THE OMAHA 'DAILY ' BEE. TWENTIETH YEAK OMAHA , 31OKDAY MOENING , DBOEMBEK 8-1890. NUiUBEU 173. They arc Complacent in the Belief That the Battle is Practically Over. SOME HAVE VIEWS ON THE SITUATION. TIic rl lit n Culmination of Grou ItiK Disaffection Ucnioval of the Suono of Action . to Ireland. [ Copyright lSMbuJa < M * Gordon JIeniieU.1 LONDON , Dec. 7. [ No-w York Herald Cable-Special to Titr. Bin.1 : I have today conversed with several of my parliamentary colleagues amongst the Irish party In both camps. Their views help much to explain the present situation. A close friend ol Par- noil's said : "All this lias been coming on for some timo. Parnell was not really popular in the party , though wo tried to keep up appearances. You must have noticed how overbearing ho wns in his manners. Then ho opposed the plan of campaign mul sneered ut Dillon and O'Brien. The divorce court was only the spark thnt touched the train already laid. " "Wnat elo you propose to do ? " "Go on as If nothing had happened. Par- ncll will tnko the lead In the house of com- inons nnd others will bo bound to follow him. Ho will manage so that they canuoi disobey him' without ruining themselves They have lost their ablest debaters. I nelral ono of our strongest men in thnt line Is Johr Itedmond , but if Parnell takes ono vlow , i ! Sexton or Hcaly going to jump in the house nnd say , 'You nro not the leiderC I and the Irish pcoplo everywhere will BOO that It resisting Gladstone's dictation Pnrnell vrai loyal to the country. " . "You think thut the O'Shoa business had nothing much to do with those events ? " "Except to precipitate the inovltablecrlsls Look at what Justin McCarthy said at Dub lln after the trial. Ho ridiculed the ellvorci proceedings. If , ho said , Paruell had goui morally wrong , was that the least reason t < excuse him from doing his duty to the people whom ho was loading to victoryl Tho.i nil know that they could not el < without him. Their duty wai firstly , secondly and lastly to raise theli country. " Ho added , "Thero might bo semi who would fall away from Parnell , but then would not bo ono honest man among thorn. ' I wonder what ho thinks of that nowl "Is It true that Parn ell struck McCarthy' ; hand Saturday ! " "Thoro is not a word of truth In It. Hi merely snatched the paper. Of course every body was very excited and wo bud not go houso-of-commons with . " our - - etiquette us. "Why is McCarthy so bittorl11 "Because he's entirely undortho thumb o old Gladstone. The old mad will pluy then n pretty trick yet. Hcaly Is sava o at th O'Shea business. IIo does not llko Maelame calling him a sweep. " My friend laughot and shrugged his shoulders. The nntl-Parnellltcs do not scorn disposei to talk much , but ono or two of my pcrsonu friends have unbosomod themselves slightly crot dread of Pnrnell lingers with them still "What can ho do ! " ono of them asked me "Ho overrates his popularity in Ireland. Dll Ion and O'Bricu nro just as popular. If the ; wcro free to como back wo should swap locks Do you think Bnlfour would lot them ! " "How could ho ! " I replied ; "ho Is not th -Jaw and ho Is bound to sco the sentence cat rleel out. " "Well , it would bo n good stroke of rollo ; on his part to cancel the sentence. Butsci Pivrnells position. Ho has all the churol against him nnd all the best man of his eli party. Look nt the set ho has got nrount him Blano , Byrne , Mnhonoy , Corbott moi without any parliamentary standing o ; ability. Parnell himself will not work ban any moro. IIo seldom came near us except t snub and Insult us , or else ho woul coolly get up in the house and repudiate a Dillon or Sexton had been saying and doln for weeks boforo. We shall got on .bettc without him now. " "I doubt whether you will bo able to got rl of him so easy ns you imagine. " "Wo. mean to do it and it will take a goc deal to beat us , I admit that ho fights llko tiger ; I admirohlm for that. " English Gladstonlans nra bcamlrg toda ; thinking the battle practically over. Coi Bcrvntivos are not sure how milters will cm but believe that whatever/ happens , the party will got the oyster and the other sit the shells. Both sections of the Irish intcn to niako n boo line for homo early this wool Ireland being now tl-o seat of war. A MCMIICII OP PAUUAMENT. The Whole Family Murdered. WICHITA , Knn. , Doo. 7. In n ravlno in tt flint hills of Greenwood couuty a party i hunters discovered yesterday the bodies an unknown man , woman nnd child. On tl forehead of the man was an ugly bruise , b noath which the skull was found to 1 _ crusbod. The bodies were poorly clad. . ' the pockets of iho dead man was found t\\ letters. Ono was from Palmer , 111. , a dressed to Thomas Potter , Englewood , Km nnd the second from some ono in Knglcwoi signing the name "Abo " to Thomas Pott Heeco , Greenwood couuty. Investigation at once showed that about week ago a pmlrio schooner containing ronn , woman nnd child passed through tl town , while the movers claimed thnt tin were leaving western Kansas to return ca ; It Is supposed that in tlio Hint hills , whli present a dreary waste for miles In all dire tioiui , the movers encountered so ma of tl horse tulovcs who make their homo in'the region ami that In resisting attempt to sic his \\Tgou the husband received his doa blow. _ Iho Nenv Carrlniu Trust , iNnuxAimis , Ind. , Doc. 7. The wag nnd carrlngo wood stock manufacturers ha completed their organization , which th limned "tho wagon and carriage woe stock manufacturers1 association. " The f lowing oftlcors wore elected : President , II , Smith , Munclc ; secretary and trcasur B. V. Von Bchrcn , Evausvlllo. It was agrc to raise prices to wagon and buggy manufi turcrs about 10 per font. The now scale prices will go into affect Juuuiirvl , IS'JI. T tissoclatlou will meet in this city again Jt uary 8. Shot the Ahuassln. CITY or MKXICO ( via Gnlvcjton ) , Dee , 7 , An attempt has Just been maJo to assnsshu Colonel Carascosn , governor of the state. Chinpla at San Cristobal. The governor , stead of being killed himself , shot the vou The health authorities nt Vera Cruz v give out very few reports to the proas abi yellow fever in that city. However , popu rumor has it the disease is cpldcmlo there. The bUhop of Vera Cruz is dying. Suicided Wlfi ix shot Gun , FAYETT ) ' , Mo. , Doc. 7. Early last sprlni trangcr applied nt the f arm ot Mrs. Elitub FoUon , five miles ( of Fayetto , and v given employment. IIo was about fortv-flvo years of ago ; says thnt his nnmo was James Woyne , nnd that ho balled fioin Ken tucky. IIo proved to bo nn Indus , trious bund ; was very quiet and seldom went away from the fnrm. Friday morning ho loft his room before daylight , nnd soon nftcr the report of n gun was heard. On going out to the garden it was found thnt ho hnd taltcn the shotcun out with him , placed the mu/zlo against his heart nnd pulled the trigger \vlth n suspender which ho hnd taken off. IIo had about $70 In his pocketbook and hnd not drawn any inonoy since ho had been nt woik. Nothing was left to explain the cause. It IH Still ns Conip'tuatcd nnVhcn . rirst Spoken or. CIIICAOO , Doc. 7. [ S 'cicl'il Telegram to Tim BEK. ] No definite decision has been reached In regard to the stockyards question , nlthough several significant meetings of the at parties interest have been hole ! . Some time ngo the representatives of the group of packers known as the "big four , " announced with great emphasis that they had pur chased a rlto at Tollcston and wcro prepared to move their Interests to thnt point. Ills now rumored that the stockyards company Is making n doiporato effort to itecp them where they mo. The statement is made that the stockyards manngcment has offered to pur chase the Tollcston tract at a liberal advance over the original price. A confer ence of the "snail fry" wickers with the Sttckncy people 1ms been held hut no dellnlto arrangements made. Another conference between representatives of the "big four" nnd the smaller packing linns has also been held. In fact , the situation Is ns complicated nt present as it has been since the question of removal of the pat-klne Interests from Paeklngton was first raised. The meeting of the representatives of the "big four" nnd of the Stlckney cnterpilso has brought the movements of the comuany l > eforo tlio people. The question discussed at" this mooting was the advisability of the purchase by the pack ers ol the MO aero tract lu the ) center of the Sticknoy transfer ynrel. A great many out sider ! nro still skeptical about Sticknoy anel refuse to Dellovo that the transfer yard will bo n success. IXOALLS J1KX AltV MWVItrVL. They Clnlm n Majority of the Votes In the Kansas ijcaUlatnrc. TOIMIKA , Kan. , Dec. 7. The republican ; have revealed their figures In the comlnf flgtit for United States senator. The loglsla ture stiiids , according to corrected returns ; Senate Thirty-eight republicans , two op position. House Eighty-nine alii unco men nlno democrats , twenty-seven republicans , The republicans claim thnt but fifty-eight al llanco menbjrs nro instructed. Of the unln- structed eighteen have' agreed to accept a ; their instructions the petitions of a respect nblo number of their constituents. The republicans figure that enough of the opposition will join them to give then a tola' of oightv-nine votes , or moro than enough te elect. They also claim seven more alliance votes on llnal ballot , making ninety-sK in nil These figures nro given ns the result of per sonnl interviews , tjio alliance votes belnf claimed ns former republican votes. The ( > xcciitlvu committee of the alliance declare ! that Its loss will not exceed six , nnd that tin alliance will unseat an Ingnlls republican fo ; every defection in its ranks. MIS H''irs tYEUE SWEX.T. \ Philadelphia Drummer Takes ( Now York fllnn'aVlfc. . Nnw Youir , Doo. 7. Harvey Brown ol ' ho Introduced as his vlfo , catno up to Clerks town , in this county , yesterday , and stoppoi for two or three days at the house of nn ac qualntanco in the upper part of the tovm Later in the day another man appeared ii the same town in search of tin couplo. This mati said his name wn Phillip Gray and that his place ol residence was Hobokcn. Ho said also thn ho was in search of his wife and a Pniladol phia drummer who had eloped with her. Th drummer's name , ho said , was Avery. However over , ho understood that the drummer some times assumed a fictitious name and that h had In several Instances caused trouble li families where ho became acquainted , by hi sweet ways nnd his undue familiarity witl other men's wives nnd their daughters. Somehow Mr. Gray's presence in Claries town became known to the couple , ant Avery , alias Harvey Brown , loft with th woman for other parts. Mr. Gray said his wife visited in Philadcl phiu for two weeks last spring , and duiln ; her stay there she became * acquainted will Avory. In the summer Avcry called at hi residence ih Hobokcn during tils ( Gray's absence , nrobably by appointment with ni wife , and the ineet.ngs were continued fo some tlmo , A friend Informed Mr , Gray c something that created suspicion in th minds of several persons. The husband watched for himself and si\ the Philadelphia man enter his apartment ono afternoon early In September. Ho fo lowed him in soon afterward , nnd what b saw convinced him that something wn wrong. IIo ordered Avery out of the bouse and told him never to nome there again. After Avory's deposition Mr. Gray talkc over matters very plainly with his wife , wh said thnt Mr. Drown , ns ho called himsol was only on aceiuuintnnco whom she ni ( casually In Philadelphia , and thnt ho catno t the house on business for a lln whom ho represented. On Thur : day , when Mr. Gr.iv went homo , li was informed by n neighbor that his wlfo hn gone away with Avery just before noon. A she had tiken her bast clothoi with horMi Grav roalizedjit once the true situation nn was deeply pained. After se.trchlng his apartments thoroughl ho found part of a letter which the Phllade phinn had written to his wlfo eight or te days before giving a clno to the probabl route taken by the tuuaway couple. iMr.Or.i was compelled to leave Kocklanel county witl out his wlfo anil the man with whom she hn clotetl. ] But ho said ho would continue h search. Stole ยง 52,000 Worth of Tickets. PACIFIC JUNCTION , Minn. , Dc 7. [ Special Telegram to THE Bnu.l It wi discovered yesterday afternoon that Fred ( Cook , night operator for the Northern P clflc , had stolen over f 2,000 worth of throuf tickets over the St. Paul & Duluth nnd Nort orn Pacific lines , making thorn out to Si Francisco , Portland nnd other points , at disposed of thoui to scalpers. When ho w ; arrested some of the tickets were found his room. Complaint was nt once made b fern the grand Jury , which was In sosslo and Cook was taken before Judge Stcarn pleading guilty to forgery mid wns sentcnct to prison. Cook had been with the compui but two weeks. AppnlntmciitH liy Captain Vcnzoy. KiiTLANn , Vt. , Dec. 7. Commandor-i Chief Wheelock G. A'oazey of thoUrai Army of the Kopublic , in accordance with t instructions of the last national oncampnio has appointed the following ns n commltt on pensions ; Klchird W. llluoof Plcasantc Kas. ; Warner Miller of Herklincr. N , "V Alvin P. Hovoy of Mount Yemen , Ind. : S ilon Conn of Portland. Mo. , and L. T. Die son of Danville , III. Ho also appointed t following committee on memorial ha Walter Q. Greshain of Chicago , Jose O'Neill ' of Lebanon , O. , and George A. ME den of Lowell , Mass. Probably 1'olsoned HernelC. POUT WA\SE , Ind. , Deo. 7. When Swlte man J , C. Hess of tlio Nickel Plato , wont his homo Into last night his knock at tlio dc was unanswered , jicjs pried open \vlnde and entered. Ho found Ills wlfo slttl speechless in a c'lalr. A doctor was sui a inoncd , but toward mcrning she died. T tnas stomach of the dead woman has been i as alyzcd for poison witu very uusatlsfactcj results. An empty cap which was found on the tnblo at Mrs Hess' elbow suggests the poisoning theory. Hess , however , vigor ously denies that she died from the effects of poison. Stcoiilc-Climbor's Thrilling Nnw Yoittc , Dec. 7. A special dispatch from South Nonvnlk , Conn. , narrates the narrow nnd thrilling cscapo from death of "Charley the Steeple-Climber.1 ' Fqr several days ho has boon at work repairing the lofty stccplo of the Methodist church In this placo. Yesterday afternoon ho was at work on the pinnacle seated In what Is known as a "sail or's ' chair. " This was supported by ropes nnd tacking , and was supposed to bo secure. Suddenly , however , when over two bund red feet from the ground , the ropes shifted , and "Charley" was pitched headforemost out of the chijlr , and fell nt the rate of nbout sixteen feet n second in the presence of hundreds of people. Everybody seamed to stop breathing "await ing the fatal Issuo. Hut It did not como , for "Charley , " In his awful descent caught and held ono of the Inlynrds. To this ho clung , sinin around for a moment , regained an up right position , nnd then easily swung him self Into a small window In the stccnto ono hundred feet below the chair from which ho fell. Then the crowtl broke forth into n roar of cheers , amid which the plucky fellow climbed ui ) to the post nijalii nnd cooly ro- sumrtl his task ns if nothing had happened , but It was a narrow escape. nUTn'JLTTKDUIt A IlAXIi CASIIIEIl Why n. Boston OIHolnl t'uitl a Check for $00,000 In .Silver. BOSTON , Mass. , Ueo. 7. Boston bankers are laughing over the way in which the Slmwmut bank In this city outwitted n Now York Institution in a transaction involving ? iXK)0. ( ) A check for thla amount bad been given the Now York Central railroad by the Uoston & Albany to ssttlo a bilnnco duo the former. The Central deposited it iu the Chemical bank In Now York. Ordinarily it would have been settled through the clearing house , but some smart ofllcial thought ho would get the $00,000 in crisp bank bills. Therefore it was given loan oxprcsscompany to collect anel bring to the metropolis. It was duly presented nt the Slmwmut bank , but It being so unusual a proceeding tha teller called the cashier's attention to it. The lat ter divined the Now Yorker's game , ami quick as a Hash decided to give him as good as ho sent. To the surprise of the express man , then , instead of neat packages of bills ho was offered sixty canvas bags each con taining $1,000 In silver dollars. He had to accept them. So with the help of nn extra team ho carried the specie , amounting to nearly two tons (3OOJ ( uounds , to bo exact ) to the train. It was the largest amount of sil ver ever paid out by the sub-treasury at Bos ton. JflSS TOVJ7M/S IXJVltlES FATAL , Death of the St. Lotus School Teacher Who Was Crushed on n Wheel. Sr. Louis , Mo. , Dec. 7. Miss Augusta To- veil , the young normal school teacher who was so brutally dragged last Tuesday , died m the city hospital today , never having recovered - covered consciousness from the day of the terrible affair. It will bo remembered that Miss Lovcll while out for a walk on the boulevard - vard was knocked down by a horse driven by two workmen , who , as they saw the woman's mishap , lashed their horse into a gallop. The unfortunate woman's clothes be came entangled In the wheels , ami she wus dragged ten blocks by the ilonds , who nppar ; ently did not scorn to know of the victim thoj1 wcro breaking on the wheel. Crow.dsof furl ous , yelling"po&plo"rafTaftof thefwagorifbut their cries merely spurred the men on to in- clto their horse to greater speed. When Miss Tovell WM picked up nor face was bat tered out of nil semblance to humanity. The police used strenuous efforts to locate the peruotrators of the awful outrage , and nr rested n dozen men without finding the righ ones. A. Brooklyn Pnstor'8 Wlfj Stilng fein n Divorce. NEW Yonic , Dec. 7. The divorce suit ol Mrs. Maria 0. Mnsulro ngalust Ilev. Ilugl Magulro of the Episcopal church of Oui Savior , on Clinton and Luquerstreets , Brook lyn , was before Judge Van Wyck of thi city court yesterday , on a motloi for alimony and counsel fee , Mrs Maria C. Mngulro says that while her husband was pastor of a church nt Wako flold , Canada , ho beat her. Ho also 111 treated her , she says , at Tom River , N , J. , ii ; 18 , and on October 15 last , at SJ Woodhull street Brooklyn , \vhen ho throw her across the room and threatened to put her in at asylum for the insane , telling her that if she ever got there she would not got out in c hurry. Her lawyer asserted that the tie fcndant received tlf > 0 ! ) n year , owned rea estate nnd had u bank account. The trial , ho tnought , would bo lonp and expensive. The minister's lawyer salt Mrs. Magulro had been In Bloomingdalo nsy lum , and the superintendent of the institu tion had certified that she was suffering from a form of insanity in which there is a parvor- slon of fooling. Mr. Maguire had homo his trials with his wlfo for many years with ex traordinary patience. She had exhibited un accountable hostility to her husband. There were many things , it was intimated , that thi husband , from n feeling of delicacy , did no1 care to raveal , but these would bo broughl out If necessary at the trial. Sophia II. Ulockcl. who keeps a boardlnf house where Magnlronnd his wlfo lived , mu Julia M , Pile and John Brown , boarders , tos titled that there had been no sculllo In Mr Mnguiro's room on October 15 last. Mw Hieckol said that Mrs. Magulro seomoa in sanely jealous of her husband , and would no allow him to look at other women at tin . table. Mrs. Hieckel believed that Mrs. Ma culro was insano. Mrs. Pylo testified tha Mrs. Magulro called Mr. Maguire bad names nnd Mr. Brown tostitlcd that she callotl he husband n mean , cowardly follow and contemptuous tomptuous cur. The deposition of the medical suporlu tcndcnt of the Illoomingdnlo asylum wa road. It was to the effect that Mrs. Magulr was admitted to the usvlum on certificates o Drs. J. W. Hyde nnd F. S. Bunker , and tha she had delusions. She showed anlmoslt ; without cause , nnd said the nhyslclnns dc lighted In in : ik I nt : her miserable. She wa hypersensitive in the oxtromo. The husband's lawyer said ho was wllllni to pay the wlfo's expenses if the case wa tried at nn early day , and Judge Van Wye Intimated tint'sho was cntitlod to allmonj The matter was adjourned until the husban could servo his answer to the complaint , I Is possible that the case will bo tried soon. For Modulation of Hypnotic Konncci Ciueneio , Deo. 7. [ Special Telegram t Tun BKK. ] At the mooting last night of th Medico-Legal Society , composed of the leat ing physicians and medical professors of tb Chicago colleges , a resolution was adopted de clarhig that publlo scuncos of hypnotist ! mesmerism nnd magnetism should bo prohlb ted by law under serious penalty , and thi the employment of hypnotism for medic ; purposes should ba permitted solely to dul iiuulillcd medical men , conditioned upon ! being practiced only In the presence of oth < medical men or undoubted friends of the p tlcnts operated upon. Lira , M. II. Lncko strod , Archibald Church and J. C. Honi were appointed to present this resolution ' the legislature of Illinois , 1 The Weather Poreotisr. ForOmnha nnd vicinity Pair ; statlonar followeel by rising temperature. Vor Nebraska , Iowa nnd South Dakota Fair ; warmer , southerly winds. A Illcli Haul. LONDON , Dec. 7. A parcel containing 75,0 francs from an English bank has been stole between Ostotid and Antwerp on lu way Amsterdam. IT FITS THE BOORBON FOOT , Desperate ObJ3ct'on to > Jife Hloctions Bill from the Dotnocratlo Side , BULLDOZING AND VIOLENCE THREATENED , Senator Moody Thinks the Farmers nro Itopublionn If Intclll ont Hopel'iil Views Senatof Casey After Inforniutlon. WASHINOTOX BuiinvnTnnONtiirv Bnn , ) Bin FOUIITBKSTII StUKnr , \ WASIIINOTOX , U. C. , Doe. 7. | There will bo desperation in the final struggle to defeat the adoption of the election bill in the senate , and after it has been passed by that body the dcath-llko strucglo will bo carried over tc the houso. It is ImprobB&lo that , since the reconstruction , such a desperate opposition has been offered to any measure as the one now before the senate. Alter every offonsiv < epithet hus boon put forward against the measure , threats have boon m.ulo nnd may bt carried out If the bill is forced to a linul vote. There are democratic senators who havi hreatcnod to "wring tho'neclc of the presld igolllccrwho attempts to unceremoniously : ut oft debate and force a final vote. " Then s to bo bulldozing to 'defeat the bill. If th < majority for the measure waa ns narrow It , ho house , where the hottest heads uro , tin ceno which will bo presented at the closlnj nomcnts would bo boypud pen description : tisa rcmnrlmblo fact that that whloh tin cinocrats iu all legislative bodies cannot do 'cat by reason and majority of votes , they in rnriably attempt to defeat , by brute lorco nut ntlmldaiion. Since th6 enforcement IIIK ppllcatlon of the proposed law can bo luu iy any section of country , simply upoii nppll ; atlon , and its force can bo as easily used t < irotect democratic as well as republican in crests at the polls , it 13 slgnllicant that nl most all of the opposition comes from tht solid Bourbon districts , , nnd all from theh 'nfluence. The shoo appears only to Ut tin iourbon foot. And yet not a democrat cat 10 found who attempts , to deny that on its 'ace it is uon-parlisnn. MASUPACTUUEllS AND FAllMHn3 AKIX. "There appears to bo a perfect rush to UK iianufacturlng districts $ < nco the adoption o : ho tariff bill , " said llepresentatlvo Evans ol hattanooga , Tonn , to your correspondeni ls morning. "And they jail nppoar to b * making money. Of course the more thai leave the farm and go to .manufacturing tin greater will bo the profit hi farming. Tb < upbuilding of the cltlw by means of in creased manufacturing 'Interests and tin taking of people out of agricultural com munitles will give the farmers bettor prices utlo at the sanio time they will bo able u buy manufactured goods cnoaper by virtue o : ho active competition. "Wtj must not disturt , ho tariff as It stands. " Said Senator Moody of South Dakota : "I Is foldCrol to talk about the tariff injuring thi republicans in thorecoat election. It dlel oui Ickct good , and will elect the president 01 ho ropuollcan ticket inlhlU. The dellootion of the vote of the fnrtucrs , which Is largely republican , more thnh a > vvttilng else dofcatci the republicans. WhsMVts the farmers wen not strong you will find ( he-usual ronubllcai vote was polled , The farmers will com < around all rlghB alter , what the ; waiit and what , they ih'w/-Md have hud loni / ago.1' They are all ropiiw'v'H na If intelligent nnd'thcy endorse the" t HArtho sJlvir nni other republican Iqglslation. " Thbjls tin testimony of nine out of erery ten 'Vepubli ' can statesmen returning * ! * ? Washington. Senator Casey will tomorrow introduce i resolution calling uuon tlio seivretary of ngri culture to furnish informatloo relatlvc to th expenditure of money appropriated lat sum mer for invostiijntlon Into the practlcabilltj of nttesian wells for ir igationx in the Du kottis , Nebraska and other states contiguous The necessity for this inforinatkm arise from the fact that when the appropriatioi was made last year , Mr. Cannon , as chair man of the house committee ou nppropHo tlons , could not forRlvolho western nioa fo knocking out his friend Powell In the Irrig.i tlon light and insisted Upon a limitation beln placed upon the time within which thomone could bo expended. It is now found by th department that a successful invostlgatioi cannot bo made in the timospecified and thu the money appropriated cannot bo prolltubl ; expended and the best ' results sccurci Senator Casoy's object in ( offering the rosolu tlon is to lay bofofa congress thcs facts , and bo iv.-lll follow 1 up by another rcsoluttonextcnding , the tlm when the work provided In the bill shal bo done and thus give the department ampl opportunity to make tUn investigations nocoa sary nnd provide for a full and complete re port to bo laid before congress. AVhen th appropriation bill.passed , giving this $40OJ for Irrigation investigation only a few month of the .su-.imer se.tson rom'alnod when the dc partment could put m n in the ilelu au secure the Information desired. If the tim is extended as contemplated by the rosolu tlon it will give the department an oppoi tunity to investigate during the spring am summer of 1S9I , nnd when the report is inad to congress a year hence It will bo thoroug ! and complete and cover a porlod which wll form a basis for future legislation UDDU thl subject. TIIKY CIIAXap KASII.T. A few days ago the democrats were talkln loud about the work of the .sonata on the cloi tlon bill , throwing over important busines to a time when nn extra session of the Fifty second congress would bo Inevitable if th federal government was lo bo sustained b the regular appropriation bills , The talk In plied a threat. The purpose was to weake the republicans in their determination t pass tito bill or pain tlmo for some Han movement. A lot of prominent democrat announced In Interviews that the conaidon tlon of the election measure would surel necessitate an extra session. Presently : was stated by the republicans that thot would bo no extra session of the next coi gross called. Toiay a largo number of demi crats are out In Interviews saving there wl bo no necessity for an qstra session. Th average democrat la congress Is bocomin well versed in the matter of changing fron MHS. MILLBU'B BAl.AHV. Representative Gear and Senators Alllso and Wilson say there can bo no doubt of tl adoption of the bill Introduotd yesterday I the former giving $10,003 , a year's salary , 1 the widow of the Into-Associate Justi Miller. 1 raiuc nDii mas. The house committee on rules has not yi filed a programme fox' the consideration public building bocs , of which there a thlrty-throo on the calendar , among them tl following ! Beatrice , Nob. ; Slou * Falls , ! D. ; Fort Dodge , la. , anil Sioux City. It believed they will all bo passed shortly ait the holidays. DAUPHIN'S VBNOBAXCB. A story is published Ip a local nowspap to the effect that it was Dauphin of tl JjOiminna lottery who squeezed Postinast General \Vunnamakor lu the money mark recently. It was bad cnoagh to bo squcoz by Jay Gould as originally reported but to punished by the Louisiana lottery is t worst nnd especially In retaliation for huvi sold this Influence to secure- the adoption the anti-lottery blll < The story relates tb the lottery company have almost ? 5,000OCO deposit In Now York1niut.tlmt when it w telegraphed to Now Orleans that Mr.Vti namaker wantoJ to borrow money the li tcry company wired tholr Bankers in Gotha the four largest In that city , to not lot t postmaster general have a dollar and t command wus obeyed. This is vungcau with skill. M'COLL'rf CHANCES. The Nebraska delegation has not yet glv up the hope that McUoll will bo npjiolntca the government dlrcotorship of the Uni Paellle. It is true that the president nas In mated that what ho Is inclined to think nil usage may compel him to ask the submlssl of the name of a Nebraska democrat but t delegation assorts that there is uo llxod usn in that which need bo operative upon the president. MlSCKt.I.ASnotJS. George II. Ourty has been appointed United States guagcr nt Umuh.i under the revenue service. Cadet .T. .T. McEvllly , fourth class United States military academy , who has been ( minted a leave on nccount of sickness until May 1 , 1SIK ) , will bo examined so far ns his eyesight is concerned by a medical board , Pcititv S. HuAtir. TO 1'IXK ItllHSE. General Carr nnd Ills Command Kit llouto to tlio Soono of Troublo. NORFOLK , Neb. , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bic. : ] Cionoml E. A. Carr and his regiment , the Sixth erunlry , comprising headquarters - quarters and troops A , C , U , F , O , II , I and K , Major Perry , Major Tuppci- , Adjutant Hodgson , Dr. Hnntstcr , Captains ICramcr , Wullnco , Kcrr , West , Carter , Minna and Lieutenants Drnvo , Gutowood , Ghcover , Wit- cox , Blocksom , Porshlng , Onllagher , Will iamson , Gray , Daniels and Hnuzo nnd with the hospital corps and 410 soldlcH mid GOO horses , passed through hero today In three heavily loaded trains to the scene of the pros- cut trouble with the hostile Indians. Tha regiment left Fort Wlngnto on December t nnd expects to arrive nt Fort Mcadc , S. D. , on Tuesday morning , December 0. General Curr , who was stationed in this country nnd wlio is an old Indian lighter.will no doubt bo remembered by a majority of the older inhabitants. It Is expected that the regiment will hnvo to go into a winter cam paign. General Curr is doing nil In his power to make everything ns comfortable as possible for his men mid as uncomfortable as possible , should ho meet them , for the wily Sioux. IIo will have the men of his regiment provided with the bjst of iur clothing , ns the sudden change from n climate like Now Mexico to such u scvuro ono as Dakota will bo ono of great hardship and will undoubt edly cause a great deal of suffering. A grand reception was tendered -the general nt the city of Altiunuernuo , and the press and citi zens of New Mexico were deep In their ex pressions of regret at the sudden withdrawal Jrom their midst of so distinguished an officer of the army , wlio through his long experience nnd continued association with savage tribes of Indians has prevented a number of Indian outbreaks in Arizona nnd Now Mexico. The general was also given a reception at Denver by the leading citizens at the Windsor hotel. Miles Dislikes the System. CIIICAOO , Dec. 7. General Miles said to day : "Generals Iluger and Crook have been doing all they can to put the small number of available troops in a position to bo useful and so far as possible staying the threatened cyclone , yet the end of the Indian troubles is by no moans immediately at hand. No other civilized country on the face of the earth would tolerate many thousands of armed savages scattered through different states and torrltoilos. The people of Texas , west ern Kansas , Nebraska , North and South Da- kotos , Montana , Wyoming , Utah , eastern Washington , Idaho , Arizona nnd New Mexico nro seriously Interested hi this subject. While thn lire iiinv bo suppressed in OHO place , it will bo still smouldering and liable to break out nt other places where least expected un der the present system. " HJKltll Strange Career of the Conjuror \Vlic Died lit Idnho , Monday. Tonn , , Dec. 7. A telegram this " oorulhg announced the dcnthof HerrMoffat , too celebrated second-sight leader and coil' juror" S * Bozeman7'Jdaholntlho act of.swol lowing a sword , which severed his jugulai vein , and the conjuror bled to death In a ton minutes. Ilerr Moffat , or Francis Morell , wai a resi dent of this city , nnd hero his wondorfu talent , which has made him the peer of anj andied-hira before the crowned heads ol Europe nnd Asia , was , developed. IIo was r very peculiar boy in youth , and was consid ered n crank. IIo lived alone wltti his wid owed mother , supporting her by working In n steve factory hero. His spare moments ho spent in the study of magic , and the attic of his humble llttlo homo was transformed Into a cnemlcal shop. When ho was seven years old , ono day ho suddenly burst Into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. His mothoi asked him what pleased him so much. The boy replied that ho saw his father ( who was then living , but not at homo ) ruunlng rapldlj down the mountain side trying to overtake t Jug of whisky which ho had lot fall. The jug rolled part of the way down the deolivltj but was caught by the old man before It goi to the bottom. When the father rcachoi homo ho confirmed the whole story to UK great surprise of all. After this the boy excited cited much tulk In the neighborhood in whlcl ho lived. About two years later the Morclli were visited by a friend named Hobort Yin- ton , with other relatives or acquaintances , from Philadelphia , who catno to test the lad's miraculous power , asked him various questions and among other things , inqulrce what wus then going ou at his ( Vlntou's ] homo in Philadelphia. The boy described the house , which ho ha ( never scon , stated that it was built pirtly o brick nnd partly of stone ; that there was i lake In front of the house , which had recent ly been drained , and concluded with a do s'oriptlon of the people In the house , and o two persons , a man and a woman , who wen sitting on the porch. Wtion Vluton reached his homo in Phlla dolp'hla ho inquired who had boon at hi : homo at the dav and hour ho had held tlu conversation with young Moroll. Ho learuoi that there had been a shower of rain at tin tlmo and that the people who were fishing li the hike had run to tlio house to escape tin rain. The persons who were on thu porcl had been Inlthfully described , oven to th color of their hair and eyes. In short , over ; detail given by the boy was proven to bo at cvrato. Ho became Involved in a quarrel once will n young man named Turner. Turner was t call on a young lady , and being mot on hi wi y by the young mind reader , Morroll , wh was hirnsoif In love with the snmo youni lady , they spoke to each other nnd passed on Young Morrell sat down on a stump , imel bowing his head , cAnductcd his mind to th parlor in which his rival and the young lad were conversing. In the course of the youn man's call ho proposed and was rejectee This nmdo Morroll happy. Meetimr Turne on the street next day , ho thntallzed hit about his rejection by the young lady th night preceding. Words were exchangee and Moroll drew a pistol , bu friends standing by interposed , and n harm cnmo of the quarrel. But Morell fe into Intompcnito habits and .lost his goo name. His habit , when ashoel to exercise hi faculty of second sight Booing , was to hoi his head downward after closing his eyes After waiting for some time- , apparently I deem thought , tie would declare what ho sai in his visions. Ho vas sometimes foun nlono in the fields , tilting on n stump an crying. On being asked the cause of h grief he said ho saw great numbers cf me engaged in killing each other. Although I had never up to that tlmo soon a ship , a ba tlo or a cannon , ho described military nn naval battles during the war of the robelllc as If lie were uu onlooker. After the war , when ho was about twcnt ; four years of ago , another gentleman froi Philadelphia , wlio had not heard much < him , became interested , bollovlng him to I possessed of a noble gift , nnd exhibited h wonderful power over the United State drawing immense ) crowds la nil the Ian cities.Vliilo in St. Louis , In 1873 , ho wi asked by a man in one of the many throni him "What ho . dolt that cnmo to see uiui , iv iiiftv tu was vu with that pocxetbook , " ( intimating that tl young r fellow had stolen It ) . "Nothing. Yt nro thn man who has stolen Uvas tl reply , and upon being searched by a pollc man who was present , the man was foui to have a pocket-book with several bund re dollars in it , which was immediately idem tied ) > y a t'cutlcmau present as his , The mi was arrested nnd found to bo Illnck Hal , n noted coulltlonco man and pickpocket. In 1871) ) ho began n tour of the old world which lasU-d several years , where ho has since rcturnod , exhibiting himself over the country. Ills death yesterday recalled many incidents which were related by the older i citizens of this city. Ills llfo was n strange atidrhu'ko'od oai . JT COST nut nis / / / * ' ; : . OveTbeok'i Attempt lo Cross tie ! Tracks Ahead ol'llio Dummy. Yesterday atteinoon about i : M , us Martin . Overbeck and n lady friend were crossing ho Missouri Paellle r.iilro.ul track in a buggy t the northeast corner of the fair grounds , icar Sherman Avoiiuo , the Incoming dummy rain cnmo around the curve and caught the ilnd wheels e > f the vehicle , smashing it to ileccs nnd pitching the elehrls nnd the occu- > ants several yards away in a promiscuous icap. Mr. Overbeck was picked up In an uncon- clous condition , but the lady escaped with nit few bruises. They wcro taken ou board ho train and brought to the Webster street lepot , where a physician was called. Mr. ) vcrbcck was put In a curtlago and taken to its boarding place at the southeast corner of Nineteenth and Farnnm strccK The physiciun said that Mr. Ovorheck's ICKO was broken , but ho thought that ho was lot otherwise seriously Injured. After nd- nlnlstcring some restorative the doctor toolf its departure , saying that the patient would ecovcr shortly. Hut Mr. Overbeck did not recover. He grow weaker every moment nnd blood Vent ) o/.lng from his mouth and nostrils , Finally ils friends became very much alarmed anel cut for another physician. Their worst oars were roall/cd. Before the physician arrived Mr. Overbeck expired , evidently "rotn internal hemorrhage. The eleccased is n man about forty-live ears old and has a wife and three children , vho nro visiting in the cast. Ho was cm- iloyod by the Chicago lumber company. An Inquest will bo held this afternoon , 'no train was lu charge of Conductor Fninli Miller. It is claimed by the trainmen that Over- beck was reckless nnd mr. < to a dash across ho track when ordinary Judgment shoulel .avo told him to wait until the train hae ] Msscd. It Is also claimed by the tralnmci hat the eleceased was under the Influence ol iquor when the accident occurred , but this i : toutiy denied by Ovcrbeck's friends. Shocking Fate oi'nn Ultl Man nt rcncc , Kait. Ivan , , Dec. 7. Yesterday morn ng an old man was found lying In au lei louse in the northern part of the city witl ils skull horribly crushed and his face badli cut. IIovis still breathing , but unconscious ind died last night. Ho was. aboui sixty years of age , and from letters foum on his parson is thought to have been A ilorso , of Manchester , Iu' . , and that hi vas ou ills way to Engeno City , Ore. Hi vas drojscd In a coarse suit of brown cloth ng and had on nn overco it , heavy boots and i capo. Upon investigation , ofllcora found tin mlstakablo evidence of attempted murder ane obbcry. A long and heavy plko polo was loum iroken in several pieces. The end which con alned the Iron hook or plko was missing. Thli was the weapon the murderers undoubtedly used. A lire had been kindled in tholcohousi and was still burning yesterday morning. A > art of the old nvm's mitten was burned , nne iho supposition is that the first blow from tin murderers threw him into Jtho fire , and hi was then dragged out nnd beaten until though to bo dead. Some of the papers taken fron the victim's person by the robbara had boor throiYPtllptq the fire , as some were fount partly bnrncdr""Wis-poekotbook < wft3 > foun < jpoucd and empty. The suppoiition is thn lie came over from .Llnwooti , Knn. , ns It i ; reported that ho has a son living there. Thn .own is located on a branch of the Uuloi I'nclflo railroad , and Morao expected to tnki : ho night train for tbo west. By some mean1 10 was decoyed to the icehouse , about twentj rods distant , robbed nnd inur elercd. A satchel containing sevora pieces of clothing was found near the Unio'i I'aclllc depot. The murder was committee ; n exactly the same place where Franl ' Bausmun'was killed t > y negroes , known a ; the Vinegar gantr , eight years npo , nnd fo which thrco were hanged from the ICnv river oridgo by a mob. Last night Sheriff Clarke received informa lion from Kansas City that two tramps , sup posed to bo the murderers of Morse , Inn loen arrested. They loft Lnwronco carl ; yestcrelny morning on n freight tram. Th night agent has identified the murdered ma ; as the ono who , In company with tw tramps , ho had put out of the Union dcpo Friday evening. IIVIA'T AX OtttiAX. The McCarthy Party Tnkos Steps t < Efltnblitih n Unity NoxvHpnpcr. Iioxnov , Dec. 7. The conference of th McCarthy party was prolonged until nftc midnight last night. McCarthy prcsldci throughout the session. A committee con slstlng of Murphy , Barry , Narrough , Healy Sexton nnd Power was appointed to draft i irospoctus for a limited company to estal , ish a dally newspaper In Ireland , to bo dc voted to the interests of the national Irlsl party. Harry Webb , treasurer of the nov company , opened a list and the member , present subscribed -C1IUU. It is prolubli that the United Ireland will become u dull ; publication. The majority of the party were koonl ; nllvototho disadvantage of loading nation nlist papers , sldlnsr with Parnoll , and th whole of the machinery of the National longu being umlor his coutrol , They nro hopeful however , that the inlluonco of the bishop and priests will assist them to obtain tb popular verdict. Both sides are preparln for an immediate campaign In Ireland. A letter from the archbishops anel blshor was read iu till the Catholic , churches 1 Ireland after the celebration of mass todaj At St. Cohnan's cathedral , Qucoustown , afte1 the letter had been read , Itev. Father FIs addressed the congregation , IIo said it wti no longer possible for Pnrnell to remain r the head of the Irish patty. IIo had dli graced , dishonored and degraded himself b his own nets nnd could not load the smaller section of the Irish people. In refusing t recognize the authority of the bishops Pai nell was eloing incalculable mischief to tli Irish cause , was performing ttio work of tli enemy and rendering thu people disunite and distracted. MuCurtliy'H Strength. LONDON , Dec. 7. McCarthy has addresse circulars to all the Irish members of pailh ment , Including Paruoll , catling a mooting o the party at ii o'cloci : tomorrow , The Ilr3 business to come before the meeting will I the election by ballot of a consultation con mittco of eight members. The party is ell : cussing the advisability of Dillon anel O'Urle returning by way of Franco , whore a convci tlon coulel bo hold ut which the advice of tli envoys could ba obtained before their nrrlvu Qilhooly P. O'llrlen , C.xrow and Mulumo in Mill classed with the doubtfuls. Thostrengl therefore of the McCarthyltcs is ilfly ui that of the 1'arncllitus thirtv-ono. ThuVnlilniloii 1'roKrnniiim. WASIUNOTON , Dec. 7 , It Is thoundcrstam ing generally among the senators that tl national elections bill is to occupy the in a ] part of the time of the senate this wcuic. 1 the house the Indian committee will ha\ \ Wednesday anel the committee on prlva1 land claims Saturday , for the conbldcrntU of bills reported. There are a number matter * , otiy of which may take up the r tnalnlng two days of the week though it likely tb.a aporopriatlons committee will c cupy part of this tlmo cither with the urgei dollciuncy bill , making appropriations f printing 1'or the census ofllco and rations f the turbulent Sioux or with the fortillcatloi bill , both of which uro expected to bo reai for consideration by the houao uoxt week. \ \ OF A LONELY FARMER. 'ho ' Horrlblo Acoidont That Befell ( lit , Yarnall Near lloldrogo , , FAMILY PARTY'S ' SORROWFUL MISHAP. ) cspoiulpnuy Provoke * * t ho A ttoinpteCl Sulcldo of it nercnvoet .tliillior Front NolHMHlcn To wnti. Houiiirni : , Nob. , Duo. 7. Tolen mm to Tin : linn. ] U' . C. Vurniill , whllo riving In the country jcstcntuy evening onio miles from this place , was thrown from is buggy mill fatally Injured , diuth follow- ig In about an hour. Mr. Ynrnntl was ilo- .vcrinjj . maps and atlases for Huutty .t Co. f Chicago nnd was driving nlono ut the tlltio f tlio ucctdout , The lines liocatno unbuckled , no of them fulling over the dashboard. Vhllo reaching for the line the horses started nd Mr. Ynrtinll was thrown undortho buggy nd horribly mutilated , ono leg bclngcntlroly ovt-reti. Ho was conscious up to the tlmo of is death , giving the details of the ncchlont 0 tlioso present. The remains were brought cro tills nfturnooii mid taken charge of by liu members of the Grand Army of the Ho- ublli ! , of which the dceoasoel was u inombor , nu after embalming will bo sent to Peru , udvhcro ho leaves n wlfo nnd 0110 child. Family I'nrtj'H Sorrowful Miahap. YoltK , Nob. , Doc. 7. [ Special to TUB IlKH.J II. W. Graham , wlfo nnd uhlldron mot with snd ncclitont 1'huMday. They hail boon isltlng In McCool unit wore returning homo 1 a wagon. Whllo crossfng n bridge the cam became frightened and backed the rngon over mi embankment thirty- vo foot high. Mr. Unihnm wns thrown lenr ncnm the stream , nnd his wlfo ami ln ant son fell Into It , and were tescuetlvlth ut serious injury. The llttlo boy , four yo.irs Id , was found under the wagon and hold nst to the bottom of the stroim , IIo was unconscious when tiilccn out and was sup- ) oscd to bo , but rovlvod whllo In his ather's arms nnd spoke a few wonls only to again becoino unconscious , in which stnto ha ouiaiucd until hodlocl from Internal Injuries. A. Horo.tvpil SIotticr'H Awful Deed. Linr.uTr , Neb. , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram o Tin : BII : . ] Mrs. Samuel I osa , HvlnR ight miles north of town , attoinptcd suicide csterdny by cutting her with a mtchcr knifo. She has been despondent iinco the death of her b.xbo last spring and .ho attempt was in.ido in her husband's ab- loncc. On his return from a neighbor's ho vas mot by ono of the children , wlio aaid the nether was missing and could not bo found. A.H hour's search lesulted in llnulng the nl- nest lifeless body In the celhn with nn uglv voiinct In the throat , the traohea being nl- nest severed , Medical aid was summoned , but It la feared she cannot recover. Improvement ! ) at Aurora. AUHOHA , Neb. , Doc. 7. [ Special to TUB BP.I : . ] Aurora is keeping up with the pro cession In ttio steady advance toward pros- > erity among Nebraska cities , and the com- ng year will bo cliaractori/.ed by great ac- ivlty in the erection of substantial improve- tnonts , ' f Union hall , a flno brick structure erected > y Bates & Glover , 1ms Just been completed a "loug felt want , " The atldU Tfrliim has sbatiuff'capacltyJi of'about eight , ninUreJ , Thcro is ample atago room and tlio nppotntmonts are first-class In every rospoct. I'ho stage llxturcs ana .scenery wore put in , hls week. The hall will bo dedicated ou Monday nigh' , December 8 , by local talent. The llrst floor is divided into two rooms , each J'JxSO feet , ono of which will bo occupied by ho Sun publishing company , and the other jy W. II. Lcinbergor it Co. , as a general store. The basement will bo occupied as of- Ices and bnrber t > liop. The building Is lighted jy ( raafaiid is an ornaraent to the city. Opera block , ono of the llnest cdlflcos lu : ho city , is rapidly Hearing completion. It Is wing erected by the Aurora State bank , which will occupy the llrst lloor. Tlio second end and third doors will constitute a largo and commodious , opera houso. Spring Hunch Si'inxo RASCU , Nub. , Dec. 7. [ Special to Tin : BEE. ] Our llttlo vlllngo is all torn up over the action of the Kansas City & Omahn railroad. At the beginning of the road tills precinct voted $7,003 in bonds nnd in rotura was to get the road , a depot and sidetrack , la bo forever maintained. Last Monday they closed the depot nnd removed the agent and did not provide for the delivery of the mull. The postmaster has notillcd the au thorities at Washington nnd the people ara anxiously waiting to sco which is on top , Uncle Sam or the Kansas City & Omaha. A Now Court House Dedicated. NBI.SOV , Nob. , Doc. 7. [ Special to Tun Bui : . ] The Nuckolla county court house was dedicated yesterday afternoon with appro priate ceremonies. The largo court room was crowded with clti/ons from all parts of the county. .Tudgo W. TI. Morris made an ad dress on the dlfllcultlos to bn overcome in do ing Justice. George K. McDonald , the arch itect , then gave an ajdross on building. A number of toasts were given nnd well re sponded to. The addresses were Interspersed with vocal and instrumental music. ICrin Ilanqiietntl. OHXOA , Nob. , Dec. 7. { Special Telegram to Tni ! BED. ] The Nanco county olllunco gave a banquet hero yesterday In honor of Congressman-elect ICem , who addressed a Inrgo audience of his constituents at Concert hall in the evening. Mr. ICom expresses him self as strongly opposed to a usury law , as ho feared the banks would withdraAvtheli'inonoy from the state , thus leaving the farmers in a worsu position than ut present , which no do- dared was worse than African slavery. * si'iwit v .rusrivK. It Overtaken a Murderous Negro in MlHSlHSippl. GHcnxwoon , Miss. , Dec. 7. At Rolbuck landing , Yii/oo river , Uonnls Mnrtln , In com pany with other negroes , were engaged In a gatno of craps close to Mr. Ami's store , a prominent citizen and a wealthy plantation owner. After playing Homo time a disturb ance was raised when Avon went out to remonstrate - monstrato anel finding Martin the cause of the disturbance advanced upon bin : , Martin drnw a revolver and fired upon Aron without cflc-et. Aron went into Ills store and 1'hllllp Thomas , followed uy several other soloroU men carried Martin into the store tonpologlzo to Aron , Mnrtln upon seeing Aron pulled , his revolver and llrod point blank at Arou killing him almost instantly , Maitln then , turned and ilrcn upon sevoruT others. Mar tin then attempted to escape , but was cap tured by a posao of colored " 'tlzons and lynched. Cut to I'loor-s liy tlio Onri , ATLANTIC , In , , Deo. 7. ( Special to Tim BHK.J Jacob Antrim , a farmer , aged fifty- five years , was run over ana Instantly hllloel at the railroad bridge over the Nlahnn Botua near hern nt two o'clock this afternoon by an extra east-bound freight train. Deceased was lying in the center of the traclc and woa not. seen by the engineer lu tlmo to stop the train , Antrim raised his body mid looked as the train approached , but made no oltort to pot out of tliovuy \ of the train. His body was literally cut to pieces nnd strewn along the truck for 100 feet , He was intoxicate * and u whisky bottle wax found neartuo bi/dy.