Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1890, Part Two, Page 15, Image 15

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Optiiaintio Reflections on the Financial
Situation in Eastern Ocntora. '
Ilnnkf-ro ItoRard the Outlook hn Fa-
vornlili ! Joblicrn Itnporta Marked
linpi-ovomcnt The Week's
The past monlh has witnessed some very
Important changes In the llnanclal ccnlcrs
In the largo eastern cities. Attlmoitho situ
tton , BO far nt least as speculative Inlcrcsls
were concerned , has been very threatening ,
but tbo most dangerous point was safely
passed. The speculative market * have been
slowly recovering themselves nnd returning
to lliolr normal condition , but inert ) U no de
nying the fact thnt there U n stringency Iu
the money market * , especially ni repnrds
commercial loans , whlcb 1s qulto keenly felt
In the financial circles of some of the largest
eastern cities , as New Vork , Philadelphia
nnd Uoston. This too , In Iho face of Iho fact
that the volume of currency In circulation Irt
larger lhan It over has been before , nnd lliat
clearing house certificates have also iiecn h-
sued lo a great extent , thcro being. It 1
claimed , $11,000,000 of such ccrtlllcatos out-
fitamlitig In Noxv York. Under such circum
stances It Is not surprising that financiers
meet with some dlHlculty In explaining Iho
cause of Iho existing money stringency , or
rather thnt they are not agreed as to the
causes leading up to II. Some are Inclined lo
nscrtbo It lo the lack of credit , upon
which by fnr the greater part of modern
commerce depends , but there li no complaint
ns to collections , which nro fully ns good as
usual , and failure * nro by no means numer
ous , excepting in connocllon with the recent
Wall street IJurry. At the same tlinu easl-
cm bankers claim Hint they nrc called upon
to rcr.cnv paper in inoro than the usual pro-
porlion and that they llnd tbo commercial do-
: nanas for discounts inadequately supplied.
Takinu'Uils as a cue , some nro Inclined to
ascribe Iho scarcity in money available for
fhia < iclal transactions to the ovorpurahnslnp
of goods for distribution , or. In other words ,
ltotho | purchasing of more goods for dlslribn-
tlon tlmn itnvo bcco dblrlbulcd to consum
ers , thus'tying up vast sums of money. According -
. cording to this theory merchants have acted
on the supposition that the consumption
; vyouia go on increasing but , owing to mirtlal
failure of crops and various other causes
combined , it begin ; ! lo look ns if Iho actual
consumption'Instead cf expanding , was In-
cllnod , In some branchou at least , to shrink.
If tills bo the true explanation , there is not
the slightest cause for npprehensIon , r.s It re
solves Itself into a plain ease of "wait pa
tiently and nil will come out right. " Asa
jiiattorof course' tlio present money strin
gency would , under such circumstances , l > every
very apt to continue In tlio places where It is
now felt until the opening up of spring trade.
The Journal of Finance of New York takes
r nn even more cheerful view of tbo situation
and iinmos..tho agencies which are producing
ix temiwrary siringoncy as more incidents of
tlio recovery or iho speculativemarkets. .
.Accordliig'to tliut view the market was fast
approaching n normal condition when the
embarrassment of tbo Barings was an
nounced. This was a set back , which , au-
comprinlod by one of tbostrongest bear move
ments U'all Street has ever witnessed ,
stayed tie | lido of advnuco nnd moved values
back for u few days. The hanks wore bo-
sclged bolh by borrowers ami Investors , the
former to save themselves nnd tbo latter , to
improve uu opportunity. Loans Increased
nnd deposits decreased , 'Tbo reserves van
ished. The banks Intro since contracted
tholr loans nnd nro recovering their position.
Tliojr nro restoring tholr reserve , nnd accord
ing to thin hopeful view , will soon bo in as
healthful n condition ns In the latter part of
October nnd the early partof November.
With all Iho tnlk about a tight money mar
ket In Iho east it is not surprising that the
subject is beginning to ho spoken of in local
.business circles nnil that , where nnv line of
business is not BO good as it ought to be , or as
> the dealers would llko lo see it , tbo cause is
ascribed to tlio scarcity of money. This is
I particularly Iho case where the blame cannot
! bo laid Upon the open winter or any other upI -
I parent local causo. Thus far , however , thcro
I lias been no Just cause for any complaint
, about irtonoy In Omaha. The hanks hero nro
1 in.oxcellcnt condition nnd fully prepared to
i meet nil tbo demands of legitimate business.
I Money is not quite so easy as it hns been dur
ing some months owing to tbo increased do-
I : maiul usual'nt this time of thoycar , but thcro
nro no signs of any stringency. Omaha
bankers generally regard Iho oullook ns very
favorable nnd anticipate a marked improve
ment after the llrst of the year.
Local jobbers all report a very fair trade
for tin ) season of the year. The colder
weather prevailing during the past week has
been of material assistance In some lines ,
such as dry goods , iu whlcb Ihero has been
considerable snnp lo Iho Irado. After a pro
longed spell of mild wcnlhur trade responds
very quickly to any deciuVil lowering of Iho
temperature and the retail dealers have been
solid I up in urgent orders , that have oecn veay
gralifyliifr lo the jobbers. This Improvement
cxlends lo nil Hues of goods that nro espe
cially needed for winler wear , such as caps ,
lined gloves , heavy boots anil stiocs. ready
made- clothing and all heavy woolen fabrics. i
The near approach of the holidays nlso causes
nonio Improvement in goods usually in de
mand at that time but 3ir
, snub goods nro for
the most part already In the hands of the re
tail dealers. In a good many lines of busi I-
ness dealers never look for much Irado In
December , and such lines are now accord
ingly experiencing Iboir usual dull time. The
' lumber trade , so far as the Jobbing business
'ii concerned , is nracllcally closed for Iho
year and prices will probably remain at their
present status , unless there should bo some
important cluingo in railroad rates. Values
in the metal market remain about stationary ,
" and the roovumeut of goods is fully
"up towhat dealers have a right to
expect nt this season. Thcro is no Kcncral
break In the mouolony ol the wholesale mar
ket , for staple Rrocerlcs. The few fluctua
tions in value taking place nro unimportant
nnd hardly worthy of special mention. Prices
on country produce have ruled ruthor low in
ninny instances during tlio week past nnd Ino
colpts nceordliiKly have been dropping off.
This Is especially true in the case of poultry.
The shipments of gunio hnvo ivlso decreased
very materially , though from some other
cause , ns the prices hero have been bign in
comparison with those paid nt eastern points. :
Taken all In nil It would s.a
, seem to have boon s.on
week which local dealers can look back upon
without much cause for complaint.
Saturday. Doc. n.
OA.Tri.K-Esllniatcil receipts of cattlu. 2.400 ,
asconiuiiroil wlthl.r.-t : yi turilav siinl l.'rt''Sat-
"rdiiyof last wouk. The rt'colptaduring the
weenvi"i 13,000 ns oomnarod wltJi D.5I2
the wi-ok prior. Tliu nmrkot was about
Rlfiuly on the host crinU's of hooves nnd
biltehiT Mtock. with undi-sirablo lots lowur.
Notblni ; Iu doing In thu feeder line , ( lood
freilurnnrunearvu ami aiu Inilciiiainl. During
the week RHid tieovod have deullncd 10 to2Jc ,
und Iossih > slrnblogrndt's20 to40c.
lions Kstlnniti-u receipts of lions. 7.GW , as
roiiiiianul wltli7U'jy ( > > .terliiyand 10.11)7Satur
day of last \vook. Thu rucolptH diirhiK irbu
week wiiro 42.SOO ns compared wjth 44,701
thu week prior. Tlio market was u shade
10 Oo lower than tlio eluso yritunlnr und Mj >
10o lower than yesterday's opening. All
sold. MurKut slow. The range of prices
.mild WIIH itt.oiCt3.-pO. ) ( tbo bulk selling ut JJ.41VJO
a.00. Plcs.JI.7MW.75 ; llu'ht. J-UKX&UO ; bcnvy. : : ; mixed , KUOfCLU. Tlio nvoracu of
tlio prices paid was W , : i)4 ) us compared with
* yL4S yuHtorduy uud tail Saturday of last
8liKEf--Kstmntcd ! receipts of sheen 201.
Tlio rccolptt during tlitiwinik wcro 2,741 31.IH
comi.nrcd with l.TiM the week prior. Tbo
mutton niarkut Is ntuiiOy. Natives , ti.y 3l.Bj :
wu ti < rii8. t2.wai.U. ( '
Disposition of .Stock ,
BhowInK the numborof bend of stock
ehiisod on this market as reported hy tbo
wolKhmiiBtor of tlo ) btockyarda conipuiy for
Iuueiabor3i )
Bwirt tCa i m
'tho ' 0 , 11. Hammond Co , . . . . 2is
1'be Cuduby pucHIng company 34i
Omabn parking company , . . . . . . . . . . .
Hhlppcrs nnd feeders . . . . . . . . . . . . f > 3l
The Cuilrthyp'ncklnn coinuinr . . . . .
Unialin piieklug company. . . . .
Hwlft At'o. , . , ; . . . . . < . 1.57J (
T.hoO.ll. Mnmmond A : Co. , . . . . 5ir
North Packing Co . . . . . H77
MvorxK | > l it DM Molnos packing company 511
Shippers and feeders . . . . . . ' 170
p - _ .
For the Wook.
Hhonlng thn nunibcr of head of stock
pnruluucd on this' miirkot ns ropoited by the
wclglinmHtursof tlin ritookynrdj company tlio
wcuk ending DruutiibcrO.
HwlftM.'o . . ' . 3. W
TliP G , 1U IlatniiMinil Co . l.ittl
Tim Cnduby I'uckliiK Co . 8'iVJ
Omaha I'nukluc Co . 101
tililjicrn | nnd feeders . . . , . f > , GlO
The Oiidaby packing company . 10.25r.
Omaha packing company. . . . ! > .4 < .i
HwlftACo. . . ; . . . . . . . 7.MK )
The ( I , II , Iliuiitiii1lilpucl < liiicoiMliiliy. : . II.50S
Shippers anil feeders . , . & ,822
Swift A Co. . . . . . . .TiO
Thu Armour-CiKlahv Packing Co . 15
Tliu U , II. llnmmoiid packlngcompany. . . . IOH
Shippers nnd fuudora. . . . CO
I'rcvnilliii ; Prlecn.
The following U a tiildo of price * pnld on
this imirkctfor thogradoOf utock mentioned :
t'nnuyMocnii.Vtoinoallf ; ) ) , . $1.25 Q.VI5
Prime stcort. 1250 to 147511) ) * . . . . . . . . 11.0) ? > .4.ri
( load hleor.4. IIJO to KLVI Ihs . 11.70 < 5 > , l. ( )
lliltchi-rs' htecrs. 10V ) to 1IWO Ibs. . . . : i.50 d\\.m' \
I'ul r steers. lOOd toll.VJ Ib' * . iUI
( . ' ( iiiimnii,800to 12'JOlbs . . . . . . 2.75
I'nlrtoiood cows . 1,00 fWOO
( lood toeliotcocow.i. . . . 2.00 & 2,75
Choice to fancy cows . 2.10 Cti,40 :
llolfors . 2.00 CKI.OO
Ycnrllngs . 2.00 CM.OO
Feeders . 2.20 6W.M )
StOokfM . 1.40 CJ2.IO
( 'nliuars . i . 105 6W.OO
Hulls . 1.25 < f .0 < )
Oxun . 2.25 WOO
ftliK * . 1.50 6M.OO
Cillvcs . 1.50 ( idl.OO
Western corn fed steers . 2.50 ® 4.5' )
Western slocrs . I.f-0 ffa.OO
Western cows . l.CO © 2.10
Cost of
Tbo following table gives the average eoU ot
hogH on the dates ipcntlnncd :
October.'ll : i74 Novcinbor 19. . . 341
November 1 , . . ' November 20 . . 34S
Novcmborll 175' November 21 . .
Novcinbcr4 November 22. . .
Novctiilxii 5. , . November 24 . .
NovomborO. . . November 2V. .
Noviiiuber7. . . 3 m NoveiiiburM. . . ; i 58
Novembers.i. : i r.4
November 10. . . November 2S , . . : i C
Novismbor II . . Novciuior29. ! . . .154
November 12. . . Docpinbor L. . . .1 4:1 :
November ji. : . : i07 liut'cinbiirS , . . . : i 3 < J
Novoiiilinr II. . . , : i m December n. . . . : i40
No vein her 15. . . , : i 53 Doci.'inbor 4. . . . : i 45
November 17. . . , Douombur 5. . . .
NovomborlJ. . . Docpmcer 0. . . .
Couipnratlvo Table.
Thn following table shows the rnngo In
prices on Imvs :
rnilay , Cetoboril : . 3.25 (31.05 (
.Saturday. November 1 . 8,15 01.10
Monday , November ! ! . „ . . 8.15 ( .7,1. 12
Tuesday. November . 8.25 < ( JI,15
Wednesday. NovpniborS . 8.10 CJI.10
Tliiu-Mliiv , Novomborfl . 8.15
Krldny. Novuinbur 7. . . . . . . 3.00
Satmiluy. Novoiuhcr 8 . 3,20
Jlonday , Xovumbur 10 . 3.IH
TuoHilay , Novombnr 11 . 8.00
Wodni-Mliiy.NovcinburlS . 8.10
TlMirsdny , Novombcr Kl . 8.05
Krlday. November 14 . 8.00 .
Satnrdiiy. NovcinbiT 15 . 3.00 QVI.O.'i
Monday. November 17 . 3.00 6 < t\M
Tuesday. November 18 . 3.00
Wvdiiosdny. Novombcr 19 . 3.00 ar \l \
Thursday. November 20 . : im < ? & ' ! .70
Krldny , Noruin bur 21 . , . . . 3.00 CJ185
Hat unlav. November 22 . 8.01 03.M
Monday , Novumber 21 . 3.2.1
Tui'sday. Nevi > iiibor25 . . . . . 3.20 .
Wudnesday. November 2J . 8.25 6W.S5
ThiirsdiiV , NovuiiilwrS ? . . . ' . . 8.00 Cft'lSO
KrUlay , Novoiuhcr28 . 3.15 < it.'lh5
Haturday. November 2 ! ) . 3.25 @ : i7.l
Monday. December 1 . ! 105 < ai.0. : >
Tiiosduy. Decembers . 3.10 ® : u" >
Wodnesdsiy , DL-ci-mbur,1) ) . 3.1)5 ) tf&Kt
Tliiirsduv , Doouinbor 4 . 3.00 ® : i.70
Kriiliiy , OocemburS. . 3.00 CW.70
HaturUay , Doccmbur 0 . a.OO < jja.CO
Itepresciitntlvo Sales ,
No , AT. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr
1. . 1100 J2 80 12s.ll r $3 SO No.r , ilZK f.100
* . , ' l ! i" > : t oo U..1007 3 50 20. , ,1140 40 : )
1. . 1000 ; i oo 1..1140 3 50 .1IKI7 400
IU. . 1024 ; i DO 4.11W ; 3 00
14. . 1007 a n . ( W..1540 3 73 ,1340 440
II. . 1020 s 1.1 3fi.U''G3 3 SO TJOI 4W )
St. .HfcS 4 15 17..1187 3 85 ao .14211 450
3. . 1KB a 20 IS. . ! ! 3 00
1. .1000 1 M ) 2..1145 2 00 L , 850
3. . D70 1 25 10. . 10UO S 00 15. 1154 2 25
7. . ftll 1 25 8..1075 8 00 " * > . ) KM 25
7.l . 491 1 25 2..1000 2 00 5 ! 1012 280
l ! . 1040 1 40 2. . 1000 2 00 11. 1182 230
1.H. . .1000 1 50 23. . Wa 2 10 to. 1105
H. . Iff ? 1 ftl ) 10 , . 811 2 10 > > 871 2:10 :
1. .1140 1 50 2. . a" 2 10 17 ! Oil 2 : r
.1000 1 M ( I. . 051 8 15 1203 2:1-1 :
.11115 1 50 II..107(1 ( 2 15 12. 1109 23J
. 1)11 ) I 75 -.lOitt 2 15 15. ,1103 , 24U
. l > 78 1 K5 n..lO.Vi 2 15 15.S. . 1127 240
. MI 1 110 7. . IK)4 ) 20 5. 12118 240
.1000 1 W 0..1014 2 20 0 810 245
.104 , ' ) 1 ( K ) 7..1UV < 8 80 0. .1118 8H ! )
.1070 L' (10 ( 17..1013 2 80 0.J..1370 315
.1093 2 00
.ISO ) 1 00 4..1f.tJ 200 1. .1480 231
.1200 1(10 ( .1..1200 200 1. .1510 23.5
.14110 1 ( 1..1710 200 1 .14IM ) 250
.17UO 170 1..1700 2(10 1. . 1.110 275
.1110 1 7i ) 1..14IO 200 1. .1800 200
.1C70 175 1..1510 ! ! 15 1. .170) 300
.12JO 175 2. . 1410 225 1. 2200 325
.1GGO 1 75
. raw 225 2. . 715 225 12. . 750 270
Bin 2 25 I ) . . 002 205 2 , . 835 273
. IKJO 1 ! 25
1 uprlngor . $ ? l 00
2. . 1223 3 25
1..1019 2 25 1..1510 3 25
2. . 16102 05
No. Av , Pr.
.1. M. Black.
Blfi'i'ilurs 027 2.7. >
Toiuulo llros.
198 sti'ors , Now Mexico. . . . . . 1,003 2.30
No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Sb. Pr.
87 151 fiO * 3 00 .C4 815 120 W 40
lit. . . .150 W ) 300 150 850 38(1 ( 340
64 1511 40 300 ( VS . 224 in ) 340
77 Hi ! ) IH ) 300 (14 ( . 21)4 ) 200 3421 }
127. . . . l.VJ Ml 3 IX ) (17 ( . ,13S 342H
. , ; . . . ! ) 2SO 300 f.7. . . . .284 240 II 15
91 IS ! ) 100 3 05 57"Jl 1150 34.-
j 25r : ioa Wl . 202 H ) 44. .
84 18S 120 305 70 . 300 KM 845
04 1R2 310 70 . 227 4'J 845
108 ItHt SCO 3 10 48 , . 205 100 845
73 2U 2SO 3 10 71 . 2G 240 34.5
80. . . . 215 280 3 15 73. , . . . .251) ) 240 345
71 107 81) ) 32' ' ) ! . . , . . .800 120 3 45
5-i . . , .2H2 .NO 320 liO . 2G8 KiO 345
80 202 ICi ) 320 ( W..L..2SI ! 80 345
Kl 220 210 325 4B . 277 100 345
7J ISO SO 325 73 . 270 100 345
70..200 100 325 M . , . , .287 40 345
20 1011 M ) 325 ( Vi . 2U3 1V ( ) : i47j ;
! W , . . , .200 40 725 ra . yea 480 347H
75 201 40 325" 00. . . . ' .281) ) 40 347(4 (
74 103 120 323 02. . . . . .283 120 3475i
70 217 200 325 37 . 2S1 120 8.10
2 300 325 < ! . . , . . .244 80 350
10 2 ! BO 325 74 . 235 40 350
71 211 40 330 f > S . 300 120 350
70 224 240 3 110 Ii8 . 2l 350
42 228 40 830 48 . 314 200 350
81 210 1GO 380 ( . , . . - . . 'JK1 IliO 350
47 32(1 ( 335 2 . 2V ) 120 3M
83 250 ISO 335 51 282 200 850
f > 7 2414 200 335 C2 . 239 120 350
87 227 835 us . : KM KM 3no
n 241 140 335 M . 301 120 350
( W ' -Ol ! llW 335 62 . 308 121) ) M
40 210 2GO U35 (15 ( . 80S 120 850
( W 225 385 52 . 30U 350
71 107 335 73 . 285 120 : irc.,4
IH 85S 120 33.1 ( V4 . 2hO IlfiBH
78 241 KM 8-l5 M . 22(1 ( 200 352l |
80 ' "JO 120 885 5(1 ( . 282 200 353
72 2.H N ) : trrj : } 58 . . . .21X1 80 JI&5
K2 2l'iO IliO 840 50 . IC1B 120 355
311 2l.l ! 40 840 CS . 207 40 55
CO 271 .tQ 340 57 . 817 120 355
ft. 247 120 840 5l ! . 33) ) 240 855
78 241 ! Kai 340 CO . : UO N ) 855
08 270 . ' 120 840 1. . 210 855
73 2.51 IVO 34U 51 . 23(1 ( 120 855
55 2li4 1UO 340 57 . 291 120 357JJ
fifl 2t2 : 840 M . 310 80 3 ( XI
10 2T tl 120 340 4:1 : . 4U ; im
71 252 120 8 40 co . : un aoo
7(1 ( 2il 2 0 840 55 . 337 3 )
70 218 3 40 49 . 321 SO 300
rms AMI iiocan.
3 ! ) 32 75 to . HI 80 250
1 150 105 (1 ( . lUt 250
5 140 105 I. ) . 110 40 250
1C' ) (15 1 75 21) ) . 1W 800
12-J. . . . . ( II 175 0 . 121 2V. (
6 15t 175 44 . . . . 150 SliO
10 153 1 8i > 5 . 133 8(10 (
21 h3 200 1 . 1.V ) 275
8 140 200 18 . 12 < 1 275
0 133 40 2 110 41 KM 275
122 73 40 205 K ) ,111 275
58 82 S15 40 15S 800
SO 02 225 51 144 2110
130 7(1 225 . . . . . . .143 Stt )
27 131 HiO
No. Av. Pr.
43 nntlvof , . . . . 107 (4 M
47 untiwe * . . . . . . . . * . . . , . . . 1U * i U
Ilnniro of Prlcon.
The following table shown tbo prlqps paid
forsheop ;
Prlmofnt Mieop . 1M ( ! ? ,4 2T
( lood fat shepp. . 830 Wl W )
Common to medium sheep . 3 2 " > 13:100 :
Western . . . . . . . . 200 4 00
Avcrnco I'rloo of Hogs.
Showing the nveriiKo prloo paid fur lo.ids of
tbo days Indicated ln8S7 l , 1SS8 ,
Dar. Oct. TO. I Oct. 'Kl. > CU ' * Oct. ' 8 ; .
v > s
I . . ' , ' . . . . '
Nov. W. NOT 'Bii. I Nov. im. I NUT.
I Due , ' Doe. ' t. | DL-O. ' 88. I Dec. 'M7.
and Lowest.
The following IH the highest nnd Ipwcst sales
ofugt \ \ :
Illchest. Hatnrnay 15 ft no
Lowest. Saturday 8 : i 40
Illirhost avornsP. Monday III 4 Oil
l.bwcst uvorago , Friday T. . . . . . , U ? JS !
IN Al'llllj ,
Highest. Monday It $ 20
Lowest. Saturday ! > II ( " >
HlKliest nyeriiRe , Monday 14. . . . . i4 Ifi i
Wodnesduy ! )0 t Kii !
is JUNI : .
. Haturjlay 21 $ .1 ( K
Lowest , Thnrsaay 10 3 : iu
Highest uvfragc , Saturday 21 ! l fit )
Lowest avorase , Monday HO 3 'J > > , '
IN Jtir.Y. .
niRliDsUTneRday SO. . . .
Lowest. Tuesday 1
Hlghpst nveraRo. Tiii-sdny L"J
Lowest uvarngCi Tuesday 1
IN AWlfofiT.
Hlsliost , Saturday : w H 15
Lowest. Wednesday 13 3 'M
1 Hunts t average , Saturday 30 3 U7 !
Lun'ust average , Monday 4 344
Htghrst. Monday 15 . ' . . . . .54
Lowest. Monday 1 U 70
Highest , avorugti. Monday 15 4 : IT
Lowest average , Monday 1 4 oi ! i
IN OCTOIllit : ,
Ulshrst , Thursday a $4 35
Lowest. Monday It ; i 41) )
Highest avernxc , ThnrsdnvS 4 21
Lowest tucrugc , Mouiiay .0.- 4
Highest. Tupsdnv 4 . . . . .i % 14
Lowest. 1'rliluy t ; . ! t
11 lilies t uvuragc , Tuesday 4 , . : : )
Lowest average , Tuesday 2 U 44
Plxm-lnc the receipts for each month of tliu
seasons of 1S&HX ) :
Cattle. Fbrep.
March 'SO ! . ( * 4 17.C&
Ajirll ' 80 47,270 18.CH
Slay ' 8i ! 40,157 105,4ir 8,700
Juno'Ml S1.048 4/rs
July'bit 3U.54H 112.1111)
A llRllst " 811 42.071 ! H.771
Suntei.ibpr'80 . . 47.077 100,427 14.V78
October ' 89 . M.-TCl 12J,8jO : 17.5NO
November ' 80 . 40T.r.i 1)7,324 ) 14,510
Dccunibur 'M > . .U123 12lKI (
Januury ' 00 . 4.V.W5 10.1IS7
Fobruury ' 00 . 41.427 15,009
Totals. . . . ; . rxXU18 ) 1,223.533'
Year. Cattle. How.
1KS9 . : ! 8Rf4 K > ,424
IS'JO. . ' . 5.-.OSO 5,351'
Year. Cattle. ITozs. Sheep.
1RM9 4770 Glt.7ilO la.rai
IStW D2.77H 02.5.SI 11,000
Increase . 5.508 28.745 CGI
Year. Cattle. Shorn.
18H9 . 4lil.r 7 105,410 8.70)
18'JO . G3.054 127,008 10.056
Increase. . . . : . 16,807 2,100
Year. Cnttlo. JloftS. Sliopp.
ISS'J . : .IM8 4,725
1SOO . 48XJ1 ! isiisw )
Increase 12,9I.'J Dcc-10,750 410
Cattle. Hoes. Sheen.
1SS ! ) 311,548 112,610 : t,7ii
IS'JO > 47.4UJ 18ir4 0'J)7 ! )
Increase . 7.911 75,511
Cattle. Hoes Shocp.
1RS9 . 8r.,7V.I H.771
IbOO 46,574 2.-jUKi
Cattlo. Hoss. Slieon.
1B89 . 47.077 100,427. ' 14.0,8
It-UO . 53,707 13J.704 20,143
Cattle. IIos. Shopp.
18S9 . 61.57J 124a0 ! 17.580
18'JO . 09,27(1 173 29 ! ) 10,020
' Cattlo. HORS. Slioep.
1889 . . . 40,751 ! 7t24 ; 17.M
16W ! . 45.020 184.6SO 24,320
MOLASSES Ubls. N. O. fnncr. perfml.4850c :
ebolce. ' 4 : > B45c ; good. 30ffiXoj ! Cuba , bakliiL28
( Tr-'Woi blackstrap. 202--'c ; syrup,70trrado , bbls ,
2lo ; > i bbl,28c ; 4-gal. kegs , 1.24 | 2-gal kltts ,
(17c. (
OANNKB I''HUITS California Apricots. $2.20
4i3.UO ; pt-oled uprlcots , < 4.2Tii punches. j.7U ®
3.00 ; pears , * 2.45 ; Hurtlottjicnrs. 12.05 ; Rrapt'S ,
l.OOj elifrrliis , wblto , J2.f)0a2.73 : churrlcs ,
$1.80(5)1.00 ( ) ! plums , ureon Kaeus , fl,80461.IO. ! Ex
tra lluo RiKids Apricots , * 1.CO : yellow Craw
ford pouches , JI.WJj Hllci'd peaches for cn-uin ,
} l.2.'ij liurtlett pears , J3.S5 : t-KK pluiiis , W.r.O :
preen BUXUS , 13.50. nusteru canned fruit
I'eucho.s. boconds. * 2.203t2.Wj ! apples. : t-Ib. $1.10 ;
trul. , M cloi In case , $3.20 : gooseberries , llnltl-
inure standard , 2-llt , $1.10 ; Htrawburrlus , { 1,2. > ;
rnsphorrli'S , $1,40 : blueberries , 81.30 ; r < ) rusii-
huirlus. ilM ; btuukburrlcs , $1.10 ; ' cherries ,
} lJIOl.m ; plncapplos , sIluoU , tl.23itf.40.
SUUAH Orunulutud , OVio ; oubos , OJ4'o ; cut
af , 7'5cs powilorod. standard. 6KO { XXXX
powilorod , 7Wo ; yellow O , 5oj eaniiry5 > Jc ;
llpht Kx. C , 5 Oio ( ; confcctinuors' A. fi o.
MAI-LK 8unA I'or ll > So cakes , 30-lb boxen ,
13o10uoakos,3U'lb ; botcs , U'4o ! ; 1-1 b brloks ,
XI Ibs Iu box , pure , lie.
llnoo.MS-5-tlo parlor , fcl.OOi 4-tle , S2.73 ; 3-tle ,
2.a3-tlo ; , plnln. JI.N ) ; warehouse , JU.OO ; toy , { wlilsk1.001.25. '
SOAI IliiHtllo , mottled , porlb , lOo ; do wblto
purUlt lie ; laundry soup , per 100 bars. fcl.lMt
5.K ) : shaving soup , 5oJtC per doz ; toilet soap ,
U cakes piir box , nor doz , 5no2.2. ' > .
C'iiiKii-1'er bbl , refined. * i50 ; half bbl , jaOO ;
bard elder , pure , per bbl , it.VH ( ) ; ' orange elder.
bait bbl , KM ; pear chlur. liulf bbl. W.SO.
NUTS I'cr Hi , Almonds , IHo ; llruzlls2lc ;
fllbcrtH , 13o ; pecans , lJ@I4u ; waliuit.4 15u | nua-
nuts , fancy whlto , 8c ; masted lUo , '
OuvKS-Qnarts. per doz , $1.00 ; pints , per doz ,
? 2.60i bulk , per Riil. * I.10. Ollvo oil , M pints , 2
aoz per caso. i.505.u
SALT Dairy. 2M ) Ibs In bbl , bulk , J2.10 ; best
Krnilc , 03 M , J2.30 : best grade , 100.11s , $ ' , ' .40 ; best
Kradc. 28 10s , f.Vi > ; ruck Halt , crushed. } : MO.
HIIIIA I'Uirs. no Ibs to box , 5Moi kcKs. 4 ! c.
SAtsouA KoKS.l.Voperlb ; bblslHu ! grunu-
ldd. 100-lb boxes. 2c.
UANNID : VEOKTAiit-KS Tonmtops 3-lb , $1.0
CD1.10. Com Very line , * 1.2Vt6l.35 ; 2-lb hussar ,
11.15 : 2-11) standard western brands. (1.10.
JlushroomH 1-lb Krencb , extra fine , 22 < Jt2. > oj
1-lb I'rench , line , IMtrc ; Ml ) I'rmicli , ordi
nary , ' ( xaise. 1'cas s.b | early .luno. tl.25 : 2-
Ib Marrow , standard brands , N. 10 ; 2-lbbouKucl , '
70o. " French peas 1'or case of 100 , $15.03 ®
-"J.UO. StrliiK beiiiiH-L'-lb high gradi' , 0 c ;
2-lb wax bonus. Kk'j 2-lb strlnp beans. 8ik3 >
Lima beans 2-lb soaked , h5c. lloston bukcd
beans 3-lb , IIJTil.VV , Sweet potiitooi 3-lb
Now Jersey. KI.W ) ; 3-lb okra and tomatoes ,
Il.tt3 ' : 3-lh okra , Jl.oo ; aspuraKiw , 3-lb. 82.S5
fii.1.75 ; rhubarb , 3-lb , $1.40 ; succotuhb , tl.20 i ®
" , ? iyrlf.E * ' COI'"AO ' . ETC. Cotton twine ,
"II bb , very Huelb bales , 22oi cotton
tw no. X\ brand , i-lb bales , 18c ; licmp twlno ,
U-Il ) bales , 16u ; salt twlno , 20o ; candle wlrk.
2yo ; 40-foot cotton clotlifa lines , f 1.40 ; GO-foot
cotton rlothos HUPS. | ,05
; no-foot Blsal linen [
1.7Jfoot ; jute , ll.iU | wool twines , HHc. .Ma
nilla rene All sizes from 7-1(1 ( to lln. , Uo ; wlsal
rope , nil iilzus from 7-lti tol-lncluUHc : "now
nrocosscs , " ull sizes f rota 7-10 to 1 In. , cc ; cotton
rope , U'ln. , lUo.
AMMUMTioK-Rllle powder , per hvg , unMj
per Vi K K. 12)i ) Ibs. , * U.W ; rlllc , per U kc > r. Mjffi
Ibs , , ; bliiitlni ; . A , per keg. * iG5 ; blaslbiK ,
II , per kvg. f2.15. Shot Drop , per bap , tl.T ffi > ;
buck , tl.W ; ( V. Uups-JWfttec per M ,
llAKiNurowncu Hoyaldlinucaii . iHirtlor. . .
08o ; fi-Hi cans. (1.45 ; j'-lb uunt KM : Mb cans.
* iOOj I'rlce'a dluiu cans , ( We ; U-lb oauu , tl.'JO ;
4-llcnn < .l2Wi l-llicmiR.11.75 ! other kinds ,
1-lb cans , ptr dot. . | UOUV
\VIIAITINIJ I'Ai'Kit-Voiilb. bc < l straw , l.r. 8
10.12x44 , 1 Vo ; dry aooU iH'tcj cxtrnnuallty
nmnlllii.Oiii'jwaallla. 1 13x13 , Ocj durlt tag ,
-l : 0. twin n.rt . * . pcrlb,10".ct K.O. ,
YOIIIIR Aiiii-rloa , HHct ' omontlo Swiss 155C ! |
brick. Me ; Kdnm. Iti fnlUioicli $1.00.
. O oi > jjrtliirlcyit-4c ; | | .farlns ,
Itcgf , W.dO ; split noim , ituii.aruoii peni.Hc ; oat-
tni-al , bbls. J8.aV ( lROHhlf ) bbls , | 3.2.va3.fiO !
inncaJonl , 12ot vermicelli ; 13ci HIIRO nnd tniil-
bi > iui .V'6io ' ? ! curcallnc , * 3i4 ;
linked liomlny.auc. o\j >
DIIIKII KiiuiTS Tutkl i pruiios. lc thnn
bdili , 1BPO. he ! tipples , ( rynporutucl , now ring
choice. 14'iu ; nprluoti , fnycy , Iu suck * . llHic ;
blackberrluH. now , lWJ.faspbrr2t's ( ! , Mlbtlo
box.34c : currants. neWvftSc ; yotl/.7ii ; currants ;
extra In boxci , 04oi 'ipfuclios , Cain , cbulcc ,
17So ! ! Oallfornla dried grapes , In biiK.s. fie ;
seedless Sultans , sacks , lOUu ; niUKoiitols , 8(40 ( ;
now Viilonola. He ! Omlura layer , IXij Hi * , lay
ers , ir > OI8o : datoss. I'cwln. n.1-lb box. ? o ; cit
ron , Leghorn , ' ' 0 : lunion peel , rsc ,
OOKKKK Uri'i'ii' .M oi Java , 2Se ;
Moelm , 200. Itostcd 'Arosla. 2.Tc' < j lUinoh.
VIMMIAH Applecldor.lOoi doiiblo older , Uci
whlto , wlno , life ; trlpplo stronath , lOo.
OILS 1M prlmo vrhftp. Mc ; l.V ) water wblto.
ll'ic ' ! beadllKlit , 13c | 74 gasoline. llc. ! ( Ull
CIIIH Igal ' , $ .1.003i.'J.25i S gal , * 1. ? : > 3I.8'J ' ; 5 cal ,
, . 00.
TOIIACCOS I'lnotut. per Hi , 2ft2i70ci plug , 22
C.78oi RinoUliifc' , ir-KlKJo ; fancy brands , VOu
© ! . ) .
TKAS Japan , basket . flrci1,20iiruo . ; Run dried ,
2C4."icj B truon. 'M&saa ; Ouupondcr , 2u.Vci )
KlIRllHIl 1)1truon. ) , : Wt.7fio ; Voting HyBon,2Xa (
05ci Ooloiuf , .v < f.l. > ! --n > package dust. 15c.
UANUV Mixed , : X-lb ) palls. 8'iaH ! ( c ; stick ,
8)Jci twist Htlck.Oe ; Fronclitnlxeu , l.'IMlci hoar-
liouiid stick , 8Ke ; jar and case candles , 5-lb
boxes , l.VMlo ; extra fllio goods. Kt&GJu ,
AXI.R ( liuiASE I'er Kriws 1'razlor's Inreo
tins jii.OO : : : luiMlluiu tins , t-'T.OO ; small , $13.50 ;
other iniikus , wHd'i.508.)0. (
Hi.ACKiNfJ 3do7. Ill box. axa'Tc ! Indies' shoo
dressing , 45c < atIoO ; steve polish , per gross ,
"ill.URlKO Liquid , 4 oz. 3 doz. In box , OOa.JI.7 : > n
8 o3 doz. In box , JIJX2.5 ) ; dry , , small , 23c ;
large , 4'ic.
IlntisiiKS Shoo. duubcrs.
7ScJ7.JI.00 ; scrub brushes , GOdft.liOO.
s Soda , Cc ; oyster , 5Kc ! cream.
owi KlnRor stinps , 8S4c.
UimcoiiATK , KTC. lMb ! boxpq , 24.Yo ; Gcr-
man sweet , 82 < tfc24o ; cocoa , Husoes Itromu. .Ca.
CocOAmrT 15-11 > cases , ' 4 nnil ! 4-lb pack
ages , uorlb , avaSTci hulk , IS-lli pulls , 25o.
. KjTIlACTS Lemon. 5 oz , A.VQtl.&O ; m , M.OO
© 3.50 : vanilla , 2 oz.O.VOtt.SH ; I oz , $1.2.V2$3.00 : ;
amiilcaglnpcr , 4 oz. JI.K5.
MATCHES Parlor , 200 and 300 per box , 81.65SJ
1.70 per uross : sulphur. tl.ortfil.40 ,
PlOKi.cs Medium. bUls. tS.OO ; small , $9.51) ) ;
gherkins , $11.00 ; Ilifetnn mixed , &I2.00.
HICK Java , Co ; choice , Gc ; fancy , G c ; head ,
'Kricr.s-Popiior Singapore , slftrd , IfiOlSo ;
shot , 2.'o ; allspice , lOc ; cloves , 1'onnng , se-
lected. 20c : cassia , China. 4-lb mats. Do ; nut
megs. No , 1 , 7 : > c ; inncafcsor , OJo ; I'lckllng Hplce ,
10-lb boxes. 2.-.C.
STAIICH I'orlb , G'iBSc ,
Hum SEKO Mixed blnl , Mb pkgs , 5c ; canary ,
4Un ; bviiip , 4Jic ; nnlso , 15c.
W OODE.NWAHE 1'crdoz. Tubs , No. 1 ,
No. 2. * 7.3. " > ; No. 3 , $ d.r : | UccIcrH , oalc grnln , 5-ln ,
best , $1.20 ; whlto cedar , 4-ln. best. S1.2J : palls ,
: i-lioip , oak grained , J1.75 ; 2-boop , $1.50 ; syrup ,
$1.83 ; dowoll , 11,75 : paper , metal hoops , $ -.50 ,
cedar , 3 brass i hoops , v-1 . all : red , J5.5 ! ) ; ' cedar. '
3 brass hoops. Is o. 2 rod , $5.00 ; cedar , 3 brass
hoops No. 1 htrlncd , K > .00 : cedar , 3 brass boops.
No. 2 striped , W.50 ; horsii. extra heavy , No. 1 ,
$2.7"i ; well buckets. M.SS. lluttcrwaro Tubs.
ash , 't-lri , per nest. 70u : nsh , 2-m , 2 largo sizes ,
no r nest , 450) ) butter ladles liard wood , 70o ;
utter paddles or spades. ? nc. Washlioardi
Single. JUOO2.00 ; double , K.5X3a.23. ( Clothes
pins 5 gross boxes , We.
( JANin.KS 401bs to box , DiJo ; mining , 10 ® 10ic ! ;
wax , lie.
Country I'rbiluiic.
llUTrnii Thcro nppeAft to bo a llttlo better
feeling In tbo markctbntprlcesaronotqnota-
blo higher. Good country -rolls , llQilfc ; ebolce.
IWSll-o ; Inferior , 712ogood ; country bolld
packad , l&ftUfio ; cliolcd' ( fairy , 1820u ; good
creamery. 21SWIC ; fancy. 2J27c.
' 1'out.Tiiv I'rlccs , ronlaln about steady :
chickens , 76c ; turlcuys , KKftU'c ; gccso and
ducks. lOc.
Kfloa It Is difficult to giro an exact quota
tion on account of tlio atiTerenco between
strictly fresh and cold1' Morugo or stock that
ban been bold In the country. The former
soils In small lots as high as 23c , but any thin ?
else Bolls largely atSUv ' "
OAMI : I'rlcos are llrm. ! 1'ralrlo chickens ,
per dozen. .KI..Ti.1.50 ; mallard ducks , nomi
nally , J2.7.V3aoO ; i ul. , ducks. 81.001.'J5 ;
mixed ducks , $1.50 ; nuulU (1.oul.23 : jack rab-
bltn.fS.iOi.Xisinnn ! : ( ) rAliblts. r > c < &ll.M' deer
and antelope carcasses , H2Sc ; saddles , 12
I'IQKONS Thcro Is no 'demand. '
roTATOKfi There lue'iiflt.jiian.r.honm grown
on the market , but such as thcro aru soil at
about two. The domaml Is supplied prluplpally
by Colorado Block at 11.10.U. ! '
ONIONS Oholce sleek ; tl.301.40 ; Spanish ,
$1.75 i > cr crate.
SWBET POTATOES Good stock , $ l.03@4.23 per
llKANS-Doslrablo stock , I2.40S2.75.
UKiiKiiv y5340o per doz.
( JAUIIAHK iu crates , peril ) , aiJSKo.
LKTTUCK ,1'or doz. , 3540c.
OAULUT.OWKU Per doz. $2.50.
Tuitwirs Uutubagas , cholco COSOoo per
UEKTS Cholco stock , 75c per bushel.
Fresh Fruits.
OAT.IFOIINIA KKUIT Qulnclcs , $3.00 ; small
wlntor Nolls , $2.00 pcrbnlf box ,
HANANAS Yellow , J8.85@t.tO ; per bunch.
OuANOES Mexicans , cnilcK.$4.riO ; boxes , J2.75
© 4.00 ; I'lorldas , bright , Kt.75@4.23 ; russets , JX50
R California. : f40o per pint.
rEitsiMMoNS California , JiOOtoi.20 per tray.
TANflBlUNKS Florida ; per case , S5.0D.
orbbl , WAVai O , according to the
kind nnd variety.
CiiANiiEintiES Fancy Capo Cod.oJlS.M ; fancy
boll nnd cherry. * > . .V ) .
IjKMiiNS Choice stoukj M.M7.00.
OitAl'ES MalaRa , tT.UfrgAQO per , bbl.
I'llour. '
H.T.Davis' Mill Co. Idgh patent No. land
Cream , $2.70 ; llluo I ) , full , natent , S2.GU : Iluwk-
oye. half patent. $2.30 ; special Uoval patent.
No. 10 , 12.85 ; Mlunosnta patent , $2.7.'ij ' ICaiisim
bard whout patent. $2.55 ; Nebraska miring
wheat putont. J2.GO.
ti. V. Oilman's Koldmodal , $2.80 ; Snow White ,
. ' .40 ; Snow Klake.t2.Hi : low srado. JI.80.
llrokon Itow Holler Jl Ills' Urcam. F..eo : Myr
tle , f.2.50 ! Claim , ' 82.20 ; I'Jdetlty , K.DO ; Sllniie-
seta Chief. J2.fiO : 1'atont , $2.70. er.
Osknmp's ready to ralso hiickwheat flour.
$5.00 | ) orcasoof W)2-lb ) packnses ; buckwheat
In bbls. N. Y..JO.OOr Exeelalor brand , J3.50Slnp ;
Jack meal , $4.00 per case of 50 2-lb paokugcs.
STEEI. WxtiE NAir.s H'ase , $2.00 ; steels nails ,
bnsu , 12.15.
Konvisa Charcoal. I. tJ. , 14iM. 112. $0.00 ; I.
* '
MIIKKT'IIION No.iM , 13.50 ; No. 27 , Kl.iiO.
HOMJKH Strictly halt and hnlf. ICo.
TIN I'IATC-I. a. 10x24 , 7.50j L X. , 10x14.
$9.25 ; coke , 4x1110 , 112 , $3.75 ,
- .
Coi'i'Eii FlnnlHliort bollor sire , T3o per Ib :
cola rolled , aoo per Ib ; sUcelhiK,28u perl b ; pit
anil tlHt.i , , ' )0a ) per Ib.
WlllK-Jup. burl ) . $ . ' 1.25 ; Bal. , $ ! . & > .
IlwiCKTiN Sintill pis , Wo per Ib ; bar , 30o
per Ib.
GALVANIZED Snr.ET IHON Discount 60-10 per
cent ; put. plan , lion , Nos. 21 iuid 27 A , 10J4c ; B.
O lic.
Dry Goods.
CHECKS Caledonia X. OKo ; Caledonia. XX ,
ICHic ; Economy. 8Wc ; Otis , ayc.
li.ANNKi.s Plalii , mftsnianf 20o ; Goshcn.
32Ko ; Clear Lake , 32 c ; Maplu Olty , 3Ho ( } ;
whlto. 0 II No. 2 , Sl'/So ; O H No. 2. < f. l7)Jc ! ) ;
' /r
Cotton Kliinnol Oiiardliiii LI , , not ; On
diinnlCO , ( lii'o ; S3 , 7 ? o ; V.V. , 8 'c : GU , Wi ;
XX , lOYo ; 00 , ll4cNN.UMo ! : ; AA , 14o : 1)1 ) > .
ISJie ; IT. lOMoj YV. ISaVOUl , lUo ; hleached. ( ) -
No. 80,8'o ' : No. CO. lOKcfatp. 80 , 12540 : brown
and slate. No. 50 , Oc ; NofjMStfC ! No. 00 , lOc ;
coUirud Nls'.ourl Valle-yiKfie.
HI.KACIIKW COTTONS Iwrkelej- Cambric No.
00.9UC ! HoHt Yet,65fo : IWtorclotli XX. 4o ! } ;
Ciibot.7Vo ; First OaH.HJe. sl''rult of the Loom ,
Uo : 11111 Hotnpcr Idoiu , RcE'Iloiuukeunur , 81je ;
KliiR Phillip cambric. lOor-LaiiKiloii t ) li , iiVtc ;
I.oiihdale. L'o ; Lonsdalo cambric , lO ic ; Now
York mills , lie ; Oak Lawn , 7c ,
" UOI.OIIKD C/'AHI1HIS ( ( Jrewn , 4Wo ; Uod Btnr ,
45io ; Clover , 6c ; SluturliKlilled.sye ; high it
ors , lo extra.
Not Pcnporull , 43-ln , luljoi I'uiipuroll , H-4,18o ;
I'opporolf , tM , 20o ; PopilprcjI. 10-4 , SJ'Jc ; Utlca.
48-lu , 15j Utlca , 5S-ln , Iftf Utlca , 2J-ln , 2lc :
Utlca , W-ln , 2to ; rjtoHtKi | < Iii,2riic. ) Jlloachca
Not I'epiwroll , 42-ln. lOtio ; I'cppcri'll , 40-ln ,
ll e ; PcpporelK ( H , IM ! 1'oppurull , 8-4.20o ;
Pepiiurull , o-4,28 c : I'eniioroll , lo-4.2.-o ; Utlca ,
8-4,2le ; Utlca , it-i.'Mo ; Utlca. 10-4 2 c.
lucK-\Vi-iit Point , 28-ln , 8 oz. lojjo : West ;
Point , 2i-ln. 10 oz , 12 cj West Point , W-ln , 18
oz. 15o ; West I'olnt. 40-ln. II oz , ISV'.o.
HATTS Stanilard.So ; SlohawUIii'/Jo ! beauty.
l'-jc ! ; Doono , 14c ; 11 , cubuil , tJ.Wj ) lioo , KI75 piir
( JiNdiUMK-l'liinkct checks , tyo ; Wbltton-
ton , OWe ; York , G < 'ci N'ormandl diuss , Bu ; Cul-
cutta dress. 7o ( ; Whlttenton dross , be : Bed
ford dress , 8Hitl-c. idd.
COTTON WAIIIUlhs , S , white , ISHuj colored. ;
" ivKNTt'CKV jRANS-Mcmorlal , 15c ; Dakota.
? ' :
1 '
! jo
Coriiis. No. S. 8 > io ; Cord Is. NbVl'OKc. '
OINOIIAMH-Aiiioikmiir , 7o ; AmuikciiK ilicss.
8Hcj Uutey.GlfcViirwlck ; dro , So ; Luiioiibter ,
OUe ; UliiimlriMiUc ; WlilttvnUun ilrusn , 8c. I
WIOAN * .Net ThlstU-.ll c Itcd ,
; rs. 7 o. I
CiiASll .Slovens' It. KLlncli. A c ; .Stovc-ns' } > .
la-Inch , 0ic ; Btovt'iii' A , 10-Inch,7Jc btuvens' I
nivur. Co liaiuniin. 4ttc ; H. Lotluor. .
Slilrtlnff Martha Wa.shliiKton , me.Morrlmnc ) ,
4 > lc. Turkey Hed-l'oiintiilii.CJio ! Unrner , 7o |
Cronflrld , fHio ; Ilprllti , t , . .
PIUKTR IndlRo Illuo Nut MnrlliR Waf h
Inztonf > Hoi American , 6'tci ' Arnold , GUd Ar
nold II , long cloth. lOc ! StlfloA. lllio : Morrl-
limp , 7-9. lo ( ) | (3old I.i-iif , HViCI Ilnmilton.SHoi
Allen I'lnks , ( Hiel Allen CbambrajiOoj tlloil-
IlK.wV it'noms-COTTONS'-Atlantic , 7'c { | At-
limtlcll , 7cl Atlantic 1) , ( IV I Atlantic 1' ' , ( 'o ;
Aurora O. 4io ? ! bnck'n liinid , TUc ; Citbot AY ,
OJJos Unrllnatoii , dUc : I'armers' , No. I , 4" 0
4'io ' : Hoo4tcrLI' , 5'io ; Inillanlioiiil , 74c ! ! Iuiw
rt'iico lib , 5 > { c ; Henrietta LL,5 < 4C.
FiMi Ittiow.v CoTTOKS-AtlantioIiL. fifl ) Au
rora 1) ) , ( lUei Aurora If , 8 > , ut Atlns. O N 11,7140 ;
choesn cloth , lo : Clinton FL' , Stfc ; I'cpporell It ,
GHc : l.RiiKdon U II , 7c.
Ui'.NlMs NelAmoskeaic , 0 07 , l5Soi Vork
camlet. 12oi Kvon-tt. , Mandnrd , 12'tO ! Hay
makers' , 7ic : Old Vork , XX , lOViC ! Lawrence ,
S3) ) , 12c ! { ; Lnwroncc , Dor , 15jci ! fancy stripes ,
und cheeks. ll'ii > .
OorroNAtiKS Vork , nnnkln , lOV'iO ! Kvcrott ,
Roz , 18C | LoHlston , 10 oz , 221JO ! Worklnjiiian ,
Quotations nro for car lots on board cars at
Omnhn :
12 ft 14 ft. 10 ft IS ft tO ft 12 ft 24 ft
2.X4..J1500 IS ( H ) 15 00 15 ft ) 10 00 17 00 18 00
2X0. . 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 M II ) 00 IH 00 IB 00
28. . 1.1 00 15 00 15 00 15 CO IB 00 17 BO IH 00
2x10. 15 ( XI 15 01) 15 00 15 SO 10 00 17 SO IB 00
SX12. 10 ( X ) 10 00 10 CO 111 50 17 UO IS 60 10 00
4x4 to
hxR 10 00 1C 00 in 00 17 00 13 00 10 00 10 00
JloAiiDS No. I mm , JI8.60 ; No. 2coni. S15.00 ;
No. 3 coin. jM3.r > o ; No. 4 com. ill. 51) ) .
FBNCIKH-NO. 1 , 0-ln , 12 and 14 ft , rf , f in.OOi
No. 1 , U-in , 1(1 ( ft. ? lt.m ; 4-ln , tlll.Oil ;
No. 2 , 0-1 n , 12 nnd 14ft , rf , 114.00 ! 4-ln , IH.OOj
No. 2.In , 10 ft. J10.00 ; 4-lu. JiaOOlNo.3 , ( V-ln ,
12 mill 14 ft , f CLOD ; 4-ln , tUl.Od ! No. 3 , 0-ln , IU ft ,
} lXH4-ln ) ! , 113.00.
SIIIINO A. 12. 14 and in ft , 122.00 ; 0 , $17.50 : 11 ,
12 , 14 nnd IB ft. $20.50 : D.fM.M.
l''r.ooiUNn-A , wiiltoplno.W.OO : 0.100.50 ;
II , o-lit , whlto plno. 8'JO.OO : I ) , KXfio ; K,0-ln ,
wliltti ulno ( sol. fencing ) , (17.00 ; drop Hiding Mo
per M extra.
STOCK HoAiitm-A. I2-n. ! sli. $1S.OO ; n,12-ln ,
Bis , # 43.00 ; 0 , $40.00) ) . $ . ' 5.00 ; No. 1 common , 12
In. .sis , 10 , 12 Ul nl IS ft , $21.00 ; No. 2 , ( IR.fiO ; No. 1
common , 12 In. sK 14 ft , J2J.OO ! No. 2. J17.00 ! No ,
I * common , 12 In , els , lli ft , $10.50 ; No. 2 , 117.00 ;
No. 1 , common , 12 In , sis " 20 f t , $21.00 ; No "
" '
MUM' ; . ; v ; . . . , ; . . . . . 1-
Sinrl.Ai1 No. 1 , plain , S mid 10 In , $10.00 ; No.
2. $10.00 : No. I , O. 0. , 8 in , 910.00 : No. 8 , $10.50 ; 10
In. grooved roolliifr , 18.14 and 10 ft , $1.50. !
FiNlSIII.Ml-lst mid 2il cl. , 1 ill , fSi. $49.00 ; 1M ,
114 nnd 2. Jlll.OO ; 3d clear , 1 Iu , s8s.ri5.OQ ; Pi , li !
and 8. $ I7.U ( ) ; A. select , 1 Ins2s , ll.00 | li ! , VA
and 2 In , 6I.-.00 ; 11 , select , 1 in , s'-'s , 8)1.00 ) ; lh. ' "
and 2 In , * 40.00 ; 0 , select , 1 InsCs. Sfl.OO ; 1(4 ( , :
and 2 In , KLVpO.
A. II or O select all 10 ft. 81.00 extra.
floorlDB 13-10,8.11Xsi ) ar , 13-lfi , tlt'.OO ; coin , lloor-
IliB. 13-10. l.riOO. rift cl. 13-10 , ; 1st und 2(1 (
clear , ? S coilliiR , fM.M : 1st and 2d clear , ?
colling , $111.50 ! 1st r.nd 2d clear , colllnsKi.00 ;
1st nml lMclonrflnlslin8s , from 1 In , fft.W ;
1st nnd Sdclonr , finish , 8s , from lli In , t3U.IO ( |
1st and 2d clear , flnlsh , s2s , fioin l' { and 8 In ,
} : a)0 ) ) ; 1st and 2d clear , y p caslngy , J-W.oo ;
base , tao.oa
SASH. DOORS. KTC. Tarbonrd. $1.50 : isaib , K
per ct ! doors , M per ct ; lillnds , 50 per ct |
" mouldliiRs,60jicrct ; tarred per cwtJ. ! 10 ;
straw board , ? 1.20.
I'ori.AH LiiMiinn 8 Innnd up , 1st nml2dcl ,
1P In. s2n , 9.'Ki,00 ; 8 In and up , 1st ami d cl , H In
panel , $20.00.
( Tie , y\.l. Htsi5c3ln : ; well tubing. ! > & SI. anil
liov. J2-I.OO : pickets , D. & 11. , Hat , $33.DO | J > . A.
IL , M | , $2(1.50. (
SIHNOI.LH , LATII Kxtra "A. " pluo , 83.80
stundiird "A , " 12.45 ; o.Ura "A , " cedar. $2.53)8 )
In cl plno $1.90 ; clear redwood , $4.25 ; Inth $2.80
I'OSTS Whlto ccdnr , 0 In , ' 'i . HciHn ; , qrs
Uo 1 ; whlto cedarS ! } .in , l/ , Uo ; 8 In. qrs. 8c
white cedar , 4 In , round , l.'ie ; split oak Sc ; Tennessee
nesseo rod ccdur , spl't , 14c.
TN8TKUJIENT3 plaood on record llocom-
JL borG.
I , It naM > to II It Calkins mid wife , lot 8 ,
blks. Potter's add . $4,000
V W lllacktonl ,1r. to AIIB Christian , lot
24. blklOUllftoa Hill . . 103
I E Congdnn ot ul to G M Howman , lot
30 , bile : w , Clark's mid ( roflle ) . 3,000
J A. Due and wlfu to Hurry Goodman , lot
8. blkHH , South Oniiilill . 0,000
E J I'owlcr and husband loS H White ,
liitr. , blkl , Mnrrsvlllitudd . 1
E M Onihamand husband to same , lots
lit and 14 , blk 4 , I.uko Vlow . ] , COO
W II llu//aid and wlfu to S T Auzard.lot 10fi
14. hlkl.r..SIiull's2d add . > . B
ST. llazzanUo M A. Hnz/urd , .same . 5
Anne 1C 1'ottur and husband to V L
Blumer. west 40x100 feufc of east half of
lotl , Hurr Oak . 4,000
0 A 1'ottcrund wlfo to same , east 4UxlOO
foot of west half same ? . 4,000
E AV Snoll and wlfo to 1) V Bholcs. lot
15. blkl. Simmlers k Il'snild toVal -
uutlllll . 450
D V Hholes and wlfo to JlartftT Dyer
W T tieiituan and wlfo toV 11 BIcCord ,
Intl , 1)11(49 , Omalia . I3MO
A T TuUtiy ot nl to Aaron Hodor. lot J ,
blk 12. Clifton lllll . l.CO )
A. T Tn key ct ul to Isabel Dennett , lot
SO. blk V , Clifton Hill . 2,700
W 13 Vest to A J Hunt , lot 19 and w Ji
Iot2 , Vunlturcn Heights . COO
Susan It I'olsom to J It I'olsom. part lot
"A" and " 11" In Kullow's add at
Twenty-fourth and Uodgo sts. , Om-
alia 1
Tablatlin Pint/Ins nnd husband loDan-
lol Sullivan , lotJ , belby's sub 1
J K Iloyd. shcrllT , to Reuben Iloss. lot
"t , blk 2 , Mavnoplnco 603
Suslo M Hurr and husband to T ! '
J-owh. lots 12 to 18. nnd und ! 4 lots H to
11 and SO to 23Louiovlllo add and 1'Aa.
lnnwsoU-15-ii : : 0,080
1'otor 1'lslicl ot nl to 1) A It Elliott , s ' /
Iot.1,1)lk87 , SouthOmiilin 1
0 OWood , spel mstr. to tJ ( I Wallace ,
trlot23 , blk 1 , Monmouth park 1,075
Total amount transfers $ 50,811
The only rnllroutl tram out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omalia , Council Bluffs , Dos Monies and
Chicago business is tholtock Mam ! ves-
tibuloil limited , leaving Omaha at 4:80 : :
p. in. daily. Ticket oflico , 1002 Sixteenth .
and Furnuin sts. . Omaha
fur the Work in Hcalty nnd
Hullding Cirolos.
The first week of December hns been a
very satisfactory oneto the real estate
brokers. The activity taken on by the mar
ket upon the defeat of prohibition shows no
sign of diminishing but Is rather on the in [ i-
crease and has given the market a buoyancy
that promises to miiko business good through ;
the usually dull winter months.
The following flRurcs show the total of
real estate transfers , building permits und
bank clearings for the post week :
Monday . , . I 0.031
Tuesday . < V.liX ! )
Wednesday . r 4WC
ThiirMlay . KM >
Krldny . 5r.MiM
Saturday . . . . 50.HI
Total ttJ
Monday S 1,300
Wednesday 550
Thursday 21.OT
Friday 25
Saturday 1,700
Total J S5,0"
Monday J1.J3I.573.0I
Tnosihiy I 4,8ll5.ll ! i |
Wednesday al' ' .r U iJ
Thursday ( KH.7.VUI
Frldnv Kn.tiM.i :
Batnriluy e ! su
Total .'J'J.On.lll ' '
A n Increase of IB.4 per cunt over the corre
spending wool : ot lust year.
Bulldine t'ernim.
The following iKsrmlts wore ha tied by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday !
Frank Horclic , 1-story frame cottaxo , IKW
Soulh ElElitoontli Htruut * MO
Sumo. I'.KWSouth ' Kl hteenth street
Mrs. Julia lloclilnl. Uj-story frame feed
Hloic , 8825 North Hlxtuuntli struel CM
Total „ 8 1,7UO
Olerpjinen's HnU-Karo IVrinltx.
The Burlington Uoulodoslros Unit ull
clorpymon'H hulMnro permits over Its
line ( or the year 1891 Bhnll be Issued
prior to the lirut of January next. Min
! !
isters of the ROB pel and till others en-
paged solely In religious work who nro
entitled to the courtesy of thcso pormils ,
make application for wuno us
ourly as ( wsHlblo 'to W. P. Vulll , city
ticket uguiit , 1223 Fiiriuiin street.
Tickets at lowofcl rales nnd BU pcrlor
aecomtnodutiona via tlio grout Rock
Island route Ticket olilce , 1002 Sir
toenth und Farnnui streets Ouiuhn.
Disastrous Eeports from Other Oontors Oanso
General DonioralmUou at OpcuitiP ,
An Unusual Turn In Corn OntB Uiilin-
portant Tbo I'rovision Trade
Kcponts Itself 'tho Day-
Ill " \Vi\ll Stroot.
CHICAGO. Deo. C.-lSpocl il Toleuram toTnr.
lien. ] Wlion traders anoniblcd thri moral nit
tlicro wcro f.illurei reported nt oilier centers
which had udcniorall/.lni ! ulTeetoii nil taiir-
Itols. In wheat tbo opening was excited ami
nt lower jirlcos. Corn started lundy , but
there was n quick ailvnncn on heavy trnilliiR
I'rovIsloiiH wcro lower and hold somewhat
steady only by tiioflrinncHH In corn. ' .The llrst
break In wlioiit Invltod buying , wlileli canned
n Hood i recovery , but wunkiieo followed nRuln.
During the first hour Jliy wheat wild nt OSJio
toDSo to09 ! < oto P3\o ; corn. M..o itralglit up
teat 51 7 'o. Onlssoldabovo 40i ) . Mois pork sold
ntoncolOc under last night at J10.W for Jan
uary nndll. : forMay.
The whont Irade had a rough anil ruitKocl
road to travel again toiluy. A Cldonuo at-
BlflunicntKrowltigout of mlsliK "r. Ciunp-
bell's dinioultlos , ivhllo tint a great nu'alr ,
was tbo first thtiiK to umottlo tbo minds of
operators. On tlilUhoy rushed Inlo the nit
nnilopcnocl whoal.down from ! )3Si ) to
nndtlrurnlt ftt onoo strulRlit down to OSc.
against Iho closing nt Dili ) lastnlKlit.The fuel
that failures of grain liousos were announced
atWl Liverpool and Now Orleans , wbllo both
were on tbo short ulilo of the cora juarkot ,
helped to unsettle conddoiico , A inilcU bronlc
toWc causoil very good buying. PurdrldKO
qulclcly | covered a line , Illoorn became an excited -
cited buyer , and Sohwartz-Diiuuo nlso took
whotitfrooly ; , Thcro wui buying I/ ) several
houses on St. LouU orders , nnd local scalpers
boughttfornquick ( reaction. It came und
prices recovered to03i. ! 'Then M'all BtruntN
Inlliionco ns felt. Sloclfs showed great
nervousness und prices broke tbo llrslhour
from one to two points. Tbolmnkstatcmuut
wnsdemoralizing with Ci,000,000 furtbcr do-
creasola reserves , and with an additional
crash In stocks nnd rumors of failures the
wlioat market again RaM ) way and ivo nt uir to
074'c ? , tliolowprlcauf tlio week. In quick order
There ; was a lull und n rally to Oj'ic. ' and a
further brcalc to BTHc bctnro noon
During tlio hist hour thu big
bears did their worst against wheat ,
Local holders Konprally lot. long wheat 150 ,
Thu market stood Iho offering1) ) and poiindin ) ;
n'lnarkably well , and 07iic ? was the oxtronio
low ( point for May , with the close lie up at
O 'ic ' , with sales ntlHJ.loaftortho hell. Di'ceiu-
biTWasquolcd ntHDSv.nir toBSTjtoand tip to
6'J'ic ! ) ' nttlioclose ; January , W.'ic , oir to IM7 c ,
tolilfloiil ( thocloso.
Tliueorn inarkcthad nu timmial turn this
illuming. Tlio f allure ot Ituinphicy it Co. o (
Liverpool \vinon Iho shnrt aldo of tliu corn
market tbero. 'Jho Muyor failure ul New Or
leans was also nil\Btl up with the short sales
o ( corn , sonic ot wlilob were In this market.
Tliosotlilnm with other complications eiinsud
i remarkable iiinrkutjicro for half : ui hour ,
lily Ing was cnorniiuis , botb for local and out-
sldo account , BhbrtM were fil btcncd , Hny-
ns waslod by Loxuii & < 'o. , S. V. Whlto & Co. ,
llryantOIlTorcI and others. Tbo IlllnoUoHll-
i\atooffiS,000,0001oss \ than last year bolued the
mil fooling. Muy com opened at
Vl'to and went tr > MTaO at once ,
[ jutcr , when wheat wait down so sharply ,
corn dropped back nnd the pilco touched Kl'v '
ind closed Uc uiidar last nlEht at fujifc , s >
lltlo WHH done Iii any month but Hay early the opening prices for December ami
latuiary com woronoinlnal ntQ MoforDeci'iii-
ILT tind.'ilMo for January. Lutur JJccenilier
HUH quoted at r > 24c ! , oir to , r > l'/io ' and closed at
51'iu ; January , fi.'e , oirti ) Wio to Blc at the
Tlicro was nothing of Importance In tbo onts
nmrkct , Huti'.hliiiiiii was n seller after I lie
early ludiro. May sold nt " > 3iB-ti > 48iio.iiiia ! oil
t)4S'/C. ( JS'oinliial jirloi'S fur early months
weror December. c lol'Si < f to 'li'Iic ; Januury ,
sc to4t7'c : to c.
Thorc was very laiwly a repetition of the
Krlday trade In provisions. 1'ur ltterit selllnu
by packers and local holdurscontluiicd , After
opuiilni ; prlcc-s thu market was steaillud for a
tlmo by thobnlKoln corn , but later In tbo day
uvorvtliliiK went , down louotbor. Utiiiliani k
Co , sold a line of ribs. Thorn was Komolniy-
Ing by Mitchell , llaxtnraiiii llnlinliolx. . ( .aid tn
be covering , Tliodltrcii'iicubetWLTii Jiiiiuury
ami Jlay pork wldonml at one tlmo tojl.oo.
and nttnu close was Uif ! ; . January sold nt
SKUnund oirto SIII.10 ; Muy , 111.40 , ofr tnJU.IB.
nnd cloifd at Jll.117 ! . I.aril wns boavy nnd
sold lOc IO CP to J.V7-ti for .InniiMi'V mill fll.'L'i !
for May , llllw for the " .anio Montbsent oil'
Dec 5 00 t
Mny . . . . Mr
, lnn. Al
. May. . , , MJif
Mny. . , ,
Jnii 10 J.I 10 45 1007W 10 ( I7 10 10
May. . . . a 43 11 45 1105 11 4SK
Jnii. . , , s so r BO
Muy. . . , 0 40 C 411 682k 8 : a
, lnii. . , ft 35 0 M CIO I 10
Mny. , 5 SO 6 H ) sro1 S70
NEW VOIIK. Deo. 0.-Spoclal [ Tola gram to '
TUB ItEB.1 STOCKS Tlio Inilf < lny In stocks
was very disastrous to prices all through iho
lUt. There vasaroturn of the panloky foulIng 1CI
Ing of u few weeks KO. First salon showed
( Ircllncsof ! | to y per cent generally , lo
Doliiwnro < .V Hudson and Uncle Island ri )
each oft" 154 per cent , Suicar Kiillncrlcs und Tin.
tlonal Luadcach I1 * , and Western Union I per
cent. A Hoiiil-pnnlcky condition of all'alrs ox-
l ted dtirlnstbo llrst t eiity minutes'
when on IIITRO transactions all active stocks
were furt hordopii'sscd from 1 to lit per uunt
and at tlio Inwustprlcci then routhed. ICock
Ibland was down from lasV night ill , JINsourl
I'ACltioSU. Louisville l'i , l.ickiiwniinu ; 1'i , SI ,
I'uul and Union I'aultlcciifh l'i. Atohlson and
Northern 1'uelHc prt-furrod oanh Hi , Delaware
li Hudson li. ? New KiiKlaml IV ! and nthi'M
xinaller ainouiits , A s'.fulit rully folloutd
tbo market , for a tlmo became
niiiro mi let. but liquidation had licea
fairly started and i-verythlnji afterward -
ward roaclied tractlonnlly lower ( Igtmn ,
The lioavy trudliii ! was In a few.slocks ; ,
ainoiig which St.Paul. Piilnit Piidllc , Alehl-
FOIL ' Northern I'aclllo profnrrcd and I.oulsvlllo
&N'ashvllluwortiaostroiiHili'Uin.Vluitov ) | "
recovery there was fioni liottoni prices l" hour was quickly wined out when the.
haukflitiiri'4 ' eumo out , ' 1 ho Io . In re < orves
was ' and a sharp decline of I'SI I
loli per cunt 'occurred lioforo tlio Hmc. Nn
stoolis wore suared and 'moil Nortliwestcrn
was forc ( l down lo IKIin tliu Kri''it Hinprlso rnof
the Ktrc-ot. t'nIon I'rclllo Hunt tumbling ; ofU )
4lU. ) n break for the duynf about liplnl : In ,
Otlier losses wuris : ( ins. IK | ) cr ei'iii : l.nko
Slioiv.Mo104 ; XewKnslaiid.aioL'DiijNurth-
crn I'liclllo nrofcrrod , W ui . ' .T- ' . , ; Au-Jils ii.'Ji !
lo-rTiii Itiirllii tiiu to 'i ; Itoclc Island. I points
tolMl'n ! . * ! . j'anlnsto : ) * ! Mlssdiirl I'm'llk' . Mi
tn ! > < ; ? 4' : and Union I'nclllu. A to41 at the close
ThufiillonlnK ttt'i-otho rloslna 11 notations :
U.S. l re : iil rt . , Niirtlicrii I'nc-lnu. . . . 1UU
U. S llCUUIHMlH. . . Uu iTffurreJ A ; )
U.S. 4Ui r.'Kulur. C. AS.W W
' ' ' do
1'acinctis'tJf'li' . . . iW ( Now Vork Central , . . .
( Viitrull'uc'lllc '
Ituck iHtniii , . . . , . , , . . Ui
HurlliiKloii a.M.fc hl.l'unl 4 i
gulncy , ,
. tfu I'nul .vo.imiin' ! ' * ai
IllllidliCuiilrtl . l < 0 iln jiroJiTruil . . . . . 77
( Jnlon I'jicldt- . . k i
Ttuai \V. . fct. IA , 1' 8K
Uko Hiorc . iuii ; | t\lt ITufLTrc'll I.V ) )
Mlrlilmn fentrnt. . , , WeskTli Union 14
MJisoiirl I'nt'liliu .M , Wn
MOMV : On call on y ! cloied olTorcil at A
per cent.
'I'jiniEMi . I'AI KII 744310 per cent.
hTUiu.iNil KxoiHNae Aotlvo , exulted and
vvaUiilxty.dtvy billstI.TUf duiuund 4I.NI.
VHW.t tilt LIVE H TO CMl ,
rCincAao , boo. 0. bSpcclalTolcxrani to Tin
IlKK.lOA7TI.KJlUsillClSV4SSlOWUIldUn.sat -
Ijfuetory from the ojunluglo tliuclosu , Ituy-
erb preferred tbu warintli anil chat of tliu Ux-
s t any other business , ami ,
that were unlueky iMiou h lo liuvo
block Imd to take prlcei tliat scalpc oirorcil
or carry tliomnieover , Till * wuiipartliMilarly
bo with coxm und otlior oouiliion nu t Ivo stock ,
yet some nalcsiuun ImU lo curry ovnr xood
ntcouor sell nt a Hiicrlflco , Kvery biiynrln
the trade flfuincdfllloil uy. As will bo noted ,
nnd rn lids report lias noted from Jay today
tliU wocV. oow ntook Is again f of tlio luwcul
Iirloos on rccoriiorn lower thiui during
siimtnor , Stooktirs sold ix sludo Inwor. N -
til c * ; MK > ai."Jl Toto-i cows. Jl.fxHi'.OOs COvrg ,
bulls nnd inheil ( llX' < il.'l.Xi. (
Iloos-lliislnoHM mtlii-raotlvo for Pntiirday
nml prlcot ohim-vdllttlour nuoliatiKC nscom-
pimnl with jtcnlnv , yet nt 0110 Ilino prloct
in liiitloitriiiser were pnldliutiitlhn oxiriMiio
tMO < o tha general nmrket wns ralhor wcuk.
liniiltli and coiuiuoa llulil mixed , f : . : Wi. 40 !
coiniiion to heavy mlxeit , f3.iV&3V : ) | tfmto \
c'hok'ii pAL'kt'rH , iMAVif-I.M ; prlnii * lioavjf nnil
biltcliorV wclgbtx , ll.7KCt.TJ ! llglir , Mlli'J
y.M ; light llttht. nH ( > t&l.U.
The AVrokly Bunk Hliitinoiit.
Nnw VOIIK , Dee , (1. ( | f | cclil : TelcRram to
Tut : link. ] The weekly bank nl atutnent shows
the following cbnni ! o * :
Hc orvc , dccreaso , , . . . . .9 2.M2.000
l.onns , Inowmo . . . . I.H.'l.K'O
tondorji , Increase. . . . . M'4.NiO
Dcposln. di'crcaw . 1,634. ( M )
Oliciilatlon , ( IcoriMiio . . H.W
Thu blinks now huld JiM'.V.OM In uf tbo
rciiilroiiionUif | the 25 per cent rule.
Doe , U. [ Special Telegram to
Till ! ItKK.1 Tlio exports of ! > poole from thn
port of Now Vork lint W CK nnmiintod to
? ; M2.7iO. : of which * ar > 7 , IH liitold ( anil i : .lNl
In silver , OMho total linporN , 1H77-I In itnld
unit 4127,601 Itmllvrr.wnntto Dunn" ' , and Mil.-
773 In cold and & , : is.1 Iu sllvei wont to South
Atuorlcii , The liuportsot Hpeelo for tbowoi'k
to MS8.4S7. of which M ,51'J I H In
gold : iiuU14Iii' ' < Inttlvor ,
The CniToo Slnrkot.
New Yoitic , I oc , 0. [ fpcolnl Tcloxram to
Tim llnr-.l CoKKKB Options opened b.iroly
steady and uiicbaiigcd In in points donn nml
closed ittondy ami nnciiatigrd tu 15 points
< lown. HaU" < . , lKlOliuis. Incliiitlng Duoember ,
8l7 ; vfll7.4l ( : Jnnunrv. * Ht.toTMllLMiiroU.MMW : ; ;
© UiT. : Mnv , H.-.Htitl.r .lS ; sHit | lilu. ( lull and
nominal ! fair cargoes , IIl .2j | Xo. 7 , J1U.7.V
1'inntiniK 3i < t UK./TV.
ClliOAfiO. Don. fv 1 p. in. cloie. AVheat
StnmitjciiHlMMo ; January. tlUit' : May. IW.
Corn Stuiulyi casli , 51'Ju ; Jtiuuary , Wiot
Jlny , rvl'o. !
. Oats-Kasyjcsish , I24'ci January , 43'ioi May ,
llyo glondy
llnrloy Kasy at'.ViJTi ! ' .
PrliiioTliuolliy-Stoady nt } I.M.
Whlikv J'l.ll.
Mi-ss Pork Kasy : cash. H.03 ! .Inniiary ,
SK1.07H ! May. Jl l.0i.
_ Iiiir l Sloailv : cnsb. Ki-WtW-OOi Jnnuury ,
non'r-1-iiisy ; 'winter' palcnts. * l.70 5,00j
spring pat outs. Hn.VTU.3U ; liakors' , 8'J.oUSt.OO.
llulic Mont < bhoiiiders , fl.OJ7I.KVi ! her (
clear. $ XK.vM.40 ; short ribs. tl.M fr'M.
lluttcr Kasleri croainery , I'iJt-'ci dairy. 1)
Choose I'lriu : full prram elieddnrs. IVJ1
' { o ; Hals O'lai'Mcj VOIIIIB Americas. D'.ifMOc ' ,
tens-llluhcr : frnsli , KiW ! . ' > ! ; ,
Illdos-Uiieluiiiced : heavy and llgbt jroen
.llodA'tKreen , 4tllViPniiltiMlbull ! hldus , 4 > ici
green snltod OVi"c : dry Mint , Kc ; dry s.iltivl
hlilos , ( "c1 ! dry calf , 8ff Vt'j cJuacoiis , Ciich ,
Tallow t'ni'bunuod ; Xo. 1 , Hollil parlccd ,
3 > itt4e ; No. 2,3i IUc : caki > . 4' < c.
Hocellil. ) . dblpiniMits ,
rioiir , hMs . 1H.OOO SiWMI
Whout. bu . ; i'l,0M ' ( tll.OiiO
.Corn. Du . KI.OOO 75,0(10 (
Oats , bu . 117,000 I.VJ.OOO
XK.W VOKK , Ooo.ll.Vliiiil Kt'COljit. " . 'CIMI (
busliols ; experts , lUKVl bu-ihels ; i.ujt | olospil
weak ; Xo. 2 rod. * l.03Ji In. olcvaior , Jl.04 ,
alluat , tl.03I.O.V , f. o. b. Oplliins closed
weak all nrnuiid on uiionsy reports from
tliiancliil circles ; No. 2 ted. Di'cuinbor , closing
atJ1.02 , ' , ,
( 'orii-Uocelpts , 10.59 buohcln ; e pt > rl < . f > ( ) . -
.TO bushels ; spot hlglier , closed weak ; Xo. 2 ,
KPiftl6titu III ulorntor , lila iilli' ntlonti nn-
cradod mlxcil , OWlKiy. OptloiiH clobt-u easy ,
Di'cotnbi'r ' closing at ( Kc ,
Uats-ltoculpts , W.IKXI hnshi'U ; exports. Xfl
bushels ; spot ( Inner ; Ioeciiilx ) > r closing at
M'iispot. ' : . No. 2 vhlto.Ml.i@.V. " oml.\i'ln'Oht- ; (
uri , 4'Wi'ilo ! wblto western , 4Wt'W .
Suit n r Itnw , weak : falrrolbilnsr. 4t ' ( i54ll-lc ( ; |
centrlfiigalsW t " > l , 5 : ' c ; rollned , steady ,
I'utrolcd m United closed for January at
Ksss-Btoaily : western , aiiMOc.
Vork-Stoaily ; mess. * ll.75aw.03. ) .
bard Lower ; wcstcni Hteaiu , M.OO askoil ;
Di'ecmlier * .V.K ) bid ,
Iliitler Firm ; western dairy. 115W1 ; ciomn-
cry. iMQWn : Klsjln , ) o.
Cheosu-l'lnu ' ; . llgbt sldins. l' ' ;
Sr. I/otris. IJcc. \Vhoat-r \ Luwuri OJ HI |
nnd Dcruiiihcr. W'ie ; January , iMlci May ,
' .17'i.c ' ; July , hiij.
Corn-IllKliur : casb , filJiei llecembcr , Olc ;
Jiiiuiary. r > oo ! May , Cilfic.
( hits-null : ciihli. 4ScMay,4 ; ( > o.
I'ork-U'uak atJlO.75.
Lnnl-Wcnk fitM.50.
Whlsliy Sloalvi 1.14.
Ilnttei Qulot but stiincly ; croaincry , ! S2Cc |
dairy , i' _
KANSAS t'uv. Dec. 8. Wheat Sloady ! No.
2 hard , cnsh , 8'a ' bid ; No. 2 red , CUMI , WJo
Oorn PtroiiKeri No. J , cush , 48io ! bid ; JJc-
cciiibi-r , 4li l'JiBc. '
( Iiits-Qulul ; No.S cash , 41o bid ; IJuci'iubcr ,
4lo bid.
JUNNKATOUH. Deo. 0. Onsll Wlioat nittrl < ot
.very tinsutlsfiiclory : dull ; meoliits.'J.Wctirs ;
.shipments , W ) cars ; closing ; No. 1 liurd , Doumii-
her. i-Sc ; Jtinnary , WOo ; on truok. h > < c. No. t
nnrtbcrii , Dveotnber , Kic ; Jiinnliry/SltVjei / May ,
Ulci on track. Kic ! tso.'j inirlliiirii , Ooceiitbor ,
ble ; .lanuiiry , S2ei on track , Slo.
MII.WAITKKE , DOB. 0. Whmit Eatyt No.
Ssnrlii ) , ' , cash , HSQItUc ; May , l 7io ; Xo' Inortn-
cm , irJc.
Cora Steady ; No. ! l , euslirlc.
Oats-Qiilt'l ; No. 2 white , L'asli , 4I4.Vc. (
I'rovlilons Easy ; January pork , if 10,15.
CINCINNATI , Deo. 0.-\Vheat 1'lrm ' ; No. J
red. Si"c.
Coru-lllglicr : No.S mixed , KI < a53ie ! ; .
Oats-Flrni ! No. 2 mixed , 43s.
Whisky 11.14. _ . _ _
IiiVKiii'onu Pec. n. Wlioat Finn , bullion
olTur snarlngly ; Oallfornla , No. 1 , 7s ( i(14j7a (
L'orn-ririu ; nilxocl woslorii , 5i 4 ? il per
cental. _ _
OIIIDAOO. Doc. ( ! . Dattlo-Uccelpts. 2.500 |
market flow and niiMitlsfiictory ; but few
sales nindo and prl'es were ii
prlino export 'iind fancy steers ,
ll , : i.T.Vji. ( ! o. ; market actlvo , sleudy ;
nmuli and eoniiiiou Unlit , ml.xeil ,
tu lioavy nihed , J. ! . ; ! . " ) ; ) . : , ' . ! ; gowl In
I'liolcouaukcrs , $ .l..ri.YT3fi. { > : prlino hoiivv anil
bnlcbcr weigh tso W.70 to : t.7.i ; llslit , t&XfiKUa.
s'liuL'u ltt'i'iIits | , 1..VM ) ; innrket Klcudy ;
nntlvff , . ? l.l.Vij5.r.Oi westerns , Jl.OOit4l J ; lainljj ,
KAKHAH OITV. Dou. li.attlo ( llecclpts ,
3liO ( head ; slilpini'iits V > 'J ' bead ; market
slciidyt stivers. $ ) .40ff&l,70 ; cowt , ,
Knf and foodurs. * J. ( . .
llogs-IUici-lnts.K.ooolienii ; sbliiineiits , 1.4.V )
head ; market lower ; allgrado-4 , ja.W l.W.
Sr. Loins , Dec , (1. ( Uutlle Kccelpts , ( l.OW
head ; fchlpiiu.'iits , 70J head : market hicndyi
fulrlo Iiiiiny iniUvu Niccr.s , tlM < & > .V > ; sluuitcii
and fcedors , . ' . 10 l. 10.
lions Ki'celpts Kuo head ; nhlpniont , 11,100
head ! inarketHti'ady ; heavy3.DOQ'I.70 } ; mixed ,
$ J10 ; lliht , fj.tuf/-'l,4i : ) .
TlioVorld Uo Move.
And BO do Iho elegantly ajolntoil )
trninsof llio Bui'lint'ton route Uy
/avorllo line , belcc.led by Iho U. S.
eminent lo carry tlio fnwl mall , you htivo
Iho choice of Ihreo dally Irulin foi-
ami the oabt ; two for
City and tlio south ; two for Denver und
llio west.
'I'ho UurlliiKton No. 2 Past Kxprcsii ,
voatibulcd thruu hout , oqulpnud with
uloj-'aiit Pullman ears furnbliod with
well bolcctod libraries , reclining ihaii' :
cat'ri ( heatH ffco ) , anil dinlnj , ' oar Icuvuu
Omalia0 } : ! ! i > . m. , arrives Chicago 8 a.
m. , sorviii } , ' breakfast bofpro arrival.
No. ( i , fast mail , loaves Omaha 0:1 : Op.
m. , arrlvoN OhluiiKO 1 j ) , in. ,
and dining car rorvlce up tti the highest
stntidurd. Tiokot olllco , I2'jr } Farnnm st ,
Not 'Much UHH Adveril lii .
KxcojJt for the bencllt of btrangors ,
hecauio everyone llvliiff In Onialw
knows tlio grout Chicago & Northwost-
rni rutiB four passuiiRur trains every
day lo Chicago , and Unit the < ! : : ( ( ) p. m.
and 0:10 : p. in. accelunitud vostlbulo
truiiiH with now sloeporH and frco | ) itrlor
cluiir cnt'H run direct from iho U. 1' ,
depot , Omaha. Ihui * avoiding the annoy *
inir ulmntfQof cara ut Council UlulTa ,
Sufo , euro , sumptuous , speedy , satlsfac-
lory. The city tlcUot , olilco 'la ut 1401
I'arnutn St. IJuL'giiuo ohookod fro'a
' "
residencos. SlconViif' Iwrths resoryod
to Chluago nnd all rainti beyond on ull
linos. H. It. ItiwiUK ,
G. V. WKST. General Agent ,
City Puss. Agt.
The nuw oniccH ot tlio ( Iront Kock
Isliuul route , 1001 ! Slxtconlh and Farnau
BtrouU , Omaha , urotholliiobtln the city ,
Call and boo thorn. TiukoUi to ull point *
I at lowest ratos.