Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1890, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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Suggestions on Matters That the Doming
Iiegialaturo Will Consider.
J'lnlii Talks front J'rncllcnl Farmers
on Nocilod ItnJoriiiH In Itnllrorul ,
nnd li'lnitnclitl
Intlon lit TtiiM State.
recently Invited parties familiar
ntty pnrtlculnr subject likely to eiiKngo
the nttontlon of the comlnR legislature to
offer their sugRestlons through these col
umns. A number of responses imvo boon re
ceived and will bo presented from tlmo to
' tlmo. It is to bo understood thot TDK BKK
will not bo responsible ! for the published
Views of contributors , nnd it reserves tlio
" * " " ' prlvlleyo of discussing thorn In lt own wny
and from tbo stanapolnt which It dooms best
for tlio Intcrosts of tbo people.
I'cpnaltnrlrs Tor County Fiindfl.
Pir.As\ST HOMB , Noh. , Dec , 2. To the
Editor of TUB BEK : Your kind offer of
spnca Iu Tun DEB for articles on such sub
jects M will probably mi airo the attention of
the next IcKl.slnturo la timely , and It will no
doubt Krofitly facilitate the work of tholasrls-
laturo If such subjects tire discussed nnd
bolter understood before tfto session begins.
Thcro nro many things that will engage the
attention of the next , spsslon , nnd the
danger is that annvnlancho of bills of minor
Importnueo will block the wheels and defeat
Iho passage of some of the moro important
measures. Amonfr these I might nnmo railroad -
* * " * road IcHUlation , Australian ballot system ,
a usury law that will bo effective , and a pro
vision fof a depository for surplus county
Of the latter , a provision similar to the
Missouri law would , according to n reason-
" * " nbloestimate , briiiR mtottho various treas
uries moro than $100,000 annually , a clean sav-
ItiR to the taxpayers.
Under the Missouri law sealed bids nro re
ceived by tno designated authority once in
twojcars andoftcncr when n vncanc-y oc
curs from bank incorporations , associations
or individual hauliers , for the privlloRO of
belnR made the depository of all county funds
for atiinofipccifleu. Each hid must bo ac
companied by n ccrtlned check or the cash to
the amount of the bid. The successful bidder
gives bonds and Is then nmdo the depository of
all county funds which the county treasurer
Is required , under heavy penalty , to deposit
with him as fast as collected. The depository
Is required to provide a ulaco at the county
seat wnoro till chocks drawn on him by the
treasurer will bo cnshod , and forproper cause
ho may bo deposed at nny tlmo and a now de
pository appointed.Tho law provides for
penalties , forfeitures , etc. , nnd Is very com
This is a more outline , but I hope It is com
plete enough to give au Idea of the benefits ,
which will readily suggest themselves , that
mltrht bo had from such a law.
A bill has been drawn on this subject , simi
lar to the Missouri law , nnd will bo presented
to the next legislature.
As to a usury law , I hnvo lost faith in the
efficacy of nny law on that subject , except It
S be one that forfeits both principal and inter-
cst nnd provides for the recovery by suit
from the original payee of any money paid to
hlmor'toany innocent purchaser of ausurous
In my Judgment the contract rate of inter'
cst should bo ( J per cent. I'osslbly It would
bo better for It to rcmnln at 10. The onl.\
question is , ho\v low a raw can wo make anil
not drive too much money out of tuo state.
Hnllrond II < ; filiation.
BavKit CKEBK , Neb. , Doc , 8. To the
Editor ot Tim Dii : : I am very forcibly and
favorably struck with a pissatfo in your cdl
torlal in today's BEE.cntitled : "Jay Gould ant
Congress. " Ypusay : "Ho ( Gould ) already has
the power to arbitrarily flx the rates and he
will doubtless use It. It will then bo noces
snry for the people to use their power and
limit the rates to a reasonable basis : If tht :
\vor6 done why would the pool bo objection
able ? Would it not bo advantageous as fur
nishing the moans of keeping the rates unl
form under the limits ftxoa by the govern.
mcnt ? "
This proposition , that the govornmen
limit the rates , It scorn1) to mo , furnishes th
most reasonable nnd promising solution o
the railroad problem , if the railroads won
allowed to pool , or If you please , to form :
trust , so that tnoy would ail como under om
gcnenil management , as , Indeed , I think the ;
are In effect very likely soon to do in spite c
nil laws to the contrary , thopooplo wouli
not only enjoy the advantage of umforn
rates , but there would bo other obvious am
very great advantages. In this case , compc
tltlon being done away with.oach road wouli
take such business as naturally cnmo to it
so that the very great expense now Incurrc
in efforts to obtain business tuignt bo saved
now roads would bo built only where the ,
were demanded in the Interests of trade , an
not , as Is often now done , where they ar
not needed for the principal pin
peso of keeping out a rlva
so that expenses of constru <
tion would bo greatly reduced ; the service
of innny high-salaried oftlccrs might bo ill ;
ponsod with , and , as will bo seen at a glnnc <
there would bo on economy in eachgeneri
management In a hundred other ways.
The railroads evidently sue all these thine
and are disposed to take advantage of thoi
with nviow to increasing their dividend !
Lot them go ahead and then let congress an
the state legislatures step In and save n fu
sunroof the benefits to the people by llxln
maximum rates. So fur as congress is coi
rented this' power over Inlorswto trafl
might bo conferred on Iho Interstate coi
Bicrco couunUsion in direct and unequlvoc
The most aerious complaint that the poop
have against the roads is that they nro oxto
tionuto in their rates. But the people lm\
the power to flx rotes. Lot them "urn-cl !
tint power , and when that comes to bo u :
derstood as being the fixed and unnltcnib
policy of national nnd state legislation I u
pruhond that wo ahnll h"ar little moro
rallrond interference In politics , nnd boll
compelled to practice economy nnd lackii
inncli of the Incentive which they now law
frco passes would bo abolished nnd mat
other abuses would bo corrected.
Such a governmental seems to m
is easy , practical nnd fraught with llttlo
the risk that would bo Incurred In povcr
ment ownership of railroads , the remedy nose
so generally advocated in certain parts of tl
country and among certain classes.
'ClIAllLKSVoOhTKIt. \ .
Tlio imiul Jumn ( Man.
Wiuroitn , Nob. , Scotts Bluff county , DC
2. To the Editor of THE Bun : Youredltt
lal in the issue of November 21 mlsrcprcsoi :
the purj > oses ot the farmers and Is mlslcacll
In fact nnd substance.
' The farmers of this country do not propc
any such couiplox , cumbersome ilnanc
schema as that of the Argentine Kepubl
which evidently went down under its o\
weight , and besides the conditions there i
not tbo same as In tills country. A polltii
revolution hero does not mean repudiation
bankruptcy , which seems to bo the case the
The farmers propose to make their seuci
for relief by loans upon real estate by t
government pure and simple. They will nu
no meddling by bankers , syndicates or m
dlomcn. There will bo no bonds conned
with It Ui Increase the Indebtedness of 1
government , or with which to enrich t
money ghouls no nigh rates of Interest
eat up the earnings of the people , but ban
Interest enough to pay the expenses of stun
Ing , distributing nnd collecting. A lm ;
Issue ot legal tender treasury notes , loan
to the farmers on lands , on long tlmo , a
per wit Interest , Just such n schema as tl
which carried us triumphantly through I
civil war , and led to a season of great pr
perlty , und which would have contlnt
had It not have boon for the mac
nations of monev mongers v
cousmred together for the purp
of displacing the people's tnonoy which c
them nothing by substituting- national ba
uotc * Which cost them the iutcroit on too i
tire amount of the national bonds pledged for
their redemption. A schcmo that benefited
nobody except the man whoso business It wni
to tradoln money , the banker and money
broker , and which was dovlscd by that class
in order to rob the wonlth producers through
the forms of law. Vfo do not protKHO to
nllow either foreign nations or bankers to
Imvo anything to do in con trollng tills Issuo.
It will bo i matter between the government
nnd the people of this country or rather n
mnttorof thopooplo themselves , who constl-
tuto the government. Tlioro will lw no bublo
to burst , no schemes to fall , no wreckers Vo
make money by depreciating It. Wo will try
to provide tbo mnnxvho attempts Its deprecia
tionlodgings In the penitentiary , the same ns
ho who adulterates , mutilates or counterfeits
our metal coins.
The United States Is not dependent upon
other nations for Its money , but Is duly in
vested with the power of making money , nnd
regulating the vuluo thereof , ntid when farm
ers get to making laws , wo propose to make
that provision of the constitution moan what
it says , to all the people.
The farmers scheme would Immediately ro-
llovo the agricultural Intercuts of the entire
country from the great embarrassment from
which It now so severely suffers , and send
Invigorating Impulse through all the avenues
of business by the much needed Increase of
the inohey circulation ot this country.
J. M. Kixo.
Financial Ho forms Demanded.
OIID , Neb. , Deo. 4. To the Editor of THE
HER : llemarlcs credited to leading republi
cans would Indicate that these gentlemen have
failed to rightly interpret what is demanded
of thorn , l-'or at least two years past the
tariff has received the largest portion of their
attention. And yet so far us their utterances
Is n guide , they have something to learn.
' \Yhlto the democratic party Is ready to glvo
Its body and breeches to England , as credit
to bo drawn when she deems the tlmo oppor
tune for n few more Mississippi constitu
tional conventions , the republican party Is
striving tooth and nail to leeep out Knglatul's
manufacturers , which Is sound statesmen-
What wo want as farmers ntid true Ameri
cans Is to keep out her cash also. The Im
porters' trust In manufacturers is a curse ,
but her cash importers are a double curso.
So far as public records are a guide , which
nro disgracefully insufficient , wo have given
to the world without any equivalent .in the
last fourteen years ? 1,5)0,000,000. ( Had our
treasury department oven In Iho last twenty
years , or oven now commence to demand
from all bunks a quarterly foreign net debt
und credit account wo would years ago have
soon our llnnnclal folly and' also have known
what had become of the amount named.
If the republican party falls to moot the.
demand , the lust tiller of the soil will cross
the ditch Into the Independent camp nnd take
Washington , D. C. , by storm.It is the hope
of the writer of tills that the editor of Tin :
Bin : will open his columns to nny omjvlio
may question the method hereafter sug
To be effective In time to boncllt the party
In power It must bo done before March 4 ,
Repeal the internal revenue law ( except on
oleomargarine ) . This willcuusoa deficiency
of eiDO.UOO.OOO. To meet this dollciency ,
purchase nil gold and silver presented witli-
out regard to Its soureo of production. At
least ninety millions can bo relied on. Add
to this StU,000MO ( now in the United States
treasury nnd place the whole in a permanent
reserve fund. To pay current expenses Issue
treasury notes to the amount of &S20,000-
000. This with the forty million notes now
outstanding would inulto the total
liabilities 00,000,000 , while the cash reserve
to meet this would bolJO.OOO,000 ! , an average
of 85 par cent better security than the Bonk
of Englnnd. Surely our democratic friends
will bo only too ready to catch onto the Eng
lish idea.
Republicans will have to acknowledge it
safer than the national bank note. The inde
pendent party will bo perfectly hnppy. Out
government cannot sustain any loss. Those
who use Intoxicants and tobacco will be
ready to alllrin they have reached an earthly
heaven at last Certainly they will not have
to drink the vllo poison they sny Is now
served out to them. Therefore Insanity will
decline. Continuo the process outlined foi
eight years and wo have a per capita circula
tion of about $40. Issue funding bonds to
moot those maturing within the next eight
years redeemable in eighteen to thirty years.
Gentlemen , do not treat tbeso questions
lilco you did the silver bill of last sumaicr by
limiting Its actions , or depend upon it , the
fanner will rule In our legislative balls.
A poor selection may have been made this
time , but there Is plenty of sound material tc
cbooso from. II. P. MUDEX.
In the nnalccr schools , says the Baltimore
American , It Is very odd to hear the c'h''drot , '
call the teachers by their lirst names. "lAnry
can I bo excused from my history clii's to
duyl" asks a tot with hnlr down her backo
her preceptress , nnd with the greatest sang
froid Bohbv yet in knickerbockers asks "i
Louis will let him out un hour earlier ! "
Astronomers agree upon three motions o
the earth. The rotation on its axis In onodai
of twenty hours , the revolution around thi
sun In one year of SlttJ daysand a very slov
gyratory motion of its poles around and out
side of iflino and at right angles to thi
piano of the ecliptic , and coinciding with tin
line of axal rotation at Its center In 3obOi
The next meeting of tbo American Historl
cal association will take place In Wiishingtoi
on December ! ! 9 , 80 and 31.
In the late discussion of the gymnasiun
question in the Prussian parliament , the con
fcssionnl statistics of the higher educationn
Institutions of the country were ofildnlly pro
Uf the 4,000 nnd moro graduates of thi
Girl's Normal college of the city of Nov
York , nearly one-half have been teachers ii
the city schools and one Is a commissioner u
It is now proposed that the management o
the great football games between Harvard
Yale and Princeton bo placed in the hands o
a person or persons , moro experienced thai
Every advance In the Improvement of thi
telescope has brought to our knowledge stil
closer double stars , the distance bctweoi
them being so magnified as to become visibl
and nicnsuronblu. But the spectroscope ha
roveulcd to us a double star so close that n
telescope will show the distance between th
two stars , although each ono of the two star
is bright enough to bo visible to the nikc ;
-Aimlo Besant Is determined to leave he
mark on the history of Kngllsti cducntioi
She Is n member of the Lomloruboanl of education
cation , and , It Is said , makes more visits an
knows moro about her district than anybod
in the association. She claims tnal in ordc
to have n hcnlthy.miml the animal life must t
perfected. _ Thet bruiiijshi sympathy with
well-organlrod stomach , and with a pair c
ifi young lungs pumped full of good air a lesso
iV Iu arithmetic can bo mastered in what ah
| V calls no tune.
Au association "of learned antiquaries 1
Paris , called the "Amencanlstcs , " who luiv
devoted themselves to studies and rosoarchc
connected with the early history of tl ;
American continents , have held u congress I
the hall of the Geographical society. A
Quiitrorngcs and Dr. Joui'dnnetaropresidenl
of the congresswhich Is under the patroune
of DomPodro , the ox-emperor of Ilrazll. Tb
object of the gathering is to contribute I
tlio protrrcss of scientific investigations rel ;
tlvo to North nnd South America , cspcciall
during times preceding the sailing of Coluo
11 seems probable that the great , at lea :
tbo Immediate , future of astronomy lies 1
the Judicious use of spoctroscony and phi
tography rather than li the Increase of opt
cal power by the construction of largo tel
scopes. Glvo a small telescope with a pla
attached to It tlmo enough and it will sou i
much n > a big ouo will show to the most sei
sltlvo oyo. As dry plates will retain the
sensitiveness , exposure can bo continued fi
days , shutting off the light when the obe ) !
ha sunk too low In the west and recomuien
ing it when It shall bo high enough In the en
note Boroa college , at Borca , Ky. , is the poculii ;
to school of thato state and the south. Its 11
iy cullimty lies in the fact thut , Uko rae
schools ut tbo north , it Invites to the cnjo
mout of Its advantages all persons of wortl
3d character. Last year , the attendance ropr
, 'J seating nineteen states , was made up of 1
at colored students , 157 white ; IbO males , 1
lie females. Tlio college classes this year ha
is- nu enlarged attendance. The corns of sevi-
isfd teen teachers is regularly employed. T
ilbo new president of tbo institution , William
bo Stewart , D. D. , in his Inaugurated nss , C
so tobor 12. discussed the work and claims
wt the Christian college.
. , Do * bldg.
Colored nrmurcs are popular.
Sleeves show no abatement of slto.
Fancy topped crochet buttons nro fash *
I enable.
Punch ! The Droocr study of man kind U
woman ,
Cadet blue and green nro by no means In
Apple red sucdo tics are stylish with red or
black costumes.
Gros grain ribbon without an cdgo is fan
cied by some ladles.
When a woman goes to invest In sealskins
she soon realizes that f-'iO will not go fur.
Socrates : Trust not n woman when she
weeps , for It Is her nnturo to weep when she
wants her will.
Thackeray ! A woman's heart Is just llko
a lithographer's stone. What is ouco written
upon Iteauuot bo rubbed out.
A largo number of Indies of high rank In
Uusslahavo joined the colony started by the
followers of Tolstoi at Vlstmevolotzkf , nnd
live exactly llko the peasants about them
after Tolstoi's methods.
Two domestic servants' unions have been
formed In London , the promoters of which
Intend establishing n registry oftlco In every
part of the city , wbcro good servants tnav
llnd good mistresses and bo found by them.
Velvet striped urmuro silks or satin striped
surahs are much used for gay liouso dresses
nmdo with plain , full skirts , pointed bodices ,
Breton vests and leg-o'-mutton sleeves , with
wrist trimmings and collars of dark velvet.
A stylish plnldcd wool costume combines
green with golden brown , with bars of gold
ntid black. The prevailing color is green ,
hence plain preen Venetian cloth Is used for
the lower skirt , the second color , brown , ap-
waring in the fur of the trimming.
Heathen nations hnvo different legends ns
o the origin of woman. The Japanese bo-
love that she grew on a tree , the Laplanders
.hat she wis once a rabbit , the Persians that
lie fell from the heavens , and the Austra-
latis thatsho was once a toau. .
The newest buttons from Paris and Vienna
ire In two sizes of the same design , nnd many
if thosmaller dress buttons for elegant gowns
nro vcritablo Jewels , both in coloring ana
device , the moro expensive kinds being set
'Iko ' gt'ms In low mouldings of gold or silver.
Woman is not such a rash. Impatient crea
ture as some satirists would have us bcllovo.
She may not hnvo enough Impatience to helve
the thirteen puzzle or get to understand base
ball , but she wlll spoud the whole afternoon
any day trying to mittch a yard of ribbon to
n six-Inch piece of dark green plush.
The most accomplished voval princess ol
many a day is the bride of Prince Adolph ol
Schuumberg-Llppe , the princess Victoria of
Prussia. Sbe plays the piano llko a profcs
sionnl , picks a banjo to perfection , drives
equal to n horse Jockey and is n brilliant con
versatlonalist. She has , moreover , a Oowry
of ilOO.OOO and a largo annual allowance be
An old bedstead , very handsome , was of
forcd at auction last month in London. Five
shillings were bid for It until some ono dls
covered that Gladstone had slept on it over }
night for seven months and thereupon the
price ran Into a fabulous sum. It illustrates
the fact that people who hunt antique furni
ture nowadays place little value on it unless
accompanied by history or an ancestral pedi
Lnco curtains arc of the utmost significance
In interior decoration. Should the curtains
bo too long ; as is usually the cnso , nnd not
too expensive , It is better to cut them off , al
lowing about a iiunrtcr of a yard for the hem
and shrinking ; but when too valuable to cut
the surplus can bo left at the bottom and the
curtains caught up into fan-shnped plaits. To
do this take the lower bnek corner up to the
tassel hook nnd gather the curtain up into
Women of wealth and ability are not always
anxious to rush into politics or become soci
ety queens. The late Lady llosebcrry ,
although the only daughter of the late Baron
do Kothschild und possessed of ST-OO.OOO n
year , was content to exercise no rule but that
of homo rule and to reign only over her own
family. She was retiring iu manner to the
last degree and when in society was described
as languid , good-tempered and wholly un
The females of Ecuador are proverbial for
"Grind with every wind"
that are
( and for that day only )
We shall offer an assortment
At a reduction which Is sure
to surprise everybody.
Our best grades will be mark
ed down from $6 , $8
and $10 , to
Plainer goods from $4 & $5 to
and -others interested In
small folk and small clothes
will take notice that these
prices are less than the cost of
material. The fine work and
artistic combinations are our *
contribution to the trade.
Monday , December Sl/t ,
The RoalPainless Dontlst.
Roonii.ItWniul.TiO Hco IlulWIiitf , Omulin. A
sih'clalty iiiiidi ) of Iliiu KolU ( tilings , gold nnd
I'urcDliifn crowns , brlduuwork , uto. Teeth poa-
lively extruded without pain.
G. A. Lindquest
Merchant : - : Tailoring
business nnd luvltos Uisiold frlonda nnil pat
rons , nswull us tljORonbral publlto call nnil
Inspect his now stock of Imported oil domestic
woolens. EvcrythlirUrst class.uu
IS.T/LLISH / ED 1E74.- 3 < J U1HS
DR. .
rrncttco limited to
Dlsciuot of tUa
Nervous System
Including Neuralgia ,
' , - '
I'nrnlysli Kplk-pHjr ,
Catalepsy , lly.tturo
Kp'IODHy ' , Convu 1-
Bluns , ijDltml Iriltn-
tlon , llliutuiinUnin ,
Clironlo Alcoholism ,
Ncrvoua llcaducho , j
Norvuuii I'rostnttlonl
cunun ] | > tlon nntl all I
( il9C 3C90f UlO limit * )
Dooms 3IC to 350 ,
Corner Oth and Uarney StrooU , Omaha.
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DR. A. T. MCLAUGHLIN , President
Founded by Dr. J. W. MeMonamy.
Itooms lien ted IT the Iny , Week or Month.
1SO8 , 1810 and 1312 CQSS Street ,
llctwoeniath and Hth Strooti ,
OMAHA , . . . . . NKJJ
Tolopliono , 1M
Bufforlivr from the ctlccUot youthful errors , early
decay , wnsUnir weakness , lost manhood , etc. , I will
Kim a raluablo treaties ( wnloili containing full
particulars for homo cure , i'lll'K or charge. A
ipleudlil medical work : nhould lx > n > ad by every
ninn who Is nrrvoun nnrl rteMlltatwl. Xttdrcwt
Prof. F. C , I'w jlf , JUoodtiSjCoim ,
ril wbcr all Ktmedieruii. mutinied book A proof !
Addr iior < tll ng.maOOX.8HBro U ? , N. f.
§ Ing remedy for all the
uturnl discharges and
ntertlseasesof men. A
certain cure for the dclilll-
talliig wtukncss peculiar
tn Women.
I riircBcrlbeltandfcelsifu
' tJv recommendlne It to
, * ll BurTerrr * .
lolrt by llrncicl * ! * .
TRtC 81.00.
> .li
sir 'or 0t WOOD'S
nr Celebrated Ice Tools.
Wo have a full line now on hand comprising :
iw Plows , Chisels , Hooks , Markers , Bars , Run Iron ,
vo Snow Scrapers.Etc. Rope of all Kinds.
Js James Morton & Son.
1511 Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb.
With Our Elegant Display of
Follow \ Crowds
m Hnd Gome to Headquarters for
I Diamonds
' "
Watches ,
Bric-a-Brac ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
Silk Umbrellas ,
Gold and Silver Pleaded Canes , Opera
Glasses , Gold Spectacles and Eye
Glasses , Etc.
Largest and Finest
Jewelry Establishment
West of New York.
all Goods Marked Way
Down ,
Premiers in the Jewelry Line ,
16th and Faraam Sts. , Omaha.
Open every evening until nine o'clock-
KaBH BM * > M * " > Be e * e "
A mafjniOcont display of everything useful and ornamental . in the furulturo
maker's art at roasonnWo prices.
Finest and Best Teeth , a full set on rubber , $4
Teeth Extracted without pain.
Filling at Lowest Rates.
Offices N. E. Cor. 14th and Farnam.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
The moat widely nnfl favorably know * upeo-
lallsuln the United Btntoi. Their lon *
pnrlvnoe , remnrkiihluNklll niul unlTonul RUG *
COMB In the truntmont nnil euro of Nervous
Chrnnlo and Stirglcnl Ilnonu < * . outttle the d
eminent phynlcluiu to tlin full confldenon of
tlio nniloicd oYorywherp. They cuixrnntoot
the nwtul offoaMof onrly vlco nnd the numvr *
Dim urllH ttmt follow In iu train.
spoortllr , ooniplntply nnd pcnnniirntly cmrrj.
OKDKHS yield runtllly to tliblr skillful trout-
Riinrniiteed otirod without pain or dutontlon
" ' '
"V'yiiub'uKLR AND VAIJICOOKLK pormn-
nontly nml uccnMfuIljr cured In every cnso ,
rrmtorrhoa , Bomlnal Woakniw , LiutMnnhouil ,
NlKht Kml8 loni. DocRjrml Fncultloa , Kumntn
Wouknes * anil nil delicate disunion * pocullnr
to either sox positively uured , nt well im nil
functional disorders tfint result from youth
ful follies or tlinoxccsjot mntureyenii.
sTWIfTHWi' Giinranteeil porirmnontl y
O 1 M _ > 1 U I\L/ cured , removnl cuMipluto ,
without cutting , caustlo ordUiitutlon. Curoi
alToptod At homo liv ptxtlcut without a mo
ment's pMnor nnnoynncu.
THRU The nwful effects ot
OUlIisUIVL. . curly vloo which
onrnnlo weakness dojtrnylnR both mind i\ml
body , with nil IU drcadud ills , porinununty
HKN NFTTs Address those who bare 1m-
UI\0. 1)1,1 10 pnlrod thoiiisolvos by Im
proper Indulgence nnd solitary InblU. nhloli
ruin hoth mind nnd body , unfitting thorn for
liunlnesi , stud y or inturltiHO.
MAltKIEU MKN or these ( intorlng on trml
hnppy llfo.awuroof physical debility , quickly
IB bated upon fuels. Klrtt I'ractleal ainerl *
cue * . Heoond Evnry cane Impoclnlly atudlBd ,
thus et&rtlug right. Third Medicines BTO
prepared In our laboratory tixaotly to suit
each cttoe , thus cfTovtlng cures without laj ury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Moro tli&n 15 ypun * MjMirlenooln tlio twttmontot
A euro Kiinrniileoit In 3 to lira ilnjrwithout tuoluli
ofunUuur' ; tlmo.
Permnnontljr rureil without pain or Instruments' Ha
cutting : no dllntlnir , Tlio most ri'iiinrlmblo rumolr
known to uioilorn nclomo. Wrltu fur clruuliirj.
Dr. Mcfirow's Irimtinont for this terrible hloocl tils-
cnso linn tioen pronounrod tliu most pnweiful niul
uncct'Hsf ul ronu'dy over illncovoroil for thu nb'vuliitf )
cilrixif tlili rtlBl'aio. Ilia nucoina wllli this dlnoasj
lins miver bnpn equtilleil. Acumplcto CUIIK ( UTAIlj
A.NTFKIVrlliiforclrculuri. .
nnilnll nenknnsinf the ooxunl orKnni , norroiiinoit ,
llmldlty D < 1 dnapundencr ntiiolutely curoJ. TlictJ-
Hot U Imniedlnloond conipleU ) .
Cnturrli , rlicumntl'm , nnd nil < lleaiM of thobla > t
llrcr , kidneys anil blnddor permanently cunnt.
nnrt nournliln , nerrousiioia nnilill ea m uf thoiita-n.
nch curocl. The Doctor' * "llouio Treatment" for
Indies la inmouncoil bf nil wn ! > Imvo usuj It , to Iu
thoinurtt complete nnd ounvunlnnt romoilf oror of
fered fur the tro.ilmcnt of foninlu dlaoasoi. Itll
truly n wonderful rcmi > dr. No InxtrumanUi iu
pain HOUILH foil I < ADIKS ritoM 3 TU 4 ONLY.
marroloui nucroit hai won for him n reputation
which ts truly tmtloml In chnrncter , nnd Mt great
nrrar of patlunts rcacliei from the Atlantic Ul tlm
I'ndtle. The Dnelor | 1 n Brndimto of "IIBUUI.AII"
medlolnoandliM hud Ionic nnd rnrvful oiperloncn In
lionpltnt prnctlce , nnd li claiDe > t niuonix tlio lonillnf
BiK'ClullsU In iniKlornictonco. Tru.itiuont by corru-
> pondimce. Writ" for clrcularj about each of tin
nlnirn dUunao . HIKK.
Office , 14th and Farnam Sts
cm either trout.
Bpedflo for Xyclerla , Diazlne < flFUi , Kvunlgla , Wnko.
lulnesi , Mental Iwproiilon , Knitonlnir ol the
tultlnu In Inianlty nJJ luaillnv to mtiory dw v ur.1
Ho Jit h. Premature Old ARM , HarrennvM. I.oif of 1'owor
Inoither sex. Inroluntary l o H BtKnri Hp rm torrho3ik
CAUMtl by over-oxettlo.-v or Iho brain , Mf ! > vburo or
or6r'tndnl ? nc0. Loch box eont&lni on 3 month. ' * treat ,
mont. It a hot , or ill ( or (1 , rent by rnMI | > renl ( < l.
With each order lor tlx boiem will MmU | urrliamr
( niarnnteo to rcftind ncneY If the trvotment fallto
rum. uuarant e tn uwl and wmuluo told unJy br
11101'urnutn Street. - - Omaha Nab ,
A POSITIVE and p rm nent CURE for all
dlseaiitoTlhtURINARY ORGANS. Cures
whora other treatment talliiFulTdirections with each
boitlo. Price , one dollar , See signature of E. U
STAHL For Solo By All Druggists.
Molina MilbUrn & Stoddard Co ,
Special Sale During Next Thirty Days.
Harney and 13lh Streets * and Ninth and Pacific Strcd