Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1890, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , 1/E031 / 7 , 1890-SIXTEEN PAGES. 11.
Forratu , rtt tte. tnpaf flrtrtealumn nn ttitt pna
AMKS I'cnl Estate Agency
1WT I'arimm Street ,
Hole Agents.
Ilmlticss Property N , W. cor.
Hlh nnd DmiKlni , 'J full lots , with
mnplu truckage . , , , . , 115,000 00
This property It available and If do-
Rlred wo can ficpurnlo lots.VI1I
make nrlco on corner , If dcslroJ ,
nnd Inside lot In proportion.
No. 110. 101 list. bet. Oodiio uifd Onnltol
axe. , full lot ; present Improvements
HID rented , I'rlcn 80,000 00
No.- " ) . ' 'lib Ht. ( Maunder * ! xt. ) ncnr
Ilrlstol. Deslrnblo proiiorly nt I-M )
per foot nnd tit (70 pur fnot. Terms
of sail ! will bo U cnsh nnd balnnco
. A tn 10years If desired.
No. 2H. Half lot. Howard st. bet. Ulli
nnd Tit lists. , for. . 20,00003
No. ST.'J full lots Klvlnj fiontiign on
20th st. of lee ft. by 14. ! ft. In iloptli ,
ilonblo trickau'o In runr. 2-storv
press lirh'k store on im-mlit" . I'rlfo * 27.ofiO W )
No. 2(1. ( Aheii | ) loton L'iko st. 1'ricoJXJ 00
No. 85 e'nssRt. bet. 17lh and IRth st .
property that rents for fJOO per
inoiilli. 1'rlcu ' --.OfO 00
No. 81. 25th nnd Cmiilng Rts. filx24 ! for 1.1,000 00
lyo.-jl , Iilth and Piicltlo streets , ppleti-
dld hotflNltf , lot i : xl.t8 ; will ro.
mine picsunt ImproM'im.Mits nhlch
nrnnol Included In prlco quoted- 04,000 00
No , 2. ' . WllllaniH st. but. 1 ltd nnd 14th
MM. ) elii-iip business lot \vllli 25 ( t.
fninliigo. I'rlei ! 2,500 00
No. Ul. On H.Hi. near Cnllfoinlni prop
erty lins.'Istori-H nml 8 lint * , Is mod
ern , built of brluU ; tents now for
t-lun | ior vi'iir. I'rlco 55,000 00
No. III. iv. ) feet on Doilgo and llth sis. ,
renting fur f.V ( > per month , prlco | > or
.foot . (03 ( 00
No. IS , Kurimm but."Hi nnd 8"th
sts. , l.Vi f i nt fruit by 1.12 In depth ,
prliu poi fML ( 300 00
No. IT , I'm mi in hot. 88th nvo. and
8tlth st. . full lot , prlco pur foot . . 210 CO
No. III. II'IINIIIIII. cor. 2-llh st. , 115 foot
on rnrniiinprice per foot . . 100 00
Nn. r > 11 cm n nl Ht. , but 14th nnd 15th
sts. half lot , per foot 5M 00
No. II Cmiilng si. , bet. : tl6tnnd X'd ' ,
full lot , cheap nt 5000 00
Nos. I.I , 1 ? , 11. 23 foot lots on Maun
ders st..opposite locatiir ! St. , each
22 feet at fl 000 00
No. 10. 1'iiiiiiim hot. Oth and Mil
Ms14 foot , per foot 750 00
Nn. T. Full lot , 10th St. , but. Douglas
and llodito 40.00000
No. ( i. I'uli lot. Cor. Joii"S nnd 12th ,
present buildings rent for 11,100 per
your ; prlcu : ,000 00 Dodo ) , but Kith nnd Ifith Bts.
present buildings brlngliiR a good
rentiil ; full lot ! price 70,003 00
No , I. 8. n. Cor. of Utilli nnd JLeav.sts. I ,
built of brick , well constructed ,
comprising 2 stores and Hats abovu ;
Is never vauant and at u low rental
pays ( ) per cont'oii"prlco of . V'V 23,000 00
No. I. Klrst-class trackage property
on Cor. of Oth 'ind Jones ; owned by
Consolidated Tank Line Co. ; will
make \ury reasonable terms to right
parties : prlco .10.030 00
Ames Heal Estate Agency ,
1507 Furnam street ,
Hole agents.
Olllcu open ovcnlngi , fcO"
' 'mil K old reliable" M. A. Upton Co.
J. | 001-7
PUICrShavondvaneeil In Ames Place $50.00
per lot. Present prices JI.050,11,150 , $1,251.
"ITOIl SALE I'oity acres lying between
1Nuw port and Cole Ilrllllanto , (500peracru.
Com , to agents.
Twenty acres beautiful high ground on
I'nrnnni and Podge struct.Vt \ \ miles fiom
court house , * ! ,500 per acre. Com. to agents.
Two choice ; lots In Oichnrd Hill , corner ol
Douey and Diehard streets , ono bloek from
motor , if..iVW.
Konr room cottages with forty foot lots ,
thieo blocks fiom motor line , 2"i miles from
1' . O. . 81,000. Monthly payments.
1'ull corner lot on 24th street In Soutli
Omaha , JI.COO cash ,
Iilxery stublu and stock , _ on good giound
lo.isu. KIIIH ! business , In Omaha. Will trade
foi real estate In or near Omaha. Curtis &
tJackett,20S H. I51h stieel. Illll block. K15-S
T71OH HALE-Onoof the thusststook farms in
JL' the ucst. ( il miles southwest of Kansas
C'lty. In the unrilon pirt of Kansas. The farm
consists of IK ) ) lines , nil first class land , fenced
unil cross-fcncud. An ehunnt 12-room house
and other tine Imprmcmcnts. A 12-acrc
orchard , artificial lake , etc. , etc. To any one
wanting a Kilt edge stock and grain farm
nothing can bu found that will cnlroly fill the
1)111 butter than this ; : iOO head of cattle. 'M
tons of hny.luun he-purchased with the f rum 11
desired. Wo will soil for cash or Dart casl
nnd notes. Gilt edge Income propoity wouhl
lie coiiHlilcicd In exchange. Address M. A
T/pton / Co. , Omnlia , Neb. ' n.
'rpIIEold reliable" M. A. Upton Co.
OOS-1 !
IT1OU BALK Housoon 20th st , a 20 per conl
1 lneslment. llrluk blook In business cen
ter , great snap , Waterman & . Dual ) , Puxtor
blook. bOU-S' '
TlKSIlIRNOEproperty for snlo In nlco loca-
JLt tlons ut ro isomtblu prices and ua > , y terms
Co-operntlon Lund nnd Lot Co , ltJ ) Nortli Six
teenth btrcet. B.IO- !
I MUCKS hnvo : ulancc'l In Ames place t"iO.C (
per lot. Prcbunt prices * lur > 0 , $1,150 , H.'iV ) .
"filOIl SALE lllg barRnln : 7 room lioiibo am
-1 ? full lot In linker I'luce.liosstlmn cost , 31,200
Knsy touiiH. Imiulroof onner , E. O. Merrill
4'iul and Unss strools. 68
AOKK property at roii * > niiiiblu prices urn'
torms. Co-Uporntl\o Land & . Lot Co. . 8U
N. ifltii st. aio-i
PHIons hn\n ndvnnced In Ainns IMnco * MO (
per lot. Present prices (1,050 , $1,150,11,850.
. 60'
TJIOH SALK or Triulo A nlco lot 49\l'e. sonti
-L fronton grade , city water. liibloeUs south
unstof 20th nnd Vlnton Hts. , for sale or tradi
fora Kood horse nnd phaeton : prlcstl'J50 : en
cumbrance JIWI. Address X K lieu (40 ( 7
PKIOKSlia-,0 ndvnnced In Ames I'lnco $500
per lot. I'rosaut prices 11,050 , * l,150 , 41,250.
1 20 acres line farm land ndjolnln good No
Jliriiska town : noirly elonr.
100 aeros llnoiy linprovod laud " / miles fron
county heat In Nebraska : lightly unuiimborcd
120 acres coixl Iniid In Nulriiskn5inllua fron
county Boat ; -.MX ) inhabitants.
lloiihoaud lot In to\\n In Kansas ; clear.
Clour lot ItiKOod NobrusUa town.
4 room liousu and lot. b&rn , well nnd olHtcrn
16th Htrcut. Umalia ; slightly Inciiinbured ; wll
trade forUnuilui property and nssiuno Inuiini
brancus. H , K. Cole , Conllnental block , OJ
"mifEoldrellnblo1 M , A. Upton Co.
OUSALi : lOfl feet on 35th a\onue.botwcei
I-'iirnnin and Douglas , ohcap. buny. 151
I'n run in. 807-1
HICKS hmo advanced In Ames IMnio 7500
per lot. Present pilces lOJO , Jl.lSO. 11'ivK
A O1E property near Diindoo I'laco at..tll"
JiH neros but\\coii Uniaha and South
Uinnbn , trnckago , at D,50
EluKunt 5-rooiu uottngo bet , motors ,
inthst. , ut 2,00
A llnooiist fiont. Georgia iivu
-room honso with city water In kitchen ,
lot 2i"i\01ti : ) alloy. J W cash , price . . . . 1.05
llutchlBQii & Wend. 1521 Douglas st. b.7
rpHK following property must bo ( .old n
JL. once : Corner llltli anil Mason , iniproMH
x.OOO. puyliiR 10 uurcont. Full lot , HHtli , nea
Woolnortli. rull lot. 81st and lliirdotto. enl
12.100. Also corner 2ld ! nnd Lulnl , only il.iwi
'formsciiHy. These bnrKiilns worth Investl
gating , huienton & Allen , 1UOT ranuim street
MT.15 1
"plUCKShino aiUnnced In Ames place line
X pur lot. Present prices 11,050 , $1,150 , Jl.'M
riMIE host coiner on upper liiriiim Htreol
JL froi.tiiKoon ,1 strunts ; Mpluiidlil corner
rariinm Htri-ot , close tocoiirt bmiso.a bargain
corner with traokiiKo In S. V , part of city
Kood resldonces and low-priced cottages , goo
lots for bulldlnvr , seine us Ion as tioo , insld
uiirus. farms and iiiiliniiroveil land.
Wo will soil any ot tills propurty , of whtcl
wo liavo ontlro control , at prlcoa way belo >
\\hnt you can buy ut ulsow lioru.
btrliiKer.1 : Penny , Darker block , 15th an
rnriiam. lt > 8
rollablo" Al , A. Upton Co ,
TpOH HALK-Lots for J < eaob on West Lenv
JL ? eii-Aiirtli htre'ut , not fur from now pirl
bcay , 1515 rarnam. 6Vs-'i
T > KIOEH liu > o nib anced In Amen Plnco IVJ.O
X ucr lot. Present prices * U'5'J ' , { 1,150 , tl,250.
HALK 245-ncro liuprt ) > ed farm CO mill' '
ftBpur neri'i .eottago4 rooms , 2011 Centei
Kiiuulro ( M N. 13th st. TNI'
OlUl'KS ' huvo advanced In Amos Pluco tlOt
J- per lot. Present prices tl.QM , J1.15J , I,250.b
b (
BUKlKhT bargain In Omaha. Only three c
those olegnnt houses on 41th and Karnui
loft out of slxj other three occupied by first
clnt-s parties. Himsosaro open all dny for In
ipucium , K\ory convcnloneo In the house :
, BUS and gnu II x tit res.
Tnkij a look ut them during thla flu
weather ; buy ono und tnko llfu comfortabl
during the winter.
Only takes from { .100 to f500 cnsh , Pee ther
without fall for they will please you. 1) , V
' ' ' , 8IU 1'lrst Nut'l bank. W
lIE old rollablo" M. A. Uplou Co.
pKN acre block In llcnson for sale at an at
L tractive yrlcu. liunnou & Uarmkhuol.V41
/orrnlM , ttc , irctiipnf flrt' cnl'imi '
PR1VATK tuition by Ttililpiiti Into of E lln-
burK tinttCMliVi i tlicf ul his own resid
ence or tlmt of pupil Kn2 Ish clntitcx , nmtlio
\I'J Hoc ,
PUOI' Oil. I'KTP.ItsKNI'liino , violinrlthpr , Inotriiutloii. Studio SOSShooly
blook. SI7WJ5 *
M'.roRU buying n plnnn cvaintnn tlio now
'scale Klinbullplntio. A.llospc,15UDouglns.
G EO. r.OELI.nNIIL'OK.tonchcrof the banjo
with Honpc , 1511 Douglas , 2VJ
MISS II , J. Mllps , experloncod teachers of
. .olcn culture pupil of Madum Kdna Hall ,
Iloston , * * 1 USS4 Itoom ! i01 , Ilroun building , cor.
101 n and Douglas streets. 222 D.'l *
'or mtet , HT. , HX tiiji nfjtitt rolumnnii Wih iicta' .
V\TANTEl-Ire ) imnklng In private family !
TT ngi > s II.M a day. li yeais cxpcrlenco
"all 1'iJ.I ' Lonunwortii street or addrcsl Mrs.
It. McArtor. H40-8 *
7 < NGAOiMPNTS : tododressmnklnz In faml-
-Jlles solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2010 IliirnoysU
ormtei , etc , , fteniinf Irsl coliimit oat'ilt '
pYl'iWltITnittfall miikm , bought , sold , cx-
i changed , runted. J. P MegcathlW71'arnam (
truet. 403
"or rale" , ete , * ce top nf lint cotum i on tht $ pi o
PATENT lawyers nmfsolloltr > r > ia.W. Sues k
-L Co. , Heu building. Om kliu. llranch olllcu nt
iViishln ton. I ) . 0. Consult itlon free. M'
' "or ratrt , ttc. , tec fop of f rut column oi l/il / * jiifl
CANADIAN emiiloyincnt olllce , : iI4' ' { S. 15th ,
thu best placu In umaha to find help or sit
uations , m.ilo or female. Tel. KM. 5o2 1).1 )
Pur rntrr , fir. tee Ion nf tnl inliiinn nnthl *
PENSIONS TlioCllngman Pension Agency ,
-11'run/or blook. Inforin.itlon freu ' ! ! "
Notice of tin ) Sitting of the City Coun
cil ns n Hoard nrKiiiinlizntloii.
To the owners of lots and lands abutting on
or adjacent to the streets , alleys , or a\enues
Hltu.ited hi whole or In part within any of thu
districts horulnaflur named :
You and each of yon are hereby notified that
thu city council will sit us abiurdof eijualli-
tlonat the olllce of tint city clerk In Douglns
county court honsu on 1'rldny , thu 12th day of
Ducomber , isuo. from IIo'clock .1. ni.'clock
p. in. for thCs iiirM | > soot equall/lng the pio-
posed levy of .special tuxes and assessments
ind correcting iliny er/ors therein , and of hear
ing all complaints that the owncisof property
so to bo taxed and assessed may make ; slid
special taxes and assessments being levied ac
cording to law tocovur the lost and expense
of pn > lng , curbhi' . ' , suwer coiistiuctlon , gnid-
Ing , full < est or one-half cost ; clininieof uiailu ,
Htieut opi nliu , ilainagn for gliding , Hloplni ;
lots and Illlliu lots , dnmnges for roiistructlon
of llth st. viaduct as hereinafter ssatcd.
2nd ! street from D.i\cnport to Dodge bis. , In
p.ivlngdlstiletNo. lit' .
20th street fiom Vlnton stieel to Van C.imps
IIM * . , In pu\lng district No. 2" > l
Locust street fiom llth itioet to Hiiurmnn
avenue , In p.ivhu ills ! i lot o 277.
La 11 ; strict fiom.ioth to.Elul stieel" . In p.iv-
ingdistrict No 2711.
rinnklln stieet from 24th1. . to2Uth st. In
.isInK district No. 2S1.
Illnnuy street fiom Sherman axunin * to 2llh
street. In paving dNtrlct No 2s'i. '
Wubstei struut fiom'nil t j2lrd sts. , In pi\-
Ing district No 200.
22nd street from Cullfo inl.i to Ciimln sts.
In paving dlsti let No JUI.
2ld st. from Capitol a\u. to alley N of Hurt
st. , Hi paIng district No. 2B. !
2"th a\e. from Iicavenworth st. to Half
Howard st. , Intmlng district No. 2 ! > 7.
Capitol a\e. troiu 22d to 2ltli st. In paving
No. . ! UI.
18th st. from Dolgn st. to California. In piv
Ins district No . ' 78.
rranklln Ht. fiom 21th to 20th sts. , In pav Ing
district No. 281.
Hieriiian a\c. from Commercial stto Wlrt
St. . In pnxhiR district No. " > , ' .
1HM HI. from \Vubstor to Nicholas st. In pav
ing district : xn.
In district No. 112.
In district No li.J.
In district No. 117.
In district No. 118.
In district No. 119.
In district No. 120.
In district No. 121.
In district No. 122
In district No. 124.
In district No. 127.
In district No. 1SI.
In district No. 120.
Martha st. In Clark place , Moscath st. In Tu-
pont place , SUth st. fiom Hickory to Jlugeath ,
district No. II.
Ohlcago bt. , 28th to 30th St. . Sotli sf , Cumlng
to HiunlUoii , DIstilctNo 14.
.tnth st. , from Hamilton to Sow.ud st. , Ham
ilton St. , ailli St. , to Kelt line , light of way.
Pleasant st. . llnrkur to Miivnn , Pleasant st. .
Hamilton to Maneyoth st.buwaid to Parker
St. . District No. R
1'axton St. . 21th St. , to : tOth St. , Amcsavo. ,
aothst. . to rioronuu avu. . District No. 17.
Pleasant st. , from rnrnnm to Lea\unworth st
I'lorco St. , from 20th St. , toTth st.
Harnuy Ht. , from Smith St. , to Dexter UNO.
aithbt. , from 1'owler uve. , to Amcsave.
10th St. , from to Itanctoft st.
12th St. , from Center st. , to llanuioft st.
27th st. , fiom Popplelon avu. , to HluUory st.
2 th st , from Woolnorth u\c. . toShlrlev st
Chicago st. . from Lowe inc. . to 1'lcas.iut ut.
tprlngst. , fiom Chlc.igo St. , to C.\ss hi.
Uioxust , from Uhlcngo si . to Dnvonport bt.
2d Ht. , from f-olucn St. . to Plo isunt st.
Caldwull bt. . from 24lh Bt. . to IMh st. . Scwaid
st , from 2 ; > th St. . to 27th bt. District No. U
7th avc. , fiom William ot. . to Pine st.
Parker st. . from 27th St. . to.'llstst.
Garllchs st. , fiom Pleasant St. , to Lowe nvo
llth st. , ftom PIoico st. , to William st.
11th st. , fromSpilngst. , to south city limits.
2M st. fiom south line tax lot JH , sou , 15-1 J-1J
to b. L. E. V. Smith's ndd.
Iturtbt. , In Hillside add. No. 2.
: r.M avcuuufrom Dodge bticdt to Davenport
Lcaveaworth street , f mm east line of blooks
1S7 and 208 to Missouri tlvcr.
Paclllc titreet , fiom.r tli stioct toP.Oth strrct.
25th avoiuio from CaHfoml.i struct to Uurt
Jlixrtha street , from 10th to 20th street.
Ohlcago street , from 2Uth to aoth street ,
20th street , Illekorv street to Megoath streot.
Martha street , 2'ltli ' street to Lymun struct.
aoth street , fiom Loavonnortb street to Pa-
clllu streot.
18th streot. from Loavcnworth street to
Ploroo street.
lotn street from Leavonworth street to
Plorcu street.
Lea\unworth street , from 18th street to 10th
20th street , from Lcu > cnworlh to Mason
street ,
2 < ith street , Dodge street to Ct.pltol utonuc.
Damages for construction of llth struct , via
Lot 4 , blouk S , Hawthorne add.
Lot A , block 2 , Hawthornu add ,
Loto. blouk 2. Hawthorne add.
Lot- . ' , blouk' ' , Hauthornu add.
Lot 2.1 , block2. llawthordo add.
Lot 10 , block a , H.inthorno add.
Lot II , blook : , ' , ll.nuhoinu add.
Lot 12. block a , Hawthorne udd ,
Lot 15. block a. Hawtliornu add.
Lot 1 , block it. Hawthorne add ,
Lot 17 , block ! ) , llawthoinu odd.
Lot 18 , block a , llmvthornu add.
Lot25 , block : t. llauthorno add , ,
Lot 20 , block a , Hawthorne luld ,
Lot 1 , block 2 , Miull's addition.
Lot 2. block 2. Snnll's addition.
LotU , blook * . ' , bhull'8 addition ,
Lot 4 , block 2 , Khull's addition.
Lit.blool < 2. .Shull's addition.
Lot n , hlok2 , Shull's addlllou ,
Lot .tollui ( man's addition ,
Los24 llartman'R addition ,
Lot 12 , blook 0 , S. } " . . Roger's nddlflon.
Lot 1L. llook U , y. K Hogor's addltlou.
LotM Hues Placn.
Lot GO Ueui Plare.
Lot 07 , block . Hees Place.
Lot 0-1 IteesPIuce.
East 23 ft. lot 3 , block 13 , McCormlck1 addl-
Lot 4 , block P , Marsh'H addition.
Lot I , block 1. llunsconi Place ,
Lot 2 , block 1 , Hunscom I'laco
Lot U , block 1. Hiinscoia Place. /
Lot 4 , block 1 , Hunscom Place. , '
Tax lot aateo 27-15-RI. > .
Lot 10 llarKulow Place. f
Lotl IJIllliigssub. ,
l.otlllilllng.s sub , \
LotamilliutWib. f
. . . . ;
r * * iiiiii. l.t- "
Lot 4 Hilling's sub.
Lot IS , block H , llrlpRS place ,
hot 10. block 8 , llrlKgs placo.
tot 18. block 8 , llrlKKs placo.
lx > t 19 , blook 8. llrluus place.
Ioti ; , blook 3 , Doufflas add.
Lot 4 , bloek U , DauRhiH ailil.
I.nt S. block 0 , DouKliiH udil.
Lot 0 , blook 3 , Dounliis ailil.
Lot D , blook ! ) , Douglas add.
Lotl ) , blouk U. Douglas add.
Lot 10 , blook .1. Douglas a < iiU
Lot II , block U , DouKlua odd.
I.ot2 , Mock 4 , PoilKlns add ,
I.otll , block 4 , DotiKlni add ,
Iot4 , block 4 , Douglas add ,
Lot 5 , block 4 , Douglas ndd ,
IxU ) , block 4 , Douglas add ,
I < ett block 4 , DoiiKlns ndd ,
Lot 8 , block 4. Dnuirlns ndd ,
Loll ) , block 4 , Pnuplns add ,
Lot 10. block 4 , DouKlns udil ,
Iot 1 1 , block 4 , Hondas add.
1,1)12 , block 1 , Donccken's ndd.
Iot7 , ( Irnddy' block 7 , Lowe's Ed ndd ,
Lot 7 , nrllltn & Smith's ndd.1
lot 10 , Orlllln k .Smith's ndd.
Ixit 11 , ( lrlllln k Smith's ndd. '
Fnstiwi fret lot 13. llrlllln .V Smith's add ,
IxitS. block 11 , lllKhlund place1.
Uitn , block II , Illulilnnd plnco.
I.stT , block H , Illitld'ind plnco.
Lot 1 , block IN Highland place.
I/of. , block i : , lllKlilnud plnco.
Lot I ) , block li. Highland place.
Lot 4 , block H , lllttldnndjihvci ! .
I.otr > , block r > . lIlKlilanii plnuc.
Lot 0 , block ! . ' > . II liililiiiiil place. .
Lot 1 , block 8. UHhidc nddltlnn No. 1 ,
Lot y.1. hloc-k 10. Kotmtro A. Untli's tidil ,
Lot ' . ' . block II. Koiint7u X Uuth's add
l.oti. : block , * > , I.oni42iul ) iidd ,
Lot 4 , block II , McCormlck'H add ,
Lot ft. block II , McL'orinlck'i add.
Lot 10 , 1 'lock L' . Uuklinrstadd.
Lot 11 , block..1 , Oakliarstaclcl.
S > ' , lolT , block II , Oaklitir-4 add ,
Io tH. block .1 , Uukhurst add.
Lot 'Jit. blook - . Oknlionin.
Lot I , block 1 , Sherid-iti plnco.
Lot a , blouk I , Sliorsdiin pinto.
Lot II , blook 1 , Shorldnn place.
Lot 4 , block 1 , Sheridan place.
Lot' ' , block ' 'I , Smith add.
Lot ' - ' , liloi-k 17. Smith ndd ,
Lot 2. Miinton place.
Lot II , btunlnn place.
l.rt 4 , Mantnn iilncu.
Lot.'i , Ht'iiiton place.
Lot 7 , gtanton place.
Lot 14. Dlock 4 , Wnliiut IIIII.
Lot 10 , block \Volnut Hill.
Lot II , blook 10 , Walnut Hill.
Lot 12. block 10. Walnut IIIII.
Lot IS , blook 17 , Wnlnut Hill.
Lot 1.1 block 17 , Wnlnut IIIII.
Lot 14 , block 17 , Wnlnut IIIII.
Lot n. block 17. Walnut Hilt.
Lot 10 , block 17. Walnut Hill.
Lot I , block If. Walnut IIIII.
Lot li block r > . We-st Km ! addition.
Lot ? , block 0 , West Knil nddltluti.
Lot ( p. blocks , WostKiiil addition ,
Lot I'll , block 12 , West Knit addition.
Kant TO of w > lot.l. block r. . ' . \\ust \ Omaha.
Lots , block 1H. WostOtiinh.i.
On lull st. ami Mls'iinil I'uclllc railway N
2C4ft.sltlof tnlof.4 , M-C- . .l-n-IJ.
On 16th st. mid Missouri I'aclllu rnllwny.s Y )
of tax lot : n. sec. : i-n-n.
Lot 14 block C. HORKS , V Hill's 1st addition.
Lot 7 , blouk .1 , MOKISS .V Hill's 1st addition ,
Lot 8. blouk : i , Hoius & Hill H 1st addition.
Lot ) , block 4. Kozp < & Hill's 1st addition ,
Lot' ' , blocl.4 , Itoirns & Mill's 1st Hildltlon.
Lot .1 , bloc * 4. Hoses & Hill's 1st luidltloti.
Lot U , block I' Campbell's sub. Shlmi's-d ad
Lot ] ? . blosU 1' , Campbell's sub. Shlnn's 2d
Lot 4 C'hurrv Garden.
Lot 1'hurry Gaidcn.
Lot 1 1 , Clark plnco.
Lot 14. Clink place.
Lot 5 , blouk r > . Uimllt I'onclor add.
i-"i lot ! l , < - 'rcccnt p n k.
Lot I , descent park.
Lot 4. blo k I , Douglas ndd.
Iotf > , block I , Douiilas add.
Lot C , block I , Douglas add.
Lot" , block 1 , Douglas add.
Lot 8 , block I , Douglas ndd.
Lot 1 1 , block 1 , Douglas add.
Lot 1. ' , block I , Douglas ndd.
Lot 1.1. block I , Douglas add.
Lot 14 , block 1 , Douglas add.
Lot ! . " > . block 1 , Douglas add.
Lot 1C , block 1 , Douglas ndd.
Lot 17 , block I , Douglas ndd.
Lot is , block 1 , Douglau udd.
Lot 4 , block R , Douglas ndd.
Lot ( i , block 8. Dutiglos ndd.
Lot 7 , block : i , Dulght A. Lyman'a ndd.
Lot I. block II. Dnlght & , Lyni ill's add.
Lot 2 , block II , DwIghttV Lyiiinn's add.
Lot.l. block II , Dnlght A Lyman's add.
Lot 4 , blouk 11 , l ) lght& Lyninn's add.
Lot ' .block II. DwUht& Lyninn's add.
Lot n. block II. \liht I , A. hym ill's add.
Lot lil , block 12. nnlghttt limail's add.
Lot 1. ' . block li. Hniiscom I'lacc.
Lot II , block 17 Hanscom I'lnco.
Lot 14. block 17. Hans-oiii I'
Lot ! ) , block I. UllMdoadd No.1- .
Lot 10. lilnek I , Illllsldn add No. 3.
S. W. lot 7 , blouk 13. Iinpiovc-inont nssou-
tlon add.
Lot 12. blook I , Jerome park add.
Lot 1 1 , block 1 , Jeromu I'm k mid.
Lot 14 , block 1 , Jeromu I' . irk add.
Lot . " > , block 8 , Jerome I' . irk udd.
Lot C > . block 8 , Jerome 1'arlc udd.
Lot 7. block K Jt runic Park add.
Lot Ik blo-k' ' . Kllby I'luoiadd. .
Lot 14. blo.-k 2. Kllky 1'lauo
S. 'i , e. "t > lot 10 block. Kountzo's 2d add.
Lot 4 , L.i Vein I'lucc.
\Mt K , block N , Lowe's ndd.
Lot ' . -block N , Lowe's add.
Lot 12 , block N , Lowe's udd.
Lot 1 , block H , LOWO'M add.
Lot ] , blouk S , LOWU'H add.
Lotli , blocks * . Lowe's add.
Lot 0 , block S. Lowo's ndd.
Lot 1 , Mlllard & UuldweU's .uld.
Lot ( . block 11. .McCormlck's ndd.
Lot 1 , block 4. I'addock Plato.
Lot S. block 4 , I'addock I'laco.
Lot II. block 4. I'addock I'laco.
Lot 4 , block 4 , I'addock place.
Lot \ block 4 , I'addock place.
Lotu. block 4 , I'uddock place.
Lot C. block I , 1'opplcton park add.
Lot 20 , block . ' . 1'oppleton p irk add.
Lots , block C. Prospect place.
S lt > N lot 10 , ,1. 1. Kedlok's add.
HS4nlatil. : .1. I. Itedlck'siidd. , .
Cot 2 , block 0 , sub dhlslon of J. I. Kcdlck's
Lot 0 , bloel , 0. subdivision of J. I. Kodlck's
Ls't 7 , block 0 , subdivision of J. I. Kedlou's
LotSI , block 0 , sub division of J. I , Rcdlck'e
n <
Lot2l , block 0 , bub division of J. I. Itedlck'u
Lot 10 , block 4 , Uecd'sIId add.
Lot 11. block 4 , Hccd'M.ld add.
Lot 1 1 , block 4. liced's .Id add.
Lot 14. block 4 , Hced'H3d add.
Lot I , block.r . Kccd'sild n < ld.
Lot 2 , block 5 , Ki-od'sM add ,
Loti : , block 21 , Smith's add. . >
Lot 4 , block 21. Snilth't , add.
Lot U , block 7 , Thomuson & , Gees ndd.
Lot I , block 1) ) , Tliomnsoit k ( Joos1 add.
Lot 2 , block 0 , Tlmmnson iv * Ooos' ndd.
Lota , block II. Tliotiiuson iv * Ooos ' add.
Lot 8 , block 15 , Thomason & Cioos' add.
LotU , block ir > , Thoniason & , Uoos' add.
Lot , Ttle.i place.
Lot ? , lltlca place.
Lot 8 , Utlca place.
Lot 9. Utlcn place.
Lot 2 , blook 1 , West Omaha.
Lot : i , block 18 , West Oiiiaha.
Lot 4 , block 18 , West Omaha.
Lot ' ! , block 20 , West Oiniih u
Lota , block ' 4 , WestOmaliK.
Lot 4 , block -'I. West Omaha ,
Lot 1 , block 27 , \ \ rat Omaha.
Lots , block 27 , West Omaha.
Lot 4 , block 27 , West Omaha.
Lot I , block 28. Wo-t Omaha.
Lot 2. block 2s , West Omaha.
Lot. ) , block 2 * , U'estGmuluu
Lot 4 , block 28 , West Omaha.
Lots , blook 2 , Walnut Hill.
Lots , blojk 4 , Wnlnut Hill.
I.otl3 , block 10 , Walnut IIIII.
Lot 14 , blook 10 , Walnut Kill.
Lot 15 , block 10 , Walnut Hill.
Tax lot.sou. ! . 10-13-11.
Tax lot U , block A. sec. 20-15-13.
Tax lot 10. bo-- . 21151 J.
N. . ' 45 tax lota. ' , sec. 22-15-13.
Tax lot 28 , 2ti-n-ia.
LotU , blook 1 , Donocken sadd.
Lotfl , block 7 , Walnut Hill udd.
Lot 7. Hock 7. Walnut Illll ndd.
LotM. bleak 7. Walnut Illll ndd.
Lot 2 , block II , Smith's udd.
And bo It f in thairc olvod. That the clt ;
dork glvu notice of auch sitting at least si :
days prior thereto , In three dally papers o
And bo It further rcsoHcd , That unless fo
good and Miniolcnt cause. It tuny bo other
wise ordered and determined. , that said cos
or part of cost bo so assessed pro ratn , accord
Ing to foot frontage upon nil the lots and run
cstutu In said illitrlcts respectively , adjacun
to or iibuttltiK the line of said Improvements
according to the usual bcnllna buck proccs
us heretofore adopted and followed by suli
council In the assessment of special tuxes t
cover the cost of said work , towlt :
One-third of wild pro rat.nost upon the one
sixth pait of thu whole amount of ground t
bo assessed , first abutting upon the street lln
along hiild linpro\oment.
One-fifth p.irt of such pro rnta cost upon tli
second one-sixth part of the whole amount c
said ground adjoining thereto.
Onu-Hlxth part of such pro a cost upon th
third one-sixth partof thu whole amount c
suld ground next adjacent.
And three-tenths of said pro rnta cost upo
thu adjacent or remaining onu-hulf part <
the whnlu of said ground ; unil the full cost c
sloping and flllhiK lots upon the lots so slope
or tilled.
You and each of you are hereby notified t
appear before said board of eiitmlUatlon n
the tlmo and plnco above specltled , to mak
any complaint , statement or objection yo
may desire concerning said proposed levy an
assessment of special taxes
dccfidot rf City Cleric.
Annual Mooting.
Notice Is hereby given that tli6 nnnui
meeting of the stockholders of the UN In
Stock Yard Hank , of South Omaha , Neb. , ft
the election of directors and the transactlc
of Biioh buslnoHS us may properly arise , wl
behold at the 1'lrst Nntlonulllank , of Omalii
Neb. , on Wednesday , January 7 , 1(91 , at < p. n
E. U. HHANCII , Caahlor.
South Omaha. Nob. , Dec. 0 , iblK ) , dccTclSi
TAKEN-UP by the utulrrslgnod nbout Oc
25 , IbUO , ono red steer , about 15 months eli
with white spot In face. The owner can hm
the sumo by iiroUngproperty and pavlr
e\argof. ) Mrs. Sidney Dillon , 0 miles nest i
Irvlngton. N3M7-14-21- :
Ul'-Cow with gruy and yollo
-ipuu. a.'iu California tt.
III IH for I'ubllolrlntlriK. [
onicoofHtntolloardtJf I' , >
LtNCOtx , Nov Ulur 15th , IhOO. J
OTIC : TO HtniiEits.
Scaled proposals will hO" ifoce'lvrd nt any
tlmo on or before two o clock p. ni , of the nth
day of December , A. I ) . I" " * ) , or the printing
of all 1)111 fortlio tli ouch luat-
ter us may bo ordered by t'ltlior house thereof
to bo printed In "bill forhl" which Is shown
and designated nsclau nun iJiunncr the print
ing law s of the state of NeTiruskti.
lor the printing and blndlliR In pnpcrcovors
of ono thousand ( l.tnJO ) copies each of the bien
nial reports of the auditor of public accounts ,
tro isurer , secretary of state , ntul commission
er o'P'ibllc Inndsnnil biillitlnKsinnd Ihohun
dred (5001 ( copies iMich of the lilonnhil ruport-sof
thu attorney genorul , superintendent of pub-
lie Instruction , state librarian , and adjutant
general ; nml all utlior reports and documenm
that ma * , bo ordered printed by the Icglsla-
tuie , except such as may enter Into and form
a , part oft hu JourimK which class ofAork Is
Known and designated as clnss three ( II ) under
thu printing laws of Isobraska.
The bill work , executed underclass one ,
slnill bu printed lu small plea tv pe on paper
fourteen ( II ) Inches loiu byclgbtnnd onu-hulf
( hM Inches wide , single pigu. paper to bo
twinty-elght i' ) pounds double uap to the
ream , mid except the title page : eacb p.igo
sh.ill contain not less thnn twcnty-llvu ( ' 'V
llniM of solid matter of seven (7) inches In
length mid the line" shi.ll lie success\ely |
numbered , with a blunk only In e ich up ice be
tween the lines.
The title page of said bills shall cent tin not
less than eighteen ( Is ) line * us abo\e. with
three 01) ) Inches additional sp.iou nllnunblo for
display titlenutter. .
Lach bid Hlittll state what ( Ho bidder Is willIng -
Ing to do the work complete for , per page , fur
two hundred ( .W ) conies of each blllj also the
price for additional liundrcds that may be or.
dcrud of the s.imoblll at the samu tlniu as thu
original (200) ( ) , Including composition , paper
press work , stitching , folding , and all work or.
material entering Into the wort : reiiulrcil.
All work oxecnti'd under class ono "hall bo
; lollvered In good order by thucontrnctorto
thu ollko of the sicretury of state within
hreu dajs after the receipt nt the older by
. . : ild contractor from thu ch ilrman of the
uommlttto on urlntlng , In either branch oftlio
AH work executed undcrcluss lhrcn(3) ( ) shnl
bo printed In long primer , brevier and nonu i-
rlcltype.on puper to bu nine Incliiulonguy
six ( ( > ) Inches ulde. single page , paper to bo
"orty-tho (4r ( > ) pounds to the roim , of twenty-
'our by thirty-six , white book. Each bid
indcr class three shall state what the bidder
s willing to do the work complete for , per
iiiigu. on each report orlkm lathe class , In
cluding composition , piper , presi work ,
stltuhlng. folding , and all nork or maturlnl
unturliu Into the work required. Galley and
page proof must bu ( urnlslied when required
by thoollluursof the executive dop.trtmentor
tliu chairman of the committed CM printing In
clthei br.inuh of the loalsl ituro. Work when
completed to ho dulUered fruoof expense at
the Htnto house.
I'ropos ils for work on oaeh of the above
classeswlll not bo tonsldoied unless the same
: io accompanied by u bond In the Hum of live
.hoiisand ( tTi.WiO ) dollars with two or morosuro-
tics : that Incise the party proposing for such
contract shall bu awarded thus unu such p u ty
will , \\lthlnllto 0) ) da > s lifter thu uuard to
him of such eontractenlor Into bonds for the
faithful performance , tbcicof , as jnovldud by
law and the tern.s of these proposals.
Proposals shall bo mnrkud , "I'roposals for
Public Printing" nnd addressed to llio stnto
board of printing. In euro of the secretary of
state , Lincoln , Neb.
Contracts on class ono ( I ) , as above specified ,
will be auardo.l as a whole.
Contracts on class tluouCn , as above succt-
flcd. will be awarded In wliolooi'In p.irt as the
Doird may elect. .
Samples of the work to bo executed under
class ono (1) ( ) , and three ( I ) , may bo seen at the
ofllco of the secretaiy of state.
Contracts on above classes ono (1) ( ) , nntt
three ( .1) ) . to run two (2) ) year * from Uuuumbcr
The st'.ito printing bon l reserves the right
to reject any or all bidsULN
ULN 11. Cowm-iiv.
Si.crcr.iry of btato
T. II. ItfNTOV ,
Auditor of I'Ubllc Accounts.
J. E. HIM ,
State Hoard of Printing.
To whom It may concern. 'Notice Is hereby
Kh en Unit f nun and after this nate I will not
bu rcsponslblu for nny ( leltB uhntsoc\er con
tracted by my ehlldrcn , and I hurchy wain
nny person ngalnst giving oredlt to them on
the tsticngth of my name , Charles Tlou.il7d"t *
LenTOi CIHUACIO , UUIlUNtiTO.X A. y I Arrlrei
Omaha. Depot 10th nnd Mnion utreeM I Onmlm.
ISO p m . . . . . . . . .Chlcngo KiprpiJ.I 800 B ni
J > ) a m i ChlcAico Klprsss CM p m
010 p m Chicago Kxpreii 1005 in
.lotvii looiil \l2Mm \ (
Depot 10th nnd Ninon atreats. I Omaha.
10 55 n m DunTcr Uaf ICipreJS. . . 40S p m
10 2i a m Denier Kzpresi 015 p ra
( .40 p m Denver Night < Cxpre i. . . a as a m
8 15 n m Lincoln Loot ! tftIO p m
Leave * I K. 0. , ST. J. 4O. 11 rArrlvoi
Om&hn. IXpol 10th rtnd Mmon ilreati. I Omaha.
9.SO i * . m.Knnia | Cltr Dnj Bipresi , . . . 010pm
4S pmK. | t' . NlKlitKiti rlaU. P. Tram 0 i a m
Omaha. | Depot IQtli anil Marcy itreatl. I Omaha.
JW p m Overland Hirer 003 p m
7 0 p m 1'aclflo Eiprojj 11.45 a ra
10 VO a. m DenTor Express 3U p m
600 am Kausai Cltj Express 1205 a m
1015 n m . .Falrnul.l Bxp. ( except flim ) . 4 10 p m
Lenvei CHlCIAClO , H. 1 4 I'AUIKll ) . I Ar/lre *
Uointm U. 1' . depot , loth anil Marcr SU. I Omaha.
8.TO p m . . . .Night Ktpress. . . 10 OS a m
U5 a m . .Atlantic Fxpress . 630 p m
4 0 p in .Veitlbule Limited. 10 ( i a m
Leaves SIOUX eirt'a I'AilnU
Omaha U. 1 * . depot lUth aql Marcy S
7 15 n ml Sioux Cltr
4 0 p ml . . . .St I'aul Express . 1 10 10 am
'l A I'AOlt Hi Arrlvoi
Omaha. I Depot lilli and Webstar Bts. I Omaha
BOO p m | Ht I'aul l.lmlleil I V'ii am
CulUAUU A NOUl'ti\YKbTfcillN Arrival
Omaha U. 1' . depot , 10th and Marcr Ht * . Oaiiha ,
915 a m Chicago Express ( ! % ) p n
4 SO p m Vestibule Limited IIM a m
815 p m Iowa Accommodation ( Kxo. Sun ) 705 p n
tflO p m Eastern Klror. 2Ji p ra
11.45 o m ( QIC Hunll'iiit Knit Kx ( oxc Monl 7 10 a n
lx > aves IC'LtlCAeiei , Allu , A HI. i'AUl * Arriveu
Omaha. | U. I' , depot. 10th anrt Maroy 8ti. Omaha.
110 p ml LhlcaKO Bxpress 943 a a
11 64 a ml Chicago gxpress 6 10 D m
t av i I OMAHA , a Bl. LUUis. i Arrives
Omaha. | IT. P. depot. 10th and MarcrSts. I Omalia.
Cann n tialt. JJ3JUpni
ixiares I 0 , , HT. i' . , MAO. I Arrlvui
Oinaha . I Depot nth and Webster Sts I Omaliv
DL. ave | MlSUOUlttl'AOlUCr Arrlvui
COmaha. I Pepot 15th nnd Webster Hts I Oirmhv
.fat. IxUls AK. C. Kxpress. . . . 46'Jp it
.Bt. I-quls A K. C. Kipreis..I P'iO n. n
LeaTeTTCint'AciO * tfOKTlTWK'U nilN. | Arrives
Transfer ) Union Depot , Council lilults. iTranjto
"EeaveTTClllCAOO , MUT A SfTl'AUi * ) ArrlVos
Transfer Union DODOU Council IlluOs. ITransfe
OHOpual ChlcuKO Kiprcn. . . I HIS a n
1280 p m | . . . Chicago E prm * . . LOCO pn
" s
Traniferl Union llapoi. CViUticll lll'iBt 1"Xrrtv
10W u m . . . .Kansas Cltr liar "Express. " I 643 p o
tOMp ml..Kansas Otr Night Express I 6 20 a c
leaves "fii "n5iTTHr Arrives
Transfer I Union Depot , CVmacIl UlutTi Trans To
. . . .st. Iioul < I Biion llnll 1215 p ti
- , _ _
17'N-A "
Transfer Union Depot , CWiicIl lllulfs.
840 a m .Chlcairo Kxpress. 82U p r
lOUOp m .Chlcano Express. 041) ) a r
7 .05 p m . Cretton l cal. . 1120 a t
1/eares HIOUX ClTIf 'i11'AUlUa ' iTrrlvos
Transfer Union Depot. Council Bluffs. | Transf
T.Ua m . . .Sioux CUT Accommodation. . , ! l > 40 ar
tD5 p m BU Paul Kxpress.lo00 | P i
Boyncr will Pitch bettor ball next yeur thn
over before , tils arm was never In botU
shape than now ,
Will Bo Dedicated Today by the Fiwt Uni
ted Presbyterian Congregation ,
Intcrcstlni ; Items of IlcllRlous Iiifor-
inntloti IVoin Many diuretics
llotli nt IIiiiuo nnd
Tlio congrcpntlon of the IPlnt Unltotl
Presbytoriitn church of Oinib'a will ilodlcuto
n now nail haiulsomc church on THCiity-Ilrst
street , In Koimtro Plnco , toJuy. The build-
liib' Is of brick , covering an urc.tof about 50x
ft ) feet. It fronts the south nml has n very
nttrautlvo niul substantial totvai" surmoutit-
Ing the utitr.tnco at the southwoat corner.
The mnln auditorium Is about
fiOxCO feet , and the pulpit stands
at the cast sldo under a handsome arch. A
second arch anil recess just north of thn pul
pit furnishes con * , cement spnco for the choir
and n plpo or an when tin ) tlmo comes that
the congregation decides upon iMirchusIng
that no'essary piece of modern church furnl-
tu ic.
Immediately north of the main auditorium
Is the Icctmc room , comtmmlcntltii ; with the
main room by means of Hltdtng doors \rhluh
slip easily out of sight when the
two rooms nre desired to bo thrown Into one.
Knst of the lecture room thcro nre two com
modious narlors nud north of the parlors Is
the pastor's study. West of the study nml
north of the lecture room nro library nnd
tollot rooms. Under the north half of the
church tho-o will bo tHO or three convenient
apartments fitted up In the sprliifj to bo used
for social gatherings. These will constitute the
kitchen nnd dining room dop.utmcnti of the
In the south end of the church there Is nn
elegant Rotblc window , which gives the
cditlco a rich njipenrnnco from the exterior
and admits a Hood of mellow light upon the
The floor Is billlt upon the opera house
plan , with pows In the main auditor
ium and chahs In tlio lecture room.
The church will cost complete about $14,000.
'tis certainly ono of the nattcst midmost-
onvenicntly arranged houses of worship In
himlm. It will accommodjto about eight
undred people.
Thcio is a door leading from the double
'arlors ' to the choir nnd pulpit nnd
1th that door open n lu-ly with
troublesotno baby can catch the
erinou nnd yet bo hid 'from the view of the
ludienco a great convenience for many
The dedicatory service \ \ 111 take place this
ornltiK at 10:30. : Icev. J. T. McCrorj of
Mttsburg will preach thosetmon. Ho will
, lso preach nt 7JO in the evening. In the
ftcnioon ut (5:30 ( : o'clock thcro will bo n
inion meeting , or house-warming , nt whlcli
iicmbcrs of other denominations nro ex-
looted to attend and make short addresses.
A great denl of the credit for the election
if this neat temple of worship should be
.wnrded to Hov. John M. Fi ouchtho present
lastor. lie has labored faithfully nnd wllb
inflnggliig zeal since the undertaking was
leciOcd unon.
The congregation wns orgaul/cd In January.
80S , with nine members. The pioneer oi
United PrcsbyterianiBiu in Omaha was Ilev.
Thomas McCaguc , who is still a resident nl
Omaha , nnd is very widely nnd favorably
* * nown In the community.
In July , lbS7 ( , ho beg.ui work as a mission
iiry In a school liouso nt the coiner of Fif
teenth nnd Capitol iivcnuc.
From that small beginning the church hai
'ought its way through nil the vicissitudes ol
ifo in Omaha. In Scntembcr 187.2 , Her ,
Inmes Duncan D. D. of Liberty , Neb , canu
.o Omaha and worked with the church for n
ear. That year the congregation purchased
the iyiiitiit tabernacle which stood nt the
corner of Eighteenth nnd California streets ,
nnd then tbo work begun to take broad nnc
deep root for permanent growth.
Hev. Thomas McCaguo continued the work
lifter Ur. Dunc.m had gone , nnd the churcl
'icld It way onward and upward.
In 1878 Hev. D. U. Miller of East Pules ,
ino , O. , came and remained two yours.
In 18bO Hev. Edwin B. Graham became
ho first regular pastor. Ho re
mained until IbSS nnd brought tbc
Ittlo flock through many gloomy places u
brighter fields boyond. Ho has rcm lined (
staunch fiicnd of the church all the wnj
through and has assisted materially in tin
building of the new bouse.
The congregation at present is In excollon :
condition , having n good , healthy member
.hip . aim being almost entirely free from debt
TU eVIows of Rev. J r. Din-yea of tin
First CoiiKregntlonul.
The question of admitting \\oincn to tin
conference of tlio Methodist Episcopal churcl
: ias at length been decided. On good author
ty It has been announced thut the vote takei
upon the matter has resulted in favor of theli
TUB BLE presents the views of Dr. Duryei
on the subject. On Sunday next It will pub
ish the vlows of several other clergymci
who , llko Dr. Duryca , nro not members o
ho Methodist Episcopal church.
The conference of tbo Methodist Episcopa
church Is n representative body vested bj
the members of the church with uuthoiit ;
nnd powers defined by a constitution and Interpreted
terproted In the light of recorded precedents
Its functions are legislative and udministrn
tlve. It makes laws or rules for the dliec
tion of tlio chuichcs , selects nnd inducts inti
their ofllco the bishcms and other servants o
the people and exercises the right of rovislni
nnd Judging their policy nnd nets ns well a :
of general discipline. The members of this
body nro selected according to a princlpli
adopted and established nnd tending to abidi
until some serious exigency may reveal thi
need of expansion or limitation.
There can bo no doubt that the Intention o
the founders of the church contemplated t
democratic sjstein with n. icprescntntlvi
method. That is to sny , they did not holi
the theory that the ecclesiastic Is direct ! '
called by the Head of thoCuurcn , invested b'
Him with authority and power , and set ovei
the people to rule them. They conceived th
members of tlio church to bethe body o
Christ , " in which His spirit Is manifested
nnd through which Ho operates in His worl
of redeeming and perfecting men. As suet
the members have supreme rights nnd pow
ers. But they wcro not expected to excrcls
their rights nnd powers in person and i
mnss , hut through their representative'
who should bo their minister * or servant ;
responsible to God indeed for the dlschaiv
of the trust committed to them , but accoum
able to tbo people nlso.
'Iheso remarks led np to the point whlc
needs to bo tnndo distinct In the discussion c
the question ooforous. While it U clear thu
every member of the church shares in Its si
premo authority and powers , and should hav
some opportunity and moans of oxpressln
opinions and preferences in regard to the oi
tire administration of the nlTalrs of th
church , it is quite ns clear thnt no incmbc
can claim a right to a plnco in the rcprosoi
tntivo body. Since it is representative , i
must bo constituted by solcction. In nrcor
with tbo democratic idea , nllincmbirs shout
take part in the selection , unless spcciall
disqualified by some evident defect.
The persons selected nro taken presumab !
because they are competent to share In tl
exercises of the authority and poneis del
gated-to the conferco. ) They are called t
the performance of n trust. It implies tl
creation of lespousiblllty. The person wli
accents the trust Is freely but surely bout :
to the performance of n duty. As nblllt
and responsibility nro equal , In the prcsci
aspect of them at least , no one should 1
asked to ncccpt the responsibility unless I
is supposed to hnvo the ability , Of this t no ;
who appoint him are the judge * .
It Is wrong , therefore , to nny member i
the church , If he Is not called to do tils dut
A deaf man could not well act as a member
a deliberative body. Children nnd mlnoi
generally could not bo eligible. The slckl ,
aged and infirm should bo excused. Hither
women hnvo not been appointed. It is n
likely that they have been left aside for ni
definite reason. Simply the question of la
Ing upon them the dut.v of serving In thoco
lorenco was was not mooted. Custom w
followed. And it is easy onoui
to trace the grounds of tbo custoi
Amongst the Hebrmvs the family was t
unltnf society nnd the church , nni ! the m
was the bond of the family , and acted for
in all mutters civil and rtltgious , I'lio oar
cbrlstluu communities wcro formed after t
Jowlih pattern , When Christianity passed
into the gentile Innds , It found in in nt the
head hint woman subordinateIt has taken
cont'j.'les to proentni the oinnnelp.itlon of
woman from the status of mi Infant , and to
constitute her n porcon In the stnto nud the
ch irch , llor present freedom Is largo , and It
will bo broader , when man lias had some ecu-
turlci of chrlstlnn discipline , and womiiti her
self has arisen nbovo the vanities which hnvo
weakened her jclf-i-ontrol. Still amonK the
most clvill/ed members of our yet half elvl'l- '
zed communities , and especially among select
members of the Christian church , woman
need bo under nu limitations whatever on the
score of her sex. And If she is needed as a
servant of the church In nny capnclti' , It has
been abundantly shown , that she will recoc
nl/o her duty , and proceed to qualify and
prcnaro herself to 1111 it.
The grounds on which the church might
continue Its choice to mo in the formation of
the conference nro these :
I. Women should bo excused from thu duty
of service In the bodv. If the duty bo oner
ous It Is the manly tlilnjj for men to accept It
nud discharge it , Piccisclv as In the state ,
women are not called to military service.
' . ' . On tlio principle of the division of labor ,
women should undertake what men cannot do
as well and men should ncccpt what women
cannot do as well. Or because thcro Is so
much to bo done that no ono can
assume double service and the
work which Hi's near to women Is
so great nnd HU pressing that they should nebo
bo diverted fiom it.
II. Tlio tlmo 1ms not yet come for the Initia
tion of women Into this body. If she has tlio
cntmltlos , and is willing and determined to at
tain ability , she has not yet been taught nnd
trained for the Intelligent and wise dlu-hnrgo
of the trust. She must prepare herself , and
this Is the work of time , and considerable
4. Inasmuch as woman Is not admitted to
the functions In the state nnnlngous to these
of the conference. It appears to bo the com
mon Judgment that It Is best to rotnln her In
the domestic and social sphere , and to enjoy
the benelHs nud blessings of her virtu us ami
labors where they h.ivo been so wholesome
nnd abundant iiithcrto. This may bo merely
another former of expressing the need of u
division of labor. Hut rc.illy , In most
instances , it co\crs n hint , that the
efficiency of woman in ono sphere depends
upon her absence from the other. Inn word ,
that there is some incompatibility between
public and private functions. That this is
the Judgment of u multitude of the men who
have the highest nnd moat worshipful regard
for woman Is qcrtatn , nnd more than thut , It
Is the Judgment of the vast majority of no
blest women.
Setting aside the more common nreu incuts
to prove , if possible , the expediency of keep
ing women out of political life , there Is ono
which deserves morn thnn a passing consid
eration. There ate two services to bo ten
dered to the state- first , the formation cf the
character of the citizens ; second , tlio direc
tion of the citizens In the conduct of corpor
ate affairs. Hitherto woman has been mak
ing diameter , and men have been making
and executing laws.
Woman holds steadily before the mind the
highest Ideal : she pros'scs it into the heart ,
and by it she judges , approves and condemns ,
corrects and shapes the child. In boclcty she
keeps it before herself and those with whom
she consorts , nnd tends to spread tbo inllu-
cnces which proceed from n character formed
upon it llko leaven into nil the relations and
activities of tbo world around her. She
never can lower the ideal , sue must not com
promise with it. She leads the advance and
must keep her banner true and high.
The true ideal , the conception of the per
fect man , the man of truth , sincerity , honor ,
fidelity , cour.ige , devotion , self-sacrifice , In u
word a moral heroism , should follow men
into the sphere of nubile service. Hut
they have not only to consider what they
themselves would do If they ulono consti
tuted the state , but what they nro nblo
to d o , mid carry with them in their cffoit for
the best the grout mass of the people , on
whom finally will depend the degree ot good
which may bo obtained and enjoyed by all.
This makes bare the ground on which the
wise ruler stands and on which ho hns over
stood since the days of Mobes , nnd will over
stand , if ho is to bo a true leader of men in
the line of progress , namely , the ground of
tbo practicable. Ho may have , nay , must
havo. the verv highest ideal of society anu
desire to construct as near to it as ho may ,
but ho must bo patient nnd for the present bo
content with what hn can get , knowing that
ho cannot nt once lift the people nbovo their
picsent grade of impulse and action. Ho mny.
indeed ho must , bo inwardly unsatlsllcu and
aim at n higher crade , but ho must know how
to wait and use the means to lift tLo people
up and on.
Now In this attitude , there is great dingor.
And the pen ! has proved to bo extreme to
many a man who has begun his career with
high principles and noble resolutions. To
tompoiizo nnd compromise us rulers must , re
quires a double life , haul for most to manage.
No man can live it unless ho Itecps ids soul
In the presence of the God of truth nnd
lightcousness , and holds himself in fellow
ship with the best men and women in worship
and contemplation of the perfect and glorious
Ono , in whom alone our humanity is com
We do not wish our women to encounter
the peril of public service until wo are sure
of two things. First , that they will not suffer
in their higti moral conceptions nnd ardent
moral aspii-atlon in thu atmosphere of practi
cal expediency. Second , that they will not
bo so enthusiastic in their expectation of im-
mcdjato conformity to the highest ideal In the
laws enacted , and the obedience rendered to
them , as to bo disappointed beyond endur
ance when they discover the check put upon
their hope by man's prudent regiud for the
practicable. As It has boon , many women
[ mvo boon impatient , and when disappointed ,
sour , or bitter , losing the most excellent
qunlitics of womanliness , and losing the vary
influence which should make them the best
helpers of mankind in the hard struggle and
slow progress toward perfection.
But , In reply to this it will bo said , that n
Methodist conference is on n loftier plane
than the legislature or the congress. Wo
earnestly hope so.
Ilov. Wlllnnl Scott lectured last Wednes
day evening nt Chndnm and on Thursday
evening- Ashland before the state conven
tion of the Y. M. 0. A.
Dr. P. S. Merrill lectured Ia3t Friday evening -
ing for the Youmr People's Society of Chris-
tlan Endeavor of the Plymouth Congrega
tional church.
Ilov. Dr. Wilson Pnranor of Now York
city will occupy the pulpit nt the Second
Prcshvterlau chureh this morning nnd at the
First Presbyterian church this evening. Ho
has traveled extensively In connection with
mission work and will detail his experience.
This Is regular communion Sunday nt the
First Presbyterian church. A number of
persons will bo admitted to membership , nnd
among these who dcsiro to Join the church
are two Chinamen , Leo Wo and Ah Goon.
This church hns four devout , Christian Chi-
iiamon , the other two being Jung Ghee nnd
Dr. Horton , the great linptist revivalist ,
nas notified the Baptists of Omaha thut It
will not bo possible for him to hold a series
of meetings in Omaha this winter. At pres
ent the Baptist pastors of Omaha have nu
otner man in view.
The Plymouth Congregational nnd First
Methodist churches propose to establish
choruses before long.
The night school nt Bt. Timothy mission
will begin this week. The rending room has
been open for a week , and has proven to bo u
practical success.
The First Baptist church Is doing exco'lonl '
work lu a < ) Ulot way for the bunelltof the
wcstorn sufferers. Last Sunday $ -15 In casli
wcro contributed. The subscription boxes
will bo placed near the door again today foi
these who deblro to contribute.
St. Mark's Episcopal church at Florence
was consecrated Friday week nt80 : ! ! p. in. bj
Bishop Worthlngton , assisted by Dr. Doluut )
of Ilrownell hall nnd Itov. William C. Me-
Cracken , formoily of Now Orleans. lr
Doherty preached the consecration sermon , '
Are You GoliiK t-ouili 1 his AVInter'i
Parties coiitomnlutlng a vinlt to the
fiir-fuined Sutherland , the favorlto roBert -
Bert of Oinnlui people , or to other polntt
in Florida , will 11 nil that the rates and
tlmo tire tlio same vltiTho Burlington tc
Chicago ami tlionoo via ClnolmuiU oi
LxHilsvillo , UH viiv St. LoulH , with the ad
diUonal advantages o ( the vostihult
limited trains and elegant dining cai
service wliicli uro ulmniutariatlu of thli
route. The Uurlliigton ulbo hits on Bah
round trip tickets to all Bouthorn polnti
either via Kiuimid City and MomnhiH , oi
via St. LoulH , alluring a greater vurlutj
of route * thnn nny ether lino. For ( ul
information , lie-koto and Bleeping berth ,
call at city ticket olllco , 1&J3 Furtuu
street. W. F. Vulll , agent.
WL of Blotlies
IA S2O ;
To the person in this
state or In Iowa that
will furnish us the best
original suggestion for
an advertisement or
trade scheme to pro
mote the interest of our
business for the com
ing holidays [ all plans
to be in writing and at
our store by Monday
night , Dec. 8. ] The
successful contestant to
be notified by mail and
through this column.
The reason for doing
this ? We started in
this season to supply
the finest clothing trade
in the city , and now we
have too many gentle
men's extreme fine
overcoats ; and we fear
no contradiction when
we say : that we have
some of the nobbiest
and tastiest top and box
overcoats ever shown
in the city of Omaha.
We have cut them
in price about one-
fourth. Come quick
for they are the latest ,
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nobbiest and the most
genteel line of over
coats ever offered for
the price :
$5 , $6 , $7 , $8 ,
Lines of overcoats
never sold so fast as at
present. We will be
out of that grade of
goods before New
Years if the trade
doesn't let up on them.
Come in and see us ,
we were here long be
fore the rest of them
and are liable to be
here when some have
gone with the rest.
r 1311 id Run Sis ,
( Omaha.