Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1890, Part One, Image 1

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Under a Tlag of Trnco They Hold R Council
with General Brooks.
Xrnimportntlnn from tlio Ilnd I/nndn to
1'ino Illdgo Must He I'lir *
nlshcd Tor the lintlro
Outilt ,
Timor AoKNcr , S. D. , ( via Uushvlllo
Neb. ) Dec. 0. ( Special Telegram to Tim
Unn. ] Some of tlio hostile chiefs have kept
their sworn pledge made to Father Jute in
the bad lands to como in nnd see General
Brooko. They came bearing u flag of truce
nnd armed with Winchesters nnd Springfield
rillcs. The entrance of the novel procession
caused a flutter of excitement , the greatest
that has boon known hero at the agency since
the trouble began. First came the chiefs ,
Who were Turning Boar , Big Turkey ,
Hugh Pine , Big Bad Horse nnd Bull Dog ,
who wns ono of the leaders in the Custor
mnssacro. Next came Two Strike , the heftid
chlof , seated In n buggy with Father Juto.
Surrounding those was a bodyguard of four
oung warriors. All of the Indians were
decorated with war paint and feathers , whllo
mnny t ere ghost dance leggings and had the
ghost dnnco shirt dangling at their saddles
Bunches of oajtlo feathers were tied in the
mimes and tales of most of the ponies , while
tbo backs of the doctlo little animals were
Btrcakcd with paint.
The luridly warlike cavnlcado procccdeil nt
once to General Brooke's headquarters In the
ngcncy rcildonco. At a given signal nil leaped
to the ground , hitched their ponies to the trees
nnd guided by Father .Tuto , they entered the
general's ' apartment , whore the council was
held , lasting two hours.
At the beginning of the pow wow General
Brooke explained that the great father ,
through him , tiad asked them to como In and
hnvo n talk regarding the situation. A great
deal of misunderstanding and 'trouble hnd
risen by the reports taken to and fro between
tbo camps by Irresponsible parties , and It
was therefore considered very necessary that
they hnvo ( italk face to face. Through him ,
lie said , the great father wanted to toll thorn
that If they would como in and live
near the agency , xvhero ho ( General Brooke )
could see them of ton and not bo compelled to
depend upon hearsay , ho would give them
plenty to cat and would employ many of tbcit
young men ns scouts , etc. Ho said ho hnd
heard they were bostllo Indians , but ho did
J not believe it. The soldiers did not come
thcro to fight , but to protect Iho settlers and
keep peace. Ho hoped that they ( the fir
tlhins ) wcro nil in favor of peace , as the grcal
lather did not want war. As to the change
In the boundary line between Pine Hidgc
nnd Kosobud agency , ho said thai
nnd many other things woult
Co settled sntlstnctjorlly after they hnd showt
n disposition to corao in as Asked by the greai
father. Wounded iCnco was suggested ns t
place that would prove satisfactory to th <
great father to hnvo them llvo.
The representatives of the hostllcs listened
with contracted brows , sidelong giancosjri
't > Mj wiotherf nrid lovr'grnnts WWtibiTtho gSn'
oral had concluded his remarks Turning Bcai
came forward nndspoko in reply. Hols th <
Jlnest specimen of tha blanket wrapped In
dlan that wo have soon since coming hereWith
With n face that Is positively handsome , i
iorm erect ns a flagstaff , nnd n void
that would attract favorable common
5n legislative halls , ho proved a most inter
cstmg person. Simmered down to a fo , '
worels , Turning Bear gave expression to tb
following ideas :
It would bo a bad thing for thorn to com *
nearer the agency , because there was tn
water or grass for their horses hero. Hi
couldn't understand how their young mei
could bo employed as scouts if there was m
enemy to bo watched. They woulel bo glai
to bo employed nnd get paid for it. The ;
might come in , but as the old men and ol <
women have no horses , nnd as tholr pcopl
hnd nothing generally to null thel
wagons , It would take them a Ion
tlmo to como. If they did como they shoul
wnnt the great father to send horses nn
wagons out to the bad lands camp and brln
In the prcnt quantities of beef , etc. , they ha
there and take It anywhere to a now cam
that might bo agreed on. In conclusion , tb
speakers hoped that they would bo give
something to eat before they started bad
To this the f cncral replied thut ho Intondc
before the council closed to tell them tlu
they should bo given food. As for horses nn
wagons being sent after the beef , the gcnen
said that and many other things would I
considered after they Und acceded to the grc :
father's request to move into the ngonc ;
Any reference whatever to the wholesale di
vasuulon , depredations , thiovinc , burning o
building , etc. , was studiously avoided on hot
After the pow wow was over the thlovlc
gang was conducted to the quartermaster
department and there given a big fat fcei
Tlien the squaws living hero nt the agenc
came out in gala day feathers and travc
grand squaw dance.
Before leaving the subject of tbo council
nnvo only to ndd that General Broono seen
to believe that the hostilcs will glvo up the
designs of war within ono or two .days , whl
the ogcucy officials and others think dlffc
Before the bearers of the white rag lethe
the agency n whlto man named Jot
Sweeny , whoso place was among those plu
derod , recognized Ills overcoat on tl
back of ono of the hostllcs. Sweet
Immediately reported the discovery to Gei
cral Brooke , who sent Frank Garunrd , tl
chlof scout , out to collar the war palnU
"bravo. " At last accounts they "ha Ju'tbei
ublo to find him ,
Special Agent Cooper recognized a Carlls
Btudcnt among the visiting uostiles. and \vh
ho wimt up and spoke to him the young rol
actually looked ashamed ,
Asldo from Turning Bear , tlw entire for !
five wore the most brutal looking Indians
i have over seen , a fact commented upon
cvorycno who saw them. A fact that llvo
the most Influoutlol of the young hostile chit
who took an oath to como In nnd violated
namely , Crow Log , High Hawk , Eaglel'l ]
Bhort Bull and Kicking Bear , proves U
voiy great extent how much dependence
to bo placed upon tbo idea that inoro th
possibly a hundred or so of the 2,000 , blo <
thirsty fellows will lay down tholr arms
bo BCO < II M the government has request
them to do today.
Agent Hoycr lias finally been successful
securing the names of some of the prlncl
Bufforors from tbo recent desperate ro
jrmda by ( ho band of about two thousand
ulaus who have defiantly located in the t
lauds. The information obtained was fr
William AlcGaa nnd John O'Hourko , v
have owned and operated extensive t <
ranches just beyond the north nndnorthw
border of this reservation for yean ,
kiw present whoa thc gentlemen i
pc-nrcd bcforo Agent Hoycr nnd made their
report , nnd the occasion wns that of n pre
sentation of wrongs that proved dramntlo In
the extreme. Doth of them are intelligent
frontiersmen , who n few days ngo were pos
sessed of comfortable homes nnd largo
Ucrds of catllo nnd horses , but today nro ill-
most puupored ns a result of the devastation
sweep which the marauding reds have made
across this northern country.
McGon acted as spokesman. Ho said that
his ranch , which Is situated about forty
miles northwest of hero on the Whlto river
nnd nt the ! month of Porcuplno crook , wns
found the picture of tire direst , most devil
ishly wrought devastation iinngtnnblp. Two
bund red and twenty-live lie-nd of cattle nnd
sevcnty-llvo head of horses , including n stal
lion for which ho paid $ TKW , had been taken.
Allot bis winter's supply of corn , oats nnd
hay hnd been carried away. Several sets of
now harness nnd many old ones had cither
been stolen or cut up Into llttlo bits. All tlio
small ranch implements wcro gono. Of
n two years' supply of annuity goods ,
consisting of blankets , etc. , not
n thread was oft behind , livery stitch of
clothing belonging to himself and family
bad been carried awny. leaving them with
none hut that upon their backs , when they
lied for tholr lives , livery drawer in the
house had been gutted of whatever might
prove useful to the red devils. Every bit of
furniture had been broken upnndmostof it
cnrrlcd away to swell the supply at the hos
tile camp in the bad lands. Beeves had been
killed in the very doorway of the house and
part of the carcasses loft bohlnei. Doors nnd
windows had been broken In and lace cur
tains , pictures , etc , , Jerked down and ground
into the dirt. In n word , nothing but ruin
remained. Even mnny of the small sheds
had been torn down nnd carried away for
fuel.Any effort whatever at word painting is
unnecessary I Tlio plain , cold facts them
selves Immediately form a picture , fearfully
vivid , and which to tbo wronged would seem
to bear but ono thought despair 1 No , there
is another thought , a terrible extermination ,
a determination for rovcngp , revenge In such
a form ns shall repay vandalism and homo-
wrecking by nothing less than the spilling of
blood. H was this last thought which evinced
its presence by the moistened eye , the drawn
lips , nnd the clenched lists of the mon to whom
wo listened. .
And then wo heard how Mr. O'Kourko had
found his ranch homo In nn almost exactly
similar state as Mr. McGaa's. O'Uourke's
plaeo Is also ou White river at the
mouth of the stream known as
Wounded ICuco. Ho found nineteen of his
horses gene and tno rest scattered to the four
winds. Seventy-five head of cattle wcro
gene and the remainder of the herd had boon
tormented into a state of absolute madness
and wcro dashing about in a bleeding condi
tion. Ills nousc and barnes had boon treated
Just as hael McGaa's. He was utterly home
less and penniless ,
Other ranches In the same vicinity found
in exactly the same condition were those of
Dick Stlrks , William Valanzry , John Stcelo ,
Charles Cooncy , Widow Coonev , John D.iyiel-
son , Henry ICoarns , Mrs. Fish , Baptisto
Courier nnd John Dwyer.
They also found that tno government ranch
he.idquarters , store bouses , barns , etc , bad
all been burnoel to the ground , ttio entires eov-
eminent herd of nearly three thousand head
of cattle having been driven off as mentioned
in my dispatches two or thrco days ago.
Messrs. McUaaand O'Burko came upon n
portion of the hostlles Just ns the latter were
returning from another wrecking and thiev
ing raid. As they looked at the animals
tlio Indians hid , McGaa discovered one
of Uls horses hitched up with another nnd
being driven along by the red devils. This
was too much for him. Putting spurs to the
only horse ho had left In the world McGac
dashed after hls.proprrty with the resolve
that he would Just as lluf die right then as
any 'other time. As ho came up with the
thieves bo drew his six shooter , demandot
his horse , and springing elown proceeded to
take it out of the harness. The hostile !
seemed thunderstruck at his display ol
bravery and didn't offer the slightest resist
"I now wish to Oed that I had emptied inj
six shots Into the cursed devils , " salcl th <
wronged man , ns tears glistened In his eyes
' But I shall get some of them yet , " ho added
"for I Know the Indian that headed the raid
Ills name Is Cedar. Wo now have a score t (
settlowlth those devilish reds that will novel
bo ovcnoel up except by death , on ono sldo 01
the other. "
Thcso men also snld they were told tha
Two Strike , who has been leading the hos
tiles nnd acting as tholr chief since Llttli
Wound was scared into the agency , had nisi
turned the white feather to a certain oxtcn
and that the leaders now were Short Bull
Hickory Bear and Conquering Bear , threi
Inelians who have a reputation throughout th
northwest as being the worst of rods.
In conversation with some of tno hostile
the latter said that nothing could tun
thorn from their purpose to figh
out tbo stand tboy had taken
and that if they ever came to Pine Kldg
agency again It would bo on horseback t
clean out the whole business. McGaa am
O'Hourko were also tola that they might gi
back and tell Agent lloyer that they ( the hos
tiles ) wcro having n bcof Issue every day al
of their own , and that it was away ahead o
anything the great Father had over done fo
McGaa says ho heard a Joke from the hos
tiles that did him lots of good. Ono of then
rushed up to a bunch of ranch cattl
In the night , and throwing out hi
lasso , put spurs to bis horse , expect
Ing to yank out a beef. Instead c
having caught a bcof his lasso had droope
about tbo neck of a brother Indian thief wh
had rode up to the bunch of steers on a slm
Inr errand. The other red was picked froi
his pony and dragged a hundred yards Defer
No. 1 discovered his mistake. As n rcsul
the rod that was lassoed had both jaws , hi
collar bono and right arm broken.
It must not bo understood that the partle
named above are the only ones who have su
fored from the raids of these unruly rcdi
They are but a few of those who have su
fered the heaviest lo ses. Agejt Hoyor has
long list of poorer persons who have lost the
nil within the past few weeks. So far i
reported even up to the present tlmo. ho saj
that It will cost the government fully $25.01
to settle with those who have been raldci
y while in addition to these losses the goven
a ment Is out but 8,000 , head of cattle , togethi
with the loss of all tbo government rane
buildings which the Indians have burne
To this add tha enormous cost of movins i
much military around over the country , at :
then you will get some Idea of how utter
lo absurd it has beer for tbo newspapers to pa
so much attention to this utterly groundta
agitation about an Indian scare. C. H. C.
AVIint General Brooteo Reports.
WASHINGTON , Deo. 0. Secretary ProoK
10 this morning received two telegrams fro
General Miles at Chicago. In ono ho quot
General Brooke as saying that ono of tl
main causes of the discontent among the ho
tlio Indians Is that a certain band of Slot
living on Pass Crook , at Kosobud agcnc
has been ordered to move against tholr wi
lo These Indians desired to bo transferred
loel Pine Uldgo agency and have secured consoi
el of tbo Indians now thoro. , Gcnct
ely Brooke , asking for authority to p <
y- mlt tno transfer , states that in 1
yi opinion this would still further aid In t
disintegration of the hostllcs. General Mil
telegraphed him in reply that ha baa nm [
of discretion in the matter , hut advised him n
to make promises to tbo Indians , Ho ecu
assuru them , however , that the govornmc
had secured increased rations and more gc
10 , orai employment. General Miles adds that.
i n his opinion the transfer can bo made pern
is ncut hereafter If deemed advisable.
nn In the other telegram General Miles sn
Hi- that reports from General Brooke indicati
Hior more favorable condition of affairs. Ilo sr
or that in case the disintegration continues t
odin threatened outbroke will bo prevented :
this winter at least. The situation is s
in grave iu his opinion , and will require extro
watchfulness to satisfy the Indians and nv
b'ostliitios until a prlng.
Inad Troops Mnklnc Uajiltl Progress.
CHICAGO , Doc , ,0. General Miles said tl
am b only news ho hnd for publication v
ho that the troops now en route Iroin varli
> military posts to Pine Hldgo agency w
cat making rapid progress toward their desti
tlon. The general U making preparations
ip- Urt for the northwest Monday.
Ho Repulses All Attack ? and Outmastcra
His Opponents ,
An Encounter with McCarthy tlmt
Almost Ciuno to Illows Xlio
AntlB Prepare a
| Coj/Ho7it ] / ISM ) tin Jama Oonlon 7) ) < iniffl.1 >
Loxnox , Dec. 0. [ New York Herald
Cahlo Special to Tun BKE. ] There was
terrillo fighting among the nationalists today.
Atone time It nearly culminated in a per
sonal encounter , The antl-Purnellltcs woke
up this morning to the conviction that they
had been grossly fooled during the week , es
pecially In the bogus negotiations with Glael-
stone , so naroltly sot on foot by Pnrnoll ,
consequently they wont to Uooin 15 In n
highly boillgcrant spirit. They were re
solved to make an end of Parnell's leadership
nt ail costs. Parnell was prepared for ex
tremities and , as events showed , ho outtnas-
tcrcd bis opponents in daring and remains in
possession of the ilcld , though with reduced
Sexton and Healy lost no time in opening
hostilities. It wns known that Gladstone had
declined even to nibble at the baits set for
him , refusing to enter into any further nego
tiations with the Irish party until Parnell
had been formnllj deposed. In this course
Gladstone is supported by Harcourt , Morley ,
Karl Spencer nnd tbo wholoof his party ,
many of whom thought he had gene too far
already. Soxtou declared that before the day
had closed Parnell should bo driven out.
Thl ? provoked u violent storm which raged
some minutes. Parncll's position as chair
man gnvo him power to put any resolution to
the meeting or to refuse. This kept all hU
opponents ntbsiy. At last Abrahams brought
up a resolution declaring Parncll's leadership
nt an end. Then ensued a , tremendous
scene. Justin McCarthy hold out
his band to receive the resolution , Intending
to put it to the meeting , Ignoring the chair
man. Parnoll , suddenly reaching over , struck
McCarthy's hand , seized tbo resolution and
toro it up in the face of the meeting , whoso
howls , cheers and groans resounded through
the building.
Justin Huntley McCarthy , who thus far
has nctcd with Parnell , declared passionately
against tbo chairman nnd accused him
of .insulting his father and betraying his
country , nnd wnnt over to tbo opposition
camp amid the wildest excitement. Sexton ,
Ilcaly , McCarthy and the rest of the opposi
tion to the number of sixty-flvo walked out of
the room and held a meeting of their own ,
They passed a resolution of an abstract kind
alllrming tliolr adhesion to the doc
trines of , homo rule ns ratified
by the Irish people , and proccodcd to write a
manifesto which Is to bo issueel tomorrow.
This sounds well , but it leaves Parnell's
position materially unchanged. Ho claims to
' be the leader and ho will discharge the func
tions of loader in tbo house as olsowhoro.
Chi co or twlco today it seemed as if personal
violence would bo used towards him , but DO
.violent act was commUtoel.axcppt by hlmseU ,
Ho seemed carried away"bbyShd'"all powers
ot restraint. Tonight ho laughed at the
whole affair. Ho informed a friend that his
opponents have now done their worst and
have acted like a pack of Imbeciles. They
might have formally deposed him wlthouj
holding a meeting at all , simply by
signing a declaration to taat effect ,
Ho says ho would not have recognized It , bu
it would have been more rational than ttsh
pantomlnoof the past week. Parnollltes are
not Jubilant , They admit that they have encountered
countered substantial defeat , Some of their
tear that when both sides go to Ireland nnc
renew their cnmpnign there it will lead t (
something close upon civil war.
t Gladstone returns to Hawardcn next wool
and professes to bollcvo home rule is saved ,
Some of Parnell's friends assure mo thoj
consider their position stronger than over :
that the renegades nro weak nnd divided
that some are destined to bo drummed out ol
the Irish party altogether , whllo others will
como over to Parnell. It Is quite nbviou :
that Ireland is doomcd-to pass through a win
tcr unexampled since the closing years of th (
last century.
What Has Caused It to Palpitate the
Past Week.
[ Copj/rfflM ISM by Jewc * Gordon Uennett.1
PARIS , Deo. 0. [ New York Herald Cabli
Special to TIIK Bcc. ] Just at the momcn'
when the aristocratic Cerclo dos Postlnour
du Bols do Boulogne was talking of hocko ;
matches and tco carnivals , the keen , frosi
which raised enthusiastic visions In the mind
of the members gave way to a thaw 01
Wednesday. On that daynevertheless , th
circle was morocrowdcd than over. The seen
was a brilliant ono. Among the participant
were Mllo. do Preycinot , daughter of th
minister ofwar , Miss Muio Rothschild , Prin
cosse OnrousoffComtossodo , Noray , Mavqul
do la Mlna , Vicomto do Janso , Comio A. do 1
ir Uochefoucould , Comtesse Hubert do Monte :
quicu , and Baronno do Gunsebourg. Amen
the articles picked up on the ic
during the aay wcro prayer book
and a lady's comb , found by a huisslcr of th
clrclo wno strongly rejoices in tbo name o
Gouffcs. Thursday Paris was a sea of slus
and melting sleet which temporarily baffle
the splendid street-cleaning organizatloi
> r but next day Lutetiu was herself again.
rm The Maznroz-Illballcr sale at the Hole
23 Drouot was not sensational. The total rea !
francs. A Lechoy entitled
10 ized was 53,000 canvas
s- titled "Famlllo Kounlo 1' Entree d1 un Pare
sIX brought 1,900 , francs. A "Portrait of Muu
IXy Vlctorin , " by Joan Husus , a.iiOO francs , we
11. bought for the American market. The nos big sale is the collection of Mrao. Dolancej
It which includes really good pictures by Coi
111 din , Corol , Gervox , Isaboy and Lomuro , an
ir several marble statues nnd tapestries. .
iris china sales takes place Wednesday next i
10 the G'llerlo Sldolmoyer.
cs In the sporting world the tnlk Ift that Mai
ilo rico nornhardt has at lost decided to sell h
Id racers Saturday next at Choris' auction yar
nt It is n poor lot and mot likely to fetch po <
nIn prices.
In At the skating lake near Lescar W. I
Thorn described ilgures of most bowlldcrli
ys brilliancy , exciting feelings of warmest em
i a latlon In Hobort Boreol and William Lai
ys renco , whilst Misses .Herbert , Foster fti
'or Barham , Lady Nugent and Mr. Viet
.ill Brooke glided about lu all directions. Go
no has taken , fast hold of tbo players.
jrt Tuesday a curious accident occurred
Monte Curld. A middle-aged man wi
twinkling eyes and a dark mustache , a Iti
slan , was playing heavily and suddenly t <
lat dead at iho roulette table. In a twlnkll
, 'US the m mi and his 100 louts stakes were i
ms movoU by tbo attendants and In n few ml
jru . _ utes Ibo play was going on as usual.
noI I
WJ General Burd Grubb , the newly appoint
minister to Spain , arrived hero with 1
family In tlio best ot health. They
wcro accompanied by Mr.1) ) "and Mrs.
Mnlero , and they will cinlliiuo their
Journey to Madrid about' ' Christmas.
Tlio minister Is very pleasecl * nt having secured -
cured thn palnco of Count Iierwhnvls , on the
Pases Cnstcllanra , which \vn/Jho residence
of bis predecessor. >
Governor Palmer wa < 9cc'n by the Herald
respecting his mission. Hn-aalil his position
forbade him to speak and moitly remarked
that no secret negotiations were pending with
a view to reciprocity In. commercial advan
tages between both nations.
.Laniourcux's popular concerts , which com
menced this week nt the Elysco clrcusscorcd
a success. The most interesting numbers In
the selections were the Wagner prcludojo
"Tristan nnd Isoldo" nnd the overture lo
"KIcnzi , " which nrousod much enthusiasm.
The people are now asking how it is that the
National opera persistently exclude Wagner.
Le Theatre Lyriquo wns to have opened
with "Samson and Delilah" on Tuesday.
At the last moment ticket holders
lound a notice on Jtlici doors that
their money would b6 returned and
that the thontcr would ppott shortly. On the
same night Do Gramont's rather lugubrious
drana of "Liiclouno" was' produced nt the
MCII..S Plaislr and scoroll a success. The
story Is that of a young girl who is betrayed
by the son nf her guardians. Ho deserts her
to marry the daughter of 'a ilch speculator. '
Her child Is kidnapped by a ruffian. She
shoots her quondam loverus tbo curtain falls.
Madame forgo as the heroine was good , but
too tragic.
On Wednesday the now ppera of "Bonve-
* nuto , " by Eugene L/loz , waq produced nttho
OporCoimque. Ills rather weak nnd the
inuslo is of Wagncrlan tendencies.
Mooting oT Cordon" Manufacturers
'Borne Queer Storica About 1'nrnoll.
ISSJbuJamyt OJrJmi rteni\'Jt.\ \
lep. ) 0. [ No\y York Herald
Cable Special to TUB BnE.l Dr. Bedlo ,
the American consul to Amoy , China , is re
covering from bis illness at the Langbnm
hotel , . It has boon found unnecessary to am
putate his foot , ns was fearod.
Harry Lee , backed by , a syndicate , has
Icasod the Avenue thsatro for ono year.
George Edwards has placed several plays at
bis command and ho will ojten the theatre In
January with every prospect of success.
There wns an Important mooting of the
cordage manufacturers today. ) ThoMcKlnloy
bill opens the American market to binding
twine. There are only ihtrfy'-flvo cordage
manufacturers in the United Kingdom , and
thirty-three wcro at tbo iudctlng. They had
a double object in view to ngreo upon a gen
eral plan of campaign nnd discuss the advis
ability of buying English patents. John
Good , who has a largo , factory at Havens-
wood , N. Y. , and .another hero , will soon
build another in Italy. The meeting offered
Good 100,000 fo"r his patents. Ho accepted
and the bargain was clinched , Good says ho
sold too cheap , but ho Is noy'cc ' known to sloop
during business hours.
The shouts and yells of the Irish party
have greatly disturbed thn family of Speaker
Pcol for several days. P ooJ lives In the par
liament buildings. His \vif-i died yesterday.
The nolso of the Irish meetings' was distinfctly
heard In her apartments dinco the Farnoll-
Gladstone disruption.
Any number.of queer.nU-'Jw are afloatone
S Jto'thd affect that.wncThP rnen'an'd'OlSdston'c
wcro negotiating at\ alliance Mrs. O'Shea '
played a part. She and Gladstone took din
ner at the Thomas hot l and the dinner is
said to have had a favorable effect on the old
man. Another story is Chat O'Shea was of
fered 30,000 to leave the country before tbo
divorce trial , but bo refused because be
thought the money-was not forthcoming. Iu
this bo was mistaken.
A rtcmlnlsoont Suit for $1,200,000 ,
CLEVELAND , O , , Dec. 0. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE.I In 1881 the private bank
ing house of Everett & Wcadol closed its
doors. The failure was the sensation of the
year in Cleveland , as Mr , Weddel was a mil
lionaire. S. T. Everett , bad been connected
with the biiik , bat Dr. A. Everett was the
senior member of the firm.Today / Mr. Wed'
doll sued Dr. Everett for $1,200,000 , , claiming
that when ho entered the bank its real con
dltlon was misrepresented W him by both tbe
Everetts. The suit has caused almost ns
much of a sensation as tbo failure did sis
years ago. _
A Hard Man to Arrest.
FOIIT WAYNE , Ind. , Dec , 0. A special fron
Cheruhusco , Ind. , says Marvin Kuhns , t
desperado wanted for many crimes , wo !
mortally wounded by Deputy Sheriff Wilkln
son of Fort \Vayno tbls evening. An at
tempt by thrco deputy sheriffs to arrcs
ICubns and two of his gang resulted in t
desperate light , in which Officer Kenned ]
was badly wounded and Kuhns fatally in
The Baltimore & Ohio Strike.
Pmsnuim , Pa. , Dec. 0. The strike on th
Baltimore & Ohio railroad continues. Th
railroad company attempted to move freight
but so far have succoodcd in .sending ou
only two trains. Officials of the road sa ;
they will bo nblo to raise the blockade wlthli
the next twenty-four hours ,
Predicts n Cholera Epidemic.
CHICAGO , Deo. 0. Dr. J. H. Raucho , SOCK
tary of the Illinois state board of health , pr (
diets that unless rigid quarantine rogulc
tlons are adopted and enforced there will b
a serious cholera epidemic next year.
Inoculating with Koch'8 Lymph.
Nn\v HAVEN , Conn. , Poc. 0. A number o
inoculations have been made by Dr. Fostc
with the lympth received "from Prof , Kocli
It is understood that on'or two of tb
patients are greatly improved.
The Wonthur - precast. .
For Omaha anil Vicinity-jfalrj colder.
For Nebraska nnd lo ajFnir ; northcrl
winos : colder. '
For South Dakota Falrf winds shifting t
easterly j warmer Monday , i
Howard for TiiHO U'llanc\vod. ( , Dco.0. Mrs. Snoll , widow of tt
the murdered millionaire. , ' rhos J. Snell , hi
renewed her offer to nay 1.10,000 for the a
rest of Tasuott and his detention until idci
l n.1 M '
< Vii Epidemic of'lphtborla. (
CBOOKSTON , Minn. , Doc.p. An epidemic i
diphtheria -reported at Lfssoa. Minn. , wll
twenty cases and three death's so tar and tl
disease spreading.
Senator Ingnlla Denies.
ig WASHINGTON- , Dee , fl. Senator Ingalls sa
i- tonight that Turner's ' statement , mention !
if - in the Ocnla dispatch , Ms without found
fid tlon.
or Filed a Olinttct Mortgage.
If DETIIOIT , Mich. , Doc. 0. The Wostci
Knitting company today filed a chattel moi
gngo of $30,000. , No statement of liabilities.
Favor n llopubllonn Constitution ,
llio JANEIHO , Dea 0. The eommittco ho
ing the matter Incharge reported In favor
tbo draft nf a republican constitution.
A PUliery Ifnljuro.
jp ST. JOHNS , N , F. , Deo. 0. Waterman
Co. , who did a largo llsbcry business in Twl
Ingato , have failed for 1200,000 ,
Forty-rivo Nationalists Dcaort Parnoll
After an Exciting Meeting.
I'nrncll G6ts Miul and Team Up n
Hrsolutlim Offered by Justin Mc-
Gnrtliy Declaring Him Deponed
from ttio Ijcatlcr.shlp.
Loxnox , Doc. ft. At 1 o'clock today the
Irish members of tlio conimotis considering
the advisability of retiring Parncll from tlio
leadership of the nationalist party rcassem-
bled. Ko reporters wcro permitted
to bo present. Tlio first business
was the reading of * Gladstone's letter
in reply to the committee regarding the con
trol of the Irish constabulary nnd the fccttle-
montof the ngnirlun difficulty. Glmlstoiio
lomains flrin in the dotcrmlnntlon to In no
way recognize Pnrncll. His position wns
emphasized In the loiter , in which ho offers
to conduct negotiations with a now Irish
leader on a footing of confidence equal to
Unit which ho once afforded Parnoll. The
reading was greeted with cheers by the
section of the party opposing 1'nrnoll and
ironical cries by his supporters.
, A stormy dob.ito followed. Barry , Sexton
and Hcnly made a determined attempt to
bring about a ilnal settlement. They insisted
there bo an Immediate division of the mem
bers on the retirement of Pnrnell. Finally
Sexton gnvo Parnoll his ultimatum to the ef
fect that If the decision wns delayed by Purnell
nftcrOo'cloelt this evening the majority would
hold a meeting of their own and depose him.
A scene of great excitement followed. At
" :45 p. in. a recess was taken of half an
hour.When the meeting reassembled the report
ot the conferring delegates was road. Mr.
Abraham and John O'Connor rose from their
seats simultaneously , when Parnell declared
that the latter had the door.
Abraham persisted In bis effort to raovo ji
resolution , but could not amid the clamor.
Ho then handed It to Justin McCarthy , who
rose from his scat and was apnarently about
to read It , when Parncll grasped the resolu
tion from his hand , saying ho would not receive -
coivo it.
A tremendous uproar followed nnd when
quiet wns restored Parncll snld that Until
the party deposes him ho would remain chair
man.Mr. . Barry retorted ! "You nro not chair
man , " nnd added that Parnoll was a "dirty
trickster , " which caused nnotber uproar.
Arthur O'Connor appealed to his friends to
show every possible respect to their late
McCarthy said ho had only risen to a point
of order. Someone handed him a paper and
the chairman struck It out of bis hand.
Parnell said lie took It from McCarthy , but
.tbo latter Insisted that the paper was struck
from his hand.
Hcnly moved that Abraham's motion bo
heard , but Parnell refused.
Johfi O'Connor then moved that the meet
ing call the attention of the country to the
fact that though the original resolution was
altered to meet Gladstone's objection , ho still
refuses to confer with tno party unlass Par-
neil Is removed. This , ho said , proved Par-
noil's contention that it was Impossible to
got a direct answer from Gladstone. Ho
thought that Ireland would resent this.
Healy mused another tremendous , row by
shouting , "Who is to be-mistress of the
" . .
party ! .j.
.Crios of shame came from all parts of the
cowardly little scoundrel who dared in an as
sembly of Irishmen to Insult n woman ,
Abraham got the lloor nnd said that since
Parnoll refused to resign , the members bo
wanting In respect to themselves if they
longer delayed in bringing matters to an
Issue , the chairman having ignomlously
treated and torn McCarthy's resolution.
Parnoll That's untrue.
Abraham declined to enter into an alterca
tion , but repeated that It would bo shameful
to allow the minority to continue maklncr the
party a laughing stock. Ho proposed an
amendment that Paruell's chairmanship bo
Another squabble ensued nnd Parnoll do-
clded that Abraham was out of order , where
upon Healy shouted "Brnvo. "
"Healy , " * said Parnell ; "I won't ' stand
much more from you. The amendment Is
only ndmtssablo ns a substitute motion. "
Arthur O'Connor proceeded amid the up
roar to argue that the time had arrived to
cease talking and to put nn end to what was
rapidly becoming a disagreeable farce. "I
ask the majority of this party , " ho concluded ,
"at once to record their decision , If not hero ,
then elsewhere. "
Parnoll You know it Is not an amend
Justin McCarthy took the floor ,
Ho hoped up to last night that Parncll would
still help them out of their terrible dlfllculty ,
Ilo was disappointed , and it would bo a waste
of tlmo to discuss further. Ho asked that al
nggreclng with him withdraw. Justin Huntlj
McCarthy followed the majority , saying he
was sorry for thosdecislon , but must go wltl :
Parnoll was loft in the room with John ant
William Redmond , Loamy , O'Kclly , O'Brien
Joseph Nolan , Magulre , Harrison , Dalton
William McDonald , Conway , Qulnn , Clancy
Mahoney , Wadon , Fitzgerald , Harrington
Richard Power , Shell , Campbell , Join
O'Connor ' , Dr. Kenney and McKcnna , one
the mooting was resumed.
Nolan argued that the Parnellltes wouli
hold the key to tbo situation , and concludei
by saying that whatever Parnoll's position
in the next two or thrco years ho would bi
ranked with O'Conncll as the greatest Irish
man of the last thrco centuries. [ Cheers. ]
Others having spoken , Parnell snld : "Th
deserters , knowing wo wcro going to Irolam
tomorrow , clamored for a decision becausi
they dreaded the lightning of public oplnloi
in Ireland. Gentlemen , we have won today
Although our ranks nro reduced. I hold thii
chair still. [ Cheers. ! Although many com
rades have loft us , Ireland has tbo power t
till their places and send us good mon am
true for every ono of tljoso who have loft us
and lllttlo know our callant country if I ai :
mistaken that when she gc s an opportuntt ;
she will freely exercise that power. The ,
stand In a most contemptible position thn
of men who , having plunged themselves to b
true to the party , to their leader and the !
country , have been false to it. [ Lou
cheers. )
John O'Connor's resolution was then pu
and carried by acclamation mid the mcetln
The proceedings of the McCnrthy sectlo
were conducted privately.
lUItXEZit J1V8T 11K .MlKl'OSKl
So IJeolnro the Homo Kulo Star an
LONDON , Dec. 0. [ Special Cablegram I
Tun BEK. ] In its lending article today tl
Star ( home rule ) says that the situation lool
bad. The nationalist party can bo saved e
ono condition. Instead of the Irish membei
of parliament talking of resigning In u bed ,
let them cashier Parucll. Gladstone receive
the Irish delegates yesterday with touchhij
fatherly kindness ana courtesy. His nnsw <
will recall the party to the vital questU
that homo rule must not bo prejudiced I
ParncllM retention In the leadership. Gla
stone told the delegates that as soon as
now leader was appointed ho would bo pr
pared to treat with them. The homo ru
movement would then proceed ns if it hi
ndvor received tno smallest shock.
The press association says that Gladstone
written reply In regard to the questions co
vBf corning the Irish consUbulary'and the sett ]
Bf montof tha Agrarian difficulty , which u
indited nt the request of the committee
the nationalist party which visited him ye
tcrduy , Is less t ncUlatory than the comm1
fc. toe expected it would be. H Is reported th
I In bis letter Gladstone refuses absolutely
enter into any" negotiations regarding the
two questions until Pnrnoll's retirement from
the head of the Irish party Is an accomplished
fact ,
A Comuci-MnuKVslo.
Dum.iN' , Dec , n. ( Special Cablegram to
TUB Br.B. ] The Freeman's Journal snys
Gladstone's letter was received nt 10 o'clock
last night , nnd that It wns considered by the
committee for three hours. Tim document ,
the Journal says , went very much beyond
tint question of granting nu interview , bclni ?
something in the nnluru of a counter-mani
rtliy'H Fuutlim llnhis a IMortliii ; .
LONDON , Dec. 0. Tlio opponents of I'arncll
who will withdraw from the meeting held a
meeting nml by unanimous vote elected Justin
McCarthy chairman and proceeded to con
sider the following resolution ! "To the Mem
bers of the Irish Parliamentary Party i * Wo
solemnly renew our adhesion to the princi
ples , in dovotlon to which wo hnvo never
wavered , that the Irish party U and always
must remain Independent of all other parties.
Further , wo declnro that wo will never on-
tcrialn any proposal . for n settlement of the
homo rulo'questlon except such ns satis lies
the nsptiatlons of the Irish party and the
Irish people. * '
The resolution , which was proposed by
Ilcaloy and seconded by Suxton. was unani
mously adopted. The result was Immediately
communicated to Gladstone. Upon learning
what had been douo ho said : "Thank God ,
homo rule is saved. "
ISnvoj'Rllotiirn tc > New York.
CHICAGO , Dec. 0. The Irish envoys left for
New York this evening. Shortly before
their departure Dillon , on behalf of himself
and associates , said to an Associated Press
representative : "Wo havoup to the present
time maintained sllenco nnd abstained from
inviting any expression of opinion on the sit
uation nt homo out of respect for the delib
erations of our c611eaiues. Wo hnvo today ,
however , received assurances that the par
liamentary fund association of Now York ,
otherwise known as the Hoffman house
ommitk-o , which raised flOO.OOOnnd turned It
over to Parnell personally nt the time of the
hist general flection , heartily endorses our
action and tlmt the municipal council of
the league in Now York also supports us. "
In answer to telegrams from St. Louis ,
Columbus and other points , asking the dele
gates to uomc , the following reply < was sent :
" \Vo deeply regret that tlioro should bo any
disappointment , but are solemnly convinced
that the interests of the unity will bo best
served by suspending public notion pending
the decision of the Irish party. Wo hope to
communicate with you again the moment wo
receive decisive news from homo. "
Comments of the French I'roRS.
PA ins , Dec. 0. [ Special Cnblegrnm to
Tim Bin : . The press of this citydovolos
much attention to the crisis in the affairs of
the Irish party. The balance of opinion is de
cidedly averse to the retention ofMr. . Par
ncll at the head of the nationalists. Tlio
SIcclo says "Pnrnell's obstinacy tends to the
Irretrievable ruin of the homo rule move
ment nnd to throw Ireland hack into the rove
lutlonnry condition from which ho himself
had led her forth. " The Temps comments
iu the same vein. The Hepuhllquo Francjlso
holds that Gladstone ought to have accepted
the propositions made by Parnell's sup
porters , by this means saving the dignity of
Parncll nnd preventing the disruption of
the Irish party. The scandal , the
Ilcpubliqtio says. recalls Instances
of French politicians who have
lost high positions because of their private
immorality. Thus M. Hogcrs , minister of
Justice under Louis Philippe , when caught in
adulteryand threatened with exposure , blow
his brains out , ntid'Jules Favro , who whita
minister ol foreign affairs was convicted of
living with n woman who had boon deserted
byhoc < worthlo8s.husbUnd. resigned his posi
tion and livWeomo tlmo'Itf rettrom6ntimd4
another notable example is the case of Victor
Hugo , who wns detected In nllason with the
wlfo of nn artist , which affair caused the
passing by tlio houeo of peers , of which M.
Hugo was a member , of a resolution to the
effect that any peer of Franco convicted of
adultery must vacate his seat. The cynical
hone of some of the French dramas and ro.
nmnces over a broach of the seventh com
mandment , the Kepubllquo declares , docs not
fairly represent the natjonnl sentiment.
Gladstone to thn Nationalist * .
LONDON , Deo. 0. Gladstone , in his letter
to the nationalist meeting , acknowledges the
receipt of the two resolutions adopted by the
Irish caucus nnd says the main part , the
question raised Dy the publication of his letj
tcr to Morley , was the question of leadership ,
which Is separate nnd has no proper connec ,
tlon with homo rulo. "When the Irish party
settles this question in such n manner
as will enable mo to renew my former
relations with the Irish party it will
IKJ my desire to enter without preju
dice into confidential communication , as
occasion may servo , upon all amendments
and suggestions of improvement in my plan
for homo rule measures. 1 nssuro you that it
is my desire to press forward at the first
favorable opportunity a Just ana effective
measure for homo rulo. I recognize und
earnestly seek to uphold the Independence ol
the Irish party no less tnan that of the liberal
party , and acknowledge with satisfaction the
harmony prevailing between the two parties
since 188(5. When the present diniculty is
removed I know no reason to anticipate its
Interruption , I look forward with con.
lidenco , as do my colleagues , to the
formation nnd prosecution of a meus-
uro which in all the Just claims
of Ireland will likewise obtain the npprovu'
of the people of Great Britain. Finally , J
will remind you of my declaration that apart
from personal confidence thcro is but one
guarantee that can bo of roil value to Ire
land. It Is that recently pointed out bj
Harcourt , when ho called oiled attention te
the unquestionable political fact that m
party nor no lender could over hope to carrj
n schema for homo rule that did not hnvo tin
cordial concurrence and support of the Irlsl
nation. "
Why Railroad IHtlldliiK Will CenHe
CHICAGO , Dec. fl. D. S. Gnrretson nnd D
T. Hedges of Sioux City , who have been li
Now York In connection -with Sioux City < S
Pacific railroad affairs , were hero today. Ii
an interview Garretson said that rallrom
building , especially out westwould doubtlcs
cease for at least two years , otvlng to th
fact that bankers are JolningGould and othe
railroad presidents to put the earning power
of western roads on a hotter foundnll or
This means that work on the Sioux City < !
Pacific , which has been built to O'Neill '
Neb. , will stop.
Milan Is Sulky.
PAWS , Deo. ( ! . [ Special Cablegram toTn
BUK. ] Ex-King Milan has returned froi
England. Ho is greatly enraged at the v <
fusal of Queen Victoria , tiio prince of Wale
und Lord Salisbury to receive him. Ho bn
.hired a palace on the avcnuo Bols d
o Boulogne and will settle hero and spend hi
o annual allowance of JOUOO.
n A Foni'ilo I'oUoiiur Convicted.
s CHICAGO , Dec. 0. The Jury in the case e
Mamlo Stan- , the poisoner of the Newlan
family , tonight rendered a verdict guilty , 11 :
ing tbo penalty at Imprisonment for life. O
hearing the announcement the young wotna
screamed and fainted away In court , rcmuli
ing unconscious for some time.
1- IllH Niuno Didn't fe'nvo Hun ,
1n 1a CiXciNNATf , O. , Dec. ( J. Grof , Morsback .
a- Co. , saddlery dealers , caused the arrest of V
ale O. Cleveland , ono of their clerks , who lu
id embezzled M.OOG or $3,000. Ho confessed ar
claims to bb related to cx-Prcsldcnt Clov
'sn land.
na - To Amend the Interstate
ais . . 0. Senator Sawyer t
of day Introduced a bill to amend section 5
st - - the Interstate commerce law to provide th
tat agreements for the apportionment of trufl
to may ho entered into between common ca
so rlers sub cct to the provisions of the act.
Ptwsl from Emperor William's ' Recent
Speech ou the Subject.
Native ImngnuKO nnd HlHtnry .Strongly
In I'rol'orcnoe to ( iroolc
and liiitln A Hard K\p
nt Journalism ,
IKV l > il AVici'oilt \ , i oelt\ltil \ 1'icm.
Dec. 0. The Hclchvinzelger give *
passages from Kmperor William' * recent
speech on school reform. One point the emperor -
poror especially emphasises Is that tlmo is
lost I n the higher public schools in cnunmliiK-
youths with Latin nnd Greek Instead of thi
German language and German history ,
especially the growth of Gorman institution ! )
nnd the Idea of national unity. Modern his
tory , ho declared , If rightly tmiglit would be
come Inllnltcty inoro * valuable than
tlio chronicles of antiquity , "llow , "
ho nsRs , "wcro so many younjc
Germans seduced from the path of political
virtue ! How was It Unit Germany produced
reformers of society , so many men im 'lnp
nt their own government , whllo commending
the governments ol other nations ) It was
simply Ignorance arising from defective edu
cation on the irencsls of modern ( tormany.
The higher schools must mcndthclrmethods.
They must make their studies boar upon.
practical life ; reduce the hoy's book worlc
nnd glvo inoro tlmo for healthy recreation
nnd training of the body. "
The present system has tended toward
the overproduction of highly educated peoplo.
Journalists , hcsald , wcrohighsclioolproductn
run to seed. Ho approved the saying of His--
nmrok , nncnt the proletariat , whom ho called
"hunger candidates , " and irom whom the
ranks of Journalism were largely recruited ,
forming u class dangerous to society. Finally ,
ho declared , ho would not license any inoro
high schools until tliolr' methods wcro
The newspapers generally sharply resent
the emperor's references to Journalists. The
National Garotte says that Instead of tholr
being hunger candidates many high state
o'fllcials a i-o only too willing to exchange tholr
positions on the press If they can get them.
The latest developments In Koch's dis
covery of n cure for diphtheria nnd tcUnus
have been limited to test experiments with
animals until yesterday , when the remedy
was applied to several human subjects
through the transfusion of blood from ani
mals not susceptible to diphtheria bacillus or
tetanus. It was found that the blood of rats
and mice had a destructive effect on the virus
of diphtheria , while tlio blood of rabbits ,
transfused , had n similar effect on tetanus.
Before transfusion the blood must bo freed
from coaguhim and otherwise nrcpnred.
Profs. Zlemsseh and liaucr , lecturing before -
fore thu Munich medical bocloty , expressed
themselves opposed to the use Kocti's lymph
In private practice until the chances of a euro
were hotter"calculable. . A patient In a
Vienna hospital , who was under treatment
by the now motuod , died suddenly as soon ns
the reaction following the inoculation set in ,
and a seventeen-year-old girl who wns inocu-
died from paralysis ot the heart.
The socialist , .Tainszowsltl , has been ex
pelled from Berlin under a Prussian law ,
which provides that upon n certain number
of convictions n person shall bo liable to ex
pulsion. Jnlnszowskl opposed Prof. Vlrehow
at tjo } last reichstng elections.
The negotiations for a treaty of commerce
between Austria-Hungary and Germany are
making no progress , tlio conference in session
nt Vienna having thus far been barren of re
sults. The Wiener Tagoblatt says thcro is
no strong hope that the conference will lend
tn another Important decrease in tariffs.
The lower house of the Prusian diet , after
a two days debate , referred the elementary
school bill to a committee. Dr. Wlmlthorst
declared that the ccnter party could not ac
cept the measure In view of the fact that U
aimed at the suppression of the Catholic )
church and Involved u violation of the con
stitution. Herr Von Gosslor , minister of
public worship and instruction , denied that
the bill In any way encroached upon the
spiritual powers of the church.
Emperor William has ordercel thut prayers
be offered in the churches , beginning tomor
row , for the safe accouchement of ICmpress
Axjgusta , which event is expected to tuk
place in January.
A number of town councils , headed by the
Berlin municipal authorities , hnvo sent a pe
tition to the rolchstag In favor of decreased
duties on grains , cattle and pigs.
The ship owners of Hamburg are consider
ing the advisability of forming a shipping
federation similar to that of the English ship
owners. _ _
llElWSEtt T1IK BI.lXltAyiVH.
A. Decision Wliloli Knocked Out In-
gallH in Kan sun.
TOPHKA , Kan , , Deo. 0 , The supreme court
this morning refused to grant the writ of
mandamus applied for by ( J. E. Lobdclt. wno
demanded a certificate of election for repre
sentation from Lane county. Lobdell based
his claims on a provision of the state consti
tution which gives each organized county in
the state casting JJ30 yotes a representative In
the legislature. Tnoensowas ono of great
importance , for if Lobdell had been admitted
seventeen other republicans elected as dele
gates would have been entitled to the snmo
privilege. Most of them were Ingalls men
and they would given IngnUs a majority of
two on Joint ballott. The supreme court held
that in no event could the memborshin of the
lower house exceed 125 members until there
was u change In the constitution.
Kncountcrod n Terrific Gnlo.
LKWKH , Dol. , Dec. 0. Tha British steamer
Maryland , from Baltimore November ! i7 for
London , arrived hcrti this afternoon. On
the morning of December 1 , about six hun
dred miles off shore , the ship encountered a
torrlflo pnlo and the decks wcro swept by a
tremendous sen , which killed Cap
tain Luckhurst , the boatswain and
second cook nnd severely Injured several
others. Nearly everything movable was
swept awa > . Including the bridge , three
boats nnd much deck material. Of the 5CO
cattle on honrd 00 wcro killed and many
more injured so ns to bo worthless. The
second ofllccr , who Is in charge now , fcays the
storm was thu hardest ho ever experienced.
The condition of the ship niter the wave
struck her , the sufferings of the mangled
men nnd the frantic cattle were terrible.
United States mnrlno hospital surgeons have
taken charge of the wounded men.
Membership of the Next lions o.
WASHINGTON , Dec. O.-ClerkMcPncrsonof
the liouso of representatives has Just hud
printed an unofticlal list of members-elect of
thu next house , showing 88 republicans , 534
democrats nnd 8 tanners' alliance. On
district , the Twonty-ulghth Now York , , is ot
dowit as uncertain , and one , the ( Second t
Utiodo Island , U marked vacant.