Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1890, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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Uoremonts of the Smart "World for the Past
Savon Days.
Fcntiirrs oftho
Keoiitlon | Uniiiiot to Mr. ntul
. ChnrlcH ItlntK nt the
UcntHchcr Club.
Whtnrl.v blo'wini trail nnd full
Ahovu thu leiiRlli of linrrlur vrnllt
And softly , now nnd tlion ,
Tlio sny , Ntiild-hrcustcil dovoi will ( lit
I'roin nxif topatovfay tojinnd nit
And watch thu ways of men.
The Rnlo's ajar. If ono inljzhtpeop i
All. wlmt 11 Imuntof rest und sleep
Tim slmilo y urinkni seems !
And unto lion dimly to nml fro
Tim irivp , cray-lieaded Hlstt-rarjo
J.ll < u lleurta boon In dreams.
Look , Ihcro Is ono ( hat tells her bonds !
And jnndcr onii apart that reads
A tiny tnistal'n PHKO ;
And eoo , bemdo the vrull thn two
That , kneeling , strive to lure nnow
Tliat niaKplu to Us euicl ;
Not beautiful not nil ! Hut each
With that mild Kracu. outlying speech ,
, Wlileii comes of even imiod
The > ol ! unseen that women wear
With licart-wholo thoiiRht anil qnlot Cliro ,
And hope of hlghur
"A plncld lifo a peaceful llfol
Wluitnued to these the imtnoot wlfo ?
Wlmt contlor tusk ( I siilil )
What worthier , o'cn your nrtsamon ?
Thnnti'tid tlio olck , and tench the young ,
And give the hungry bioul : ? "
"No worthier taskl" re-echoes slio
WliofcliisollcrcllnRliiK ) turns with meTe
To face the road uKiiltil
And yet In that warm heart others
him moans the doves , for she prefers
To "watch the ways nf men. "
Socially the week has been vciy quiet , the
Binart worlt\ \ having had a pleasant respite
from the round of pleasures which has dis
tinguished the season thus far.
Outside of the lirlggs reception , the sale of
fancy articles nt Mrs. Judge Lake's , nnd the
bouquet given In honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Motz , Thursday evening , the past
week has been very dull indeed , and the pros
pect lor this week seems no brighter.
The ono particular event of the week will
bo the reception and military ball
which the Omaha Guards will glvo Tuesday
evening nt Washington hall. The guards
have been particularly active In Uiclr endeav
ors to make this nffnlra success and fromrrcs-
cnt Indications they will realize tholr fondest
hones , In excelling anything of the kind here
tofore given In Omaha. They have selected
an ndmlr.iblo number of patronesses which
Will materially Assist In making the reception
ono of the signal social successes of the yonr.
Tbo patronesses nro : Mrs. John II. Brooke ,
Mrs. Frank Whonton , Mrs. Michael"V.Sheri
dan , Mrs. Eloazor Wnkoloy , Mrs. GuyC.Bnr-
ton , Mrs. Lovl Carter , Mrs. Ellis Ij. Bier-
bower , Mrs. Joseph Darker , Mrs. Henry "W.
Ytitcs. Mrs. James M. Woolworth , Mrs. John
M. Thurstoti , Mrs. GrorgoA. Iloaglnnd , Mrs ,
Joseph M. Metcalf , Mrs. Ellen lloall , Mrs.
Clement Chase , Mrs. Arthur Uommgton.
Mrs. James A. Glllespie , Mrs. Charles S ,
Whltnev , Mrs. Elinor S. Dundy , Jr. , Mrs ,
xanlcl ) H. Wheeler , Jr. , Mrs. Harry T. Mo-
Cormick , Mrs. Hurry B. Mulford.
The hall will bo decorated in true military
style for the occasion , the muslo furnished
by the Guards band , Ilnrry Irvlno , director ,
'None but these receiving Invitations will be
expected , and only then on presentation ol
the saino at the door.
The coinmitteo having the reception in
charge is as follows : First Lieutenant Harrj
B. Mulford , Quartermaster Sergeant J. L
Johnson , Corporal A. K. Campbell , Private
II. T. Cleaver , Privatu H. Y. Cooko.
Bazaar , a charity entertainment , a charm
Ing Kensington'or two , a delightful after
noon , u swell banquet In German society
J.'horo U tlio resume of n very quiet week in
"A busy week , " sighs the duenna , sliaklnp
lior hondln gloomy foreboding nt the prospeci
of a hnrd worked season.
"A jolly week with Just ouough going on t (
make lifu worth living and not enough't
'make death scorn u welcome relief , " says thi
ficcoud season girl with n blissful sigh of an
, . tlclpatlou nnd remembrance.
" ' ! A profitable week , " says the charltnbl
woman , who has been working llko the pro
vorbtal nnilora to make the Catholic ibaznu
and hospital sale at Mrs. Lako's n success
They succeeded unel no wonder.
Grace is moraa boon than beauty of fea
turo. The girl of the time has got an llikllni
of this significant truth and is Industriousl ;
nnd Intelligently making personal tests of U
These of them who are really entitled to b
called wise mnko thcso tests in thu open air
In other words , they take Judicious outdoo
exorcise. The precise form of It does no
make so much difference , so long us It Is kep
within rational limits and practiced system
atlcally , and , above all , wlthundcvlutlng ivp
ularlty. To ho willowy , sinuous , serpcn tin
that is the Idea of superlative grace and t
attain it Inwalk the bend must bo kept Urn
the movement must come from the hips. I
this way thcro will bo no tossing or sbauln
of the skirts , nnd the swaying , undulatin
motion at thowaistwillcniphnsl/othocovete
acrpcuthio effect. For the most effective cu
tlvation of this undoubted charm walking I
fncllo prlnceps , as It brings the muscles i
fairly uniform action. The undulations mad
bv the head , chest aud torso la n vortici
piano are not only productive of Hogarth' '
line of beauty , out loud to perfect physic ;
health. Gruco is such nn indescribable-
that negatives aid in the definition. It is nc
grace fuiio walk on the heels , to tnuo Ion
strides , or to rulso the foot from the groun
moro than two inches , : It is not graceful i
stump or to lay ttio foot clown with u doilai
or resounding nolso ; It is not prncoful i
square thu shoulders , soldier fashlou , or'
set thu elbows nicimbo , ns la driving ; it Is iv
graceful to hurry , hustle or fins , lor speed
not conducive to grace or motion , snvo nmoi :
thoroughbreds. Another fee of grace Is sol
consciousness. The really pleasing , graeofu
gracious woman rises nbovo her raiment , m
once her toilet is complete she gives no mo :
Jhoughtto it. _ _ _ _
Tlio IlriggH Itcaoptlnii. ,
Mrs. Clinton II. Briges and Mr. Hem
Brings gave a beautiful reception Vi'edtie :
day evening at the Millard , which In man
respects deserves to bo classed among tl
charming receptions of the year.
Society having had a respite from tlio rout
of pleasures which wcro crowded Into tl
post fortnight , came out In largo nuiube
and were moro than compensated by ti
charm ot the occasion , the brightness m
brilliancy of ttio evening.
Thu long residence of Mrs. Brlggs
Onmhn nnd the position occupied by the la
Judge Hriggs , coupled with the popularity
her son , wns certain of bringing out the o
residents of the city and ttio young socle
people , < l combination which always Insur
n delightful termination ton reception , Kelt
drum or curd party.
Much of the preliminary work of the i
coplion devolved upon Mr. Henry Ilrlgj :
whoso association with the club life of Is't
York fitted him particularly tounuerUiko tl
inituitlao of a "crush , " which this was. Al
in the reception proper ho mndo It partlc
larly easy lorMr.s , Itriggsin the knovvlcd
shown of the upwards of ttiroo hundr
guests present.
The long line of receiving people whl
usually distinguishes tbo big reception , w
In lull case studiously Ignored , Mrs. Brig
nnd her son receiving the guests in Iho lur
drawing "room facing south.
A pleasant Innovation wns noticed nt t
reception which futuru entertainers might
well to roiuombor. Heretofore tlio clo
.rooms have been on either sldo of the hu
way east of the largo parli
guests being compelled to traverse t
whole length of the corridor botoro reachl
the disrobing rooms. Mr. Briggs , rcalizi
this Inconvenience , had tbo cloak rooi
vlmngud to the lloor above , rcacliod by t
olovutor , and It was ono of the pleasant fc
urcs of the evening which received mu
favorable comment.
The reception rooms , consisting of t
euito of parlors , were very iirotlily decorat
" " . uahus and ferns , while beautiful n
bowls filled with cut flowers ornamented t
mantels and tables , The greatest amount
( UeoraUou was notioeaU * , however , In I
dnndng hMIwhich was the dining room.
Between the windows stands of palms nntl
ferns wcro placed , relieved here and
thcro by | ho feathery atpnragua. which
Is so "rapidly supcrccJIuir smllnx for
dainty effects In floral decoration. The gray
background of the walls of the room brought
out In bass relief thd Krecn.of the plnnU nnd
guvoto tlio plucoa very imltlng ana rest fill
appearance , llanncrs of satin were hunt ; nt
various places mn the walls , with the number
of dance ! printed thereon.
The bntid was stationed In the south east
cornftr ol Iho hall room protected by a series
of screens. The decorations were In charge
of Parker , although Mrs. Drlggs , Mrs. Kr-
inlnn Ilomait TImyor and Mrs. liana Lnndcr
assisted In the arrangement of the flowers In
the ball room , The muslo was rendered by
the Musical Union orchestra , Harry Irvlno
directing ,
The refreshments were elaborate , nnd wcro
served In the ordinary nnd the room Immedi
ately off the linll on the cuBtsldo.
The bunch , bar professional
nnd trade Hfo were represented among the
guests , many faces not ordinarily seen at re
ceptions being noticed throughout the crowded
rooms. There wore many beautiful costumes
worn , among those noticeJ being :
Mrs. C. II. Hrigp , a beautiful hlack silk
Bown , trimmed with dead black passcmcu- '
terlo ; very handsome diamonds.
Miss May Unruly word a dainty costume of
pink crcpo trimmed In a very novel nnd strik
ing manner ; a raw of black birds around tno'
bust.Miss McIConna appeared In a lovely gown
of lavender ciepo , relieved by jewel passe-
nieiitorlo , cntralno. *
Miss Smith of Boston , the daughter of Mr.
Ben Smith , who is so hugclv Interested In
Omaha realty , wore a handsome divss of
\vhito Bilk tnullo over white silk
Mrs. Harry McCormlok , who has qulto a
number ot exceedingly handsome toilettes
for this occasion , Were a white moussclllno
do solo and a profusion of diamonds.
Miss Belle SVyinan , a nteco of Mr.
A. U. Wymati nnd Mrs. Geonro
Hoaglund , who nindo her llrst appearance in
Omalm society on this occasion , the family
having ] ust como from Cincinnati , Is a very
pretty , potlto blonde , quite crlvacious and
will undoubtedly prove an addition to the
social life of the motiopolls. She were a very
pretty gown of phut crepe.
Miss Illbbard of Uochoster , N. Y. , whoso
family nt ono time resided here , and who Is
the guest of Mrs. Lake , "was attired In pink
crepe , which became her beauty remarkably
Miss Hongland were a very fetching Paris
gown of white mullo with bunches of Hints
artistically arranged over It , green ribbon
trimming' . pray boots.
Mrs. Wan Wheeler , Jr. , looked particularly
lovely in a now gown of pink crcpo with pinK
llowor trimming , while hunches of flowers
wcro deftly arranged over It , pink boots.
Mrs. Louis Bradford adorned a very hand
some blue crepe.
Mrs. Uonjntmn Smith , Boston , were an ele
gant costume of gray crepe , blue brocade
front , ribbon trimming and a handsome neck-
inco of dlnmondv
Mrs. Mctcalf , who always dresses well ,
were a handbomo gown of gold brocade and
point luce. It was ono ot the most beautiful
gowns in the room
Mrs. S. S. Curtis quite surprised her
friends by wearing her wedding gown of
twenty-two years ago , and In stvlc nnd ilnlsh
qulto favorably compared with the costumes
made by this leading modistes of the metrop
olis expressly for thoBriggs i-occptlon.
Miss CurtH looked very pretty In a blue
silk gown with wbito passementerie bodico.
Mrs. Lovl Carter , dotted pink crepe , gar
net velvet trimmings.
Mrs. Ikmglnnd , Paris costume of black
crepe with a brocaded llower resembling a
rosebud , en tralno.
Mrs. Frank Swcezy were her wedding
toilette of wliltu satin , made in a very simple
manner , but very pretty.
Mrs. tavld Dautu was costumed in laven
der crepe.
Mrs. Samuel Burns , a now costume of gray
seize und gray velvet trimmed with gray
Mrs. II. S. Itollins , black not and gold pas
Mrs. W. T. Poppleton , blue silk brocade
and red roses. .
Mrs. Warren Ilogers were a handsome
gown of rod crcpo , which Was singularly be
coming to hor.
Miss Clara Brown , white China silk , white
gloves and white boots.
Mrs. Lock wood , a handsome woman by the
way , were a pretty pinlt and black velvet
gown decollete.
Mrs. Horbach were a peculiar gown of
figured goods , with a profusion
of handsome diamonds arranged in
trimming style , which brought out the beauty
oftho dross.
Miss Kennedy received many compliments
on accountof the gown she-wore , a blue crepe
very simply but prettily made.
Mrs. 1'ntchett were a handsome black silli
en traine.
Miss Mamlo Moore , a very pretty society
debutante , were a dainty dross of white slln
nnd carried a bunch of red roses.
Miss Daisy Doane , n popular bud whose so
cial lite is destined to bo very pleasant , wort
a prerty blue silk and crepe coitumo.
Miss Kmily Walteloy , another charminc
member of the young society set , were a pitiii
costume which was very pretty.
Mrs. Arthur Kemlujitou , black net will
hlack velvet bodice , feather trimming.
Among the largo number of representative
people present wcro Mr. nnd Mrs. Georg (
Barker , Mr. und Mrs. Joseph Barker , Mr
nnd Mrs. .T. J. Brown , Mr. nnd Mrs. Samue
Bums , Mr. and Mrs. Lovl Carter , Mr. am
3 Mrs. O. M..Carter , Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Col
J petzcr. M. and Mrs. Aaron Cahn , Mr. utn
Mrs. Vr. Coffman , Mr. and Mrs. Charlu :
Deuol , Mr. atiil Mrs. Henry Estabrook , .Turtle
nnd Mrs. Do.ino , Judge mid Mrs. Dundy , Mr
und Mrs. K S. Dundy , Jr. , Mr. and Mrs
Ralph Gaylord , Mr. nnd Mrs. Cieorgo I. Gil
bert , Mr. nnd Airs. 0.V. . Hamilton , Mr. am
Mrs. George Houglnnd , Mr. and Mrs. Androv
J. Hanscom , Mr. and Mrs. B. 13. B. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. William Pnxtou , Mr. and Mrs
Joseph Mctcalf , Mr. and Mrs. Arthu
Ilcmrnington , Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Kogerc
Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren Ilogers , Mr. nnd Mrs
B. P. Smith , Mr. and Mrs. William F
Swcosy. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swobe , Judgi
nnd Mrs. John M. Thurston. Judgi
oud Airs.Vnkcley , Dr. and Mrs. PInnoy o
Council Bluffs , M'r. and Mrs. Pusoy of Goun
ell Bluffs , Mr. aud Mrs , Louis Bradford
General nnd Mrs. Cowin , Mr. und Mrs. Dam
Lander , Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Kollins , Uolonc
John baker mid Mw. Baker. Mr. nnd Mrs
Martin Cahn , Mr. nnd Mrs. S. S. Curtis , Mi
and Mrs. D. H. Wheeler , jr. , Dr. and Mra
W. H. Hnuchett , Judge Hediek.Mr.andMrt
W. S. Popplctou , Mr. and Mrs. James Me
Konnn , Mr. and Mrs. Harry MtCormick , Ut
nnd Mrs. It. C. Moore , Mr. and Mrs. II. C
Cole , Mr. and Mra. II. B , Lockwood , Mr , am
Mrs. John Horbach , Dr. nnd Mrs. Kuhn , Mi
und Mrs. George E. Pritcuott , Mr. and Mrj
Eavidllaum , Mr. and Mra. Frank Johnson
Mi's. Emma Iloinuu Thaycr , Mr. an
Mrs- Charles Catlin , Mr. and Mrs
Ed Peck , Mr. and MM. Will Hamilton
Misses Bulcombe , Burrus , Turner , Walteloy
Emily Wnkoloy , Uoane , Ijams , Sharp. Smit
of Boston , Mclvcnna , Illblmid , Hull , Le :
Curtis , Iloagland , Laura Hoaglaud , Uundj
Williams , Carter , KeaedvVynmn , Browi
Shears , McLoiinun , McClelland , Moon
Messrs. Burton , Frank Hmillion , isauuder
d Cartan , Howe , Ttiauer , Kennedy , Snuiro
Drake Uurlow , Fnlrficld , BuUlrldgo , Itedlcl
i'axton , I'atrlck , Al Patrick , Coughlan , Wl
and Henry Wyman , Garueau , Dr. P asoi
Snyder , Loonils , Hoinan , Edwards.
Tlio Muiz Keorptlon.
In honor of Mr. and Mi's. Charles Met
who but n fortiiltrht ago wcro united in ma
rlage , the brldo bslng Miss Poiny , a recoptic
was given at Gormunia hall Thursday evei
Ing , which w.u followed by a very claborai
banquet and Liter by dunclng. Only the Inl
mate friends of Mr. Charles Mctz wore It
vlted to ho present. The gentlemen bavin
the reception In charge were : Arthur Sinlt !
Fred Mctz , 1J. . Lange , U'llliam Gygor at
U. Poray , Intlmca and friends of the groo
Of many yean1 standing ,
As a rule the German people are noted fi
tholr social qualities , somewhat clannish
bo sure , affecting thoio things which ha <
ever been put of the fatherland , but alwn ;
broad minded nnd conservative. The fo
guests protiont who were not members of tl
a line nationality us the brldo and groom , we
thcro because of their long standing relutlo
ship with 0110 of Onmba's best known youi
business men , a geiilHnnn upon who
shoulders rests the conduct ot ono of tl
largest browcrloiln the country , his wo ;
already showing that ho possessor In an on
ucnt iloffice the qualities necessary to a si
cess ful brewer.
The shortjreooptlon which preceded the ba
quot was held in the hall proper , a largo nui
bar of sofas and ottomans having boon plot ?
of arouiid the ball for the bouoflt of tbo guosl
lie Mr. and Mrs. IteU received at tlio head
the hall , Mrs. Mote bclnij attired Innhntid-
so mo gown of white fnlllo , trimmed with
duchosso laco. on tralno ,
Among these who were handsome cos
tumcs the following ore recalled t
Miss Blutn of Iowa City , la. , a tnlt , Imnd-
some brunette , vivacious and Interesting ,
were a fetching gownof canary colored faille ,
with n dotted net overdress on tralno.
Mrs. Albert Cahn , n very pretty woman ,
appeared In a mild green coitumo with silver
Mrs. Fred Motz. n former resident of St.
Louis , were n handsome tollotto of white
faille trimmed with duohcsso lace.
Miss Corner of Council Bluffs , were n
dnlnty gown of white bongnllno.
Mrs. Ocorgo Ilolmrod , black velvet and
point Inco.
Miss Krup , a tall nnd stalely beauty , were
n beautiful gown ot white silk with feather
Mrs. Martin Cahn , cream silk and not over
Miss Smith , black falllo mndo very simply
nnd very prettily.
Mrs. Louis Ilchnrod , a handsome costume
of black lace.
MM. William Gygor , brown falllo with
velvet trimming.
Mrs. Fred Motz , sr. , the mother of the
groom , were a motherly-looking gown of
black falllo.
Following the reception the banquet was
hold in the dining room of the club , the ban-
qnet table being very bread and prettily dec
orated with flowers la both Jardinieres and
rose bowls. The service of ttio banquet was
under the direction of Stewart Pryor , of the
Union club , the menu being as follows :
Oysters , Half Shell.
Colory. J _ Ollvos.
Consomme Koyalo.
Broiled White 1'lsli. Mattro D'lIotcL
1'arlslan Potatoes.
Chicken Oroqucttos , Trench Poas.
Hainan I'mich.
Hoait Quail with Water Cross.
Individual TcoOroam.
Assorted Cako.
OafoNolr. Cigars.
Following the conclusion of the banquet
speccties were made by Mr. Charles Her-
hertz , Mr. John Krup , Mr. Oeorgo Ilolmrod ,
Mr. Albert Cahn , Mr. Juhus Moycr , Mr. E. C.
Snyder nnd lastly by the groom , who thanked
his friends for the courtesy and attention
which had been shown him nnd his newly
mndowife. . Then to cap the climax of the
delightful evening Mr. Louis Iloimrod pre
sented to tt > o brldo nnd groom two handsome
souvenirs of the occasion , a largo satin cov
ered book illuminated by the names of the re
cipients , containing the menu , tbo number of
nances and the names of the reception and
floor committees , printed unon separate leaves
of satin and fastened Into the book by white
silk cord.
The Musical union orchestra furnished the
music throughout the qvcntng , and upon the
completion of the banquet played twelve
dance numbers , roundlug out n delightful
evening , a red letter occasion in the lives of
two leading members of Omaha's German so
The guests present wcro M'r. nnd Mrs.
Charles Mctz , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Motz , Jr. ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Gygor. Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Hciinrod , Miss Alice Lund , Mr. nnd
Mrs. MnxBccht , Miss S. Oornor , Mr. nnd
Mrs. Mnrtm Cahn , Mrs. Fred Metz. sr , , Mr.
J. Lund , John Krug , Mr. C. Herbeitz. Mr.
Theodore Baumor , Mr. William Ivrug , Louis
1C. Mctz , Mr. Julius Mover , Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Jobst , Mrs. C. Von Wasraer of
Grand Island , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stubbon-
dorff , Mr. and Mrs. Ucinhard Pomy , Mr. and
Mrs. George Helmrod , Mr. and Mra. William
Miss Lena Krue , Mr. nnd Mrs. G. Pomy ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jobst , Miss Julia Blum of
Iowa City , In. , Mr. Arthur Motz , Miss Anna
Pomy , Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Cahn , Miss Ida
Pomy , Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Lance , Mr.
Arthur Smith.
National Union.
About ono hundred und .fifty gentlemen
assembled nt Elks' lodge room Tuesday even
ing in response to Invitations sent them by
Omaha council of the National union. Th'o
entertainment committee of the council made
splendid arrangements for a good time and In
the enjoyment of these assembled they did
their work well.
The first number of the performance was
an exhibition drill by a sound of the Omaha
guards composed of Captain A. H. Bclinrff ,
Sorgonnt F. E. Bamford , First Sergeant
William J. Faye , Corporal A. E. Campbell
aud Private w. S. Dolph. The drill was
faultlessly executed and the guards wcro re
warded with hearty applause.
Tables wcro then arranged for high five
and about eighty engaged in this pastlmo.
While thus engaged they were entertained
also with music. Mr. A. B. Woodman gave
n violin solo , W. W. Bowlsby rendered n
vocal solo in line stylo. The Dale.Brothers
sang sweet duetts , iimong which were "An
swered. " "My Sailor "Boy's Grave" nnd n
comic duct.
Mr. Joseph F. Barton san ? "Rocked in the
Cradle of the Deep1' nnd "A Warrior Bold"
in an oscollont manner. *
When the entire assemblage sang "March
ing Through Georgia , " John Brown's Bodv"
and "There's a hole in the bottom of the
sen" a few of the morn timid guests thought
the roof wouU raise.
Then uirio refreshments and cigars nnd
perhaps the chorus singing had sharpened
the appetites , because It was surprising to see
the good things disappear.
At this Juncture Captain Scharff called the
guests to order nnd introduced Mr. J. W. Mav-
uard , * president of ttio council before , in his
usual happy manner extended a cordial wel
come to the guests of the evening.
Mr. George Ker was then called upon to
speak upon "Fraternal Insurance. " Mr. Kor
In a masterly way told of the growth of the
fr.itcrnal societies , speaking of ? 1,0. > 0,000 men
banded together for mutual protection anil
holu while living , nnd'fortho aid of their dc-
pcitVunts when they arc gone. Ho said that
moro than 4y. > ,000noero < ) being paid by the
fraternal societies annually In this countr.v
to their members and that the prospect foi
all legitimate fraternal insurance societies
were novel- better than nt this time.
Mr. W. E. Findloy , itrcsident of Nebraskc
council , National union , spoke of the
alms and objects of the National untoi
and In a very forcible yet kind way pro
sentcd them to the meeting nnd closed "by ex
tending a oorJiul Invitation for all proscni
not members to offer their mimes to eithei
Mr. F. H. Lawrence , secretary of the Nebraska
braska council , or to Mr. 0. Hardy , secretary
of the Omaha council , at once.
' Captain Sharff then made n short mill re Ji
nnd the first stag party of Omaha council
National Union , was over nnd every om
went homo having enjoyed n.very plcasnn
evening. Among those present werouoticei
the lollowiuir : G. II. Vaughn , J. H. How
nrd , W. H. Clarke , K. W Taylor , Kd Wilber
Bert Coombs , F. H , Ellsworth , J. F. Coyken
dull. W. S. Dimmiek , J. O. Hhondes , J. H
Sholdou , W. R Vail , A. P. Conner , A. K
McKono , A. J. Woblc , Ed Shelbv , Joseph F
Barton , F. L. Weaver , George Kor , Georp
Brush , W. L. Gillor , L. L. Piatt , C
H. Cook , Thomas Mylcs. F. H. James
W. tt.Vaughn. Andrew Craig , 11. A. Patton
J. Hichards , A. Comer , C. S. Potter , J. W
Maynard , Dr. Stone , Ed Muller , A. E.Wooil
man , Clarence li. Brown , E. D. Bralch , Cole
ncl Jack Dowling , W. N. Dorwnrd , Captaii
Si-harff , F. E. Bamford , W. J. Fays , A. K
Campbell , W. S. Dolph , II. H. Smith , F. K
Hkinncr , Alfred Thomas , J. S. Woodburn , U
O. Fnyburn , W. W. Bowlsby , H. H , Schwnl
enbeu-g , A. Minor. Frank Oswell , GeorR
Marsey , E. J. Snyder , W. E. Findloy , B. M
Stannard , W. B. Jacobs , D. II. Huston , II
Daner , J. H. Malas , W. F. Negle , T.V \
Nllos , J , F. Lawreuco , H. F. Kaufman , H. J
Snoorrl , J. L. Lansing , U. H. Diets , F. C
Mulhclm aud E. L. Sooy.
Omaha council moot ut Elk hall second nn
third Tuesday and have a membership (
slxty-llvo. Thro ore about twenty-sove
thousand members In the National Union an
the order is in a nourishing condition.
Wayne Dedicates an Opera. Honsi
The now and handsome opera house r
ccntly erected In Wayne , Neb. , at an c :
ponso of about $0,000 was very appropriate ]
dedicated Tuesday evening by a chrysanthi
mum party , given by Mesdames J. "W. Jone
Emll Weber , Frank Fuller , F , L. Nooly , 1
L , Miller , H. J. Armstrong , H. E. Moses , I
L. Jones , B. D. Mitchell. John Harrlngtoi
Will Witter and Henry Ley. A Inrgo nur
bor of Invitations were issued and over tw
hundred and fifty persons partook of tt
elegant supper served from fl to 9 o'clocl
Hovoy's ' baud of Norfolk furnished the mus
for the occasion and the parquet to was give
orar to dancing , walla : ards and other garni
In the galleries fnrnMiott amusement for the
non-dancers. No sodai wvont In the history
\VaynoovorcquttlledtaU , which was un
doubtedly the event ofj o season.
Chilli-no futiool'IRhitortnliitticnt.
The Chlncso onUrfeillimont hold In the
First Presbyterian chrlrch Tucselay ( jvonlnR
was n decided Innovation In the way of
church cntortalnincnGS1'nnd did great credit
to the Chlneso boyi nnd the ladles of the
Sunday school who0\Vcro Instrumental In
getting It up. , , - '
The cntoitatnmcntj > fti ? almost entirely of ft
Chlnoso clmrnclcr , opdyuig with recitations
by the Chlnoso. i "
It would bo fliniculttd say what port of the
programme was mnsUxifcrostlntf , Unll being
BO now and pleasing , J > Ut perhaps the school
sccno would bo considered so. The curtain
was drawn , showing the scholars seated nt
small desks. Immediately they commenced
studying In concert , reciting alone at Iho
teacher's desk , but seeming to rather sing
their lessons than recite them. At the close
of the session the scholars make their
obclssanco to the teacher before leaving the
Then cnmo a homo scene , representing n ,
Chlnoso mother hushing her infant to sleep
singing n Chlneso lullaby. After this a pic
ture of n Chinese family nt dinner was given.
Sen-nuts were In attendance , whllo n llttlo
later the snmo family received Now Year's
callers In n most dignified ninunor. At the
close of the services In the auditorium of
the church , the audience adjourned to
the Sunday school rooms , whore thcro
was represented n street scene In Canton ,
China , men , women nnd children , in cos
tumo. representing different occupations aud
mixious to sell their wares.
The entertainment closed with refresh
ments , consisting of Chinese tea , cake and
Chlncso fruit and nuts. The proceeds of the
entertainment , which will realize from $150 to
$175 , will bo used for the education of two or
thrco of tbo Chlncso boys who desire to become -
como missionaries to their own people. Thcro
has recently boon opened hi Uladon county ,
Nbrth Carolina , n school devoted exclusively
to the education of the Chinese for mission
ary work. The school Is self-supporting ,
? f > 0 only being charged for entrance foo.
' There nro twenty-six Chinese boys in the
Omaha Sunday school , each boy having a
teacher , Mrs. Dr.Bryant having the school
lu charge. These of the teachers taking most
active part In this entertainment were Mra.
Dr. Bryant , Mra. A. P. Wood , Mrs. Morrow ,
Miss GrtfUth , Miss McHobcrts aud Miss
The scholars all took great pride in having
their homo customs properly represented ,
sending to San Francisco for most of the cos
tumes In order that they should bo correct.
These of the boys taklug the most active part
were : Lee Soon Quic , Jutig Choo , Illug
Leo , Tahm Kwaio , Charlie Young , Leo Goon ,
Leo Lciiing , Ling P.un , Charlie Ling and
Gco AVoo.
Cupid's ' .Capers.
The wedding ot Miss Carrlo A. Mansfield
to Mr. William G. Carpoutor took placemen
tbo evening of Decembers at the residence
oftho bride's father , Mr. a. w. Manslleld ,
2121 Burdet to street , Uov. II. Clark perform
ing the ceremony. Miss Nannlo ITanlln was
the bridesmaid aud Mr. Grunt Williams the
best man. The bndo was prettily costumed
in a wedding gown of white silk trimmed
with point luco , nnd wore the conventional
veil. The house -was prettily decorated In
honor of the occasionALo ceremony taking
place In a bower ol.iflowors. Miss Burns
plaved Mendelssohn's1 Wedding march during
tbo ceremony , which -was very pretty and
effective. * i
The groom Is a member of the Carncnter
"paper company and is ouo of the rising young
business men of Omaha. The brldo is a
bright and Intelligent member of Omaha's
social circles aud a worthy holpruato to the
groom. ti >
A pleasant reception. was held after the
ceremony , at which word present Airs. Sands
of Chicago , Mr. and Mrs. Hnmlin , Miss J.
Stull , Miss Burns , ( Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo
Goodsell , Mls Josly.npMr. and Mrs. J. F.
Carpenter , Mr. E. JJL Smith. Mr. and Mrs.
H. A. Sturgis , Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield , Miss
Mansfield , Mr. H. W.-Mansfield-Mrs. M. D.
Manslleld , Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Car.ionter ,
Madam Sanels , Mr. nnd Mrs. E. D. Pitcher
of Chicago , Mr. nnd Mrs.-D. 0. Osmun , Dr.
nnd Mrs. Qluck , Mr. onttMrs. J. , A > , Carpen
ter , Mr. and Mrs. BvXJ. Carpenter. Mr. ana
Mra. C. D. Carpenter.- . B. and G. T. Sands ,
Mr. H. F. Sands , Mr. nnd Mrs. Burns , Mr.
nnd Mrs. D. Carpenter , Mr. aud Mrs Rld-
dcll. 4
John A. Pollan of Omaha and Miss Ida
Brandt were married at Atlantic , Iowa , De
cember it , Uov. E. S. Hill officiating. The
groom is a former Atlantic Jboy and is ono of
the many young men of sterling worth nnd
Integrity whom Atlantic has developed. Tno
brldo is ouo of Atlantic's best nnd fairest
daughters. Congratulations of a host of
friends go with them to their now homo In
Omaha. Mr. Pollan is employed as a compos
itor on Tun O.MA.IIA BEE.
Miss Nclllo Draper , daughter of T. B.
Draper , n leading merchant of lied Oak , la. ,
and Mr. Anson D. Morthrup , employed In the
civil engineering department of the Union
Pacific railroad in this city , were married
last Wednesday evening at the Baptist church
of Red Oak , Iowa , In the presence of a very
largo company of friends. The ceremony
was under a floral boll and tno church was
elaborately decorated.
On last Thursday night Mr. O.'C. Hack-
barth of LoMars , la. , was married to Miss
Lena Held In this city , the ceremony being
performed by Rev. Mr. Latuar of the First
Oornor 11th and Tarnam Streets.
A mere atoin0 | humanity. He
wears a shoe 2 Belies long.He
is so-small thatjjc can hide in a
silk'hat. His fee and form are
perfect He is a Iiandsome , jovial
lad , full of praivks and fun. The
rival of Lucria batata. A wonder
among pigmies , " ; "
Mite , the Midget.
The 19th Century Wonder.
Master Mind of Magic.
Wieid ! Wonderful ! Supernatural !
Baptist church. The brhlo were -whlto
dress , with n long white veil. Quito n Inrpo
number of friends ot tlio contracting parties
wcro present. After the ceremony and the
couple bail received the congratulation * of
their friends supper vnxi announced nnd the
pucsts did ainplo Justice to the many delica
cies placed hoforo them.
Supper over , the evening \vns imsscJ la
social conversation , The brldo's sister , MUs
Mnnnlo , Rave n line exhibition of bor skill
upon the innuo , playing n f o\r choice selec
tions for the entertainment of the visitors.
The guests lingered until Into when they
took their departure , wishing the ncwly-niiulo
nmn nnd wife both Joy nnd hnpnlncss ami n
prosperous voyage through life.
Soolnl Hour Illuli Vivo Club.
Dr. and Airs. 0. II. Paul entertained the
Soclnl Hour High Five club at tholr resi
dence last Tuesday uvcnlntr , whcro n very
pleasiuit tlino was spout nt the popular game ,
nftor which refresh in cnt were nerved. The
TtiloVtprizowns won by Mrs , \V. L. Heard ,
the gentleman's by O. W , Lyon. .Among
those"proscnt wcro Mr. nntl Mrs. W. L.
Monroe , Mr , and Mrs , J. II , Thompson , Mr.
and Mrs. A. Tmvnor , Mr. nud Mrs. 0. W.
Lyon , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. N. I'hllllps , Mr. nnd
Mrs. * W. L. Beard , Ir. nnil Mrs. OeorRO
Nnll , Mr. nnd Mrs. U. K. Allen. Miss Mnrv
MoLcllnud. Miss Nolllo Nnll , JSlr. Jnracs i.
Paul , Mr. 0. U. Pholps.Mr. P. D. llorosforU ,
Mr. Victor Paul.
Dundee Illl | > l''lvc.
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. A. Benson ontortnlncd
the Dundee Place High Plvo club Thursday
cvciiln'Deccmbcr5. Among those present
were the following : Mr. nnd Mrs. M. A.
Upton , Mr. nnd Mra. C. W. IColth , Mr. nnd
Mrs. W. II. Ilnncock , Mr. nnd Mrs.V. . F.
Morphy , Mr. nnd Mrs. Hamilton , Mr , nnd
Mrs. F. A. Smith , Mr. Frank Carinichael ,
Mr. Hamilton , Mr. Paul Benson , Mr. It. O.
Patterson , Mr. Meager , Miss Hamilton , Miss
OrncoBonson , Mrs. Mnst , MUs 1'crlcins.
At 10UO : o'clock Ice creuni , cuke , and a line
quality of sweet elder wore served , nnd ttio
club adjourned after a very enjoyublo even
The OWH.
North Omaha's Musical Owls entertained n
few of tholr friends nt their hall , Nineteenth
and Ohio streets , last Mouday evening. It
waa a very enjoyable affair , the musical pro-
gramrno showing'hard work on tho-part of
the club and the cfllcloncy of I'rof. Krntz.
To give vnrloty to the cntoitalninont , Miss
W. C. Pritchard rendered n solo ; Mr. M , 13.
Davenport road a very spicy history of the
old Plymouth club and .its successor , "Tho
Owls , " and Mr. K. U. Wallace rendered n
declamation , To mnko thu alTulr complete
the club presented Prof. Krntzvllh a hand
some chair. It vas n most complete surprise
and rendered the professor speechless.
Movements null Whereabouts ,
Cnptnin Bear nnd wife loft for Sutherland
Mrs. E. T. Dundy , Jr.v , 111 go to Suthcr-
la nd in January.
General Lowe nnd family loft Wednesday
for Omaha's southern coast resort , Suther
land , Florida.
Mr. Albert Kocder of Denver was In the
city this week the guest ot his brother , Mr.
M. L. Hoedcr.
Mr. C. J. Qrcnn gave a beautiful Kensing
ton 'on Tuesday afternoon which was at
tended by many of the social loaders of the
Minnd Mrs. John Vnrloy of Sherman
avonuouro receiving the congratulations of
frloudi over the birth of a daughter this
"Tho Club" will moot Monday evening ,
December 8 , at the Llnlnifor gallery , the sub
ject for discussion bulng "Tho French.Uovo-
lutlon. "
Mrs. J. F. Barnard has issued invitations
for a "Hearts" partv Monday evening , 1008
Capitol avenue , in honor of her daughter ,
Miss Fltza Barnard.
A Christmas sale of fancy articles and
luncheon will bo held nt the homes of Mra.
Ford nnd Mra. IVillinm Gygcr , 'JfMO aim2 : t2
Half Howard street , Thursday , December 11 ,
from " until 0 p. m.
Mr. D , IJ. Goodrich loft for Chicago on
Wednesday to visit his father , who has boon
qulto' ill recently. Ho expects to return In
the course of thrco or four days.
Arthur K. Hurtt , a Minneapolis artist , Is in
the city on his way homo from Salt Lake
City. Mr. Hurtt has three pictures in the
art collodion on exhibition hero , ono of
which , "Golden Ilod , " No. 83 , is his best
Mr , nnd Mrs. H. C. Cole , 632 Pine street ,
cave a charming dinner last Saturday even'
Inp to a lew friends , the guests being Dr ,
and Airs. Hanchot , Mr. and Mrs. Tatum ,
Mr. and Mrs. Hulburt anil Mr. and Mrs ,
iOr. Joseph Duryca.s closi in Browning
finished "Pinpa Passes" on Wednesday , I !
is as yet undecided what poGm will bo taken
up next. The class moots every Wednesday
nnd Is usually attended by the full member-
\ship. \
I Mrs. A. B. Smith's first reception day ,
Wednesday , December 3 , brought out the
leading lights of the smart world in large
numbers. It was very pretty , Mrs. Smith
showing rare tact as a hostess. Her second
day will bo on the 17th ,
Mrs , H. W. Yttto ? , Miss Florence Yates ,
Mis3 Bcsslo Yuloi and Miss Iloagland re
turned from St. Joe on Saturday last. Miss
Florence Yatcs was accompanied by Mis ;
Brock of St. Louis , who will bo her guest foi
several weeks.
Miss Orchard has gone toKnoxvllle , Tcnn.
o bo the guest of ono of the bolof ! ot Knox-
vlllo. MUs Kuto Putnphoy , for the remainder
ot the year. Bho anticipates Joining her
'nthcr at Sutherland , Flu. , the Omaha win-
or resort , In .Intumry.
Mrs. Wendell Benson has returned from
Salt L.iko and Is stopping at the Murray.
Hugh M. Wilson , business manager of the
Mississippi Valley Lumberman , Minneapolis ,
Minn. , was In the city on Thursday ,
Mr. Joseph A , Kuhl of the firm of Ollmorc-
& Kuhl 1m pone to Ohio for n month nnd
after that will go to Florida for the winter.
Mrs. Martin gave iieliurmln ly pretty
Kensington Thursday afternoon , the guest's
being MesdatnOs Kntz , Fisher , Ham , Albert
Cnhu , M. Slotmn , llmndols , Colin andJncob-
Bon. Mrs. Culm ( jiivo two or three charming
vocal selections , " \\Vlcomo \ \ Pretty Prim
rose , " among the number , Mrs. KaU giving
ono or two pinna selections.
Invitations have been Issued for the first
nnntml calico ball to be held Monday even-
In K' , December S , at lU-lllng's hall , 1UI I her-
nmn avenup , the roimnlttro having the ball
In charge being ( Joortfo \ \ \ ilolbrook nnd A.
C. Powell. The reception committee Is com
posed of Dr. B. F. Uruimncr , Colonel Mat
thew Patrick , K. U. Lewis , J. A. Hoblnson ,
IT. S. iTnynes. The lloor committee Is , .1. K.
Kildutr , Ocorgfl Kiminll. A. C. Powell , U. U.
Dunbar , George W. Ilolbroolt , A. C. t'owoll.
The snlo of Christmas articles hold at Mrs.
G. B. Lalto's , 2W Dodge street , on FruUy
for the bcnoiltof tbo Chlla'a hospital , fully
met the most sanguine cxwctatlons | ef the la
dies In charge and wiH realize quite n nlco
little sum for the hospital. The suits was
held from 11 n. m. to 10 n. m , but long txrforo
dark nearly all the articles wcro sold , Indies
having to content themselves with a delicious
lunch. Mrs. Clarkson managed tlio sale ,
being most ably assisted by Mrs. O. H. Lake ,
Mrs. Duticl , Mrs. Pomilototi , Mrs , Hull , Miss
Yates , Miss Ilubbard , who is a guest ol Mrs.
Lake's nnd formerly a resident of Oinnlia ,
now of Rochester , N. Y. , Mrs. Henry W.
Yatcs , Mrs. Woolworth nud a number of
other prominent Indies of Omaha.
O\t\itA , Nob. , Dec. 4. ' I'o the Kdltor of
Tin ; I3ii : : Isthoro nothing In the world
that can tench a Inrgo portion of the women
some common sense ! A largo majority oftho
women whom you sco dally on the streets nro
engaged going from ouestoro to another enJoying -
Joying themselves , "looking around" as they
call It.
They \\I11 go Into a store nnd tnko up an
hour or so of n poor , overworked clerk's
time , nnd then very politely and grnco-
f ully sny : "Wo did not Intend to buy to Jay ,
wo are Just looking around. "
When they nro gone , having enjoyed
themselves at another's expense , the proprie
tor will censure tlio poor clerk for missing a
snlo nf tcr ho has put forth his host efforts to
make onn. "WhyMs this foi
In the beginning of time woman was mndo for
a helpmate formun.lmt now in the Nlnotecnth
century when civilization Is far In ndvnnco
of what It waa In times pust , bo it snld to the
shnmcof shoppers , n great many women nro
n source of great annoynnco to the people
with whom they deal , Hut I will say for the
credit of the Rood , there lire some grand
women , but they nro few. Why on earth Is
this soJ
A Ijnlior I'a'nco.
The long- talked oflnborpnlaco is assuming
moro tangible shape , and the Indlc.itlons noiv
are that work upoa Iho structure will begin
early next spring.
Last week n number of the prune movers
Y , Dccniibci' 7.
The Shooting Star , Famous Scout , Actor and
Champion Rifle Shot of the World ,
Supported by a Specially Selected Dramatic
Coin any in the Boalaatio Drama.
Sea the greatest acting clogs lu tlioworld. .
Jumbo , the largest St. fiernswd dog. Two
horses on tlio stace. Popular Prices.
Box' Sheet Opans Saturday Morning.
December 24th , 189O.
MAJOIU. II. P ( > M > lint the hunnr to nnoounco tlio
only appufiranuu In thin city of
The Rescue of limin Pasha !
The Forests , Pigmies and March
A err oss Africa.
Tickets fur Hnlo at Sluiulnra Duilnois Collo/c , N.
V. Llfo
In tlio enterprise mot nt ( Into City Imll nml
) > orfoetcd the orKnnlzntldu. ( y thu olo'oUoif ot
the following officer * : 1'rosldout , George
W. Wllnrd ! sccn-tary , William S. Sobrlnj }
treasurer , Jul luM'vcr : Ixmrxi of directors ,
M. II. Muster , K. 't. ' Ovcrrnll , Thomas 0.
Kolioy , .lames i ICe inoy , August Bcormtm
nnd 'William Goc in.
Subscription UAJKI nro , at once to bo
opened that all \\ho desire to contribute cosh ,
may do so.
Sixteenth unit Fixrtmm Btroots Is
tlio now Hock Island" ticket ollluo. Tick
ets to nil points onst at lowest rntos.
This Sunday Evening ,
Kast Porforinnnco of
Gorgeous Spectacle ,
AroimdllWoi !
Under the Personal Direction of
' Tlio lioiimiitlo Irlttli 13t"Htiti
( A Companion Play totlic Ivy Lcil )
A. Strtotly First-Class Company. Includ.ns
the Talented Irluh Comedian
Lulu of Johnson and Slavln's MJnstrols.
KSTroductlonBainoan at the 14th Street
' Tneutar. NowVorlt
Pri ce s
Three Ni nM , Commencing
Thursday , December nth ,
Saturday Mntln o.
a .
eJ d
n c/ /
Fio33 as usual. Sale of seats opens Wed <
The Cutest , Funniest Lilliputian
Song and Dance Artists
of the Age.
King of Clubs
Fashion plate Female Imper
Rollins ,
Master of the Silver Thread ,
an artist-of world wide repute.
A. troupe of funny'laugh-pro , <
d icing comedians. A panoramiq
pD poiirri of songs , dances and
A refined , spicy , crisp enter
tainment for