Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Anntal Meeting and Anaiversar/ the
Iowa Association ,
Traveler Cotton's Kdlfyln A-ildrcHS to
Fcll < w TourlstH lit Beatrice A
I oitntiiin I'on Swindle
Ur.s MotNr. ' , In. , Dec. 7. [ Special toTnn
JUc.j ' I'll o post , two dnys hnvo been of spe
cial Interest to the traveling men of Iowa , beIng -
Ing the tenth anniversary of the establish
ment of the Iowa State Traveling Mon's as
sociation n id the occasion of thu annual bin-
quct mid harness meeting. These occasions
liavo caused the pilgrimage of several hun
dred of the knights of the Rrlp to this sbrlno ,
and tboy hnvo nil enjoyed an excellent ttrao.
The orginbntlon now contains nearly four
teen hundred namoi on Its r.oll of member
ship , inoro than n hundred now members bo-
tn % udtlcd nt the meeting yesterday.
The banquet nnd ball occurred nt tbo Sa-
Vcry houio hi this city Friday ovonlnf ? , nnd
wai attended by nearly two hundred mem
bers , most of thorn being nccompinlod by
ladles to grace the occasion. It wns n rnther
informal affair , the practice of n set banquet
with nti Interminable menu , with prosy
speeches , nt In former yoirs , being discarded
nnd the time taken up with dancing nnd so
cial Intsri-ourso till nearly 2 n. in. Saturday.
A very pleasant feature of the occasion was
the presentation of a line gold headed cano to
President H. H. Hedge , In the purchase or
which a largo number of his adtnlors joined
their contributions , the presentation speech
being made by Mr. John CofTirmn , and hap
pily responded to by the surprised recipient.
Tlio exercises were Interspersed with good
music , both vocal nnd Iristruroontnl , a num
ber of the songs being composed for the oc-
cailon. There was a considerable number of
representatives from other stntcs who belonp
to the Iowa organization. Thifcommittees ot
thoovcmtiK wcro :
Floor committee , white badge Joe Rlchoy ,
chairman ; Hal Stapp , Leu Ilarbach , Don
Apple. Jim Davis.
Muslo committee , plnlc badge John S :
VVoavor , chairman ; Charles Clark , C. C.
Lindsay , A. J. Gllllsplo.
Invitation Committee II. S. Ames , chair
man , les Molnes. O. VV. Hazard , F. E.
Haley , A. L. Christy , DCS Moincs ; L.V. .
C are ul to , Lincoln , Nob. ; B. C. Glcftson ,
Council Bluffs ; T. 13. Tousoy , Chicago , 111. ;
JG. 13. Downing , Marshalltitwu ; J. S. Storno
man , Jlusontlno : Webb Ilultit , Cbnrlton ;
John C. Petty , Atlantic ; Fred A. Wilier.
Sioux Pulls , S. D. ; F. C. Hock , Amos ; E. C.
Conkllng , Cm-roll ; Carl T. Schmidt , Burling
ton ; J. M. French , Kookuk ; Charles K.
lllusdalo , Newton ; linns Ilnrbach. Daven
port ; L. N. Oilman , Sioux City ; Charles O.
Lobeck. Omaha , Neb.V. ; . II. Wray , CMka-
loosn ; L. S. Parsons , Waterloo : G. F. Sil
vers , Ottumwn.
Kocentlon committee , blue badge "VV. P.
Mitchell , chnlminn ; M. V. Blackburn , "W. E.
Wilson , I. Uicgolnmn , J. L. Wheeler , H. B.
Shepard , "William II. Smith , A. D. Craln , O.
II. Uuscbcur , 12. U. Fox. E. C. Evnns , A. B.
VVaite , 1) . U. Drown , William A. Moyor. A.
Jj. Olinbtend , George Hull ; : , I ) . L. Mansllcld.
Tbo business meeting of the association oc
curred yesterday. In the morning the exec
utive board accented the applications of 230
traveling men for membership uiid settled
"With Secretary Ames. At the afternoon
mooting there wcro bovw ecu 1MO and 300 trav
eling mon present.
Chairman Hedge delivered the an
nual address which was brief. Ho re
forred to the progress mode ami tbo
prospects for the future. Among the
recommendations for future work ho
said that ull should unlto In efforts to secure
aB.OOUmUo ticket good upon all the western
railroads ; thocoramlttco uhould secure an
appropriate bacigo so that members may
linouriich ether nt a plauco. Ho admonished
nil the boys to return the fiivors shown the
excursionists at Denver hist Juno.
The treasurer's report bv O. W. Ilnzzard
showed $ IHU,77 In the treasury. Secretary
Ames's report was read. It showed losses
liy death durlnpc the year , 4 ; admitted to
membership during the jear , 743. Not
n death by accident during ten years.
II. Ulegclman , chnlrman of the auditing
committee , leportcd ull the books In foot
order and the membership as 1,317 , nnd as
* chairman of the committee on prizes ho re
ported thnt L.V. . Glroutto of Lincoln , Nob. ,
had cecurcd 270 names. VV. D. Ellsworth o :
Dos Moincs , 88 ; Webb Hultz , Charlton , 01
nnd F. E. Haley , DCS Molues , 58 , and others
a loss number.
JoUu M. Uoffman rnado the prcsentntloi
speeches , which with the lesponses wort
Jolly nnd vvholesouled. The prizes were tw <
line grips und a gent's toilet tuso.
On motion the rules wc-ro suspended ani
the convention proceeded to the election o :
officers. Fred W. Mitchell of DCS Moinei
was choacn president by a fullotc
L. "W. Garvutlo of Lincoln , Neb.was , chosei
vice-president without opposition. There
had been quito nn nntl-con volition con test fo
the ofllco of secretary , but the first ballot re
suited hi the election of J. H. Hulcy of thl
city , the vote standing : Ilnley 1U2 , Hnyes f >
nnd Ames ! 10. O. W. Hazard wns ro-elcete <
treii'inor , und the follow Ing hoard of dlroc
tors selected : G. G. Harrison , F. O. Abe :
0. II. Cnsehecr. Fred S. Thompson , E. II
Fox , Frank Holmes , II. Kclgolmann , T. M
Lnngilon , VV , A. Meyer and H , S. Ames.
The Indemnity for accident benefit wn
raised from $15 per week for ton weeks to 5KJ
per \\cok for twenty-six weeks , thus ylaeln
the insurance on a level with the old ostal
llshcd accident insurnnco companies of th
countiy. The meeting has been tbo mos
successful ever held , and there Is a gcnori
determination to try und Incroitso the moii
bcrshlp todoublntho present number \vltbl
the next year.
A Traveler's Sermon ,
At Beatrice on Sunday last A. C , Colton ,
travolhiR man , delivered nn address to h' '
follow commercial tourists at the Your
Mon's Christian association rooms ofvhlo
n brief synopsis Is appended :
You nro not Invited hero today because yc
nro considered worse than any ether class i
men , nnd for that reason In need of speci
effort ou our part in your behalf , but bocaui
jou are just ns good ns any class of buslne
mon in the world.
The class of mon now on the road selllr
goods In tno west are as bright , onorgot ,
and capable business men 03 one can find c
gdgcd in mercantile pursuits In any of 01
thriving cities nnd towns In the country , at
thsy nro Just as goad roomily as these sun
local business men would bo If tboy we
nway from the restraints of homo ana lion
Inlluenei s.
Tie i arcs nnd trials of the commorci
trnvtlor nro as great ni nro those that con
to the merchant and banker , but these tn <
Irovenroluco , a homo to goto after the p <
ploxlng cares of the nay , nud there ho e
find aymiuthy nnd love.
The cotnpanlonshlt ) of wife and loved on
dispels his oares and makes him forget 1
troubles. Not so the commercial traveler ;
has pcrhnps labored hnitl all dav , nnd trii
clod a prc.itur portion of the night provioi
nnd M ho plods his way to the hotel , ho in
have no orders to send to his employers
show for his tlny'n work. It Is with noliR
heart thnt ho drops into his chair in t
cheerless hotel ofllco to rest and think ov
the disappointments of the day.
To the outsluo woild who only see the <
torlor side of n traveler's ' lifo , It seems o
full of oils j and pleasure. Ho Is usually su
n Jolly , Koodnaturoil follow thnt you nnlura
Infer thut Ills whole llfo is OBO round
gaiety. Ho has schooled himself to this I
cause he must bo pleasant and affable if
would buut'cod In business , his Inner llfo >
krioun only to himself and these most
tlmatoly associated with him.
Many u traveling man In Nebraska , todi
no doubt , has boon long weeks and e\
months from homo nnd loved ones , pcrlu
Boino of them have tidings from homo tl
the dear father , matter , wlfo or child i
sick , und that tnolr presence at tno s
. couch Is sudly needed , but business domai
keep them RWBV , and the heart longings ;
mothered In B lonff affectionate letter noi
I have had such un experience and dou
loss so mo of you havo.
But u fo\v months ngo ono of our Beati
travollnf- men , whllo on the rod , received
the terrible uows that tali little child was
turned to death In a barn where It was play-
Ing. Littlodld that fatbor think when ho
kissed the llttlo ono nt partln ? . nnd went out
to baltlo with the world for his dally bread ,
that It was the last kiss , nnd thnt tbo shadow
of death would cross his threshhold before
his return , Little wo know of what may
come upon our homos to cast n shadow thnt
will darken It for nil time , as wo take our
grip and put out Into the business world.
P A considerable number of the commercial
travelers arc young and slnplo man , nnd they
especially need companionship among you.
Many of thorn are now in the business and
meet with sharp competition from the older
and more experienced mon In their line and
consequently may feel discouraged nt times
and need a word of sympathy and cncouraRO-
I always feel sympathy for n young tnnn
Just entering upon the llfo ot a commercial
Companions of the Rrlp , In behalf of the
tloatrlro Young Mon's ' Chilstlan association ,
I invite you to niako these rooms your homo
whenever ) ou can do so. You will bo wel
come nlwn > s. You will ilnd hero mngnluesj
dally napen and a library of choice books all
of which nro free to jou.
You will hero meet with companionship
that Is rellncd nnd elevating.
Should any of jou dcslru to load a hotter
llfo which wo hnpo you ma ? you will hero
find help nnd svnrontnjr from mnny who hnvo
sought mid "found tbopoarl of great price. "
* The Youiifr Men's Christian association
needs your lii'lp and your inllucnco.
It Is In jour power to do n good work by
helping to make others better. Your occu
pation brings jou In contact with n grant
mnny peoulo , nndyou can help to make the
aim and objects of the Young Men's Chris-
tlan association hotter understood by the
A Now Swindle.
A commercial traveler \vhosolls fountain
pens said yesterday : "Trio latest swindle Is
accomplished by means of a double fountain
pen , one end filled with good Ink. the ether
with Ink that fades nwny In n day or two.
The sharpci'a plan Is to call on farmers ot
others , make a trade so advantageous to them
thnt they nro willing to agrco to Itvrlto the
contract or ngrccmcut with the ink that
fitdct. then manage so thnt the victim sl us
it with the Ink that lasts. Then , In a few
days , they have the nnmo on n sheet of blanli
paper , on which any sort of a note can VK
written. "
9 _ _ _ _ _ _
G. W. Cook lett Saturday for St. I-ouls foi
a few days on business.
Mr. Fred A. Wilson , who has been work
inp the banks \\cst of the river for tbo John
Monls company of Chicago for five yean
past 1ms sovo-eil bis connection with thai
nouso and is now In the Held lor Gibson , Mil
ler & Richardson of Omaha.
So say wo nil of us I Salvation oil Is the
greatest euro on earth for pain. Price onlj
' . ' .5 cents.
Gentlemen nceil not wear gloves nt dinnei
parties , thnt Is , if they don't wear clean ones
but under all circumstances they must tain
Dr. Bull's cough syrup when they get a coli
or sere throat.
iVTitTNinety KoiindH Only and AVhitt
JMnlCe n Draw.
The feather-weight battle between Dnnnj
Daly of Bangor , Mn. , nnd Tommy White , tin
Chicago board of trade protege , which tool
place under the auspices of the Magie Clt ;
clubat Gormanla hall , South Omaha , Satur
day night , was ono of the longest feather
weight fights ou record. The two men stepped
pod into the ring at 10 o'clock sharp , nnt
from that hour on until 3:3Q : In the moraini
they futilely struggled for suptemacy.
Both men wcro superbly esq.ulrei ] , D ly b ;
Pat Allen and Ed Kothery , and White b ;
Jlnrry Gllmoro nnd Nod Cwno , and being it
perfect fighting fig , and evenly matched
a long contest was inevitable. It soon bocami
evident that victory depended either upon
cLuuico blow or upon the superior cnduranc
of ono man or the othor.
"White , who Is a slender youth of the gre.v
hound order , was in the fullest lluih of henlt ;
and strength nnd gave a rare exhibition o
the beauties of the Delsurtian movement.
Not a whit behind him , however
over , was the doughty little downeaster. II
is ns staunch nnd well-trigged out as any ma
in his class in the country , with stocky leg ;
and arms and a torso fairly corrugated wit
tnusclec. Ho wore a look throughout th : <
seemed to say , "Well , the best ho can overd
Is to make a draw of this.11
"White , it must bo understood , had the at
vantage of height and reach , and thro <
quarters of a pound the best of it In weigh
and was expected to do Danny at a Jog. A
round after round was reeled off , howovo
will ) no marks of punishment marring vlsng
or body of olthor man , and as at each su
ccsslvo call Daly stopped up apparent !
fresher than ever , the idol of the Wind
city's board of trade realized that ho had me
a focman worthy of all his brains and rauscl
all his science and skill , and thnt ho mu
guard himself well or succumb to the stocli
little New Enghnder himself.
"White , uaturally enough , was the a ,
gressor , but In all of his repeated rushes 1
failed to laud a single effective blow , but r
coived instead a couple of cross-counters fro
Daly taat reminded him more tbun ever tin
there were two of them "in it. "
The tight finally simmered down to nharr
less exhibition of how not to got tilt , boi
men exemplifying all its boautioj with u su
cess that wua more monotonous ttian rcfres
ing.It was long about 3 o'clock in the mornh
ana the mon hnd been Hunting , or tldclliti
vathor , stoiidily for ever live hours , with i
evidences of a hattlo other thnn an nbradi
check bone sustained bv Daly and n slight
slashed lip for Mr , White , when Uefcr '
"Wilson held n short recess , Informing t
men that they could hnvo just ton me
rounds In which to settle the nucsllon
supremacy , nnd If this hud not been ncco
pllshed In that tlmo lie would call It n dra
And a draw it was , much to the disappoii
meat of the very largo and very sleepy cro\ \
in attendance. Yet it was u great bait
uud there worono groundsfordissntlsfactli
as both men did their le\el best to win t
purse , although In the majority of the roun
thcro wasn't a blow struck.
The harsh , drastic purgatives , oncodeetr
> u so indispensable , livvo given place to mile
of and moro skillfully prepared laxatives ; hot
ofal the great and growing demand for Aye
Pills. Physicians everywhere .recomme
no thorn for costlvcnoss , indigestion and Ih
S3 complaints.
> g
,10n The homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Crei |
nur ton was clouded In deepest sorrow yostord
ur by the death of their little threo-yoar-i
id daughter Lucretlu , carried away nf tor a sh
nero illness by diphtheria. The memory of t
ro sweet-faced child will "like the perfume
10 rose leaves" long remain with these vi
wc.-o familiar with the loving ways and I
10 attractive baby manner. She possessed
wonderful mind nnd a disposition of levi
n ess that endeared her to all. Though 1
an llfo was spanned by three short yeais , tl
were years ao full of Interesting , childish
cldont that not only will parents nnd n
tlvcs miss their affectionate little ono , 1
ho hosts of Iilenils wno dully saw their boat
IV- fulbaby friend , ami enjoyed her limoo
IS , prattle , will bo deeply grieved and sadly
ay allze the trutlt of the words , 'death ' can
to In bis arms the sweetest blossoms of cart
; ht hopes. "
or Hnw to Choose ft
Vilondly advice to young men on this sect
5Xmo ] oct will bo contribute J to the forthcow
mo volume of Tha Youth's Companion by Pr
cu dent Seth Low of Columbia , ox-Prosiil
lly Andrew \vhltoof Cornell , President t ,
of rill E. Gates ot Amhcrst. and Prof. Gold
an.ho Smith.
U Knights ol' Honor.
In- Omaha lodge , No. 829 , Knights of Hoi
held its regular session Monday night
: en which the following officers wore clod
i pa 1'ast dictator. John W. McCuno ; dlctji
Liat Georso 0. Whlttock ; vice dictator , VV
are M. Carter ; assistant dictator , ID. A. 1
Ick ineJco ; reporter , VVllliuralt. Matins : finar
ids reporter , .lumes 1) . Ilumer ; troasv
nro Thomas Falconer ; guldo , H , F. Coo
ne , chaplain , C , J. Meiitor ; miardlaa , 0. J. 1
ibt- ; sentinel , O. L. Frltschor. Trust
gird James Novllle , Dr , K. H. Hoffni
riot Joiopb V , Sbc ley ,
Xlabbt KoBonnn'a Plan fbr Ameliorat
ing His Condition.
A largo audience gathered nt the temple of
Isriol last Friday night tohcarKabblRoscnau
deliver his alscoursoupon the subject'What
Can Wo Do for the Russian Jowst" Ills
remarks were substantially as follows :
"Sympathy Ii ono of the graad elements of
human nature , and is demonstrated in Va
rious ways and unite many clrourastunccj.
' Of times when cwiors are happy wo smllo
with them ; when others rojolco wo rejoice
with them ; when others are unsuccessful wo
share their despondency , and when others
weep wo shed tears of sorrow with thorn.
But it Is not always necessary to como In
contact with tbo unfortunate to have that
noble feeling of sympathy aroused la our
hearts. Wo ean hoar , wo can read , and
the impressions thus formed will
nrouso the feelings of sympathy us
quickly as though uo wcro eye-witnesses to
the occurrences.
"Where can you find a man or woman who
has carefully read the pages of Jewish his
tory who has not shed tears when the atroci
ties committed against our people have boon
correctly portrayed ! Take the ilgyptinn. his
tories , and you will hnd thorn full of accounts
when men have been thrown upon the ground
nnd brutally lashed for expressing their re
ligious beliefs , It Is ou account of theso. acts
of cruelty that our hearts bleed for our suf
fering pcoplo.
"In these same histories \vo read thattuero
was a deter mined effort to persecute tbo .Inxv-
Ish pcoplo nnd root them from the face of the
earth , Hucli things cause our hearts to bleed
for our beloved pcoplo. Wo rend of the or
ders compelling the Jews to fall
down and worship the idols , nil
of which cau'cs our hearts to
bleca when wo realize the sufferings that our
beloved pcoplo hnvo bocn compelled to en-
"But let us como nearer to the present date.
Hoits ot armies wcro sent against our people
ple , their temples were torn down and bul
locks put upon the altar : our people vrero
taken captives and carried away to Homo ,
where many of them were sacrificed for their
adhcranoa to their religious fulth. This
causes our hearts to bleed for our ancient
beloved pcoplo. Wo read of men and women
who wcro slaughtered simply because they
believed In the teachings of MOSPS , and our
hearts bleed as wo think of the awful perse
cutions that our beloved pcoplo wcro compelled
polled to endure.
"Lotus fora moment consider the reign of
Isabella ot Spain. Her edict wont forth , ban
ishing to starvation and death all of our people -
plo who differed with her In religious views.
Tlio problem that Is before us Is , what can
wo do to help our suffering and persecuted
people of the present dny ?
"Lot us take the Jewish pcoplo of Hussla
and vyo Una that the young men and \\oiaen
who uio of the Jewish faith are not allowed
the privileges of the institutions of learning ;
they nmy bo capable and possess all of the
qualifications , but they are denied ad mission
to the University of St. Petersburg merely
because they are the people of Israel. They
nro sent buck to-their homes in disgrace.
This is not nil. Our people arc hunted down
nnd tha moat oxhorbitunt taxes met levied
against thum. Men are not only taxed on the
ptoporty thoyoxvn , but they are compelled to
pay taxes upon the necessaries of llfo , and it
is no uncommon sight to see families
driven from their homes , out into the
cold world , because they are uuablo to
pay the tax levied upon them. Our
people are lorbidden to own property , and
they aio fotbidden to leave the country
where they nro so cruelly oppiesscd If they
should by chance manage to get away , they
nro followed , their property confiscated , and
in many instances they forfeit their lives to
pay the penalty.
"Tho c nr of Russia grants franchises to
the Buddhist who will make his homo In that
land , but not to our people , and by this
course the Kusslau Jew is kept down and
forced to spend his llfo In idleness.
"Tho other day I read of a Russian official
who was anxious to have u fouj and flltby
sewer cleaned without incurring any cx-
pcnso to the government. He know that
hundreds ot Jewish families wcro starving ,
und going to the sewer ho commenced an
examination. In a short tinio a largo
number of the poor Jews congregated
about him nnd asked him why ho
o was so Intently gazing mto the sewer. Ho
explained that ho had lost a valuable jewel
and \vould give 25 to ttio man who nould
Ilnd the gem. These men thought of their
starving children at homo , ana going down
into the mud they soon had the sewer clean
ed , while thoofllcial laughed at the trick lie
had invented to save the expense that Would
have been Incurred bad bo hired the work
s performed. Thus aio Jews treated in
, i Hussin.
' "VVliat can we do for the Russian Jowsl
o "Tnero are many solutions of this prob
lem nnd each is advocated by men of ability.
Some assert that the duty ot these pcoplo Is
to fight , and t > y might and main gain ihclr
religious and civil liberty. Hut how crucll
Others again propose another solution. They
say tnat every press , every pulpit and every
legislature ) In the civilized world
should send addresses to the
czar , asking that these people bo
allowed tno same rights as his favored sub
jects. But I ask you , what effect would let
ters or addiesses have upon the ozarl "What
\vouldho care )
"To my mmd the solution of this mighty
and perplexing problem Is emigrationassisted
by tbo people of other nations. There are
many countries where they would bo received
in open arms. Let them go back to Pales
tine ) or lot them como to our blessed United
States , where the laws of the government
provldo thnt all men may worship according
to the aictatcs of their own minds. But ,
ugain a question arises , Is It practical to
bring those Russian paupers to this country )
It is true that many of thorn would ba pau
pers , but I would organize nt every port so
cieties , the duties of which shouldte to found
schools w uero the pcoplo could learn , trades ,
thus enabling thorn to * bcconio self ,
supporting. The expense would
ty bo enormous , but a tax could
ho 'CO bo levied upon the people to keep up these
Institutions of learning.
ire ot "I bellovo that this Is tbo concern of ovcrj
otm press nnd every pulpit , and I bellovo that (
mw. - . systematic plan should bo adopted to belt
w. those suffering Jews. They will not bo n del
tilvd rltnont to the country , for by associating will
hotter pcoplo they will soon become elcvatci
to tlio standard possessed by the Amcricoi
.ho and German Jews of the present day.
"Tho Idea may seem Bcllamyistio to some
us hut it Is practical , nnd this great society cai
bo formed to help the 4OUO,000 Jews whi
today are starving in Russia , and it is th
ler duty of every man and every woman to pu
forth nn effort to relieve the persecutions o
ice r's these pcoplo. "
lnd ' In Holland , Mich , , C. J. Doesburyll pu
tor llshes the News , and In its columns strongl ,
recommends Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil fo
coughs , colds , sere throat , catarrh and as t him
old How They are Hereafter to bo Itegu
ort Intcd In this Country.
bis With a view to lessening the number o
i of "cold-wavo" warnings nnd confining thorn t
ho the moro pronounced cases , thus plvlag th
her displays of signals greater prominence , Got
I a oral A.V. . Grccly , chief of the ivcatho
Eli bureau , has Issued u bulletin of Instruction
nor outlining the plan to bo put
icy sued in the future In Issumi
in- warnings of the approach of cold-waves nn
> Ia-
uut in Issuing forecasts of anticipated sharp fall
Jtl- In temperature , uhlch may not boot sufl
ent clont severity to warrant the display of th
"cold-wave signal. "
rios The nlnn , as given , is ns follows : "Warr
hly Ings of cold waves nnd other tcmpcrntut
falls nro issued from the signal ofllco i
Washington when it Is expected that the
will be so sudden and sharp as to material !
Interfere with the comfort of the coimnuiilt
or cause damage to material Interests. .
2E cord wave. In general terms , Is denned to I
lent a fall la temperature , over an extensive aroi
Icr- ot 20 = In twenty-four , or 2s ° la locty-oigt
wln hour ] , and to the frecziug point <
below. Warnings of cold waves m
Issued when U is expected that the on
affected will exceed 100,000 square miles !
nor , extent , and in well-defined rases for a lossi
. at area. In the past ten years there have be (
, CJ1 Instances in which temperature falls
ted : 20 ° In 24 hourt have occurred over areas o
itor , coedlng 50.00O snuuro miles In extent , nnd 1
liter cases In which tno area was between 5O,0
Par- and 100,000 square miles. The areas of tci
icial peraturo falls ot 20 = " or over are often of ve
irer , grout extent , sometimes exceeding 1,000,0
ley ; square miles. The average extent of the
: iio- areas , including all above 60,000 square mil
. 03 , la extent , Is 287,000 square miles. 'I'ho uvc
ana. tfo are of 0 = falls , Including only such cc
waves as exceed 100,000 squuro mil ;
" .Yo other Wittily roper ffirei to larga a rarkty qflMtrvcUet ami SnttrtaMr.g Mttttr at to low a pHct. *
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( D
In extent. Is 855,000 square wllos.
"Whon tlio temperature Is 8i = or lower ,
falls of U3 , 12 = , or even 100 are sotixo-
tlmo3 highly important. When tomperoturo
falls of this kind nro oxpoctcd a forecast nlil
bo made Riving- the anticipated minimum
temperatures , and the places \vhero expaotea.
"From October I to April 1 , If n. fall of W >
or moro Is expected , and the minimum temperature -
poraturo or extent of territory covered by
tbe fall will hardly bo such as to Justify a
display of cold-wavo signals , a warning , sot-
tine forth the anticipated fall of temperature
ana tbo locolitios , will bo Inserted In the
regular forecasts , and sent by special mes
sage to the signal service stations therein
specified ,
"In the state of Florida , nnd In a strip of
country 100 miles wide from the gulf coast ,
in tbo states of Alabama , Mississippi , Louis
iana and Texas- and along the Pucillo coast ,
sudden changes of temperature will bo an
nounced In the general forecasts , and cold-
wave warnings will bo replaced by frost
warnings , and tbo flag ( whlto with a black
square In tbo center ) mil bo known as the
frost warning flag , and will bo displayed
\vhotiovci'it Is anticipated a damaging frost
will occur. lly a damaging frost is meant
ono that woulu bo Injurious to the principal
crops or other material Interests in tbo
vicinity whcro the Hag is displayed. Tills
will vary in different sections , The samedo -
gieo of cold , for Instance , which might bo
disastrous to tobacco In Kentucky might
cause no damage whatever to growing crops
In another section.
At signal service stations outside ot what
Is designated ns the frost warning district
( Florida , the gull coast , and the Pacific
coast ) the cold \vavo ling will he displayed us
iiost warning flag in the oaily autumn nnd
late spring when the occurrence of a damag
ing froat la anticipated. "
The correctness of the maxim "nothing
succeeds liUo success" Is well exemplified in
Ajnr's Snrsaparilla. The moat successful
combination of alteratives and tonics , It al
ways succeeds In curlngdlsoosea of the blood ,
and hence Its wonderful popularity.
Foaco Congress Iiolocatos.
NIT STIIEIST , No. 23 , $ $ . To tno Clogymon
of the United States : The following gentle
men wcro our delegates from the United
States to too Universal Peace congress , held
in July , 1800 , namel/iT
Rev. T. S. HamUn , I > . D. , Washington ,
D. O.
Uev. Edward Balalln , D. D. . Brooklyn.
Rev. W. A. CampTipll , D. D. , Richmond ,
Va. < J'
Mayor "W. Taylor Ellvson , Richmond , Va ,
Mr. John I1. Brunch.Richmond . , Vu.
President Isaac Sharplcss , Haverford col
UGV. Julius E. Grummer , D , O. , Balti
more. "
Rov. W. U.MurkUindJD. D. , Baltimore.
Mr. litchmonUO , Mbrso , Now York.
Mr. James Wood , Now York.
Rev. Philip S. Moxom. D. D. , Boston.
Mr. James II. Chose , Rrovldcnco.
President Benjamin F * . Trueblood , Penn
Cell ORO , la ,
And the undersigned !
The congress recommended tbo observance
ot the third Sunday In December each yeai
as peace Sunday throughout the world. At
a meeting ol the hoard , hold November 12 , it
was resolved to request you , through the
press , If consistent with your scnso of dutj
nud propriety , te do all Inour power to-
uiirds securing the general observance ot tlii :
third Sunday in December ns peace Sunday ,
and also to present this momentous mat
tcr , la whatever way you dccn
wisest , Loth before your cliurcl
nnd jour Sunday school , The Congro
so Rational nnd Baptists Unions of Englant
03r have accepted the proposal , and , so far a :
: r- possible , their roiulston will preach In reference
ildcs enco to Peace ou that day. What day can b
cs moro appropriate for this purpose than th
Cures all disorders of the btoinneti. Liver , Bowel' , KirtnoyH , lllmUlcr.Nerv-
otis OiscuROi. Loss of Appetite , llondaohr , CoiiHtipntlnn , Costlvonos * , In ill emo
tion , nillouRncfis , Fever , files , Etc. , and renders tnn system less liable to con *
tract disease.
disease.DYSPEPSIA. .
KADWAY'S PILLS nro n euro for this complaint. Tlioy tone up the Interim ! uccrotlom to
Healthy nctlan , restore strength to the stomaoli , nnd onanlo It to perform Its function t.
„ 1'rlco Ba a box. Sold by ull druggists , or mailed by KADWAY & CO. , 32 Warren fatrcot. Now
York , on receipt of price.
"Which Saves Ton Times Its Cost In the Fuel It Will Save.
Old Clothes Wringers Repaired
A New Rubber Put on in a Few Minutes for Only $1 Enoh.
Hriics and Mackintoshes or Rubber Coats ,
Sunday wblch commemorates the Birth of
thol'rinco of Peace !
AVe possess much valuable literature on
this prent subject \vliich wo will gladly furn
ish to these who ask for IL
J. B. WOOD , Secretary.
.Ilalnlni ; tlio Drht ,
The regular monthly meeting of the board
of directors of the Youn ? Men's Christian
association was hold Friday night In tbo
directors' room. There were present of the
board President Fleming , and Mesirs. 1'hll-
llppl , Joplin , Wllllnnison , Van Acrnain , Hus-
sell , Scherinerhoruimd McCulloch ; also Sec
retary C. 1C Obor , and Socrctarloi Ilazclton
oud Hclscnbuttul. The innttor of special
consideration naturally , was the tinuncinl
situation. The report submitted by Mr.
Obor , chairman of the special ilnunco com
mlttco , showed us a result of tha first tea
days' canvass , suhscriDtlons of $ . ' , WX > , $050
of which Is conditioned upon the raising of
the entire amount. There nro two subscrip
tions included In this of SJ'iM ) , envli conditioned
upon the securing of two moro of equal
DA11 the members of the hoard are huslness
and professional men and their tlmo to nivc
to the canvass [ 3 so limited thnt Messrs. Olxii
andNnstlmvo been obliged to lose a couple
of days In the worlt in tbo attempt to line !
someone who could sarnttcu business lonp
enouRb to lolu them. It Is thought thuthai !
not this tlmo boon lost the subscription !
would hnvo reached several hundred dollar ;
moro. Mr. Obor stated us follows : "W <
otiu-la to fuel encouraged nnd that by porso
vonng n couple or three weeks longer the
matter will bo settled and thocntiro amouni
will ho Hub.ioribcu. He added ; "Thcro wll
bo a special mooting or thu conimlttoo uox
Monday evening at the association huildlii (
nnd any person able and willing to usslst h
thocnnvftvj , whotho.-n member of the boari
or of thu association Is invited to bo present , '
Dr , lilrnoy citrus cuurrti , Boo bldg ,
Moro than 15 years' experience In the trcntmentot
A euro uunrnntooJ In 3 to flro ilnyi without tUjloii
oinn ; hour's tlmo.
I'crmanently cured wlthowt pain or Instruments no
cuttlnKi no ( tllallntt. Tim mmt rcnmrk.ili.o icmudf
known to modern nclcnco. Write for clrcul i" .
Dr. Slcniw' ! troiitmont for tlcla torrlbla blood ilia-
Pnno lim tiocn pronounced I ho mott powerful nnd
nurcoMaful remedy over < lt ovonv | for the nl ) oluta
euro of this dlicuao Ills cco i with thin illiciua
liu noior boon eqnallcrl. Acomplote CUIIK tlUAltJ
ANTI Ei > , WrIKi lur clrciilAra.
iind nil ttcnWnon of tlio noxnM orunnt , norrouinoii ,
tlnililltr nnd do piinncricr nlnolululjr uuruJ. Thorj-
lief U loiniodUtu nnil coiupleto.
Cntnrrh. rhoutnatUm , mill ull ill < oi njof thabloil
liver , klitnors an < l lilmliler perm.incntlr cured.
mid ncuraUla , norTouino ami ilhen'ei of tha atom.
Boh curpJ. The Uoctor'n "Homo Truntmont" for
Indies I ) pronoiincml by nit who liavo mod It , to bi
thomuit comp'oto nnil convenient roinmljr ever of.
fared for thu tru.itiuont ii ( funmla ilbuniet. Ull
trulr a wonderful rumeilr. No ln > truniont > i uj
pain. Houns con I.AIIIES ruoMlTu I ONI.V.
mnn'elous nuccosi h won for him a roputallon
which U Irnl ; nrttlontt In cluiractor , nnd lili great
nrmr of pntlcnU roach 01 from thu Athntla to tha
I'BCltlo. The Doctor Ii n uriuliinto of "UUOUr.All"
mcdlclno nnrt IIM hnrt limit uml cnrodil oipurlonci ) In
liospluilprottlcn , nnd H cUned mnnnt the luidlni
speclalUtr In modern iclonca. Traitinont by corro *
ponclenco. tV'rlto for circulars about oacnof tti
Office , 1 4th and Farnam St9
Inlrunrcoi ottliir ntrojl.
IMfH' ' flllH' r rI.OST or I'AIUNa MAN-
illAUll ) tUllh uooj ) . Qitnoral und
VOUH IIEH1MTV. Wcnknmi of llody and
Mint ! ! Kli < H't.sot KrroM or rvi'usiuitn Old 01
Y'ouuic. iibbiisu Nohlo MANUboij'fullv ro-
itorud \Vu Kuiiruiituo uvery ciise or money
ruditiuVd. Sniuplu rourbo , ilvo d.iyn' iruat
inont. It : full cotirw. ts. r > i > anroly sualad from
bfcurvntluii. Cook Ituinnily ( Jo. . Omaha , Nub
bt. < ; iulr lloto ! , 0nice Cor. Uth : uul Oed < u Ut
[ O.noral and HEEVOUB DtlllUT Y |
Weiknenof Bodr&ndElnd , ClfteU
] ( ErroriorExe < i ln01derYounr.
( Kill full ; ; ljf > lvrfJlnl Urf > ? !
ib oim lr mi HU1H I. . d. , .
- .nlllll/rr. U UU < nj r < r l ( > . UrlU | <
Ur eriutl < * HMb , nil n ttouMd vntU nill 1 ( HtUOfrM.
uttm KRg | MBOIOAb CO. , BWFf At"-J , V.