! 10 " THE O1VIA1IA DA1L-Y J3.EE : SUNDAY DECEMBER 7 , 1890.-SIXTEEN PAGES. 8PEG1RL NOTICES , ' A > nVKnTIBEllENT8 tot UIMO colurnBwfii -/Mo taken until 12 HO p.m. . fur thtarcnlni edition and until 8JO : p. m. , for ( he morning edition mid HUNDAT OKB advance. tnlspnite will bo \chn.rfrwl for at lliarutouf 1H cant nor vrnnl tor the first Jnnortlon and 1 cent per word ( or i inch mibsco.uent Intortlon , nod 11.60 per line j or month. No ndvcrtlsctncnt taken ( or lev than 21 cents for tlio first Insertion. INITIALS , figures , lytnbols , etc. , count etch mono word. rPHESE advertisements must riinconsrcnr- J- lively timl nnilcr no clrctinmmicpH will ther bo taken or discontinued by telephone. AHTIK8 advertl'hiK In these column * nncl having their unsworn nrtdri-Moil ton"num- nd lottnr"lnenroiif Tim llll ! will rocclro n numbered chcolt tocnnblo them to got their letters. Anivrorn will bo dolhori'U only on presentation o ( tlila check , Enclose answers In cavulopus properly addressed , ALL ndvertl'sonirnls ' unilur the hand of "Special NotU-iis" are published In both the morn ) UK and evening editions of TimllKi ! . the circulation of which agitroantr's more th.in 20,000 papers dally , nnd gives the ndvortlsur the Lonuflt not only of tlin Inrxn circulation of Tnr HKK. In Omaha. 1m t nlso In Council muffs , Llmoln nnd other Htli-H and towns Inlhn we t BRANCH OFFICES. AdvortMns for thcso columns will ho trtltcn on the nhove pondltlons. at the following liuil- nesi houses who aroauthorl/ed to take sped il notices , nt the saino rules as can had ut the xnaln otllce. JT10IJT1I OMAHA IIRANOH OlMOE-No. O 2C2i : N Street. Lister lllock. J * ofiNV. \ . I1EI.L , I'harmaclHt.SM South Tenth street. IIAHR fe. EDI > Y , Btntloners and Printers. C ; 11J South ICtli street. S Tl * . rAKNSWOUTH , I'harnuiclst , 2115 Cum- Ingttreot. , -\\T J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 021 North 16th VV street. i" ! flKO. W. I'Aim , I'lmrmaclst , 1718 Leavcn- VJ worth street. -TT PIIAHMAOY.SIth and rarnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. 1-a tat ft , ftc.M ton if fiflftilumn onlltts page. SITUATION as housekeeper In prhato hoiisflor hotel by a lady ; good , practical. Address > y 47 , lleo. UJ4-7 * SITUATION wanted A thorough bookkeep er ha\lni ; leisure tlmo will handle net of 1 > Niks orotm-r work reasonably and confiden tially. Addrc sX4H , Heootllcc. W5-7 * GOO I ) cutter , litter and draper from Ohtcazo desires \vork In families by tlio day. Add - d rcss X ( l , I lee , IK2-20 * rPIIOKOl'GII business 1111.11 seeks position hi JL good firm .is salesman or otherwise. A 1 1\URlnens abilities , first class references. HUH liecii used to oils , paints , varnlshos , groceries , hardware , drugs , chemicals. Hour Can bo very useful In many ways. ( loud nil round Minn. AddressX.'ll , lloo. 831-S * " \K7ANTE ! > Copvlnir. addressing circulars f V or such work for evenings. Good rofer- iinecs. AddressX4l , Ueo. IM2-8 * SITUATION wanted bv a llrit-cla s bread 'iiml ' c.iko linker and candy maker ; cnpalile lotiiko cure of shop If necessary. Address 1 1 182. lleo olllee. . _ I\17l.'J \ ' * KOH ! student desires to care for an OOIj ofllee for Its USD as a xtudv mom evenings. Good jofoicncei furnlaJied. AddressX : iJ ( llee. 814 7 * ° \S7ANTii : > lly a joun iiinniCIorninii ) posl- TT tloaln n jnoiit markot. AddressXU7. llee. 727-U * , ) Work for hoard , A business man with good reference will do Ituht or Inside work for his board. Address "X 33. " llronlllce. M717 "VV ANTED Steady winter work to run ' slc.im he.itoror .lanltor work ; IS years' pxilorlenro and licensed Iliomnn Address X "II lice olllco. 7.10 1(5 ( "VrANTErSltuatiou for good „ VI wiiltlut rooms are full from 0 a , in , to rip.nl. No need of bolnirnut of help a day. Mrs , Hroga , 'II4K S. nth. Tol. H34. 7.VI Ji : "TSTANTED Position ns book-keeper , flrst y * > cl nss city references , X 7 Hcc. C'Jl WANTED-MALE HELP. Fur latft , etc. , > tc ( QUOJlinl coliimn onIftfii puie. AN o.xpertciced | plumber of Rood hnhltH ' -cxwlth 'reeoinniciidatlona ' frprn tonai ff , fiiresoiit eniployor ' " IflSi.ltf"- ' * . "K cin.-rTA . LLrnv. . ' ' " * * - " - L j'-i.eiiiiro t".to ! In good ( town. ' "Jliwt nndorslnnd the plumbing busl- | j Hois ( n ull Its branches , nnd If a tinner us well 11 -tvould btf more desirable. To tlio right party I ! u permanent place U open. Address with rof- < ; icncog , , stutlag wages , 1' . J. Sharp & llro. . Aurora , Nob. 1U8-7 " \\7ANTEn-Salosmiin to sell the Newport 'TT ' Comfort chair. Address Dee Ilalleugeo. Bt. Joseph , Mich. IMU-7 * TED An experienced elevator bov at . . The Kiilr. HJO-7 "VVANTEI } An agent tosollJIO lots In Oma- . ' ' "fliii.'ii lnte < t audition , Call Momlay on Charles P. lionjntnln , 1110 S. 15th st. bOO-7 * A OTIVE rellablo man to canvass this city -tifor the snloof our now roses , choice llow- orliig'fllnubs. oriiuincntid trees and new va rieties pf hardy nursery stock. Oood pav. wCefcly. Applylqulck with references to L. L. IMny fc Co , INursorynion St. 1'aul , Minn. 803-7 * OMCITOIt-A. Rood advortlsins solicitor for the Western Sportlnt ; Mfo. Itest of riiforonces required , Call Monday morning ut room 37 Oliiunberof Comtncico block. 877-7 * \VANTED-AotIve , reliable young ninn to ' > takochnrgo nnd innnaKeinent of an olllce Tjualnesi , one Willing to KO to some other olty. Salary $1,000 per year. Must furnish good references and $403 cash capital. Call Monday or Tuesday or address Manager , care IMerchunts hotel. OJl-7 * SALESMEN Wantcd-tt.fO dally salary to sell our goods to busluens men only. J-'i.UO asc of simples ( mailed ) free. 'Wrlto today. tVrlirl.it JlfR. Co. , ! I4 Park How , Now York. " \S7 ANTED Salesmen on salary orcoinmls- TT Mlon to InmUlo the now patentchunilcal InkornshiK pencil. The greatest selllnir nov elty overproduced. Krascs ink thorouenly lit two seconds ; no abrasion of paper ; 200 toMMl percent prollt. Ono agent's Mies amounted to020lnslx days ; another $ . In two lion is. Mowantonoenentctlo general aient for each Htnto nml territory. Snmpln by mall 115 cents. l < or ttmiii und full particular address. Thu atonroo Kriiher Mfg Co. , LatJrosse.Vls. . 8731) ) * "IJVAJSTEl ) Trnvollns snlcsinnii e.in inako ' J.VIper cok permanently ! trade special ties. Tnlior , IC5 Dearborn street , Chlcniio. - * 8JJ-7 "VV ANTI'lJ A Rood marker and sorlcrut the T > Nebraska Steam Laundry. Jlb02 \UANTii-Acents "Ion 'H Solid JIuellaBO I'onnll. " llothsexesinukc2 to $ S per day , Hiuiiples and terms 2f > c. Outlasti Jl vorlh ot liquid. No muss , no evaporation. C. A. l.oni ; , llli Dearborn St. , Chicago. 111. 833-7 * GlvNTS Pond 23o for look , "How to lo- ! comniiii Expert Salesman. " Teaches you liow to sell Koods. Addicss II , E. Cole , Kloux City , In. 00(1-7 ( * . Abonunia. $10.00 n day inmlDHollliiK the Ainci lean soot remover. Thooiilydevlco over Invented for cleaning thoat < i\uplpn without taking It down , tamil - ] il and agent's otitllt 2.10 , stamps. Kllbraclit & Wllllsoa , 10 N. 7th street , St. Louis , Mo. 010-7 * wunted tonct In the secret /bur\lcn under Instructlonsof Clipt. Uran- | iiunn\-clilaf otilotcctlvpgnf.Ulnclnniit , Kxpo- I rleneo not necessary , Particulars free. Uran- 1 nan Dotu'tUu llureiiu Co. , 41 Arcade , Cincin nati. Ohio. ANTCn-Miin to sell line of clKars , $100 per month and expenses paid. Address , with stamp , UlobuClgur company , ht. Louis , Mo. S40 0 * _ \\rANTiU-\Vntcli und clock repairer to do i odd jobs durliiK his spare hours. The Morse Dry Goods Co. , 10th und rarnuni sti. M7U4S _ _ yi'ANTRlt Three young men to receive In- ' strnotlcns nnd Keep books ; good situa tions. J.ll. Smith , UIO Now York Life bulldlnc. 731 f * _ V\rANTIlU-I'ersons ot either sex to do I writing at tholr own homos , rieasiint occupation , good puy. SendlOo for paper , etc. M , K. looro. 177 MuudonRal street , now York . -Saloiinuii who meet the grocery trade to soil ono of tlio boat articles on the market on commission. Address. XJ5 , lice , \VA-NTKU-l ° 00mo"fr' ) KK. . work In M Orefou and Washlmiton Tor. , between rortliuiil und Seattle ; long job anil good wanes. Albrights Labor Agency , ll'JO Karnuin ntreet. "nUREIiidtirnnco snllollor. Liberal coaiinU- J- mission to proper party , Suoaton& Allen , 10M I'urnam blrcot. KiO-13 A QENT wanted In every town. Sample -/Ioutfit fnw. Auilress Drower 1) . . Fremont , Keo. COS \ anted throughout Nn- bra ki. BciuUtuuip for rcjily. Joi. 1 > , Jlcjouth , Oiuaha. < U3 WANTED MALE HELP. ' 'or r < iM ( > , elf , ttt foji nf Jf ttiliimii _ on f/if \ N elderly pontlcinan wnntort fornporinn- X nmiHMit position In our business , fnrinor city business man preferred. It.VOO weekly sal- ary. tin 11 after.10 Tuesday , A.N. Shldcler. 12 Crclnlitoa block. UHU Tj WANTED Men to travel for our Canadian nurseries. StoiiOtVol \ II nitoiiMnillsoiiWls ! -IPO WANTED Man with good reference , at Metropolitan Mfe , Co. , 1GOU Howard st. st.C'JOJl WANTED Two con ! maker * at once. 0 , iladscn , Norfolk , Nub. 701-7' rvETETIV.K Wo wnut a ninn In every lo- J cnllty to net us private detcctlvo under our last ructions. Sondfor pirtlcularx. Mnsh- liiKton Detectlvu Ajjcnoy , box 7S7 , Washing ton , Iowa. Experience not necessary. 118 DI8 WANTED A live. eiiorKctlo party In every tilaco to Introdticnoiir goods. \ \ e have anew now line that will ncll nt every house nnd iiKotiUcnn rcnpa huru-st between now and the holldiiys.Mllpaya pnlary of 173 per month If preferred nnd f u rnllh a team free , Address nt once , Stmuliird Sllvcrwnro Co. , Iloston Musi. Jl Ki2-I315 * WANTED-FEMALE HELP Forralf , tte , , iu-ttt > i > nr fi-xt ( oliirnamt WANTED 10 cfncrloiic-ot sttlesladlos and oiiituxpurluiicuil biinillu wrapper at the lloston Store. 041-7 IJOUSKKl'KI'KIl Wanted , housekeeper for IDL family of two , no dilution , work easy. only have loKettwo meals a day. Wnvr.es Ji : 00 ) ier week , pay ) irciniit. | Address X 4H. Heo olllcc , statin ) } full piirtloiiln , U20 7 * WANTED -Active hdy and Koiitlomen so- llcltors , nt homo or abroad ; $ .1 per day to uorKers. ( 'nil on or address Manager Koom 40.1 , lleo bldg , S4.Vi * WANTED A few ladies and gentlemen of good address who desire to cam from J. to ? lOpur day. lt.il 1 on or address Manncor Itooiu 40IJ , lice bldg. Slll-h * WANTED ( llll for Reiiorul hottscuork , Mrs. Jos. It. Oluikson , ( )2S South Twen tieth utrcct. Kll-7 * GIHL wnnled In family of three. Call Sun day or Monday. Mrs. U. ! ' . Williams. 2103 S. 13th. 1-32-7 \\TANTED Com potent nurse ttlrl at once , ' No lehool gill need apply. Mis. L. A. Garner , 23i7 ! California street. MbOl VITANTEI ) llressiniikors : also ono nppren- V > tlco ghl HtMlssJllniilck's. 17' Leaven- worth st. KI3 7 * W ANTiD ; flooil Rlrl for Kenerul Ii6n n- work at 2211 I.oaenvpitli. . MCOI TWIL1J pay Indies a salary of llu per week to work fof me In tholr locality at home , light workgoodii.iy for pan time , wrlto with stump , Mrs. H. 1,1'nrilnKtoii. box702 ClilciiRO WANJ'I'I ) ( Jlrl for itcliorul house work. In- ( | iilro at 040 s. L'Mth st. M7C8 7 * \\rANTI3D riist-ol.iss ( 'lrl for pnni-ral T housework , 11130eorhv | live. M774 7 * rillir. New Kniplnyiiicnt Acc-ncy , 10th and JL Dndfto. Kef. Women's Chi latniii itssoeln- lionUmnlm. MT'-S' " "lANTKI ) A good reliable K'rl ' for penornl T hoiibunorKj Uurnun or Danish preferred , X04 rarnuni st. 787 7 VV/ANTKI ) ( , lrls for general housework , T Mia. W. l-\ Call alum , 127S. 2Jth street. street.k".7 k".7 7 * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. / ' ( ia > c3 , etc. . j { ( op nf flr.tt ejl'tirion Win pi ; WANTEIJ1 snbserlbcrs , JI.30 pur year la- oliidliiR Inch simco free , Hample copy 2 , > cents , Sale and Kxonangn Journal , Jlndiile. 111. 847-13 WANTED StcnoKriiphor would llko the use of IL coocl Ili'inliislon tuiowrltor In oxchansfe tor work. liuiulroSl" N V. J lfe. lfe.t.VTS * FOR RENT HOUSES. Fur latai , etc. , PC * , ( np nf Jlrst column on f/il / ( AN8-roomdolnched liouse with till modern conveniences , two-story without baso- inent , In dislrnblo location. JvJ.MO per month \VIHdrIvoappllcanttopicinlses. . bmea- ton & Allfn , Ifi071 arnmii street , . O.CJ 11 FOH KENT Slv-room cottage , 811 South 21st street. UIJ-'J ' * TT1OU KEN'T 0-rooin cottage , city water rf' JD bath , you California st , - ' * * " - - 'r Ono 7-room * i' * ' * x\rz ; ; , ; gi < rtttrmT'fi\n nnd twvnril street. OwtMtjOiii cottage , olty and cistern vater , largo yard , sodded , larxo shade trees , routine east on 27t h iieur Sowaid street. Two rosldv paperedfurnished chamber rooms on Howard street. J. 1' . Mnn , agent , I'M' North 27th street , 678-7 * O1'Cap. nvo. . b-rooin cottage. Most half 2."ill - I3avenp.st.tU'ius : , l'iu.a3lbUnp | avo. Stll-Jd * POK KKNT LaiRO list for December now out. Housesf'i.00 and up Gcorso J. 1'aul , IfOO I'arinim. 8IB - POK KENT 1'our elcRunt brlekhouhes , 10th and California streets. All modem con veniences. llou us just completed. Hents very moderate , llreiniaii & , C'o. , O-'J N. Y. Life bulldliiR. btt.-I3 FOK KENT An 'lcR.ant 11-room house , nil modem Improvements , water and heat furnished , live minutes' wnlk from P. O. Call iiulck. AKoKood 10-room houbO , Wntcrinan * . Ueall , 1'axton block. b08-S' l _ | UUSE for icnt : 10 rooms , modern couvun- LJ. Icnce , ti21 S , 10th streot. Din 0 * [ 710K KENT 4-rooml.oii8e ; will tnuopartof -1- ii at In washing and Ironing , lloom noi Heo Imlldlns. OOS-7 "IJ'OH ItENT ID-room brick bouse , all mod- JL cm convonlcnces , location best In tliedty ; references reiiulrftl. Inqiiiro Notherton Hall. 2IK bouth 1Mb .stieol , Koom 1. 810 8 FOK KENT 13-room house , 3100 Webster st , $8. ' 812 7 FOUIinNT I'lfleen-rooni house , No. SION. 17th strict ; lutb , hoqt and gas ; ono block from business editor , neur postofllco site , yen James Notlllo , 111 H. 17th. M772-11' B OK liENT A uooil ten-room house , No. 1818 Douglas , all modern , Includliix largo new ranee , liciit $50.0O to hinall family If taken quick. Inqulic. II. U. Itoblson , loom llll Oinalia National bunk bullillnc. M731) ) 7 POK KTNT To responsible parties only , thosu line now brick und Btono bouses on OcorRln incline ; fifteen moms nnd ulcovcs ; more conveniences and bettor finished than any Louse for icnt la the city. 11 , 11. Header- son , 410 1'axtoii.block , city. 404 FOK KENT Small house , with or without barn , 1'JIT California st. 789 FOR RENT Steam boated flats in now building. Loa\eiiwortli and 19lh st. Apply Ivollicnnoy & Co. No. 19 Continental bldg. 744-10 "VTE\V \ brick 8-rooni house , all modern con- -l-i vcnlences. 11 minutes' rldo fiom I * . O , , fJO periuoritu , II , K. Cole , Continental blook. 71W II t HOO.M house to rent , near Sherman ave , : i03 > t < lieoly blk. 73J 'J > 11-HOOM houses , cor. 20th and Hodiro ht. 3 * -3-rooni cottages , IMS. l.'ith st. O. K. Davis Co. . 1605 I'mimm st. B2.1 13 T pO Conduct orsaml Engineers Wo offer lltoso JL ten now and roniidt'te Hats with all modern coiiM'iiIoncea , sltuntid t\\o blocks from thu now Tenth xticet < lenot ; they Imvo tiovernl new and uimmcndliblo features and rent for only M3.00 per month , G and 7 looms ench with large butli and romonlont closets. Call nnd see them , The Mead Iiivistincnt Co. , room 442 , lleo building. Oil " } HOOM Hat near St. Mary's nvc. nnd 10th -'streets. rontlfJO. furiilturoj.ioo , $10 cash , bnl- inco monthly , Uo-oporutlvo Lind and Lot Jo. , SU3 N. 10th btreot. 82a-8 i"T-lOOM ! house with barn ; nominal tent , 0. T. Ha rrlson. BIS N. V , Life. 4M IV YOU wish to rent a house or store see II. E. Cole. Continental blook. 49,1 FOH HKNT-Klennnt two floor house , nil modern liiiprovtMncntf * , also laundry room , corner of 2M and Chicago sts. Apply at m ) I'ltruam st 7M7 "VTEAT cottnge , modern | inpro\enionts , also J- > large barn milliard..at S4JQ St..Mary's avo. Inquire room 2 Union Tactile hondinm'rs. 10' RENTAL AuiMit Oeo. .T. Paul. 1000 Kiirnain , lloiihcs and stores for rent. IConts col lected. 637 " 171011 KENT 8-roomhouse , all.modern Im- JL ? provoments,2220 Chicagoot , , (11.07. ( Klng- wnlt Itroa. , Harkor block. 4W St3. IlENNETT. moving express ofllco with t Neul A Cpnrail , 1113 Uedgo st. Tol. 177. TT'OH KENT 1'liita , 4 roonii each , olty water f and sewer connections. O , It. K. und T. Co , 4 lleo bid p. & | | HOUSE for rent nt C2I I'lcrco street , con venient to ( lopot , Nlco cottage. Inquire of T , J. Lowry. 131 fjlOlt HENT Small homo on Emmet at. , L. west of 24th , $8 tier month. Also 7-room hoiin' , olty water , tjatli , on Onldwell , between 2ilth und l7th. ! ti\ per mouth. ( K L. ( Iroon , Uoom an , Darker bhvk , 11787 FOR RENT HOUSES. / 'or rateitto. , ut tnp f/J1r t column i - : Hi. motor , IS rooms nnd unfinished H Blory nbovp. full lot , well , cistern and cellar , good neighborhood , M7.M per month. O.CJ.nl \ - Incc , Urown block. ICth nnd toiigla. < . DS3 HOVSR of 8 rooms , mcoly pupored , wntor , sewer iind iznsIClrdand Cuinliik' , J-Wp < 'r mo. O 1. Harrison. 012 N. V. Lite. _ [ IjJ FO R R E N T F U R NlsHED R 0 O M S. I'onnttf , tte. , ut tup nf flnt column milhtai puge "I71IIONT room , f urnlshrd. down stain * . f.VOO JL' per month ; 2224 ropplclon n > onue , ini-18 ITlUItNISHEDhnuso for rent durliiR the wln- -U tor mouths. Apply ntllOS S. loth t. IW-8 ! * TT OU JL1 port Blroot. 841-lt * "TVTICr ; loom , stcnm heat , 1710 Unvoniioit JLN IXB20 niUHNISHEDroonito nut. BUS. bath ami JL furnace beau a'i74 lliirnov. 8ii-8 ) _ rilWO front rooms for liouiickcrpliie 'ur- ' JLnlshcd or unfurnlshod ; rent rcasonnhle. 1513CUS3 st , fuel n K park. H'M-7 ' * _ ACOUl'LK of furnished rooms for rent. Call alfvB South lUth Hticet. hill _ _ ' F OU TlKNT NIcely'lTirnlslied room vllh hoitt and bath on cable , 2l'l ) Pass st. 810-7 * TJ10H HENT-Nlccly furnished room with all JL' modern conveniences , ! ! 12J : California si. 8.Y.-8 * _ _ _ UKNT-Nlcely furnished Miiith room. suitable forS or ! JfCiitciiicn. ! 11US Capitol nciiuo. . ) < 70-IO * _ " 10 KOOM lioiiH1 , furnished , modern Improvo- -1 meiits. for board of filially of three. Ad- drcssXai , Hcc. 871-i ) * _ E.VOA.OE furnished room with steam heat , aouthel It e\posuie , ftH S : . 20th stlCl't , lint U. ItHNT I'uinWied room , all coinon- lenccs. 222 X. lUthstrcit. f.1771-8 * TTIUKNISIIEDroom , $0 per month , 1000 Vnr- ' 8ii8 : _ "filllONT I'nrlor , uNo front room , snlt- -L ublo for 4L'ciitlcinuii , furnace heat ; u'as , bath. irjON 1'iUist. 'Sr > 8 * _ TJIUUNISIIEI ) room. 023 North 10th. 701111 $8 for nlco furnished frontjoom with alcove. bent , KIIS and modern Improvements , on motor line , U'IDS. If'd near Ilanscoin park.M7037 M703-7 TnUKNISHUD looms In any part of city for JL ? rent at I > . J. Wilson's rental agency , lojini KISN. Y. Life. _ alTO.I-u * rPO small family of adults first floor of cot- JL tngu furnl hed fur housekeeping. 'A322 How ard. _ 701 7 * T710H HENT-Nleely furnished room with JL ? heat. 6J-i jj. : oth st reel. 74V10 * _ IAItOniiaiidgoincly furnished room , sulla- Jhlo for two , excellent board , modern con veniences , prluito family , Ilrtit-clnss In o ery respect ; terms , ij.o ! a month each. Address X 13. lleo. ( M 8 * 7\OR \ linNT-So\ca-room cottiifie , cor. L ; ave. and Cap. live , Inquire 201S Dodge. JI4U7 e ) UOOMS , light housekeeping , 2020St. Mary's Aivonue. 040 7 * TJIOlt HENT Handsome furnished rooms. JL. steam heat , 172J Davenport fit. ' UM > T710K HENT Km nlshed rooms ; K.IS , bath J and steam. 1510 Howard. 49S T710U HENT-Furnlshcd rooms , IGOODonjslns. - 4M T71IJUNIS11EI ) rooms , steam heat. 017-4 ! South JE Uth street. fi7ii-7 * "T\ESIIIA1ILE room , modern conveniences JL/1701 Capitol nve. 773 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. KOI tattt , etc. . tec titpnf Jlrtl column on Ihfr | xto . rilWO furnished rooms-One a , front room , JL , H Iih board. Enth room suitable for two. 40.1 N. 10th Bt. 000-0 * _ "fjlOH liENT-Nlcely furnished rooms with J- board , all modern coxenleuces : also cent wlslu-s room iiiato. 1721 Davenport st. &V- ) 1 U * TjiUnNISiir.D room with boaru JD 2JI4 Tariiam st. - " ji 708 , board ; can accommoiliito u . oer of table boarders. 411 N.lOth. M770-U * NIOEI/Y furnished room , nil modern con- -venloncos , with or without bo.ud. 2017 Lcavenworth. " 75310 * TI10U KOI d board , nice roomsmodern con\pn- JL' fences , rates and location , the I'ullmnn house , 1310 Dodge St. , cannot bo excelled. 8UJ5 * T7HIKNISHED rooms , furniico heat , board If JO desired. laiO Uaxcnportst. 78311 * IJOOMS , furnished or unninilshed ; board If JLldcslrcd , In private family , aiOS.SOtb. up stairs. 78' > 7 * TEWLY furnished rooms In modern liouso , J-i clo o to r.iriuxiii motor. Rood table , home comforts , 2378 llarney street , now 1'nul blook. _ _ _ J . 747-10 * EOOMS and board , 1810 Chicago street. 710 rilllE Lennox 514 and filO N.lOth Is now open JL for the reception of Bursts. Uoomslll \ bofuniMied tosult oceupants or rented un- furnNliid. Superior bo.iid. IU4 13 * ST.OLAIH European hotel , wth dlnlu room , steam heat 111 all room a , Uth and DodKO. Special latos by week or month. uOl T > OOMand board $1.00,1712 Douglas street , 11 RI.11J- * FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED I'm tatct , etc. , tee fcpoA Jlrsl column mi tM ) ) .i < 7 . 3 NICE unfurnished rooms for Unlit house keeping , 2312 llarney. 0:7 7 * "ITUtONT rooms , unfurnished , iila S. Mtb. 13 872-8 * "I7IOU RENT-Two suits of good rooms sult- JL able for light housekeeping. 2620 DoiiBlas streot. UI7-0 * "ROOMS for light housekeeping. 1712 lloug- JLllns. 80 K * 17OOMS and board at 015 S. 17th st. JLV . WH 10 * KOOM oottaRo. SOU Center street ; 3 rooms : COS N. 13th street , J1773 8 * TTOURENT-Sultof4 ! unfurnished rooms to JO family without children. I'rlco S1U.20.1701 AVebsterst. M737 1OK KENl'-a unfurnlslied rooms , Slf > N.lStli JUst. M 730 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. . , tee tapof Jtnt culumrt onthii T71OH KKNT-3-story brick store. No. 1UIO JL ! llarney st. , suitable for any Jobbing busi ness , fora term of yours , On liurdctto St. , between 2Sth and 20th very desirable 8-room house and baru. In perfect order. * Ills N , 17th st. , very dcslrallo3-room ] flat , In perfect order , On 20th and 'Woolworth , very desirable modern house , Amos UoalEstato Agency 1507 FurnainHtieot , Solo Aleuts. Ofllco open cvonlnjs. 7M STOHE4lxlX' , 5 stories and basement ; rail road trackaeo , clovator , stcani heat , etc. Apply room 2 , Union 1'aclUo hcadijuiirters , STOKES at 700 H , Uth. steam haut furnished. Tho3. IMlall. ail 1'axton blk , ( M _ T710U IlENT-Kor ofllco or atoro. S05S 1'lth st. U K)0 ) 1U * _ "fixm HENT-Tho 4-story brick bulldlnc.wlth JL' orwlthoutpowor formerly occupied by the I lee I'ubllHhlnff Co.,01C rarnam ht. 'Iho bnild- IIIK has a fireproof cement basement , complete steam heating fixtures , water on nil the lloor- , , BUS , oto. Applyat the olllco ot The lloo. 015 LAKOK.dry basement for rent ; It. A. M. track at platform ; very convenient. Apply teA A ory I'liuitcr Co. , cor. 16th and 1'aclllo. Kift-12 TjlOlt llENT-Us January 1 , 4-story building , X' as.MO square fi'ot ; sultalilu for liny kind of wholesaling , at Tenth and Jones street. O. A. Lindqucst , U10 South 1'ltte.onlh btreot. 606 * " | 7ttH KENT Corner store and basement , JU 27th and N sts , South Omatin , 14 block f rotii dopot. Mrs. llroKn.JUH S. 15tli , Tel , 881. ' _ 631 rilO RENT After January 1 , store and flat J-utG20 H. 16tli st. KiKiulro at JOG llrown bldg. II. J. Kendall. ; wi)25 _ T71OU liENT-niackanilth shop and house ; -L only shop In town. Address Mo Nielsen Htiiinford. Neb. UI7 B * _ "ir > OR HEWTorSiilo-l'Ino. heavy brluk llve- X' story corner wnrchouio with most continl city ; Hoorsnro 13,500s < piare feot. 1'enny , lliirkor block. iM FOR RENT-WAREHOUSES. Iirratnetc.Kftopof Jlnt column on tU ilENTHrlck \Yuroliouso. two stories Jhlali , buscmcnt. hydraulla elevator , truck age ; best locution In the olty. A. U. I'owell , W7 Fbrrnfc * . fit. . KOMp'ojnt tolionii on ( W * rpIUOKAOE utocascVt'lowest ratc W. M , J Iliislinmii , l.lllilx-iiveiifforlh. HM STOIUVOE iuil"frl ckuger"la IdCJdeTBl.VsI ? llotrnrdst. n „ , UY ! STOKAOE-Tl lvLtln city < , clean , dry , safe , nnd prlrnti > lY . „ U.tod at rensonablo terms. rrn Onmlin Stove IfoQtUj ; Worl , 1207 Douglas. Tel. WAN T.&P-TO RENT. n L ri * ? .f ! v f < < lt > p n' ' - " " ' 'o'1"1 ' ' " " " > ' i' w- ANTlii ) TJkruiiffiirnUhcti rconis sultalilu ( or lUlit liiiu koeplnit. Address KlvltiK locution , rent UAuttrd , J. i' < Tonencv , Umnlm , Nob. _ , , Ktl " \roiINO conph ) will piy liberally ( or plo- U Kant room and boird In st Hotly llrst cliiss mid iirlvntu family. Aildicss X 41 , lloo , 1K1I-7 * WANTED To rent , M of sloro room In heart of city for llalit retail business. } \ on d go In with news Rtnnd , mllllnory or Jo clrynnd pay yt rent of lar o room. Ad- drcss , X4t , Hoe. , _ 010 7 * RENTAL AGENCY. Vnr ratf . tit. , rte top nt jir l entilmn on _ lfti ) xifl& LIST your lionsosiuRoll or rent with O. P. Harrison. DIZN. Y. it \ c. a'5 H. IUEV A llro.rcntni ngciit9,200N.Yllfo W4 _ K. COLIC , rental UKUiil , Continental bile. t 401 _ STAIl I.und Sc Loan Co. lleul estate , loans ana Insurance rental aRoncy , U7.dl7 PERSONALS. _ Vor irtlc.1 , ( If. , gee ( ( j ) of first column nit Hilt ixitff , KlifJEAXT ' " " "itiiiiiiisorT. " " i-erRoali V I'atrlck I'lood. I'rlvnto Hldm-v Vl l uti's.ad o.ivnlry , nr otliurslii inoriiliiK llirlit Kllm Itnttcs. Sept. 0. 1870. coinnmnlcato with K. 11 , Dioenjiort. Now lluvon. Conn. 1U1 7 * PEHSONAIj Do yon want Rood live corre spondents for fun or matrimony ? Address with Htump National Corresponding Club. ICaims city. Mo. _ 818-7 * LtDSTT For intfj. tt. . sretnp nf flrtl nilurnn on l/iti / 7x155. LOST InOmnhii , Inrco oraiieo yellow St. Hornnrd dog named "Ouldo. " Ijtbcrul ro- \\ardforhlsrouovury , Aildiuss M. 1' . llrown. Papllllon , Neb _ 8418 * FOUND. fV > r fatertc. _ . te tonnf rnliiinn on HM rilAKEN UP n cows anil Iholfcrs cows old ; JL2 white,2 icd , 2 spotted. W. \ \ Snydcr , West Loa\cnworlh street , near I'lmwood park. " - * MISCELLANEOUS. , tit. , tcetnp nf .first column on t/iw / JIOQS , FENG I Ml classes still forniliiR dally ; ladles during the forenoon , gentlemen afternoon and evening. 1'asclnatlnR excrclso : roconi- mc'iided by ph.vslchins. I loom 0. basement N. V. Life. Omaha , fencing ftuademyj 80S 12 AWVOKCKS quietly. Advice fice. Ad dress , Lawyer , ill Church street. Now York uity. on 12 * FOR SALE FURNITURE ETC. tonatctcit , , celoj > ofIrjt coin on Wilt pail. LAHnr : double ? stdhifc desk , almost now. I'lill Stlinnicl. o.jlll Jones at. 818 POK HALH MriTi'o vuy bedsto.id , commode , matticss , sprlqcx mall box. llrown block. lint 0 , ' ! ' onty-foprtli and CumlnRS. 827 * FOIl SALE Two heatlns stoves , hard or soft coal , In tlrst-cliiss order and will bo sold cheap. Call at 1MU N. litth st. SKCON1) ) hand tyoowrltcrs. J. 1 > . Jlescath. 1G07 Karniim strce t. Omaun. 400 NEW callgraplii'firlco ' reasonable. It 05 , HPO 400 FOH SALE chuU | > A 10 horse power Now York safety steam engine la first class FOR SALE l SES WAqp d ETC. For rales , etc. , tec tnntf/lr4&i.ol / inii on Oifn paat FOlt.SALK Chea - ! bendof , thoroqshbrcd JcHoy cows"oiaT Vli"H- Apply at onico ICaufmun , Snilloyiv , ( . ' < ) > Kxcliango uhlg. Hnuth Omnlm. , K B47-10 FOK SALE Hay 'inure , UVi hands , 8 years old ; record 2t4H : : ; trotted third hunt In race In 2:29' : * ; sounfl. Kind and all right ; war ranty ; can bo driven by wonun or child. lint 171 , Unawa , la. ' " M7707 * SECOND hand omnibus. 1'hll Stlmmel , No. UU Joiicsst. 817 POU SALE Or trade , a now double sot of harness" for u hnokboard or light wau'on. Address. 1C4 S. 5th St. 8107 * WOHK horse WO , two-horso wagon $2) ) , dou- blo work ImrnuxsilS. Or will trauo fora good lUhtsldo bar buggy , II. K. Cole , Conti nental bloo 40.1 POU SALE Nnt'l cash register , In good ro- nalr , at No. Ill S. 14th st , BOS-7 * " 1710R SALE 2 good work loams. Inquire at JD 013 1'uxton bloulc. 600 F OH SALS Horse , bug y and harness , Ap ply to McCort .Ilrady & Co. J13 FOH SALE "iO horses and marcs , cash or time. 1'rlcos from $15 to KIOO. Would ox- of them for Omaha real estate. \V. T. foanian.Oiiialui.'s largest variety wuqons atidcarrlBKCS. .147 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Forratf * . etc , , wefopnjlrnt column nn lhl JIKJ. CTOR SALE A Hno uprlsht plnno. used but -L ? a short tlmo , at , a sacrifice. Inquire at 2410 Caldwell street. M-784-11 A NKUIUAN uiul forelKii coins bought and cxsold. Itooin 14 CliamberoC-Coniiuoreu. 7200 * WANTED TO BUY. For ta'ff , dr. , tee top nf flnt oiinnm on I'll ' * W ANTED to Buy A Safe. Address X SO. lleo. IW1-8 * T\7ANTEU To buy claims of all kinds against railroad employes. Sums o\er J20 preferred. Wrlto Win. Klolmrdson , Sioux City , la. . L. II. TO. KI7-.I5 * WANTED To buy , hlio or trade for a small portable or stationary steam onulno. Jackson , 2410 Oumlnff st , Mi5)4-7 ) * T71UHNITUHE. household poods , oto. Highest J-1 cash prlco. Wells , llll rarnam. BIO MISCELLANEOUS. ForratfH , rle. , tec top nf Jim column on UiU jmgt IV you have horses , carriages or houses to trade sco r. H. Jerome , room 317 , 1'lrst Na tional bank bulldlnj ; . M710 Jli * TVTASSAQK Madam DeUlcr , over 010 S 13th. LAI3IE3 It Rnnts tobuy the Plumor recllnlnc chair ; unsurpassed fop comfort. u21 N. 15th. D13 „ „ 818 DON'T fortet Jos. P. tpjrcutli , 11X37 Pnrnnm st. . when oourdntito buy , rent or sell a typewriter. it if 400 " " " MASSAOE troatraont.electro.thermal baths , scalp nnd halrrtrwtt moat , inantcnro nnd chiropodist Mrs. Post , HSU-SI , Wlthnell blk. r vp or sale. Stonoj- JL raphoia suppllcKjJiP. MogoathlG07rnrnam. nr n 402 CLAIRVOYANT. Formtrg , rte. , tee ( op aflrst rolumn on Oil * t > i1t. MISSES hDDY J7nlrvoyitnt | and trance mo- dlums ; maiisngttii' poclalty. 1510 Capitol nveniio. "r HM-0 * MJ1E. HurroiiKh rififtlst lolla the past , pres ent and future ty > ) tfi thollnosof the hand. In thooldOypsy way.wfeoe , fl ; ladles only. 1817 Izard street , OntiiMl , 4W A * jyTASSAdE Madam Dolzl.or , over 010 8.,13tK | MItS. hTEVKIt Is glvlns host sueccBsof any fortune teller in tlio olty. She docs not deal In any fraud. Her terms ure the lowest. 400 N. inth.3rd floor. 410 8 * M11S. Nannlo V.Wnrrun , clairvoyant trance , spoaklnx. writing and reliable business medium , four years In Unialiu. 119 N. 10th. 632 A HHIVED Clairvoyant , naturally Rifted , tx tolls past nnd future , lovn troubles , nb- Ki'iit friends , eliuaue.s. tra > els , business Satis faction given. Mrs. Wai luce , 1304 Karnam st. 7UVb * MASSAGE , BATHS ETC. For mtM , ttf , ut toil of.rut column OH Hit' > ag < . TITASSAQE Madnm Uclzler. over 010 8 _ 13th 720 JL- MAK.-JAdi : liath nt Madam Smith'spixrlori. . a" . Ptli it. , nun ItiirKer hotel. UIO-7 * MONEY TO LOAN. let t alf _ t fie. , Mttojt o/flrtt tolwnn nn Mt | * iy 0VX1.00 ( special fund to loan oiioity linpro\ed P property. Uco. J , Paul , 10CO rurnaiiiHtrcot. _ _ _ _ „ _ ? ! _ MONP.Y ta loan on Jewelry and chattels. II. J. Wilton , room KB N. V. l.lfu. M7i0 * KI VATK funds to loan on short time. Ad- JL < lreis X ao' lice. M" KKYSTONE MortRiiiTo CoT Loans of SkftTJ 11,000 ; ito\ \ our runs before borrowing und Bnvo money ; loans on horses , furniture or any upprotnd 8-enrlly withoutpnnlloltyt notes bought ; Tor now loans , renewal of old and low est tales , cnll It. 1W , Miecly bin , 13th & Howard. SIO _ _ MONKY to loan on second niortRiiiP. W , S Wynn , UooinX'IOiauh.iXat. lik. Ill'dir. M 721 _ MOM' Y to lo'in on Itnmoved city property nt current i.ites ! funds on liantf ; no ( lolny. Ut-0. 1' ' Ulust & . ' ' ' Co. . 'MS KniiiKe'bldt ; . lOI-dl'i MONKY to loan on Improved and vncnnt property. Lowest rate , O. J. Uaswell.HUI N. V. Life. ; KI > D.-4 _ S TAIl l.aiul A Loan Co. Heal estate , linns and Insurance lental nuoncy. W5-dl7 LOANS of $1,000 and upwaidsou npproM'd collateral or real estate , \V. II. Mlllard.'Dl Omaha National bank biilhlliiK. hit ) , bank , ? ,10 S 15th St. , loans money Won chattels or collntuial at seasonable tales 521 I _ _ IjMK.ST X seeoiid VnoitsaRes on vacant & Ini- J- proved city prop. ( Jniinty warrants bounlit. Mouoy on hand. r.M. ltloliardson,818N.V.LIfe. 52J _ " \TONKYtolonnonclty and farm properly. 1U.W. M. Harris , U SO , Frenior blk. . opp. L' . 6. 525 I'lLOINO Loans- made on choice city property at lowest rates. Sums of JJ.POJ ai'd upwards porforie.l. Klmball , Ohnnip & Uyan , l.05L''arnam Htreot. 800-1)13 ) _ ONEY-ao , OOorOdaya.on household fui-- nlturc.eto. 018 1'axton block , J. J. Wilkin son. Ml > 7ll-I'l STAIl Land A. Loan Co. Itoal estate , loans and Insurance rental aaency. w7Vill * MONKYtolonn by 11. F. Masters oncbntlel and collateral securities for any time from 1 to 0 months , In any amount to suit bor rower , Loans undo on household cooils , pianos , or- Riins , horses , mules , houses , lenses , warehouse receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible rates , without publicity or removal of property. My loans are so at ranged that ) pu can make a pay me nt of any union nt at any tlmo and 10- diico both principal nnd Interest , If you euo a balance on your jiroporty i.r have n loan you wish changed , I will pay It oil' and carry It for you. If you Ibid It more con- vonlont. call up telephone No. 1H21 and your business will ho arranged at home. Money always on hnnd. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. 11 , V , Masters. Koom 4 , Wlthnell bU , 15th und llarney sK MONHY loaned at low rates on ftirnitnio , horses , etc. , without publicity. llnkeyu Investment Co. . 1 13oilKlasbllc.lOth and Uodco. . 511 _ WANTIU ) 0 per cent real estate loans. C' . F. 1 1 m risen , IU2 N , V. Life. 512 _ ANTED 1'lrht-chBs Inside loans. Lowest rates Call iiiidwo us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , I.i04 I'fUiiani. Mil BUILHINO loans. R to 7 per cent ; no nddl- tlonal chai gos for cominlsslon or attoi ney's fees , W. 11. Melklo , Fhst National bank blrtir. M7 _ _ RKAIj Estate Loans-Gash on hand. Glnbo Uiin A.TrustCo. , : )7 ) S. Ilithst. No delay. no extra charges , llouses for runt , good list. K. & 0. M.ANTI10N Y.HI3 N. Y. Life bulld- Inc , lend money on farms In choice coun ties of Nebraska and Iowa , also on coed Omaha residence pi operty ; lo est rates ; best terms1 no dclar ; money ready. Titles and values passed onhcip. _ 5111 / 11IEAl' eastern money W I'hlladelpbla Mort aso nnd Trust Co. . always road ) to loan and piy promptly ; first morlKancs v anted. Georxe , w. 1' , Coates , icp- ' TV fONKY to loan on any sccurty 1'JL forshorttlmont low rates. Lowest rates on personal PI ope. My. The Henderson MOMKHHO Investment Compa ny , room 400 , 1'axton oik. 5.0 BUslNEbS CHANCES. t , etc ee tr , of Kind eolmn on l/itj / ya.r. \J a good t trin In southeastern part of this state the "Ptellaoie.imory , " with from tun to twenty acres of food land joining town. Tins U a splendid business opportunity fora enod. live , energetic man. Address II. E. Clark. Stella. Klcbardson CoNob. 0.10 il EWSPAl'EU Chanco-l'iirtnor wanted , practical newspaper mini preferred , to ( nko half Interest in old established nnd only republican newspaper In ono of Iho best coun ties In Ncbr.ibku. Address X 40 llee olllcc. fU3 0 BUSlNTbS Chance ( Hear farm In Uawlhm Co. , Kansas , to trade for stock of miKe. hnidwaroor boots and shoes preferred ; could also put in some clear Lincoln property ; a > ery highly Improved farm joining touu of HI\erton and home cash. Address 81eelov. ! Lincoln , Neb. 018-7 * POK SALE Excellent established law , loan collect on and Insuraneobuslness ; splendid locality and opportunity for live , enersetlo man with little money. Tor terms address X 4 % lleo olllcc. 019-7 * F OK PALE orTrndo A half Interest In ii llrst class laundry In Omaha , ( loins aflist class business. Will sell cheap If taken at once. Address X 42 , lice. 1U4 7 * A GOOD office man liming about il.OOO to Intent can learn nf an excellent business opportunity by addressing X 40 lleo ofllco. WANTED Man that Is good Jud o of prop- oity and hnssmfill c.uiltal , In ollleo butl- nes-s HOT 68 , Dos Molnos , Town. fi7d-7 * ANTED AyounK man to mamiRO ofllco outside of the city. Must ha\o refer ences and $350 to 8500 cash. Salary SIX ) per month and Interest In business. Address box 401. bt/l-ouls , Mo. 009-7 * PI.OUIDA Paying Investments , oranse groves , winter . , homes . . . . . . . . . In well . . . . . . . settled - coun try ; wrlto for part culms. Stlth & .lacl-son , Jlaltlaad.Fla. t > Cl-7 GOOD / section of land In N W. irtrt of Ne braska , clear , to tr.ide for business or Omaha property encumbered. Party will put In some cash. Co-OnoratHo Land and Lot Co. , SOJ N. IGth stieet , 84-8 T710H SALE Two chair baiboriliop , line fur- nllnre , splendid business , bathlii ) ; attach ment , excellent location , In Hotel Klluv. Address Iticuard Blllstoln , I'lattsmouth , Neb. F308 * pooa location$1.500 ; ! ( cash. . on time. Also , eood boarding house , } nT > Oi 8i'iO cash. Uo-opor.itlvo Land and Lot Co. . M"iN. ) lOthst. 62.-a AN energetic nnd responsible man of busl- jVnb"S experience wishes to trudo cliolco 1m- proM-d property on motor line near llauscoin iiaik for nn Interest In pqmo mniiufact iirlnu- . jobbing or other live biiblnpss. Can glvo all rofercncca icaulrcd. Address X Si lleo. M701-7 FORoSALE Meat uuirkct. Good business. Address Xi4 : , Hee 8037 * POR SALE Drujj buslnoss , good locality , In this city. Cash and Omaha real estate. M. 0. Macleod. 015 N , Y. Life Il'ld'i , ' . M 703 7 Imvo any lots In Omaha to sell at a bargain for spot cash cull and BOO me. Alexander llooic. l l Shoolv block. , M7xO-7 * POR SALE Halfidorest In a meat market InOimiha ; will bear Investigation. Ad dress X Ul , Hoe. M7777 * FORSALE Aflrst-class steve repair busi ness In Londvllle , Colo. ; good prolltablo business for money Invistcd , Ifcferentes clvon forscllliiK out , Uhurles Auain.llland 113 East Blxth street , Loadvlllo , Col , 007U * FOR SALE Good paying procery store. Only parties who wish to engage In same need inuulro. at217 H , Uth street Oil 7 * Oil SALE . ' 13 barrel steam roller mill. FO . Oiouch , Tekumah , Nebraska. HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. Forratu , tte. , < ( ; > / first tolumn on tht piQt. BEST line hnlr goods In west ; hair dressing , wigs , switches , banes , hair chains , etc. , a hueclulty , Pavlcs , hair goods and inllllnur , opposite postofltce , HIS. 15th strcot , Omaha. KKJ _ | PAWNBROKE"RS _ For nil' * , ( ( a , " < fop of first column on [ hit pnja FIIK1) llolilo loans money on diamonds and watchf9Jowelyeto,8. , K.cor. I'arnam ii llth COSTUMES Forratu. itt , , tee top o/j1r t tolumn Mjhl * LADIES and gentlemen can rent inut , < incr- ude suits ut 0:2 JN. loth at. idiu.T FOR EXCHANGE. f'ormfo . flu. . Kfetop ot Jlrl rofnwit on Ihlt rio EX'iiANOK-rotiVilcto | kp * - ( It and Mock for good tpe writer or bloyclo. l. ! i" "l7 llrlggstlrcct.Oiiiiiliit. O30't _ "I j-'OK TfxcTfANa i-N I cole vcl lols ln ldo Hie -L city limits of IMcrro , Iho onpltol of outh Dauoln. foronctimbeicil property orlaud , AII- plnt70 N.MfobldK. . HI3ll ! U ; ,1,010 stock of general merchandise ( or trade I' for uood rent-payliiK properly In OnnihJ. M.M ) stock ol general merchandise for trade Omnl.a luoporty or eastern Nebraska farm lands. A Kiod mule team and ra 1i for rculnurant In Cmiiliu , K , I' , Nl\ , room Oil ) , Paxon bloel , . _ ' loMiK37ialm7i7tralo 'UTEEN lMilldlng ( r it ( { IKK ! farm , lien ami A. Co. Wl-it \\rANTED t'lty propertv In oscbanue for * full pild non-al'se > . ' > 'iilo lucorporntlon stooKs. Address box Oti , city. 874-7 * I71OH KXOHANOK Improved lot on lower ' IHnluu M. for vacant resident' property. M. < J. ilncliocl. yl5 N. V. Mfe It'ld'c. JITIWH GOOD luiiniy liiirso for seeond'haiid piano. _ Will Johnson , Columbus , Ni-b. 8VMI * TI'joii Imvo n fnrinor mcrehiiiidlrostot'U to cvchaiiKc call on or wrlto 419 Hue biilldlnt ; . llou cs to rent. M7UI 7 * F Oil E.\r7ll\NK-2f ( * 'ollons wi-stcrn land , clear. What liuve you toollor ? lllsoly , bhcninidonli , In , 'Ml lu * rpOcontracton Wints to triulo equity $1,800 L la lot iii'iir llnnsuoni place toward now lullilln ) > ; ofuDoiit J.100. U10 ri.X'd. MW-7 IjtOll i\CII : AN'iK ( Nebraska farms for any * Kalnbio per onal pioperlv : morehandlso preferred , bpargiir A Klslior , Cliadron , N eh. elevator and lanil wanted In - v * ihaiiKe for full p.ild . Incoiporntlon stocks. AdilieH-t box 01H. Uniiiliii. 874-7 * oPIn SniithOinalia foi stock of cmeerlos ; 'will put In some money. itOs fclicely bloi'k. Ml II OU iM'IIANCi-r : ! .tKU stock luriTwnio ; iMiut Inwii land. HoMsdi , bhenamloali. la. 7ij ( 10 * WAN'CKI ) To e\-cliiini ! somovaluibloie.il estate for t-'oods. tr.ulo must bn miidi ) qnlek. Address X U , Huu. M 70S-UI * _ W\NTiIi > Stock of inureliiiiiilNOf for which I will tr. uloc.lt v lots and farm pioporlv. AddtusuUvorKoII. MoshurUriiiiil Islaiiif. Neb. M i irt'l-8 ' * _ Oil AT'lT.lj loans utlunoit rales , llumoxeil tolL'4 N' . V. Llfu bld . J. 11. l.mmliiKor. Wl WANTIU ) A horse ormaroln p.irt piv- ment towaid a wnirouor carrlajio.v. . T. ( 'cnnian , Omaha'a largest variety wagons and caiil.itus. IIH TT1OU KXCHANHK-'lfiO acres well iiiipro\oil J- land and tno business lots for stock of iten- eral meich.indlae ; haidwaru piCferra' , W l'i. ' lloo. : i7t Da * _ rpo cYi'hanpo Impnnod propeity noir Slier- * - iiinn in e. . for land or lots. bh.nv , M Sheely bl k. U74 _ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. J or rate * , tie. , ttitini nt ' rst column on t'lft ' nr. AJIIIS Itcal I-Mato Aucncy. -KOT KarnamStfcul , fcolo Agentf. Aero 1'iopertv. No , , " ) . 10 aeies. IlrlKhlon lleaeh , ( Hiu Kiiidon Innd ; c.isy terms , pi leo. . . } 11.000 00 No. 4'J. " > aeies , well located , noiii' Port Oiiuliu , per aero . COO ( K ) No. ; t. 10 iH'ies.samo location as above , forsepat.ito actos , HWIW cui'li ; for the Id nires . y.OJO 00 No. 2. Tliuhniidsoinust piece of ncro- , nuo for mbdlvlslon iinywhuo In tblselty , lii-IngBO ucira. every foot of It aMillulile ; prliu per aero . 2.W CO No. (17 ( , Cholco "i aeies Ilellalr ; per neie , J70JW ) ; wilt take clear lot , Ju part payment . . . . N'o. 41. A uuii'ber of ai-rolnts , splen didly adapted for mm kctgatdcnriii ; ; N III lie hold upon t'.isy terms ; iirieo per acre , f.lOO.OD to . : oo 00 No. 2il. 10 aeies In Kdgcuoul 1'ark on easy terms for . . . . . . lc : > 000 No. 2i 5 tr lets of 5 aeiusoach - ' , . , No. ft. 4 litres laVyt Oiniiha , hplon- ( lldbnlldlnK lots. I'llce . ir-,000 00 No. I4 ! , 5 acres. 7-room house , good barn , on N'orth 24th st. Cash ] my- incut JJ.OOO. fli'forrud payments 5 to 10\ears. I'rlco . 8,00003 No tw. r aeies fnjntlni ; on ( Irnnt ave. ivlth cooilO-ioom liouse nnd Inrn. AVI11 plat to cxuellunt advantage. I'rlco . , . . ? . 7.20000 No. 4 ' . 5 acres In West Albright . 5.0MJOO l'/i acres same location atsamoratev Will trade for honso and lot within H inllo of I'arkiiNO and L'opplefjn live . Ames Heal 1'st ate Afiency. 150n'urnam stieet. bole agents. r HIE old reliable" M. A , Upton Co 001-7 B1IV a lot for llll In Oniabii's latest addi tion. It will t'ot In somebody's way one of those llneda > a and will atlord you a KOOI ! profit. Churlesl' . llenjamln. solo agent.'Mil ' S. 15th st. hUO-7 * FOIl SALE At a bargain. ( WxlM on Daven port near 17th , ono block fioia new ] o t- ofllec , very eheao. SJO.OOO ; 5l\iB : eoinor 20lh and rarnain. fW.UOO. U. L. ( Jicen , ro 1111 : ri. Barker block. VJJ PIJIOESliiivn advanced In A mix I'lnco if'fl.OJ per lot. I'lesont pilu-os JI,0. > J , J1.1JO. I1.23J.S07 " M. A. Upton Uo. WV7 ELEGANT resilience In Kountze I'laoo ; l ) rooms finely linlHlied and all modern onn- \ enlcneesVlrt ; St. , near Ltlth. Can ' ell on onu-uaitercash ] payment and hahrico tlmo to right p.irty. This Is no cheap affair of a house , buta eomfor.ihlo homi In every wen o nnd a big snap bargain. K. 1C. Darlliii ; . Harker lllocli. M.7-.I1 \7"OU c.innovcrbocomo a free holdei for less 1 than $10. liny a lot In Omaha' * latest ad dition for JIO , trade It for a ulano. horse mid Vou certainly Htand no shon to lese anything. Sale now In piouruAS at IJIO S. 11th st. Uharlcs T. llenjamln , solo agent , HJJ-7 * > 1UUICS Imvo advanced In Ames place * .V.UO ) per lot. Present priors 11,050 , JI.150 , $1,2.V ) . K room house , lot Il-'ixSJ , $1,709. O u-roorahoiibe , stable , lot : Mli\S2. tJ.OOO. Uriel ; house , and Amorlcan house , lotOOxIWiN. H corner 10th ami Douglas. Dnijtilro 21'JI S llth. Ill IlIKold reliable" M. A , Upton Co , STAH T.nnd & Loan Co. real estate , Uvini and Insurance rental a enev. ii7i-dI7 , rpKAOICAOE Wu have Mr sale an elegant -L niece of truckage jiroporty centrally lo- c.itcd. Co-Upcratlve Lund & l.ol Co. , art N. IMh St. FOIl SALE Some \ery cliolco bargains hi houses and lots and lots without houses. These will not keep only a few days nnd you should Kutn hustloaiiyoiirsulf nt once , W. A. Hpeneer , loom 7 , Olmmner commerce MIXMI T > U10ES have advanced In Ames 1'laio tTOOO J- per lot. 1'rcsont prices Jl.o.vj , Jl.l&'j ' , * I,2.VJ , WIT reliable" M. A Upton Co. OD.V-7 VAN ItnUUKN. 1401 Douuhis Ht. , sells IGth st. addition lots , $190 ; Van Kouron Heights. KXK ) . Terms , Jiiciish.lIO inoatidy. H2xlW , well Impro\edl Uullfumlust. * 7,500 , will tuko some trade. 1410 _ TJHIOES Imvo advanced In Amei Place t-VniiJ J. per lot. 1'ieseiit prices 81,050 , Jl , 1,10 , 9l'jm. N)7 ) _ I Trilli : old reliable" M. A. Upton Co JL 1101.7 _ _ 1T1OU 9ALH Cholco aore propoily nt thu i. city limits ; electric CIUH iiniMliii ; near this property attliu jnesont time , 50 acres on Ames avenue. 20 acres near the Holt line , IS-acro fruit farm ne.ir Ames avc. 2 10-acio tracts , ItuiiMin nildltlou. racie.s Holoinoa'H addition , 200 acres near bouth Oniulm. 10 acres lu ICumln ton. O. M. I'ottor , 'olc ARont , ICoom : W Chaiauor of Commoree. 74'i-IU * $10. I aniKitlllni ; nlcolevel btilldbiRlot < cov ered with trees , betwien Omulia and the now Port Omaha , on main line of II. & II , Ity. , for 81000 each , not I1U.W down , butlio.odis full luyment. They are fit > o and oluar from mortgaRe an < l'will be.ir clo > ett InvfstlKatlnu , Warranty deed , abstract and plat of addition Blven wltheauh lot hdld , Over 2.V ) lots sold In huveiileendiiyH. .Sale now In progress at : il Bo. mst \ , , Omaha. Charlfh I1 , llenjamln. Hole Agent , 310 hi. l.r > lh Ht. H.V > .7 * IC old lullable" M. A , Upton Co. COJ-7 HORSES WINTERED. fcrralM. rtc. . tee top titf.nl fulmiin nit this HOIISKS wintered. Wo Imvo the best ac commodations In Ihu atiitu for wlntorliiR lionet , llox or slnclo stalls , with p.iddock. Apply to Windsor. Kemp Ao. ( , 201 Ismv Vorlt LIfo uldR. . or toUlirli-NovJun , ut iho ulabh-j , Irvlngton , Nub , MtUI FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. * > > r nitty , tit . fee toy offlrtt column an Hits AMES llcn Eilittn Aftoney. 1507 rnriiatn street.So So Ko. 67. find St. , bot. Pavcnport and Cnw. full lot . . . . * 1,67)00 No. M. N. W. Cor. lOtn uiiiiVlrl , fall lot . , 5,000 W No , M. Cor. 'I'M iitul Leu v. Ms.RI ( cut on Lcav. . per foot. . . . . . . . 100 00 No. M. Uelso'midu. , It ! foot. , running from Cnsslusst. to Mcnloii , vury cheap nt . . . . . o.nooon N'n.U. Onk lllll , ( ul ! lot. easy terms , . txw 00 No. M , Oak lllll , full lot , $100 oiish , hnhincntosiill purchaser. . 750 M No. M. IMh st. . bet. Itunlottu unil Vales , full lot . 2.00001 No. U llnir Howard. bot. ftM unil 2Ud Hl , fnll lot . . 10.MOOO No. 4 < . Two lotion lAicustst. , but. 17th unil 18th sts . 2,00000 No. 41 , Full lot. Dwlght A. Lyman's , near licit line . 7.-iflOO No. 41. rulllot. Wolilor I'Inco . 60000 No.40. Varlouslots In A miller's 1'laoo No. in. 1'itll lot.KM nml Laird . 1.80000 No. ! I7 , Two loli onfH \ \ \ st , , bot. Cuss nnd Dnu'iipnrt. . 4,00000 Xoi. IM. T > , III. Various lots In Orchaiil lllll. . . . . No. U Itid st. .north of Loav.f nil lot. . 2,00,1 03 No.r. Two lots , N. W. Cor. 2lth ! and Ur.nit . 0,20000 No. Ill , Various lots ( n Moo's subdivi sion , north of Aiucsnvo' . No. : ) . OnDodiio. st. , bet. I.nvy house unil Oiirllcli's house. ; ) foot of Kiiitind by 141 foul deep ; picsont price pur foot , . . . . . , . 173 CO No. ? ) . On Mh ht. , ni'iir Lcnv. . lot 7.i < 140. nil lives pdd In fill I , per foot. . . 123 00 No. ? 7. Lincoln Place , cornets on Dnv- unporl , full lot . 1,30000 No.:1) ) . I\es iiiul ! istli HI. , with throe ftontnnostt wo full hitx. each . 1,000 00 No. 51. r.irnam , bot. II' ' th nnd40th its. , Honlli fioiil. two full IoK ouch . . . . 3,50)03 No. ' "J , rarnain st.cor. 10th , tlireii full lotn . No. . 'I ' , 4l tRt.licti Oixlftu and D'IVOII- INirl. full lot . i . 2,00300 No. ai. Cor"it h and .Tours sts , with I/cn ontMth st , motor , cloiant slchl forllutMor honsus to rent , lot CittxIB , and vt-ry flinp at. . . 0,00000 No I' ' ) . Snindi'iH st , near Oddfol- loM'sluill , 2S\M fuul . f > , OOJOO No. n. Olnrk's ndd. . on 21th ao. . lot ( Uxl.iS. M-iy ilcslrnlilu nroporty for IniprxviMiiuiit . BdW ) 00 No. II. Iliirdutto nnd ItOth ts. two ion . .TKXIOO : No. II. lOlliHt. . mil tli or. N'luliolus. n . , clirtp Ir.iPkavo lot . 2,10000 - * ' No. U On Mn son Ht , . but. Illit anil : itd : Hts.flOxIH'i , 01 l iKHS'f. Olio of tlio niiHi ( loslruhlo hiilldlnj , ' sltis in Oniiilia. . . No. in. Oor. lluidutto niiii Shlli. lot 8il\S't ' foul , very doilrahk1 , mill cheap ut . . No. H , 41tt tt. , lict. rnrnani : iiil DOIIK- Inx.fnll lot . 1.80000 No. 7 South 'Mill st. , bet. Jackson and .loni"i. full lot . . . . . 2,00000 No. d 2fitli si. , \Vooh\orth \ \ unil Ihcl.orv , full lot . 2,20000 No , " . I. ol J 1x170 , on llttli st. and l.'ith avo. . n li.irialnnt . 4,500 00 No. 4 Cor. Mnrcv unil ! Cj < l sts. , Miutli and \vi-st fiont . . r > , VX ) 00 No. : i I'ast ( r.nt.l4lhst. ! , bet. I'm mini nnd Doduii. voiy olinlvn . iUVX ) DO No. 2. On'ilth st. , lot U-.MIO. lior ( oot. . 12500 Houses and Lots. No. 51. M nln St. . rioii-iiuo . } IbOO 00 No. 21. Noilh ntliHt. . I'ut ' Corhy nnil Locust , two-stoiy d.inio Iiou4o and hum . . . 4.r 00 00 No 21. Chicago , bot. Mill and 27lhsf4. , , t\\o houses . . . . . , 1,00003 No. 'JO , Ohio st. , sly rooms , nond ro- pahs , jjoo uash , biilaiii'o nionllily ; pilcu . ] , . " > OQOO No. K Itloiidost. . bol 28th and Snth. / l lit rocinis cnoil oiilor . 3f03 Cn Nr. 1" , riniiiott St. . third lion o cast ofsrtli st , H tontiis . v . 4,000 fO No. 11 , On UirhvsL..bi't.'l2nd ( unilXIr 1 | s,7 looms well built , ( rult arid simile liccs . v',060 00 Nc. l'i CirorKlauvo. ncnr Shirley st , sn nil IIIHISO mill In rn . , . . n.iiOO 03 No. 14 Noitli nth a vi . , ! J houses. ; ioli 't looms , no\v rout I'd , nrlci1 . . 2,00000 No. 11. special liurmiln , full lot CM ? Moore iiisouth of Cumin ? , S hloclvs from motor , 2-storv ll-ronni lieu c. mrcnt KMilod , very ulionp. nt 4,00000 No. 1S. : urd it. north of i < i > nvcnuorth St. . full . : - ( ) hiiiiso . 2.00(100 ( No. II. Hihst. . hot , Cvniur and Dor- eas.S sin ill IIOIISIM . lUlOO 03 No 10 , l.on uu > . unil Hamilton st. , 3-iiio u.iiiodi-rnliousu . , . . . . 4,00000 V 'K lii7iiTiit liCitiso and burn. In Hnlrhissorcler.ai'iy nuiit unil < Ui- olr.iblu IIKICO. and vurv uhoii : | at pili'o iiuotod. Snwaid M. . Imt. ' , ' th iindirtli , easy tiii-ins | ) i Ice . IX3 DONe No H. Poutli fiont llurdi-tto stbi t L'rtth and 20th , vury nu.it S-room lioii'-o and barn , In pel ft'ol order , on oasj toinis- , . . . . 4,00000 No. d. On I'arkoril. . , bol. il.'ith nnd 2ilh. ( 4-ioom Iniii-ii mid bain , all In purd'ot orilor. prlcn . 3.10J OJ No. fi , 'I , 2. Vailiiiis boiisos anil loin In Moo's suhdlv. , ninth of Amob' O'hor ' No. 110. Cor. : iuih and \Voolniirtli , ( ao- liiKparK.S-rooia lnlclc , niodiM'ii , and i < -room ( mine , modern , with barn. . . 20,000 09 No , Li ) . On V'jii ii. mi st. , west of 4.'nd , O-iooin ino'Iorn , jood b.irn , easy , tLMins , dislraliln . 7,50009 JV. ? No. 2H I'nll lot , fronts jDislonTtb . jr St. , with four 7-room holism , all f riMiled , I'o n llrst-i'lnss rental prop- * r t'rty iindwlll Riow In value . U.OUO 0 > 3 No7. . South fiiint , niniiioll Kt , near -4 Hi , lot 100 ft. front , 7- room bonsu. . Ti.OOO 00 No. 31. llth st. south of IMerco , St. , 0- room honso . . . C,030 ( X3 No 2'i. Cor.of IMh mid Uuuv. hts.wlth II" ( I. front on Ieav.l2-rooni modoni < hoiiso . . 0,000 0) ) No 21. 171 ht-t. near I/i'.iv. st , , 4 } iou-os now inntid . . . . .20,00003 No. 2.1 N. W. cm. lllth and Mason. 4 honso * , tnoilorn Improvoi.iunts , now inntod . . 0,030 M ) No. 21. ' . I till lot , 4 houses 8 rooms each. one honso 5 rooms and him , room formoro hoiist < < . in , 000 0) ) No. 21. Slnwait I'lnco , Lown iivo , , 10- rooin brlclc model n . . ' . . . S.ODO 00 No. 20. 1.-lthfit. , 2 full lots , each With press brlcL model n housi'sand birn , ouch . 8 , " > I30 00 No H < < rooms , full lot. 23th ht. near I'oiipliitoa a > o . .1,00001 No. 17. On ! Mth si. close to rarnuni. 8- rooia modern honsuwlth hull lot , prloo . 0,00000 U'llltako clear lot In part puynient or iniiKoer.v . cisy teims , No. Id On lurk uvi > . . I ) . room moil cm house , lot : )7i\I40 ) ! , very dcsliubto , wllltiikotl.iXKicimh. prleo . 7VD ) 00 No. II , Lake si. near : tltli , li-ioom honso and : i-iooin honsu . 5,000 00 No. U. 11th st. north nf Nlrbolas , 2 houses I ) rooms < * ach , ono honso 4 moms . . .U',000 1)0 ) No. I' ' . On I'arl. avu. , H-rooin lioiibo , .halflol. pileo. . . . . 0,00000 No. 10 I'ainam st , bcl. list unil 1'inl , full lot , lu-iojin lioiisc. muduinap- plliincos , Rood barn , prlc'ii . 0,00 } CO No. 7 l > n I'arl : uvc , , K-niiin fi.imo home , halt lot. jiruinSfs In peifi-ot .order . . . H.SOO 01 No. 0. stitli st. near Hickory , very cliolco 7-room ilitlaii' . pilco . 7,0'JO , 0) ) No. n , Junes st , wi'st oCUiul.lot I7\177 , V 7-iodin fi.iniii lionso 'ilid I ) n n . 0,03000 V N'ho. I. in. mom bilck modem , nltli am. Kniint/n I'lui-p. . . . ll.WJ d ) Amos lti.il INt'ilc1 AKoncy. l.VJT I'm mini Htnet. OIIU'O ( ) ) ) i'n 1 1 1 olircll ibhVMA. Upton C'o. 001-7 _ * ) > KhHOANT lionmri In Kount/n nlaci ) fioin ) KiOilO to(0.riUOt UMcnsli. li.iliinu ( > 4 jnais , ( L'I purimintli , U per coat Interest. Other good lioiues In b.unn addition to mcili'iiiKn ( or oily piopurty. K-iooni modern IIOUHU , 'M blocks wt'sti(24lli ( , on Caldnc.Il St. . for fi/iOfl : : J.MJ cash , h.ilunun VUpuriiunitli , il per cunt Inter- ust. J. J , ( llbsou , sole a uni , Konnl/o | iliri : _ ! . H i , _ "IV AUUII \\Vstoi llulilieii-sl.ito > Onialiii Kiuiaiiiivi'"iirt"vum"i : > < riirAinin I'lTi" > * M n > pei lot. 1'iuaeut prices ll,0' > ) , Jl , l.V ) , Jl.liVi. i iidvanced hi Ames IMiuo l-Vimi i- per lot. cnt prlcofl.OW , JI , IS I , JI.2.V ) . 807 JOHN M. Olmke , oldest ie.il rntati ) asitnl. notary iiuhllf and nullify to lo.iii.CoiilliH'ii- f | till Mock , cut IMIICC on Doiislas Htreel , lint lloor.no uluvatoi. has a limn list of husIncsH and at1 to propoity , IIOIIM'S and lots anilaiant lots for sale Alio solo ti t'iil for lots mVnl ind ; addition. r.m 7 ITtOH SAM ) or I.i-aso 17 del t usl final by 1 201 feet deep , alloy cot HIM. 211 h ami C'limliu HtrouU. Addiuss JumiHchoin , Ik'o ImllilliiK. A SNA I' f..yi will buy a iilt'ti 1-nioin IIOIISQ mid-lot , with cellar. cNtoin , elty water ir and Uiirn , oi-niriilly loualudt tornn . J. D.X.Ittle. UI4 N. V.l.lfo. IJ old rullulilo"M. A. I'plonCo J Plll.ir ( > luivo advainocl In Ames I'laro * r O.W J. iiurlot. 1'rcscnt | irlcoH lO.V3 , , ( | , > o , ti,250ci riill'host ! lot on Hamilton and Lawn avomis. l JL. Kmiiilraat lujti Hamilton st , rw ) dil * 7 KOOM lottngc , full lot. llunscoin I'lncci , east front and u ( treat liarRaln for u foir days , hnull oimh payment and balance on long tlmo. P. K. Darling. Darker block , Ml reliable" M. A. Upton Co. rpL.N uleziint ncra lots In HCIIHOII ; will sell lit . . . ' . ' " 'lyrdUldo. lli-iiiuii A Uarmlnbanl , 4r.'N , * i. L , bldg. 754 ii