OMA1TA DAILY BEE SATURDAY , DECEMBER 0 , 18PQ. THE CITY. Ono $25 permit wnaissucd by the build ing inspector yesterday. Mrs. Mnrium E. M. Wlnstnnloy hits lot the contract for building thrco $1,600 cottngcs in Orchard Hill. A cnr load of mackerel from Canada lor McCortl , Brady Ss Co. passed the cus toms houBo yesterday morning , D. V. Sholes will build a three-story structure of stores nnd Huts at Sixteenth nnd Hickory streets which will cost $15,000. Mrs. Lowlfl Durham , who wns badly burned with kerosene while lighting iv fire Thurfcdtiy morning , died at 6:30 : o'clock in the afternoon at St. Joseph' hospital. The Union life Insurance company , which mm organized at Hustings llvo jcar ugo and hits been doing iv big busi ness in the state , bus boon reorganized as the Union life of Omnha and Uio headquarters removed to this city. The mtmlrers and supporters of Par- neil In Omnha Thursday bent him a cablegram urging him to stand ilrm and pledging him their support. The cable gram was signed by John Groves , M. V. Gannon , Jninus Hronnnn and 100 others. First clnss Turkish baths 75c at the Natatorium , ladles anil gentlemen. Dr. Blrnov cures catarrh , Boo bldg. French ConvorHiitlim in Klvo AVrcks. Today at 7 p. in. free lessons at Y. M. C. A. , fully illustrating the natural method. Gorman at1:30 : and 8 p. tn. Diphtheria. Mlcrobo Killer Is a specific For this dreadful disease ! It has never failed I Gents : I can certainly pronounce your wonderful Microbe Killer a specific for diphtheria. Mlcrobo Killer conquered diphtheria in our baby in three days. The throat was badly swollen and com pletely covered with membrane. Mi crobe Killer immediately destroyed tbo membrane , which turned black and came olT , and the child was completely restored to health. I believe it will euro any case of diphtheria , and wo feel sure it saved our baby's life. Mrs. Chappoll , 721 Seventeenth street , San Francisco. Give Mlcrobo Killer to your children. It will destroy the gonns , and they will not take diphtheria. If they have the disease , give Mlcrobo Killer freely , and it will cure thorn surely and quickly. For sale by Kulm & Co. , druggists. I First class Turkish baths 76c at the Natatorium , ladies and gentlemen. MATEIUATj MI3N SHU I1 OUT. Tito Kited or the Assignment or a Sewer Contract In This City , All the members of the board of public works were at the session yesterday after noon. Samuel Katz bid 39 cents for grading the alley in block 107. The members thought the prlco too high nnd the bid was laid over for future corislderation. Thodntm of Ed "Walsh was discussed. Walsh hud the contract for constructing u sewer on South Fourteenth street , and need ing money to carry on the worl. . assigned the full amount of the clnlm , $3,423.00 , to the Commercial National bank. After this material to the amount of $1,273 was furnished by Johnsor & Co. About the thno that the contract wns completed the material man came infer for his pay and found that the money was hold by the hank. Walsh pave bonds for the completion of the worl ; ami the payment of the labor claims. It now turns out that the city has accepted the work und the laborers were paid , but tbo material men have not been satisfied. In speaking upon the case Major Fumy sold : "If our bonds nro so loose Unit a con tractor can co on and buy material from mcu without their having any security. I regret it very much , but such seems to bo the case. " "It looks KB though our bonds Imvo been in this condition , " said Mr. Klerstcau , "but in the future I hope the board will draw its bonds so that they will protect the material as well as the laboring menl" " 1 am not clear upon this point and I think before taking any action wo should have the opinion of the city attorney/1 said Chairman Blrkhausor. To find out whether or not Walsh's assign ment to the bank wns valid , the board ilo- clclod to meet next Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock to receive an opinion. The street sweeping hill of C. E. Squires , amounting to ? 701 , was presented. It ovokcd considerable animated discussion. On No vember 8 the chairman of the board ordered Mr. Squires to discontinue sweeping. On November 25 the chairman again saw Mr. Squires and ordered him to sweep a number of the streets not included in tno contract. On December 1 Squires wns ordered to again commence sweeping under the schedule , which provides for payment at the ruto of (15 per milo. . Squires proceeded with his work and put in a bill of $701 for the entire work performed. Blrkhausor charged that Squires had charged inoro than the contract price for the work. Squires explained by laying that ho had , but that on the streets included in hts contract a * vast amount of dirt had accumulated between November 1 and December 8 , and that in most cases ho had been compelled to go over the streets two and three times. "That makes no differ ence , " said Birkhauser. "It is the first time that you have done good work during the sea son. " "Ho has done extra work , " said Mr. Klor- Btead , "and I think payment should bo mad a under the 10 per cent clause of the contract. " This cluuso provides that when streets nro not swept according to schedule the chair man may order the sweeping and that It ) per cent prollt shall bo allowed the contractor. "I will oppose this bill , hut I want har mony ana clean streets , " continued Mr. Blrk- hnuscr. iit "So do I , " responded Mr. Klcrstoad. "But I do not propose to got down to d d down right robbery to got it. " "There Is no robbery about it , and I am prepaid ) to back up my stand by the opinion of the city attorney , " again remarked the chairman. At this point Major Furny poured oil on the troubled waters by postponing the considers of the bill until the next meeting. a10 Mr. Squires was Instructed to continue sweeping , but was told that ho need not dc any sprinkling. . The question of provldinga snow nlow wns tnktMi up nnd discussed at snino length , nftci which Mr. Squires lomarkcd that ho hniJ purchased ono of the latest and most idn proved kind and invited an Investigation. nth Mr. Blrkhausor was not satlsllcd with dropping the street swooping question , and ngnln brought it before the board by saying "Wo want the streets swept during the balance anco oT the season , but wo want to pay nc cording to the scncdule.1' "Mr. Blruhnuser , " said Mr. Squlras , "did you over rend Major Dnlcombo's Intcrnrcta lion of the contract regarding the $15 acr mile and the 10 per cent clnusol" "No , nor ! don't propose to. I am chair man of the board this year , and not Majoi Balcombe , nnd the sooner Kbmo pcoplo under Btnnd this the bettor it will bo. " "That may bo so , " continued Mr. Squires as soon as ho could got in a word , "but semi day you will wako up nnd ilml that the court ; know 0.3 much about some things as yovr do. ' Matters were becoming decidedly Interest ing when Mr. Kicrstcad moved an adjourn incut. U. H. Imuor anil Material. Mr. James P. Lowe , engineer In the ofilci of tbo supervising architect of the treasury department , has been lu the city several day investigating the characteristics of the post ofllco site on block 80 , as well as the cost of labor and materials , such as would enter luti the construction of a largo building. Ho has been in consultation with loom con tractors concerning the peculiarities of heir ground in this locality and other facts bear Ing upon the details of the construction. Ho expressed the opinion Unit plans wpuli ! DO prepared In such n way as to admit of ad ditions to the building , In case an addlonn appropriation should bo secured , m such : way ns not to mar the symmetry of the whole Work upon the building will probably bo commenced in the spring. SI1OK DEPAUTMENT. Lndies' nnd Children's Blio-s Only1. The Morse Dry Goods Company vmnt every lady that buys shoos to oxamlno their now stock. There are many rea sons why you should sco these goods. 1st , wo make a specialty of ladles' and children's shoes. 2d , wo sell indies' fine boots at $3.00 , $1.12o and $ l.8o that shoo stores ask $5. GO nnd 80.00 for. 3d , wo have boys' school shoes THAT WILL WEAR. Our IKON CLAD shoo for boys at $3.1C will give you satisfac tion. 1th. Every Saturday wo have some spe cial bargains to otToi1 in Ladles' shoes , $1.58 , 81.60 , 82.15. Child's shoos , $1.22 , $1.'IS ; bargains. Our children's shoes at 81.48 is a Turn- plco goat with a long A. S. tip. Sold by all nhoo slorcs at SI.75. Men's Christinas slippers , embroid ered , 81.00. Men's Christmas slippers , embroid ered , $1.25. Men's allpnors , Russia calf , $2.G7. Mon's Christmas slippers , just re ceived. Men's Christmas slippers ; now stock. Morse Dry Goods Co. new dop't. Morse Dry Goods Co. now dop't. Mor&o Dry Goods Co. now dop't. The $2.07 slippers are Russia calf , chamois skin lined , are hand sowed and worth SI.00 a pair. TIII3 MOHSK DRY GOODS CO. TIIE MORSK DRY GOODS CO. Will put on sale tomorrow ( Saturday morning ) 300 boxes containing } tlo/.on each men's fine initial handkerchiefs at $1.05 a box. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS , FARNAM ST. ENTRANCE. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Will ollor tomorrow ( Saturday ) One hundred beautiful all wool English smoking jackets for $8.75. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS , FARNAM STREET ENTRANCE. AUo CO dozen fine all silk mufllers , largo sl/o nnd heavy quality , for $1.00 each. MEN'S FURNISHING DEP'T OF TIIE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. All Mitslo nt Half Price. 0,000 pieces only lOc a copy at Moln- bcrg'ti ' , ICth st. hot. Capital ave & Dodgo. Isotlce. Memorial service of Lodge No. 39 , Be nevolent and Protective Order of Elks , will bo hold In the lodge room , Conti nental block , Sunday , December 29 , 1890 , at a p. in. G. W. SHIULDS , E. R. THE EMPTY HONOK. How the Clialrinniishio of the Council IM Sought , by Aspiring Mortals. There is a now turn in the plans for the or ganization of the new council. Mr. Lowry has withdrawn from the race for the presi dency , preferring tno active work of the iloor to the empty honor. His withdrawal lias encouraged Moioarty and OHhoff to renfw their light forthochalr- nrunshtp. The latter wants a straight demo- cratlo organization of the council , while More- arty wants anything that will give him the coveted position. There are democrats in the council xvho will oppose cither of these aspir ants , nnd this fact may open the road for a republican president , in which case Mr. Bechcl would probably ho elected. "Osthoit , however , relies upon a couple of republican votes If the matter comes to a show down between him nnd Morcarty. Davis "isn't saying anything , " but if n combine can bo patched up ho will probably be at tlio head of it. Tnus far , all attempts to Ret ten men to agrco to perpotua'o ring rule in the council has failed and the matter has been dropped temporarily. Frank Morrissey , the combine agent , is too busy to give the matter his entire time. Ho has to do a little missionary work each week to Iccop thouufavoiixblo committee report on his affairs buried in the committee of the whole. The rest of his titno Is em ployed in working n boom for the appoint ment as state oil inspector under Governor Boyd. Ed Burke , a Union Pacific shop man is the latest candidate for city clerk and has quite a following. It looks at present , however , as though John Groves could hold the place another year at least if ho would employ force of democratic clerks under him. A Mysterious Mooting. Late yesterday afternoon all of the mem hers of the democratic city central committee received special Invitations to bo present at a meeting to bo held at Julius Meyers' rooms Twelfth and Farnani streets , at 8 o'clock this ovcnliiK. The invitations close with the par agraph , "It is of the greatest importance that you attend. " The members of the committee profess ignorance as to the object of the guth- ering , though ono gentleman , wno states that ho is in a position to know , says that it is for no other purpose than to perfect plans for capturing the organization of the new city council. German Conversation In Flvo Weeks. , Frco lessons toJity fully illustrating tlio natural method , at Y. M. C. A. , ivt 4:30 : uud 8 p. in. French ut 7 p. m. COUNT12HITJOIT DUCATS. Jurymen Disgusted with the Action of the "Magnetic" Henlcrs. Ahucr Peeler of South Omaha , a man who Is Unown to the police of this city as ono of the most jjangerous counterfeiters In the country , was tried before Judge Dundy yes terday morning on the charge of defrauding .Douglas White , a verdant youth fiom tuo rural districts. It was shown that Peeler had sold Whlto several counterfeit Jo-gold pieces , which might well have deceived nn expert. These were produced in evidence and showed very conclusively that the maker was uu expert , - as they had every appcarauco and almost the Hug of genuineness. White's testimony showed that ho was aware of the spurious nature of the coin and had bought it knowingly , The court decided that , under the indictment , the accused was not Riiilty , as the witness had not bcon de frauded. The ] ury was instructed to return a verdict of not guilty , which was douo. Peeler was not released from custody , how - ever , and [ mother indictment will bo found ugalnst him. The Jury which tried "Dr. " Davis and wife , the alleged blackmailers , is seriously considering the idea of requesting Judge Dundy to enforce the payment of the line assessed against Davis or to imprison him for non-payment. - One of the Jurymen stated tint the mem bers of the Jury nad become convinced , sluco seeing the actions of the pair about the fed eral building and learning of the merits of , the case , that they had boon Imposed upon and deceived nnd further that , bad they > known the facts in. the case before the ver dict was returned as well ns they know them now , they would have convicted both parties - and recommended that they bo given the severest penalty under the law. - - , " - - - - - . u . Deed In UlUloa * ot Home * 40 Xoiri the SUoduA , The fall of 189O will long be remembered as the greatest season for [ BLACK CHEVIOT SUITS ) Ever known. The demand has fully equalled the supply , and at one time they were very scarce * We have at all times tried to keep up with , the procession , but once in awhile we have been com pelled to say to our customers , "They're all Gone. " Anticipating a still greater demand for them for Holiday wear , ( for where's the man who don't like to dress up then even if it is only once a year ? ) we have put forth our strongest efforts to get up a black cheviot suit that would please our friendsand at the same time meet the most economical pocketbook. "We've accomplished our object. Our buyer was instructed to buy the best \voolblack cheviot he could find at a cer tain price. This he has done to our intense satisfaction. Next , to get them made. This he had done by one of the best clothing manufacturers in the country , insuring an elegant fitting suit. By buying an immense quantity of goods , ( nearly 4OOOyards ) and getting such anumber made at one time ( over 60O suits ) we have been able to procure a suit fully the equal of those being sold at from twelve to sixteen dollars. As we expect these suits to be the biggest advertisement for us we Have ever had , a little description of them here may not be out of place. The ma terial is a strictly all wool black cheviot , every fibre.The liningsare allgood substantial goods. The binding a fine mohair , and as to the making well we had them made so that they would make customers for us. THE. STYLES ARE : * FIRST Single-breasted sacks , without binding , with patched pockets. SECOND Single-breasted sacks , mohair binding. THIRD Double-breasted sacks , with double-breasted vests , with flat binding. FOURTH Cutaway frocks 'without binding. FIFTH Cutaway frocks with mohair binding. The pants to the bound suits have flat braid running down on outside seam. They come in regular sizes from thirty-three to forty-four. We shall place the entire Six. hundred suits on sale to-day , in all styles , and in all sizes , at the one uniform price of EIGHT DOLLARS A SUIT. Undoubtedly the greatest sale of suits in the country to-day. l\ \ FOURTEENTH AND DOUGLAS. _ t j - f H IMPOSING ON DOUGLAS. Non-Ttcstilont Poor Ones AVho Seek Assistance in This Couiity. The county commissioners' room was turned Into on alnwhouso yesterday mornlnf ? . Commissioner Corrlfjnn and nil the members of his charity committee were present to hear the tales of dostltuto people. Flvo persons had thrown themselves upon the county. There were two sisters , Ltzzio anil Annlo Perkins from Milwaukee , who had journeyed us far ns this citj when their funds hecume exhausted. They were sent to Fremont , where they said they had relations. Thomas Ulley had lost a foot in a railroad accident at Colorado Springs. He was told that Omahu was a charitable plato nnO was furnished transportation. Eel Bryant , a cripple from the Black Hills , had been hilled as far as this uity , and piven to understand that ho would ho fed and- clothed by the Douglas county authorities. Gcorgo C. Jones , a resident of Sarpy county , was sick and had a wife and child in Pennsylvania , towards whom ho wanted to Journey. The Snrpy county pcoplo had brought George to South Omaha , there telling him that the Dorglas county commissioners would furnish him all ho would ask toe. After listening to the talcs of sorrow Mr. Corrigan informed the three petitioners that if they did not got , outsldu of the county within an hour they would all bo arrested and longed hi jail. "I use Ayor's Cherry Pcctora Jfrccly in my practicoand recommend it in cases of whoop ing cough among children , having found it more certain to euro that troublesome disease than any othermcdicino I know of. " So says Dr. Bartlett of Concord , Mass. A Itrnco of Tljloves Captured. Robert Morrissey wont to the police station yesterday andcavo himself up. A warrant was out for hts arrest for burglary and grand larceny. Ho was implicated with Frank Fisher in stealing a lot of Elumbers' tools and a lot of load pipe owned y II. D. Duncan from a school house where Duncan hod a contract to do some work. Chief Soavoy received a telegram yester day from the Denver authorities , stating that Fisher is under arrest thuro and will beheld held until nn olllcer can bo sent after , him. A third party concerned In the robbery has not yet been upprohendod. Throuprh coaches Pullman pnlnco slcopoM , dining curs , free reclininfr chnir cars to Chicago iind intervening points via the gi'cn.t . Rock Island route. Ticket otlieo 1U02 , Sixteenth nnd Furiuim. Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldg AXXO VXCilMKXTS. These who admire the perfection of Irish drama will bo pleased to learn that W. II. Powers' play , "Tho Fairies' Well , " will bo the attraction at Doyd's opara house on Mon day , Tuesday nnd Wednesday next. The pleco is founded on au old and well known Irish legend , and abounds in poetry , patriot ism and all the uoblo qualities that uuko up the Irish oanractor. The peasant and the nobleman are strongly contrasted , nnd love , jealousy , intrigue and crlnio nro generously Intermingled. "Tho Fairies' Well" Is a com panion piece to "Tho Ivy Leaf , " nnd has oven been more successful than that famous play. Mr. Carroll Jonnson. who was lost scon herewith with Johnson & Slavln's minstrels , has turned his attention to Irish comedy , and the great success ho mndoiis Larry Dee In "Tlio Fairies' AVoll" led him to the determination to abandon black-laco Mr. Johnson will ho well supported by the Powers company. Tha sale of seats opens this morning. Mr. W. U. Smyth , manager of "Tho Bur glar , " which appears at the Doyil oa Thurs day , Fridov and Saturday of next week , is In the city. Ho represents that his attraction has been doing the banner business in the norUvcstcrn country. Mr , Al. Llpuiau is the star. _ The Dcrvlllo family of musical sketch nrtlsU , singers nnd dancers , form a pleasing attrac tion at the Eden Musco this \ \ cck. The horn playing of the two little girls deserves especial mention. Henry Dcrvillo is nn ac complished cornotlst and wins laurels wher ever ho plays. The Italian pypsy bund is a novel musical attraction , Thsir airs ara wierd and full of soul-stirring melody. Next week one of the smallest persons living ; will bo on exhibition , ana one of tbo most grace ful Spanish skirt dancers of this season w bo played , " Grind-tvit/i every wind. " BARGAINS tliat arc BARGAINS. ( and for that day only ) We shall offer nn assortment of At Q reduction which is sure to surprise everybody. Ourbestgrades will be mark ed down from $6 , $8 and $10 , to Plainer- goods from $4 & $ B to $3.OO. MOTHERS and others interested in small folk and small clothes will take notice that these prices are less than the cost of material. The fine work and artistic combinations are our contribution to the trade. REMEMBER : Monday , December Sth , BARGAIN DAY ! TEH POUNDS TWO WEEKS THINK OF IT ! AH a ricah Producer there caa be no question bat that SCOTT'S ' MUISION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hpphosphites Of Llmo and Soda is without a rival. Many have { rained a ponnd a day by tbo uio of it. U cure * CONSUMPTION , SCROFULA , BRONCHITIS , COUGHS AND , FORMS OF WASTING DIS- COLDS AND ALL - EASES. AS rAr.tT.lUt.K AS MILK. I Jleture you get tAoi/eiuiliic atthrrare ( jiotr < THE BEST IN THE WORLD. ARE MADE BY THE Woonsocket & Rhode Island Rubber Go And wo are their western agents and alwuys carry u largo stock. Address , SnieriGen Jland Sewed Shoe Go. 1204 and 1206 Harncy Street 6.8. WATCHES. DIAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY Solo Agoat in Omaha lor Gorhara Man ufacturing Go's Sterling Silverware MANTLE CLOCKS , RICH CUTGLASSand CHINA. Our Stock of Pine Goods is the Largest and Our Prices the Lowest Como and see u ? . Cor. Douglas & , 15th St DR. BAILEY , GRADUATE DENTIST A Full Set of Tooth on. Rubber , for A perfect flt cunrantoert. Teeth extracted without piln or clangor , nnd without anaes thetics. Oold and silver fllllnga ut lowest rutei Ilrldgo and C'rown Work. Tenth wltU- outpl.-Uei All work wurMiitcd. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Entrance , JBth street elevator Oj > ca ovoa o'clock LVON &HEALY1 BTATC * . MONHOI STa.CmcAOO. ' IllmiilliifcltoH'M'lMnUrnl JkJA CtUlozut of B o-i IniUa - nj Lnulpmtili ) U Illiilttlkni < oUoj ! trllck tnu'j.4 If luoai or I > ru ' . t U > lr C ul luiUi tk > for vl B4t , KiWkU , . [ > r m tUM'i Tult" . Ur-L m , NO GURElr NO RAY. OWNS : , 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tenlnen the icrcnt Bpcrmati curu. a. m. to Consultation 12 m. free. Hook ( Uynterlea of Life ) cent froii.6liicoii"our 'Ua."iiT. * to"f"pY * ni"'Bund'ayi W OMAHA STOYE REPAIR WORKS Street. Steve rciulrs of all descriptions for ooolc and hoatln , ' stovoi , family and hotel ranges. Watet Httnchments a spceliilty. i 3 TolpnllOnP CbC C ROBERT UHL.IG , Proprietor , I J eiepnone tDLJc. . M. EATON , Manner. ! 4j jTr't"r nl/r moniiiinn iini.u OH JL _ J J-XfJL. cunatn luto20dijri. HoptyUllcufid.DB J.8TtHlEU8tibnioao. THEDUEBLR FACTORIES HAMPOEN LARGEST WATCHES IN THE THE BEST. WORLD. THE TIME BEST KEEPER. BEND FOR THE DUEDER OUR BOOK , , WATCH CASE "FRAUDS MFC. CO. , IN WATCHES. " CANTON , OHIO. PARKER HOUSED BOSTON , J. UEED WHIFFLE Ac CO. , Proprietors YOUNCriFIToTEL , , BOSTON. J. REED WHIFFLE Sc CO. , Proprietor * Coolclnituna Serf lee OKBllc'iI Uf none , Complet * In nil Ai > | K > lntmiMits lu ! < t locution In Iliu cllr. Tlio llnituii 'frnn urlit | Bny ! "Air. Wlilpplo tea. nrnrn ( i ( liinillarili , nml pnlront I I'lirkeri' roar unllcli'iita a rinurn to ilia uwl olil ' tlraui ' ut ouiHlnr , llnrrfif II. I ) 1'arker. . X Mr , wiliri'l.KwIII continue tlio njiumuornont 0 Yuuntf' * hurutoioro. FOR MEN i Olil Men , Wotilc Middle aited men , l'rcinn ' turily ola VOUIIR Mcu , hrliiK liuck uprlnuy < btiU.urlKlit ! oyi ; , struiut'i. ' uiuliltlon and tlu > si re by use ot Nurvu lleuna. Tlioy correct youth'H errors , cure all nerve t roubles.'U box , six boxoifcNITvo Moan Co. . Iliiirulo , N. YV * T Boly hy Ooodinuii UruifC'o , 1110 I'urmim Bt.i Omulut "FEIVSALE BEANS Ab lutcyrelliljlMHrf ] tlyMf .m ° * tI ) < " "lrJulfeIIl1 ! rwiUturknowninvvrrrilli 41 ali > > x , i > t | > MidII.MO b 4