarding- school is the especial pride of the agency. The nvcrugo attendance nt this school during the past year was 10l.fi. This wns as niany nu could bo cnrctl for In the dormitories. The main building hns recently had additions built for bath purposes nnd peed balh tubs hnvo been purchased , which Is a much needed Improvement. About Juno 23 the government began sink ing nn nrtesinn well hero , and while writing this article I received notice that n maKiiift- ccnt flow of water had been struck ta depth of nbout seven hundred feet. Upon inspecting same I found a beautiful column of water six Inches in diameter , rising into the nir to the height of eight or ten feet , making this ceitainly the tinest well in the state. The water Is suitable for drink ing purposes and will bo a boon to the agency. Luck of good wntor lias always been n source of much annoyance hero and the much needed aud now novcr-fallliuj supply i - ply will bo greatly appreciated by nil 1 hope this flow will bo sufficiently strong to run our grist-mill , and if It should prove so will materially lessen the expense , as the price of coal Is so high as to render the operation of the mill expensive. I am deeply Impressed with the necessity for whlto farmers at this agency. Indian I ? employed In that capacity nro a failure. IHA trial was made ot them by my predecessor , who was allowed four of thorn during" the past season. I have traveled over the reser vation anil visited sonic of the hired farmers , and found thnt in some cnsos n portion of their own ground had not beou plowed nnd n cnKlvutor never put into their liclds this year. I havogivon this subject much thought nnd Investigation , and I am confident that If each tnrmer on tlio leservatlon was appointed a committee of ono , at a fair salary , to attend to his own farm thostiindiird would not bo raised In a noticeable degree ; but whcro thorn is boiuo ono to show them uud glvo tbo oucouragctncnt , as IMS been the case hero nt tlio shops where oinploycs nro moro directly under tlio eye of the ujont , there hns been ( jreatcr improvonicot. The niouoy used for siilnries would bo more than saved to the gov ernment , bcsldo raising the s t mid u ret of iigri- culturo. The Ponca Indians locnted at this agency arc. fortuiinto In having goou land. Nearly all of ttio land taken by the Indians is altu- ntcd nlonu tlio Niobrora or Kiuininn Water river and Pouca creek , mill lies mostly terhi broad mul fertllo valleys , Just undulating enough to hnvo peed dri'limpo. Wittiln the last month or six weeks allot ments-were tnado to the I'onca Indians 1 u sev eral ty. Some sixty of the I'oucav , with Standing Bear at their bend , ran away from their reserve - servo in the curly part of last sprlnp , against the wishes and ndvico of the department and agent. About ono-lmlf of them have now re turned and promise to remnla and cultivate their farms. I fcol that Standing Hear nlono Is responsible for this trouble. Thla inovo 1ms subjected the deluded people who followed his giildmico to ptvat liunlshlp and trouble , na tlioy have dlsiwsed of nilor , nearly nil , of their issued property , aban doned their homes nnd houses , allowed their fields to grow up in weeks , and through their tardiness In return'ntr ' ccmiHotely lost their homes tlmt they had vaitlally Improved , and were compelled to seljct land not so well situated and entirely unimproved. This state of affairs was brouuht about by their refusal to return until the allotments were completed , and many of the Poncaa who ro- iniilmnl at homo changed their selections In order to cut tbo improvements aud in some Doth the method and results -when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it Is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and nets Rontly yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tern effectually , dispels colds , 'head aches and fevers niul ctiree habitual constipation. Svrt'P ' ° / Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the tnsto and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action nnd truly beneficial m itp efiecta , prepared only from the most bonltby nud agreeable subatauces , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it tlio most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs io for sale in BOc and 81 bottles by all lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for nny ono who wishes to tiy it Do not accept any. eubstituto. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. IOUISV1LU. A1. . - . , . - _ A IV YORK , ff.lf. TRADEMARK TH c OliK AT TRADE MARK IJ.VOI.IHII HUM- KI > V. Anunfnll- 1118 cure for Sem inal WcnkncM , HpcrmnU'rrhoi'n , Inipotcncr nd nil illnon cs tlmt M n so- of Self- at I.OBH of " jSBSJTB ' " " " * ' " Memory , Unlver- * < * s * * * " BIFORETAUKB. al i-amiturteAFTIR TAIIHO. 1'nlii In Iho Hack , Dlmnoan of Vlilon. 1'rcmntnre Olil Age , nnjtnmnyolhorcllBoaic's tlmt lenil to Immilty orcomumptlon iimlaprcnintiiroKrave. tBTull piirllctilura I" our imniplilet , which wo ile- ulru to Bend frco by mull tu every ono. I TTIio Spo- clfloMi llclnol9Koldatflipr | packnuo , or nix puck niton torK , or wil I bo miit free by mull on receipt of ttio money , by Rililre sln THE GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 FAKNAM STKIKT : , OMAHA , Nisn. On account of counterfeits wo Imvo adopted the TOllow rni | r. the onlv gciiiilm ) . Instances superior land that was loft by Standing Heap's party , beliovInK that the absent ones would not iuturn ; to claim thu abandoned lioincs. 8tmiilni ( ; Bear is n shrewd , cunning snv- ngo , one who , If lili Intellect was directed In n channel to boncllt hi * people , could do much peed ; but as ho now fa ho is the only ono of tfco POUCH band in NobrosUa who persists In tlio old snvngo way. Ho still has two wives. It niav bo that ho will clmnpo for the butter , us his last trip hns resulted ho disastrously to his following. I think his influence over the Poncas is at last about gone. That pot tion of the 1'onc.i tribe who re mained nt homo arc much more prosperous tlian their Santee neighbors. Tlicir crop < nro hotter ; their acro.iro larger and bettor culti vated ; more thrift Is shown nnil inoro inter est taken In everything that Is tlono to pro mote their \velfnro. The future of the Poncas looks brighter than that of their Santee neighbors. The population is us follows : Simteos , SOfl ; children of school ago , 2U9 ; Poncas , JJ02 ; chil dren of school ngo , CO. Dr. Biriioy euros catarrh , Boo uldgf. MOUSE'S. Open Till O Tonight Christmas Dis play on I'M I th i loop. Wo invite everyone to como ; our stock is ENTIRELY now wo uro tliroo wooku Into in opening it , other now depart ments htiyo occupied the time , and wo must soil it at onco. USEFUL TOYS. Wo Imvo no poor or useless toys that only servo to llttor up n , houbo. Como and bco what we hnvo ; on the 5th floor ovorythinfT in plain sight. DOLLS IOC TO $75. All our uolls wore bought by our com- mibsioiiures in Paris and shipped di rect to Omaha in bond. 5th floor , 2 ele vators. vators.THE THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. The now offices of the Great Rock Island route , 1G02 Sixteenth and Fornam streets , Omaha , are the finest in the city. Call and BOO thorn. Tickets to all points east at lowest rates. IS HIS A JMUIIOEUEUV A I'liotograpli Gets Mike Wnlali Into Trouble In Jail. Mlko Walsh was arrested by Officer Tom Hayes ns a ynijrant , but as soon as Captain Mostyn sot eyes on him ho recognl/.od him as James MoCerinott , who is wanted at Denver for killing n policeman about two yeaw ago , Walsh denied that ho was the man wanted , although a photograph of McDermott sent hero by the Denver authorities w.xs declared by several to bo that of the prisoner In ad dition to this his weight , height and sears wore almost identically the saino. A doap scar Just above the car and another nt the crown of the head were found as described , The Denver authorities have been notified to como at once and identify the prisoner , who will ho held for that purpose. James O'Mura , Barney McCourt and Thomas Klloy , a tough trio , wcro sent over the bill yesterday , tlio former for ten and the two others for twenty days. Del Perkins , a oiio-loggod vendor of no tions , was arraigned before Judge llelsloy on n charge of assault with Intent to commit murder , preferred against him by his wife. Perkins has been under arrest before for boating his wife , and she now desires to have him sent over the road for his latest demon stration. The correctness of the maxim "nothing succeeds llko success" H well exemplified In Aynr's Sarsaparlllft. The most successful co'mblnntlon of alteratives and tonics , it nl- wavs bucccods In curing diseases of the blood , and hcnw its wonderful popularity. OSrAII.V'S GUI3A.T BXI1I11IT. How It Continues tu Attract Critical Attention and Commendation. The following has been sent to the ngoiits along the line of tlio Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road by Mr. J. II. Buchanan , the passenger agent of that road. It speaks truthfully of the great Omaha art exhibit1 It scorns unaccountable that people of cul tivated tastes and ntnplo moans should not hasten to avail themselves of the proient op- portuulty to see the rare collection of paintIngs - Ings on exhibition In Omaha. Each year many Americans go to European art centers to gratify a taste for ] ust what Is to bo seen horn for a limited time and nominal expense. In the Paris salon exhibi tions cno specially superior picture , together with many loss meritorious , is sufficient to attract thousands for weeks at n tlmo. Yet hero wo have over twenty of those same Paris salon priie-inedal paintings ou exhibition every one having taken tbo prizes of tlu'so exhibitions , besides 100 uud moro others of great excellence and hyvorldrenowncd artists. Surely people cannot roalUo this until they see and see again this collection. Hero nro paintings by Dlorstadt , llouguo- roau , Uoutlgny , Corot , D.iubigny , Uoro , Ju- pro , and many others , each of whom hold medals from the highest art schools in the world. Among them Is Dlerstadt's "Tho Last of the Buffalo'1 lor which is held n standing- - Continental Clothing House. -i The Boys' Department. Special Sale of Boys' Overcoats , Ulsters and Suits ! A sale of special interest is announced to parents for ' this week in the boys' department. Only a few weeks remain BOY'S for us to close our large stock of winter suits and overcoats. We propose to reduce the stock at any cost , and to those who appreciate well made and perfect fitting garments , this sale Price SS.QO will be of unusual importance. We call attention to a .bargain line of - , For Boys' , the Ulster is the most popular garment in our stock. We have a full line for nAt boys of all ages , in freize and chinchilla. Wo offer at this sale a special line of wool ulsters , wide collars , full length , with wool trimmings , at $ B.BO. The largest assortment of Boys' Ulsters At $3.50. and at prices which will be sure to interest all . . in search of honest goods at bottom prices. Cut in sizes 6 to 12 , plain sacks and plaited jackets , in two < shades , of neat cassimcre goods , sold everywhere for $5 and , $5.50. We have large quantities of them and this price will sell them rapidly. Don't wait , but come early and get HOT DEPARTMENT first choice. choice.PRICE $3.50. BOc. Boys' Wewill cloth sell Windsors ten styles and of driving boys' cloth caps , Sizes SX2S TO Windsors and IS dozen jersey turbans this week * * at 5Oc each. FREELAND , LOOMIS & CO. , Cor. Douglas and 15th Sts. for of $50,000. The seono is on our own Platte river , and taken from actual observa tion when the artist w.is In this country tnnnv years ago. Another by the sumo artist "Iluntinif the Buffalo , " & ! , fiOO ; "Sp.mUli Bride , " by Jules Worms W.OOU : cattle , by Enllo Van Marclr , ? 1U,000 ; "Heturn of SpriiiL' , " bv Bouguere.iu , § 1S,00 ( ) ; "At the door of St. Mark's , by Muller , 7,500 ; "Ho- honilnn (5lrl , " by Cln.2 , 1,000 ; "Haymakers , ' ' by I. , ' Herinltto , SlS,06o ; "King of the Ico- bcrgs , " by Bradford , $0.000 ; "Landsuipo , " Uosa Dontiour , SlU.niXJ. Those only Illustrate the character of uio feast offered for culti vated people who Im'e means to gratify tbeir tastes. l Besides the oil paintings there ere rooms full of water colors and etchings of the highest merit , all 'exhibited under ono ad mission. The Christmas holidays nro approaching and no gift is so tipnrnprl ito ns a line picture , and if n picture cannot ba purchased the next to it is the treat of scbiiiK the collection. The railroads have granttid ono nnd dno-third rnto on the cortitlcato plan for a distance of 100 miles from Omaha otr December 10 and 12iina 17 and I'J , ono day limit to onaolo nnd iuiluso people to como nnil see them. Tbo cost , is nominal nnd the value received la vary great aul It li Hlneerely liopo.l people will avail themselves of the opportunity. The object of this exhibition is to create a fund to establish a permanent art gallery in connection with a public library in Omaha. No man Is making a dollar nor seeking to dose so , nnd so besides Its being a grand and good work , the permanent benefit which is sought the whole htato of Nebraska is Interested In and shall be proud of. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething gives quiet , helpful rest. 25 cents a bottle. _ Death of Mr. M. H. Wilbur. Matthew C. Wilbur , a resident ot Ouiaha for nearly a third of a century , died yesterday morning at the residence of his wife's pa rents , Mr. anil Mrs. B. A. Hall , 2010 Cali- foinia street , after a long and painful illness of tuberculosis. The deceased was flfty-nino years of ago. Ho came west in 1800 and originally located at IJocatur , believing that the railroad would mnko that an objective point. Ilo later moved to Omaha and engaged in the livery business. In 1870 ho moved his stable to Chicago , but was burned out in the great llro. Ho tiien went to Colorado Springs nnd finally returned to Omalia. Ho was engaged in actlvo business until about two years ago. fo vears his stnblo was located at the comer ol Ff tcei th and Dodge , on the sitn of the now American National bank , and was a popular resort for many of the old settlors. Mr. Wilbur was a brother of U. H. Wilbur , formerly police Judge nnd mayor of this city , and now government quartermaster's agent at Lander. Ho was always a great ndmirer of good horse flesh nnd during his lifo time owned a number of fast trotters. Tbo deceased was a cousin of John K. 'VVilhcr , cashier of the Omnlm savings b.mk. Ho leaves n wife and ono child u son , who resides at Colorado Springs. During the last few wooksof his lifo Mr. Wilburwas a great sufferer and tlio end cauio as a welcomo'roliet. Dr. Blmoy euros catarrh , Boo Bld < j. Uurinl of.'Ir. N. O'Hyrne. The funeral of the late Nicholas O'Dyrno took place yesterday morning and was Ht- tended by n largo number of friends who had known and respected the deceased In lifo. The remains were homo to St. Patrick's church , corner of Fifteenth nnd [ Castelar streets , from the late residence of the do- cc.ised , 1500 Soutln fifteenth street. The pall bcarors wcro Messrs. .Torominh Mahoney , J. B. O"utian , James pulton , Patrick Gillen , James Lurrigan and Jmnes Jloye. Solemn hign mass Svfa celebrated , Rev. M. J. Hnrrett acting as.'oblobrant , being assisted by a couple of other clergymen. The remains wnro interred In the sepulchre of the Holy cemetery-1 Mr. nnd Mrs. Buna's Daughter. The four-year-old ( laughter of J. W. Munn died yesterday nt n the family residence , 3S23 Miwdorson strcqt , , The funeral will beheld hold nt 1 p. in. today from the house. IF YtMKNEW how easy i | was to rid 'yourself ' of , face pimples and blotches , you would take a few bottles S. S. S. 'and ' remove them. ' IIEH FACE HER FORTUNE. "I wasnnnoycil fora yoir with plin- 'plos and blotches on the fnco. I con- 1 suited prominent pliyslans and IHO 1 different kinds of iulrertiEod me II- rlncs without nny benefit. Finally 1 tried Swift's Specific , nnd the smooth ness of my eWn waa completely re stored by the use of a few bottles. " RANDOW , Thnlla Thcatir , Now Fork City , BOOKS Of BLOOD AftDSft/i OI3CAXS fftC. TUB MTiirSrEcmo Co. , Atlanta , Ga. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists. DOUCLxAS OMAHA , Tha most widely unu favorably known spec ialists In the United Stntcs. Their long ex perience , ro'narkablo HU11I nnd unlvcrnal suc cess In ibr > treatment and cure of Nervous , Clirrmlo and Surgical Dlseasei , entitle thcso eminent physicians to tlio full confidence of the anilctod every whero. They Ruarnntno : A OEHTAIN AND POSITIVE OUHB for the awful ofTecM of early vlco and the numer ous ovlla that follow In its train. 1'KIVATK. 11LOOD AND HldN DISEASES speedily , completely nnd uormnnontly cured. NIIKVOUS nuiiiLrrr AND SEXUAL DIS- OHUKUS yield roaHlly to their skillful troat- " ' "l-lL'ES , FISTULA AND UEOTAI. ULOEI18 gunranteccl cured without pain or detention HYUROOELE AND VARIOOOELK perma- nentlv and successfully cured In . " wery case. ' Bvl'HILia"QONOKUHEA , GLEET.'Sper- nmtorrhen , Hcruliml Wenknn s , Lost Manhood , Night Emissions. JJocnyttl Faculties , Kom.ilo Wtiuknesi and all dellcnto disorders peculiar to either oex positively cured , as well mi nil functional disorders tunt result from youth ful follies or the excess of muturo year * . QTPir"PIIPl Guirantcoil permanently OlIxlOl U 1\L/otirod , removal com pic to , without cutting , caiistlq nr dilatation. Ourea KfTectud nt homo by Pfvttunt without a mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MfcN. AQTTPP niPTJTho awful effects ot oUKli l/UixU early vice which brings orpnnlc weakness , destroying both mind and body , with all Its droadcd ills , pernmnenty cured. ni ? \ . RFTT Address these who have Im- Ul\\j. ULj I U paired themselves by Im proper Indulgence and solitary htblts , which ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for bu Incss , study or marpliiRO. MAHHIEL ) MEN or those entering on th happy me , a wnro of physical debility , quickly OUR SUCCESS Is baid upon facts. Pint 1'raotloal xnerl- enc * . Bflcond Every case Is specially studied , tbus starting right. Third M dlclnc are prepared in our laboratory exactly to lult each GUM , thus effecting cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , t 9 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA. Tint's Pills FOR TORPID LIVER. A < orilil lUor ilcruiigca tlio Mliolony Coin , < ! iiroUurcs Sick Headache , Dyspepsia , Gostiveness , Rheu matism , Sallow Skin and Piles. Thcro In no better remedy for < li * o common dlncuNc * Iliuii Tutt'ii J.Ivor l > UI , u > t u trial ill prove. l > rlccU3o. Sold Everywhere. DR. SAJNTDEN'B ELECTRIC BELT rim IWEAKMEN ! . DKBIIITlTKUIIiruiitklK' v'-.iMrv pi niifiiancr * i it M OTJXtaa b , * -"UCTJtie BUT AMD * U $ . rHSnlllBi * ' * lOtll , M.lt for Ihl.ip.el lpur. Mil. C.r. ol UnmllM , k..M , Ulo | rr.tlj. Mild , I.c , c llii i r rr ti or Klxlrlellr .J/a-SlBft Pikia. rt.uinnl Ibtm to UK ALT II d - IKK-'UEIUTII 91tt * ( VAM * r + t tmfttmttw. * r Vd fr.tttt IfllQ I T > f- Three Nights. J vjj Oommonoing MONDAY , DEC Slit , Weilncsday Mutluco. W.H.Powcrs' Company IJomantlo Irish Drama , The Fairy's Well A Compnnlon Play to Tin ) Ivr r onf. A strictly llmt olnfli conipuny.lncludliiK the taliMitcd Irish uomcdlnn , CARROLLJOHNSON I-ntoof Jnlm on .t Blnvln' MIlKtreK A powerful ilnimntlc com. puny. 1'roiliictlon tlio nnino HI nt the 14th tit. , theater. N V Snlu of scats beghia tint- urclny , Rovd'c 31 -ITSE * ' * * J 3' SATURDAY MATINEE OOMMI3NOINO TIlUItSDAY. Doc. 11 SECOND SKASO.V. S' ! U.VAIIATEK B Mr. Gus Thomas' ' Unique Comedy- U Drama , R | THE BUROLBR Q A Skillful Iiitorpratod blending by bya of a Laughter Great A and Tears Company. ixcr.uwNt ; R MR. A. S. LIFMAN , I'rlrca ns usual. Sale of aculn Qrand TONIGHT. First Production in Omaha of the Sensa tional Melo-Druma THE WILD VIOLET , iir TUB ARIZONA JOB COMPANY. I'Ol'UIiAU PIUORS. DIME EDEN MUSEE. WILIi JjAWLKH , SI/innRpr. / Corner lltli and Farnam atli'ets Umiilia. CWcokuf Dec.Bill. ' MITE , THE MIDGET , Ago 10 , weight 11 pounds , liolglit St InuhoH , A rnrCi uiirlons uoudcr ; a froalc umlvixlloil. X.an/ulttu : , niaRlv ; Iho AcluniH clilhlrun , Hol- llns , wire wnlkcran I u lio-tt of attractloiiH. NEBRAS/vA / National Bank V , B. DEPOSITORY , OJ1AHA , NffiB. CapitaL - - - - $ OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O - 07DOO Offl n and Director * Honrr W. Totci. Vrealdint ; L wli9. Bled , Vloe-Proilclonl ; Jamai W. Strmia , W. V. Moria. John B. Coillni , U. C. Uiubtoa , J. H. Patftak , VT. B. M. lluiikiei , ouibler. THE1 IRON BANK. Comer 12Ih and Fwnnm 8U. A Ooneral Hanking Business Trunsactnl. fOll SEVERE COUGHS OR COLDS Dr. F. C. Werner's COUGH DROPS Are highly rocotnmomlcd nftor seven years of successful experience b3' the bolo munufacturord , Kopp , Dreibus& Co. , STKA.M CONFECTIONERS , 1106 FarnamSt. , Omaha , Neb. Sold oTorywhoro , Co per puckugo. Send for BanuilOB. CE.C.WE1H NERVE AND BOMN TREATMENT. Bpocino for HT terlft. niMln si.rjt , ioarjl ; ja.Wuko. ( utnft . Mental l > tpru&ion. HurteiUnff of the Jlralaro- rulllntf in IniaDltro.ia lea'ltnir to inisorf dwav or J dMtb. rrfra ture Old AH . liirrennpo , Lou of rower Inolllior MI , InToluntarjr LO H . nnil Ui > rni torrl.r CAQiwl l > r OTvr xeitlo of the lirftln , pclr-rlmje ur OTcrludulgtmre. JCachbox contain ! on jmonlh'ji treat ment , llabol , or nix for t ) . renttr mtJIprfpilJ- VTItb oa < b order lur six loin. will pend purrlit tr lmar tit o to rutunil nct y If the ( ruAlrotnl falUtO cum. Uuarantcw IxuvU ( Uul cenuiiui ol < l uuly Ur GOODMAN DRUG CO. , lUOFurnam9treot. - - Omaha Neb. HE HID -HE DIDN'T ! masr.g a msEABtu or MEM | OUR NEW BOOK I eii > l lniall. Itiailvlce U Vital. Frw for " ' < " < lime. Don'tTrlllnwllli Dlnoasel I2HIK MKU- ICJAI , < > . . nmrniu , N. v. iiou't tail to HEED OUR WORDS.L DR.MCGRBW THE SPECIALIST. Moro than HycmV experience In the treatment of PRIVATE DISEASES. A euro KtinrantoeJ la 3 to Uvo dura without thuluil ofj'u liuur'a tlmu. STRICTURE Permanently cured without pain or Imtruniont * ; n cutting ; no diluting. Tlio moat rumurknbiu remoJ kng n to modern sclcneii Write for clrculnri. SYPHILIS CURED IN SO TO BO DAYS , Dr. MclJ row's trcntmont tor Dili terrlblu blood (111 * ca o lia < been pronoiiiiinl llio niont pnworfiil and iicccHsfiil roinoily uror cllncovorml for tlio nbsolilto curoodlilH dlM'Uno. Ilia nuccuss wltli tills i lian novcr Itoon cqtiallcil. A complete cmtu ANTKEII.YrlU > for circulars. LOST MANHOOD rod all wciiluinii of the loxunl nrit-ini , norTOii noi\ tlmlilltr nnrtdespondcnornusolutolr cured. Tliorj' lief ID Immediate nnd comploto. SKIN DISEASES , Cntnrrh. rliciimiitl ra , nnd all rtl-cnioiof the bio )1 llrur , kldnuya nnil tl.idilur perm nontlr ) cured. FEMALE DISEASES nd nournlxln , norToiiino i nnrtdl c mi of tlio itora. ( icli cured. Tlio Doctor' * "Homo Troatmoat" far ladles ll pronounced by all who hnre uxodlt. to bi tliomo-t com | > lota and convenient remodr oror of- furod for the truatiuont of ronmlo illnomoi. Itll truly a wondi-rful rumrdy. No Initrumonti ; QJ pain , llotnw FOHAUIK-1 | FUosi2Ti < ONI.V. DR. McGREW'S marvolonn auccon Imi von for him a ropiitatlnn nlilcli In truly nntlonnl In olmractor , nnd lilt Brett rmiiyof pntlcnUs roncliui from tlio Atlantic to th * I'ncltlo. Tlio Doctor U a iirniliinto f "IIKUOIAU" roodlclnonn11iai [ Imd lomtanit carofnloTiiorlonroln hospital iirnctlce , and It clmsed aiiuinit tlio leiullnf UicclalhU In moiU > rn aclonuo. 'rrunlmont br corro- niioniU'nciVrlto \ for clroulnrs ubout oncnot tin Office , i4th and Farnam St3 Kntrnnceon nlther atroot. OR. 1'rnvllco llinltetl to UlacuHUH of luu LUNGS Nervous System Including 1'nrnljjU , CntnU'imy , IJUTI | Hpllooiy , Con v ill- Huii.i , Milnnl Irilln- llon , ItliiMiiniitlnni. I'll ionic Alroliollsm , Norvciu * Hcnilnrlid. Nervoiin I'rnitrotlon Min uinptlun nnil nil iletics ! of tlio luiitf" ItGOini 318 to 920 , BEE BUILDING , OMAHA. For muscular sorenesa use Pond's Extract. i = OMA.HA : Corner Oth ana Uarnoy StroeU , Om-\hi. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic Diseases and Deformities. DR. A. T. MoIiAUQIILIN , President , Founded by Dr. J. "W. McHoniiuy