Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1890, Part One, Page 5, Image 5

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Of Our Special Underwear Sale Two Days More
The sudden change of the weather sharply reminds us of the need
of heavy underwear and Winter Overcoats and naturally directs atten
tion to the best place to obtain these useful articles of dress.
_ _ During the past week we have made the largest purchase of Win
ter Underwear , from a large manufacturer in Amsterdam , New York ,
ever Sought by us since we have been in business , and at prices which
enable"us to offer the most tempting bargains in the finest quality of
In both white and colored fabrics , ever shown in this city , without ex
ception. The goods included in this purchase are none of them of the
cheaper grades , but are the finest fabrics made by this well known
knittiug mill , in patent and regular shapes , and of fine texture. The
goods are now on sale at the Continental Clothing House at
prices as quoted below , and as we wish to distribute the goods included
in this purchase ( which amounts to about 1OOO dozen ) as widely as possi
ble , we reserve the right to limit every purchaser to four garments only ,
as , e > , t the prices we offer this underwear , many wholesale dealers would
like to purchase the entire lot. We offer for Monday and Tuesday :
Lot i. Is a special lot of 200 dozen natural wool [ no dyestuff used ] Underwear , in reg
ular sixes , made in excellent manner and usually sold at Si.25 each garment. We offer now to
lose at this sale at
75 Cents Each. 75 Cents Each. . , 75 Cents Each.
These are not coarse goods , but will be found of fine quality and suitable for any gentleman's
wear who appreciates a good article. We repeat , the usual retail price of these goods is not
less than $ i.26. i i itli
Lot 2 , We offer 200 dozen pure white Australian Wool Underwear in regular sizes , new , ; rt'
fresh goods , such as we have sold regularly in our stock for the past year at $1.50 each. Now
offered to close during this sale at the remarkably low price of W it B
$1.00 Each Garment $1.00 Each Garment $1.00 Each Garment
| ? .
Freeland , Loomis & Co. , Proprietors. - Corner HI' ' t Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
The Western Association Getting Too Big
for Its Swaddling Clothes.
TIow the Cranes "Won the Amateur
Championship Doings of tlio
Wlicol Club Miscollnnoous
Local Sports.
t _ _ _ _
ii i
i The Western association should got a move
i on herself and ai once map out Its future
policy. If she expects representation In the
I ' front rankof baseball organizations she wonts
to do a little hustling. The pold-lined opportunity -
i tunity is here and the occidental moguls
should not overlook it , The principal dlftl
cully with the Western association has alI -
I > . ways been her diffidence about asserting her
self , and the underrating of her strength and
, Importance. She has always been handi
capped by the attitude of her principal
cities , which bavo seemingly had the inter-
cats of the National league and Amer
ican association at heart , rather than those of
their own circuit , and regularly about oneoa _
month throughout the scntion they bid for a
place In ouo of the older boales , or Idiotically
threaten to Jump. This keeps the whole ns
Boclntlon In a state of uncertainty , detracts
from the Interest of Its championship race ,
and weakens It materially in every way ,
There may bo a change now with KrauthoTl
' J of Kansns City in the president's chair , and
the Western association may bo vested ulth
some stability and Importance , If It isn't It
Is all day with the sport in most of the cities
In the circuit. It would secra thai
Kansas City and Milwaukee had
had an elegant sufficiency of National league
and American association experience , aud
that they would hereafter lend their best
efforts in building up a major organization of
their own. When with the older bodies
these two cities wcro inero makeshifts , torn- '
porary representatives to brldgo over some
uncertain era , and 1111 in for the emergency.
When Kansas City , Omaha , Minneapolis. St.
Paul and Milwaukee resolve to stand by
each other through thick and thin , and work
In unison with a slnglo object In view , then ,
and only then , will the west see an organl/a-
tlon commensurate iu importauco and power
with the so-called major bodies.
ThoAiimtenr Championship.
. From the following statistics , It would
* " naturally scorn that the Crane Co. team holds
the anmlouf championship of this city un
questionably. They played twonty-ono
gameswinning thirteen , loslnc six and tlclng
two , a record which nouo of the other city
teams can boast. Of thcso games eight wcro
won outside the city and two lost outside ,
four lost la the city and flvo won , and a tie
game plnyod both in and out of the city. The
two games lost to the City Steams were both
plnyod before the Crones \vero fully organized ,
while the Steams won ) iu their strongest
/form. The Cranes hnd the first game won
up to the lust half of the ninth inning by a
scoru of 4 to U when a wrong decision by
Andy Cnslck , who was umpiring , allowed
them to tlo the score and win the game ia the
eleventh Inning. Cuslck afterward admitted
nls mistnko and said that had he given his
decision u second consideration it would bare
reversed the gamu. The Cranes afterward
made two games-\vlth the City Steams , but
the Steams backed out , saying thai they
would rather let their reputation stand as ft
wus. They disbanded In July ,
Of the two games played with the Non
pareils , each club won ono. The Cranes then
put up a forfeit of f-1 for a game for $50 a
'sldo and tbo championship of Omaha , whluh
the NouparelU refilled to cover , aud which ,
after standing two weeks , was taken down.
This would not seem that the Nonpareils
were In it to any great extent , but if they
still think they are , the Cranes will post $100
forfeit with the sporting editor of TUB BKE
for a game early in the spring , each team to
play precisely the same men ns when the two
clubs lest mot. Thcso nro the only two teams
claiming the championship , and the above
would bu the best way to settle it. Appended
will bo found the season's record of the
Cranes , Steams and Nonpareils , as correctly
as I have been enabled to get them at this
late dato. JACK CAIUUO AN ,
What Hip tTlm Snys.
A letter to the sporting editor from J , W.
Hearn , wlthDelgado & Co. Now Orleans , una
the cx-vico president of the Southern league ,
closes with the following paragraph :
"Did you say brotherboodl The fragments
of that mushroom organization and busted
big heads are to bo found everywhere. I am
glad , for It will wipe out some of the old fos
sils the sporting world had tired of years ago ,
and what Is loft of the game of baseball will
bo much bettor off on account of their miser
able failure. "
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
Around the Ofllco Store.
Pbl 1 Knell la playing second. Just now , la
aanutcur UwniJiFfUco , irolUfltfhU band
In "probably for a championship season for
Monkey CHno , Brimblccom and Bushman
nro the men so far signed by Dave Howe.
Van Horn of Denver reports that ho has
signed Ed Hollidny of thu California leapuo.
"Prank Seeloy is after PiUsy Bolivar To-
beau , and as Cleveland isn'tvory badly stuck
on Patsy's Irclnnd-must-bo-freo face , it ia
quito probable that ho will bo found perched
on Boston's third next season.
Count FnRlu , anent his prospocttvo rolcaso
by the Omaha club , says ho Isn't particular
whether ho plays at all next season. A great
many of the cranks who saw him hero last
season are equally indifferent.
Manager Dave Howe Is nftor Jnck Dolan.
As soon as ho learned the awful trnth , Jacu
borrowed a Macintosh , and whou last seen
ho was beating Harry Sto'voy's tlmo sprinV
Ing down the Alexandria pike. Mulford.
Cushtnan elves it out cold that if D.ilrym-
pie and Pcttft nro re-signed It will not bo at
the figures they received last season. Old
Abnor is decaying fast and Pottit isn't any-
hing like the man ho Is cracked up to bo.
Little Macullar has boon released by
Lincoln nt bis own request , It is said. Mac
is an old-timer , ono of the first winners of
the American association championship , but
his playlntf days are not over yet by any
Knoll , who will bo returned to Omnha In
the .spring , was unquestionably the best
' 'south-paw" twlrlor with the brotherhood
list season. Ho won twcnty-ouo games out
of thirty-ouo pitched , giving him a percent
age of , CT1.
The dny of big salaries of the Clarkson-
laruthers-Kelluy-EwIng kind , has evidently
vanished , except in rare Instances. Minor
leagues , for the first tlmo in their history ,
will probably bo conducted on the right llncs >
next season.
Owing to the fact that everybody Is wait
ing , personal Imsobull gossip is becoming a
scarce commodity. Managers are going slow
about signing men , and it would bu foolhardy
to speuk ot the probable make-up of any par
ticular team.
Paddy Welch is to bo given the run by
Milwaukee , along with big , Inllammatory-
hcnded Morrlssoy. Some of the cranks up
there nro also clamoring for Gus Alberts'
scalp , notwithstanding Alberts Is about the
best man on the team.
Thornton of the Alllwnukocs very much
regrets having jumped over to the Pee Iat
the close of last season , und Is now anxious
to get back with the lirowcrs ut his old sala
ry. As this yoang man was greatly overrat
ed anyway , Milwaukee will In all likelihood
accord him the treatment ho deserves.
Llncol Call : * Dave Howe will return to the
city today and this will bo his homo hence
forth. Lincoln welcomes him hack again
end will give him first-class patronage if ho
glvos us eood ball. As Dave has hU war
paint on it is needless to say thut ho will
give Lincoln a winning club next year. His
brother. Jack Howe , of Buffalo , will in , nll
probability play at Lincoln's short field next
The Kansas City papers talk as If the Cow
boys hnd a claim on slippery Plckottbut this
Is not the case. The 1'hlladelphla brother
hood settled with Kansas City for tha deserter -
sorter and ho Is now as free as the balmy air
of Alaska. The Plckotts and the Mulvoys
should not bo allowed to crowd out any hou-
cstball player , no mutter how Inferior bo
may bo.
Nearly every great dalljf Journal In the
country has editorially rejoiced that the war
is over , and there seems to bo a widespread
idea that the game will at once bo restored
to its old rank In the public's favor. Says
the Chicago Herald most truly : "At its boil
professional baseball taxes the local prldo ol
Its patrons to Its utmost. As It was pre
sented last year It lost this feature and , in
losing that , lost all. "
The president of the Milwaukee club says
ho has given Manager Cushumu positive or
ders to sign no men , as the "woods will bo
full of them" before long , on account of the
collapse of the brotherhood , and the salary
list of tbo Mllwaukccs for 1H91 will not bo
nearly as largo as it was ia 1600. Pitcher
Thornton , who signed two contracts , now tha' '
the brotherhood is no more , says ho signet
but ono contract , and that with the president
of tbo Milwaukee baseball club , at | lbOO a
year. Ho ( Thornton ) cow demands $3,600
although be signed at $1,800. Ho will bo it
good luck U he geU what ba signed for , am
Lot 3 is 300 dozen of the finest quality'Vicuna wool , patent shaped garments , weighing
1-2 Ibs. per dozen ; a fine narrow stripe , all the color being natural wool , ( no clyestufTs used ) ;
goods that we have sold regularly for the past two 3Tcars at $2 per garment , and which are
worth that price today , we offer subject to the same restrictions to each buyer , at exactly one-
half their real value , vizs
$1.00 Each. \$1.0d Each. $1.00 Each.
Lot 4 is 300 dozen of the finest quality white underwear ever placed on our counters. It
is made of pure Australian wool. Regular patent shapes , and for gentlemen who appreciate an
undergarment of the finest , softest texture that is manufactured in this country , these goods
will commend themselves. They arc full heavy weight , 12 Ibs. per dozen , and have been sold
by us for the past two years at $2 per garment. With a view of extending our trade to the full
est extent with gentlemen who appreciate fine underwear and furnishing goods , we will offer this
lot Monday and Tuesday , at precisely one half our former price , viz :
$1.00 Each Garment $1.00 Each Garment $1.00 Each Garment.
With the same limitations in regard to delivering not more than four garments to each
buyer. This is the most attractive bargain ever offered in our Furnishing Goods Department
since we have been in business.
We will send samples of this any address , by express , giving the privilege
of examination and returning at our expense if the goods are not found to be worth , as stated
above , double the price at which we offer them.
Our stock of Overcoats and Ulsters is now complete in the details of this important
branch of our business. Our limited space prevents us calling attention to all the different styles
that we have to offer , but it is sufficient to say , that the stock is by far the largest of any in
the city and the prices were nevermore favorable for the consideration of buyers who appreciate
lt style , quality and workmanship at prices guaranteed lower than can be obtained elsewhere for
5l.f work of equal'merit. .
InB - I We call especial attention to our large stock of Irish Frieze Uls
frit Ifr ters in different shades. For severe weather , this is acknowledged to be
it the best garment in the market.
cortnlnly not moro. Double contract signers
do not stand very high anywhere. Milvvau- '
ceo Sentinel. _ j
"Kid" Mohlcr and' Billy James , two prom-
sine Nebraska amateurs , will play with the
Jcadwood toain next season.
Captain Jim Powell of the Sioux Citys has
jecn relieved of the management of the
team and Timothy Hurst hired in his stead.
Nebraska is likely to have a stnto league
next year with the teams in Kearney ,
Grand Island , Hastings , York , Blair , Fro-
inont , Seward and Nebraska City.
J , J. Hardin , Into of San Francisco , has
returned to Omaha for permanent residence.
VIr. .Hardin disposed of his interests in the
Frisco ball club , and declares ho is out of
juso ball.
Ed Mullen , the peanut king at the Omnua
iark , cleared $10,000 Jast year. People down
this way gave up peanuts early in the season
and used nothing but nails.-- Cincinnati
All About tlio Amateurs.
Croigrhton bos not signed yet for next
season ,
Grandjcau will do the twirling for the
Eighteenth Street Stars ngain next season.
Mahoney , Durr and McAuilffo will bo a
strong outflold for the Nonpariols uoxt sea
son ,
Patterson of the < Steams is lathering out
singles ( shaves ) iu a Sixteenth , street tonsor-
iul gallery.
Peterson of the Shamrocks will lot a few
of the kinks out of him next season and show
people what lie can do.
Shields of the old Hardin team will rotate
altogether next season. Billy was quito a
good ono ujow seasons ago.
"Old Hoss" Bowman , while covering the
initial bag uoxt season will bo back to his
first love the West Omalias.
With Bowman first , Flora second , Nolsou
short und Patterson third , the West Oumhas
will have a regular Gibraltar intield.
Purcell and Butler of the Cranes will boon
hand next season nnjnlouotless put up the
brilliant gumo for which they are noted.
Gcisthos received a letter from a Sioux
City lawyer asking his terms to pitch for an
independent team in that city next season.
Bowles of the Crane company's team is
civil engineering for the Union Pacific out of
town , but takes frequent Juunts about the
Thompson , Lucas and Van Aornam will
probably sign with nu out of town club next
so.ison as there is inpro of the good old dust
In it. '
Dave Shunahan wflt call his team together
early in the spring' ' tB give them olonty of
practice before opening the season's cam
paign. .
, , „
Jnko Thompson would tnako n good man for
the Omaha team. Thtf stringent rules would
make Julio cxort alii his abilities to holdup
his end. , . „ ,
The West Lawns .will greatly strengthen
their team next season and it they secure the
players they are after/will bo in it with any
of the local blubs. t I , ,
The Omaha management would do a very
sensible thing In giving Llnahaa of the City
Steams a trial. Wlttf-a little preliminary
piactico in the spring , Dan would bo a great
tindTho , , .
The Nonparlols nrd' giving a series of very
successful dances this1winter , It would bo
the proper thing forMP , ) rest of the teams In
the city to attend jane of them in a body and
Klvo them a rousing good crowd. They would
assure a good time as they are conducted In a
very efficient manner ,
Harmon of Missouri Volley , Borweln of
Council Bluffs and Claridge of Blair , have
had their bonds together with a view of or
ganizing a league for next season to Include
the following cities : Missouri Valley , Blair ,
Fremont , Council Bluffs and ono team from
Omaha , the Crane company team having the
The tabulated and correct record of the
games played by the thrco leading amateur
teams of the city , vli. , Crane company , Non
pareils and City Btoatns , plainly shows that
the Cronos1 claim is no bluff , and the collut-
toral that they produced back of their claims
last season , with no takers , further shows
that they had the backbone to part with their
money , If they wore called down and caught
Etrayro of tbo Cranes is working la the
engineering department in the Bluffs. Sam
will glvo plenty of them the chnrloy horse
next season while flirting across the green
sward after some of his long hits.
Keys of the U. Ps. is out of reach on third ,
and Is quito a coacher.
is Ijonl Sports.
John Tcomer has been offered the position
of trainer of the St. Joseph ( Mo. ) boat club.
"Sport , " n valuable King Charles spaniel ,
owned by W. E. Magnor , was poisoned Fri
day ,
Frank Cross returned from a trip to the
Klkhorn yesterday with a big Dag of quail
ana rabbits.
C. A. Claflln , with an eastern friend.
grassed ono hundred quail in the vicinity of
Wuhoo on Wednesday.
Lnrgo numbers of Hutchlns and white
gocso nro reported to'havo como in at Hod-
jer's within the post two days.
Tnoro will bo another old-time turkey shoot
along the Missouri's sandy shore , at the east
end of the brldgo tbis afternoon.
"Polo , " owned by EdUothory and the dam
> f more lirst lass lighting dogs than any dog
in tbo west , died on Tuesday last.
The Panlllton gun club held its annual
mnt on Thursday lastconllning the slaughter
principally to quail , squirrel and rubolt.
The Quiun-Christol-Jnp-Tomplo sure-thing
wrestling combination hits moved on to Lcad-
vlllo. They failed to throw each other in
Esthetic girls who go in for physical cul-
turj now rave over dumb bells made of cut
crlass. They are very pretty , but too expens
ive for wear.
Billy Brewer , disgusted over the wild fowl
shooting in this section this full , will take a
run with his little lummorless down into
Texas next week.
W. It , Crosby , who aspired to the American
Held cup , was badly beaten by J. A. It. Klli-
oU. The Kansas City crack shot beat his
Illinois opponent 18 to 39.
Fred Fuller has backed himself $ > worth
to beat the best rillo shot in Council Bluffs.
J. J. Hardin , who is to back the Bluffs party ,
ha * not yet selected his man.
Harvey McMurchy intends to challenge , T.
A. It. Elliott for the American Hold cup , aud
Frank Pnrmelco Is thinking seriously of tak
ing a fall out of J. A. H. himself.
"Say , you bicycle fiend , " yelled the marlno
editor to the 'cycling reporter , "have you got
a licensor1 "What for ! " Innocently in
quired the latter. "To pedal. " Chicago
The light-weight battle fought between
Tom Ryan and Ed Burtlott at Shoflleld , Ind. ,
last week , was under the mamigumont of
Patsy Fallen , formerly of this city , , now of
Captain A. H. Bogardus , the great wing
shot , has just 11 red n second barrel at Cupid.
Ho was mauind ut Lincoln n few days neo to
Mrs. Lucy Heimcr , a Philadelphia widow.
The captain and his bride nro at Elkhart.
The two boat clubs of St. Paul the Min
nesota and St. Paul have consolidated. The
new organization is to bo known as the Min
nesota boat club and it starts in with an ac
tive membership of about ono hundred and
fifty , and nn honorary membership of between.
U00and400 ,
The increasing cold weather , however , will
shortly send the birds southward and gun
ners must bo expeditious , indeed , If they
would got a crack at them.
Football. while having a decided attractive
quality of its own , can never take the plnco
of baseball in the affections of the American
public. The great Interest in football is con
fined to two or tbrco games each year. Then
it is tbo fact that the big colleges are the op
ponents that call : } out the enthusiasm. The
game Itself cannot bo classed as a rival to
Surprised Is expressed at the low averages
made by Shaofor and Slosson in their gamo.
It would bo almost impossible for thorn to
average as poorly In pructlco games , hut it
serves to show how strong the nervous ten
sion is that accompanies a gumo played m
public and for a high stake. The local cracks ,
Minute Cahn , Billy Magnor , Charllo Beck
and Harry Parrlsh will shortly rcallzo what
It Is on their own account.
Wilbur F. Knopn , formerly the Colorado
champion , now of Portland , Oregon , has slg-
nlfleifclils willingness to ride Ned Heading ,
, ho soldier bicyclist , any kind of n race for
almost any stake , and also extends a similar
courtesy to Jack Prince.
The lost shot-gun expert to receive n quietus
otus at the hands of J. A. It. Elliot of Knii -
sas City , was W. W. Crosby of O'Fnllon , III-
The management of tiio coliseum is
making preparations for n six day profes
sional blcyclo race to comu off some time in
December. It intends to Imng up n hand
some purse , divided in four moneys , and will
Midcavor to devise such rules and regulations
o govern the same as will preclude all possl-
Jility of faking. A number of the best known
Idors have Indicated a desire to cmtor , and
f the scheme is consummated a great race
may bo expected.
Jabs , Tlitunps and Bninslion.
The light weight battle at Gormnnla hall ,
South Omaha last Thursday night between
young Davis of this city and Billy O'Douucll
if Minneapolis , was the vary host fistic exhi
bition scon within a radius of eight hundred
miles In the lost ton years. It-was business
[ romtho suirt , young Davis winning on a
Toul after cloven very rounds. Ho
ind his man in a somniferous mood several
times , however , before the above result was
roauhodand wouldhnvcu ndoubtcdly knocked
inn out hnd the nlTnlr gene toft finish. Young
Davis mudo a manly light , which is more than
can bo said of his opponent.
The South Omaha club have as yet failed
to decldo upon the Jack Davis-Pat Allen
fight , which is down for the iiUtb , and It is
still a question whether It will como off before
fore the club or at Gcrmania hall for the * 50U
stakes already posted. D.svis is bucked by a
couple of well kuown business men , wnllo
Ed Kothory is furnishing the collateral for
the big Scotch-Irishman. In any event it
will bo u tremendous battle , for these
qualified to speak , pronounce Allen the equal
if not the superior of Davis. Ho Is an old
rlngster , has hadascoro of hard fights and
has met defeat but twice.
May bo Charlie Jackson isn't a reforco. Ho
handles fighters Just-liko sipping an nbslntho
frappe and knows n foul from n fish us quick
tis ho sees it. The Salt Luke man officiated
at the recent Davis-O'Donncll mill.
Harry Allen and Mlko Mooney fought
forty-nlno rounds at Omaha , and Allen quit
with a broken arm. Mooney was given the
light. Times SUr. No , they didn't fight ,
but faked through forty-nlno rounds , then
wont into the alloy and "whacked" the
The Maglo City club Is figuring to bring
Ed Smith of Denver and Jack Davis to
gether , with little prosprcls of success , how
ever , as Smith ig n member of the Muldoon
combination , which is not hcndod this way.
Jack Morrison , a San Jose middleweight ,
has floated In and Is desirous of getting
mixed up in a row within the roped arena
with some man of his hoft.
Patsy Fallen , Now of Chicago , writes Ed
Rothcry that ho has a liiS-pound man ulio
can do Lindsay and wants the latter to make
a match if possible.
Young Davis Is to bo matched this week
against Lindsay's unlcnown for a century a
sldo and the gate.
Prof , McLarned Is ono man In a thousand
who knoxvs how to manage a pugilistic at
Open to tlio Country.
OMAHA , Nob. , Doo. 0. To the Sporting
Editor of TUB BKK : The undersigned qunr-
lotto challenge ) any four rlllo nliots In the
country to shoot thorn telegraphic rlllo
match , fifteen shots to tho'man , KM ) foot , S3-
callbro rifle , rodur-cd'00-yard Hlinnan target ,
within the next live weeks.
JOHN Pinrr ,
J. J. lUui-ow ,
JAMUH Lxxr.Do.v ,
Oinntin VA fit. Joo.
W. E. Nason of this city , and Dorsoy Bur
gess of St. Joe , posted a forfeit of fci5 each
yesterday with Billy Brewer for a fifty llvo
bird match , modified I'ngllsli rules , for WO a
sldo. snld shoot to take place within throe
weeks , .
Pnlaoo Illlllnril Tournntnoiit.
Holiday week will bo waited for Impatiently
tiontly by the devotees of the beautiful gnmo
of billiards , as that is the time set for the
i'alaco rooms' errand mid-winter tournament.
Messrs. Parrlsh * Magner , Bock and Calm ,
our of the best local players , have signed
articles , and a more oven sot of plovers could
lot bo brought together. The tournament is
to bo a handicap , and thuro are six orctht
thor skilled locals expected to enter , und the
iffalr is already an assured success.
und Answer * .
Will you please publish Flora Temple's rec
ord in uoxt Sunday's BUB. Did Lady Tborno Goldsmith Maid ; If so , what wus
.ho time madol Double Gait , IlumboldtNob.
Aiis.-n 2:10 : } { . ) Yes. I.udy Tliorno , In
WS. on the old Union course. Now Yoilc. boat
ioldsmltli Mitld , Lucy und American Girl , es
tablishing the ! . ' :18U : record.
Will you please notify mo by mail where I
can procure a copy of the American Shooting
associations rules ! Trap tahot , Fremont.
Am. lly wrlllnit to the association , room
84 , btowart building , Now York. Mo questions
uiswered by innfl.
Will you pluaso give the proper name of tha
nock duck , about the sUe of the rod-head ,
common in Nebraska waters ! In whlch.son-
aon should wild rico be sown and where c K
1 inn chase seed ? W. Wells Murrav , Nor-
Ans. ( I ) Prolix Marlln , black-hond , bliick-
noknrbluo-bltl. (2) ( ) The hnring. It. Valentine -
tine , .lune.svlllo. WIs. Would nut llko to ncl-
vlso you In rcgiird to the mutter with which
you close your lottor. Write to nome rullublo
pumimkur ; that Is tnnsufu nay.
A and B play high-live : A is M , B10 : A
) Ids 8 on hearts and makes high. Jack , game
and " 5 of diamonds ; B makes low and 5 of
"loarts. Who wlnsl Omaha Wheel Club.
Ans A.
Would you plooso ho authority and decide
-ho bet described below : At a radloA thrrw
43 with dice ; B says 43 will bo boat : thun
another , man throws 411 , and nobody throws
nero than 43. Who wins } M. 1C. , Ogdcn ,
An . It Is n draw. This question 1ms boon
inswurod ul Icnittli several tlmoa In THE UEK ,
und Is a chestnut good and rlpu.
The pair of Irish elk horns now on exhibi
tion at the Millard hotel , require your
valuable nid In settlement of many dls-
rmtes. Plensq answer in SUNDAY Bun :
Joes the elk , dcor , nntolope , or nil the deer
family carrying horns , shod the same yearly }
if so , about what season of the year , and how
long before they como to maturity I W. C.
Hulott , Omaha.
Ant. Yes , all of the door family liavodocld-
noiis horns or antlors. which forms the csscn-
Uul olmraolur of thu Umiean ROIIUS ocrvus , to
which tlinso you mention baking. The horns
nro Horn-rally Klicd In I'obrimrv or Huron and
are about four months or thoreuboutu In mil-
If the correspondent who signs himself
Horseman will send us his real nunio as n
guaranty of good faith , wo will publish what
ho has hnd to say with reference to the pedi
grees of Dick Wlhlo's stallion Trenton , J. S.
Caulflold's ' NIobo and Arthur Rothory's colt.
Please answer the following questions , and
decide a bet. Who led the Western Luaguo
In batting and base running. And to what
tcamsdld they belong } C. It. H..t'axtouNcb.
Ans. Subol liattlinc , Bloux City ; Manning
huso running. Kansas Olty ,
To decide n bet please state In Sundav'i
Bi'.R of Doo. 7tli , how many rounds did Sulli
van and Mltchcl fight whou they fought a
draw noout two years ago hi Franco , also
what was the number of the rounds Jake
Kllratn and Jem Smith of England fought ?
H. E. Boyer , Stratum , Iowa.
Ans. Sulllvan-Mltohul thlrty-nlno rounds ,
n hours and II minutes , druw. Aptcmonl ,
Franco , March 10. ims. Kllraln-Smlth. 108
rounds , ii haim and U ) minutes , dravr. Island
bt. 1'lerro. Franco. Dee 10. 1BS7.
Will you pleaio state In Sunday 'sBnn ' what
Wnllv Andrew's present address Isl H.V ,
II. , City.
Ans. Kltlicr Indianapolis or Memphis , can
not any which.
Please state In your query column of the
SUNDAY BKR , what ruler receives the largest
salary , and amount of salary received per
year. Molllo , City.
AIIK. Thcro nro no mcani of knowing tlio
oxait Incomusof tlio rulers of nil countries.
The czar of Russia lias no suhiry , buHias co n-
trulof the lliiani't'3 ( if tlio c/miitry , und tuin
bul | > himself to nil tlio fund * ho deslrrs. Tli *
royal family of KnKlaniUlr.iws about J-.OW.WO
annualy from the truaxury ,
Dr. Dlrnoy cures catarrh , Bco Wdg
Tbo Duchcssodo Fltijtunos. whoovrns largo
vineyards in Cbumimifno , Is ono of the most
Biicccossful aud scientific vine growers la
Dr. Bit-no y euros culurrli , Bco bid ; ,