PART TWO. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. ft TWENTIETH YEA ! ? . OMAHA SUNDAY MORNING , 3jEOEMBER ) 7 , 1800-SIXTEEN PAGES , NUMBER. 172. OPEN MONDAY 5th Floor , On Account of pur late opening we will sacrifice a -large slice of the usual profits on Dolls , Toys and Fancy goods. Rocking horses , over 18 different styles and sizes , all in plain sight at reduced prices. Dinner and tea sets from. lOc to $7 a set ; "beautiful assortment. Velosipedes in every size made. These -we are selling particularly cheap. Blackboards arid eas els from SSc upwards ; sound novelties in these Chairs for all ages , from 26c up to $2.9O. These are very pretty and useful. JVIORSES , MONDAY. THE ORSE DRY GOODS CO. ALL OUR CHRISTMAS GOODS Must be sold immediately on account of the presure of business attending the opening of ou C New Store , our Holiday Gqbcte , are a month late opening. Determined We are to OS OUT Toys , Dolls , anil Fancy Goods. THE MORSE DlY GOODS CO. id Parlor From. $2,25 to $10 Each. Now stjles. MAIL * ORDERS FILfcED : MOUSE DRV GOODS Co. WAGONS Special bargains in iron axle wagons From $1.00 Upwards , Beauties at $3.00. Horses and Carts , Some special good values ; our own Im portation , From $2.SO up To tlio finest made. Manetic s j KiAa' IN OREAT VARIETY. BOOK RACKS. In lurtro assortment , From. $1.50 to $2,50 , FIFTH FLOOR. TABKE1S. From BOc up to $2.6O each ; allstyles made. WAGONS AND BARROWS , More than one could describe. Farm Houses. 25c to $1. These are a splendid toy. TIN WAGONS. ' Good styles. 25e , BOe and $1. Child'scloll toilet sets , an exquisite lot of them BOc , ; Bc , $1. * All sizes , from 9Sc upwards , some beau ties at $6. FIFTH FLOOR , MORSE'S , MONDAY. SHOE SHT3-A11 now styles ; from OOo up tol.50. DOMINOES In rich onsen n small lot nnr- gnlii attl. Ghocltor setg vjtdth'ef bnrgaiubt Jl * AND MUST CLOSE OUT TOYS AT ANY PRICE. COME EARLY JO AVOID THE RUSH , THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. lar and 9j3 cents , ' - { worth $1.50 COLLAR & CyFF BOXES An Immcnsonssorlmpntln both bolo leather ami pliibli , ( rum 31.SJ to { J , 5 j MAIL ORDERS FILLED , THEMOF SE DRY GOODS CO. LEADER at 50cvortufc. . On sale Monday. Genuine Richter Stone Blocks Coinplotoiihhoitniontnf thoEonultio Klclitor Anchur Stone lliilldliii ; lllocks.u aru the Uinulia iigoiils uiiU aull thuiu at N , V. prices. I OPENVMONDAY Fifth Floor ' MORSEX'S Is Fifth Floor Monday MORSE'S OPENING SAKE : T ) A "NT T7 O Some Novelties JjAlN IvOfrom 10 ° -p ? $ ' - - - and $1.50. " as low as and some lit $1.00. Thcso Curd sots nro mnrkcd nt Hpo- ciiil low prices. Large assortment ut very low prices. Monday , The soloctlon of this stock was intido by Mr. Brown when goods were very lowtVo hud hoped to open them in November , but were too bu y , and now wo nro goim ; to sacrifice thorn. FIFTH FLOOR MONDAY. Dry Goods Co. OPEN MONDAY An entire new stock of the choic est grades and styles of useful and ornamental holiday goods 5th Floor. j I6th street wing devoted to the said of these goods. Light , Air and Room In which to select yoi/r / goods , The Morse Dry Goods Co. Some nouruml elegant men's tr.ivol- inpr sots that were made to our special order at the factory , will bo CLOSED OUT CHEAP. , thop bnbies' ninusing1 toys in the fjonoral close out. Pleads Dolls' Bodies Gliildi-on welcome. Open Monday morning' . Boys' and Girls' SLEDS Over 20 styles &Shnpos. All New. : A SPECIAL LEADER IN A Dollar COMBINATION DESK AND BLACKBOARD SEND US OPEN MAIL ORDERS ; TELL US WHAT YOU WANT ; BE SURE TO SEND MONEY ENOUGH , AND WE WILL RETURN ANY EXCESS. TOPS A SMALL BUT IMPORT ANT ITEM. THEY ARE NOW MADE IN HUNDREDS OF DESIRABLE STYLES AND WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION. MORSE'S .MONDAY Fifth Floor 2 Passenger Elevators HOUSE FURNISHING DKPARTT In the Basement. Penmndi your ciunfuliiiiln.itloti : when In Bcnruli of Ulirlsniut 1'roscnts. Thu ) iiuHconileto | ) iibboiliiiout In the \\holl tt L'St. . A lawe iissortinnnt. nil now. i up to tlmist made. Waiters and Trays , Sc to SJ-'ft" * The Iiirscst colli'ctlnu w cst of Now Yotlf. Ho- nivtiiliur , thuMHiie all now. They nro sold | u our IJiihemunt Ilousckeonlni ; Iciui ) ] Uncut. Trays , Waiters , Lacquered and Japan- neil Secrotury Boxes ull now. LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF MFN'S TRAVELLING CASES IN THE WHOLE WEST. THE PRICES ARE CHtAP AND STYLES ARE THE BEST , Have you a Little Girl ? HOW SHE WOULD AP PRECIATE A "CHAIR FOR CHRISTMAS. WE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL STCC PRICES DOWN. Homo no * tlyloa In toy tr'iilua , , uto. You will bo convinced.