Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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The Monotony of Existence at the Fine
Ridge Agency.
Grnpl'ilo Descriptions of tlio Dml linnds
IVhcrn Homllcs Are Sccnrcly
Kiitrnnolicil Against the
AVIillo Mnii'n iVttuuk.
PINE ttinon Annxcr , S. D. , DM. 0.-
-Spccliil [ to Tin : DiiiiJ Without th trim.
rnliiKs mid spirit given it by rolleutlotu from
tlio ghmtdnnco nnd military , llfo on nn In
dian reservation must bo dull enough to cnusc
tlio half animated , long hatred , blanket
swathed musk bags that make up nlno nm
throe-quarter tenths of the Inhabitants , swim
their tcpocs lu tours and thun fjo blind. It la
tlio kind of llfo thiit miiltcs the whltc-fncei ]
child of civilization took forward to a ticket
oMonvo as if capital priic , compared with o
meal tlckut.
Such arc the Impressions thnt have bollcc
down to tough fuels with mo during the Uv <
ivcclcs I hnvo boon hero. Never before have
I witnessed proof of the plntonio wlsdon
evinced by tlio man who originated the Idoi
of malting n representation of nn Indian tlu
trade mark of the tobacconist. Whoever lit
was , ttio memory of that man Is worthy of be
Ing porpatuaicu by something which speaks
with Rroatcr eloquence than 11 clgnr store.
You get up In the morning and find thost
cigar sl'n ( models posing on the little knolls
nnd nuout every ten foot , ulong side of tin
agency fences and buildings. They are motion
k-ss , absolutely motionless. Pass them as oftci
during the duy us you will , nnd you can dls
cover scarcely the slightest changes in tin
position of head , hand or foot. The ono mis
slon of scores of them seems to bo simplj
thnt of standing motionless , snug up ngains1
tlio flvo strands of barbed wlro Unit every
where endow the private precincts of tin
Accost them , mid all you receive In rcturt
Is a grunt nnd a foolish look. Olvo them i
plcco of silver or n oiunrotto and you gc
simply a more foolish look nncl tm&sibly t
pair of Brunts. They will generally ; ; ruir
twice If the gift Is a clgiirctte , for oh' they d (
love cigarettes nud cuf ; sinoko them with a1
much grnco as n Spanish scnorlta or t
Parisian belle. Never go on a mission amen (
Indians without first tilling your pocltcti
with clgnrottcs. They will bo north moro l <
you than jjold dollars or bank bills , for tho.\
enocr nt gold dollars nnd tell you bank bill' ;
are no good , silver dollars being about. tti <
only form of money that they rocognUe.
But the majority of these government
wards keep their foot nt'oing in drug styli
the greater portion of c.ich day of their inon
otonous mul almost aimless existence. Thl'
moving of their lect means llttlo moro thar
the c.u-ryhiK of their r owners V > ftm
fro between tccpce nnd agency , nnd olT ovu
the hills to round up ponies. Seldom , how
ever , do you see tliem move faster than tin
slowest -wallc imaginable , while to boo om
of them running Is n sure eauso for alarm o
a greater or lessor degree.
Very llttlo of this , however , applies to thi
Indian employes about the npcncy. Ncflrl'
nil of thorn live and movello ! persons pos'
Bcsscd of bright minds , n ilcflnlto purest
anil tireless energy and devotion to the TTisl
in hand. The most highly educated in tin
class of the actively employed nro the Indlai
clergymen , tcnohors , and older members o
the police force. Among thcso I have Joum
a few men who are very bricht , well postci
till leers upon ncnriv every auboct. ] To an ex
coUent fund of varied infnrinntlon Is added :
natlvo keenness of wit , nil demonstrating thi
llatteiing possibilities of their race the pos
Blblllty of ranking side by sldo with the wait
man when given an equal chance ,
But let's tuko a ulrd's-oyo view of th' '
agency village to which the eves of ull Amcr
leu have bsen turning during the past three
lt Is jrcached by n hvonty-fjyp mllqrUlji
llovili from HushrikV , tKblioafcst railway stu
tlon. We are just a mlle nnd a half over th
Nebraska line in South Dakota. The locn
tlon is perhaps as line us any thnt tin
purpose could suggest , though it didn't seen
no ono morning last week when wo a\vok
nnd found the , foothills surrounding the
agency covered with reds , a largo number o.
whom were half repentant hostilea armed t <
the teeth.
The most conspicuous building In the phco
Is the government boarding school. It is n
very substantial , three-story wooden structure
turo , the form of a Greek cross , nboutlBOxlS' '
feet.Next In slzo comes the warehouse , thci
the steam nunhig mill. Then the eye notice :
n couple of misty llttlo churches , und after
ward three long ono-storv structures thi
post trader stores. Near you notice a small
onc-story , tidy looking llttlo building , when
the common school of the agency is held 11
other than such exciting times as the pros
cut , when It has had to suspend for want o
pupils. Tiiat lltto ono-storv , shackly , dingy
brown uullning standing between the board
Ing school and the warehouse you would per
Imps take for u wood shed. But no , that I
the seat of authority for the agency. I
doesn't cover a piece ot ground twenty
live feet square , but it Is the "O mv1
iiluco of "tho whole business. " Its interlo
is suggestive truly of arrangement plannei
by the untutored savage of away-back time
Tbo roof shelters the Indian council chumbot
the police headquarters , the agency guppl'
headquarters , police court room , Agent Koj
cr's ofllco. and the headquarters of the cap
tain of polico.
And at this last named building Is a gooi
plnco to pause a moment providing you ar
not frowned out of aight by the vigilant nn <
very flnoly uniformed polico. If you're
stranger don't b3 alarmed If you nro"placec
under arrest nnd marched before Agon
Uoyer the moment you sot your foot within
hundred feet of this same llttlo stiackly ol
brown wooden hut of a tmlhling. Indeed I
Is by far the quicker \vny to gc
Into the sanctum sanctorum. Non
of these police talkvhlto face
nnd ns you must pnss three of them In ordc
to sco Dr. Uoyer , you had better throw u
your hands nt the outer wicket gate.
Then there is the hotel , tho'only ono In th
plnco. The landlord Is ex-Councilman Jli
Flnlay of Kansas City who , although keenl
nlivo to stacking up silver cart wheels wnll
tbo ghost dnnco lasts , Is a , very genial gontli
man who can give nnd take n Joke upon ever
otlidr subject hut thn difference between th
census returns of Omaha and his old homi
Fin , ns the press gang quartered beneath hi
roof have learned to call him , Is not only th
boss landlord of the place out of necess'lty-
but ho Is the postmaster and ouo of the thrc
post traders hovo. Flnlay and Jnclc Dowllnj
the Burlington's passenger agent In Onmhi
nro old friends , And this reminds mo of
very interesting httlo fuct. In n long chu
with Hod Cloud the other day at thoposi
ofllco the famous old chlof spoke of Imvln
met Jack Dowllng out hero over llvo yeai
ugo on a hunting expedition. Old Ku
enld that the last thing Jac
did in saying good by wi
to slnp him on thu back , hand him ono of hi
cards nnd exclaim :
"Well old tion't '
man , forget uswhonyou'i
polng somewhere I Wo can send you'rlgl
through In u Pullman to any point in Aino
lea or the happy hunting ground wlthot
change of cars or any side tracking 1"
And old Hod clutched his sldos and roarc
with laughter.
1 hud Hed Cloud and Uttlo Wound In I
dinner with mo the ether day and positive !
I never saw three mortals put down-so muc
meat , bread , potatoes , oto. , before In nil in
llfo. The quantity was simply appallng , nn
I never again expect to see the cxhlbltic
even touched. The fact of sitting down to
jncal with tli030 two notable chiefs who :
names are so prominent in tbo Indian hlstoi
of America was ono to bo proud of. Hot
of them ro sworn nnd bitter ctiomit
except so fur ns the tlilune :
of outward appearances go. For It will bo 11
momboved that back In U < 03 Ued Cloud shi
down Lljtlo Wound's ' father while the handi
the latter was extended In token of pone
It occurred on the Chug Water Creole I
Wyoming , at a point known as Euglo's Nos
forty miles southwest of Laramlo 1'eal
They wcro rivals for supremacy as chiefs I
the Sioux nation and had always bee
enemies , A council was dually arranged 1
nettle the matter. When Llttlo Wound
father , however , oamo within view of He
Cloud the latter raised his gun and shot hi
down , notwithstanding the fact that tl
liaud of his old rival was raised , betokenlni
fcccordlug to Indian custom , a pledge thi
the council should bo one of peace. Itovcngo
for this ilocil Is M yet untnfcon. Mv Inter
preter mid I tried our utmost to Ret tlio two
celebrities to talk witl ono another , but nil In
vnlti. Only the merest commonplace roranrks
we're oxctmnccilnnil those pnuclpnily regardIng -
Ing the victuals before them.
A n result of tlio government rule thtit no
Indian family ImvltiR children old enough tc
po to school can draw rations when the
children are sent to school , the trovorninenl
boarding nnd daynchooU licro have n jood
nttcndnnco In tlmo of pence. The former his
nn aveMKO enrollment of 200 , nnd each otio ol
the clu'it dnv schools ou the reservation ,
about sixty. Thoronro ttu-co teachers In the
boitrdltiK school and the course of Instructlot
U about the sumo HI that of the best district
school. The sumo Is applicable to the eight
dny schools , with the exception that If uny
thing the course does not KO qulto as high.
t'lvo Indians and \vhlto mnii arccmployci
In the reservation tmrneas shop ; thurenn
two \vheolriRhts ; two cnrncnters and on (
bl.iL'ksinltli , nil of them Indians ,
In times of peace , j\gent Koyci
tells mo that it Keeps him busy fron
early to Into answering requests foi
favori of ono kind nndauothor and sceltif
that the various employes perform their du
ties. And certainly , from whnt I Imvo scsr
since coming hero , Ur. Hey or must , have hi1
hnnds exceedingly full in order to Keep every
thltijr running smoothly oven so far as tin
admit business of the nponcv Is concerned.
Prof , O. E. Bailey of the school of mines o
Dakota gave moavorv IntcrcitlnR talk 01
the bad lands , In which the hostlo.Imllnn'
have now entrenched themselves , nnd whlcl
promise to bo the suena of some of the \vors <
lighting that nay of the Bovorntnent troop :
hnvo ever had , The professor said !
"The combined forces of the red warrloH
from these various Indian reservations have
chosen ono of the wildest and most macccssl
bio regions in the entire northwest as tin
battleground nKolnst the forces of clvlllza
tlou and progress. The bud lands , as thoj
are most npproprlatcly called by both whites
nnd Indians , are n wonderland. Hiding nboul
thirty miles northwest from hero onosuddenlj
comes to thocdfjoof n , preeiplco from UOO t <
GOO feet In depth. You may tr.ivcl for mile ;
along this ediro bcforo finding a break thai
will allow you to descend to the region below
Once down , mm the region Is a vast inlnnt
laito or sea , 111) ) miles long , northeast t (
southwest , and from fifteen to forty mile ;
wide. The bottom of this hikohiw been tin
plav ground of the forces of nature for ages
Knin , wind ana frost luvo curved the wholi
region Into inoro fantastic , \vlcrd forms thar
.human brain could conceive. All is a chaos
of hills , huttes , canons , valleys and dlz/y al
tltudcs , blackened , precipitous cliffs , ant
Klooiny gorges , it is a uup of mighty con
vulslons and prunUs of nature In her most
rcbolllous and sportive moods ,
"Ono sees what Is apparently hilU cutln al
directions by deep , twisting ravines , display
Ing along their sides marvelous nrchltoctura
forms. One sees what is apparently n dls
mantled fortress. Near by is the wreck of i
city. On the right stands u huge castle , 01
the left tlie remnants of a village , all stone o
ull descriptions , for no human beings havi
over called this region homo. It is nil dcatl
and desolation. Tlioro Is no animal llfo , anc
vegetation shuns the ground ns though i
were plague Ktrlckon. The river beds an
dry , nnd contain only huze boulders scnttcrei
around ns though giants had been wakingthi
echoes pelting each other with them.
"Thcro Is no chirping of Insects
no sound of birds , nothing bu
silence profound and forbidding
It is a region of terrors anu undelhiuil
"To the scientist the plneo is ono of indo
scrinablo fascination , a wonderland from th <
llrst di\vtilng of llfo on this plobo. Th <
rocky layen now carried Into marvelous lint
tation of the work of human hands wore one
ooze nt tbo bottom of the sea , and are nov
the richest treasure houses of the cntir
world of well preserved forms of ancient an !
mal llfo from which such men as Profs. Tjcldj
Cope and others have dug some ot the strain ;
est and most wonderful freaks of nnlmal life
A rending of their reports is more romanti
and weird than th'o Arabian Nights. 1
turn this region has been the homo of lam
mul water nntmnh of sucn gig.intlc size a :
have never been discovered elsewhere- tin
dcsposlts of any ago. Ll/znrd llki
forms over ono hundred foot in length an <
thirty foot high crawled over the plains
Kcptlles , moro hideous than the standard soi
serpent , bathed their titty-foot bodies in thl
Inland sea , stretching their necks twenty foe
la the air. Flying reptiles with a thirty-foo
spread of Icathoiy wings disputed possesaid
of the uir with gigantic birds whoso vtis
.jawuvcrGprmeu'-v.'it'h monstrous teeth. Twc
three and four winced horses from the size c
a fox to those much larger than any of today
in turn sought food in the weird wilderness
"Tropical climates followed the drylni
up of the waters , nnd palms grow nm
crocodllas , tnulra , rhinoceros , elephant , mas
todon and oven camels lived and died wlthli
these boundaries , Their fossil bones nr
everywhere , mingled with pctrilied shells o
turtles ten fcot wido. Mammoth shells of th
amonlto , with the pearl , all as perfect as th
day when it spread i'a llcshy sails to th
cretaceous breeze , are there. ' Hugo masse
of fossil oysters awaken Idnplugs forthecotr
forts of civilization.
"It is in such n place as this tint the re
man Is soon to bo taught that the white
will not bo checked in their progress tovvur
the highest civilization. To teach him th
lesson may cost many a precious" llfo , for enl
the Indian knows the dim and perilous trail
that lead in and out of this most tcrriblo c
labyrinths. " CII.VHLES II. Cucsscr.
A pure and Reliable Medicine Acompoun
fluid extract of roots , leaves , barns nnd bei
ric.s is Burdock Blood Hitters. Thov euro n
diseases of the blood , liver and kidneys.
The Ku y A polios.
toovernl members of the club made the ru
to Ulalr Saturday night by moonlight. Th
trip was' superb one , the roads being smoot
and the weather fair.
President Mcars returned yesterday from
hunt in tbo north western part of the stati
Ho made a wholloping kill of gecsoand duel
and would have brought back a. scalp or twi
hut after killing his Indians ho dlscovorc
that ho had lost his scalping knife.
Tlio tournament netted the club a snu
sum , which comes very handy just now , t
there are many Improvements" to be mado.
Ahlirh-llvo party Is'on tapis for some ovei
ing this week at the club room. Tlio game :
becoming very popular with the bykors.
It Is the general opinion that Hcferi
ICastman made a great mistake hi allowin
Potter to return to the track after ho had si |
nilicd his Intention of quitting in the rccoi
100-mile race. In n measure it dctracte
from the interest in the struggl
Tlio Apollo club has within its ranks sorr
of the fostoib riders lu the west. There i
Fleseher , who holds the two-mllo L. A. V
championship record oftho state , nnd Dei
man , who holds the ono-mllo state champloi
ship , Tugger , the four-hour state champloi
ship , and Pixley. Wcrtz , Moars and Holtoi
all of whom are up with the bast on ordn
arioj. Then there are Dickey , Underwoo
nnd Calkins , who hold their own wit
any safety rtdors in the -weal.
The club racing team , which embraci
Donman FloM-her ' and Wcrtz
, , 1'lxloy , ;
ready and willing to meet any team in , tt
Dlckoy , the safety man , will have n no'
Ormonde racer next spring , on which ho oj
pects to do some good work.
Henry Tagger , tbo four-hour champioi
has signified his intention of retiring f rni
ths racing path.
Gcorgo Hoard rode in flno shape in the tei
mlle ruco , considering that ho was riding
wheel two inches too largo for hlai and the
ho hod not been on a wheel for over a ycr
until two weeks before tlio race. Goorg
was In a fair way to win the race had it n <
been for tno referee's foolish move in allov
Ing men to leave the tracx and rest up , the
returning ana ridlnc the good men oil the !
feet.nioyclcs cannot bo regarded ns "person !
effects. " They are , however , ranked r
"household effects" by the treasury dopar
ment of t'ao United States at Washington.
It is reported that Windlo will rotlro froi
the racing path and go into business for hln
self ,
It is noticed with a good deal of intoro :
that the disposition ot TUB DUE'S cycloscrll
is to cast reflections on the recent Apol !
tournament. Now the Aiwllos wish It to I
distinctly understood that they do not euro 1
tight thulr battles In the columns of a now :
paper , but prefer to fight them In the prdpe
place , namely , ou the "racing path. "
The Oinutii : Wnool CluU.
The December mooting of the Omol
wheel club took place last Tuesday xivenlni
Proildont Badollot was in the chair nnd dl
posed of a largo amount of regular busiuos
with his usual cleverness and dispatch.
i'ortorueia was all there , waloU was ut
usual , nnd his wblskoM presented n very
nirercsslvo front. It Is nururUlnff how rcspon >
Biblllty and whiskers fro hand In hand lu this
Porrlo was thcra , too , but forfrol his lack
nnd VIM thus handicapped early In the race ,
Thn kick has been doing business at the old
stand since , liowovcr.
Cnptnln Emerson was absent ( minded ) , but
Is supposed to bo writing n story entitled , "A
Midsummer Komnnco , or , An August Trip to
lloston , " In which case his absence was ox-
Gould Dlctz escaped from the social whirl
Ion ? onouch to nnsw&r to roll call but made
Ills adieu early In the evening to keep a press-
liifT engagement.
Owing to Indies' ' night conflicting with
other social events 11 wns chunked from
Thursday to Wednesday night. On this
evonlng of each week the freedom of the club
will bo extended to Its friends of the fair sex ,
A high flvo tournament was decided on nnd
on Monday evenings the lovers of the prcai
Omaha pnme will meet hi frionilly contest ,
Messrs , Townscml , Seth Hhodes nnd Ltvesaj
were unpointed to take charge of tbo tourna
ment nnd buy and award prizes.
As the O , W. 0. never does things bj
li.tlves , a billiard und pool tournament was
nlso nrrangfd for , unit Messrs. Muars , I'carcc
and Slcfuen wore named ns n committee U
manage ttio sport and disarm nil contestant !
before the conflict.
On Wednesday evening , December 10 , r
muslcalo followed by dancing will bo giver
for the O.V. . O. members nnd tholrladj
friends. Messrs. Cowle , Hhodcs nnd Mat
thews will do the honors und provldo un en
joynble programme.
A lively party of O , W. C. boys attcndci
the theater In n body Wednesday night nni
enjoyed themselves as only wheel boys c.m.
sH from tbo Wheel.
The cold weather is driving the boys from
the roail nnd makes thoin appreciate tboit
comfortable club quarters.
Gould Uletz and Prod Matthews are spend
ing Sunday In Chicago.
Percy Gibson left Thursday for a ten day's
business trip to Sioux City.
From "Tho Ladles' Mllo" In the American
Athlete , it Is learned that the lady cyclers ol
Omaha , Nob. , of whom there are about n
( lo/cn , make practical use of their wheels ,
Tlio majority are stenographers who ride to
and from their ofllecs.
It Is announced that Jack Prince is on hi
way to Detroit for the purpose of arranging
to build a mammoth coliseum , to In the larg
est , In America , and Denver sighs "Must wo
lese him. "
Our government Is adopting ttio blcyclo foi
messenger service In many of the depart
ments. Secrutnry of War i'roctor roceutlj
sold n horse that bad been In the department
for years and bought n blcyclo for the mes
scngcr's use with the proceeds.
Dr. Emery asserts that he Is not a candi
date for the presidency ot the L. A.V. . in
opposition to James H. Dunn. Mr. Dunn has
been a very efllciont executive and has ac
complished a great deal for the good of the
league , but his campaign ofvorlt Is not 11 u-
ished and they could do no bettor than to
elect him to succeed himself.
Indoor ball is very popular among the Chicago
cage cycling clubs , and the public Is growing
enthusiastic over this now addition to oui
winter sports. A city league to bo composct
of wheelmen exclusively is being projected.
The Octagon club gave a very pleasant
highfiveparty to a number of lady and gen
tlemen friends on Monday evening. Coomb ?
played with his usual skill and succeeded it :
capturing the booby prize , while Towtisom ]
walked oil with everything in sight , includ-
ng the ilrst prlzo and the admiration of the
J. 1C. Martin , the soldier who recently wor
the hundred mlle race at tlio Apollo club
tournament , is a comparatively now man ni
bicycling , haviug only ridden about twc
months prior to this , his first raco. His riding -
ing is certainly that of a novice , but his stayIng -
Ing powers are unquestionable , us some ol
our older racing m < m can testify , nud exporl
once may develop him into a fast rider.
Danger and distrust lurks about tbo sub
ject of dress criticism , nnd it requires a good
deal of moral courage to olTor n suggestion
to our fair cyclers , but wo will trust to lucl <
' -A costume foi
and auototho followingA :
cycling is a gray tweed , or a navy bluu serge
it is fastened on the loft siilo wltn bone butj
tons , has three rows of mohair braid nrouiu
the hem In front of the skirt , sailor collar it
twilled cotton singlet in white flannel ,
peaked cap to match nnd leather belt. "
Hiding has been rather quiet for the pas' '
week , and the wheels are gradually boinp
laid to rest for the winter. The cold wcathei
does not hinder some of our active riders
from taking an occasional spin , however , anil
the road oQlcers of the Omaha wheel citil
w ill bo invited to join in a lido to the Bluff :
A young wheelman with pale blonde hopci
just appearing on the warmest spot of hi ;
countenance waiting on the street cornel
with the north wind freezing his marrow am !
murmuring in broken accents
"Do I see her far oft in the distance ) No
Too early I Too early I She could not forget.1
"She would como to the lover who calls hci
his , own.
Though she trod on the track of a whlstlinf
cyclone. "
Is a sight ted raw tears from the oyosofthi
goddess who sinllos from the keystone of the
elevator entrance on Fifteenth and Farunm
streets. _
Potty's Wonderful Shooting.
OMAHA , Neb. , Dec. 5. To the Sportlui
Editor of THE BUR : I wish to call your at
tcntlon to a little turkey shooting I witnessci
a few days since and which I consider worth' '
of mention. While out walking sever nca"
the east end of the bridge I saw a group o
riflemen shooting at turkeys. I went down ti
the group nnd asked where the turke ;
was , when ono of the shooters pointed ui
the bar and remarked : ' 'Don't ' you soot
standing thoroi"
I looked carefully and finally discovered i
llttlo dark object that resembled a crow
which I soon saw was the turkey. I uskci
the distance , and was informed that it wa :
340 measured yards. I watched thorn shoot
and saw the sand fly nil about the bird , semite
to the loft , some to the right , while some o
tbo bullets did not roach more than half wa ;
to his turkeyshlp. It looked like foollnf
away time , inonoy and ammunition trying t <
kill turkeys nt that distance off-hand. Thi
last man called was John Petty , ouo of ou
oldest nna best known shots. Ho stepped t <
the scratch , leveled his "Which ester and ilrcd
nnd with a flop or two down went Mr
Turkey to the sands with a bullet holi
through his body. The shooting continue !
with no further bloodshed uutll It cami
Potty's turn again , and again die
the turkey join the silent majority. Thi
party putting up the turkeys hero objected t <
Potty's shooting , and the sport contlnuot
until almost dark , when ho was allowed om
moro shot , and again , as wonderful ai It maj
seem , ho killed his bird. Now , I call this remarkable
markablo shooting. Petty fired three shot :
ati4U ! yards straight ofT-haud and killed his
turkey each time. I understand ho is Just ai
handy with a shot gun , und if so is surely i
world beater. I have attended many shoot
ing matches in the cast , where they shot n
turkeys with a dead vest at 100 and 20 (
yards , and then oven each bird brouRb
thrlco its value before a feather was ruflled
i Yalley'o Iteonrd.
The Omaha City clubs say that Mlssout
"Valley was not "In it" the past season yen
with Omaha. But look ut tno following' " ! "
aee If they were not :
Slliiourl Valley . IT MlisouHVallcyi . 2
M.K.Smltlis . , . . . , . . 14 U. 1V . . . . . . . i
Jlljiourl ValU'T 6 Mlisonrl Valley 1
Jl. V. Smiths 4 I'.ilun Musco
Mlisourl Vollejr 2 Missouri Vnllcy , ;
Cllr titutiina S CltjrbtCMiu
JII ) ourl Valley 0 Missouri Valley
Crnno Co , 10 CrauoCo ;
MIsKiurl Ynllcjr C Missouri Valley , .
Cnne Co 1 City ti teams
Mlisourl Viillcr. . . . . . . . . & Mltsonrl Valley
Kdcil MUH'0 4 Oaiahn Lcagua Team , , .
Mhsourl Vnllcjr ,
Prostol Change ! Gray and faded beard
made to assume their original color by apply
ing Buckingham's Dye- for the whiskers. I
never falls to satisfy.
The only railroad train out of Omnht
run expressly for the accommodation o
Omaha , Counoil Bluffn , Dos Molnos am
Chicago business is the Rode Island voa
tlbulod limited , leaving Omalitv at 4:8i :
p. m. dally. Ticket olllco , 1002 Slxtoontl
und Furiuim sts , . Omaha ,
Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh , Bco bids
the frightful inroads of Scrofula
nnd all blood-tninls. Dr. Picrco's
Golden. Medical Discovery purifies
and enriches the blood , cleanses the
system of all impurities , and restores
health niul strength. It cures all
diseases arising from impnro blood.
Consumption is one of them. It's
simply lung-scrofula. . In all its ear
lier stages , tlio " Discovery " effects
a cure. It's easy to BCC why. The
medicine that masters scrofula in
ono part , is the best remedy for it in
another. It is the best. It's war
ranted. It's the only blood and lung
remedy that's ' guaranteed to benefit
or euro , or the money will bo re
funded. "No other medicine of its
class does it. How many would bo
left if they did ?
It's the
cheapest blood-purifier ,
Bold through druggists ; ( no "matter
how many doses are offered for a
dollar , ) because you only pay for
the ffood you get.
Your money is returned if it
doesn't benefit or euro you.
Can you ask , moro ?
Physicians , Surficons'and Specialists ,
The most widely nna favorably knowm spec
ialists In the United Ktntea. Tkclr Ion ex
perience , remarkable skill and unlTcnml suc
cess In the treatment nnd euro of Ncrvom ,
Chrcmlotnd Surgical Disease * , entitle these
eminent phynloluns to , Uio full confluence of
tlio ntUtciou everywhere. They Kuarnntno :
tne.uwful eUnits ol c.irly vice and the numer
ous ovlls that foifou lu Ua train. - v
speed lljr.oomnletely nnd iiormnnontly cured.
OUDEHS yield readily totholr akllKul treat
guaranteed cured without puln or detention
lr °
nently and lucccHsfiilly cured In nvery cose.
m&torrhoa , Oeir.innl Weakness , LostMnnhood ,
Night Emissions. Decayed Faculties , Komalo
\VeaVcnesa and all delicate disorders peculiar
to either BOX positively cured , ns well no all
functional disorders that result from youth
ful follies or tlio excess of mature yeari.
< \TFIfTTI P Guaranteed permanently
OlIVlOl U1VL/cured , removal coinploto ,
without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Cures
affected at homo by patleut without u mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
A TTTF riTll ? The awful effects of
n. OUfxC V/UIVL , early vice which brln s
organic weakness , destroying both mind and
body , with all Its dreaded ills , pormanenty
; RFTHs Address those who have 1m-
i. UL.1 LO
paired themselves by Im
proper IndulRinco and solitary habits , which
ruin both mind and body , unfitting thorn for
bunlness. study or innrrlaRO.
MA.1UUEI ) MEN or those entering on that
happy llfo , aware of physical debility , quickly
aSllStCU ,
MOUB srrooEiss
Is baitd upon facts. First PraotloU perl-
enc . Heoocd Every cano Is specially itudled ,
thus itartlng right. ThIrU-M dloInM are
prepared in our laboratory exactly to suit
eachouo , thus cftoctlngciircs without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
1302 Far'nam Street.
Harry K Deuel ,
City PnssonRor nnd Ticket Acront.
, Total Issues of CITIES ,
. . . . . . . . .j COUNTIES , SCHOOL
Correspondence sollcltcil.
IO3-I65 Dearborn Slroet , CHICAGO.
15 Wall Street.NEW ; YORK.
70 State St. . BOSTON.
By the use of
Pond's Extract
Pain will disappear.
Inflammations vanish.
Hemorrhages ceaae.
U ei TiiniEtSin'OJnk MO. IUVKU.I Arrlres
Ol.lKhn , Do pot iptli and MMOII itreeti. _ | Omaha.
10.24 a in Dcnrcr Bay Kiprei ) . 4U1 p ra
10.:5 it ni . . .Donrcr Kipruss , o.U p m
( .40 p m . . . . .llanver Nltflit Cxpreu
8.15 n m f.incpm I.OC.VI . , , . . . . , , V.U ) p ru
I Depot 10th miq Mnion slreoti. I Omihx
m.Knnin..i | Clly > ay Kxpress. , , , ! C.lop m
.IS p miK. C. .NI htKiD. _ Tl t' . Trnni.l OMJ a in
T > bs i " "ifixTOfrVAtlVTu. Arffroj"
JDmalia. | nopqMOtli anil Miircy troot Onnlm.
SW p m . .OYcrlnmlTlyor. , l > .fl p ra
7.30 p in . ' Kxpres ll.4t n ra
IO.KJ n ui . . . , . .Dtnter Kipreai 1..U p m
n.w n m KnnsiiiClty Kiprfn II OJ n ra
10.15 n in > , , ( nlrflcht KID. ( otcopl Hun. ) . , , : p ra
'lMi > i | Ulire7\T30U.1.3l ; > , reir'lT Arrl > < n
Omahn. | U. I'.Jopot , IjHlijinil Mnrcy Sti. | " - ' - -
e.10 p m.T.T.NIiiht | Kipreij 100 } n m
11.0) n m Atlantic Eiprmi O.o : p ra
j-'W.p raJ..A.Ali.Ve Utmle Ilinlta < 1 , . _ _ ' ' " _
ian < tai T MKFnx'TTFv STXriFIl , ' . " I Arrir > T
Uiiuilm. H ; . 1' . depot , lillli nnlHrcy 8U.J Oaiiliy
Mia ml . Klmix Cltr l > iisieni , r. . i
l-SOpral , . . . . ,8t. Paul Kipreis . . , | . ajn
"iRToi i gT . TSfriVdV
Umahit. I Depot 1Mb anU Wcbatur 8tn. I Umiilia
A9 ? KJ ° 1" . t. Paul
II'IUIMUU , MTu. , * tfin'Alllkl Arriros"
Omahft. III. I' , depot. IQtli nnj Mnrcy 8M. | Omnlin.
"eilO p ml Ctilcnuo Kipren I V.IJ a m
II.Vi n m I rhlcnim Riprcss .1 l > . " > 0 D ru
Marat I DiiAliA , v Si' . L.OUIM. | Arnvo
Unmriiv. | U , I' , ik'pot , IQlli nnd Mnrcrflti. I Onnlio.
) . ; o p | . , . . . . . IAIUU Cnnnnn Hall. . . . . . 112..m p in
8.10 n m.8lo | z City Accommodation , . . 005 p ra
100 p ni . .Hlour City Kxpron ( Ki. Sun. ) . . 13.40 p m
10) p ml St. 1'AUl Limited VM ft in
615 p ni ] . llniifott l'in < oii er.lKr. Sun ) . . ) R. IS i ji
6ncavoTT MTSsotmi IfACIFiiXT SFrTvJT
tOiuaha. I 1'epot 15th ml WubUcf u. I Oniihy a ml . .St. IxjuU A K. 0. Ktpru s , . . . ! 4.5J p in
Ji * ? U "i | . . -HI. Ixiuli A K.C. Kiirim. | . . . | i ; : ara _
'l * aTe ' | UlIDAUOl ( It. I. A I'XTJTbTLi. | ArriVoj"
Transfer I Union Depot , lllnlfi. [ Transfer
.SO p ml Nlgbt Kiiinin U.15 n m
9.30 a nil. . Atlantic Kipren 5 6i P ra
iOU p m . . . . . .Vmtlbulo Umlteil. 10 M ft ra
| CllTCAUOMolll'UWKii'hltS.TAirtvoi
l Union Depot. Council lllufti. ITranitor
Ix > nvo8 T " " " OMAlFA .V 31' . HOUIR. I Arrives
Trutiifor ] Union Depot , Cuunrll ItlufTi iTrnnafor
fiunuuuAN Tit AIMS.
Kills for IMibllc Printing.
Ofllco of Stuto lloaidof I'rlutlr.a . }
LINCOLN , NovcmhorlSth , Ib90. )
Sealed proposals will bo rocolvecl at any
tlmo on or before two o'clock p. ni. of the ntli
day of December , A. 1) . 181)0 , for tbo printing
of ull hill for the IcKlsluturo with buch mut
ter as may bo ordered by cither house thereof
to bo printed in "bill form" which Is shown
nml designated as das' ' ? ono ( I ) unacr tbo print-
In ? laws ot the Btuto of Nebraska ,
For tlio printing and binding In papcrcovors
of ono thousand (1.003) ( ) copies ouch of thn bien
nial reports of the auditor of public accounts ,
treasurer , secretary of stnte , and commission
er of public lands and buildings ; and llvo hun
dred (500) ( ) copies ouch of the biennial ropqrtsnf
thu attorney Ronbral , superintendent of pub-
llo Instruction , state librarian , and adjutant
general ; und all other reports und documents
thiit mavbiiordcred printed by tbo legisla
ture , except such as may cnler Into and form
a part of tbo Journals , which class of * ork Is
known und designated its class three ( J ) under
the printing laws of Nebraska.
The bill work , executed under class one ,
shall bo printed In small pica typo on paper
fourteen (14) ( ) Inches IODK by eight and one-halt
( SVi ) Inches wide , sliiRlo page , paper to bo
twenty-olsht (23) ( ) pounds double cap to tbo
ream , and except the tltlo iiago ; each pu o
shall contain not less than twcnty-llvo ( - . " > )
llne.4 ot Milld matter of suvcn ( T ) inches In
length und the lines shall bo successively
numbered , with a blank only In each space bu-
twcon the Hues.
The tltlo pase of said bills ahull contain not
less thun eighteen (13) ( ) lines ns above , with
three ( I ) ) Inches additional space allowable for
display title matter.
Each bid shall state what tbo bidder Is will-
Ill ! ; to do the worlt complete for , per paxo , for
two 1m ml rod ( ' . . ' 00) ) copies of each bill ; also the
price for additional hundreds that may bo or-
dori'dof the sumo bill at the same time as 1ba
original px ) ) , Including composition , paper
press work , stitching , folding , and all work or ,
material entorln ; Into the worlc required.
All worn executed under class ono shall bo
delivered In good older by the-contractor to
the olllco of the secretary of state within
three days after the receipt ot the Older by
said contractor from tbo chairman of the
committee ou printing. In either branch of thu
All work oxccutca under class three (3) ( ) sbal
bo printed In long primer , brevier and nonua-
rlol typo , on paper to bo nlno Incho4 Ions"/
six (0) ( ) Inches wide , single page1 , paper to 1,0
forty-five (15) ( ) pounds to the roam , of twontv-
four by thirty-six , white book. Each bid
under class three shall state whnt tlio bidder
Is willing to do the work complete for , per
page , on caoh Report , or Item In the oluis , in-
eluding composition , paper , press work ,
stitching , folding , and nil work or material
entering Into the work required. ( Jullcy nnrt
page proof must bo furnished when required
by the ofllccrs of the uvecutlvo department nr
tnn chairman of the committee on printing ; In
cither branch ot the legislature , Work when
completed to bo delivered freoof expense at
thn state house ,
Proposals for work on o.ioh ot the uboro
classes will not bo considered unlosstho same
bo accomp-inlod by a bond In the sum ot llvo
thousand ( . " ) ,000)dollirs ) : with two or more sure
ties ; that In oasotbo party proposing for such
contract shall boiiwunlodtliuH-iinomicli partr
will , within llvo (5) ( ) days nflor the ananl to
him of such contract enter Into bonds fur the
faithful performance thereof , as provided by
law and the teni.s of those proposals.
Proposals shall bo marked , "I'roposals for
Public I'rlntlng" and addressr-d to tlio state
board of print Inc. Incaroof tbo secretary of
state , Lincoln , Neb.
Contraction class ono (1) ( ) , as ubovo specified ,
will bo awarded us u nhole.
Contracts on class throo(3 ( > . as above speci
fied , will bo nwr.rdcd lu whole or In part us tlio
board may elect. ,
Kamples of the work to bo executed under
class ono (1) ( ) , und three ( : i ) , muy bo scea at the
ollleo of the seciotary of stito.
Contracts on ubovo classes ono ( I ) , and
three CD , to run two ( ' . ' ) years from Ucctflabcr
The state printing hoard reserves tlio right
to reject any or ull bids.
t * llKN It. COWDEHV ,
Bi'crerary of ( ituto
T. II. llKNTOX ,
Auditor ot Publlo Accounts ,
J. E. HIM.
Treasurer ,
State Hoard of Printing.
Not I co.
To whom It may concern. Notlco Is herebj
given that from und after this aato I will no I
be responsible for any debts whatsoever con
tracted by my children , nnd I hereby ware
uny pornon against giving credit to them 01
the Btiongth of my name , Charles Tlotz.
Tlotz.djdn ;
CUNCD trMktrM *
> li ri I. r4 4l lU llj. UonforUUt.
! /llt Aiu llluiti l4ko ll Jl rr * r
- - - - - '
- : tltf.
KilllllllCtlirffi a
Tbo Bnmswick-Balko JohuL. Wilkie ,
ItlllliM nicrrtinn < ll < . o , Omnlm paper box fustorjr ,
Baleen nutiro ) . I.11M3I9 DoualM.
(07 , tCKI S. llHIi street ,
Oni.ilin , Ontors promptly llllol.
Ouuha Republican Printing Oo. ,
I.nw briefs , bank niipillo ; < , nn > l ovcr lhlu In the
lOthnn.l Donxl.ii utrcoti.
Ackormaun Bros. & Hointze ,
Printer. ' , Wilder * , cloctrotrpcrJ , bbnlc book manu-
fncturt'r.i ,
1110 llownr.l etroet , Onnln. '
Charles A , Ooo& Oo , , Kirkondalljonos & 0o ,
Manufacturers and Job WIiolo ilo Maimfnctnr'K
bers. AECIUO for lloitun Uuh- . Slide Co. , 11W , 1101 ,
110 ! ) Itovnnlii tract. mul liuilllnriiov ft.
WilHann , Van Acr- W. V. Morse & Co , ,
f nam & Hartc , Slioo 1'nclorjr , Corner llth
and llniik'liH ftti. , Onii.
1212 Ilnrnejr Mrcot , Im , Mm-li nls liivltoil
Onmlm , Scb. loo.-ill.init utnmlno.
Louis Holler ,
Hiitchors' nnrt
Tools ft Supplls . lleof ,
liok' , V xheup c.itlnx * .
lllli-IHSJnckion St.
Oolnmbvn Buggy Oo , ,
Cnrrlnuos , carts sulkloi ,
Q. I ) . K.lwimlH. Mnm r.
813-311 South Kill. .
Omaha Oarpot Oo , , Oilmoro & Euhl.
Carpet * , ol ! cloths , rait- Mnniifttoturen ft Whole-
tlnjnciirtnlnnooilsot < j. falo t'lolhlcn ,
1511 DoiiKliij strooL llWIInrney St.
West & Fritschsr , Dean , Armstrong &
Mnnufneturors line clears Oo. ,
Jobbers of lonf tobaccoa. 403 N. 10th Strait
IM1 Fnrnnni slrcot.
Omaha Ooal,0oko and Ooutant & Squires ,
Lima Oo. II rt anil soft coal ship-
Ilnrdnml noftooil. '
S. U. Cor. llith nml Doug- 1303 Fari'ian ! root ,
l.i streets , f Omaha
Hulbert & Blum , Hnrmcm & Weotb ,
Ohio Inmp.Ilnck Sprlnzf , Acme lump , finds lump ,
llxcelslor. Walnut block , \\alnnt nlock nml An-
fcrcrncil nut , nnthraclto , thrncltoconl.
euiltlilrii ; . ntpnin.
OIUcoSUS. 15th at. Ofllco 119 Jf. ICth street.
EagloOornica Works , F , Ruemping
Manufacture rsofnnlran- Gnlvanltod Iron cornlcoi.
lied Iron Cornlco. Dormer wlmUiwB , door
wlnao-vcaps.motnlloikv- rnps , flnlals , utc. Tin
llghts etc. 1110 nnd 1112 Iron and ulnto roofor.
DodKOSt. Sll Knrimm St.
M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpatriok-Koch Dry
Dry poods , furnishing Goods OD. ,
Roods , notions. Dry eoods , notions , cents'
Cor. 11 th and Howard sts. Corner iurnlshlnVKOQiK llth and llarnoy
Wolf Electrical Oo.
Illustrated Cutaloguo
1C14 Cnplto Avenue.
Parlin , Orendorff & T. 0. Northwall ,
Martin Oo. , Qcncrnl woslern nuont
Corner Jones and Vthsts. BUandla 1'low Co ,
Oainhn , Neb. 1310-l" > . 'il Sherman nvo.
Broken Bow Boiler R. T , Davis Mill Oo. ,
Milling Oo. . Ml nt St. Joseph.
Oflleo nnd warehouse , Omaha House ,
1012 N. lUth street Cor. 6th and Jackson sts.
B. F. Oilman , Clemens Oskamp ,
'f'K of ready to ratio
10K N. 10th street. Slap Jnclc Mcnl , llnojt
rakoi In tlio worlii.
C , i : . lllnck , - Manager. KW-1215 8. Wth street.
Dewey& Stone Pur- Ohas. Shiverick 4s Oo ,
nituro Oo.
, .
Furniture and Carpets.
Furniture nnd carpets ,
1115-1119 Furnnm strcot , 1200-1210 Farnnm St.
Schneider & Loomis , J. T , Robinson Notion
Jobbers and Importers of
Gents' furnishing ( rood ! .
notions and furnishing in'f'K cclobrutad brand
goods , "lliiokskln" ovornlls ,
pant-i , shirts , coats , oto.
1111 Howard street. Cor. 12th ana Howard st ? .
Kennard Glass and J. A , Tullor & Oo , ,
Paint Oo. ,
Stroat ,
U03-HIJ Harney stroot.
Omaha , Nob. Omaha.
William Omnmings , Blake , Bruce
CllnndCI'J HouthlClhSt. , DOG-003 I/cavonworth st.
Omnlm , Neb. Oiuahn , Kcb.
Paxtou dc Gallagher , Meyer & Eaapko ,
1K-\U S. 10th street , H03-H05 llarnoy street ,
Omnhu , Nob. Omnlm , Nub.
Goo , Oborao & Oo. , J , 8. Smith & Oo , ,
(13 8. IJtli street , 1IW-U13
Oranha , Omaha.
Paxton & Viorling Omaha Safe & Iron
Iron Works , Works
Wrought nml cast Iron ,
bulMlngworlc. engine' , Mnntifn Urn nn < 1 biirglnr
brnx work , KPtioriil proof sifos , Tautti , JMl
( n mlrr ninehlrm nml work , Iron Miuttors ami
blacksmith < work. IT. 1' , tire o.'cnptn. (1 , An-
Hr. and Kill st. ilrernl lib A Jackson it- *
Acnio Iron and \Vira Wilson & Drake ,
Works , M'fg tiiluilnr fluov fir *
Iron , irlrannil br.m ir'ki. box boilers , tanks , t
&I2H. IGth Ktropt ,
\V. lloolil , 1'roiirlotor. I'loroonnl 10th streets.
Eeos Priutiug Oo.
LltliOKrnpliInK , Prlntlnt
anil illnnlc llooln.
Itth nnd Howard St .
Her & Oo , , William Darst , '
Liquor Merrliint * . Wines , Jl < inors anil Ct-
111' . ! llnrncy Mruut. .
' ' Knrs.
MnmiruFtur'rn Kpnnody's
lnst ! India Illlturi. 1313 Kiirntm at , , Omaha
E. R , Grotto , Frank Dollono & Oo. ,
Importer nml Jobber of Uquorsnml OemilnoNo-
Wines unit I.lquor * Bill
nml Lvnvcnworlh Hts , Tncln Clsnrs.
I'rlcc lints on application 120o Douglas Street.
L , Kirsohti Oo.i A. Trick & Oo. ,
Wholesale I.lquorlloalors Wholesale I.lquorDcalcra
407 nml 4098. lOtli fit. (01 F03 S. 10th PI.
G.W. Douglass & Co , John A. WakofioUl ,
Hardwood Lumber , InmlOment.MlhTMikee
llyitraullu Cemi'nt anil
1310 North 10th Strojt. ( julncyVlilto Lima.
Oharloa R. Lee , Wyatt-Billiard Lumber
Ilnnlwood lumber , wood
carpets nn I p.iniuot ber Ofl ;
llooi liu.
Ptli nml Doiiitlns. VOth nml Iznrd Streets ,
Fred W. Gray , Louis Bradford ,
Mme , Ccmont , Kto. , ito. : I.umbor , limp , cemcntel < j
Cor. Oth and lon lai. street.
0 , A. Stonohill , I , Obcrfelder & Oo. ,
Millinery , Notions Importers nnd Jobbers In
CUnki , ito : Mllllncrr.
M3iOnnir. south llth
110-118 S. ICthSt , Omaha street.
Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. A , Hospe , Jr. ,
M'fVJowolerx. dealers In Pianos , Orcnns , Artists'
musical Instruments ,
etc. , Mntcrlnls , Kto. ,
Fnrnam nnd Kith. 151,1 DoiiRlus Street.
Consolidated Tank
Line Oo.
Kenned and lubricating
oili , nxlrt ercaip , ctu.
A. II. lllshop , Manager.
A , Booth Packing Oo. , Pllltt & Oo , ,
Oysters , fish nml canucd "Tiger brand , " fresh oys
Roods. ters ,
Omnlmlirnnch ,
1303 I.cavcnwortli. 315 und 817 Howard.
Carpenter Paper Oo. , Western Plating W'ks '
Carry n full stock of Gold , silver and nickel
_ anil plntlng on all metals ,
printing ,
inhlonare , ctc.rcplatOl. (
writing paper , card pa I'olMilnalirim ftclinn-
per , etc. dellorwork. 1114 lei ) ! o.
Kibbel & Smith , Schroeder & Oo. ,
Dcalero In country prod Cash buyers butter nnd
uce , frulta , vi'Kotublo H , nml general com-
etc. iilon iiivrclmntH ,
1207 Howard street. SunthlHli ntroct.
Phelpa Bros. , E. B. Branch & Oo , ,
Country produce , fruits , Produce , frulta of all
etc. Vlndi , oysters ,
1215 Howard street , 1211 Howard street.
0. Eosso & Co. , Eobjrt Purvis , ,
121T Howard street.
ForelKn , California and
Wrlto for prices on butter
tropical fruits ,
ter , CIJKS , poultry and
121 Howard strost dime.
Bates & Oo , ,
Country produce , frulti ,
vegetable * , grooorii'
etc. 41I-4llS.aiithPSt. '
Omaha Rubber Oo , ,
Manufacturing nn I Jo'j-
tie all klmli , rubber
Hood * .
1003 Kurmim strnot.
A. L. Deano & Oo , , Emerson Seed Oo , ,
General ntrentn for Hall'a Boed urowors , ( lotion in
Hnfps. Knritcn. urass , Kralna
S21 and 3JI South 10th St. , tree i'Ol < ,
Oniulia. 4J-(2J | ( South Uth.
M , A. Disbrow & Oo. , Bohn Sash & Door Oo.
Mtnnfacturcrs of eash , Manufacturers of mould-
doors , bltndn ami \tigi \ , blinds , doorJ ,
Mouldlnjc * . llrnucliof- cia ,
ttco , I''tli unit Iznrd sti. 18th and Clark ntrceti.
Farrell & Oompiny , D affyTro wbrldga
\Vholcsa1o manrncturors Stova M-iuufao'g ' Oa. (
Mnniifaitur'u atovoianl
tdV .
217-210 South 8th street. 1213-1315 7caTcnworth st.
Consolidated Ooffoa
Company ,
HHamlHlG Ilurnoyst ,
Omaha , Nob.
TJ. S. Wind Engluo Sc A. L , Stnng & Sons ,
Pump Oo. ,
llnlllilny wind inllH. 013 1002-1001 Farnnm strcel ,
nnd VU Janet xt. ( I. V.
Oninha , Nob.
Hess , actinic innimKor.
Orano Oompany ,
lloso belline , pncklns ,
itoampuiupi , plumbliu
UTJ-31 riirniii final.
HlfiUlU nu OottMii tea uajr or money r <
funded , lly mnll tl. Sfournly tealed from ob-
MrrMlon. COU/C UKJUED1T CO. , Qm > lt.Kt .
KoiiliADllJ O.N1Y nr , I Uuo1 * I'erlodloal Tills
lliel'ri'ncli remedy , act on the uionilriuil lyitem Rail
cu 9 lupprenlon from wh tomr cauia. I'romotf
Biunitruntlon. Thuia pills should not lia taken dur-
.Die prvgnnncy. Am. I'll I Co. , Itornlty 1'ropi. , rJpan.
c r , CUy Co. , IB. Guuulnsby Hlmnnun & McConnelL
podge it. , no rl' . 0.Ounli J U JL. Melcher , SouU (
OuHum M. 1 > , ttlUi , Couuoll Ulufli. ti , or 1 ( ot U.