THE CXMAIIA DAILY BBJ IJKD X" , DECEMBER 7 , 1890.-SIXTEEN PAGES. COMPULSORY SALE OF FURS , It Still Continues at the Parisian Gloat .and Bait Oo.'s. ' Remember a Now i'orlc Mnnufnvturer Vi'ne Compelled to Unload on Ac count of tlio flllltl AVcnthcr , and Ontntia OOIH tlio llcncllt. \Vo bought twenty thousand dollars worth of furs nt fifty cents on the del lar. lar.The The sale continues. Below wo enumerate a few of the MANY G1U3AT BA11CAINS. to bo offered : Two thousand black French hare muffs ut18c oncli. Ono thousand seven hundred extra quality blnclc hare inuffe at Too each. Four hundred and fifty extra superfine blnclc coney mulTn nt 32.00 each. Five hundred solid akin silver fox muffs at 33.75 each. Two hundred and fifty silver martin muffs at $2.50 each. Three hundred French capo seal muffs nt $2.60 each. A miscellaneous lot of fancy fur mufls r from 11.60 upwards. WORTH THREE TIMES THE PRICE. Ono hundred and thirty silver martin boas , full lengths , nt $0.50 each , worth $13.00 today : Two hundred and fifty beautiful silver fox boas , full lengths , at this sale only 87.50 each ; these arc usually sold for from $15.00 up to $20.00 each. One-hundred and forty-fivo lynx boas at $7.60 each , the manufacturers able fort these now $12.50 ouch. t Two hundred silver fox collars nt $2.50 each ; these arc nil .the rngo cast and cheap at $5.00. Six hundred capo seal collars at $1.50 each , worth throe times the price.- Three hundred extra One quality capo seal collars at $2.60 each ; they are good vuluo for $0.00 each. SEAL SACQUES. SEAS JACKETS. Genuine Alaska seal garments , WARRANTED. 60 per cent under present market prices. SEAKSKIN CAPES. BEAVER CAPES. ASTRACHAN CAPES. KRIMMER CAPES. , MONKEY CAPES. PESUIAN LAMB CAPES. "WOOL SEAL CAPES. BLACK FRENCH HARE GAPES. Beautiful styles , all at greatly reduced prices. CLOAKS. BARGAINS TOMOROW , MONDAY. Jackets from $2.50 up to $10.00 ; worth from $3.75 to $17.00 each. An elegant assortment of novelty jackets , rcofors AND WITH VESTS from $10.00 to 820.00. You will bo charged elsewhere fully fifty per cent more- for garments not quite so good. PLUSH JACKETS. PLUSH SACQUES. An almost endless variety ranging in prlco from $8.00 and upwards. NEWMARKETS. The latoat novelties in long garments. Thousands to choose from. A splendid long clonk from $5.00 up. MISSES'ANDCHILDREN'SCLOAKS. All sizes from 2 years to 18 years , nnd prices from $2.00 nnd upwards. BMothors and buyers of children's cloaks will bo well repaid by visiting our children's clonk department. A great manyj speciall bargains in ladies' and children's clonks will bo added to our great fur sale tomorrow , Monday. LADIES' READY MADE SUITS , WRAPPERS AND TEA GOWNS In endless variety , beautiful styles nnd the unnnlmous verdict of nil who have oxmnlnod our stock of ready made gar ments , is that it does not pay to bother looking up material , pay high prices for r I making , the trouble of having to como to fit so often and run the risk of getting your material nnd trimming spoiled , when such , handsome garments can bo had at such moderateprices. . Remember our aim is to plcnso every one. one.OUR OUR MOTTO TO GIVE THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LOWEST POSSI BLE PRICE. No trouble to show goods whether you purchase or not. PARISIAN OLOAK AND SUIT CO. , S. E. Cor. 15th and Ilarnoy Streets , Ramgo Building , CHAS. MCDONALD , Manager. Trimmed hats must bo sold , como and buy n pretty hat cheap. Mils. R. H. DA VIES. Ill So. 16th street. HAYIH3N 11UOS.f Clotlilni ; Department. Note thcso prices which wo name and nvo 60 per cent over any store in Omaha. Men's good stylish suits , $3.60 men's elegant dress suits , $5.00 , $0.75t $7.60 , $0.60 , $12.00 , $15.00. Thcso suits nro worth $5.00 more in clothing stores. Boys'suits , $3.00 to $10.00 : big ulstoi overcoats , 82.00 up ; children's ' knee pants Bulls , $1.00 , $1.60$2.00 , $2.60. $2.75 , 43.00 , $3.6Q1.25 , $5.00. Thcso suits nr < beauties. Capo ovorcoits , $1.25 , il.60. $2.00 , $2.50 i. , 83.00 , $4.00 , $3.00 ; jersey suits , $3.00 up ; kilteuits , 82.00 up ; knee pants , 15oup , Wo eel ! jnoro knee pants than any firn : In Omaha. IIAYDEN BROS. , Dry goods and clothing , At IJaydon Bros , this week white granite cups , and saucers plates Sloeach. Guitars 83.00. S , Bunk ; 607 N , Wtb. IIAYDEN BROS , Santa Olaue Headquarters Arc Now Open nt Uajden's. ' On Monday Morning tlio Sale of Toys nml Fnnoy Goods Ilc ltis In Our New Annex on Main Floor. .Our assortment you will find much better than last year , our stock is much larger , Santa Glaus being well informed of tlio increase of population in Omaha. There is enough to go till nround and still more coming. Wo are sorry to state that the bulk of our toys did not got hero in time for our opening last Thurs day , but are now coming in , and each day you will bo surprised to see some thing now on exhibition. Wo shall try to keep you posted as much as possible dally , but would ad vise you to como early nnd often , as a great many of those items which are now , will sell on eight as fast na they are opened. Wo shall open some very handsome toilet sots on Monday , no two alil < o , which must bo seen , as it is impossible to do them justice in trying to describe thorn. Albums you will lind in great variety. Wo have been very successful thissea- BOII in securing a largo variety of games. Look them over , you will lind what you want. Wo would adviio nil who can to como ns early in the day ns possible as it will give us a clinnco to give you moro attention. Our store will bo open every evening from now up to Christmas until 0 p. m. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF DOLLS. Wo have moro dolls on display than last season. See those handsome dressed dolls. The greatest variety of dressed dolls over exhibited by any one house in America ; also dolls of every size. Kid body and jointed dolls in great variety. In fact , you will find anything you want in dolls. Our assortment of books is largo. A great layout of picture books for the young folks. Iron toys , wooden toys , tin toys , musical and mechanical toys of every description. Bring the little folks along to Santa Glaus headquarters at Unydon Bros. , which will bo open to visitors every evening until 9 p. in. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Wo invite you all to pay a visit to this department. Wo have on display ns fine n line of silksblack dress goods or coloi ed dross goods ns were over shown in Omaha. Our line of plaid dross goods la by far the largest wo over had , ranging in pico from 7jcynrd up to $1.60 yard. Twilled serges in fancy designs on Monday nt OJc and 7ic yard. Our Jlnnnol suitings nt 2oc yard are a decided bargain. In fine colored dress goods wo have the largest variety and assortment you will find in this city. A beautiful line of fancy suits which would make nn elegant Christmas present. BLANKETS , BLANKETS. This is the season when every person is looking for blankets. Wo shall not advance the prices because its cold , but wo will offer on Monday 2 cases of silver gray and 1 case of white blankets , both at O'Jc a pair ; 5j-lb heavy white wool blankets nt 81.83 a pair ; 5-lb gray blank ets $1.00a pair ; 11-1 Jacquard border Cali fornia , blankets at $0.60 n pair , would bo cheap at $8.60 n pair. Got posted on cut- prices of blankets nnd comforts before you buy , wo will save you money. 50 pieces bleached cotton flannel 5c yd , worth lOc. BE yard wide shooting 5c yd. Double width sheeting at not cost. Clean cotton batting , 14 rolls for 25c. Best calico , Sc yd. Now shirting in flannelette , lOc yd. All colors in plain eiderdown reduced to 35c yd. Yard wide white flannel , 35c , worth 60c. C-l chenille table covers reduced to $1.05 each. HAYDEN BROS. Dry goods and toys. LACE AND EMBROIDERY SALE. This department is showing an en tirely now line of fine torchon laces in nil widths at remarkable low prices. Every lady knows what , torchon laces are worth'and can easily compare prices and qualities. Wo ask particular attention to nn en tirely now line of silk laces and flounc- ings.Tho The goods will speak for themselves , but first note the prices. Now novelties in dress trimmings , but tons , ruchings , lace collars nnd ladies' handkerchiefs. Wo nromlso to show the largest stock of fine linen and silk handkerchiefs for holiday presents west of Chicago. MILLINERY SALE. This department is showing a larger and moro attractive line of fine feathers. flowers , ornaments , ribbons nnd ladles' fine hats than over before. Please do not judge the quality by the prices asked. Goods are never carried over in millinery nud no loss will bo too great to effect sales. CLOAKS AND JACKETS. The general mark down in this de partment is made to reduce stock. It will surely pay to look nround and com pare notes before vou buy. HAYDEN BROS. , Dry g ods and toys. Ladles must not forgot to call and see the big bargains in fine pattern hats. MRS. R. n. DA VIES , 111 So. 16th st. , opp. P. O. Another Instructor Employed. Rohrbough Bros. , proprietors of the Omaha Commercial College have secured the services of Prof. A. C. Ong , so re cently connected with the Standard Busi ness College. Ho beglnd his * work to morrow. This adds anew element of strength to the faculty of this worthy in stitution. Clns&cs in elocution and music will bo organized nt onco. There were 25 now students at the college last week. Now is the time to begin. . Night school now running. Over GO enrolled. Any branch you want. f * Mr. and Mrs. John Varloy are enter taining a bright girl baby that was born the 2nd day of December , 1690. Mr. Frank Kloffnor being grandpa now. All tlio latest novelties in jewelry at half jewelers' prices at Ilaydon Bros. W. II. Bennett Co. , Oinnlin , invite nil to their opening of toys and holiday goods which will tnko place in the course of next week , and of which duo notice will bo given. There is a largo consignment of goods entirely now expected hourly. They intend to have nn opening quito differ ent from the usual openings In this city. They propose to appeal to the poolcotbooks and purses of their frlonds nnd customers by offering for aalo right at the opening their goods at unheard of low prices , nnd cheaper than they could bo bought nt wholesale. Como with your purses well filled and grasp tlio opportunity. Walt till our opening before you buy olsowhoro. Look atourenst side window whllo you nro hero. You will see an old friend there. Wanted On 1st class 2d mortgage. 1st mtg , $30,000 , 0 per cent , property valued at $100,000. Improvements rent for $800 per mo. Will pay liberal interest. II. B. Iroy & Bro. , 20m. ( Y. Life Bldg. Fine carriages , Seaman's repository HAYDEN BROS , Special Sale of Butter Next Week in Onr Basement. TrcmcilouB Cut In Groceries nud Household Goods , Lamp * nnd China. Wnro Special Halo All Next Week. Good roll butter from the country lOc , 12jc , 16c and IBc. Creamery , very host 22c. If you miss this sale you will regret t. Imported chow-chow Iflc per quart. Largo green olives 2Gc per quart. Wo Import the olives dirict from Italy and they are the best you over saw or ate. Quart bottle catsup 2oc , this is what you pay 75c a hottlo for in nny grocery storo. Hcckcr'a ' bolf-ralslng buckwheat flour 3 ! c per pound or 7 o for a package. King , the same prlco. Just received n car of strictly pure buckwheat Hour , 3c. Wo will give you 1 pound of the best lea in the store if you can detect anything - thing but pure buckwheat Hour. 3 pound can best packed tomatoes 9c. 2 pound can host sugar corn Oc. All kinds of California S pound can plums , such as egg , golden , damson , green gage , all for 17ic. California apricots , lOc. Largo size pail jelly 8oc. Head ohccfco 5e per pound. Bologna sausage 6c. Livor-worst6c. Woinor-wurst , Tie. " * Plcnio hams 7c. Boneless ham lOc. Dried beef lOc. Now Valencia raisins 81c. Now imported currants , 7ic. Evaporated bhiekborrlcs , lOc. Now imported prunes , 74c , they would bo cheap for loc.IIAYDEN IIAYDEN BROS. , Dry goods and groceries. HOUSE FUllNISHING GOODS. Wnbh tubs , ; )5eJoe ) , 65o each ; copper bottom tea kettles , 23c : tea spoons 3c per sot ; covered tin pails , 6c ; water palls , 5c ; tea and collco pots , lOo ; tin cups , 2jc ; pie plates , Ic ; milk puns , Ic ; C do/.en clothes pins , 6c ; 0 papers of tacks , Sc ; carpet sweeper , OSc ; cuspidors in terra cotta nnd granite , 15c : till size lamp chimneys , 5c ; milk jugs , lOc ; stool blade malablo handle knives and forks , 39c nor bet , worth 4 times as much ; wabh bowl nnd pitcher , 29Jc each ; cov ered chambers , -15c ; uncovered chamber , 35c : soap dishes , 3c ; ilno tumblers , 2c each ; nutmeg craters , Ic each ; clothes wringers , $1.75 ; wash board , 13c ; minc ing knife and bowl , 15c ; stove polish , Ic per package. The finest , largest and cheapest line ot carving sots over put on sale iu Omaha from 15c up to $10.60 per set , every sot warranted , DRUG DEPARTMENT. Wright's sarsnparilla 59c , regular price $1.00. Indian Sagwn 7oc , regular price $1.00. Kennedy's Medical Discovery $1.16 , regular price $1.50. Pierce s Medical Discovery 75c , regu lar price $1.00. Ayors' Hair Vigor 75c , regular price $1.00. Sanford's Jamaica Ginger -10cttrcgular price 50c. , Red Cross Cough Syrup 20c , regular prlco 25c. Hall's Cough Balsam , 75c , regular price $1.00. Witch Hnzol , full pint bottle , 25c. Household amoniu 5c and 8c per bottle. Sozodont , Van Buskirk's , 6'Jc. ' BARGAINS IN SHOE DEPARTMENT THIS WEEK. Our largo stock of holiday slippers is crowding us badly. Wo have moro com ing and to tnako room for them must sell the goods. Child's flno jlongola and goat shoes , sizes 4 to 7i , 75o and 800. Child's solar tip grain school shoes , sizes 8 to 12 , $1.00. Misses' solar tip grain school slices , sizes 13 to 2 , $1.35. Bov's Bohir tip grain school shocssizcs 13 to'2 , $1.50 and $1.75. Boy's calf button shoes , sizes 2 to 5 , $1.45 , $1.75 nnd $2.00. Ladies' fine dongola kid button shoos , $1.50 , $2.00 nnd $2.50. Men's fine calf congress nnd lace shoes , $2.00 , $2.50 and S.'i.OO. WARM OVERSHOES. Children's warm lined arctics , COc. Misses' ' warm lined buckle arctics , 75c. Ladies' warm lined buckle arctics , 85c. Men's warm lined buckle arctics , $1.00 and $1.25. SLIPPERS. ChildVfolt house slippers , 7 to II , 35c. Misses'felt house slippers , 12 to 2 , 45c. Ladies' felt house slippers , 60c , $1.00 $1.25. Men's fine embroidered slippers , 75c , 95c , $1.25 and $1. < 15.HAYDEN HAYDEN BROS. , Dry goods and shoes. Bnlo of Trimmed Hats. The greatest bargain over offered in Omaha. Mus. R H. DAVIKS , Opp. P. O. Ill So. 15th St. Samuel Burns his " announces "opon- ing" from now until Christmas and cordially invites all to call and see the now goods , whether desiring to purchase or not. ClirJHtinas is Comlnjr. But wo are hero with an unusually largo line of line holiday gifts. Do not fail to see our goods and. got our prices before making your purchase. It will pay you. you.MOODY'S CHINA STORE. 302 N. 10th street. At Hnydcn Bros , this week a $5.00 hanging lamp for $1.76. On October 19 W. W. Talbott & Co. , purchased the Hub restaurant. Mr. J. P. McDonald , the well known restaurant man , being the company. They have refitted the restaurant and shall con tinue it only in first-class stylo. Meals will bo 25e each ; 6 meal tickets , $1.00 ; 21 meal tickets , $4.00. Remember the Hub restaurant is in now hands. 1300 Far- nam. nam.Our Our store will bo open until 9 p. m. during the holidays. Buy your Christ mas slippers at A. D. MorsoV Largest and most artistic stock to select from. 14th nnd Farnam. A. D. Morse. All the latest novelties in jewelry at half jewelers' prices at Hnydou Bros. At Hayden Bros , this week a decorated toilet sot for $2.33 , worth $4.50. First Grand Hall of tlio Union Pacific railway car makers will bo hold at Wolf's hall , 22d and Cum- ings streets , Tuesday evening. Decem ber 10,1800. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. 'Mrs. Ringer for 80 days will soil en tire stock for half price. $16.00 hats 87.50 , $10.00 , $5.00 , $8.00 , $4.00 , $5.00 , $2.60 ; tips , ribbons , velvets , all half prlco. HON. 16th street Violin bow nnd box $1.75 at S. Bank , 607 N. 10th. The Keystone , 105 South 14th , is the place to got the boss 15o meal. Docks nt auction , 1514 Dodge street. THE FAIR COKE IN 15 DAYS , Will Positively BoJQlosed and a Thing of Ufc Past , Tomorrow WUItllp n Day of Wild Kx- clti'incnt Ire sGoodH , nnd Clonks , Hosiery nt\tli Underwear Gofer for n Itjtoro Nothing * In the short space of two months wo have closed outovor half of our immense stock. The balance must positively bo disposed of in the next Iff days WHEN THE PAIR WILL COME TO AN END. Further , deeper and still greater cuts have been made all over the house. AB wo fully realize that the enormous quan tity of goods still remaining cannot bo disposed in the next fortnight unless ab solutely almost given away. 8 YD. WOOL DRESS PATTERN 750. To close out woolTor all our dross pat terns of double fold twilled Scotch plaids and winter dobeigcs at 76o for complete 8 yard pattern. 8 yards 11-inch dark colored wool homespuns lu black , browns unit groya at $1.60 for entire pattern. Enliio dross pattern of 8 yards all wool ladles' cloth , tricot in all fall and winter shades , nt $1.90 per pattern. THESE MAKE ELEGANT CHRIST MAS PRESENTS. ELEGANT DRESS PATTERN. 8 yards nil wool brillinntlnes , camel's hair , bout-otto cloth , nice coloring gown at $2.50 , former prlco $7.50 per pattern. Our finest drc-ss patterns of all wool French Henriettas. ( Just the thing for a fine Xmas present ) all colors 'and black at $3.00 per full 8 yards pattern , former pt'ico ui ) to $10. BLACK DRESS GOODS. We have now loft 35 pieces of im ported black goods , the finest of our entire - tire stock , at 190 , 32c , 47c , SSc ; excep tional good value. All silk warp dress goods , 75o and $1.00 , positively worth double. Our entire stock of btitins for fancy work at 39c and 45c. Our best quality quilted satins , very wide , nil shades go at 50c. Our finest grade of black gross grain dross silks reduced from $1.75 and $2.00 to ! K > . ESPECIAL CLOAK OFFERS TO MORROW. Ladles' fine cloth jackets , high shoul ders , with largo astrachan collars , re duced from $ -1.2.3 to $2.50. Ladies' fine hoover cloth jackalsbound and trimmed with braid , reduced from $7.50 to $5.00. Genuine Ronl plush jackets , full revere front , lined with satin , reduced from $15.00 to $9.00. PLUSH CLOAKS REDUCED to $15.00. $10.00 and SK.OO from $25.00 , $30.00 nnd $35.00. LADIES' NEWMARKETS reduced to $1.25 , $2.50 , $4.00 , $5.00 , $7.00 and $10.00. MONKEY FUR MUFFS , 2oc. Black boas and mulTs at $1.75 the set. Light colored boas and mulls reduced from $5.00 to $2.60. Largo fur shoulder capos with satin lined muff to match , reduced from $10.00 to $5.00 the set. 60 YDS SPOOL SEWING SILK GO AT Ic PER SPOOL. SILK BEAVER'TRIMMING ' , 33c PER YARD. Our entire stock of , the finest grade real silk beaver trimming from 1 to 3 inches hvido'rcducod ' to o3Cy.former price $1.00 a yard. Largo pillow shams scolloped and bound , also largo lace tides and bureau covers , any and all of which sold for 60c , will bo closed out tomorrow at lOc. 230 DOZEN LADIES' ' AND MISSES' WOOL HOSE. Our entire stock of ladies' and misses' wool hosiery has boon clobcd down to 230 dozen which wo have divided in three lots as follows : All our misses' fine black and colored all wool seamless rnshmero hose in sixes from 0 to 8i that were 2oc and SSc , now 121c. 121c.All All our ladies' black all wool cashmere - ' mere hose worth 25c and 3Jo ( now ISc. AH our flno grade of ladies' imported cashmere hose full regular made ribbed tops reduced from 50c to 25c. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WOOL MITTS MUST G01 All our , children's knit saxony and zephyr wool mitts reduced to lOc. Ladies' flno all wool knit mitts 25c. Our finest grade of imported zephyr knit mitts reduced to 2oc. LADIES' UNDERWEAR GOES NOW. All our remaining ladies' natural wool high neck , long sleeves , Jersey ribbed underwear worth $1.00 goes now at 39c. All our ladies' finest natural wool un derwear goes at 60c. Our very finest , grade of imported zephyr wool underwear , vests and pants , reduced from $1.50 and $2.00 to 76c each. J. L. BRANDIES & SONS , THE FAIR , 602 , 504,500 , 508 S. 13th street. W. tt. Bennett Co. , Oinalm. announces that their store will remain open until 0 o'clock evenings , from Monday , the 8th inst. , until further no tice. They have an immense and varied display of holiday goods and toys on their second floor , at bargain prices. Their drug and prescription department is an unqualified success and as thor oughly appreciated by their customers. If you study your pockets you will buy iilbyou can nt Bennett's. From now up to January 1 , 1891 , they will give to every purchaser of 1 Ib tea 1 Ib host granulated sugar. Their tons nro the best in the country 25c to 75c. They expect and are prepared to sell tons of candy this month , and their candy is fresh pure nnd cheap. They pride themselves- all their goods being CHEAPEST AND BEST. Solid gold friendship rings with ban gles 49c at Hnydon Bros. Cheapest plaoo'in the city to buy par lor suits or upholstered rockers is nt William Glbbs & Co. , 412 N. 10th street. Working girls ; . , now is your time to buy your gentleman friends a nice pair of slippers for Christmas presents. 14th and Farnnm sts. A. D. MOUSE. Sherman & Mcffionnoll , proscriptionists and family chomi&ts , 1513 Dodge. Goto Win. Gibbs&Co. , 412 N. ICth street , for fancy rockers for Chsistraas presents. _ _ Elni ) Jnelc Is n now preparation , ready to raise , re quires no yeast , no baking powder , no eggs , no salt , nothing but a little cold water to make a batter. It makes the finest cakes in the world. Any grocpr will sell you a two pound package of slnp jack for ton conts. demons Oa- kamp , solo manufacturer , Omaha , Nob. Seaman's wagons best nnd cheapest. ricforo A piano examine the now scale Kimball piano. A. Hospo , 1513 Douglas. BnlcHiiien. Wanted Experienced real estate Bales- men. None but fl'st-ehiM men , to whom liberal inducements will bo offered. RKAL. ESTATK Aaiurcy , 1607 Furunm street. THE BOSTON STORE , Tomorrow Thousanda of Dollars Worth of Goods Will bo Sacrificed To Mnko HOOIII for the IjnrRe t Pur- clmso liver Mndo nt Ono Time by Ono Store on tlio Fnco or the Globe. Particulars of this purchase later. For the present to make thle room.wo will for the next three days offer the fol lowing enormous sacrifices : HANDKERCHIEFS DIRECT FROM JAPAN. Wo secured from a Japanese importer his ant ire stock of nearly 1,200 dozen flno all silk embroidered handkerchiefs nt less than one-half tholr real value. Thoy. all go in two lots. Lot 1 , at 26c , consists of elegant white cream and colored bcarlot edge nnd fine handwork embroidered at 2.3c , generally retailed for 75c. Lot 2 , at COc , consists of the finest handkerchiefs the Japanese art hiis over produced. In this lot nro goods that would retail at $1.2o if bought lu the regular way. Wo also secured from the same im- poror 700 dozen elegant colored silk handkerchiefs which go at 2oo , JlUc , 60c ntul6c ! ) , worth fully four times these amounts. Also over 300 samples of the finest grades of nil silk imported mufllora that linvo over boon shown. They go at 49c , 75c , 89c , $1.25 and $1.75. You will bo surprised to see thorn. DRESS GOODS. To make room in this department wo have put the knife so deep that there is hardly nny prlco left on the goods at nil. As for nn example : Wo olTor you double fold now plaid dross goods in dark and light colors at 03 c , worth 25c. 40-inchcs wide elegant wool tricot suit ings at ICc. An elegant quality of very wldo fine wool dress flannel at 22c , cut from 50c. Real French tricots in all the now mixtures at 2oc. 20 pieces of now English broadcloth in black and blue only , at 05c , cut from $1.25. , The finest grades of all wool French broadcloths in all colors , reduced from $2 to 880. 880.NEW NEW CHINA SILKS 20C. 40 sample pieces of extra wide plain and fancy colored china silks , cut from 75c to 29c. Ladies' all wool fast black cashmere hose , 15c. Misses' and children's fast black all wool hose , 16c , worth 25c to 35c. Ladies' ' fast black good quality cotton hose , lOc. Boys' and girls' derby ribbed cotton hose , Oc a pair. All of the best standard dyes in extra heavy full regular made fast black la- d.ios1 hose , go Monday at 23c , worth up to 50c. Gents' seamless BOX , Cc a pair ; boys' and girls' extra heavy nil wool ribbed bicycle hose , any size , 2oc. Gents' all wool cashmere hoso. 19c. LADIES' IMPORTED UNDERWEAR. Immense purchase of liliO dozen ladies' line imported real zephyr knit vests ami pants at 75c , wot-th $1.75. They como in black , cream , light blue , naturalorange , etc. 40 dozen finest impor.ted medicated ladies' and misses' combination union suits , worth $1.00 and $5.00 reduced to $1.25. THE FUR STOCK. Every item from this fortunate pur chase that was not sold yesterday must positively go tomorrow. All the lynv , fox fur , sable and ninny other fancy fur inutfs that the fur store sold as high ns ? : > .50 go at 50c each. Monkey fur muffs at 2oc ; would bo a bargain for $3.00. Real beaver collars at 7oc each ; were sold in fur store for $4.00 each. Children's ermine fur muffs at 25e each , worth $2.00. 1000 yards of fur of nil descriptions nnd all colors , one to live inches wide , that sold In this fur store at from $1.00 to $2.75 per yard. We have placed them in two lots at 25c nnd 35c per yard. What makes a moro appropriate Christmas present than n sot of furs ? Remember wo must close out an im- menfao lot of goods in the next three days to make room for the most start ling .purchase madoby us. THE BOSTON STORE , 114 S. 10th street. \V. n. Bennett Co. , Oinalm , invite all to their opening of toys nnd holiday goods which will tnko place in the course of next week , and of which duo notice will bo given. There is a largo consignment of 'goods entirely now expected hourly. They intend to have nn opening quite differ ent from the usual openings in this city. ' They propose to appeal to the pocketbooks and purses of their friends and customers by offering for sale right at the opening their goods at- unheard of low prices , nnd cheaper than they could bo bought at wholesale. Come with your purses well filled and grasp the opportunity. Wail till our opening before you buy elsewhere. Look at our east side window while vou "are here. ' You will see an old friend there. Books at auction , 1514 Dodge street. Furniture , carpets and stoves , Christ mas presents hold and delivered Christ mas morning. Wm. Glbbs & Co. , 412 N. 10th street. Dr. James II. Peabody having rented his residence for the winter , will keep his oillco at room 207 , Shooloy block , No. 423 , South Fifteenth street. Oillco hours , 0 to 10 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. Telephone 1833. At Hayden Brothers this week china decorated cups arid saucers , 7c. Semper Itcno. What "Wnrwickl" would you denounce ' nounce nil cigars because tho'ono you just smoked was bad ? Nay , man ; the fault lies with you in not purchasing your havanas of Robertson Bros. , who are exclusive dealers in fine goods at 210 S. 15th st. Omaha. They are soiling mo the most choice , sweet smokora that it has boon my good fortune to find dur ing my sojourn hero , and at prices that cannot bo boat oven in Now York. They carry in stock all the popular Importou brands and their loader La Etholona. Key West. _ Working men , buy your shoos at Morse's , only $1.20 ; others ask you $1.60 for no bolter shoo. llth nnd Farmun. A. D. MOKSH. Our store open until 0 p. m. during the holidays. Ladles , Oh , ladles , como and tee the bargains in trimmed hats. Mits. R. II. DAVIKS , Opp. P. P. , 100-111 So. loth St. , HAVDKN 11UOS. Kcnlskiii Cap * , Monday wo will continue to soil $10.00 seal cops at $1.05. Plush caps at whole sale prices. Good winter cap * , lOe up. IIAYDEN BROS. , Holiday hat sale/ ' OI'KNINO. Superb Display of Holiday Goods nt ttio UUo Store. At this season our niorcnntilo houses nro making tholr elioicest displays , and one of the most brilliant and successful "openings" over scon In Omaha was that of the 99o store , II. Hardy & Co. , on last Friday evening. This enterprising house is easily in advance of any other west of Chicago in its line , and the display at the opening led llio visitors to believe that there could certainly bo nothing in dolls , toys , fancy goods and holiday .spo- dull ICM that was not in the stock of the l)9o ) store. The hundreds of visitors wore unstinting in their commendations of the elegant exhibit , and the children especially were exuberant in tholr ex clamations of delight at the many thlng.s peculiarly attractive to them. Santa Claus was present in all his glory , and the kindly old king of the juvenile heart was followed about na ho led the way from one attractive exhibit to another by a band of untliiiHinstio children who abundantly assured him of their love and loyalty. And what did ho show thorn ? A brilliant display of an al most endless variety of toys a depart ment which is a veritable museum of curiosities , embracing everything that the genius of invention has brought out for the amusement of the children. The mechanical and steam toy.s were partic ularly attractive and ol'clted the most vociferous exclamations of delight from the little ones. While Santa Clause was escorting the juvonllos through the crowded and beautifully arranged de partments allotted to them , the older visitors were lind ing grat ification in nn inspection of the superb stocks in which there are hun dreds of appropriate gifts for gentlemen , young and old , unique and desirable presents for Indies of all ages , and many articles useful and beautiful , which are always in demand. Messrs. II. Hardy fi Co. are to bo congratulated upon the splendid success of their olTorls to moot every demand in their department ot trade , ana the largo business they are doing attests that the public appreciates their enterprise. Their * store is one of the most attractive in the city , a veritable bazaar in which will bo found everything that is now nhd rich and desirable in their branch of business. Santa Glaus has been engaged for the season at the 99c store , and lie will make periodical ap pearances from now until Christmas. IIo invites the children to call on him again next Tuesday evening , and to the public generally a cord'al ' invitation is extended to inspect at any time the largo and beautiful stock Of the 9'Jc ' store , 1319 Farnam street. All the latest novelties in jewelry at half jewelers' prices at Ilaydca Bros. FJTSTNEll PU1NTING CO. I i The Successors to F. C. Festnor Now I Itcndy for IJuslnes . November 1 of this year the Fcstnor estate sold the F. C. Festnor job print ing ana book binding establishment to the Fcstne Printing Co. who will carry on the business in equally as good man ner as formerly. The now company consists of Julius T. Festnor , who has been with the house since it was estab lished in 1872. IIo is well known by every business man in Omaha and the west and it is greatly duo to his rustling qualities that the business has attained the "mammoth success it now enjoys. Mr. Fostncr is also president of the Ger man Nebraska Dally Tribune. The second partner is August Drosto , a prac tical bookbinder and blank book manu facturer who has had. years of experi ence in his particular lino. Ho is an old and respected resident of Omaha and has boon with the house ton yonra. George B. Tzsohuek , the third partner , is the well known secretary and ticasurorof The Boo Publishing Company , and needs no further introduction as to his sterling business qualities and sound * judgement. The Festner Printing company do n general book , iob , commercial , railroad and show printing business. They also do all kinds of printincr in the Gorman lan guage , being the only house in tlio west who do work iu Gorman as well as En glish. Ten huge presses are kept constantly busy turning out the work done by this great lioiibo , which during the course of a year amounts to many thousands of del lars. lars.Thoy manufacture all kinds of blank books , ruled and printed to ordoramong which may bo mentioned their specialty in nn improved flat opening blank book which lias been introduced hero by them and gives universal satisfaction. A full line of ready made first class blank books of almost any design or kind are always carried in stock. They bind books nnd magazines in nny style , either in morocco , sheep , cnlf or cloth at the most reasonable prices. The Festnor Printing Company gives employment to fifty-six people , who nro competent in every way , ns the company will not have nny but experienced help in tholr employ. The four floors of the building at 1307 and 1309 Howard street are pushed to their utmost capacity to give working room for this largo Insti tution. The success of the now firm promises to bo greater than that of the old. W. It. tlcnnctt Co. , Omnlin , Announces that their store will remain open until 9 o'clock ovoningn , from Monday , the 8th inst. . until further no tice. They have an immense and varied display of holiday goods and toys on their bccond floor , at bargain prices Their drug and prescription department is an unqualified success and as thor oughly appreciated by their 'customers. "If you study your pockets you will buy all you can at Bennett's. From now up to January 1,1891 , they will glvo to every purchaser of 1 pound tea 1 pound best granulated sugar. Tholr teas are the best in the country 2oc to 75c. They expect and are prepared - pared to soil tons of candy this month , and their candy is fresh , pure and cheap. They prldo themselves on all their goods being CHEAPEST AND BEST. AH Muslo nt Hnlf Prlco. 0,000 pieces only luo a copy at Mein- berg's ' , IGth st. bot. Capital ave & Dodge. Carpets. Chas. Shlvorick & Co. , 1203 , 1208 and 1210 Farnnm street. Seaman's carriages best and cheapest Solid gold friendship rings with ban gles 49c at Haydcn Bros. Where do Ymi Knt ? I got my meals at the Keystone chop hoiiso-10" ) South Mth street , only 15c , nnd they nro dandies. Musical boxes , S. Bank , 507 N. 10th. Today IH Sunday. Try our Sunday dinners at the Key stone chop house , 105 South Mth street. At Hnydon Bros , this week a $5.00 combination cracker bowl and reading lump with cut crystal shade , $1.70. ' Cnrcl of Thanks. I wish to return my heartfelt ilmnks to all the kind friondu , especially Mr. J. P. Maolnndor and family , also the un dertakers , Maul , Uurkot , Honfy. Tug- pnrt nnd SwniiBori nnd HHO ! Mr. Conrad Grotto , who were so kind to mo dur ing the late sickness and deatli of my husband. Mrs. Chas , RIowo. ' NEW YORK 5 AND .IOC STORE. Santa Olans Will Be with Us Monday nt 213 N , IGth Street , Wllh Cnrlomls of Holiday Goods for the Hoynnn < l ( ilrli , tlio Yotinit Men and Mnliloin , the Old nnd Young , Think of it. Wo don't occupy n four- story corner block , nnd therefore wo don't have to pay the rent for a lot of room wo don't ' use Hut wo have the good" , and that is what sensible poojilo nro after. Wo have more goods than wo can display , so wo have concluded to move thorn. If prices will do it wo quote afo\v items : Notice Ihfa : Special prices for Mon day , Tuesday and Wednesday only. . Ulirlstina.M cards , Ic , Juvenile books , extra large HVM , Ulc. Dolln , 5o ; kid body dolls , 2 > e. 1'lunh comb , gliibs and brush onto , SI.00 ; plush whist broom viv-o and broom , 35o. llisquo flgui'OH , fie. Children ! * tea sots. lOc. Plush albums , flOe. Wine sells , 8 piooc.s , Doc. Toys of alldcbcrli > tions , Mich as blocks , dogs , cats , cars , wagons , rattles , dolls , Hwords , guns and others to numerous to mention , we. * . Hero IH something every lady will buy if she sees it. A three bottle castor , bait , popper and mustard , only 2" > c. WK MUST HA\rK HOOM. This hammered down tale includw also , Cup and saucers , 4Sic sot. Dinner plates , 30c bet. Vegetable dishes , -Ic each. Largo meat plates , 10e each. * Wash bowl and pitcher , Co. ! ) Decorated bowl and pltehor , $1.35. Knifes nnd forks , -I9o sot. Butter dishes , 6c. Sugar bowls , 5c. Cream pitcher , 6c. Spoon holder , flu. Tea spoons , oc sot. And many ether desirable goods on all of which heavy reductions liavo boon iiuulo to those looking for holsday pres ents. Wo will guarantee n having of 25 per cent. Got our pi Ices before puroh- ing elsewhere. Don't forgot the place. Now York 6 and 10ytore , 212 N. 10th Street , Masonic Block. IJIJNNIbOX UKOS. Glxniitlc Snlo tor lUomlny nnd Next AVcck. Wo will place on sale Monday a Inrcro purehnso of fine white swiss aprons handsomely got up , trimmed beautifully with the very finast swib.s oinbioidorios and fine laces. Tlio prices are 33e , 60c , 75c and $1.00 each , and vou can rest as sured they are the finest and cheapest lot of aprons over placed on Halo in Oma ha. Don't fail to bee them. They are grand for a Chri-tmns'present. We nro _ showing a beautiful line of Indies' n gents' nuifllors , handkerchiefs , etc. , nt away down prices. Our bnbo- inont is open and you cau buy holiday goods very cheap , Wo are showing the largest line of dolls Sever over opened up in Omaha , and gimrun- \ _ ' tee the price to bo the lowest. Tons and * * ' tons of llncst candies at our usual low prices. Our celebrated broken windy goes out at 80 a Ib. Buy your comfort ers , blankets and underwear now , you will need them , the prices are down to bed rock. Don't fail to see our'largo Hno of ladies' , misses' and childrons cloaks being slaughtered at half prices. Buy a flno fur rug for a holiday present ; black , grey and white only $3.01) ) each. Come in and bee our holiday goods now being dibplnycd in every department. BENNISON BROS. Miv. Ringer's half price millinery , * JL sale is the greatest bargains over olT.Mruu.y' Como nnd seo. 119 N. 15th street , ' The funeral of Dr. Charles A. Jofl'oriea will take place at the residence of Dexter L. Thomas , Sunday afternoon at 25. : ! Splendid The best residence block over erected in this city has just been completed at the s. w. cor. of 19lh and California atroots. The houses are built of pro.sbcd brick nnd red sandstone , and the inside finish is of nntiHuo oak. There are two of those houses yet Miirenled and tlio owners , Brennan & Co. , 022 and 023 N. Y. Life building , will bo pleased to show them. _ Solid'gold friendship rings with ban gles 40c nt Hayden Bros. At Hayden Bros , this week a genuine ) engraved star cronn sot of ( I pieces , 95o , Jvotico. Memorial service of Lodge No. 3D , Benevolent - novolont nnd Protective Order of Elks , will bo hold in the lodge room , Conti nental block , Sunday , December 29 , 1890 , at 3 p. m. G. W. SIHKLUS , E. R. A. IMax Ilolzli ( < liiicr Co. Fine watch repairing , 1413 Douglas st , Banjo $1.60 , S. Batik , 507 N. 10th. Drs. Billings & Shorraden , dontlslR , 101 S. 15th street , opp. P. 0. Jewelry novelties , S. Bank , 607 N. Snmuol Burns is having a "plate salo" of broken dozens of fruit nnd dojbort plates which he is desirous of closing out at half former prices. * WnHliIiifton nnd Ornuon. This now umpire of the northwest in attracting universal nttentioif and the reason for this IH the almost unlimited resources that have recently boon opened and the surprising growth of this region. Largo agricultural metis ; vast foresta and immense deposits of precious inotalu are to bo. found in Oregon and Washing ton , and by reason of tlio varied natural resources of the country this section offers uncqualod opportunities for the investment of capital and location of in dustries that are not Hiirpahhcd by the , r * older sections of the United St'itow. Thd" ' Union Pacific on account of HH flint i" time , through Pullman sleopowand din i ing cars , free reclining chair ears and free colonist Hlcopor.s from the Mlubourl river , is conceded to bo the favorite route for persons going to either Wash ington or Oregon. For pamphlets fully descriptive of the above named stales , or for rates , time of trains or any information pertaining to the Union Pacific , call on or address your nonrest ticket ngont or the under signed , who will most cheerfully furnis any information that may bo donlrcd. A. P. Dotiol , city tlekot iigont , 1302 Far nam Ktroot , Omaha , Nob. Dr. Uirnoy cures catarrh , Boo uldg. Through coaches Pullman palace sleepers , dining cars , frco icollnlng chair cars to Chicago and Intervening points via the great Rock Island route. Tickets oillco 1G02. Sixteenth and Farnnm. Apollo dull C Tli a first concert by tlio Apollo club will bo Klvcn next Thursday hltht ot tlio Gran opera liouso. Tlio Mendelssohn Quliitutto club will Ua the attraction from abroad.